Showing Posts For NargofWoV.4267:

Huge drop down in WvW population ?

in WvW

Posted by: NargofWoV.4267


After the screw up with the season 1 rewards, or lack there of… I haven’t logged back on. Obviously, this game has failed to appeal to me so I move on. Before, you get to excited my realm didn’t win, I am more upset the winning realms got jack for their efforts.

Are they actually going to give a decent reward for season 2 ?

Narg, Ranger JQ
Heavy Halo, Warrior JQ

Rangers, why specifically do you hate them.

in WvW

Posted by: NargofWoV.4267


I was looking for a bow class when I joined this game, day 1. I thought that class was the ranger, unfortunately for my play style the better bow class was the Warrior. Now that I’ve switched I won’t go back. I’ve played my Ranger 2/3’s longer in wvw than my Warrior but my warrior is way more effective in wvw and has far surpassed the rank of my Ranger.

Now, solo roaming, I like the Ranger melee play better, but alas, this isn’t the game for that.

Narg, Ranger JQ
Heavy Halo, Warrior JQ

Sword/Sword good for PVE?

in Warrior

Posted by: NargofWoV.4267


It is ok to level with, but honestly use a Bow it is better… learning to kite can be real helpful especially if your gear falls behind your level, which can occur from time to time. Kiting was easy for me as I came from the Ranger class, seemed second nature. I can take Champions now solo without taking much damage at all.

Good luck.

Narg, Ranger JQ
Heavy Halo, Warrior JQ

End the casual blobbing Zerg gameplay

in WvW

Posted by: NargofWoV.4267


Sorry OP, you would bring about the resurgence of the “Bright Wizard” from Warhammer fame, AoE would become THE kill method for every group in every situation. Warriors run Stun, Everyone AoE’s stunned targets down, rinse and repeat.

Bad idea.

Narg, Ranger JQ
Heavy Halo, Warrior JQ


in WvW

Posted by: NargofWoV.4267


Have you taken a bath recently?

Yeah, about a week ago.

Maybe she just could not handle my amazingly good looks.


Narg, Ranger JQ
Heavy Halo, Warrior JQ


in WvW

Posted by: NargofWoV.4267


Have you taken a bath recently?

Narg, Ranger JQ
Heavy Halo, Warrior JQ

Perfect 5 man team; a discussion

in WvW

Posted by: NargofWoV.4267


Prysin is trying to make a place for the Ranger class, I applaud the effort. The reality is different. I’m seeing a host of different possible best 5 man groups utilizing a host of different builds from some of the same classes. No one else is bringing up another Ranger build that would be considered viable, unless Prysin’s comment about a zerker Ranger is appealing over a zerker warrior (which I doubt).

Solid effort.

Narg, Ranger JQ
Heavy Halo, Warrior JQ

Warrior crisis inside

in Warrior

Posted by: NargofWoV.4267


So none here actually played a high level ranger…

I do, but I switched to a LB Warrior, it fit my play style better. I have 3x the time played on my Ranger than I do on my Warrior. I play my Warrior almost always now, I only craft on my Ranger.

However, if I wanted to roam solo, I would use my Ranger.

Narg, Ranger JQ
Heavy Halo, Warrior JQ

Anet is killing the ranged ranger.

in Ranger

Posted by: NargofWoV.4267


Well, if it makes you feel any better, they put a pretty hard Nerf on the Ranger LB this last patch. Still worlds better than the Ranger LB, but not as great a chasm as it once was.

Narg, Ranger JQ
Heavy Halo, Warrior JQ

Well that was fast

in Ranger

Posted by: NargofWoV.4267


Wasn’t there a thread a while back that showed a pet under the effect of Moa Morph was actually able to reliably hit moving enemies? It was because the basic attack was actually a 130 range lunge. Why the hell do they not just do that for pet attacks? If we are going to be forced to use our pet always, and our pet always being up is factored into our overall dps, then the pet needs to be able to reliably hit targets.

My guess, it would fly counter to the designers intentions on having a game that is twitch based. It would be hard to have a twitch based game with guaranteed hits. Don’t get me wrong, I think pet hits on moving targets should have a much higher success rate than the current mechanic.

Narg, Ranger JQ
Heavy Halo, Warrior JQ

WvW Season One Rewards Are Unacceptable

in WvW

Posted by: NargofWoV.4267


Wow, look at that, I got a back pack skin today for trying to go into Kessex Hills… Didn’t even know it was suppose to be a reward, did something for 15 min and got a unique backback skin…

Go figure.

Narg, Ranger JQ
Heavy Halo, Warrior JQ

WvW Season One Rewards Are Unacceptable

in WvW

Posted by: NargofWoV.4267


Really, totally missed that in the patch notes.

Narg, Ranger JQ
Heavy Halo, Warrior JQ

WvW Season One Rewards Are Unacceptable

in WvW

Posted by: NargofWoV.4267


You know, this entire 10 pages and countless threads could have been totally avoided if Anet had told everyone a head of time what the award was going to be for the seasons division winners. Then told us what the award was going to be for the other realms that completed the META.

Anet, learn a lesson here, tell us what the rewards are going to be next time. Don’t pretend and hide them like it is some great secret when they come out and there nothing more than mundane.

Narg, Ranger JQ
Heavy Halo, Warrior JQ

Was the intention to not reward servers?

in WvW

Posted by: NargofWoV.4267


So that’s how it goes? 1 response in 5 days?

I’m the only person that was upset about this?

FA is now holding it’s own against Gold League servers and YB is beating SBI and Mag (who actually would’ve made silver league interesting) this week. But that’s irrelevant because FA was put into Silver League.

I seriously hope that someone, anyone from Anet is watching this and realizes how stupid the league was.

Not going to argue with you because I don’t really care one way or the other. But, I did want to point out that regardless of how pointless you think the league was, it gave WvW the most meaning it’s ever had. Even if that isn’t saying much.

That’s my biggest fear, that WvW will just go back and be significant to those that only enjoy that type of game rather than open to all other folks who play for different reasons.

Another thing… Anet should have TOLD us the reward going into the season, particularly if they were going to underwhelm us with the reward. I don’t believe Anet should ever again not tell us an award before a season starts.

Narg, Ranger JQ
Heavy Halo, Warrior JQ

WvW Season One Rewards Are Unacceptable

in WvW

Posted by: NargofWoV.4267


As evident in this thread, people ‘grinded’ or ‘worked’ for this loot-chest. They didn’t find it fun. They spend their valuable time completing mundane tasks in order to satisfy their need for virtual colors. How exactly is that spending their time in a valuable manner?

It would have been time spent in a valuable manner if the reward was right. It’s the basic principle behind the thing called work — which not only applies to life sustenance but to any kind of non-instantly gratifying venture you can pursue in life.
How hard to understand is that?

You seem to have misunderstood my point. WvW shouldn’t be work. It should be fun. Not work – fun.

Look I get it. I get wanting to pimp out your character. To want to look good. But I just can’t get myself to waste my time being mad, bored, frustrated and alike, to eventually end up with pixels on a screen which hold no real value or meaning. My life is way too short for that, I’d much rather be happy as much as possible.

Is that your rhetoric when you with defeatism give up on acquiring that legendary? Or an ascended piece? Or even a cultural armor? Because you’d have to do “meaningless tasks” to get them?

Give up? I don’t want a legendary or an ascended piece. They are worth nothing to me. And if I ever decided I wanted something specific, I’d just play the game casually until I had the materials/gold needed. I’d never farm or grind for pixels – ever.
I do actually possess Infinite Light, but I never farmed to get it. I simply played the game on/off for about a year, while saving what little currency I earned, doing what I enjoyed.

Grinding is a matter of taste, in RL or Gaming world. Believe me when I tell you this is one of the least grindy MMMO’s I’ve ever played, so the “grind” in this game is pretty insignificant. But, honestly since you brought up RL, it is all about the individual. What you consider a grind, I may not. I can not slalom water ski, yet several of my buddies can bare foot, they think the grind to learn how to barefoot is worth it, I don’t.

This game really fits nicely with the non grinding mode in WvW because, while we have legendary and now Ascended weapons you don’t HAVE to have them. There have been games past where these type of weapons made a huge difference, one that you couldn’t avoid (jury is still out on someone fully decked out in Ascended/Legendary v. equally skilled in Exotic). You might not enjoy WvW when your group runs into a full Ascended, lesser skilled group that beats you anyway.

Then the grind may have more meaning for you.

Narg, Ranger JQ
Heavy Halo, Warrior JQ

Wait What?

in WvW

Posted by: NargofWoV.4267


Wow, that is going to get really old really fast.

Maybe my server can call a two-week WvW blackout and tank in ranks to diverse those match ups a bit.

<<<<BG player.


Narg, Ranger JQ
Heavy Halo, Warrior JQ

The time of the Ranger is now!

in Ranger

Posted by: NargofWoV.4267


Heh, I play a LB warrior now, what great fun it is to see folks run up to me thinking I’m a squishy Ranger.

Narg, Ranger JQ
Heavy Halo, Warrior JQ

Wait What?

in WvW

Posted by: NargofWoV.4267


It will be really interesting to see what they do with Season 2.

Narg, Ranger JQ
Heavy Halo, Warrior JQ

WvW Season One Rewards Are Unacceptable

in WvW

Posted by: NargofWoV.4267


Yup, what Righteous said…

Narg, Ranger JQ
Heavy Halo, Warrior JQ

SoR ~ JQ ~ BG 12/06/2013 v2

in Match-ups

Posted by: NargofWoV.4267


After the rush of season 1, yea I’m taking a bit of a break. I was on about as often as I could find the time during season 1 to do what I could do. Now, its break time before season 2. But, after the reward fiasco, I doubt I would try as hard to get in and help.

Narg, Ranger JQ
Heavy Halo, Warrior JQ

What you gonna do VS a Warrior Zerg in WvW?

in WvW

Posted by: NargofWoV.4267


I agree with what has been posted here, this heal is very very situational, and I doubt often used. Also, I’ve yet to see a “warrior zerg” like ever. And seriously doubt I ever will. Maybe goofing off during off season time, but not during the wvw season rush.

Narg, Ranger JQ
Heavy Halo, Warrior JQ

WvW Season One Rewards Are Unacceptable

in WvW

Posted by: NargofWoV.4267


Well, you are obviously in the extreme minority. One of the reasons Communism doesn’t succeed is the lack of a personal reward component. Reward is the basis for most of what we do in our lives. Particularly when we have been programmed to receive such, yea Pavlov was on to something.

Oh, thats funny, because based on the WvW guilds I have seen and fought with/against in WvW every single one plays for fun rather than rewards.
And funnily enough it is mainly people in those guild I see in WvW, so it would seem like people with that mindset is actually a majority rather than an extreme minority. Now the “reward” is besting the other team/player, but to accomplish this having the best gear (see squirrel cage) can be critically important to the task.

And no, communism “fails” because humans, by our nature, always want more. Don’t really see how that is relevant to this thread however.

Really? Every good WvW guild I’ve ever been involved with loved destroying the other person/team and would do everything to gain the edge to assure that would happen, including and most importantly having all the best gear to accomplish this goal (read, the squirrel cage grind). Falling behind in the gear grind means you fall behind against equally skilled opponents with better gear.

Relevance to this thread is because the rewards were seen as lack luster. Now, while I wasn’t for giving Ascended gear to the winning world(s), something should have been given special to mark the occasion, as they do in many other facets of this game.

Narg, Ranger JQ
Heavy Halo, Warrior JQ

(edited by NargofWoV.4267)

Ascended Gear

in WvW

Posted by: NargofWoV.4267


For what it is worth, Dev’s have stated they’re looking into this… However, I can’t recall of they said this before or after they put Ascended Mats into the loot tables for WvW.

Narg, Ranger JQ
Heavy Halo, Warrior JQ

WvW Season One Rewards Are Unacceptable

in WvW

Posted by: NargofWoV.4267



That’s the thing though – for a lot of people voicing their opinion in this thread, WvW has not been fun. It’s been work for them. It’s been a sour experience that they had hoped would be ‘rewarding’. Especially those coming from PvE to complete the achievement. Go look at the “Was Season 1 fun?” or “Is Season 1 a disappointment?” threads. From what I gather, the majority of WvW’ers didn’t actually enjoy themselves.

So that begs the question – why play then? To which most people would probably answer “for the rewards”. And in doing so, we’re back to my original argument. Play to have fun, not for virtual materials.

This is a video game. Luckily be both fun and rewarding. The topic of the thread isn’t “Why do we play video games?” the topic is “Was the WvW Season One reward chest adaquatly rewarding?” Most people (myself included) feel that it was not. Although, I had a blast, and would have been playing WvW anyway because it is the gametype that I most enjoy in GW2. However, for the longterm health of WvW as a gametype and what a WvW season could have meant I do feel that ArenaNet dropped the ball.

Except it was neither fun nor rewarding for a lot of players. And we apparently have totally different definitions of the term ‘rewarding’. To me; having fun, winning and being challenged is rewarding – a bunch of pixels is not.

So, like I didn’t play Mario Kart to get new vehicles, I do not play Guild Wars 2 to get shiny swords.

Well, you are obviously in the extreme minority. One of the reasons Communism doesn’t succeed is the lack of a personal reward component. Reward is the basis for most of what we do in our lives. Particularly when we have been programmed to receive such, yea Pavlov was on to something.

Narg, Ranger JQ
Heavy Halo, Warrior JQ

Tier 1 vs Tier 2 populations.

in WvW

Posted by: NargofWoV.4267


During season 1 our Tier 1 server had commanders on all the time, and the commanders were organized with time assignments… I believe. I’m not a commander but you hear hints on organization in TeamSpeak. And, yes Tier 1 servers are going to have better off hour population.

Narg, Ranger JQ
Heavy Halo, Warrior JQ

Today Anet taught us to never be selfish

in WvW

Posted by: NargofWoV.4267


Two work days now, and not a single reply from Anet to these threads…

Because, Anet has a perfect reason for doing what they did, its internal and they don’t care to share it with the rest of us. Maybe it was a mistake it pushed Que’s into a problematic world they had not anticipated, made them drop what they were doing and work on a temporary map for WvW que’rs as a stop gap, which took time away from story line work. If they made the reward decent enough, then WvW que’s would persist??? And they would have more mad que’rs?

Just a guess. Maybe they figured the “Veteran of the Mists” title, the dolyak mini, and a chance at greens, yellows and oranges was good enough for most stuff, may as well be good enough for WvW elitists… >shrugs<

They really haven’t said, I doubt they ever will.

Narg, Ranger JQ
Heavy Halo, Warrior JQ

Servers suffering due to WvW performance

in WvW

Posted by: NargofWoV.4267


It is normalized, it is normalized between all wvw servers. Now, if you don’t have the population to fill a wvw que, that’s a different story. Perhaps Anet could adjust the WvW population cap lower in the lower populated tier servers to “balance” things out?

Narg, Ranger JQ
Heavy Halo, Warrior JQ

WvW Season One Rewards Are Unacceptable

in WvW

Posted by: NargofWoV.4267


Finally, since “rewards” are all over this game, it begs the question, with your attitude why are you playing a reward based game? Go play chess.


You said you didn’t need rewards, victory was reward enough. For the rest of us, that’s just plainly not true. MMORPG’s as a genre depend on rewards for time invested.

So as the poster said, Chess or another PvP game with no rewards would be a better fit for you

You want rewards and shiny pixels because you’ve been conditioned to wanting it. What kind of ‘rewards’ did Red Alert, Warcraft, Frogger, The Lost Vikings, Donkey Kong, Counter-Strike, Half-Life, Mario 64 etc etc. give you?

I have zero clue, I have never played any of those games, yet I have played almost every single MMO since the dawn of MMO’s from Diablo to UO to Everquest to DaoC to WoW to Warhammer to Aion, every one of them rewarded you in game for doing in game tasks, either in pvp, wvw or pve. Anet let the wvw community down with this reward. They may deem it good enough, which obviously they do and I suppose they have their reasons. However, to me they have missed the mark and I think WvW will suffer because of it.

To the winners goes the spoils, sadly these spoils under achieved in a game that constantly gives us spoils for playing it. When I can buy a new head skin at the Gem store for gold or $10.00, they could have given the winning worlds something as cool for putting in the 7 weeks worth of effort.

Narg, Ranger JQ
Heavy Halo, Warrior JQ

WvW Ranger

in Ranger

Posted by: NargofWoV.4267


Yea, I stopped playing my Ranger in wvw a while ago… I may revisit after this patch… I no longer wanted to fight the Anet’s opinion on what Rangers are suppose to be in WvW vs. my own opinion on what a Ranger should be in WvW.

Narg, Ranger JQ
Heavy Halo, Warrior JQ

WvW Season One Rewards Are Unacceptable

in WvW

Posted by: NargofWoV.4267


Hahahaha. This is hilarious.
So many players who went WvW’ing for the sole purpose of getting rewards, are now raging because they were not sufficient and they wasted their time..
How about you stop playing for the sake of rewards and actually play the gamemode you find most enjoyable?
Hopefully all the braindead players spamming trebuchets 24/7 for achievements will now go back to PvE.

Your incorrect, I don’t think I deserved any type of special reward because my server didn’t come in first. I do think the winning server deserved something unique, more than a 250 use finisher. Playing a game… Has a reward based factor involved in it, if not, we wouldn’t have ranks to put over our lil heads. Also, this is not a communist system, there should be a reward for being better than the next guy, not everyone gets the same stuff.

Also, it isn’t a great business model to entice folks to WvW, then push them away from WvW with lack luster rewards. Having a problem with too many folks WvW is a lot better than having a problem with just the die hard few who’s sole gaming experience revolves around WvW playing. No way a game company like Anet has this as their motto. Fix Que’s, bring in more maps, they can fix too many folks, it is a lot harder to fix not enough folks.

Playing a game has a reward based factor?
Please. The reward should be fun and personal improvement, not materialistic things.
CS 1.6 was one of the biggest competitive games of all time, and what rewards were you talking about again?
Also, I seriously had to laugh at the there should be a reward for being better than the next guy, not everyone gets the same stuff.-part.
The only reason why certain servers came on first place is because they have either:
1. More people
2. More people actually ridiculous enough to act like bots, completing boring and grinding content every day.
So if there should be a reward for being better than the next guy, why don’t I receive rewards everytime I win 3v8 fights?
Oh.. I forgot. I actually do. The sheer victorious feeling is enough, THAT is my reward. Why would I want anything else?

1. BG won with the same numbers that we had… We had a Que, they had a Que, Que = server full. So not true, “more people”. Now if you are talking late night coverage, perhaps, but they would routinely beat us full que to full que in prime time. Hats off to them.

2. Your point #2 doesn’t help you “win” a season, it is only good for personal achievement reward, which was tied into how your realm finished, or was suppose to be.

Finally, since “rewards” are all over this game, it begs the question, with your attitude why are you playing a reward based game? Go play chess.

Narg, Ranger JQ
Heavy Halo, Warrior JQ

How do you think rangers fare in WvW?

in WvW

Posted by: NargofWoV.4267


Na, it isn’t hard to say a Ranger killed my Warrior the other day, my Warrior isn’t set up for 1v1 and the Ranger was. Rangers are great solo, the problem comes in with group play. Rangers go down faster than fast when focused. So, how does anyone say in a Zerg, I killed 4 rangers, who knows 3/4’rs of the time what your killing when 20 folks drop around you. My ranger is bunker built, and in zerg work survivability was poor, especially if I tried Melee, either GS or Sword/torch or Axe/Horn.

Narg, Ranger JQ
Heavy Halo, Warrior JQ

WvW Season One Rewards Are Unacceptable

in WvW

Posted by: NargofWoV.4267


Hahahaha. This is hilarious.
So many players who went WvW’ing for the sole purpose of getting rewards, are now raging because they were not sufficient and they wasted their time..
How about you stop playing for the sake of rewards and actually play the gamemode you find most enjoyable?
Hopefully all the braindead players spamming trebuchets 24/7 for achievements will now go back to PvE.

Your incorrect, I don’t think I deserved any type of special reward because my server didn’t come in first. I do think the winning server deserved something unique, more than a 250 use finisher. Playing a game… Has a reward based factor involved in it, if not, we wouldn’t have ranks to put over our lil heads. Also, this is not a communist system, there should be a reward for being better than the next guy, not everyone gets the same stuff.

Also, it isn’t a great business model to entice folks to WvW, then push them away from WvW with lack luster rewards. Having a problem with too many folks WvW is a lot better than having a problem with just the die hard few who’s sole gaming experience revolves around WvW playing. No way a game company like Anet has this as their motto. Fix Que’s, bring in more maps, they can fix too many folks, it is a lot harder to fix not enough folks.

Narg, Ranger JQ
Heavy Halo, Warrior JQ

How do you think rangers fare in WvW?

in WvW

Posted by: NargofWoV.4267


Rangers are fine. Just try another build.
Pets are also fine to a point, i mainly use them for the CC and let them have their fun otherwise.

However, they suffer a lot in full groups:
Lack of CC – cause what is 1 binding roots vs a hammer warrior’s cc ?
Pet problems – not ranger exclusive, minion necros and phantasm mesmers have same problems, add to that the lack of pet AI in this game.
Lack of stability
Lack of stun breakers
Lack of group utility – what can a ranger provide in comparison to a guard, war, ele or even a support traited necro or mesmer ?
Ranger water field – what is 1 field vs eles multi fields, or virtue guards heals which provide prot, aegis, stability, even a group stun breaker at same time as the heals (albeit weaker ones but can be used 2-3 times per each ranger CD)?

CC: spike trap, frost trap, muddy terrain, entangle, hilt bash, point blank shot, crippling shot, crippling talon, winter’s bite, path of scars + pet fear / immobilize / chill.
Stability: signet of the wild, rampage as one.
Stun breakers for rangers : quickening zephyr, signet of renewal, protect me, lightning reflexes. You also have invulnerability with signet of stone.

They’re not the best at healing, they’re not the best at dpsing and they’re not the best at survivability. Still, there are very viable options for wvw other than using a bow with zerker gear…

So, what you’re saying is, we are very ok. Which translates into meh.

Narg, Ranger JQ
Heavy Halo, Warrior JQ

What the rewards should have been and why.

in WvW

Posted by: NargofWoV.4267


While I think an Ascended would have been a bit much… A really cool glow effect added to a piece or armor or a WvW skin for an armor piece or a special weapon skin would have been in line.

Narg, Ranger JQ
Heavy Halo, Warrior JQ

Thanks to the WvW team.

in WvW

Posted by: NargofWoV.4267


Boonprot, I like your post, but I would argue JQ going into the season was considered the top server… I would also say that it looked like two other realms conspired to bring JQ down, which may or may not have been “planned” and is fine either way. So to me, BG winning was an upset, but well deserved by them they played well and earned my congrats.

I do agree with you that Coverage rules the day in persistent world v world games. The EU and Ocean worlds are suppose to keep this from happening, limiting the off hours guilds from hitting off hour coverage. However, it has not succeeded. This isn’t the first game to encounter this problem nor will it be the last.

However, one point you made is that season 1 was some how a failure and that lessons learned need to come out of it. While I agree, lessons learned, I don’t consider the vast numbers of ‘not usual’ wvw players joining in is a bad thing. It is a good thing, a good problem to solve.

So, yes, thanks to Anet for making WvW relevant to more players… Wish it was going to continue going forward, but I have my doubts.

Narg, Ranger JQ
Heavy Halo, Warrior JQ

WvW Season One Rewards Are Unacceptable

in WvW

Posted by: NargofWoV.4267


When is having TOO many people wanting to participate in your game ever a BAD idea? They’re making an entire new map just to handle this problem. Chasing folks away by offering perceived inferior rewards, which your happy about cause it chases folks out of WvW is just bad bad bad.

When the game can’t handle it?
And no, Edge of the Mists won’t really solve the issue either, since it doesn’t actually contribute to the “real” matches.

They absolutely want people to participate, but I doubt they want everyone to stack on 6 servers just because those are most likely to win.
And that is the main issue, people are so obsessed with rewards so that would do anything to get them, including making everything worse for both themselves and others.

Ok, I will grant you that having long que’s on top servers is an issue, however again, from a game ownership perspective, chasing folks away from WvW will never, should never be the answer. Plus this isn’t a communist system, to the victors go the spoils. You can say what you want, but there (aside from a bug that is rumored) a cap on players. So unless you’re speaking of a 24/7 coverage issue, it is the same number of players v the same number of players, the rest of us are stacked in que or soon the new wvw map waiting on a que. If you’re that upset about sitting in a que, xfer to a less populated servers. One of our long time sister guilds from DaoC did that very thing.

However, doesn’t look like, at least in this game, you can have it both ways, no que’s and top servers. Face it, if your facing a world with que’s and you have no que’s you’re probably going to be outmanned which usually equates to a loss.

Narg, Ranger JQ
Heavy Halo, Warrior JQ

WvW Season One Rewards Are Unacceptable

in WvW

Posted by: NargofWoV.4267


I was very happy with the rewards

1. at least now we know for season 2 it will mean less queues, due to disappointed ppl not returning for such little rewards.
2. ppl that bandwagoned to a potentially winning server had no need too, which messed with balance.
3. servers that tanked down to a lower league expecting riches had no need too and may think twice about doing it again.
4. if it was anything worth more we would have had the same bullkitten queues/transfers/server tanking crap that we had this season. other than that it was awesome stuff.

More fool all of the above.^^
For those that played and fought as they normally do didn’t expect too much and didn’t go out of their way to complete the achievements knowing it would come in time with regular play good on you, and hope they have a season 2 to face u again.

Season 1 wasn’t about the rewards for me it was about the variety of servers we fought and fun times we had, and it was kittening ace.

When is having TOO many people wanting to participate in your game ever a BAD idea? They’re making an entire new map just to handle this problem. Chasing folks away by offering perceived inferior rewards, which your happy about cause it chases folks out of WvW is just bad bad bad.

Narg, Ranger JQ
Heavy Halo, Warrior JQ

Thanks to the WvW team.

in WvW

Posted by: NargofWoV.4267


Of course the rewards aren’t on scale with PvE… but you shouldn’t expect them to be. Anet is taking baby steps on this matter. They don’t want to inbalance the community further and they surely don’t want to provide winners with easy means to victory.

It is hard to say, imbalance it further as everyone in this season WAS fighting for some sort of decent reward. I don’t believe any victor had it easy.

The reason why WvW at this moment is so unrewarding, is that zergs are still the most lucrative. A commander and a blob of 50 people can easily earn 5x (if not 10x) as much as a solo roamer or a small group roamer. If 50v50 people clash in eachother, one side will win. This means, if you’re a good tagger, 30-40 bags of loot from killing one single zerg. This is immense compared to small scale:
- every 5-20 minutes you find a fight.
- most of the fights are <10 people.
- if more than 20 people attack your 5, you loose or have to run.
- you are able to cap a tower/keep once in a while, unless there’s zergs everywhere.

WvWvW is exactly that, World v World, not 5-10 man v 5-10 man. If Anet wishes to do that, make some 5-10 man areas and only allow that size in. Having map blobs roaming around is a legit tactic in a World v. World. Now Anet has said they’re working on ways of rewarding in keep takes so that “scouts” who don’t make it to the Keep Lord but were instrumental in the Keep take get proper rewards.

Despite this, a 5-man team often does more valuable work than a zerg: they cap camps very fast, they ninja towers within minutes and due to their small size manage to do it unnoticed. They often fight greater odds, and still win, which is admirable.

Yes, havoc groups serve a valuable purpose but taking camps and guard points are a reward in WvW. Havoc groups if successful gain along with everyone else.

If they would make WvW lucrative on the level of a small scale roamer, it’ll mean a huge benefit on the level of a zerg, inbalancing the whole game. That’s the only reason I can offer.

I hear you. I fully believe there is room for solo roaming in the frontiers or small group roaming. During the season on late week blow outs, our guild could get in with small groups and do, well small group stuff… We’d look for little scrums here and there to have guild fun in. You can still do it and compete in larger events as well. I don’t believe it is a detriment to the concept of WvW.

Narg, Ranger JQ
Heavy Halo, Warrior JQ

Thanks to the WvW team.

in WvW

Posted by: NargofWoV.4267


I would rather have an alive WvW than one that is completely dead due to stacking.
WvW have been a limited interest to the playerbase since release, I don’t really see why it would suddenly become an issue now.

You can’t say that Season 1 limited interest, interest went up, all be it for the supposed rewards, but it went up. Folks QQ’n about the Q’s like no tomorrow. To me, that’s a good problem to solve.

Narg, Ranger JQ
Heavy Halo, Warrior JQ

Are Arena Net working on balance issues?

in WvW

Posted by: NargofWoV.4267


It is difficult to work on Balance when a lot of classes have a variety of ways to play them, like a Ranger that can be great in 1 on 1 fights but the same build is pretty useless in Keep takes, defends or zerg battles.

How do you balance that?

Narg, Ranger JQ
Heavy Halo, Warrior JQ

Thanks to the WvW team.

in WvW

Posted by: NargofWoV.4267


Ok, I’ll play along. Why should they be? The WvW event was the perfect time to award the winning worlds with something extra special to draw more folks into WvW on a steady basis. Season 1 was a huge success as evidenced by the long que’s obviously due to PvE’rs (sarcasm off). Que’s meant folks were actually fighting to get into and participate regardless of reason in WvW. Instead of making a special gift for the winners thereby ensuring more active WvW into the future, the gifts were seen as lack luster, below what they give for PvE events, no special skins, no special titles aside from the everyone got veteran of the mists. The rewards even lacked a WvW element like badges, plans, serious gold.

Now, who knows if wvw will have the same draw going forward, the same fight for that special something. The Anet team gave high expectations and those expectations were deemed by a lot of folks to be under met. Did we read wrong Anet’s posts about the rewards? Did Anet honestly misunderstand what the clients desired? Many business’s have failed due to a disconnect between what management’s perception of a clients wish and the reality of said wish.

Honestly believe Anet could have done more with less, but special, than more with nothing special. Award the winners. Keep us motivated to WvW, to dethrone the winners, don’t give everyone the same ole stuff.

And if the winners got super awesome rewards season two would simply be: “Every single PvE:er stacks on the server that is most likely to win”, thus making it more or less impossible to get some sort of interesting matches and most people wouldn’t be able to play at all due to queues.

What would you rather have as a problem, a game with Que’s you have to fix, or a game with no que’s and limited interest by your player base?

Narg, Ranger JQ
Heavy Halo, Warrior JQ

Best class for bag farming?

in WvW

Posted by: NargofWoV.4267


I never found my Ranger to be a good ‘tagger’. Warrior is vastly superior to my Ranger and I’m still only using a LB on my Warrior.

Narg, Ranger JQ
Heavy Halo, Warrior JQ

Thanks to the WvW team.

in WvW

Posted by: NargofWoV.4267


Now we get rewards and people complain. I agree, the rewards aren’t “super”, but why should they be?

Ok, I’ll play along. Why should they be? The WvW event was the perfect time to award the winning worlds with something extra special to draw more folks into WvW on a steady basis. Season 1 was a huge success as evidenced by the long que’s obviously due to PvE’rs (sarcasm off). Que’s meant folks were actually fighting to get into and participate regardless of reason in WvW. Instead of making a special gift for the winners thereby ensuring more active WvW into the future, the gifts were seen as lack luster, below what they give for PvE events, no special skins, no special titles aside from the everyone got veteran of the mists. The rewards even lacked a WvW element like badges, plans, serious gold.

Now, who knows if wvw will have the same draw going forward, the same fight for that special something. The Anet team gave high expectations and those expectations were deemed by a lot of folks to be under met. Did we read wrong Anet’s posts about the rewards? Did Anet honestly misunderstand what the clients desired? Many business’s have failed due to a disconnect between what management’s perception of a clients wish and the reality of said wish.

Honestly believe Anet could have done more with less, but special, than more with nothing special. Award the winners. Keep us motivated to WvW, to dethrone the winners, don’t give everyone the same ole stuff.

Narg, Ranger JQ
Heavy Halo, Warrior JQ

WvW Season One Rewards Are Unacceptable

in WvW

Posted by: NargofWoV.4267


What BG did was destroy Tier one, how anet allows that crap is beyond me but…

Luckily, I don’t wvw for rewards.

JQ helped with their recruitment. SoR would have also had you all gotten more so don’t try to play any kind of victim. You are all just as culpable.

There are more than just those three serers in gold tier, lets not much assumptions of where Aaron is from.

Huh? Choo is a guild on one particular server.

Narg, Ranger JQ
Heavy Halo, Warrior JQ

Re-Enable Town Clothes in WvW! Please!

in WvW

Posted by: NargofWoV.4267


You guys do know there was a particular issue with town clothing and fast travel across a map.. right?

Narg, Ranger JQ
Heavy Halo, Warrior JQ

WvW Season One Rewards Are Unacceptable

in WvW

Posted by: NargofWoV.4267


yup, I feel bad for the number 1 server, not even a permanent finisher? Or a title saying season 1 best or something. A chance at a skin of some sort??? disappointing considering the effort involved.

The thing however is that being the number one server doesn’t really have that much to do with effort, but rather having a stacked server.

And if they did give very special and cool items for the winners only (not counting the finisher) people would stack even more for season 2, and thus destroying WvW even more.

That is so much bull about no effort.

BG put in a lot of effort. The server organized and people stayed up late or logged on earlier than normal. Lots of people did boring stuff with escorting dolyaks and placing siege. There was a lot of effort put into ensuring the win.

You should just crawl back into your hole.

Yup, I’m disappointed for you guys on BG, because I know how much effort we put in on JQ to try to displace you guys at the top, so I know how much effort went in to holding that top spot. You guys were rooked by these chests.

Narg, Ranger JQ
Heavy Halo, Warrior JQ

How do you think rangers fare in WvW?

in WvW

Posted by: NargofWoV.4267


C’mon, single target snipping is a waste of time in a lot of WvW, which is why Rifle warriors aren’t seen much at all. In keep work a Warrior with a LB is a lot better than a Ranger with a long bow, why? Easy, two of the warrior LB attacks are shoot and forget AoE’s while the poor ranger has to sit exposed on a wall in order to get his AoE off.

Rangers in the zerg tend to be pretty useless as well, at least the way our Commanders ask the zerg to move, my guess would be take a short bow and utilize it in zerg work with piercing arrow, but I always felt pretty useless in zerg work on my LB ranger, which is again the opposite of my LB warrior, which again can drop his AoE’s into active zerg areas while moving to really good effect.

Ranger pet is responsible for 30% ish of a rangers overall dps. The pet mechanics especially with lag are really a challenge particularly with ranged rangers. A melee ranger can keep a pet close. However, even with a bunker build on my ranger his survival wasn’t up to snuff if I tried to stay with the melee types at the head of the train. Pets have a tendency to run all over the map agro’n on their own anything that damages them, like AoE’s and wvwvw has a LOT of AoE’s. Pets are pretty useless in keep work as they can’t go outside the walls unless you skill up “guard” but then they usually die fast.

Sadly, I have found they’re just not as useful in wvw as other classes. Best example I have… I have over 80 ranks on my level 80 warrior and 15 ranks on my 80 Ranger… My Ranger has spent 2x more time in WvW than my Warrior.

Narg, Ranger JQ
Heavy Halo, Warrior JQ

(edited by NargofWoV.4267)

Would you complete Season 2 achievements?

in WvW

Posted by: NargofWoV.4267


Without there being a decent reward given out. No, I hate jump puzzles… I really really hate jump puzzles and there is no way to complete without doing them. I won’t be going out of my way again.

Narg, Ranger JQ
Heavy Halo, Warrior JQ

S1 Rewards, awesome

in WvW

Posted by: NargofWoV.4267


Huh, they will follow you??? I thought they were just to put into a pack area to look at from time to time.

Narg, Ranger JQ
Heavy Halo, Warrior JQ

Do not change WvW rewards.

in WvW

Posted by: NargofWoV.4267


nah no need to change the reward. it is already appropriate.

people are complaining because most of them pay 1800 gems for a bunch of dolyak finisher (hilarious! ROFL)
you dont get rewarded in the end of regular wvw matches so why all the complain over free gift? you think you are the only one completing the achievement? everybody complete the achievement. the reward is server wide and you expect luxurious item like precursor or tons of gold? its your own fault then, i posted about the rewards since before the league begin and i feel satisfied about it now since it is worse than i expected
thank you a net for the reward and this should teach many people to stop bandwagoning winning server whenever they can (10 min wvw queue is not acceptable by my standard, 2 hours? ………… better close the game or do something more fun)

All this will do is teach people to look for a different game that rewards them for effort…

Narg, Ranger JQ
Heavy Halo, Warrior JQ