HoT story had some issues but....(spoilers)
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: NickLaBorde.2730
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: NickLaBorde.2730
Except for the fact (sadly), that isn’t the way dragon hunters came into being according to Anet. Also, Braham never uses the bow again (so far).
Lol well it was nice to show how at least Braham ended up with a bow. It doesn’t really matter if it matched HOW it was supposed to xD
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: NickLaBorde.2730
The way they explained how dragon hunter was created was the best story writing I’ve seen in the guild wars 2 universe.
After Eir died, Braham grabbed the bow and boom. Was smooth and easy and didn’t need an explaination. I really liked that part of the story.
If I lag out in an instance and come back in, in less then a minute I shouldn’t have to start an instance over. In core gw2 this was not a huge issue as the instances were all really short and it wasn’t a huge pain, but HoT instances can be upwards of 20+ minutes making restarting suck.
Removal of celestial and less bunker lets ele rule. I been running maurader scepter/dagger with fresh air, earth for new Diamond skin and other protection, and tempest. That plus sig of of fire and glyph of storms makes for crazy aoe pressure in air and a quick switch to fire to drop Phoenix and dragons tooth then back to air. Ele isn’t dead we just have to switch it up.
Provability of this is about 0… Buttt… Let add three new races, tengu, hylek, and skritt. 3 new starting cities, 6 new maps and a NEW base game personal story. So that leveling a new character you don’t have to go through and be the commander etc etc. idk just ideas. No new classes, just new elite spec and these changes. I’d pay top dollar for this expansion.
Don’t comment and say this could never happen yada yada. Anything is possible. Even just one new race would be sweet.
As far a new story I was thinking you aren’t trying to destroy he elder dragons, but protect cities from their terror, almost like a mix of tower defense and mmo in cities and out posts, readying defenses, which you CAN lose and trying to stop complete destruction from the dragons, eventually teaming up with the pact for HoT content and other expansions and living world, some dialogue would have to change cause hey say commander a ton
I could get on board with Melee such as an axe, preferably axe mh with this spec in mind, continuously weaving in and out of stealth to do damage, never having full 100 stealth uptime but enough to be viable would be nice
Everyone wishes we got Rifle. I am just glad I got damaging utilities. And Acro 2.0.
See I could care less about the rifle aspect, that is just a little aspect, rifle, long bow, or axe would all work for me and this class, just an idea.
I was thinking calling it marksman or assassin.. Idk that really doesn’t matter.
Weapon is rifle with the main play style focusing on short stealth bursts in which you can deal massive damage. Unstealthed you’d be rather weak.
No steal anymore instead a 1sec stealth with a 20 sec cool down.
All skills would have a way to add stealth or would do a different attack when stealth vs not stealth.
Idk it needs polishing haha thoughts?
Don’t merge this please it’s not about the slot well kinda is.
There is too much account wide stuff as it is and I think that the shared slot should be the last shared item that we have. Most high tier items are account bound already so we don’t need them account shared.
People have talked about shared trinkets and rings, even armor! That’s insanity, it removes the accomplishment from having said items on several characters.
Let’s keep items account bound, not shared, thanks.
Super simple..
Event and heart items that are soul bound should be labeled as junk and be placed at a 2c value. So tired of dragging them out of my inventory after completing said event.
Please and thank you
I main ele, and it’s the class I’m best at, I’ve tried em all, but currently my ele is an Asura. I love Asura and their lore etc but you can never see any of their weapons or animations which is a real bummer. Currently my ele has 100% world complete and a bunch of other character specific stuff.
I was going to re roll as human, I have full celestial acendeded armor and trinkets and incinerator so I can move All that because it’s not souls bound, any reason I should stay as an Asura? Besides that they are master race haha.
I currently run d/d tempest and I’m having a blast, I still provide support, still pretty tanky, but I can deal some solid damage and normally win most if not all 1v1 and generally lose all 1v2. But still brings the same Classic d/d fun to tempest. Not fully the same, but it works for that active feel.
If you try staff tempest after dd ele you will go insane because of slow animations and low movement. I know I went nuts and had to go back
I did all the Other acheivements today and grinded out the jp for about an hour or two and got 1000 drinks done. This should take 10 days min if it’s done casually, maybe 20 if you only have an hour a day. No worries everyone
Also when does winters day end? I’m hopping it lasts a month so I can miss a day of farming the drinks, but if not its still doable.
I’d also like to say I’m happy with how Anet is doing events. Some people won’t get everything, that’s what makes it special
Guys I’m so happy about all these posts! Let’s see some more! Still yet to take mine! My lil dudes didn’t get to see me last night cause of work but soon! Haha
If this forum already exists sorry, couldn’t find it xD post a pic of your Asura! Don’t gotta be cute or cool, no specifications on armor, let’s just show off some post HoT Asura!
I’ll be posting mine when I get off work!
So I’ve recently discussed race change and that crashed and burned, what about class change?
I don’t see any issues with having a class change option in gym store. I personally love playing my ele but other people may want to change it up.
At any rate, they’re not working on it and said they won’t be working on it.
1) I am afraid that the team does contemplate different possibilities and new features for the future but this one is not among those. Source
2) There are a lot of far-reaching consequences of allowing one character to play through every race’s personal story or equip any cultural armor/weapons. For now, we feel that it would take away from the experience of Guild Wars 2 for the majority of players. Source
3) Thanks for asking. To change the race in the Gem store will not be an option in Guild Wars 2. Source
I know it never will happen, just fun to speculate haha
From the sounds of comments made by Anet previously, its just not that simple. It sounds like they have some of that kitten hard coded into the character code itself, as opposed to being detachable data in their database. Which poses a helluva lot more issue with this “simple” feature that so many seem to want. Granted, even if it was completely modularized, and all of the assorted data was database cataloged perfectly, it’d still make for some interesting hoops to jump though to sanitize it all and then roll the fresh racial skin.
Well I see the issues, that every character has different maps and skills and training and such, which could cause a lot of errors in a swap. What if it required base game map complete for not HoT characters as well as max lvl 80 with all skills learned, and etc for Hot characters. And it literally deleted your character and let’s you make a “beta” like character. Starts at 80 with all skills and map completed, the real issue comes from people not wanting to re map or re level because they picked wrong x years ago. Ideas?
Ok so people keep complaining about race change, I could care less, I love my little Asura.
Here is how to fix it!
Buy a race change pass.
Use pass
Warning is prompted!! Using will erase all personal story and soul bound weapons armors and trinkets.
Level and acct bound items will not be effected nor will map completion. But you will have to redo your personal story and here is another kicker! Rewards will not be given for personal story repeats.
Any issues with this?
Don’t say home instance personal story or cultural armors, those are addressed.
I have played d/d ele forever, and it matched how I wanted to play well. It took the best parts of ele from gw1 and the best from assassin in gw1 and mixed em. It’s an amazing fast paced low room for error play style that I appreciate. Tempest has slowed that down so I will be avoiding it for a bit unless my party is in need of support.
So here is my question: full celestial gear, how should I build for HoT content?
Anihillation please, no TDM.
Or this, either is fine just I want to kill people haha.
In gw1 I really liked how pvp was about killing each other, no objectives but that. Please add this option of a 5v5. I know we had one death match map but it should be its own game mode that we can select to queue for like stronghold or conquest. Thanks
Read my post on forums and it explains what I do. Scrapper pvp viable for PvE is title
Here is a build I’ve been working on, in pvp it’s great, celestial gives enough power healing precision vitality… You get the point, to make this build strong enough to down glass cannons with one burst of rotation, and wear down tankier classes with high survivabilty and damage.
Here’s how it works!
The main rotation is as follows:
Elixer B
Hammer 5: thunderclap
Hammer 3: rocket charge
Elixir gun kit
Slick shoes
Elixer gun 4: Acid bomb
Elixer gun 3:Fumigate
Drop kit
Hammer 4: shock shield
Repeat as nescissary with hammer aa to stack might
This will kill most things with a lot of blocks and evades!
But what if your focused…
Survival rotation:
Keep above rotation in action while adding Elixer gun 5: Super Elixer in after fumigation.
Keep your f2 f3 and f4 on cool down as much as you can
For full heal:
Healing turret deploy
Cleansing mists
Detonate healing turret
Regenerating mists
Repeat off cool down.
The more you are hit the more toughness you have so don’t be afraid to run through rotations over and over.
To make this more mobile use detonate healing turret in thunderclap for swiftness.
Also works well in pve with same rotations
Any questions or suggestions?
Tier 1: +10% Damage to other players
Tier 2: PvP poison lore. You take no damage from Poison.
Tier 3: +10% Damage to other players
Tier 4: PvP Stealth detection.
Tier 5: +10% Damage to other players
Tier 6: PvP Trap detection.…. on second thoughts. No thanks.
Whoa! You didn’t understand at all hahah. No I mean like a way to increase points you get etc or allow access to stronger npcs to train on, cool aura effects, finisher mastery line, pvp mastery armor etc. nothing that touches the gameplay of the actually pvp.
Now I know there are many mastery points to go around, but what about those die hard PvPers? I’m suggesting mastery points and a mastery system for pvp thoughts?
I’m not going to beat around the bush here, let’s fix scepter super easy with three small adjustments!
1-Faster auto attack in fire
2-Lower delay from dragons tooth, just a little
3- Make air channelings dps keep increasing longer it’s channeled but easily interrupted
I personally lover scepter focus ele and this would make it even more lovable, PLUS give it some ability to be used more thank you all for letting me rant.
Being dazed is the warning to dodge roll asap.
Good deal I wasn’t looking for the daze. Thanks!
All in all HoT elite specs have been ok, Except for DH trapper. I am not one to be mad about losing in PvP because I am not the best, buttttt I hate walking around minding my own business and coming across a DH trap stash randomly on the ground….
HERE is my suggestion, maybe even just for PvP, there should be a slight warning when you set off the traps. maybe 1 second to react before your stuck and dead. I don’t mind the damage, there are other spike classes, but the inability to get out when you aren’t ready at all is annoying.
As someone who plays a DH trapper in PvP, mostly for the giggles, I think its pretty broken.. Just my opinion.
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: NickLaBorde.2730
I submitted a ticket about 4 days ago and never receive a response. I got the auto email and I was just wanting to figure out when it would be resolved.
I accidently deleted a gem store item, the Molten Pickaxe and was seeing if there was anything to do to get it back. Id really appreciate a response. Thanks
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