(edited by Nerodon.8602)
Showing Posts For Nerodon.8602:
Good suggestion, I will see what I can do.
Good suggestion??!!!
Transfer to low server, ride it to the top, collect rewards, repeat.
Server hopping is already an issue, why encourage it?
Top servers still gain the top rewards so there is no incentive to jump from a top server to a bottom server.
Servers on the bottom should have something they can realistically achieve. A server like NSP which is a top of bronze tier server has no real hope of beating FA or SBI, but they are definitely going to be improving their rating.
~bump for continued discussion and a reminder.
I do agree that we need a true representation of effort and skill given to all participants in the league. The main issue is that, as of right now, it isn’t balanced, it has never been, it’s not really fair for the little guy, despite the efforts and skills employed to stay on the losing end and get nothing at the end of the day. It makes for difficult weeks ahead dying a lot to huge zergs suck even more when at the end they are being declared the all time biggest losers of their league.
That would be hard to measure though. Score wouldn’t be a good indicator of skill at all, it never really was since it’s been mostly about the 24h coverage ratio. In the case of NSP, they should be rewarded for getting kills while outnumbered or defending keeps while outnumbered. Some twist giving them more incentive to keep playing against the odds, something that isn’t just an XP/Karma/WXP boost but something that can actually improve their score or get a best effort award!
Like prizes to servers who, in their league had, most keeps defended successfully while outnumbered, most kills done while outnumbered, things like that. And of course, another prize for most improved rating during the league would be amazing.
You want to promote playing regardless of odds to encourage low pop server to fight more than they usually would, fight the “were losing, I aint playing WvW this week” mentality and make it an enjoyable experience for lower tiered participants in a league.
(edited by Nerodon.8602)
We’re moreso a late NA guild and by the time we’re on, there are hardly any queues. We enjoyed it last matchup when we’d have to be ready to face two guilds at a time on any given map. It kept us on our toes and made for interesting nights. I don’t think you guys would have queues most of the time we’re on maps though. I did hear you guys have had some rough luck with some guilds and guild leaders, which explains why I haven’t seen them. It’s been hard to even distinguish the one guild that’s leading the map though. Just try to remember, later at night you guys can break down the group on the map in half. There’s no way we would have been able to defend both FABL and SBI Bay Tuesday night if you guys had a two forces on map, instead of just the one large one. I get it if that wasn’t possible though. Anyhow, I don’t envy the position SBI is in. You’re getting a small feel for what things on FA were like when we faced you last.
Last call for a GvG though. Send me a mail here on the site if you or your guild would like to fight. If you don’t want a GvG we can just call it some skirmishing if you want to test anything out.
Ya, I hear you.
There’s not even a point in maintaining Glicko.
Looks like we’ll get second.
Wouldn’t expect much fightback the next two days.
See you again in 6 weeks =pMaintaining enough Glicko for the tier your server wants to be in has always been one of the few reasons I could understand why people ppt. I don’t understand your comment though. The reward of WvW has always been WvW itself and the competition of fighting other guilds or organized and talented groups. The reward shouldn’t be some stupid arbitrary token from winning a league with some bs certification of participation. WvW has always been imbalanced and the score boards will only ever reflect on the coverage population between the servers. Anet didn’t just magically poop balance into WvW. I don’t get why people think for some reason that score matters because we’ve been moved from a tier to a League. It’s not balanced, and I’m sad that so few seem to play WvW for what it is rather than what it is they’ll get.
HOPE will be out there as always, hoping to find a guild that plays for competition. Abys or TE, you’re our last hope for a GvG tomorrow. It seems everyone has fallen into the can’t win won’t try philosophy. I’m hoping you prove us wrong.
When there’s nothing left to play for, there’s always going to be a lack of real effort. We’ll get 3 points this week for getting second, not much can change that.
In football when one team is dominating in the 4th quarter, both teams generally sit their starters, since the game is over.
In hockey, one team might start a different goalie in the third period to get some experience if the team is losing 7-1.
Games that are meant to be competitive lose that edge when the outcome has been decided before the game ends.
Maybe certain people simply ‘play for the fights’. Others play for the score and to win. Once the score and win has been decided, it’s “wait until Friday” for a lot of people.
Hmm that’s an interesting analysis, I do think you’re right about that. Well like you said, when losing, it’s still good practice, and in WvW, it’s still rewarding and fun, you get loots bags and captures blah blah blah regardless if you win or lose right? Unless you get obliterated by anything on the map and can’t even get kills, which isn’t the case for this match up anyway.
Being from DB and in 3rd hasn’t drained my spirits, we are having so much fun anyways. We lose because we can’t keep anything for very long and can’t be active on all maps at once, but when we play, we have fun and get good fights, win some, lose some, everyone gets a piece of the pie.
I do think that instead of 1 week long matches maybe 7 micro matches where the scores reset everyday and people can fight for 1st 2nd and 3rd everyday in the same match up, this way you could tally up points for places kept along the week rather than final score after 7 days. That way, the 3rd places could get a few 2nd places in the week when lucky/very involved, 2nd can get a few 1st if the match is pretty even etc. This would solve the whole, “We won/lost already, don’t need to play anymore” attitude.
As someone who plays Guardian in WvW mostly, I never felt needing to specialise my build for WvW, I play mostly Support/toughness builds for high healing and survivability with traits, but then go Power/Prec/Tough in weapons/armor/trinkets with Melandru runes.
I use this for both PvE and WvW and having a ton of fun out there.
But here’s the few points that can help choose or avoid the guardian.
-Very tough, can survive a zerg after all your friends die, and run, even while being constantly attacked to your nearest base! (Yeah feels cheap sometimes)
-With Staff, great cone ‘1’ attack and mark for team speed buff and AoE damage, also, giving 12 might to you and some allies is fantastic. Also, that wall CC skills in choke points can save the precious seconds you need to keep the enemy zerg in a hot AoE spam!
-Scepter for range, AoE and Immobilise, great for chasing enemies, I use shield offhand for the push back on ‘5’, use that on enemies rezzing their friends, then do a finisher on said friends!
-With clear of voice trait, you convert 1 condition to a boon for every shout you make! I always have at least 2 shouts, Retreat and Stand your ground, if crippled, use a shout it’ll turn it into swiftness! Very cool to get you out of tough spots.
-Low Damage, yes, it’s the reality of support Guardians wielding staff/scepter, as an alternative, I’d equip GreatSword instead of Scepter/shield if roaming in smaller groups. In Zergs, staff is still the best since the cone of your ‘1’ attack can hit dozens of enemies at the same time without getting too close!
-Harder to keep swiftness for very long in comparison to some other classes without using a staff.
-Not very good in small fights in comparison to most other classes, Warriors/Rangers/Necros are all better choices in most cases.
-Elites are lacking in most WvW scenarios, either you get invuln for 3 seconds, recharge your virtues, or use a tome of courage to inflict massive AoE damage and burning for a couple seconds. The latter is finicky because of low range and when skill lag starts, you waste your Elite as you end firing off maybe 3-4 blasts tops during your time limit, but if you time ‘5’ off right, you can stop a pretty big zerg at a choke point for a few seconds, assuming they didnt have stability.
(edited by Nerodon.8602)
Hey oh! Let it be known! Rankings are directly proportionate to activity level and participation regardless of guilds and tactics! (Well most of the time anyway!)
You could have a zerg in server A win every battle against zergs in server B, but server B wins because unlike server A it has 3 times the number of zergs in all Borderlands and Ebg at the same time capping everything.
I have the exact same problem, accessing the daily achievements sub-menu freezes the game. (Not responding) And won’t recover.
I do believe Jumping Puzzle acheivements are inviting PvEers for the points and they offer NO tactical importance, why should it be a WvW Veteran Acheivement??
And Sentry/Camp/Yak capture acheivements are too much, 225? That invites farming them… As with everything else, it invites farming of a specific task that may of may not be of tactical importance at the time.
Achievements should be stuff that you can’t really farm or have to farm. Like enemy kills, that’s simple, you directly stop enemy forces wherever they are, can’t really be bad. Repair? That aint bad either. Successfully Defend a Keep?? Yes! YES!
Add achievements for I don’t know, keep an enemy side’s Tower for more than 1 hour after helping capturing it, not just flip it tons of times… That would promote understanding that capping is only part of the goal, keeping it is more important. Stone mist might be a stretch for lower tiered servers though, IMO SM should be optional if you can get all the other achievements.
Other modified Achievements like, help build a siege weapon that directly helps capture an objective! That way I can’t just drain my keeps supply and build 10 ACs in the courtyard, I have to go out, help build a Ram, Cata, Treb and conquer something with it!
Say NO to farming achievements, say YES to achievements that promote teamplay and participation!
Again I am not found of stressing over the fact that I’m not going to hunt down enough Yaks/Sentries/Camps in a few weeks time (More on the casual side of WvWers), not unless I dedicate some time to farming them for the achievement, that’s no fun at all.
I so far, even being on the losing end points wise, am having a total blast! Was a little sad to see people transfer off and us being on the losing end for the last couple weeks but I much rather be in silver league rather than gold any day!
This is probably the toughest matchup we can get this season yet I still think we are holding up quite well. Especially against SBI we manage to win fights with nice consistency, FA on the other hand offer quite a challenge even with similar numbers on some fights!
One time that made me smile was when going to umber to fight SBI only to get stuck between 75+ SBI AND 75+ FA duking it out and us dying in massive AoE crossfire! It was terrible yet hilarious.
Keep it up people, this is fun!
1. When did you begin playing? (post bw’s)
2nd BW
2. how many hours total do you have? (/age)
3. What’s your most gold banked so far?
55g (dropped to like 25g, I like to spend!)
4. Do you have a max level character (s)? (number if more than one)
5. List 1-3 areas / zones / events / tp; where you spend most of your time for income.
SouthSun Cove, Cursed Shore, Malchor’s Leap
6. Do you mainly use MF or not?
Only when Farming, never otherwise (Dungeons etc.)
7. Have you ever got an exotic weapon from a mob? If so, how many and total?
Yes, ONE
8. Have you ever got an exotic weapon from a chest? If so, how many and total?
9. What’s the most number of rare weapons you have looted in one day or 8hrs time?
10. How many rare or exotic weapons do you “expect” to loot in one hour of time?
1 or 2 Rares MAX
11. How many lodestones have you looted total so far? (all types)
A few Oxyx and Charged, less than 10 in total
12. Do you craft? If so, do you have a 400 crafter? if so, how many?
Jewel and Cooking 400
13. Do you sell your looted crafting mats? (specify optional)
All the time (One of the best gold making sources)
14. Do you feel your return, (in terms of items, completion, income, etc) for your time, has been worth it?
Most of the time,
Dungeons: Hell yes!
Farming: Yes
Dynamic Events: Not as much as it should be.
Trading/Crafting/Gambling: No!
15. In ONE word, what needs improved most; from your perspective?
Distribution of Rewards (DEs Specifically)
I mean, yes ANET may be encouraging you to buy Gems for all these knick-knaks but ultimately, it’s your decision to dive into it or not.
I personnaly spent some Gems for bank slots but thats pretty much it. Boosts are overrated and unessary so Black Lion Chests don’t ever really need be opened. And costumes are just that, costumes.
I don’t feel ripped off because I am enjoying the game without Gems, you should do that too if thats how you feel about it.
Just pretend it dosent exist!
no boosts
beat it after 3h, then twice more in under 15minutes
In all honesty, if you managed to do it once, you can easily do it 2 even 3 times relatively easily. I bet more than one person on this forum can testify.
EDIT: unless it dosent give you proper rewards sinc it wouldnt be technically be your “first” time, then again, what happens to people who ignore the chest by accident?
Finally beat it! Was worried about it being too hard, but after about 3 hours I finally made it. Then beat it twice more in under 15mins, once you’ve mastered it, it gets easy, muscle memory I guess!
I did ENJOY most of it. Got frustrated a few times but after beating it… felt like a million bucks, worth every attempt!!!
23 here, kinda surprising to see that there are many older players playing GW2, I’d be very much interested to see an actual demographic representation.
Take eveonline for example, where one group (goons) masterminded a careful sabotage of a specific item’s supply after having gathered an extensive stockpile of it. Any new supply of said item was purchased immediatly and added to their stockpile.
(This item was Oxygen Isotopes, mined in ice belts in the game and neccessary for all station upkeep and travel fuel for a specific race of ships/stations in the game… so a VERY important item.)
Days later, said group (goons) has most of every player needing that item playing right into their hands and forking over almost all of their fortune just to keep playing.
I know that Gw2 is much more immune to that sort of player exploitative manipulation (I can’t keep you from mining Oricalcum in any effective way, even if I tried very very hard) But we are seeing that happen with the precursors as they are rare enough that some individuals managed to flip the market and control the price.
In Eve Online that sort of behavior is accepted because it was designed to be a free market, all resources created were carefully tailored to value risk vs reward and time to aquire, also, because of the many resource sinks (aka, ships blowing up for good) the demand would forever be constant without needing much tweaking, the market would stabilize and be malleable in small ways as time progresses.
Once every man, woman, alt, child, dog and cat would have their exotic/legendaries, then what? you’d have to constantly create new things for people to crave for and spend time/effort to collect it for any new market to be created.
(edited by Nerodon.8602)
As others have mentioned.
1) Appropriate rewards based on current level of player, NOT the zone (rewards should, however, take into account lower difficulty of content due to downlevel).
2) Cheaper waypoint travel for zones below character level, or, cheaper/free waypoint travel for players having 100% completion in that specific zone.
3) better and more interesting/valuable lvl80 centric uses for low end gatherables! (Food is the only one worth going back for atm [vanilla beans], but it should be balanced, and there should be more uses for Iron/soft wood/etc.)
I have just beat the shatterer about an hour ago.
It was 10 am on a weekday. We were about 20-30 people against it and it was purely awesome.
I was reading this thread just before entering the fight, now I got thinking that it would be boring but no, not at all! It started we were only about 5 people untill more came and joined, the crystal phase felt right, the length felt right, everything did.
I’m sure the real problem is when you get 100+ players trying to get in on the kill…
I really think that because so many people rushed in the game so quickly, people haven’t yet started to settle down and are still in the “omg this game is finally out!” phase. People are zooming through content rather than taking their time.
Well some people do want to be more slow-paced and social, but I think a grand mix of completion anxiety and fast warps makes people asocial and only team up because people happen to be around them during X event.
I have talked to a few people, usually in map chat, without direct contact, and much more often in areas with big meta events going on.
I do believe that once people have settled in the game, got tired of playing every free hours of their life on it, they will start to open up and talk.