Showing Posts For Mordar.4286:

About ticket approximate response

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Mordar.4286


She already got helped, thanks to all the game masters

About ticket approximate response

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Mordar.4286


Hello everyone,

My wife lost her game key and she cannot recover her account, she submitted a ticket yesterday but so far 24 hours have passed with no response, is this normal? Her account is Gottin.8531 and I bought her the game, unfortunately, Microsoft deleted several of her old emails on their server and she cannot recover her cd key.

Thanks in advance for any help provided.

Leveling DPS/Healing spec

in Guardian

Posted by: Mordar.4286


so I started leveling with my wife’s Mesmer, so I chose Guardian because of the ammount of healing and support I can bring, but I want a spec that would last me all the 80 levels or so we are going to do that will bring us the most survivability and dps available, thanks in advance

GM traits from Ready Up.

in Necromancer

Posted by: Mordar.4286


can anyone point me out to the notes of the rest of the classes please?

FIX the class mechanic already.

in Necromancer

Posted by: Mordar.4286


the whole mechanic behind necros is garbage to begin with, stance dancing is terrible for any class whatsoever, and necros gain nothing by entering death shroud other than a fake “life bar” that gets one shot by every other class out there

this whole class needs a complete overhaul, it’s literally better to just roll any other class

Making a new necromancer. Questions.

in Necromancer

Posted by: Mordar.4286


best suggestion: roll any other class, necromancers are garbage, always have, always will, Arenanet knows this and they don’t care, they want the necromancer to be the worst class in the game, that’s their main objective

Life steal necro - Viable?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Mordar.4286


it’s very viable for leveling up, but at lvl 80 there are better more competitive builds

Which race for Necro?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Mordar.4286


Ignore Mordar, Necros are great and everybody agrees on that.

And roll a Charr dammit! Join Ash Legion, make your father an “honorless gladium” or a sorcerer and boom. Necro lore.

yeah, everyone agree thats why almost all threads are about how useless they are at everything except conditionmancer

just reroll, you’ll have a far better quality of life

Which race for Necro?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Mordar.4286


none, don’t make a necromancer, they are garbage, you are better ofkittennowledging this truth instead of wasting your time leveling to 55 then realizing they are garbage at everything like I did

Not in Patch Notes

in Necromancer

Posted by: Mordar.4286


I was excited to see that reanimator was finally useful…imagine my surprise to find out that it’s still the worst piece of garbage trait every to exist in any game EVER

Minions HP buff???

in Necromancer

Posted by: Mordar.4286


minions are still garbage, so there’s no change at all

New Life Siphon & Definition of "improvement"

in Necromancer

Posted by: Mordar.4286


I’m seriously thinking of deleting my necro, most useless class ever, Warriors basically roflstomp everything and pretty much every class does what necro does more easily and effectively…

Is Minion Master better for PVE now?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Mordar.4286


then why release it at all?, just have an extended beta testing and dont release it live yet, the reason why something goes “live” it’s because it was beta before and now is good to be release

Four new bank tabs! -.-

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mordar.4286


yay, 4 bank tabs you have to pay real money for….it’s sad the bank it’s smaller than your actual loot bag, ridiculous, can’t believe World of Warcraft, a much inferior game already has stuff like free bank tabs with your bags and a transmogrification bank so you can store your gear skins

(edited by Mordar.4286)

Is Minion Master better for PVE now?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Mordar.4286


rolling out? yeah right, for like 3 people because of the stupid beta, why release a live feature still in beta? didn’t they have a beta already?, complete BS

Is Minion Master better for PVE now?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Mordar.4286


well waddya know, anet released a useless dragon yet they couldn’t give us our sorely needed buff and LFG tool

LFG Beta

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mordar.4286


seriously, I loge in to use one of the utilities THEY SHOULD’VE PUT IN THE GAME SINCE THE BEGGINING OF TIME just to found out it has been giving to a select few?, this is complete and utter BS

when is tequatl and LFG patch releasing?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mordar.4286


but its weird there are no patch notes whatsoever :S

when is tequatl and LFG patch releasing?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mordar.4286


wasn’t supposed to be tomorrow 17?

Official Patch preview 15th Oct

in Necromancer

Posted by: Mordar.4286


anyone knows about the next 17 September patch? any buff to our class?

Power or Condition - leveling?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Mordar.4286


I’ve tried a lot of builds while leveling and currently (lvl 48) I can say wellomancer or any power build of that sort it’s a lot faster to kill stuff than conditionmancer

I use dagger/focus with focus on the blood tree and well skills and I Can say that I’ve killed faster and survived stuff and that could easily kill me if I was condition based

How GW2 Appeals To The 'Casual Kid' In Us

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mordar.4286


I think Guild wars 2 is casual in the “get there, play a little, get something in change” and while leveling sense, but if you wanna get into the competitive world (both PvE and PvP wise), it’s a huge grind, and that’s not such a bad thing at the end of the day, its a mix of both worlds

Reanimator trait

in Necromancer

Posted by: Mordar.4286


it’s one of the worst trait ever in any mmorpg, completely useless, I’d rather just have some stat gain than this thing

The new conditionmancer (guide)

in Necromancer

Posted by: Mordar.4286


hey nemesis, how you doing, I’ve seen a lot of your videos and the like and I wonder if you could suggest a PvE Leveling wellomancer build or focused on daggers, thank you very much


in Necromancer

Posted by: Mordar.4286


that guide….is surprisingly really, REALLY good, at least for any newcomer necromancer (like myself), everything is in tight order and explained at every detail, kudos indeed, should be proposed for a sticky or something

The Necro and its gameplay - Your feedback

in Necromancer

Posted by: Mordar.4286


minions, minions and minions, I’m pretty sure most of people adressed these issues but I’m just gonna number the ones I have most problems with

1) minions not regenerating health outside of combat: sure, I get that they aren’t supposed to be ranger’s pet and be tanks, but the fact my minions die from single hits it’s bad, but having to have them run around with me on the field with 1% health and me having to waste a CD and expect a Healing well to help them is bad enough at it is, I have to also resort to more cumbersone meanings to resummon them like changing skills back and forth, which is just problematic and speaks of bad design altogether

2) reanimator: completely useless trait, I get the jagged horror shouldn’t be anything but cannon fodder, but they hardly last, and on top of that they die from even the meaningless hit, they should either not degenerate health, or simply do it at a much slower pace so they mean something whenever they get spawned, on top of that, Death nova is currently bugged and doesn’t work all the time, the fact that you can be a better minion master without having to spend a single point in death magic which supposedly is the trait line dedicated to minions is ridiculous and again, bad design altogether

3) minion survivability: it’s awful, imho they should derive some small % from the user main stats, or otherwise not be affected by AoE (like other mmorpgs design their pets), because at it is, any single boss fight consists of myself spamming staff skills and waiting for minions CD to go off because they die from any Boss AoE whatsoever, I have to sit there twiggling my thumbs doing nothing while the pets die incessantly doing no damage and contributing nothing to the overall fight

4) Little variation when it comes to minion: just compare the ammount of versatility we had with minions in regards to Guild wars 1 and look back to the measly ammount of minions we have right now and how uninteresting they are with their skills, nuff said, in GW 1 we had different skills that had damage or some kind of utility and on top of that it could spawn a different minion regarding corpses or players/monsters dying from Curses, all we have in this game are skills that spawn minions and that’s it, as a Minion master I feel constrained because well….I’m a one trip pony, summon minions > they die instantly > resummon them > rinse and repeat

(edited by Mordar.4286)

Dec 3 patch notes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mordar.4286


and not a single buff to the necromancer, do Anet even care about the class AT ALL?