Showing Posts For Orpheal.8263:

Condi damage broken, and how to fix it.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


Part 2:

Thats something to where GW2 has to return to, so that boons/conditions actually are meaningful for this game and not just stupid constant spamware.
Also in regard of Conditions and Boons – there shouldn’t exist in this games any skills or traits, that allow a class to remove with a skill just “everything”
Skill/trait effects that are for example able to remove for you conditions shold be all designed that way, that they can removed only just specific things, but not “everything”, regardless on what you suffer on at the moment. Rather increase the amount of removale effects by +1 and make somethign affect only very spcific thinggs, than to let that skill/trait remove instantly everything, regardless what it is.
Such mechanics are way more balanced for a game like GW2 and strenghten in fact also the Strengths and Weaknesses of Class Designs that every Class should have towards specific things. Way too easy and lazy “affect everything” mechanics removed these specific strengths and weaknesses that classes should have towards specific combat system relevant gameplay mechanics like boons and conditions especially.

Attributes is another very important factor, that needs to get reworked finalls so that the game can be better balanced, especialyl if Attributes would have finally Dual Effects to implement more synergies for defensive and suportive combat styles that have under the current combat system no synergies, – just only offensive gameplay, which is the reason, why Berserker and other similar very offensive Stat Sets are used so much in GW2, while basically all the rest rots in this game, because its just useless and not viable against offensive gameplay builds, because the game is from begin on designed that way that defensive/supportive gameplay builds are useless, because anet seems to fear, that if they would make all gameplay style equally good, that this could lead to the hated comeback of “the holy trinity” and that we could see in GW2 due to this something like “Tanks/Healers ect” …
With the introduction of Druids basically as “healers”, you can’t deny it anymore, how outdated that way of thinking of Anet has become and that there really is no reason anymore, why they should keep an outdated attribute system that forced the player base to play offensive builds just to be viable in the game and have a place that way in the competitive gamepla formats, because otherwise you’d be just dead weight for your team, when in fact defensive/supportive gameplay styles can be a great addition for your team as well, when somebody can perform their role in that team as "healer/tank/whatever well.

And in fact thats the very essence of this game, that we “PLAY A ROLE”, which defines our characters, as in MMORPG – Massive Multiplayer Online ROLE PLAYING Game

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

Condi damage broken, and how to fix it.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


This change will change just will stretch the problem over a longer duration of its ticks…

The real problem that Anet has to fix with this game is their own ignorance of ignoring over the last 4 years basically 90% of all aspects that play a very important role to the whole game’s combat system balance – keeping basically said 90% of the Combat System in its absosolutely outdated 2012er Game Design State, while the the last 10% are the changes which Anet made shortely before implmentign HoT and shortly after HoT through adding way too rushed for the previous made changes Elite Specs to the Game, before makign first fitting changes to the Game and its overall Balance, when they changed the Condition System.

This Game has to get out finally out of its outdated 2012er Game System Design, that was balanced for a Guild Wars 2 state of the Game, where 90% of all what is GW2 now – DIDN’T EXIST and was part of the game balance and thus, wasn’t included in the decisions and game mechanic designs of certain gameplay aspects, that play partwise the biggest roles in the WHOLE Game Balancing Process and that is NOT Skills and Traits.

Yes, Skills and Traits have a big influence of Class Balance. But Class Balance alone isn’t everything. Combat System Balance is way more important, because it affects ALL CLASSES and that is exactly what anet kept on ignoring for the last 4 years.

The change of the Condition System was their first and yet only real big change in the Combat System of GW2 and ANet hasn’t done since thenvanythign at all about them to rebalance the game, because the game balance has been since the patch of 23rd june 2015 that changed the Condition System TOTALLY OUT OF CONTROL and to make thigns even much worser, ANet put oil to the fire by implenmenting Elite Specializations with HoT way too early than it was good for the game, because the whole game balance stay was after the condition change way too unpolished.
ANet should have waited with E-Specs until the second Expansion and shold have focused their ressources with the first expansion to make neccessary greater changes on the games combat system as preparation for the Elite Specs to come after, so that there would have been actually some kinmd of balanced foundation for them, but instead – rushed like Anet always is under the shadow of NCSOft, they just threw them into the cold water without fixing first the outdated combat system mechanics to brign the game finally out of its unfitting 2012er state where everythign has been dsigned around the fact, that there would not exist E-Specs, that there would not exist those massive condition changes, that there would not exist certain conditions and boons that have been added later, like Torment, Taunt and Slow

GW2 needs finally a complete rework of the Condition & Boon System first, to ever get at all the chance to become balanced and overviewable again.
You currently stare way too much at the screen while fighting somebudy, because you have to permanently check which boons and conditions are on your character, because the game has way too much of both – both mechanics need to get toned down and reduced, while the meaningfulness of those boons and conditions that remain should and will increase if Anet makes the remaining boons and conditions more impactful, then this would be a good change for the whole games balance.
The game has to get rid of this iditic spamming mentality of boons and conditions.
In other MMORPGs are boons and conditions alot more meaningful and impactful, because they have much longer durations, so that players can actually focus on the combat and not on having to constantly spam boons and contions and removals of those just to be able to fight as effectively as possible, but in return, receiving those fels also more importful, because you can’t get them constant’ly because of much longer cooldowns that make it also harder to remove conditions or to receive a lost boon back, if it had been corrupted/stolen/removed by your enemy.

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

Question about future expansions

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


Like it has been basicalyl answered with the first post after the OP.. the situation is as followed.

You can buy with GW2 either an expansion per expansion and in this case you always have to pay the full price for each single expansion for the advantage, that you have full access to all the new content immediately.

Or you can say for example make a huge break of the game, say for example for 5 years and in the meanwhile has net release for example 3 Expansions, we have now Hot, lets say every 2 and a half year later than another one… but you didn’t buy HoT yet… then you will receive with the latest expansion that is out and on sale right now the previous two expansions – HoT and that one thats currently worked on for free included in the latest Expansion.

That has been officially announced by ANet on the first day after HoT has been released that from this day on, all follow up expansions wil always include the previous ones for free, so that when you buy the latest version of the games expansion, you will always be able to have also access to all the rest of the game. This decision has ben made, so that people, which come back after having made longer breaks don’t feel beign left out and punished for having made longer breaks of several years and to give those returning people the chance to quickly get back to the point, where they are able to play together with their friends again, which maybe haven’t been in this while inactive like you, without that there any annoying content barriers between you and your friends that could make it impossible for you to play quickly again with your friends together, because you have to buy first a couple of exnapsions one by one, like it is handled in gasmes like WoW, where here you know, you always have to buy just only the latest expansion and it will include everything in between for free, whats in fact in the end for you alot cheaper to to havign to buy like in WoW every single expansion just to be on equal content access level with your friends again, what is a more expansive expansion model for a player to handle, than Anet’s “buy just the latest expansion and get every older stuff included for free-expansion model” they use, which is in fact alot more player cost friendly on the long run and increases on the other side also the chances for Anet, that these people return to GW2 after having made some breaks, where it is unlikely for people to return to a game, where you have to buy first every single expansion that has been release since your break, before you are able to play with your friends in the game again on an equal content access level..

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

a world with no transmutation charges?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


This obsolete system is one of the things i think should have changed Anet immediately, but I guess ANet didn’t because in the first years after release they still sold well in the gemstore, because people simply had not billions of them already and came easier into the situation, that they need some…

But now years later, people swim in tons of them and you get them faster just from playing the game normally daily, than you can use them up, that people literally have never the need to buy them …

Theres so many other obsolete things besides of T-Stones that anet should get finally rid of and better replace with something else, thats in general more useful for the player and IN FACT WORTH IT TO BUY, because T-Stones are so stupidly obsolete now, that it gives you the feeling, that you just throw your money away for nothing, if you are really so nuts to give money real money for this crap, if it just takes you a few minutes to make a new character and go explore 1 map to 100% to just get them for free as one of the most simplest methods to get them..rinse and repeat that as oftenly as needed until you hasve your character look like you want….

ANet should change the Skin System of equipment when it comes down to changing your fashion as followed:

Owned Equipment = You have the Item, but its Skin isn’t unlocked yet and the item still can be sold to someone else

Accountbound Equipment = You have the Item, the Item can be shared only between your Characters of your Account, you can’t sel it, the Skin is unlocked for your Account

Categorized Equipment = Accountbound item that has been infused with an Transmutation Stone to unlock the ability for the Skin to become permanently exchangeable.

This means now following, Anet will reduce drastically the amount of Transmutation Stones in the game, positive change is, that from this moment on you also don’t need millions of them anymore just 1 for each single time you want to change a skin.
After the introduction of Categorized Equipment and the ability to infuse accoundbound equipment with Transmutation Stones to unlock the Skin for the permanent changing possibility will make transmutation Stones from this moment on then also alot more VALUABLE.

It would be for this game also a massive quality of life improvement, if the change would change to the model of going from quantity over to actualy QUALITY.
Reducing the amount of Transmutation Stones would be the right way to improve the game and make the Transmutation a Gameplay System, where you need to have the Transmutation per Skin actually just only ONCE to unlock the skin permanently for your usage as often and whenever you want, without being forced to permanently have to use Stones each time again when you want to change your looks of your Character…

If a skin is unlocked for your account, then it should be TRULY unlocked permanently for you account and this mechanic should happen, if you make your accountbound equipment “categorized” by infusing a Transmutation Stone into it to permanently unlock the skin so, that it can be changed as oftenly as you like, without that you need everytime a stone for that idiotic not wel thought out absolute obsolete and truly outdated skin change process that hasnät been optimized yet since release of the game, because Anet still wants to make usage of it as gemstore money maker, when in fact they should have replaced it better already long ago against something, that will work much better as money maker, like for example Mounts, Skill Skins, Auto Attack Effects, Teleportation Effects (for Login/Logout/Move to other Maps) and tons of other visual cool stuff and lots of potential, that Anet is still wasting for 4 years with that they can and will generate much more money, than with such idiotic garbage like T-Stones.
(Just my opinion, thet metrics must Anet just show us first whict proof that this stuff sells well enough to have a solid reason of existance to stay in the gemstore)

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

(edited by Orpheal.8263)

Keep SP/FR/DE servers seprated from Int?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


In theory there would be no need of any language servers, if mankind would be able finally to create some kind of working translation system that is able to mostly instantly translate whatever you either have written, or spoken in teamspeak, to all others who read or hear it, what you have written/spoken into your native language, like as of you have some kind of personal translator in your ear, these prsons that translate for people live in TV shows while somebody says something, so that all others in the room that don’t speak that language can understant the person.

When people can translate instantly live, then it shouldnt be that huge problem as well i think to create some kind of computer program who should be able to do that as well for you.
Yes, natually not for all languages mixed up at the same time – that would be to complex and impossible, but if the player can simply choose out, which language exactly should be live translated for him in text and sound and this with the perfect quality of a translator/interpreter so that you can understand directly what has been written/said and that with correct grammar ect.

Then there would be absolutely no need for any language servers.

Then I I could play the game simply with everyone together, regardlss from where they come…as long a person who wants to speak with me knows from where I come from, he would be then able to communicate with me through the live translator.

Lets say I’m standign in lions Arch, and i want to talk to someone there, from who I know, is a French Person, but I am prsonalyl in regard of French a total 0, can#t speak/write it at all, cause never learned and removed it from School directly after the 1 year, because I rather wanted to learn somethign else, lets say Spanish instead.

Now I write into the Whisper Chat with Live Translator activated and set up to “French”

“Hallo, möchtest du mit mir vielleicht leveln gehen gemeinsam?” (German)

and that person would see then instantly live translated in his Whisper Chat this

“Bonjour, voulez-vous que je level commun aller avec moi? (or similar, not 100% sure here lol if I got it right now, but should be just an example to let you know what I mean)

Its kind of depressing to see, what mankind has reached in the last couple of hundreds of years in regard of technology, but we seem to be unable to overcome with all our technology the language borders to a high quality standard, even to the point that we poke fun at sombebody/something when we see, that it has been “translated” by “google” when we realize that the grammar ect. is totally wrong.

Can this be really our quality standard?
We talk always about “World Languages”, like English, Spanish, French ect., but only because of the amount of people who speak it on the world.

Personally for me can we speak only about 1 single true World Language, if we bring all countries of the world to it to teach over multiple generations all their children just one and the same language ONLY.
If mankind could do this over multiple generations with their children in all countries of the world, then we would have a world where even not translators are needed anymore, because then we would have finally a real World Language, where everyone speaks the same!
Maybe this is total ideology, but would have had this world not any ideologists in its history of mankind, then we wouldn’t all be now, what we are today.

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

Attack faster traits & quickness

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


Anet should completely rework both – these traits and boons – including quickness.

To make the balance of this game better, there should exist 1 simple rule in regard of attack speed increasements – You can’t have BOTH!

Means, if Anet wants to keep these traits, then it should mean as logical consequence, that Quickness has to be removed out of the game.

If ANet rather wants to keep quickness in the game, then this should mean that ANet should remove as logical consequence all these traits out of the game and replace them with better new and general more useful traits for the classes, that help better defining the build diversity of the class or which try fixing problems that the class has, because the class lacks on something because class has has for role Y no traits what could help alot that said Class could become more wanted to be played with together, if said class would have such a trait that removes its lacking potential instead of having such useless attack speed traits, that are simply overshadowed by Quickness and don’t stack.

The whole movement speed topic tornupto mentions is just another thing thats irking me for a long time about this games combat system where its devs seem to care only about number changes on skills and traits and mostly ignore all the rest of it for over 4 years now, as if any other combat system mechanics like upgrades, base health values, attributes and their effects, boons & conditions ect. play absolutely no role ….

And yes, if these developers would follow ANY logic in what they do and change and if their decisions would follow also simple consequences, then this would have to mean also, that useless movement speed traits deserve it to be redesigned, if they are essentially completely obsolete by their class design and also here should exist the simple rule…

If you can receive basically permanent movement speed increase from traits, you should be able to get that from boons as well and these effects shouldn’t stack.
In this case we already have that.
25+ Movement Speed Increase and Swiftness don’t stack, it replaces only the 25% effect as long Swiftness is active with its 33%.

Personally I think it would be much better fior the games balance, if Anet completely removes all thouse permanent +25 movement speed effects from traits and runnes and focuses here on those classes, that should be able to move consequently faster than others, that these classes receive from that point on simply more access to Super Speed as replacement and more acccess to Swiftness/longer swiftness durations.

That would make everything alot simpler and would create in regard of traits again new space for more useful traits that replace then this permanent 25% movement speed garbage.

The whole combat system of this game has become over the years a total mess, because of Anet doctoring around always only on numbers of skills and traits…
Its long overdue, that the other mechanics receive finally a strogn lookover, to bring this game finally from its outdated 2012 state to better harmonizing system, where all aspects of the combat system synergize and not where only two of six base mechanics of this game find some consequent attention by Anet, while the rest rots there in the dark since release date of the game!!!

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

Suggestions for next year's Dragon Ball Arena

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


people have suggested over like the last 3 years each time suggestions on how ANet could improve Dragonball.

Has ANet done yet anything for it? No…. its just like as if they don’t care about their implementet mini games at all… because the same scenarion/problem do we have with all other attractivities in the game…

it seems like these kindof minigames are for Anet nothign else but just throw away-content… that once implemented receives from that point on 100% ignorance, because fixing and actually improving gameplay mechanics of allready implemented stuff takes away time and other ressources from Anet, which they could spent otherwise on other projects, like gemstore stuff…

Thats the sad truth

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

Dualest (elite idea)

in Thief

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


I think something like a “Dualist”, (Dualest is just wrong and doesn’t exist as word)
would be just a waste of an Elite Spec for Thieves.

Offhand Sword is something, that should have been added to Thieves as Base Weapon Option already long ago…
Seriously, they can wield dual daggrs, they can wield already in mainhand a Sword, it should be really not for a Thief complete rocket science to wield also as well 2 swords at the same time.
On top of that are Thieves among Warriors in my opinion the only class with the dexterity in combat to do so, which are trimmed to use a swift and slicing combat style. (And before Ranger Sympathizers can complain – you have already your Dual Axes and Rangers aren’t designed for a swift slicing combat style unlike Thieves, their Axes are Throwing Weapons and made for Self Defense)

Additionally.. if your goal was truly to make the thief with this Spec a Brawler, then you shopuld have named the spec also that way and Brawlers don’t use conventional weapons, they just use their fists and feet and use all kinds martial arts from Kickboxing to Muay Thai to Taek Won Do ect.

If there is any class in this game to which this kind of combat style would fit, then it is the Thief – but in the end would it be still an Elite Specialization for that ANet would have to add a new Weapon Type – the Gauntlet/Fist Ring/Claw (whatever it will be, the others can be reskins later)

And I guess the next expansion won’t be the one, where Anet proves as, that they are able to implement with Elite Specializations also new Weapon Types – sadly

Why do I say explicitly, that making a Offhand Spec for Thief would be a complete waste???

Just look for the asnwer onto your first example skills!! the result would be basically nothi8ng else than Thief 2.0 as Elite Spec, nothing new, nothing unique, nothign special, nothign different on what we have already with Thief.
Thats why Offhand Sword should become a Base Weapon for Thief, its already a weapon that thieves can use and theres no logical reason why they shouldnt be able to use them in both hands…

Elite Specs should be there in first line to give classes new weapons, new gameplay mechanics and new different combat styles, new roles that help the Base Class in fact to get more build diversity as a whole.

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

Anise, Livia theory

in Lore

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


Nobody knows where she is right now, if she even has still the Scepter or if she even still lives (however, in theory I think of her as being basicalyl the only known GW1 character, who would have as Necromancer with the Scepter of Orr the might to live that long as some kind of new “Lich”)

Anise on the other hand is no necromancer, she is a Mesmer.
A strong sign for it, that Anise and Livia can’t be one and the same person.

That the has to look very old is here the real far fetched assumption. You don’t need Illusion magic just to make you look young, when you have the control over Death Magic as Necromancer with one of strongest known magical artefacts in tyrian history – the Scepter of Orr which can be used simply to STOP her aging, because death comes simply from the fact, that all living beings either age until they die, or due to accidents or illnesses.
Two factors, that Livia could completely ignore a Necromancer with the Scepter, namely aging and illnesses to that she would be completely immune.
The only thing that even Livia won’t be able to to do prevent her death would be accidents, or in fact actions which happen that lead to her dead, like somebody eventually having chopped off her head and burned her headless body in the last 250 years, the only thing where Necromancy and Scepters of Orr won’t help in preventing her death.

ANet makes whyever willingly a complete secret out of her whereabouts, i think they just wait for the right moment to bring her back and for me theoretically this moment iwll be, once we go against the Deep Sea Dragon, about which Anet makes as well until today a huge secret since game release without any reason.
But if there exist a person who can help us agaisnt that dragon, then I think its Livia with the Scepter of Orr, the only magical artefact in Tyria known for its power to move gigantic land masses or to sink them and the Deep Sea Dragon is essentially nothing else but a huge moving “mass” underwater, which surely won’t come out of it under free will, when it can fight agaisnt us with an upperhand in its own natural territory much better.
So if we ever want to defeat the deep sea dragon, I believe it is very important, that we need to force it somehow out of the water onto land.

To protect the Queen from Caudecus ect is the job of the Seraphs and us, the local heroes, so if Livia still exists, then she has no reason at all to interfere in that as a disguised “Anise” suddenly as Mesmer, when Livia is in fact a Necromancer.

Someone powerful like Livia, with the Scepter of Orr in her hands would do best to protect her queen as some kind of preventor, a guardian that protects her queen and her homelands from far away and makes sure, that any kind of outer forces far away of Kryta, never get the chance at all to get even near to Kryta and making research on those enemies in Tyria, about which we know yet the very least, so that in case of an invasion, Livia would be able to send out right in time some minionss to the Queen to inform her about the incoming danger, before it is too late for Kryta to be prepared.
You need your eyes not only at close range, you need them as well also far away from your local position, if you can’t be at that location, because you are needed somewhere else – your homeland. Thats why you have at war scouts for you not only in your homeland, but also far away at the borders of your land.

Personally I find it very suspicious that Anet makes around Livia and the Scepter of Orr same as much of a mystery since release of the game, like they do for the Deep Sea Dragon. I think there is some kind of connection between both, otherwise we would have heard already something about either her or the dragon by now.

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

Quick note on Ep4 bundled updates

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


Oh and here I thought you took all the classes that had spear underwater and gave it to them on land my bad.

If it makes things not too overcomplicated for a Feature Pack, I’d have also no problem with it if Anet gives Spear as Base Land Weapon to Revs as well, but its still a difference, if a FP adds 25 or 30 new skills based on just 1 weapon plus those that I mentioned that all classes are missing among Healing, Utility and Elite Skills on top of that.

If you just ask me personally about Revs as topic itself – I just think the whole class needs anyway a complete redesign in regard of how its skills and mechanics work.

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

Quick note on Ep4 bundled updates

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


You forgot revenant so it would be 30 skills not 25 mate

No, that was absolutely wanted, because I don’t want Revenants with Spear as one of their Base Weapons. Rather as something for their Elite Specs instead.

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

Quick note on Ep4 bundled updates

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


If Anet would want to do something to “please us” right now – to follow on on one earlier posting of somebody else a few sites ago, then they wouldn’t work right now on a next Living World Episode…

A Feature Pack that does these things for example:

  • Rework/Rebalance of the whole Upgrade System + Change to Accountbound & Introduction of Build Templates & Ascended Upgrades/Lvl500 Jeweler)
  • Rework/Rebalance/Reduction of the whole Boon & Condition System to maximum 8 Boons/Conditions
  • Implementation of the whole Season 1 Content under the Season 2 System with new Achievements and some added new “Mass” Fractals (Marionette Fractal, Lion Arch Fractal, Scarlet Fractal) designed as “Time Distortions/Asura Time Portals” to access them from the fitting maps, so that the game becomes again complete and isn#t anymure such a big cheese full of self made design holes
  • Merging of Staff+Trident as 1 Weapon Type & Merging of Rifle + Harpoon Gun as 1 Weapon Type, while making Spear now a Hybrid Weapon usable on land and in water.
    Means introduction of some new Spear Skills for Classes that will be able to use from that moment on the Spear as one of their Base Weapons – Warrior, Guardian, Thief, Ranger, Necromancer – so 25 new Skills
  • Rework of the Crafting System with some neccessary Quality of Life Improvements
    - Removing Recipes
    - Implemention of Craft all Units Instantly to reduce the needed time to craft all units
    - Craftable Items automatically unlocked by rising up in Crafting Rank, Max Rank reduced from 500 to 50
    - Increased Crafting Exp Bonus for other Characters on your account, so more Characters max their Crafting Job, Removal of Crafting Boosters, Introduction of accountbased Crafting Exp Bonus based on your AP
    - Implementation of new Crafting/Gathering Jobs – Fishing, Digging, Gardening (req. Angling Rod/Lures, Shovel, Seeds)
  • Implementation of Player Housing based on the Guild Hall System/ Rework of the Player Instance for this
  • Fitting Skill and Trait Rebalance based on the made Changes on the Upgrade and Boon&Condition Systems as also the the added Skills from Spear for Land Combat and the next point…
  • Give All Classes their missing Skills from certain Skill Types, example Thief receiving a Elite Signet Skill, Elite Trap Skill and Healing Trap Skill, so that all Classes have finally for all of their Skill Types fitting Healing, Utility and Elite Skills.
  • Add Skill Skins to the Game, so that we can individualize our Characters more, especially funny for the Classes that can summon things.
    You want different looking Minions, different looking Elementals, different looking Spiritual Weapons, different looking Pets, different looking Natural Spirits ect. then this Feature will make you happy
  • Implementation of DX11 at least

Stuff like these in a Feature pack would please me for example exceptionally much more, than any Living World Content they could bring in February, which is just new story content that becomes boring after short time, but brings this game in NO WAY further at all.

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

Let's talk about crafting speeds

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


I don’t agree with you on this Illconceived.

There is no need to keep us “artificially busy” with nonsensical gameplay mechanics that exist only to slow us down, not to create any kind of aspects that generate fun for the player or VALUE in fact the TIME OF SAID PLAYER that the player is willing to spent with this game.

With artefiscial progress slowing mechanics that create just grind to coerce impatient players soonr or later into paying real money to make the game fun, because only that way you don#t have to waste alot of time with idiotic mechanics, that could be designed better to provide more quality of life and convenience for the player and just pathetic methods of low budget game developrs that are desperate to make with all kinds of passive ways somehow money with the game, because they just know, that their primary source of money income is JUST TOO WEAK.

a game developer with a strong income of money has it not neccessary to make usage of such cheap game design methods that are used to slow down artefiscially only the player, so that the player base can get milk out – especially the target group of the impatient and those people, that have enough of the rediculous absurd grind mechanics, that add absolutely nothing to the game, that the game in the end becomes more fun.

A game designer, which designs games in first place only just to make money with them, and not games to make in first place fun, is no game designer for me, but just only an economist who puts capitalism over everything else!!

There don’t need to exist such cheap mechanics to slow our progress down, just so that “we have something to do” Thats just a cheap excuse and a self created psychological illusion to deceive the fact, that game designers simply can’t create fast enough enough new real content, before players rushed alreasdy through the existing content and complain for new stuff.

Thats the truth and the only reason alongside money making, why these grind mechanics exist – not to give us something to do.
Because they can do a developer also always with new content and that would be in fact the right way to do it, if it would be just possible for game developers to produce said new content always fast enough – but devs are also just only people which need to eat, to sleep, can get ill, ect pp
There come together so many factors that make it simply impossible for a game such a size like GW2 to be always ahead of the playerbase with real new content, so that there would be no need to artifiscially slow us somewhere down absurdly so that we reach certain points in the game for the devs not too quickly than they can work on new stuff.

I personally would be totally flashed, if Anet could brign my 5 points there into the game, then would be craftign in this game really fun, we woudl have alot more quality of life, wouldn’t waste alot of time with unneccessary grind and processes just to get to a final crafted product…

Just think how much wasted time it is to craft 2500 Ingots of for example Mithil, when you make basically 2 ingots every second.
thats whopping 20 Minutes of time that you need to spent at the crafting station just to get that done, while you can DO NOTHING ELSE, because the moment you leave the crafting station you stop crafting…the game doesn’t craft for you, while you are helping out for example in WvW or while you are beating Mordremoth for the xth time.

A simple Craft everything instantly option would reduced this massive waste of tiem directly to zero and im sure, alot of peopel would be very happy about sich a fuction, espevcially those which craft daily tons of materials like Mithril Ingots and other similar stuff in tons of stacks and spent basicalyl tons of tiem just at the craftign station, while they can#t do meanwhile anythign else.

Do you fnd such impractical systems fun? I definetly not, nor do I find them at all well designed.
A good game designer would have fixed such small things already within the first year after game release!! Because very oftenly it are the very small things. that have a very high impact on quality of life for playera!! Things like this!

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

Let's talk about crafting speeds

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


Crafting is something, that needs a complete Redesign…

There are alot of other Games out there, especially Offline RPGs that have much better designed and presentated Crafting Systems, than what GW2 has.

If I should make just 5 changes on the Crafting System right now, that would make the whole system alot better, then it would be these 5 things:

  • Remove Recipes completely, the player now unlocks all possible craftable things just via rising up in the now maximum 50 Crafting Ranks. Each rank up will unlock so to say now automatically a bunch of new things for the player that the player will be able to craft from this point on.
    This will essentially reduce the grind for idiotic obsolete recipes instantly from 100% to 0% and will add therefore 100% more quality of life, because players won’t have to make sure first anymore, if they have first a recipe unlocked, before they are able to craft something in this game – all you need to think about then is only – is your Crafting Rank equivalent enough to be able to craft what you want to craft – so all craftable items will have from this moment on just only simple “Crafting Rank Requirements”
    Crafting Ranks get reduced to 1/10th, required crafting Exp for Rank Ups get naturally raised a bit therefore. Crafting Bonus Exp while craftign gets removed. Crafting Boosts get removed, because obsolete…
  • Make it visually more presentative.
    You craftt tons of items in this game, but you never see just for a single second, how eactly you craft your items…all you se is just dumb UI’s that totally overshadow everything. It the whole crafting process is all you see just boring UIs and that is very immersion breaking for a RPG, when such a great part of the game, like the Crafting System is completely UI based and you see nothing, not even little craftign based animations, that even the oldest of the oldest oldschool MMORPGs offer – and whyever GW2 not.
    I would love to see my Character for example standing at a blacksmithery and watching my character, how he creates the sword, with that he will go fight later – similar like in Skyrim..even it its just the same prescripted animations. but just seeing the process of how your character creates something would be such an awesome improvement over what we have now, getting that would totally flash me and I’m sure, I’m not alone with that.
  • Automatic Crafting of required items within the crafting process, if you have enough ressources.
    Currently you must craft every needed item manually and thats annoying.. you want to craft for example a weapon, you have everythign whats needed for it, but the game forces you to craft every single production chain manually, instead of giving you directly the end product – which slows you manually down.
    There should be an option that players could be able to activate to bring the game to craft for you automaticalyl direct the end product, if you have everything thats needed for it either in your inventory or your account chest.
    Why should we wait on having crafted first like 3 items on the way to the end product, if we could get to the end product instantly if we have already everythign that is needed for it within us??? Thats quality of life – wasting not other peoples time, when you have the option to do so…
  • Add a Craft All Units instantly option
    Nothing is more annoying than if you want to craft like 250 units of item x and the game forces you to wait the time, until the idiotic craftign system has crafted every single item of those 250 units for you – the craftign speed is slow as snails and it even bemomores more and more annoying, so more stacks of item x you want to craft…
    Why the hell do we have to wait for 4 years now on such a simple but effective quality of life improvement, like a Craft all units instantly option just to reduce the waste of time from minutes to 0??? Doesn’t get into my head, why something good and simple like that hasn’t been patched into the game already within the first year after Game Release
  • Make Crafting more Multi Character Friendly
    If you reach with 1 Character Max Rank, you should get Bonus Effects on other characters of your account, to make it easier for them to max the ranks quicker and that for every Character of your account, that reaches Max Rank.
    Every maxed Job of a Character should increase the Crafting Exp for crafted items by +10%. Additionally to that should be added a new accountbound Crafting Exp Bonus, like there exist those for normal Exp, Karma, Gold Income, which should you receive for earning AP for +1% Crafting Exp
Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

Fixing pointless karma merchents?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


ANet has to overwork in general the whole Karma Reward System.

It has been mostly since game release total garbage.
Yes, Karma is the easiest currency to gain, but that hasn’t to mean automatically, that the rewards you can get from it must be everywhere total garbage.

The Item Lists of basically all Karma Mechants of the Game should get overlooked and reworked so that they provide alot more interesting things you can buy from them via Karma.
And that these things are also not only like 90% one time buy items, but they should also provide alot of interesting and USEFUL things for the player, that the player wants to buy CONTINOUSLY from them with Karma and now comes the important clue – that are items, which the player can RECEIVE ONLY from those Merchants and NOWHERE ELSE in the whole game, so that Karma becomes more meaningful in this game.

Each Karma Merchant has to be INDIVIDUAL, there should be no Merchant, which should sell the exactly same 2-3 items only like the game has currently tons of these useless Karma merchants that sell the exact same few items since release of the game…

it should become also finally possible to buy ascended equippment for huge amounts of karmas.. we can buy exotic equipment with it.. so tell me one good reason why we shouldn’t be also able to buy ascended gear with just only huge amounts of karma, if a player has so gigantic much of it and doesn’t know where or how to spent it on somethign that benefits that player, before all of it just lies around on that players accoutn as useless dead weight…

Players should be able to buy with huge amounts of Karma for instance also more item skins or Black Lion Ticket Scraps so that people can slowly work also on those skins.

Karma is simply the games most underused vanilla game currency and I think this has to be changed.

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

(edited by Orpheal.8263)

What I Expect from the Next Xpac

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


The OP clearly obviously expects too much…

I miss the times back in GW1, where Anet developed Add ones that had the quality of being Standalone Games.
If Anet ever can come back to deliver new content, that has the same quality, that it feels like that the Expansion could be its very own Standalone Game like back in GW1 days, thats the very moment where I possibly regain my full trust in Anet again that they are competent enough to make something great out of this game and that they are able to create expansions of high quality, where also its quantity is on same level with its quality

With Colin the game felt, as if Anet had some kind of visionary, but a visionary, that had no plan of leading and making good and right decisions, that brought the game forward.

Now without Colin, the game feels like, as if the game has lost its very own single visionary that they had who had innovative ideas for this game, but therefore they got with Mo again at least a person, thats able to make decisions that bring the game forward.

Both situations always are like some kind of dumb devils cycle >.<
Because a game with innovative visions, but terrible decision making will land in chaos.
But a game without innovative ideas and people that can make only decisions is over short or long just a dead game too…
GW2 needs a crew, that is competent enough at both areas at the same time.

You need visionary people, that have innovative ideas by their own, but also sight innovative concepts of the community to find ways how to combine their own ideas with those of the community and you need among those people also those, which have a clear head and are able to make for GW2 the right decisions, what of those ideas are worth it to be realized and make them happen and which not and that these things then end up also in a high qualitative way, that nobody in the end can say, that the project was just something incomplete and discontinued that sounded first on paper good, but got then pushed under the carpet of ignorance, after realizing, that things went not as good like thought they would.
Bext example – Dungeons, which simply got axed for Fractals,

Thats as reason ,why I personally found from begin on the CDI’s so awesome.
A very innovative way that brought Devs and the Community nearer together, but Anet royally crashed that project against the wall and as result of that, the persons responsible for it and those that worked on them and were part of it – you can guess it – are by now not part anymore of GW2 and left the company – what a coincedence one might say …

I can hope only, that Anet will start somewhen soon™ again the CDIs, because thats the moment where it will go uphill with this game again most likely.

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

[Suggestion] Race specific Professions

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


Should never happen, and will never happen.

They would be in the end anyways just all totally obsolete useless flavor garbage, just like Racial Skills are and always were sicne release of the game.

In fact, it would have been better for the game – for PvE storytelling to be exacly, if the NPCs there would have all race specific elite specializations.

Example. Braham shouldn’t have becoming a DH.

They should have turned him for the story of HoT into a story related Norn Racial Elite Spec that ONLY should exist for Braham – that would have not made only Braham as Character more UNIQUE and believeable, but it would have been at the same time also the only working way to implement in some kind of way racial professions through NPCs which then could have been made playable through story telling in Bonus Mission Pack Style for PvE only at moments, where we as players take temporarely over the control of these characters and play parts of the story as them, while our main characters have to take for a moment a break…

Because then we could have Braham for example as “Shaman” who’s able then to shapeshift into all various kinds of Animal Forms, be it Bear, Wolf, Raven ect. pp

As Taimi, we would have had the perfect option to play her as “Golemancer”…

As Rox, we could play her for example as “Beastlord” with an outgrown Frostbite as ridable “Mount” maybe

As Logan we could be for example then some kind of “Paladin” with divine powers of the returned (for him) tyrian gods as some kind of reworked form of “Dervish”

As Caithe we could play her that way for example as “Maverick” with some new plant based unique powers to her

Rytlock would have been better brought back as some kind of unique “Psionic” instead of using him as pseudo reason for the implementation of the the Revenant which hasn’t been explained yet, how it is possible that they exist suddenly in the thousands, after Rytlock being officially “the first one”

But nothing of that has Anet done – the train has left the station, now something good like that won’t happen anymore retoactively and also wouldn’t make sense anymore to be done now, where its too late for all of that to be fixed essentially without creating gaps in the game design that would have to be explained and fixed somehow then.

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

[QoL Suggestion] Favorite Friends List

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


The Frriend List is a total garbage system, that needs a complete overwork since release of the game.

Seriously, I meant it like I’ve written it exactly.

The player has since its there NO real control over his/her personal “rights” anymore, when it comes down to god forbid stupid “followers” and what these people can see in the game about you where and when you are in the game, what these people has not to interest, if I as person DON’T WANT It, that these people should see my location in the game.

if you play this game for the first time and see, how its kittened follower system works – you lose instantly your belief in humanity, how something like that was able to find ever the way into the game.

Once someone follows you, you can’t by hell do absolutely nothing at all as person in this game to make it unhappen.
yes, you can block someone, but that person can still “follow” you and see when you are online, where you are in the game ect. pp
all things, that if i block someone – should for a sane thinking person STOP IMMEDIATELY without any “ifs” or freaking kittening not having to be there at all “buts”

You see there, this is a very very sensible topic to me …
I don’t know why exactly – maybe it has somethign to do with the fact, that GW2 has been the very first game in my life where I ever got my account hacked and I see this kitten follower system as a part of this problem.

its something, as part of the frind list system, that should be under my opinion only there and active for your account, if you as player WANT TO HAVE IT.

If you don’t want to have followers – AT freaking ALL – I as owner of my game account should have the right to decide, WHO follows me and if at all anyone should be able to follow me.

That there is no Remove/Kick function for the player to change directly, who is on the follower list and who not terribly annoys me since 2012, because Anet has done since release of the game NOTHING on these systems, when it would be so simple in fact to add just a bit more quality of life for everyone and more control functions to the system for the player.

Same should be done with the Frind List itself .. Essentially there is absolutely NO NEED at all to have a Follower List, if we have already a “Friend List” and I as owner of my account should have full control over it, who is on that list.
If someone wants to be freinds with me as example, all that needs to happen then is just only that I as receiver of that friendship request should get asked by the game, if I want to accept that request, or not.

More doesn’t have to happen and easier can#t be a Frind List handled with full control over it, who and when somebody should stand on that list and especially what those friends should be able to see all.

Nobody in that list should be able to see generally everything about me, only because that person X stands on the list.
It should be possible for me like with the Guild Member List as Guild Owner to decide as player, which kind of “View Rights” those individual “friends” should have.

There can be friends on my list for example, where I want that these people should always know my location in the game and so on and so forth.
but there can exist also people, where I think, these people can stand on my friend list, yes, but they shouldn#t be able to see, where I am currently in the game, they should be for example only able to see, that I’m online.

Theres is absolutely a need for it, that this system gets finally overworked. And that rework of this system is absolutely not an impossible task to do with such extreme efforts, that it would take potentially ages to get it done -no, its something that ANet could do and implement practically with every single easy peasy patch any time.

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

How Much Would You Pay For A Permanent Sigil?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


Thats what I keep on suggesting basically already since a longer time.

Implementation of Ascended Upgrades as accountbound “Unlocks”

These permanent sigils should cost NOTHING and should be ulocking permanent upgrade effects, because only when these thigns are the creme dela creme of all upgrades as accountbound versions which can’t be traded between playrs, – only then will they be highly valuable rewards for players, only then will they feel like PROGRESSION to the player and only then will the market on the inferior exotic sigils that are one time uses, if not perfectly demontaged from the equipment with a 100% chance removal item, only then will these items not crash on the market in their values and become basically worthless over time so more people get what they want and need unlocked permanently for their account.

Fact is simply. Jeweler 500 needs something that can be used for 500er recipes.
Whats best and easier implemented and done, than upgrade recipes for Upgrades, that should be the speciality of Jewelers.
They are the masters of Upgrades and should be the crafting job, that should be the ones, that are responsible for creating the ultimate Upgrades for our equipment and should get the best out of our exotic stuff and get it higher onto their next level – Ascended/Legendary.

Thats how I do see that and we wait already way too long for Jeweler/Chef 500 to get done and become implemented to the game to complete the Ascended Crafting System.

And i also believe, that ascended/Legendary Upgrades as accountbound unlock system are are neccessarity for a “Build Template System” to ever find the day of light for GW2 .
Gearign up our chararacters on high end level must become simpler, because only if Anet simplifies the system, it will be then easy enough for the build Template System to handle everything, while staying overviewable enough for the player and also easy enough for the player to handle per se the Build Template Sysstem itself.

Only if the Build Template System isn’t too overcomplicated to program and to create will it be an enrichment for the whole game as a massive quality of life improvement and for that to be – are simply accountbound automatic mechanisms the best and most simplest way that can be used to build up the Build Template System around that fact.

I won’t see a Build Template System ever to work in GW2 functionally good, if all the smaller mechanics and systems in it are soulbonded and different for every single character of the accoutn of the player.
Thats just too overcomplicated for a Build Template System to handle, when you have to remember, that we can have like 60+ characters or so per account max if not more …

No, the solution is accountbound ascended/legendary upgrades – the only way that a Build Template System – should it ever come – will work in the future.

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

2017-Hopes and Speculations [Long Post]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


I could write now more here to your comment, but I will keep myself short now and just say, that I absolutely disagree with you.

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

2017-Hopes and Speculations [Long Post]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


Anet should do first some big redesigns on their most meaningful 5 pillars of their totally outdated Combat System that is

1. Health System
2. Condition System
3. Boon System
4. Upgrade System
5. Attribute System

These Core Pillars are in a dire need to get redesigned and adjusted to a game thats about having multiple Elite Specializations per Class in a distant near future.

Anet absolutely threw in the first set of Elite Specializations into a totally unprepared Game Balance State in which the game has outgrown out of its own Basic Systems like a 12 year old child that you as a parent are forcing to use a tiny bicycle that was made originally for a 4 year old kid.

We have here a child, that is outgrown out of its original system and that needs a new better frame system, that is designed around the fact, that more Elite Specializations will get added in the future.
Doing permanently only Skill and Trait Number changes alone won’t solve the Balance Problems of GW2, nor will these make GW2 ever ready to have in the future more Elite Specs per Class.

But redesigning the 5 Core pillars of GW2’s Combat System will do, this will be the neccessary changes to create a strong foundation for GW2 to have in the future more Elite Specs per Class, like 5 per Class (more shouldn’t it be, or it gets unbalanceable and not overviewable anymore and you start into running into idea crossings that Specs will start to become too similar, plus 5 is simply just a very good number for GW2 )

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

(edited by Orpheal.8263)

World Linking 1/6/2017 EU discussion

in WvW

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


this ridiculous stupid linking of worlds as pathetic “pseudo solution” for population problems will only end, if ANet makes finally the neccessary step to redesign WvW into a Faction based Game Concept, because only once Anet makes finally the needed step to get rid of “Servers” as Worlds they let fight against each other, over to an server independent system of 3 Factions which get their players shared among all servers.

Only then will anet completely solve the Ppopulation problem this game has since multiple years now …

The question is only…

Should players decide, to which Faction they want to belong permanently.
Or should players get put by rotation each week into a different Faction by random?

However, the poiunt stands – Anet must get away from their outdated Server System, because as long they stay on this outdated system, they will never solve the Population Problems and continue shifting the real issue around on a scale with their senseless Server linkings only and annoy with this the playerbase only more and more each time.

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

Needed update for Large Achievement Chests

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


The complete achievement reward system needs a redesign

All the Weapon Skins and the armor Skins should get removed from the Achievement Reward List and instead should be replaced (retroactively) with Skin Unlock Items, that let you randomly unlock any weapon/armor skins for your Account, that you haven’t unlocked yet.

This way would be the achievement rewards for these milestones alot more rewarding, especially if you are so lucky to get something unlocked, what would cost you normally eventually alot of gold.

Collecting Ap would become also alot more meaningful, if you would get actually USEFUL rewards out of the chests, that reduce the grind for you, stuff, that helps you in making your game for you multi character friendlier.

The point, is, this even existed for some time after relreasre. there was the time, when achievement reward chests unlocked for you randomly skins, that you didn#t have had unlocked yet to that point and that was the time, where achievement chests felt the very most rewarding!!

This NEEDS to return.

the super ugly weapon skins and the two armor skin sets should get just changed into skins that players should be able to buy with Karma + gold.
This way would receive GW2 some new little Gold & karma sink,s all playrs would profitate from this reward redesign and especialyl could people receive those skins if they really want them faster, without that you need first to grind tens of thousands of AP first just to get slowly step by step the skin parts.

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

(edited by Orpheal.8263)

2017-Hopes and Speculations [Long Post]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


  • Implementation finally of Jeweler and Chef 500 together with neccessary reworks under Upgrade System and removal of obsolete Upgrades
    - Jeweler 500 adds new Ascended Sigils, Ascended Runes and Ascended Gemstones as recipes.
    - Chef 500 adds new Ascended Food Recipes that provide new Effects as also increased longer Durations from already known Effects
    - Chef 500 adds also Fishing as new Gathering Job for some specific new Cooking Materials that you can receive only by Fishing

What would an “Ascended Sigil” be? Not to be naysayer but I do want to avoid the (I suppose inevitable) gear treadmill this might cause. As an aside since ascended jewelry doesn’t have slots wouldn’t Ascended Gemstones and Ascended Runes be competing for the same space in armor?

I’m curious how this would play out.

very simple:

Just Upgrades with the same power as Exotic Upgrades, with the only very important difference, that Ascended Upgrades are unlike the eoxtic versions accountbound Unlock Versions that once you have used them up for your account, then you permanently unlock the Effect of that Upgrade for your account and from that moment on you never need to rebuy this Upgrade anymore in PvE/WvW.

This allows you then to use that Upgrade as many times as you want. You don’t need anymore to rebuy that Upgrade if you change anything on your Build in Pve/WvW and chaange one Upgrade out with an other one.

That is very stupid, if you want/need to change out something and you have super expensive runes or sigils currently in your equipment.
If you currently change somethign on your build, these expensive items are either lost, or you are forced to use something that allows you to remove the upgrade without either losing the upgrade or the equipment item what would lead you into having to rebuy that item.

Ascended upgrades simply should be there to make PvE/WvW same as comfortable in Build Making, as like in PvP, where you can change all your upgrades anytime freely, without that you have to fear losing anything or hae to fear beign forced to rebuy something that the game made you lose due to stupid game design that forces this silly “Gold Sink” on you, when there are much better Gold Sinks there that Anet could use instead. without making the Build Diversity so restricted by loseable upgrades

It would be a huge quality of life improvement for everybody and a simple thing that could be used for jeweler 500 recipes later to improve exotic stuff to ascended upgrades.

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

How would you redesign the thief?

in Thief

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


I’d just first merge the Daredevil into the Thief, that thing is not worth it to be called an Elite Specialization.

  • I’d make Staff and Offhand Sword part of the Core Thief Weapons.
  • Merge old DD Traits with Acrobatics or baseline them into the core gameplay of the Thief where it fits, like giving Thieves baseline 3 Endurance Bars and baseline with F3 Dodge Styles
  • Rebalance and merge all Thief Skills and Traits where neccessary to remove obsolete Skills/Traits to make space for new ones that help giving the class more Build Diversity.

- Physical Supremacy = Baselined into Core Thief
- Brawlers Tenacy = Merged with Signets of Power, renamed to “Signets of Fury”.
On activation of Signets you gain Might and the next used Physicals let you regain Endurance and recharge 20% faster as long the Skill is on recharge.
- Havoc Mastery = Baselined as Bonus to Staff, if you hit more than 1 enemy at the same time with the staff
- Weakening Strikes = Merged with Sundering Strikes, renamed to “Fatiguing Strikes”, Critical Hits on enemies cause Weakness & Vulnerability on 50/50 chance.
- Driven Fortitude = Merged with Feline Grace, Name stays as Feline Grace
- Escapists Absolution = Merged with Guarded Initiation
- Impacting Disruption = Merged with Sleight of Hand
- Staff Master = Merged with Dagger Training, renamed to “Melee Training”
- Endurance Thief = Merged with Endless Stamina
- The Three Grandmaster Traits reworked into F3 Skills you can choose out when out of combat, which Dodge Style you want to use.
you can choose then between the 6 Styles “Dash, Bound, Lotus, Shadow, Warp & Smoke”

Dash = You gain for a brief moment Super Speed and reflect in that time projectiles back to the origin while removing moment impairing Conditions (Cripple, Chill), works also as Stun Breaker when you got your Break Bar broken and got knocked down due to that.
Bound = Deal AoE Damage at your Target location of the Dodge. Your Dodges become Ground Targeted.
Lotus = AoE Conditions (Cripple, Slow & Poison)
Shadow = Gain Stealth on Dodge for 4s & create a Shadow Clone that attacks foes with Distracting Daggers. The Attacks of the Shadow Clonme won’t reveal, the Clone disappears automatically when you get out of Stealth. Killed Shadow Clones will slightly heal you, while you are still in Stealth.
Warp = Shadow Step to the last location you were just 5 seconds ago and take up to 2 enemies with you to that location if they were at that moment in your adjacent near.
Smoke = Throw a Smokebomb to create blinding smoke walls that also can block projectiles for a longer time and can be used as blind fields for AoE Combos

Thats the first step I’d do with the Thief and add then as Elite Specializations the Rogue, Saboteur, Infiltrator, Assassin & Gambler

Rogue = Longbow > Focus on Boon Support, Range Combat, Trap Control, Debuffing
Saboteur = Torches > Focus on Burning/Confusion, Manipulations, Boon Corruption, AoE Damage
Infiltrator = Whip > Focus on Stealth, Mobility, Movement Control, Midrange Combat
Assassin = Claws > Martial Arts, Venoms, Shadow Walks, Counterattacks & Combos
Gambler = Focus > Shadow Spells, Luck & Tarot Cards, Critical Effects, Dices with Random Effects

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

more customization!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


what you request here is simply said better done by completely redesigning the whole Character Creation System from scratch together with giving all players out 1 forced free complete change of looks per each character, so that players have to go through with their characters through the new character creation system so that all new parameters are defined for them then.

It would be good if anet would take also some inspirations from Character Creators of other partwise also already existing games, because there exist already alot of far more powerful and detail rich character creators, than what GW2 offers, that is still using its 2012er version of the character creator, because Anet did make in all the tiem that the game is out now, absolutely zero efforts to improve the general character creator.

All they did by now is only adding new hairstyles, eye colors and hair colors,. but everything else they totally ignored as if they don’t care at all about the characxter creator and do just only the very least needed, to milk the cash cow that is the creator for them with as least effort as possible as effectively as possible.

That the creator could be alot more effective with new options for the gemstore, if they would rework that feature from scratch – that gets ignored as well or was simply at no time ever any of their priorities… who knows

However, the fact that there exist games- older than GW2 – with better character creators than GW2 is simply a fact, which speaks for itself by now …

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

2017-Hopes and Speculations [Long Post]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


What I’d love to see getting done finally in 2017:

  • Finally the reintrocution of Season 1 Content in a gapless way, all stuff that was years ago not instanced content, like the Marionette Battle should get reimplemented as new queue based “Mass People Fractals” that generates instanced WvW like Maps where people can replay the old Season 1 content in instanced Fractals
  • Implementation finally of Jeweler and Chef 500 together with neccessary reworks under Upgrade System and removal of obsolete Upgrades
    - Jeweler 500 adds new Ascended Sigils, Ascended Runes and Ascended Gemstones as recipes.
    - Chef 500 adds new Ascended Food Recipes that provide new Effects as also increased longer Durations from already known Effects
    - Chef 500 adds also Fishing as new Gathering Job for some specific new Cooking Materials that you can receive only by Fishing
  • Implementation finally of Polymock as new Minigame
  • Implementation finally of Bar Brawls as reimplemented complete Minigame with Achievements like originally planned…
  • Implementation finally of at least Direct X11 Support … 5 + years should really be enough time to bring this, either short before or after the next Expansion.
  • Complete Rework of the Condition and Boon System with the Goal to reduce both sides down to maximum 8, Condept Ideas for this are findable here in the forum.
    - Based on the above Change a complete Rebalance of the Class Mechanics, Upgrades, Skills, Traits and Elite Specializations
    - Complete Rework/Merge of the first Set of Elite Specializations into the Core Classes, so that the second Expansion then will add then 2 Specs per Class as compensation, because the whole first set was nothing else mostly than more powerful Core Classes 2.0 just with different weapons and new Utilities.
  • Defeat of Jormag & Primordus, one as part of the Expansion, the other via the End of Living Story Season 3
    - Complete Redesign of the Claw of Jormag battle with own new Achievements, like done with the other Dragon Champions
    - Implementation of a new Fire Dragon Champion in the Map Fireheart Rise, so that this Map finally gets to see some more action for a nearly high end lvl map as part of the Living Story to change also a bit the design of the map due to earthquakes, eruptions, volcano outbreaks ect.
    - New explorable Maps as part of the Expansion naturally, but hopefully this time more than just only 4… it should be at least 6 New Maps
    - Among this a new Raid Area thats based after the Expansion Territory
  • Implementation of new Stronghold PvP Map(s)
    - as also improvements to the Stronghold PvP format to make it more different from normal PvP
  • Implementation of a nnew third different Borderland Map
    - Complete Redesign of the WvW Format to a Faction Format to solve finally the population problem of this game by a format, that gets rid from the stupid dependence of “Servers”, going over to a Faction System, where its regardless on which Server you play
    - Complete Rework of the WvW Traits
    - Introduction of Class specific WvW traits, to strengthen the strategetic Roles of Classes in that Game Format massively

If these points could be done in 2017, then I’d be super happy, because GW2 would get back then finally more on its right track again.
Also also time now, that finally some way too long overdue things get done.

Seriously how long does ANet want us to wait on certain things like Chef/Jewler 500 for example? Its so ridiculous by now to see, that the game is by now such a hug inconsistent mess after 4 years of cheesehole designing on it.

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

It's time for race changes in the gem store

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


Delete, your character make a new one with the race you want.

There you have your race change

Post Character Creation Race Change will and should never get implemented.
Simple because every player has more than enough time to think about what race they want to play when they create a character…

You must not play a charcter first through the whole game, to then have suddenly years later the change of mind, that you always wanted to play that character as an other race…

thats total nonsense and everybody knows that.
Because nobody plays for years a race, that they don’t like, just to then want to change it suddenly into an other race.
People want to change races in this game, because of fashion reasons and clipping errors.

ANet releases a new armor set, that looks on race X felt 10000 times better, than on race Y, which sadly naturally must be whyever the race, that you have decided to play with your character – dang, I want to change my race now ….

Anet releases a new Armor Set that you want to use, on Race A,B, C and D it looks perfectkly fine, but whyever on your chosen race E, the armor clips, due to your race having a tail, or or body specifics that lead to the clipping …. – dang, I want to change my race now …

THIS, this are the true reasons why people are begging like kids for years for a Race Change Option.

I see it similar, if Anet should ever add a race change option, then using it should come together with a heavy consequence, because you as player pretty much want to kill off your character just out of visual reasons…

Because I don’t believe, that someone will ever say years after creation of the character, that they ewant to change races, because they don’t like suddenly anymore their racial skills or their personal story they have done long time ago.. no it has always to do with something visual, because only the visuals of races are something, that stand under constant change due to Anet addign new costumes/armors to the game over time or because a specific E-Spec looks under a certain race “cooler” in their opinion.
It has always to do with visual reasons somehow.

These heavy consequences should be:

  • Race Change maximum only 1 time per Account possible
  • Costs 2000 Gems
  • Resets Character Progress completely to Level 1 as like fresh created and teleports it to Tutorial Start, means you have to replay with it everything again.
  • Forces Character Rename and thus makes your old Equipment not useable again

With these consequences will people overthink it twice, if they really want to do a Race Change, just only for some visual reasons because changing a race isn’t just only changing a visual body model, its much more effort for Anet and thus should mean also consequences for the player, if they ever decide to make Race Changes possible.

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

Players need to learn what "DPS" means

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


Have peopel nowadays really not something better to discuss, than what kind of “terms” people use in their language when they talk about something specific?


Games like this aren’t even at all to be taken serious in regard of this, because every game like this develops partwise over time its own mixed form of some kind of ingame related “Meta Speech” that is absolutely normal, because people are lazy as **** and try permanently to shorten down long terms to as few letters as possible, hence this DPS (Damage per Second), WvW, PvP, PvE and so on and so forth

In someones view it might be possible misused in a common sense of logical english grammar to say to someone else that he should “DPS a boss”…
For someone, whos absolutely into that kind of ingame related “Game Meta Speech” this means simply directly, that this person should stop doing any actions, that do not add a contribution to the teams effort of increasing the total damage per second value that you could dish out together maximum to kill the enemy as fast as possible.

This thread is pure nitpickery over uninportant things, just because someone doesn’t understand here how speech in all areas of our life constantly evolutionizes and changes itself cause of the nature of the human wanting to have everything easy to understand and short, thus we will see always and everywhere abreviations of longer words to make them easier to use in our daily life – and from that are Games like GW2 no exception.

That certain terms can have even multiple meanings, shouldn’t be for English now really a surprise, or?
This is even one of the very first lections everyone learns when you learn English, that this language has alot of words, that have multiple different meanings (synonyms) based on the situation, the time, what you did before and so on and so on and so on….
So shouldn’t native English speakers be kind of openminded for that, due to being absulutely used to this by their very own language, that abreviations are also a great part of their language, especially due to it being the world language number 1?

But is all of this a reason to get worked up over something like this?
I think not.
Or did you have something from it to make a thread over somebody, who used under your opinion the term “DPS” wrong OP?
Will this thread now suddenly change the way of how people communicate in GW2?

Will this thread now suddenly change what kind of terms people use for specific meanings, when there exists already basically from begin on, older than GW2 even, a kind of RPG related Meta Speech that defines what kind of words stand for in RPGs, like the mentioned DP`S, esprecially when it works perfectly fine and people instantly know what is meant by it from just reading/hearing it?

As long people don’t overexaggerate it with abreviations, then is everything absolutely ok

Because only once it starts to become so confusing that nobody understandy anyone anymore, because everyone uses for every single thing abreviations to such an extreme, that sentences totally lose their context if you don’t know exactly for what every single abreviation stands for, then I would understand such a thread to be neccessary to wake up people, that communicating in such a way isn’t good.

But to make extra a thread over one single word “DPS” now ..
Don’t you think this wasn’t absolutely unneccessary OP?

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

Thief elite spec idea: Sharpshooter

in Thief

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


sigh another ridiculous try of bringing up into this game stupid “Snipers”

Give it up, this game will and should never get sniper, its way too overpowered and unbalanceable.
Such a kind of E-Spec would totally ruin the whole game for everyone.

if you want to play sniper so much, go play other games like Call of Duty, Counterstrike and all that similar shooter garbage that makes people just braindead.

Such gameplay simply has no place in a game like GW2. its super boring.

people forget, that if somethign like this would ever exist, that they don’t play it alone, but douzens of other players are out there too playing it and when played as a group, this spec would be totally ridiculous.

Nobody would be able to run anywhere in this game anymore, without havign to fee, that you get suddenly lockeddown one hit shotted by a group of snipers from like 1500+ range, without you have at all a chance to react and before you know ,what happened, thast group will reposition itself under perma stealth somewhere else to one hit shot their victims from their safe zones.

No, just no, before something game destroying like that should ever find its way into the game, will pigs learn to fly first !!

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

Would Largos ever be a playable race?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


Largos need a redesign, before they are possible for being a playable race.
They current design has been made under the thought, that they aren’t a playable race, thus the reason why you see that race currently in the whole game just like only maximum 3 or 4 times or so, wherefrom 1 is just a single main story NPC and the others are just some enemies in a few maps.

Anet completely redesigned the looks for Sylvari before release of the game, so I see no reason, why Anet can’t/shouldn’t also completely redesign the looks and so on for the Expansion that could add them as playable race together with the story, that lets us fight against the deep sea dragon, which is the reason why the Largos had to flee from their home territory in the first place, like other races (Quaggan, Krait, Naga ect.)

Replacing that 1 main story npcs and the few enemies is surely no huge workload to do.

Theres also some kind of unofficial Largos project from fans that i have seen somewhere, which i find good and interesting. Don#t know what has been come out of that so far, never heard again somethign about that for a long while by now

Ah, found it again ,the Youtube Channel Look it:

Shows you, how much effort there is to create a race from paper to something, that actually works in the game later

Howeve,r that channel shows just the current design of the largos. If they should become playable, i think its neccessary to completely redesign their “Wings Part”
They are way too stiff and unnatural in the game. If they would stay like this animated, a Largos would break everytime their wings when they perform a Dodge Roll lol

If that race should keep their wings as some kind of racial unique part of their design, then the wign design must become alot more fluid and the wings need to receive a completely compatible different animation for the whole combat related movement setting, for gliding ect. pp so that their wings are in the way. Also for swimming/diving they would need complete new animations, so that they look natural there and not so stiff like glued onto their backs.

Aside from all the technical stuff, the Largos Race needs lore. We nearly know absolutely nothing about them yet. That would be something that the Expansion would have to change.

It makes sense for the character creation to come up with like 4 different “Houses”
I myself made a real long time ago once a thread, where I wrote a concept for their lore based on 4 Houses.. hmm ,if i can find that old thread again xD
But sadly I can’t find it anymore and haven’t saved it up somewhere for quick reference

But I think if their get redesign, then their look should be also more amphibic, so that it explains itself by their design, that they can live on land and in water.
The current design has nothign of that, they look too humanoid for me with just those stiff attached manta wings

I’d love it if they would look more like this:

Thats definetely a far better design for some kind of underwater amphibic race that could use a kind of modified Charr Body Model perhaps and turn their “wings” just into a racial locked glider design.

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

why i 100m-net downloard only100kb

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


You will always download only so fast, as much the Servers are allowed to give you speedwise.

If you have a 100MB/Connection max, and the Server is allowed for example to give you only maximum 5 MB/S, then you will never ever download data from the Servers faster than 5 MB/S. Thats there just to protect the Servers from getting too fast hypertensive, so that as many people as possible can load the data from them at any given time.

If you crawl around then there with even much lesser speed than what the Servers allow, then this is a problem of your Internet Connection and not one of the Servers.

If you use Cable DSL from a Cable Provider, then your Internet becomes automatically slower, so more people around you use the same Cable Provider in the house and are together with you in the Internet, because then your connection gets divided up among everyone that uses the same Cable provider, like a Piece of Cake


100 MB Connection per Contract
But you have together with you like 9 other neighbours in the house, which have the same provider like you, using the same technique, due to some kind of house contract of that Cable Provider for that house.
All 10 are at the same time in the internet = Your maximum Speed gets reduced from 100 MB/S down to maximum 10 MB/S due to Cable Providers using coaxial transmission lines, which split up among all users the connection speed they can use maximum.

Then theres also the problem of distance between your position and the point from where the DSl signal is sent of.
Is that distance maybe way too big, then the signal will definetely lose power and might be weaker once it reaches you, which means that you have slower DSL Connections.
On your Contract on paper maybe will stand, that you can have maximum up to 100MB/S, but that must not be technically guaranteed alwaays, when the distances between you and the telephone switch are simply way too big.
if thats the case it can be, that eventually maximum only 50MB reach you, due to the distance beign too big. If thats the case for you, then I would talk with my provider and see that the contract gets lowered to a rate, which fits more to the maximum DSL speed that you really receive, so that you don’t pay for something, what you actually eventually don’t receive at all out of technical reasons.
Simple said, don’t trust always everything what stands on a paper in the internet branche, test things out before you make contracts.

If thats the case, that you eventually get maximum only like 50 Mb technically from your 100 MB contract, then on those 50 MB you can use again the cake principle, that the speed splits up so more people in your hosue use the same provider.

Aside from these kinds of technically limitations, if you have basically always and everywhere just only slow as snail 100kb/s in regard of downloads, from your fibreglass line, regardless if now 50 or 100 MB/s max per contract, then you definetely have a technical issue with your line and should contact the technical support line of your internet provider so that they can help you get again a faster connection, because in that case the problem lies then somewhere else on the side of the provider.


Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

An Idea To Revamp Dungeons

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


@ Leon ..

It simply can’t be more ressources, than ANet needs to work on a new Fractal or on a new Raid especially. so could we please stop coming up for once with pointless excuses?


Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

Claw of Boremag

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


A redesign of that boss is long overdue.. Same as long as overdue as it was that Anet redesigned first Tequatl and then long time after that finally also as well the Shatterer.

Now its time that Claw of Jormag gets finayl the redesign that this boss battle deserve, same with its own unique set of rewards and achievements like Tequatl and the Shatterer have received them.

All world bosses should receive that treatment.
Each World Boss should provide its very own unique set of rewards and achievements.

And alot of world bosses that the game has aren’t worth it to be called World Bosses and just should degraded down to “Legendary Bosses”.

the Fire Elemental for example is for me no enemy that deserves it to be a World Boss, for me thats just only an enemy worth calling a Legendary Boss.

The Mega Destroyer on theo ther hand again is something, that deserves a complete redesign similar to the treatment that the dragon champions got.
its a boss that should have own achievements and rewards and a redesigned combat format, because thats an enemy of a size and format, that deserves it to be called a World Boss for me.

But personally I guess Anet is waiting with the redesign of Claw of Jormag for either the next expansion/ the moment, we go defeat Jormag, so that the Claw of Jormag becomes stronger the moment we defeat Jormag the same way, how Tequatl became stronger after Zhaitan’s defeat.

But as much as i would like to see a Claw of Jormag redesign to be done as fast as possible, as same as much would I like it also to see that Anet implements a new dragon champion boss battle in the map Fireheart Rise, so that this map finally gets a bit more attention by receiving a Fire Dragon Champion of Primordus with a living story episode completely overworking this map with eruptions and earthquakes and competely new deytroyer minions rising up together with that new dragon champion.

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

An Idea To Revamp Dungeons

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


Is there a new dungeon developer team now? If not, I wouldn’t expect anything happening to dungeons anytime soon.

Such nonsense.

This game doesn’t need a special Dungeon Team.
ANet has already what it needs – the problem is, Anet makes wrong usage of the people they have by not group the Teams together that belong together to take over also the task of working on Dungeon Content.

Theres no god stupid reason why they need to have a specific Raid Team and a specific Fractals Team, when it would be logically the best thing they could do for this game to merge both Teams together and let the merged Team work on all 3 content areas of the game together as 1 single big “End Content Team” which works on new Fractals, new Raids and new Dungeons together.

The Vanilla Game Dungeons should get all completely redesigned 1 after another.
Not all at once, that would be way too much work directly, but if they do it slowly over time, one after another – they they did it with Raids where they worked on them slowly step by step , instead of imp,ementing the whole thing in one go – then I see absolutely no reason, why a merged big End Content Team thats responsible then for all 3 things should be successful and working on these things together.

Yes, that will mean that new content on Fractals/Raids most likely will get slowed down a bit, but thats a freaking SMALL PRICE for it, that everyone here should just accept for it, therefore that finally the WHOLE GAME can progress again on all of its parts, because certain things don’t get permanent ignorance anymore … and that can be only the best for GW2 on the long run.

And after the old Dungeons have been redesigned one by one step by step, then its time to finally add via Expansions a set of like 8 new Dungeons and you know why ?
Simple because it would be a good reason to buy that expansion, if new Dungeons would be part of it.

And new dungeons would be also an easy way to revitalize some older maps.
Personally I’ve love to see returning also some of the old GW1 Dungeons that were added with Eye of the North, because they would add great nostalgia to this Game.

In general should become Dungeons in GW2 again more like how Dungeons were in GW1.
Multiple Floored Instances of various sizes in whioch you can freely explore them and not like here in GW2 several “pathes” that you just follow, while defeating several bosses on the way.

Basically all of them could more or less return, there’s no lore or anythign that could be reason why none of them shouldn’t still exist 250 years later in Tyria.

Dungeons per se are also content, that should get UPGRADED, theres much more potential behind them as game content, than what anet so far has delivered.

Dungeons need more different “Types”.
What GW2 already has are “Small Group Dungeons”

What Dungeons need more and where ANet can expand them into is classical “Solo Dungeons” in “Zelda Style” and “Dungeon Crawlers”, special limitless dungeons that you can enter either solo or as a party of multiple players, which are everytime you enter them – different – and which scale with you and your progress in them and become slowly more challenging, so deeper you explore them, but become also slowly more rewarding, so further you progress in them.

Dungeons as like also Fractals as Game Element have both still alot of unused potential.
it just needs ONE BIG Team, that just works on all of that possible content.
GW2 doesn’t need specific “teams” for every single tiny thing and Dungeons are the best example for Game content, where a merged team can take over the task of working on content, because Dungeons, Fractals, Raids – all of this game content are very SIMILAR and they all share 1 common design aspect – they all are End Content and as thus, it makes simply no sense to split up the man power that you have as a developer into way too many different teams, when its much better to let the man power that you have work together as 1 team, even if this means that some projects maybe eventually can’t get worked on anymore as fast as before.

But its always better that a deverlop works on everything slowly, than to work only on some specific things faster, while ignoring one thing forever, because you are as a developer under the false belief, that you need to have a “specific” team for that first , before you can work on some new content for the game…. when you already basically have everything what it needs to get the job done.
And what is needed for that?
Just a centered team, that works on all 3 parts of the game together. Done
The rest will do just time and patience.

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

Condition & Boon Condensing Recommendation

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


I really don’t like Petrification, it’s like getting killed for being unlucky if you’re hit critically. Total immobility is enough. I do like the cripple/torment merge. Question: how does Fatigue affect players?

I do support the general proposal that Break Bars need to become an integrated part of the games combat system.

I removed in my tweaked version here also Knockdown for a reason, because Knockdown should become the state a character should get into, when an enemy breaks their Break Bar through enough Crowd Control Effects, before the affected Character gets then into a period of becoming immune to further Ckittenil their break bar has recovered.

Think of the Break Bar as a Value of 100 Points displayed as a Bar.
Every CC that hits you will cost that Bar a specific amount of Ponts from that value.

The effect of Fatigue is very simple examplained and peopel which played already Guild Wars 1 to know the condition Deep Wound from it, will instantly know how that condition will work on the Break Bar.
But for those that don’t have played ever GW1 yet.
here the easy explanation.

Break Bar of you without Fatigue = 100%
Break Bar of you with Fatigue = Only 80% of the Bar, thus it becomes easier for enemies to deplete it to 0 to break it and get you knocked down, while you are fatigued, which is a new kind of Hard CC that indirectly working like a Soft CC to make it other CC’s easier to do their job successfully.

Break Efficiency

Full Bar = 100%/100 Points

Each kind of either Soft or Hard CC would get have different effective results on reducing the Break Bar.
Stability = Nullifies Effects on the Break Bar per Stack
Resistance = Increases Break Bar Regen by +5/Second per Stack
Cripple = -2 Points Degen/Second
Chill = -2 Point/Second
Blindness = -1 Point/Second
Weakness= Increases Direct Reductions from Hard CC’s by additional -2 Points
Fear = -4 Points/Second
Pulls/Launches = Direct Reduction of -10
Petrification = -8 Points/Second
Stun = -5 Points on every Auto Interupt
Daze = Direct Reduction of -10
Fatigue = Reduces Break Bar from 100 to 80 Points (-20% Max)

SO brief said, under Fatigue, a victim would need to get instead of 10x dazed, only 8x dazed to break the bar to knockdown your enemy.

Knockdown State = Gives Enemy the Chance to Stomp the Player, if the knocked downed Player doesn’t have a Stun Break at that moment ready to stand up again directly.

This way the player has to be cautious about their Break Bar, if you don’t want to give your Enemy an opportunity to easily kill you in a moment of your defenseless weakness, while having Stun Breakers with you will become also more impactful to give your enemy not that chance to defeat you in a defenseless moment when they successfulyl could knock you down after breaking your Break Bar.

Just a simple concept of how it could get to work. But in my opinion a system liek that would make battles in GW2 alot more interesting and fun, when you can get to defeat your enemies also, without needing to punch them first to a pump and brign them to Downed State, just to stomp them, when you could do that also by knocking them down, after breaking their defense by depleting the Break Bar of the Enemy to 0 with CC’s – soft ones as like hard ones.

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

Condition & Boon Condensing Recommendation

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


My tweaked Version:

Damaging Conditions

  • Burning – deals high damage per second, extremely short duration, spreads effect to foes adjacent to target
  • Poison – deals low damage per second, long duration, reduces Healing Efficiency by 33%

Punishment Conditions

  • Cripple – Reduces Movement Speed by 33% and deals Damage over time while moving.
  • Confusion – Removes Friendly Fire from AoE and deals Damage when using Skills (AA not included)

Debuff Conditions

  • Blindness – Chance to miss targets and Target can’t deal Critical Hits
  • Weakness – Attributes get reduced by 10% and Boons last 33% less long

Control Conditions

  • Chilled – 50% Attack Speed/Endurance Regen Reduction
  • Fear – Forced Movement and slowed Skill Recharges

Removed Conditions

  • Bleeding (Total obsolete Condition)
  • Immobilization (Total obsolete Condition, therefore exist CC!! Stuns)
  • Slow (merged into Chill, Cripple is enough as Movement Speed Reducer)
  • Taunt (Fear is enough)
  • Vulnerability (halfwise merged into Weakness with a better debuffing effect)
  • Torment (merged into Cripple)

14 Conditions reduced down to 8.


  • Might – Increases outgoing Damage and Condition Durations by 1% per Stack
  • Protection – Reduces all incoming Damage by 33%, includes Condition Damage
  • Regeneration – Regain per Stack per Second 1% of your Max Health and gain more Endurance Regeneration per Stack (1%/Stack)
  • Stability – Increases Heal Efficiency by 33%. CC Effects aren’t working on you per Stack
  • Fury – Attributes except Power get increased by 10% and other Boons except Fury last 33% longer
  • Swiftness – Move 33% faster, Skills Recharge per Stack 1% faster
  • Resistance – Incoming Conditions last 50% less long and your Break Bar revovers per Stack 5% faster
  • Alacrity – Attack 33% faster, Speeds up the Ticker of your Effects (Your Poison you deal tick not per second, but per 3/4s instead, so your Poisons tick faster under Alacrity, or your Regeneration ticks faster regained Health for you under Alacrity)

Removed Boons

  • Vigor – merged into Regeneration
  • Retaliation – No place for garbage like that in GW2, if seriously needed, rework it into a Rune Effect/Sigil or Traits for specific Classes.
  • Quickness – merged into Alacrity, reworked Alacrity, Chrono has no standalone Boon anymore

Done, 8 Conditions, 8 Boons.


  • Petrification – Immobilizes you, No movement possible, 99% Damage/Critical Reduction from incoming hits, but if you get hit critical = Crushed > Instant Dead
  • Stun – Chance for Automatic Activity Interruption, disables Dodges temporarely
  • Daze – Break Bar Regen Reduction
  • Fatigue – 20% Max Break Bar Reduction (makes it easier to break the Bar, works basically like GW1’s Deep Wound, but not on Health, but the Break Bar of the Player)
  • Launch – Move Enemy away from you
  • Pull – Move Enemy towards you

Removed CC

  • Knockdown (just obsolete)
Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

Suggestion : Condi, Boon, and CC new system

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


The game needs a more compact system that goes for the goal of making the Game actually easier to balance, reducing effect clutter, moving unneccessary effects that are currently designed as obsolete Boons or Conditions over into either Skill or Trait Effects for just specific Classes, where they are better balanced, than to have these effects for all Classes accessible through said Boons/Conditions.

Increasing the amount of Boons/Conditions will help absolutely not all, it will make everything just only worser and worser over time.

Poison, Is it needed? Yes, because it can impactfully influence the outcome of a battle, because of its effect to decrease Heal Efficiency

Bleeding, Is it needed? No, because its nothing else but just a Health Degeneration and for that can work also a nerfed Burning that receives as Counter Buff therefore the new effect of spreading over to nearby targets to make it as a Condition more interesting and interactive, to bring peopel to think about, how they should positionate themself in a battle.

Every single Boon, Condition and CC Effect of this game must have to be requestionable, if it is absolutely needed for this game to exist and if there is for any Condition, Boon or CC the answer to that question a strong no, because you instantly can come up with alternatives for how its effect could work in the game, without that it is a Boon, a Condition or a CC, then it is something, that should get removed out of the game, merged or redesigned to just reduce the effect clutter in this game for a greater good and easier balancable game & classes.

Take a look at Retaliation. Must such garbage seriously be in this game as a Boon?
HELL NO. An effetc like this could easily be redesigned into various different working similar mechanics, without that the result needs to be for that a Boon.
The Effect of reflecting back incoming damage can easily be redesigned into either a Skill Effect, a Trait Effect, into a Rune Effect, or a Sigil Effect, it doesn’t need to be a Boon.

Same goes for Vigor, an totally obsolete Boon. It woudl be much better for the Game if the Effect of increasing Enduranre Regeneration would become part of general Class Balance through an Attribute that players need to increase, to slowly increase your Character#s Endurance Regeneration on an individual level, instead of doing this with a Boon, which instantly can pump up for everyone Endurance Regeneration directly by +100%. Thats NOT balanced!!
Balanced wold it be, if you have to put Points into your Attribute “Agility” to increase with this Dual Effect Attribute your Endurance Regeneration and Chance to receive Critical Hits from enemies as a counter high precision builds from enemies.
That would be freaking LOGICAL.

After reworking Boons, Conditions and CC, reworking the Attribute System would be the next needed step to refresh this game’s outdated combat system and to make out of it a good foundation, that can work as a good basic for new added Elite Specializations in the future, instead of adding Specs into an totally unprepared Game, thats still using old gameplay mechanics of 2012 that were never designed for all of this.

The Combat System of GW2 needs new fresh air, a new painting, its varnish to be renewed. If Anet is able to seriously get this done well, then the whole game will just profitate from this on a long run.
Sure, it means alot more work, than doing just only always permanently tiny number changes on skills and traits here and there, but these kind of reworks are just sometimes very necessary.

Same as much as you need to repaint and renew you home’s walls every few years with a new wallpaper, the same way we need to get renewed every few years the combat systems of a game, so that all of its elements are on a same level and harmonize again with each other like a ticking working clock.

But if you constantly change always only Skill Numbers and Trait Effects, then you have no Combat System harmony, you will end up some day only with a Combat System Chaos… especially when you add new elements to the mix like new Elite Specs and a different balancing to only Conditions, while totally ignoring Boons to get adjusted as well.

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

Anet a possible idea to fix condition meta

in WvW

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


If this game should get ever again somewhere near to a balanced state they need to do alot more, than their typical Skill/Trait Number changes and just some number changes on Ciditions….

They need to:

1) Redesign the Base Health System and adjust it finally to the Game. The game still uses the absolute outdated Base Health System of 2012, which uses a ridiculous 3 Class type System to split the Base Healths up into just 3 unfitting Stereo Type Models that were designed around a game State, where tons of Skill/Trait System Changes didn’t exist, where no Elite Specs were intended to exist and where no Condition System Change was to be considered to be part of at all …
The lowest Base Health that any class in GW2 should have needs to be finally increased from 11k up to 15k as better new Low Standard to balance that system for the 2016 Game State of GW2

2) Redesign the whole Condition and Boon System. The Game has way too much Conditions and Boons. 11 Boons, 14 Conditions.
Should get reduced to like maximum 8 Boons and 8 Conditions.

The only Boons that are realy needed and should exist are:

  • Might
  • Protection
  • Regeneration
  • Stability
  • Fury
  • Swiftness
  • Resistance
  • Quickness

Everything else that got not listed up, should get redesigned/baselined into other mechanics into the game somehow or merged into the remaining 8 Boons where possible

Same with Conditions, only these 8 Conditions should remain to exist.

  • Poison (merged Weakness into it, damages therefore not anymore)
  • Burning (spreads now over like GW1 Disease)
  • Vulnerability (New Stack Limit of 15 now)
  • Confusion (nerfed back to its previous efficiency, but removes now Friendly Fire, letting targets AoEs damage now also their allies partwise)
  • Cripple (merged Torment into it)
  • Blind (reduced Hit reduction, merged Immobilization, because when you get blinded, you get shocked and stop moving for some seconds, because you suddenly see nothign anymore and lose your orientation where you are, isn’t automatically removed anymore by just swinging the weapon around and hitting something)
  • Fear
  • Slow (Merged Chill into it)

Due to more conditions existing, than Boons, its clear, that some merges here are neccessary, where effect can’t be integrated into other game mechanics.
Reducing the total amount of boons and Conditions to 8 per side would massively help in Balancing the whole game and its Combat System.

This reduction will also help alot the Game performance to become better = lesser lags, cause the game has now to calculate alot lesser things every second.

These 2 steps would be already a huge step into the right direction for now

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

(edited by Orpheal.8263)

Thief's neat tricks please

in Thief

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


just with the exception, that the mentionerd tactics here is only possible to do, if you own HoT and thus have access to Daredevil.

If you don’t own HoT, then you can’t do what has been described there

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

My Life is Better, Thanks to YOU!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


I suffer from chronic pain, and I agree distraction is a fantastic thing. Glad you’re getting some relief, even if it’s not actually relief. Believe me I get it.

Just wanted to say that what I’ve bolded as well. It surely not has anything to do with us per se.
It just comes only from the distraction and fun you have with the game, because while you play the game, you stop thinking about the pain and when you stop completely about thinking the pain (its some kind of phenomenon), then the pain will be lesser for somebody, to even the point, that you can completely ignore it, because you are in that moment so fixated on the game with that you have fun, that you could completely forget everything around you as long you are focused so much on the game.

Thats the reason, why people can even forget completely to eat and drink something, while they play.
But you need to be cautious.. this can quickly become some kind of Online ADDICTION to the point, that you play more and more and forget everything around yourself, because of the game becoming more and more your “pain free time”.
Don’t see this please as a hyberbole, it is just a good meant advise.

Thats something that always has to be taken serious. because those “pain killers” are nothing but drugs that surpress the pain for you.
Drugs from which you can become addicted to, same as much as like people can become addicted from playing games…especially when they are used as replacement for something else that has been used earlier to get a certain “effect” out of them.

Sure is, the game will be definetely healthier for you and your body, but take it just as a little warning – never underestimate the influence from Online Games.
They maybe make not physically addicted, but definetely mentally if you use them as some kind of permanent medicine replacement, once you maybe start to believe, that you “need to play” to feel no pains anymore.

Thats the moment where you should stop and should reduce playing, because a game will never replace real medicine. The distraction and the joy that comes from playing the game, is just a positive side effect from the sense of pleasure that you feel while playing, which helps in surpressing the pains.

Its nice to see when games can help people get somehow better through their lives, but to glorify them as kind of “live savers” wouldn’t be right now, because with them you can jump quicker from the frying pan into the fire, than you like, without even noticing it eventually.

Because people just don’t realize it in most cases by themself when they are addicted to something, they see their behavior always on as “being normal”, unless somebody else points them on their abnormal behaviour to bring them to realize it, which is why many people need for this therapies.

Pain can drive people quickly into depressions, what makes people also easier receptive for all kinds of addictions to get relief somehow from the pain – be it drugs, alcohol, games and other types of good distractions that can completely fascinate them to the point, that that start to forget other things so that they have more time for what fascinates them at the moment.

Why do I write all this, some may ask now?
Simple – to eventually prevent others to go through, what I have gone through.
I was addicted to GW2, due to depressions (which is just a mental pain) – played the game nearly daily for quite a long time, forgot to eat and to drink, because the game just distracted me so much from my depression, that I can say today luckily only that I have oversaturated myself last years wintersday with it to realize my problem self when I grinded for Winters Presence – that my behaviour has become totally abnormal – since then I’m inactive in the game and starting the game just gives me a feeling of disgust now, despite a small part in me still wanting to play it.

For me it was just the right decision to make a break from the game at that time, or I don’t know, where I would be now.

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

Trading post revolutionary™ idea

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


The whole UI of the Trading post is in a heavy need of a redesign, especially does the Trading Post need much better Filters.

It needs to become also more overviewable with more Categories

More than only Weapons, Armor, Skins, Materials, upgrades ect.

These Categories need Sub Categories which should filter out for you already your Search Results.

Weapon > Weapon Types
Armor > Armor Types > Armor Parts
Accessoires > Accessoires Types
Skins > Skin Types
Upgrades > Upgrade Types
Materials > Crafting Job Relevancy
Consumeables > Various Stuff (Loot, Buff Items ect)
Unlockables > Various Stuff (Instance Items, Finishers, Mist Heroes ect.)

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

Hopes n Dreams about Expac 2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


@ electricwater:

I have no clue, why you picked now a part of my post for a quote, but I haven’t said any word about it, that the fight against the Deep Sea Dragon should be an instance like against Zhaitan.
But personally I also hope, that itsn ot again such a silly splitted mess like in HoT with partwise instance and partwise Mass Event that you can do only every 2 hours.

Best thing would be, if its next time a “Mass Instance”, because the woudl be the best option that takes the good elements out of both options

1) You are not only like 5 people or alone, but the instance could be made for a balanced number of say maximum 100-250 People (WvW is practically nothign different, the maps are mass instances)

2) And you can do them whenever you want, you don’t have to wait first god darn 2 hours first, before you can fight agaisnt the dragon, you start them and you land just in a queue that collects first enough people to create a new mass instance and adds people to created mass instances for up to 2 minutes after, before it starts to collect again people for a next new mass instance, which is an instances, which scales then up or down regarding how many people are in that instance together.

What Id like to see the Deep Sea Dragon battle to have would be also multiple “Phases” that require different tactics to fight against the dragon to be able to deal serious damage agaisnt him, like this

Phase 1 = Underwater Combat – Weakening Phase by doing everything there to reduce the Mobility of the Dragon, pinpointing it with multiple huge harpoon cannons, so that the wings and the tail can be damaged, until they are cut off

Phase 2 = Underwater Combat – Enraged/Defense Phase, Lots of Minnions come to help after the Dragon gets enraged from getting cut off his extremities, destroying all the harpoon cannons with a huge tidal wave from his enraged movements under water. Here is the sense just to do everything to survive and defeat the multiple waves of minions, until the rage of the dragon stops and no minions waves come anymore, before you can start the final counterattack and the finale

Phase 3: Underwater/On Water Counterattack Phase
After the rage of the dragon has ended and all Minion Waves have been defeated, its time for the final counter attack to weaken the health of the dragon so much, until we break the will/defense of the dragon, by doing an all out attack with ships/sub marines/air ships bombarding the dragons from all sides, while players in the water have to stop the dragon from performing his breath attack, because the mission will fail, if he destroys the whole fleet with his breath attack/his claws.

Phase 4: Finale
after having weakened the dragon enough under water, Livia comes to help with the Scepter of Orr and performs the ancient spell, that was responsible in the past to sink Orr onto the dragon to lift the deep sea dragon out of the water onto the land, further weakening the dragon because now hes not anymore in his natural realm, where we players use then attacks/tactis that exploit the dragon’s weakness to defeat it once and for all, by using one of those attacks in a massive concentrated form against the head of the dragon at a least expected situation to hit him with it fully out of surprise, blastign off its head to see his dead body crush then to the ground…

that would be an epic finale for me

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

Upgrades - Open the Way for Build Saver

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


You can’t compare active players, which play this game for now 4+ years with any new player who isn’t as far progressed in this game and also will never be in the same situation as like a 4 year old veteran player, unless that veteran decides to become from now to tomorrow suddenly for 4 years inactive, so that the noob has actually a chance to catch up with the veteran to become equal with him.
That’s like comparing apples with oranges.

ANet is (and was always) in the position, that if they remove a gold sink, then they can add into the game at any time they want in theory x new gold sinks into the game as replacement for the removed ones.

If Anet should decide between Gold Sink and Fun/Game Comfort, then I definetely believe, that going for Fun/Game Comfort is ALWAYS the better decision for a game, when the Gold Sink is anyways always replaceable.

Changing Upgrades into a complete accountbound system will not only enable to implement alot easier a Build Saver System.
It will remove also like you said tons of uncomfort in this game from idiotic inventory management, that could be alot more comfortable and easier for the Players, than it is since release of the game.

It would solve as well like you mentioned the whole tragedy around the obnoxious Inventory Junk from garbage you have no need for and get spammed to death with in this game since day one >.<, because you would have under my proposed system the confort of having to unlock every sigil/rune JUST ONLY ONCE – and from that point on you can use them as much as you want, change builds with alot more freedom, without having to waste time/gold anymore on renewing your lost upgrades, only because you wanted to change something on your build (or getting forced into PvP if you want to test something out without any losses, because there we actually have what I propose should be made here for the whole game – there you have your upgrades in an accountbound matter, where you can exchange everything out whenever you want, without having to rebuy/recreate everything again everytime you do change something on your build.

And I’m so sick of it, that we don’t have the same confort that exists in PvP as well in PvE and WvW!!
The same comfort, that also already existed back in GW1’s PvP.

If Anet would reduce some of the unneccessary Upgrade Garbage finally to the most minimum needed, that is just only Sigils, Runes and Gemstones – by removing all the other useless junk types that no butt in this game uses – EVER at endgame, then this would help also in making the game more overviewable, especially when they would move finally certain stuff from these over into Talents and splitt Passives and Actives more up.

Talents aren’t there to add more Elitism. The thought behind it is, that everybody has talents – abilities that are there passively always, based upon your chosen class, based upon your chosen race, based upon you decisions in your story, based upon what you do in Tyria, based upon your experiences you make in the game.

Talents should be just the counterpart of Traits.
Where Traits change all kinds of various active effects on your Skills and your Combat Behaviour, a Talent should be there to define all the various passive effects of your character, which you progress as you play the game, similar like Masteries, just with the difference, that Masteries unlock for you just gameplay mechanics for specific maps in the game and let your character progress that way in those maps/regions.

It is a natural progress of a talent, that a character will become more efficient in defeating a specific monster species, so more of them you kill over time.
That is nothing that a Trait or an Equipment Upgrade like a Sigil should decide between characters.

It’s part of Character Progression as a character’s talent that you’ve become good at defeating monster type X, because you killed 1000, 2000, 5000, 10000 of them ect and became more experienced with dealing with it.

The game has already way too much Sigils and Runes.
It would be good for the game to remove unneccessary things like the species kill sigils out of the game and turn them into permanent passives as Talents, that are part of your character progression.

Thats not power creep, thats just logical character progression and a character progresses into both ways..horizontal and vertical!!!

Also killing monsters in this game (unless we speak of giants) is no grind, its the most naturall thing you do all the time while playing the game, without thinking about it, how many of them you killed a day…

You also forget, that my suggestion is a system rework – this means also EVERYONE WOULD START AT 0, once those talents would be there.

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

Underwater Skills - Rebalance and New Ones

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


New Engineer and Elementalist Polearm Skilsl for Underwater.
That Weapon should be useable by all Classes under water I think.


1) Oil Strike > Strike the foes with your oiled polearm and cause cripple this way with your hits, 1/2s CT
2) Electroshocker > Shock your nearby targed with an electrified strike of your weapon to cause Daze for a second. 10s RT
3) Water Shield > Whirl the Weapon in front of you to cause in around of you a Water Shield that reflects projectiles and heals nearby allies, while removing also 1 Condition. RT15s
4) Thermonuclear Spear > Throw your Spear at 1200 range, which causes an AoE explosion, that lets up to 5 enemies near the hit target sink for 2s either, or receive burnings or get chilled. 20s RT, 1 1/2s CT
5) Poisonous Oil Canisters > Release Oil Canisters, that cause big oily fields, which cause poison and blindness to foes that cross through these AoEs. These Oil fields are ignitable, so any fire effects used in these aoEs will cause them to explode, causing massive Burnings to foes, Vulnerability and Damage.. Thrown Thermonuclear Spears through them for example will ignite the Oil Fields. 25s RT, 1 1/2s CT

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

Underwater Skills - Rebalance and New Ones

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


A simple thread, with a simple goal.

Talk about how you woiuld like to see Underwater Skills getting rebalanced and what kind of new Underwater Skills would you like to see in the future of GW2.

I’ll start first with how I’d like to see the existing Skills to be rebalanced:

Underwater Polearm

Zealot’s Flurry: Cast Time reduced to 3/4s , Recharge Time increase to 8s
Spear Wall: Cast Time increased to 1s, Recharge Time reduced to 15s
Wrathful Grasp: Cast Time reduced to 20s

Rapid Assault: Has now a recharge Time of 6 seconds added
Venomous Sphere: Recharge Time increased to 15s. Base Damage increased by 300%
Igniting Brand: Recharge Time increased to 20s

Stab > Jab > Impale: Removed and changed into Impaling Thrust, Cast Time reduced to 1/2 second, turnign this unneccessary weak 3 part AA into a stronger 1 part AA thats same as quick like all other AAs. Added Bleeding Stacks if you hit targets that suffer on Vulnerability
Marrine’s Frenzy: Cast Time reduced to 3/4s, Recharge Time increased to 10s
Harpoon Pull: Range increased from 600 to 900. Converts now 1 Condition from you to the Target if you hit with the Skill a target that has lesser conditions than you/same as much
Tsunami Slash: Reduce Cast time from 2 3/4s to 2s. Increase Range from 600 to 900

Stab > Jab > Evasive Strike: Removed and changed to Dolphin Strike a new single part AA that hits twice nearby enemies and causes Weakness.
Swirling Strike: Add the evaside part here from the earlier Evasive Strike, Increase Recharge Time to 10s
Dart: Cast Time reduced to 2s, Recharge Time increased to 15s . Bleeding changed to Torment
Counterstrike Cast time increased to 2s, Recharge Time reduced to 15s
Man ‘O’ War Recharge Time reduced to 20s. Range increased from 150 to 300

Stab > Jab > Poison Tip Strike: Removed and changed to Venomous Stinger
an AA, that grants you with every attack 1 random charge of your Utility Venoms for the next attack that hits.
Flanking Strike: Increase range to 300, Let it remove a Boon and increase Evade Time to 1 1/2s
Nine-tailed-Strike: Increase Cast Time to 2s, reduce Initiative Cost to 4. Change Initiative Regain for blocking successfully an attack. Make the Counter Attack unblockable and steal up to 2 boons/or grant Quickness/Might Stacks for a while.
Tow Line: Increase Range to 1200, Increase Initiative Cost to 5, Change from Cripple to Immobilization for 3 seconds. Change of Pull Effect from You to the Target to Target being pulled to You instead.
Shadow Assault: Initiative Cost reduced to 6. Each Attack that hits grants you now a Boon. First = Swiftness, Second = Fury, Third = Protection each lasting for 5s.

Stab > Jab > Evasive Strike: Removed and replaced with Illusion Thrust
You strike the foe and mark him with illusions, which cause Confusion for every Clone that hits the marked Targed within the next 3 seconds.
Feigned Surge: Recharge Time increased to 10s, Range increased to 1200
Illusionary Mariner: Recharge Time reduced to 15s
Slipstream: Recharge Time reduced to 20s
Vortex: Cast Time increased to 2 1/2 second, Recharge Time reduced to 30s

Cruel Strike > Wicked Strike > Reaper’s Scythe: Removed and replaced with Souleater Strike, which lets you gain Life Force per hit enemy and causes Chill on targets with lesser than 50% health.
Wicked Spiral: Recharge Time increased to 10s
Deadly Feast: Corrupts now also 1 boon of hit targets if they were under 50% health.
Deadly Catch: recharge Time reduced to 20s, Cast time increased to 1 1/2 second
Dark Spear: Range increased from 600 to 900, Causes now also AoE Blindness, renamed to Spear of Darkness

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

Do my wife and I have to choose the same race

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


if you choose the same race, you can play togehter the story missions directly from the start together.
You can play also story missions together if you dont play the same race, just make a party, invite your wife and start the story mission of you. She will be asked by the game to join your Story Mission and can either accept or not to join then when you start the mission
However story missions need to be played by everyone once as “Leader” to progress your own personal story.

Your wife can support you with your Story Mission, but she won’t get the same progress as you.
She will earn daily for helping you out at Story Missions only a small sum of money (50 Silver) Means if you help out each other with every Story Mission, you make together this way 1 Gold when you both share together also all the gold that you make together.

So every Story Mission when played together needs to be played twice, so that everyone of you was once the Leader of the group.
With achievements even in mind it means later you have to do it together practically 4x in certain cases, because certain achievemetns later require specific missions to be replayed several times. Not all achievements can be done on the first run.

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

(edited by Orpheal.8263)

Best class/weapon for keeping my wife alive?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


If thats the case, then just base guardian with a heal/support build either, or an epidemic necromancer, that does his best to keep all the conditions away from the warrior and uses them to spread them like a plague to enemies instead,by taking them over to you, cause good warrior builds already have good enough self regen, but lack in condition removal when going for full DPS, so that gettign rid of damaging conditions and those that lower the dps of the warrior are essential, like gettign rid quickly of Weakness, Torment, Burnign, Bleeding, Poison. which are good things for a condi build necro to spread them out with an epidemic build, while helping alot at thesame tiem the warrior to keep them clean from this stuff so that they can concentrate themself fully on dealing max dps.

Guardian agaisnt that is more the classical tank role then and its just in the name of the class, that your role as guardian is to protect others…so he has the neccessary skilsl and traits to do so to keep your wife alive and protect her

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

Do my wife and I have to choose the same race

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


No, everyone can easily create a character of choice, warp then via PVp lobby to Lioans Arch and Warp from there to every other town to go meet up with their partners that play an other race.

You dont have to play as the same race to play together from begin on, unless you want to play also together the same tutorial area, then you have to do that.

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

Best class/weapon for keeping my wife alive?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


If you just want to keep her alive, play Druid with a build thats all about optimizing your heals, simple thing and an absolute no brainer…

plus you get another meat shield that can help tanking the damage.

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside