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Brainstorming - Healing-related boons

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


This game needs not more boons, it needs LESSER!!

Same as much as it needs lesser conditions.

The stuff you talk about OP is easily achieveable through other different ways. Theres no need to spam this game full further with more needless boons.

Anet can use either Traits to make Healing Skills more interesting in various different ways.
Or they can and should use Sigils and Runes to make Healing Effects in this game more diversive and interesting.
Or they could introduce something completely new, that would help in making Character Development more depthful by implementing a “Talent System” that would allow Character Development and Progression to give the player options, with that the Player would become able to improve “specific” Basic, Classbased, Typebased & Special Talents with that the Player could learn Mechanics, that define the passive effects of how all things of your Character in or outside of Combat should work when using Skills or performing any Actions in the game, while Traitlines could be then there solely for the purpose of defining the active mechanics of Weapon Skills only to alterate their effects

Traits, Upgrades, Talents – 3 Systems with that you can create alot more diversity and interesting dynamics and effects based on skilsl and actions being done by the player in the game, which surpass by far the options one can do with just only the Boon System, without making Boons at the same time just only for 1 single effect – Healing – way too overcomplex.

Boons & Conditions shold be just a simple base mechanic frame – the finetuning and customization should completely come from only Traits, Upgrades and potentially Talents of an Character that are defined by the player who decides through them, how your Character should be and which mechanics and dynamics should decide over it, how your character works in this games combat system and how those settings define in the end your personal playstyle with your character.

All of this shouldn’t be decided only with Boons.

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

Paths: Unlocking new content type

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


God ,please no.. that would divide only more the playerbase

However, there are other things from which Anet should get inspirement from Wild Star to improve GW2 as the game has made other things better, than GW2, where GW2 is behind still until today:

  • Proper Skill Telegraphings
  • A Faction System included that feels like Factions, the Factions that GW2 basically has are totally meaningless for the Game so far
  • WS has Player Housing – GW2 still not after soon 5 years, when it would have been the best chance to add it with HoT as Guild Halls are basically the same mechanics
  • Much better and more Emotes
  • Positioning and Movement play alot more an important role in combat like what one would expect from GW2s combat too
  • Has/d GvG like battles (40v40) with customizable battle maps
  • Has Optional Subscription Model and runs well with it together with Free to Play, what GW2 could do too, but just better
  • 2v2, 3v3, 5v5, 15v15, 30v30 PvP Arenas (despite PvP being already closed in WS due to underpopulation)

Simple said, if devs would learn more from the things what the competition on the market did well and would improve their own products based on inspirations they can receive from other games, we could have a much better GW2 by now by just adopting on things, that other games have made by now better than GW2 and improve these things further.

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

[Idea/Speculation] Expansion 2 Masteries

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


Forgotten Lore

Forgotten Language
Enables you to read the Language of the Forgotten, which unlocks access to new areas for you, giving you access to the Domain of Anguish, the Realm of the Forgotten where you find Forgotten, that will teach you more of their past, where you can trade with them and can master their language to become able to read ancient relics of them, so more letters you learn over time, as learnign their language is alot more difficult, than learning for exampl the Itzel Language in HoT (Think of Al’Bhed in FFX, you need to learn slowly each single letter to read, not by just learning this mastery, but by travelign through the desert, talking with Forgotten, doing all kinds of various things to learn and find new letters just everywhere hidden in the maps…)

Seer of the Truth
Reduces for you the Effectiveness of Fata Morghanas you suffer on. By fullfilling in the Crystal Desert multiple Trials of Truth, Courage, Might and finally Ascension so that you will strenthen the Effect of this Mastery, until you become immune to Fata Morghanas in Crystal Desert Maps

Visions of the Seer
Allows you to use Vision Altars. Vision Altars show you Visions of Time, which enables you in combat to use a powerful Mastery Utility Skill in Crystal Desert Maps – Sands of Time which allows you based on if you turned the hourglass to Past or Future to use two different Skills.
Past = Heals you, Removes all your Conditions, grants Alacrity and Resistance for some time and when used on an Ally, can revive the Ally to full Health instantly.
Future = Grants you several Stacks Stability, lets you auto evade x incoming Attacks, grants you a long Quickness and refills completely your Endurance, while your attacks are in that time that you have the Quickness all 100% critical with 50% increased Critical Damage. Used on an Ally will this Skill instantly recharge all Skills and grant Stacks of Might (Homage Skill to Prince of Persia: Sands of Time)

Facettes of the Forgotten
Unlocks based on your Class special new Utility Skills that are only useable in Crystal Desert which enable you to fight more effectively against Demons from the Realm of Torment, like Hydras, Margonites, Dryders, Stygians or Titans which are all enemies you will find everywhere in the Crystal Desert and the Realm of Torment that is connected to it.

Glint’s Prophecy
Learning this Mastery, unlocks Glint’s Legacy for you, a special power, which significantly improves all your Gliding and Movement Abilities while being in Crystal Desert Maps by unlocking Glints Skills for you, while you glide with that you can fly fast, jump much higher. Legacy Orbs in the air allow you to soar like a dragon much higher into the air, so that you can reach places that were unreachable otherwise, you learn new Dragon Skills that you can perform while gliding to evade or reflect their ranged attacks back, like Somersaults or Barrel Rolls and Dragon Breath to be able to attack foes while gliding with an by Glint’s Spirit empowerecspiritual Breath Attack that purifies even the most evil demons and vaporizes them to ashes

Warden of Torment
Lets you gain access to the Realm of Torment’s most dangerous area, the Domain of Anguish and its 4 Elite Endgame Maps – City of Tor’Qua, Stygian Veil, Ravenheart Gloom & Foundry of Failed Creations. To gain this Mastery you must prove, that you are strong enough to survive the dangers that the maps will have, by fullfilling all Trials first and the Trial of Ascension by overcoming yourself, like your ancestors did hundreds over hundreds of years ago before you. Then you need to defeat solo the Warden of Torment, they keykeeper of the Domain of Anguish, which keeps it sealed and protected, to prove you worthy in this final test so that you earn that way the last mastery point needed to have enough for this Mastery.

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

[Idea/Speculation] Expansion 2 Masteries

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


If the second Expansion leads us into the Crystal Desert, I think masteries like these might be working:

Desert Survival

Heat Resistance
You lose slower over time Health in very hot regions, while being in Crystal Desert Maps

Cactus Juice
You know now where to find the right juicy Cacti from which you can find Juices to drink from, which will refresh your Health and make you temporary immune for some time vs. Desert Delirium Effects you may suffer on in the Crystal Desert.

Junundu Taming
You know now how to tame Junundu Wurms which will help you to transport you to areas of the Crystal Desert, which were unreachable for you cause of deathly sulfurous fogs

Desert Strider
Deep Sands won’t slow your Movements and Actions anymore by 50% and Dodges cost now again the normal amount of Endurance instead of double as much and you can jump again, while sticking with your feet in deep sands.

Sand Glider
You have now access to Sand Gliders, special Desert Vehincles, that allow you to travel quickly around in the Crystal Desert to reach quicker certain areas of the Maps, where Junundu Wurms can’t bring you to. With owning a Sand Glider you can for example return always quickly to the Amnoon Oasis to refill there your Water Bags that will prevent you from suffering on Desert Deliriums after having lost too much Health from Desert Heat. Desert Deliriums won’t kill you, if you run out of Water, but if you suffer to long on it, before you get to drink some Water or Cactus Juice, then you will suffer on Fatigue, which will half your maximum Health and reduces your Stats permanently, until you get something to drink by either returnign to Amnoon Oasis or drinking Cactus Juice from a found and cut Cactus that has enough Juice to refresh you. Without this Mastery, there won’t be a way with that you can quickly return to Amnoon Oasis as you have to travel by foot back. You can’t use also Waypoints while being under Desert Delirium! which makes this Mastery further essential

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

(edited by Orpheal.8263)

Ways to increase dev resources quickly

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


@ zealex

I meant naturally Anets income stability, because a single weak gemstore won’t guarantee for this game enough income stability.
As long Anet has only the gemstore, they will never have the insurance, that the gemstore makes at the end of the month enough income, to cover all of the games costs, or make even at all any profit.
With the instabile gemstore as only source of income in the time where they work in the background on an expansion, is every month a risk of losing money if the gemstore isn’t strong enough to cover at least all of the games fix costs.
And if you get to hear from devs them also multiple times, that they had for somethign not enough ressources, or not enough time to get somethign done in time before the next greater patch gets released, then this is for me personalyl another great sign for it, that the gemstore is too weak and doesn’t run good enough right now for this always growing game, whose fix costs never become smaller, but rather constantly bigger as well so bigger the game becomes.

The gemstore needs help to reduce pressure from it and to stabilize Anets income in times, where they work on larger projects like expansions which brigns them currently into the problem of not having enough people in their staff to do multiple greater projects at the same time, because too many of the developers are needed just only for the expansions, so that other important areas suffer meanwhile from the lack of developers that either have not enough time, or not enough ressources in regard of budget money to work on other very important things as well, while the focus is on the expansion in the background.

With more income stability of optional sub fees can be made sure, that Anet can expand better and react better to situations, where it is important and needed to work at multiple greater things at the same time, or to give certain things more time, so that they can get done in a bigger more appropriate and proper way, than these useless skill&trait number change balance patches, which are just drops of water on a too hot stone, because these kinds of changes are obsolete, as long all the rest of the games conbat system gets permanently ignored, most likely due to the fact, that Anet simply has not the ressources they would need to have, to be able to make proper balance changes, that have more depth, than only number changes.

Something, where optional Premium Accounts could help out, people need to give the idea just a chance, because you will never know, if they were maybe not from begin on the right decision, if you just don’t give them at least a chance.
However, in the end its just another of many decisions, that Anet has to make that nobody of us here can influence.
We can only as usual discuss over such things and smash each others heads in over our different opinions xD

In my opinion is staying on the gemstore as only income method too unsafe and expansions take simply too long, until they bring Anet money in.

Its like betting on horse races and always betting only onto 1 horse – all or nothing.
When it would be safer to bet onto 2 horses basically, raising your chances of winning, but also lowering your chances of losing too much if not all your bets should be succesful, so you won’t likely lose directly everything.
Thats why I’m convinced that on the long run will be a hybrid payment model better for the game to make sure, that ANet will have more income stability, while not losing the advantage of the gemstore of eventually making income bursts, if they added maybe something awesome to the gemstore, that sells like hot cakes.
But these kinds of sales are no guaranteed thing, which is why a stabile optional fee income can be very handy for Anet to ensure that if they gemstore stuff should flop, that their incomes stay stabile enough to not totally break in dramatically.

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

Ways to increase dev resources quickly

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


stop acting like optional subscriltion is the mother of all issues if they handle it correctly and keep it optional and not something that alienates the player who doesnt use it i dont find a reason for it to nost exist esp now that thentop mmos have some kind of subscription whether its optional or mandatory. Also anet has been really careful on what could give advantage to someone and they have not added it into the game what makes you think an optional subscription could bring that.

Two words zealex, just two words:


Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

A "new" expac idea

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


Nonsensical idea, that will never happen, unless Anet seriously wants to take the biscuit and totally destroy the game with this change royally beyond repairability.

This garbage class design was the very reason, why GW1s class balance was absurdly out of control from begin on and never ever got from day one on at all the chance to reach a state of being close to balanced, because every single change on skills meant always gazillions of abkittenely unpredictable overpowered skill combinations, especially due to GW1 having tons of more skills per Class, than GW2 has and due to each class being combinatable with all other classes that had to be checked, tested and balanced.

Way too much work for Anet to handle it, especially from the point on when Anet added more classes with the standalones Factions and Nightfall, they exponentially increased with every added class extremely their own workload of balancing the game due to this dual class garbage, just to have a class design system in the game, that was unique up to that point and not used much in other MMORPGS.

3x you may guess, why exactly other developers stayed away from it and rather used the classical traditional 1 class design, like Anet did now for GW2 too!!
Way simpler class balancing, due to not having permanently countless of unpredictable chain reactions from hundreds of skills

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

Ways to increase dev resources quickly

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


5 of 6 points are total nonsense.

6. the optional subscription fee is the only thing, if made and implemented right with the intention of making it an alternative supporting source of money income that gives players no advantages over others, while giving them access to unique fashion stuff and quality of life adds, is something completely different.

like Ardid did it:

Things for which i would spent money in the Gemstore, which seriously really would help in making the Gemstore stronger again, without being at all any P2W:

  • New Emotes (if aNet has no intention to improve this with Expansions where I’d rather see that stuff as part of them)
    - Eating Emote
    - Drinking Emote
    - Reimplementation of alot of missing GW1 Emotes
    - Interactive Emotes with other Players (Kiss, Hug, High5 ect. pp)
    In regard of Emotes are other games so much more caring and advanced, than GW2
    - more dances (How to Dance Vol 2.3.4 ect.)
  • New Music Instruments (and please fix the Bass Guitar, that sounds absolutely not like one, but like a wrecked car motor…)
    - Triangle
    - Cylophone
    - Violin
    and more
  • New Crafting Tool Kits that are improved to be really accountbound and shared with all characters automatically (I still want my Wind Spirit/Sonic Style Crafting Tools ^^)
  • Mounts and their Skins (useable only in PvE, outside of towns, unless stated by Anet where and how else) (Believe it or not, but people ask not for no reason for them sicne Game Release, there IS DEMAND FOR THEM and haters can try to deny that as much as they want, its just the truth they can’t accept)
  • Unique Skill Skin Sets that enable you to make your Weapon Skills, Utilities ect. look different, than usual. so that you can personalize your Characters with them more (Useable only in PvE/WvW)
  • Stuff for Character Housing if Anet ever implements that into the Game
  • Outdated old Black Lion Skin Weapon Sets as Direct Buy to become able to get them, without this RNG garbage from the Chests and their idiotic keys for tickets ect. (Direct Buy gives you the Collections with the few AP completed, but no Ticket Rewards if you use that)
  • New Class/Weapon Based Finishing Move Sets with not a “Stomping Design”, but that look more like martial artistical epic Special Attacks based on your Class and the used Weapon that show how your character finishes off your foes in a more realistical, but also special way, than such fun junk, like letting a chest fall on your foe, or letting a winter glass orb fall onto your foe to kill them… -I want to see my character perform a unique skill with his weapon instead, that just looks awesome and more appropriate to the situation in a Game like GW2, thanm to watch how out of a sudden a chest falls onto my fow or whatever else for weird thigns happening just out of nowhere after dunking a pin down to my foe on the ground.
  • Minigames (hey why not, they don’t r part of the main game, stuff like a very good designed Ingame Card Collection Game could be sold also as optional content via Gemstore, if Anet has no intention to design such things as ingame activities with achievements ect. then they could work on such fun things also as simple gemstore minigames, like for example that basketball minigame, that anet tested out, would be easily an minigame, that could be sold in the gamestore as such)
Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

Guild Wars 3?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


Alot of people have stopped here already long ago to believe on what devs say here, just to protect themself from disappointments.

I surely don’t have to remind you, what has been said here already all by devs, and didn’t have come to fruition then the way they have said it (or not yet and still waiting), but just some tips:

Legendary Weapons, LS1 reintegrated, Minigames in Towns (Bar Brawls, Polymok, Target Shooting ect.) and more.

However, Lore and Features are two completely different pairs of shoes.
You can talk alday long and plan ahhead for year, what kind of “Lore” you want to work on, because Lore knows basically no borders, has no costs other than writers, needs no ressources to be created, other than just writers and their creativity.

With planning and working on actual real game content and features – thats a massive difference and is something, which knows borders, which has much higher ressource costs to cover, than just only writers for some lore.

Whatever, peopel are free to believe on what they want in the end
Thats simply the difference between optimism and pessimism :P

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

Guild Wars 3?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


Nothing but marketing talk, to give the readers and viewers in the past the impression, that the devs know what they do and that for years ahead, because you know – wouldn’t come over good, when you essentially say in an important interview, that you have no plans for the game for years to come as a developer, or ? :P

Or would you trust some developers, which openly say in such an interview before release honestly, that they have currently no plans for the game for longer than say 1-2 years? I doubt not that you would do so.
People, which want to invest alot of money and time into something, like a MMORPG want to have safety, that the game they are interested in, will also stay long healthy.

If you get then something to hear from them like – we have currently only plans for 1-2 years, then this isn’t very good to hear and you will most likely search further for an other game, where the devs give you the impression, that their game will be a game, that will be foryou interesting for a long time, cause of having already plans for like 2 digits in years ahead, despite everyone basically knowing, that nobody can plan anything for such a long time into the future ahead, because with such plans you create only preprogrammed disappointments, if you planned ahead something, which can’t be realized later, because some things that were essential for that plan have changed meanwhile over time and you as a dev land then in the situation, where you have to tell your playerbase, that something from your long planned ahead red line has to be cancelled.

Something, which much more likely won’t happen, if you make plans for short overviewable timespans only and from that many in alot of “milestones”.

@ Danikat: GW2 is not Elder Scrolls Online. Only because an other game didn’t have so much success with the model, doesn’t have to mean, that exactly the same has to happen with GW2. Elder Schrools had the difference, that they started as an subscription based game…while GW2 did not..
Also Elder Scrolls Online started essentially with a playerbase, which mostly knows the game series only from its PC/Console games as offline rpgs, where the guild wars franchise has begun right from the start as online game.

Additionally was Elder Scrolls Online just from begin on never really competitive vs WoW/GW2 and if a game mostly sucks jzst from begin on, then there helps also no optional monthly fee for it anymore, when the game, unlike a FF14 wasn’t from begin on good enough to survive on the market with just keeping its mandatory subscription fee.

A game, that changes from first mandatory fee to any other alternative options is always a sign, that the game is bad and is losing players massively and needs to lure in somehow new players.
So Elder Scrolls Onlien was basically never in the same situation like GW2 at its start.

in the case of GW2 is an optional monthls fee just helpful, when its gemstore is just too weak to handle the finances of the game by itself alone, because just expansions as alternative is too time/ressource consuming.
You need to have besides a weak gemstore an alternative, that brings in money from players constantly, without that you need to spent over a long time first massive ressources to get to see the extra income that are just costs, which reduce again just your incomes.
Proper expansions need between 2-3+ years to get developed, thats a long timespan for a weak gemstore to cover alone.
A task, that would be covered easier, if there would be also an optional sub fee for people that are willing to use one, what will stabilize the incomes for Anet and will reduce also the pressure on the gemstore, so that Anet doesn’t need anymore to market their gemstore so aggressively and focus themself instead more on something else, like balancing, like new content or whatever else

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

(edited by Orpheal.8263)

Legendary Longbow and Arrow

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


A bow named Apocalypse seems like it would be more dark and such rather than a radiant bow of light.

Not when the design is of cosmic nature, like a Supernova of Light is an apocalypse for everybody, when that light is so bright and hot, that it burns just all existing materia of life away – even whole planets.

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

Guild Wars 3?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


Who knows if even most of the devs from ANet are in 10 years even still part of anet, or even live at all.

You can’t plan such things over a timespan like 10 years.
You can plan out things for like 1-3 years max, without loosing your oversight, unless we are all now suddenly fortunetellers and know exactly what will happen and when that will be.

MMORPGS need a certain stability in their plannings, if they want to be successful and to even try to plan for something on 10 years span, is way too riskful, unless you make that plan from begin on a meticulous planned through program, that is milestone plan that goes forward step by step only with every step being a plan in itself made for a timespan of 1-2 years
Because planning forward for many small steps into the future is alot safer, than trying to plan for a huge step made in 10 years for that you don’t know, if the environment around you doesn’t change over time in that you need to set your foot down for that big step.
People, interests, target groups, technologies – all this changes with time that you can’t plan ahead for 10 years.

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

Legendary Longbow and Arrow

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


I’d love a legendary Longbow named Apocalypse which should be a magical radiant Longbow of Light, that never runs out of arrows, as it just produces unendlessly magical light arrows the moment you draw it.

With a precursor that is named “Supernova”. Mix this together with some kind of “Cosmic/Sun Theme”, I think that would look awesome

maybe similar looking like this, just with GW2#s weapon design style, less cartoonish, with more details and the added cosmic/sun theme to it.
Every shot for that legendary longbow looking, as if you create magical shooting stars

Zeldas Bow of Light could be also an good looking inspiration for its design animations when drawing and shooting the light arrows

I know at least, id be instantly in love with such a good lookign legendary longbow of light that shoots light arrows like shooting stars with good looking light animations

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

Guild Wars 3?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


A bombing sale won#t safe GW2.. it will postpone just the problem for a while, until we are back in the same situation that we have now, as logn the gemstore is to weak to handle this permanently growing game by itself alone.

GW2 needs a Hybrid Payment Model – Gemstore + optional Premium Accounts with Monthly Fee.
Only this way will Anet be able to stabilize the income of the game, so that they become able to recruit the needed amount of people to increase their staff, so that they are able to work effectively with efficience on multipkle things at the same tinme, without that a team suffers from losing team members the moment anet starts to make a larger project, like an expansion.

However – personally i would never want to see a GW3 happening.

I find it better fo Anet, if they would make with a new game a completely new and fresh franchise – a completely new game and not a continuation of an old one that is simply a new beginning, a new chance for them to make with that chance alot of things right, which they did with GW2 wrong.

I’m pretty sure, a company like NCSoft behind them would also prefer to see a complete new game of them in the future, than a GW3, despite a GW3 having the advantage of having a good renowm to begin with, but that advantage could be also at the same time its own disadvantage, because they could lose this good renowm also if the make it happen to massively fail with a GW3 so hard, that no one would possibly believe.

With GW2 they have made themself already such a huge project game, that they are unable to make for this game for sure until its life end a story and rich world, that allows for it to explore the whole world in it. 5 years and we are still in just only Tyria and have like only felt 60% of the continent explorable.
We will most likely never ever get to see Cantha or Elona i nthe same quality and quantity of content like we have so far with Tyria.. and by the speed of Anet to just, if this case ever happens, we will most likely have already like 2030+ and by that time, no butt will play GW2 anymore, because other game developers will have made by this tiem much better games… other developers don’t sleep, they will also make new games and the technology becomes also continuously better, so that better MMORPGs can be developed by that time.

ANet will so more years pass by come soon to the point, where they have somewhen to make the decision between – New Game or Continuation and I’m sure, this decision iwll also get influenced by alot with the sales of the second expansion, because i think the sales of the second expansion will surely decide over it, if it makes even sense to invest any longer into the project GW2, or it it is by now more senseful to create a new fresh franchise, that can have the potential to become better than GW2, if done right.

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

Balance Patches

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


Major Balance Changes are needed only, if the game is so out of control, so outdated on many aspects of gameplay and mechanics and so out of touch with the community – like now.

When a game has reached a state, where its gameplay mechanics are mostly in balance, then you don’t need any major changes at all and you can do the rest with many constant frequently coming mini patches that go for skills and traits to finetune the game.

Right now is the game absolutely for way too long now in the situation, where it needs a real proper major balance patch, that fixes this games gameplay mechanics to brign them back in line together, so that these mechanics are again in synergy and harmony with all the latest changes on ksills, traits, especs and especially changes to boons and conditions, mainly conditions of the last 2 years.

If Anet doesn’t fix this games combat systems soon first, then it makes no sense at all to add more e-specs ect. in the future with more expansions at all.

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

SoA changes for evade builds

in Thief

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


And advanced players know how to compensate this well enough and need in general lesser evades, because they now bett,er when its neccessary to evade and when not, while beginners don’t, so your arguement is rubbish imo.

However, I can understand your standpoint of view and thats why I think with this change to SoA in mind it would have been a greater change for the better of the Thief, when Anet would have changed back some Trait Changes back to their original effects, like Feline Grace to make Acrobatics great again as a little compensation for the reduced Endurance Regen from SoA

Staff has under Daredevil its own Trait, that lets you regain Endurance when usign Physicals with Brawlers Tenacity, so they surely have no Endurance Problems at all together with having 3 Dodges and Endurance Thief and especially Staff master, which lets you gain additional Endurance whenever you use a Staff Skill, so this is im again rubbish as arguement as Daredevils have more than enough options to gain just by their own mechanics constantly Endurance and if this is seriously not enough for you – kitten it, than put a freaking Sigil of Energy into your Staff to get 50% of your Endurance back every few seconds when you change to your Staff, if you aren’t doing that already.

The world won’t be doomed for you now by just having 1 dodge lesser. Even as advanced player you will find situations, where the increased condition removals will come in handy for you and where you will say then – good that Anet changed the skill, cause of the increased condition removal having saved your butt maybe, because unless you are traited and skilled for it, won’t dodges alone save you from conditions, unless you make constantly successful evades with Escapists absolution being in your build – but fact is, you can’t dodge always everything and sooner or later you will come to the situation, where you prefer to use a condition removal skill over a dodge, because you need the dodge for something far more dangerous.
The change with SoA is there for an evade build just an improved synergy that comes automatically whith evading alot, as SoA is naturally used to refill quickly your endurance and when you use it, you don’t think about in in that situation, if it is now good or bad for you, that the skill removed from you 1 or 3 conditions.

An real advanced player is able to adapt to the situation anyways and are able to change their playstyle based on the skill changes!

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

Thief in the support role

in Thief

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


Hmm, despite me thinking Ninja Nurse being mostly useless by now in the old ways how I knew this build, the thread made me interested in thinking over a new way of “Ninja Nurse”

Lets see, if I can get eventually a good thought out build together here

Weapon Sets: D/P + Shortbow
As Ninja Nurse you need Mobility and quick On Demand Stealth

Either Hide in Shadows or Skelk Venom, HiS for Roaming, SV once you are in a group
Shadow Refuge, Signet of Agility, Shadow Trap (to be quickly there, where you are needed to help, 10k Range!! )
Basilisk Venom

  • Trickery > Thrill of Crime > Bountiful Theft >Sleight of Hand
  • Shadow Arts > Concealed Defeat/Shadows Embrace > Leeching Venoms/ Shadow Protector > Rending Shades/Shadow Rejuvenation
  • Acrobatics > Pain Response/Vigorous Recovery > Hard To Catch > Don’t Stop

Gear Stats
Full Ascended Cleric Set or eventually a Mixture of Cleric/Minstrel

D/P = Superior Sigil of Energy + Sigil of Agility
SB = Superior Sigil of Energy + Superior Sigil of Transference/ Sigil of Water/ Sigil of Life (2nd SB to build up higher HP)
Rune Set
Superior Runes of Water or Dwayna or Altruism, based on if you want more Heal Support, or more general Boon Support

Maybe someone whos interested in testing out builds can do it with this one here and report back, how well it functionized in say for example WvW, where i guess are only Ninja Nurses to be found at all, because I don’t believe in it, that anyone would ever want to play such a build in PvE or PvP lol

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

Loot for new accounts, no inflation added

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


@ Dino:

I know the Guild Wars Franchise very well. I’m one of the many veterans, which know and have played GW since 2005, so I know both gear designs of the games completely.

Yes,. GW2 has aToken System, but sadly only for Dungeons and Fractals, when it should have best for general PvE World Bosses this as well to remove the absurd loot grind from them.
People should be also able to earn the loot from the World Bosses with patience, not only with absurd luck and unendless grind if you have no luck at all.
We play a game here, not a gambling!!

I have also no problem with it with getting rewarded with “trash” – salvage, sell, fine.
But I have a problem with complete useless “trash”, because of the game not being designed to filter out for you the loot that your class can’t use to make the loot system at least feel a bit rewarding, because you get loot at least, that always fits to your character that you play.

Means if I play a warrior and I loot some kind of blue or green equipment from killed enemies, then this equipment should always be heavy gear that my warrior can wear.
Do I change now to my thief, then the game should change to drop for me always only medium gear. That way feels the game more rewarding, despite lettign drop still everythign by random – just by rewarding us with appropiate class fitting stuff.

Same should be done with Weapons… I should get find for example a Rifle as loot only, if I play either a Warrior or an Engineer, but not for example while I play an Elementalist that can’t use Rifles. If would make also absolutely nosense at all, that for example an Elementalist, that has absolutely no interest in rifles, that isn#t expertised with should look after them while looting killed enemies.
If I loot an enemy, then I look specificly after things, that are USEFUL for me and not after trash, that I can’t use at all and takes only free space away in my bag.
Thats how I do see it and I’m sure, I’m not alone with this way of thinking here.

However, all of this would also be much lesser of a problem to me, if the game would at least provide more good quality of life improvements that massively help the player in better Inventory Management and if we could get also in this game better Rucksacks, that have addiotional features that make Inventory Management more overviewable, without that I need to have for this like half a douzend of different bag types, when all of this could be just handled as one feature from improved Rucksacks, instead of having to make like 4-6 different bag types to get additional functions to help you handling better your inventory.

That such simple small things haven’t been improved within the last 5 years simply just shows, that Anet absolutely doesn’t care about such things either, or that they were just blinded for 5 years by now not to see, that this area of the game needs some significant improvements in QoL and grind reduction, especially in the mentioned area of Bosses getting their own Tokens to become able to receive quicker the things you want also through just patience with the help of Boss Tokens , if you have no super luck like someonne else maybe.

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

Suggestions: New Hairstyles 2017

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


Totally agree. Long hair would be really appreciated.. not only to the shoulders – butt long would be awesome.
The problem with long hairs I guess is the clipping and thy physics most likely, but for female characters belong to me also long hairstyles – they are it which make for me and my personal taste a female character a 101% female character. And long hair allows for much more majestic looking elegant fantasy hair styles ^^

Think on Countess Anise, how she would look like, if she would have a bit longer hair

she would look so much more classy and elegant with slightly longer hair to me and she should get a unique hairstyle, not one 0815 one, that is used by lots of player characters ^^ For a woman of her standards, one would guess, she would have a more pompous and majestic looking hairstyle with longer hair and a bit more decorations in it for a mesmer, like in my second picture example of my previous posting^^

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

Skill Rework Ideas - Thief

in Thief

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


@ Ninja
Yeah, that I did have in mind too with Dirty Revenge – how funny would it be, when you get defeated by a Finisher, you deal with your last breath basically a cunning counterattack that surprises your foe, which deals some nasty damage. When your foe was short before dieing as well, then this would be a nice revenge, that could lead to your foe getting killed quickly after you as well.

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

Skill Rework Ideas - Thief

in Thief

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


To your questions:

The thing about them is, DD added new “styles” and I want to see with that suggestion these styles to become more accessible and that wihtout them being bonded to any traits as that makes them easier to change out when being out of combat, by just clicking F3 and clicking on the style you want to change to and from that moment on you chose your style you want to use, your dodges will become that style. My suggested 3 addiotional styles should just give the Thief more flavor of being a fast mobile, shadow/stealth based class, which should also have gameplay elements, that remember a bit on GW1’s Assassin.

Warp Retreat is for example based on this :
Warp Retreat would be a great component together with Traps to literally force your foes into your traps, when timed correctly.

On Skills:
I have to disagree with on stealing boons. It is not Op, when you have to hit the foe twice with the same arrow, just to steal a Boon. I would agree with you, would I have suggested that every simple hit should steal boons, that would be OP.
But bounced off arrows, that have to hit you again – theres enough time in between to react with either a dodge, or a block skill to prevent getting a Boon stolen from a bounced off arrow. Bleedings don’t fit to the design of Trick Shot in my opinion.
Thieves don’t need more Bleedings, they need more Boon Steals.
Currently they have among all weapons they can use just 1 – just ONE single skill, that is able to steal boons and just only 2 – TWO traits. A bit less for a thief unique feature, don’t you think? Especially with only 1 melee option. There needs to be also an ranged alternative thats not based on Stealth or Steals.

About Pistol Whip
I mean with 3 seconds postponing the second part, that you should not cancel the skill anymore, if you move after the first part, the execution window for the second part of the skill should be just postponed by 3 seconds, so that you have the chance to activate the second part within these 3 seconds, while beign able to move aroudn freely. If you let these 3 seconds expire, then the skill resets simply and you start it again at part 1.

Heart Seeker:
Adding the LoS mechanic to it will make using HS more fluid as you will be able then to change quicker directions to close more efficiently with it gaps on an enemy that tries to flee from you like a rabbit making many direction changes

My change of Bodyshot will essentially replace the old Headshot, but your right, I forgot that HS daze duration is actually shorter, so would BS have naturally same as long dazes as like HS right now, but just for 1 initiative lesser, therefore gets the new HS with its effect +1 initiative costs.
I see with a slightly more spamming daze from BS no problem, if Anet would give us players finally as well the Break Bar System to make it harder to CC in combat, unless you go coordinatedly for it. CC should be a group play based mechanic, not something, that a single person should be able to do.

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

Kill Braham, Marjory off in story

in Living World

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


-Kasmeer = waifu
-Marjory = Kasmeer’s girl
-Kill Marjory = sad Kasmeer
-Sad waifu = sad lifeu


roflmao ^^ best analogy ive read in a long time

Howeve,r like Ive written in that other thread, personally I’d be happy to see some characters getting killed off.
Rox, Braham, Canach and Marjory are so worthless to the game.
GW2’s story telling needs some fresh air and the easiest way how the game can get some fresh new is is through replacing characters with new ones.

Rox = Zero Character Development from Day One until today.
Canach = At the peak of his Development, from now on nothing more than just a boring ordinary Sylvari like millions of others full of sarcasm, but sarcasm alone makes a charascter not good, nor entertaining and interesting for a long time.
Braham = This character has been basically destroyed by Anet, he could have been so much more, but anet totalyl crashed his development agaisnt the wall
Marjory = Has reached her best part with HoT, then has Anet crashed her agaisnt the wall, like Braham.

What GW2 needs, are strong willed, mature, self confident and trustworthy Characters with personalities that stand for the characters and make them likeable.

For example, I would replace anytime without regret now Marjory with Livia from GW1, which is a strong willed, experienced and mature character – but at the same tiem also powerful, mysterious and self confident as current wielder of the Scepter of Orr and I’m sure, Anet would be able to tell about her, the past from her and what she made through within the last 250 years most likely as a “Lich” from the scepter’s powers and her profession as a Necromancer.

If I would be as hero and main character in a life dangerous situation, where my life depends from someone else and that someone else would be either Marjory, or Livia, then I woudl definetely trust Livia more to save my characters life, then I’d do that with Marjory to be honest, because Marjory is just a way too inexperienced character that has to me no personality – shes to me someone, who would break in under pressure, unreliable – where Livia has to me personality, comes over as a much more strong willed person with more self convidence in her own abilities and powers.

New Characters always mean also a new chance, besides of the fresh air they brign to the game. It must even be to kill certain characters off.. it would be also enough to make them forcefully make some kind of longer break, like letting them get injured so that they need to take for a longer while a break, like breaking them some legs and arms, while introducing at the same time some kind of new super talented recruits that amazed you at some missions, that convince you by their personality to given them an invitation for Dragon’s Watch to become new recruits for your Guild instead of going for the Pact, because you believe, no, you know, that their talents would be under your lead better for Tyria, than they wastign their talents as some kind of simple guards in Lions arch or somewhere else

Thats the simple way how it would be easily possible to give your group of characters some fresh new meat, while the old characters just take a break either for a while, or permanently if a kill off would be dramatically better suited for the situation, because I thikn, we could see eventualyl finalyl some real character development as some kind of reaction for Rox, if she would have to watch braham gettign killed of right in frotn of her eyes by Jormag or one of his champs….

Rox has finally to get outta of herself, so much non existing character progression within her is just not normal.
That character literally needs a kick into her butt, or we will most likely never see some kind of progression within her character development anymore, if Rox gets not some kind of motivation soon or some kind of change in her life and its most unlikely, that anet will ever kill of Rytlock.
Therefore is he way to iconic now for the game – but Braham.. that would be melodramatic enough I think to shake Rox awake perhaps.

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

Suggestions: New Hairstyles 2017

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


I’d love to see for female Human/Norn some more majestic looking hairstyles

Stuff like this:

But I’d also especially love it, if the game could get thev feature of MULTI COLORED HAIR, like this

What I personally would find also good, would be some kind of “cooperation hairstyles” from other NCSoft Games finding their way into GW2, while GW2 hairstyles get shared with these other games.

There are also surely some nice hairstyles from Aion, or Blade & Soul for example, that could fit for GW2 too.

This for example

Would love this one for my female thief

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

REALLY?! more condi removel...

in Thief

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


When you get nerfed and people still complain about it being op

That is fake news!

Donald, is this you?


On a serious note.

This among the thief changes one of the best ones, which actually gave as compensation for the lost evasion effiency the thief therefore something, that the thief direly needs more – a tiny bit more of group support – and condition removal is group support, when you can remove now from your nearby allies 3 instead of 1 Conditions.

This is especially useful agaist Condition Bursts when you are at the moment it happens are already in the near of your allies, like for example in Pvp when fighting for a specific point, and you go for +1ing the spot, you see your group party has problems currently with lots of conditions, then you can help that partner now with this skill change better then before, while receiving back Endurance to deescalate the situation now better with the 3 removed conditions instead of just only 1.

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

Anyone else loving Canach now?

in Living World

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


Basically if it goes after me, all of those characters except Taimi and Kasmeer could get killed off and be replaced by new ones.

If they would get killed off and replaced by a new troup, IÄnm sure not many if any at all would ever miss Rox, Marjory, Kasmeer or Braham, cause those four are so extremely underdeveloped absolute uninterresting characters with no personality …

Compared to Destinies Edge’s Characters seems this bunch of characters like little totally inexperienced kids and they also don’t seem to develop themself further at all. they are artificially keep low in development, so that they never outgrow basically your own character and thats for me personalyl bad character design.

In good character design it should be also possiblre, that other characters can outgrow your own personal character, because this shows simply that the devs are also able to design and develop characters, that can grow for you into very strong and dependable allies, so that you don’t have to carry alone the whole burden of saving everyone in this game, what devalues practically at the same time everyone else and lets them look like worthless creatures, that just follow you around and never are allowed to shine as heroes in this games story as well besides you on an equal, or eventually higher level sometimes based on what they actually do either for you, for someone else or for themself to have pride and self confidence in themself

Personally i would kill off these undeveloped characters on a whim of an eye any time without regret, if we could therefore see as replacement for example the return of Livia as an ally instead of Marjory.

Canach would I kill of personally anytime for Malyck, as he was the way more interesting and mysterious better developed character, while Canach is just nnothing but sarcasm on 2 legs that tries to wash his name clean and behind all of this dacade is nothing else left, that is on any interest, other than his background story that connects him a little bit with Scarlet at the time when they grew up, but that stuff is already past all of us. Besides ofof this is canach nothign but just a boring ordinary sylvari with the exact same origins as like all other Sylvari.
So basically i find it great if Canach gets killed of and replaced with Malyck somewhen in the future, as Malyck still has interesting stories to tell as a character from which we still know nearly nothing about, while the character development of Canach has already long ago reached its simple boring peak.

Braham? he alway gave upon me the impression of being nothing but a giant crybaby that got never over it, that he had to grow up basically alone and that Air wasn’t like the mother, he maybe wished that she would have been with all this drama around him now as he lost her it makes one question yourself – what kind of development should come now for him after all of this. Braham is like having a burnout now, his development has reached basically his end and the only thign that keeps him somehow a bit interestign is his big care for Taimi as some kind of “big brother” behaviour, that could lead eventually again to some interesting character development between those two, but thats all, that he gives now everythign he can to protect her, so that he doesn’t lose her like he lost Eir, because he wasn’t basically there when she needed him the most.

Rox, beside her weird relationship towards Braham and Rytlock ,we know still basicalyl nothing about her after all the time and shes also not a character, that has received any kind of development, shes basically stil lexactly the same, like how she was when we saw her the first time… useless character that could get killed off basicalyl anytiem to protect Rytlock and no one would basicalyl miss her, so much value has she for the game currentlly.

Kasmeer is besides of Taimi the only character, with that i see great potential for more character progression, because shes an unsual kind of character with personality that you wouldnt expect basically as some kind of hero character in a game like GW2.
She has stil lgreat potential for character progression, that basically slumbers in her, and just needs to be released at the right time to hit us players all by big surprise, which is I think also the reason, why they keep Kasmeer lately so long away from us, I think Anet prepares something great for her.

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

Loot for new accounts, no inflation added

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


The most funny thing about our inventory system is, that we all are still running around sicne 2012 with our “Beginner Rucksacks” with only 20 slots.

As epic heroes, which have saved Tyria by now two times from elder dragons and are going to save it several times from form other dragons in the future – from such a person after all those yours – would you expectv from someone liek that to still run around in any kind of “Beginner Equipment” ???


I am personally waiting since release day, that we find or get somehow on our epic journy the option to receive better Rucksacks with that we would be able to essentially improve our whole inventory system – not make it only just bigger, but also with added new features, that give you as a player a real impression of character progression, that you optained a now much better rucksack, that makes your whole inventory management also better, than your simple old “Beginner Rucksack” with that we run around now for 5 years…


Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

Loot for new accounts, no inflation added

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


The loot system has always been extremely terrible with GW2 since 2012.

You get constantly overwhelmed with so much garbage in this game, that has only the sole purpose of getting your inventory quickly full, so that you get always the impression, that you can’t collect never enough things that you feel forced to buy from the Gemstore either additional bag slots ect.

Starts already with the tons of grey junk crap that you get dropped like in 90% of all cases permanently, thats basically worth nothing.
All this dirt should get removed completely out of the game. This garbage is useful for nothing, it has no sense in this game, its needed for nothing, except 1 single collection achievement, you can’t even salvage this junk into something, that could be useful somehow for you like Materials you could potentially get out of the salvaged junk

Equipment drops are in felt 80% of all cases useless for you, because its crap, that isn’t of your equipment type (light, medium, hard) or its weapons you can’t use…
If there would be a system in this game, that would ensure, that all weapons that drop for you are always only based on the class that you currently play and if gear drops would be ensured to be always only of the type, that your currently played class can wear, then would make the loot system of this game at leaset sense and way more fun, as when you get disappointed because you got some kind of rare drop and then you realize, your character – which is eventually even your main character – can’t even use that drop …

Its these kinds of nonsensical game design elements, that make you always again realize as a player, if behind a developer stands a company, that has truly in mind to make a game, that should make fun, or if it is a company, which gives nothing about it, if the game makes by its design sense or fun, as long it makes just only MONEY.

Because I believe, if Anet could do it, they would have changed the loot system already long time ago, but NCSofts marketing system and those resposnsible for the gemstore simply say no, because if they would give this game a senseful and fun making loot system, then would people have not anymore any reason to buy more bag slots and more chest slots or to buy more character slots for “mule characters” because of all the garbage you get spammed to death with in this game.

Worst thing is, the game doesn#t even give you an option to deactivate “Auto Looting” once you have learned that mastery that lets you automatically loot whenever you kill something, which makes this feature a curse and a blessing at the same time!!!

And then theres missing other helpful automatics, that you gelp the player massively as quality of life improvements managing all the garbage you loot automatically by auto salvaging things you want to get salvaged directly and for example as well auto selling as like also auto chesting.

That would be 3 absolutely needed QoL improvements, which we most likely never will get to see in this game and even if it should ever happen, then we most likely have to buy these feattures as Account Upgrades for like 1000+ gems per feature unlocked for better account inventory management to not be annyoned anymore with the permanent spam of useless junk in this game.

The loot system of world bosses is also something that needs to get improved finally. You can kill like a million times Tequatl and will eventualy never get a single weapon skin drop from him due to the stupidly ridiculpous rng system in this game, while there could be someone so lucky, who gets the skin he/she wants just after the first tequatl kill!!

This is something that needs to get changed finally.
It can be solved only by a Boss Monster Token System
Every boss monster in this game should drop guaranteed for you after the kill 1 “Boss Coin”, which a player should be then able to trade at specific NPCs for the loot of the loot table of the specific bosses.

That would enable players finally, that even if you are totally unlucky and didn’t received what you wanted after your like 100th Tequatl Kill, that you will have by then enough Boss Coins collected from all your efforts and tries, that you are instead able to buy what you want then from the NPC.

This game needs to get rid finally of its absurd grade of RNG, which gives you too oftenly the impression, that you play some kind of god awful korean grinder MMORPG where you need to grind for ages to get what you want, instead of a modern game, that had once the principle to do things different, than every kind of 0815-classical mmorpgs of the past – lets remind us all once again on Anet’s lie of an remember?

I swung a sword, I swung a sword again, oh hey and I swung it again, great, or???
The same does it feel like, if you kill a boss like multiple hundreds of times and still don’t have, what you want from it …

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

Thief in the support role

in Thief

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


Ninja Nurse is only good for safely and quickly stealth ressurecting a dead/downed ally.
For nothing else is that build good at all.

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

Thief leveling

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


Play a Thief only, if you have good finger reflexes and when you know how to dodge well, what you can only, if you know your enemies first well. Thats something a newbie surely won’t, but you will be, once you have played through the game first with an other class to collect experience with all the enemies in the game and the game mechanics.

For a GW2 Newbie I’d suggest to play first with easier, more forgiving Classes, like a Warrior, or like a Necromancer or like a Ranger which are all Classes, that have better tanking abilities, more Health and more access to defensive skills and traits that help you in surviving better – unless you are a player that has already lots of experience with squishy thief classes from other games and you know, how to handle such classes and how to behave as such a class better on the battlefields and in large enemy crowds full of AoEs and CC effects everywhere.

Sure, Stealth can be a very good life saver in this game and there are also places in the game, where stealth can save you alot of time (and nerves), but thats also again something for the more experienced thieves.

Levelign as a Thief first is a bit harder… but once you get at least a set of exotic armors together and you play with for example Signet of Malice, becomes leveling easier as you constantly heal yourself then with every attack, which makes you pretty much invincible then to all enemies, that can’t outdamage your heals from your fast attacks, especially useful in combination with Shortbows Clusterbomb, the poison field skill and Dagger Storm lastly for essentially an instant full health when being in a bad situation surrounded by lots of enemies.

Theres like said no perma stealth, but Thief has essentially the skills, traits ect to get the longest lasting stealths wih the help of the right upgrades and weapon sets in use due to their initiative system allowing it to renew their stealth quickly, while a class liek the mesmer has to wait first on the skill cooldowns to get stealth again.
So if your good in initiative management, you can have the longest stealths, but this kind of gameplay requires also a good understand and experience with the class to perform these long lasting stealthes without having any gaps where you can be seen in between and then theres still hard counter classes, that can end your stealth anymore if you are unlocky with reveal skills – so there is even no permanet stealth, when beign in group possible – but as big enough group it is practically possible to have permanent stealth, when you cycle through the group members their stealth skills to renew your stealths always long enough, until someone can use Shadow Refuge or spam long enough stealth through combo finishers for everyone, until the next one has enough initiative to do so -the only way how you can have in this game basically permastealth – as teamwork.

Thief is a very fulfilling class to play, if you can really master its gameplay – because it feels good, when you can defeat enemies in this game by your domincance through stealth – when you kill them, finish them off with Finishers, before they even realized, what basically happened to them – thats the very moment when playing a thief makes the most fun, or when you can outplay your enemies through your evensive and stealthy skills and turn this way eventually a defensive battle suddenly into a win for you – thats when you will feel great, when you see that you can win also with this class, where an enemy clearly underestimated you and you where able to quickly turn the favor of winning to you, just by evadign some attacks successfully and surprising the from with some stealth attacks at the right moment with the right skills.

Another fun aspect of the stealth system is naturally that you can check out as thief way better your chances of winning, than any other class, because you simply has by design the best assets in your hands to escape a battle, if you realize that an enemy is better than you and you maybe underestimated your foe, then you are able to make anytime a quick retreat to try it better prepared the next tiem again.

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

Thief in the support role

in Thief

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


An other support role that thieves could/should get improved is the role of the “Intermidator”, the class, that constantly tries to bring it’s enemies out of balance, to stop them from doing anything harmful, which interrupts enemies and their skills, before they can use them to take that way the enemy out of the game for your side.
But that would require Anet to improve massively the stuns, dazes, immobilizes ect. of the Thief, what will work only with reduced cool downs and initiative costs in these sections.. but thats also a role, which can quickly become way too overpowered and feels also unfair to your enemy, if you meet onto a thief, which can basicalyl kill you, withotu that you ever got a chance at all to do anything – thats the reason, why people hate too much CC effects in games and GW2 has currently already basically too much CC in my opinion overall on all classes.

Thats why I think its overdue, that Anet implements finally also the Break Bar System for us players, so that CC spam in this game isn’t so effective anymore, unless it gets COORDINATED to break the enemy’s will, so that CCs after that can have then their effects as usual first. Under such a circumstance woudl it be then also possible and not overpowered to significantly improve the role of the thief as a cc spamming intimidator that can massively help then with constant CCs in coordinating the break of the enemies will to bring their Break Bars coordinatedly down to 0, so that CCs then can have their effects together with Stunbreakers beign reworked into lettign Break Bars renegerate faster and by lettign them have after the Bar has been restore the positive side effect, that Stun Breakerd should give you after their usage for some time immunity against CC skills that try to break your bar again.

The game is since years in a state where its whole combat system is completely too outdated for all the skill and trait changes that Anet made so far.
Especially the massive powercreep in CCs, the massive powercreep in conditions and the whole existance of the Elite Specs and all the new added mechanics they brought to the game in regard of conditoons, and boons – stuff liek Alacrity, Torment and Taunt for example – all thing,s that played never a role in the 2012er game balance design of this games combat system, where all of that stuff didn’t exist and wasn’t part of the whole game balance

Thats why i’m so vehemently after if, that Anet should finally give this game a proper class balancing, where all those ignored for years game mechanics get finally the needed overlook to optimize alot of the combat system mechanics for the current state of the game#s skilsl and traits and gameplay mechanics of boons, conditions ect. while bring alotgether with this also the Upgrades like Sigils and Runes, Attributes, Health System ect. back in line, so that all these thigns that are important and belong together as one big part of Class Balance, are then in harmony again with each other.

But this won’t happen, as long Anet always changes only Skilsl and Traits and ignores everything else completely and so long will we also never see Thieves with a better working support role and have instead only this reduced crap that cosnsist of only Stealth, Venoms, Combos and way too less Boon Steals with a Thief Class, that never makes usage of it’s true potential as a supporter, because it seems, that anet wants thieves to be just only Damage Dealers with a tiny part of it being an offensive supporter (+1ing) only and venom based group surprises out of stealth.

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

Thief in the support role

in Thief

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


The Thief is by design no Healer/Support Class…

The only Support you can expect currently from a Thief is either Stealth or Venoms and to some certain extent Boon Steals

You will never see in this Game Thieves to become healers, thats absolutely not their role. Thief is a selfish Class, which heals only itself. Its not a Boon Sharer, not does its Heal Effects affect at all anyhow any allies on your side, except if you share Skelk Venom with others – the olny exception where you can support allies to improve for a short time their heals through attacking the foe.

The whole design of the Thief is based on offense and escape – hit and run tactics as one would say. There is no space in that for healing and defensive support like classes how the Engineer, Elementalist, Mesmer, Guardian or Ranger do with their builds and elite specializations that have far more defensive and supportive boons up in their a./r..s.e.nal of skills and traits, while the Thief has not, like Protection, like Resistance, like Aegis, like Regeneration and if, then in most cases only the last one for personal gains, not for other allies.

The support that Thieves give, comes from their Initiative System and from Combo Effects, like especially Combo Field Bursts like blastign Clusterbombs into fields to spread this way boons to nearby allies, like Might. Thats the way how the Thief gives support mostly in this game, if Stealth and Venoms aren’t in usage.

Anet should give the Thief Class absolutely more flavorful and thief design fitting Support – absolutely not effects that let Thiefs turn into healers, thats not their role, but they should absolutely become better supporters, so that Thieves become more interesting to use in the various Game Modes, especially WvW, Dungeons/Fractals and Raids – basically the Endgame Content of GW2.

The best thigns that the Thief should receive are:

  • Trap Control Abilities – Skills/Traits, that enable the Thief to see laid Enemy Traps and to remove them either safely for allies and reuse them then against the enemy, or to make them for allies just viewable, so that allies can see enemy traps just like you can with Trap Control Abilities, to make it for your allies easier not to run into them, what would be natural counterplay against DHs, Condi Ranger Trappers and Ghost Thieves then and any other eventually upcoming trap based Elite Specs we will see perhaps in the future to come for the other classes…
  • More Boon Steals – The current design of the Thief lacks in Boon Steal. there is effectively currently on 1 single Weapon Build, that allows for it to steal a bit Boons and thats the Sword. the Shortbow should get more Boon Steal as well as ranged alternative to stengthen the Boon Steal Support Role of the Thief as a freaking STEALING Thief. For a Thief in this game, this class steals way too less and when they steal, it doesn’t really feel like a loss for the enemy!!!
Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

Hero's & Henchman

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


I know it’s probably unpopular to contest a suggestion, but please no heroes or henchmen. Guild Wars 2 is an MMORPG, and I really didn’t like how heroes and henchmen dominated Guild Wars 1 towards the end of its “time”. I like playing with actual people.

That was not the problem of Heroes, that was the problem by the game design of GW1 and the game losing over tiem more and more players and naturally it was a problem of the attitude of the impatient players in the game, that always wanted to do everythign most efficiently, without wasting any time.

If people would organize themself more in GW1 through guilds/pugs ect. then wouldn’t have had henchment/heroes ever such a big impact on the game.
Same here in GW2… if you think that Heroes/Henchmen would be bad for the game, you will never have any problems, if you are part of an active guild, that plays together and doesn#t need to use ever any henchmen/heroes at all.

Heroes/Henchment are a counter feature, that has been there in GW1 for the players, that aren’t in active guilds, that have no huge friendlist of active pugs to play with but stil want a way as casual players, to get things done in the game – even alone, if it must be, cause not everyone has tons of tiem to waste, just to get a group of people first together to become able to do somethign in the game.

Same her,e not always do want peopel to waste lots of time with the LFG, before they can get somthign done in GW2 with the amount of time they have to play for the day..

Thats why its very logical and natural, that people will start asking sooner or later more andm ore for the return of henchmen and heroes, because this game simply has the same problems, like every MMO – more and more peopel become inactive and not everyone having lots of time just to get a group first together and not everyone also wants to play as a solution in a guild and also don#t want to be forced to do so, only because of GW2 beign a MMORPG.
Only because alot of players play this game at the same time, doesn’t has to mean, that the game design has to force you also to play with them together, just so that you can do something in the time you that have successfully.

The problem with this feature in GW2 is only, that it can be possibly used only in GW2s instanced content, nowhere else would it fit and if the game would get some kind of “Companion System”, like originally planned at first by Anet, where we would have NPCs following us as part of our party everywhere, even in uninstanced game content – thats the point, were it would become a problem for the game – espoecially if these compansions start then to be in something more efficiently, due to better reaction speeds, than real players – what again could be only the case, if Anet can finally massively improve the game#s terrible A.I system first. What woudl be the first basic condition that would have to be met first, before NPCs coudl ever become mure useful than a real player, becaue a real player knows when he shoudl move out of an AoE – something what the npcs in GW2 can’t do well from release day on until today!! – sadly …but true

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

Re-explore Tyria

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


Once you have completed a map to 100% for the first time, the “Map” of that place should become possibly to be bought from a new NPC, that sells the maps you have explored to 100% for some gold, so that you become able to unlock everything of these already explored again maps faster.

That would improve multi character friendliness in GW2 again and it would add some kind of new gold sink into the game for those people, which want to save some time by buying exploration maps.

win win for everyone + new gold sink. What do we want all more???

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

Skill Rework Ideas - Thief

in Thief

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


The Goals behind these changes for a better understanding:

  • Give the Dodge skills a needed QoL imprvement to be able to change them quicker, their Traits get reworked/baselined and replaced with 3 new DD traits for Grandmaster
  • Fix some problems from Shortbow, that exist since Anet reduced their Max Range to 900 and never got fixed until today
  • Made some Downed Skills more useful to give Thieves a slightly better chance to defend themself while being downed or to save themself from being finished off too quickly while giving foes a feeling, that finishing them off is eventually risky for yourself as thieves are very cunning and just wait always on a chance for a counterattack, thats what I want with Dirty Revenge.
  • Wanted to give Thieves back some build diversity especially under water, we lose way too much of our skills the moment we touch water…
  • Give some skills in the similar way like Anet did with the last patch useful reduced Skill Cooldown Reductions to 30 seconds, because I think these were some oversights by Anet
  • Wanted to streamline more the Skill Design of Venoms and make them more useful by removing the bad Charge Mechanic that is not good for any multi hitting skills. A duration mechanic is more useful and impactful for Venom Skills
  • Wanted to give Thieves a bit more defense against Condition Spam through Resistance
  • Wanted to give Thieves slightly better sustain in combat by making SoM more impactful by letting it heal you from absolutely all sources of damage that come from you and not just only direct hits from attacks.
  • Wanted to give Thieves slightly better protection from projectile attacks by givign them a bit more access to Smoke Screen effects so that you can hide yourself more oftenly behind them to get not hit by projectiles, thats what Thieves do, searching protection from covering behind something to get not hit.
  • Reduce slightly the total amount of Dodges a Thief can do while compensatign it with a better Heal – best thing was there to do naturally to merge Withdraw with Roll for Initiative logically. That way you hit two birds with one stone. One lesser Dodge for a compensated better healing skill.
  • Reeplaced here in there some conditions with either Torment, Burning or added Confusion, to make specific Weapon Skills more interestign and impactful to use, because I think Thieves should also have access to Burning, its the most logical condition that an exploding Clusterbomb should do to you and not Bleedings
  • Replacing Immobilize with Dazes or Stuns, because I think the interruptions a thief deals, should be handled only with Stun Breakers, not with Condition Removers and due to this change its neccessary to make Headshot more useful and that would it be by dealing instead of Daze a Condition, like Confusion, so that Pistol Builds become for Condition Players a bit more interesting
  • Wanted to make Shortbow more useful for Damage Dealing and Support, so that it is not anymore just a pure Mobility Weapon. Thats done with some added Damage and more Boon Stealing to Infiltrator’s Shot and Trick Shot
Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

(edited by Orpheal.8263)

Skill Rework Ideas - Thief

in Thief

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


Part 2:

  • Signet of Malice: This Skill heals now passively for ANYTHING including now also damaging condition ticks and attacks from your summons.
  • Withdraw: This Skill has now a Skill Cooldown of 25 seconds, therefore you regain with it now also +6 Initiative and it works now as Stunbreaker
  • Hide in Shadows: This Skill removes not anymore Conditions, but lets you gain now Resistance for 5 seconds
  • Venoms: All Venom Skills have now no Charge System anymore but last as many hits, as long their durations don’t run out. All Venoms have their durations reduced from 30s to 10 seconds, with the exception of Basilisk Venom, it lasts now only 5 seconds instead of 30 and have now Skill Reload Times of 30 seconds including Basilisk Venom.
  • Blinding Power: This Skill has now a Skill Cooldown of 30 seconds and has been merged with Smoke Screen
  • New Skill: Deceiving Shadows > Create two Shadow Clones, that attack for 20 seconds nearby Targets, causing with their Attacks Vulnerability and whenever they get hit until they die, receives the Target a Stack of Confusion. Skill Cooldown is 60 seconds
  • Shadow Refuge: This Skill has now a Skill Cooldown of 45 Seconds and has now no red circle animation anymore.
  • Ambush: This Skill has now a Skill Cooldown of 30 seconds, when triggered it summons a Shadow Clone with slightly weaker Caithe’s Skills and is now also useable underwater.
  • Needle Trap: This Skill is now useable also underwater as Needle Mine
  • Shadow Trap: This Skill is now also useable underwater as Shadow Mine
  • Tripwire: This Skill is now also useable underwater as Chain Trap that lets foes sink
  • Haste: This Skill has now a Skill Cooldown of 30 seconds
  • Roll For Initiative: This Skill has been merged into Withdraw.
  • New Skill: Camouflage: Grants you temporarely the ability to use Stealth Skills twice, before their hits reveal you. Skill Cooldown of 60 Seconds
  • Scopion Wire: This Skills has now 33% increased velocity and poisons foes on hit with 3 Stacks of Poison. The pull effect will knockdown foes now for 2 seconds
  • Bandit’s Defense: This Skill can be used now also underwater.
  • Fist Flurry: This Skill can be used now underwater
  • Dagger Storm: This Skill can be used now with a new Animation underwater as Dagger Spiral
  • Impactful Strike > Uppercut > Finishing Blow: These Skills can be used under new names and animations underwater now also too as Impactful Strike > Dolphin’s Strike > Finishing Thrust
  • Shadow Escape: This Downed Skill has now a new mechanic. When using it you can move around now under 33% reduced movement speed for 5 seconds under Stealth.
  • Smokebomb: This Skill has been removed
  • New Skill: Dirty Revenge: Throw Dirt at your target that will deal damage and causes Blindness and grants you a special Retaliation that will deal a percentage of your Downed Health as damage to the person, that finishes you off.
Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

(edited by Orpheal.8263)

Skill Rework Ideas - Thief

in Thief

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


Part 1:

  • DD’s Dodge Traits become F3 Skills now and 3 new Dodge Skills are added
    - Warp Retreat > Teleports you and a nearby Target to a place where you were 5 seconds ago
    - Shadow Stalk > Creates Shadow Clones that attack nearby Targets and heal you if they get killed
    - Smoke Field > Creates a blinding field of smoke, that blocks projectiles and stealthes you/allies for 3 seconds
  • Dodge Skills are unlocked every 10 Levels. You start with Dash, so with lvl 50 you have access to all 6 then. You can have always only 1 Dodge Skill active on F3 naturally.
  • Dodge Skills are changeable out of combat like Utility Skills, once you have more than 1
  • Trickshot: This Skill steals now Boons from Targets that were hit twice by the same arrow.
  • Clusterbomb: This Skill has now an increased velocity of + 50% and an increased range of +300 with a slightly higher shooting angle.
  • Detonate Cluster: The number of affected Targets on this Skill has been increased from 3 to 5 and Bleeding is exchanged now with 3 Stacks of Burning. Initiative Cost is now 4 for Clusterbomb, but you regain 1 Initiative now, if you hit with Detonate Cluster 5 Targets.
  • Infiltrator’s Arrow: This Skill has now an Initiative Cost of 5 and deals now also Damage to adjacent Targets. If there were more than 1 Target in adjacent, then you will steal 1 Boon from an adjacent Target and gain for 3 seconds Stealth afterwards.
    Blinding gets removed therefore.
  • Surprise Shot: This Skill has been removed.
  • New Skill: Shadow Arrow: An unblockable attack, that damages all targets in line of sight and letting you shadowstep to the last hit target at the end, that will get stunned for 2 seconds. If you hit just only 1 target, the first hit target will get stunned for 2 seconds through the shadow step attack.
  • Pistol Whip: Moving won’t cancel the Skill now anymore, it just postpones for you the second part of the Skill to use for 3 seconds now.
  • Heartseeker: This Skill uses now like Warriors Whirlwind Attack a Line of Sight Arrow, that will allow you to quickly change directions.
  • Twisted Fangs: This Skill will double now your Stats of your Mainhand Weapon, while wielding only 1 Dagger
  • Repeater: This Skill will double now your Stats of your Mainhand Weapon while wielding only 1 Pistol. It’s Initiative Cost gets reduced by 1 to now 4
  • Stab: This Skill will double now your Stats of your Mainhand Weapon, while wielding only 1 Sword
  • Death Blossom: This Skill’s Evade Frame lasts now so long, until the Character returned from it back to normal movement animation and you gain now 3 Stacks of Stability and Resistance.
  • Vital Shot: The Skill’s Bleeding is now replaced with Torment. The Skill has been renamed to Knee Shot
  • Body Shot: This Skills Initiative Cost has been reduced by 1 to now 3 and dazes now fors for a second instead of Immobilize
  • Headshot: This Skills Daze Effect has bee replaced by 2 Stacks of Confusion. The Initiative Cost has been increased by +1 to now 5
  • Blackpowder: This Skill Effect has been changed from creating a Smoke Cloud to a Smoke Screen, so that you will create with it now projectile blocking walls of smoke instead that will blind nearby foes.
Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

useless xp

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


when you reach the point, where exp plays for you and your played charactdr no role anymore, because you are max level, you mastered everythign ect., then should become the gained xp you get from kills, events ect. partwise an additional bonus für Karma and Gold.


You get 10000 Exp from an Event,, you have no use for those Exp anymore, then should 70% of the Exp be turned into Karma and 30% of the Exp be turned into Gold based on Copper Coins.

So a useless 10k Exp gets turned for you then into a Bonus of 7k Karma and 3000 Copper Coins (3 Gold)

This way would become farming events that give alot of exp alot more lucrative for people, that have no use anymore for exp.
Either such a system, or the exp gets split up into 3 equal bonuses, +30% Karma, + 30% Gold and +40% Bonus on Magic Find or increased Map Currency.

When theres simply no need anymore by game design of Exp for you, then the game should change always automatically to increased base system rewards, that will be always useful for you – which is Karma, Gold and MF/Map Currencies

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

Hero's & Henchman

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


As much as as I love the idea of creating your own personal Heroes based from your own Account characters, as much do I realize, how impossible that idea is asl ong Anet isn’t able to give this game first a proper and competent A.I system which allows the player to control also better the activities of the Heroes together with the ability to CHANGE at any moment the character you play from your current controled character over to one of your Heroes of your Party.

Basically turn with this feature the game into “Multi Character Management”, because the player should always be under full control, when which character should be used, so that you can do something personally, if you think you can do it at the moment right now better, than the A.I could do it for you.

Heroes worked for GW1 only, because the game was completely instanced.
With GW2 this is different.

The only instances that this game has, are Dungeons, Fractals, Raids. Nowhere else do they fit into.
For Dungeosn something like Heroes would be a total waste of time and ressources, Anet doesn’t give a rats **** about Dungeons at all since basically 2013 anymore.

Raids? Doubt that they would fit into that concept there – they would destroy the game mode rather I think. anet should concrentrate themself to make Raids per se more accessible for everyone by splitting Raids of into multiple difficulty modes – Exploration – Normal – Hard

Fractals? Basically the only instanced content where I think that they could fit in with right imprivements of the A.I system and the option for the player to change anytime between your characters to manage them, if you think you need to take over their control for the moment.

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

Next Elite specs like Caladbolg quest please

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


Reaper: Go into a connection with the Spirit of Belinda just like Marjory did, or Marjory just teaches you how to become one.

Tempest: Help the Zephyrites to get rebuild and become their leader as an Ele-Character

Berserker: Go into a fierce battle, that makes you lose somebody, who stood very near to you and you go berserk on your deep rage that arises from the loss of a friend.

Chronomancer: Your future self travels back in time to warn you about the future you came from to make you become a Chronomancer sooner, than you would have become eventually normally without the help of yourself – in the hope, that this tiny change in your past will solve your problems of you in your future, due to your past self being sooner more powerful, having skills, that will help you to make things, successfuly from now on, which you wouldn#t have doen successfully without being aChrionomanceri n that situation.

Daredevil: You simply teach yourself to become one by doing training sessions somewhere at a lonely place like a mystical wood with a waterfalls to train your yourself there, to meditate there ect to improve your abilities of evading enemies and to perform counterattacks. You make risky things to train yourself to become more self confident and to lose your fears, by confronting yourself with them, thats what a true daredevil has to do to stay cool right in front of the most risky situations.

DH: Get your hands on Eirs bor and revenge her, by defeating with it in an epic battle a big dragon champion completely alone with just the bow and your traps by luring the foe into them.

Druid: Get in touch with nature, become one with it and receive in return the powers of the Druid with your first druid staff being created out of the nature for you as some kind of present to you made and delievered to you by animals while you understand what they do and say, as if you can speak with animals in some kind of way like no one else can.

Scrapper: Scenes show you on a junkyard, how you search things for you, that you need to repair something – that something is your very first made gyro prototype, which after beign repaired, sacrifices itself for you to protect you from harm, just to show you, that you were able to create something, that was able to gain some kind of own personality, that was in the end more than just an A.I being made by you – which in return motivates you then to create in honor of your first prototypes gyro who dsaved your life, to make a strogner, better new Gyro that should surpass your first prototype gyro in every possible way

Herald – no clue, somehow by destinies means stumble opon the place, where Glint was killed in the past and obtain there her powers

With all these things said, in fact NAet would have it had easy to give them all lore, if they would have had the tiem for that lore to implenment, if they would have cared to do so and if NCSoft wouldnt have rushed them so much to release HoT too quickly, than was good for the game – then we surely would have had a better chance to see also integrated lore for the Elite Specs in this game.

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

Guild wars 2 Elite specs suggestions

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


Elite Specs should be used also more to add also new interesting Weapon Types to the Game. I’d make these changes to that suggested list:


  • Berserker = Greataxe + Rage Skills
  • Partizan = Polearm + Traps
  • Legionnaire = Tower Shield (MH) + Minions (Servants)
  • Raider = Staff + Survival Skills
  • Corsair = Torch + Kits (Pistol Kit, Grapple Hook Kit (Chain Sickle), Throwing Knive Kit/ Daggers)


  • Warlock = Warhorn + Shouts
  • Arcanist = Sword + Mantras
  • Summoner = Chakrams + Avatar Transforms
  • Sage = Cestus + Wells (Terramancy) Environmental Changes
  • Runologist = Rune Orbs + Marks/Symbols


  • Rogue = Longbow + Disarmaments (DD merged into Core Thief)
  • Saboteur = Torch + Manipulations
  • Infiltrator = Whip/Chain Sickle + Kits (Espionage Kit, Assassination Kit, Escape Kit)
  • Brawler = Cestus + Physicals
  • Mercenary = Greatsword + Stances


  • Chronomancer = Shield + Wells
  • Bard = Warhorn + Songs (Shouts)
  • Oracle = Rune Orbs + Consecrations
  • Psion = Chakrams + Conjures (Mental Weapons)
  • Mystic = Whip/Chain Sicle + Dances (Stances)


  • Seeker = Longbow + Traps
  • Zealot = Greataxe + Mantras (Oaths)
  • Cleric = Mace + Tomes
  • Inquisitioner = Tower Shield + Wells
  • Phalanx = Polearm + Stances


  • Druid = Staff + Glyphs
  • Hunter = Rifle/Crossbow + Preparations (Stances)
  • Warden = Shield + Physicals
  • Beastlord = Whip/Chain Sickle + Shape Shifts
  • Shaman = Scepter + Wells


  • Reaper = Greatsword + Shouts
  • Ritualist = Cestus + Ritual Artefacts (Banners)
  • Witcher = Swords + Elixiers (or Glyphs) (as a big homage and if copyright problems exist with Witcher, then name it “Exorcist”)
  • Occultist = Torch + Tomes/Scrolls (Forbidden Spells)
  • Torturer = Whip/Chain Sickle + Tormented Souls (GW1 ritualist spirits)


  • Scrapper = Hammer + Gyros
  • Alchemist = Axe/Chain Sickle + Shouts
  • Technomancer = Polearm + Seals (Glyph imbued Traps)
  • Forger = Mace + Physicals
  • Scout = Shortbow + Survival Skills

Herald (Herald merged into Rev)

  • Theurgist = Cestus + Spirits (Master Togo)
  • Slayer = Greatsword + Glyphs (Vekk)
  • Gunslinger = Pistols + Tricks (M.O.X)
  • Vanguard = Scepter + Mantras (Gwen Thackeray)
  • Poacher = Longbow + Pets (Rift Creatures) (Pyre Fierceshot)
Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

(edited by Orpheal.8263)

Guild wars 2 Elite specs suggestions

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


Dear god, please beware us of some of these terrible E-Spec Names. ( :P)
Putting right now more ressources into more Skill Patches is just a waste of time.
GW2 needs more impactful changes now, that approach the Class Balancing in more unconventional ways, beginning first with completely rebalancing and reducing all Boons and Conditions in this Game.
That would the the first big right step to improve GW2.
You won’t prepare GW2 for more Elite Specializations to get implemented, by just making only Skill and Trait Changes and ignoring meanwhile for all the years all other important Combat System Mechanics.
What does it need, until people realize this, that Skill Changes are no solution for outdated gameplay systems which don’t harmonize currently with the latest made changes on Conditions and the too early added Elite Specs from HoT?

First should come improving the Combat Systems of GW2, then can add Anet more Elite Specializations, because then will be the game prepared for more Specs to come in the future. If they add only more and more Specs to the Game, without making needed changes to the Combat System Mechanics – all of them, not only Skills and Traits will ANet inevitably crash this game in the future only royally against the wall.
There needs to be NOW a good balanced and designed new Combat System Foundation, onto which theCore Classes and all of their future to be Elite Specs can be build on.

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

(edited by Orpheal.8263)

Official Skill Balance Thread: 22 February Update

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


Some concrete questions that are based on general balance topics, not specificly the current patch now:

  • I’m pretty sure, you made with HoT many concepts for the first Elite Specializations, so also for the Thief.
    Would it be possible for you to merge Thief with Daredevil and replace Daredevil with one of your other E-Spec Concepts that you made for HoT?
    Daredevil simply offers nothing, thats worth it to let it be an Elite Specialization, its basically just Thief 2.0 with better Acrobatics.
    Also any plans to give Thieves as Core Weapon the Offhand Sword?
    Wouldn’t be worth it to make for that an extra E-Spec, when Core Thief can wield already Swords and should be able to wield it also in both hands.
  • Are there any plans on improving the Thief’s Group Support Abilities in the future, like for example giving them Trap Control Abilities as a counter vs. Dragonhunters, Condi Trapper Rangers and Thieves with Ghost Trapper Build to allow the class, that should be god against traps to actually see them and remove them as part of Group Support?
  • Are there any plans on improving the Thief’s Group Support by strengthening their Boon Stealing Abilities to make them a significantly stronger counter against boon spamming enemy builds?
  • Are their any plans for upcoming Balance Patches to take a look after all these years onto Gameplay Mechanics like reworking and reducing the amount of Boons and Conditions to approach from a different way for once balancing the game, than doing always only Skill and Trait Changes??
  • Would be something like a Rework of the Health System for this Game something, what you would ever consider to do, if it would help this game to balance its classes in a better 9 more individual ways, than pidgeonholing them just into 3 Class Types?
  • Can we expect anywhen in the future a Rebalance for Upgrades with the goal to reduce them also as well, so that their sheer amount becomes overviewable again, while also improvign their impactfulness for defining the builds of your character?
  • Would you ever consider removing Gear Stats from the Game, if this could help you significantly in balancing Classes quicker and easier?
    If you say no, please name a few reasons, why you would like to keep Gear Stats, other than obsolete economy reasons for recipes, materials ect., which can always be replaced with something new. Game Balance > Game Economy
Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

Skill Balance Coming

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


If thats the case, then I’m sorry and say I was blinded then by the tone of his words to not realize that this could have been eventually sarcasm.

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

New slayer achievements (minor spoiler)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


because anwet simply doesn’t care.
Theres so many more achievements from the main game other than only the slayer achievements, which could get expanded to increase their AP you could gain through them.

Take for example all the Weapon Achievements, which could receive more ranks, together with those that could be added, if anet finally ever adds new weapon types to the game liek Polearms, Greataxes, Claws, Whips ect.
They could go even so far to make for each Weapon Type an achievemwent for doing Finishign Moves while being equipped with Weapon X and using it for the Finishing Move by implementign also weapon based unique Martial Artistic Finishiers based on the used weapon instead of lettign appear for that holographic stuff and summon like thigns that appear just out of nowhere to pierce the target to death or just land on it.

They could retroactively add for really alot of the maps from GW2 like they did with Drytop, Silverwates ect also to their very own Map Achievements, what would revitalize also alot of the old maps to be revisited by alot of players at least for some time, until they have made all achievements in the old maps to earn the meta rewards from making all the map achievements.

They could expansion the Fashion Achievements for all races by implementing new Racial Armor Sets for Ascended Racial armors as Tier 4 and Legendary racial armors as Tier 5 bonded with new achievements for completing all these new armor sets.
They could add a fashion achievement for collecting all Base Game Dyes, what would help also a bit in making dyes more valueable, if there would be a collection achievement for them.

There could and there should be a reworkl of the Boss achievement section, so that all World Bosses have their own set of achievements, like Tequatl, Tri Wurm, Shatterer with the next one that should be done being Jormags Claw together with a redesign of that battle with him. Long overdue change …

They could make new Hero Achievements, by actually doing again a big next PERSONAL STORY Season with the length and the quality of the first one with multiple multi path missions, but you get the impression by Anet as if they have already given up with continuing their personal story concept with this game

Theres alot of missing minigames, that could have also their own achievements.. polymok, bar barwls just to name two big ones that are missing. Some tiem ago Anet added for a brief time this kind of basketball minigame. Why they didn’t added that permanently with own achievements is unclear – missed chance!

Fact is, ANet has more than enough potential for new achievement, fact is only as well – they don’t make usage of all this potential yet. Why? We don’t know and most likely never will also get to know

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

Skill Balance Coming

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


What they need to do is separate skill balancing and fix what is actually broken, not continue this buff and nerf circus that goes on every few months.

Dude, logic much? Sheesh, chill out there. Next you’ll be wanting to solve world hunger or something.

No, he’s right, you are the one here, who’s disillusioned and doesn’t see anymore things how they actually are.
You are currently just blinded by your own overprotectionism for the game, because you don’t seem to understand, why other people aren’t satisfied with the patch right now.

It must not be your logic. He has his own logic for his reasons and they are completely legit. I absolutely agree with him, that this Game needs finally separate Skill Balancing.
Because all three Game Modes have completely different interests and target groups of Players.
If PvE Skills would get more freedom in their designs, then they could for example become more epic, fun and interesting, without that they will harm in any way the balance for PvP or WvW .
If PvP skills get their own seperate designs, then can anet make as many balance changes there as they want, without that any good and interesting builds get destroyed for PvE, or turns into something overpowered under mass player conditions in WvW unpredictedly.
And for WvW it would allow them also to make more flavorful interesting skill adjustments without that the skills are then for PvP totally overpowered or make PvE too easy somewhere in regard of World Bosses and other mass events there.

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

Your opinion about today´s update

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


But they gave you all increased numbers for damage and lower numbers for cooldowns!
Should be winner winner chicken dinner for everybody!
Why you no all likes it!?!?!

Because its uncreative?
Because it solves no problems with Boons and Condition Spam?
Because it solves not the power creep from E-Specs, but rather makes it just alot worser?
Because it keeps tons of useless skills/traits untouched
Because it completely ignored again balancing other Combat Mechanics, like Upgrades and Health/Attributes?
Because what Anet understands under QoL is far away here from what we understand from QoL?
Because of Because?
Because reasons?

Just pick one out of those or add your own one which I maybe haven’t listed up.
Surely more than enough reasons not to like it and that didn#t even included yet class specific reasons in details.

Skill/Trait Changes won’t help this game right now anymore. GW2 needs more impactful changes.

@ nedlee:
I don’t know, if you understand simple math, but this buff just means, that they outright doubled the whole damage of this skill – a skill that does unblockable damage and is one of the most brain dead to use skills of this game, that requires absolute no skill to use and is for me therefore no justification to give this skill such a big damage boost directly. 50% max, would have been more than enough.
Then it would have been better to make the skill in itself more interesting, like adding a 3rd circling hammer to increase instead slightly the speed of DPS it does on its rotations.

Only because the initial version of a skill has by design low damage, is no reason to boost it directly up by 100%, because the main reason to use this skill is defense, not dps, because the main effect of vengeful hammers is its defensive effect of reducing incoming damage by 20% from direct damage and conditions

Don’t say people are clueless, only because you self are too clueless to interprete the reasons behind the opinions of others to understand why people have maybe other opinions on something, like you have.

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

(edited by Orpheal.8263)

Where are the devs?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


Most of the people complaining haven’t even tried the changes yet, the patch has only been out for a couple of hours, it’s like the day job of some of these people is to sit and wait for a patch to be released and immediately post, some of these people have posted within minutes of the patch… how do you know how it plays within a couple of minutes, honestly? I can’t even change my build to where I want in a couple of minutes.

People don’t play this game first since yesterday you know…
Active veterans, that play this game for sure far more actively and much longer, than the devs do can see on a first glimpse over the patch notes, what kind of consequences a patch brings.
If a patch solves problems, or if it has the strong potential to cause more new problems, than it solves.

And if there is one thing, that is far more obvious, than anything else in this patch, then it is when ANet does make power creep patches, where like 99% of its content is nothing but just only skill/trait buffs and nothing else.
For that to realize you don’t need to be even an experienced GW2 player, for that you need to have just eyes in the head and reading comprehension!!

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

Your opinion about today´s update

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


it’s funny to see the different points of view. thieves think they got the shaft again, other classes think thief got even more powerful, mesmers think that now with revenants, they’re not wanted anymore, revenants think they’re stil useless and no one will want them, eles think they got the shaft too, other classes think that the ele is top of the game and got mostly buffs and a couple of well earned nerfs…. opinions, right?

This is simply due to the point, that the massive power creep buffs from all other classes outright outclass all the changes that thev Thief got.

All classes except thief Skill Recharge Times that massively improve the skills, the few changes on that on our skill feel unimpressive compared to all the rest of the other classes.
All classes except thief got direct damage boosts to skills with the biggest change at revenant, which got a skill boosted by freaking 100%

Their changes improve absolutely nothing on the gameplay side of the thief, there are no quality of life improvements unlike other classes received them.
Additionally we received PvP only nerfs , which feel just being totally pointless and being added only, so that they could say – there, look, we added also some nerfs, just for reasons, so that nobody could say in the end, that they most likely only buffed the class, like mostly all other ones with lots if skil lrecharge buffs that massively increase the DPS of these classes either or more useful in group support roles – and not because we needed really these useless nerfs

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

Where are the devs?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


Given the initial reactions, I can’t exactly blame them for not being overly enthusiastic about talking to the people around here.

Something, that surely wouldn’t be the case, if they simply would communicate in general more with us – for example again with the help of CDIs and in fact say also more oftenly something to the ideas of people, givign them feedback, or requerstion even maybe more details from somebody who made perhaps an interestign suggestion for them to give that person the impression, that the devs are really interested in what we write here and what we discuss here.

But in a forum of constant ignorance, where you get never any feedback, other than from other players which eventualy have read what you have written, where you don’t discuss things with devs like equal persons – simply out of the reasons that devs at anet don’t get as it looks the time for that to just sit themself here every now and then (unless its in their own freetime perhaps) to talk with us about what we care for, to get that way an good impression on what is currently important for us, then it is absolutely no miracle that people say over the years, that Anet is totally out of touch with its community – and as result of this its naturally that people become more and more pessimistic, non enthusiastic, aggressive, lose hope in them and start more and more to requestion the changes they do with the game, because people can’t understand without constant communication the reasons behind many of the changes.

And if people are sold for beign dumb for years and don’t get explained, why something has been change, what the intention behind a change was and so on, how do you really expect from people then, how they should react on something, what they don’t can understand.

The first thing that people do by nature then, if they can’t understand something rationally is simply to react on something EMOTIONALLY and that is either by liking the change, or hating the changes.

This is, what you see here as a result!

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

Next patch is totally PvP focused, right?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


There was hardly any thought behind this.

There would have been really thought behind this patch, if anet would stop being so incredibly scared about touching any other combat system mechanics, other than Skills and Traits

That would have been then a truly amazing balance patch full of thoughts behind of the changes with the real intention of bringing this game further, instead of just powercreeping 8 of 9 classes more through Skill/trait Number Changes making just only alot of skills recharge faster, makign alot of skills deal just sraight only like 17-100% more damage, than before!! (ROFL, seriously?!), fixing some bugs as usually and making some changes, that devalue Elite Specializations and improve slightly Condition Removal in the game by changing Light Field Effects and increasign here n there the ampont of removed Conditions with the biggest changed on Thieves Signet of Agility being boosted from 1 to 3 removed Conditions

Thats basically the whole patch in a nutshell. Candys given aways as if its carnival today (in fact in Germany/Cologne we have it soon lol – our/my 5th season, where people run everywhere in various costumes of all kinds around and scream out of their full lungs again KAMELLLE! and KÖLLLE ALAAAF it rains candy in huge masses)

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside