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GW2 PvP Lacks Tactical Depth

in PvP

Posted by: MrTree.4890


I think there is actually plenty of depth… if you’re on a good team with coms vs another good team with coms. The Abjured losing to Dragon 55 strat, skirmish vs team fight thing was a perfect example.

Soloq? Nope.

imho it has quite some depth until you hold it next to an other popular esport.
when you start to compare, you start to see it lacks depth to be a propper esport.

but then again this is an opinion and you are entitled to yours as I am to mine.

Do accounts have "luck", and is it right?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MrTree.4890


Every account has the exact same chance on RNG.

No offense, but I will never believe that for a second.

This is why they generally end up giving up responding to threads like this. It’s why I continue to get a chuckle out of them every time they appear.

Nothing they could ever say will convince those who have already made their minds up.

<rng testimony>

So, you tell me if there isn’t a luck factor in a character…..

There isn’t a luck factor in a character. Unless you’re running character-specific MF buffs.

I understand what you mean these people will just not believe you because they don’t want to but tbh the devs have the same pose towards this issue they’re saying something without backing it up with evidence. How is this any less wrong then refusing to accept this truth/lie?

GW2 PvP Lacks Tactical Depth

in PvP

Posted by: MrTree.4890


Yet in mobas almost everyone gets identical items or the best in slot for their character. They have a meta just like gw2.

I will say mobas are extremely mechanic intensive, probably one of the most in gaming. But you can’t call a game like company of heroes tactical and a moba at the same time.

Same items at low mmr you mean? There are some cores yes mostly 3 the other 3 are vary a lot on the situation you’re in! How much have you played moba’s?

GW2 PvP Lacks Tactical Depth

in PvP

Posted by: MrTree.4890


Ow i have to spam this skil at that time wel if you call that strategy? In a moba you need to make smart item descision the chosen item needs to be reflected on the enemy composition and how you are playing and how the game is developping. You have the oppertu ity to adept your build while in game having to create room for your carry(s) ypu don’t only have cooldownmanagment but also manamanagment. This is what makes it way more tactical. So if you say gw2 is tactical cause you need to manage cooldowns wel thats just a lie since thats just a very small part of the tavtis in a moba so yes OP is right sPvP lavks tactical depth to be an extraordinary game keeping you compelled cor years to come.

Do accounts have "luck", and is it right?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MrTree.4890


Tbh i know math to and all i want to say nothing proves nor disproves the lucky accounts beeing possible.
I do however always find randomness hard to believe because randomness is never something you want as a company. The fact of the matter is this could easily be solved by anet if they are willing.
As pointed out Anet will never do this (cause people would take advantage from a supposedly flat loottable) how can people abuse a rng system (cause thats what Anet claims this to be). So as the conspiracytheorist i am (btw many conspiracys have bezn provzn to be right over the course of history) i believe they wont publish the exact math cause there is stuff in there they don’t want us to know.
Won’t say I’m right but hey they could always show uw how it works if they realy wanted to get rid of our rants

Suggestion: PvP Preseason before Season

in PvP

Posted by: MrTree.4890


I do support this but i don’t believe anet want’s to be competetive. Competition means you can demote if you start playing worse as long as we can’t demote devisions thus devision thing means nothing.
As long as matchmaking thinks it’s ok to put full premades against not full premades we won’t have a fair competition.
How can it be so hard to understand this cause anet clearly doesn’t don’t even look at other esports just look at how sports are in competitions ok you won’t be able to win all matches but there is a decent number of matches you can win and if you don’t you get demoted next season. We can’t have competition without demotion! Or fait (based on setup of premade parties) games. Sry to break it to you :p plz say if I’m wrong or out of line anywhere

Unhappy/Confused about Matchmaking

in PvP

Posted by: MrTree.4890


I’ll explain the lopsided games.

“Beginning with Season 2, matchmaking for Ranked matches will use your placement in your current league division as your primary matchmaking consideration and pair you against players who are placed in the same point range as you, regardless of the skill level (MMR) of the other people in that point range."

This is what they said how the season 2 MM system will work.

So actually to clarify something and please correct me if I’m misreading. The way the system currently works is it only considers MMR on your own team and not the full 10 players. So let’s say there’s 10 people queuing within an acceptable division range, 5 players are around 800 MMR and the other 5 are around 1000 MMR. Due to the fact that the system only considers making a team of 5 of similar MMR players at a time, the 5 800 MMR players will be put on one team and the 5 1000 MMR players will be on the other team. So what you get is high skilled players on 1 team and less skilled players on the other. Of course the result is the 800 MMR team getting stomped.

The result is you will never get a balanced team vs. balanced team like a team of 2 1500 MMR players + 3 800 MMR players vs. 2 1500 MMR players + 3 800 MMR players.

But with all said, I prefer the balanced team vs balanced team setup more.

The thing is eventually the teams will end up balanced. Or atleast so close it won’t matter. As different teams will progress at different rates. The 800mmr people SHOULD start fighting other 800mmr (or close) becuase they will be the only ones in range.

Atleast thats how I have understood it.

Eventually it will work out yes you are correct. As the 800 MMR people will be the only ones in the suitable division range so 800 MMR vs 800 MMR games will happen. The question is how long will that take though and if it takes too long is this system worth it as you’ll be playing lopsided games for a while. Another thing I’m wondering about is the decreasing player population amplifying this as well.

These are all good explanations (and questions) :]

So you are gonna just leave this here? Could you explain how you could find this a good competetive game if you have 5stacks competing 2+2+1 this game was lost when it started! This is for pips this is competition how can this be right how can this not be a bug! If you fesign a competetive game design it’s sutrou digs accordingly and not just like is joke! And if you have issues with waiting times before games I’ll tell you one things i transferred from pvp based games to gw2 and real competetive people don’t give 2 kittens about kittening long waiting time not if the way to decrease em is this solution you huys gave to it! Plz explain how this could be a comptetive scene if this is possible plz i date you give m one good explanation!

Matchmaking 5 stacks vs ?

in PvP

Posted by: MrTree.4890


The other time I went with a single group of 2 against a 5 stack.

It hurts

it’s just unfair if you do it in a competition, can you imagine 5 basketballer playing with eachother all the time competing with randoms? it would not feel fair at all but anet is like meh they’ll forget about it i hate the guys who made that call

Matchmaking 5 stacks vs ?

in PvP

Posted by: MrTree.4890


I’m leaving this image here.

If this is not a bug in matchmaking and they wanna make this e-sport the guy who came up with this beeing allowed in matchmaking should think how stupidhe is.

this is unfair and just shows how much this is not e-sport worthy.
if you guys not change this fast this will never be e-sport ever this is unfair how would you feel go ahead play a game but you’re desntined to lose!

I mean seriously the guys who made this descicion how do you sleep at night?


Tyria mastery points

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MrTree.4890


I know they need money to inprove the game but in this way a lot of people will leave the game because they feel forced to buy HoT or played a nerfed game , i dont think this is a good strategy for the game .

How to explain it… See, when you payed for GW2, long ago, there was no HoT. You payed for the access to the game. And you only had to pay once and could play it for many years.

Now once HoT was released and base game went free, you can still play the same game you once payed for. Nothing you payed for has been removed from the game. You even have more benefits compared to free players (more character slots, chat options etc).

Now game has new extra stuff that you can buy (HoT content). This did not exist when you bought it so you are not getting access to it. You do not have to buy it, but of course it is designed so it is worth the money for many players.

Think about the gem store. Once you bought the game, there is still extra stuff you can buy. You don’t have to, you can still play the game without gemstore items but they can be useful. HoT is just like big pile of gemstore items tied together.

I would stronglt disagree! People whi didn’t buu HoT used to be able to get the guild buffs (exp karma,…) now you can’t since you need HoT to acves that feature. If tou don’t believe me test it yourself. This imo is indeed wrong as the OP pointed out correctly.

For people stating if you play the game you want to buy the expac. Well u agree with that but have to make us want to buy it not force us to. That’s way more respectfull towards the players that actuallypay those salaries at Anet.

Plz correct me if I’m wrong. But stop posting stuff like a truth when it’s false!

skyrocketing gold to gems price?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MrTree.4890


If it happens everytime something popular in store, thzn how long will this last cause 100g for 400gems is imo a felony that should be punished if it was real life it’s like hey here you want this awesome keychain? Well it used to be 70€ but this month we’ll ask 100€ no one couls so this unless ofcourse they have a monopoly (like with gold to gems) and monopoly’s are frowned uppon in real life (goverment will probably mix in and should imo) btw I’m a belgien before i get these typical american answer about my analogy of the market beeing communistic and i get labeled as that russian guy :p

skyrocketing gold to gems price?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MrTree.4890


More thing in gem store player want to use gold to buy gem. More people make gold in to gem price go up. Also less player change gem to gold.

Yes but they add stuff on regular base so to be honnest that answer doesn’t feel right there is more to it theb just stuff just got in store like a said i underdtand deviation on that 75 and inflation/deflation but that takes time not 1month this became realy expensive realy fast could you go more in detail? (Cause you might be right but what do theynoffer now or why is no one changing gems to gold now suddenly)

skyrocketing gold to gems price?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MrTree.4890


Hi yesterday when i was checking the gold to gem price i saw it was +100g for 400gems, this while te price was steady around let’s say 73g (no not calculated but saw differences between about 67gand 80g)
Could anyone explain plz how the price can skyrocket rather fast (less then a month) like this?

Harrasment by Gold Sellers

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MrTree.4890


Ez fix close kitten pvp if people want to play pvp they can play any pvp game with some name and have a way better environment (sry Anet but if you’re honnest with yourself you know I’m right) all that is venomous comes from pvp. Btw e sports is something that matkets to kids us adults knownour limitations! So the people you’re atracting is people not willing to spend money in gemstore or even purachase of game (and then whine about p2w) it’s those people willing to go in on offers frol goldsellers.
So who is with me close pvp we’ll be rid og most of the gold selling problems and I’m not gonna miss this unbalanced pvp part of the game that we try to make Esport (it’s never gonna happen!)

But now serious gold selling just suck make people aware it’s wrong to go for those offer and make sure you do report them!

P.S. I do mean what i said about the Esports thing and the kiddo’s

DPS meter [Merged]

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: MrTree.4890


Janx has this personal dps meter. Is this one legit? I would rly love a dps meter to improve my playstyle.
But then agin i bought the core game for myself and a friend and i bought the expac for myself and my girl. So i don’t want to be banned for willing to be a better player after spending that much money on this game ????

Definition of Pay2Win

in PvP

Posted by: MrTree.4890


These threads are getting pointless,
We have some kids here who won’t accept thus game is buy to play and not free to play they just join our game since kittening septelber or so and are now saying we are wrong because they are so dumb they thing evereygame should be f2p it’s you kittening idiots making sure all games become ‘f2p’ as in free to play and everything that is nice bhind paywalls yoy little kittens! I remember when we just haf to buy a game and not all the fluffy stuff was behind paywalls! And it’s you guys kittening fault for znabling them! So bug off don’t write on these fora again and go cry in a corner

[EU] Squad LF people to raid weekly

in Looking for...

Posted by: MrTree.4890


I’ll be online later tonight if there are questions, will be around 21h30 i believe (personal responsibilities)

[EU] Squad LF people to raid weekly

in Looking for...

Posted by: MrTree.4890


It’s 6 people now and it will be fridayevening raids!
Keep messaging people! :p we’ll have a blast!!!!

Pay to win. [Merged]

in PvP

Posted by: MrTree.4890


we have some people who bought the core game and just play pvp thus not willing to upgrade to HOT why would a company wanna help you out uf you don’t even are willing to buy the game to play it!

Savage, think outside the box.

They need support to financialy!

As much as financially is concern, i’ll pay when i get my very own Elite spec, though interms of contributions and tell you the truth, i made more money than their own marketing staff and team combined.

could you give me facts on your anecdote of making that much money?
Cause to be honnest i could be stating to be a kittening rocket scientist and no one would believe me either , just like in your case.

Pay to win. [Merged]

in PvP

Posted by: MrTree.4890


So you want to compare a Triple A content MMORPG with a dumb moba ?
Newsflash the game isn’t only about your little pvp box.
My advice is to buy the game and stop crying or go play f2p mmos and see where that goes

i do agree on the buying the game part but you my sir have not played moba’s a lot
Moba’s are way more difficult considering knowledge and mechanic then our gw2 pvp cause this is just an immensly dumbed down version of a mid game 3v3 gank countergank fight, easiest part of moba’s by the way and let’s you make pick a discicion out of a way bigger pool of things you could go do a t a moment and not many of those choices are good ones.

so plz don’t speak about the stuff you don’t know or are not possible to play do to limited logical thinking and the lack of will to find the hidden mechanics/learn about strats

ty in advance

Pay to win. [Merged]

in PvP

Posted by: MrTree.4890


MMORPG players got biased based on their own niche.

You can’t compete with sPVP if you don’t cater to MOBA business model.

20 millions MMORPG players around the world is a niche compare to MOBA having 100+ millions of players.

Please suscribe to the thread i did link, do your +1 and continue to promote the sPVP split to MMORPG to be really an Esport over the MOBA scene.

Gw2 will create way more momentum that way, because his MMO will market to MOBA players… so way more people that you can lure in that group (MOBA) than the other group (MMORPG).


Point 1:
When did it became wrong to pay for a game

Point 2:
Most MOBA’s are behind a gaint play 2 win wall (LoL) and are thus p2w when you have between 20 to 75h of gameplay on them (ooh yeah and by that time most firends of mine have spent well over 50€ on those games, making them not so different from our GW)

Pay to win. [Merged]

in PvP

Posted by: MrTree.4890


Ok people over here don’t seem to understand the businessmodels

We have 3:
Pay to play (monthly subscriptions)
Buy to play (GW2)
And then there is the dreaded pay to win pay to win is a seemingly free game in which you have to pay microtransactions continuously if you want to win

Whatever you want to make the defenition of pay to win this game is not it!
You do get a very extensive free trail and now people complain this is pay to win or we have some people who bought the core game and just play pvp thus not willing to upgrade to HOT why would a company wanna help you out uf you don’t even are willing to buy the game to play it! They need support to financialy! Go complain on a LoLforum that that game is pay to win and leave us people willing to pay games with people older then the age of 14 (cause thats why you cant afford it you don’t have job kiddo!) Just be happy here

On great hunt for people looking for competetive free to play games i love dota chck that one out and stop whining over.

Or get a job (in the weekend) like i always did to pay for my gaming addiction!

Now bug off kids!

i would honestly says buy2play > pay2win.

Free2play without pay2win is always the most ideal for customer tho. I think Blade and Soul and Tera only does that.

Black Desert will be p2w.

you forgot Dota, dota is as f2p as it gets
and i understand the confusion since the majorety of the is hidden p2w (LoL; Smite, …) or open b2p (cs:go)
GW2 is just that little bit different:
they give you a tast of what the game is, and a verry big one! (this is where all the confusion comes from) since you get that big part of the game people start making themselfs believe it is f2p but a trail is not f2p it is what it is a trail

now you can go say mehmeh f2p but if you know the restrictions on the trails and you bought the game you realize they are trails and nothing more

is this getting my point accros and if you do not agree why? Why would b2p be p2w?

Definition of Pay2Win

in PvP

Posted by: MrTree.4890


It is p2w in a competitive PvP wise manner, anet is marketing this game as competitive and esports potential so it is p2w in my opinion, it would be much different if they just market the PvP of this game as typical fun pug PvP hang with friends type of thing just like other mmos but they don’t, so by definition it becomes p2w due to how they lie to the community, most MMOs are not p2w after buying an expansion because they don’t hype PvP like this kitten game does.

LoL Pay 2 Win?
Cause if you believe LoL is not Pay 2 Win then plz stop the hypocrasy
or proof me where my analogie is wrong

Pay to win. [Merged]

in PvP

Posted by: MrTree.4890


Ok people over here don’t seem to understand the businessmodels

We have 3:
Pay to play (monthly subscriptions)
Buy to play (GW2)
And then there is the dreaded pay to win pay to win is a seemingly free game in which you have to pay microtransactions continuously if you want to win

Whatever you want to make the defenition of pay to win this game is not it!
You do get a very extensive free trail and now people complain this is pay to win or we have some people who bought the core game and just play pvp thus not willing to upgrade to HOT why would a company wanna help you out uf you don’t even are willing to buy the game to play it! They need support to financialy! Go complain on a LoLforum that that game is pay to win and leave us people willing to pay games with people older then the age of 14 (cause thats why you cant afford it you don’t have job kiddo!) Just be happy here

On great hunt for people looking for competetive free to play games i love dota chck that one out and stop whining over.

Or get a job (in the weekend) like i always did to pay for my gaming addiction!

Now bug off kids!

[EU] Squad LF people to raid weekly

in Looking for...

Posted by: MrTree.4890


Hi guys,

What we have:
I’m in a guild and they want a raid squad.
We have a tank how know what to do in the first wing.
5 people willing to practice once a week

So what we want:
a total of 10 people willing to practice raids weekly (think saturday or friday would be best)
A friendly environment (this means constructive feedback is ok, but no flaming we’re all there to learn)
You don’t need expierence in raids most of us are new too
You do need to bring the right food (we can help with that)
And at least exotic gear (ascended not required)

‘Roles’ and exact times will be set when we have some more people

Message me in game or here if interested

Inventory window keeps resizing

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: MrTree.4890


Thank you, I’ll read the old thread. I’m not getting the issue but like we said before, this one is slippery. If you or anyone else can get it reliably please post the steps and we’ll try to track it down.

Dear Sirs, dear Madam

I seem to have the same issue.
But I know when it started for me and am able to reproduce the issue :

After i bought the promotion containing some bl keys the inventory bag slots and bank tab expander it was 2000 gems i believe can’t recall the name.
Oh extra information that’s when i reached full unlocked bag slots on my main.

Whenever i restart gw2 or logout.
It DOESN’T occur when i choose switch character and reselect my main
It DOESN’T occur when i choose switch character and select a toon
It DOESN’T occur when i choose switch character and select atoon to just switch characters to my main again

This is all I could try on my account I geuss since it seems to occur when relogging.

Now that I’m typing it, it resembles a lot of issues I had (not so long ago) about settings resetting. This seemed to change after relogging to, might there be something similar?

Hope this helps you!
Plz keep us updated
Thanks in advance

Yours faithfully
Jef Loots

P.S. sorry if i made grammar or spelling mistakes English is not my native language

LFG system

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: MrTree.4890


correction i can lfg alone then ivite all my friends fast and that way we lfg now

edit: hope this helps someone

LFG system

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: MrTree.4890


Same problem here!!! plz help us fast

lf people new to raids semi casual (eu)

in Looking for...

Posted by: MrTree.4890


Hi I’m looking for people who are willing to raid but have not tried it or want to learn people.
It would be a weekly raid satirday at 20:00.
At least exotic an food are required
Post here or send pm in game!

mail fr bugs, payed 100€ fr game want support

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: MrTree.4890


Since not all stuff gets lookaed at by devs and my problem is one of those staying unresolved this way i want a email adress for reporting i paid 100€ on this game now i want support too!

exposed weakness: redux achievement

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: MrTree.4890


I just recently did that achievement, and I faced the same problem where I kept getting a sudden boon from my traits via critical hits and the like, (Was using Sword/Pistol Thief) My solution to this was to ensure that I had no boons upon coming up to the Vortex Crystal and using a move that can only hit one enemy at a time. (Regardless if it does or doesn’t hit the enemy, if your attacks trigger boons it’s a safer route.)

BUt thats the thing the marker is still up
cause i haven’t transferred any boons and i know that for sure since i did excactly what you did check if no boons then walk over :p

edit: do you get the achievement instantly after killing boss?

exposed weakness: redux achievement

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: MrTree.4890


Hi after doing the full part twice making sure no boons where transfered and the marker still beeing up i have not gotten the achievment!

Could someone plz help me out?

Fractals - Lack of loot

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: MrTree.4890


I did all three difficulties the other day and got one gold fractal weapon, one fractal weapon, two ascended rings and 3 exotics, also 2 vials of blabla.

I recently also got one zojja weapon crate and one zojja armor piece box. Also I make about 10-15g with every difficulty done. I don’t call this crap loot. People just kittening complain everytime. They even would complain if you get 10 legendaries per killed mob.

I think you are a very lucky person or anet really needs to make clear whatbis affected by mf and what is not or tell us how or personel rng base is calculated cause the different nembers i see on this forum is either awefull or 10-12% for the ascended. You getting all that from 1 day means either you are super lucky or accounts base droprate is very different.
Yes i know some kittennis gonna white knight me now. And that anet says it’s the same for evry account but i find it hard to believe. There are to many ghost storys about abnormally high droprates to just be ghost story’s

Ascended boxes in fractals

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: MrTree.4890


My ability to prove it is limited to giving their names. I dont think either would like me doing that. But it is well known within our guild that they get them. 1 has regularly given pre’s to other guildmates, either for free, or at greatly reduced prices. I myself was given a Bard months ago by her. She has also provided pre’s as rewards for in guild PvP tournies a number of times. And in the last month has sold 3 or 4 pre’s in order to pay her way to 400 scribing.

As to your doubts about every account having the same base droprate another guildmate a year or so ago together with a dozen or other players ran an experiment. Everyone got to collected something like 250 of I think it was mithril earrings of some kind, and preceded to salvage them. The goal was to see how many times each person was able to salvage the rare material (in this case the gemstone). And they repeated this process a number of times. What they discovered was a small number of people consistently salvaged 40-50% more rare mats every time than everyone else. And it was not that they had a bell curve. It was everyone else was getting within 10% of each other, and then a small group had a huge number more every single time. And note, MF does not impact salvage rates, or so they say…

Just curious, could we start gathering numbers and then show em to anet? Cause i rly don’t believe the droprate is the same for everyone and ot is not bellcurved if what you state is true. I don’t mind this i just want clarity on what makes the difference and every time i try to adress this i get white knighted with bellcurves and that i can’t back up my story so I’m looking for those people who can to do so.

Ascended boxes in fractals

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: MrTree.4890


Ok, I looked over the spreadsheets and I’m going to have to call questionable methodology at the very least.

Pre-HoT, I would run L50 fractals about 4-5 times a week, with a some combination of guildies from a group of 8-10. The typical count at the end was 1-2 ascended chests between us (3 happen often enough to not be considered rare). This is PER DAILY RUN. So for months I was averaging 1-2 chests a week if I was consistently running them. And rarely did I not get at the very least a ring. I, like many people, was swimming in rings when HoT was released, just waiting to be able to salvage them.

Now, I complete all the fractal dailies, every day, and have since the loot tables were “adjusted” a month or so ago (and about 3-4 times a week prior to the adjustment) and I have received 1 ascended chest. That is 1 in entire time since HoT has been released. And rings? I get maybe 1 ring a week, and often its not even worth salvaging since it is rarely infused.

My understanding was that the drop rates were intended to be higher than before HoT because there was going to be a greater need for ascended level gear and this was going to help accelerate the process. But clearly it hasnt been working.

Now, you can say, “ya, but your RNG just sucks” and that would be true. My RNG does and has always sucked. However in Fractals, it didnt suck nearly as bad. Of the general pool of 8-10 guildies there is only 1 that has had anything resembling a steady drop rate having gotten 3 in the last 2 weeks. I cant say what his drop rate used to be like as he only recently started doing fractals daily with us.

Some people might be getting higher drop rates than before, and that great for them, but you should have to be 1 of the lucky few blessed by the RNGing Gods to get something that we used to get fairly regularly before. Certainly not when it was stated that the drop rates had been increased. Also, I wouldnt used a small population of people who have been getting higher than average chest drops, thereby skewing the numbers, as evidence of an overall increased drop rate. I have 2 guildmates that get precursor drops more often than I get ascended rings. 1 of them at a rate of 2-3 a month if she is playing regularly. I wouldnt use her droprate as proof to suggest that the average person is getting 1-2 precursors a month.

Hi sorry to go off topic but is it possible to back up the statement about the precursor drop rate from your guildie? Recently i tried adressing my doubts about every account having the same base droprate, stating exactly what you said about precursors. But apparently those are lies according to the other forum posters, i hope you could back up you statements with facts so we have some proof to call reasonable doubt about the drop rate.
Or does your guildie work the mystic forge that frequency of drops?
Thx in advance!

droprates in general

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MrTree.4890


…someone being lucky on RNG.
So what gives my account my personal drop rate…
And don’t bullkitten here that its the same for everyone…

I wanted to write something reasonable about RNG in general but then I realized it’s a waste of time :/

I wish you would cause my OP was indeed a bit rude sorry for that

but then this guy came around:

Things that effect your drops

Magic find….account, character, wvw, and guild bonuses

Foe Level…a level 80 foe has a better chance than a level 45 foe of the same rank

Foe Rank…a champion has a better chance than a veteran of the same level

Number of foes killed…..this is a given, the more foes killed the more chances you have

Non drops

Mystic Forge….level of items placed in forge…exotics have better chances than rares (there’s more to this but it’s pretty easy to figure out)

Silverwastes Chests…these are affected by magic find upon opening

Hot bags..ones denoted by notes on the items themselves are effected by magic find
Now the bit I get criticized for….

Not all accounts are the same….We don’t exactly know why, but we know this to be true due to evidence of certain bugs. Some accounts have been affected by bugs that effect drops while others remain unaffected. An example of this would be the wvw bonus bug in the 1st year of the game wher4e some accounts were not receiving the added wvw bonuses while others were.

DR…diminishing returns…we don’t know exactly how this works, but play enough in an area and it’ll likely effect you.

Thank you Essence you’ve cleared up a lot! this is a textbook example of a satisfying answer. and explains the deviation

droprates in general

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MrTree.4890


So what gives my account my personal drop rate?

And don’t bullkitten here that its the same for everyone!

That’s your problem right there.

Could you explain it to me then? :p
Cause for me it isn’t that clear

droprates in general

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MrTree.4890


There are no personal drop rates. People who get precursors every two months are people who play the forge heavily every day. It’s not a mystery. They invest time and money into playing the forge and they get rewarded, eventually. I don’t and I don’t get rewarded that way.

Could understand that but then again how do you explain the diffzrence between me and my friend? Ps look a few posts back for that info ????

droprates in general

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MrTree.4890


Oh good, it’s this thread again. This time, for sure, the matter will finally be resolved for all.

No. Wait. That other thing. The one with the litany of anecdotes, misinformation and bullkitten.

To be fair though “If it’s posted on the internet it’s 100% true fact” ~ Thomas Edison

Read my previous reply to a other guy and you know i’m aware that the information about precursors could be wrong

droprates in general

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MrTree.4890


I’ve played GW2 since headstart and only once have I seen a precursor drop for someone in my group. Don’t pin your hopes on something that’s as likely to happen as winning the lottery.

Yeah i understand it beeing rare and I’m not saying I’m not misinformed about the precursor.
But i play this game with a close friend of mine and looking to the overal gold gain from drops it should be the somewhat the same for us 2 or my friend should be ahead considering he has more ap playtime and Magic Find.
I hatr to inform you i’m about a 500g ahead from drops and boxes.
This is not consistent with what RNG means statisticly. Or the deviation is huge which would be a great coincidence not?

droprates in general

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MrTree.4890


Oh good, it’s this thread again. This time, for sure, the matter will finally be resolved for all.

No. Wait. That other thing. The one with the litany of anecdotes, misinformation and bullkitten.

Whatbis actually your problem? I’m not asking to solve anything cause it probably isen’t a bug but something intended i just wonder how it works and hope to get clarification! Is that wrong of me? And i play guildwars for a year now ankitten ew to the forums so haven’t seen this one :o why was it wrong to ask?

droprates in general

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MrTree.4890


Ow yeah! No precursor here while im a daily player

droprates in general

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MrTree.4890


Dear community and possibly devs

I was wondering about drop rates and what influences them.
I’ve been reading about a certain few people getting precursor drops about 2 every month.
This isent that special if it occured once but the same people get it droped on that rate continiously.
To bad but thats not someone being lucky on RNG.

So what gives my account my personal drop rate?

And don’t bullkitten here that its the same for everyone!

Wintersday is sadly disappointing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MrTree.4890


Is it it strange though that Guild Wars 1 had the exact same holiday decorations and the exact same holiday quests every year, and people just did them and didn’t complain.

Wintersday kept getting updates and was expanded into the expansions. (kamadan got questlines and a decoration, not only tombs, LA, droknar and ascalon. EoTN got new quests and also decorations.)
So: 2005 first wintersday, 2006 nightfall, 2007 UW quests?, 2008 expanded it to eotn, 2009 nothing new?. 2010 snowball fight of gods, 2011 nothing new, 2012 changed hat quest.
EoTN, the last expansion, was released 2007.

Halloween is afaik similar. And that are only two events. There are two other big events which are comparable to wintersday and halloween (canthan new year and dragon festival) plus several smaller events like aprils fool, thanksgiving, eastern, st. patricks, wintersday in july, wayfarer, pirate week.
So even when some events stayed the same, there was overall a bigger variety of events. GW2 has just released a new expansion. Anet hasn’t stopped developing GW2 and is already working on GW3. So its a bit sad they don’t seem to care about the events anymore.

Plz link where it says gw3 is in development? Not saying it’s not true just curious if there have been official statements :p

raid build for guard?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: MrTree.4890


Hi guys,

I’m a casual player who would like to step up his game.
So i want to try out raids. Since other parts of game are so ez the first thing i wil need to know is how i should gear myself and what are usefull skills and traits?

Would you guys help me out on that one?


build for raids (guardian)???

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: MrTree.4890


Hi guys
Since I’m a casual player willing to step up my game i was thinking about raids. I play a guard and prefer guard over over DH buy lets be flexible on the guard DH thingy

Do you guys have any sugestions on builds and i mean full build :p

Thx in advance!

Dungeon gold

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: MrTree.4890


Wel i still run ac daily just because i like dungeoning.
But it seems unfair these day people enjoying casual content should have to choose between fun gametime or itemprogression?! Plus the hardcore players got their raids, casuals get what now? Open world? No offence but as said in this thread thats just the epiphany of boring and grinding.
I don’t mind gettkng raids for hard core players, tbh i love it it’s something i’m trying to work towards. But as I’m working i don’t want to do that content on weekdays. That means i have the oppertunity to grind on weekdays and get itemprogression or have fun and don’t have the itemprogression.
And anyone saying i only like dungeons for the reward gtfo! Cause i’ve chosen for the fun and still run dungeons!

Upcoming Fractal Changes

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: MrTree.4890


Read the last page. Yes, the rewards will get changed on today’s patch.

I didn’t see anything that says it will be in the next patch. What WAS said was:

I just checked with Production, and everything is on track to see the introduction of fractal changes later this month.

And in another post he already said that some changes wont be rolled out in the next patch, but instead throughout the following WEEK. Sadly, there is still the possibility that the fractal changes wont happen until the end of the month.

And thats exactly what i’m saying. ty for stating it too!
We are fed up waiying and not even knowing until when we have to wait.
And the dev won’t even post on his own thread. That while he was practically lauging at us for speculating on the wrong datr last time.
Well i think us speculating is less of a joke then the crap they released when HoT thorns went live. And i can understand that. But what i don’t understand is the lack of couunication! And it’s starting to look like you devs are just a bunch of kids whi don’t want us to know anyrhing :o

But there is a source….

Fractal rewards “fix” is today.

Still he made this thread i hope to inform us but he rather posts on reddit! And yes might be condirmed but not in his very own thread! Why do you make a thread on upcomming fractal changes and then rather post on an other forum?
Isn’t that an example of bad comlunication or am i wrong about that?
I’m happy to talk to a dev about it if he’d like to.
I know thats never going to happen, that conversation would either not go anywhere if they agreed to it since the they wil probably be talking to an emotional mad person. Or even worse god forbid they’ll encounter someone who askes them serious questio s in an adult manner and they have to admit to having done something unrzspectfull :o

Upcoming Fractal Changes

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: MrTree.4890


Read the last page. Yes, the rewards will get changed on today’s patch.

I didn’t see anything that says it will be in the next patch. What WAS said was:

I just checked with Production, and everything is on track to see the introduction of fractal changes later this month.

And in another post he already said that some changes wont be rolled out in the next patch, but instead throughout the following WEEK. Sadly, there is still the possibility that the fractal changes wont happen until the end of the month.

And thats exactly what i’m saying. ty for stating it too!
We are fed up waiying and not even knowing until when we have to wait.
And the dev won’t even post on his own thread. That while he was practically lauging at us for speculating on the wrong datr last time.
Well i think us speculating is less of a joke then the crap they released when HoT thorns went live. And i can understand that. But what i don’t understand is the lack of couunication! And it’s starting to look like you devs are just a bunch of kids whi don’t want us to know anyrhing :o

Upcoming Fractal Changes

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: MrTree.4890


All ot not the liquid rwards and ascended drop?