Showing Posts For Null Unit.4375:

Flame & Frost Final Event...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Null Unit.4375

Null Unit.4375

Is that a joke ?

Thank you for this awesome event, ANet definitely needs to keep on like this. Several month of living story for… a fire, and 10 achievements points.

Yeah, because the experience of the story, the experience of the dungeon, the new crafting recipes, the new titles, the new weapon skins in the gem shop, and the fused gauntlets are all worthless. Right?

Some of us think so. Yes.

do you think this game is fun

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Null Unit.4375

Null Unit.4375

It would seem that some of you are trying to prove your opinions to each other. There is no need, as that is as fruitless as these forum discussions are. The developers aren’t going to be convinced of anything by our discussions. Every time a new interview is released, they prove again and again that they live in their own little bubble.

As for the question this thread poses:
This game is so good. It is so close to being great. I had great fun for these months since beta weekends; leveling 5 80’s and gearing them… working on leveling more. Over 1100 hours of fun has been had. Real money has been spent in the gem store. I regret nothing.

Now? Not so much fun have I. I log in to do my daily, for fear of falling behind on some intangible advantage. Then, I go play other games that I actually enjoy. If there was another MMO that seemed worth the time, I would switch in a heartbeat.

RNG boxes, Arenanet tossing their own manifesto out the window, small dribbles of bland content called a “living story”, ridiculously out of touch developer comments, and the knowledge that there is no expansion in the works have drained me of almost all of the passion I have for this game.

The Super Adventure Box is the only actual fun I have had in months.

Statue in Lion's Arch No Longer Makes Sound

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Null Unit.4375

Null Unit.4375

I seem to recall the developer that created the statue in LA said that he spent a lot of his free time syncing the animation frames to the sound. At present, the statue no longer makes any sound. Please fix this grievous error.

Things I'm not happy about with GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Null Unit.4375

Null Unit.4375

Well, you are going to get some harsh responses. So, I will lay it out for you in a nice way.

Guild Wars has always been a pretty princess simulator. Those dungeon sets are for looks. And looks are the only thing Anet makes a grind for. You buy crafted items, or whatever you think has the best stats. Then, you transform the looks with the dungeon sets, or whatever you like the looks of best.

It’s a weird setup for anyone who is not familiar with the Guild Wars franchise. For those that are, it’s not news in the slightest. Again, the only grind in this game is for aesthetics. And that means the grind is entirely optional and not needed to compete in anything other than pretty princess contests.

You got me once (ncsoft?)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Null Unit.4375

Null Unit.4375

I am curious why someone would buy character-bound bag slots, instead of account-bound bank tabs? This is a serious question.

You got me once (ncsoft?)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Null Unit.4375

Null Unit.4375

I’m not going to disagree that there are money grabs in the game, but you are not a victim. You said it yourself, “I KNEW it would destroy the unlocks.” Yet you still deleted the character, because , “I FELT like it.” Okay!

It sounds like you got exactly what you wanted.

I would give my endgame feedback but...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Null Unit.4375

Null Unit.4375

Because every single critical post in this forum is highjacked by the same few posters and torn to shreds. It is ruining any decent debate.

And to make matters worse, this is a problem on almost every GW2 related website. There’s quite literally nowhere you can give constructive feedback without the white knights rolling out.

Suggestion: have "gold seller" as selectable option in report functions

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Null Unit.4375

Null Unit.4375

Agreed. I would like to see a “gold seller” option added to the list. I would also like for the person I am reporting to be automatically added to my blocked list when this option is used.