Showing Posts For Mushuchalaka.9437:

Thaumanova Fractal

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Mushuchalaka.9437


T4 , I rarely have issues as most know what they are doing.
T3 and down due to higher chance of less experienced players, I do tend to run into more issues, but nothing out of the ordinary for a pug.

Late game solo condition build?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Mushuchalaka.9437


Here is a blog for a condi mesmer build(not mines): that I used for reference. It’s a Phantasm build,but with my own modifications. I use Rune of the Berserker instead.

I have a condi and power set for light armor. Did not like Reaper so with Ele using the power set, got interested in Condi meser and I’m actually enjoying it.

Weapons are Sceptor main hand and torch/pistol offhand. Can also put focus offhand if you need more reflect.

Prefer chaos over chrono for this PVE roaming build. Memser Condi is probably not optimal for Raids but I think can be fine for Fractals.

I switch a couple traits around depending on the situation but here is my preferred.

Dueling: Duelist Dicipline—>Blinding Dissapation—>Mistrust
Illusions: Compouding powder—>Phatasmal Haste—>Malicious Sorcery
Chaos: Illusionary Defense—>Chaotic Transference—->Bountiful Disillusionment

Signet of Ether,Signet of Midnight,Signet o f Domination

3rd utility and elite depends on the situation.

Bascically you want to get 3 of the Phantasmal Duelist up for Bosses/Champs.

Please no more zones like Tangled Depths

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mushuchalaka.9437


I felt exactly the same way about TD at first but after you get to know the map, I find it’s one of the easier maps for me to navigate. It was designed well, just not for people who get frustrated easily. We need more maps like TD.

Visual nerfs [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mushuchalaka.9437


Please bring back the old water field blast and lighting overload.

Kudzu's Hidden Garden

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mushuchalaka.9437


Which begs the questions. Why don’t each precursor journey have a bonus item like this, it’ll actually entice players to make the journey. I made HOPE and got nothing also, but it be cool imo.

Maybe i am noob OR i have a point...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mushuchalaka.9437


People get used to abbreviating.

Searched wiki and found this gem:

Raid teaching runs: Proving accessibility

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Mushuchalaka.9437


I’m interested. I usually play late at night after 11 PM PST on weekdays. Can make time on weekends. I’ve beat VG once and have came close quite a few times with pugs. I’m looking to try the other bosses. I’ve watched videos and will do research.

Best to worse classes:
1. full ascended PS Berserker,
2. full ascended Tempest (staff or dagger/warhorn)

Dropoff with familiarity after first 2 classes
3. Full ascended Viper/sinister Engi(I know the rotations, but far from perfect executing)
4. Can get full ascended Dragonhunter with mace/shield/ hammmer

Prefer to use the first 2.

Why haven't you built a Legendary Weapon?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mushuchalaka.9437


I felt the exact same way when I first came back about 1 year ago. I’d have to disagree that they are all ugly. Most of them I would consider one of if not the best looking skins.

1. I would never build a legendary, too much grind.
2.Nothing special stat wise.
3. I could never afford one
4. Some BLTC skins look just as good

1. I have SUNRISE and HOPE
2. I’m actually proud of HOPE, it required some work
3. I still loathe world completion, but it made me do some things I would never have done and actually enjoyed some of em.
4. The stat change comes in handy as I don’t have assassins earrings.
5. BLTC skins, although some are nice(chaos skins). They don’t have legendary effects and if legendaries are nothing special and can be bought, these skins are exactly that, nothing special and can be bought for cheaper.
6. I thought I would never have enough gold, but after selling stuff I don’t need, not spending as much, getting lucky and selling a couple of precursors I did not want. I had enough gold for two legendaries.

(edited by Mushuchalaka.9437)

What is this yellow?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mushuchalaka.9437


Judging from your sylvari’s pants, pastel yellow would be a close match.

Back to play after 2 years, any advise?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mushuchalaka.9437


I’m gonna suggest you play your Guardian, yolo , learn and not worry about making mistakes while learning.

Get to level 80 and try out Silverwastes. If you like that type of map, that’s pretty much how the new expansion maps are.

I too came back from a 2 year hiatus about 1 year ago and at first I was lost but this games open world pve does not have that steep of a learning curve as you can just wander around and do the dynamic events and hearts.

(edited by Mushuchalaka.9437)

All I want are simple pants...where are they?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mushuchalaka.9437


All my female characters,except for light armor of course, wear some form of pants/leggings with no skirt. I’m also a fan of sleek looking pants on female characters.

Skirts for light are like the trenchcoats for medium armor. Too many.

I love Guild Wars 2, but am saddened.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mushuchalaka.9437


I actually like the expansion and like the direction its going.

REMOVE Glint's Egg Sack!

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Mushuchalaka.9437


LOL. I had to waste my time to complete delivering the egg(the part where you place the egg on that alter with a beam) to remove it after going back for achievements.

Swampland Fractal Tree exploit

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Mushuchalaka.9437


For the last week or so, I’ve only encountered 1 group that went to the tree and they quickly caught on and just fought on the ground.

It is indeed faster than tree hugging. Newer players to fracs or those that did not get familiarized before HOT, don’t know the other stray fracs as well. Those are the ones that I find take longer.

The real problem is the way rewards/fractals are structured at the moment. They need to provide incentive to run higher fracs or at least make it 2 dailies that are random. There are times when I join a random frac who are obviously going for fractal achievements, that is not swamp because I’m bored.

What to buy from the gem store?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mushuchalaka.9437


Copper-Fed Salvage-o-Matic is very convenient.

I also found these the most useful:

1. Bank Tabs
2. share inventory slot. I’d put the copper-fed salvage in there as my first choice.

Ironically the first 2 things I bought with my first gem purchases bought with cash was the Harp and Flute.

Just got Dawn!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mushuchalaka.9437


The OP’s name and this thread :P.

Visual nerfs [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mushuchalaka.9437


I miss my water field blast. I’m truly amazed this has not been addressed.

SW Bags guide

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mushuchalaka.9437


Good PSA.

If you’re farming for gold, yes, Silverwaste has been one of the best for a while. Most of us don’t have these bags to open as we are sick of Silverwaste after finishing achievements, farmed for a kittenest runs. Hell I barely recently opened my 1k champion bags after holding on to em for a few months.

I haven’t leveled a character without using Tomes for quite some time now.

I’m just playing the game and doing what I enjoy and not worrying about getting gold, but cheers to those who can farm Silverwaste(specifically chest runs) without falling asleep over and over and over again.

Question for everybody.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mushuchalaka.9437


I’ll give you my opinion from a player who also quit when I first bought the game.

1. I was used to other games where you can find some unique items at lower levels to use. Named weapons, armor, that are somewhat unique looking. In this game, your items up until level 80 are standard. Berserker Iron this and that. It made leveling up generic. There are karma items that have unique names, but they still act and look the same. That was my impression.

2. I was lost at first, but I believe there was no hearts when I started, and that has improved. I was not used to the dynamic events, but after a while I actually found it interesting, but not enough to to keep me playing at the time.

3. Combat was not engaging at lower levels at the time for me. I remember using a shield and it just made it harder cause I could not kill faster. As a warrior, there was really no need to use shield bash,ect. Since I returned about 1 year ago, I discovered the combat was actually what I was looking for. Somewhat action oriented with cooldown, instead of numbers popping up like most other MMO’s. Active combat.

The only other thing that did turn me off was the lack of unique items besides a nice skin as far as progression. I remember having a sword in EQ that procs lifesteal randomly. It was not game changing but did help. Unfortunately it would not fit into this games philisophy, as that would encourage groups that would request, must have this and that for groups.

But I don’t see why they couldn’t have very rare and unique items that can drop for anyone that can say, when rubbed create a specific food or utility buff that has unlimited uses., or even summon something. Nothing game changing . Everything just seems generic except as a skin for fashion wars.

All in all it’s still the best MMO out there IMO, not perfect but worth your money.

Fractal ascended armor drops need changes

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Mushuchalaka.9437


It’s true, chances of getting Chest,pants,helm appear to be lower than the other 3 parts.

I don’t think shoulders is skewed as I’ve only gotten perhaps 3 shoulders, but over 10+ gloves, and 10+boots.

Precursor - forge or buy?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mushuchalaka.9437


I think the question is, how much time total it takes to finish the collection and if during that total time, would you have been able to grind/farm the gold to buy it on the TP.


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mushuchalaka.9437


It’s actually not that hard. Key is to kill all tentacles and Jade Colossi to get to third phase as fast as possible. Of course try not to miss a beam. Once in third phase, kill tentacles as fast as you can.

Visual nerfs [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mushuchalaka.9437


Add, I can barely tell I’m blasting a water field on my Ele to the list.

Precursor - forge or buy?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mushuchalaka.9437


If you’re that close I’d just save up and buy it. I gambled for a bit with extra mats, but I would never use all my gold to try to gamble for it.

Casual player struggling with inventory

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mushuchalaka.9437


I was in your shoes at one point and still somewhat am. That’s the reason why I have about 1000 bags unopened and I usually wait until my inventory gets full of bags before I open/savlage on the character. I’d rather just play the game like you and find savlaging,ect, tedious.

I used to not buy bank slots thinking it’s a waste of money, now I have 5 bank slots and has made life much easier, worth every penny. This is from converting gold to gem so I just play the game and upgrade.

I’ve spent real money but not on bank slots. So the solution for you is to spend some of the gold you make to make life easier for you. Kinda like walking and having a car, if you can afford it, it’ll make your life easier, do it.

2 things population and getting started

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mushuchalaka.9437


My recommendation is to keep your weapon within 5 levels of your Character masterwork quality and armor no more than 10 levels for easier leveling experience. Pick up cheap masterwork gear on the trading post.

And as everyone said, harvest, salvage and sell or keep the materials gained.

Bring back the old Ele fireball

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mushuchalaka.9437


Don’t care, as long as the damage is still there, I don’t care if there was no fireball animation or that is looks like a pee shooter now. But it is a pee shooter that could blast 3 enemies at the same time.

Many of us do. This change should have been optional.

Visual nerfs [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mushuchalaka.9437


My problem is the graphics change has either broken or reduced effects into being invisible. 2 specific instances within 15 minutes of playing:
1. When I was running around with my engineer, and whipped out bombs, I could not see any explosions. I was fighting by myself, and was causing damage, but could not see any explosion at all anymore.
2. When I was in Auric Basin I decided to fight a thresher, they created their vampiric ground effect, and I could not see it at all. I was being damaged by it, and it was being healed by it, but I could not see anything. I was curious so i waited until it did it again, and the 2nd time it appeared.

Personally, I do not like the visual reduction, and I think these changes should’ve been toggle-able, but it has also lead to invisible attacks.

Please revert the build until a more thoroughly tested, toggle-able implementation has been completed.

This post should merit mention again as I also experience this.

Visual nerfs [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mushuchalaka.9437


Very disappointing. I too was one of those that enjoyed the visuals. It shouldn’t have been a forced change for everyone.

Post a pic of your character only if your armor is mix-n-match

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mushuchalaka.9437


Updated looks for my favorites.

1. Warrior
2. Guard
3. Ele
4. Ranger
5. Mes


Cannot put ascended ring in MF

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Mushuchalaka.9437


May be obvious, but did you guys put in the other parts first then the ring did not show up? Sometimes the order matters for some reason.

How many characters do you have? (2.0)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mushuchalaka.9437


I only created one from launch(thanks Anet for electro blue dye) and after leveling by hearts/maps, I thought to myself " I’m never gonna level another character again, 1 was hard enough."

Time passes, tomes of knowledge and birthday tomes show up. Next thing you know I have 9 characters, 6 80’s, 3 mules. Mainly I play Ele,Guardian, Warrior(used to be main), ranger, sometimes thief. Mesmer is retired. I’m glad I have different classes to play though.

Stop Putting Everything On TP.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mushuchalaka.9437


Gonna have to agree. It’s taking away any sense of achievements, although I admit, I sold mine lol.

I prefer the sense of achievement, but as it stands now, not gonna turn down 80 gold for something I have no use for.

Let's talk "mentor".

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mushuchalaka.9437


Is the Mentor tag able to be distinctive(color,ect?). In my opinion, they should have different tags for different zones,fractals,ect, requiring a specific achievement. They can charge us too dividing up the 300 gold.

Most Difficult Fractal

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mushuchalaka.9437


As everyone mentioned it depends on the group composition and of course players.

From my experience the fractals that causes the most wipes.

1. Shaman boss fight
2. Snowblind, elemental phase
3.Mai Trin
4. Dredge, control room

These below don’t wipe as much as above
4. Cliff side
5. Ascalaon boss can cause issues if he get’s the fiery greatsword

Your best LFG reads and puglife stories

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Mushuchalaka.9437


I had a interesting 38 fractal today where I had that feeling it wouldn’t be smooth. Starring a Necro that appeared to be high(strung). I was Ele. I think the other classes were 2 warriors and a engi. Usually fractals 30 and under I’m not as picky on class comp. I forget, they were all quiet. I didn’t bother to check for EA,ect. Unfortunately I don’t know the necro class well (the only class I have not made), but I ran with 2 necro’s in 50 before and went smooth. I never discriminate any class cause I’m casual enough not to care. Whenever the run goes bad and leaves during the 2nd + fractal I just re-post and get it done. Still saves time as long as I get people who know what to do.

Today it started out by luck(bad). I thought I saw 30, okay need my daily 30, well it was actually 38(mistlock instability:Poison, chill, and confusion have unintended effects.).
Great, not my favorite instability. I actually ask if they wanted to re-roll to 40. I had a bad feeling with the necro in the group. I thought but what the heck just run it as I haven’t done my 40 daily. Swamp we fail once or twice, nothing memorable, except someone saying I was never good at running wisps.

It’s Mossman. Necro goes, no water? I state land. As you guessed, whole team keeps getting downed and I run back in the water and reset. and say water it is.

It’s the second fractal, Cliffside. We engage. Of course, I kept seeing protection on the divine archer periodically pop up. I suspect the Necro. Granted I definitely wasn’t playing my best and there appeared to be some lag as my dodges appear to be one second late. I get downed trying to rez someone and who ever had aggro kept bringing him to us when trying to rez. We take him down barely, 2 dead and 2 try to rez, they could just ooc and let them respawn. No big deal, so I decide to grab the hammer to run up. I lag and fall down. Hammer gets respawned at bottom and I proceed to grab it, I had zero stacks. Necro gets kitteny and says give me the hammer, but somehow he’s downed, next to me( I don’t even know how that happened, he jumped and landed next to me or something but did not die). I was going to run it up myself but this guy states, demands the hammer. So whatever I give it to him first by bringing him up and we make it to the first seal.

First seal Necro decides to use some skill that aggro them all. I don’t know who had the hammer, but they only manage to break the first seal. When I saw no one take the hammer( I was a bit farther away), I take it and try to wack an acolyte, nope, they kill em all. So we have to wait for the acolyte +veteran to spawn. We get this done.

Second seal, first person to have the hammer made no hits on the seal after all the initial mob of veterans are dead. I see the hammer on the ground. I of course had to grab it. Got some hits in. After some time, we manage to get it down and the guy falls down the crack that opens up after the seal breaks with the hammer. I tell them we need to all suicide. We do, but they rez right away, hammer doesn’t pop up. I state we need to all rez together.

3rd seal. Necro marks the acolyte and when no one grabs the hammer( I was ready to blast swiftness), I grab it for sake of saving time. Necro decides to run up first, I was about to hit one acolyte when, he runs past all the way to the stack spot of the second seal. Okay whatever, I follow and he goes back and kills that one acolyte. Not a big deal, we just start off at the second seal. We’ll he kept running in and out pulling, when I said, I’ll pull, being the ele, just stack and use line of sight.

After about 5 minutes I see that no one grabs the hammer and the other seal is healed fully. A couple of times someone with low health tried to grab hammer and gets downed. I had to go out a couple times to grab hammer and bring back to the stack as they get downed outside. Necro states something like, we need to kill faster,ect. I state, whoever has full health can grab and run it. I stay to pull and blast swiftness during phases. We get down to the last hit on the second seal. Necro goes out…get’s downed. Everyone runs out, I go out grab hammer, use Sandstorm, kill one acolyte, and pray I don’t get downed(I had half health), just as I’m about to wack the seal(which I think we may still have needed one more wack), I get downed. I manage to get back up and bring hammer back in. I said come back and stack. They all die except for Necro and me. Instead of resetting, I wanted to try to get the last hits on it with Necro. He decides to want to go OOC and of course the whole thing resets.

Group leaves and Necro goes, well I gtg seeing as none of you know what you’re doing. I state, well actually you’re the one that doesn’t and state I run 50s all the time. I’m not a speed runner but most of my pug runs are smooth. He gets really mad and cusses me out.

I advertise again and 3 rangers join right away. I decided to just run with 4 while we wait for 5th. We were almost done with both seals. Guardian joins and we complete the whole run after that.

(edited by Mushuchalaka.9437)

Policy on the LFG Tool

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mushuchalaka.9437


Pretty clear to me. I personally wouldn’t run this service but I don’t see a problem with the service you are providing. The guy obviously doesn’t like people who sell spots, but what you’re doing is not wrong in any way.

Not being able to enter Party instance

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Mushuchalaka.9437


This occurred during one of the patches but here’s what I found is the way it behaves

1. If you wp to any wp that will induce a pop up window on the lower left hand corner, it will default to your max personal reward. Just click enter fractal and you should be in the same instance.

2. If a window pops up at the fractal entrance and you have a higher fractal level than the instance, you will need to select the level of the instance(I.E., your reward is 50 and the party instance is 20, select 20), otherwise if you’re lower just click enter. You should be in the same fractal instance.

Music: Did I do something wrong?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mushuchalaka.9437


One thing you have to know is there will be people that will troll(deliberately) try to get under your skin. Saying what they say without knowing the facts.

It’s definitely impressive to play by hand, but I’m actually more impressed with the scripts musicians come up with. In fact, I wish there was a request forum, to request a song scripted for those of us that really don’t have a musical bone but like to enjoy. In fact, some of the versions created using the scripts and gw instruments I enjoyed more than original and I like to share the music. I always tell them where I get it and it’s not mines. I’m trying to learn some music just to try to create from my tunes, but I have no interest in trying to mash buttons as you stated.

(edited by Mushuchalaka.9437)

LF help - Guardian Mai Trim

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Mushuchalaka.9437


I think for Mai, Guardian should have sceptor for range and root and just rotate your blocks and condi removal when necessary. You’ll most likely be the one helping to rez downed/dead players.

Heart Of Thorns new gear.

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Mushuchalaka.9437


They need less full skirts/trenchcoats, more half skirts/leggings heavy/medium/light armor, male or female.

Challenge Motes are bugged [merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Mushuchalaka.9437


I remember this happen to me and for the life of me I don’t remember if it fixed itself or I reset the story by selecting replay this episode. I did not read all 14 pages, but someone probably already tried that.

Post a pic of your character only if your armor is mix-n-match

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mushuchalaka.9437


Here’s my Warrior and Thief.


[Suggestions] Gemstore Items

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mushuchalaka.9437


Any new instruments planned? I would love to have a Guzheng.