Showing Posts For MystF.5186:

Why did they remove soloq and teamq?

in PvP

Posted by: MystF.5186


Right now EU leaderboard has only about 250 players platinum and up. Imagine how many of this total are concurrently online, and actually playing ranked PvP, and how many 10-player simultaneous matches you can have. While we have pretty short queues, then at least half of the match players are from lower divisions. No wonder ArenaNet removed division badges from end-scoreboard of the match.

With separate queues you can either throw short queue times or the last remaining bit of matchmaking system into a trashcan. And good duo queue players totally destroy the game for solo queue people. Good duo has better communication and are harder to kill and can keep rest of the team up. While they farm wins, concurrently playing solo players don’t achieve that.

I always play solo and I have done over 100 games this season with 1.4 win/loss ratio and I’m starting to lose interest, because alone I can never reach to the level of duo people, who only need to play 15-50 games to stay on top. Now you may say it’s all my fault that I won’t duo up with one of my in-game friends or look for new friends, but obviously there are many people like me. And we, solo players, are the players, whom duo players take advantage of.

Therefore this game has only one direction. Dead 8-week PvP seasons. They may as well make leaderboard minimum games requirement as maximum games required and end the season with one week.

Also the game totally lacks creativity, people always running same one meta trash build. HoT stacked up every class with so much crowd control. CC-lock or be CC-locked. So many core skills are now useless, because of elite specializations.

So many CC-spamming double endure pain condi berserkers out there. I’m forced to take my double plague signet boon converting condi reaper and I take out that trash like a beast. Other than that I still mostly play core power necro, because it’s awesome… for me. And every other class I play is a core one, but never take them to ranked, because my playstyle on them lack efficiency.

So, do there exist hammerless engis or staffless rangers? Swordless or shieldless mesmers? Efficient warriors without defense trait line? When do we see turrets, spirits or spirit weapons again? Conjured weapons? Shout heal warriors? Necro focus weapon? Can’t imagine any game mode where this comes useful, as everyone has access to loads of boons nowadays… it’s slow anyway. Or any useful class with full signets? Every class still has one or two heal skills which can be considered as best. Balance updates are always so linear – first build is nerfed to the ground and next build is buffed enough to make a great efficiency gap between two builds.

Also using only one type of utility skills could be a viable option, but seems no. Totally out of design.

(edited by MystF.5186)

Question to Anet dev regarding skill rating

in PvP

Posted by: MystF.5186


Yours is not bad. My gain and loss ratio is 1:5. I win 5 points but lose 20.
Reached platinum and now climbing back down, because I guess not enough players with similar rating. They all get their position and then slack, so fair.

(edited by MystF.5186)

PVP Dead Again! Anet Great Job

in PvP

Posted by: MystF.5186


Apparently people are leaving the game, because I see same players over and over again.

Thief hate this season already

in PvP

Posted by: MystF.5186


Why thief hate? Uhmm, let me see.
Prior to Heart of Thorns, good players actually put effort to interrupt enemies when needed. Now? ArenaNet has stacked up every elite specialization with loads of crowd control.
And what I’ve seen thieves do? Spamming randomly triple dazes from pistol and they don’t run out of initiative like they used to. I remember when bad thief spammed Heartseeker until run out of initiative and screwed up that way. And Death Blossom spam, not going to talk about it. -.-

And more about crowd control.. Condi berserkers go on forever with this, eventually something interrupts, no need to worry..

Is it possible to kill a bunker mes in PvP?

in Mesmer

Posted by: MystF.5186


1v1, you’re not going to kill a bunker chrono..

Oh, and why is that? You can still kill tempest, scrapper and druid, but why not chronomancer?

Mesmer Nerf Train Never Ends

in Mesmer

Posted by: MystF.5186


It’s ironic how skillful is hitting Blurred Frenzy into empty air to gain the whole two and half seconds of invulnerability. And how often can you cast it with sword trait and Alacrity?

Either 3 nerfs this skill could have:
1. Acquire Blur only if you hit something.
2. Increase the Blurred Frenzy cooldown to 15 seconds.
3. Reduce Blur from 2.5 seconds to 1.5 seconds.

Once again, ArenaNet, Upgrade Extractor.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MystF.5186


Why even have it on store then, any client with common sense won’t buy that useless item. It’s a waste of space then. The manufacturer would be in bankruptcy for producing it.

And what’s wrong with item devaluation? That happens all the time by accident, when they buff and nerf various runes. Though I do understand that in five years 1g-extractor would result in all good exotic upgrades fluctuating at the very same line, though less appealing ones of course below that. But are you justifying the economy mechanics here?

For example, are you saying it’s normal when:
Minor Rune of Strength – 0.002g
Major Rune of Strength – 0.03g. That is 15 times more expensive.
Superior Rune of Strength – 13g. Whoaaah! 433 times more expensive than preceding rune. What’s the catch, X^2 × 2 ?

Other materials:
Rawhide Leather Section – 1.93s
Thin Leather Section – 6.kitten
Coarse Leather Section – 5.9s
Rugged Leather Section – 8.12s
Thick Leather Section – 0.58s
Hardened Leather Section – 1.42s

Is 12mm wrench more expensive to make than 19mm one, since the latter one needs more metal? Did it make sense? I doubt.
Now, if I am a new casual player I’d be broke when I’d try to craft my own gear during my progression. But truthfully, they hide that awful matter simply by having all those rewards that let you get maximum level as quickly as possible, so we would not need resort to crafting during progression.
Also I “loved” how creative they were with vendors in Labyrinthine Cliffs.

Zephyr Sanctum Supply Box cost
Rawhide Leather Section – 82pcs
Thin Leather Section – 16pcs
Coarse Leather Section – 6pcs
Rugged Leather Section – 3pcs
Thick Leather Section – 90pcs
Hardened Leather Section – 43pcs

I can’t believe it, that definitely blows my mind. 4th tier Rugged Leather is approved to be more valuable than 6th tier Hardened Leather. Perhaps I should make 4th tier set and go WvW and see how this works out since it has to be better than anything else out there, maybe some hidden magic attached to it. Maybe, I wouldn’t be kicked if I’d use that set in dungeon. Meanwhile item promotion is still fun – who in the right mind would dump 250 Rugged Leather Sections into Mystic Forge to get 40 to 200 Thick Leather Sections? That’s insane, I can smell that loss already miles away, but it’s promoted item already, why not?
That vendor almost felt like some chess move, but just by thinking one move at the time.

Can’t even leave out mentioning ascended crafting. They did the similar move there. You need 300 Silk Scraps to craft one ascended cloth material and 200 Thick Leather Sections to craft one leather material. But little they understood their own crafting game, cloth was required by all 3 professions while leather simply by 1 profession. Clearly Silk has suffered terrible valuation because of that.
They do all the crazy work to have increased salvageable item rewards so the trading post wouldn’t run out of supplies. Why else you get tons of those bags for everything you do in the game? Why karma-to-gold conversion isn’t fixed yet? I just saw 5 players standing near Bram Dawnrazer. Not that it is bothering me, but you can clearly tell they need those Linen supplies for Trading Post and after all it’s all okay, since it does not involve a gold well and it is 15% gold sink instead.

They keep introducing new currencies, since they have seen themselves how screwed up the gold actually is.
Please, do not justify that flawed item valuation caused by broken game mechanics. Like all the time someone has to mention gold and material sinks in suggestion topics. Can’t do this, can’t do that. Must have less materials, so the more valuable these are, so the more gold you need. Must have less gold, so the more you need to farm and more bored have to feel. Enjoying this? Yes, because I’m Black Lion Street Trader and sit all day at Trading Post flipping things.

Combat mechanics: 10/10
Class balance mechanics: ?/10
Economy mechanics: 1/10

Once again, ArenaNet, Upgrade Extractor.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MystF.5186


There are several times I’ve checked its price as if it would make any sense to buy this, but no… never. This item is useless.

Year ago, people said you could extract expensive infusions with it, but now we have Infusion Extraction Device that can be acquired for 24 silvers, lol.

Please, make this item useful. By any statistics, I doubt anyone is buying that.

Guardians and Elementalits burning pvp

in PvP

Posted by: MystF.5186


I don’t mind burning, it’s not like eles and guards have variety of conditions to apply. Seriously if you take over 10 stacks of burning from those classes, you simply need to work on your stuff. If I see 4~6 stacks on me, I’ll cleanse immediately.

Rather nerf mesmers and celestial stats.

Laurel merchant is a funny guy.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MystF.5186


Yeah, I’ll admit I made really bad statements here and misused the inflation term. Should have found better way to express my thoughts about current prices of crafting materials. I’m one of those people who starts writing nonsense when being mad, thinking I know everything.

I can’t even believe myself that I said supply instead of sell listings. -.-

Please make Globs of Dark Matter salvagable?

in Crafting

Posted by: MystF.5186


So your idea is to salvage exotics to get both of these globs, and then salvage one of these globs to get those other globs?
Sounds silly.

anet i do not understand you

in Crafting

Posted by: MystF.5186


Ascended gear is best-in-slot allowing more casual players to have access to the highest statistical gear possible with far less effort than Legendaries. It is necessary in order to play high level fractals It is very easily obtainable by anyone who wishes to spend an hour or two crafting. They are not tradable because they are a HUGE material/gold sink which the game needs.

Material sink – yes,
Gold sink – no!
Apart from the price of the recipes and 150 Thermocatalytic Reagents, the money isn’t sinking anywhere here. It stays in circulation with tiny fees.

Laurel merchant is a funny guy.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MystF.5186


You are jumping to all kinds of uninformed conclusions. It would go too far to explain the basics of (game) economics in a forum post, so the best advice I can give you is to take an economics class, and check your opinion on Guild Wars 2.

What part there was uninformed? Think economics class won’t help me here, just saying it’s all about the way of designing the game. There are simply no proper gold sinks and so much money flows in from daily dungeon rewards and from few other things. While there are useless ways to obtain crafting materials, crafting professions to level 500 and then crafting ascended gear after that is greatly destroying the supply instead of sinking any gold. And those who got enough money in this game, can keep cornering the market.
Now only uninformed thing I’m going to say here is that I heard the economics in original Guild Wars game worked the other way around. Really, it’s all about in the game design.

And while I stay at stable 50 gold in my inventory, I will never even exchange gold into gems. So the gameplay of average players consist of producing more money from dungeon runs, consuming materials bought from other people and maybe buying gems for real money or never having them at all.

[Suggestion] Account-wide bag slot unlocks.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MystF.5186


Well, that gold sink clearly isn’t working, lol.

Laurel merchant is a funny guy.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MystF.5186


And game developers let it be all loose. Cheapest they were about 3 silvers and long time average was about 25~30 silvers.
Now half the year has passed and the materials with their current 60+ silver price have almost doubled of what they used to be in the beginning of this year. And what will the prices be in the end of this year? 1 gold?
While we do have some rich people in this game running around with 100k gold flipping everything in trading post, since the demand is 5 times higher than supply, the situation is unstoppable unless something is being done about it.

But hey! Whenever there is chance that people would lose profit on trading post, then nothing will ever even happen. Fused skins still cost 7 tickets while everything else than recent skins cost 5 tickets. Laurel merchant got various skins for sale, but no rucksack nor desert rose, since there are tradeable versions of them.

Laurel merchant is a funny guy.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MystF.5186


In any way, 2 arrow carts per laurel is a joke.

Also, this likely comes from the very first design of the game, where tier 6 material was considered cheaper than blueprint.

(edited by MystF.5186)

[Suggestion] Account-wide bag slot unlocks.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MystF.5186


Should’ve made them like bank tabs, account-wide and 600 gems.

As there is limit of 64 character slots… If I slowly buy those would you really think I would buy extra bag slots for each of them?

You Know You've Played GW2 Too Much When...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MystF.5186


…you get an idea to start selling jugs of water for 80 copper each.

Laurel merchant is a funny guy.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MystF.5186


In Lion’s Arch, visit the Laurel merchant and you can see you can buy 2 arrow cart blueprints for 1 laurel.

Now, if I buy 1 Heavy Crafting bag for 1 laurel and sell all the materials I got on trading post, then I can buy 100 blueprints from there.

Is this to give a view about the inflation some parts the game has suffered?

[Suggestion] Account-bound recipes

in Crafting

Posted by: MystF.5186


All the time you see people activating their recipes on wrong characters. Why not have them account-wide? There are plenty of scenarios why they should be so.

Didn’t mean account-bound, but account-wide. -.-
Can’t edit the title anymore.

(edited by MystF.5186)

Elementalist's earth trait Serrated Stones

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: MystF.5186


Well, if you open up traits and see its description, there’s written:

Create an attunement-based spell at the end of your dodge.
Fire: Flame Burst
Water: Cleansing Wave
Air: Blinding Flash
Earth: Churning Earth
Mouse 2 : Show more info (1 of 4)

And in this new trait system, if you click right mouse button for three times, you’ll be shown Shock Wave. Also, in combat after dodging, you’ll see Shock Wave in combat log.

Shock Wave (the trait skill, with visual effect of Churning Earth)
Damage: 122
Bleeding damage: 3096 for 24 secs in 1 stack
Cripple for 2 secs
Finisher: Blast
Radius: 180
Number of targets: 5

Shock Wave
Damage: 179
Bleeding damage: 3096 for 24 secs in 1 stack
Immobilize for 2 secs
Finisher: Projectile
Range: 1200

Churning Earth
Damage: 1037
Bleeding damage: 9288 for 9.5 secs in 8 stacks
Cripple for 1 sec in 4 stacks
Finisher: Blast
Radius: 360

The trait description and the visual effect are misguiding. And by the numbers it seems indeed rather Shock Wave than Churning Earth, despite one being blast and the other projectile skill. I could understand that Churning Earth would actually be over-powered, but the trait description should at least be fixed, since as I just saw it has misguided you as well. No offense.
All other attunement spells are rather accurate.

Anyway, my main concern is still Serrated Stones.

(edited by MystF.5186)

Elementalist's earth trait Serrated Stones

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: MystF.5186


There is no effect on bleeding duration at all.

Also, arcana trait Evasive Arcana has wrong description. Says to drop Churning Earth upon evasion, but actually drops Shock Wave.

Please fix the abundant client crashes.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: MystF.5186


I unchecked High-Res Character Textures and I haven’t crashed from since.

Crashing since OoM

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: MystF.5186


Add me to the club.

I have a $3,000 dollar PC-Crashing In WvW

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: MystF.5186


Think that first line tells you have run out of memory, only 8MB usable on heap. (edited: had wrong unit here)

I think this game is memory leaking, look at the hideous usage of your memory.
Actually I have same problem as you, getting random crashes during EU prime-time, despite on what map I am on. And many people actually crash at the same time, since one time I relogged back to the game dead with another player, asked and verified it. Also on TeamSpeak, certain people, including me, crash/freeze together.

How is it game causing? The game gives you different reason every time, not even sure itself what’s happening.

  • First it blames your hardware,
  • then it confesses its game data is corrupted, offering you to repair it,
  • then it states that your system has run out of memory,
  • then it tells that access violation in memory has happened,
  • then it fails to handle the exception and windows does it itself, notifying heap corruption,
  • then it simply freezes in some loop and you have to close the game from Task Manager,
  • then the game simply closes by itself,
  • and finally you get some random assertion messages, likely caused by corrupted memory.

And I did try everything:

  • Updated all the drivers in my system,
  • Even updated my system and video BIOS,
  • Repaired the game data numerous times,
  • Using those recommended graphic settings noted down in this section,
  • Turned audio quality to minimal just in case,
  • Tried both… best performance and appearance really makes no difference in crashing matter,
  • Monitored hardware temperatures, which are all OK,
  • Finally, right now, reinstalling the game in hopes that -repair is unable to repair at all, however, as seen in previous post, that didn’t help.

And my system:

  • Asus Sabertooth Z87 (XMP)
  • Intel Core i7 4770K @ 3.5GHz (steps up to 4.3GHz), cooled by Corsair H100i
  • Asus GeForce GTX690, 4GB GDDR5
  • 2 x Corsair XMS3 4GB DDR3 @ 800MHz
  • Corsair AX860i
  • 64-bit Windows 7

No problem running Crysis 3 or ARMA 3.

(edited by MystF.5186)

Tequatl event and queue mechanics

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MystF.5186


These two subjects make worst combination ever.
So, servers don’t have enough people to perform the event by themselves, thus now everyone just guest to one server, which is Desolation. There Sparkfly Fen will have a huge queue already 30 minutes before the event and two filled overflows, and also a third one. The event requires like four organizers, but for some reason there are not enough of them for any of the overflows, since potential organizers are probably made their way to the main map or have already acquired their daily reward earlier.
And while you’re a guest to the server, then when ever you get a queue popup for main map, you either end up in another overflow or with some unknown network error. So, the guests are required to enter the map like 40 minutes before the event, but most people have not such time to waste, since there’s nothing interesting to do on that map. Therefore you have full overflows of frustrated gamers.

Glad I have my Tequatl achievements done at least, since I’m not going to waste my time for hopes to get some loot out of this event.

Guild-vs-Guild Arena

in Suggestions

Posted by: MystF.5186


That arena in The Bane of Black Citadel would make tremendously good GvG arena. It has got great tribune for spectators. Of course we haven’t seen any PvP on world map, so have no idea how possible it would be for game mechanics. But the idea would be really fun. Anyone can think along with me?

There’s an idea for dueling as I see, but this one is more related to one specific location. I really like The Bane area in Black Citadel, but there’s really nothing to do there…

(edited by MystF.5186)

8/11: Drakkar/RoS/WSR

in Match-ups

Posted by: MystF.5186


I wrote something before that I shouldn’t had.

Was just growing my bad mood throughout the day in the game and away from the game and ended up whining too much. Finally, evening arrived and playing with my guildies calmed me down. Now, I apologize at drakkars and gonna enjoy my game.

Well I hope next time Drakkars are in silver league and we get UW or GH instead of them . XD

8/11: Drakkar/RoS/WSR

in Match-ups

Posted by: MystF.5186


I’ll be glad to fight vabbi and wsr yes. They have more skill in one group then your entire zerg has together.
And go kitten yourself in pvp.

Yeah, my respect against ZEAL warriors of Vabbi. Especially the one that has legendary Twilight, that player is really good.

8/11: Drakkar/RoS/WSR

in Match-ups

Posted by: MystF.5186


Remember when GH fought against Piken or Vizunah? Was it fun?
And when GH fought against Arbor, I quited into PvE as soon as we were leading, since outnumbering everything was way too boring and not challenging.

It’s just that others can’t have good fights. While all the map belongs to DL, you have your 15 people trying to get a single tower and and have to be in constant fear that soon hive of 60 enemy players arrive for this one silly tower.

8/11: Drakkar/RoS/WSR

in Match-ups

Posted by: MystF.5186


Yeah, if any drakkar group size is equal to any RoS guild group, drakkars die. So they simply blob in amounts because they can. TaG by itself can fill all slots of one map, lol.

And RoS, making it nonsense, we have those pug players who prefer upscaled gameplay to voice communication. Down about four drakkars in strike so ten pugs could rally them. Great spirit on this side.

[Merged] Skill lag issue

in WvW

Posted by: MystF.5186


For first you get skill lag.
For second you get movement lag.
For third you get chat lag.
For the rest you get salvaging and selling lag. No need to mention the trading post. Then you start seeing game characters disappearing for moments.
Finally your client either gets diconnected or crashed.

Not in just WvW.

Banners Hold-Underworld-Far Shiverpeaks

in Match-ups

Posted by: MystF.5186


What ever, great and tight fights. That bragging from our guild won’t happen next time. Hopefully next time you’re not able to film such battles about us. Time will improve everyone in time.
Good luck in new matchup.

GH - MS - Dzag

in Match-ups

Posted by: MystF.5186


When Millers go conquer a tower, they do it with such a blob as others would use to conquer a Stonemist, lol.

Can’t stop laughing at this.

Guild warbanners.

in Suggestions

Posted by: MystF.5186


Would be nice to have guild warbanners, twice as tall as norns and with guild emblem on the flag. Could be either like normal warbanner with skills, could be like a kite as you wouln’t be able to use any weapon skills or best of all – attached to character as back item.

Transmutation and back wielding confusion.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: MystF.5186


1. When you transmute items, item prefix is related with item look instead of stats.

2. When other players out of combat, you see them wielding weapons as greatsword in one hand instead on back. In overal it does seem ridiculous if your back item has some skin and your big greatsword goes right through.

Defeated-by-Liadri club - Feedback.

in Queen's Jubilee

Posted by: MystF.5186


Well, I finally defeated her. Took me 70~90 tries or so.
I’m a warrior and used the backwards circles with the rifle.

Speaking of phase 2.
1. At first when I did so I failed as I got crippled and was downed by red circles.
2. Later, I tended to run out of time.

For #1, I had to be closer to the centrum of the floor, though I wasn’t rubbing the wall either. Just needed to try smaller circles. When red circles are on the ground, then the safe areas are like triangles, tip pointing towards the centrum. So I had to run circles so that I aimed for the tip part of the triangle. When arrived on the tip and further way was yet blocked, then I walked down the triangle until further way cleared.

For #2, as I was strafing I needed to hold the camera so I could see Liadri on my screen that more rifle skills would actually hit her. This tip was indeed mentioned in the source of this method (which was YouTube for me), but I gave it less attention what I was actually doing. Also applied some useful sigil to my rifle.

Knight’s armor with Pack rune, zerky rifle and accessories.

Can’t quite recall my traits at the time, but I think I had:
10 – 2
20 – 2/7
10 – 2
20 – 1/7
10 – 6

Utility skills I had: Healing Signet, Endure Pain, Balanced Stance, Signet of Stamina and Signet of Rage.

Food: Rare Veggie Pizza (condition duration for crippling)

Hopefully these tips will help other helpless warriors out there.

(edited by MystF.5186)

Defeated-by-Liadri club - Feedback.

in Queen's Jubilee

Posted by: MystF.5186


So, have done this like 50 times, closest I got was to 25% health. Challenging, I like wasting my time on it.

1. The floor texture is so mottled, my eyes love it.
2. There are so many wonderful red circles with thin outline. Good you didn’t make the game draw them filled instead.
3. The dome wall and camera distance are just amazing, I can adore my character’s haircut that way.
4. Enjoying my 10-30 frames per second, the taste of true MMO!
5. Strugar really cares about his dog, feeding it every 2 seconds. How lovely! <3

Thank you, ArenaNet, for this great event. Haven’t felt so lifeless this far. Want the pet though… and achievement points.

Tips for Strugar and Chomper?

in Queen's Jubilee

Posted by: MystF.5186


Strugar also throws the meat every 2 seconds, and sometimes 2 meats at once. This guy needs to be a bit nerfed.
I could understand if it’s either meat spam or pulling you over all the time, but both – freaking impossible.
Obviously people who completed it got lucky that Strugar wasn’t actually spamming the meat. Watched a video on Youtube and the person clearly had enough time to attack Strugar and Chomper between picking up each meat. But I just keep running for one, and two, and three.. and can’t even attack if I want to get the achievement.
Finally Strugar pulls me over and there are like 2 meats on the ground… -.-

Chomp and Strum.. No idea how to beat

in Queen's Jubilee

Posted by: MystF.5186


Well, when I was pulled over by Strugar in the beginning of the round, this guy was already throwing the meat while I was in mid-air. I couldn’t even get up and he pulled me over again. Then I was laying down for 3-4 seconds and they were beating living out of me. And once I was up with my tiny health left, my skills react up to 2 seconds later since pressed. And there I was.. downed.

Including random character movements when trying to pick up the meat myself.

Try it in the evening when servers are, and especially this map is, way over-populated.

Lags make content unplayable.

in Queen's Jubilee

Posted by: MystF.5186


Came home from my evening shift, thought it’s a good time to finish tier 3. Twenty minutes of raging and wasting my tickets, I closed the game without completing that tier, surf the forums and heading for sleep.

Post 80 disappointment

in Suggestions

Posted by: MystF.5186


This is the reason I chose GW2.

make the queen's gauntlet less laggy!!!!

in Suggestions

Posted by: MystF.5186



Awful lag. Need to defeat Strugar and Chomper. Strugar pulls me over without me seeing any animation. Skill delay is also up to 2 seconds and picking up the meat also takes at least a second. Also need to stop and wait before picking it up or else my character randomly runs over the meat.

Another round. Strugar running towards me, pulling me over and throwing the meat all at the same time.

(edited by MystF.5186)

Queen's Gauntlet Engineer Tips and Tricks

in Engineer

Posted by: MystF.5186


Ooze and Chomper I used a standard berserker + SD build. All ruby orbs, rifle. For ooze you can also take elixir u for the shield, and shield on offhand for the reflect. Chomper becomes WAY easier if you get the meat he throws. Stun the dog, steal his meat, focus dog first and you’ll be solid.

Being trying to do this, but Strugar keeps crippling me and knocking me over, So hard to make it to the meat myself. And he tends to throw more than one meat at the time.