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[Suggestions] Future Elite Specializations

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


GW2 needs Specializations, which do fit to the game, it’s combat system, it’s style and design. With this being said, I personally would never be content with anything which breaks with these five core pillars of Class Design:

I.) A good Elite Specialization insn’t too crazy, it feels like just being a different path of its original basic form of class without changing too much.

II.) A good Elite Specialization shares and expands the theme and style of its original form, without touching any concepts or mechanics of other classes too much to the point, that you can/could say that it copies from other classes.
Each Elite Specialization needs to be in and of itself unique.

(III.) A good Elite Specialization always provides something new to the table, that nothing else before of it offered to the game. If an Elite Specialization offers only new things, which basically already exist in the game in similar form, then it is no good Elite Specialization Concept and needs to be reworked and be refined more to the point, so that it DOES offer something good and special, that nothing else ever before of it had.

(IV.) A good Elite Specialization provides good thought out gameplay mechanics, which are simple to use, easy to understand, but complex enough to be hard to master and so versatile, that they can provide to the player many different ways to be used optimally in different situations and that in such ways, so that the Elite Specialization is everywhere in the game useful and not just only for very specific parts of it

(V.) A good Elite Specialization must be well balanced. It must have strengths and weaknesses somewhere or in something. It can be superior in something than other classes, but it also needs to be inferior at something compared to other classes naturally. It always needs to be a give and take.
If you give theoretically a class everything, it means it must exist also a way that you can instantly lose everything with this class, if your opponent just finds out your one true weakness. Thats the way of well balancing.
For every mechanic there is, there needs to be also to exist a mechanic that is able to counter it.
If an Elite Specialization has mechanics, that can’t be countered, then it is trashbin time and go sit back to start and put your head together more in concentration to come up with something more well thought out the next time that has counter mechanics – and if you can’t come up with anything good, then …well, better make not any class concepts at all

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

In-game Cosplay Thread!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


I saw yesterday the anime fir the first time, it instantly catched my full attention as I fall in love with the character design and here she is, my first itereation of the wonderful beautiful lovely songstress of Egoist


from the Anime of Guilty Crown in her mindblasting red sexy Wild Flower Dress




and for her lovely debut, she will sing her most well known song for you all.

*Egoist – Euterpe ~ Japanese Original Lyrics *

Saita no no hana yo
Aa douka oshiete okure
Hito wa naze kizutsukeatte
Arasou no deshou

Rin to saku hana yo
Soko kara nani ga mieru
Hito wa naze yurushiau koto
Dekinai no deshou

Ame ga sugite natsu wa
Ao wo utsukittena
Hitotsu ni natte
Chiisaku yureta
Watashi no mae de
Nani mo iwazu ni

Karete yuku tomo ni
Omae wa nani wo omou
Kotoba wo motanu sono ha de
Nanto ai wo tsutaeru

Natsu no hi wa kagette
Kaze ga nabiita
Futatsu kasanatte
Ikita akashi wo
Watashi wa utaou
Na mo naki mono no tame

English Lyrics:

Blooming wildflower
I beg you, please tell me
Why do people fight and hurt each other?

Valiantly blooming flower
What can you see from your field?
Why can’t people forgive each other?

The rain passed, and summer took on blue hues
All alone now
You trembled before me
Without saying a word.

When your friends wilt around you
What do you think?
With your leaves unable to speak
How do you convey love?

Summer’s sun clouded over, the wind streamed by
The two overlapped.
I shall sing the proof that you lived
For the sake of those who have no names.

Inspiration Artwork:

Still searching for other good looking and working skins, colors ect. that could work for a better fittign and looking second iteration to perfectionize the looks.

And for the total emotional heartbreak ,this on top <3

Guilty Crown – Krone (last song in the list)


Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

(edited by Orpheal.8263)

What would you like to see in next expansion?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


  • One additional Elite Specialization for each Class that adds this time also new Weapon Types like Whips, Polearms, Greataxes, Crossbows, Claws and Throwing Weapons like Chakrams

You forgot a Guild Wars 1, 2 handed weapon that must be added.


So that the all new DPS Spec Ranger can be made. And its name – You all know it. Dervish!

Forget that, they won’t return.. they exist also basically already as SKINS for Staffs…
If you want them back so badly, then just hope for it, that ANet implements Polearms, because Scythes practically could count also as Polearms or as Greataxe mechanically for melee based attacks

if you want a dervish just only, just make yourself a Daredevil with a staff and pack on that staff a scythe skin and spam skill 2, there you have your whirling Dervish rolleyes

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

The Cantha Thread [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


WoW, 55 pages..

when will people actually do finalyl give up and see in, that Cantha most likely will never come back???

Don’t you realize after these 3 years, that it obviously is the case, that Guild Wars 2 with its 10+ years lifespan was from the begin on with its whole story designerd to be based on the continent Tyria only and that everything around Cantha/Elona was just only a tiny bit of flavor lore to tell us, what in the last 250 years changed there….

Personally I doubt hard, that we will ever see Cantha/Elona as explorable new continents in this game, as long we have to fight off first 4 other elder dragons in tyria first, before we get time to mess around with an simple undead ruler in Elona and the human emperor version of “kitten” in cantha who letted banish out all other races from Cantha (including the Tengus), which weren’t humans.

That this discussion here hasn’t been stopped by ANet already a long time ago, feeding the “hope” this way for unneccessary 3 years.

It would be totally unfitting, if Anet would suddenly let us go expplore Cantha,/Elone, while in Tyria still reigns toe total chaotic terror and death that comes from the last four remaining elder dragons which need to be slain first to bring peace to Tyria as world and not continent seen as a whole, because those dragons are a serious dangerous threat for the whole world and not just only the continent we currently play on, which just to dsay it ids also something, what we can’t even explore yet to 100%.

Many of the old GW1 regions that were explorabel, can#t we even explore yet in GW2…

- The Fire Ring Islands
- The Crystal Desert
- The Northern Shiverpeaks
- Some the EotN Regions, like Tarnished Coast, Charr Homelands…
- Deldrimor Mountains and the Undergrounds
- Woodland Cascades and everything north of Kryta
- Large Sea parts that could be used for some kind of Underwater Content (Deep Sea Dragon)
- Dominion of the Winds.

Thats soo much content that needs just to happen first for Tyria, before we can go to any other continent, that it is more likely to see a GW3 getting by the end of all that content announced, than to see ever Cantha or Elona for GW2 after all the Dragons have been slain.

Maybe then in a GW3 we will focus on a new different story and content, that will bring us then into a game, that is focused around Cantha and Elona, as both continents in itself were also alot smaller than Tyria.
Maybe GW2 can be then focused on a shared story between Cantha and Elona, that is based on the return of the Gods and a Revival of Abaddon…

That would make at least some kind of sense, that the gods return once the elder dragons are away and that abaddon uses all that trouble over the last centuries of the games hidstory to prepare silently his revival through the help of its demonic followers that hided themself in Cantha and Elona over all the years and worked secretly on their devilish plan to ressurect Abaddon.

Due to both continents, Cantha and Elona being heavily tied to “demons”, it would make only sense that the lore of a possible GW3 would be based on some kind of demons that plague the lands there again.
Mursaat for example could make for GW3 their return there.

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

You DO NOT want gliding in main tyria [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


I guess we will see Orr becoming part of the next livign story, so that it will be a reason for Anet to update the orr maps (and hopefully make also more parts of Orr explorable with new maps , as theres still huge parts of orr not explorable yet)

I would like for example to explore the place, where the dead Zhaitan crushed to the ground, turning large parts that were the ruins of arah dungeon into actually a big persistent explorable map where the dungeon currency becomes practicalyl the MAP currency, so that they can completely remove ruins of arah as dungeon from this game.

They simply should implement the feature of Phasing, so that Orr receives practically different persistent time instances.
So all people which havent played through the story and haven’t beaten zhaitan yet, land on the isntance where the old orr is with all the undeads ect.

People which beated zhaitan and play on season 3 land than actually in the new orr instances that play several years later there in a different looking orr map now that enables us to use gliding ect. if we own HoT..

Anet is discourage us to play the dugneons. so i personally would have absolutely no problem with it, when they completely removed all the dungeons from the game as part of reworking the maps under living story changes and use then the old dungeon tokens as new map currencies. That way not much would change.

Functionally all dungeons could be then redesigned as Fractals, to keep the achievements/titles all intact.

Once this has been done, ANet can then come up with a better fresh reiteration of a new Dungeon System, once the game has been cleared first from the old crap that didn’t worked out very well and come up with something, that is actually more modern and more desgined with current style of design work that Anet does.

The story parts of the dungeons were never heavily linked to the overall story of the PS, so I doubt anyone would miss these parts of the personal story, if there wouldnt be anymore the story dungeon instances as well.
I just thin, if Anet is already discouragign us to do not dungeons anymore willingly, i think they should make it right and just remove the unwanded content in a clean way to create and replace the free space somewhen later in the future with something better added in its place.

And with that I mean Dungeons, that actually are real dungeons and not some multi path instanced crap with unmodern ugly 2D story telling that doesn’t fit to the rest of the story tellign of the game by its style anymore, content, that is functionally the exact same as like Fractal – so why not actually make Fractals out of them and turn the reward stuff into map currency rewards for explorign the maps under living story 3 new in an actual time setting,

This would fall for me absolutely under “improving old content, before making experimentations with new things”,

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

Why some items cant be vendored?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


Best example are the faction weapons and armros that you have to buy for alot of gold. the spent gold is all wasted, because its just stupid rare stuff that is useless for you if you have already much better equipment, and you cant sell the items, you cant salvage them, you cant put them into the mystic toilet ..

the game is full with many of these kind of thigns and in my honest opinion, this is somethign that needs to get changed.

All items in this game need to be at least salvageable!!! This includes also all kinds of items that you buy with karma…
Just with the different, that items bought from karmas should give you material, when salvaging, them ,they should give you jugs of karma, so that you get back some of the spent karma – problem solved.

for the items of the factions, when you salvage them, you should get back some bags of money or valuable sellable trophy loot, so that you can get a small part of the invested money back, so that it isnt at least such a huge waste of money for practically 0 usage for you.

All character bonded items, should be turned into accountbound items.. I see absoletely no reason in it, why in a game like this does exiost even at all characterbound. All what we need only is accountbound. Theres is absolutely no difference between characterbound and accountbound, just that little diference, that a silyl character bound limitates you in the way how you can use an item with only 1 fixaded character, not allowing you to share the weapon with any of your other characters, what is somethign that should become possible.

If i have a sword with character A and want to give that weapon to one of my other characters that can wield a sword and have the appropiate level for it to be able to wield it, then it should be simply possible to share that weapon with said other character. Why force us to destroy a weapon for that Character A has no use anymore, where there could be a Character B on our account, for which that weapon would be a significant improvement!!

Its just pointless game design to make somethign like this not possible to do

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

What would you like to see in next expansion?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


Anything less and its no expansion for me this time:


  • One additional Elite Specialization for each Class that adds this time also new Weapon Types like Whips, Polearms, Greataxes, Crossbows, Claws and Throwing Weapons like Chakrams
  • New Utility and Elite Skills for all the Basic Classes, like 4-5 new Utility Skills and 2 new Elite Skills per Class additionally to what we get new with the next ES.
  • New Playable Race: The Tengu (they are long overdue, how many dragons want they hide in their hometown, until they come out finally and HELP, it was already kind of weird that they didnt help at Mordremoth as allies to help us recruit the Quetzals in the jungle as allied NPCs)
  • A longer more complex multi path story similar to the Personal Story of Zhaitan with lots if different kinds of “Missions” that feel actually more like missions of a Commander, where you have to strategetically command your troops also with different results, based on how good your tactics went and how well you self participated in your assigned tasks…


  • New Masteries for Central Tyria and the newer explorable Regions (including also HoT)
  • New Raid Maps
  • New PvP Maps
  • New Fractals
    - for example implement that one about Abaddon, I mean, you already worked on it, so you can implement it also now)
    - or a Marionnette Battle Mass Fractal
    - or a Lions Arch Invasion Mass Fractal (these are kind of needed, if you want to implement ever Living Story Season 1 in a kind of “complete” way" similar to Season 2
  • New Fractal Mode – Heroic Fractals – special SOLO Fractals that work more similar to GW1’s Bonus Mission Pack, where you play as different Characters with their unique skills, where you can earn unique skins and other stuff by completing History Books and turning them in to a historian, starting with the first Heroic Fractal of “Ghosts of Ascalon”, allowing us to replay the novel book and playinmg as Dougal Keane
  • Rework of the Dungeon Reward System to give live back to Dungeons (if not done already earlier with a Feature Pack)
  • Redesign of the LFG Tool (if not done already earlier with a Feature Pack)
  • Guild Raids (called Guild Crusades) which are special Raid Maps that can be played only as a Guild, not with PUGS… and that are part of the Guild Mission System.
  • Hunting Grounds – special SOLO Raid Instances that are designed around it, that players can go hunt there daily once, wekly once however and be able to farm there for a certain amount of time, where chances are significantly better to get some good rewards that help you in receiving materials ect that would be otherwise a terrible grind. Simply said, Huntign Grounds should help reducing the grind of this game, but with the twist ,that their access is limited.
  • Battlefields are special PvE maps, where occasionally unique Invasion Events occur similar to the one of Scarlets Invasions…
  • Player Housing/Gardening (whe have now Guild Halls, now let us bring the decoration to the players and give us a new personal redesigned home instance, on which we can build our own personal houses…)
  • New Gathering Jobs – Fishing and Digging, so that Fishing Rods and Shovels become finally more useful in this game, so that they get a reason for their existance.
  • Bringing Jeweler and Chef finally to Job 500 and reworking Scribe to work like all other Crafting Jobs (if not done already per Feature Pack earlier)
  • Adding Polymock as new complex collectable Card Minigame
  • Implementation of Legendary Accessoires
  • Accountbased Unlocking Feature for Runes and Sigils for PvE in form of Ascended Runes, Gemstones and Ascended Sigils, so that you can exchange Runes, Gemstones and Sigils in PvE then so easily and comfortably, as like in PvP without ever having to buy units of these upgrades
  • Implementation of a Build Saver Function (if not done already with a Feature pack earlier finally, to allow us finalyl with one quick click to change out builds ouside of combat)
  • Implementation of Quick Use Slots for useable items, like Buff Food ect. (if not done already with a Feature Pack earlier)
  • New claimable Guild Hall Maps that actually DO LOOK also like civilized Guild Halls and not like some weird wild zones and caves ect.. Give us for example again different themed ISLANDS (the world map has so many of them) that we can use. In GW1 we had different themend islands for the Guild Headquarters and I think this fits alot better for Guild Halls, than to place somewhere into the midsts of the world map some guild hall maps, which are then only explorable, if you claimed the places with the guild first and are otherwise always a disturbing grey patch on your world map …
    Simply said, these maps should always be explorable, even if you dont claim them for your Guild Hall, what is then anyways in an own instance, so why not make those GH maps persistent and normally explorable, when the claiming happens anyways in anown instance and the claimed GH later is then also an own instance
    - A Tropical Island
    - A Desert Island
    - A Volcano Island
    - A Normal Plain Island
    - A Forrest Island
  • Ascended and Legendary Racial armor Sets
  • Ascended and Legendary Dungeon Armor and Weapon Sets
  • Crafting to be improved with the Feature of Weapon Refinement and Weapon Reinforcement to raise through Crafting also the Level and the Rarity of an item, by fusionizing said Weapon with other Weapons and Materials to raise this way the Weapon Level to maximum 80 or to change its rarity grade for exampel from rare to Exotic, or from Exotic to Ascended… as a kind of alternative cheaper way to get Ascended items, but which requires longer time. Time Gatign from normal Ascended Crafting gets REMOVED.
Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

You DO NOT want gliding in main tyria [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


the maps weren’t designed with gliding in mind like maguma
it will kitten it up
and anet knows this to be true
the only reason anet might add this eventually is to encourage the weirdos who didn’t buy the expac to do it because they will see gliders in the starting zones
say no to gliding in main tyria

Just another post from somebody who believe, that gliding would make JP’s in Tyria too simple…

I tell you something… learn something about PHYSICS… Gliding brings you NOT UPWARDS. None of the Central Tyria Maps has anywhere by design UPDRAFTS to push you higher into the sky.

Means, where ever you use gliding in central Tyria, leads you to sink downwards to the ground, while all the JPs in central Tyria go upwards, or are in some kind of points, where you can’t glide to, because they are in enclosed areas.
To have any easier tiem with a JP in central Tyria, you would have to find first a way higher position than the JP, to have a chance to glide to the JP’s position.

But none of the central tyria maps except of Dry Top and Silver Wastes do even have any big verticality in their map design at all.

So please stop moaning an complaining about gliding making JPs easier, as this is simply not true at all.
Anyone who says this is true makes just only a fool out of him/herself

Simple Example:

Viziers Tower JP – there you have to jump upwards to reach the JP and there is nowhere a higher point than the JP tower itself, that you could glide from to reach it, before you touch the ground again, even if you have eternal eglide endurance

Buriend archives, again ,you have to jump upwards to reach that spot, no place higher there to glide to it…

The maps maybe weren’t designed to have gliding in mind, but Gliding in itself provides a very nice quality of life feature, that can be seen as horizontal chracter progression that would be STILL HELPFUL for all tyria maps as like also in the new WvW maps to have.


Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

Dulfy note: ...working on the next expansion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


speaking of wvw rewards…I still need to get through my 90+ chests…

Yes, that needs to get changed too.
The moment we log in into WvW after a match has been reset, should net you in instantly the reward chests that we receivev from the last wvw match..

So when you werre 1st place at the rend of the match, and you log in the next time after the match has been resetted, you should receive instantly those 3 bonus reward chests!!

Before some of the last wvw change,s everythign was fine, we were able to buy us with laurels/badges instant rank ups, so that IF WE WANTED, were able to get instantly those reward chests, or play for them and gridn the wvw exp for the rank ups needed to get all of the bonus reward chests….

personally atm I have 10 of them here, which I can’t get, because I need to get first 10 ranks more, before I get my earned reward chests – what a silly system is that even to begin with, that you need to earn your rewards double practically, just to get them in case of the bonus chests ..

please fix this!

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

My random idea for end game gear progression

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


Some kind of “Weapon Fusion System” is something I’d like to see for GW2 as part of Character Progression as an alternative way to obtain over time your character with maximized equipment.

Say for example every Equipment Rarity is linked to an Equipment Level.

Common = Level 0
Fine = Level 1
Masterwork = Level 2
Rare = Level 3
Exotic = Level 4
Ascended/Legendary = Level 5 / 5 plus Star

To refine your for exaample Lvl 80 masterwork weapon to a level 80 rare weapo,n you would have to fuse it with other masterwork weapons to increase weapon grade, which is basically an experience bar for weapons to be evolved by a fittign crafting job to its next rarity grade, or by its weapon level, if you want to refine a low level item to a higher level item to increase its worth this way.

This way would become all the blue and green trash in this game alot more valuable, because it would receive more meaning, as it could be used then as valuable fusion material to improve your equipment slowly, but steadily in either its weapon level, or its weapon grade to increase its rarity and this way its max stats, if the item already is an lvl 80 item and could get only this way higher stats to reach the maximum.

B&S has in many little aspects some better mechanics, than GW2 and personalyl i find it not surprising, that this game comes now finally after some years where it was extremely successful in the east now also finally to the west localized.
Its strong competition from basically the nearly own house, as it is a NCSoft development – a game that got developed and released in the same year as like GW2, where ANet was still not also self publisher of the game, but NCSoft instead.

However, more powercreep in equipment, regardless how small it is, is somethign that I don#t want to see.
GW2 needs to become finalyl again more alt character friendly my removing finalyl this stupid time gatign around crafting ascended equipment and adding more ways in how you can obtain ascended equipment, than through crafting, fractals and raids only.
The other parts of the game – especialyl dungeons, wvw and word bosses/achievements on the side of PvE need to become more reliable sources of income for ascneded equipment. Caftign should be only 1 reliable way, but not the only one and this than event under pointless time gates, that absolutely aren’t needed anymore by now…

If you are such a min/maxer, the terrible super grind of infusions will surely be the thign for you OP, if you need such tiny differences in power SOOOO MUCH, just to feel yourself better

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

How much would it be...Winter's Presence

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


I will get it today… I’m at 9666/10000

90% of this did I have grinded my self via massive Bell Choir Playing, Toypocalypse, Daily Tixx Farm and Snowball Mayhem

The other 10% came from Donations from Friends, have I bought from TP or bought from friends for a significant smaller price than from the TP.

I have invested millions of Karma daily into free 100 Gifts practically since Event Begin.
Am from over 5 Million Karma down to currently 920k Karma!!!

Farmed daily practicalls fro around 2-3hours just to make every freakign day somehow sure, that I made every single day at least 333 units of alcohol to make sure, that I would have it on the last day of 12th january, but thanks to my friends I’m now some days earlier done with this horrible grind and personally I say. I’’m also doen with wintersday after this.. can’t see the activities anymore, they hang out of me from all of my body holes…

When I hear any more bells playing wintersday songs, I might begin to scream now!!!
But I will be happy, that I will have finished it today and be done for good with it finally.

From allone the huge time investment to grind all the gifts (12500 required practicalyl to get 10000 alcoholic items you can use) id sell it for nothing less than what youve written there…

1250 G, if not more (thinks on 15% tax… to end up actually really with 1250g brutto and not with lesser due to the tp tax)

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

Dulfy note: ...working on the next expansion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


Nice, when gliding hopefully gets implemented this year also to the rest of the game, this hopefully includes then also the WvW maps.. seriously… desert borderlands are designed for gliding there…

When their goal it is to focus 2016 on delivering more depths to the existign gameplay systems, than to try to experimentate with new things, like Colin said, then I hope, that we can expect to see improvements in the following sections and areas of the game in the distant near future:

1) (Obviously)
WvW Redesign of the terrible Reward System that is sicne game release absolutely underwhelming to nearly non existant, compared to the rest of the game.
a Reward Systenm, that actually gives you somethign really rewarding for all the Badges of Honour that you collect as WvW’s Standard Currency, so that you can buy finalyl with all the Badges something, thats valuable and feels like a good reward for the spent badges.
Unique Rewards are also the key here, that are only receiveable via WvW, thus it creates incentive to play WvW

2) WvW Redesign away from the terrible Server System, which creates since Game Release only Population Imbalances and turn it to an Alliance System with 3 fix and clear FACTIONS.
Yes, first this iwll lead most likely to a big QQ about Server Pride, but this needs to get changed for the better of this game, if you want to see ever a healthy WvW without Population Imbalances. People need to gulp finally their silly server pride down and accept, that some changes like this are needed, if WvW should change ever become better without the problems it has now.
There wasn#t ever anyways any kinds of rewards or so for server pride. It plays no role for Anet, if you play since game release on the same server X or not, so why do we hold us all off since 3 years with such obsolete systems???

3) Complete for the sake of this game finally the incomplete gameplay mechanics that have been introduced over the last years:
- Implement finally Jeweler 500
- Implement finally Chef 500
- Upgrade Scribe to 500 and redesign and rebalance its costs to work like all other normal Crafting Jobs
- Adding missing Legendary Crafting Categories for Legendary Accessoires (Rings, Earrings, Amulets

  • Adding a System for more constant WvW Tournaments, like every 6 months there should be one. Or 1 every year at least… or how long you you expect us Anet to wait for them, until we get finally able to complete the Set of Heroic Mist Weapons?? There needs to be a more constand income of the WvW Tournament Tickets
  • They said that Elite Specializations are the way to go from now on, together with Masteries – so yes, more Specializations and more Masteries are naturally expectable to see as further development of already existing content. They said self that the mechanics added by Hot are a new fundament for our overall horizontal chracter progression.
    It would be weird if they stop with that directly after HoT… so if anyone really believes here that nothing new happens in these areas, must live under an illusion.
    Gliding for Orr shows to me exactly, where they are going, by expanding the Masteries more for Central Tyria (and hopefully also WvW) and hopefully bringing back some live to the older maps, especially all those of them, which have seen absolutely 0 attention by Anet since Game Release.
  • Reworking the Reward System completely for Dungeons. Now that you successfully destroyed them completely by taking away from them the sole incentibve, they had mainly for several years since you introduced PvP reward tracks, which already half way destroyed the incentive to play dungeons, you did it now totally by removing the gold rewards. Congrats! Now its time to give Dungeons back rewards, that are UNIQUE to it and only obtainable via dungeons and nothign else.
    Dungeons need direly agaion a good inventive for why you want to play them, if not for the gold (what is ok, we have Fractals for that now), then for somethign else that is not gold!!
    Give Dungeons also the option to earn ascedned equipment from them via Dungeon Tokens, like adding some new nice ascended Dungeon Weapon/Armor Sets iwth new skins that take via tokens significantly longer to earn, than just the exotic stuff, and can be earned only via dungeons, not pvp reward tracks!! This would essentially REVIVE dungeons, without turning them again into a gold farm spot….
  • Use Elite Specializations Round 2 to add some new Weapon Types like Polearms(Halberds), Greataxes, Whips, Crossbows, Gauntlets/Claws and Throwing Weapons (Chakrams, Shurikens, Kunais) togive the classes some new Build Diversity through new Weapon Skills. That would add more depth to the Combat System.
  • Rebalance the Combat System in more depthful ways, be changing the Base health System from an unbalanceable 3 Class Type System into an Individual Class health balancing, so that each class gets its very own individual base health and balanced around its individual amount of base health.
    Take finalyl please a look on other very important game and combat related mechanics of this game, when balancing the Classes – like for exampel the efficiency of Attributes.
    Toughness and Vitality are since game release absolute JOKES and feel like completely bugged. Merge for example Vitality with Healing Power to give Vitality finally more significant IMPACT in the combat system and increase the intensity of toughnes,s so that finally a high defensive build actually also FEELS like being a high defensive build that makes it for direct dam,age dealers feelable harder to defeat you (like fighting a high defensive mordrme, which you effectively can kill only with conditions, but not with direct damage, due to its very high DEFENSE!!!)
  • UI Improvements, most especially a compelte redesign of the LFG-Tool!! (pretty please!!) or adding finally a Build Saver-Function as UI, or adding as a massive QoL improvement for PvE as UI and progression system (2in1) ASCENDED RUNES & SIGILS (something that Jeweler 500 could create being able to refine all the exotic ones to accountbound ascended account unlockers, which make it for you in PvE then finally possible to change out sigils and runes that you have unlocked this way for your account like in PvP infinitely and directly, while being out of combat, so that you dont have to buy units of the sigils/runes anymore, that you have once unlocked as ascended version for your account for PvE, which makes craftign these thigns then VERY valuable for you as a player, because once you have crafted then one of these thigns for your account and used the,m, you have to buy/craft the unlocked sigil/rune then NEVER AGAIN for any of your characters!!)

Im sure, i could come up with more stuff, but these thigns are currently the most importan thigns that came up in my head directly, which I hope to see gettign addressed in 2016/17 around when they work on said improvements to the depth of the current game systems, while working on the next expansion also, whioch most likely will be used then again to deliver some of the greater changes that take the most time.

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

Thief V2.0

in Thief

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


Next Weapon:


1) Vital Shot
A Shot, that deals exponentially more Damage, so more Health the Enemy has.

Stealth Attack
Sneak Attack
Shoot with a quick rapid fire at your target, dealing multiple hits which cause each a Stack of Vulnerability

2) Body Shot
A strong overcharged shot with more range than usual with your Pistol to the Body of your enemy, causing the enemy to get immobilized and receive vulnerability.

3 Solo) Piercing Shot
Shoot a strong bullet, with more range than usual, that pierces through targets and hits enemies behind the target also. Removes also 1 Boon from hit targets.

3 S Off) Shooting Star Shadow Step yourself into the air with the pistol by a shot into the sky, to perform a ground targeted jump attack from above, causing at the ground target AoE burning and a shockwave from the impact of the attack, that launches foes away from the spot.

3 D Off) Shadow Strike
Strike your foe, causing Torment, shadow Step away and shoot at the Target for additional Blindness.

3 M Off) Reflector
Go into a defensive stance while holding the button, which costs Initiative over time. Meanwhile does the thief use the Mace, to reflect incoming projectiles back to the origin, like using the weapon as if it would be a baseball bat with its quick reflexes.
Gain Retaliation, when you end the stance.

3 A Off) Spellbreaker Shot
An attack, that is unblockable if the target has any boons on. it becomes also more powerful, Spellbreaker reduces the Durations of Boons by 1 second when being hit by it.

3 P Off) Bulletstorm
Unleash all your bullets in your pistols at once, shooting at your target unloading your pistols on it. All shots from this attack have a chance of 50% to bounce off from the target to nearby other targets. Bounced of bullets cause additionally bleedings.

4) Head Shot
Shoot at your target, causing Daze and when you interrupt your target, cause also a heavy confusion on it.

5) Blackpowder
Create a small AoE fireblast that burns all targets around you and leaves then a blind field from the blackpowders smoke you created for some seconds, which periodically blinds all foes that touch it.

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

Fastest way to farm Maguuma Masteries?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


Fastest farming.

Participate in the Meta Events of the game, namely Dragon Stand and Tarir Defense, and or now also too Tangled Depths Djungle King Meta, now that its doable alot better

Use all kinds of Exp Boosters that you can get:

Buff Food and Tonics
Guild Banners
Exp Boosters from WvW Dailies
Laurel Boosters
Celebration/Birthday Boosters
4% Exp Guild Buffs
Get as much as AP as possible to boost your overall account based Exp bonus
Farm, when the world exp bonus from WvW is highest

And wen you are not doing currently any meta, then farm daily with an extra made up group/team for that of peopel that also want to farm exp in all hot maps daily the Hero Points and Adventures, as doing these things gives you daily also quick some nice exp boosts towards the masteries.

Bets spot is definetely an organized dragons stand map with its tons over tons of enemies that you can kil lthen very quickly..that paired with all the exp boosts and buffs, can net you in quickly at the end of the meta around a million exp or so surely.

I made a few days a ds metya tra just only with the wvw exp booster on and 15% buff food, sadly the instance made it only in my case to the north tower, then we had to give up due top anet bringign naturally at the most lousiest moment a patch leading the instance to fail, because dead peopel couldnt come back, and so on …
roughly 400k exp and the best thign about it – it didnt felt like grind.. i had fun while gettign all the exp

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

A Polymock Idea

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


Sure, it can be streamline with lower numbers, I took just the classical number 100, because I want this minigame to be something, with that pplayers can and will play also in some years later.

There hsould be for the player the feeling of having “progression” with this minigame, like you feel progression when developing your character further and becoming stronger. But it shouldn’t also be way too simply, that players have maxed out their cards in no time, just to land then here in the forums again, because they are bored and demand after new cards and so on, because of the initial system being not complex enough to entertain also long enough and keep players busy.

This is naturally also nothing with super high priority Swagger, naturally other things of the core game always have more priority, like continuing with Living Story Season 3, bringign finally a needed Balance Patch and that in a constant way that doesnt have us to wait every time 6 months or longer before the next one comes and so on…

Sure, there are alot more important things currently. However, it doesn#t change the fact, that polymock is by now a game activity, that was announced over 3 years ago to be initially part of the game at game release and fact is also, we wait still until today on it in vain.

Thats why I came up with this thread to simply show Anet, that theres still interest on polymock, that it is not forgotten, will never be forgotten until its finaly there and how I personally (and maybe other people too) would like to see it getting implemented for GW2 in a more modern way that isn’t like in GW1 that kind of boring Pokemon Clone that it was, but this time a more addictive, more complex and fun collectable Card Game that comes together with its very own Collection and Activity Achievements, while it can provide at the same time for Anet also another great way to get money, by bringing out every now and then some new cards via Gemstore either, or as part of new content for new expansions in the future

Lots of possibilities. All I’m just saying now is, that anet shouldn#t waste such a golden chance to come up with somethign great, that can give especially their Art teams a wonderful pnew platform to shine on with all their nice character and creature artworks they can come up with for this then (which maybe normally wouldnt have found perhaps otherwise into the game) ^^

@ Swagger: oh and thank your for insulting this idea as “silliness” rolleyes.
You know, every new content is “substance” and not just something to mind trick players into thinking theres something worthful to do in the game.
Content, that can simply make players happy and busy by having something new/different to do.
However, basically I can agree with you that the game has other problems, but please, for the love of god, stop please derailing this topic.
That there are other problems of this game IS NOT THE TOPIC HERE now. Thank you

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

(edited by Orpheal.8263)

Thief V2.0

in Thief

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


The next Weapons


1) Trick Shot
You shoot a bouncing arrow that bounces up to four times between targets and which steals boons, if a target gets hit twice by the same arrow with a chance of 30%

Stealth Attack
Surprise Shot
An attack out of stealth, that immobilizes and weakens a target for a long time, significantly longer than usual.

2) Cluster Bomb
You shoot over a range of 1200 a Cluster Bomb, which you can let explode to cause over a radius of 360 to up to 10 targets AoE Damage that will cause Vulnerability and Burning to them. If you don’t let the bomb explode, the impact damage will be alot stronger, hitting only 3 targets and works as Combo Field Finisher.

3) Leaping Mantis Sting
A quick evasive forward leap with that you immobilize targets and leech some health from the hit target.

4) Choking Gas
Shoot an Arrow filled with Choking Gas, that will create a Poison Field with a radius of 360 that will last for a duration of 6 seconds, which will poison up to 10 targets every second with 2 Poison Stacks. If targets stand longer than 2 seconds in that field, then they will get dazed.

5) Beguiling Haze
Shoot an Arrow filled with Beguiling Haze, that will create a Confusion Field with a radius of 240, that will last for a duration of 4 seconds, which will confuse up to 5 targets every second with a stack. Beguling Haze causes also a new Thief unique condition – Hallucinations, which is a screen blur effect know from the Toxin Condition of Living Story Season 1, but which in this case deactivates also for the enemies their friendly fire, letting their attacks hit also their allies for maximum chaos.


1) Agile Shot > Knee Shot > Snake Arrows
A fast performed shot, followed by a shot to the Knee, causing Cripples, followed by a volley of three unblockable poisoned arrows at once.

Stealth Attack
Oath Shot
Shoot a guaranteed unblockable critical shot at all targets in line of sight that lets you gain Regeneration.

2) Disabling Shot
You shoot at your target, while performing a backwards evade step. The hit target will get slowed. If you hit with this skill a target, that was already slowed, then it will disable for the enemy for two seconds the usage of utility skills.

3) Concentrated Shot
Focus in your concentrated shot, to snipe a target over a long range. This attack gains in maximum range, so longer you concentrate, before you fire off the arrow.
You lose initiative over time so long as you concentrate. At 0 Initiative you automatically shoot. Gains a significant Damage Bonus per spent Initiative when performed out of Stealth. Renews all Boons that lasted on you when you shoot.
The Attack ins unblockable when performed out of Stealth also.

4) Fan of Arrows
Hold your Bow horrizontaly to shoot a flurry of six arrows in a broad fan shape.
Each of these six arrows splitters and causes AoE Torment.

5) Shadowsphere Shot
Shoot an Arrow, that shadowsteps you to the target location, causing AoE Blindness for all enemies that stood at that moment in your AoE at the spot where you land.
You create at the spot where you land a Shadowsphere, which absorbs for a while all incoming projectile attacks. Stealths you and Allies, if it absorbed at least 1 Attack for 5 seconds when the Shadowsphere ends.

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

(edited by Orpheal.8263)

Bug: Arrowhead Mini Doesn't Rollover

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


when they are at fixing this, then let them please fix also first the not flying Wyvern


Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

A Polymock Idea

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


The changes to not get sued are simple:

  • Use different terms for specific words like
    (TB) Adventurer Cards > to (for us) Character Cards
    (TB) Monster Cards > to (for us) Creature Cards
  • Have completely different content, while just sharing only mechanics.
    Mechanics can’t be really copyrighted, its the “content” that is what may not be the same.

So if Polymock would get also its own Story Mody similar to TB like I suggested, for a Card Game, then that story must naturally be somethign completely different.
But thats naturally total normal that this would be the case,, because we donn’t wanmt a 100% TB Clone, we want that the card game format for Polymock in GW2 is in itself unique. Mechanics is something total free to share, otherwise car developers would have to permanently sue eachother, because their various fifferent cars share countless of the same mechanics xD
However that doesn’t mean that Anet could not modify the mechanics by adding some own new ones to what the TB gameplay offers already as “basics”

The cards have mechanics. They have RPG elements.
Each Card can be leveled up from Level 1 to Level 100 and its stats Power, Vitality, Toughness and Precision grow, what are in itself already different Stats, than what TB uses (the classical Attack ,Defense, Magic Attack, Magic Defense)

So more a Card progresses further, so more abilities can the Card learn, until the Card learned all of its abilities.
To learn for your Card new Jobs with that it can learn new abilities, you have to play in Story Mode, where you earn from the matches with your enemies required items to let your Cards evolve to new Jobs (Specializations) with that they can learn new abilities, which you can then slot as 1 out of 4 skill slots that each card (Characters) can have.

Skill Slots are the Card’s learned abilities, that your Card either actively or passively uses while it is your turn in the match and you attack with your Cards the Cards of the enemy, move it to an other Gried Field and so on

The Card Skills can be of various types:

Vertical Abilities = Effects, that affect Enemy/Ally Cards that are either layed above, or under your Card on the Grid Field.

Horizontal Abilities = Effects, that affect Enemy/Ally Cards that are either layed left or right besides of your Card on the Gried Field

Diagonal Abilitiies (something that TB for example has not) = Effects, that affect Enemy/Ally Cards diagonally (Cross Shape) on the Grid Field

Ranged Abilities = Effects, that affect automatically the Enemy/Ally Card, that is the furthest away from your layed Card on the Grid Field

Field Abilities = Effects, that affect the whole Gried Field or smaller areas of the Gried Field

Single Abilities = Effects, that affect just single chosen out Grids of the Field, like for example Trap Effects

Combo Abilities = Effects, that automatically happen, when something specific has been done first, that acts as Combo Starter, on what an other Card reacts with its Combo Finisher.

The possiblilities are great and TB is a great gamplasy, that offers in my opinion also great potential to improve it with own unique mechanics to make the matches even more fun.

I will make an explicit example about it, how such a Polymock Card could look and work like based in the TB Basics: (The picture itself is from TB, should be just a placeholder for the example, as I’m pretty sure, anet is able to create same as good, if not better looking Character Designs that will be then used as Card Pictures)

Example Polymock Card

Orpheal, the Black Orchid
Character Card
Specialization Rank “Omega” (TB has here D,C,B,A,S, (SS), Z, for us we take significant greek letters instead as Rank Equivalents, starting with Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Delta, Epsilon, Sigma, Omega )
Card Class “Archer”

Attributes at Level 1
Health: 250 (Card is defeated and out of Match, if this reaches 0)
Mana: 100 (Card can’t use Skills anymore, if this reaches 0)
Power 50 (Affects the Damage of your Card’s Skills)
Vitality 50 (Affects Chance to receive negative Conditions
Toughness 50 (Affects the Damage of your Card that it receives from Enemy Attacks)
Precision 50 (Affects Critical Hit Chance and the percentage, with that Skills get used in Combat
Expertise: 0.0% (Increases so more the Card uses its Skills for Bonus Effects that can be unlocked once you have enough Expertise, an Attribute, that doesn’t get increased automatically by Level Ups, you have to play with your Cards to increase their Expertise)
Ranks say nothing out about the Power of Attributes of a Card, but about its Rarity and Efficiency of Skills

Attributes at Level 100

Health: 7500
Mana: 1500
Power: 1000
Vitality: 1250
Toughness: 750
Precision: 1500

Skills of that Card at Level 1

  • Sword Strike (50%) Single Grid 1 Tech = Hits Enemy Card(s) that is/are 1 Grid away from your layed Card
  • Flanking Shot (30%) Horizontal Grid 2 Tech = Hits Enemy Cards that are layed two Grids besides of your layed Card with a Flanking Shot. Flanking Shot knocks back Enemy Cards to different Grid Fields)

Skills of that Card that it can learn:

at Level 15: Twin Shot (25%) Ranged Tech = Shoot at the furthest away placed two Enemy Cards

at Level 25: Shadow Rejuvenation (Passive) Movement Tech = Heal yourself while moving the Card per Grid that you cross. If you cross Ally Cards on your way, put them under Stealth, making them not targetable for Attacks on the next Enemy Turn.

at Level 50: Heartseeker (30%) Vertical Grid 3 Tech = Attack all Enemy Cards in line of sight of 3 Vertical Grid Fields. Heartseeker causes Bleeding Condition to Enemies with full Healh, while having a Damage Bonus of 20%, when attacking Enemy Cards with lesser than 50% Health. Bleeding causes Enemy Cards to lose Health every turn.

at Level 75: Kiss of Death (15%) Field 1 Grid Tech = Attack all surrounding Enemy Cards that are layed around your Card 1 Grid Field away. Kiss of Death is a poisonous attack,when causes 90% of the time Poison to enemies. But with a 10% chance, it can instantly defeat 1 randomous Enemy Card among those that are affected by the Range of this Skill.


Orpheal, the Black Orchid has two Specializations with that you can turn the Card “Orpheal the Black Orchid” to these two different variants:

Orpheal, the Queen of Thieves or Orpheal, the Nightingale Blade

If you use the Specialization Queen of Thieves, you can use instead of the above four Skills as mix and match options additionally also these Skills to slot them for your Skills.

Queen of Thieves-Specialization

lvl 15: Exploitation (50%) Horizontal Grid 3 Tech = Steal additionally from up to maximum 3 Enemy Cards horizontally in line while you attack them. Stealing grants you radomous pisitive Effects from Self Heals to temporary Attribute Increases, while the bestolen Enemies have temporary for two turns decreased Attributes based on what has been stolen

lvl 30: Critical Eye (Passive) Attribute Boost = Increases your Precision by 10%

lvl 45: Cat Reflexes (30%) Self Grid Tech = Perform Cat Reflexes, when being attacked to avoid incoming damage by 30% to mitigate a part of the received damage this way.

lvl 65: Quick Counter (50%) (Passive) = Counterattack incoming Attacks on the Enemie’s Turn randomly with one of your Skills.

Nightingale Blade-Specialization

lvl 15: Sylph Dance (25%) Diagonal 5 Grid Tech = Attack from your layed position diagonally all Enemy Cards that are diagonally 5 grids away from your Position with an Wind Based Attack, that ignores 25% of the Enemy Card’s Toughness and moves yourself then two Grids vertically downwards, while pushing Enemy Cards thosw 2 Grids away down also if there way any in your way.

lvl 30: Shuriken Fan (30%) Vertical Grid 2 Tech = Throw Shurikens at Enemy Cards that are two Vertical Grids from your Card Position either above our belov your Card.
They cause Bleedings also, if you hit at least two Enemy Cards at the same time.

lvl 60: Sonic Arrow (100% on Combo) Horizontal Combo Grid 5 Tech = Shoot horizontally at Enemy Cards that are pinced by two of your Ally Card, when one of them starts a Combo, this card finishes the combo with Sonic Arrow, makign this card a strong combo partner for horizontal attacks on the Grid Field.

lvl 90: Dark Stalker (20%) Self Grid Tech = Have a chance to Stealth yourself after every of your turns, making your card unable to be targeted. When you pincer attack in stealthed state now horizontally an Enemy Card, your attack will get 50% more Damage.

This would be my personal Example Card for Polymock, using myself as “Character Card”

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

A Polymock Idea

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


tl;dr pls?

Simple said:

  • Implement a new Ingame Activity, call it Polymock, as it was already an activity in Guild Wars introduced by the Asura, there it was 250 years ago a kind of Pokemon Clone with figurines that created kind of YuGiOh stylish “holograms” of themself to let them fight against each other in a turn based way
  • Use the Polymock Arena that a single Asura NPC is working on since Game Release as a place, where players will be able to play Polymock against each other in Polymock Tournaments
  • Change the Play Principle for GW2 from Pokemon Clone to collectible Ingame Card Game
  • Use the Gameplay Mechanics from Terra Battle instead of the Pokemon Battle System for the Card Game’s Card Field where players will move their Cards then around on a Grid Field per Mouse Click & Draw to adapt this way th simple mechanic of drawing with a finger on your tablet/smartphone as this is the nearest adaption you can get with this naturally.
  • Give us alot of collectible Cards that can be findable/receiveable in various ways – as monster loot, as meta rewards, from boss chests, from the gemstore for the exclusive unique ones.
  • Cards can be either creatures from the game, stuff like Shadow Behemoth, Green Slime, Vampire Bat and so on or heroic character cards of the various playable races, which are characters thathave nothing to do with the normal guild wars 2 lore, but are just some thought out heroes that exist only for the “lore” of the Card Game
  • Give Polymock similar to Terra Battle some kind of “Story Mode” that you can play, when you find no other players in Tyria to play with, which can be used also as Tutorial for the first Chapters of the “Polymock Story”, which plays in some kind of alternative dimension that you can enter from Rata Sum.
    Lets say Moto returns with a new Game, called “Secrets of Polymock” gg, that he introduces, before he brings back Super Adventure Box.

@Jarie: Its alot of work, but mostly only for the Art/Character Designers to make the artworks for the Cards of allthe creatures and characters.
But its enough when they begin first with a smallnumber of cards, because later Anet can add always whenever they want additional new cards to the came to collect, just like theydo with Miniatures.

But think of the Collection Achievementsand theActivity Achievements thisalone could provide for the game.

Card Collection Set I, II, III, IV ect.
Simple example. Do it like with the Miniatures. Collect so and so much cards to complete "sets of around 50 cards " and get for each completed set around 40AP

50 Cards could be like 5 Characters of each Race and 25 Creatures, or 7 Characters of each race and 15 Creatures for the beginning.

With more and more Sets coming then with the future will grows the Deck Diversity then more and more slowly, while it continously can grow all year long via the gemstore also.
A project like this could be just anew little playground for the art teams from Anet for nice character designs, which usually wouldn’t find their way into the game, but could end up as card designs then ^^
They dont even have to link the Polymock Lore to the Game Lore, theycould even come up with something completely independent, to give their art team for the character designs more creative freedom, because its just a game in a game that doesn’t need to share the same racial lore and world, but its naturally easier, when under the card designs are humans also part of at least
TB for example has 3 different folks – humen, beastmen and lizardmen. To make naturally now incase of GW2 lore cards for five different folks is naturallymore different and requires more time, than to do that for just only 3 folks.

However, TB is just only the basic idea that Iused here now asinspiration, because I like the gameplayfrom it alot and it would work Ithink very well as a solid foundation to build Polymock for GW2 as a collectible Card Game up this time.

Like kind of Polymock V2.0, the 250 years older new version of it that is more compatible for all races of Tyria as cards does understand everybody… holographic figurines is something else, nothing for Bookahs would an Asura say ^^

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

A Polymock Idea

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


Since 2012 we are waiting now on Polymok and lately I got some new inspirations, on how I would like to see Polymok playing out in Guild Wars 2.

Polymok in GW1 was kind of very simple minded by its design.
You had figurines of creatures, that you then could use in a round based battles similar to Pokemon.

However, I would not want it to be returned in this way for GW2.

Polymok should be changed slightly for GW2, to make it more addictive, fun and simpler to implement, while still being complex enough to entertain people for a long time, from casual players, to hardcore collectors and tournament players.

The Gameplay if it should be very simple, so that it is quick to understand, but hard to master and it should be something, that should be easily programmable, without that there needs to be tons over tons of 3D models for all kinds of figurines ect.

So I searched for inspirations over the last years, for how I would love Polymok to be and lately I got a new one from anew game that I am playing now for some weeks,on a new tablet that I got – simple game, but very easy to understand and still complex enough to entertain for along time and being addictive – so right what I was searching for Polymok did I quickly say to myself – the game is called Terra Battle.

It’s a Smartphone/Tablet Game that is free to play and grows bigger and gets morecontent, so more people download it, coming from a bigger developers that makes usually Console Games and is a result also from a corporation with other people that worked for many known high quality console rpgs and made the music soundtracks for them, or the character designs.

The point is, I want this activity for GW2 not only to be having a good and easy gameplay, I want it to be also to have high quality and participation for the *ART SECTION" of Guild Wars 2, so that this activity becomes something, where the art teams can have alot to do in regard of this and the designs that would be needed for this activity.

Polymock should get turned for GW2 into an collectable Ingame Card Game that should work similar to Terra Battle in regard of Gameplay and Artwork Design, but should have also some own different mechanics and maybe some other good influences from other known good Card Games of other games, like FF8’s TripleTriad, Witcher 3’s Gwent or from the anime YuGiOh (but maybe thats too complex xD).
I always remember myself that Guild Wars in itself was originally being inspired once by Magic: The Gathering, so even this could provide some useful mechanics for this activity as a ingame Card Game

The Basics however, I think should be taken from Terra Battle as it provides this simple gameplay, which could be ported over for Polymock as Ingame Activity which players should be able to play wherever theywant whenever they want either against NPCs or against other players.
The “Polymock Arena” onto which that lone AsuraWorker is working on since 3 years could be turnen then into somekind of “Polymock Tournament Arena” that opens up when Anet starts for Polymock an own Ingame Tournament where players could win then ingame prices

The Basic Gameplay is very simple.
The Game Cards have for the beginning just only, when you look at the TB Concept only for now just 2 Categories.

  • Adventurer Cards
  • Monster Cards.

Lets call this for GW2 in this case

  • Character Cards
  • Creature Cards.

Character Cards are more powerful Play Cards that are special heroes/adventurers. Cards with theability to “evolve” as every Character Card has maximum 3 “Jobs”

Creature Cards are simpler, they don’t have Jobs, are often also weaker than Character Cards, but they provide alot of useful effects for utility, that you can’t have with Characters.

All Play Cards underlie a very simple system of “Classes”

Lets say we have following Card Classes:(In TB it are only 4, but I think for us it’s nicer to make 5 classes out of that)

  • Fighters > Symbol = Sword
  • Archers > Symbol = Bow & Arrow
  • Defenders > Symbol = Shield
  • Healers > Symbol = Focus
  • Mages > Symbol = Staff

The ruleof hand isalsovery simplehere, in which kind of way one type beats the other..

>>Fighters beat Archers, Archers beat Defenders. Defenders beat Healers, Healers beat Mages, Mages beat Fighters <<

The Battle System Mechaniccould be adapted from TB for Polymock that abattle between Cards begins, when two of your Cards from your “Set” pincer a Card from the opposing side.
The player moves his cards then via the mouse byclicking on the card, holdign down the click button and drawing the card then from one field to the field where you want to place your card.

On a tablet this is simpl down by drawing your finger over the tablets surface due to its touchscreen system that wedont have fo GW2, sowe would have to use the typical mouse naturallyfor the movement of cards byclicking and drawing with it instead.

To make it a bit simpler to understand, here a gameplay video from a Terra Battle Combat.
Just think of it, as if 2 sides of players would battle against each other

What are your thoughts about that?
Would you like a Polymock in GW2, that doesn’t work anymore like in GW1 like a kind of poor Pokemon Clone, but instead turns out for GW2 to be a greataddictive kind of complex collectable Card Game with its very own Collection/Activity Achievements thatallows for it also to be played ingame as tournaments against other players in the “Polymock Arena” in Rata Sum?

Acollectable ingame card game, full with alot if nice artworks for all the various Character andCreature Cards to collect, which a player could collect for a “Compendium” to have a more clean and bigger look onto these nice artworks and where you can then read also some nice lore about the characters/creatures.

Maybe we could do it like TB and add to this ingame activity also its very own “Story Mode” where you play the game then very similar like TB against alot of NPCs in some kindof crazy asurabased reality distortion thatsends us onto some kind of “other dimension” that islinked to the thought out world of our “Polymock-Universe”, – so basically a similar mechanic like Super Adventure Box, where as long we play Polymock in story mode aren’t with our playable characters basically in the for the character’s realworld, but in some kind of other “dimension”.

This activity should come then also like TB with its very own integrated RPG elements.

Each Card can get leveled up. When we level up our Cards, they gain more stats and you activate new “Card Abilities” and become able to attach also utility skills to your Cards, thatyoulearn from your other Jobs. for GW2 we can call it “Specializations” ^^
Once your play Card has reached a certain level, you can upgrade it also with something, that is called in TB a “Companion”. Lets call this for GW2 here a “Talisman”, which are in itslef evolveable “Accessoires” for the Cards with that you can add unique effects to the Cards and Abilities, thatCharacters/Creatures normally can’t learn.

The fun and addictive thing of the whole gameplay is, that it is so much fun to beat your enemies in that systme, because the whole gameplay provides so much “strategetic synergy” that comes from all the card effects and the battle system that works vertically and horizontally, as also provides surrounding effects.
The Grid Map makes it easy to navigate and to see, where you can place your cards.

When then Polymock provides also likehundreds of collectable characters and creatures to collect, which youcan then progress further by developing them with rpg elements to expand their abilities so that youcando with them more (or more effective later) on the play field to creat a card deck for your matches with as much as synergy as possible to find your own playstyle with them and your own play strategy, I think somethign like thiscould become really something great.

ANet could make use of this then also for the Gemstore by eventually putting new unique Character/Creature Cards every now and thenfor sale, that you could get then nowhere else in the game (but naturally not with better stats, but just with maybedifferent new skilsl and abilities)

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

Thief V2.0

in Thief

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


The next one.


1) Tomahawk > Razorblade > Wood Cutter
Throws an Axe at your target that bounces back to you, dealing damage twice to the original target and anythign that stood in the way of the returning Axe. Followed by a spiraling Leap Attack with that you hit all foes in line of sight dealing Vulnerability and if they had already Vulnerability, then additionally also Bleedings. Ending the chain with the Wood Cutter, a final downward strike that causes Weakness and grants Regeneration if you hit with it enemies with more health than you and Vigor if you hit with it an enemy that has lesser health than you.

Stealth Attack
An always critical hit, which steals a boon and causes for a short moment fear and a high torment.

2) Triple Chop
A quick rotation of attacks that deals 3 consecutive hits that deal increasing Bleedings. The first 1 Bleeding, the second 2 bleedings, the 3rd 3 Bleedings, when you hit with all three attacks the same target.

3 Solo) Mantis Touch
Strike the targeted enemy with a poisonous attack, which causes a leeching effect letting you regenerate health, as long the enemy is poisoned.

3 S Off) Black Mantis Thrust > Dark Prison
A two part attack combo, finished with a shadow step thrust attack, which lets you steal two boons and the skill turns then into Dark Prison, a follow up attack that stuns foes and reverse shadow steps them back to the location where you used Black Mantis Thrust earlier. The stun happens after the Reverse Shadow Step.

3 D Off) Dirty Tricks
Throws dirty sand n dust into the air to blind nearby targets and if this attack hitted a bleedign enemy, it poisons also.

3 M Off) Desperate Strike
Deals more damage so lesser your health is. Gain Might, Fury and Retaliation if you hit with it a target, that has more health than you and lose a condition.

3 A Off) Feigned Neutrality
Hold your axes in a way to feign neutrality to your target, to gain Regenration, protection and stability for some time and gain stealth if you get attacked while Feigned Neutrality gets used.

3 P Off) Deadly Haste
Shoot with your Offhand Pistol in a fan from one side to the other multiple bullets quickly. Every hit target gets slowed a second for the amount of bullets that hit the targets. You therefore gain for every hit target Super Speed for a second.

4) Mirrored Stance
Go into a defensive stance, as long you hold the skill, losing initiative over time. But as long as you hold it and use the mirrored stance, will receive enemies that attack you partially also damage. This Effect adds up with the Retaliation Boon.
After ending the Stance, you copy the last attack that hitted you of the targeted enemy and use it as a counterattack, in casse it was an attack from a weapon that the thief can use also. Was it no weapon that the thief uses also, then you gain Protection when you end the stance.

5) Golden Phoenix Strike
Gain Fury as also Retaliation and leap with a fiery strike towards your target to deal with the strike some Burning and receive a part of the damage you deal as health back.
If you leap with this attack over downed or dead allies, they will regain also health back as a regeneration that lasts as long the enemy burns from this attack.

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

(edited by Orpheal.8263)

Thief V2.0

in Thief

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


So, continue with the work, the next Weapon


1) Unseen Fury > Shattering Assault > Shadow Fang >
An attack string, that is able to see the truth to hit the unseen and illusions, able to reveal hidden enemies on hit with Unseen Fury, dealing this way more damage, than when you hit somethign that you see. Gain short Fury if you hit something what you see, and a longer fury, if you hitted a stealthed enemy or a clone.
With a followed Shattering Assault, you crush illusions regardless of their health left and causes them to shatter in such a way, that the shattering harms nearby enemies and causes you and alies to receive random boons.
Shadow Fang is at the end of the chain a ranged Reverse Shadow Step Skil with that you shoot your shadow to catch your target and reverse shadow step it back to your location. So basically a damaging Pull Skill. But it has a twist, if the enemy is standing on a higher position than you and cant be pulled due to something preventing the pull, then you get shadow stepped to the location of the enemy instead.

Stealth Attack:
Falling Spider
Falling Spider is an attack ,which cripples, poisons and torments the target when being hit and knocks the enemy down if the foe is still after 3 seconds poisoned.

2) Exhausting Assault
A quick Attack, which causes Vulnerability to the enemy and causes chill, if you hit with it enemies that have more than 10% Vulnerability

3 Solo) Disrupting Stab
Stab Your Mace with a quick thrust into your foe to daze the target and make a side step to evade other damage sources meanwhile.

3 M Off) Critical Strike
Perform with both maces a dual strike that is always critical and launches the foe away a little bit as you leap over a short distance to the enemy.

3 S Off) Critical Defenses
Parry the next incoming attack with your Sword, to counter the attack with an unblockable attack and gain Might. Gain more Might, if that Counterattack was critical and gain then also Protection.

3 D Off) Critical Agility
You attack the enemy and gain Swiftness .
Was the attack critical, do you gain also for some time Quickness and your Swiftness renews itself into Super Speed. When using this Skill, you gain increased Toughness based on your Level as long as Swiftness/Super Speed is on you and Conditions last less long on you. The boosts of this are stronger under Super Speed.

3 P Off) Rogues Tongue
A quick hot shot from your pistol ,that causes Burning and hits all foes in the line of sight, stealing also a boon from hit targets.

3 A Off) Golden Fang Strike
Evade incoming attacks with a backwards step with this attack and throw your axe while doing so at your target, causing blindness with this attack and cripple the foe.

4) Dark Apostasy
Shadow step to targets and eal enormous damage against blinded enemies. Confuses also blinded enemies and heals you, if you attack with it a blind, poisoned or crippled target.

5) Black Widow Strike
Hit a target with a very long lasting high stack of Poison, which intensifies and renews itself so more other conditions the enemies receives over time after being hit with Black Spider Strike.
Eample: The initial strike deals 5 stacks of poison for 7 seconds. After the atack receives the enemy attacks that cause 3 more conditions. For every received new condition renews poison itself for a second and becomes a stack stronger.
This makes Mace with its Stealth Attack and Number 2 a strong Poison based Condition Weapon, especially when being combined with Venoms.

One, that is able to be layed out also as a good hybrid with the Dual Weapon Skills

PS: Plus: More GW1 Nostalgia from returning Skills <3

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

(edited by Orpheal.8263)

Next Round of Gen 2 Legendary Weapons?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


Hmm, thinking about legendary weapons..

Sword .. here I would love to see a kind of epic sword of light that has some kind of similarities with Excalibur from fate/stay night with a golden shining white aura around its blade that lreaves also with its swings shiny gold white trails.

Name it the Sunbringer to have a legendary sword fitting to the title as a purified sword made out of the bones of tequatl, improved, blessed and sanctified by various races, like the hylek, skritt and norn, forged under endless days of sunlight with magical sigils and gifts of light. <3

For Shortbow I hope they make this time something that looks serious and awesome, like some kind of Sylph (air spirit) inspirated Wind Bow.. somethign that looks alot more awesome, more stormy, with lightnings ect. than the tempest weapons.
think of something like tempest shortbow + bolt, + gw1 storm bow,
Something, that turns your shot arrows visually into magical stormy lightning/sonic arrows with a different stormy aura around you, similar to the one of that wind zephyrite back item, just more intense and spectacular looking for a legendary aura so that such a bow in the hands of a thief makes them look very fast ^^

For Daggers I don’t know, basically I would love to see for daggers Bolt in miniature, but maybe not with lightnings, but rather made of sharp sonic wind xD.

This are basicayl the next 3 weapons I want to see.

Sword, Dagger and Shortbow.

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

Can we have more ways to earn tyria M-points?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


And i’m not being belligerent either, i’m being far & to the kitten point and I have every kitten right to as I payed money for a product that is SUPPOSED TO BE ENTERTAINING


The killer argument number 1, when excuses aren’t enough anymore +1

would read again xD


Yes I’ve read that you claim to have played for 3 years this game.
Fact is, I and many others did in these 3 years ALOT MORE THAN YOU.
Content, which didn’t seem to interest you at all and thus due to our early time investment in these things YOU didn’t care for, are therefore now in the rightful advantage of having RETROACTIVELY more progression in the masteries, than YOU.

So simple. Get over it.
Do the same things as like everyone else did in the past and freaking earn your mastery points like everyone else did and stop QQ like a little kitten.

However, you seem to ignore the fact, that there are more points than needed to max out Tyria Masteriy points.

Maybe I need to open up your blind eyes for the truth more first!!

19+19+11 = 49 > You need 49 Mastery points to Max Out all Tyria Masteries.

Now lets take a look on all the Points that you can get …

= Total of SIXTY FOUR (64) tyrian mastery Points…

So even freaking 10 points more, than you even need and in total 15 Points more, than you need to max out everything.
What is again your problem OP, when you haven’t listed up even at all every 15 options, that you have left over??
I’m pretty sure, some from the 9 options that you haven’t named us, that there is something among those options that should be doable by you ….


Just like said, nothing but excuses here…

PPS: I even miscalculated myself, it are in real even 66 points, so 17 points more than needed to max it out. Silly me. Have not seen one line with 2 points xD

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

(edited by Orpheal.8263)

Can we have more ways to earn tyria M-points?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


Stop complaining…

Everything what youve listed up there, have I done already when that kind of content was fresh out and im pretty sure, thousands over thousands of other players did so as well…

What we did successfully already like over a year ago and longer, can you do too …

Stop asking for the easy detour by anet, just because you are too lazy to invest some time into the game OP

PS: Theres also more Tyria Points than needed to max out all Tyrian Masteries..

Ive maxed out all of them, I have 11 Points left over and still not done all of the tyria Masteries Points!!
So stop have more options than necccessary to max out everything…

OP, I know, truth hurts, but when you just want to have put now everything free in your lazy butt, just because you aren’t willing to do something for your points, then this isn’t right and nothing but a freaking SIMPLE EXCUSE ON YOUR SIDE.

Your arguments are irrelevant. There are more than ENOUGH ways to max out Tyrian Masteries, like said, there are even more points than needed…

You are just only kittened off, because you don’t like any of the options that are left over for you.. thats all…

Your whole thread is just full of excuses only.

sorry to say that, but so is it…

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

(edited by Orpheal.8263)

Thief V2.0

in Thief

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


Partwise I can agree with you.
- GW2 needs more regular balance patches. 3 and more Months between the bigger Balance Patches is just a no go
- Backstab is not a weak skill, but compared of the bursts that other classes have currently it is, because it requires positioning and stealth as prerequisites to be able even to burst and then its still subpar to the bursts that other classes have that don’t need any prerequisites at all to be able to deal burst damage, other then pressing just a button …
- Bringing back the overbuffs of the other classes back to normal, before some bigger changes should be done with the thieves, because maybe just nerfing the power creep out of the other classes is already enough to bring the thief back to life., that no emergency operation redesign isn’t needed anymore xD

However, I said at the beginning, that this thread is a redesign from head to feet and as such I also want to make sure naturally also that certain skills, effects and so on also are after the changes more interesting, than they currently are, or in fact more fun to use and fitting for the thief class, because a class like this should have such skills that give you really as a player the feeling that you really actually play the most fastest class of the whole game!!
This feeling is currently absolutely missing for me – and that mostly since over 2 years by now, beginnign with it, that silly NIKE warriors in heavy armors can outrun us …. wtf where us just runs out the initiative to catch them…unless we waste an utility skill that is more important to have ready for use, when having to actually flee and not to catch somebody that should be never faster than us.

A skill like my proposed Mirror Slice would be such an improvement while wielding a Sword, as it would give you the impression, that you fight with a real fast class in combat, when using this skill, lettign your character quickly slice through up to 2 additionally targets that stood nearby to the target to which you shadow stepped.

Its simply a proposal for a skill that got inspired by the Berserkers Wild Strike Skill that turns enemy bodies into projectiles – the simpel thought process is here – What would it be like, if the thief would get a skill, that turns his own body into a projectile in an attack that uses the Trick Shot Mechanic:

Bingo! = Mirror Slice = an attack skill, that will look visually very fast , while using partwise the same skill mechanic like that of Infiltrator’s Strike, only that it is under my Mirror Slice a bit more dangerous, as it iwll hit 3 targets that can stand also a bit aside , while Infiltrator’s Strike can hit only 3 targets, when they all stood in Cleave Range.'s_Strike

Like said, sure, on screen/paper often things sound on first read very OP.
This is the best example!! People think instantly, whoah, bouncing between multiple targets fast.. OP OP OP…

But in fact, it is practically just the same thing that we have already now as Infiltrators Strike, just by me mechanically advanced to work in a more interesting, fun and fast looking way with an increased range for hitting more targets in general andn ot only, when all 3 are in cleave range.

Thief needs more Build Diversity, it currently lacks, because it has in my opinion too less useable Weapons, which in fact should belong to the Thief, because they fit to their vile, sinister and dark theme.
Just adding more useable Weapons to the Basic Thief do I not see as “insane amount of tools” and in case of that, should you have meant with this the Initiative System Additions, please dont forget that with every Specialization, regardless of which one you chose, you will always lose also something for the gains of what you receive by the specialization, so it’s also always a give and take procedure.

The Thief as it is right now with its few useable Weapons is way too predictable sadly.
The moment you see what weapons a Thief player currently uses, makes you instantly know exactly what to expect from that player what he will try to do.
This needs to change and one step into the right direction for that woudl be givign the Basic Thief some more useable Weapons and with this automaticalyl also more Build Diversiy due to their unique Dual Weapon Skill System, that comes into play from combining different One Hand Weapons.
Don’t you find it weird then, that Anet gave the thief Class then just not also Axes and Maces?
This – when in fact these were also very common weapons used by many thieves – sure not the super stereotype of “Assassins”, but both are common weapons that were used alot by many rogues, thieves, bandits and the like in the past and the Class is still called Thief and not like in GW1 Assassin.

I also never think that these Weapons will do fit ever as Specialization Weapons, therefore are Weapons, like the Rifle, Torch or new missing Weapon Categories like Whips/Chain Sickles and Claws/gauntlets ect. way too unique to not use better such things as far more interesting options for new Thief Specializations.
I rather prefer to see these Weapons being part of the Basic Thief, where they should belong to to provide for the overall Class more Build Diversity that can then get mixed with the Specializations to come up with some good and interestign combinations.

Like for example a Mace & Torch-Saboteur, which would be otherwise impossible, if both weapons would be put under different Specializations.

Also some other Additions that I put to Skills, like Death Blossom are also already effects, that exist in the game -as they are basically Skill Effects from Caithe’s Skills where I think, they are in certain cases the absolutely right thing, how the thief Class should be like, without being OP. Caithes Reverse Blossom reflects projectiles.
I think if the Thieve#s Death Blossom could do that also too, it would make D/D Thief for sure more interesting and fun to play, without being too OP, because when it coudl reflect better on demand projectiles, it would brign enemies of the thief more to have to go into melee combat with them, if they don’t want to risk to get hurt by their own attacks. Mechanics like this are important for the Thief, like also especially the Mechanic that changes the effect of the skill based on how much health the enemy has to give the Thief something unique in what the class shines on – having more flexible combat skills that adapt their effects to the combat situation.

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

(edited by Orpheal.8263)

Thief V2.0

in Thief

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


@ Kodama:
Please think about it, how often in PvP/WvW will you really meet on a MM Necro? There are also alot of other Builds that are favored and played by many other people in PvP/WvW and not just only the current Bunker Meta.
The Saboteur is simply just one build of several, thats just specialized in countering Bunker Builds. This is exactly what this Game needs right now the most, this pesty bunker meta that came along with HoT and the Condition overbuff of the 23rd June Patch aren’t healthy absolutely for this game.
This Game needs a Class Build, that is able to do something against any kind of Minion Bunkers to break through them, so that such Bunkers can’t permanently hold especially in Conquest PvP the most important points pretty forever without that you have a chance to free the spot from them.
You see bunkers pretty much everywhere now and the Saboteur would be just the right answer agaisnt this new type of meta to keep it in check…
Its a clear role for the Thief and its especialyl something useful that gives the class somethinf, what it direly needs – group support and what is please better group support, than by weaking an enemy by stealing their “weapons” to fight fire practicalyl with fire?.
That’s the basic quint essence of the thief – to steal from others – and with that I mean really stealing something and not this laughable current Steal Skills that steal absolutely nothing from them, but generate only out of thin air a skill thats based on the class from which you have stolen.
That’s not stealing for me and was always for me something what made thieves so far just only wannabe thieves that are more charlatan, which just pretended to have stolen something, but in fact stole nothing …
Also a reason, why I think it’s an absolute must that thieves need to receive more Boon Stealing, as that is so far the only thing, where the Thief Class shines in and actually stole really something from their enemies to become stronger while they made their enemies for themself and their allies at the same time weaker.

Please refrain also from overgeneralizing the idea directly as OP, when I haven’t written yet any details about how exactly this Specialization should work out later.
I just have described only the difference about what should make the Saboteur feel different compared to the other effects that other specializations should have wih their initiative systems.
You are laying words into my mouth here, which I haven’t even written, how the mechanic should functionize later.
There are many factors in here, which need to be taken into consideration to make Manipulations work in a balanced way.
Only because a Saboteur uses a manipulation doesn’t mean that they instantly steal their enemies whole skill bar.
That’s absurd and not what I have suggested here.
Also dont forget that it is every player’s own decision to go for the risk of playing a complete build with only minions – what in consequence means, if you should meet on a build that is a counterplay to yours, it is your own risk to be outpplayed by the build then, because you have the freedom of always deciding to change your utilities, elite and heal skills out agaisnt something else to go not out with a complete minion build.
However, theres still then also something like – Player Skills that make up for a difference too … and Weapon Skills which aren’t affected at all by Manipulations that can steal any Minions and theres also a Class, that is not affected at all by Manipulations – Mesmers, as Manipulations affect only physical and magical minions with physical bodies (Manifestations)(Turrets, Gyros, Undeads, Summons, Spiritual Weapons) Clones are nothign of that, they are just illusions, soething with no physical body to control, nor are they magical manifestations…they are pure mind play, irritations that you just seem to believe to see, but don’t exist really.

Same as much as it is a risk for Saboteurs to go out full with maniplations only, as this makes them predictable and not very flexible agaisnt other enemies, for which using different utilities skills, ect. would be more useful.

@ Ninja: like said, I’ll finetune things later more. To the Auto Attack Chain be said only, the intention of this is simply said that Thieves should have per se the fastest Auto Attack of all, especially with Daggers in this case as its their fastest light weapon they use usually. 2s Quickness is nothing, they are pretty much over when you complete the auto Attack Chain and to receive the Quickness, Fox Fangs need to hit an Enemy Target.
The Blind is simply there to make it for the Thief in Melee Combat a little bit safer and the Fury is just part of the High Critical Damage Performance Philosophy that I have for Thieves. Thieves shouldnt be forced to put so much points into Precision just to get high Critical Hit Rates, it should come automatically over using specific skills in combat.
Also I suggest that Fury needs to get nerfed/buffed at the same time by changing it from a flat direct +20% Buff in Critical Hit Rate to a change of enough Precision for basically +15% Critical Hit Rate and 15% increased Critical Damage through changing Fury to boost Precision/Ferocity, making it work similar like Might, but just with Precision/Ferociry instead.

I hope, I have made clear here, that its not my intention here to create some kind of new over thief, that needs to get nerfed then down to hell for the next 3 years patch per patch slowly .
My intention is it to work here on something, that will work as a clear and direct design that makes it easy to understand for players, what for roles and builds for this class are its strengths and weaknesses and that hopefully in a more viable and overall for groups useful way, than the current thief design, so that Thieves also have a place for Raids, so that Thieves also again seen as a nice addition for the group in PvP and not as something, that makes people yell at you, that they are doomed to lose (and sadly they are oftenly right, because we absolutely offer nothing anymore to the table that makes us valuable for a group!!), because you are in their group and that you should change your class you play …(never ever before seen a game in such a bad balance state, that something shameful like this ever happened to me…)

- Mobility (Fastest Moving
- Agility (Fastest Attacking, Superior Evasion)
- Becoming stronger by Stealing from Enemies, to turn the tides, when used at the right moment.
- Surprise Attacks (Stealth)
- Taking out quickly Single/Weak Targets (Solo Roaming)
- Most effective Poisons

- Lower Health than most other Classes
- No direct own access to defensive Boons. Must be stolen (Protection, Resistance, Aegis, Stability)
- Risky Energy Management, as playing too bursty can bring your own death quickly if you run out too early of Initiative
- Due to low Health are damaging conditions, especially Confusion and Torment a real pain in a thieve’s butt, especiyll due to thieves being not the best at Condition Removal, or sustaining them.
- Have no big Minion Armies to protect/heal them and what they can summon for help, has the shortest durations (20/30s, compared to 60s and permanent in case of the Necro)
- Gets affected in regard of DPS Loss the most from Weakness, as a Thief that can’t deal critical hits, is a dead thief over short or longer time because without critical hits, thieves hit like wet noodles. A non critical backstab is laughable, just a high critical one is a serious danger for example.

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

Thief V2.0

in Thief

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


Thanks for the feedback. I’ll finetune everything later more, as we all know, on screen/paper does everything look the first time awesome, where I do think its needed.

But for now, the next Weapon


1) Fox Fangs > Wild Strike > Flashing Blades > Golden Fox Strike
Two quick strikes granting you each a second of Quickness, followed by an attack than lets you regain Endurance. Next comes Flashing Blades which is an unblockable fast hit that blinds foes also. Finished by the new Thief unique ability of a 4th Auto Attack – Golden Fox Strike that will grant you Fury if the Target had more Health than you, if you had lesser Health, you will steal a Boon and heal yourself with the attack

Stealth Attack
Backstab your Enemy from behind, dealing doule Damage if you hit the target from any flanking side and three times the damage if you hit actually the back of the Target.
Gain Health back if you downed or killed an enemy with this Attack based on 25% of the dealt damage and gain Fury and Swiftness.

2) Heartseeker
Leap at your foe with a range of 600 and deal with the attack more Damage, so lesser the health of your target was. Was the Health bigger, than yours, will cause Heartseeker also additionally Torment.

3 Solo) Iron Palm
Shadow Step to your target and punch your target with all the force behind your surprising fist to send your target flying, launching your enemy away from you and return to your original place.

3 D Off) Death Blossom
Do an evasive attack over your enemies, hitting five targets five times where each hit causes Bleedings. You avoid all incoming attacks, until you stand again on your feet.
During this Attack you reflect projectiles.

3 S Off) Flying Dagger Strike
Thow your Dagger, followed by a Shadow Step Attack on impact of the Dagger Hit, which will immobilize your Target and Chill it.

3 P Off) Shadow Shot
Shoot an unblockable blinding shot and then shadow step back to throw your Dagger, which causes Confusion

3 M Off) Basilisk Strike
A two hit attack, that first hits you with a Basilisk Venom imbued Dagger, followed by a guaranteed critical crushing strike of your mace. Gain Might when you attack a target that is below 50% Health with this Attack.

3 A Off) Unsuspecting Strike
Deals more Damage, so more Health the Target has. Works practically as Heartseeker, just without Leap and the other way around. But causes additionally Vulnerability.
The Attack has also a very little Evade Frame, if you attack with it Targets that have more Health than you.

4) Dancing Dagger
Throw an unblockable Dancing Dagger, that will bounce off from up to 3 Targets, which cripples foes and steals Boons, if the Target was under 50% Health. it will deal now again its old Damage it had before its nerf and also increased velocity by 25%

5) Cloak and Dagger
Stealth yourself immediately with a Choke Gas filled Smoke Bomb’s cloud that will deal Damage first before you Stealth from it, Poison and Blind all nearby enemies. The Choke Gas Cloud will stay for a while and causes Daze, if enemies stay longer than two seconds in it.

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

(edited by Orpheal.8263)

Thief V2.0

in Thief

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


Skills – How the Weapon Skills should look like, considering the Main Mechanics


1) Cross Slash > Evasive Strike > Rapid Needle
A Double Strike that causes cripple with the second hit on the target when it had lesser health than you and if it had more health, it will weaken instead the target.
Followed by an Attack whose Attack Anination is coming with an Auto Evade of incoming hits, ended by four quick thrusts that cause Fury for you and Bleedings on your Target

Stealth Attack
Stigma of Vileness
Attack a foe from behind and cause to your target a Stigma of Vileness that is a negative effect over time which dazes the target some seconds later and converts 2 Conditions from you over to the Target when that happens too.

2) Mirror Slice
Shadowstep to a target to turn yourself then technically into a bouncing melee (Self Body Trick Shot like) projectile, that slices through and immobilizes up to 3 Targets. Use Shadow Return then to teleport you back to the spot when you activated Mirror Slice and cure a Condition.

3 Solo) Lotus Strike > Golden Lotus Strike
Attack the Target with a short leaping cleaving strike, which poisons and dazes the hit targets. Turns then into Golden Lotus Strike, using the shining blade of your sword to blind the foe, before performing then a quick guaranteed critical strike.

3 D-Off) Flanking Strike > Larcerous Strike
Deal Damage, that is significantly increased, if you hit the enemy from behind or the sides Turns then into Larcerous Strike, causing you after the attack to go into a defensive stance, which lets you block the next incoming hit to perform instantly a counterattack after the first hit that will cleave and steal two boons.

3 P-Off) Pistol Slash > Ninetails Strike
Stuns the target with a quick Pistol Slash. Turns then into Nintails Strike, letting you perform nine fast consecutive strikes with your sword, while evading incoming hits and beign rooted at the place. Gain Vigor, when at least 3 strikes of nine hitted.

3 S-Off) Horns of the Ox > Scissor Blades
Perform a Leap Attack with both swords impaling the target like the Horns of an Ox, what will stun the target and cause Torment. Turns then into Scissor Blades, which is swinging both blades like a scissor. This Attack will make the enemy suffer on a relatively long lasting Weakness

3 M-Off) Malicious Strike
Strike the target enemy with your Offhand Mace, causing Poison and Cripple.
If you attack from behind with this Skill, then it will cause Confusion and Blindness instead

3 A-Off) Hack & Slash
Perform a two hit combo, lead by you Offhand Axe, followed by the Mainhand Sword.
The first part will cause Bleedings, the second part of the attack will cause damage base on how many conditions the foe suffer on.
If you hit with this a target that has more than two Conditions, then this Attack will steal also a Boon.

4) Night Blade
Perform a cleaving vampiric strike with your offhand sword, that causes bleedings to your hit foes.
As long as the enemy/ies bleed/s from this Attack, you will gain their Bleeding Tick/s as Health Regeneration. Hittign 3 targets with this attack will give you by this means a stronger Health Regen, than when you hit only one target with this attack.

5) Dance of Blades
Perform a whirling attack with that you hit all targets around you fast multiple times, causing Vulnerability per strike. While you perform this Skill, you reflect projectiles.

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

Thief V2.0

in Thief

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


Main Mechanic – Initiative (And its possible Sub Forms it can have for Specializations)

The Basic Thief uses Initiative, an Energy Management System which sets Initiative Points as requirement for the Weapon Skills to use them instantly without any Activation Times and without any Recharge Times as long you have enough Initiative to use your Weapon Skills.
I think every of the proposed total amount of 5 Specializations should use Initiative in a different way and also partwise expand the Core Mechanic of Initiative by its own unique additions.

Daredevil – Dual Initiative – A Daredevil should have when spending Initiative the advantage from it, that they gain back endurance. Their Initiative Bar should be also longer than that of the Basic Thief. Their twist with Initiative should be, that the Daredevil should have two Initiative Bars, one for Weapon Skills, and the other for Utility Skills to allow them also to use Utility Skills without Recharge Times as long they have Initiative for that.
Daredevils also should have no Recharge Times anymore for Weapon Swapping, or at least a significantly shorter time with that, than Basic Thieves

Gunslinger – Bullet Reload – A Gunslinger has its very own different Initiative in form of Bullet Reload when using firearms like Pistols or the Rifle. With Bullet Reload, the Gunslinger can add special side effects with the help of their various Bullet Types to the effects of their Weapon Skilsl to enhance the original weapon skil lwith the effects from the Bullet.

Infiltrator – Shadow Walking – An Infiltrator uses his Initiative to improve their specialized Shadow Steps into a Shadow Walking, an improve Shadow Step that lets them phase shift over longer distances than a usual Shadow Step, while avoiding also all kinds of incoming damage, except of Conditions that they already had when using Shadow Walking. Due to Shadow Walking being very exhausting to use, it costs Initiative over time. Shadow Walking can be used also to extend Stealth Durations, because while phase shifting slows down for you as long as you use Shadow Walking the speed of how fast your Stealth Durations run down and increases also your Movement Speed by 50% (Super Speed).
So a Stealth, that usually would last 10 seconds for example, will last under Shadow Walking 15 seconds at full Initiative.

Saboteur – Manipulations – A Saboteur uses Initiative differently than all others. He can add to his Skills as long he has Initiative for it Manipulations as Side Effect.
Manipulations are Effects, which can cause either alot of combat hindering negative Conditions, or can take even control over things, like Minions, Turrets, Summons and Gyros to flip them over to your side, letting them attack their former masters/creators instead. making this way Saboteurs the absolute Bunker Killers that counterplay these builds out by turning the enemies’s damage sources against themself.

Rogue – Exploitation – Rogues use their initiative in a specialized way that makes them the king of all thieves as they can steal the most effective way from all kinds of Thief Specializations. Stealing as a Rogue will cost then Initiative, but the Steals will be somewhat of more effecttive then and adds new Exploitation Effects and exchanges out their complete Steal Skills with different more effective Robbery Skills while also expanding the Steal Slots so that a Rogue can steal more oftenly than a Basic Thief.

PS: Continue further, soon, need first do to now my daily GW2 business of farming Gifts for Presence xD

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

(edited by Orpheal.8263)

Thief V2.0

in Thief

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


Weapons of a Thief

In my honest opinion the Core Weapons of the Basic Thief Class need to get expanded a slightly bit in the near future. They should have a bit more Build Diversity.

This is how I think which Weapons the Basic Thief Class and their Specializations should be able to use:

  • Main & Offhand Sword
  • Main & Offhand Dagger
  • Main & Offhand Mace
  • Main & Offhand Axe
  • Short & Longbow
  • Pistols
  • Throwing Weapons (Chakrams, Shurikens, Kunais)

With Specialization:

  • Staff (Daredevil)
  • Whip/Chain Sickle (Infiltrator)
  • Rifle (Gunslinger)
  • Torch (Saboteur)
  • Katars/Claws/Gauntlets (Rogue)
Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

(edited by Orpheal.8263)

Thief V2.0

in Thief

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


Class Mechanics: – What makes the Thief stand out in battle and unique as also helpful for the group for why you would want to have a Thief in your group?

So lets start this thread with the essential design part of what makes a Class a Class – their mechanics, the DNA practically, which makes every class different to play and feel like.

In my honest opinion the Thief 2.0 that I have in my mind should be a Class Mechanic Design which is based on the following abilities:

  • Advanced Stealth – With that I mean, a Stealth, that is different, than the Standard Stealth that maybe some other Classes can use also, a Stealth that is in overall significantly more group supportive, than the Standard Stealth of other Classes
  • Advanced Poisons – Thieves are Masters of Deadly Venoms, when they poison you in any kind of form, it should be different, than getting poisoned by an other Clss, their Poisons need to be more effective
  • Superior Agility – Thieves are known for their quickness, they should be from all Classes the one that can move the fastest and works in a battle like a whirlwind, one moment here, the next there to confuse the enemy with their swift movements
  • Stealing – Stealing is and should be the most significant trademark ability of the Thief Class, that should be more, than what it currently is. Stealing needs to become more effectful and with that I do mean per se the Thief needs to become a better Boon Stealer
  • Superior Evasion – Something that should automatically come along with the Superior Agility, but with Superior Evansion I mean also, that the Thief needs to become better in avoiding Damage, than by using only Dodge Rolls. There are thigns that need to get improved here to give Thieves a better role in the game that gives them also more group support.
  • High Critical Performance – Thieves with their sharp eyes and their stealing skills and knowledge about venoms have a superb understanding about the anatomy of their enemies to know exactly where to attack someone to land a critical hit.
    This means, Thieves should be one of the best Classes when it comes to DPS through high critical Direct Damage with that they can quickly take out the weak and unprotected targets before they need to vanish in thin air, before too many enemies recognize them and rush to them to help their allies in danger, or with the element of Stealth to use it for a quick surprise attack to burst a target down and leave it in a weakened state if the attack wasnt deadly, so that other allies have then an easy game with the target, so that the Thief can focus on stalking the next enemy

This are the key elements that the Thief Class has what makes out the Thief and its Gameplay Design, making you feel like a fast predator, which is very strong in taking quickly out single targets, but needs to be very agile and on the move constantly, not avoid being attacked by too many enenemies at once.
They are the typical Hit&Run Class, the vultures, that wait for the right tactical moment to attack, laying out traps if needed to bring enemies into the right position to have an easy game with them, or ambush targets in a direct approach to burst them down, before they saw you even coming, so that enemies need always be cautious and aware of their surroundings

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

Thief V2.0

in Thief

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


This thread is an attempt of me to redesign the Thief Class in a complete way from its head to its feet with the goal to come up with something, that would be again a more viable Class, than what the Thief currently is.

  • Class Mechanics – What makes the Thief stand out in battle and unique as also helpful for the group for why you would want to have a Thief in your group?
  • Weapons & Skills – How will the Class Mechanics work with their Weapon Skills, Utilities and Elites?
  • Utilities
  • Elite
  • Traits – How do the Traits support or expand the Class Mechanics of the Thief?
  • Roles & Specializations – What kind of roles has the Thief Class, wherefore are they needed and good for and into which kind of Class can a Thief evolve to receive different roles?
Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

All this Doom and Gloom?

in Thief

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


Really, the only thing we still do best, Is vertical mobility.

What do you mean by vertical and horizontal mobility?

Your strength isn’t space imagination, or??

Vertical Mobility = Moving upwards, like using a SB5 to reach a point, that is higher than you.

Horizontal Mobility = Moving forwards, because at this are other classes easily able to outclass us, which makes no sense at all when in fact the thief should be by design the fastest class of all.
Warriors for example in HEAVY ARMORS being able to outrun a thief with the right troll build, or currently Revenant outclassing thieves also in alot of other things, that should have been a thief only mechanic.

The thief has been nerfed totally to death with the june 23rd patch and the introduction of he total overbuffed powercreep e-specs from HoT, without that ANet has done anythign at all at the crucial important parts of the combat mechanics of this game to prevent this, because all what they did over the last years is only buff buf buf buf the offensive game mechanics, while leaving all the reats of this games balance in a state of 2012, where all this powercreep diodn#t exist.
It’s no miracle that sooner or later the game will fall together like a house of cards from this terrible unbalanced kind of balancing and improving always only offensive mechanics, while ignoring the defensive mechanics is no solution.
They ignored all the years too much especially the important core mechanics of this game that are also part of class balancing too and not only the weapon skills and traits, while ignoring such important balancing factors like Class Base Health Values, like Attribute Efficiency and Effects and mechanics, like Upgrade Balancing, aka Sigils, Runes and Gemstones and so on …

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

(edited by Orpheal.8263)

Suggestion: Mounts [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


I’m a long term supporter of Mounts, but one thing iwll I say here about them..

At the current state of GW2, Mounts will absolutely not save this game – at all!!!

This game has way too many other problems right no, than that the addition of of mounts would change the game in any positive way – and alot of these problems are thigns, which should have been adressed by anet already years ago, but got ingored by them all the time and become only more and more of bigger problems.

This game has already such a big pile of problems that to fix them all for take years by the pace of which Anet delivers big changes to the game.

The Top 10 of this that need to receive immediately dire attention first to get finally fixed in this game to brign the game back onto its right path are following things:

The game is basicaly since june 23rd totally out of control in regard of balance and Anet has nothign better to do, than to let us wait over a freaking HALF YEAR, until we will see finally again some bigger balance changes after that they forced us first to endure a long PvP seasson with all this absurdly terrible game balance around that has 2 death nerfed (Warrior/Thief) classes and 7 total overbuffed powercreepers.
The overall Game Balance is lacking right now at so many points and doing something on balance only every 3 months is non acceptable. Game Balance needs to be the overarching top 1 process that needs to be constantly running and with constantly I mean, that there needs to be balance changes every 1-2 months, not first every quarter of a year.

2) Reimplementation of Living World Season 1 under the game Design of Season 2 with own Achievements for repeating the Story Segments. Heart of thorns is out now,, so this should be now on their radar to get fixed now ASAP to make this game finally complete

3) Fixing World vs World ASAP and giving WvW finally a Reward System that is actually REWADING, and that on a equal basis to playing PvP/PvE.
From what has been heard so far, they seem to work already in the background on a bigger WvW Redesign/Overhaul.
I just hope for it, that they make also some significant changes to the new Desert Maps, so that they become more fun to play.
It was absolutely no – NOOOOO good decision by Anet to make for Desert Map absolutely no Open Beta and implementing it then into the game without getting actually enough feedback. its no miracle then, that the whole implemtnation iof the new maps totally FLOPPED, because the maps are crap and absolutely no fun at all to play on, because of the maps being way tooo big (should be like 25% smaller), way too movement stopping by its maze design, they don’t integrated gliding, in a map, where gliding would have been by the design perfect and alot of fun…
They still waste so much potential for horizontal WvW Progression by implementing something useful like class based WvW traits to give all classes in WvW actually some ROLES.
We still have sauch a ridiculous senseless rank system with 10000 ranks in a game mode, that actualyl provides only wvw character progression for roughly 1400 ranks of 10000 only, and if you have maxed out everythign, you collect tons of useless rankpoints with that you cant do anything … when there is so much potential for more useful WvW traitlines that could improve WvW significantly while giving the player the feeling of more progression.

4) Fixing PvP and overall Game Balance, by finally making for all Skills/Traits in this Game specific PVP VERSIONS, so that they finally stop ruining this ghame for many players, because they nerfed something to death for PvEers for example, because the skill change was originsally inteded to change something for PvP or WvW.
When will Anet finally realize, that they peep off everytime with these overall changes alot of players (to the point that they permanently quit the game even), when this would be so easily preventable by just making for all Game Modes, especially PvP in this case their own Skill/Trait effects to make it themself easier to balance the game modes for actually only the game modes alone, without having to fear any backlash from annoyed players that got their builds destroyed, because Anet had to chance again something without thinking even for a single second about it, what these changes might mean for consequences for other game modes ….

5) Less GRIND, Less RNG, Less sensless CLICKING FESTS
Since 3 years is Anet now paying over all, what they do make all diferent than the tons of other 0815 mmorpgs out there, how innovative they are and so on and since all this time they constantly do exactly alot of the same bullcrap mistakes in their game design, like said all other games – brief said, thigns and mechanics, that annoy players to hell – mainly grind, ridiculous RNG mechanics andpointless clicking fests – lately again 10000 alcoholic drinks where easily 2500-5000 would have been more than enough to turn wintersday not into a stupid grindfest over a title and a new skin, with other new rewards walled behind rng mechanics or crafting crind that requires again alot of luck either for the rng wall or grindign gold to buy all the stuff from greedy players that abuse this situation to make absurd profit from you whioch stands absolutely in no relation anymore…
The game has already so many things that should get reduced in their grind, rng or crazy clicking mania, it would be too much to list everythign up here now …

6) Adding finally all the announced content, that should have been in the game already from Release Date on – things like POLYMOK, BAR BRAWLS, bringing back as minigame activity ASPECT ARENA back and implement the Laberinthine Cliffs as a normal permanent explorable map also..the zephirites are basically destroyed since season 2, so there needs to be an other way to get to tha map, bringing back also MOA RACING and please, improved as an actual minigame activity, not as a stupid boring money betting mechanic wholse only purpose it is to be a money sink …
Brinking back SUPER ADVENTURE BOX and completing it with the missing worlds and letting it then stay also as permanent content once it is complete.

7) Revamping the complete Dungeon System, so that it receives at least again a unique reason for why players WANT TO PLAY THEM, if not for the gold reward, then should dungeons provide other unique rewards, that players should be able to earn only by playing the dungeons and not with PvP reward tracks, which are a reason, why dungeons are in the bad state as they are now, as alot more players would play them still, if it wouldnt be much easier to get all the dungeon skins ect. by playing pvp, which is now even more rewarding than dungeosn self…

8.) Revamping, rebalancing and improving the whole Underwater Combat System, so that it actually feels again like a valuable part of the game and not like one of this games many unwanted step child systems, that got permanently shafted and neglected, because of ANet having permanently alot of othe things in their focus – mainly living story, gemstore and e-sport, while practically ignoring mostly all the rest of the game over the last years.

9) Undoing all of the silly Visual Noise Changes, by making it a personal choice option for everyone in the graphic settings to decide personalyl for yourself, if you want to have the graphics reduced or not, and if yes, by how intensive it should be reduced and what exactly should get redcued for you/all around you in your display.
This should have been the very first thing, that should have been added very first, before ruining the game for many players with all this sudden visual noise nonsense by crippling the game graphics down to stone age level

10) More Continuity in the game Content finally !! Also Ascended Equipment must become finally again more alternative character friendly, the silly time gating needs to get removed finally. Ascended stuff is already integrated good enough in this game. There is absolutely no need anymore for all this silyl time gating.
It needs to be removed to stabilize again more the econmoy around the way too expensive ascended equipment.
The game needs more way to earn ascneded items, other than only raids, fractals, craftign or super duper rarely as loot from wvw rank rewards or boss loot chests from world bosses full of asia grinder RNG with chances lower than basically 0,00001% to get what you want to slow down the player progression in this game down into oblivion with the pure and solely intent to drive the player insane either or to force them to spent real money for gems in order to speed up the progress if possible by using huge amounts of gold …but not in all cases this is possible.
If they remove the time gatign, prices would fall a bit, but not so much, that ascended stuff would become over night super cheap, but the game would instantly make again alot more fun, if you dont get slowed down every day in making the thigns you want.

How can it be, that still until today there doesnt still yet exist not finally Jeweler 500 and Chef 500 too??? Its really ridiculous. how long does Job Level 500 already exist by now? 2 years? and you still havent managed to finally bring Jeweler and Chef on par with all the other crafting jobs Anet. Then it gets topped by Scribe, which gets also imple,mented with its incomplete Job Level 400 and is an absolutel horrible grind design which should work like all other crafting jobs too, but should be in fact only learnable simply, if you own HoT. Point No, instead they make it a guild bounded terirble 5000 gold grind rolleyes

If these 10 things woudl get fixed finally, then this game would be again on the right path and only then and first then theres time to speak about something like mounts, which would become 100% sure a gemstore only item then anyways and surely not be any game saver at all. Moneywise for Anet surely yes, for them they’d be a blessing.. but for players they are just only an optional quality of life item that doesn’t improve this game essentially at any of the core points, which need direly improvements and that QUICKLY.

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

Baseline abilities for Thief

in Thief

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


Core Mechanics Changes that the Thief should get:

-1200 Range again on Shortbow (at least for the Auto Attack)
- Cluster Bomb should move 33-50% faster, takes so age long until you hit with it, way too easy to avoid.
- Detonate Cluster should cause also Burning and stronger Vulnerability!! Hello?, we let it explode all around our enemies!!!
- Undetonated Cluster Bomb should deal significantly more damage, so more enemies are in its area of effect to give it more crowd control to prevent enemies from stacking, so that when you see it coming, that you want absolutely not to stay together at the spot where it will land.
- Choking Gas: Should Stun enemies that stand longer than 2 seconds in it and should cause Torment instead of Poison (A trait for it should let it cause Poison, whenever the thief causes torment to a foe, that they get also poisoned, that should synergy then also with the trait, that weakens foes, if they get poisoned)
- Infiltrators Arrow: Should Steal Boons from nearby enemies around you at your target location. Using Infiltrators Arrow onto an enemy, should work like Steal, but just without receiving a Steal Skill, so that IA can be used also offensively and not only as a Mobility Skill in 99% of all cases. (With Mug it will deal then also damage and heals you and maybe in case of IA for group support heals also nearby allies maybe)

- Auto Attack Part 3
Crippling Strike gets renamed to Nightshade Strike and will steal 2 Boons now
- Tactical Strike gets renamed to “Shadow Stalker” and receives to its current effect also the effect, that it will percentually recharge your Steal by 20%
- Infiltrators Strike: The Nerfs on it get reverted, you return now again instantly.
Range increased from 600 to 900 and it will remove now 2 Conditions and not only 1
- Flanking Strike gets renamed to Larcerous Flanking to finally fix its double name with a trait and the skill becomes one, not anymore two parts with 4 initiative Cost total.
Will deal extra damage now, if you atack with it enemies that have no boons.
- Pistol Whip: The stun of its hit becomes increased from 0,5s to 1,5s so that you can hit all 9 attacks, before the stun is already over, if the enemy has no stun breaker ready.
Damage gets increased by 20% to become a bit more on par with 100B therefore that you get rooted too. And fix finally the Evade Skill fact fixed already so many missing skill facts and this one gets ignored all the time
- Thief should receive baseline two 2 sword skills by addign Offhand Sword to them.
I absolutely dont see this beign added as part of an Elite Specialization.
That would be wasted potential.
- New 3) Blade Dance – Perform a leaping whirling dance of blades with your Dual Swords with that you will deal damage to all targets in line and cause for everyone also 1 stack of bleedign for every foe that you have hit with this attack. So if you hit 5 targets, everyone will receive at the end of the attack 5 stacks of bleedings. If you hit more targets, then also more stacks of bleedings.
- Offhand 4) Deadly Counter – Block incoming attacks for several seconds, to perform with shadows from you deadly fast counterattacks for every attack that you blocked that repell the same damage and effects back, that you would normally have received if your enemies atatck would have hit you.
- Offhand 5) Assassination – Stealth yourself for 5 seconds and gain Super Speed. Increases in these 5 seconds for all nearby allies including you their Ferocity by x* their level(+250 Max). With Assination you can attack 1x without getting revealed, while wielding Dual Swords, just the second Stealth Attack will reveal you first.
So if you use Assassination for example to get Stealth through it, you could attack a target within the 5 seconds for example 2x with Shadow Stalker and regain this way 40% of your Steal Recharge back, before you get revealed on second hit.
Or use Assassination as Preparation Assault to swap then quickly after the first hit to D/D and backstab then with the second hit, after the the first Shadow Stalker dazed your foe, making it this way a bit easier for you to land the backstab, giving your S/S – D/D Build a bit more synergy this way.

- Heartseeker should get its range increased to 600 and work like the Warriors Whirlwindattack by receiving a line of sight arrow mechanic with that you can easier change your directions of your heartseekers, especialyl when using it quickly multiple times, so that the thief can become with HS like a quickly direction changing rabbit that can make quick Z-Moves with it then for example until intitiative runs out.
With this change woudl become HS a much better reactive skill with that you can hunt down better then also quickly direction changing enemies without needign to have them in target lock.
- Death Blossom: As said, its Evasive Frame needs to get fixed and increased and it should deal imo a few hits/few stacks of bleeding more. Raise it from 3 to 5 and also raise the number of Targets from 3 to 5 to make D/D a bit more equal with Staff
- Dancing Daggers should get its nerfs reverted and should be unblockable to give Thieves with it a Skill with that can can penetrate through the defense of bunkers, especialyl when theres somethign from where they can bounce off to hit the bunkers multiple times.
- Cloak and Dagger – Should blind enemies additionally and give 5 Stacks of Vulnerability instead of 3 and put you directly in stealth without requiring to hit. reduce the cost to 5 Initiative. therefore it has lesser duration than Assassination and makes you not move faster and allows you not to hit twice from stealth before getting revealed.

- Add a trait with that you can increase the range of it and shortbows AA from 900 to 1200)
- Vital Shot – remove the bleedings and add to it a damage modifier that lets it deal more damage, so more health the enemy has, especially if it has more health, than you at them moment.
- Body Shot – Change it from immobilize to a short ranged knockback that interrupts foes which causes Bleedings
- Unload – baseline ricochet into it, that all shots have a chance to bounce to nearby targets and rename the skill to “Bullet Storm”
- Head Shot – add Confusion Stacks and Weakness to it, if you successfully interrupt a foe with it.
- Black Powder – Increase its radius size by 50% and make its number of targets infinite, everyone who steps in it shoudl get blinded while its up for its 4 seconds. Increase its damage by like 200% so that it actually can be used also good offensively for its big initiative cost, it shoudl be more than just only a blind/stealth utility.

- Staff Bash, should have a side effetc, instead of beign just a borign second AA hit, Staff Bash should give you 3 Might Stacks for 20s
- Weakening Charge, same treatment as liek with Heart Seeker, should receive a line of sight arrow mechanic with that you can quickly change the direction of attack, before you perform it. Its range should get increased from 450 to 600
- Debilitatign Arc – should launch the enemy also away from you
- Dust Strike – should leave a blinding field trail for a few seconds, so that it can have more synergy with vault by vaulting into the field to get stealth to finish your attack combo then with a hook strike
- Vault: should give you Resistance while performing it

So far my thoughts, what Anet should do about the weapon skills currently

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

Baseline abilities for Thief

in Thief

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


The complete Thief needs a fundamental redesign of all of its Traits and Skills.

The Thief kitten many way too important must have traits to be viable, that you can’t say this class has any real build diversity, if you want to be competitive in the current meta due to all other classes having received lately so extreme much power creep plus the terrible condition overbuff from the stupid june 23rd patch without Anret having done absolutely anything at all about this for the defensive part of the game as a counter balance.
Its absolutely no miracle, that the balance of this game breaks together like a house of cards, when you permanently overbuff only always all the offensive thigns in this game, but never accordingly appropiately rebalance also all the defensive mechanics like Base Health becoming for each class individually balanced instead of type settings that get shared among multiple classes.
Like finally fixing the efficiency of Vitality and Toughness to become more effective, that you actually have alot more trouble with direct damage against someone who has really high toughness and vitality who plays a kind of tanky build, so that fightign against such players finally feel more like fightign against such super high defensive mordrem, who you can effectively kill only with damaging conditions because they ignore the defense.

The thief sasly brigns currently way too less to the table, than that they are considered by non-thief players as valuable party members to want to get. Thats somethign what must get changed.
The thief must become equally as good/useful for a group like a Revenant or an Elementalist, so that people will always say that “oki good, we couldn’t get in time a Rev/Ele, then the thief is also a very good alternative. Point”

And for this to happen ever, the thief needs to receive in many of its core aspects in my opinion a complete redesign.

1) Stealth needs to become the absolute unrivaled best thing on thieves, its their core gameplay mechanic number 1, they are the stealth grandmasters, nobody else should be here in this more superior, than them!!

2) Mobility needs to become the absolute unrivaled best thing on thieves, nobody, especially not anythign in heavy armors should be EVER able to catch or even outrun simply a thief. EVER!!! Its the god darn role to be the fastest and most mobile class of all. if there is just one class, that should compete with thieves there, then just only the Ele when attuned to air, but absolutely no other class

3) Venomshare needs to become baseline, too mandatory just to get some group support besides of stealth. But better would be, if Venoms just become themself an exchangeable F3/4 skill, so that you can take always two venoms with you that you automaticalyl share with everyone when you use them and Venoms as utility skill get completely exhcnaged with somethign better and more overall useful

4) Alot of Signets and Tricks should get merged together with some Trait Effects to create space for more useful new Signets, Tricks and Traits

5) The Thief needs to receive overall in all Weapon Sets more Boon Stealing, Boon Stealing should become one of the theives most best key roles that they constantly try to steal something from their enemies, whenever they get a chance on it

6) The Thief needs to receive back some options of Initiative Regain

7) The Trait Lines need to be redesigned so, that all lines are in themself useful, this means Acrobatics needs to receive its former glory back, Daredevil needs to be redesigned so that it isnt just Acrobatics 2.0, but just in everythign better.
The 3 endurance bars need to be baseline for thief, Daredevil needs to receive something else to become special.
The Dodge Arts should become a toggleable F5 key that enables the daredevil to change outside of combat their Dodge Arts. The Daredevil needs to receive some real grandmaster traits, not some features, that are locked behind the grandmaster traits, while all other classes receive with their elite specs some good new grandmaster effects and the thief gets nothing, other than somethign, that should be seen as a baselined different class mechanic that should come automatically by becomign a daredevil and not something, for that you need to get first a grandmaster trait just to become able to use the different dodge arts.
The different dodge arts need to be something that Daredevils should be directly able to use the very moment you become a daredevil.

8.) Daze/Stun andDodge and Evade frames need to get buffed to become more equal with that of other skills from other classes and make especialyl the evade frames cover finalyl over the whole skill animations, like for example for Death Blossom which should let you evade attacks for the full time of its aninmation until you land with your feet on the ground again and stand normally again

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

What if thieves could see enemy traps?

in Thief

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


This is imo absolutely something that should be added as trait option to balance thieves agaisnt Dragonhunters/Condi Trap Rangers ect…

Traps have incredibly went out of control lately, especially since Anet added the stealth effects to rune of the trapper and traps should be also in itself a skill mechanic, that should be either somehow, or by certain classes/builds COUNTERABLE.

Skill mechanics in a game with a combat system like GW2 which have absolutely 0 counters to them are bad game design in my opinion.

When there are skill builds in a game like invisible traps, then there needs to exist also as a counter balance for classes a way to make the invisible traps visible if you play the right build that can counter trap builds.

Marks are also essentialyl like traps, but the difference here is, you can see where they are, which allows it the antagonistic player to calculate, if its worth it to take tghe damage to get by the direct way to your target.
but invisible traps always come togerth with the bitter taste of spikish surprise.
One thign that should be also considered into balancing trap builds should be the fact, that OVERLAYING TRAPS should become not possible anymore.
trap skilsl should not be able anymore to be layed exactly over another at the same place to spike enemies to death with them practically instantly, what is also part of the reason why dragonhunters are so overpowered with their massive damage dealign traps that can be layed over another at the same spot.
it wouldnt be so overpowered, if classes liek the dragon hutner could lay traps only, if the traps don’t cross the radius of other layed out trap skills from them, so that they need to place their traps with more space in between them, so that the trap spiking isn’t possible anymore, giving players actually a chance to react when they run into a trap to stop moving, before they run into the next one, instead of getting practicalyl instant downed by running into 3 or much more of them that were overlaying at the same spot inviibly.

This balance change should also include allies. traps from allies sho8uldnt be able to be layed ot at the same spot like traps from someone else. It shouldnt be possible to lay a trap, if the radius of your trap skill would cross one of an allied layed out trap.

Yes, that woudl be a significant nerf to trap builds, but one that would actualyl also encourage more skillful playing and thinking about it, where you lay traps, when you have more than one trapper in your group7squad laying out together mine fields of traps.

Thieves, to come back to them, imo should be the natural counter class to all trap builds of the game.
Thieves hsouldt not only be able to see traps via help of using either utlity skills or using specific traits. they should be also the natural counter to the skills themself by beign able to REMOVE TRAPS in a way that they don’t get hurt by them/dont activate them when running into them and make them also visible for allies, when they spotted them for their allies, so that they can see them to.
plus thieves should be able too ,when using a specific trait for that, to turn layed traps into allied effects instead of removing them, so that they damage your enemies instead of you, so flipping traps from harmful for you to harmful for your enemy.

Thieves should be the most experienced class from all when it comes to avoiding traps, because avoidign traps is their natural daily business as thieves, because people try to protect their goods with traps from thieves to prevent and protect the goods from being stolen by thieves.
The very reason, why for example certain pyramids were full with lots of deadly traps in the past to protect the treasures in them from grave robbers and where only skillful thieves amogn them were able to surpass these traps or could see them coming out of experience by knowing where to expect them for example.

Its not a l2p issue really, its more just an issue of bad thief gameplay design and bad overall game balance currently not to add to specific gameplay mechanics also counter gameplay mechanics where needed, to balance the system out in general.

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

Thief Changes Idea: Might Access

in Thief

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


More boon stealing is absolutely somethign that needs to happen to rebalance the thief.
in fact I’m sharing the opinion that the thief should be 100% all about it as part of their complere gameplay.

When using steal, it shoudl be baseline that they automaticalyl steal also all boons from the target, for example.
Add to this then also some Boon Steal effects to all Weapon Sets, that they have at least 1 boon steal effecton every weapon set and some boon steal effects on all trait lines to add boon steal somehow to utility skills like their traps or when using tricks ect together with also passive boon steal effects, like when evading attacks and the thief would be alot more balanced, because a true thief never ignores the chance to steal somethign from their enemies to strengthen themself and weaken their enemies at the same time like some kind pf parasite that becomes always stronger and strogner, so more it can take away from their enemies.

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

[Teef] All thief Raid Recruiting

in Thief

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


Please make a video of this!! For the love of all thieves – do it

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

Character slots

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


Is there going to be a discount on character slots or not?

unless u have that much gold like i do….lol

loaded with everything in my account….20 char slots, maxed bank slots, maxed toon bag slots, all toons with exo and accended gear, weapons and jewllery etc….

all u need is to be good with money managment and your dreams wil become true .
if u need support ingame with anything…feel free to contact me ingame

Master Togo you might want to take a look here ^^

Exactly this..

what want people with so much gold.. hoarding it like Dagobert Ducks and basically never seeming to spend anything of it…

Would be much better for the game and the community, if such super rich players with more gold than they will ever need would help sometimes here n there out others that will never ever get anywhere near at having so much gold.

Gold is a ressource thats meant to be spent and not to be hoarded endlessly, as the game economy would only benefit from this too when more players spent their gold on the TP to let it sink.
It helps absolutely nobody, and especially not the game economy, when multiple of tens of thousands of gold rot unused forever on someone’s account.

That doesn’t mean that such people should rapidly give now everythign away to others, its just my personal view when looking at the current game economy when viewing it from a neutral standpoint.
Its absolutely ok to be “rich”, don’t misunderstand me on that.

But I find its senseless to be rich, when you have basically no need for the Gold to let it flow also back into the economic cycle, because so more people hoard and hoard and hoard only and never spend money on something, this turns then only more and more into inflation in games like this where the money that comes into the game rapidly rises every second alot faster, than essentially can sink out of the game again, if players don’t spent their made gold also alot, because in the end is the trading post still the biggest gold sink of this game with its 15% trading tax.

One reason, why I personally had over a very long time over the last years not more than like 400 gold as like a fluid reserve, because I also spended alot of the Gold I made for somethign again directly, instead of hoarding it permanently like a wild hamster that is preparing for its wintersleep

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

issue with festive imbiber achievement

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


The cap of it should either get lowered to 5000, or every wintersday gift should give at a 100% rate instead of a 80% rate always also some alcoholic drinks and some useless items should be reemoved or put together as 1 item to improve chances to receive more meaningful rewards….

Also they should add to the wintersday gifts the chance to receive these drinks in large packs, just like you can randomly by luck receive like 50 units of t7 materials, there should also exist the chance to receive 50 units of alcohol/sweets, as just adding this would also slightly decrease the overall grind, especialyl when such lucky drops could be affected by stuff like magic find to increase your chances to receive these high unit drops more oftenly

Instead of giving us like drop chances for 3 different sweets, gifts should drop an item, that enables us to get a food item of our choice.
Same thing should be done with the transformation tonics.. instead of having drop chances for like 3 different tonis, it should be just only 1 item that enables us to receive a transformation tonic of our choice.

This way would get the chance increased to receive something meaningful (and lesser clicking and moving of items from our inventory and actualyl gettign what we want to get).

ANet should also increase the amount of gifts you receive from some of the activities, as especialyl snowball mayhem, toypocalpyse and tixx are for the amount of time you spent weith them not rewarding enough compared to the JP or bell choir.
Mayhem would be good, if you would receive like 1-3 gifts per player kill and like 5 gifts per delivered gift to your base instead of just only 1.
That would be already a good start to make mayhem more appropiately rewarding to the point, that it is equally rewarding with bells and JP.

In fact mayhem should be imo one of the most rewarding activities simply out of the reason, because it is the only activitiy, where you have to play against other players, which do something against you, that you don’t receive gifts, while all other activities are either solo effort or teamwork activities, where beign gifted is 100% guaranteed
Mayhem needs improvements therefore that you get rewarded there best for your efforts, because you have to play agaisnt other players that do their best so that you don’t get their best rewards or rewards at all, making mayhem in a effort/time spent relationship currently the least rewarding besides of the way too long needing toypocalypse with its way too low gift rewards for the amount of time you spent with it, until you get rewards and can do somethign else….

This is all the reason, why i made some time ago a suggestion thread with specific improvement ideas for how ANet should make Wintersday better for the next years to come.

They need to improve the existign content by reworkin the rewards and rebalancing them

And they need to add finalyl again new content to Wintersday.. doing year per year per year always again the same stuff becomes very boring quickly, when there gets added at best every year somethign completely new to keep also the very old gw2 veterans entertained that don’t have interest in repeating the same stuff in wintersday for like the 3rd+ time in a row.

Its more required than adding just only 1 single little new side quest for a new reward (t7 material eater) and call it then a day

The current existign activities need to get their content expanded (like for exampole new songs for bells, new JP map courses, new roles/buffs/maps for mayhem ect.)

as also adding new activities that can bring back also more importantly some of the old GW1 wintersday nostalgia back (that I personally am missing extremely much), because for me belong absolutely for example to Wintersday also the grentches and humbugs, they were for me an important part of Wintersday, that there is also the counterside, that doesn’t like the festive activities and wants to try to disturb them…

Toen Invasions with grentches and humbugs would be somethign new what I hope we will see returning beign added for GW2 next year as it would be new wintersday content, that could then also entertain the older GW2 veterans to give them somethign new, what we haven’t done in GW2 already for like the x th time in a row over the last years of itself repeating same content.

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

[Wintersday Gifts] Sale Price Discussion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


hmm, oh now you got me, absolutely forgot that today is sunday lol.
K, till tomorrow

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

Improvements for the next Winterdays

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


Personally I find Wintersday becomes more and more disappointing – another year in which we can do again only exactly the same things liketheyear before, like the year before of before and like the year before of all .

It becomes quite boring, especially when things that you have done already several years ago tons of times already paired with massive grind for just some new titles, without providing enough good alternatives and improvements of the old content to keep the old content entertaining enough for such a huge grind of playing like multiple hundreds of times the bells choirs for like 40 hours or so total or multiple hundreds of rounds of the Infinirarium or the Snowball PvP until your fingers bleed without getting appropiate rewards from that like it is the case also with the JP, which can be really frustrating for some people (me not included, just saying what alot of people write about it here- me personally annoy much more certain Bugs of those Minigames, which are more annoying this year than ever before)

So heres my List of Suggestions for Improvements for the next Wintersdays to come.
I hope they convince the Devs to make some changes for the next years, instead of repeating always only the same stuff and adding a few new rewards to the Gifts.

Bug Fixing

  • The Skill Set Change Bug in the Snowfall PvP has been fixed. Now your chosen Skill Set stays again permanent, until you choose a different one after you have been killed and respawned at Start (So annoying when you choose to be Infiltrator, you jump down and out of a sudden the dumb Game bugs and changes you into something else what you dont want to play…)
  • The World is Full Bugs ha been fixed. Snowball PvP will receive now a Queue and generate automatically new Map Instances, once enough players are in queue to start a Match to prevent that players get thrown out of the login process for a map
    With the queue you can join now first the maps, when the queue reaches zero and it generates a fresh new map.
  • The above point will work now also with the other Activities Bell Choir, Snowball JP ect. to guarantee the player that whewnever you join it, you get into a fresh map.
  • The Toypocalypse Party Bug has been fixed. Now you can make again like with Tixx’s Infinirarium 5 premade person parties, before going in and play the Toypocalypse with your friends whom you can trust that they are skilled players, instead if being mixed together oftenly with total clueless random people

Adjustments & Polishment

  • Gift Rewards have been rebalanced to fit alot better the Effort/Time/Difficulty-Relationships.
    • Bell Choir will give now Bonus Gifts based on the own Playing Skills plus a daily lane based Group Bonus (4 sides, so maximum 4x Group Bonus daily)
      The Player Skill Bonus is based on the Total amount of Points you make.
      A Player can reach maximun 600 Points = Bonus of 6 Gifts at the End of the Session if you played all 6 Songs perfect.
      The Group Bonus is given when all 3 Players in a Lane make at least at the end of the Round more than 400 Points
      Group makes more than 400 Points approx = Bonus of 10 Gifts for all 3
      Group makes more than 500 points approx = Bonus of 15 Gifts for all 3
      Complete Group makes 600 Points = Bonus of 25 Gifts for all 3
      With these 2 changes get players more incentivized to play good, instead of just afking half of the time and pressign just only a few times only right buttons just to survive to the end, because they know, they can easily heal themself up after each Song
    • Tixx Infinirarium will give now everytime 50 Gifts plus a daily Bonus of 100 Gifts if you complete it in lesser than xx Minutes. Additionally to these changes, will have by you defeated Skritt and destroyed parts now also a chance to leave Personal Gifts behind. Defeating Givvt will leave behind now also a huge Gift box full of 20 personal Gift Boxes for everyone.
    • Snowball PvP will give everyone for each brought Gift to the Homebase instead of 1 Gift for every now 5 Personal Gifts for everyone. Defeating Players grants now the Player who defeated someone else 5 Gifts. Reviving Players grants the Reviver now a Personal Gift. The Winning Team will receive now 25 Gifts and 15 Personal Gifts.
      The Losing Team will receive 10 Gifts and 5 Personal Gifts.
    • Snowball Wonderland will grant you now again Bonus Gifts or Bonus Personal Gifts whenever you reach the safe middle. Players will receive now for every Gift they hop on in the JP that can explode near the end of the JP 1 Gift
      There is now a daily Bonus at the end of the JP of 50 Bonus Gifts if you do the JP in lesser than xx Minutes
    • Toypocalypse will grant now alot more Gifts after each defeat of Givvt and also some personal Gifts. The Gift Bonus for completing Toypocalypse has been significantly increased to 250 Gifts daily once instead of lousy 10 , and from that point on after the daily big amount then 100 Gifts, as Toypocalyspe is from all activities, which needs the absolute longest time to complete

Improvements and new Content

Following thigns should be done with the existign content to improve it, so that the existing content will make more fun:

Bell Choir:
- Add like 6-12 new Songs to play. Seriously, after 3 years playing over and over permanently the same songs, it becomes boring
- Remove the Freeplay Part at the End, it slows only unneccessary down the process of creating a new fresh map and players leave anyways before the game refreshes the map automatically due to this thign here getting forced to wait a minute, before you can continue with a fresh map

Tixx’ Infinirarium
- Add a Hard Mode with its own Achievements
- Add the Miniature Infinirarium next time as a Meta Achievement Reward from HM
- HM is longer, Enemies have stronger/different skills and Anet can add other mechanics, that make it in this mode not so easy to complete it compared to NM
- Completing HM once unlocks for you the either personal or group based Infinity Mode, where you can combat against unendless spawning toys and earn Gifts over time so longer you can survive, which become round per round very slightly more and more

Snowball JP
- Rebalance the Skills
- Add 2-3 new Snowball Classes with new Skills
- Add some new Buffs instead of only Speed, Might, Regeneration and Recharge, how about a Protection Buff, that makes you temporarely immune against damage? Or how about a Reflection Buff, that if you take damage, that the damage dealer takes the same damage too. Or a Skill Change Buff, that allows you on spot to swap your Class Skills out within 5 seconds by pressing often enough Weapon Swap until you have the skills that you want after activating the Buff. or add a Range Buff to increase your Throwign Range or add a Piercing buff, so that you can hit multiple targets in line of sight or a Explosion Buff, so that your snowballs explode on impact and hit multiple targets in near of your main target .

- Like with Tixx, add here a HM together with its own achievements
- Add Miniature Festive Golem as Meta Reward for it
- Add after doing successfully once HM the Toycatasrophe Mode where your job this time it isn’t to protect Dollies, but instead to protect the miniature town from beign destroyed completely

Snowball Wonderland
- Add new JPs with different Themes so that it isn’t always the same thing with the same 3 paths

New Features/Activities

Wintersday needs back some of its nostalgia back that it has had in GW1, so I suggest these thigns to add for the next Wintersdays to come:

  • Grentch Wars
    Grentch Wars will be a new Wintersday Activity that will be like some kind of concept based around dynamic town invasions with the intention to give the Grentch (and Humbugs) a comeback.
    Grentch Wars will be basically played in ALL PLAYER TOWNS as it will be a constant running Dynamic Event in them, where Grentches and Humbugs invade the towns to steal gifts and need to be defeated by the players with class based snowball skills from the Snowball PVP
  • Wintersday Dungeons
    While Wintersday is up, will all enemies in the Dungeons get replaced with Wintersday Versions, while dropping also unique loot, that can be found only in Dungeosn while Wintersday is active
  • Wintersday Quests
    Special one time doable Quests you can do (and once done dont need to repeat year for year again), while Wintersday is active that basically count as Dailies but in fact are more than just that. Example: Grawnk.
    More of that please in the future.
  • The Return of Nine Rings
    A simple good old minigame, that should return for Wintersday that you should be able to play in the towns.
  • Wintersday Gift Tours
    Each day will be in different Maps Gift Tours, dynamic events where players need to escort Gift Dolyaks through the map on their tours to towns ect to brign gifts to the people. Basically what we have currently in towns, but just also for the PvE maps as dynamic events with longer routes, where you need to protect them from Grentches and Humbugs that try to steal the gifts

New Items and Rewards

Following Items should return for Wintersday:

- Snowman Summoner (Userable in PvE to summon Snowmans that attack enemies for you with ranged attacks and heal players)

- Glob of Frozen Ectoplasm (Currency that should be turned in for new unique Rewards/normal Globs of Ectoplasm)

- Wintergreen/Rainbow Candy Canes (With different effects than the normal onces that got introduced this year)

- Miniature Polar “Jingle” Bear

- Mischievous Tonic (including endless version)(to transform you into a Grentch)

- Chaotic Tonic (including endless version) (to transform you into a Humbug)

- Gingerbread Weapons (Focus, Shield, maybe more)

- Wreath Crown Headgear (Gemstore?)

- Grentch Cap Headgear (Gemstore?)

- Snow Crystal Crest Headgear (Gemstore?)

- Ice Shard Crest Headgear (Gemstore?)

- Festive Winter Hood Headgear (Gemstore?)

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

(edited by Orpheal.8263)

Guild Wars 3

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


Seriously, I personally want not too see a Guild Wars 3 ever

If ANet ever plans on makign some kind of new game, then it will be hopefully a completely new franchise – a complete new game that will be made new from scratch with a totally different and new story and theme

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

Yes, You Can Have my Stuff

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


I’ve sent a bunch more! I’ve still got 1 ticket for a Timekeeper skin, and a few other BL skins and such in my inventory.

If thats still the case, I’d be personally very happy also about the time keeper skin for a shield, my chronomancer needs a real clock shield <3. No chrono is a real chrono without dat thing ^^ hehe

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

Achievement: Seasoned Toymaker

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263




/15 charr throw snowballs at OP

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

Yes, You Can Have my Stuff

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


First off, its sad to see that again someone leaves the ship by its plank.. its a real sad trend lately
However, its a decison that needs to be accepted and I’m pretty sure, the Op thought about it also very well, if he stands behind his decision to go through this to the end with no point of return, if he gives freely everythign he has to others as a kind if nice christmas give away, so that all of his efforts and things he has done in the game while the game still made fun for him litereally aren’t wasted or just useless staff that will collect from this point on only virtual dust in an unused account.

But by giving away the things to other players, that are still active and still have alot of fun with the game, these thigns can still be useful, they can still make someone else happy, especially now as part of christmas as gifts.

Lets be honest, threads like this are always the same. Especialyl when you have to nominate someone.. eitrher people nominate themself, or they nominate someone with that they are close friends, so that they know that they get the items anyways or at least a shared part of them they get later from their nominated friends.

I know nobody here good enough to nominate them and when i nominate othes, then I want to know the people who I nominate so that I won’t regret later who I nominated.
So I will be one, who “shamelessly” nominates hissself.
I play the game since nearly release date, up until now I have never the luck to get a so much about my blessings from RNGeesus so far ^^.

Due to having to go to work I also can’t play the game as intensive as like I would want to do sometimes to farm stuff/ getting skins I’d like to have is already taking me practically felt ages.
If you (OP) are in the mood to gift something to me that could help me with my goals (like for example Charged Lodestones as to get the Collections and Skins done I want I need a whopping 950 of them…)), I’d appreaciate every single one of them that you could be able to give me very much <3 I will use them like a legacy and treat them like a valuable treasure until the day has come where I can turn them into my goals being fulfilled that are completed collections and unlocked skins for all the weapons that require a crap ton of these stones ^^

May you find alot of fun in any other MMO that you may have already decided to go over.

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

Elite skill "Impact Strike" buff suggestions

in Thief

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


@ Kodama

The problem with the thief class is, that it got over the last years so many nerfs, that this class is mostly absolutely currently best at nothing at all anymore, because of anet making everything that this class provided basically uniform with other classesm ore and more to the point, that other classes are in certain things significantly better.

The Thief Class is no Allrounder, that can do tons of things and sucks at everything.
Its a Class wioth absolute clear roles and its a Class, that needs to exceell at these roles to perform these roles for what this class is made for to do best.

They Key Roles of the Thief Class are:

  • Superior Mobility (Superior Mobility means, there should be nearly no other Class, that easily can outperform their Mobility. there should be only at best other Classes like said Air Elementalists or Engineers/Scrappers that should come close to the Mobility of the Thief, while other totally senseless Classes should absolutely never get that kind of Mobility of a Thief that they can outrun them easily, when they wear HEAVY ARMOR. Absolutely no Heavy armor Class should have more Mobility than a Thief.. this should be just LOGICAL, but we speak about logic, somethign that anets seems to lack at when it comes down to senseful Class Balancing in regard of equipment weight affecting mobility. You can’t expect someone wearing like your own body weight in equipment to run same as fast and move as agile like someone in leather equipment that weights just only a tiny part of what heavy plate armors weight.
  • Combo Synergy
    Thief is one of the Classes with the most Combo Synergy. They have alot of skilsl that can proc all kinds of Combos with other Classes. The Shortbow alone is already an on demand constant Combo Field Generator/Field Finisher and its projectiles can combo like every 5th shot with fields.
    With daggers they get leaps and whirls. Daggerstorm is one of the most effective long time whirl finishers of the game.
    With Pistols they get more projectile combos and blind field on demand.
    Staff added more whirls and leaps.
    The only weapon of them that lacks all of this gameplay is the Sword, it provides absolutely nothing for combos sadly whyever.

So 90% of the whole thief gameplay is made to synergize with other classes in combat. It should be 100%

  • Superior Agility, with this I mean not the mobility in regard of how they move, but the efficiency of moving.
    Thieves should be simply said the fastest moving class with the most access to permanent Swiftness and thignsl ike Super Speed… When I see that there are other classes like Engineer/Druid ect. out performing the Thief, I could cringe only innerly.
    Thieves are Runners, they are used to flee quickly if situations get too dangerous for them
  • Single Target Predators (Vulture Gameplay)
    Thiefs are like the vultures in this game, they shouldn’t be overall superior in dealing alot of AoE damage, therefore exist Classes like Elementalist or Necromancer, but they should excell in Single Target Damage the most. Thats into what thieves specialize, to take out single enemies quickly and efficiently and remove from the battlefield the weak and unskilled players, or weaken their enemies so, that their allies have an easier time dealing with them, where we come to the next Key Role of the Thief.
  • DPS Control
    Thieves are very good at weakening foes and interrupting them using alot of conditions like Poison, Weakness, Vulnerability, Blindness, Cripple/Chill and Bleeding/Torment.
    That are the core conditions a thief mainly uses and the most effective condition of those should be logically poison, as thieves are masters of deadly venoms by significantly weakning stronger the enemies abilities to recover, than any other class should do. With all this healer gameplay now in the game due to spammy Heal Druids, this becomes now even much more important, because the whole PvP battle design of GW2 was from begin on never designed around this kind of gameplaxof having such effective Healers in the game that they can easily outheal even the strongest damage bursts!!
    Every kind of assasinating thief uses all kinds of deadly venoms all of the time to improve their deadly attacks and their efficiency to weaken foes so that they are an easier target to assassinate quick, silent and effective. No other class uses posions in the form the Thief class does, where their poisons work like some kind of preparation to enhance the attacks. rangers dont do so, necromancers dont do so, no other class does so, its only the Thief which uses deadly Venoms what is the simple logical reason, why their Poisons should be the most effective ones as Poisons and Venoms are like some kind of trademark mechanic for the whole thief class like steal and stealth kind of.
  • Surprise Attacks
    Stealth and their Shadow Steps are one of the main key roles that give the Thief the advantage of the element of surprise and thats something at what Thiefs are superior in and what is a core elemental part of the whole class design of the thief

That are the 6 Key Roles, the foundational pillars of that the Thief Class are made off in most of all MMORPGs I know and have played as like also in tons of Offline RPGs with thief classes that I have played which share this vision of a thief/assassin/rogue alot

Party Support:

I didn’t said, that Thieves hsould be the best at Party Support, you misunderstood me there Kodama.
I said, that Thieves need to become better at it, because currently the whole Thief Class provides nearly nothing at all that is of any kind of high value for any group in the whole game for why the group should want to have a Thief with them.

Stealth? Lol , dont make me laugh hard.. any kind of game meta group that sets focus on group support synergy will always use for Fractals/raids ect. always Mesmers/Chronomancers or Engineers/Scrappers with their superior useful Stealth Skills

Conditions? any serious group will always use Condi Mesmers/Condi Enginners over any venomshare thief that I have seen so far, because the venomshare is just as a group effect too weak compared to the group support that other condi builds of other classes can offer in a more constant up time than the spammy venoms with their very few amounts of usages that hardly do nothing compared to the condition spam other classes can do and that on AOE basis

Thats why I said, Anet needs to improve the group support aspects of the Thief and add more positive side effects to things that Thiefs can do and do mostly all of the time by significantly improving things that are already part of their Key Roles:

Superior Mobility > Better Group Support through Mobility by lettign the group better benefit from it when the Thief uses Skills like Shadow Steps or dodges successfuly around

Combo Synergy: Improve the CS of the Thhief to 100% by adding Combo Effects to the sword skills. add traits, that give better group benefiting effects for whenever the thief finishes in any kind of way a combo, because they do it mostly constantly all of the time when fighting in a group.

Superior Agility: Whenever the thief gains boons like swiftness, super speed or quickness, the group should somehow benefit better from that also, so that the group actually wants to deliver the thief constant agility enhancing effects so that they profitate self also from it … thats somethign also where the Steal Gameplay comes in mind and where the group should benefit more, when thieves steal.

Single Target Predator/Surprise Attacks: Here could anet maybe improve the thieves group play by lettign the group benefit more from it, when the thief kills targets out of stealth or weaken foes

DPS Control: here coudl anet improve the group play with thieves by letting group members benefit more from thieves so more they interrupt targets and break their break bars to weaken foes significantly, so that the weakness state when the bar gets broken by a thief becomes more effective

The possibilities are endless, fact is only, thief is currently at a very weak balance state and it needs to get finally addressed instead of getting constantly ignored by Anet or overshadowed with other power creep added to all other classes that makes everything what the thief might have gotten improved directly again obsolete, like now with HoT, where mostly everythign what they added with HoT outclasses in addition with the terrible condition patch of june 23rd the thief, what is the reason, why you see now in the game out of a sudden all this thief discrimination that peopel yell at you to change your character if you dare to play things like raids or ranked PvP with a thief, because you absolutely contribute nothign there to the group, that any other class can do alot better than the thief!!

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

Should the Dungeons get some rework?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


ANet needs to rework the Rewards completely to give Dungeons again a reason to be done. If not for fluid gold income, then for somethign else, that is unique to Dungeosn and that MUST be earnable only through playing all of the different Dungeons (and definetely not through PvP!!!!)

Only then will become Dungeons again a healthy game content where you will find alot of players willing to play them.

1) Anet needs to add to the Token Rewards also unique looking Dungeon Ascended Weapons

2) Anet needs to add to the Tokens Rewards also three unique looking Dungeon Ascended Armors

3) Anet needs to add to the Token Rewards unique looking Dungeon based Ascended Back Items that work also as Glider Skins if you own HoT

4) Anet needs to add to the Token Rewards unique Miniatures that are based from the Dungeons like for example a Miniature Graveling from Ascalon Catacombs or a Miniature Howling King/Colossus Rumblus and so on

5) Anet needs to add Bags of Lodestones as Token Rewards that can contain like 1-3 Lodestones where each Dungeon gives different Lodestones
Ascalon =Crystal Lodestone
Caudecus = Onyx Lodestone
Twilight Arbor = Evergreen Lodestone (if you don’t own HoT then random)
Sorrows Embrace = Molten Lodestone
Citadel of Flame = Destroyer Lodestone
Honor of Waves = Glacial Lodestone
Crucible of Eternity = Charged Lodestone
Ruins of Arah = Corrupted Lodestone

6) Anet needs to add Bags of T6 Materials as Token Rewards that can contain like 5-10 units of Dungeon unique T6 Materials
Ascalon = Piles of Crystaline Dust
Caudecus = Viles of Powerful Blood
Twilight Arbor = Powerful Venom Sac
Sorrows Embrace = Armored Scale
Citadel of Flame = Vicious Claw
Honor of Waves = Elaborate Totem
Crucible of Eternity = Vicious Fang
Ruins of Arah = Ancient Bone

7) Anet needs to add as Token Rewards dungeon specific unique Finishers

8) Anet needs to add for each Dungeon somethign unique that can be bought with Tokens if you own HoT, that can be used as Guild Hall Decorations

9) Anet needs to add for each Dungeon something unique that can be bought with Tokens that becomes part of your Personal Instance, like for example DAILY LODESTONE NODES

10) ANet needs to add some dungeon unique Gathering Tools as Rewards for Tokens, that have more usages than normal Orihalcum Tools (instead of 50/100, these Tools have 500/1000 usages and dungeon unique effects, but can be used only in Dungeons as this change means, anet should add Gathering Nodes INTO THE DUNGEONS.
Fractals has one, so why shouldn’t Dungeons have Gathering Nodes too??)

If these 10 things would get changed about Dungeons, then would be Dungeosn again massively more interesting to be played for a long long looooooooong time, because people would actually have to do then again something and have alot of new things to spent their Tokkens forother then only for rares/exos for Ectos or cheap Mystic Toilet Fodder.
Then would Dungeons feel also alot more rewarding again, because not of the massive fluid Gold income you get from it, but because of them helping you to reduce massively the grind in the game for specific things and them helping to make GW2 again a bit more alt character friendly by giving you another option of how to obtain ascended equipment and giving you ways additionally to obtain T6 materials and especially lodestones in a bit more constant way that isnt totally based on RNG loot only or grinding ages long various maps for events only.

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside