Showing Posts For Nisshoku.3479:

Collector's Ed/DDE Item Questions [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Nisshoku.3479


Hello, I submitted my ticket some time ago to get into the queue but it was automatically closed

My ticket number is 120911-009135

Pay to win

in WvW

Posted by: Nisshoku.3479


So what I’m reading here first is “it doesn’t matter if the game is pay to win because it wasn’t meant to be balanced” which right off the bat is an absolute laugh. There is no part of this game that is supposed to be designed to be imbalanced.

Furthermore I don’t think you’re contemplating the total effect this can have on a group of players all buffing up with the consumables. A large group that has these will beat a large group that doesn’t. At that rate it might as well be mandatory to do well, which is… you guessed it, pay to win.

Instead of convincing me the game isn’t pay to win, it seems everyone is defending these boosts by saying it doesn’t matter if the game is pay to win. So are we all in agreement, then, that the game is pay to win?

You can not buy these particular boosts directly, you’re granted a chance to get them with black lion chests. “But,” you say “you buy the keys to get them with gems.” To which I reply: yes, you can buy several chests to open, you can sink gems into keys, you can invest in the chance to get several of these boosts, you can convince a group of 50 people to do the same, and you can all try to take on a group of 50 other people but your meager 10% boost is thrown out the window by an additional 5 people to the other group. It’s rendered absolutely pointless by slightly superior play. It is rendered absolutely pointless by an arrow cart, it is rendered absolutely pointless by the opponent’s being inside a keep.

So I guess in your “ideal” situation we have two large but equal groups of opponent’s fighting in a field with no siege weapons and in which one side has invested real world money to get the bonuses and there is absolutely no chance of retreat or reinforcement then yes, it is pay2win but you might as well be debating the color of unicorn blood right there because that is a situation that is never going to happen.

Pay to win

in WvW

Posted by: Nisshoku.3479


Really now, why are you whining about this? WvW was never actually meant to be balanced. The most important factor in nearly any WvW encounter are numbers. Secondary is investment in siege equipment.

It’s a rare situation where this will be of any significance and even then you can just pay in game currency to get the same exact buffs just like you would to buy food buffs or siege equipment.

Guild Wars 2 Forum Posters in a nutshell

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nisshoku.3479


Everytime I hear BLT

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Nisshoku.3479


Bacon is murder!

Consequently so is lettuce and tomato. How many sylvari died to make your sandwich?

Surviving with 0 health

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Nisshoku.3479


You only die or are downed when a hit would bring you to -1. If something brings you to exactly 0 then you’ll be alright.

Ruined Ore

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Nisshoku.3479


By the Six you are a whiny little snot.

“I got ruined ore because I was attacked while mining! This game is terrible, I’m going to quit and go cry in a corner.”

Just kill the bloody thing before you mine. I don’t recall any other game that allows you do mine while you’re being hit.

Event: Kill the Cuatl Thieves

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Nisshoku.3479


That explains why the Cuatl are attacking them. 1% of the Hylek, 99% of the wealth.

Skill Point bugged on Stormbluff Isle

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Nisshoku.3479


The skill points and events are also bugged in the false lake in Lornar’s Pass.

highest bleed necromancer build?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Nisshoku.3479


Ahmon.1730, Morelia.6835
epidemic sucks. and i have played gw2 for 260 hours. i saw epidemic only 1 ~ 2 times.(but those guys who used epidemic died more easily than anyone. it is why i dont select epidemic. and when i use it, i see i don’t kill many enemies. epidemic is just childish noob skill.). and epidemic is just weak with low chance killing enemies. i can replace CPC for pure bleed build. but all other skills seem just weak. i select those 3 skills because only those 3 skills have high damage. and i don’t see any skill that is higher damage than signet of spite. just look at necromancer traits. 20% signet recharge faster increases speed. it means more higher damage. there is no more skill or trait you can do more damage. and i see i use signet of spite very often in game. why would you replace it? i will challenge the highest damage for the last attempt because everything was lame with bugs. i don’t care enemy gets many boons. if i do highest damage, i can kill everyone. i realized boons are not strong at all. i see many people who get as many boons as possible. but i see they just die like noobs.

Dude, please kitten learn to spell. Also learn how to form proper sentences rather than vomiting everything from your mind onto the kitten keyboard.

Please fix Gendaran fields

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Nisshoku.3479


Why is there always that one guy that is compelled to smugly say “it works for me . . .”

Skill Point Bugs

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Nisshoku.3479


The gamer entitlement is strong in this one.

The Game Has Content...That You Can't Do

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nisshoku.3479


Your analogy is week DaedalusDragon.

With Farmville you have limitations on playing the game that are only lifted if you pay them. With Guild Wars you still play the game but don’t get the virtual reward.

I ask of you, why do you ultimately play a video game? Do you play for in-game rewards and benefits? It seems awfully backward to play a game just so you can get a sword with big numbers that are meaningful only in the game and aesthetics that also only retain meaning within the game.

If you aren’t having any fun in the actions leading up to getting the ultimate 666 sword of satanic doom + 5 then why the hell are you playing at all?

Punished for being in a PUG

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nisshoku.3479


Yes, we should do everything for the lowest common denominator.

Nevermind the supreme satisfaction of tackling something difficult with a good group of organized friends if it’s too hard for Johnny to do with a group of strangers.

Reminds me of the American education system.

The Game Has Content...That You Can't Do

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nisshoku.3479


So you only want to play the game if it gives you decent virtual items?

How laughably trivial and idiotic.

Your post is idiotic. Grinding the same thing over and over again is definitely not fun and that’s what they meant for us to do. As such, we wanted to make do with rewards. Guess what? No rewards either.

And yet again, you get worked up that imaginary actions don’t lead to significant imaginary gain. You’re philosophy on playing video games is incredibly skewed.

The Game Has Content...That You Can't Do

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nisshoku.3479


So you only want to play the game if it gives you decent virtual items?

How laughably trivial and idiotic.

Why can't i store multiple of the same item on the PvP Locker?

in PvP

Posted by: Nisshoku.3479


There were technical reasons why we had to implement it this way, but thank you for voicing your ideas and opinions.

I think most of us are just confused because in the beta weekends, you allowed us to store multiple PvP skins in the lockers without a hitch. Could you explain to us the technical reasons why you’re not allowing this anymore? I think a lot of us would be a lot more understanding if we knew why – it’s just legitimately confusing to me, it’s really quite tedious to juggle all of these items.

Let’s suppose that the server stores the amount you have of each item as an 8 bit number. That’s 8 times less memory they have to use for storing each and every single players pvp locker.

Just a theory though, probably not correct because I don’t think they’re aching for the memory space

sPvP - things to come.

in PvP

Posted by: Nisshoku.3479


Team Fortress 2 doesn’t have many of the aspects that it’s competitors have.

Just sayin’

Anet's love

in Necromancer

Posted by: Nisshoku.3479


As for the kitten whining and wanting their refund back, do you really think you didn’t get $60 worth out of the game? Is it ethical for me to return my copy of skyrim after I had already beaten and enjoyed the hell out of it because high level destruction is weak?

Anet's love

in Necromancer

Posted by: Nisshoku.3479


The only answer from Anet has been that they don’t really see necro’s as broken just hard to play or in other words “l2p” . . what is up with that? Good customer relations Jon. Way to alienate 90% of the necro community.

Way to misinterpret!

The proper course of action is to wait until the metagame stabilizes before making any drastic changes. He hypothesizes that the death shroud mechanic could potentially be of great strategic use, they observe for a good amount of time, and they make the changes they think are necessary. It is a very scientific way to go about the game rather than reacting to loud and immediate pleas.

DMG vs Weapoin Strength

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nisshoku.3479


>deep, realistic, dynamic RPG games.

Because people have hp in real life and swords can be quantified by the amount of damage they can deal.

You’re not going to find anything remotely like the depth you want in any video game. It’d be better that you just find a group of friends, some pencils, miniatures, and 3.5 edition dnd, though even then you’re more likely to find people ad hoccing rules and having fun than spending 5 hours on a single “realistic” encounter.

(edited by Nisshoku.3479)

What is my Asura saying?

in Asura

Posted by: Nisshoku.3479


This feels really kittenish of me correcting your spelling but it’s “immolated.”

Black Lion Chests?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Nisshoku.3479


I think they should take a page from the Team Fortress school of thought and make keys trade-able and add exceptionally rare items that you can only get from chests like a unique armor skin, mini-pet, or versions of runes that give an awesome aesthetic effect when you have all of them equipped (Rune of Vampirism makes you look like a vampire, etc.)

Racial Elites not worth the skill points?

in Asura

Posted by: Nisshoku.3479


I kind of wish they had stuck with their original intentions of having an additional racial trait line. While I understand their reasoning in wanting to prevent certain combinations from being “optimal.” They could have solved this by not allowing us to spec into that trait line for sPvP.

Please fix the Necromancer Staff! It's broken!

in Necromancer

Posted by: Nisshoku.3479


I enjoy that sound >_> . . .

Jagged Horrors, Why do they exist again?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Nisshoku.3479


Asura female is best necromancer.

“I can always summon more.”

That’s the attitude a necromancer should have.

Racial Elites not worth the skill points?

in Asura

Posted by: Nisshoku.3479


As a conditions Necro, Radiation field is just awesome.

You have something that does the exact same thing on a shorter cooldown albeit with a minor drawback of weakening yourself.

Every class has a way of cancelling a stomp as soon as they get downed...

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Nisshoku.3479


And? It’s rare that it does anything more than delay

Condition Builds suck vs World Bosses

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Nisshoku.3479


You really think that every build should be effective in every situation?

Armor shouldn't get damaged in WvWvW

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Nisshoku.3479


There’s a reason that there are a lot of mobs roaming around in WvWvW, they provide a decent source of income and, from my experience, seem to drop a higher amount of blue loot. Spend about five minutes killing mobs with a few people and you’ll have enough money for two full repairs.