@ Arzurag
You do realize, that the whole point of my concept is to give each Attribute a kinmd of primary and Secondary Effect, or?
So by just removing from those two Attributes their secondary effects and lettign have everythign else have secondary effects is no solution at all.
I wanted to know from you as a solution, what else you would put into place as secondary effect of Power, if not the effect of Condition Duration.
Same thign with Wisdom – so if you have a problem with Wisdoms secondary effect being a Condition Damge Reduction based on th percentage of how much Conditions should ignore your Defense, then I want to know from you, what you think should replace this effect, because under my concept that effect has the sense of reducing unneccessary Boon Effects in this case – it is the removal of the totalyl obsolete Resistance Boon, when in fact the mechanism of Resistance would get reworked as secondary effect for Wisdom.
If we would just have that, then there would be instantly no need anymore to have also the Resistance Boon and thats the whole plan behind my concept – make Attributes more impactful and compact, while reducing at the same time Combat System Effect Spam that comes from Boons and Conditions – which is why I reduced them to 10 on both sides, where the game has currently like 12 Boons and like 14 Conditions.
Also spotted another error in the concept, where I missed editing that part
Swiftness = Increased Movement Speed and increase Recharge Time Speed (merge with Alacrity)
Chronomancers get Alacrity replaced with a new Boon called
Reflection letting them create powerful timespace shields that revert incoming projectiles in time and send them back to the origin. They receive a kind of reworked Retribution back, that is focused on ranged attacks.
LOL, you just say only with what Power can’t be mixed, but then also don’t provide no solution…
.. how about you make a more constructive suggestion and tell me instead, with what Condition Duration should be replaced in your opinion??
Because if you just can’t do that, then stands just only opinion against opinion and that won’t convince me to change anything on my concept.
You didn’t even tell us yet, why exactly you think that mixing these two effects together is no good idea >.>
Saying that something is no good idea can do everybody, but also explaining ,why you think so is something different, at which alot of people fail.
I’m not just only quibbling over attribute names…cause i think Condition Damage should be called Wisdom so that it fits in line with al the other Attribute Names.
I just explained to you that it is logic sense, that if you are as a character more powerful, that your Conditions should also last stronger.
If you can perform a stronger more intense burning, then it should be natural, that it is harder to extinguish it, so it lasts longer than a less insense burning that is easier for you to extinguish and smaller in size.
A small tea light fire won’t burn as intense and lasts as long, as like a more powerful inferno that burns down a whole forest, which can burn for days and days, while the small tea light doesn’t last as long just as an example for the difference between power and intensity of something having influence on its duration.
But even a simple bonfire will burn longer, than any simply tea light, just because the fire is more intense and powerful.
A bonfire can last for like over 8 hours, a small tea light lasts only like 4 hours or less regarding the quality of the tea light, before the fire will extinguish from alone due to having melted all wax away so that the fire meets on the fluid wax and extinguishes itself.
Why is this naturally so, that so bigger the fire is, so longer it lasts? because the bigger the size of the fire, so more burning material was there to burn and sp more burning material there is, so naturally longer can last the fire to burn.
Now replace “burning material” as formula with Power and you have what?
Exacly > So more Power = so longer lasting Burning (Conditions)
Southsun Survival is no LA Minigame, its a Minigam that originally belongs to Southsun Cove and should be playable only these, so that people have a reason to go to that Map
Same with Crab Toss.
Crown Pavillion is no Minigame, its a Festival thats all about farming materials and battling some challenging Solo Battles
Sanctum Sprint has nothing to do with the Grove, it was a Living World Minigame Anet added together with Aspect Arena specificly basically for an extra for this made tiny explorable map, the Laberynthine Cliff (or similar written xD), which i think should become a permanently accessible map and made bigger/actually useful more also with some PvE content inside of it generally.
Cattapult Betting? Can’t think of this as a Minigame, srry. Its just a money sink fun part of an event ^^
But Gladiator Arena could be made actually into something that could work as Minigame, if its not just like Crown pavillion fighting agaisnt NCps, but agaisnt other players with everyone participatign having “Gladiator Skills” that work differently than just normal Class Skills to make the Gladiator Battles more fun to look at especially
But I like the Comedy Contest idea for DR ^^ basically as a minigame thats based around th idea of bringign as many people to laugh in DR as possible in a certain amount of time as a competition of improvisation and creativity, as long the minigame privides enough freedom for this to do all kinds of funny things that could bring NPCs hopefully to laugh, like for example somethign simply, you see somewhere some pies and you just grab them at the right moment, throwing them into some NPCs face, makign that way some kids in the near die hard laugh loud out LOL
Or classics, you just run to a npc and try tellign them some random jokes ^^ So much possibilities.
Howeve,r i woudl find it good if we continue using this thread for ideas and concepts of Minigames for the town.
Let us overflow Anet with good minigame ideas so that the towns actually become more full of live with the help of activities/minigames/events/adventures to do in them ^^
In my opinion, basically merging power and condition-stats together is not a good idea. I´m for spliting power and condi completely
Nothing else makes together with Power sense to be merged together, other than Condition Duration.
Its for me just plain logic, that so more powerful you are, so longer last your Conditions.
However, if you want your Conditions to deal more damage directly then you won’t still do this with Power, but with Wisdom, the under my concept renamed direct term for “Condition Damage” which sounds also actually like an Attribute that suits to all the others, cause we also have Power and not “Physical Damage” as an attribute.
So to increase your Damage you deal between direct and condition damage is still splitted like currently now.
You have just now under my concept the scepter in your hand to make through Power also your Conditions last longer, but therefore as counter balance doesn’t the Might Boon increase anymore Condition Damage, but instead your Max Health and Healing Efficiency through increasing Vitality instead, thus making Might not just only an offensive valuable boon, but also a defensive valuable boon as well then!!
PoF won’t be an escuse for me, therefore that ANet has left all the other main towns of th game dead for basically 5 years as long there was no kind of seasonal festival going on (and even then it happend mostly all the time only in LA)
Anet needs to revive the main towns with new content – minigames are new content, new content that will bring people to go visit the towns and do actually something in them. And an Expansion shouldn’t be an excuse therefore to not anything about this.
GW2 needs Polymock, Bar Brawls & Co.
Its also for ANet an easy way to add new content for achievements as well and thats something that ANet needs also to ensure, that people get enough of them… we are still tens of thousands of AP away to reach the current maximum planned milestone of 60000 AP that ANet has planned ahead
I just hope, that we will see at least in near future at least finally Bar Brawls and especially Polymock, because especialyl Polymock has due to it being also a GW1 minigame nostalgia and Bar Brawls, because basically the achievements for it and the minigame itself already EXIST, but whyever Anet decided to just remove everything about it, before implementing it fully into the game and then go totally silent about it until today >.>
If Bar Brawls end out to become now some kind of PoF Adventure for example in Amnoon, then thats also not something that would be the same for me, than Bar Brawls being actually a Minigame, because Adventures are no minigames.
Adventures are Solo Content, while actually a real minigame is Multiplayer Content and thats the essence, from which MMO’s live from mainly.
I’d really love to seeas well in GW2 some kind of Ingame Card Collection Minigame you can play with other players similar to FF8s Triple Triad.
That would be so much fun, if we could have then ingame also something like Card Battle Tournaments, cause that would bring the oroginal aspect and inspiration of GW – Magic the Gathering – kind of somehow back to the game too ^^
1 error in my concept I found
- Bleeding = Slow long lasting Damage over time, reduces Toughness & Precision
About my concept, I’m literally for this concept since GW2 ruined the Game Balance just before the release of HoT already with the patch from June 23rd of 2015.
GW2 direly needs to reduce its effect spam by reducing the amount of Boons and Conditions.
But this alone won’t be a solution, the game needs also a reduction of Attributrs, while making at the same time each Attribute more impactful and equally useful for the Player, so that you just don’t have to focus only on like 3 attributes while the others aren’t interesting/useful for you.
Each Attribute should be for every player somehow interesting and useful and that equally either for offense, defense or self/group support.
Something I’m strongly convinced. can be reached only as goal by improving Attributes from singular effects to dual effects, because this WILL actually make each attribute more impactful.
My optimal version of Attributes for GW2, which covers equally offensive, defensive as like supportive effects to ensure, that offensive Stats aren’t the only thing anymore, that counts
Increases Physical Damage and Increases Condition Durations from you.
So this Dual Effect Attribute is basically a merge between >Power and Expertise<
Increases Max Health percentually and Increases Healing Efficiency
So this Dual Effect Attribute is basically a merge between >Vitality and Healing Power<
Increases Critical Hit Rate percentually and Increases Critical Damage percentually
So this Dual Effect Attribute is basically a merge between >Precision and Ferocity<
Increases Physical Defense and Increases Boon Durations from you.
So this Dual Effect Attribute is basically a merge between >Toughness and Concentration<
Increases Condition Damage and Increases the Resistance to Conditions, lowering the percentage of how much Condition Damage ignores your Armor/Defense .
So this Dual Effect Attribute is basically a merge between >Condition Damage and the Resistance Boon reworked into an Attribute<
Increases Endurance Regeneration and Increases Critical Evasion Rate
So this Dual Effect Attribute is basically a merge between >the Vigor Boon and the Weakness Condition<
Increases Boon Intensity and Increases your Body Stature making you more immune to Crowd Control Effects like Stuns, Dazes, Launches, Knockdowns, Pulls, your Breakbar will deplete slower, before enemies can actually break your will and CC you with Hard CC Effects
Boons Redux:
- Might = Raises Power & Vitality
- Regeneration = Heals Health over time
- Protection = Decreases incoming Damage by 25% and lets Conditions on you end 20% faster
- Swiftness = Increases Movement Speed and Recharge Time Speed by 33%
- Reflection = Reflects incoming Projectile attacks back to the Enemy.
New/Renamed and replaced/removed Boons
- Retribution = Removed, reworked into Trait/Skill Effects
- Vigor = Removed, reworked into Attribute
- Resistance = Removed, reworked into Attribute
- Stability = Removed, changed to Sturdiness, reworked into player Breakbar/Attribute
- Fury = Removed, integrated into Precision Formular Rework to make Precision more impactful.
- Dexterity = Increases Attack Speed (Quickness renamed)
- Aura = Blocks Incoming Attacks (Aegis renamed)
- Sturdiness = Makes the Breakbar resist stronger to CC Effects (New)
- Spirituality = Increases Wisdom and Agility (New)
- Ferocity = Increases your Breakbar Intensity of your CC Skills (New)
Condition Redux
- Burning = Damage over time that makes foes also more vulnerable to all other sources of Damage as long you are burning.
- Poison = Lowers Vitality + Power (Direct Counter to Might)
- Chill = Reduces Movement Speed by 50% and makes Skills Recharge Time Speed 33% slower
- Slow = Reduces Attack Speed by 50%
- Blindness = Makes you miss your target
- Disease = Disables Weapon Swapping, spreads to nearby foes and Damages over time when you move around (renamed reworked Torment)
- Confusion = Reactive Damage on Skill Performance (doesn’t include AA), removes friendly fire, so your skills (AoEs) will damage also your allies.
- Bleeding = Slow long lasting Damage over time, reduces Agility & Precision
- Fear = Decreases Courage & Wisdom and makes you retreat
- Petrification = Affects Breakbar, disables Dodges and reduces Agility
- Immobilize = Removed
- Vulnerability = Removed, merged into Burning
- Weakness = Removed , merged into Attributes/Petrification through Agility Reduction
- Taunt = Removed, we have already Fear, enough as Soft CC
- Cripple = Removed, reworked into Petrification to make GW2 have for each Element a fitting Condition:
- Water = Chill
- Fire = Burning
- Air = Slow
- Earth = Petrification
Result = 10 Boons and 10 Conditions and 7 Attributes with 2 Effects each.
(edited by Orpheal.8263)
I don’t know, if I’m the only one with this, but to test the reaction out, I’m posting this.
But there you made that journey to obtain this legendary shortbow and once you’ve got it and you hold it in your hands, its effects and sounds feell a bit underwhelming compared to other legendaries.
To me personally what disturbs me the most is the sound effect when you shoot arrows…
If this really should sound like some kind of “TigerRoar”, then I must they that sound effect is miserably failing at it.
OS I suggest here i nregard of this, if it could be possible to rework the projectile sound effect from Chuka and Champawat to sound more like an aggressive ferocious tiger roar, instead like a tiger fart maybe oO dunno how to describre better how that stuff sounds, but definetely not like a roar.
Here, use this as an example and try reusing it maybe with your Soudn Devs resposible for that kind of stuff
at second 28 to 29 for example, then 32 to 33, at 1:27 to 1:28 is also good
That “purring” sound would be also nice as some kind of “idle sound” thats hearable, when you have just drawn the weapon, but your not shooting – basically signaling your readiness to attack ^^
What i want basically to sear hear is, that I find, that wielding that legendary shortbow should give you more the feling of actually "holding a ferocious “tiger” in your hands also" … aside from the visual effects, it should be also a kind of fitting audio experience.
When it comes down to the visual effects, I think the foot step effects could get a little overhauling work, making the foot steps a bit larger I think would be good and slightly more visually recognizeable.
In certain terrains you barely recognize the, while other foot step effects from other legendary weapons are alot more visible, like for example the dark black twinkling one from eternity which you basically can’t oversee that it is there.
You’ve reworked in the past already several effects from legendary weapons Anet, so I guess a little overlook to see, what you can eventually improve here on this shortbow legendary might not hurt
You forget Herta and the II from Mawdrey :d
The Herta Princess, Star of Mawdrey II
fixed this for you
Star Princess Herta Mawdrey II
PS: aww, was too late, should have read further lol xD
I’m complaining over this fact and keep on rememberign ANet that they announced these things to be part of the game already now for 5 years since release dat of the game, because the original plan of ANet was basically, that these things should have been in the game already from day 1 on…
Now have 5 years passed and all these things are still missing. Naets Game Design is still full of gaps like a switcher cheese as usual and I’m pretty sure, we will see nothing of these things to appear for even further the next 2+ years… unless ANet remedies finally their designer altzheimer and remembers themself again, on these things,, which were originally once planned for the game to exist …
- Polymock … an Asura Gate in the works for 5 years.. how long must that poor lone asuran engineer still work at it, until he’s finally done???
- Bar Brawls ..Anet once had at least their Achievements imlemented to the game, but that just removed everythign and from that day on we neve ever heard or have seen aynthing about it anymore – Anet is as usual totally silent about it and on this topic they havend had in those years not at all even at least the respect to tell us, what happened with this, so that we know at least ,where we are standing now.
If this is even at all a thing for GW, or if it has been already put forever ice years ago…
- Target Shooting – Another Town Minigame, that never found its way into the game, but was once originally planned for Divinitys Reach as part of its carnival – stil lwaiting on a Divinities Reach Carnival Festival or something like that which finally introduces the stuff that should been already there in DR for 5 years
Instead of these thigns people expected that shoulkd be in the game, they gave us such unwanted stuff like Crab Toss and Southsun Survial as part of the Living Story and messed the whole idea of Town activities then up by just putting a general activity npc into Lioons Arch destroyign this way basically the intention to have to go visit the various towns to play in them the actitivies, so that people have a REASON to actually go to the various cities – but god forbid, we have lazy player, which want to have everythign in a central place – so we just put that npc into L.A and good is – topic closed/sarcasm
Then there was the Aspect Arena and the Labyrinthine Cliffs – a place I don#t know why anet doesn’t make this place permanentable accessible as some kind of reworked normal explorable MAP together with the Aspect Arena becoming a permanet minigame with its own achievements like the others … like said, usual switzer cheese with many holes here … this is one of them.
Can understand that seasonal/festival activities aren’t permanent accessible, but AA absolutely was not part of any festival nor a seasonal minigame like the stuff from halloween or wintersday.
I also don’t know why anet just made this kind of Basketball like minigame for lettting us play it just for a few weeks and then just removign it again, instead of keeping it and giving it likle all others their own achievements, especially when its something thats appreciated and liked by most of the community – havent read here anything bad about it.
The original plans of anet included around 30 Minigame Activities they planned to do for the towns – so practically kile when even outed – 5 Minigame Activities per Town if each of the 6 Towns would get equally much (DR, LA, HB, RS, TG, BC)
DR with:
- Target Shooting
- ?
- ?
- ?
- ?
LA with
- Bar Brawls
- Belcher Bluffing
- ?
- ?
- ?
Hoelbrak with:
- Keg Brawl
- ?
- ?
- ?
- ?
Rata Sum with:
- Polymok
- Super Adventure Box
- Golem Chess
- ?
- ???
The Grove with:
- ?
- ?
- ?
- ?
- ?
and lastly the Black Citadel with:
- ?
- ?
- ?
- ?
- ?
As you can see, this isn’t worked out much and I’m pretty sure, that some of their original minigame activities liek Target Shooting have been reworked with HoT now as part of the “Adventures” which are basically now all minigames.
Howeve,r this doesn#t change a single bit on the fact, that the Towns are basically dead, people hang practically out there only to make breaks from the maps outside of the towns, but you can do practically nothing in th towns, because the towns don’t have their own events and activities, which is kind of sad to see, when basically all other places in this game have dynamic events, but just not the towns as well.
But with Path of Fire beign near I guess this will change, because I’ve seen in the first town we visit – Amnoon Oasis, that there are in that town this time also events if I saw right. If that is right, then I can hope only, that Anet will improve also retroactively that way all other towns as well… can’t be wished too much, nor too hard to add some events to the towns to make them more interesting and that not only just when some seasonal stuff is going on …
Part 2 E-Specs:
- Ranger > SCOUT
Improved Pet gameplay allowing to have up to 3 Pets out.
You can switch to play as your Pets as well. One of the 3 Pets will ALWAYS be unplayable, its an Eagle high in the sky you can send out for scouting to change to its EAGLE VIEW to see your place from above. Underwater its a Dolphin.
In Combat you have always 2 Pets at your side ate the same time.
Scouts use Crossbows which shoots armor ignoring bolts, which is compared to the SB or LB a more power based CC and support orientated weapon.
Scouts allow Ranger Players to use Light Armor as well, making their Skills receive a Bonus to Recharge Times for the Reduced Defense.
- Warrior > ASCETIC
The kind of Warrior Monk which wields Staffs. It can wield Light Armor which improves your Warrior Skills with quicker recharges, therefore that you have lesser defense.
Adrenaline gets turned into Chi, allowing the Ascetic to perform Chi Skills that are for temporal improved defense (Iron Skin, Iron Will) or to perfrom Chi based ranged skills Can change at full Chi into Juggernaut Mode, where all of its attacks turn into Chi enhanced mighty punches and kicks that send foes flying and turn punched and kicked foes into projectiles.
- Necromancer > OCCULTIST
Occultists are sword wielding Demonmasters and Ritualists, with the ability to transform them self with the help of Sacrifice Rituals of Minions into Half Demons.
So basically they summon demon minions instead of undeads (Fleshreavers, Margonites, Gargoyles ect.), sacrifice them and turn themself with their power income into Half Demons to gain that way access to their special Demonic Shroud.
Occultists can wield Medium Armor.
- Guardian > KNIGHT
Knights are polearm wielding frontliners. They are skilled in detecting traps and removing them, making them a clear hard counter to Dragon Hunters and other Trap based class builds. They have on land an unique ability to use Mounts for mounted combat as well.
Knights can wield Medium Armor.
Technomancers are focused on Support and Healing while not being in Exo Suit/Cyborg Mode, wielding Scepters and use Nanotechnology for these skills with Replicators being their gameplay mechanic, a self regenerating kind of Golem based on nanotechnology with that the Technomancer can merge to go into Exo Suit/Cyborg Mode for turning into a more aggressive combat orientated paramedic that uses nanotechnology to degenerate their foes and weaken them while being in close combat with a Scepter that turns and grows in this mode more into like a Melee Sword-Staff like Darth Maul like Combat.
Technomancers can use Heavy Armor.
- Elementalist > SUMMONER
Summoners wield Chakrams and are Masters of the Elements that can summon a wide array of new elemental beasts and by attuning and merging their summoned Elemental Beasts to them to become self Elemental Spirits (Djinns).
They control their summons and as player you can switch over to your Summons to play them if you want while the A.I. takes over your Character.
They feel like summoning an Esper in a FF game which disappear first again, if the Summoner itself dies.
Summonrs can use Medium Armor.
- Thief > ROGUE
Rogues are longbow wielders, specialized in Stealing, so their stealings are significantly better than the core thief ones.
They can steal more often and they are focused more on Shadow Stepping for sustained long range combat that weakens foes by Boon Stealing alot and disarming foes in close combat weakening this way the Attributes of foes as a new form of CC that lingers a while with its attribute reduction effect.
Rogues are causing confusion and fear on the battlefields, they taunt their foes.
They can turn Shadow Steps into Shadow Runs to extend their durations.
Rogues are skilled also in Trap Control, allowing them to see and remove traps and use them even against their owners by flipping them over to become your traps instead.
Rogues can use Light Armor.
- Mesmer > BARD
The Bard is a Shortbow wielding Specialization of the Mesmer that uses Rhythm and Melodies as form of Inspiration Magic to support and harm at the same time foes as well as allies on the battle field. They use Instruments like “Kits” (Flute, Drums, Triangle, Violin, Harp) that exchange their Combat Skills with various different Songs, Echoes, Chants and the like that when played work similar like the divine Siren Melodies from Sirens Landing affecting everyone in range of these skills. Echoes allow the Bard to repeat previous effects/skills as practically Pulses…use for example a Mantra Skill, followed by an Echo Skill and the Mantra Skill will get repeated per Pulse, so that you can increase/refresh this way your number of Mantra Casts.
Bards can wear Medium Armor but get slightly longer Recharge Times for the increased Defense.
Revenant > VANGUARD (GwenThackeray)
Focus wielding Vanguards are the Legendary Stance about Gwen, the biggest GW1 lore homage ANet could possibly do with this class! using “Rosethorn” as Focus.
Vanguards can wear Light Armor.
I’d like to see this:
- Story forcused on the reveal and defeat of the Deep Sea Dragon leading us to a free Sea Road to Cantha where a Living World Season will continue then
- Largos getting redesigned and becoming playable as they will become part also of our Underwater Mastery Teachers with some kind of Atlantis like Underwater Town that can also rise up above the water if needed with Town Events that occur in its own Meta based on it if the Town is currently under water, or above water.
- Adding Underwater Masteries to improve the Mobility under water (no mounts)
- Streamliner (Basically becoming able to use water streams to your favor to reach places that you could before
- Apnoe Diving (To become able to dive deeper than before, without getting damage/drowning from too much water pressure) for some limited time
- Swimming Fins (basicaly making you able to swim and dive faster and allowing you improved dodges that increase its duration, range and grant effects)
- Improval of Drowning Skills
- Rework and Rebalance of all Underwater Skills, adding more Weapons to Underwater Combat (Sword, Dagger, Axe, Mace, Scepter, Focus, Shield) and added own Underwater Traits for each Class.
Merge of Staff with Trident, Merge of Rifle with Harpoon Gun to get rid of these two obsolete Weapon Types, make Spears useable on land as well as Polearms
Nice and good, but I find it a bit pointless in this map to earn like way more crowbars via the events, than you will ever need to open the cargo..
Thats why i find it woudl make more sense to reduce a bit the ration of incoming crowbars and increase there a bit the income ofthe airship parts as compensation therefore, that they crowbars got rarer in numbers you gain
Ive always atm already a stackvof crowbars with me and everytime i do the events chains from day to night, i always end up with having alot of more crowbars, aside from having used up like 30+ of them in the meanwhile from just running around wildly in the map and opening each cargo on the way I cross and find.
I would finds it would make more sense, if these crow bars get a bit moe bang for their buck, therefore that they are made rarer and thus you slowly get lesser as you will earn lesser crowbars in a meta chain back, than you use up with opening cargos in the map.
Would make all this running less of a chore and would enable people also to concentrate more on the events, than running around at the maps for cargo, and thus also risking that not enough people at night are there, where they are needed – at the bosses to ensure that the meta is n success and not that the map is runnign out of time at like 4/5 kills not having enough time anymore for the last boss, cause of too many püeople caring rather for cargo, than for the bosses.
Thats personally also a problem ive with the map design, where you see, that Tarir as comparison is different, there you have all the runnign for loot first, once the meta was successful, it can’t interfere there with defeatign the bosses …
No, I don’t think so, having actual flying mounts breaks the game, people skip content, get to places they shouldn’t and so on. Not to mention the bouncing off invisible walls and the sheer screen space being taken up.
Perhaps flying mounts for some events, but they’re a bad idea for a game.
You do realize, that this is just a visual illusion there of flying?
In that video where we see the test subject, the wyvern isn#t really flying, its just only its attack animation for breathign fire, where it flyies into the sky to perform seconds later its diving breath attacks…
But you are not actually flying with this thing.
Theres one thing about the map design of Verdant Brink, that disturbs me alot – its actualyl the way how the map currency – airship drops is gained in that map, compared to the other two of the HoT Maps.
VB compared to Tarir and Tangled Depths feels like being the slowest map to me in regard of gaining th map Currency… because you have always to wait first on the Meta to turn into night mode, where the big bosses come to earnm practically the most of the currency in the map when you defeat them, especially if you defeat them all before it becomes daytime again completign the meta cycle.
In the meantime, you can get thecurrenc< mostly only from breaking up airship cargo, which gives you like 3-25 airship parts and the map rewards you permanently with far more items with that you can break the cargo open, than there is cargo to break open on the map and you end up having of these break up items far more in your inventory, than you ever will need cause of earning more of these, than you can use up, even if you potentially break up every cargo in sight you find from begin to the end of the meta event chain.
So what I kind of like to suggest here now, is that ANet could hopefully reduce by like 50% the income of those cargo break up items, as you get literally flooded with them – they should be rarer, and instead increase the airship part rate by 100% (or remove the tiny cargo crates and let us find only big cargo crates instead) to speed up a little bit the gaining of airship parts to make the speed of gainign this currency feel more equal to the speed of gainign this currency with the ones of the other HoT Maps..
You get in much quicker time alot more map currency for the Tarir Map’s Meta olus the extras you get from the tons of reward chests for defating the meta event boss, than you do get for running around in VB opening up the cargo, it feels compared to the VB map less of a chore, cause you don#t have to run around ther on the whle map on the search for something – you can completely focus yourself onto the events and get lots of the currency on top for just doing the meta event, making collecting the map currency on the other Hot Maps feel alot more comfortable and fun, than it is actually on VB.
Am I alone here with this opinion, or does it anyone else annoy also too, that VB feels being alot slower and more of a chore in gaining the currency, compared to the other maps?
I little suggestion ,just to make the playing on verdant Brink more fun.
Could you maybe add a NPC who sells the Pale Reavers’s Sniper Rifle, that one, we can use in the event chain of Laranthir…
Would be so fun to run around everywhere in the map to snipe down foes from far awayith its high damage it does used as an environmental weapon that replaces your weapon the moment you double click on it in your inventory as an accountbound permanent inventory item you could use only in this map.
Or make itveventually a reward item for airship parts.
The sniping event alone with it is already alot of fun, can only imagine how much more fun it would be to have it for this map as a permanent environmental usable weapon with you.
I don#t think it woudl trivialize the map, because it is only so powerful, if you actually attack foes from a higher position from long range distances.. at close range that thing is completely useless and weak and you are better with it to equickly change back to your normal weapons then..
Also the big bosses in them ap are all so designed, that you can no positions anywhere where you are far away from them on a higher position, so theres no way to make those bosses with them any cheaper and quicker killable…
But all the rest of the map is so ideal for them to be used.
What do you guys think? Would you love also too running around with Pale Reaver Rifles in Verdant Brink, once you unlocked it there, or bought it there from a new NPC?
ANet should just add more ways to spend Luck for somethign aside of just increasing MF% and the problem is done at least for a while or forever, based on if these new added methods for spending are either again like MF% designed around a limit, or if they are methods that allow you to spend luck essence endlessly for something as its by design a method, without a limit of spending luck essence as you will basically always spend luck essence on it…
- Add recipes, which require Luck Essence to craft some new Sigils that require Luck Essence to craft
- Add recipes which require Luck Essence to craft some new Runes that require Luck Essence to craft
- Add Vendor Slot, which you can pay instead with Karma with Luck Essence
- Add recipes which require Luck Essence to craft some new Weapons that require Luck Essence to craft
- Add recipes which require Luck Essence to craft some new Armor Parts that require Luck Essence to craft
- Add recipes which require Luck Essence to craft some new Trinkets that require Luck Essence to craft
- Add recipes which require Luck Essense to craft a Backitem that requires Luck Essence to craft
- Add recipes which require Luck Essence to craft an Aqua Breather that requires Luck ssence to craft
- Add recipes which require luck Essence to craft to craft Buff Food/Items that require Luck Essence to craft
- Add Vendors which allow you to buy WvW Traps and Blueprints also optionally with Luck Essence
- Add Vendors, which convert Luck Essence into Karma, Badges of Honor or in PvE into other Map Currencies like Crystalline Ore like Legendary Luck Essences (value of 500 Luck) = 1 Crystalline Ore
and so on and so forth… basically saying here – where’s a will, there’s also a way.
ANet just has to add such kind of things and people would have quickly something for a long time, that would keep them and their overload on Luck Essence busy
I play mixed, I have male as like female characters and my main is a female character.
Ive never ever experienced in those 5 years a single day, where I have been haraassed by any other player for playing a female character while myself being a male player.
So I’m sorry to hear that you’ve been that as it seems.
Only thing to say there is – ignore such fools, block them and good is, sadly you find such idiots everywhere in online games.
Agree with ramoth.. Alot of Elite Skills in this game have been always underwhelming, either due to too long CDs, or the effects for their CDs are not convincing enough.
Then again is also your option of choice often ver limited the moment you go into weate,r because Anet is unable to make all skilly useable underwater, but why ever they can suddenly do this with Eles Tornado, is just completely not understandable why they adapt for them this skill for underwater combat, when in fact they could do the same with alot of otehr Elite Skill s as well!!
TG was several years long not useable under water.. now after some time Anet magically has made them finally useable underwatr in soem kind of ninja patch I guess, because I can’t remember a patch note telling us this change …
On top of this is the fact, that all classes are also still after 5 years missing utility/elite skilsl of specific types.
The Thief for example is missing an Elite Signet Skill.
Thats also something Anet should hopefully fix finally some day, that all classes have also for all skill types a fittign elite skill. Could create also some new build diversity if anet woudl fix this once and for all.
Could be somethign as simple as like an Elite Signet that combines assasins with agility signet to have both effects of them in 1 Elite Signet Skill, what would free up the signet builds of the thief for 2 utility slots, that could be fileld then up with different utility skills instead, if you use the elite signet skill in your build, likle two other signets (infiltrator/shadows) or better, merge infiltrator/shadows to an elite signet and replace those two signet skilsl with two completely new utility signet skills
Dagger Storm feels massively nerfed after its last change with the reductino of its duration while not reduction also its cool down tiem accordingly to the reduction of its duration, so that it has lost all its appeal as a useful elite skill, unless you need that on demand for the moment projectile attack reflection …
TG would be better useful, if the summons would stay so long, until they get replaced with a new summoning, or they get defeated, added with a very very slow health degeneration and increased max health instead of that dumb 30 second limit, cause oftenly they are way much quicker already defeated, before they did even last for 30 seconds … and they need a better A.I. in regard of targeting, that they should also focus attack on the enemy I as player give them as a target, instead of self target attackinganythign thats just in their near and if you are downed, they shoudl also try to rally you, just like a rangers pet does, so that summonign them close before you get defeated in a dueal could be very helpful to get up quicker eventually.
Then theres also no Elite Trap Skill for the Thief, also an oversight by ANet.
I really wish they would fix this with a balanc patch to give all classes some new skilsl by adding just those missing skill type elites.
Every Class also should have a trait effect somewhere , which allows them to use instead of an Elite Skill another Utility Skill in their slot instead.
For Thief for example somewhere under the Trickery Line, like for example as part of Prepardnessthat id increases not only the Initiative, but enables also the ssage of a 4th Utility Skill as Elite Skill with improved Effects
just google legendary wyvern mount and you wil lfind a twich reaction video, which shows the testing of wyverns as mounts ..
but wait, I coudl naturally also relink it here :P
There you go
Enjoy watching
powercreep lol…
If we would come up now everytime with that excuse for every potential “mastery” we could potentially have, then anet wouldn’t have had to begin with masteries as a feature at all … its there and implemented in the game, so that we can have from it in the future more character progression.
1 is no powercreep at all, its a quality of life change, that makes useless items kind of useful a bit by havign an option to remove the soulbound status, so that you can sell items, which you would otherwise just have to throw away to get rid of them, because you can’t do anything with them and they are of weak quality, so you will never use them anyway as a veteran palyer which has already much better gear equipped
2 5% more Damage/lsser damage receive is NOTHING, thats barely even lesser than what using a full set of Ascended Gear gives you and you notice the difference not at all…
3. The same, 5% more Stats is barely noticeable at all in the game and plays for PvP anyways no role, its just somethign that you can make ussage of in PvE/WvW.. and if you get now steamrolled by 50 people with or without 5% higher stats, makes you difference for you, the result will be always the same – you are dead.
4. is no powercreep at all, its for gettign new interesting mode specific features and characte progression.. its all just a matter of what kind of effects ANet woudl implement. It could just also end up in somethign thats based on visual fluff…
5 is the only thing, where I can agree with you partwise, as improvign the mobility of a character, be it only for like 30 minutes as temporal buff could be seen as powercreep.
But it can be also just seen as character progression and on bigger wvw maps like the Desert Borderland will be a feature like this more a blessing, than a curse for everyone
6: is just a quality of life feature with some added character progression to change a silly looking fall damage animation out with a better one that allows you after a fall to do quicker again something and its just common knowledge, that if you make a roll, when you fall down successfully, that this will reduce the harm to your body and chances are lesser, that you will break you something, due to you changing the fall energy with your body to prevent harm this way.
its a common technique you need to know for example at parcour or in any form of martial arts to reduce the chance for injuries and i just though, combining this with the removal of gettign gear damage by becomign able to make your gear unbreakable and elastic at the same time woudl be a nice form ocharacte progression to get through this last mastery, because just the removal of gear damage would be boring and too unspecial for a last mastery.
As you can see, agree alot of people not anymore with this “purpose” ANet has for the anvil as it stands right now, otherwiese we wouldn’t have this thread here and the discussion about them also ins#t new, it has given already this discussion in other similar threads in the past, but these were before the mastery system existed, so we hadn#t back then the posibility to think over better alternatives for that feature like we can now with the Mastery System being there that could be used to make out of anvils a more interesting feature, that has again some kind of better purpose, than to be there as an obsolete “punishment” run to spot X, because you died, if you don#t want to lose after X deaths your gears attributes
The whiole thign has become even more pointless with WvWs outmanned buff, where you don#t get your gear anyways damage if you have that buff on your side – so if you play on a side with this buff, people are already free from this hassle to think about it, how many times you could possible die in cobmat now and havign to run back to that stupid anvil just to repair your stuff. They don’t get “punished” for dieing alot.
In fact, without the fact that you need to run back every so often to the anvil to repair your stuff, people play alot more risky, what makes battles more fun, instead of people fleeing, because they could die and have to run to the anvil…
“the punishment” of needign to have to run back is already more than enough, don’t make out of this more of an annoying punishment, than neccessary!
Even if they said they used it so far only for testign mounts… it just practicalyl showed us, what is all possible with this game and if Naet just tweaks and improves this “test content” into somethign with higher quality, bugs fixed ect. then I can absolutely see this thign bcome one day true. Maybe not with this size, because it was in that test absolutely huge xD Maybe like 20% smaller or so I think would be right and still big enough compared to the other “normal” mounts to look legendary and epic.
I coudl see Legendary Mounts become just liek legendary gear with this one be “Skins” that you earn in this case as Legendary Mount Collection just like you earn Legendary Weapons, Armor, Trinkets ect. by having to do all kinds of stuff ove the course of multiple achievements to unlock for your accoutn this way the Wyvern as your Legendary Mount
I think its just all a matter of time and for the right moment to find to implement them, once the quality of this test project has reached basically the level that Naet wants to have for it to mae usage of it as actuall upcoming game content.
I find it would be also wrong to start off instantly with legendary mount,s when PoF is just barely 3 weeks in front of us and we all start off first with simply Raptors in comparison and have first to unlock all the kinds of normal Mounts first..
So Legendary Mounts have in my opinino still alot of time left, before we could consider them becoming a real thing…
Maybe like at the end of Season 4 or somewhere in the middle of Season 5 I could see them gettign implemented, when Aurene has grown up into a young strong dragon if the fittign size to take over the mechanics as our story based “dragon/wyvern mount” type and that legendary wyvern test project skin just becomes then somethign for the gemstore later …
Thats what I kind of see as a reality for the future, that would make kind of sense for me.
Interesting thoughts here. I always think of it as a gentle reminder of my need to use care in what I do. Especially that #%@$ jumping puzzle amongst the trees… at which I died multiple times.
You know, “Play more wisely.” I don’t love the runs to the repair NPC, but I don’t resent them.
It’s good to see other players’ thoughts on the matter.
No, it is as it is just only one of the most annoying things in the game, that just exist to waste people’s time and it has no feature, that is anyhow of a benefit for players, why they would care for using those anvils…
If they would be at least some kind of positive aspect to them, then they would have at least a reason for their existance.
But as long they are there only, to remind you not to die so often just to repair your damaged equipment then for free – makes no sense.
There are so many ways how this could be significantly improved, made in general more interesting, useful and part of character progression as well simply because the devs so far never ever thought about just the possibility of how to make the repair anvils a more integrated and useful feature again!!
Create for example a new Mastery called “Repairment & Reforging”
- Recycling – 1 Tyrian MP
Allows you now to recycle crafted gear and things you could normally not salvage with salvage kits at anvils. Recycled Gear will lose its soulbound status and becomes so, that you can sell it at the TP (for example interesting for certain weapons skins, liek the yellow stuff from the pact orders, which is mostly useless for people, but if you could recycle this stuff, remove this way the soulbound status and resell the skills at the TP at least, then stuff like that wouldn’t feel at least like just thrown out money anymore
- Reinforce Gear – 2 Tyrian MP
At anvils you are now able to reinforce your gear, if no gear of your equipment is damaged. by reinforcing your gear, you receive 5% lesser damage and deal 5% more damage.
- Reforge Gear – 3 Tyrian MP
At anvils you are able now to reforge your gear. This will not only remove all damages from your equipment but gives you also temporarely for 30 Minutes an Boost to all your Attributes of 5%. So if you had 1000 Toughness, then you have for 30 Minutes 1050 Toughness after you reforged at an Anvil your Gear. Reforging Gear at the anvil as upgraded version of just repairign it comes not for free. Reforging costs 25 Badges of Honor in WvW, some Silver or Karma in PvE. You get the option, if you want just to repair or to reforge your gear at anvils now.
- Infuse Gear – 4 Tyrian MP
You are able now at anvils now, if the Gear is of Ascended Quality or higher, to add 1x per Gear now 1 extra Infusion Slot that is made for special “Mode Only-Infusions”
Legendary Gear will be able to switch these infusions like attributes outside of combat.
These Mode Only-infusions have unique effects that will be design just for specific gameplay Modes, like WvW, PvP or PvE.
This allows Anet to give us for the specific Modes, like PvE unique special Effects, that would for example be for WvW/PvP too powerful, or simply can work under their design only in WvW/PvP, because PvE has no equivalent for their effects where it could work too, due to its effects too specificly designed around th other Game Modes. For example Infusion Effects, that are special designed around WvW Traps, or Siege Weapons or for doing somethig specific in WvW, that you can’t do anywhere else in the game. Adding these slots comes with a cost as well, you need to have certain items in your inventory, before you get shown the option to improve your Infusion Slots of your Gear at an anvil to add these Mode Only-Slots to them.
- Grandmaster Smith – 5 Tyrian MP
You’ve become over time now such a grandmaster smith, that refining your gear at an anvil gives you now the feeling, that when you wear your refined gear, that you are lighter, than before – leading into a temporarely Agility Buff which increases for 30 Minutes your Movement Speed by 33% (stacks with Swiftness, but not with Super Speed) and your Attack Speed is also increased by 33%.
You can glide now also 50% faster as long this buff lasts and swim 50% faster
- Unbreakable Elastic Gear – 6 Tyrian MP
Your Gear can’t be damaged anymore (removes the Choice option from Repair or Reforge, to offer only Reforge) Reduces also your Fall Damage in the Game by 25% and lets you perform now a Rolling Animation that halves the time you can’t do anything instead of falling flat onto your belly like a splashed frog.
Its old concept art but very good. Houyi – Bow of the ten suns its very colorful. Most of the effects have already been thought of.
This is a really great concept art that is absolutely worth it to call it a legendary weapon and I’d seriously love it, if Anet would make this one happen for real.
Maybe not with the same name of course, and eventually slilightly different colors/foot trail effects but its all about the looks and the flair of that bow design, which are epic making it a perfect candidate for a legendary longbow.
The area scrolls to teleport to a LWS3 region remedy your problem.
Achievements are account-wide..
So why bother doing it a 2nd time?
What sort of progress are you talking about? Just clearing it on the story sheet?
Cause as it stands right now, anet rewards you also if you pllay through the storsy/LW with multiple characters.
There are things that make spefic content in the game easier for you, if you have played through the game and LW with multiple characters.
However, I can suggest the proposal of makiong the story progression accountbound, kitten longer the story becomes, so more time taking it becomes to keep all of your characters at the latest story and becomes more and more tedious, especially so more characters you have and feels repetitive.
I’ve played through multiple characters to 100% exploration and alone this felt already extremely repetitive and becomes quickly boring to the point, that you wish map exploration should becoem acokittenbound and gaining further items for legendary equipment should be gained after the first one through a different option, that doesn#t require th player to do with every single character each time 100% map exploration..
Buy further units of that item instead with Gold/Karma in a direct manner would make it faster and less repetitive.
It would be pointless as the mount doesn’t have a name plate like ranger pets do.
nothign that can’t be quickly changed and added to the game that if you ride your mount and you press K, that instead of the pet name window pops up instead then the mount name window.
The othe point is just adding a name plate for mounts either or improving the name plate of the wither with an extension the moment you ride on your mount.
Max Exampleman not riding = Name Plat for your Character alone which people see.
Now while you are on your mount.
Max Exampleman riding on “Fury” if you have given your Mount a name…
Max Exampleman riding on “Juvenile Raptor” if you have given your Moutn yet no name
Simple way to show your mount’s name by just extending the name plate of our characters.
Then there would be no need to add for the mount an individual extra own Name Plate.
You can name it whatever you want. Why does anyone else have to see it for you to name it?
because your moutn becomes part of your character#s and its identity, its a symbol of what your character is the moment you have chosen what mount you ride.. it will say something out about you and that is a form of expresion, that people wnat to show others… same as much as fashion is an expression form of your personality.
Same as much as why you give pets as a ranger a name, wbecause you have a personality, that you want to express to others, your pet should have some kind of personality, that you want to express to others by lettign them see, how your pet is called and thats exactly the same wish people have naturally for their mounts as well, because practically is a mount nothign different than just a pet, with the only difference, that they are much bigger and that you can ride this time on them around in the game.
I’m pro Mount Names as well.
There are no defensive attributes, which decrease the chance of receiving critical hits to counter fury and high critical builds (bersis)
Actually, we have https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Weakness
Thats no defensive attribute, thats a condition.
I’m talking in this case about defensive attributes like Toughness.
Somethign like Agility, that could work for increased Endurance Regen and incrased Chance to not critically get hit.
Or somethign like Courage, which increases the Efficiency of Boons (why should only Conditions be increaseable?) and reduces the percentage of how much Conditions can ignore your Armor.
Or Wisdom (dont like the silly term Condition Damage, thats no attribute term that resembles a persons values) as a dual stat which could increase not only cour Condition Damage, but also how much Condition Damage you can take maximum by reducing the Durations of Conditions for you you have to suffer.
Thats the kind of equal defensive gameplay mechancis that are missing all to give like Einlanzers says – them more bang for buck. With thse kidn of effects would receive defensive attributes also more synergies between each other, same as much as like offensive attributes profitate from each other through synergies to maximise your DPS.
There needs to be also synergies to maximise your damage mitigation to counter this permanent spiral of damage damage damage.. as if there exists nothing else of importancy anymore in this game /rolleyes.
I completely agree with you Einlanzer there .
It would really help alot, if Toughness and Armor would provide together some kind of Damage Threshold, which needs to get surpassed first, before you can actually receive even Damage first.
So if you get attacked and the damage of the attack lies under your Damage Threshold, then you see as opponet only the Damage Number 0
You have 1000 Touhness and 3000 Armor, tnhat woudl make a value of 4000.
So you#d have a Damage Threshould of 4000, meaning an Enemy would have to deal over 4000 Damage to me first with direct attacks, to deal damage to me.
Everythign under 4000 Damage would automaticalyl mitigated to 0 Damage.
Dont take the numbers now too serious, they just are an example to describe the mechanic.
Kind of like a similar “Barrier Mechanic”, which would mean automatically, so higher your Armor and Toughness are, so more Damage must your opponet deal to be even able to scratch you.
This way would become Toughness alot more important.
If Vitality would receve instead of a significant boost to much Health or instead of the merge with healing Power instead the secondary effect of increasing Endurance Regen, then would become also Vitality more important and helpful and would have like you say more “bang for its buck”
But personalyl Id say, it would be more useful for the overall balance of the whole game, if Healing Power gets merged into Vitality so that if you have high health, then you should be also able to heal you better accordingly to your higher health pool.
That way if you have a defensive build as thief, you can sustain longer fights also alot better then with the help of traits like assassins reward, or that one which heals you for critical hits together with skills like Signet of Malice…
The increase for more endurance regen can come then through a new attirbute, that replaces Heal Power with Agility. The dual attribute I propose has a reason why I do it, especialyl to make defensive playstyles this ay more equal with offensive ones and to get rid of obsolete combat effects like Vigor/Fury as rthese boons could get easily integrated completely into the attributes, if precision just becomes more effective in raising critical hit,s if there is on the couterside also finalyl an defensive attribute, which can reduce the chance to receive critical hits from enemies (Courage), because thats also somethign very important that this game is missing now for 5 years…
you are playing a thief and complain about being forced to eat dmg skills? ever tried a class that cant chain 7 or more dodges + a stunbreak block on 12s cd + has a stunbreak teleportcondiclear. if you get hit by a necromancers shroudskills as a thief its only your own fault
They have other ways of damage mitigation like invulnerability skills where you dont need to dodge, you can just eat all the damage and lose no health at all, other forms of stun breaks and way more condi cleans than a daredevil (and i even use the one that cleans on dodge and signet of agility, the condi spam is still too much for this alone)
I don’t complain here having lost these battles – i know that I have just been outplayed at these moments.
I#m complaining about how defensive play styles factly play in this game absolutel no role and are by design of this game so underwhelming, that you stand most of the time no chance with tjhem in combat, because the offensive playstyles just ignore everythign you throw at them completely, without that you have any way in the game to get some counterweight to this.
Like mentioned, as defensive play style you have no way through an attribute to increase your endurance regen, you are permanently reliant on vigor for this – a practically obsolete boon, if there just would exiost more gameplay relevant alternatives
There exist no way to decrease condition damage or durations, unless you use buff food for this or you get somehow resistance, which is somethign thievres have no access to, same as much as liek Stability or Protection, which are important to be able to play halfway decently in a defensive way to sustain all this cc and condition spam better.. because only because thieves have more dodges as daredevils, than other classes, also doesn’t mean that it casn happen that you get hit sooner or later also with some hard bursts…
Even the best thief player wil lget hit in this game… so please don’t try to do so, as if the thief class woudl be some kind of overwhelming dodgy super class, which will NEVER GET HIT, because we all know, that this is simply said just not true, regardless o how often you can dodge in a combat. Dodging often makes you not undefeatable – especially if you get spammed for with AoE skills that either put you full with conditions or try to cc you – or worser, both at the same time and that as DoT, because then help you alot of dodges not very much.
If GW2 would make finally defensive playstyles more equal to offensive playstyles, then this game woudl become automatically better balanced, regardless of which class I or you or whoever else plays now.
adapt or get killed. also thief is still very viable for most if not all parts of the game, be it power or condition dd, wvw roamer or as +1 in spvp
also why would you eat a whole power reaper rotation into your face? if you do so you deserve to die. there are near to no as strong telegraphed attacks as in reapershroud
Because it just can naturally sometimes happen in the course of a battle maybe?
We play agaisnt other players you know and not against some braindead predictable NPC A.I. you can already foreseee what they do ages ago, before they actualyl do somethign, due to NPCs attacking also like 1/3rd as fast as a real player does constantly.
Would my Thieves Guild only attack players half as fiercely and fast, like I do, then would everyone and their mum scream immediately here in the forums, how overpowered this skill is, but no, they have a massive delay in time in their auto attacks and by far use not so actively their initiative skills, like a real player could do and thats in the end, what balances this skill out – on the other side of the coin it is against massive condi/cc spam underpowered an they are no great help for you as they deal too less DPS to put a halfway decent chronomancer/reaper under any pressure, unless they are in a real low health state and you can successfully surprise youe foe with them being summon in an inconvinient moment for them.
Reaper can just way too long protect permanently their health through their shrouds.
Seen already lots of them, which were practically able to sustain their shrouds like felt 90% of the whole time, having always enough shroud time there to be protected from any of my burst attacks. This needs to be balanced through lettign them lose the shroud faster and building it up should become slower, so that the shroud gets more used in special situations and can’t be kept up basically mostly permanently in melee combat. They shoudl also like Warrior lose adrenaline lose the shroud out of combat, so that they start at 0 like Warriors do at a start of combat.
You know, real players can react to what I do and can act also accordingly to force me eating their full rotation? A real shocker right? I surely don’t do this with any intention, or because I do like to eat their rotations, because it makes so much fun to lie dead on the ground…
Adaption would mean going into ranged combat, but with ranged combat (Shortbow) you deal significantly lesser damage, than with D/D or S/P
The problem is all this CC and Condition Spam against which you stand no chance when it comes together both at the same time.
However, the true point here was, which I wanted to point on is, how unbalanced this game is, when it comes down to defensive play styles, because the whole game practically doesn’t support defensive playstyles, its all practically play offensive or GTFO and thats somethign that disturbs me personally, not the fact that I did lose to some Chronomancer/Reaper players just because they were by game design able to easily outplay me at these moments and that Anet hasn’t changed anything on this bad situation in the game for over 2 years now!!
Nope, Celestial Points should stay how they are, just with exactly the same amount of points added for Expertise and Concentration.
Nasme me 1 good reason, why the Celestial Stat should suffer on an overall point reduction, only because ANet decided to make out of Expertise and Concentration two concrete attributes.
The Eyes of Abaddon (Amulet) have for example in “all” Stats 72 Points.
This has to mean also, if we would get finally true All Stat trinkets, then this item should just also increase 72 Points to Expertise and 72 Points to Concentration and not any lesser.
No need to make an extra new true all stat item, we we practicalyl already have 1 that just needs to get its fixing, that it deserves, without getting at the same move nerfed into oblivion with all other stats, just only because some people believe that this has to be a cough “fair trade”.
No , that wouldn’t be one, because positively, nor negatively has it ever been a decision by us players, that ANet adds new attributes to the game…
But if they do, then should that never end up in a nerf of equipment. A needed change to fix somethign should go always in favor of the equipment makign the equipment more interestign to use, than before.
Should this change then become too powerful in PvP, then has ANet still the option open to exclude this change specificly for PvP.
But for PvE/WvW we should get true all stats without nerfing on the same go all other attributes.
Would ANet finally also merge Attributes together to reduce the total amount of attributes like I propose from 9 to 5, then this wouldn’t be also such a big difference anymore with the amount of attribute points between non all stat gear and all stat gear, if ANet rebalances then after the merge of attributes new.
Xegrilt you are totally wrong with this assumption!!
I play, unlike many others an unusual Thief Build, that is using as Main Gear complete Soldier Gear with a mixture of Celestial Trinkets and have at WvW with buffs like over 20 to 22k HP…
And I oftenly meet there 1v1 where my enemies, like for example Chronomancers or Reapers are sometimes easily able to just 1 hit kill me, where I just say to myself – WTF just happened there and how broken this games balance is.
Armor, and defense NEVER has worked really in this game. Vitality is WAY to weak and there needs to exist a way how a player should be able to reduce the percentage of how much Condition Damage should maximum ignore your defense – but this doesnt exist and its a strong reason why Condi builds are so obscenely overpowered right now since 23rd june of 2015!!
Said Chronomancers just need only to shatter all their clones at the perfect moment in your face and you are most likely dead – and that with a high defensive build with over 20k Hp is absolutely ridiculous!!
Zhat woudl be understandable, if it hits a berserker build with low health,. or any build, that isn’t a combination of toughness and vitality…
The problem with this game is, that it lets by design work and counjt only offensive builds, it practicalyl favors them all the time over defensive builds, due to their attributs providing very strogn synergies, while the defensive attributes have no syerngies AT ALL which counter the offensive playstyles!
There are no defensive attribute effects that raise your wendurance regen
All is dependant on a stupid boon – vigor
There are no defensive attributes, which decrease the chance of receiving critical hits to counter fury and high critical builds (bersis)
There are no defensive attributes, which directly reduce condition damage, or the duration of conditions. Again we are dependant here on buff food and a stupid obsolete boon – Resistance, which you have no access to as a Thief >.>
This game needs since 2015 a long overdue overhaul of the complete boon and condition system together with a rework of the attribute system (dual attributes) to help getting rid of obsolete boons
Reapers also just need to do their weapon skill rotation practically and if they luckily crit with them most of the time, xyou lie with a defensive build also downed on the ground …
Why is this the case? Because the base health system is completely outdated. The game still uses its old system of 2012, which was designed around massively WEAKER classes, which was designed with no Revenants and not Elite Specs in general in mind, which was designed around conditions like Torment and a constantly damaging Confusion not in mind, which was designed with no such massive CC spam in mind, like we have it now years later.
The 3 type base health system needs to get reworked into an individual class based base health system, where each class’ base health values get individually balanced and not anymore shoehorned into 3 class types. This will allow ANet to massively balance each individual class better and each class should receive more Base Health, so that actually fights will last longer and to reduce the chance, that palyers can too easily 1hit killed/bursted into down state due to all classes potentially dealing right now way too much damage, than the game was designed for to begin with originally, due to ANet using still too many outdated 2012er gameplay elements in their combat system of GW2 which they missed to keep updated for the last 5 years together with all the powercreep Anet added over the last 3 years.
2014 were alot more things still ok, than they are right now!!
again such a thread…
as a millionth time – sigh
If you really want a race change, then delete your character and make a new one.
There you have your race change! rolleyes
ANet will never add a race change option due to the super outdated old spaghetti code the whole game is based on in regard of personal story ect. pp, which make it impossible for anet to implement just simply so a race chance option due to massively programming problems in the code that this would create, leading to unpredictable lots of bugs.
The amount of effort to fix all this just isn’t worth it, when theres just an easier solution of deleting a character, making a new one, buying a Instant level 80 Boost item instead andrequipiing it with your accountbased ascended gear stuff that you should naturally remove first from your unwanted character, before you delete it from your acokitten.
The quite only “cost” you have then as a plyer by doign this is needign to play through with that new character the story through completely anew… but doign so and makign exploration with it completely new is also rewardign for you again on the way, so it comes also integrated with a small compensation for the redoing of your story progress …
Thats the only way how you will potentially ever be able in this game to get a “race change”
Deletion and Story Replaying and Instant Boosts are your indirect solution together with accountbound ascended equipment.
The redoing of the Story Progress is basically your personal cost that is expected from you to pay, if you want to get a Race Chance, because its simply technically not possible otherwise and the Instant 80 boost is what this will cost you basically with real money, if you don’t want to trade all your gold for Gems for that item.
(edited by Orpheal.8263)
i would like to see Celestial gettign updated to get finally truely ALL STATS.
This includes Celestial getting values added also as well for Expertise and Concentration.
Yes, this would mean a buff to Celestial, but one that was self made by ANet due to making out of Concentration and Expertise official Stats.
aside of this i would wish, that ANet reworks the Stat System and gives us Dual Stats, as this would reduce then also the amount of needed new Stat Combos for Upgrades also as well.
Like merge
Vitality + Heal Power
Power + Expertise
Toughness + Concentration
Precision + Ferocity
Condition Damage (Wisdom) + New Stat Effect
Replace the 4 merged Attributes then with 2 new Dual Stat Attributes plus a new Stat Effect
Agility + Courage plus New Stat Effect of Condition Resistance (Duration Reduction) = Removal of Resistance Boon
Agility = Increases Endurance Regeneration and decreases the chance to be Critically Hit.
Courage = Increases Boon Efficiency (why should be only Conditions become more powerful and boons not??) and decreases the amount of Condition Damage you take by reducing the % of how much Conditions ignore your Armor on you.
Wisdom = Increases your Condition Damage and your Condition Resistance to reduce the durations on how long you suffer on conditions
That way would be Anet able to reduce the total amount of Upgrade Stats needed to cover basically everything and the attirbute System woudl gain finally some helpful and needed defensive Stats that will be helpful in Class Balance for the Game, due to defensive Stats becoming more equal with the offensive ones finally.
After that I’d like to see a Stat like these then
Major Agility + Precision, Minor Power+Vitality
Major Agility + Power, Minor Toughness+Vitality
Major Agility + Power, Minor Precision+Vitality
Major Agility + Wisdom, Minor Power + Vitality
Major Agility + Wisdom, Minor Power + Precision
One can just dream, one can dream over an overdue significant improvement of the Attribute System which would seriously help this game alot in regard of Class Balance.
And when it owuld additionally also reduce the need of making upgrade stat combos for kind of alot of stats, then this would be in the end even more so a win/win for the Game.
Under Anets current system it would require with the games current 9 Attributes alot more upgrades to cover basically everything to have for each Attribute Upgrades which use said Attribute as Major Value, plus all kindso f combinations of it as Minor Value… than it would require an amount of Upgrades under my proposed Dual Stat Attribute System that has only 5 Attributes with each having 2 Effects, this basicaly nearly HALVING the amount of Upgrades this game would need to have!!
(edited by Orpheal.8263)
I don’t know, if this is just only in th german version of the game, or literally everywhere, but at that part of this mission where you fight against Self Doubt, whenever the npvs of either Caithe, Rytlock or Eir appear, these 3 NPCs still have in their names appear also kind of their I guess ID numbers…
Don’t know, how this ever so often happens, that we can kind of see these numbers in their names, but I’m pretty sure you can quickly remove these ugly numbers out of the names from the 3 npcs there in this mission
GW2 has alot of titles, that I’d personally rename to make them fit better
But in the end its all just personal taste, which is different for everyone.
Id’ turn titles like these to
Chicken Chaser > Chicken Kicker (Hühnchentreter), because name it after what we have actually done, so that it kind of keeps its little own humor it has!
Slippery Slubbling > Slayer of Slothazor (Vernichter von Faultierion)
Siege Breaker > Siege Master (Belagerungsmeister or localize better for us into Belagerungsbrecher, not Belagerungsdurchbrecher)
Sanctum Sprinter > Blessed of Zephyr Winds (Gesegneter der Zephyrwinde)
Been Here, Done That >Tyrian Grandmaster Cartographer (Tyrianischer Großmeisterkartograph)
Champion-Illusionist > Champion-Charlatan (Champion-Scharlatan) (to avoid confusions with German localization with Mirage)
Champion-Magus > Champion-Sorcerer (Champion-Zauberer) (just sounds better)
Champion-Phantom > Champion-Occultist (Champion-Okkultist) /to avoid Phantom confusion with Mesmers)
Champion-Revered > Champion-Mistlord (Champion-Nebelherr/in)
Champion-Shadow > Champion-Reaver (Champion-Plünderer)
Champion-Paragon > Champion-Sentinel (Champion-Schildwache)
Reaper > Grim Reaper (Gevatter Tod) to avoid kind of ES name confusion
Light in the Darkness > Radiant Knight (Strahlender/Glänzender Ritter)
Demon’s Demise > Demon Hunter (Dämonenjäger)
Exotic Hunter > Relic Hunter/Collector (Reliktjäger/sammler)
The Great Reformer > Leader of Orders (Ordensführer)
Good Apple > Apple Lover (Apfelmöger) kind of better homge to Tybalt Leftpaw
Crab Toss Champion > Legendary Crab Tosser (Legendärer Krebswerfer)
The Be-All and End-All > Desert Storm (Wüstenstürmer)
I’m rich you know > Wealthy Salesman/woman (Wohlhabende/r Geschäftsmann/frau)
Lord Slayer > Legacy Bailee (Vermächtnisbewahrer)
The Unclean > Your Worst Nightmare (Dein schlimmster Albtraum)
Combat Healer > Paramedic (Sanitäter)
The Archdesigner > Creator of All Beings (Erschaffer von Allem)
The Emperor > Fashion Queen/King (Modekönig/königin)
Killer Queen > Karka Queen (Karka-Königin) (we killed one, so we are the new one for them, especially funny if karkas stop attacking us if we use this title as long we don’t attack them first!!)
Finely Crafted > Brew Master (Braumeister) fits better to the stuff you did for it.
Immovable Object > Righteous Defender (Rechtschaffender Verteidiger)
Leaves No Hero Behind > Paragon of Comradeship (Vorbild der Kameradschaft)
Unhappy Camper > Camp Invader (Lagerinvasierer)
Ultimate Dominator > Symbol of War (Symbol des Krieges)
“Build Diversity” is a myth, and as such cannot be used to argue against streamlining build design.
Making the profession-specific train line an elite would make balancing easier which results in the players getting an increase in REAL choices. Would you prefer to have 20 options but only 2 of them are good or 10 options with 5 of them being good?
I prefer more options with all of them potentially good, instead of decreasing options through pointless changes of turnign core traits into ES-Traits, because what you write down here is nothinng more than your own personal assumption of how it would end up.
Fact is, nobody will know, how increased options wil lend up, we could also end up after your exampel with 10 new options and all ten end up beign good.
It codl end up also with 10 new options and none of them are in your optioning “good”, because they don’t fit maybe to your own prsonal playstyle, but mybe for tons of other players it exactly does!!
“Being Good” is relative
But fact is, increasign the options proportionally will increase the diversity… reducign the options will not, it will instead limitate only the diversity end enforces only more meta builds upon all players the less alternatives there are, letting ANet also have alot lesser playroom for balance chances so lesser options for changes exist to attempt class balance through various different ways and not just only through a reduction of build diversity, which woudl be like mentioned before totally counterproductive and it would also, like mentioned by Shirlias destroy even whole classes, if suddenly specific Trailines that are mandatory for classes like the Thief to be Core Traitlines, would get changed into ES Lines and suddenly can’t then be combined anymore together wioth Daredevil for example.
Seriously, what would change this for the game, other then destroying classes and build diversity?
I see absolutely NOTHING positive, that would come from turning core traitlines now into ES Lines.
Adding more Core Traitlines and enhancign the 3×3 system of traits into a 4×4 system actually would be a positive change for more build diversity, without that classes get destroyed by this change!
Even just only changing the system from 3×3 to 4×4 alone would be already far enough, addign new core traitliones was just an additional idea of mine I came up with now.
Just adding 4 new traits for each class can be already enough of an change, if those 4 traits for each class are very well designed and impactive enough to be a good alternative to use over the already existing traits, because then was the change actually successful as it created then actually really more build diversity, when alot of peopel consider continuing to play their class with the new traits instead of the older ones – it don#t have to be all palyers switching traits now, but when just alot of people consider actually a change and play then nmore around with the different new traits – then the adding of new traits was then good enough of a reason to do it for more build diversity.
If such new traits end up being a comlete fail, cause nobody uses them, then this woudl b just a sign for Anet, that they woudl have to return to the scratch board and change the new traits, until they make some, which get used by the people often enough to keep them so in the game.
Core Trait Lines are no specializations, they are the basics of a class.
So a clear no from me. It would destroy build diversity.
What would instead INCREASE build diversity would be reworking the Trait System to provide more Traits per Line and more Traitlines per Trait Category als also adding more Trait Categories per Class.
Simple Example between current Version and what I propose here with the Thief:
Thief has current 5 Core Trait Categories and soon for now 2 Elite Specialization Categories.
These Core Traitlines consistt out of 12 Traits per Line, from which are 3 build definers that are always given, 9 are optional you can choose from in a 3 section times 3 options way.
Now how do we seriously increase build diversity? We raise the amount of OPTIONS, because so more options people have, so higher is proportionally the build diversity players can have with their class.
If GW2 would provide now for example instead of 5 Core Traitlines now instead 7 Core Traitlines, allowing us to use instead of 3 now 4 Lines for our Build – this would increase diversity in GW2.
if we would have instead of a 3 section times 3 options trait system now a 4 section times 4 options-system..this would significantly increase build diversity.
Yes, it woudl make class balancing also a bit more complex, sure, but the proportional increase build diversity outweights this imo.
Then would consist each Traitline instead of 12 Traits now out of 16 Traits.
Throw the additional 2 Core Traitliens would come togegher 32 new Traits.
Plus the 4 from each of the already existing 5 Core Lines = +20.
SO this rework of the system woudl mean that each Class woudl get 52 new Traits.
52 new options, which would significantly increase the build diversity for each class for more and far better, than turning the Core Classes just into Elite Specs and this significantly REDUCING the variety as you can’t have more than 1 ES in you build.
Means if you make out of Core Traits now ES, then you can’t combine these traits anymore with the already existing ES traitlines, thus you massively criplle down as a result the build diversity ruining the game!!!
But just expanding the system to a bigger 4×4 format with additional two new core trait lines, this doesnt destroy the game, it improves just somethign we already have by providing more new options for build diversity. New options, which could also help in shaking up the meta
Thief for example should receive as additional Core Trait Lines
- Dexterity – as a Core Trait Line, which is fully focused in Initiative Management and Counterattacks through Dodges, as like ways of receiving Boons like Stability, Quickness and Protection.
- Thievery – as a Core Trait, that is focused on Steal, Boon Stealing, Enemy Attribute Leeching, Steal Skill Improvements, Increasement of Steal Skill Slots ect. to allow to steal more oftenly before having to wait on recharge
Each class easily has potential for 2 new Core Traitlines to improve that way their build diversity.
Warrior = Leadership & Motivation
Necromancer = Ritualism & Hexes
Ranger = Trappery & Hunting Instincts
Elementalist = Ice Magic & Lightning Magic (reworking Water/Wind Skills to fit better to the elements/sub elements here and you have also only Water Spells under Water Magic and no Ice Spells, addign also two new Attunements to Ele with new Weapon Skills)
Guardian = Authority & Dignity
Engineer = Repairment & Golemancy
Mesmer = Willpower & Mentality
Revenant = Empathy (Gwen) & Proud (Asgeir Dragonrender)
(edited by Orpheal.8263)
hey should rather finally implement Polymock as an Minigame with its own achievements into the game …
Not make some mobile game trash out of it
Just a little Idea i had over the Map Mechanic of Druids protection, as i thought over what it does in the map and I thought it would be nice to unlock that feature after having done the story in the map as a permanent map based mastery as well.
The game has more than enough extra Hot mastery point,s that some of those could be used for this mastery.
Nature’s Protection
1. Fire Resistance – 1 MP
Gain a natural Aura, which protects you against all forms of Heat.
Reduces Burning Damage for you in S3 Maps by 90% and you won’t receive damage anymore from standing at hot places, nor do you receive anymore damage from the boiling hot waters at Draconis Mons, so that you can actually safely swim and dive there.
2. Water Resistance – 2 MP
Improve the natural aura, which protects you now also against all froms of Chill.
Makes you completely immune againt becoming frozen and Chill Duratinos are 90% reduced for you in S3 Maps and you can withstand very cold places now permanently, without having to make extra potions for this at the Bitterfrost Frontier
3. Air Resistance – 3 MP
Improve your natural aura further, improves now your ability to glide in S3 maps, as you will glide now 100% faster and your Stealths in gliding last 100% longer. Projectile Attacks have with this now also a chance to be reflected to your enemies back at S3 Maps as a swirling wind gust will be there now around you.
4. Earth Resistance – 4 MP
Maximizes your natural aura with the last nature’s element for S3 Maps, giving you in the maps a permanent Stability, making you immune against CC effects and you receive a damage reduction of 20% in S3 maps
This way we would get a bit more character progression in S3 maps, a slightly bit quality of life with the removal of having to make always elixiers just to get that frost immunity and we could safely explore some places in the maps more, without fearing do die at soem places due to crazy damage you receive in water at DM or from the heat at some places for example in the JP Chalice of Fears.
Ive mastered except of raids all HoT masteries and have already again like a surplus of far more than 10 MP that could be used for such a nice new extra mastery .
I’m personally too for thre return of the Marionette, mainly out of Achievement Reasons and also due to me wanting to see finall Living World Season 1 getting as fully as possible reintegrated to the game.
Things like Mass Events, Invasions andBoss Basses that played within LS1 can be mostly reimplemented with the help of a new Fractal Type – Mass Fractals
Mass Fractals would work differently than joining a normal Fractal.
To join a Mass Fractal, every single player would have to enter first alone the normal Fractal Mode, which works basically for the player then as Lobby Zone from where you enter as a player a Queue that lets the chosen Mass Fractal start for you and like 99 other players that have queued up for the same Fractal as you – like the Marionette Battle, or like the Lions Arch Battle, or like the Scarlet Battle, or like the Gendarran Field Invasion, then said Mass Fractal, where you play together then with all these other people these big battles that are scaled and designed for a broad mass of players and not just only 5 people like a normal small scale Fractal is designed for, aka Dungeons 1.5 …
Hopefully ANet realizes soon, how much unused potential lies in the Fractal Mode – how many features and how much nice content can be realized with just this Game Mode, which can’t be done within just the normal game world of GW2.
Things like
- Heroic Fractals – special Bonus Mission Pack like Fractals that allow you to replay historic events of Tyria in a different character view over multiple chapters as either 1 Person Content or as Group Content of 5 People
- Hunting Grounds – special Instances possible in a fractal instance, that are purely designed and made around the thought of farming and hunting big game monsters of large size in fitting huge maps kind of Monster Hunter Style designed for other 5 or more people
- Dungeon Crawlers – special Fractal Dungeons, like a 100 floor Tower to do, which becomes more and more challengign so higher you get, which gets everytime you successfully do the 100 floors different as you enter
- Trial of the Ancestors – a special Fractal in Lufia Style, where you get temporarely resetted to Level 1 and you need to find out of the Cave of Trials with just the gear you find in that instance, able to finde unique rewards there that you can get only there and is the only gear, that you can keep when you get out of the Cave, while everything else you will loose again when you leave that fractal.
- Zelda like Solo-Dungeons (like letting this way return some of the older GW1 Dungeons this time as Solo Dungeons for players to explore, if things liek this have for ANet in the normal game world no place anymore, then why not as a fractal??)
- Guild Crusades – special Guild only-Fractals which can be only entered as part of an activated Guild Mission – basically a smaller form of unique small scale “Guild Raids” in designed for this unique fractal scenarios
- Battlegrounds – special PvP/WvW related Fractals which let players fight agaisnt each other there in different forms of PvP, which wound be under the current forms of PvP/WvW mode/maps not possible while being in the body of “somebody else” with completely unique different skills instead of playing your own character – basically a mode that is similar to Blizzards Overwatch – where you are just some kind of “Mist Hero” you can choose from who you want to be and play this content not as your own character.
The Fractal Mode is basicalyl Anets most universal game feature the game currently offers, but sadly Anet doesn’t made yet alot of usage from this feature to expand it further into different directions to increase the versatility of this game mode.
Too much was Anet so far only focused onto improved the rewards of Fractals and to make the quality of the existing Fractal Content bette,r but so far they sadly did nothing in those 5 years, to improve also the DEPTH of the Fractal gameplay, which is why I want to show with this posting once again, how much potential depth there lies in the Fractal Mode to make Fractals more versatile and in many different way fun, other than just always only doing the same fractal instances over and over repeating it 100x with just only increased difficulty and rewards… thats not really creative.
Creative is it to expand the fractal mode and make usage of the potential to broaden the spectrum of what exactly you can do all with Fractals aside of just doing always only the same things in them…
Here you have 7 different ways of how Fractals could be used also too differently to increase the content of GW2 – one option of them being the way in my opinion how the battle vs the Marionette should become playable again. As Mass Fractal beign basically the 8th option of my list here.
god, what people make for a terror here cause of 1s,68c…
With them will get loot reduced from slot per piece to 250 units of loot per slot.
Means in regard of equipment loot will have now every inventory slot the worth of up to 250 loot items instead of just only 1 item.
For the moment – I repeat myself – for the moment it means having an additional money sink for this improvement of inventory management.
Money sinks aren’t a proble, – we all know that this game needs them…
With the reduction of lesser wps ,we will save on the other side also money, money you can use then instead to indentify your loot.
You have the improvement also as well, that you can salvage now masses of items with 1 double click, without gettign through the tons of salvages also tons of green sigils that cluster your inventory quickly full – no, with that method of mass salvaging you reveive only materials…
Its also an improvement, if you just want to sell tons of loot quickly, you don#t have to put anymore 250 items one by one into the TP, you can just put now the stack of 250 unidentified items into the tp, thus lettign you have doen the task in much lesser time, than to have to put every single item into the tp after another.
You can also farm now much much longer loot, before you are forced to salvage7sell something to clean up your inventory, when loot gets through the identification proces more generalized to a common standard, before you identify it to know, what the item individually is in fact before it takes up its own individual slot in your inventory.
It helps you nor sanybody else here to just seek out only for the negatives on somethiung, just so that you have a reason to rage over something..
See the positive things what this change will bring you in the game.
Everythign as advantages as like disadvantages, and when all the advantages that this mechanic brings to the game are for Anet outweighted by just adding only a tiny gold sink – then I find this very ok.
Nobody of us knows, if Naet might not eventually (like by myself proposed) add perhaps some kind of Identification Mastery i nthe future, to build up further onto this gameplay mechanic to add some kind of character progression also on to off this with that players get eventualyl also some kind of rewarding out of it when they identify alot of items, same as much as like LUCK ESSENCE and the improved accoundbased loot bonus % for EXP, Karma, Gold, MF are byproduct rewards from salvaging lots of items to get lots of luck essence to increase your total account MF.
its just a question of what Anet does make out of the identification system, once POF has been released.
Theres at least quite some potential there to expand upon the identification feature with a fitting mastery line for it, or through adding an other new byproduct reward mechanic to the identification of items, other than gettign just to know, what for an item you really received there.
We just know too less of anets plans what they are planning eventually to do with identification, once its there.
Don’t make out of this already a witch hunt, before you don’t know all the details and the full expansion has been released. Just have patience first and lets see, what the whole thing will turn out to be in the end when PoF is out and we know, what Anet will do with this game from that point on then.
@ Astral:
I guess you haven’t quite understood yet, what the purpose of Masteries is in this game…
Masteries solve a problem that automatically appears the moment Anet reduces the amount of WP, but it solves not just only the problem, it adds for each map individualistic character progression to that solution – at least as a player you get this kind of illusion of “progression” and thats exactly what people want in GW2.
Thats exactly the reason, why Anet didn’t increase the Level Cap from 80 to like 150 or so, no they added instead the Mastery System to give us players character progression, without that it destroyes the current Gear System.
Players on the other side get the impression of improving themself, progressing with their characters when they learn in maps through Masteries new things, which allow their characters to do new things, they couldn’t do before – and if these new things are used for faster travels within said map, then this solves simply the problem of needign to have a counterweight agaisnt the reduction of waypoints, so that players still have a more nartural feeling way of quick movement around in the map, which doesn#t make the maps look tiny compared to the waypoint system with people poermanently teleporting around only everywhere
Movement Masteries also aren’t the only type of Masteries that do exist, or potentially can exist…. What ANet added so far with HoT was nothing but just a foundation of the system. Mounts are now only the next step further as advancement of the movement category of masteries which further decrease the need for an exorbirtantly big amount of WPS all over the game.
When you have followed the increasing decreasement of reduced WPS fro mSeason 2 to now, then you should realize, that anet was basically testign all the time out the waters, how far they can go with this.
The least minimum amount of WPs a map needs is basically 5, if not even lesser, kitten better the WPs are placed and so better the alternative movement features from masteries are, so lesser Wps are needed for a map as the mastery features are a perfect replacement for too many Wps.
The whole purpose of HoT was from begin on to improve character progression, thats also why we have now Elite Specializations (SubClasses). Its the whoel reasonwhy Anet made in the past lots of CDI practically to gather information from us, what we want to see getting improved, as ANet used all this input from us back then to focus on the thigns they wanted to realize with HoT without us actually knowing back at that point, they they would actually make some of these things so quickly come true.
Would I have known back then, that Anet would turn Sub Classes with HoT so extremely quickly as Elite Specializations into reality, I don’t know, if I would have not suggested rather something else instead, because from a Game Balance Stance they were implemented for my taste then on the other side again too quickly than was good for the game…but I guess ANet also wanted just to show us all with HoT, how fast they can make our wishes come true and that they truly listen to the stuff we post here again, so personally I see what time has brought us here with a smiling and with a whining eye.
My signature will be at least forever for me a sign to myself, that you have to be careful what you wish for It could become true.
However, masteries are currently just at their beginning..ANet is far away from making fully usage of this mechanics potential it has and personalyl im very interested into seeing, how ANet will expand the mastery system further in the future to give us even more the impression through them of having more character progression – this includes character movement of all kinds and sorts as well.
What Id love to see gettign added is a “Compass System” together with Arrows show you the path that ylou have to go to reach your goal.
People should be able to put upon the minimapor on the world map a destination point where you want to do, for example a POI and when youve set it up, then you will see on the minimap arrows, that show you the way how you have to run to reach your goal that you have set up on the compass…
Practically a system that works like a route planner with its arrows blue, when you are on the right height, and when you are either too low or too high for the location you want to reach, then the arrows turn orange to give you a signal, that you have to change your heigth.
oftenly in maps its quite a riddle, how you get to certain points to the maps, where you#d like to have some kind of route planner system, which practically guides you to the points you want to reach, so that you don#t need to use 3rd party websites/guides for this just to see, how you get to certain points of the map, when practically the game could tell and show you this with a route planner feature self as well.
A Route Planner Feature also could be optionally used to plan your “Farming Routes” where you could mark your farm spots, so that your running route becomes visually visible for you on the world map and where the game shows you then visually also too, where you have been already and where you still need to run to to finish your route by manually declaring your created "Route for the game as Farming Route with each stop in the route beign a “Mile Stone” that when you reach it and farmed it, the route shows you then a green Checked Hook, to signalize you, that you’ve done your farming already there at this spot of your selfmade farming route.
Personally I think theres more potential in regard of features, what Anet could do with the World Map, like for example allowing us to create own personal waypoints as some kind of bigger gold sink like 50 Gold per Personal WP for a month.
Pay 250G when it should be permanent for you as a client side feature that you see only on your own world map, so its no Wp you see actually in the game on the maps.
Its just practically opening up teleportation to where you like for those who wish to have more WPs and have the money for it to buy them
If there is currently one thign i want to see returning for a logner while is havign access to the Feathers of the Zephyr-Wings
Sadly wasn’t active playing the time when they were sold. Imo the most beatiful wings of all ANet has ever created so far.
Item Identification is coming up with POF as well, helping us massively of gettign rid with inventory management wars
Hopefully with season 4 adding also alot of new masteries to all of the game, not just only for new maps.
theres so much anet could improve for the whole game by expanding significantly just the mastery system to make more usage of its potential for quality of life features, while providign at the same tiem more character progression through more masteries and revitalizing also the older maps with the help of that.
This game has multiple problems, why its content doesn’t last:
1. Discontinued Content
ANet starts somewhere something, and then doesn’t finish the started job for the whole game to add new content everywhere, where it would be possible for that kind of content type they added. Example “Map Achievements”
With Season 2 Anet begun to add Map Achievements to the new Maps – why the hell don’t they do this sa well retroactively for all the older maps too??
This would help in revitalizing for some time the older Maps.
2. More Living World Content changing older maps
Within the first Seasons, Anet was focused on changing some of the older Maps.
In Season 3 they did nothing on that, but just focused only on pumping out new Maps to explore instead. however, you can#t just only continously release one new map after another. You have also to update and keep alive the older maps, to give continously people a reason to revisit them, so that these places stay alive, otherwise they will degenerate over time.
3. Terrible Rewards
This has always been a huge problem of ANet, in Season 3 they have at least improved a bit, by giving all of the Heart NPCs some unique Miniature Rewards, also as a nice Karma Sink as well – somethign that I proposed a long time ago, that ANet should make more usage of Karma Vendors in general for better Rewards, what wasn’t up till Season 3 not the case before.
You can feel and see also, that ANet is trying to reduce the Material Grind for T6 stuff, which is somethign I find good, as that way become alot of thigns in this game a bit more affordable finally for the broad mass of players and not only for the super rich ones. Otheriwse I do agree with it, that Anet should continue improving the rewards, by letting us somehow earn more oftenly Guaranteed Skin Unlock Items – thats basicalyl the most rewarding Item you could let us us as Map Meta Achievement Rewards or for doign some harder achievement,s or as part of reachign like every 1000 AP you get now guaranteed skin unlockers.
Aside of this I do agree also, that Black Lion Weapons need to become finally earnable.
By sure not instantly all of them – no, that would totally crash the market, but every BLW Skin Set should become earnable after like 6 months of release. This gives people which do the tradign post and gem sales enough of a head start to make with these things profit, while its new.
But after that head start, there should exist a way to earn these skins. Then you should be able to unlock some kind of way, which lets you become able to craft these skins.
4. Too less Tyrian Masteries
ANet makes currently by far not usage of all the potential that lies behind their Mastery System. anet should add alot of new Masteries, especially Tyrian Masteries, so that theres content to revitalize the older maps as well through this.
Theres alot of masteries, which could work simultanously as kind of character progression, while also beign a great help as quality of life improvement.
Masteries shouldn’t be something, thats only expansion map exclusive!! that would be the wrong way to use this gameplay mechanic
Masteries have to be a game wide feature and as such shoudl become part of all maps to improve them.
This would include adding also retroactively to all older maps new insights to gain more Mastery Points.
5. Map Currencies
Add to the older maps also a generic Map Currency that is for all the older maps the same (like you did with season 3 that share all the same map currency partwise with magic energy) to add to the heart npcs of the older maps through this new map currency new rewards as well, like miniature, liek stuff with that you can earn access to craftign BLW skins (Recipes), like new better food buffs with significantly longer DURATIONS than just lousy 30-60 minutes.. add finalyl buff items that have durations like 1 day and replace the effect of those gemstore items that increase the durations instead to an improve the efficiency of buff items by 50% (PvE only)