Showing Posts For Nero.3654:
At the start sorry for my english.
I main guardian from beta and after few testing ( after i wonna throw monitor from window) i got bleesed from Dwayna.
F skills schoud work like mantras and mantras schoud be tomes.
U can take one utility u want dependet on build ( tomes skill that give u new weapons skills) and F skills got ammo mechaniks)
Pls think about this it schoud rly work!
Same here – got all nodes
Same here – hair like op – unplayable;)
Race: Human
Sex: Male
New Soul River Glider Is to far from back on norn char. I look on human and is fine.
Mabye one LB skill should be able to trow a trap. U preper a trap u want to be shoot or shoot last u cast?
If not maybe new f1 skill will shoot last trap u cast
(edited by Nero.3654)
This is very stupid, my norn character only (male and female) move head when i turn camera while right mouse button ON – without target. Maybe i make movie later. This start from last patch.
This is very stupid, my norn character only (male and female) move head when i turn camera while right mouse button ON – without target. Maybe i make movie later. This start from last patch.
HoT Price Feedback + Base game included [merged]
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Nero.3654
Imo for veterans should be delux for 50$
85hz 85fps + use hero panel = 43fps
85hz 60fps + use hero panel = 43fps
60hz 60fps + use hero panel = 60fps
60hz 50fps + use hero panel = 50fps
this is from old topic but maybe help u
“actually, its going to depend on your card. Pre HD7000 Series will find that 13.4 will work best for Win7, If they are running Win8/8.1 then 13.12 will work best. Post HD7000 series will find that 13.9 for Win7 and again 13.12 for Win8/8.1”
Ok after fix is better now fps was back:) but hero panel or preview ( when u see ur hero on window) allways cut my fps to 43. In empty place when i got 85fps take 42fps and in LA for example i got 54 eat 11. I know game show me my hero and may take fps cuz this but why this funny numbers isn should be -5 or 10fps allways? Oo.
Frend got similar spec and this dont take his fps only drop for a secon and back.
I play on old crt monitor on 1600×1200 85hz Vsync On
Is more crazy, i changer resolution on 60hz and vsync change tp 60fps like should be (ofc 60hz on crt monitor is unplayable for my eyes) but on 60hz game run like should be , use hero panel or prev and fps dont drop, same place in game on more hz and drop still to 43fps ;/
look like is some problem with more hz monitor anyone of you could check this on 75lcd or 120/144hz monitors??
Ok is better now but hero panel or preview ( when u see ur hero on window) allways cut my fps to 43. In empty place when i got 85fps take 42fps and in LA for example i got 54 eat 11. I know game show me my hero and may take fps cuz this but why this funny numbers isn should be -5 or 10fps allways? Oo
Ac and Hom i smaller maps so more fps ther is normal i think
He forgot to open bank^^ same drop as inventory
Open more window like inv. prview, tp, heropanel not lagy but takes fps use fraps and check. I can go from 50fps to less then 20 if open it.
Off UI give back lots of fps but is more strange things, turn off antyaliasing give me 1-2fps before was lots more same with model limits from lowest to hightest give~5 in crowd arena.
Open inventory cost 10fps:P
(edited by Nero.3654)
WTB fps for Guild Wars 2 pm:P
UI eat our fps miam miam;/
AN pls………………….
UI eat 20fps here^^
Ye same here turn off UI give me back my 20 fps:)
Same here
2500k 4.0 and hd6950
drop~20fps in deserted areas
i dont wonna play cuz this atm
turn off UI give this fps back
20fps only for turn in off is crazy………………
You can say that on all daily they gave us from game launch and i need better reward for this e.g. AP or more tokens for crap dungeons path. JP reward is so exited too
(edited by Nero.3654)
Ok if we got silly login reward all PvE daily ( for 80lvl) should looks that:
- complete specific path on specific dungeon (e.g. cof3 / reward x2 tokens) including story mode
- complete specific JP or mini dungeons
- fractal daily like new one
- 5 or more events on region is fine too
- one world event including temple in Orr and SW branch
- daily activity
For real vistas and gatherer on region……………
same here , europe here
I rly want to see achievements for done all possible events in game ( ofc we need check list for this)
1. Hearts should be repeatable once a week after complete 100% world map and reward should be add for complete all hearts on map.
2. Achievements for done all possible events in game ( ofc we need check list for this)
3. Add specific dungeon path , puzzle to daily
4. More events need daily chest ( hallow in explorer etc.)
5. Reward for dungeon master in gold for character
6. 180 tokens from dungeons after complete all paths no time limits u can done 1 and another after month
7. For tokens u can only buy armors, weapons should be random drop from last chest and can be sellable
8. Karka raid should start once a day and reward should reset weekly
9. Maps like Jade Quarry should be good for spvp
10. Short way but nice for casuals players – Alliance Battle from GW 1 can be implements as a GVG
11. After events done, molten dungeon can be added as a fractal
12. Maybe legendary weapons should give +5 for traits
I thought this before read next patch but this type of content will be welcome.
8. Karka raid should start one a day and reward should reset weekly
Don’t know what this means
This Karka event that was few months ago look like raid and ppl complain of lack content like that. This event can be start once a day and reward will be reset weekly
10. Short way but nice for casuals players – Alliance Battle from GW 1 can be implements as a GVG
Not experienced with Alliance Battle
Ab in gw 1 was smililar to spvp but got bigger maps and 12 vs 12 players in ( 3 teams for 4 in one side ) and mobs on camp spots
As a player i will play more if :
1. Hearts should be repeatable once a week after complete 100% world map and reward should be add for complete all hearts on maps
2. Achievements for done all possible events in game ( ofc we need check list for this)
3. Add specific dungeon path , puzzle to daily
4. More events need daily chest ( hallow in explorer etc.)
5. Reward for dungeon master in gold for character
6. 180 tokens from dungeons after complete all paths no time limits u can done 1 and another after month
7. For tokens u can only buy armors, weapons should be random drop from last chest and can be sellable
8. Karka raid should start one a day and reward should reset weekly
9. Maps like Jade Quarry should be good for spvp
10. Short way but nice for casuals players – Alliance Battle from GW 1 can be implements as a GVG
11. After events done, molten dungeon can be added as a fractal
12. Maybe legendary weapons should give +5 for traits
Anyone knows what dye is on twilight handle? I try and allmost like it is shade olive but not same.
Ok i had great hope of this and what?? Is still same thinks to do, (daily is orr + metrical)
I have few example that i want to share
- done 5 events of any krytans maps
- kill x mobs on any shiverpeek maps and gathering there
- done one explo path of dung X
for montly could be done all p of dung x or done world boss
i know that not all have lvl 80 + char but it could be for 80lvl accound or add , done 4 hearts and to earn reward make 4/5 tasks
Same problem here
2500k 6950 8gbram
LA is so great and big maybe make 15 or more small spot in city that guilds can buy. Spot will have small asura gate with guild baner and bank npc. Free tp to that gate for nn to cometo the mist.
after last patch i have so slow loading screens!
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Nero.3654
I got ssd too. After patch got longer loads on all maps.
Cursed Shore said us go to home:) 3 main camps are bug shelter and the second one near dont start event. Panitent cant progres. My best chain events that starts near this big ship (Npc tactican someone) was gone 2 days after reset so miss 3 event too. i love game pls try fix this.
I wonna see new UW that super hard and req. 3-5h and after done it portal in La center will open and team come back in full of glory:p
“team spirit” still can be here . They need to makes change that allow player to play a bit more tactican for adds more visable CPC.
I cant compare gw 2 dungons to this instance from gw1 but they can still be work all that we need is
1. Remove dungons weapons buyable for tokens, make it rare drop from end chest.
2. To craft dungons armor add materials req.
3. Ad survivor mode to dungon (no possible resurrection , perma fail) thos make new possibility to rewarding from that mode , maybe only that weapons can drop or make one set of armor or weapon that can be collected only in this mode and one piece from different dungon.
I got more..)
Whats u mates think??