Showing Posts For Nirvana.8659:

Rocket Boots - Amazing

in Engineer

Posted by: Nirvana.8659


You guys made me download the patch just to check this rockets boots.
Well…it was worth the download time.
I usually come to complain about rifle , but a single stupid skill like this , that is able to take back the “fun factor” is amazing.
This time i had to log in to share the happyness for rocket boots and to compliment the devs for that.

There is something else that can potentially add to the “fun factor” , like Personal Battering Ram .

Also , thre is the “satisfaction factor” when playing WvW with mortar and the traits Orbital Command kicks in in the middle of enemy zerg every 15 seconds …. oh….satisfaction(when there is not tons of reflective boubles).

Yeah , i must admit i got a fun night with this things.

I apologize for my english.
Engineer : Charliengine
Engineer : Brother Thompson

I am just going to reroll Thief, thanks!

in Engineer

Posted by: Nirvana.8659


@EdwinLi :

You are right , but there is a lot of traits on the basic thief lines , that are gonna make the damge of rifle a real pain.

Of course ,if one pretend to duel using a rifle only , it will be a self death sentence.

I doubt it will be used in some meaning PvP scenario , but in WvW ? It will be a lot of fun sniping around the zerg.

And with traits , you can take the line without equip the rifle , and try to find a way to make it work . Immagine a basic thief , marking an enemy …. and then backstabbing him twice in few seconds using their new elite that allows them to remove the “revealed” debuff and immidiatly go stealth again..on 5 sec cd if i well remember(but pretty sure it will be increased) .

But it’s useless to discuss this now that things have to come out yet , and get nerfed over and over.
You can have a decent point of view only after 5-6 month after the expansion release , when you can see nerf after nerf how Anet wants you to play your class and , what build you are allowed to use.

The only thing i see , it’s a lot of cool stuff with this expansion , i main the engineer from 5 years…heck..i also have 3 of them , with 8k hours on engineer only , but i’m done with it.
It just became boring as the other classes .The same tanky build from 2 years…and now , more melee stuff….super cool melee stuff with this expansion , but…it’s always melee .
I want to use my legendary , it took me months to make the only one that i liked…“the predator” , so if i will ever buy the expansion after 5-6 month from the release , pretty sure i would check twice the Thief sniper thing….even if it can’t duel….but i can use my rifle in WvW , may be i will get stomped sometime , but when i will respawn on the back of my character there will be “the predator”….better than have it endlessly parked in my inventory.

I apologize for my english.
Engineer : Charliengine
Engineer : Brother Thompson

I am just going to reroll Thief, thanks!

in Engineer

Posted by: Nirvana.8659


Tbh,the Holosmith looks OP in my eyes….like after realease i can see ppls roflstomping everyone else ,and like someone already said,1 month later in the balance , huge nerfs,and then in the next 3 months a round of casual nerfs that will break traits sinergy like they always do especially with Engineer.

But on paper,this new elite is cool….if it wasn’t for the fact that we have 0 ranged weapons aside from pistols at moment , and 5 years ago’ i chose the engineer for his ranged ability and the rifle/ pistol pistol coolness (the traits that will give us "ranged " ability on holosmith autoattack,it’s only 600 range…while moving….so effectively will be even less than 600).

As the OP , i also crafted legendary rifle , and i suffered a lot in HoT to not being able to use it anymore.
And go play Pisto/pistol condi cheese…was….a shame for a pvper.

I got the anet mail calling for new expansion , i watched some video on youtube , and the first reaction was “omg , i will start playing GW2 again , and i will go for the thief , kitten that melee relegated useless scrap , i will be finally able to use my rifle again”.
Then a day passed , i checked evrything again…and i felt more like waiting , not prepurchasing a game or an expansion anymore, not after i saw what happend in 5 years , zero trust in balance .

Next Xmas , when they’ll already nerfed evrything to the ground , and there will be more than enough videos and textbooks of crying peoples about the balance status in the game at the moment , IF i like it , and IF the expansion goes on sale , i will buy it , if not…oh well…bye bye.

Not gonna give a single cent for the same invincible tanky melee only crap i got to play in the past 2 years , and that lately is also ultracountered form almost any class.

But i must admit…the stuff i saw was cool :P , for evry class the showed till now , all cool stuff :P .

I apologize for my english.
Engineer : Charliengine
Engineer : Brother Thompson

(edited by Nirvana.8659)

Cele engineer in WvW

in Engineer

Posted by: Nirvana.8659


No,celestial is not a thing anymore.
Rifle can provide only some bleed at the best.
Like Santenal already explained you,the amount of condi cleanse on every class , and the presence of resistence on others , just makes celestial pointless.
Celestial rifle provides too few condis , even if coupled with kits, engineer is too slow at apply conditions, and using a rifle the condis at your disposal are too few.
Plus, all the cripple and immobilize are completely useless against other roaming classes like warriors or thieves.
It can only disturb some Mesmer and power revenant.

Also, peoples tend to full condi with pistol pistol cause it puts a lot more pressure.
But even there , you have not the condi pressure of a Necro , a condi Mesmer,a condi thief , just because they are a lot faster when applying condis OR they are more evasive and hard to counter WHILE putting condis.

But..We are top tier condi damage on an immobile dummie for benchmarks , if that can make you happy and forget about the rest.

If you are not full time engineer , and you have the desire to improve some other class you play , I’d suggest you to invest into another class and just use your old condi gears on your engy without wasting gold on this class if you are not 100% sure of what you are doing.

I apologize for my english.
Engineer : Charliengine
Engineer : Brother Thompson

(edited by Nirvana.8659)

Does the balance team care about engineer?

in Engineer

Posted by: Nirvana.8659


They did not adjusted “minors” numbers only,they also increased the cooldwon of some skill,they removed a leap finisher and left it bugged cause sometimes it makes 2 leap combo,sometimes 1 leap combo , and… the jewel,the piece of cake , the art of…remove the main source of dazes from the main scrapper mechanic(gyros) without even care of adjust to compensate the trait to? it related: impact servant.

We got general damage reduction , specifically on our main damage skills related to hammer , we got minor tweaks to our healing , we were privated of a function that was supposed to heavily define our class with the removal of CCs from gyros,and we NEVER saw anything,a single thing in that 2 years to make up form that negations/nerfs.

Look at the scrapper role in spvp….Just a stall dummie.
Look at the scrapper role in wvw, the nothingness…The first competent player you meet is a death sentence.
I mean,it’s fine if you roam killing newbys that just joined the game and you have fun that way.

I still read of peoples say " anet is not fixing things cause they have plans" , well guys , if to see that plans I have to wait 2 years , that big plans are pathetic from the start.
That is not like they don’t care of engineer , this is lack of manpower probably , and for sure mixed with a big dose of incompetence.
Yeah , I’m going too far by saying this probably,but how can I remotely think to don’t say that when we play a class that is basically just the shadow of a tank and nothing else from 2 years and that uses the same identical build on the vast majority of the players?

Every scrapper video on YouTube,every scrapper i meet in competitive scenarios , every one is running hammer+ elixir B ,elixir gun , bulwark gyro,stealth gyro.
There is no other build from 2 years.Do you understand that?
Man you are running from 2 years a melee power build coupled with the same 4 utility from 2 years , and the only kit compatible with that power oriented build is an Elixir gun ….Not for the damage but for the utility.

If you guys still have the will and the patience to justify that balance behaviour , I admire you.

To the peoples saying before HoT it was the same in regard of stagnant meta and particularly in reference to the engineer slow development,I must agree we have always suffered from slow development as class compared to all the others,but i never saw our class trapped in the same build for 2 years without having the chance to change a single utility and suddenly lose half of the potential we have….Oh…tankiness potential,cause aside from that we are left with Condi cancer.

But no….May be it’s me who cannot immagine the supersecret Anet plans about engineer’s future updates , that are supposed to fix every half done work on our class since the alpha stage of that game…That is why we are in that situation…Sure.

I didn’t want to offend anyone that have different ideas from me,so don’t take anything i said as a personal attack…Better clarify that point.

I apologize for my english.
Engineer : Charliengine
Engineer : Brother Thompson

Rifle changes

in Engineer

Posted by: Nirvana.8659


Well,we must be honest with criticism,they left us with 2 useless weapon for 2 years,that’s right,and no one can remotely defend anet on this , and no one can say anything to the enraging peoples inside the engineer community.
But the last patch didn’t change anything for anyone in the end.
Don’t let your eyes go blind after you see rifle+warrior in the patch notes,cause they did nothing extreme on it,as on the all other classes in the patch notes.

I apologize for my english.
Engineer : Charliengine
Engineer : Brother Thompson

Rifle changes

in Engineer

Posted by: Nirvana.8659


At this point,i can see them buffing rifle and shield together right before announce the new elite specs,exaclty like they did with kit revamp before announcing HoT stuff.
I say that because,again,that 2 weapons are totally useless.

The point here,it’s just too strange for me have to wait literally years to see a buff to core weapons .

Oh a bump warning….I’mnot worried,you need it.

I apologize for my english.
Engineer : Charliengine
Engineer : Brother Thompson

There is... So much invulnerability.

in WvW

Posted by: Nirvana.8659


Well,i’m a scrapper,and i main Engineer sicne i started playing the game.

Double elixir S is stupid in “some” situations,but the one you are talking of (jump in the zerg and be able to get out) is teh only situation you cannot really blame double elixir S.

Let me ask you this:If not using scrapper with hammer,what else can you play in zerg WvW situations?
May be:
Engineer with condis?In zerg fights?mmmh…
Engineer rifle + mortar for ranged damage with all teh zerg fields spam that blocks reflect projectiles?mmmhhh….

If you played this game long enough with one class,you should be able to understand certain limit every class have.
In the specific example of the scrapper,hammmer,sadly,is the only viable thing we have at moment,and be able to jump in the enemy zerg and get out with my elixir S is the lonely thing coupled with thunderclap that allows me to tag at least 4-5 enemy.

Or do you pretend a scrapper to jump in the enemy zerg with just 3 stack of stability stripped from necros in 0.0001 seconds and come out alive after that surviving all the CCs in the middle of enemy lines?

That told,a side detail is that scrappers hardly can get in squads,especially in t1 i find my self kicked very often from every squad(last time was 4 days ago,and after i got kicked the map chat was spammed for 2 hours cause the were free spots for guardians and revenants ONLY,the comander tagged down without have a full squad in 2 hours and a half).
So,counting only on my self buff,counting only on my self sustain,counting only on my class mechanics,i can still push in the middle of enemy zerg and tag my bags.

Without the double elixir S i would not be able to do that.
Without elixir S i would be forced to spam a mortar 1000+ range shot that gets reflected 70% of the time i spam it.
Without elixir S i would be forced to play c a n c e r(condi) and try snipe on the side of the zergs like a theif,with just less escape ability of a theif.
“To escape you are better than theif cause you have stealth gyro and toss elixir S for stealth on demand!!!!1111!!!11!!!!111” : yes i have stealth on demand,but i have 0 mobility,stealth it’s absically uselees when you are flanking a zerg with 0 mobility.

That told,immagine all the zerg fights inside of keeps and towers,that can last 30+ minutes each,where there are multiple zerg collision during that time…well try to play without elixir S there,or try to play a thief in that stituation to see how unfun it can be for a “sniping” class play that game.

Try play a thief while sniping ppls in open fields zerg flanking all the time….it’s not that easy eighter…we are speaking of zerg surfing/sniping here,with the 100% probability that while you are sniping the side of the zerg your theif friend,5-6 enemy while focus you to save their team mates,forcing the 2 theives to flee away without scoring anything most of the times.
Oh…and the only thing that allows the theif to flee in that situation in 6 vs 2 , is the so called dodge spam + teleport.

I agree 100% that mechanincs are more than annoying in 1 vs 1 , be it a double invulnerability , be it a dodge spam,etc.
But in big scale fights,every singe dodge,every single invulnerability,block,stealth, and passive “save my axx” ability matters for some classes.

In the end,before point out to some overpowered ability,is better to contestualize/decontestualize it better.

I hope you will agree with that.

I apologize for my english.
Engineer : Charliengine
Engineer : Brother Thompson

(edited by Nirvana.8659)

Rifle Engi help (wvw)

in Engineer

Posted by: Nirvana.8659


Be aware of this things:

—HGH build is useless against thives .
HGH rifle does barely well on mid- distance ,but thieves will be on your back ,so after you waste your jump shot and your blunderbust on them while they permadodge,you are done.
Thief can steal your boons,Stability will be the first thing that is stripped.
Rifle net shot is useless against thief,cause they remove immobilize , chill and cripple by simply dodging.
Overcharged shot it’s useless,cause theives run a 15 seconds stunbreak + shadowstep,so goodluck trying to CC them and burst.
You cannot run away from a theif with that build,cause even if you stealth and walk for a while,with their short bow they can catch you in a blink.

—Same for warriors,jumpshot and blunderbust isn’t enough to deal enough damage to a warrior even with 25 might stack on you,they wont even notice you hitted them.
Overcharged shot it’s useless against warriors ,it’s hard to CC them with all the stability/stunbreak they have.
Warriors will make you go under pressur with their constant burst damage,and you will not be able to escape them,cause they can catch you in a blink with their mobility.
You can’t kite a warrior,especially using rifle,that NEEDS to straight face your enemy while firing(and facetanking that burst damage the warrior will do on you).

—Revenants will eat you,no matter what.They have more mobility,they have more evasion,projectile block,more CC than our rifle ,insane burst,antistealth skill.

—Necros will just condi spam you,convert your boons into condis to death.Elixirs will be able to clean the first necro condi spam and CCs, but after a few seconds the necro will spam you with a second wave of condis and CCs,and good game,you are done.

—Memsers,you may have a chance with them.Just try to stay always at mid distance,use a lot your autoattack to pressure them,time correctly your stealth skills(they go stealth=you go stealth to avoid their burst from stealth).

—Druids,if you see them,just run,or at least try…cause they can catch you.Their pet will melt you while he will facetank your poor damage , and your burst (jump shot+blunderbust) will be outhealed in few seconds .

—Eles,just run from them too.They can outheal you very easly,and they can reflect a lot of your projectiles while CCing you with stuns and cripples and chills every few seconds,so even elixirs wont be enough to clean that CC spam.

—HGH rifle build,will make you face the fact that in gw2 there are a lot of reflect skills,that make your rifle autattack get reflected or negated most of the times in the crucial points of the fights,be it a 1 vs 1 , or be it a group fight.

In zerg surfing,just forget about rifle and mortar,the damage is negated almost totally by mesmer fields,eles auras,guardians reflects/boubles , scrappers running gyro , driuds converting projectiles into healing , etc etc.

My tip,if you wanna try this build,please refrain from spend a lot of gold to convert the stats of your ascended armor into a commander one,jsut for the boon duration.

You told you have marauder armor,just use it to test this build putting on marauder armor some rune with boon duration,take some food with boon duration,take HGH trait from alchemy line,and you are done.

Try the build for 4-5 days,only then,if you find it FUNNY , spend the gold you want to spend and get your commander armor.

Try that build,but keep in mind rifle is aoutdated and developers never revamped the skills to at least HELP witht he projectile hate HoT keep in that game.
So don’t expect miracles,i just hope it can provide you the “fun” you are looking for.
Good luck.

I apologize for my english.
Engineer : Charliengine
Engineer : Brother Thompson

(edited by Nirvana.8659)

Cannot take gold from trading post

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Nirvana.8659


I relogged and the gold from trading post is dissapeared.
I guess it was just a visual bug,and i got the gold somehow(i hope,cause i don’t remember my balance before interact witht he trading post when i logged in the first time ).

I apologize for my english.
Engineer : Charliengine
Engineer : Brother Thompson

Cannot take gold from trading post

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Nirvana.8659


Good morning.

During the night i was able to sell some ectoplasm on the trading post that was listed one month ago.

I logged in , but i didn’t check my current balance before open the trading post.
There was 79 golds to take .
I pecked up some item i needed to craft,but i didn’t check my balance before and after i picked up the items.

Yet,my trading post tellls me i have to take 79 gold,when i press on “TAKE ALL” nothing happens,the trading post still says me that i have 79 gold to pick up.

Is it a visual bug?The gold was taken but the trading post says me i still have to take them?
Or i simply can’t pick them?
What is going on?

I apologize for my english.
Engineer : Charliengine
Engineer : Brother Thompson

Rifle changes

in Engineer

Posted by: Nirvana.8659


with my sentence about the 9 peoples commenting,I meant to say “only 9 peoples commented”,so may be open a thread on reddit will work better,for visibility and for ammount of reply.

In any case,i feel is depressing to see our only power weapon for core engineer be in that state , after 2 years,untouched .

I mean,they touched the core weapon of every single class,every single class,to make some adjustment.
And of course….we are invisible untill we make a post of 1000 peoples commenting,or some youtuber with big visibily speaks of it,or someone is able to open a thread on reddit and gain enough reply.

This is painfully stupid,the balance should be spontaneus,especially in that case.

Also because , from what i see , there is no more “big” youtubers playing engi , no offense to any streamer , but i’m old school 4 years old (well since right after the beta) engineer main , and i lost track of all the major streamer that used to play this class,especially after HoT .

I apologize for my english.
Engineer : Charliengine
Engineer : Brother Thompson

(edited by Nirvana.8659)

Rifle changes

in Engineer

Posted by: Nirvana.8659


9 peoples reply to this topic.
Peoples are fine with rifle i suppose.
It must be me nad this 8 peoples more unable to play it,that’s the only my conclusion.
And this is sad , would be nice have the community of this class partecipate to bring this topic to the eyes of someone in the Anet.
May be reddit works better for it anyway.

I apologize for my english.
Engineer : Charliengine
Engineer : Brother Thompson


in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Nirvana.8659


Glad you asked it.
I noticed it starts bugging when i go in and out of water mutliple times.
I have an underwater breather got from Xmas WvW reward track,it leaves an icy trail while swimming.

Other than that , i have no shiny things.

In the end,no,i just have a normal armor, a normal hammer,no shiny things.

I have a legendary rifle,but i never use it cause …engineer rifle has no use,so it’s 98% of the time parked in my inventory,and when the bugs happens i’m never using my legendary rifle.

If you say that, it’s mostly my underwater Breather?

Man i remember this bug was introduced with the Ghostly costume….isn’t that thing solved yet?

I can replace my breather,no problem…but meh….if i want to use my rifle i have to fear the bug?wow….

I apologize for my english.
Engineer : Charliengine
Engineer : Brother Thompson


in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Nirvana.8659


Hello guys.
It’s a lot of months that there is this bug,where you teleport and it takes 2 minutes to loading screen,and after that,you cannot see friendly and enemy armor , and all NPCs become invisible.

To get out of this bug,you have to change map,or relog.
Now…with this ques in WvW it’s just a death sentence….u get bugged,and you say bye bye to WvW for the day.

Since it happens to me a lot, i wanted to ask:Am i the only one still getting this bug?
Or are you still experiencing the same,so it means it’s not my PC fault and it’s an Anet side problem?

I apologize for my english.
Engineer : Charliengine
Engineer : Brother Thompson

Rifle changes

in Engineer

Posted by: Nirvana.8659



I’m pure rage when we go to touch “balance” argoument and i think about engineer rifle.

THE ONLY viable power build for engineer in competitive scenario is Hammer + Elixir gun……
Elixir gun into a power build…do we understand this?The only viable thing coupled with our hammer is the elixir gun from 2 years, and not even ffor his damage,but for his utility,so basically we have no second weapon when using hammer.

I don’t know about you guys,but even with this build i skitten to struggle against every other class,cause i get outdpsed by every one,and i’m not anymore that God-mode tank.

And considering we are not a warrior,with 200 weapon to choice,our only alternative to hammer is rifle (if you are like me and avoid condis because they are stupidly overpowered in competitive scenario).

Almost every class has 2 weapon for power choice,but we basically don’t have it.
Tell me,honestly,am I over reacting?
Or are you able to use Rifle in competitive scenario,and “compete” with other classes without get roflstomped?

I perfectly know how they can be out of touch when it come to balance things,i also spoke about the removal of daze from gyro , leaving untouched Impact servant trait in other topics.
In my past post,i called it “a work half done”

It reminds me of when a mom says the son “clean your room” , and the child is lazy and hide evrything under the bed.
An easy fix,just to give the visual impact of a clean room,but in the end the chaos is still there.
The balance we were victims of,was pretty much the same.

This is why i say that we can’t ask for a buff and add “to don’t make it OP”.
Just start buffing it,do it,overbuff if you want,but let me take this rifle again.
Then nerf balance do the things you are told to do by your mom,but start buffing the rifle.
Cause i repeat,we URGE a buff for our ONLY power and core weapon , after 2 kitten years.
2 kitten year, 2 kitten years… we get it?
I repeat:

I apologize for my english.
Engineer : Charliengine
Engineer : Brother Thompson

Rifle changes

in Engineer

Posted by: Nirvana.8659


The Engineer community is likely suffering the “stockholm syndrome”.

Looks like we get used to troll updates , and when we ask for buffs we tend to say “to don’t make it OP”.

Rifle has no use atm in any scenario,it’s outdated like if we are in the “celestial meta”,but this days are well gone now.

How much time has past since the celestial meta?Does anyone remember it?
We can’t even play static discharge for hoow defenseless we are atm with that weapon,and also cause static discharge has not enough damage anymore to deal with other classes defenses/counters.

It’s offensive towards Engineer players leave a CORE WEAPON unchanged when in such a bad shape after all that time.

I don’t know of any class that have it’s CORE WEAPON in a such bad spot.

What’s even worse,is that following the leaked info about the next expansion,thief can get a rifle…..

We need a buff,we deserve a buff for taht weapon,and while asking it i can’t AFFORD anymore to add “to don’t make it OP” in the same sentence.

Engineer rifle URGE a buff , a meaning one , nothing else to add in that sentence.

I apologize for my english.
Engineer : Charliengine
Engineer : Brother Thompson

Plz delete Revenant

in PvP

Posted by: Nirvana.8659


Revenant is like the person who tries to be everything and so they end up sucking at everything or being subpar at everything.

In 2 words :Engineer or Scrapper.

I apologize for my english.
Engineer : Charliengine
Engineer : Brother Thompson

Loading screens...

in WvW

Posted by: Nirvana.8659


This problem is not solved yet.

Just a reminder…considering it’s going on from MONTHS.

I apologize for my english.
Engineer : Charliengine
Engineer : Brother Thompson

Magnet our old friend.

in Engineer

Posted by: Nirvana.8659


Magnet is in this state since 1 year and a half when they reworket the tool kit skills(it was the same patch of engy backpack if i’m not mistaken,too lazy to go check).

When your pull should be perfect(i mean enemy don’t dodge,no stability etc.) it will fail most of the time.

I’t not like turret,turret were nerfed,is different.

It’s not latency,guardian pulls works perfecly fine,and apparently it works with a very similar mechanic.
With that i mean that guardian sometimes send you in the sky and you die from fall damage after the pull,but their pull almost never fail in take you right on their spot.
I played Guardian/DH only for 2 months,and never experienced the same fail of magnet,so if i’m mystaken let me know.

It’s just another half done/half fixed work.

I apologize for my english.
Engineer : Charliengine
Engineer : Brother Thompson

(edited by Nirvana.8659)

Loading screens...

in WvW

Posted by: Nirvana.8659


was going to write a post about it…casually i found that thread.
I hope they are really wirking on it,because teh only way to fix after this happe,is to relog GW2.

I apologize for my english.
Engineer : Charliengine
Engineer : Brother Thompson

Engineer Condition Damage aura

in Engineer

Posted by: Nirvana.8659


The strange thing , is that no one of them think of make Elixirs tool belt skills a kind of area buff , that has a radius factor without the need of ground target(similar to shouts).

Or they should give Kits some nice aura/ or skill on equip that has group benefits , like they were in the first year of gw2 ;
- ex. : equipping Flamethrower used to give a flame blast on location cleaning 2 condis,or equipping elixir gun used to give the #5 of EG on engy location (double EG#5 was awesome) , and on this wave give every kit a passive skill , support oriented , for every kit , and finally revert the ridicolous global CD on kit swap skills,and assign the CD individually for every single kit swap (like it was the first year ).

I keep watching from 4 years engineer recieving great skills for group support or selfish benefits,to only get nerfed and modified in a way that make the skills or traits useless , leaving the job half done , badly projected , badly executed , and not even repaired with some sort of half way compromise.

Take the scrapper and the Daze on Gyros,now the genius that removed the Daze on Gyros , made the half effort ,because we have kitteneless trait on Scrapper specialization tree that gives +25% daze duration….and we can’t daze anymore like the interrupting machine we were before(gyros daze was awesome in passive defensive situation).
If you remove the daze from gyros , you should at least rework the associated trait.
This is just another badly projected,badly executed,poorly implemented modification that we got some patch agò.
Like just give the gyros daze effect an internal CD was too much of a brainstorming…half compromise are not allowed.
We were too much of a CC machine…then you have thieves and mesmers that do damage on interrupts,and can CC chain you with interrupts for days.

There are tons of ways to make the engineer more usefull,but i don’t know,when it comes to balance patchs,i find this company a bit “slow” in realize things,and they “rush” too much destroying things with a no sense skill “nerf”.

They do a balance patch once every 4 or 6 months , i mean….how is it possible in 4 months they can’t do a proper class big picture and a proper plan to modify the class without do the job half done like in the examples before?

Oh then again,do you guys remember that weapon engineer used to have,called “rifle”?
Belive it or not, we have a weapon called rifle,untouched for 1 year since HoT ,till some month agò,when they “buffed” it.

And seriusly,i hope there will be A LOT MORE than a passive trait that buffs 150 condi damage or that gives a 10-20% more condi duration to the party,because we deserve more than this.

Yes,i’m talking to you dear sneaky Developer reading in silence.

I apologize for my english.
Engineer : Charliengine
Engineer : Brother Thompson

(edited by Nirvana.8659)

1 developer with spare time?

in Engineer

Posted by: Nirvana.8659


If there is any engineer balance developer,or even a map creator,but someone who can bring this to your next Anet meeting:

Please,log in a competitive gamemode of your choice,PvP or WvW ,take a rifle engineer,try to do something.
Not kill,just do something,even try stay alive.

It’s 1 year since we got the hammer, is 1 YEAR that the rifle is a dead weapon.
I can understand 4 months,6 months, not 1 whole year and yet not a single mention to rifle in patch notes.

I actually play hammer,but is 1 year i say to my self “don’t worry they will come out with something to at least make rifle barely viable in the next months” , but after all that time…come on!

Try every setup you can , old vanilla engineer,new scrapper , then take your utility like elixirs,gadgets,turrets,gyros,and try use the rifle coupled with every setup you want.
Do it for 24 hours,do it for 1 month,just try it and tell me if that weapon doesn’t URGE some attenction in a balance meeting.

Is 1 year i play hammer and i say to my self “is just a matter of time,it’s not priority for them,so now or later they will fix it…after 4 months,after 6 months,after 8 months…they will fix it”.
It’s 1 whole year guys,1 year that engineer is “bunkered” in all his meanings into the hammer scrapper.
Come on!


I apologize for my english.
Engineer : Charliengine
Engineer : Brother Thompson

(edited by Nirvana.8659)

New Elite Spec weapon

in Engineer

Posted by: Nirvana.8659


I will just think at the weapon that can make me more mad,let’s say…mmhmhmh…another melee crap thing like a mace?
Yeah it would make me mad,so I’m sure we will get another melee crap , like a mace.

Made legendary rifle just 2 months before HoT ,completely useless now,but the good news is that may be the thief will get the rifle,and even if it will sucks,it will never be kitteneless weapon like it is now on Engineer.

No seriusly,i hope before they make new specialization,they put some REAL effort in fixing AT LEAST the rifle,don’t mind the craptons of useless utility we have,but my gosh,they should really fix our rifle.

I apologize for my english.
Engineer : Charliengine
Engineer : Brother Thompson

Electromagnetic Ascender and WvW

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nirvana.8659


Thx for the reply guys.

A refound?
I converted gold with gems , sound strange ask a refound.
But it’s ok,the item is not working in the game mode i play,so i think i will ask for a refound.
Meh,it was a cool item,so sad it is not supposed to work in WvW :S .

If any representative of Anet is reading : Sir , please , ask the dedicated team that works on this shop items to write in the item description when items are not supposed to work in WvW or anyother game mode .

Thank you.

I apologize for my english.
Engineer : Charliengine
Engineer : Brother Thompson

Electromagnetic Ascender and WvW

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nirvana.8659


Hello guys.
I just bought that Electromagnetic Ascender , jumped in WvW ,but there it doesn’t work.
Is this a bug,or is it intended to not work in WvW?

I’m mainly a WvW player,so the thing left me a bit sad.

Was there a way to know it didn’t worked in WvW before buy it?
Cause i’ve read the description in gem store multiple times,but it doesn’t say anywhere that this item is not meant to work in WvW.
Did i miss anything?
Cause if it’s my error…ok,but if not,i think Anet should start to write down in the description where the items work and where not.

Thank you .

I apologize for my english.
Engineer : Charliengine
Engineer : Brother Thompson


in WvW

Posted by: Nirvana.8659


Can anyone help me with it?
I skilled it from the WvW ability tab,but I still need to press the mouse buttom to interact and collect the bags……what’s wrong with it?

Do I have to do the PvE MASTERY of autoloot too ?
Or is it buggy and not working on me?
Some other guy in WvW got my same problem:they spent the WvW points to unlock it , but they still have to press the button to interact.
I also restarted the game a couple times after some crash,so the only thing that come to my mind is that I have to do the PvE mastery too…I hope is not like this…cause at this point I will just set a macro with the Razer naga.

I apologize for my english.
Engineer : Charliengine
Engineer : Brother Thompson

Your top 5 priorities for WvW-Overhaul

in WvW

Posted by: Nirvana.8659


I don’t have much to discuss,if you want constructive feeback there are about 50+ threads in the WvW forum that you guys can read , related to every single point you plan to work on.

1. Stability & skill balance
2. Fix or revert DBL
3. Rewards
4. Population balance
5. Scoring

This list you wrote,FOR ME is also valid in terms of priority.

I would just change the point number 2 , and start immediatly reverting the DBL with old Alpine maps,then watch the statistics and carefully see if the big ammount of players and guild that already left GW2 slowly start returning , giving that way an implicit sign of right direction.

After that,if it is a succesfull move ,work on improving WvW maps with Alpine borders model in mind.

The point 1 and 2 together should give a decent boost themself on the paper.

A side note about WvW autoloot,as it is is not a big problem.
BUT , we are in 2016 and have to press the “loot interact” botton every step i take during the battles,while also using skills, looks a bit odd.
I disliked the fact that you introduced it as a mastery in first place.
It should have been a standard/base game improvement , and it should work in WvW as well.

I apologize for my english.
Engineer : Charliengine
Engineer : Brother Thompson

So why the HoT WvW Beta ppl didnt complain?

in WvW

Posted by: Nirvana.8659


That’s what happen when you throw a bounch of developers that have 0 clue about WvW to design maps and,on the top of that,you force them to follow directives gived from peoples that know WvW even less than them .

Beta was to test map mechanics,not to hear our opinions.
The new maps were already designed,and it required a lot of work for them.
Do you think after all that work and money investment to design that map they could ever care about people screaming “Huston we have a problem” !?
No of course.

But don’t worry,a genius told us they are working on improvements for the WvW,because that Desert borders were not ready at the HoT release yet.
With that improvements it will be a complete different experience walk around in a giant empty map,because things will have no auto upgrade,catapults will cost less supply,and players will come back.

I apologize for my english.
Engineer : Charliengine
Engineer : Brother Thompson

where is my "Fast ground targetting"?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nirvana.8659


May be i’m not clear enough,i will make an example.

I’m an elementalist casting meteor shower,i press my number 5 on mouse,and it pops a green circle on the ground , then to cast i must click again the number 5.

Before this bug,i used to click number 5,and the skills started as soon as my finger stopped holding the number 5.
It was called “fast ground target areas skills” or somithing like that.

And…no i can’t find it anymore in teh first tab of option menu…

Also,i can’t find the option to disable the screen shaking for blast skills….

Edit,ok i got them…found them like u said in teh first tab of option menu….ok…like my last problem i needed someone of my server in TS to help me found them….i feel so dumb.

Thx for the help.

I apologize for my english.
Engineer : Charliengine
Engineer : Brother Thompson

(edited by Nirvana.8659)

where is my "Fast ground targetting"?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nirvana.8659


Hello,logged today and got most of my settings in the general option resetted.
I’ve read it was a bug.

Ok,but….where is the fast ground targetting skill option?
I can’t find it.

I apologize for my english.
Engineer : Charliengine
Engineer : Brother Thompson

I'm sick of the behavior of some WvW guilds!

in WvW

Posted by: Nirvana.8659


ahah just ignore them.
They can be bad sometimes,but this is because people start follow them very often.

Anyway,maps/game/enemy are of/for every one,so even if u were intentionally doing that , it should not be a problem.

Last time it happend on my server EB map,the guild asked some people to stop follow in a real brutal way…do u know what happend next?
A dude tagged up blue,following them and inviting pugs to join.

If they are not nice with you…why should you be nice with them/care of them?

I apologize for my english.
Engineer : Charliengine
Engineer : Brother Thompson

IGN about the new Borderland map

in WvW

Posted by: Nirvana.8659


2 weeks in T1 EU i saw a queue on borders only one time,it was the EB zerg jumping there to take a look….the queue lasted 10 minutes.
After that never saw a queue again on borders on my server.

Every day 80 man queue in EB , and not a single soul on borders.
Guild raids jumping in EB crying there is no one to fight on borders…or they get bored of running around in that giant map that takes 20 minutes of walk around to find an enemy,if there is one.
And then,they have to hope that the enemy guild doesn’t go bunker in a tower,because at this point is really the end….the anti-fun experience.

Don’t know if you guys still want to insist on the “they are all in PvE , give them time , they will come back in WvW”.

From my point of view,there is something not nice happening to the WvW community.
After two weeks you see hardcore WvWers dissapear from all the maps but EB , you can’t say " they are in PvE " or " they must get used to new maps".

The few that log in are not in PvE,THEY ARE IN QUEUE FOR EB ONLY.
THEY DON’T NEED TO GETNUSED TO NEW MAPS…simply because they saw new maps and find too many obstacles to have decent fights or to have any fun at all.

There are people that ofc likes the new maps,but just watch at your queue at prime times on borders to understand how many don’t like it.

That told…Anet must have his way to monitor then WvW player traffic , I would really take a look at it,just for curiosity, to understand if that’s my impression or if the WvW is really starting experiencing his darkest moment.

I apologize for my english.
Engineer : Charliengine
Engineer : Brother Thompson

Where does WvW xp go?

in WvW

Posted by: Nirvana.8659


Zioba,teh yellow XP booster does not give any WXP bonus.
It provides extra XP for kill , normal XP ,not WXP.

WXP and XP are 2 different things.

To test it,kill an NPC with XP (yellow) booster on,and kill teh same NPC without XP booster on.

The WXP u gain is the same,with or without yellow XP booster on.

EDIT: without yellow XP booster u may randomly get 20 WXP per guard kill.
WIth yellow XP booster you get the 30 WXP ,so is 50% more,but the kill STEAK that the yellow XP booster provides doesn’t work , if you have 10 kills bosun,and you have 150% XP bonus in total,you still get only 50% WXP bonus,not 150% like the booster says.

I apologize for my english.
Engineer : Charliengine
Engineer : Brother Thompson

(edited by Nirvana.8659)

Where does WvW xp go?

in WvW

Posted by: Nirvana.8659


Guys in really poor words,help me understand:
If i’m 80 and i go in WVW with the yellow XP booster on,i basically waste the yellow XP boost right?

The only usefull XP boost in WvW is the blue one right? the WXP right?

I bought the Candy Corn thing that if i well remember in teh past used to give WXP booster,so now i will never get it anymore from it…
Also,the Yellow XP booster says “+50% exp from kills IN ALL GAME MODE , + bonus on PvP reward Track”….ofc WvW is not anymore in the bonus,because …who the heck cares of WvW…..

I apologize for my english.
Engineer : Charliengine
Engineer : Brother Thompson

(edited by Nirvana.8659)

Big dilemma.

in Engineer

Posted by: Nirvana.8659


I have unlocked the Scrapper and played some PvE and mainly WvW.

We need more time for the Engineer to understand if this specialization can work or not(so take my words with the right regard and not as a definitive judgment),but my first impression after some figths in both PvE and WvW are :

Hammer itself is good,but considering the engineer traitlines , and the lack of an effective ranged kit , i feel the scrapper crippled when it come to couple Hammer + 1 kit only + 2 utility + elite.

Nades must be traited,or they are too slow to be a nice companion for the hammer.With traited nades look nice in PvE , not that special in any case.
In WvW…good for solo roaming only,forget to go first line with Hammer + nades , also forget to be a valid ranged support with all the reflections going around and with the short distance nades can cover.So you will be mediocre with both first line and ranged support role with this combo.

Flamthrower is nice,good sinergy,but i would not define it a “ranged” kit so, when happen that you need some range and you have hammer+flamthrower only , you are out of the game.
In WvW we know wich kind of issue u sufer with flamthrower+ enemy melee : retaliation.
If you don’t have a good melee party your stability source , even with the new + old traits , is still luckluster to go push as first line.Engineer stablity source are situationals (dodge) or too slow to apply accurately (toss elixir B ,with this you must look to aim at yourself too before the enemy puts on you a lightining field or some other CC ,plus is not a real party support cause its radius is too slow).

Bomb kit: melee as well.

Elixir Gun : nice to use as utility not really a weapon , but it can’t work alone with Hammer.
It’s nice if you couple EGun+ some other kit + Hammer.

Tool kit : same as Elixier Gun.

Mortar : too slow .

Scrapper utility Gyros : at the moment i don’t use a single gyro, they are….“luckluster” to say the best.
The only one i use is the Stealth gyro while roaming or while walking in PvE in the middle of a monster camp.

The reason i use the stealth gyro is that the cooldown is fairly low , no let’s say it all , it’s too low…… probably will be increased and the stealth duration reduced, basically nerfed making it in line with other gyros (lackluster) , because atm roam in WvW with stealth Gyro really makes engineer OP in some situation.

In the end , we have to wait to understand how to make use of hammer,because a scrapper + hammer in WvW adds nothing to the old Engineer for me atm.
A scrapper+Hammer in PvE adds nothing to the old Engineer for me atm.

SO my opinion of the scrapper is the equivalent of your opinion on the warrior…BUT , even if the Engineer evolved in the Scrapper doesn’t add anything to the class , both Engineer and Scrapper are the coolest classes in this game , the only class you will never get tired/bored of…

Your best bet would be a Crhonomancer or a Reaper i think,not sure anyway.

Wait for more Scrapper opinions ,even better wait some week and let us all get used to the class,find new combo with traits-kits-utility before ask for a real opinion.

I apologize for my english.
Engineer : Charliengine
Engineer : Brother Thompson

(edited by Nirvana.8659)

mastery points priority to begin?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Nirvana.8659


Is there any guide or something like that to understand where is better to put the first mastery points in?

I have Gliding lvl 2 and mashrooms(Itzel Lore) level 2 , BUT i start to feel not safe because when i look at my hero pannel , i only have 8 mastery points left , and i only unlocked the first map(Verant Brink).

When i go to the second map for example,there are places i cannot pass/cross because vines blocks the road , or because there are passages i cannot cross / door i cannot open Ley Lines i cannot ride/fly on.

What to do now?Focus on gliding / mashrooms , or start something else?

What is necessary to jsut be able to walk around and gather some other Mastery Points in the other maps?

I apologize for my english.
Engineer : Charliengine
Engineer : Brother Thompson

Need help,not understand anything....

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Nirvana.8659


You go in hero panel story journal or something and start that new story. After that you go silverwastes and you do that short story.

Yes tried to do this for almost 2 hours and a half….but i was not able to start the quest.
I was pressing “H” hero panel/ACHIEVEMENT****/HoT and it was only showing me the achievements….and i was going crazy clicking on it to find a description of waht to do,where to go etc…

Finally i found a player on the map that start helping me and explained me i was going to “achievement” instead of the “Journal”….
Now i found the quest and i was finally able to find the “start quest” key…..

I feel so stupid 2 hours and a half going crazy for every map …..

Looks like things are not “T*rd-proof” enough for me .

Thanks for the reply anyway guys,problem solved now.

I apologize for my english.
Engineer : Charliengine
Engineer : Brother Thompson

Need help,not understand anything....

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Nirvana.8659



I googled evrything but i can’t find a guide or anything…

How can i join the new maps?

It says i have to make the story journal things called “rally to maguuma” and “torn fromt eh sky”….ok!
But….i don’t even know what steps to do to make this 2 quest,and when i click on them in the Journal/achievement panel there is no guide nothing to make me understand how to go isnide the new maps.

I never done any personal story quest….i hope it wont be a problem.
I only have 100% map completition,never done a lot of PvE cause i’m a WvW player only.
So please…can anyone link me a guide that explains me how to do this 2 quest step by step?

I only want to unlock my weapon specialization with that hero points left in the new maps , and then go back to WvW….

I apologize for my english.
Engineer : Charliengine
Engineer : Brother Thompson

About gyros and lack of design enthusiasm

in Engineer

Posted by: Nirvana.8659


Even if Gyros are the most broken abilities in the entire game, they are still boring, boring, and uh, boring. This one heals a bit. This one cleanses. This one KILLS ITSELF to deal some damage. This one is a redundant shadow refuge that tells everyone where you are.

At this point I want to drive down to Anet HQ and shout cursewords in Irenio’s face for flubbing something we only get once every three years.

Well I don’t blame Dev. Irenio.
Despite the fact he confidentially said he love the ranger doesn’t mean that our elite spec was conditioned by that.
Even if a developer works on one class , I think before any creation they discuss things all together.
After an idea is approved a single small team/dev is in charge for 1-2 or 3 classes(like in our case).

The gyros idea is something I really dislike,and considering the engineer already has set of AI based skills,I really can’t see how they managed to come to the conclusion this gyros should have been a good elite spec.
I don’t see anything original in our elite spec,but the main concern is I don’t see a new idea there,is like have 6 turrets now,but 3 of them are mobile.

Aside from that,can you imagine all the problems they will face balancing that gyros?
Like turrets I’m sure gyros will become OP after some balance round,and back nerfed to the ground after the second balance round,doomed to be parked out of builds with gadgets and turrets.

Stealth gyro,this left me astonished : tactically speaking for a good coordinated action and successful approach / escape from enemy go in stealth requires you to be undetectable.
No sense go stealth and have a bot screaming “HEY,MY OWNER IS HEREEE,JUST THROW YOUR AoE AROUND MEEE”…. even worse in GVG or WvW large scale where youm basically ask to get bombed.

Also,from what I see,not only that stealth gyro is visible screaming your position,but you and your ally movements are SEVERELY penalized from the gyro slowness.

In the end,a bad specialization idea FROM MY POINT OF VIEW.

Ranger elite looks " fresh" , but I’m sure Devs worked the same amount of time on both,engineer and ranger.
The problem here is the idea at the base of our specialization,the thing all devs discussed about together before even announcing specialization.

I apologize for my english.
Engineer : Charliengine
Engineer : Brother Thompson

(edited by Nirvana.8659)

About gyros and lack of design enthusiasm

in Engineer

Posted by: Nirvana.8659


Well,i’m really having hard time with my engeneers atm.

Even if i try to never expect anything,i was destroyed after the engineer preview.
Yeah hammer could nice,but most of all i was expecting some REAL utility to use with my kits.
I mean,elixirs are what they are….nothing special and not super usefull really ; gadgets are nearly trash ; turrets are litterally trash….so making 1 +1 in my head i was expecting something that should have bring some fresh air to the class….

Instead , i saw that drones….that for me are the same things as turret and gadgets…. nearly trash.

And yes…what i expect now is " we buffed drones : + 5% hp"…..ofc…..

I apologize for my english.
Engineer : Charliengine
Engineer : Brother Thompson

Predator no sound for me

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nirvana.8659


I would pay to mute my predator…I would pay to mute the predator sound for the peoples around me when I spam 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 to don’t annoy them.

Anyway,in big size fights,like big zergs in WvW or boss battles in PvE ,it is a common issue.
Sadly the sound is muted for you only,your allies will be able to hear it.

I think the system just can’t handle all the sounds,so it prioritize the ally/enemy sounds,to give you a better coordination with your sorroundings may be(just a personal explanation I gived to my self).

Anyway,even people with bows,pistols,or any kind of legendary will experience the same problem in zergs fights,their weapons will mute sometimes.It’s just a big scale fight problem.

I apologize for my english.
Engineer : Charliengine
Engineer : Brother Thompson

POLL: How are we doing?

in Engineer

Posted by: Nirvana.8659


As soon as they tone down burning a bit we’ll be really strong.

As soon as they tone down burning a bit , we will lose our burning damage too,unless they don’t rework Inceniary Powder giving 3 or 4 stacks instead of the actual 2 stacks to compense the tone down.

I apologize for my english.
Engineer : Charliengine
Engineer : Brother Thompson

POLL: How are we doing?

in Engineer

Posted by: Nirvana.8659


No love for alchemy LOL, its by far our best condition clear, no wonder people have issues with condis.

Ye lol

Engi “We need more condition cleanse!”

Poll “Do you use alchemy or Elixirs?”

Engi “No!!”

Precisely! Although I will admit alchemy isnt the best thing vs condi bombs. But is admirable in most cases.

blah blah.

You are saying there isnt enough cleansing to handle a bomb but your not using elixirs your using 2 kits(probably not EG) mortar and healing turret(im guessing) Thats 4 items that could potentially be affected by Alchemy (although mortar is probably best :P )

So although i appreciate what you are saying its in reference to your experience with 2 kits then mortar and probably healing turret.

This small caveat is essential to understand. You are choosing to not equip the cleansing options and then state that we dont have enough cleansing. (which is what we were laughing about in the original post).

What you actually want is more cleansing on individual skills, where at the moment it is spread over many skills and if you don’t slot them all and use them quickly your stuffed. I 100% agree with you by the way, 1 Skill and some passives should be enough but they aren’t at the moment.

I said “my ideal build is 2 kit 1 elixir” for a reason….atm it’s IDEAL,not factible(my utility bar is elixir H + elixir B(or elixir U/C)+ toolkit +e-gun + mortar.More condi dispell than this….is hard to achieve as engy.

Since last balance update , I’M FORCED to full elixier build , elixir gun included………
I’m forced to do it also because healing turret overcharge (cleansing burst) is bugged and does not reset with AMR,so i have even less cleansing.
Yet,i can’t survive a 1vs 1 against a condi spam roamer,condispam little skirmish,condispam PvP fight on point most of the times.
Not asking to be immune to condis,asking to be able to displell a condi bomb in less than 6 seconds(while taking dmg and geting disabled).

As i already told,with 5 condis on me i need to throw 4/5 elixirs….and while i’m doing it i can easly get disabled(fear,knockback,stun,daze etc) .
Dispell a condi bomb using elixir with all animation time+cast time is not efficent enough.
Use elixir gun #5 is slow as hell.Elixir gun #4 #2 and mortar #5 are elixiers and don’t dispell conditions….
The most efficent elixir i tested in that situations,was elixir C , but,how much utility does it give?
What if you equip elixir C and you have to fight a Power or Hybrid enemy on sPvP point?
You have one less utility…that’s why i say elixirs sould be better rounded with some more appealing side effect in addition to boons(that can be steal , converted into condi,give enemy %dmg,etc).

OP sorry for my offtopic .

I apologize for my english.
Engineer : Charliengine
Engineer : Brother Thompson

(edited by Nirvana.8659)

POLL: How are we doing?

in Engineer

Posted by: Nirvana.8659


No love for alchemy LOL, its by far our best condition clear, no wonder people have issues with condis.

Ye lol

Engi “We need more condition cleanse!”

Poll “Do you use alchemy or Elixirs?”

Engi “No!!”

Precisely! Although I will admit alchemy isnt the best thing vs condi bombs. But is admirable in most cases.

Alchemy is harmless against condition BOMBS.
Try to go face to face against a condi\celestial necro in pvp , or even worst , against perplexity cancer necro in WvW to understand what “condition BOMB” means.

There are condi rangers, condi thieves,condi eles,even a simple 1 condi spam like burn guardian can melt you even if u use elixirs…with 1 kind of condition only.

This in 1vs1,but consider that in WvW small scale(roaming in small groups) or sPvP middle point fights Engy is the MOST feared enemy,the consequence is youmare getting focused and you can experience conditions from multiple enemy,and elixirs are not enough to deal with it.

That told,to go play a semi-efficent condi clear build with elixirs,you must run 2 elixirs in utility,leaving you with only 1 kit or 2 kit if you use mortar too.Is it enough to handle a fight?
My ideal setup is 2 kits and 1 elixir(utility slot only).

That’s why we have problems with Condis….be FORCED to run multiple kits to be efficient.That leave less space for elixirs.
Elixirs effect are lackluster to be justified in a build aside from the single condi dispels.
If for example an elixirs would grant condi dispelled+(boons or any of their side effect like immunity or quickness etc)+1200 HP regen(warrior shout style) things could be different.

Also,elixirs dispels 1 condi per elixir,that mean in order to clear multiple condis you have to thrown multiple elixirs,all with their cast time,animation time,praying you won’t get stunned or dazed in the while.

The interesting data I see in that poll,is the awesome consideration we have for med kit lol.

I’m more surprised about the off hand pistol reowork data,I was expecting a larger “total rework” about it considering the #4 reliability (80% of the time is a “miss”), and the absurd 30 sec CD on #5(a no sense long cd considering the effect and the duration of the skill).

I apologize for my english.
Engineer : Charliengine
Engineer : Brother Thompson

(edited by Nirvana.8659)

[Bug:Engineer] Healing turret critical bug.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Nirvana.8659


Using the trait Automated Medical Responce will reset only the first part of healing turret skill.
The second part,the overcharge called Cleansing Burst,will still be under the previous cooldown without being effected from the AMR trait.

This is a critical bug for every build relying on AMR+Healing Turret since the Cleansing Burst is the ONLY condition dispeller for ALL the builds not using elixirs.

I’m sure this must be a bug,considering the AMR have always fully reset healing turret AND Cleansing Burst together before the July balance update.

Also,if that was an intended change , there is no track of this change in any of the patch notes from June.
If the change was intended any official statement/clarification would be appreciated.

I apologize for my english.
Engineer : Charliengine
Engineer : Brother Thompson

(edited by Nirvana.8659)

AMR+healing turret+cleansing burst

in Engineer

Posted by: Nirvana.8659


Thx Dirame!
So it was working like i remember before the patch.

Ok that’s all…I hope it’s a bug and it wil be fixed,in the doubt i will add it to teh bug thread/subforum,because there is no patch note speaking about that change,so not being documented i will treat it as a bug.

Thx again!

I apologize for my english.
Engineer : Charliengine
Engineer : Brother Thompson

AMR+healing turret+cleansing burst

in Engineer

Posted by: Nirvana.8659


Was it like this before the July(or June don’t remember) update?

Useless to contest things,i know but….if the trait is meanted to reset the healing skill,it should reset the healing skill as a whole.
I don’t know what you think,but have healing turret resetted to find 6 second CD on Cleansing Burst is a no sense.

As it is,AMR + Healing turret resets HALF skill,not the whole skill.

So the things can be 3:
- Healing turret+AMR is in that state because they wanted to push the other healing skills (no comment).
-Healing turret +AMR is in that state because of a bug.
-Healing turret +AMR is in that state since the beginning and I can’t remember how it was before.

Ye most important for me is to know if the skill was like that in the past,or if it was changed in the recent Updates,just to know , nothing more.

I apologize for my english.
Engineer : Charliengine
Engineer : Brother Thompson

AMR+healing turret+cleansing burst

in Engineer

Posted by: Nirvana.8659


So guys,i don’t know if it was already discussed or reported,but that thing is crap.
When you use healing turret and AMR proc after few seconds , you have healing turret with cleansing burst(overcharge) in CD.
I don’t remember it was like that before the last big update.
Am i wrong?

Is it a bug or is it intended?
Most of the time the condi dispell of cleansing burst is what i need,and i have it in CD…

What do you think?Is it fine?Or is it a bit messed up?

(Edited multiple times to correct healing myst with the pro per skill name:cleansing burst).

I apologize for my english.
Engineer : Charliengine
Engineer : Brother Thompson

(edited by Nirvana.8659)

Pvp Auto Team voice channel?

in PvP

Posted by: Nirvana.8659


I was thinking about it right today!!

I’d say Yes .

I’ve had experience with in-game voice chat into another game (blade and soul) and it is awesome.
In that game when you make a party,it automatically offer you the voice chat with the party members.
You can join it,or you can also not join it,and only write and read without listen-speak.

Hard to explain with my crappy english , but it was one of my favorite feature i found in a game.

I apologize for my english.
Engineer : Charliengine
Engineer : Brother Thompson