Many of the Runes that this game have are completely utterly garbahe, out of one single reason only – way too long cooldown times, at least thats mostly the reason for most of them, other reason that comes next is, the effect is too weak compared to something that a similar rune can give me.
The game needs finally a rune system rework and rebalancing, a proper one just to say, which nerfs the way too overpowered ones down, like Rune of Perplexity and which makes most of the so far useless Runes more meaningful with better Cooldowns, so that their effects can play a better role in combat.
There shouldn’t also exist Runes with effects, which are basically only useful for 1 single class.
Each Rune should provide effects, that are universally useful for all Classes.
Runes, that are linked towards professions/specializations, should also be only useable by that profession/specialization
For simple example, a Mesmer shouldn’t be able to use the “Rune of the Elementalist”
If ANet ever wants to give this game a Build Template System for PvE/WvW, then its also necessary, that they need to add accountbound ascended Runes/Sigils/Gemstones with that you can unlock the exotic effects of these upgrades for your account, so that the effects become useable for the Template System so that you can freely swap these effects out for your build, just like people in PvP can do that in the Lobby. (they would be somethign Anet can give to Jeweler 500, so that theres a reason for Jeweler to get to 500 finally as crafting job, that can turn exotic upgrades to ascended ones for th Template System)
Runes should also provide no Stats, if you want Stats, then Gemstones should be the superior choice clearly, while Crests (reworked) should be what Runes are now, some kind of hybrid that gives effects and stats, but doesn’t need to be used in a full set just to get a special effect, thats for what you use Runes where when using 6 runes of the same type (and same quality) should give you a 7th rune specific special effect for the complete
Exotic Crests need to get added also with that rework of the system so that (rename the iinferior upgrades all to Crests (no talismans, no medaillons ect. anymore, just crests of different quality just like runes)..but back to the Runes
Theres currently also way too much runes in this game, I think certain Runes should get merged or removed simply (people which may use removed ones will get items that allow them to choice free “replacement runes” of choice which aren’t sellableand instantly replace the removed runes in your gear, once chosen out.
With every Rune set they added balancing of this game becomes only more and more complicated, especially when you just add new runes and make no attempts to keep the runes also balanced, instead of permanently ignoring them most of the time in balance patches like Anet did, cause they were all the time always only focused on skills and traits and touched mostly never anythign else, which is a reason why we have such a balancing mess right now with the result beign that this game has turned into a complete Condition and CC Spamfest pest, because nothign else isn#t viable to be played anymore if you want to survive in PvP/WvW due to some total overpowered meta runes, like Rune of Perplexity being guilty for this…
I’d love to see Venoms and Traps getting merged in a 1:1 way, that would create new room for some better and more universal useful new utility/heal/elite skills under the Thief that could give them more tactical synergetic gameplay in combat, like for example my idea around giving Thieves “Stigma” Skills as replacement.
Think also about the interesting combinations between Venoms and Traps (Venomous Traps to be called now on as a clear differentiation of DH Traps)
Ambush + Spider Venom = Assassination
Shadow Trap + Devourer Venom = Shadow Prison
Needle Trap + Skale Venom = Craftiness
Tripwire + Frost Drake Venom = Tripwire
Summon two D/P Thieves to your aid, which keep on poisoning your foes with their AA attacks, whiling keeping your with their mobility and D/P orientated attacks under pressure with A.I. that makes also good usage of the mobility to avoid being hit
Shadow Prison/Shadow Return:
Teleport to your chosen target and prison the enemy on location by bonding your shadow to your target (causes non removable immobilization for 3 seconds, only stun breakers work, or until the Thief uses Shadow Return in that time) If you use Shadow Return, you and your catched foe get teleported back to the location where you activated Shadow Prison.
Shadow Prison doesn’t know any visual borders, this Teleport Skill can be used also to teleport yourself to a location that is higher than you, for example enemies standing in WvW on walls…its risky, but it would allow a Thief this way to infiltrate enemy locations by teleporting themself to an enemy on a wall…or using this skill to remove an enemy from the wall by teleportting it back to your original position with you.
However, the skill will receive a new animation, that will make it visually clearer when an enemy is about to use it, it can be defended when the enemy dodges or blocks at the moment you are about to use this skill, lettign it go into cooldown without effect.
This is a simple upgrade from the boring weak Needle Trap with some increased Vulnerability and added Torment, because running into mean Needles hurts and hurts
also more, if you still move around while you have them in your feet, logical, or not??
Also a very simple direct upgrade..when you run into these traps, it makes you realize how shameful it is to fall for such a thief trap, that you hope nobody has seen it how you fall onto the dirty cold ground face first (causing the chill now after standing up from the knockdown), and due to you being so shocked about it, that you fall for this trap, you suffer additionally to the Chill Effect for some time after standing up also on “Slow” to make this trap more effective in combat, because you are so shocked about this trap, that not only your movement speed, but also your combat speed gets slowed down under your shock bout suddenly falling onto your face xD
I would love northern snowy forrest theme as complete rework for the Alpine Map, call it Alpine 2.0
And then as new 3rd borderland map I’d love to see a tropic island/sea – (Atlantis) theme with increased focus of underwater combat and naval battles, because that would be thematically somethign completely new and different, while giving this game finally that back, that made it unique, the underwater combat plus Anet would get finally a reason to fix underwater combat and rebalance it finaly plus giving it their own traits and working on it finally, that no class should have any skills, that aren’t useable also in changed form in water.
Any skills that Anet can#t rework to be usable also under water isn’t worth it to be kept in game and should immediately be replaced with a new designed skill, which can work everywhere!!
Thats not exaggerated, since ANet introduced Eveneannts/Herolds with their way too overpowered 50% Boonshare and the introduction of Boon Duration as official Attribute (Concentration) with more spread ways for playrs to increase their maximum Boon Durations alot higher, than ever before, thesek ind of super long boon durations are absolutely nothing special, especialyl whend being in a huge WvW crowd where everyoen stacks together…
In a game where I as solo player can have perma swiftness throug just using dodges as daredevil, it is absolutely nothing outrageous to see somethign like 30-40 seconds of resistance coming from a stacked WvW crow full of boonshare mesmers and said revenants that further increase the total duration as long as the pack stays together in their reach
then there are also such ridiculous sigils, like the Sigil of Concetration which further spices this up and is for 100% sure also reason for this to be even possible, thus the reasonable logical high price for these things
Theres currently so many thigns in this games combat system runnign so absurdly out of control, it isnt funny anymore
Running not, but at least going slowly …
Just as a little reminder here (see the other music related topic on top where Cody answered), that there exist games, that are in regard of music instruments superior compared to GW2 (and id love that our music instruments should get imprioved in their functionality, because stuff that we see in other game,s that are partwise even much older than GW2, should be all possible here as well technically)
A little reminder for Cody, can anything of my side questions be answered?
I’m also happy with just the answer of “I can’t say anything about these things” if that’s the case, then so I’d just like to hear your personal opinion about the questions, if something like what I asked about would be even “possible at all” technically like adding Vocaloid technology to the game to enable our Characters to get a voice for singing which can be based on our Character Voices, that our Characters received back lately with Heart of Thorns.
Adding more new Instruments that are missing is sure no big thing technically, but here I can guess only, that you added so far no new ones, because they maybe don’t sell so well as expected?/ aren’t worth the investment of ressources maybe, because stuff like silly ugly wings simply sells better?
And improving the functionality of music instruments I think simply never stood on your plans so far, right, cause of beign busy with many other things, like making the music for HoT and such things?
Elite Specs, Build Diversity, Balance Issues
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Orpheal.8263
The Elite Specs and there “Power Creep” are by much not the biggest “culprit” for the game beign totally out of control chaotically in regard of combat system balance.
The real culprits for why the game is so massively unbalanced are Anet and their permanent ignorance to finally make some fundamental needed changes on the overall Combat System to tone down the whole Power Creep that comes from “many smaller” different parts together that synergize together way too good to make the combat system and the whole DPS you can create out of it currently way too high for what is GOOD FOR THE GAME to make as a whole fun in regard of the combat system.
The Classes and their Elite Specializations play their only in the picture a very minor role, they are the finetuning in the general Class Balancing, but not the root of the problem why the game is so out of control in so many factors, that it really gets absurd.
The big problems of this game that ANet needs finalyl to stop ignoring and to take into consideration for every single Balance Patch to brign this game back onto the right path are as follows:
- Basic Health System being completely unbalanced for the whole game, because the whole system is still on the Balancing State of 2012, where like 90% of all the Skills back then weren’t by far as much as powerful, as liek they are now, where no ES existed also, where no Conditions and Boons were so extremely overbuffed and where such super overpowered Condions like Torment and Confusion didn’t exist back then or at leats in case of Confusion not in that massively OP form that it has right now
Solution: Simple, this System needs a complete rework, all Classes need to get balanced finally INDIVIDUALLY, thats the only way how Health can become finally an important factor of Class Balancing, without that other Classes automatically suffer due to sharing the same category with an other Class.
Thieves need more Base Health, if this Class should ever become lesser dependent on stealth. Warriors have way too much health for their superior Health Regenerations and tons of Invicibility Skills with that they can absorb all damage,even when beign attacked from behind where NOBODY should be able to automatically defend themself unless you have the Aegis Boon.
- All Boons and Conditions need a serious complete overwork, theres many amogn both sides, that could and should better get merged7removed from the game to make the game better balanced.
In the same way could the be made more important though merges, if Boons and Conditions get reduced in numbers by merges, will become the remaining boons and conditons in this game much more meaningful.
- Crowd Control needs to get nerfed significantly, its currently the most biggest annoying part of the whole combat system of GW2 which pretty much destroys all the fun of this game, if you can get get killed in seconds due to gettign permanently stunned, being unable to do anythign at all, because all of your skilsl get deactivated.
This is game design garbage par exellence and needs to get changed ASAP.
Best wax would be by reworking Stability/Stun Breakers and integrating completely the Breakbar System completely into the Combat System for everyone with CC being not working anymore as a mechanic that deativates everyones ability to fight, makign someone totalyl helpless, but instead making CC skilsl break our Break bars and significantly reduce our defense powers for a brief time, while we get “stunned” by breaking our Break Bars, while we stil lare able to fight and defend ourself, but taking hits in that time whilke our “mentality/defense” is basically broken, we take more damage than normal and thus are in that time easier to defeat if we aren’t careful in combat or use Stability/Stun Breakers to quickly recover our Break Bars.
- Runes/Sigils need a complete rework and rebalancement, there is way too much garbage among them, while the last 10% of them are so overpowered, that thery are basically always in meta, stuff like the absolute way too overpowered Rune of Perplexity for example which is already way too long overdue for a nerf, as this rune set alone is the only reason, why many Condi builds in this game have become so increadible overpowered together with all this Torment Spam that anet added lately into the game over the last balance Patches ,especialyl with Mesmer, which is why you see basically just only 95% Condi Chronomancers/Mesmers running around lately, because this cancer of a op build is able to kill you just with confusion and torment so quickly, that you basicalyl have no chance to defend yourself from all the damage that you constantly receive, regardless of what you do, its basically a complete shutdown, or you die instantly!!!
Seriously Anet, nerf this back to sanity finally!!! Please, show us finally again, that you aren’t totally out of touch with your own game and that you can realize, how extremely op stuff like this is and that something like this shouldn’t exist, at leats not for PvP/WvW, for PvE os somethign like this ok (hint to finally balance each Game Mode individually!! pssssst )
- Underwater Combat us also still at the Game Develoment State of 2012 still, the skilsl have until today NEVER see any balancign at all, there exist no underwater traits like they should exist, because underwater combat is completely different than land combat and thus deserves to provide their very own underwater Traits for all Classes and all Skills, that currently have no optiuon to be used also underwater need to get reworked.
All Skills have to be useable EVERYWHERE.
If a Class has a skill, that can’t get redesigned to work everywhere, then throw out this skill out of the game and replace it with a completely new skill, that has been designed from scratch new to be able to work in all situations, on land as like also underwater!!
- Trait Merging
Alot of the classes still have alot of useless Traits, that should get better merged to make room for better and more useful new Traits
- Utility Skill Merging + Skill Category/Skill Diversity Fixing (adding of new Skills so that all Classes have for all Skill Categories in all segments also Skills, for example, adding for the Thief an Signet Elite Skill and a Trap Elite Skill as they have currently only Elite Skills for Deception, Venom and Tricks, but not for Signets and Traps)
More Build Diversity through some added new Skillsl will always be good, addign some new fresh air into the game as well through this – it must not be always new ES, this fix would be awesome, if it would ever happen that Anet addes new Skilsl from the missing categories everywhere for all Classes maybe as part of a next Balance Patch
See above, just for Utility Skills
Then and only then, if all these points would get fixed for once, then are only Elite Specializations left over for balance as finetuning of the games class balance asnd from that point on should anet work on it to add some more ES to provide more diversity and look onto it, that they balance the ES, that seem to be too OP, so that they kind of be “a must” for everyone to take, because of the other choices seeming not to be viable anymore, or in case of the thief, got destroyed like Acrobatics just to give the ES a reason for existance.
Thats how i do see it, this game got developed and changed over the last years in so many sections into the wrogn direction, that the combat system suffered the most from this, and sadly it god all the time mostly ignored to fix the problems, where theys were still fres, because ANet simply was too busy with too many other thigns at the time back then to keep track on the game balancing part enough of this game sadly.
Now we literally “have the salad” one woudl say and we have to see, how we get again out of this mess
The instrument changes is awful.
WIth the flut, if you use a note, you can’t use the same note anymore, even after changing octave. So all is going wrong with music. I still like the fact that the animation doesn’t disapear anymore during long song.
I found and fixed the bug causing problems specific to the flute instrument, now awaiting regression testing before the fix makes its way to you.
@ Cody
where we have currently your attention here.. just some little side questions
Are there any plans for GW2’s near future to add more lovely missing “classical” Music Instruments, liek for example a Saxophone, or a Xylophone, or a Triangle, or a Cello, or a Ocarina/Pan Flute, or a Violin or a “normal” Guitar" (and fix please the sounds of the bass Guitar to make it not sound like such a bad broken car motor/piano please, its horrible and by far not sounding like a Bass Guitar here, this is a real Bass Guitar sounding like:
and not like this
I hope the great difference between both is quickly realizeable by just watchign these 2 examples.
Another quick question to you as one of the responsible Sound Designers.
Are they any plans to improve somewhen in the future as a part of quality of life feature the Music Instruments to make it easier to handle them, even as a total Music Noob??
I mean with this question, there are some prime examples of other games out there that also have playable music instruments, which use different “Systems” that make it even for Music Noobs possible to play “Songs”, without the needc to actually play “self” the long,. but instead let the “game play the song for you” and all what you need to to basically create for the game the “Music Sheet” that the game should play for you with your chosen instrument that should be used for it.
Games that come into mind are:
Lords of the Rings Online:
Mabinogi :
(my dream is it to see such kind of coordinated bands to arise also in GW2 to play together with a multitude of different instruments various songs and own creations, maybe even as a large crowd as a big orcrestra, that woudl be so awesome and epic, but for that to happen I thing instzruments need to become first more various and more accessible, also for those people mechanically wise, which don’t play instruments in real life.
Black Desert:
this shows for example a simple system that could make it easier to play, by letting the game show us when to press what to play a song right kind of Guitar Hero Style
And last question:
Can you please improve Music Instruments by adding as a feature also “Vocaloids” ??
If old games like Mabinogi have such a feature, making it possible that your characters can actually “sing” with their own virtual voice, I’m pretty sure, somethign like this should also be possible to GW2, or not???
because if you can play Music Instruments, one should be also able to sing to it to make the song complete and perfect.
Vocaloid Technology is pretty much well expertised/known and used pretty much everywhere already in Japan for example, there exist even labels and song studios for just virtual voices that sing songs (lol) , the most well known one for alot of peopel should be this here:
Hatsune Miku
As reminder, this is sung not by a real person, but by a virtual created voice!
“Music” is a topic I thing has for GW2 as one of the very very few MMOs out there that provides even the feature of Music Instruments (after my increased begging and suggestions years ago xD) I think alot more great potential to become one of GW2s greatest social features, as music connects everyone regardles of who or what you and or into what you believe in … and I would so love to see for GW2 that music gets improved and should become more, than just only a cheap gemstore item for making some bucks from us.
It has the strong potential to be so much more than just only this and it would be sad, if this potential would stay unused by Anet, don’t you think that too???
Also improving music playing with some more animations would ve awsome, Because nothing is more boring than playing instruments and characters standing just around and doing nothing, not even mioving somehow kind of rhythmically at least their bodies to the music. that was maynbe normal for those older games that had not the technology for these animations, but I think for GW2 should be a bit more in, than what we have currently, or???
my 2 cents, would be awsome to get some answers on those question by either you or maybe some one else of you Sond Designers at Anet who might want to answer which are maybe also reading this thread
“Fixing” is just not enough of it to express exactly what needs to be done with this game content.
“Complete reworking and rebalancing Underwater Combat” fits it better.
Underwater Combat is until today the absolute most neglected part of the whole game, it has never ever seen anything at all in all those years until todax to improve anythign of the gameplay mechanics or balance of skills ect.
Instead ANet went the lazy way and removed absolutely mostly everything that had something to do with underwater combat out of WvW.
When Skill Balance Patches were made, the Underwater Skills never got any attention to get balanced, they all are still at the Development State of 2012!!
There is still half of all Skills among all classes not useable underwater, with certain classes gettign seriously PUNISHED HARD for fighting underwater, while others are not so much limited there in their basic gameplay!!
Underwater Combat is basicalyl the feature, that ANet should have kept completely out of the game from begin on best and should have implemented first into the game when they would have brought out the xpansion that is 100% focused on that feature and implements this feature together with lots of underwater maps/content and makign the water passages of the existing maps then first accessible to be explored so that we would have had then for those maps that have lakes, rivers and seas ect. then some new stuff to explore together weith the story and battle aroudn the Deep Sea Elder Dragon and its minions
Thats how I do see it by now after all those years… Underwater Combat in its current form is nothing but a huge wasted potential – ressources that should have been spent better elsewhere into maybe a longer personal story for the main game, or into some more skills for all classes as they all are currently still missing skills so that they have for all skill categories also under Utilities, Heals and Elite Skills a fitting skill for each category
Or thery could have used the ressouces better on something else, that was announced to be there on release date and still inst’ there until today, like Polymok and many missing Home Town “Adventures/Minigames” that should have been a reason for players to keep on revisiting these towns every now and then, stuff like the removed Bar Brawls for example whose achievements were already once in the game, but not the mini game >.>
This are all prime examples for how well certain thigns got thought through here for this game, only worser is that all these thigns seem to have been put already silently forever on ice without a word about these things anymore, in hope, we may forget these things “somewhen” maybe…
But as long as I play this game, I will keep reminding Anet on these things …
all of the 3 options are personally junk to me and dont fit really well.
one more generic and boring/unfitting than the one above/before.
If I would have been responsible for the 3 Options, I would have let people vote over these 3 Names instead:
- 1st) The Paragons of Faith
(As prime example for a leading organization the reforms and reinforces under their new flag the Pact Army and reunites them stronger than ever before now in hard times after defeating Modremoth, where still large parts of the former Pact Army that was originally lead by Pact Marshall Trahearne lives now under mistrust towards the Sylvari – the Paragons of Faith step in now to reforge the bonds of faith that the five grand races of Tyria had once towards each other with the help of us, the former Pact Commander which takes ovfer now the full and lonely lead (what we players actually wanted from begin on as there were tons of people unhappy basically with Trahearner always “stealing us basically the show”)
- 2nd) The Dragoons
This as some kind of Option for those who would like to see our group of Heroes becoming some kind of special “Dragon Elimination Elite Squad” called the “Dragoons”, powerful and honored by all races of the former Pact Army “Dragon Knights/Slayers” which guard Tyria against the thread of the Elder Dragons and their Minions that have collected already alot of Battle Experience against them in combat which are from now on basicaly the new Pact Armies “Head” that works in itself like a “Council” with each of its Members working for something specific in what they are best in.
- 3rd The Oathkeepers
This is something I’d like to chose, as an option of our group of heroes should kind of step into the footprints of Destiny’s Edge as a “Guild” with Oathkeepers being their Guild Name, as everyone of them as sworn basically for themself some kinds of oaths , be it for revenge of their lost beloved ones, be it simply to protect their homeland or for whatever else for reasons they have sworn themselfs oaths to do everythign they can do that stands in their might to defeat everythign and anything, that might threaten Tyria as a whole, be it Dragons, be it demons, be it undeads or other criminal organizations and cults from the past that might be short before to rise up again most likely lke the White Mantle an d its cultists that follow them.
All of these 3 do I think are much better options, than those borign 3 generic things that Anet lets us choose here.
Don’t understand me wrong, I appreaciate it very much that Anets lets us even at all choose for the name of those character’s group for the upcoming next season of the Living Story, but personally I expect from anet a bit more, lets say it mildly … “creativity”, than these 3 options that they have given us
That are all things, that iäm saying for a long time now, but Anet doesn’t seem to listen too..
The game is in certain aspects still in the Balance Stage of 2012 when the game got released, because anet keeps on ignoring to rebalalance all aspects of th Combat System that need to be looked at direly by now:
- Basic Health being balanced individually for each Class is by now an absolute MUST
- All Game Modes being balanced seperately is by now also an absolute MUST, I’m personally sick of it when the balance of PvE or especially WvW suffers everytime from it, when ANet wanted to changed something in their eSports spirits for PvP “only”
- CC in this game is totally out of control and that was it already before the introduction of HoT. Breakbars need to be integrated completely into the Combat System for everyone with a rework of the functionality of Stun Breakers as Breakbar Refillers, with getting “Stunned” after being broken working only as a way to significantly reduce temporarely the defense of the enemy, while the enemy shoudl be still able to fight back, instead of becoming able to get stunlocked to death, without that you ever had a chance to do anythign at all. Thats bull*peep* game design and you all know it!!
This needs to get fixed ASAP finally to make the combats in GW2 again more fun - Boons as like Conditions need to get reduced, merge them what fits together, this way the Game Performance can get increased as well and Boons/Conditions become at the same time also more important, when they become through merges more effective. Damaging Conditions, especially Confusion, Torment and Burnign need to get rebalanced and CAPPED for WvW so that they can’t get higher that a certain amount of Stacks also.
If you can get easily spammed with like 14 stacks of burning and 14 stacks of confusion and 14 stacks of torment at the same time, thne its no miracle, that everbody here dies in seconds, before you were even able to recognize, what the hell happens right now, or before you even got the chance to react on this quickly enough with condition removals to get rid of the damaging conditions fast enough, before you are already seconds later lieing dead on the ground and being instant stomped by a thief…
- Attributes need to get merged, they all should provide Dual Effects and Anet needs to add also tor the new created room some more defensive Attributes that help against critical hits and that help by improving your Endurance Regeneration…
Why the hell is there an attribute, that can increase the chance to dish out criticals, but not also one, that improves the chances for you to receive them lesser?
Boons like Vigor would be obsolete, if there would be an attribute like agility, that lets us significantkly improve our Endurance Regeneration.
Boons like Stability woudl be obsolete, if we woudl have finalyl a completely integrated Breakbar in the Combat System, or at least could get reworked, that a Boon like Stability makes it harder for the enemy to break our bars while it is up, or protects the bar from decreasing for a while if thats really needed.
also Toughness needs especially to be fixed finally, so that it significsantly decreases more the direct damage you take. As Toughness works right now, its an absolute utter joke. You can have maximum toughness basicalyl and take from berserker builds still maximum damage and can get killed in seconds, where you ask yourself, is toughness currently not working at all/bugged?
A hifh defensive build needs to take significantly lesser direct damage, than a non high defensive builds. Conditions are the solution against high defensive builds, as they already ignore defense!!! But as direct damage build fightign agaisnt a high defense build needs to feel finally like fightign against a Mordrem Husk, where you do drastically reduced damage agaisnt them with direct attacks, unless you use damaging conditions!!
- Runes needs to get finally rebalanced, such overpowered Stuff like Rune of Perplexity needs finally to get NERFED, and that HARD… seriously, receiving confusion when you attack the enemy + receving whopping 5 Stacks!! everytime every 15s for a duration of 8 seconds!! when you interzpt a enemy.
Has the dev responsible for this crap rune never thought about Thief Pistol 4 skill allowing it a player to literally spam confusion like hell???
Mix this together with other cover conditions and you can literally keep a player just with constantly spamming only Pistol 4 constantly under high confusion pressure and the player literally does nothing, becasuse just all the confusion kills your enemies easily as a condi build and as condi have thieves easily access to more than enough cover conditions through venoms, traits and as daredevil through evades and caltrops to even significantly boost all the condition damage you receive besides of the way too high confusion.
Nerf Perplexity finally as follows:
Confusion Stacks when struck gets changed to a completely different effect that has nothing to do with Confusions, like for example: Confusion Damage that you take is reduced by 10%
The last 6th effect gets nerfed down from 5 stacks of Confusion to 3 stacks of confusion with only a duration of 5 seconds instead of 8 seconds and the cooldown gets increased from 15 seconds to 25 seconds
- Buff also finally the other 90% of crap runes please, which have no chance to be anything viable due to their useless underpowered effects.
Remove all those useless Sigils that increaase damage vs. speficif enemies and make out of these things Kill Masteries which you receive so more enemies of certain species you kill
- Merge some Utility Skills of classes to create room for better more useful Skills and give all Classes also Skills for the missing Skill Categories, so that all classes have for all of their Skill Categories also Healing, Utility and Elite Skills, this would increase also again a bit the Build Diversity of this Game, while also making some useless underpowered skilsl that barely anyone would have touched before maybe then more interestign and overall useful, if they would get merged with other skills.
- Same as with Skills for Traits, specially for Thief, this class is a trait chaos …I can personally tell you only to go look at this thread, because the OP of it explains very well how I think the whole trait settign of the Thief shoudl get reworked:
Under his concept would be finally all thief traits there, where they thematically belong to and thiefs would receive finally abilities, that you expect from a thief to have, like becomingn able to see enemy traps to avoid them and be able to deactivate them for your allies without having to waste dodges for this.
If these thigns would finally get fixed, reworked and get looked at to improve them, then we would have finally a much more balanced Combat System, especially if Anet would take themself finalyl the time to split the balance for all 3 modes seperately.
This is already long overdue.
Resistance is just only a small and lazy band aid fix of Anet to fix the out of control condition design of this game
Under a balanced game with a balanced condition system, there would be absolute no need for this boon and a Boon like Resistance could then be actually used for something better, like for example either:
- while Resistance is active, can#t be other Boons get stripped of from you/be stolen
- while Resistance is active, is the Chance to receive Critical Hits reduced by 25%
- while Resistance is active do Conditions not ignore your Defense anymore.
- while Resistance is active is your Healing Power and Toughness increased per Stack making it this way a little counter to Might.
I personally hope very much that once ANet is done with the great focus on WvW right now, that they give then finally this much focus on Game Balance to do what is needed to make this games combat system fun again.
All game modes would profit from this only, especially WvW!!
Hey guys, below is a list of upcoming polls you are likely to see, in roughly the order you are likely to see them.
- Mixed Borderlands – Do you want a mix of Alpine/Desert Borderlands maps?
- World Linking Schedule – How often should we relink worlds?
- Deployable Mortars – Do you want to be able to buy and deploy Mortars?
- Deployable Cannons – Do you want to be able to buy and deploy Cannons?
- Repair Hammer – Do you want to be able to spend supply to repair siege?
Special Mention
- WvW Priorities – What do you want the WvW team to prioritize next?
- We’ll run this poll after completing major milestones with whatever feature last won the Prioritization vote. So in this case: Scoring Improvements.
Mixed Maps: No
Make the Desert Map a second EotM Map that you can join always which also has a Castle to claim, because currently theres only EBG which has a castle and when this map is queued, then you havel itterally the butt card and can’t make any progress on the Castle Achievements, until finally the queses stop and you can get on the EBG Map.
Then would people get an alternative over EotM and everyone would be happy, those that like Desert would be able to get onto that map whenever they want and those that like alpine can have their main battles that count towards the server points on alpine and people which want to work on the castle achieveents would have another place too, while EBG might be queued, the castle in destert could then be placed in the middle where earlier that laser event was as a new central point of the map
World Linking Schedule: Every 2 or 4 matches
Deployable Mortars/Canons YES, but make them cost intensive, so that they dont’t get abused too much
And make Cannons/Mortars undestroyable siege in Towers/keeps, that are always there once they have been upgraded to have them and players that use them should receive no damage and be immune to CC to make it finally possible to efficiently DEFEND something.
Reduce finally the range of AoE skills by 50% if you try to target somethign that is HIGHEE THAN YOU and increase the range of ranged weapons by 50% if you attack something that is on a lower position than you.
That are gameplay mechanics, whioch already existed in GW1!!! Bring them finallly please back. Defenders should have a clear significant HOME ADVANTAGE, that becomes also significantly stronger, so more the own place is upgraded.
Repairable Siege Weapons through Repair Hammers: YES but not with supply, but instead with Badges of Honor/Memories of War!!! because when it costs supply, then its pointles,s because with supply you can use the supply also better directly to build up a compolete new siege weapon which comes already with full health!!!
WvW Priorities: Combat System BALANCING.
Add finally a CC protection for the whole game, like for example making Break Bars for everyone a integrated function where Stunbreakers refill the Break Bars, peopel need to break the bars to CC us. When being CC’ed, or defense is strongly reduced, but we can at least fight still back and dont lose our ability to use skills like currently, whioch is honestly the most stupid sting about all this permastunlock CC spamfest that GW2’s combat system has changed to lately.
Rebalance the Conditions, merge Boons and Conmditions to reduce the total amount of them, that would doo the overall game very good, if Boons and Conditions woudl get reduced, while they get at the same time more important through the merges.
Rebalance the Attribute System, add some defensive Attributes, like Courage, that could help us in reducing the chance to receive critcal hits, and Agility that should help is in increasign our Endurance Regeneration, merge Vitality with Healing Power and fix please finalyl Toughness, so that it becomes significantly more effektive in reducing direct damage, so that havign really high toughness and defense from armor together should make us resistant to direct damage like fightign a Mordrem Husk, which receives only serious damage from condition,s because they IGNORE DEFENSE.
Rebalance the damage from Burning, Confusion and Torment!! They are all three totalyl out of control, especialyl Confusion!!!
I’ve seen two days ago the most craziest overpowered Confusion build on a thief that I have ever seen in my whole liefe, that conmsist just out of spamming skill 4 all the time with Pistol and causing alone with this constantly so much confusion with the usage of 1 single overpowered Rune Set, that you die in seconds just from all the confusion that you receive, if you haven’t condi cleans with you or a right counter build to send all the confusion back to the origin.
In general are Conditions in WvW totally out of control since the patch of 23rd june of 2015!!!
WvW priority about this needs to be also, that WvW receives finally seperate skill/trait/rune balancing, so that some changes for PvP/PvE don’t constantly ruin tons of things for WvW players and vice versa.
Buff items need to disappear finalyl out of WvW, they should be PvE only items, just like buff items were in GW1 PvE only items!! This would help DRASTICALLY alone to balance WvW better, because alot of WvW builds are just so overpowered due to the help of the buffs from potions and food!!!
Theres already guild buffs from claims and shrines (blood lust), thats ENOUGH of buffs to get a little advantage over other enemies.
So much my WvW priorities, for me its brief said clearly just game balance, because there is just still so much about WVW balance, that is absolutely out of control right now that needs to get put back to sanity
(edited by Orpheal.8263)
For LS3 Please add more mastery point options
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Orpheal.8263
Just making only exp is senseless, then we could have directly stayed at just increasing the level cap, it would have been literally exactly the same.
ANet did make it right with adding Mastery Points as a requirement to fully learn the Masteries, because due to the Mastery Points learning a new Mastery does feel like a achievement, like actually character progression and not like just only grinding exp like in every other stupid generic 0815 MMO.
The moment will surely come, once Anet will add new mastery points together with new mastery lines for Central Tyria, as like also new regions, most likely with Expansion 2 when we will get to explore a new yet unexplorable region of Tyria.
ANet could also always add simply some new MP in central through adding also new INSIGHT MPs for central Tyria by for example replacing some POIS with them and make these Insights part of the Map exploration to get it to 100%
I think there should be easily around 30 POIs in central tyria, which could get replaced with Insights instead.
There are currently around 662 POIS in the game, if Anet would reduce them down now to 632 to have for central tyria 30 MP giving insights, I’m pretty sure no one here would ever miss those old 30 POIs, or ????
Just putting one in every town would be already 6 Insights for Central Tyria(Divinity Reach, Lions Arch, Grove, Hoelbrak ,Black Citadel, Rata Sum) from 30, so a good fifth already , make it two and you have nearly already half of them placed in the game.
Insights for Central Tyria would be the easiest and quickest way how Naet could give Central Tyria some MP more, so that also all those players which don’t own the Season 2 of Living World have more leeway, while basically giving everyone also at thr same time something new to collect and to explore.
But think of it how ANet could integrate such a system also together with Traits, Runes, Sigils and these things to make the whole OCmbat System in itself alot more fun and interesting, than this stupid CC spamfest, that we have now that allows people even to stunlock players to death!!!
Conditions as like Boons need anyways a complete rework, and in some cases also merges to reduce the total amount of Boons as like Condtions, what would be a very good thing to do for overall Game Balance as like also for improving at the same the the Game Performance, due to the game having then alot lesser claculations to do in the background from all the active boons and ticking conditions ect.
And I disagree with you on that part with Anet having to remove certain Gear Sets for specific Stat Combinations. Why exactly should they do this???
To take Toughness as indicator for the efficiency of your Break Bar just would make sense. So tougher you are, so better can you resist and withstand they tries of your enemies to stun you by reaking your bar through enough focused bursts of well timed crowd control skills, just as like it works in PvE against strong enemies.
This way wold become CC in PvP and WVW alot lesser of a spamfest mechanic, and much more of a tactically clever used and strategically wel planned through burst method of defeating your enemy instead of just bursting with plain direct attacks when the defensive powers of the enemy are the strongest.
People would think twice about it, when exactly they would use their CC skills, before they waste them too early and having them not ready at moment, where you could break actually a bar of an enemy if you use your CCs at the right moment.
Thats exactly where I want to get to see this game turning to, less spamfest, more tactical clever and smart play where CC skills are used by players, when they make most likely the strongest effect on your enemy to get it stunned to be able to dish out stronger damage against the enemy than usual, while the enemy still can fight back and isn’t for a felt half eternity total helpless.
In case of Necromancers and Mesmers eventually becoming with Breakbars too tanky.
I can tell you only, that Necromancers with their Deathshroud are currently in general way to tanky, because they can gain too efficiently back too quick Soul Energy to basically stay way too long under the shroud.
Enemy Attacks should reduce slightly stronger Soul Energy, so that Necros can get forced a bit quickker out of their SHrouds so that you can deal actually damage to their true health bar.
You may also not forget, that Necromancers per se aren#t extremely mobile and also haven’t alot of defensive mechanics like alot of dodges or alot of skilsl that can negate incoming damage, so the shroud is basicalyl their only lonmgterm survival mechanic, – so I doubt it hard that adding Breakbars fro Necros would make them “too tanky”
Sure, this change wouldnt help you out in a total outnumbered fight where you absiolutely have no chance, but in small scale fights would be this change of the combat system for many surely a true god send.
I would simply said love it, if Anet would just give for now as a TEST for say 3-4 weeks to terst it out well enough everyone breakbars and remove Stability from the game, just to see, how well that alone would work out, and where that concept after that test phase would need to get changed to work better
We don’t get far, if we always discuss things always eternally and never actually test out something just spontanous maybe to get to see, how some wild ideas might work out maybe alot better, than one may believe perhaps, with the open option of stopping the test anytime earlier, if the changes turn out soon, that they doesn’t work at all.
Its with like the WvW maps, if people don#t like it, they will tell Anet that anyways, so why not make more ooftenly some spontanous tests with some more radical changs to just test somthign out for once directly on the life servers with the players.
Sometimes it can be already some tiny tweaks here and there from spontanous tests, which can turn out to become very liked by the community and might end up as something, where in the end people say about it – would have had Anet tested that out just earlier, then the issue x wouldn’t have been for so long a problem maybe.
I hope you get what I’m trying to express here ^^
(edited by Orpheal.8263)
Seriously, can you please tone down a bit with the addings of permanently new Gemstore Wings?
This here isn’t Aion 2, its still Guild Wars 2 and we should have for gods sake a Gemstore, that is MORE CREATIVE, than vgutting out basically every 2 weeks since the release of Heart of Thorns mostly only (like 90%+) basically always just new Wing Skins, as if there wouldn’t exist tons of other things that could receive also new skins, like there isn’t tons of unused potential still for completely new visual things you could improve with the ganme, other thna just always only Wings like theres no tomorrow or like as it seems your designers know of anythign else anymore, than to make permanently new wings…
Please be more creative for now and give us for some time a BREAK from new wings, we have more than enough of them by now…
Itss time that you give your artists hopefully a NEW TOPIC, or maybe 2 or 3 that can change out every few weeks, so that there isn#t just the feeling like with Wings, now, that you constantly produce always only the same boring stuff and ignore everything else.
- It would be nice of you, if you could continue for now for example with the Cosmic Gatherign Tools and complete the Set by adding a Cosmic Pickaxe and a Cosmic Sickle so that the Cosmic Set gets complete.
- But theres also use unused themes for Gathering tools, so far the Elemental Sets are also inclomplete, we have yet to see wind based gathering tools like a Wind Spirit Sicle that creates for example a whirlwind of razorsharp air to cut for you plants or a Sonic Wind Logaxe for trees that cuts wood with strong sonic blades into pieces. That would be nice and for me personally an instant buy, because im waitign since the very first perma gatherign tool on some wind based style ones (and with wind I mean NOT lightnings, but actually real wind/air)
- There is still some God Based Outfits missing like for example
- Kormir Outfit
- Abaddon Outfit
- Grenth Outfit
- Melandru Outfit
After that it would be nice to see also outfits based on the lore of the other races!! (and improve more NPCs with them also too to add the looks to them as well)
- Bear Shaman Outfit
- Wolf Shaman Outfit
- Raven Shaman Outfit
- Leopard Shaman Outfit
- Static Outfit
- Synergy Outfit
- Dynamic Outfit
- Flame Legion Outfit
- Blood Legion Outfit
- Iron Legion Outfit
- Ash Legion Outfit
- Dawnbringer Outfit
- Nightbringer Outfit
- Duskbringer Outfit
- Daybringer Outfit
(These wouldn’t maybe much so much sense, but I think each race should be treated equally and it could be used to give Sylvary just some general alternative stylisch birthtime themed visual body looks more that are a bit stronger influenced by the time moment of birth from them actually that make also in unique ways differently strogner also usage of the glowing effects of sylvari)
There are are completely untouched things Anet can do to get something new as topic for the artists to work on as gemstore Items, that is something completely new, not Gathering Tool, not Weapon Skin, not Wing Skin, not Minipet (something you shpould tone down a bit tooo and instead implement for once again some new Minipet Collection Sets instead!! Give Gemstore Minipets also a break, its enough)
Work maybe for once on something completely new and creative:
- Skill Skins
- Mounts (New Toys)
- New Fun Items
- New Character Creation Options for Charr Fur, Asura Pigments, Sylvari Body Styles, Norn Tattoos and give maybe humans something special too, like “Divine Marks”, somethign with that you can personify your character more visually with one of the Gods, thats not a back item, an outfit or so, but that comes from Character Creation, it cpould be something that for example makes human dances visually a bit more flashy based on which God you follow for example
- New Gemstore Guild Hall Decorations?? (should be I think a no brainer, or not??, and could be used later maybe also for Player Housing, should this ever come)
- New Automatic Help Tools (stuff that helps you to organize easier your Inventory and keep it clean, for those that want to have that, like Automatic Sell Function, like Automatic Salvage Function, like Automatic Account Chest Move Function, so that you can program literaly with these functions, what it should do automatically with all incoming items for you, unless you deactivate these functions. I’d cont these Functions as “Account Upgrades”
I prsonally would instantly be these Automatic Tools, because then I could tell my account, that it should automatically sell for me all trash loot (let this cost also automatically cost a small fee of a few copper to silver based on the worth of the received gains from the auto selling for basically skipping to have to run to a NPC for this)
Or i could tell my acokitten then, that it instantly automatically salvages all my blues and greens and moves the salvaged materials into my account chest, until it is full and tel me with a small notification once the account chest is full, that automatic movement to chest has been temporarely deactivated, until I clean my account chest and more again room for new materials to be automatically moved to the chest
Thats for me quality of live features, that this game needs. Less pointless clicking wars, more enjoymanet of the game!! and if this quality costs some mone,y then thats fine for me, in the end its still for everybody 100% optional to buy it and nobody who would have it would have any andvantages over other players, such such automatic functions would be no pay2Win at all, just good mechanics, that would make playing the game more joyful and entertaining, with alot leser forced clickings for everything….just to get your inventory organized… when all of this are things, that the game could make for me automatically based on what I told my account to do for me and when exactly.
We have Automatic Looting, then should be automatic Inventory management also no problem!
- Then you could also work on more Hair and Face Styles a bit more constantly please.
I don’t think or can believe, that a hair/facestyle means more work, than adding a new Wing Skin, or a new Weapon Skin, its somethign that should get added more frequently please, they also help sinificantly in making our charactrs naturally more unique, so more different face and hairstyles there are, so better, because the more there exist, so smaller become the chances to ever meet in the game a 100% exact same copy of one self running aroundStuff like this is it, fro mwhich we really cant have enough, but wings??? God no….
- I mentioned more fun items, with this i mean stuff like the water bomb fun item, or box of fun and such things, or more Music instruments, theres still so much Music Instruments that I’d love to see getting add as like also in general some signifcant improvements to playing music instrunments, that makes it also easier for players with latency problems or which play in general no music instruments in real life to become able to play msuic with instruments, that actually sounds good and gapless.
A system that helps for example to program for the instrument a music sheet, tghat the character plays then automatically without that we have to press any buttons or so, so that we can just listen to the music getting played automaticalyl woulds be awesome, but thats an other topic and hasnät right now to do with gemstore creativity…
That is just the point, that more added music instruments would be cool:
- Normal Guitar (and please fix the Bass Guiat to actually sound like a good Bass Guitar and not like a broken car motor!)
- Violin
- Triangle
- Ocarina/Pan Flute
- Zylophone
- Rattles/Claps
- Saxophone
- Tambourines
… and many more
Theres so much more awsome instruments that would be cool to get together, that if we could get then many players togerth with all kindso different instruments playing toger we could get some kind of cool ingame orchestra together ^^ That was always my personal vision I had from the very moment on when I suggested playable music
instruments as one of the very first people here in the forums.
But with the very few instruments we have so far, this isn’t really possible, or wouldnt sound very good, because the broad variety of instruments would be just missing to make it sound epic when like douzends of players would play together synchronized their instruments.. Have seen already some very good duets ingame, but I’d so love to see some kind of big orchestra with many players
If you guys share with me my opinion, that its enough for now with wings and if you also want again more creativity in the Gemstore with changing different things each time and not everytime weeks per weeks per weks the same things until it comes everyone out of their ears, then voice up here guys!!
Stability as a Boon should get removed.
Every Player should receive a BREAK BAR and based on your TOUGHNESS should this Breakbar break in the end easier or harder.
If you have very high toughnes,s it should be naturally also alot harder for players to break your Breakbar to stun you this way.
By giving players also a Breakbar would become finalyl also the whole CC chaos in this game more balanced why giving players finalyl some BREATHE ROOM after being cced to getting stunned, that you can#t simly become stunlocked anymore, like it is possible ny by spamming people with CCs to death.
this is the first thing, that ANet finally needs to get rid of, because this CC spam is it, which ruins the whole fun of WvW and is one of the reasons, why why have at all this stupid pirate shippinmg, because both sides just are waiting for the moment, when they can spam the enemies full with CC to stunlock foes that can then get overrun by others, while they can’t defend themself.
This needs finalyl to get to an end, by protecting players alot more from gettign rever at all stun locked. Nobody in WvW should ever become completely stunlocked to death!!! If you can get stunlocked to death in a combat system, then in my opinion the personal resposible for the combat system in this game has failed, because that simply said is no good game design in a game mode like WvW, when you can get so easily stunlocked to death, because of there existing no systems at all on the combat system of this game, that protects players from gettign this easily stunlocked to death.
Now that we have Break bars, it should be the most logical thing to me prsonally to integrate the gameplay mechanic also into the whole combat system of GW2 and make it a significant part of it that plays for crowd conmtroling other players as much of a role, as like it does for us now in PvE.
We also can’t stunlock enemies in PvE to death and keep them permanently stunned..
the breakbar protects then from this, at the cost that they take significantly increased damage for the time when their breakbars got broken by the players.
I’m sure developing the Breakbar System wasn’t just only done, to make it work only for PvE, tghat would be wasted ressources, if such gameplay mechanics get developed to use them then only in one game mode of three in a game where its combat system is shared among the whole game in all modes!!!
So I beg/please yium, gewt finalyl rid of permastunlocking in PvP/WvW peopel to death through integratign Breakbars completely into the games combat systme, then will reach GW2’s combat system finally a state, where it will make for everyone significantly MUCH MORE FUN, and the defensive stats, like Toughness and Vitality for example as well could then finalyl become also alot more worthful to be taken into consideration of your builds, if they would directly affect also your efficiency of your Break Bar and could greatly influence how hard it is for your enemies to actually stun you.
Stunbreakers in that regard would become then also more valuable to be taken into consideration for your build, because Stunbreaker Skilsl could be then the Skils that woudl be able to instantly restore your Breakbar so that you give your enemies no time where they can pummel you when your defense is decreased, but you should be still able to FIGHT.
Getting stunned has to stop, that you get in that time all your skilsl disabled!!!
You should take only in that time increased damage.
To disable or manipulate your positioning and movement, for this EXIST REMOVEAVLE CONDITIONS that are Cripple, Chill, Taunt, Fear and Immobilize.
Stuff like Daze, Knockdown, Launch and (rename Stun in this case to “Fatique” so that the term Stun in this case doesn’t get used twice) should just directly affect your Breakbar and decrease it and lead to the point, that you get stunned when all those hard CC effects get strong enough focused on you togehter to break your bar and brign it down to 0 to give you then that time window, in which you should use your strongest attacks while your enemy is stunned to defeat your enemy quickly.
Thats how I would redesign the whole system, because de facto is Stability as boon just obsolete, would ANet just improve the combat system by integrating Breakbars into the game completely for all game modes!
Personally I think this whole world linking is just a positive proof about it, that people by now don’t care about such things anymore like such pointless mindsets as like “server pride”
As if ever something like server pride would have brought you in this game anything at all or further in the game.
This vote clearly proofs for me, that people don’t take it with their permanent server pride here, server pride there so seriously at all, like they make it always sound like, as if their server pride would be the most untouchable holy thing of holy things that Anet must never touch at all, or blasphemy !!!!! RIOT …11111 I think you all know what I mean by this …
The point is taken here, that this vote literally opens up design decision changes to improve WvW more towards a concept, that should work more like Alliance vs. Alliance vs Alliance instead of World vs. World vs World.
I think WvW needs this kind of fundamental rework, because it is the only way how Anet can solve the population issues, by getting rid of server based worlds that fight each other and move over to cross server based allianced servers, that work together as an alliance for a specific match chosen “Faction”, where then again all servers that share the same faction be be crossed together as alliances, so that the player population stays for everyone at all times costant, so that other players will get on the shared maps, once the people that need to go to sleep disappear and get replaced slowly by those, that are active then, when other allianced players of other countries go slowly to sleep, when they are awake.
WvW needs to get rid from the language based servers, GW2 is an international game, and WvW is its most international game mode, where it should be possible for everyone to communciate based on English in the chat at least, because the “real” communication happens anyways on third party programs like TS in the background if you just need to communicate with your commander in your mother tongue.
I think this world linking was also just only a kind of soft test by Anet to get to see, how we as community react on this and this poll should just show now, if the test was in the end successful and if Anet can build up upon this design change for the future to improve the population and nightcapping issues with similar mechanics and features, that I think will lead in the future more and more towards a more significant game mode change from WvW over to AvA based on server independent factions instead of server dependent “worlds” with their “prides” that bring nobody anything at all and helps the game mode in no way, if people hang too much on that, because in the end is server prides nothing but dead weight, that keeps Anet back from significantly improving the whole game mode for everybody.
Without it would be ANet alot more flexible in improving the game mode by changing over to a system that will be more independent from the servers through using factions, which can be shared among multiple servers at the same time for which people can fight for then to improve their “Reputation” towards said Factions as maybe some kind of new replacing reward system instead of the current Power of the Mist-System, which is alrerady short before becoming outdated under Anets current plans for WvW.
(edited by Orpheal.8263)
For LS3 Please add more mastery point options
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Orpheal.8263
They shoul add in general add more masteries everywhere, and when they add new masteries to the game (and not just only currently for new raids wings), then they will naturally also have sooner or later to add new mastery points through new achievements…
Currently there is no need to add new points, because there are aleady mroe points in the game than you need to max out everything!!!
Please not again this topic, it has been already discussed to death
I for example have maxed out all Tyria Masteries, without having to do again any of the Tri Wurm Head Kills and have still 11 more points more, than I need.
Same thing with HoT, ive max out everything am 161 so far (don’t care for raids, until Anet nerfs out of raids the Elitism from players and rebalances the raid mechanics, so that all classes are equally welcome in them! Some Classes offer way too good group support and at the same time too good DPS, while others lack at the DPS, or come close to the required DPS, but lack therefore completely at the required Group Support and thus don’t get therfore spots in raids, unloess you play with your social guildies and not with some antisocial elitist scum together that instantly kicks you out, if your don’t bring precisely with you all of their “perfect” requirements.
Raids shouldn’t be just Wannabe-Dungeons on permanent DPS-Race, but thats sadly waht we have now, however thats a different topic.
on topic about masteries, there is still so much unused potential.
Anet self said that HoT should worlk liek some kind of foundation for what is about to come out of it and with Hot build its foundation, I thikn it should be a normal thing for this game, when they improve and EXPAND the mastery system also from this point on in a more constant manner every now and then by adding some new masteries or expanding the already existing lines to give people through this also reasons to return to older regions due to new masteries beign there for them.
Also through living world changing some of the older maps, which havent seen until today any bigger actions at all in them they can make the neccessary changes to add new tyrian masteries that can be part of the map changes.
Also the existing onces should get fixed… that nuhoch alchemy thing for beign the last mastery of their line for example is COMPLETE USELESS, it barely functionates and simply sad is just bad designed mechanically reviewed. It should get reworked into a mastery, that significantly should reduce the damage from Chak Spew and it should once learned prevent you from getting completely glued full by it so that once you have that mastery, Chak can#t immobize you anymore with their spew, then this mastery would be finalyl really useful by havign a helpful effect, which makes directly clear, that it is THERE and that it functionates like what you would expect from such a mastery, how it shoudl work like described basically.
Theres also announced missing masteries, like that once, that should help us to defeat easier Modrem, which got completely removed, maybe intentionalyl so that they could add it later, but in this case it would have been a nice info of ANet to TELL US THIS, instead if just stealth removing the content without saying a word of reason for this change
Anet just needs to take a look over thge already plenty of threads for mastery suggestions just to get a good impression on how much unused potential there is for new very helpful and game improving masteries there is to keep us players busy while giving us at the same time more new food for horizontal character progression, which is one of the main reasons why we even received Masteries!!!!
I call this nonsense, because there are methhods to turn Jeweler into a full Job Level 500 Crafting Profession with thigns to craft with it and there are also methods to make it more valuable.
The thing is just only, that sofar anet doesn’t seem to care about DOING at all the neccessary steps to make the last missing crafting jobs equal to all the rest of the Crafting Jobs which can be already Job Level 500
Thats simply the problem.
Anet doesn’t seem to care, or they care, but are currently either clueless about how they should make then needed changes, or simply don’t want to make changes currently, because they are spending their ressources always on other in their opinion more important things, than to fix finally things, which are already long overdue to be fixed – similar like it took them ages to finalyl “fix” the WvW achievements after YEARS, what probably under an other developer with monthly fees would have been fixed alot quicker highly probably.
Now fixing Jeweler is naturally alot harder by now, than if Anet would have put more focus on that topic alot earlier.
Neccessary Steps woulds be now:
- Remove all easy accessible Ascended Accessoire Vendors from the came, and replace the Ascended Accesssoires from Reward Tables of Fracrals ect.
The goal of this very neccessary step is it to make it harder to get Ascended Accessoires, currently its way too easy, currently you can get them even already before you have seen even an exotic accessoire as reward … and thats what needs to get fixed .. when higher tiered equipment becomes easier to receive, than lower tierred equipment, and be it just accessoires, then theres somethign wrong with this game and thats the reason, why people think, that Jeweler has become worthless and that it would be pointless for many to fix Jeweler, if you then can still get alot easier the stuff from somewhere else, than to actually craft the accessoires.
So the absolute unavoudable answer to this is to fix the problem – remove the way too easy access of ascended accessoires and make the aquisition of them simply rarer.
If the stuff gets rarer, it will automatically become again also more valuable, once ascended jewel crafting becomes one of the more steady but slow income sources of ascended accessoires, like it is the cares with all other ascended equipment, where receive things like ascended weapons or armor parts are a rare thing to happen and if you want to get it quicker, then you have to craft it… andn ot just farm enough luarels/globs of explopaslm or farm some fractals until you can buy what you want from pristine relics
These “rewards” need to get replaced with somethign else.
Replace all ascended accessoires with buyable “limited per day” buyable ascended materials like Elonian leather, Damascus ,Spiritwood ect.
Replace the buyable things from laurels/Globs of Ectoplasm with somethign completely new that might be for one or another player very helpful, like for example gathering nodes for your home instance buyable for like 250 Laurels + 250 Globs so that there is an alternative of gettign these, if you dont want to spent your luck on BLC’s ect. Not everythign of these must be lucky drops, I think there should also be some of them to be buyable things as some bigger Money/Laurel/Glob sinks.
Next step is implementing Legendary Accessoires and “Skill Skins” as new game feature to give legendary accessoires somethign unique and “visual” that makes them legendary and more valuable than ascended accessoires besides of the free stat change feature outside of combat, because legebndary weapons, back items and armor cover up already everythign else from auras, footprints, body part effects and so on to even also partially changing the look of weapon skills.
Legendary Accesspires could change the looks of our healing, utility and Elite SKills, but especialyl the Utility Skills, like for example the whole summons/minino skils of the game, which would be the easiet ones to change visually to give us more options of how our miniions should look, lettign them look more epic when you have legendary accessoires equipped that give you the ability to change the skill skins of your miniion, with the difference, that legendary accessoires should be still from all legendary equipment the “easiest” to make.
With adding legendary accessoires, the comes naturalyl addign also new ascended precursor accessoire recipes.
ANother step to make ascended jeweler worthful is also by redesigning the Rune and Sigil System to offer through ascneded Jeweler also finally Ascended Runes an Ascended Sigilsnas accountbound account unlockers for PvE, so that you can unlock Runes and Sigils permanently for your account for PvE, so that you don#t have to buy these ever again if you might want to change out your Runes/Sigils, which is a very important and NEEDED overdue change as huge quality of life imporovement for GW2, if this game should EVER get a Build Template System that should work similar to PvP, where players should be able to quickly change out their whole builds in short time, without having to rethink abiout the used upgrades, that they might lose them and have to rebuy them, if you change something on your builds.
This building comfort that we have now in Pvp, this do we also need in PvE, and thats exactly what alot of players WANT TO HAVE FORE YEARS, since basicalyl the relase of this game, people are asking for the return of a build template system, and thats in my honest opinion only somethign that should and could work in collaboration with ascended jeweler and merging that ascneded craftign job together with an improvement of the whole upgrade system by enabling players to craft with it ascended runes and sigils that are used to unlock for your accoun#t build temple system like in PvP all the various parts that can be used for builds, which are mostly runes, sigils and gemstones.
So ascended runes, ascended sigils and crafting ascended gemstones is pretty much a must given thing thats needs to be made by ANet for a fully and properly functionating build template system for GW2!!!
Adding craftign recipes from Job Levels 400-500 is also no big thing.
Just add some new jewel crafting materials to be found, including letting azurite return again and become part of this.
ANet could add also some nice useful items that could work as either fun items, buff items, summon items ect. for these recipes, simply requiring all kinds of various jewelas of all kinds of tiers.
the good thing abourt this would be, that all the jewel materials would become then alos alot more valuable.
You know Summon Stones from GW1, thre consumeable items, that allow you to summon all kinds of monsters to help you in combat.
Somethign like this could find its retun to GW2, addign some nice new creatures to summon to help you in combat, or maybe in a different way – let you TRANSFORM into these monsters so that you can fight with their unique skills
As Buff items, they cpould add a new unique thirs buff item type, that doenst count as Potion or as Food, but instead as “Artefact”, which are consumeable magic infused gems that buff you with new different kind of buffs that aren#t just stat boots mostly you know from food/potion,s but instead would be more skill based buffs based on which class uses them and which class gets combined with with Artefact.
Or they could work as Boon/Condition Expanders that uder the effect of an Artefact Buff, your Boons and Conditions are more effectful, than usual.
There are so many ways to solve these problems, your just need to have the WILL TO DO IT, and you need to be creative.
If you lack on one of these things, then its clear that we find no solution and nothing happens.
And I just thing, we have here the issue, where ANet is creative for sure, but currently lacks at the will to do it, because they are simply focused right now on too many other things they give more priority.
I hope Anet will finally take with the next greater Balance Patch either on 11th June or at the last quarterly Update in this year the opportunity to rebalance in a more significant way Runes in this game so that they finally become “valuable”, because 90% of all runes are such useless and worth in the game just only like 1-5 Silver!!!
Runes should also get mechanicallly wise completely reworked, so that you aren’t forced always to get 6 of them just to get a complete set.
Rune Effects should get changed into “Runestones”, which should be just only 1 single item which when equipped automatically fills in all slots of your Equipment and which is equipment, that you need to basically charge up with Magic to improve it to unlock its up to 6 effects through using “Essence of Magic” which could become another thng you just receive from salvaging items or which players could turn with a recipe as Construteurs from Essence of Luck into Essence of Magic so that there is another way of usage for Essence of Luck, if you maybe already have max MF.
Same thing should be done with Gemstones, reduce the number you have to buy to get the full Stat Boost from 6 to 1 and let Gemstones increase in Power of the Stat Boost by using in this case *Essences of Might" to strengthen the Gemstones, until they reach their maximum Stat Boost Power, which should be also singificantly higher, than what Runestones give as Stat Boosts, so that Gemstones finally become a good alternative against Runestones with their helpful unique passive effects. Then at least should provide Gemstones the far superior Stat Boosts, if the dont give you passive effects.
Crests – Rework them into something new and different, that doesn’t give Stat Boosts, but changes directly Skill Effects based on which Class uses them and let them work similar like Runestones, but just based only on Skills that you can unlock with them upgrades on Skill Mechanics, so they are the opposite of Gemstones, 100% only Effects, no Stat Boosts
Here is what I’d suggest to change:
Rune of Baelfire: Reduce Vigor Cooldown from 25s to 15s and make it a 100% chance when being hit, also 100% chance for Fire Nova when being hit every 15s.
Rune of the Brawler: Exchange the +50 Power with an Effect that reduces the Durations of Crowd Control Effects like Stun and Daze on you significantly.
Rune of the Centaur: Change the +10% Swiftness Duration Effect into a Chance Effect of 10%, that your Swiftness Effects turn into Super Speed for the Duration of a Swiftness and add to the last effect, that you and your allies gain pulsing Stability as long the movement increasing buff is active. The 50% reduced Cripple becomes Cripple Immunity
Rune of the Chronomancer: Change the last Effect into a time increasement of 2 seconds for Continnum Shifts. 50 Power Effect exchanged with Manipulation Effects having 20% lesser Recharge Times
Rune of the Citadel: 100% Fury when being hit for 10s every 20s, completely exchange the last Effect. You gain now on 100% every 20s when being hit Protection and Resistance for 5 seconds
Rune of the Daredevil: Change the Toughness Effects to Vitality and the 50 Power Effect into an Effetc, that makes you significantly more resistent against crown control effetcs like Daze, Stune, Launch, Knockdown by halving the duration and making it so, that you can get CC’ed only every 5 seconds, so that you can’t get stunlocked anymore.
Rune of the Elementalist: Exchange the 50 Power Effect with an Effect that Reduces Conjure Skill Recharge Times by 20%
Rune of Fire: 100% Might when being hit for 5s, Recharge 10s, Fire Aura now when being hit in general every 20s for 5s
Rune of the Flame Legion: 100% Burning now for 3s when being hit every 15s, Change the Burning Duration Effects out that you receive lesser damage from burning foes. First 5%, on last additional 10%.
Rune of Hoelbrak Change it into an all Stat Rune and exchange the Might when beign hit Effect to a 100% Resistance when being hit effect for 2 seconds on 20s cooldown. Change the Might Duration Increases into Resistance duration Increases.
Rune of the Mad King: Turn all Power Effects to Expertise Effetcs, Turn all specific Condition Duration Effects into increasements of Concentration. Remove the Cooldown from the raven Efft, its anyways linked already to the cooldown of the Elite, so this is 100% pointless
Rune of the Mesmer: Exchange the 50 Power Effect with an Effect that reduces the Skill Recharge Times of Glamours by 20%
Rune of the Ogre: 100% Summon of Rock Dog every 60 seconds when being hit.
4% Damage Effect gets exchanged out with summoned allies receiving +20% more Health and having 20% longer durations.
Rune of the Pack: 100% chance to grant the boons on now 30s cooldown, 10% Swiftness Effect exchanged with Effect, that lets Summon/Pet Skills heal you when you call them. So if i summon a Thief by Ambush, I get healed, if I exchange my pets as Ranger, I get healed, if I summon undeads, I get healed and so on.
Rune of the Privateer: 100% chance when being hit now on 30s cooldown, 100% chance to summon the Parrot, Might Duration Effect exchanged to increase of Concentration, 100 Power reduced to 75 for another boost of +25 towards Concentration
Rune of the Reaper: 50 Power exchanged with Spectral Skill Recharge Times reduced by 20%
Rune of the Scrapper: 50 Power exchanged with Gadget Skills having 20% reduced Recharge Times.
Rune of Strength: Completely overworked. 10% Might Duration becomes +50 Expertise, Gain Might whenever you receive Heal Effects on 1s Cooldown with durations of 5s now on 3, +75 Expertise now on 4, +10% Boon Durations now on 5 and +2% Damage for every Boon on you.
Rune of Surging: Exchange the Shocking Aura Effect out with Magnet Aura, Remove the senseless cooldown as its already linked to an Elite Skill’s cooldown.
Rune of Vampirism Effect2 gets changed to. All Your Attacks leech now a small portion of health based on the dealt damage, this includes Condition Damage as well, especially Bleeding.
Effect. Effect 4 stealths you now for 3 seconds and removes movement impending conditions when using a Healing Skill, if it stealthed you already, then its duration stacks on top of that from the Healing Skill. Effect 6 gets changed to gaining Super Speed when you gain stealth and your leechings of health becoming now stronger.
This way would be alot more of the Power Runes more useful and interesting imo
Before I continue, I want to discuss first over the Power Runes thoughts abotu the suggested changes, before I go on to the next section.
(edited by Orpheal.8263)
I hope ANet also makes somewhen finally the reintegration of Living World Season 1 as they planned to do that….
We haven’t sadly heard anythign much about this anymore since a longer time from them…but somehow Ive the feeling, its somethign they have already silently put on ice again, like some other things we know … sigh
I hope for LS3, that Naet uses the chance now to return this game with it a bit more to some good nostalgia, because i think this would return for many people which already quitted with this game over the last years the interest into GW2 so that they might come back and become again active players.
With the last raid its ovbious, that the White Mantle seems to make its return (and maybe also the Mursaat) and the lastest events give me the impression, that with bandits showing now lately again more activity the scenarion will be set more about the return of the white mantle and the bloodstones/Mursaat to let that LS season lead us slowly then either to Kralkatorrik and the crystal desert where maybe the current hideout of the White Mantle could be together with tons of krals minions and undeads from Elona/Mordant Crescent that might patrol aroudn there too in the near, or maybe could lead us finally to more infos about the deap sea dragon as a surprise and maybe a return of the Scepter of Orr/Livia – that would be my personal wish dream, that Net surprises as with the next elder dragon with one, that we wouldn’t expect next, because basically no one would expect as next dragon the DSD or primordus for example. Everyone seelfs to be so sure about it, that Kralkatorrik will be next, so I think a living world season 3 that sets us surprinsingly onto a completely different path mixed together with some good nostalgia from GW1 is I think right now exactly the right thign what GW2 needs to revive the hype for GW2 and brign back also alot of lost players at the same time by rekindling their interest into the game that way.
For me personalyl it has be over the seen 4 years that this game exists soon way too quite about the DSD, we have received about it absolutely no infos at all in all of this time, other that its name begins with S…
wow, seriously???
I think its more than overdue, that we get to see more about it and to fight next agaisnt an total unknown elder dragon I think is also far more intriging and interesting ,than to go agaisnt Kralkatorrik now, again into deserts and wastelands, which we had already with mostly all of season 2 already. I think deserts and wastelands can take for now a brief break, before we return to that kind of maps, until we are done with the DSD and Anet has used that chance to rework also the whole underwate combat content of this game together with LS3..
Also I can’t think of any other magical artifact in the whole world of Tyria, that is powerful enough to force the DSD out of his advantageous realm – the sea, than the Scepter of Orr, which was already in the past powerful enough to sink and rise whole kingdoms – so huge land masses of the size of an elder dragon easily … and we all know, that Livia still lives, as shes since she owns the Septer basically as Necromancer through its extreme powers immortal and her whereabouts are just completely unknown so far.
I could think of her as one eternal guardian, that protects the most powerful magical artefacts, including the scepter of orr from ever gettign into the fangs of the elder dragons, so that they can’t eat them to absorb their magical powers to become more powerful and that we maybe have to fight her somewhen as some kind of heroic trial to proof her, that we have the power, the will and the courage to overcome all kinds of threats to ensure, that we protect Tyria from the elder dragons to convince her to help us fight agaisnt the DSD by luring it with the help of the scepter into a trap to get th dragon into a position, where we can fight it at least on equal conditions.
Brief said, I’m excited for LS3.. I play this game mainly for its story and I’d love to see the story progressing soon again to see, how it guides us slowly into an epic finale that leads us to Expansion 2 then
I’ve already posted suggestions for a chest rework one page ago. Needless to say, this one is appropiate and would normalize ascended material prices back to sanity.
fixed this needless as like pointless overdramatization of you here.
Guess you just cherrypicked the point you liked to see, to just ignore that I have written also at the very end, that with my poroposed changes with offering ascended materials based on the map you play on, that through this improvement would be changed the heros choice chest into a daily limited reward, that you can receive only once per day per character.
Given is also the fact, that every HoT map meta requires some time
DS: 2 hours!
AB: 1hour
VB: 2hours! for full cicle from daytime to nighttime, night bosses back to daytime
TD: 2 hours!
SO basically all, except AB are meta events on a 2 hour interval. With the rward gettign limited to once per character you#d have to be pretty much hardcore grind the meta to maximize just your income for the materials, and I doubt it hard, that alot of players would be willing to play so stressfully just to max out the daily goins of a specific material, when you’d have to participate every single tiem for 2 hours pr character at a map just to get at the end an ascended material.
However the increase in the income of ascended materials though this change would surely so partial good enough, that it will just help to normalize the prices again, but this change for sure won’t by such a big deal, that the materials will get down instantly to toilet paper value.. thats such overdramatization on your side, which absolutely won’t happen, because therefore are the materials just too valuable, as if people would let these things go down into abkittene worthlessness, just because the offer of the materials would slightly increase to lead to the point, that people that want to sell these materials need to do a bit more aggressive undercuttings to ensure, that people buy rather from them than from other sellers.
time gated crafting absolutely shouldn’t be the only way to obtain these materials, there absolutely needs to be at least 1-2 other different ways of how you can obtain these materials and I think the heroes choice chests as daily limited rewards per character for doing the meta events in HoT would be a very good incentivation for peopel to do them.
They’d be the optimal reward for people, which want a valuable reward that reduces grind, while helping also you at your character progression and making this game again more alternative character friendly.
While my other options are rather good rewards for people, which have already done all that character progression, dont need any ascended equipment anymore and rather want to get significant progress on achievements that are based on all the various map currencies, like collections, while the last option is just valuable for those people, that need spcific materials like Auric Slivers for scribing or to craft auric weapons, or stuff like leyline sparks to make fulgurite that is needed for HoT legendaries together with piles of auric dust, airship oil and obsidian shards, so option 3 is most valuable for the legendary crafters, while under my proposal DS offers based on the ammount of mordremoth defeats and your grade of exploration also effort based returning special rewards to help making this game again more multi character friendly and lesser of a grind in regard of BIS equipment and explorationfor those people, which have already explored everythign to 100% and don’t want to repeat that again and again and again with every single character of their accounts, where a little reward that helps speeding up the exploration process would be very helpful, if you fulfill the requirements that this helpful item will be shown to you as a chooseable option, which would be also very helpful for legendary makers to speed up a bit the process of making the maguuma mastery gifts.
I overlooked your proposal and some points among your suggestions wouldk be straight up a NERF and would make like people said and responded to you the rewards crappier, than they already are!!
Like your mindless suggestion to turn the 12 guaranteed machetes and the currenciens straight into just only 10 crystalline ores /facepalm, when the machetes are way better, because with the machetes you have theoretically the chance to get up to 120 ores, if you have insane unbelieveable luck, but even if you have no luck at all, you’d stil lget 2 ores with 12 machetes more, than you get with your suggestion…so seriously, just /facepalm for not thinking this over first how obviously bad this change would be …
Even with just some mediocre luck you will gain from 12 machetes oftenly much more ores from the pods, than just only 10 … need to have just even only ONCE the luck to get from a single pod 10 ores directly, then theres also the chance to get from pods 3 instead of only 1 ore. if you are even very lucky you can maximum receive from a pod 14 crystalline ore, so even more, than you want to give us straight here.
Maybe you should informate yourself first, how “good” the game rewards us already with something, before you come up with such straight nerfs.
I overlooked today what these chests actually drop, what you can get and if its something that maybe changes daily or somethign like that..
after having looked over, what you can get and that the rewards seem to be everytime exactly the same things, i realizes, how MASSIVELY UNDERWHELMING the reward choices are, and how ridiculously STUPID someone must be, if you as a player basically don’t choose the Pact Commando Crate, because the other options are compared to that crate juist utter garbage and not worth the time you spend in the map to get that reward chest.
Same for all the other heros choice reward chests the other maps, where under the rewards is always something, that is much more rewarding compared to the other few options you have.
Draggion Stand…. chose Pact Commando Crate and you receive:
TWELVE MACHETS = Chance to receive 12 to 120+ (if you are that absurdly lucky) Crystalline Ores and other valuable things
+ 12-60 units of all 3 HoT Map Currencies.
This compared to:
1 lousy Leyline Spark, or
1 lousy Pile of Auric Dust, or
1 lousy Bottle of Airship Oil, or
1 lousy Black Diamond
Who should be in this game really ever so dumb to take any of these pathetic other options over the good rewards you get from the Pact Commando Crate, which actually really helps you to reduce significantly your grind towards working on a HoT legendary to make the required Gift of Maguuma Mastery, or the whole Crystalline Ore grind for when you would like to get a full set of 6 commander runes, which costs together freaking 600 ores, more than what you ned for a legendary weapon!!! (insane!)
Same thing for the weaker rewards from the other hot maps.
*Verdant Brink: *
Choose between either:
- 1 lousy bottle of Airship Oil
- 50 Airship Parts and 12 Crowbars (which you already receive inflatingly by just playing on the map and doing events quicker, than you can use them up!!!)
- Reclaimed Metal Plate
So who would seriously ever take here anythign else than the reclaimed metal plate, which is far more worth, than the other options and helps you in significantly reducing the endgaame achievement grind for making some asccended weapons
Auric Basin: (this one is seriously really desatrous!)
choose between either
- 50 aurillium lumps and 12 Exalted keys (which you also get fast enough just from making the meta and doing the events before the meta starts)
- 1 lousy auric sliver, or
- 1 lousy pile of auric dust (crap that you get from every single exalted chest so or so …)
Tangled Depths: choose either between:
1 lousy Ley Line Spark, or
50 Leyline Crystals and 12 Chak Acids, or
1 Chak Egg
again here, who shoudl ever choose here one of the other options, when obviously choosing the chak egg to reduce yourself significantly some grind is the most best rewarding option???
Can you please overwork the rewards from the heros choice chests, so that either you get EVERYTHING and don’t have to choose at all, because for that kind of mostly lousy underwhelming rewards where always one thign among them is far superior and much more worth than everythign else together it doesn#t make sense at all to force us to have to choose between rewards, when its practically always predestined, what people will take anyways, because of people would be kind of dumb to ignore the reward, that actually helps them the most, compared to worthless garbage, that helps you not at all, nor can it be sold for some good money at least.
Or the 3 to 4 options should be at least of EQUAL VALUE, so that there is no absolute superior reward compared to the other mostly useless things, all options hsould be valuable, helpful and should brign you ingame forward in letting you reach your goals faster
Here is my proposal for changed rewards from the heros choice chests per map:
Guaranteed Reward: Randomly 1-2 Reclaimed Metal Plates
Chooseable Options addtionally to the guranteed reward that you always will receive.
- Container worth of 50 Bottles of Airship Oil, or
- Container worth of 125 Airship Parts (playing in a map for a specific currency should be always significantly more rewardign for that currency, than playing DS that rewards all 3 currencies at once)
- Container that rewards you with ascended Crafting Material (Elonian Leather) and some random map specific lower materials like Barbed Thorns
Guaranteed Reward: 1 random Auric Weapon
Chooseable Options:
- Container worth of 50 Auric Slivers
- Container worth of 125 Lumps of Aurillium
- Container that rewards you with Ascended Material (Damascus) and some random map specific lower materials, like Piles of Auric Dust
Guaranteed Reward: Randomly 1-3 Chak Eggs
Chooseable Options:
- Container worth of 50 Leyline Sparks
- Container worth of 125 Leyline Crystals
- Container that rewards you with ascended Materials (Spiritwood) and some random map specific lower materials, like Leaf Fossils
Guaranteed Reward: 12 Machetes
Chooseable Options:
- Bag of Jewels worth 10 or more Black Diamonds or other HoT related rare jewels of Choice
- Pact Commando Crate (worth of 3 more Machets, and 12-60 units of all 3 Map Currencies), or
- Bag of Lodestones (rewards you 1-3 Lodestones of all Stones), or
- Jungle Treasures (rewards you with 3-10 Almagamated Gemstones), or
- Map of Discoveries (unlocks for one of your characters around 10% of a HoT Map that hasn’t been explored by that character yet and lets you receive additionally also 2 Gold), or (so beat mordremoth 10x and you can make for 1 character a map completely discovered basically – option appears first, after you have beaten mordremoth the first time and have made at least 1 character that has explored all maps 100%)
- Chest of Ascension (appears only every xx modremoth defeats) = Choose an ascended equipment chest of coice
I think with these changes, would be these heros choice chests far better balanced for all maps, by offering then rewards, which would be all more equal towards each other with none of the rewards being too far superior over the other options that look very lousy and laughable compared to the most best option to take, don’t you think too???
With such improved and rebalanced rewards it would make then also sense, that the new hero reward chests are receiveable from this point on then also only just once per map per day per character.
(edited by Orpheal.8263)
I think there would be much lesser of a problem with items like this or the crap ton on “trophy” items that are accountbound that you receive from making legendaries, when it would be much clearer to the player, when exactly you can delete these items.
For some of them Anet added this kind iof information that tells players, when item x is just required only for some kind of collection.
I think ANet has to go here much more into detaisl and andd this important information to alot more trophy items, so that players will delete alot quicker tstuff that is 100% sure for them that the item won#t be needed anymore.
I self have alot of things in my inventory, that I basically don’t need, but just keep, because out of fear, i might need these thigns still maybe later again and the item description doesn#t tell me, if that item will be needed again later maybe, because it just tells me only, its a trophy item – wow, just the information that everybody needs, wen in fact I just want to know only, when the point is reached in the game, that the item won#t be needed ever anymore!!!
I think the very best solution would be, if anet couuld improive these items simply with some kind of “auto delete-function”, that these items, just delete themself once you reach the moment where those trophies won’t be needed ever again anymore, so that they don’t fill up your inventory so much any longer than needed.
Or better, the moment where these items aren#t needed anymore, the Game should turn them automatically into some kind of valuable “trash” so that we can see on the first look then, that NOW is the time to sell the stuff to get some money from the not anymore needed items back.
That would be some good and easy to make quality of life improvements for this crap that floods so quickly our inventories.
ANd I think it shouldnt be impossible to programm a mechanic, that turns items automatically into sellable trash, or automaticalyl deletes these items, once the player reaches in the progression of the game the point, where the items won’t be needed anymore further from point X onwards, which would be just a detection mechanic added to these items that tells the game to delete for us Item X, once player has done Y.
Simple “If Player has done X, then do Y mechanics” shouldn’t take too long to be made to help us organizing easier automatically the inventories of our characters.
I don’t play engineer for this reason.
Problem with D/D is that people can’t agree on how they want to play it due to its hybrid approach. Power players want/need a changed DB, condi players don’t like CnD and backstab weaving which the set features for power play.
Dancing Dagger can’t get buffed unless it stops bouncing, and will remain continuously pretty terrible, and obviously changes to HS aren’t really a good idea.
Because of the increased Synergies which would makes Thieves more unpredictable?
Because of this System making Thieves a more skillful and complex to play and understand class like Enginners with all their Weapon Kits and Toolbelt Skill Synergies ?
However, you have to admit, my suggestion here would make D/D truly unique compared to the other Weapon Sets and with the many Synergies, there would be provided for all sides something, power builds, condition builds, hybrid builds – they all would find among thise Stigma Effects something from that their builds could benefit in the moment of the fight when you attack a foe that you have marked with Assassins Promise with a Stigma, so that for a brief time those Snyergy Effects can improve your skills. Also these Synergy Effects would be really helpful to make absolutely underused and boring skilsl of the Thief directly alot more fun and effectful, because of their Synergies, don’t you think too???
I for once surely would use far more oftenly skills like Haste or Roll for Initiative, or the Traps, if they would provide me with D/D my proposed snyergy effects that would make using these utility skills directly alot more fun and it would provide alot more skillful play, if you can make good usage of these synergy effects and combine them as good as possible together, while making as good as possible constantly usage of them by focusing your attacks on your marked target, making D/D the true weapon set for “Assassins”, whose attacks should be special effected somehow towards enemies they have chosen out as their “marked targets”
Naturally my proposed Stigmas are just pure examples, ANet is free to change the effects with whatever they like, my concept here should just show the basic gameplay that I’d like to see with D/D, os that D/D becomes in gameplay significantly different compared to the other initiative spamfest weapons that have other roles, like CC Control, Condition Pressure/Boon Removal ect. whereas D/D should be in my opinion the unpredictabel tactical trickster of an assassins, which pulls out deadly synergetic effects against targets, when you expect it the least as a compensation therefore that D/D always needs to be at full risk of being in melee combat to be able to deal the most damage, which is even again based on stealth, as only Backstab is your highest burst option that compared to all other burst options of other classes requires good timing and positioning, where the other classes are just only button pressing to burst/meh, and even for this thieves don’t get compensated for having the highest burst damage due to attacking foes defenselessness out of surprise from, because then would cry the half GW2 world instantly again, how OP Thieves are. behind
This i meant
together with this's_Greatsword_Skin
as mesmer.
However, what you did there with thief looks also good as well, I#d just remove only the pistol, looks unfitting and go rather with S/D, offhand dagger is lesser irritating than the pistol and fits also better a ninja
The OP has some points and there are some things about the games economy, that I would like to see changed, even if that means that it will be negative for like 1% of the games community..
But if that 1% of the game is richer, than then 99% of the rest of the community together, then theres somethign really wrong in this game.
Clearly, it is more than understandable, that Anet wants us that we pay thignjs in the game with real money, because its more comfortable to get thast way the gold that you need for things in the game quickly.
However, this doesn’t mean, that there can’t and should exist mechanics in this game, that keep the economy so far in check, that the gap between poor players and rich players doesn’t grow so extremely into the unendlessness, because of there being absolutely no mechanics, which stop in general this bad movement of money flow, this disparity between both sides that couln’t be any bigger, where one side has far more Gold than a single person will ever need in this Game for years and where most others crab around at mostly always lesser than approx 200-1000 Gold, if not even far under this line, so basically people, which are unable to buy anythign from the TP, or if they do, are instantly after the buy bankrupt or nearly bankrupt in most cases and have to farm first again for a long time, before they become able to buy again something that they want, while the uber rich can let basically their money work for them self through the TP and if wanted just need only to wait on the right time, where they can find something in the market that they can buy in super cheap and sell then for liek double the price or higher, when they practically own the whole offer of an item and they are the only source to get that item, because the item has been either permanently or temporarly removed from the game.
This is called Monopoly!! And Monopolies are bad for the economy, there you can say what you want, thats fact!
Thats the reason why there exist for that in real life things like cartels, that make sure, that a monopoly doesn’t get created at all in a country, so that small portions of a market can’t rule over the a large market alone.
i’d like to see for the economy the following changes to this game:
1: The Game receives a new maximum Gold Limit you can own per Account by 1000 Gold (GW1 had also a Limit, that you could own maximum 1000 Platin for the Account Chest and 100 Platin on characters) GW2 will use now the same System. You can have now maximum 1000 Gold in the chest per Account and maximum 100 Gold on your Chartacters.
This will limit the maximum Gold one will be able to store and will discourage super rich people to get richer and richer, because it iwll become more of a hassle to organize all the Gold, instead of spending it and removing it out of the Game or being maybe a bit more generous and helping out every now and then some poor players out.
2: The Trading Post Taxes get changed to the point, that they proportionally become significantly bigger for players, that are super rich, to ensure that the economy of this game stays healthy and also to discourage people to get uber rich and to try to build up monopolies of so much Gold that they become able to buy out stocks of items just to resell them then greedily for double/tripple the price for what they bought the stuff in.
3: Relisting Items and Preordering Items gets changed, underbidding for a lousy single copper won’t be possible anymore. Relisting and Preordering will be now only possible, if the prices are at least 5% higher/lower than what is currently the highest/lowest price. This will benefit especially parts of the market, where people constantly underbit themself to ensure, that people buy from them, but if you can just underbit people with a freaking single coppe,r its no miracly, that players stay always so super high, that many people can’t buy the things from the TP, or first after having done some obcene and absurd money grinding or beign lucky with some loot drops that give them instantly some bigger gold income if they sell it, like a unneeded precursor, or like an already unlocked very valuable dye …
4: Waypoints will get changed to cost money based on your total money that you own on your account, instead of having a general small cost, they costs will grow now also if you get richer and richer, so that WPs stay a good money sink also over time.
So easiest way for getting lower WP costs is, spend some Gold instead of playing Dagobert Duck and hoarding gold like there is no tomorrow… Gold is there to spend it, not to hoard it forever, only when Gold is constantly in flow and also constantlyx removed from a game like GW, only then you have a healthy economy, where poorer players can also catch up slowly and where a game doesn’t get super inflatious prices for things in the tp, just to unlock some skins or to get an achievement done, because of the game offering only very poor designed options of obtaining said things in the game which makes it super rich players very easy to become even richer, because these people abuse the fact naturally on the cost of the poorer players, that the game offers for certain things only very limited ways of income for the offer, especially when making something self barely lets you save any money worth it, when its just quicker to preorder something, if you are willing to wait.
Best example for this is Pendant of Orr, from all items required to get a single lousy achievement done, this is by far the most costy item that rich people abuse to get richer, which the rich palyrs manipulate to keep at high cost at any time, because items like these are it with that rich players make quickly more money with due to buying in when its cheap and selling again, when they make some few Gold with it that is higher income than the trading post taxes they have to pay so that they make profit from the item. Simple market basics.
All othe items for that achievement are alot lesser valuable, because there exists a much steadier income of the offer, but due to the Pendant being not craftable somehow, and you can receive in rarely only as loot from very limited options naturally means, that rich people abuse this item to make quickly a few bucks with, while ruining for many people that aren’t that rich an achievement basically, because they ruin with their greed the absolut cost/benefit relationship of that item for the achievement, because the reward of the achievement is absolutely not worth all the money spend for the required items, but as long those greedy rich players can make moeny from such items, they naturally don’t care if their personal greed ruins the game for many other players. However, thats an other topic.
5: Account Limit per IP. Every IP should be able to own maximum 3 accounts, this is also a very important aspect against Gold Sellers that should have been done right from the begin on!! Yes, that might be a very frustratign change for all people, which might have already more than 3 accounts, but peopl can (and will) sell them anyways in that case, but for the safely of this games economy and in protection against Gold Selling, this change is long overdue and neccessary.
Even the most hardcore altoholic players should have with 3 Accounts more than enough space for possible characters.
Limiting the maximum number of accoutns, limits extremely also the maximum gold a hoarder can accumulate together in regard of farmed materials/general gold to be able to try to monopolize the game’s economy.
There needs to be borders for such people, a point, where they simply can’t get more anymore. Stop until here and no further, thats the principle that is missing in this game to protect the game’s economy from dagobert duck syndrome players, which don’t know anymore, when it is enough.
Simply said, there are things, that Guild Wars 1 has made significantly better and I wish they’d return in favor of this games economy.
Can’t find the thread about this topic again, so I’ll post it now in an own one.
Personally I’d love to see it that every skill type should provide an equal amount of skills among all Classes.
Currenty all Classes havem’t for all Skill Types also Skills among the Utility, Healing and Elite Skills, there are even still some Skills in this Game, which have no skill category at all!! I’d like to see this getting changed, plus the added new skills to make all skill types in this game equal in amount, that they provide in all 3 areas skilsl would lead to increased build diversity also.
So I made my mind up, what kind of Skills I’d love to see gettign added to fill up the gaps. Filling these gaps is something, that Anet could do for example somewhen with another Feature Pack in the future, or via the next Expansion when they are already working also on Skills for the next Elite Specializations, then they can work also on filling the gaps to make all skill types equal for all skill categories, that are Healing, Utility and Elite Skills, while giving skilsl that have no category yet also a category, so that these skills get affected by traits also positively from that point on.
Heres my suggestions for skills listed per Class:
Conjure ~ Ether Blades
Conjures a a pair of Swords of pure arcane Ether Energy, which grants when used 5 Ether Sword Skills. Wielders of these Weapons are granted increased Concentration and lose 1 condition every 3 seconds when they hit targets with the AA of Ether Blades.
AA – Ether Strike – Strike foes, heal yourself and nearby allies when you hit foes based on the damage you deal procentually. Every 3rd strike you remove a Condition
2 – Elemental Lord Grant Buffs to yourself and nearby allies, based on which elemental attunement you have active for the next x seconds whenever you attack someone with your AA. Fire: Might, Water: Resistance, Air: Quickness, Earth: Protection
3 – Energy Prism – Attack all foes in line of sight with a ranged Energy Cross Strike of your swords that can’t be blocked and causes cripple, bleed and vulnerability, while it removes from allies all kinds of movement reducing conditions, if they stood in the line too and heals them for every removed condition.
4 – Energy Boon – Grants Retaliation, Regeneration and Vigor in a pulsing Ether Field as long as you charge this skill, but you become immobile meanwhile, as you ram your swords for this effect into the ground.
5 – Ether Prodigy – Instantly refills up for you and all your nearby allies their Endurance by 100% and heals everybody 50% based on the percentage of Endurance that has been restored. So someone who has 0 Endurance and receives 100 Endurance back with EP, will also get half of his health healed maximum. However, using this skill will instantly remove Ether Blades.
Elite Signet ~ Signet of Concentration
Passive: Increases Concentration by +180
Active: On Activation you receive All Boons for a brief time and the last Attunement that has been used will instantly recharge and the next 3 Skills used when attuning back to this Element will deal 20% more damage and can’t be blocked.
Elite Arcane ~ Arcane Barrier Elite version of Arcane Shield, which protects stronnger and also allies with a barrier effect that protects you and allies like Mass Invisibility, people simple block immediately after usage the next incoming kittens.
Whenever Arcane Barrier blocks incoming damage also a small portion of the damage is repelled back to the origin, makign this skill tactically especially deadly when used in midsts of tons of AoE damage. Arcane Barrier also gives everyone while being affected from it periodically stability and resistance.
Spectral ~ Spectral Chains
Send out Spectral Chains to tether you with your enemies. Receive a Heal on usage, from that point on you get periodically healed whenever someone of your tethered foes deals damage to anything and you gain a bit Life Force.
While being tethered to your foes, you gain also the passive effects that your tethere foes have. Example: Tethered foe is affected by a banner, you gain also the passive effetc of that banner as long as Spectral Chains is working.
Elite Signet ~ Signet of Lost Souls
Passive: Increases Toughness based on every Minion with you or nearby from other of allies by +30 per Minion. (Cap at +600 Toughness)
Active: Depletes instantly all of your Life Force to 0, therefore do you deal for the next 5 seconds +20% damage, are immune to CCs of all sorts and your Minions gain for 5 seconds all boons.
Elite Well ~ Well of Silence
Target area pulses, damaging foes over time, while foes inside of it can’t use any Shout Skills, aren’t affected by Banners and whenever this well gets placed somewhere, it will remove any Enemy AoE, it practically overwrites them and while this Well is up, can’t enemies place their AoEs in that area, this Well practically prohibites any other enemy aoes to be placed, where it has been placed.
Ether Feast gets turned into a Glamour
Clone ~ Arcane Echo
Heal yourself and create a clone, which reuses on your targeted foe the last Skill that you have used and deals with it the same damage, as like the Original, before you activated Arcane Echo which wasn’t a Clone or Phantasm Skill.
Phantasm ~ Phantasmal Paramedic
Heal yourself, Summon then an illusion, which heals periodically nearby allies, and grants Regegerations, Protections and Vigor randomly on touch with allies/you
Elite Mantra ~ Mantra of Signets > Power Return
Meditate, charging a Spell, which instantly recharges Signet Skills and which grants a positive Effect that increases the passive Effect Efficiency of Signets by 20%, while you haven’t used the charged Spell to instantly recharge your Signets.
Elite Clone ~ Pantomime
Creates a Pantomime Clone of yourself, which performs exactly the same Skill as you and which deals the same damage as like the Original, while also having the same Health as like the Original. Basically, while you have this Clone up, will you perform all of your skills twice against a foe at the same time. However, while Pantomine is up and it receives Damage, then you will receive damage too, so this means, you receive also twice the damage while its up. Riskful, but rewarding when used at the right time and when you think its too risky to keep it, then you let it shatter.
Elite Phantasm ~ Phantasmal Nightmare
Creates a phantasm of your foes greatest nightmare, their absolute nemesis.
Attacks of this phantams will cause torment, confusion and periodically taunts the target foe. If the phantasm gets killed by the target foe, it will cause an AoE daze, and AoE torment, if it gets killed by anyone else.
Mending becomes a Physical
Banner ~ Banner of Motivation
Heals yourself when planting the banner to the Ground. When this Banner gets planted will receive allies in its AoE periodically Regeneration and increased Expertise
When wielding the Banner you have following 5 Skills
AA – Stab – Deal Damage
2 – Courageous Banner – Motivate your allies giving them Resistance
3 – Inspire – Grant yourself and allies Swiftness
4 – Sprint – Dash towards your target, removing movement impeding conditions
5 – Plant Banner – Plant the banner for its AoE Effect
Elite Stance ~ Soldier’s Stance
When this Skill is used, will the next 3 Shouts that aren’t the same Shout after another recharge instantly and grant you Might, Swiftness and Fury.
If this Skill is combined together with Soldier Equipment, then the Equipment will give you 5% more Attribute Points for Power, Toughness and Vitality ,when using the Stance
Elite Shout ~ *"I Will Revenge You!"
Revives a nearby dead ally instantly, if you kill a foe after you have used this Shout within a certain time limit and this skill has been used within a certain time limit after an nearby ally has been killed. You receive Quickness for a brief moment when using this Skill. Get healed also when you kill successfully a foe within the time limit after using IWAY.
Shelter becomes a Consecration
Spirit Weapon ~ Staff of Zeal > Command
Heal your self on summon. Command your Staff of Zeal to create a Healing Symbol which periodically heals you and allies while standing on it, that grants also Vigor when runing into its effect. While its summoned, are also your Virtues 20% stronger.
Elite Consecration ~ Inauguration
When using this skill, will you gain a consecrated aura, which reduces for your nearby allies the recharge Times of their Healing Skills by 20% and whenever nearby allies use a Healing Skill or get somehow else Health restored while th effect if inauguration is active, then you will receive 20% of the Health restoration too and a random Boon.
Elite Spirit Weapon ~ Greatsword of Wrath > Command
Summon a Greatsword of Wrath. Command it attack its target location and cause at that location AoE Burning to all hit targets, while removing also Boons and revealing targets. Basically Elite Version of Sword of Justice, just a bit stronger and, more effectful, while also better for cleavign, as it can hit 5 foes instead of only 3 at once.
Signet of Nature
Passive: Increases Healing Power
Active: Summons randomly either tamed beast for a while to your side that aids you, or summons a tree in combat, which grants for you and allies Regeneration periodically (Thief Steal Skill), whose attacks will heal you and you heal yourself also by a decent portion.
Elite Signet ~ Archer’s Signet
Passive: Grants Precision and increases the Range of ranged Weapons for you by +300, if it wasn’t already maximum 1500.
Active: The ranged Attack of your next skill will bounce to nearby targets and deal 20% of the damage that the target enemy received to enemies which got hit by bounced arrows. With this used, will bounce for example the arrows of Rapidfire to nearby targets.
Elite Trap ~ Quicksand Trap
Set a trap, which when activated pulls slowly catched foes towards its center, while crippling and tormenting them periodically so more they move. Deals significant damage to foes, that got pulled completely into the center of the trap.
Signet of Craftmanship
Passive: Grants Concentration
Active: Recharges instantly Turrets with the exception of Elite Skills and heals you plus a Bonus for every recharged Utility Turret Skill.
Toolbelt: Certificate of Perfection
Grants your Turrets for some time complete immunity to incoming damage sources and repairs them by 20%
Elixier Gun becomes a Healing Skill, counting as the Healing Skill Weapon Kit from now on.
Elixier Gun as a Utility Skill will get replaced by a new Weapon Kit Utility Skill – the Pump Gun
AA – Scrapnel Blast = AoE unblockable Bleedings
2- Powerful Shot = Attack with increased range of 1500, which stuns foes when hit on nearby distance
3- Flak – Ranged attack, that negates projectiles that are flying towards you and deals more damage when it negates enemy projectiles by reflectiing them back to the origin.
4 – Desperado – Shoot quickly three times at your nearest three targets, dazing them for a quarter second. If theres only one nearby target, then you shoot three times at only this one target.
5 – Explosive Shot – Shoot with nitroglycerin infused shrapnel around which explodes on contact, causing burnings and vulnerability, while launching the hit target away from you.
Toolbelt: Penetration Ammo – The next 3 attacks become unblockable and cause additionally vulnerability.
Elite Signet ~ Signet of Technic
Passive: Removes periodically Conditions from you due to nano technic imolemented in your gear that cures you.
Active: Activates a Gadget Skill for you that is situationally based the most useful. For example, if you have an enemy thats targeted and far away from you, it will activate rocket boots, if you are blinded at the moment, it will intelligently activate for you instead Utility Googles. If none of these things happen, its a 50/50 between Slick Shoes and Throw Mine.
Elite Device Kit ~ Acid Kit
AA – Acid Rain – throw flasks of acid, that cause torment.
2 – Hydrochloric Acid – Throw a flask of Hydrochloric Acid, which causes a real strong vulnerability over brief time
3 – Cyanide – Throw a flask of Cyanide, which poisons foes periodically at its location of impact
4 – Hydrofluoric Acid – Throw a flask of Hydrofluoric Acid, which causes blindness and Cripple
5 – Sulfuric Acid – Throw a flask of Sulfuric Acid, which causes explosions that cause burnings, if any fire related skills get used in the near of it. whiel the sulfuric acids effect is in the air.
Ambush becomes the Trap Healing Skill and gets replaced by a new Trap Utility Skill.
Heal yourself, Summon a Thief Companion to your side whose attacks heal you over time, while he also removes conditions from you every 5 seconds.
When ambush activates the Thief ally will perform Backstab not as initial attack attacking the back of targets that run into the trap to give the skill somem ore impact and makign it really an “Ambush”
New Utility Trap as repalcement – Dust Trap – causes damage and Blinds foes that step into it while causing a Stealth Field for the thief for some time as long the dust is in the air
Elite Trap ~ Neurotoxin Trap
Causes Damage and injects some neurotoxin into the foes wounds, that cause the enemy to suffer on poison, torment and confusion at the same time.
Elite Signet ~ Signet of Twilight
Passive: Grants Condition Damage
Active: Summons a Shadow Clone of you which works basically similar like the Pantomime Skill of the Mesmer I suggest here, basically doubling all the skills effects for you as long it is up, while you receive also more damage, but lesser, because you can’t remove them on demand through shatter, once activated.
You get also stealthed, if the Shadow Clone survives its full duration of 15 seconds and this Stealth will overwrite even Revealed if you are revealed at that moment when the duration of Signet of Twilight ends.
If you have self ideas, or if you can find that one thread which I meant again for me, write them down here
Alone from the pictures you should know that Thief is here the complete wrong decision, because that character wields a greatsword (Nodachi/Daikatana) (2handed samurai sword) and the best weapon skin that comes very very close to this ist the gemstore skin from marjory’s sisters sword. If you want to use the greatsword, you have to take Ranger, Warrior, Guardian or Mesmer.
In that case, because you said, Izuna uses also Magic, would be the best option to take Mesmer and combine this with the outfit as outfits aren’t restricted to class categories
The most likely closest thing you will get is simply using that ninja outfit which should you get together with a styling item for hairstyle, haircolor and eyecolor together with the sword skin the most closest you can get in this game for Izuna minus the goggles and minus the scarf, because sadly you can’t combine the outfits with headgear and shouldergear from normal equipment
Dont like personally the proposed system with the proposed effects.
Would like something more effectful, that makes D/D a strong tactical choice over the other Weapon Sets that are more about mobility, cleave/CC on demand and boon control.
D/D should give thieves a Weapon Set, with that they can be more unpredictable due to many possible synergy effects that should come from the Weapon Skills as like also your choice of Utility Skills you use.
Would personally like it more with effects like this that my imo significantly more sense, especially in such close melee combat as like you have it most of all times with D/D
AA) Double Strike (Each Attack hits now twice, similar to the Attacks of the Assassin in GW1) > Lotus Strike (merged now with Wild Strike) > Assassin’s Promise (New AA Finisher)
Assassin’s Promise Attack a targeted foe with Assassin’s Promise, dealing damage and causing 3 Stacks of Vulnerability, leaving additionally a “Stigma” at your hit target.
As long as the Stigma is there for the duration of 5 seconds, will cause any other Dagger Skills of the Thief and utility Skills Stigma based Synergy Effects.
Stigma of Agility = Activates when using Heartseeker on a stigmataed foe, granting you for 2 seconds Quickness.
Stigma of Blood = Activates when using Deathly Bloosom on a stigmataed foe, letting you leech life secondly from all hit targets that you caused to Bleed as long as they are bleeding
Stigma of Speed = Activates when using Dancing Daggers on a stigmataed foe, the Dancing Dagger becomes flying alot faster (+33%), becomes unblockable and lets you shadowstep to your target. The Danging Daggr won’t cripple in this case, but daze the foe and removes a Boon, if the target had more than 3 Boons.
Stigma of Twilight = Activates when using Cloak and Dagger on a stigmataed foe, Cloak & Dagger will AoE blind then also additionally foes and you won’t get revealed on attack number one, but now first on your second attack from stealth, and the Stealth Duration is increased by 50% if you used the skill on somebody who was stigmataed from Assassin’s Promise’s passive effect that can’t get removed, its duration must run out
Stigma of Venom – Scorpion Wire: Activates when using Scorpion Wire on a stigmataed foe, Scorpion Wire will have in this case 25% reduced recharge time and will additionally poison and cripple the foe, after it has been pulled to you, which will be stronge,r so further the distance was, givign this way the poison more time to increase quickly in stacks. if a target gets pulled from max distance, will you gain also a random Venom Effect as if you would have used that Venom Skill
Stigma of Torment – Roll For Initiative: Activates when using Roll For Initiative in near of a stigmataed foe, you will cleanse then Torment and Confusion. If you had at that moment these Conditions, will receive stigmataed foes in your near then these Conditions.
Stigma of Slowness – Haste: Activates when you use Haste near stigmataed foes, then you will slow and cripple nearby stigmataed foes.
Stigma of Pain – Caltrops: Activates when you use Caltrops and stigmataed foes run into their effect area, whenever a stigmataed foe receives Bleeding Stacks from Caltrops, they receive also Vulnerability and lose protective Boons (Protection, Aegis, Vigor, Stability, Resistance)
Stigma of Assasination – Ambush: Activates on trigger of Ambush by a stigmataed foe running into the trap, the stigmataed foe will get taunted by the ambushing Thief Minion, whilethe Thief Minion receives in this case Quickness, Protection and some stacks of Might.
Stigma of Shadows – Shadow Trap: Activates on trigger of Shadow Trap by a stigmataed foe running into the trap, you will gain Initiative additionally and you gain Stealth now, so that you can surprise your victim directly with a Backstab on arrival instead of shadowsstepping to a fow and havign to waste then first a cloak and dagger for Stealth, with Stigma of Shadows you shadowstep already stealthed to the stigmataed foe.
Stigma of Penetration – Needle Trap: Activates on trigger of Needle Trap by a stigmataed foe running into the trap, the trap then in this case will deal now more damage and has increased range to up to 10 Targets nearby of that foe and causes additionally now also Slow
Stigma of Surprise – Tripwire: Activates on trigger of Tripwire by a stigmataed foe running into the trap, the trap will recharge then faster and affected foes will get revealed and weakened now additionally when among the trap triggerers was a stigmataed foe
Stigma of Toxity – Skale Venom: Activates when hitting stigmataed foes with Skale Venom active. A stigmataed foes will suffer additionalyl on Poison and Blindness
Stigma of Weakness – Ice Drake Venom: Activates when hitting stigmataed foes with Ice Drake Venom active. A stigmataed foe under Chill will deal 10% lesser damage to you and the foes conditions on you will expire faster.
Stigma of Absorption – Devourer Venom: Activates when hitting stigmataed foes with Devourer Venom active. A stigmataed foe hit by this venom will get its Endurance absorbed by you by 50% per hit, as you gain the absorbed Endurance by 25% hit per hit.
Stigma of Paralyzation – Spider Venom: Activates when hitting stigmataed foes with Spider Venom active. A stigmataed foe hit by this Venom will also get stunned on application of poison, as also when it gets removed by the foe, before the poison durarion could expire by itself.
Stigma of Darkness – Shadow Refuge: Passively active for stigmataed foes the moment you activate Shadow Refuge, stigmataed foes become secondly blinded the moment they enter your Shadow Refuge and periodically also receive Chill.
Stigma of Rogues – Shadow Step: Activates on usage instantly, if in the target area was a stigmataed foe, then you will steal from that stigmataed foe, even if your Steal is currently filled by a Steal Skill, as if you would have used Steal on this foe, all Steal effects will also happen like you traited your Steal to work. The difference is, your current Steal Skill wont get replaced, you will be able to use the skill twice!!
Stigma of Retreat – Blinding Powder: Activates if you blind with this skill a stigmataed foe. Bliding Poweder will under this effect turn after usage into Shadow Step allowing you to perform a quick retreat away from your foe if needed, including Shadow Return.
Stigma of Distraction – Smoke Screen: Activates on usage of Smoke Screen, if a stigmataed foe comes nearer to the Smoke Screen – summons two Shadow Clones for 10 seconds of you that will attack any stigmataed foes which try to get close to the Smoke Screen or go through it. These Shadow Clones attack mainly stigmataed foes and can’t be targeted. 8turns this skill practically into a spawn gate of shadow clones if stigmataed foes get too close to it)
Stigma of Seals – Signet of Shadows: Activates on using the Signet on a stigmataed foe, the moment you use the Signet, a random unused Utility Skill from the sitgmataed foe will be sealed off, until your Signet of Shadows Skill has been recharged.
Stigma of Sabotage – Signet of Infiltration: Activates on using Signet of Infiltration on a stigmataed foe, the shadow step towards you foe will cause also Weakness to a stigmataed foe, while it will also deactivate all layed traps for you from a stigmataed foe and instead will turn the traps to harm the stigmataed foe instead if he runs into them in hope to lure you into them, thinking his traps still work for him…
Stigma of Fear – Assassins Signet: Activates on usage of the Assassins Signet, all nearby stigmataed foes will deal 15% lesser damage for kittens and if your last empowered attack hits a stigmataed foe, then this attack will cause Fear for 2 seconds, 3 with additional added Torment, if that last attack was a Backstab.
Stigma of Regeneration – Signet of Agility – Activates on using the the Signet of Agility, nearby stigmataed foes lose for the time your Signet needs to reload their class based passive over time regeneration effects that come from either skills or traits and you gain Regeneration plus the skill works for that moment then also as Stun Breaker and removes instead of only 1 then up to 3 Conditions.
Stigma of Revenge – Bandit’s Defense: Activates when blocking with this Skill attacks from a stigmataed foe. Changes the retaliatory kick attack from a 2s knockdown to a powerful revengeful launch away and you receive Retaliation and Protection.
Stigma of Hallucinations – Distracting Daggers: Activated on usage against a stigmataed foe. These foes hit by Distracting Daggers won’t be able to hit you, their next attack that would usually hit you will be auto evaded through small blinding powders bags that were attached to the distracting daggers causing Blindness to them short before the attack would land due to the powder from the daggers causing hallucinations to the stigmataed foe.
Stigma of Death – Impairing Daggers: Activates when hitting a stigmataed foe with this attack, the effect from imparign daggers on stigmataed foes will be double as strong, if the stigmataed foe is under 50% health.
Stigma of Aggresivity – Fist Flurry: activates on usage of Fist Flurry against a stigmataed foe, using Fist Flurry agaisnt a stigmataed foe will grant you stacks of might for each attack that lands, fury and Super Speed also for every attack that lands.
Palm Strike will stun a second longer and Pulmonary Impact will deal increased damage against stigmataed foes.
Massive Long Rant
I recommend you try to relax every once in a while. A system we have in place that you personally don’t like, doesn’t make it ‘dumb’, ‘idiotic’, ‘ridiculous’ etc. etc..
But with a numbers system of .1234 we can have a whole 10,000 Sephiroths!
…I’d gouge my eyes out, honestly. I’m so glad FF14 gave me the option to abbreviate player names to just the initials.
I do also already see everywhere alot of try hard narutos, try hard Ruffys, try hard Legolas and what not all else of well liked characters of all kinds of other medias like games, books, movies and so on as also other games, even without my proposed system, simply due to peoply trying to troll other people with this by putting as many as possibly X’s and Y’s before or after the name …
Or haven’t you seen already alot of Xxxx Sephiroth Xxxx ???
I follow the opinion, if there is really seriously someone, in a game like this who wants to be known in the game by such a name like Xxxx Sephiroth Xxxx, then this player should have the total freedom for this, as well as not being at all limited as to how the character is named, as long the name doesn’t violate against the game rules (obscene stuff, religious stuff, insulting stuff, body stuff, trying to copy real person names, famous example, Heidi Klum oO whyever her lol
That person must in the end live with it, that everybody will call him Xxxx Sephiroth Xxxx, not me …
However, i also think there should exist a simple way for players to allow them to give them “Nicknames”, (when put into block list) so that the display of that blocked persons charactername gets switch to your chosen Nickname, so that “visually” you have as a player to practically rename other players that you blocked for you and restore that way practically for you your “immersion” by givign them as nicknames some appropiate names that you will see from this point on, if you should ever meet this charcter in the game again, together with a small symbol that indicates for you as a reminder, that the person in front of you is a blocked person on your listed and got nicknamed.
Basically this is using simply the same technology of naming pets in this game, just on other players, just so reworked, that it simply works on blocked players, or even without this requirement, simply make it possible to give all players nicknames with an option in the menu to activate7deactivate show custom nicknames (Y/N)
I also follow the principle of – wheres a will, theres also a way.
If anet sriously ever wanted to improve this situation, then they would most basically done it already, but after all these years its safe to say i gues,s that they simpyl dont care about this, same as like they ignore to improve the obsolete Follower List stuff to give us players more privacy and also to allow us more freedom with from actually can follow us by lettign the game send out first requests to us, if others may “follow” us to become able to see, where we are, what we are doing right now and so on …
But thats an other dead ignored topic
Massive Long Rant
I recommend you try to relax every once in a while. A system we have in place that you personally don’t like, doesn’t make it ‘dumb’, ‘idiotic’, ‘ridiculous’ etc. etc..
In your opinion maybe, please refrain from trying to change mine.
I see no reason, why anybody at all should even “like” this very limitating “system” to begin with – it absolutely has NO advantages for anyone of us that it gives you no naming freedom and basically that system comes from behind the moon/
The only rational reasons I can up with it are either, there exist some kind of costs that anet doesnt want to pay to enable us naming freedom, technical limits within GW2 that we simpletons can’t realize that are no absolute IT specialists/programmers that are very well expertised with the super customized stuff around this game that seems to work in some things like a house of cards short before collapsing, if you just change a wrong piece of it somewhere, or its simply the huge fear of the playerbase7community here about the “possibility” of getting maybe eventually scammed by other someone, who tries to be someone else in hope, the original gets the blame for the ill action, when in factthe customer support can see instantly, who has done something bad and who hasn’t via the unique account display name that for sure is also linked everywhere inside of the game with our actions that we do inside of the game.
If it is not one of these 3 reasons, then I don’t know why else Anet cripples down our freedom of naming characters and limitates us artificially to 1 name for the whole game, when it should be practically possible to allow 1 name per account display name to raise the limit to 9999 at least and break this thick ice of artificial name limiting, where none should realistically exist at all.
Your rant have many mistakes. I just going to point one:
Character’s names are not limited to the servers, but the whole game.
Makes it not better >.>
th onlyachievement that needs another look is this ridiculous one that ANet kept at 250000 player kills, just not to peep off some kill farmers that farmed this title with a cheap method in a zerg fightign an other willing helpful enemy zerg to speed up the killing progress to obtain very quickly daily thousands of kills ..
When they changed the WvW tittles to make them all realistic, they should have fixed that achievement to and reduced the required amount of Player kilsl from this ridiculous 250000 kills down to a realitic and more sane 25000 Kills, which is alos still really ALOT, but still reachable over some years of playing WvW.
I’m no hardcore WvW playr for example, ive to go to work, so this reduces already my play time to just 1/3rd of the day and ive just after those 3 years the game exists so far hardly 14k kills so far only..if I would keep my pace lik this constantly, it would take me roughly 5 years or so to reach these 25k kills, if I dont do such cheap kill farming methods like most of the people that run around with this achievement did…
if nobody would have done thi,s I doubt it hard, that we seriously would still have a single player in this game who would have this title at all.
I doubt it that there is a single player in the whole GW2, which has done 250000 player wvw kils so far just from simple normal playing WvW
If there would exist one, that would basically mean that this player would nhave needed to kill every single day so far without break 203 kills every freaking single day in theory without doing ever anything else than playing WvW and constantly killing people in the game
My endgame is:
- Living Story
- Gear Progression with my Main Character (currently working after over 3 years on my very first legendary Weapon, I’m 90% done with it, just need to do the eternal grind of getting 246 more Crystalline Ingots to be able to craft Chuka & Champawat, which is just grinding out over 600 Gold and grinding out Modremoth Kills and Currencies of 3 Maps in to be able to buy enouch Machets to get the 246 required Crystallien ores together (so if there is maybe someone so overrich with multiple tens of thousands of gold who doesn’t know what to do with all of the Gold for whom 600 Gold are “Peanuts”, here, I’d appreaciate alot a little help ^^, and if not Gold Amalgamated gemstones or things to make those Gemstones do it as well, because these are it practically which generate this costs
- Agony Progression – Getting my Main Charatcer ready for the highest Fractals, currently I just can barely do with my AR Fractals up to Lvl 77 around, but die also alot if I’m not careful and pay no attention to the fights and combat mechanics that might cause Agony, while playing with AR that is too way low for 77, but known what to do and skillful playing just can compensate too low AR, when yopu stick yourself a bit more to the backline to take not too much Aggro and let the others fight at the frontline that have more AR
- WvW (but its for me more something as what do I play, when im bored and have nothign else to do, then I’m in WvW-kind of endgame for me xD, but WvW Character progression is endgame for me, having thigns always maxed out to fall not back and become for the Server no help due to not being effective enough or not beign able to do somethign good enough like others… and even I as a total non hardcore WvW player have maxed out everything and have ollected already hundreds over hundreds of point,s that currently have no usage, because anet doens’t provide enough Character Progression for WvW to spend those points into WvW Traits, when they easily could upgrade for once all the existign traits to have content for 10 tiers instead of mostly only 4-5 tiers, because then it would make more sense, that we have a rank system with 10000 ranks, but as logn theres only progression for like 1415/10000 ranks, its so pointless to have so many ranks, when there most likely will never be anough content to spent them on all for.)
- Achievement Hunting
- Skin Hunting (those that I like)
- Getting somewhen my currently two Cosplay Characters ready (and close to my opinion’s perfection) and complete to the point, that they are equal to my Main Character, which are Saber (Arturia Pendragon) from fate/Stay Night and Inori Yuzuriha from Guilty Crown.
- Maybe I will add somewhen PvP and Raids to this as well, but for this to happen needs to get the games combat system first significantly overworked and rebalanced
Also maybe I will add to this somewhen in the future my Personal Guild Hall/Guild, should I ever reach the point, that I have absolutely done everythign in this game and should have absolutely no personal goals anymore, that my only goal left would be then to have fun and build somethign up with others, that will last in this game and gives me further reasons to keep on login into the game
Anet should never have come up with this idiotic idea of limiting character names to the servers to begin with…
With this dumb decision they instantly setted the huge problem of getting the names that you want to get forever into stone, because just due to this nonsense can exist every single name just only ONCE per server, what makes no sense at all, because in real life there exists also not every name just once only in the whole world.
The names that we have, do exist on hundreds of thousands to millinios of other people, even to the point of sharign the same surnames and idiotically ironicalyl surpringnly no butt has in the world a problem with that, but suddenly in a virtual GAMe world, people have issues with this!!
its so ridiculous, it isnt funny anymore this stupid ppointless double morale of people when it comes down to games, especially when the technology exists to ensure, that from a viewpoint of account safety you can have BOTH AT THE SAME TIME.
You can have account safely while also providing all players in a game like GW2 the freedom ,that everyone can receive the names that they want to get, without that someone gets the virtual middle finger, just because anybody else in the world was maybe some freakign seconds quicker than you to name their characters.
The game already provides display names with changing namer codes which enable us to have the same display name for our accounts, just with different changing disply name namers.
Besides of me there could already exist in GW2 up to 9998 other Orpheals…
So why the peep hell should I care about it, if there are like 9998 possible other accounts there which could have “maybe” characters that could potentially (seriously, unless someone provokes and or is some kind of Stalker/Troll, how high is seriously the chance, that people will create just out of coincedence characters with exactly the same name???) have the same name like a character of my account – and even then you need to consider a big load of other character customization factors into this as well like:
- Height/BodySide/Skin Color
- Hair Style/ Face Style
- Race
- Class
- Equipment/ Equipment Color Settings (we have far over 500+ colors already!!!)
There are so many factors with that you can individualize already your accounts, that its very hard to nearly impossible to make just out of coincedence 100% same copies of a character that if they woudl be able to share the exact same name and even then still stays the 100% untouchable individual account display name and account name (email adress) which are absolutely untouchable unique and can#t be copied..
So why the peep hell do make people such a freaking huge problem out of the whole thing, when in fact the technology easily would be there to ensure that all playrs could have the freedom of naming characters with the same name, regardless of which Server you play on, when theres so many different factos to individualize a character, that by far it is not enough to share just the same character name to be mistaken by accident should eventually one of those people that share names with others come onto the stupid idea to try to scam somebody and try then to let somebody else get the blame for it that shares the same name, in hope, that Anet’s customer support would be unable to identify who exactly is the account that needs to get punished for that action???
Sometimes I kind of think, this fear for getting scammed due to enabling open character naming is the sole reason for it, why we don’t have open free and unlimited character naming that is bonded to our unique account display names for quick and easy identifications for the customer support, if needed.
i doubt it, that it would be for ANet any kind of technical limit or some kind of super huge server cost difference or anythign liek that, if they would enable it that we could name freely our characters like we want… and if there really needs to be some kind of limitation, than take the easiest limitation of
“every name can exist once per unique account display name”
Would mean then, that every unique character name could then exist exactly 9999 times and not just only once and if ever one name pr accoutn display name shoudl exist already 9999 times, then you would need to make yourself a different new account display (2nd GW2 account) to have in theory again a chance of 1/9999 that you might get with that different account display namen then on your second account a character with exactly the name that you want, without that you are practically forced to disgrace the name with weird dialects and special letters just to increase your chances that you might get a name, that can look at least very similar to the original
Removing content is NEVER the right solution.
If you remove things out of the game, this will create only ALIt of anger, frustration and disappointment for players, which have invested alot of time and effort to get these things, to the point, that for 100% sure this change of removing content from the game ultimatively results only in one thing!
Is this seriously what you want???
But if ANet just finally would balance all aspects of their game’s combat system and woudl take all aspects of it more into account when balancing things, nothign of existign content and player efforts just would get removed…
The content would still be there under rebaölancing all aspects of gameplay from the combat system, but under the changed mechanics wouldn’t they be anymore by fas as much OP as they are right now, due to conditions beign out of control, dealign too much damage, without that players can do anything to effectively reduce the damage, except of using buff food, that makes builds in WvW even far more overpowered in both directions and is currently the only way to keep the out of control conditions in check by using the stuff that reduces significantly condition durations.
by reworking the attribute system and adding meaningful defensive effects, while fixing toughness and vitality to become more meaningful, while Expertise and Concentration get fully integrated into the balancing of all boons and conditions, that would by far more affect positively the whole combat system of GW2, than it would do with just removing content – removing content is the simpleminded LAZY WAY of getting just rid of the problems in WvW.
Thats how I do see it.
Anet has reduced massively the toal amount of skills for all classes, so that they would have it alot easier to balance all classes in the game and to make compared to GW1 it also simpler to splitt properly the balancing betwene all modes so that all skills can be separately be balanced for all game modes.
Seperate game mode relative class balancing is the only way how I see how all parts of the game can be balanced, without that ever any game mode gets negative cunwanted chain reactions due to some made changes for a skill or a trait, that were made to fix for a specific mode, but affcted also negatively other game modes.
Its the only way how Anet get completely get rid from this problem, a game design problem, that should never ever exist in my honest opinion.
Thats why you have in the end also different game mode,s so that each of them gets individually balanced, because if you don#t individually balance all skilsl and combat system relative mechanics of the game, then there is absolutely no reason at all to have even different game modes, when in the end they share all the same balancing of the combat system.
Then we would need no pvp equipment systme, everyone would just play pvP with their PvE characters and equipment.
I doubt it hard that you or anyone else would find THIS would be funny for a single second, when you would get outplayed in PvP, because just someone else had better equipment than you, due to making out of all game modes just one big unifyed thing where skills, traits, upgrades and class mechanics don’t get individually balanced for each game mode.
In WvW its not a big deal if someone has better equipment than you, because you can get outnumbed anytime with the amount of players to make up for the difference of each individuals player character’s power and equipment.
ANd PvE is ruined when you use stuff with PvP balance in mind, because its then usually too boring/uneffectful for PvE to be useful at all.
Thats why all game modes need seperate balancing, because all game modes require different aspects.
PvE skills need some kind of powercurve, so that you get also some kind of character progression feeling, which is somethign, that woudl make skills for PvP play too poverful and unbalanced.
Its something that would make also WvW clearly again unbalanced, because of the masses of players for which these kind of skills aren’t designed for, because these powerful skils are designed for enemy, which dynamically can scale in power and especially health like huge sponges, so that fights last long enoug, that hundreds of playrs can get participation for battles, which eagin is something that happens only in pvE and not in anyother game mode.
Its impossible to measure everythign by the same yardstick here, which is another reason why its time, that ANet finally individually should balance all game modes with their concrete oown skill, trait and upgrade effects, so that when Anet specifically wants to change something on the PVP balance for instanc,e that no other game mode has to suffer from these changes as a chain recations, due to skills all sharign the same effects in all game modes.
Sure, this is absolutely no tiny task to taslk about, it will take time, but once anet would have done this great step, it would be a great step towards reaching overall game balance for the whole game, that will last and that won’t be directly destroyed again with douzens of chain recations just with the next coming balance patch that made some changes of skilsl that got shared among all modes with the same effect, where the change is for mode A perfect for mode B absolutely terrible and mode c could care less or also has either tears of joy or frustration, how anet coudl dare to ruin in most cases someones most prefered game mode, due to destroyign someones personal most like builds, or making something else not possible anymore due to the changes in any of the three modes.
Come on, I’m not talking here about something, I’m not absolutely sure about, that many peopel here i nthe forums haven’t already experienced with anet over the past 3 to nearly 4 years since GW2 exists!!
I’m talking here about facts, that mostly everybody has experienced here already, thigns which will keep on happening, as long ANet doesn’t start with balancing all modes individually by 100%
Until this doesn’t change, we have a neverending problem here, and i somehow kind of feel its all the time this kind of box of pandora, which ANet just fears to open, because they know, that it would be alot of work to do to bring back this game on the right track, from where it would become for all modes alot easier to keep them balanced, because nobody would have to worry then really anymore, if any of their changes they currently work on will negatively affect any other game modes and cause here in the forums everywhere MASSIVE dissatisfaction among the players to the point, that many maybe permanently leave the game due to the changes that affected in the end more of the game, than what Anet intentionally wanted in the most cases.
(edited by Orpheal.8263)
1.) WvW needs separate Skill, Trait and Upgrades Balancing
2.) ALL Buff Items need to be removed from WvW, Butt Items need to become like in GW1 just PvE only (this would then open up also the option of more interesting and fun effects for Buff Items in the Game and would make also some overpriced Buff Items go down back to sanity)
3.) The Base Health System needs to be completely reworked, this would greatyl help also the overall WvW Balancing, if all classes woudl get finally individually get balanced for their Maximum Health, rather than splitting all up between 3 categories – we need to get finally rid of this Soldier, Scholar, Adventurer way of thinking, which limitates too much the balancing of this game in a bad way!!
4.) This game needs a RADICAL reduction of all Boons and Conditions by 50%.
Merge Boons and Conditions together, this would also result in Boons and Conditions becoming more effectful and important instruments that incluence the battles, instead of spam effects. As counter to it, reduce the durations of both by approx 25% and incorporate finally also Expertise and Concentration completely into Game, so that players NEED to put points into these attributes to get back to significantly longer effect durations, instead of the powercreep bonus that we currently receive from these attributes. A Condition Build finally needs to put same as much points into multiple different attributes, as like a direct damage build.
Conditions need to stop ignoring all defense. They shoukld ignore only Armor from Equipment, but definetely not Toughness, so that a very high defensive player with significantly more Toughness than an offense player should have also significantly much lesser trouble with conditions, than that offensive player, especially when in combination with using an attribute, that reduces also incoming conditions durations together with reducing the damage you receive from conditions
5.) For the whole game to become better to balance, ANet needs to rework the Attribute System, Healing Power needs to get merged with Vitality to make vitality more meaningful and if Naet doesn#t want to make changes on the Base Health System to turn into into individually based values per Clas,s then thy need to finalyl increase the effectiveness of Vitality, so that it increases better hte maximum health per point spent into it, so that Vitality becomes this way more more meaning full.
Attributes need to get merged through a Dual Effect System, this way it creates new space for especialyl neded new defensive Attributes that should affect the chance of receiving critical hits (who was thinking at Anet its good to just add only an attribute for increasing it, but not also a defensive one to decrese the chances of receiving critical hits?? Then there needs to be also an Attribute like Agility, which affects everyone’s maximum Endurance Regeneration Speed, so that Dodging becomes also for everyone in regard of defensive play a better option, then theres also no need anymore for something like Vigor)
6.) WvW needs finally class specific “Roles”, maybe through the Mastery System or the Wvw Rankl System, so that WvW offers class specific character progression with that you can change your playstyle in WvW with your chosen class and fulfill in WvW different tactical roles and maneuvers that are unique for each class.
As Thief I should be able to infiltrate enemy locations, remove enemy traps and sabotage their siege weapons or steal them to be able to use them agaisnt my enemies (fighting fire with fire mentality, or be in general also able to steal their supply also when camps haven’t been claimed, thats what woudl make for exampel thieves SPECIAL in WvW and would make playing a thief in WvW alot more fun, when you could do there unique thigns, that no other class in WvW can do fitting for the game mode.)
7.) Hard CC Spam needs finally to receive LIMITATIONS, players need to become finalyl after being hard cced for a little while IMMUNE to hard cc, so that players can’t get perma stunned by a bunch of enemies which spam all together their hard cc skilsl one after another so that you die without having a chance to do anything at all.
Either this, or this immunity should come automatically after using a STUNBREAKER SKILL, so that after using a stunbreaker, you are immune for the next 4-5 seconds for all upcoming next tries to stun you , control you, launch you, knockback you and so on … Hard CC skills also need from certain classes longer recharge times, to make them stronger tactical choices and not something, that you just spam away.
When these 7 steps would be done, then I guarantee you, would make the whole combat system if this game directly everywhere alot more fun. Especially in WvW
Stop rewarding players who don’t participate in WvW with passive rewards from WvW. WvW rewards need to be tied to WvW participation only.
Instead of just quoting my whole posting out of blind reaction, you should have focused your sight more on the first part of my posting, before I went into details about splitting the feature up into three parts, so that the Power of the Mists becomes for all different kinds of players an interesting blessing system, that incentivizes all kinds of players to participate in WvW.
I have clearly written in my first part of my posting, that players need to EARN their Victory Points by fulfilling various tasks in WvW that do count all towards the Warscore in the end for the Skirmish Session, but all of these taskas count towards a different part of “Participation” for one of three possible Playstyles and in these Participation Categorries you need to earn enough Participation Grade to be awarded at the end, similar like with Events the full Rewards.
Server A, B and C make a Match. Winning a Match awards every Player if the winning Server maximum 300 Victory Points for 1st Place, 150 for 2nd Place, 75 for 3rd Place.
After a weekly Match is over, the Game calculats then for all players, which type of tasks a player has fullfilled and helped the most for their Server and if the general participation of a player in these Categories was enough to be awarded with the amount of Victory Points that your Server has earned.
If your own participation in WvW was in that calcualtion then by far not enough to be worthy of Victory Points – then you will receive nothing. End of Story
Lets say Player X was all day long in WvW and has done in all the time he was in WvW always only tasks, that count towards the WvW Category (Claiming Locations, Defendign Locations, Escortign Dolyaks, Buildign and Destroying Siege Weapons ect.), then will player X increase his participation grade constantly only towards the WvW Category and when player X was 100% active to reach Gold Status for his participation in WvW, then will player X receive the complete 300 Victory Points all towards his/her WvW Blessing Account.
Lets say Player Z isn’t a hardcore WvW player, doesn’t interet claiming location,s but rather is interested in as many duals and battles with other players, so mainly plays for fighting other players and killing them., but isn’t by far as much as active playing WvW as like Player X, gets just only Silver Participation, which is worth 75% of what the Server has earned, then – based on the fact that your Server has won – would receive Player Z at the end of the match from the 300 Victory Coints towards his PvP Blessing Account only 225 Victory Points, due to not being active enough for WvW to earn the full points like the most active WvW players
So my proposed system here would DIRECTLY reward every single player based on their activity in WvW and it rewards them for the game mode, they like the most, based on the actions that you DO IN WVW, while regardless of what you do exactly in WvW, be it WvW tasks, be it PvP tasks or be it PvE tasks, everything will count towards your servers total warscore for the current Skirmish Session, so that all players will be able to do something for their server with something they like to do the most in WvW.
Its just a matter of redesigning the reward system of the power of the mist feature in such a kind of way, that it generally always favors your most liked play preferences, without that the things that you do hurt your Server, without that anybody could say in the end, the actions of player Z were obsolete over thoese thigns that Player X has done, because of any of the playing preferences havign any higher weight over any other play style.
If anet ensures, that this won’t happen through my proposed reworked power of the mist system here, then will everythign be fine and everybody will be able to do what they want to do in WvW, without that the Server lacks on pressure making for the score, when everybody wil lbe able to contribute with their preferred playstyles to the total score with a reward system, that TRULY UNIFIES all game modes in one together to give everyone good reasons for why they should fight for their Server to gain enough Vitory points so that players can keep maintainign their most preferred blessings.
My proposed system changes simply said the current “get everything put free up your butt without that you have to do anything for the effects personally” – into a system, where every player has to help their server and do something also for their server, so that they get rewarded in return with weekly lasting positive helpful blessings, once you obtained enough Victory Points to activate them for you, based on which game mode you prefer the most.
This would be the end of Power of the Mists buff. Most players don’t really notice the buff. Nor do they play WvW specifically for the buff, so it hasn’t served as an effective motivator for winning matches. It also tends to reward PvE players more than WvW players. The upside to removing the buff, for WvW players, is that it should help our case for further improving WvW rewards, because it’d be lowering the rewards entering the game from elsewhere.
Umh, hell no please???
How about you just rework the feature into something, that will also work under the new WvW Systems please??.
That “most” people not really notice the buffes is plain simle incorrect.
The first thign that absolutely every WvW player instantly should notice on every fresh new match is, when you enter for WvW is directly that due to the fresh map and the resetted Power of the Mist bonus your Maximum Health is about like 10% decreased, thats a whopping difference od like 2-3K HP lesser that actually makes a huge difference, if you might survive a burst attack, or not, giving you that maybe few seconds needed to realize what happens to quickly make up for fitting counter reactions, before you are dead, unless you get steamroled by a big group against you wouldnt have had any chance anyways, but in small scale fights and duels, this difference in max health due to the Power of the mist buff has saved me prsonally already in countless situations my life, where without that health buff I would have died for literally “dead certain” !!!
Also the Endurance Regen Increase is something that affects us in WvW, as like also the Healing Efficiency, now especially in regard of Druids.
But you might be right about the other things, which merely affected only PvEers.
However, I propose, change the Power of the Mist feature, and change it so, that it is interesting for ALL KINDS OF PLAYERS, regardless if you play PvE, WvW or PvP.
PotM should be something, that provides for your server boons, that are highly valuable for everyone, which should give players good reasons to support their servers in WvW, to the point, that people who would usually play PvE or PvP go to WvW and joining their Server to help every now and then to ensure, that their server reaches the PoTM effects, that would be also helpful for their own game modes, by fulfilling specific taskas in WvW that increase the blessings for your servers towards specific game modes, but in the end these taskas also all help your world to make points towards the warscore to win the Skirmisches in the ed to get Victory Points.
Victory Points at the end of each match should work then for all Game Modes for players that participated in WvW enough as individual Player Currency that is shared among the Server on all players that participated long enough for them in WvW within the match time to maintain their own preferred Blessings which players should be able to “buy” from Shrines that you should be able to find in the game (PvP Lobby, WvW Spawn Areas, randomy in PvE Maps hidden, counting also as POI’s
So basicaly, split up the Power of the Mists between all 3 Modes:
WvW Blessings in Victory Points you gain when a Match is over:
Costs == Effect
5 > Breath of the Mists = Increases for 7 Days the WvW Exp Income by 5%
10 > Battleborn Hero = Increases for 7 Days your income of Badges of Honor from Enemy Kills by +2
15 > Mistforged Hero = Gain for the next 7 Days the chance to randomly obtain as Loot from Lord Kills also randomly Hero and Mistforged Items and have in this time also access to an NPC, that trades these Items for Parts for a precursor Sets of the WVW related Legendary Mistforged Armor Set, which requires of you to complete also the latest added two WvW Armor Sets from the WvW Reward Pathss
25 > Mistforged Jewels = Gain for the next 7 Days acces to a new WvW unique NPC, which sends you out on the journey for the WvW unique first set of Legendary Accessoires, first requiring of you to learn new Recipes for crafting ascended Precursor Accessoires of either Rings, Earrings or Amulets for that you need to be Jeweler 500 to be able to craft them, added together with lots of new jeweler crafting recipes for the way from 400 to 500 that include new Stat Combinations that are missing for Accessoires which got added with HoT….
50 > Soothing Mist = Gain for the next 7 Days increased Maximum Health and Endurance Regeneration of +10% while being in WvW
100 >Testament of Heroism = Increases for the next 7 Days the income of Proofs from Rank Reward Chests by +3
150 > Legendary Battle Memoires = Increases for the next 7 Days your income of Memories of Battles by +20% whenever you receive some from Rank Reward chests
250 > Eternal Hero Increases for the next 7 Days the rewards by 50% that you receive when you successfully defend something in WvW, like a Keep, whenever the Defend Timer reaches its end (this includes WExp, Karma, Exp, Gold, Badges)
500 >Battle Aura = Have such a strong Battle Aura for the next 7 Days, that you can always see your enemies on the Mini Map everywhere
1000 > Fashion of the Mists = Gain access for 7 Days to unique WvW NPCs, that can sell you WvW unique permanent Finishing Moves, including those of the Gemstore also for high Gold Costs/Badges ect., WvW unique Skill Skins (for starters for example for all kinds of Minion Skills), WvW unique earnable Outfits (PvE got already an earnable Outfit, that one from Halloween that looks similar to the Witch Outfit, so why not other Game Modes too??)
1500 > Bloodlust = Increases for the next 7 Days your Stats by +50 (Blood Lust from Shrines gets removed, Shrines in WvW will receive a new different mapwide effect instead that will leadto players actually fighting for them, instead of 90% of all times ignoring them)
2500 > Ascendant of War = Increases for 7 Days the Chances to obtain Ascended Armor Parts from WvW Rank Rewards by 10%
5000 > Ascendant of Blood = Increases for 7 Days the Chances to obtain Ascended Weapons from WvW Rank Rewards by 10%
10000 > Lord of the Mists = For the next 7 Days is capping in WvW a Keep or a Castle always instantly a WvW Rank Up, the Money Reward from Rank Chests is trippled ffor them meanwhile and have the chance of 10%, that they might drop for you also Ascended Materials like Elonian Leather, Damask or Spiritwood
PvP Blessings from Victory Points
Costs == Effect
15 > Blessed by Wealth = Increases for 7 Days by 5% the gain in PvP Reward Track progressions
25 > Glorious Time = Increases for 7 Days by 5% the gain of Glory
50 > Blessed by Fortune = Gain the chance for 7 days, that Rewards from PvP Reward Tracks reward you additionally also with Money Bags worth random values ranging from 10 Silver to 1 Gold
100 >Blessed by Luck = Increases for 7 Days the chances to obtain from Reward Tracks more valuable loot by 15% and adds also the chances to obtain Materials like Lodestones, that usually wouldn’t be rewards.
150 > Legendary Glory Crystal Increases for 7 Days your Income of Shards of Glory by 20%
250 > Glorious Fighter = Gain for 7 Days no some Extra Glory for Player Kills in PvP/Stronghold Matches (even more if done with a Finishing Move!)
500 > Karmic Fighter = Gain the blessing for 7 days and a small portion of the Glory that you obtain, becomes also a Karma Reward for you.
750 > Golden Fighter = Gain the blessing for 7 days and a small portion of the Glory that you obtain, becomes also a Gold Reward for you that is affected also additionalyl by the Gold Find Account Bonus.
1000 > Fashion of Gladiators = Gain access for 7 days to PvP unique NPCs, that can sell you PvP unique Finishing Moves, PvP unique Skill Skins ect (see above WvW counterpart)
1500 > Famous Legend = Gain acces for 7 Days to a PvP unique NPC for the required items to obtain parts for a PvP unique Legendary Armor Skin Set that can be used only on Ascended Armor Sets to transform them into actually legendary armor parts with the full functionality of legendaries to swap stats out when using the equipment outside of PvP
2500 > Present of the Mists Increases Point Gain towards PvP Achievements for 7 Days by 100%, so when you usually would get +1 point towards an achievement, with this active you will get +2 points
5000 > Fury of Combat = Gain for 7 days the chance to obtain from PvP Reward Tracks new PvP unique Fury Weapon Skins
7500 > Glorious Stronghold Conqueror = Gain for 7 days increased glory from Stronghold Matches by +50% and gain also a chance to obtain while playing Stronghold access to new Heroes that you can unlock through fulfilling Heroic Trials in the PvP Lobby when you talk to the Mist Heroes to gain this way not only new Heroes, but also if you keep fulfilling Heroic Trials for them, you can unlock nw Hero Designs for those Heroes that you have already unlocked for your account.
10000 > King/Queen of Combat = Helps you out for 7 Days in PvP Tournament Tiers to lose not progression also in higher tiers than usual and makes comebacks a bit more rewarding in that time.
PvE Blessings for Victory Points
Costs == Effect
5 > Testament of Craftmanship = Increases for 7 Days the Chance for Critcal Craftings by 10%
15 > Fertile Season = Increases for 7 Days the Gathering Gain by 10%
25 > Hunting Season = Increases for 7 Days the Exp from killed Enemies by 20%
50 > Party Season = Increases for 7 Days the maximum Health and Endurance Regeneration for PvE by 10%, another 10% on top for when your World has won a WvW Match or when its Festival Time for the next time you use this Blessing.
75 > Mystic Force = Increases Healing Powers by 10% for 7 Days and when you gain in that time Mystic Coins, is the gained amount doubled.
100 > Ancient Wisdom = Increases Toughness for 7 Days by 10%
150 > Treasure Hunter = Opening daily Treasure Chests (JPs) in the next 7 days grants you increased chances for rare materials like Lodestones or T7 Crafting Materials
250 > Haggling Expertise = NPCs will sell you everything for 7 days for 25% Gold more and let you buy things for 25% reduced prices
500 >Traveler of Tyria = WPs will cost you 7 days 25% lesser Gold and grant you after usage for 1 Minute Super Speed
750 > Bounty Hunter = Increases for 7 Days the chances to obtain rarer loot from World Bosses and Champions by 5%. Certain killed World Bosses, like Tequatl or Tri Wurm will drop 100% guaranteed in that time Bounty Hunter Tokens, which can be turned in for specific Rewards, like for example the Sunbringer Weapons or Ascended Armor Chests of Choice.
1000 > Fashion of Adventurers = Gain access for 7 Days to PvE unique NPCs that can sell you PvE unique Finishing Moves, Outfits, Skill Skins ect.
1500 > Blessing of Zomorros = Increases chances for 7 days to obtain something more valuable from Zomorros, than what you have thrown into the Mystic Forge by 10%
2500 > Kiss of Rebirth = When you die, you automatically use an Orb of Revival (even if you have none) for the next 7 days and you won’t have the negative effect of health reduction, you will move slowly only, for some longer time. The only exception for this effect is, if you would get revived at a place, where you would instantly die again! Places like the Thaumanova Reactor’s Boss battle for example
5000 > Eye of Discoverery = Increases Rewards for 7 Days from Map Competions by 100% and Map Event Rewards are also doubled for you in this time from doing Events and come in faster than usual
7500 > Relic Hunter = Increases for 7 Days significantly the drop chances from Champions and World Bosses to obtain unique skinned Exotic Items (in general exotic items, including Accessoires, stuff like Pendant of Orr for example) as also precursor drops of the first generation of Legendary Weapons in that case of Dragon Minion World Bosses only
10000 > Legendary Craftmanship = Deactivates for 7 days all kinds of time gates for your account so that you can craft as many items as you have materials for it directly, without having to obsoletely wait a day for it to become able to craft again.
Crafting Exp Gain is also doubled in this time and all items you craft will give you Exp, even stuff, that usually would give you no Exp anymore.
Crafting can produce while you have this Blessing up also randomly with a small chance a byproduct, called Essences of Expertise, which when used gives a Character Crafting Ranks based on the Quality of the Essence towards the Crafting Jobs that are currently active, which are either +1,3,5 or +10 Ranks if it was a legendary Essence of Expertise (this will reduce the Crafting Grind if you want to have more characters with high crafting ranks somewhen so that you dont have to swap always to 1 specific character if you need a specific Crafting Job for a task…)
Just some examples of how you could split up the power of the mists Feature into a game wide Blessing feature, that offers for each game Mode invependant own unique Blessings for different amounts of Victory points, which all last for 7 days and need then to be renewed by the player for Victory points, if he wants to get the effect of that blessing again by going to a Shrine where the Victory Points gen be spent for receiving those Blessings
The Mithril Nodes of the HoT-Zones and Southsun Cove should get completely replaced imo, the game has already with the lvl 70 to 80 maps from Orr/Fireheart to Frostgoarge enough maps where you can farm Mithril, more isn’t absolutely needed at all.
For Southsun Cove the Metal Nodes should be all replaced with Iron Nodes, Gold Nodes and AZURITE NODES with Southsun Cove beign the only map, where you can find rich Azurite Nodes that can drop Azurite Orbs.
Fort the HoT-Maps the Mithril Nodes should be all replaced with a random mix of Iron Nodes, Platinum Nodes, Azurite Nodes and Orihalcum Nodes.
All Lvl 80 Maps should have daily the chance to be chosen to be the map of the day, where you can find a rare rich DAMASK NODE to get Damask Ore with that it is a bit easier to get materials for ascended crafting to normalize again the prices of the ascended crafting materials back down to sanity a bit through slihgtly increasing the income of damask and other ascended craftign items (and naturally also the other materials somehow too, for leather you can find some killed rare elonian creatures in Tyria from which you can take their elonian leather ect…)
If ANet won’t remove this obsolete timegating, then this is the only way how I see that it would be possible to increase slightly the income of those materials so that prices could go a bit down again, if there would be a little higher income daily of those materials through random daily chosen high end maps.
I very rarely admit good reads ,when I see them, but this is one of these cases, where I just have to say
Good Job OP.
This concept is a very good read and I like it – alot, it also includes some ideas that I have suggested several times in the past that should get changed for the thief, especially lately the thief’s unique ability that they should be able to see where enemies lay their traps and you included it into this concept because you know, no we all know that thieves should be able to do that, otherwise we would be no real thieves if we would be catchable by every lousy trap without using our expertise of avoiding them like real master thieves would be able to do so.
No, the WvW rewards are ABSOLUTELY NOT OK.. any of those current like 72% who have voted for yes must have misunderstood either the question totalyl or are absolutely blind, or just want no changes in fear, that it could become too rewarding and somethign that had value maybe becomes lesser valuable or for whatever else for not understandable reasons…
1. ) WvW has not really alot of unique rewards aside from the lately added 2 armor skins from which one is just a slightly different looking “upgrade” of the first one
Everythign else is just 100% the same as of PvP reward tracks!
2) The Reward Tracks from WvW aren’t equalized with those of PvP in regard ofprogression, because Anet just seems to simply have forgotten, that there are alots of buufs and boosters for PvP reward Tracks, which should all work for WvW reard Tracks too!!
3) The WvW Rank System is absoliutely unrewardign since the beginning of its very existance and the game mode offers absolutely not enough character progression at all to give us somethign to do with all the hundreds of collected rank points to spent on, because just only like 14xx rank points are needed to max out everything from 10000 ones possible to gain, which no sane person that isn#tz an absolute wvW fanatic will ever reach at all, because gainign ranks for that kind of max rank is also way too slow and there exist not enough way to speed up the WvW Exp gain, because most ways to speed it up, has anet wtf ever REMOVED out of the game >.<
4. ) If you get a rank chest, the loot is 99% of all times total crap as usual, the typical stupd blue and green garbage, that no one in WvW needs, because in the time that it takes to gain a wvw rank, in that time can you farm inPvE a GAZILLION of blue and green items and a heck ton times more GOLD, than the laughable 25 silver that we get
5.) The wvw currencies (badges of honor, proofs ect.) should become the only currencies needed to buy things in WvW, no Gold should be involved as long the gold rewards in WvW don’t get drastically improved.
Solutions have we suggested over the years more than enough.
WvW Rewards and Character Progression should be overworked together, because these alot of unused potential there to make WvW alot more fun and rewarding while givign the player at the same time a much better feeling of character progression while rising in the ranks and learning more gameplay facettes for WvW relevant to have the options to play with each class in WvW different tactical class specific ROLES that require WvW Masteries to be learned (unlocked through WvW Rank Points)
WvW woudl be alot more rewarding, if the following steps would be done:
1st: Rework the WvW Rank System completely and reduced it from Max 10000 Ranks to a Max of 2500 Ranks, rename rank tiers as you see fit (maybe givce them some more flavorful names this time that aren’t repeating thenmself x times, thats not original and innovative)
2nd: After the Rank System rework, everyone gets reset to Rank 1, people receive tretoactively based on their Ranks they had prior to the System rework Boost Items thta help them to retroactively receive under the new system to get rewards they would have gotten, if the improved system would have been there from begin on.
3rd: Increase the Money Reward from 25 Silver per Rank up to 2 Gold per Rank, so retroactively 1,75 Gold per Rank. However, this Gold has a twist, its Gold that can’t be used in the TP, this “WvW-Gold” is a temporary one time currency, which can be used only on things that you can buy from any NPC in the Game, so that the gold that is given to players, sinks also directly again way out of the game through gold sinks, without that it moves via TP between players. Buy with it maybe some expensive gold items that you ever wanted to buy, but had not until this point the gld to spent it for these things, stuff like weapon skins, crafting basic materials ect. pp., more valuable salvage tools en mass and so on, people wil lfind ways to make usage of that nice retroactive gold gift that can be spent only on NPC stuff
4th: completely overwork the rank reward chests, remove the blue/green garbage that you get fro mthem and replace these thigns with USEFUL REWARDS that help decreasign the GRIND OF THIS GAME.
- Lodestones (especially charged ones, reduce their value and make oters theire more valuable, like mordrem lodestoens which are essentailly worthless compared to them, like tbhe crystal lodestones, those pink colored ones, are also not very valuable compared to them, too much stuff uses charged lodestones, while other lodestones get too much ignored..would do good, if charged lodestoens would get cheape, or some craftign recipes would get reworked to require LESSER of them, like reducing the requirements by 50%, because none of those items should have gold values that surpass easily those of precursors
- T4-T6 Material Bags of CHOICE ,no RNG garbage, its enough with this permanent asia grinder rng mentality in this game, let us choose finally more with what we want to get rewarded personally, because then it actually feels also like a reward when we could decide what we get from possible options
- add for example every 50 or 100 ranks 1 GUARANTEED ascended chest with equipment of CHOICE, so that by the end of when a player reaches the half way of the WvW character progression, the player should have made enough of these rewards to be able to at least equip 1 character in a complete ascended items set, what would be by these numbers Rank 1200 when taking every 100 ranks as reward trigger, what would be nearly the half of 2500 then minus 50 ranks leeway which should be imo the first 50 basically free rank points of WvW introduction which dont come with gold rewards, but are alot easier to gain, so that players get at the start a little easier some rank points for character progression.
- add bags that can reward you with T7 ascended craftign materials (no, not stupid million tons of bloodstone dust, or empyreal shard ect. I mean ELONIAN LEATHER, DAMASK ect. The game needs another source of income of these materials, other than just “only” through crafting and monthly daily login reward chests.
WvW should be another steady income of these materials to help reducign the grind for these materias and to normalize their prices, because the prices for these thigns skyrocketed the moment when you added raids and changed the worth of a ton of various items, as like normal materials becoming more valuable, with that naturally these items became a ton times more costy for every single little materials in the craftign progres that become significantly more valuable in the process chain of makign these items … its ther typical bad chain reaction of everythign becomes a ton times more valuable, so more items in the process chain of crafting are needed to make a product that you want in the end.
5th change the reward chest stuff from WvW reward tracks to be also of more useful stuff, less blue and green junk, more helpful materials that help reducing the material collecting grind of this game.
Remove craftign stations ouf of WvW!! To many people afking for these thigns, when they rather should hekp their side in winning!! Crafting should be only doable PvE, because thats essentially the only game mode, where this gameplay mechanic makes sense, because in PvP everyone has already max stuff and needs not to craft, and in WvW should provide the reward system EVERYTHING for the plaer, so that the player never needs to craft anythign in WvW at all ….
Add also please finally useful Quality of life features, like Auto Sell, Auto Salvage and Auto Account Chest Move when possible. You gave this game Auto Looting, then I think it should be possible also for you to add gamewide these other automatics to make the game in general more fun when its optional features naturalyl that everyone for themself can decide in the options menu if they want to use these features or not, unlike the Auto Looting, which isn’t deactivatable, once learned as mastery
Howev,er thats a different topic, just wanted to mention it, cause I feel the urge for it to keep these things in your mind whereever there is a chance to get dev attention
Revenants are basically from begin on a fail concept on their own in my view.
A lass with a try hard unique design for the purpose of just beign unique/different and not with the intention to improve the game.
Its whole design as some significant flaws which would exist, if this class would have been designed from begin on better.
issues of the revenant Class:
- its horrible gameplay mechanic that make it the only class by design that is unable to use racial skills
- its horrible gameplay mechanic that makes it the only class by design ,that has absolutely no build diversity freedom like all other classes when it comes to Healing Skills, Utility Skills Elite Skills
- its horrible gameplay design, which gives the Revenant an unfair advantage over all other classes by beign the only class that is able to have in combat more than 1 Elite Skill accessible and that On DEMAND just at the cost of energy without any recharge times!!!
- its whole existance is still pretty much absolutely LORELESS, how it can be that from one day to another there exist suddenly hundreds of thousands of rrvenants in the world of Tyria amonmg us, when there was just one of them ever known by the peopel to exist and that is Rytlock.. the only creature that could be taken into comparison as beign basically the very first Revenant ever to exist, which most likely has been Rytlocks teacher is Razah, but yet we know absolutely nothing at all about Rytlocks history of how exactly he became a Revenant and how it is explainable that their numbers after have raise so extremely fast into the thousands of them after his return.. so this part of their design is to me personalyl (and surely for many others too) extremely immersion breaking still.
There is also imo no solution to all of this, in my opinion this kind of class simply should have never been implemented.
For the game i think it would be the bes,t if anet would simply completely remove the whole revenant Class and exchange it out with something much better designed, that hasn#t at all all these design flaws that the revenant has and which just fits alot better to all of the other playable classes withotu coming over as alinating like the Revenant/Herold and without being so bad designed, that this class pretty much desteroys the whole presense of two other classes due to being superior in what they do (Thief/Warrior)
To me is the revenant just the result of a wannabe thief/warrior merge try with a wannabe assassin/demon/dwarf/dragon/centaur spleen mixted into that just to give this class in any kind of way some kind of gameplay changing mechanic thats usable on the fly for tactical playstyle changes and that is somethign i think can be reached as a goal also with a better thought out gameplay system, that does’t deny you the usage of racial skills nor doesn’t deny you to have the same freedom of healing/utility/elite skill changing like all other classes and without having any unfair access to basicalyl two elite skills, while all other classes can have in combat just only one at any given time and need to way for them even also on partwise very long recharge times to be able to use them again ,while revenants just need to wait only freakign like 3 seconds or so until their energy has regenerated back to the amount needed to activate the elite >.< Seriously???
Just add on top of all of this as herold their super advantages they have about boons with way too overpowered 50% boon duration boosts givign this class basicalyl way too much advantage over other classes like thieves for example to ever get a place for example in raid groupsy, simply because compared to this superior group support, they simply suck and provide nothign at all which gives people a reason to say for exampe to take a thief over a herold for a raid party, while herolds7revenants do at the same time while they provide alot better group support even also same dps like thieves nearly.
This gameplay stuff about them is the reason, why you see basicalyl in all raid groups at least 2 of them just to ensure, that among the 10 players all will basically always have the 50% increased boon durations, even if the party needs to split up into like 2 5man groups needign to do tasks at different lokations.
I think the whole class would have been designed better as “Ritualist”, which performs channeling rituals simply to get connections with spirits of former legendary persons to share with them this way their powers and using ash urns and esoteric scrolls as unique environmental weapons, without all this “transformation” stuff that dictates you always which healing, utility and elite skills you have to use, while enabling you this way to have also access on racial skills and having no advantage of having two elite skills at your disposal in combat with pretty much non existant recharge times compared to all other classes.
Some like of Mursaat/Razah related story/lore maybe should happen, that strips of Rytlock from his mist powers, lettign him return to his old former self (removing this way as explanation the Revenant/Herold from the game) and using some new and properly well thought out story and new lore to explain on the second try how it can be, that there is this new class – this would be imo an awesome step towards improving this game and giving this game back again some immersion and integrity – not to mention also more nostalgia – more than just adding only some avatar stances of shiro,jalis, mallys, glint and ventari – actually nostagia for everybody, regardless of which class you play and not nostalgia bonded selfishly to a playable class only.
just my opinion
stuff like this hsould have been fixed already a long tiem ago.. can’t be that you need to collect for this achievementz super rare stuff that has a tp value of like 250-500+ gold..
It stays absolutely in no relation anymore to the reward that you get fro completing the achievement.
Peopel just abuse the fact that you get a “reward” for completign the achievement and that parts of the collection are unneccessarely rare to try to get through these items quickly rich ..
the fact is sadly on,y through garbage like this get only the rich just richer and the poor people most likely stay poor or get poorer.
I am personalyl just 1 item away of completign the collection, just this anti social rare pendant of arah is missing for me, but in no way do I see in to waste like 500 gold for garbage just to make someone else like 450 gold richer around, just because that person is abusing the situation that this garbage is way much rarer than it should be, because there are only 2-3 spots in the whole game where you can get with antisocial low asia grinder drops rates of like 0,00001% maybe if you are super lucky this pendant of arah and with neasrly the same drop rate just to mock the players, you can get even a blue garbage version of the same thign that won’t help you further, because it won’t count towards the collection, just only the exotic version does >.< where you feel the huge urge to show a specific finger towards Anet mentally if you get that drop and just say in your mind peep
The problem with these way too rare items is, that you as a player have absolutely no way to earn yourself these items, or to craft them.
Pendant of Arah for exampel should be a craftable item for Jewelers and its recype should be buyable for karma from one of th many trading npcs on the last arah map which you should be cable to buy after doing for exampel the map’s meta event of defeating that legendary high wizard.
Through a crafting option anet would be at least able to make sure, that the prices on the TP would normalize for all these items, when there would be craftign alternatives, that are cheaper to make, than to buy the items from TP, then would be all these super rich players that try to hoarde these rare items to get richer through them by buying cheap, selling high and rebuying them again when they get cheaper permanently ad nauseum.
This tp tactics are the reason , why we have people in the game with like multiple tens of thousands of gold – more gold than they will evr need, because of peopel which dont know, when it is enough, that must become permanently just richer and richer – a so like I would call it – dagobert duck syndrome, peopel which are addicted of trying to become the richest player in the game.
people like that are the reason, why we are already at gem to gold trade listigns of 100gems = 90+ Gold.
Wont take long until we break through the border that 1 single Gem will cost 1 G and the sad thing about this is, we let it happen and Anet does nothign to stop this inflation, because they naturally profitate the most from it so more horrible this trade becomes, because so more gold one needs to pay for gems, so more likely will it become that people will pay real money for quick income of gems naturally …
However, I start to become offtopic ^^ – its just so it annoys we totally in which kind of way the game developed itself over the time in regard of this and it seems, absolutely no one seems to care about this bad development.
I think anet needs to change the tax system of the game.
The tax system of the TP should take alot harder into consideration the wealth of the buyer and the seller.
So wealthier the persons are, so higher should be the taxes exponentially.
This would help then against this negative dagobert duck syndrome, because something like this would lead then more likely to the poijnt, that people will want then to AVOID to become TOO WEALTHY, they will surely then buy more things and do alot more thigns to influence the economy by puttign more of their wealth into flow back by buying stuff from other players or using in general more gold sinks to ensure, that they won#t become too wealthy to avoid to have to pay too much taxes for putting stuff into the TP,
About the Treasure Hunter achievement it would be also nice, if ANet could increase the chances to obtain these items from other sources.
There should be just only 2-3 drop places/sources where you should be able to obtain these things.
Make it for exampel so that all of the items for the treasure hunter achievement should have also increased chances to be found easpecially from TREASURE CHESTS
Wow, who would have thought this?? Sadly Anet as it seems not.
All Jumping Puzzle Chests and Hidden Chests of Mini Dungeons and defended places should have significantly increased changes of finding randomly any of the required items for this achievement.
Especially the jumping puzzle treasure chests need finalyl a huge boost in their rewards to become alot more valueable, to give players a much better incentive to do them. The loot from JP chests has been mostly sicne game release complete garabage.
Never have they received so far a serious look over to improve them ,so that you actually want as a player to do as many JPs as possible, because gettign their chests feells actually “rewarding”
No, its since 2012 the typical usual prioblem as always, you receive 99,99% oof all times just blue/green garbage and useless t7 junk.
Why give players an incentive to play JP#s
Oooohh, the game could suddenly become way too rewarding /sarcasm
Serioesly, after all these years, personally i would never want Anet to work on a GW3…
GW1 is now 11 years old!! and is still running
i’m pretty sure that when anet made their plans up for GW2 that they had plans for the game for at least the same lifespan if not longer, hance the big amount of dragons and the huge focus permanently only on Tyria, which is why I believe we will never get to see Cantha/Elona again and all that we know about it what happened there over the last 250 yerars was nothing but flavor lore just to tell us a little bit about what the situations are there now.
Unless Anet speeds from now massively up and brings basicallly with Living World Season 3 an included Dragon Kill and continues with the next expansion then directly on the next dragon, I wont believe that anything will change on this course of the game for the next years to come.
The huge mystery they make since game release already around the deep sea dragon and its official name and everythign else around it makes it not better.
Should GW2 ever die out, then I hope absolutely, that Anet will take everythign they have learned from GW2 over and make as next game a complete new fresh start with an absolute new franchise. A different new game made from scratch that gives them the chance to make with the start of that everythign better, what they have done with GW2 wrong from the start.
it gives them the chance to work on a completely different new lore and world, that isn#t already from release date on doomed to be always only on 1 single continent fix, due to some issues with NCSort telling them, that the game may not havy asian related content, because they dont like what ANet made out of it, cause it could give peopel maybe a wrogn impression fro mthe asian culture and what not all for other issues that lead to the destructino of the original canthan district of divinity reach….
A fresh new game means also fresh new wind in regard of technology, better advanced technolgy that is up to date which would allow them to do alot more great thigns, which would be all for GW2 impossible.
I think also that there are surely also some developers under anet ,which would love by now to work on a completely new and different game, than to work always on the gw franchise, be it game 1 or 2…. hwen you think about it that they are working now for over 10 years conmstantly on the same franchise, never on anythign else.
I believe, that working always on the same stuff makes the creativity of people over the years dull.
But if you give them somewhen a new project for a complete new game, this revitalizes massively creativity.
The nonhuman races might not be eligible, in theory, to be monks (in name) but in GW1 charr were able to cast monk spells.
that was because in GW1 all thigns, enemies as like playes shared the same skills, because ANet didnt make back then themself the huge effort to give all creatures in this game their very own skills, like they did here in GW2, where all enemies, all creatures have their very own skills, nothing shares the same skills from the players.
So your point is invalid
This is why you can activate and deactivate automatics, use them at your own risk simply.
But I prefer having more comfort, alot lesser to click, waste not time and have much for better time with inventory management and get quicker done with it thanks to helpful intelligent automatics, than playing the game with the permanent fear that the automatics could “one time” do something when I didn#t want it it.
This unwanted automatics is in case of auto selling or auto salvaging just a question about how the player configurates the settings of what exactly the account should do for you automatically and what not ….
And these mechanics are same as “easy” as like programming the auto loot mechanic, its exactly the same principle, just only without the option to tell your account what exactl it should loot automatically for you and when to stop that, because you can’t deactivate that function once you have learned it, the game doesn#t let you differentiate between thigns that it hsould auto loot for you and thigns which it shouldn’t auto loot, it simply auto loots EVERYTHING for you.
However, I think these kind of QoL improves just weren’t ever on ANets priority list so far, that they were always busy with alot of other thigns that they found were alot more important to do, than to work un such helpful similar automatics, like Auto Selling, Auto Salvaging and Auto Chest Move to help the players keeping their inventories clean.
Shamed be he who thinks evil of it. Who knows, this is maybe even intentional by Anet to give players more of a reason to buy more inventory space…
But I think – even with these helpful automatics there would be plenty of reasons to buy inventory and chest increasers, because even with such helpful mechanics, there is still so many stuff in this game that you collect all the time, that your inventory space and chest will be overloaded anyways ^^ sooner or later.
However, this are the kind of things, where one would like to hear something official from a dev, that can clearly explain, if there realyl are some technical limits, which have worked so far all the years against implemrntign such helpful automatics – maybe even such strong problems, that the stuff I suggest is is basically “impossible” for whyever. if thats the case, Id like to know that, because if these things should be for real impossible, then theres also no reason for a thread like this to stay any further, once its clear, that these things will never be able to be made
they simpyl dont exist ,because they are a human lore bonded class.
All other races have NO monks..
if there ever would be something related to monks, as E-Spec it would need to have an other name, so that it fits together with all playable races – Ascetic for example.
And you know as well as me, that of they ever woudl add somethign like, this, it absolutely won’t be the same like what you know of GW1.
If its just the healer thing you are searching for, the best thing you can do is play either Tempest, Ventari-Revenant or Druid
(edited by Orpheal.8263)