its all super fine, how people are always much talking, but doign in the end nothing than pushing out alot of hot air, that helps nobody…
People don’t care about how many times someone has done it already successfully.
People dont care about it if the scaling is fine or not …
Currently theres just only one thing most peopel care for, because there is a massive lack of understanding the meta…. thats why it always fails nearly instantly so fast, because HoT is still just roughly ONLY 1 month old and there are still WAY too much clueless people on the map and way too less people actively on the map, because people are rather preferrign to participate on the easier to understand meta events on either VB, AB or DS, which don’t require such absurd ridiculous super map coordination that goes even far beyond the required coordination of going to kill the tri- wurm due to havign too coordinate in a small time window 4 lines simultanously, where just a slightest mistake in one of the lanes directly leads to the punishing fail of the complete event.
What the game needs is following thigns to get the meta running:
1 ) A much better incentive to do the Meta Event, as its by far from all metas in Hot the hardest one, so it should be also the most rewarding one to give players a much better incentive to participate on a regular basis in the meta and do coordinated full maps whenever the meta comes on a regular basis
2) For that to happen, anet has to fix the Mega Server System, HoT gives you the feeling, as if far lesser people have bought Hot, than Anet might have expected. At least you absolutely don’t have yet the feeling, as if HoT fels like beign End Content and everyone id doign their best to make the metas successfully, because most of the people are still doing tons of other distracting things, like HP hunting, mastery farming in dungeons ect. but most peopel are absolutely not concentrated at all right now to do actively the meta events and thats what hurts the game the most, because they were al from scratch designed not to scale down and to be done by full coordinated maps. and as long you have there a full map, but with the half map full of Afking people and ignorant people that don’t care for it at all to help at the meta events, because they will most likely fail anyways liek in the case of TD, whats a player mentality issue, then nothing will ever change about this.
Making up designated guilds especially for only doing these super meta events is just a band aid solution to bring the community more back on the coordinated right path..
Howeve,r what I think is alot more neccessary and helpful for everybody is EDUCATION in regard of spreading the inforamtion about the event, what exactly has to be done when and where to do this TD meta event successfuly.
Post Guides with pictures, videos ect. pp, that show people exactly what is to do in each of the lanes, like peopel did that with Tequatl in the past also too, where people that learned how to do the event successfully spreaded their knowledge, posted guides everywhere that explain the clear strategy to success, because so more people are educated about that strategy and know, what is when and where exactly to do, so higher will raise the chances of success and so quicker will we reach the state in the game, where this meta event will be more constantly like by now Tequatl a success, because.
How did people scream out load at the beginning of the new Tequatl design, how impossile the new design is and how difficult it is ect. pp.
Until people figured out how to overcome that new challenge, spread the information sto share their wisdom and become better together.
The exact same thign with the introduction of the Tri Wurm… what did we curse at anet for how hard they are at the beginning.
By now the battle is trivial, because everybody knows exactly what to do, when and where..peopel educated thenmself, spread their knowdlge, posted guides everywhere with proof that they were successful that way b directly demonstratign it with also a video attached to the guides
Thats what we need now. Once the knowledge sharing and more active organization becomes better and more, then its just a matter of time, until people will trivialize the TD meta events also too, like we did with tequatl and tri wurm in the past.
In the end its just a learning and active participation issue, because as long you don#t have either not enough players on the map willing to participate in the meta event, , nor enough people that know exactly what to do in their lanes, the event will fail.
Thats the point on what we as a community have to work on together to change this situation and not hope for event nerfs and what not all to hope for it ,that anet makes it easier for us, just because we seem to be unable to do, what we already did in the past with Tequatl and Tri Wurm suddely…
just my 2 cents
Since the LFG Tool got introduced, it is until today practically nearly the exact same thing, like it was as it’s Beta Version…
Fact is, the LFG Tool is just a very weak band aid solution and absolutely doesn’t make usage in any kind of way from its potential that lies behind this tool, that could be soooooo much more
- overviewable
- useful
- helpful
- intuitive
- more complex (what you can do with it)
Instead it is just simply not overviewable, overwhelming pretty much at peak times, when hundreds of searching people spam their more or less unfitting LFG’s out.
Its often not useful, because in many cases you can’t really search very specificly, and when you search for something specificly, it gets shown then for a short while and gets removed from the LFG tool for whatever reasons, when nobody joins you after a while, because I think the reason is the LFG Tool simply would explode, if it would not automatically remove LFGs that got within time X no player response from simply too many LFGs for the tool to handle…
It’s often not helpful, especially when you get shown tons of things for something in certain areas, for that you absolutely aren’t searching -why? because the tool lacks a filter option…
Its not very intuitive, when theres just obne area for open world, that works basically as the category for nearly everything, while other segments of the tool ,like Personaöl Story, SPvP or WvW are pretty much not affected by the tool or there seems to be absolutely no reason for players to make any LFGs ever for these segments…so why have these segments in the LFG tool, when they are since tool relelease like 99,99% of the time unused by players, because of the game being too unintuiotive for them to realize, that these segments exist or the game itself beign too unintuitive for giving players absolutely no reasons for using these lfg segments at all, because the game spams anyways more than half of all lfgs under the open world category….
..and its not complex, the lfg tool could be soo much more and here we are and see, how ANet wastes all this potential as it seems so far, where I can hope only, that they will realize one day, how much better they could make their game, if the LFG tool would be just more complex to allow players to do with it more in the game.
There’s much more that could help us alot in regard of quality of life if the LFG tool would get improved.
So what do I think is the “most ideal” LFG Tool?
Thats how I envision the most ideal (dont want to write perfect) LFG-Tool:
The LFG Tool will be renamed and will be called after the change the *Community Managing and Organization-Tool (CMO-T)
- The new Tool will be splitted up into new Segments of Player Organization
- Party Finder (Looking for Group)
- Troop Finder (WvW/Raids)
- Guild Finder (Looking for Guild)
- Trade Finder (WTB, WTS, WTT) I = Item, S = Service (Works as Neutral Side that shows both Players that that they have given their parts, before it allows the trade, to prevent Scamming, the Trading Post is all good and fine, but it shouldn’t be the only official way to trade with other players)
- Using the Tool allows you now also to see Search Entries, that come from different Servers and are shown with a Server Change icon, if joining the Search Entry requires of you to change your Server Map Instance to the one of the Search Starter and the Servers get merged to create more dense Player Population.
WvW gets changed from WvW to FvF (Faction versus Faction) as thats the only way, that makes it possible to merge Servers together, therefore we must get rid of the ton lots of different Servers and make out of the lots of single Servers a one and true Mega Server practically where not players of different Servers play against each other, but instead players of different Factions battle agaisnt each other.
Example: Lannguage Flagged Servers will get merged, in case of German Servers for example, this would be Drakkar Lake, Elona Reach, Riverside and Kodash. Lets call these kind of merged Servers then “Super Server”
Turning the language flagged Servers into merged Super Servers would make the player density in the game alot higher, but the consequence would be just ,that the old WvW System wouldn’t functionate anymore and would need to be redesigned to a faction based system as well with 3 Factions.
Changing it to Factions would also solve the eternal Player Population Problem for GW2’s WvW too. Just saying.
CMO-T Sub Segments
Based on the new Segments, each of them will provide different Sub Segments that allow players to search alot more specifically for something certain, so that the search entry doesn#t end up like now in a kind of junk bin where absolutely everythign gets mixed togethe,r but in fact lands in a sorted list of search entries from people, that share with you the same reason of searching, so that players will see in a much more overviewable way when theres someone, who searches for the same thing like you, without gettign spammed full with tons of other search entries that have absolutely 0,000 nothing to do with what you search for …
The one and only exception for that rule (because a General Search Segment is always needed somehow into what everything lands that is totally unspecific for the game) is the simple "Party Finder Segment* that would work basicaly just like the current Living World Segment where practically everythign unspecific gets shown to you for what people are searching and looking for other people.
Sub Segments of the Party Finder are then:
- Dungeons (Sorted by all specific Dungeons like now)
- Fractals of the Mist (Sorted by Fractal Level Segments like now)
- Guild Missions (Sorted by Mission Types)
- Farming & Events (Sorted after Map Regions (Scroll Bar!)
The Troop Finder Segment will have just two Sub Segments and is made for game Content specificly only that requires more than 5 Players, like Raids and WvW, that make usage of the new Troop UI for that Content
- Raids (Sorted after Raid Wings)
- WvW (Here you will find Search Entries from Commanders, the only persons that will be able to make Search Entries here!)
The Guild Finder Segment is specificly for players, that are searching for Guilds to join.
This Segment will have its complete own and different UI, that allows it guilds by alphabetically order and by guild preference (PvE, PvP,WvW, PvX) to be filtered, so that peopkle which are searching for a specific guild type are able to sortate everythign out of the result list, for that they aren’t searching. GuildLeaders/Officers on the other hand are able to create in that special segment of the tool "Guild Descriptions under a limited text size, maybe under a pregiven form, under which searchign players get ON ONE VIEW the most interestign infos of a Guild directly by:
- Name of Guild and Shortcut (Blah Blah Blub [BBB] )
- Guild Symbol
- Guild Hymn (hear it on click)
- Guild Size (Number of Active Members, (Active = People which log in practicall daily to 1x in a week)
- Guild Hall
- Guild Level
- Guild Type (PvE, PvP, WvW, PvX)
- Guild Description (Insert Guild Leader/Officer Text to give Guilds a space, where they can specificly tell people, why they should join them… or how they can join them, if they have some kind of requirements to join them)
- Recruitment Person(s) (those you should talk to to join the Guild you want to join)
Simply said, that segment should just help players to find easier guilds that fit to them, without having to hang out for that here in the forums or on other unofficial websites.
What be do here, can work also just simply in the game directly with the tool working as a kind of blackboard for all guilds, where searching people can always look at…
No more need for map chat spammers and their guiuld recruit paroles that they repeat non stop everywhere. Let the players just inform themselves and give them a game integrated tool that makes this possible!!
The Trade Finder Segment would work over this tool just like a different form of the Trading Post.
Instead of working like Ebay where players either outbit themself for the highest undirect buy price where the direct buy price is the only much more expensive solution to get something you want directly, the Trading Finder Segment works different (still with an added Gold Sink in form of a Tax to use this Service for a guaranteed safe player trade, but thats something to calculate with rather, than taking the risk of getting scammed.
How does it work? its pretty simple, because practically it works exactly like the Trading Post by making usage of the same principle, but just in a different way that doesn#t require to outbit themself like on Ebay to artificially create demand and supply.
The Trade Finder Segment brings back what GW1 already provided.
Simple Direct Trading with other players over Search Entries where you clearly say other peoples what you either want to buy, what you want either to sell, or what you want to trade with other people for something else (works only with non accountbound items naturally)
By using the Trade Finder, the Game lets you clearly define what kind of either Item or Service you provide.
If you want to buy or sell something, the game will let you clearly define for the Search Entry what you want to buy/sell and for exactly how much of money you want to do that.
WTB Wings of Dwayna for 400G
Once I’ve activated that Search Entry in the Trade Finder Segment, the Game wants me first to click on the item I want to buy out of a list of buyable items unter the Weapon Section, Sub Section Bows, Sub Section Rarity ect.
Once I’ve decided for the Trade Finder what I want to buy, I have to type into the Tool for how much money I want to buy it. In this case ive to type into a shown type field the number 400 and click then ok for listing the search entry up in the Trade Finder.
Now comes the seller of my wanted item. clicks on the search entry, has the item in his/her inventory and clicks on the button “Sell” of that Search Entry and confirms it by clicking next on the Confirmation Question Button “Yes”
The moment the seller does this, the person who created the Search Entry will receive a Mail, that someone else requests to activate the “Trade Center” with you.
The Trade Center is a special UI, that works as a Neutral Side which clearly shows both players that
A) The Buyer actually see the Seller putting the wanted Item into the Trade Center, where he/she can check that its the right item.
B) The Seller actually sees that the Buyer forks over exactly the wanted amount of Money, or in case of a trade the wanted Item.
After both have done that, item and item/money disappear from both sides first and move into the Trade Center.
Now both players have to confirm a final time, that they want to make that deal.
In case that one side is offline, the deal will become official the moment when both sides have confirmed it, in the meantime stays either the gold or the item in the neutral Trade Center. Should whyever become one side of the deal become inactive, then the deal will break automatically after 3 days if theres not earlier a response from the missing side to cinfirm the deal and the other side will automatically receive from the trade center back its money/item.
Only when both players confirm, that they want to make the deal, the trade happens.
Does one side negate the deal, then both sides instantly receive back what they put into the Trade Center before it came to the final confirmation of both sides.
Was a deal made between players successfully, then the Trade Center will charge in a little tax from the Search Entry Creator for using the “Service” that works as the gold sink that the Trading Post has also too.
In case of wanting to buy or sell a Service, the System will work differently, because there is nothing that the paying side will receive back instantly. Theres only always one side who receives Gold and one side, who has nothing in its hands.
So buy/selling Services is more riskful for getting scammed, thats why in case of selling Services, players will receive here a “Reputation”, where Buyers can give the Service Seller positive feedback or in case of getting scammed or bad service naturally also negative feedback, where it works out like in Ebay, where the Service Seller can then add if he/she wants to the feedback also personell comments.
For all this to see, service buyers will be able to click besides of the Search Entry in the Trade Finder Segment an icon to let a window pop up that lets you see the reputation of the Service Seller, so that you as a potential buyer can see, if you have there someone experienced for example with thousands of positive feedbacks whom you can trust that he sells his service professionally, or if you see someone with lots of negative feedbacks, whom you rather should not pay for their “Services” when the result will most likely be either disappointing or in the worst case a scam that should result under a report into that players banning.
A reputation system also works perfectly as a visual preemptive system against scamming, because people then can quickly simply see, whom they can trust and whom not.
However, feedbacks can be only given out by buyers, when a deal was accepted by the Service Seller and the Service Seller actualyl received naturalyl the wanted money from the buyer. The feedback then can be given within a certain time limit and the comment option exists therefore to work against reputation maniplation, so that Service Sellers can comment on it, when someone tries to destroy a Service Sellers reputation by giving willingly them negative feedback without writing even something or writing down willingly lies
What do you think of this?
Or am I the only one here, who believes, this game needs a much better Search and Organization Tool and a different Server/WvW System by now????
Since the LFG Tool got introduced, it is until today practically nearly the exact same thing, like it was as it’s Beta Version…
Fact is, the LFG Tool is just a very weak band aid solution and absolutely doesn’t make usage in any kind of way from its potential that lies behind this tool, that could be soooooo much more
- overviewable
- useful
- helpful
- intuitive
- more complex (what you can do with it)
Instead it is just simply not overviewable, overwhelming pretty much at peak times, when hundreds of searching people spam their more or less unfitting LFG’s out.
Its often not useful, because in many cases you can’t really search very specificly, and when you search for something specificly, it gets shown then for a short while and gets removed from the LFG tool for whatever reasons, when nobody joins you after a while, because I think the reason is the LFG Tool simply would explode, if it would not automatically remove LFGs that got within time X no player response from simply too many LFGs for the tool to handle…
It’s often not helpful, especially when you get shown tons of things for something in certain areas, for that you absolutely aren’t searching -why? because the tool lacks a filter option…
Its not very intuitive, when theres just obne area for open world, that works basically as the category for nearly everything, while other segments of the tool ,like Personaöl Story, SPvP or WvW are pretty much not affected by the tool or there seems to be absolutely no reason for players to make any LFGs ever for these segments…so why have these segments in the LFG tool, when they are since tool relelease like 99,99% of the time unused by players, because of the game being too unintuiotive for them to realize, that these segments exist or the game itself beign too unintuitive for giving players absolutely no reasons for using these lfg segments at all, because the game spams anyways more than half of all lfgs under the open world category….
..and its not complex, the lfg tool could be soo much more and here we are and see, how ANet wastes all this potential as it seems so far, where I can hope only, that they will realize one day, how much better they could make their game, if the LFG tool would be just more complex to allow players to do with it more in the game.
There’s much more that could help us alot in regard of quality of life if the LFG tool would get improved.
So what do I think is the “most ideal” LFG Tool?
Thats how I envision the most ideal (dont want to write perfect) LFG-Tool:
The LFG Tool will be renamed and will be called after the change the *Community Management and Organization-Tool (CMO-T)
- The new Tool will be splitted up into new Segments of Player Organization
- Party Finder (Looking for Group)
- Troop Finder (WvW/Raids)
- Guild Finder (Looking for Guild)
- Trade Finder (WTB, WTS, WTT) I = Item, S = Service (Works as Neutral Side that shows both Players that that they have given their parts, before it allows the trade, to prevent Scamming, the Trading Post is all good and fine, but it shouldn’t be the only official way to trade with other players)
- Using the Tool allows you now also to see Search Entries, that come from different Servers and are shown with a Server Change icon, if joining the Search Entry requires of you to change your Server Map Instance to the one of the Search Starter and the Servers get merged to create more dense Player Population.
WvW gets changed from WvW to FvF (Faction versus Faction) as thats the only way, that makes it possible to merge Servers together, therefore we must get rid of the ton lots of different Servers and make out of the lots of single Servers a one and true Mega Server practically where not players of different Servers play against each other, but instead players of different Factions battle agaisnt each other.
Example: Lannguage Flagged Servers will get merged, in case of German Servers for example, this would be Drakkar Lake, Elona Reach, Riverside and Kodash. Lets call these kind of merged Servers then “Super Server”
Turning the language flagged Servers into merged Super Servers would make the player density in the game alot higher, but the consequence would be just ,that the old WvW System wouldn’t functionate anymore and would need to be redesigned to a faction based system as well with 3 Factions.
Changing it to Factions would also solve the eternal Player Population Problem for GW2’s WvW too. Just saying.
CMO-T Sub Segments
Based on the new Segments, each of them will provide different Sub Segments that allow players to search alot more specifically for something certain, so that the search entry doesn#t end up like now in a kind of junk bin where absolutely everythign gets mixed togethe,r but in fact lands in a sorted list of search entries from people, that share with you the same reason of searching, so that players will see in a much more overviewable way when theres someone, who searches for the same thing like you, without gettign spammed full with tons of other search entries that have absolutely 0,000 nothing to do with what you search for …
The one and only exception for that rule (because a General Search Segment is always needed somehow into what everything lands that is totally unspecific for the game) is the simple Party Finder Segment that would work basicaly just like the current Living World Segment where practically everythign unspecific gets shown to you for what people are searching and looking for other people.
Sub Segments of the Party Finder are then:
- Dungeons (Sorted by all specific Dungeons like now)
- Fractals of the Mist (Sorted by Fractal Level Segments like now)
- Guild Missions (Sorted by Mission Types)
- Farming & Events (Sorted after Map Regions (Scroll Bar!)
The Troop Finder Segment will have just two Sub Segments and is made for game Content specificly only that requires more than 5 Players, like Raids and WvW, that make usage of the new Troop UI for that Content
- Raids (Sorted after Raid Wings)
- WvW (Here you will find Search Entries from Commanders, the only persons that will be able to make Search Entries here!)
The Guild Finder Segment is specificly for players, that are searching for Guilds to join.
This Segment will have its complete own and different UI, that allows it guilds by alphabetically order and by guild preference (PvE, PvP,WvW, PvX) to be filtered, so that peopkle which are searching for a specific guild type are able to sortate everythign out of the result list, for that they aren’t searching. GuildLeaders/Officers on the other hand are able to create in that special segment of the tool "Guild Descriptions under a limited text size, maybe under a pregiven form, under which searchign players get ON ONE VIEW the most interestign infos of a Guild directly by:
- Name of Guild and Shortcut (Blah Blah Blub [BBB] )
- Guild Symbol
- Guild Hymn (hear it on click)
- Guild Size (Number of Active Members, (Active = People which log in practicall daily to 1x in a week)
- Guild Hall
- Guild Level
- Guild Type (PvE, PvP, WvW, PvX)
- Guild Description (Insert Guild Leader/Officer Text to give Guilds a space, where they can specificly tell people, why they should join them… or how they can join them, if they have some kind of requirements to join them)
- Recruitment Person(s) (those you should talk to to join the Guild you want to join)
Simply said, that segment should just help players to find easier guilds that fit to them, without having to hang out for that here in the forums or on other unofficial websites.
What be do here, can work also just simply in the game directly with the tool working as a kind of blackboard for all guilds, where searching people can always look at…
No more need for map chat spammers and their guiuld recruit paroles that they repeat non stop everywhere. Let the players just inform themselves and give them a game integrated tool that makes this possible!!
The Trade Finder Segment would work over this tool just like a different form of the Trading Post.
Instead of working like Ebay where players either outbit themself for the highest undirect buy price where the direct buy price is the only much more expensive solution to get something you want directly, the Trading Finder Segment works different (still with an added Gold Sink in form of a Tax to use this Service for a guaranteed safe player trade, but thats something to calculate with rather, than taking the risk of getting scammed.
How does it work? its pretty simple, because practically it works exactly like the Trading Post by making usage of the same principle, but just in a different way that doesn#t require to outbit themself like on Ebay to artificially create demand and supply.
The Trade Finder Segment brings back what GW1 already provided.
Simple Direct Trading with other players over Search Entries where you clearly say other peoples what you either want to buy, what you want either to sell, or what you want to trade with other people for something else (works only with non accountbound items naturally)
By using the Trade Finder, the Game lets you clearly define what kind of either Item or Service you provide.
If you want to buy or sell something, the game will let you clearly define for the Search Entry what you want to buy/sell and for exactly how much of money you want to do that.
WTB Wings of Dwayna for 400G
Once I’ve activated that Search Entry in the Trade Finder Segment, the Game wants me first to click on the item I want to buy out of a list of buyable items unter the Weapon Section, Sub Section Bows, Sub Section Rarity ect.
Once I’ve decided for the Trade Finder what I want to buy, I have to type into the Tool for how much money I want to buy it. In this case ive to type into a shown type field the number 400 and click then ok for listing the search entry up in the Trade Finder.
Now comes the seller of my wanted item. clicks on the search entry, has the item in his/her inventory and clicks on the button “Sell” of that Search Entry and confirms it by clicking next on the Confirmation Question Button “Yes”
The moment the seller does this, the person who created the Search Entry will receive a Mail, that someone else requests to activate the “Trade Center” with you.
The Trade Center is a special UI, that works as a Neutral Side which clearly shows both players that
A) The Buyer actually see the Seller putting the wanted Item into the Trade Center, where he/she can check that its the right item.
B) The Seller actually sees that the Buyer forks over exactly the wanted amount of Money, or in case of a trade the wanted Item.
After both have done that, item and item/money disappear from both sides first and move into the Trade Center.
Now both players have to confirm a final time, that they want to make that deal.
In case that one side is offline, the deal will become official the moment when both sides have confirmed it, in the meantime stays either the gold or the item in the neutral Trade Center. Should whyever become one side of the deal become inactive, then the deal will break automatically after 3 days if theres not earlier a response from the missing side to cinfirm the deal and the other side will automatically receive from the trade center back its money/item.
Only when both players confirm, that they want to make the deal, the trade happens.
Does one side negate the deal, then both sides instantly receive back what they put into the Trade Center before it came to the final confirmation of both sides.
Was a deal made between players successfully, then the Trade Center will charge in a little tax from the Search Entry Creator for using the “Service” that works as the gold sink that the Trading Post has also too.
In case of wanting to buy or sell a Service, the System will work differently, because there is nothing that the paying side will receive back instantly. Theres only always one side who receives Gold and one side, who has nothing in its hands.
So buy/selling Services is more riskful for getting scammed, thats why in case of selling Services, players will receive here a “Reputation”, where Buyers can give the Service Seller positive feedback or in case of getting scammed or bad service naturally also negative feedback, where it works out like in Ebay, where the Service Seller can then add if he/she wants to the feedback also personell comments.
For all this to see, service buyers will be able to click besides of the Search Entry in the Trade Finder Segment an icon to let a window pop up that lets you see the reputation of the Service Seller, so that you as a potential buyer can see, if you have there someone experienced for example with thousands of positive feedbacks whom you can trust that he sells his service professionally, or if you see someone with lots of negative feedbacks, whom you rather should not pay for their “Services” when the result will most likely be either disappointing or in the worst case a scam that should result under a report into that players banning.
A reputation system also works perfectly as a visual preemptive system against scamming, because people then can quickly simply see, whom they can trust and whom not.
However, feedbacks can be only given out by buyers, when a deal was accepted by the Service Seller and the Service Seller actualyl received naturalyl the wanted money from the buyer. The feedback then can be given within a certain time limit and the comment option exists therefore to work against reputation maniplation, so that Service Sellers can comment on it, when someone tries to destroy a Service Sellers reputation by giving willingly them negative feedback without writing even something or writing down willingly lies
What do you think of this?
Or am I the only one here, who believes, this game needs a much better Search and Organization Tool and a different Server/WvW System by now????
As said several times, all Adventures need to get asap instanced…
Theres absolutely none of there, where it would be by design impossible to make out of an instance.
Best example that they can make instanced minigames are for example Haymire Punch O Matic and the Scrap Rifle Field Test Adventure, both which are instanced adventures where you get placed in your own instance the moment you start playing them
I see absolutely no reason, why this can#t be done also too with all of the other adventures…
10 MM Necros with Minion Army Build surely would be a hell alot of fun
On a more serious not:
My Group would go rather this way out:
1 Thief/Daredavil for Group Stealth, On Demand Might Stacking through Fields, On Domand CC Burst
1 Elementalist/Tempest for AoE DPS, Condi Damage, Heal Support, Elemental Weapons for Burst DPS through Frostbow and Fiery Greatsword
1 Engineer/Scrapper for Condi Damage/ Heal/Boon Support
1 Herald for Condi Damage/ Boon Support
2 Chronomancers for Timewarp, Alacrity, Condition Damage, Group Stealth
1 Druid for Range DPS/ Healing
1 Warrior/Berserker for DPS and Banners
1 Guardian for Tanking, Condi Cleanse, Might Stacking
1 Necro/reaper for DPS, Condition Control, CC Support
I set more on a balanced troop that will make profit from the synergy of having from basically having each class with you.
This paired with practically constant quickness and alacrity from 2 Chronomancers will be I think work out very good.
The ten people should be also able to play multiple builds so that the group can be together outside of combat as versatile as possible to be adept to adept their shared group build to the most optimal demanded gameplay build to overcome via group synergy anything that raids will throw at us.
I’m pretty sure, that raids in gw2 will be designed afte it anyways, that pretty mucgh with any group combination you can be successful and that no class will be useless there, so that you will get most likely with a balanced build the best results with the help of the synergies from all classes together, what is something, that is only for the first tiem now possible to play out in a PvE setting thats not a mass word boss battle in raids, where we have have groups large enough to have every class with you, but small enoiugh, that battles aren’t just mass battles where every player skill becomes from a certain point on irrelevant, when just the mass can dps enemies down in no time
We’ll see it tommorrow, when lots of groups will storm in for the first time into the Spirit Vale
(edited by Orpheal.8263)
Claw = Charr
Cube = Asura
Plant = Sylvari
Ebonhawk = Humans
Knot = Norn
White Flag = Guild Flag
Leaves one, that I have overseen
Gear = ?
From everything possible that could be relative to a Gear Symbol, I can think only of one of the lesser races – the Dredge..but nah, I absolutely can’t and don#t want to think of them ever becoming a playable race.. they look all the same.. they are borign as hell, sound all the same, are in practically our enemies..woudl make absolutely no sense.
So I hope, if theres somethign behind this really, that it will be a completely NEW playable race, somethign that we haven’t ever seen before..
Form any so far known races that I ever would want to see become playable, are only the Tengu and after a redesign the Largos.
Anythign else absolutely doesn’t fit to the game in my opinion.
But nothign of them would fit to that Gear Symbol >.>
PS: It would fit, if the Gear would be Humans, and that Wing Symbol is then for the Tengu <3
Snipers don’t need to get nerfed really. What really needs to get nerfed are their much more faster and mobile counterparts, the stalkers, which use caithes whirling attack with that they can evade all of your attacks, while dishing out also super fast obnoxious high damage…
These enemies as elite/champs can litterally annihilate you in a matter of seconds.
Their damage output absolutely needs to get reduced.
Also the super annoying ranged homing in torment attack of that other mordrme enemy needs to get nerfed as it seems to hit you/home into you even while you are stealthed and for its low 3 stacks it does way tooo much condition damage while you are standing still and naturallywa more so when you are moving and in HoT you need to stay constantly in move, if you don#t want to get crushed by the hammer wieldign mordrem or just stand in the attack lines from the snipers.
I also absoliutely don’t know, what happened about the talked about Mastery that should make us able to deal more damage against mordrem, because mordrem would be lesser of a deal, when you can kill them quicker.
But I guess, thats mybe teachigns of the exhalted tier 6, thats missing, which I hope gets added when they add the raids…
I had already directly from the start on a feeling, that Anet is wantingly holding back some mastery tiers for later, as that would explain why not all of them have 6 tiers and some of them only 5 or in case of legendary crafting only 4, because Anet yet hasn#t introduced all of the new maguuma legendaries, so that it would make sense to hold back therefore tier 5 and tier 6, as to craft the central tyrian legendaries, therefore are 3 tiers required… would make only sense that tier 4 to 6 are then required for the maguuma legendaries.
And I lay my hand into fire, if pact commander 6 hasn#t to do anythign with raids or somethign else for the future planned…
Theres also more central tyria mastery points, than you need to max out everythign. So im pretty sure there will come more in the future to brign these two masteries also to tier 6.
1) You need to get the Mastery for Speed mushroom, they are absolutely mandatory for Gold, otgherwise you’re slow like a snail
2) Always use Skill 1 whenever possible, as it boosts you forward with a jump that lets you cross also some gaps
3) Practise the usage of Skill 2 and use the Spore Jump to get quicker to places, where you would normally have to do multiple slow jumps, like that spot after running down the mushroom staircase, use there Skill 2 to jump up the follow up mushroom staircase so that you don need there tpo make all the little jumps that cost alot of time
4) Near the end of the track, don’t run the big curve to the goal, just use skill 2 to cross the big gap directly to the goal, which saves you approx 10 seconds and is the absolute must do to get gold at all and that in most cases only with like 1-2 seconds spare
5) Speed mushrooms are that important, because udner their effect you can directly run through the water passages, without gettign slowed down, so that you can use on the long trail simply skill 1 to rush through the passage.
6) Be cautious at the cave, don’t get hot by the rocks, hit by rock = you can instantly revert your run and go back to start
In the end its all practice, practice, practice.
it will take definetely veryone some runs to get used with the skills, especially the some times buggign out skill 2’s spore jump, and gettign used at it where and how you have to use best skill 2 to perform good jumps that save you the needed time so that you can land with the final spore jump just right in time at the goal line.
its a very unforgiving adventure, like sadly to many others also too, but thank goodness not impossible, like haymire punch o matic…
Alot of these adventures need to get nerfed, some need to be made harder and the one tiem mastery point rewards need to be moved from Silver/Gold to Bronze/Silver.
Getting gold needs to become on most of the way too unforgiving adventures slightly easier, so that there is after gold alot more room for competition for those people, which like totry to be first place on them.
But absolutely none of the adventures should lock out anyone from mastery points/achievements.
When ypou can get gold on a perfect run with only like ridiculous 1-2 spare seconds, this clearly shows how massively unbalanced these kind of adventures are, because with just only a laughable 1-2 seconds spare time, there is absolutely NO ROOM at all for any competition to try to become better than someone else.
You will have in the end only a bunch of players which pra tically share all the same place, because 99% is just only able to do it with the exact same time or exact same number of things you need to collect within the given time.
More room would be given to most of the adventures simply by increasign the TIME, because so more time people have to finish the job, so more room is there for skilled players to get the job much faster done, than required and so easier is it for the adventiure to give competion the required room to give people the needed incentive to try competively to be faster than the currently first placed person, when there would be just more room for that, than just silly 1-2 seconds.
For example the Floor is Lava Adventure would be alot more balanced out, if the timer would give us simply just 15 seconds more time, then the adventure would have alot nmore room for the very skilled competitive players, while the casual players and all those, that don’t like platforming/jumping games would have it slightly easier to get to gold without needign to have to perform a godlike perfect mistakeless run to get in time all the needed 25 spore jumps
15 seconds woudl give shooting gallery skilled players more room for competion and surely would make the adventure alot more doable.
For haymire there they eithe need to increase the time, reduce the required ridiculous high number of 230 or significantly increase the amount of chak in there, so that its easier to amass quickly alot of kills in the given time to be able to reach the 230 in lauchable 2 minutes!! what means you would need to kill nearly every second 2 Chaks, whats in this adventure with its poor designed golem skills simply not possible, because whyever, every golem attack deals like ridiculous 150000+ damage, but you still need like 2 attacks to kill a chak there, where every attack should be instant kill and i hope that the attacks dont instant kill is a BUG, because that would explain then also ,why nobody is able to gold this, becaiuse needing to hit a chakl there 2x to kill it takes just too much time, even if you plow there through like a madman spammign skill 2…..what barely is able at all to just give you only silver in barely the given time.
I want to warn here everybody not to fall for those new Scammer Ingame Mails that people might find these days in their Mail Areas written by some cheap “Wannabe GMs” that try to lure you into their ill traps by letting you go to some stupid most likely virus infected phishing sites or so, which are clearly shown to everybody down below, that these Mails don’t come from any official Developer or general Anet employee like a GM.
These new scamming tries are based now on the information text (this shows that these scammers are reading at least partwise the forums here to get on this kind of information, but however always combine it with their ridiculous RMT reasons to create “pressure” that you follow the link…), that Anet currently is shutting down accounts temporarely from peoples that are affected by the Map Completion Reward Bug, which in fact is most likely something that will be fixed with the next patch.
(However, in regard of finding out where this Bug comes from it seems Anet must have had to temporarely lock your accoutn down..more about this in the “Banned? Thread” in which Gaile has written also something about this…)
This is an exacpt copy (minus names and hyperlinks) that you will see in these scamming mails, so if you find something like this in your Mails, then:
1) Report the Fake GM by pressing on the Attention Mark Symbol below and report for Scamming
2) Don’t answer these sick people and instantly delete the Mail.
Heres the Text you have to look out for:
We are sorry to inform you that your login account (insert Login Name.xxxx) will be shut down partially limited within 72 hours due to real world money (RMT) buy for item or abnormal login. If you want to remove the restrictions, please click the following link
(insert nonsensical BS virus infected link that no one ever with a brain in a head should ever follow)
Please keep in mind that Guild Wars 2 is a global game with hundreds of thousands of players. This means that stands of behavious must be uphelp
(Insert Fake GM name)
The last part makes me always laugh out loud hard when I see it (cause its some kind of sentence, that this scammer net holds on and writes into their scamming mails always at the end as if it would make their scamming tries look more serious as if it would be really a mail from a GM)
The fact is – no one ever at Anet would write to you something nonsensical like this, nor will they ever please you to follow ever a random hyperlink that absolutely has nothing to do with them and totally obviously is a fake site just on first look.
The only way to get rid of this problem is only by a political solution reachable.
These dumb scamming websites must get finally banned completely from the internet so that these sites get removed/deleted completely from the internet and people which create such sites need to land in jail by international law…. for mass fraud.
As long politics internationally doesn’t do something agaisnt this, we will always see these kind of scamming mails in games like GW2, because ANet can’t do somethign agaisnt that, other than just banning the player accouts but for every banned scammer account, get two new created practically, so its a never ending story, because nobody does somethign agaisnt the root problem, what are the scammer’s internet sites to which they try to lure as many people as possible too which seem to get not touched at to stop these peopel from doign what they do from there..
All old stuff 5 races and in this case flag 6 is the GUILD FLAG /face palm..
People and overreacting so quickly these days, thinking that everythign they see is something new
The Pact Flag has a different symbol
its this one
I think they made it alot better,
Fractals are now alot more quicker and faster accessible, due to not beign forced anymore to have to complete 3+1 bonus fractal after anyother to get it done, but now each fractal is just 1 small instance and once your done with it, your done and can continue onto the next one of the next fractal level… making it alot better to progress on your Fractal Level without wastign so much time on unnneccessary fractals which you might have played already countless of times.
It makes it possible and more accessible for newer palyers to reach quicker the higher fractal levels to participate with guildies and friends on them on the same fractal levels without that guildies/friends have to wait too long,uintil their pals can play the same fractal levels with them due top players now beign able to progress faster in the fractal levels and having not to do each time 4 fractals just for a fractal level up, but now just only 1 is enough.
the system has been improved, because Fractals are now not random anymore, each Fractal level from 1 to 100 is now assigned to a ver specific Fractal.
When you do for example Fractal lvl 20, you always know, that you will land in the boss fractal agaisnt the Jade Kraken, while for example Fractal Level 21 will always bring you to the colossos fractal with that boss where you need to hit the seal to free the colossos.
This way when you plan on doign a specific fractal for exampel for going for achievements, you know exactly which fractal levels will deliver for you the needed fractal to work on the achievements.
You don’t need to enter, go back and reenter permanently fractals anymore, until you finalyl get that stupid fractal that you want!!
Now you just need to know, which fractal levels provide the fractal that you want!!
Also they improved alot the access to the Fractal Weapon Skins, making them for all alot more accessible and lesser of an idiotic mind numbing grind.
They significantly improved the rated in which you get infusions, making it easier to ramp up your needed AR and rebalanced the AR system much better, to make fractals again more accessible for new as liek veteran players, which so far didn’t minnded to play ever Fractals due to the stupid AR gating beign too unbalanced for many people.
Where I would have been completely unable to play a lvl 50 Fractal before HoT, I can now play a level 50 fractal with my AR of 65, simply due to Anet having rebalanced the AR better and makign this way fractals of the mist alot more accessible for many people which didn’t cared much about fractals, due to the ridiculous AR grind you had to go through first to be able to play it even effectively without havign to fear, that every stupid fart in a fractal could potentially 1 hit kill you due to too less AR…
Now the new max is 150 and we can go for fractal level 100. I absolutely thinkl the changes improved in every point frasctals, plus fractals are now far far more rewarding in regard of makign gold, than they were before, therefore that they nerfed down dungeon rewards and I find myself making even in fractals now significantly more gold, than from doing pre Hot dungeon runs and that much faster than normal dungeon path runs from selling all the stuff I get from fractal runs and opening fractal chests with fractal chivres where you have the chance to get junk loot thats worth between 10 silver to 1 gold, which is the reason, why they are inself self also very valuable and you get much fadster those chestes, than you get chivres to open them, so you have always far more of them left over, than you need, so that you can sell them also for alot of gold together quickly as the chests themself are simply click bait for Tp flippers that like to make with them money, while the constant sellign of them easily flips alot olf gold from one player to another while the game has another good tp gold sink more
i brign it up, because that sword design is actually part of the birthday finisher you receive as 3rd birthday..
So why should they add this as a 4th year birthday gift is beyond me, when that design was already part of the 3rd year birthday and should in my opinion due to this be either also part of that retroactively, or a gemstore sword.
However, puttign it as 4th year birthday gift would give them naturally an easy option for next year instead of having to brainstorm over something new and different
I don’t care if they put it in as BLT stuff for gems.. I just need to have this as ingame sword skin. <3
But better owuld it be naturally for everyone, if they could make it just retroacrtively a birthday present for 3 year old characters as part of the birthday gift, so that we don’t strike our enemies with it as a Finisher, but also with it with actually our equipped weapon ^^
Shouldt be big effort to implement it, because the skin is already there, its just reusing textures ect. what is already there and puttign it intobthe game as sword skin for our equippable sword weapons so that we can actualyl also wield this nice looking sword ingame self ^^
Now it is only onto us to show anet that the community wants this also too (and not only me ^^) to let them see, that theres a big demand behind this and chances should become better, that it actually gets implemented (and when it is just only as gemstore item, I don’t care)
The Infusion System is in my hunble opinion absolutely one, that needs a complete overhaul and redesign, as it was implemented already from the ground up as somethign totally incomplete and not well thought out with the sole intention of being only a gold sink but not as something, that works functionally very well without ending up as a super grind for all players that makes all your choices obsolete, once you want to play with infusions in different game modes….
For PvE/WvW you want the Infusions, that give you better Stats
If this is too expensive for you for at least WvW or if you are a pure WvW Player, then you want those Infusions, that give you better offense or defense agaisnt NPC enemies at least.
For Fractals only in PvE so far you want to have the Agony Resitance.
The problem right from the start of the infusion System was, why I find that this system was right from its start total garbage and not well thought out is, that you have absolutely no way in this system to work on it to just get into your equipment ALL THE POSITIVE EFFECTS that you want, without that the different effects negate themself.
So I propose this following Redesign to the Infusion System:
Maximum amount of AR needed to complete Fractal Level 100 stays at AR150
Characters can have maximum 11 Items with AR Slots.
New Maximum AR a Infusion can reach is now 14 = 14*11 = 154.
However, Equipment receives now options to get inherent AR, so that you can reach 150AR also earlier without eleven 14AR Infusions, so that you can get free space for other new Support Infusions.
The equipment won’t get differentiated anymore in between offensive, defensive, support infusion slots and senslesss omni infusions.
This makes it also possible to remove tons of obsolete clone accessoires with exactly the same stats, but just the difference being the slot type for the infusion.
All clone accessoires, that had earlier the same stats stay like they are, just this totally unneccessary differentiation between infusion slots gets removed.
How should Equipment receive inherent AR?
By infusing equipment through the Mystic Forge
- Ascended/Legendary Equipment*
- Infusion Converter
- Infusion Orb
- Augur Stones
Put these 4 things together, and your Ascended Equipment that you put into theForge will receive +5 inherent AR.
So with 11 Equipments counting (as Aquabreathers just replace the Headgear and don’t count as 12th Equipment), this means, we can get inherent 55 AR
55/14 = roughly 4 Infusion Slots you can free up then for Support Infusions.
Now comes the big change on the Infusion System.
Infusion Types don’t work now anymore as own Upgrades, that take away the Slot Space for the other Infusion Types that are needed for other Game Modes.
Infusions work under my proposal as Equipment Effect Unlocks, which automatically exchange themself out the moment you change the game mode you play.
This includes also inherent Equipment Boni you receive from infusing Equipment.
A full example of how this will work out:
1) Player receives an Ascended Chest Piece Armor through crafting. It starts out just with its slightly better Stats than Exotic Gear and has yet no inherent Bonus Effects unlocked, nor any fused Infusions attached to it, so no Infusion Slots
2= Player puts the ascended Chest Armor with an Infusion Converter, an Infusion Orb and and Augur Stones into the Mystic Forge to infuse the Equipment, so that it gets its inherent Bonus Effect unlocked. What kind of Bonus Effect you unlock, is reliant on what kind of Infusion Orb and what kind of Infusion Converter you put into the forge and how many Augur Stones you put into it.
3) After infusing your Equipment for the first time, it will unlock 1 of maximum 3 Infusion Slots Ascended/LegendaryEquipment can have.
4) Lets say we made by now everythign to max out our AR through Equipment Infusion, then we have now an inherent 55 AR, and need 95AR more to max out our AR to be able to survive FL100 and complete it.
As Point 3 mentions it, everytime we infuse Equipment, it receives 1 Infusion Slot.
So Equipment that got 3x infused, has 3 Infusion Slots. Means, we can have a total of 33 Slots, if we infuse all 11 Equipments (as a side mention, Weapons won’t be infuseable anymore, players who put infusions into them will receive them just back)
These 33 Slots, are divided through 3 Game Modes.
11 Slots for PvE
11 Slots for WvW
11 Slots for PvP.
So to get the needed 95AR more to max out AR for Fractals, you need to put into 10 of those at least a +9 Infusion and in 1 of it a +5 Infusion, or you put into 6 of them a +14 Infusion and into a 7 a +11 one, leaving you as said with 4 free Slots for PvE related Support Infusions.
5) The same thing counts then so for WvW and for PvP, just that WvW and PvP don’t work with AR, but with other values.
WvW works with “Battle Presence”. Maximum BP is here also 150.
So higher your Battle Presence is, so more WExp do you earn. +3,334%WExp per BP.
Means for example with 150BP doing successfully a Keep Flip that usually gives 1000 WEXp will give you then 5000 WExp ending up in a guaranteed Rank Up. for you.
PvP will work therefore instead with Reward Track Bonus, so if you have 150 RTB, you earn 5x more points towards your chosen PvP Reward Track, than someone with not such equipment.
6) What kind of Support Infusions will this proposed System provide?
In PvE we already know them. We have there Support infusions, which increase eather the gained Exp from Enemy Kills by 20%, we have the Infusion that increases gained Karma from Events, we have the Infusion that increases gained Money from Enemy Kills. And new will be now under this System as Support Infusions those ,which increase the Stats of our Character or add other benefitial Side Effects based on which Rune Set we use or which Sigils we use. So called Stat/Effect Expander Infusions.
In WvW we will see therefore Support Infusions for example, that make you repair more effectively or that let you revive more effectively NPCs or expand your WvW Traits and enable you to use Class Specific WvW Traits
In PvP the Support Infusions enable you to gain also Karma/Gold from Player Kills or to unlock access to some otherwise not getable PvP Reward Tracks. And theres for PvP a Support Infusion, that gives you acces to the feature to unlock randomly not yet unlocked Skins for your Wardrobe(Gemstore Stuff not included) for your account whenever you complete a PvP Reward Track, so with that infusion in your euipment, your PvP character becomes for you the way to get slowly, but surely all the skins you want for your account..but you have to battle for it… instead of grinding thousands of thousands of gold in PvE to get what you want from TP or so …or hope on RNGeesus to get a lucky drop. This kind of gameplay already existed in GW2 in a similar way, when AP chests had in the past the feature of unlocking randomly for your account skins… this needs to return and PvP Support Infusions I think are the best option for that.
List of Support Infusions PvE/(partwise also WvW):
- Gilded Infusion = Increases Gold from Monsters +20%
- Karmic Infusion = Increases Karma from Events +15%
- Experienced Infusion = Increases gained Exp from Kills +20%
- Magical Infusion = Increases Magic Find +20%
- Strengh Infusion = Increases your Power by 1%
- Health Infusion = Increases your Vitality by 1%
- Defense Infusion = Increases your Toughness by 1%
- Sight Infusion = Increases your Precision by 1%
- Mentality Infusion = Increases your Concentration by 1%
- Wisdom Infusion = Increases your Expertise by 1%
- Malign Infusion = Increases your Condition Damage by 1%
- Sigil Expander Infusion = Adds a special Bonus Effect to your used Sigils.
- Rune Expander Infusion = Adds a special 7th Bonus Effect if you use a complete Rune Set
- Guild PvE/WvW Infusion = Gain 1 more Guild Commendation when you do successfully PvE/WvW Guild Missions
These Infusions come now all with Rarity Tiers ranging from Fine to Legendary.
the Listed Effects are all from Fine Versions.
Masterwork for example raises Stats by +2%
Rare then by +3%
Exotic by +4%
Ascended/Legendary +5% and used Legendary Support Infusions unlock for you one of up to 4 different new Skill Skin Sets which will change how your Utility Skills will look like, for example a Necromancer using legendary Support Infusions can unlock this way Skill Skins that let their Minions look different.
List of Spport Infusions for WvW unique:
- Attack Infusion = Deal 1% increased Damage agaisnt WvW NPCs
- Resistance Infusion = Receive 1% lesser Damage from WvW NPCs
- Carrier Infusion = Raises your maximum Weight of Supply you can carry by +1
- Experienced WvW-Infusion = Raises WExp from WvW Kills by 20%
In case of them, increases the rarity also the effectiveness in case of the+1% infusiuons on ascended rarity to a maximum of +5%
The Carrier Infusion also inceases to a maximum of +5, enabling you with for example 4 of them to have +20 more Supply maximum with you, so a player who goes for this, can become able to completely build up for example a Siege Weapon like a Ram or a Catapult by themself alone or is able to use multiple traps, before they run out of supply to prepare and lay quicker on the ground some kind of mine field.
In regard of the WExp infusion named here, each rarity increases the gained WExp by +7,5%, so with a Ascended Experienced WExp-Infusin alone you could increase your on kill Wexp by +50%. With four of them you’d directly get +200% making killing quickly alot of enemies so much more rewarding for you.
List of Support Infusions for PvP
- Gilded PvP Infusion = Gain now from PvP Player Kills Gold (1 Silver)
- Karmic PvP Infusion = Gain now from PvP Player Kills Karma (500 Karma)
- Guild PvP Infusion = Gain +1 Guild Commendations more when doing successfully PvP Guild Missions
- PvP Sigil Expander Infusion = Adds a special PvP balanced effect on your used Sigils
- PvP Rune Expander Infusion = Adds a special 7th PvP balanced effect on your used Rune Set.
- PvP Tracker Infusion = Unlocks Access to a new PvP Reward Track (one time useable only)
- Elite PvP Tracker Infusion = Unlocks Access to a new PvP Reward Track (one time useable only)
- Fashion Infusion = Enables you to unlock randomly not yet unlocked Skins for your Account that isn’t part of the Skins you can unlock with any other Reward Track whenever you complete a PvP Reward Track (onetime useable only
PvP Infusions are different, the one tiem useable ones exist only as ascended rarity, while only the Gilded/karmic PvP Infusions exist as fine to legendary infusions.
In regard of the rarity and the expander infusiion,s doe the rarity affect the efficiency of the added new effect.
PvP Infusions have to be unlocked step by step through paying Gold and that new pvP currency, that is now also part of craftign legendaries.
All Infusions, regardless of which Game Mode Type can be attacked to one and the same Equipment, but in order to unlock the needed Slots for the infusions, players need either to play first PvE and unlock the slots through Equipment Infusion, or players have to pay in WvW larger amounts of Badges of Honor to a WvW Smith at the Mystic Forge to that he upgrades your Equipment or PvP Players have to pay some Gold and that new pvp currency to let the PvP smith at the mystic forge upgrade their equipment to add new Slots.
The difference here is only. only the WvW/PVP smiths allow players to unlock Slots for any game Mode of choice.
When you throw your stuff onto the PvE Mystic Forge to Zomorros, there you will always unlock first the PvE related slots..
So if a player puts the effort into it, a player can work on equipoment getting together 33 slots, so that the player can have for that character for all game modes at the same time a the fittign effects active, without that the player needs to have multiple different equipment sets for each game mode …but instead just 1 equipment set, that can have together enough slots for all 3 different modes together, so that the game then just needs to decide based on which mode you actually play, which of the slots need to be active at the moment and which not !!
Seriously no one else here, who would like to have this awesome skin actually also as a useable sword skin ???
This cant be !!
Anet has already clearly stated, that Elite Specializations will be the way to go for the game ’s future in regard of Character Progression alongside the Mastery System and that we will see in the future more Elite Specializations…
To take just into question that if we will more E-Specs in the future is just nonsensical, because anet surel hasn’t made all this work to introduce that new progression system just to give then all classes only 1 E Spec and stop this system then instantly again…
Makes no sense, right? Right!
So its naturally clear, that more of them will come in the future. So it is absolutely not a question about “if”, but actually a question about “when” we get more Elite Specializations probably each time with upcoming new Add Ons whenver we have to beat the next Elder Dragon (4 left, so most likely 4 Expansions to come with 4 more Elite Specializations per Class, for a total of 5 Elite Specializations per Class, what was kind of my proposed maximum number back in the Progression CDI in the past, would make the most sense and gives the Devs also enough time to integrate each of them over tiem balance wise, before a next set gets implemented.)
Based on the ideal number of 5 Elite Specializations per Class, I hope once we reach the end, that it will look like this then:
- Daredevil (Staff) = Basically ANets Version of a Ninja without calling it a Ninja due to lore reasons
- Infiltrator (Longbow) = Silent Stealthy Long Range Sniper
- Rogue (Mace/Offhand Sword = High Mobile Shadow Stalker/Disarmer
- Saboteur (Torch) = Condition Spreader and Interrupter
- Ascetic (Gauntlets) Martial Artist Counter Attacker that sets the Initiative System on a next level and would be what is basically a Ninja to Daredevil in this case a Monk to Ascetic kind of version.
- Berserker (Torch) = Conditioner/ Adrenaline Mode Expander
- Legionnaire (Long Shield) = Chaos Legion Style tactical Minion Warrior commanding offfensive/defensive mode Legions that follow them everywhere
- Cavalier (Halberd) = Mounted Knights that uses Mounts as Pets, so as integrated Class Mechanic > Cavalier to Knight without havign to call it Knight (see Mordrem Cavaliers)
- Marauder (Dagger) = Pressure Maker through Enemys Class Mechanic/Elite Skill Depression
- Executioner (Greataxe) = High DPS Cleaver/ Minion Remover
- Druid (Staff) = Full Healer/Supporter
- Skirmisher (Halberd) = Agile version of a classical Strider with a mixture of Dragon Dogma Gameplay
- Beastlord (Whip) = Multiple Pet Controler/ CCer
- Shaman (Scepter/Focus) The much more and much stronger designed version of a Nature Mage people guessed Druid would become and got disappointed with that shapeshifts itself into Primal Beasts…
- Trapper (Rifle) The kind of anets version of a Hunter to Trapper to give the game a classical hunter, without called it hunter where it would fit the most, ..but oh wait … DH, scrap this
- Scout (Rifle) = Defensive Supporter/ Anti Stealther/ Enemy Analizer/Weakener
- Tempest (Warhorn) = Class Mechanic Expander
- Arcanist (Sword) = PbAoE Melee DPSer/ Front Healer/Supporter
- Summoner (Whip) Elemental Avatar Shapeshifter/ Elemental Beast Summoner (brief said, Minion Specialization)
- Mystic (Gauntlets) Environment Terraformer/ Forbidden Spells (Mystic Arts)and Seals
- Tracer (Shortbow/Pistols) Magical Archer/Gunner whose shots never miss
- Reaper (Greatsword) = Melee DPS Cleaver /CCer
- Occultist (Torch) = New form of the Ritualist as Minion Specialization able to summon now besides of Undeads also Ghosts and Demons from the Mists
- Torturer (Whip) = Boon/Heal Controler Specialization/ Life Leecher
- Witcher (Swords) = Condition Melee with the return of Hexes
- Fodderer (Mace) = Dark Corpse Thieves that become stronger when death is around them
- Scrapper (Hammer) = Melee DPS/CCer = Anets version of a Junk Smith
- Alchemist (Axe) = Condition Melee/Supporter
- Inventor (Long Shield) Hybrid Range Defender
- Technomancer (Staff) Offensive AoE Supporter that combines pact technology with ley ethereal leyline magic
- Explorer (Torch) = no clues yet for its role, just think it fists best for the last spot in regard of possible options.
- Chronomancer (Shield) = Boon Supporter/CCer
- Minstrel (Warhorn) = Crowd Buffer/Debuffer
- Mentalist (Mace) = Direct DPSer/Boon Control using Mind Powers like Telepathy, Telekinesis ect.
- Visionary (Gauntlets) = CC Defense/healer
- Dominator (Whip) = Debuffer/CC
- Dragonhunter (Longbow) = Range DPS/ Trapper (CC)
- Inquisitor (Halberd) = Minion Control/ Condition Control
- Warden (Greataxe) Defensive Mobile Direct DPS
- Seeker (Rifle) = Range CC/Boon Control
- Cleric (Warhorn) Full Healer/Support
- Herold (Shield) = Boon Supporter
- Paladin (Longshield) Tank/CC Defense
- Paragon (Halberd) = Cleave DPS/ Passive Expander
- Archon (Focus) = no clues, but I think it just fits there
- Gunslinger (Pistols) Semi Range CCer/Boon Controler
Today my Main Character become 3 years old and I saw what the unique Birthday finisher is…
It hit me directly like like a truck, that it is an absolute must that I think, every character who becomes 3 years old should not get that Birthday Finisher, but also the awesome looking shining sword that pierce through our enemies as we finish them off actually as a SWORD SKIN for our weapons
Its such a beautiful looking 1h golden shining sword of light that I absolutely need to have (for my Main Character, but especialyl also for my FSN Cosplay Saber, as its by far a superior looking weapon when it comes to sword skins that look similar like FSN’s Excalibur with the second best option being Infinite Light so far imo, but this design just tops it absolutely
SO please, the skin is already there, its absolutely no big deal of effort or any kind of huge work for you Anet.
But just implement that sword design also as Sword Skin for 3 year old Characters as Birthday Present.
Played now all Adventures, made like 40% of them now Gold, all others Silver and must say.. some are absolutely too hard to the point of absolutely ungodly impossible (Haywire Punch o Matic!! No clues how some got there to 193 or so, I hardly got yesterday just Silver in time wehich is 150 and Gold requires 230 killed Chak, where you can’t kill them with 1 hit, despite dealing ridiculous high damage with the Golem with each hit, what is totally senseless. Chaks in that adventure should all die on 1 hit, then it woudl be alot more likely to reach 230 kills in time..but maybe thats a Bug and its intended that they die on hit and the bug lets cause the killing blow first on 2nd hit???) to make Gold at all or are so super kitten unforgiving, that the slightest tiny bit of LAG in the game or a miscroscopic tiny mistake on the run causes you already to never see Gold at all, because you will always be too slow, or you need to rely on beign so super lucky, that RNGeesus loves you and gets you certain things so in the right order, that you don’t absurdly lose so much time, that you instantly can forget it to gold an Adventure… while on the other hand, certain other ones are too easy.
However, my first point of criticism is Accessibility of the Adventures!!
Yes, you changed some, but its absolutely a NO GO still, that Adventures get locked out from play completely due to the horrible Event Design of the Maps that make them not accessible, if players don’t do the Events.. and if you are alone on an nearly empty Map, you will never get to see certain Adventures being unlocked for play..
All adventures need to become INSTANCES. The Haywire Punch of Matic Adventure clearly shows, that they can do that!! So stop with the excuses Anet in regard of Map Event Design!
The next point of cricitism and also part of Adventure balance is the Reward System behind of them.
Mastery Points shouldn’t be giving out for Silver and Gold.
They should be given out for BRONZE AND SILVER. Mastery Points shouldn’t be locked behind Gold Adventure Results.
Gold needs to be the rewarding tier that rewards you with something map related USEFUL DAILY and that is also with a bit of training also achieveable by the casual gamer, while providing after that point enough BACK END SPACE for the people that like competion and challenge for some useful daily Extra Rewards.
This is how I think all of the Adventures should get changed in regard of Accessibility, Balance and Rewards:
Tendril Torchers
Daytime: Always Accessible
Nighttime: Puts you into a Daytime Map Instance
Bronze = No torched Tendrils required. Get it for playing it simply regardless of how many tendrils you torched.
Gives no Exp reward anymore, First Time Played = First Time Reward: 1 Mastery Point
Silver = 60 torched Tendrils required. Gives you daily after the First time reward of 1 Mastery Point then 20000 Exp and 5 units of the VB Currency
Gold = 90 torched Tendrils required. Gives you as First Time Reward a big Boost in the VB Currency and 2 Gold. Then daily 30000 Exp, 25 units of VB Currency and 25 Silver
The space from 90 to 110+ is the the space for competion for those that like the challenge to try to do the Adventure the best.
The Top 3 Persons who have done Adventures the best at the end of the day earn as Special Reward a Black Lion Key, 1-5 Mystic Clovers based on rank and starts gaining 1-3 Points based on rank towards a new Achievement that rewards the player when finishing it to obtain a unique new Title and a unique Glider Skin that is only this way obtainable, when completign that Achievement that has multiple ranks and provides on tope some good AP on each rank – +25AP per first 4 Ranks. 50AP on last Rank 5
And in a similar way should be rebalanced all other Adventures too.
Bronze should be on all Adventures just the beginner friendly reward for playing the Adventure the first time to reward players for finding and playing them the first time.
Silver and Gold need at the too hard Adventures to get reduced, while the too simple ones shoulg get slightly increased, while still Gold should have at the end enough space for the challening competition that likes to try to do the adventures the best for some extra rewards and the chance to gain points for a unique Glider/Title and some good AP, while in general the daily Exp Rewards should get slightly increased for Silver/Gold, thefore that Bronze provides no Exp anymore either on first time as also not daily anymore
With 15 Adventures currently in the game, 45 players maximum have daily a 1 in 15 chance to obtain per Adventure 1-3 points towards that new Achievement that should reward people that like the challenge to be the best adventure performers that rank place 1 at the end of a day with some extra rewards, that might or might not change from adventure to adventure.
This way its Win/Win for everyone.
Casual Players and those that don’t care for the challenge of being number 1 on the daily leaderboards of the adventures aren’t locked out from the Mastery points anymore and everyone can play adventures, whnever they want, while Competiotion Seekers and those that like the challenge of being the daily leaderboard’s best adventure performer get rewarded with something unique that not many players will have later, while its just something visual naturaly, that provides no player advantages or locks you out from character progression, which is why it is so more important, that the First time Mastery Points are all an absolute must to be setted on Bronze and Silver!!
The Skill design is just terrible, thats all.
The Adventure would make alot more fun, if the adventure would provide better working designed skilsl for that kind of Run, so that it also doesn’t require you to have Masteries to be able to gold it at all, but just requires Player Skill of using the right skilsl at the right time rightfully.
I’ve made gold on this after countless of tries the old way, but for me the adventure would make much more fun to the point, that i’d do it more oftenly, if the Mushroom SKilsl would work liek this:
Skill 1 = Dash > Performs a little dash forward in which you are invulnerable to CC
Skill 2 = Spore Jump > Perform a Ground Target Skill where you don’t need to press the second time to choose the ground target, but instead where on first press you already choose the ground target and second press is execution, letting it work like Infiltrators Arrow, just that it lets you perform a jump instead
Skill 3 = Head Spinner. Lets you cross water flows without getting slowed down
Skill 4 = Mushroom Rush = Lets you run for a short while faster than normal
Skill 5 = Mushroom Umbrella = Prevents you from getting soaking wet when jumping through a water fall. Soaking Wet is different, than just Wet. While wet slows you down, soaking wet works like a Skill Disabler for Skill 1 and 4, so that its important to use this skill at the only waterfall moment on the way as a test of concentration and environment awareness
My Wishlist for the Game in General:
- Add finally Jeweler and Chef 500!! Its about time, how many years do we still have to wait intil you make finally all crafting disciplines equal???
- Add finally Polymok and the other Minigames, that were announced to exist from Release Date on, like Bar Brawls and make it finally again possible to play all the Minigames whenever you want without this idiotic totally pointless daily rotation
- Return of Super Adventure Box and its Hardmode and continuing it finally with World 3 and 4
- Complete Class Balance that brings all the powercreep E- Specs back down to earth, that takes into consideration finally to address the outdated Base Health Values from 2012 to rebalance them, that takes into consideration that Condition Duration is now an official Attribute, so that all Condition Durations of all Skills get accordingly nerfed down, so that people need to use actually this new attribute to get super long lasting conditions, so that Condition Builds also finally need to put points into more than 1 attribute to optimize their DPS, including the two new Attributes in a 1:1 manner also into Celestial Gear, rebalancing all Underwater Skills finally for once after 3 years!!! and giving the underwater Gameplay their complete own Underwater Traitlines.
A Balance Patch, that significantly rebalances all Sigils and Runes and makes alot more of them useful/competitive by merging also alot of them together and buffing Gemstones significantly up to become finally a good alternative over Runes over the passive effects fron Rune Sets. Gemstones should finally provide significantly more Stat Points than Rune Sets, because as long they won’t do, they will always stay in this game worthless garbage, that no one will ever use, because the Runeset Effects are simply always so much better, than just the few lame stat points you get from gemstones, that partwise Rune Sets give you also!!!
Gemstones currently have only tiers to “Rare” Quality
There needs to be implemented finally Exotic gemstones, with that you can craft ascended gemstone upgrades that provide over all tiers significantly more Stats.
Lets look for example at Rubies:
(add a new term for tier 4 and put up all other tiers by +1, so that Orbs become Exotic Tier)
Tier 4 = Ruby Ore= Fine
Tier 5 = Ruby Shard = Masterwork
Tier 6 = Ruby Crystal = Rare
TIER 7 = Ruby Orb = Exotic
Currently a Tier 4 Ruby Upgrades just gives you a laughable +11 Power, +8 ferocity and +8 Precision at Level 50. At Level 39 already you can use 4 Major Runes to get a Rune Set with 4 Effects alreay, what is alot more effective, than these few lousy Stat Points.
How broken and incompletely thought out the whole system is do you realize, when you complete a full Exotic Rune Set with a Set of Gemstones
Example Superior Rune of the Pack gives you:
+ 125 Precision
+ 175 Power
+ 30% Swiftness Duration
+ 25% Chance to get Might, Fury and Swiftness every 20s your nearby allies
4 Effects from which 2 are Stat Points, while Gemstones provide just only 3 Stats and no passive side effects. 6 Exotic Ruby Jewels provide together
+150 Power
+ 90 Ferocity
+ 90 Precision
So in comparison, that Rune provides more effects for just slightly lesser Attribute points, that make up for absulutely no big difference (300vs330)
The difference here on Exotic Level should be more like 300vs450 and on ascended Level like 300vs500 to be of a much more significant difference, because the passive side effects are alot more useful in overall than just Attribute Points are.
If these things could get finally addressed over the next months more, then I’d be alot more happy, especialyl the Balancing of the Game is currently an absolute must.
The game is already sicne June 23 totally out of control and mostly what the Elite Specs did so far is putting only more oil into the fire, than to work as balancing method to bring the condition crap back under control.
Should be done by Ascended Runes/Sigils..they should essentially work in PvE as Rune/Sigil Account Unlocks that once you used them, they unlock the corresponsind Sigil/Rune Effect to become on the fly exchangeable when outside of combat whenever you want, makign them alot more work similar to the PvP system where you can change whenever you want your Sigils and Runes withiout that you actually lose them if you change them out …
Well that’s 350 gems saved.
Does anyone know if the Bonebreaker rolls when it moves?
Nope it doesnt.
commanders and their ridiculous out of place self esteem complexes … rolleyes
How are people beating Tangled Depths Meta?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Orpheal.8263
I feel like each successful lane event should progressively weaken the gerent. If you fail one, it moves on and you must immediately start the next, without the benefit of that first weakening.
Then, rather than heading to the cannon and just annihilating it, it should unburrow there and you have to attempt to distract or kill it before the time runs out. Perhaps it could enrage if it gets that far, to further jeopardize your chances of success, becoming more dangerous the more events you’ve failed, and you should certainly get more rewards for each gerent you kill (which i understand is not a strict requirement to succeed the meta).
I do like the idea of the event, and i think it should be able to fail – and maybe even should stay the hardest of all the metas – but it needs something done, something to make it accessible to others than just the elite few.
edit: how about this: when the gerent unburrows, it continues to head for the cannon. You have to break its bar to stun it and stop it, which will enrage it, causing it to focus on players but take more damage. When the enrage ends, it reburrows, and you move up the lane to the next event to bring it to the surface.
When it actually reaches the cannon, it unburrows again of its own accord, and its enrage time is shorter but lengthened by the number of lane events you were successful at. whenever it’s not enraged, it will progress towards the cannon, so you have to manage CC carefully to keep it broken or enraged so it doesn’t annihilate the cannon and fail the meta.
I feel too like there should be partial successes – if you can keep any one cannon alive, it still fires and blasts a smaller hole in the wall, through which players can go to get at chaches and etc (like the tarir meta failure) but you don’t get the boss chest unless you defeat all four gerents.
I also wish there was some kind of mega-boss brought up by succeeding the meta, a Chak hive queen or something, which emerges (and occupies most of) the leyline confluence. You have to hurt it badly enough that it flees through the hole in the wall into dragonstand, thereby accomplishing the order of whisper’s objective.
Yes, exactly this should be the way how the event should be designed.
So more lanes you do successfull, so weaker becomes the gerent at the end and so easier it will be to complete the event just in time, because everytime you do successful a lane, a ley Line Cannon will fire off and weaken the Gerent by reducing the Gerents HP by 15% and reducing a bit of its Stats so that it deals lesser damage and receives more damage or becomes easier to CC more oftenly
And it should be made easier to let the Gerent appear on the lanes and the rewards and efforts for this must become better, so that people are more intersted in making sure, that the meta is successful, so that alot more people are interested in it to make organized maps for them.
The Chak treasure chests should be only findable by doing the meta, same as like in auric basin, where you find exhalted chests only when you do the meta successfully.
This will make sure, that far more people will have the interest in makign sure that the meta on the map is successful, due to it beign the only way to get on the content from the chak treasure chests.
Also I think the mastery system should help out here a bit more, so that when you master the Nuhoch masteries, they should provide a little better help in making the meta successfully,like so more people participate on this event with a high Nuhoch Mastery, so more undefeatable NPC Nuhochs will help out at all the lanes making it easier to let the gerent appear.
These steps i think are a neccessary step forward to make the meta more accessible and in the end doable.
How are people beating Tangled Depths Meta?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Orpheal.8263
I’m just happy to see, that maps can win with my tactics so far the Auric Basin Meta efficiently with alot time left over..
sadly Ive been yet not in a TD instance that was full enough of peopel to actually try at all to do that meta event there in any organized attempt.
I play with it since one day after release and its the absolute godsend thing Anet could finally do to give the game the right performance boost, that it needed, not only to get rid of all these OOM Crashes, but also to enable people in general to play also in situations like Tequatl Battles, in WvW ect. the game now litterally absolutely everywhere with Max Settings High/Ultra everywhere.
I can play now the expansion without having to fear about it, that the slightest action on the map gets me crashed where only with potato settings it was possible to play on the maps.
With the 64bit client I’m able now again to play the game pretty much the whole day long if I want and that with everything on maxed out settings!! Without a single OOM crash, cause my PC has 16GB RAM and was before bottlenecked due to this ancient old 32bit crap to approx only 4 GB, where also all the VRAM helped not much if the cleint allows maximum only 4GB and crashes at the moment where the game needs more RAM to keep the game running, than it allows itself to handle… this kind of performance was always like the snake biting itself in its tail.. it worked as long you don#t are in super crowdy high action situations… but the new maguuma maps with their massively bigger and more voluminous designs just simpyl were way too much for 32bit and it should have been from begin on in my opinion a no brainer for ANet, that they should have introduced directly with HoT also a 64bit client and not wait on the situation first again ,until everythign escalates for everybody before they react!!!
Hopefully they do in the near future now more for game performance, before situations become so worse again like this time.
An upgrade finally to at least DX11 Support would be now finally a big step into the right direction, after they integrated better the 64bit client first to become an automatic startup progress and finetuning it better into the game now, so that it becomes officially integrated and not just a “Beta”
After that it would be awesome, if Anet could work on something that improves the shaders of the game, practically somethign similar, so that you can sy that they basically integrated “SweetFX” into the game, so that nobody has to use this anymore as some kind of “3rd party program”.
I’d be ashamed as a Dev, when I see, that 3rd party programs make my own game look much better, than what the own integrated shaders ect. can do.
So I think theres alot room in that department, where anet can improve their game visually also, so that nobody needs to use anymore these 3rd party programs…
Theres also other features and stuff coming from apis like the OverWolf Ui changes ect. where I ask myself, why doesn’t these thigns exist in this game as integral features?
Why do we need to use such 3rd party programs and apis ect. pp to get these thigns for the game, when it could work also als integrated part of the game directly???.
But thats a different topic now.
Personally I’m just happy for now, that GW2 finalyl received that important 64bit client, that it should have had imo already 2012 at release date from begin on, when you think about it, that 64bit clients became in the years 2007 about mainstream for high performance/gaming pc’s and we wasted unneccessary 3 years with outdated technology
If they did add the new stats how much should they lower all the other stats by
They shouldnt lower the stats, they should just add the new stats with the same amount of stat points that are equivalent to the other stat distrubution of the other stats.
So if a ascended celestial amulet gives 72 points to all stats, this means, the amulet should gain also 72 points for the new stats.
So simple!!
Uh what? I’ve been under a rock for that past months and I just came back to the game. What happened to the celestial gear?
Anet added with Heart of Thorns the Effects of Boon Duration and Condition Duration now as official Attributes under the Stat terms of “Concentration” and “Expertise”
SIMPLE FREAKING LOGIC should tell everyone now, that every item, that claims to give Stats to ALL STATS should include these two new Attributes now also too, but ANet didn’t add the new attributes to celestial gear and thats exactly what needs to get changed….
I seriously hope for it, that Anet considers this for the next Balance Patch to correct and that they also consider this change of the game in regard of rebalancign the total imbalanced condition mess they fabricized with the June 23 patch and significantly reduce of all condition skilsl their Base Durations, so that people actually need to use equipment with the new Expertise Attribute in to receive alot longer condition durations that should be under Expetise Equipment basically then around as long as they are now, so that Condition Builds finalyl need to put in points finally also too into more than just 1 single attribute to maximise their DPS…
The game is in a dire need of a significant balance patch, far more now after the addign of the Elite Specializations…. Pvp/WvW are totally out of control already sicne june 23, but with the unbalanced powercreep E-Specs like the Reaper, the Chronomancer or the Scrapper, everything has become only worser in large crowded situations.
Especially attributes like toughness and vitality need to get changed finalyl and get out of their silly underwhelming 2012 state, where all this powercreep didnt exist, where all classes dealt significantly lesser damage than now through conditions.
The Base Health values of all classes need to get finally separetely rebalanced and take these changes over 2012 into consideration.
and Sigils/Runes need rebalances… Anet did in my opinino over the last years way too less about sigils/runes to keep them in balance. Theres still way too much useless sigils/runes, compared to a handful of meta ones that are way too powerful, like per perplexity. Some Sigil/Rune Merges would be nice.
That would make the whole thign also more overviewable again , the game imo has already too many Sigils/Runes.
(edited by Orpheal.8263)
A simple little request:
Could you please change the animation from the Miniature Wyvern from this unfittign crouching on the ground to a “Fly Animation, when moving and sit position only when not moving”
The Fly Animation for Wyverns is there,, or just copy paste the fly animation from the Tequatl Miniature and add it to the Miniature Wyvern.
It would look so much nicer, if the Miniature Wyavern actually flies behind you following you, insteads of doign this abosolutely unfittign and weird looking speed crouching …
ive now 100% on 3 of 4 of the new maps, on all 3 mapos i didn’t receive the rewards for the 100% Map Exploration.
Verdant Brink is bugged.
Golden is Bugged
Tangled depths is bugged
and im pretty sure, would I have 100%ed dragons stand also, that id receive there no reward also too, so lets say the whole map reward system of HoT is completely messed up.
There should have been more achievements...
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Orpheal.8263
No, the OP is right.. there should be more achievements… Anet is already years planning ahead with goals towards 60000 AP and we can absolutely not reach them at all.
When they plan already soo far ahead, then they should provide also Achievements, that brign us at least to 50000 AP, so that ANet has at least 10000 AP leeway to have time to make new achievements to set the maximum AP to a new higher setting of say for example 100000 AP planned ahead then, once we reach 50000 AP.
Theres tons of unused potential, that isbn’t used here to add more achievements and to add more achievements to make usaghe of all that potential is absolutely not “handing out Ap like free candy”, thats absolute nonsensical BS.
Handing out AP liek free candy would be, if they would just add tons of new effortless achievements that you get practicalyl gifted for having nothing done at all.
But addign alot of achioevements that require you to do something new or something better, than before what hasn’t had an achivement before is something, that Anet should finally consider to improve the game with ON A REGULAR BASIS.
It can’t be wished too much, that Anet should add with every Patch on a regular basis also some few new Achievements, so that each patch always adds also a little bit new to do for those, that like to hunt down AP.
Stuff that should provide Achievements:
Region Achievements: They introduced them with Season 2 and added them in their typical unfinished incomplete way instead of adding it in a proper way that makes it directly clear for everybody, that its Achievements, that will get expanded.
They should add to absolutely all Regions of the Game Achievements. That would be good for the game, because when all the old Maps get their own Region Achievements, does this make the game not look only lesser incomplete, but also would give alot of players incentive to go revisit for some longer time the old Maps what would revitalize the game.
Grandmaster Achievements They should FINALLY add Jeweler and Chef 500, now also together with Scribe 500 so that this system is finally complete also so that these 3 craftign jobs can get finally also their Grandmaster Achievements
Adventures Its a great System, that should also be expanded on the old Maps whereever possible. it would also like Region Achievements greatly help in revitalizing older maps
Raids I’m pretty sure, these will get their own achievement Section once Add unlocks them
Fractals of the Mist They should add some new Fractals, like for example a Marionette Fight as a new type of “Mass Player Fractal” making it possible to earn the achievements from those boss batttles there again if you missed some due to people failing on their sides
SAB Its about time, that they bring back finally SAB and continue it to make this typical incomplete mess finally complete, together with the return of Hardmode and then finally permanently so that you can play it whenever you want
Specializations are a no brainer, they will add with them continously now new achioevements whenever they add more Elite Specializations for their various collections
Collections Here is alot of wasted potential so far. Where are for example the collections of the other Gods ? We have so far only a Dwayna Collection.
Balthasar, Grenth, Lyssa, Melandru, Kormir, Abaddon Collections??? Would make only sense to add them, so that we can earn titles related to the other gods too like Acolyte of Melandru, Acolyte of Lyssa and so on
Theres also alot of weapon sets, that could get their own collection achievements…
like the Sunless Weapons, like the Destroyer Weapons, like achievement point weapon sets, like the Ceremonial Weapons, like the Dreamthistle Set, ,like the Dredge Set, like the Ebon Vanguard Set, like the Lionsguard Set, like the Guild Weapon Set(s), like the Krait Set, like the Legionnaire Set, like the Modniir Set, like the Molten Set, like the Mystic Weapon Set, like the Ogre Set, like the Orrian Set, liek the Pact Set, like the Pearl Set, liek the Pirate set, like the Seraph Set, like the Tribal Set, like the Verdant Set
So many sets, that have yet no collections, but should have one.
Fashion There should be a fashion achievement for Back Items, liek the various Crafter Back Items and others
Legendary Achievements so far there for Weapons and Back items, its here also a no brainer, that armors/aquabreathers should follow and somewhen later also Accessoires to make this complete
Explorator: Why is there no achievement for explorating the world 100%. There shoudl be one..
Weapon Master: Should Anet ever add new Weapon Types, like Halberds, Whips, Greataxes, Gauntlets/Claws, Javelins or throwing weapons like Boomerangs/Chakrams/Kunais/Shurikens, then here this sdection gets naturally new achievement.
But the section should get in genrakl also new achievements, not only for killing enemies with a specific weapon, but also for doing finishing moves while using specific weapons. Each weapon should provide also a unique weapon related finishign Move that you earn, once you mastered the weapon with 5000 Kills
World Bosses- Another section where Anet so far wasted tons of potential is by finally bringign all World Bosses up on par with the Tequatl Design. Each World Boss should provide its own achievements like Tequatl/Tri Wurm and should have its very own unique items you can get from them, like Tequatl’s Rune of the Sunless, Tequatl Minipet and Sunless Weapons.
The old Boss Achievement UI is outdated and the old Boss achievements shoudl get merged into the world boss achievement sections for every single world boss so thatg we get rid finally that obsolete old Boss Section and get to the point, where Tequatl and Tri Wurm already are, that each Boss has its own achievement section. Theres no need anymore for a shared boss achievement section with some single achievements from each boss.
Anet should start this change for example with finally redesigning at first the other Dragon Champions, like especially the Shatterer.
Guild Achievements A huge point,m where Anet wastes potential.. why are there no Guild Achievements, somethign speacial that you can earn only as a guild by doing Guild Missions, for unlockign the various new guild Decorations, for upgradign your Guild and so on …
And all of this so far is still just only PvE…. theres also alot of wasted potential for PvP and WvW
Fact is simply said.. there needs to come more.
That would be way too many mastery points and allows player to bypass the majority of the content. With 15 adventures, that would equate to 90 mastery points. You need 112 to max HoT masteries.
Ever thought about it, that Anet could add more masteries or expand the Maguuma Masteries ?? the current one seem pretty lacklaster and easily could be expanded to 10 perks per mastery line..
However im against it that Gold should give Mastery Points.. Goöld is the Adventure tier, that should be for the people which like challenges and wich want to do the adventures in a competion over other players for the question of who can do it the best to land place one in the leaderboards….thats they reward for doing this mainly.. the glory of beign officially one of the best if not the best player at the adventure.
Theres no need to boost their kittens with some extra mastery points while locking off those points for everyone else behind that skill wall from character progression, other achievements ect. pp for that you need to max out masteries to to become not a burden for others in huge chak battles due to their tons of acid they spew around in masses that kills you very quickly if you get too much of it in a brief time, especially when you get cced while gettign spewed full of it its literally your death sentences if you cant get out of it before your health falls to 0 too quickly what happens quite often if you have nothing in your bar that can remove the cc effect from you instantly
Someone here in the forums rightfulyl has written, that all Adventures shoudl be easy to learn and hard to master and this motto includes for me also, that adventures shouldnt lock out players from earning all the mastery points by lockign them behind a high skill wall that the most casual players will never exceed, this being permanently rendred impossible to max eventually all their masteries, as 15 adventures means, if you 15 times get no gold nver, thats already 15 lost MP for you then.
Thats why it is in my opinion important, that anet changes the Mps from Silver/Gold over to Bronze/Silver as one time rewards, so that people don’t get so easily locked out of these 15 Mp, making these points more casual player friendly to receive and less of a chore to grind for if you want to max out everything ….or collect in general points as preparation for maybe new or advanced masteries in the future in maguuma territories as we still aren#t able at all to explore absolutely all maguuma map regions, theres still more than enough free space for new maguuma maps where we could find new masteries beign added to have to learn to get through these new maps successfully which then require more Maguuma Mastery Points.
Absolutely yes.
As a comparison.
HoT consts out of 14 Gameplay Segments, from which just a smaller portion are actually “Missions” where you actually have to do something in instances.
Some segments are just filler segments that lead you to the next instanced part.
Consists of 4 Chapters practically. The personal Story of the Main game going against Zhaitan consisted out of 8 Chapters, so was practically twice as long and people rightfully expected to battle against Modremoth to be at least same as long and upbuilding, as like it was against Zhaitan, which in fact was much weaker, than Mordremoth…
its also super linear, while the mainm game offered multiple different outcomes of how you could end up agaisnt Mordremoth,. giving that story part at least some replayability and reason to play the story with multiple times to see the different paths and experience different missions..
This time its basically for every character you have just the same boring short deal. it feals not like being practically personal Story part too, but I think personal story is already a kind of game concept, that Anet already secretly threw into the garbage bin as they concentrate themself only on living world/expansions now I guess …
The story telling is super preditanble in certain cases again as usual, builds up not really good tension and ends up in a ridiculous end boss fight thats at least better than Zhaitan, but thill super underwhelming and nothing of what I would expect as an epic final against an elder dragon.
However, I kind of have the impression, that Anet willingly kept the story around Hot so short, so that they still have something in the backline left over in regard of lore and story for the Raids and for the restarting of the Living Story to continue from the point on where we get left behind after killing that ugly dragon newt of a modremoth wannabe elder dragon somethign fat lizard creature that we had to kill to get somethign evil rid of Tyriathat is after this fight just undefineable and makes you thing you just had an nightmare and want to desperately just wake up to realize, all of this was just a bad dream >.>
You must be a blast at parties.
What makes you come to this conclusion out of my playing experience with GW2 over the last 3 year, where I right now just let out a small portion of what all went wrogn with this game over the last years what just continued now in HoT in regard of how Anet handles new content like some kind of switzer cheese when it comes to Quality over Quantity??
Your posting is totally out of context, I hope you realize this …
PS. dont get me wrong, its also not good to hang too long onto old content, bringing out new stuff is a must.. but alot of design mess ups in this game could absolutely have been prevented from the begin on, if new stuff wouldn’t have been rushed out so fast at least before giving the older content at least a look at, of how it could have been left behind at least in a polished and complete state.
Example: They should have brought Cooking and Jeweler first to Job Level 500 before introducing Scribing and then adding it also only with Max Job level 400..
Thid is just this discontinued “switzer cheesehole” game design im speaking of here and I think it shouldn’t be wished too much here that the developers should give more importancy in the game to quality, rather than onto quantity in some cases.
(edited by Orpheal.8263)
The Mastery points should get moved from Silver/Gold over to Bronze/Silver.
This would solve the ridiculous game design issue with players getting locked out from Mastery Points, while Adventures stay difficult enough to be challenging for Gold and there needs Gold just some balance because some of the Aventures require too much luck to even have a chance at gold, others force you to grind out masteries first to have even a chancwe at all for Gold, thats also somethign that needs to be addressed by enabling Player Equipment to have an effect of player movement speed. its just smart to brign to a adventures that requires of you to be fast equipment that lets you move faster than normal… also the general movement speeds in adventures needs to be looked as as we move whever I think significantly slower, than normal the run speed feels like moving only with like 85% movement speed than normal and with miushruum it feels liek running with 25%+ movement speed…
A reason, why many of the speed requiring timed adventures feel so extremely unforgiving and like a pain in the kitten , because we move in adventures like snow snails, if we don#t have the help of the mushrooms >.>
The other problem with the inaccessibility of the unthought out game design around adventures would be easily solved by adding a special inventory item that works like a Home Instance Portal Stone, lets call it the Adventurer’s Map and when you double click it in the inventore, a window with a Map shows up, that presentates you all of your unlocked Adventures (need to play them the first time to unlock for the map for your account) from which you have then access to whenver you want to play them, as by clicking onto the adventures you desire to play right now from the Adventurer’s Map will automatically teleportyour character then into a special instanced version of the map where the part of the map that is required for the asventures is permanenty unattacked so that you can play there the adventure as long as you want as often as you want and once you have enough, you click just onto the skill icon that the Adventurer’s Map generated into your Skill bar to exit the instance, letting you automaticalyl return to the map where you activated the adventure, just like the Home instance Portal Stone teleports you back to the map, where you used it …
I’d give it so far just a 1/10, because the only thing that they got right in my opinion is the Songtrack and presentation of the game…
Story: Terrible, super predictable as ALWAYS (Eir), as if the writers just copy paste weird player story ideas into their canon, too short, not epic, just same as lame as Zhaitan, but at least not so idiotically easy that you could label it like the Zhaitan battle as “retar# level” where you need to press two minutes long just only 1 button and watch the fireworks … (and not a dragon at all… wtf wouldnt even be able to descrive against what the hell we fight there at all)
Gameplay/Balance: Terrible..the games skill balance is total out of control since June 23 patch and the new Elite specs did nothing at all to solve this, but made it in certain overpowered powercreep spec cases (reaper for example) just only worser
Content: Blocked too much behind Mastery/Hero Point Grind with now having also tons of hero points left ofter after the retro change, that are of NO USE at all for us
WvW: Terrible, I was hoping for the Desert Maps to bring new life to WvW, they essentially made absolutely the opposite and lead to a total WvW desertation!!.. emptym aps everywhere, the desert maps are WAY TOO HUGE and should get scaled down in size by at least 25%
Suchcrap just happens, when you make about something important like WvW just only 1 stupid closed beta and not like they should have done it properly also together with the rest of the game several OPEN BETAS to get more feedback for WvW!!
Performance: SUPER TERRIBLE … since Hot I’m not able anymore to play anythign of the new game content as usual I was able to do so 3 years long ..THREE YEARS LONG!!! with no problems to play the whole game permanently on max settings everywhere!!
And now if I dont cripple down the game to mashed potatoe ugliness, I get püermanent CRASHES like every hour to two max or so in regard of how extrmely I participate in events ect with lots of action and BAM .. OOM crash to the point, that I get it also multiple times a day… THIS IS ABSOLUTELY UNACCEPTABLE and needs ASAP improvement to brign back the game to is former good performance.
To have to cripple our settings to potato level is no solutions, thats just only a cheap circumvention of the root problem for the devs to have not to work on proper performance solutions that would make for everyone on the long run far much nmore sense by bringign out finally a 64 bit client (stopping 32 bit support, making 64bit officially the system requirement and updatign the game engine stuff with thigns liek at LEAST DX11 support..
Yes it will be a step that will make alotz of people with ancient old stone pcs unable to play anymore GW2 but who seriously supports this game and wants this ganme to run also very well for the future for the next years to come, will understand, that this freakign stupid step WILL BECOME more and more neccessary and that by haging on your personal junk pcs will only unneccearely cripple Anet down longer to PROGRESS the game technically further to the next necccessary era of technology that is required for a massive complex game like this to A) stay competitive on the market for the next years, to stay modern and strong enough, that such silly problems like OOm crashes won’t happen anymore. Any games that lets these problems happen even these days are a shame for todays technology and to let that techology gettign crippled down unneccarely, just to get only the perople with their stoneage pcs also into the boat to be able to play the game is just the absolute biggest burden, that ANet finally needs to get rid of to receive by this step new fresh air that enables them to expand the game into new heights it would be always unable to reach, as long the game needs to carry the burden of all the millions of stone age pc users and are unwilling to invest a freaking darn dime on a new pc to be able self to enjoy the game A) on a much better quality themself and
support the company and everyone else this way passively by givign the develioper the change to expand the game on modern technology STANDARDS which are at least 64bit client and DX11 support for many years by now …
Features: half of the features are uninished and hold back, other features of the game are still announced since 2012 and yet still until today not implemented to the game…
HOT just continues onto this half hearted implementation scheme nd this makes it very disappointign and frustating.. when you see for example that they add new crafting disciplines, like scribing, but yet since 2 yeasrs still have freakign not the intent as it seems to finally make coooking and jeweler equal to Job Level 500 first, before they add anythign new …
other things that were planned basically 2012 as minigames have they implemented now under the concept of Adventures and then they make this absolutely ununderstandable design decision to lock them all behind a silly map event blockign wall that forces you every like 30 minutes to wait on it, that peopel make some dubm events just to get your adventures unlocked to be able to play them /facepalm and yet I stil forget it, that theres is still the announced since 2012 and yet still not finally implemented POLYMOK… what lets mwe come back again to the half hearted full of holes cheese implemention desion that Anets does here since game release….
They permanently add something new in a more or less heaviliy UNFINISHED STATE and continously add new content since then, in the hope as it seems, that people forget the old content over time, in what an unfinished state they left it behind…. this scenario has repeated itself over the last years several times by now in many different areas of the game (it began first with the adding of Southsun Cove) (in certain cases they reiterated the old content in new ways, what is good – as it shows, they don’t forgot everything) and slowly im having enough of this, as it makes it question myself, what is so hard about it to stay on something that got worked on and move first onto something new, once the previous project that got added is added in a complete, finished and polished state without any holes in the general design, so that the content gives the player also the feeling, that theres some QUALITY behind that content and not that quantity is the driving force here by pushing rather more new content out, to focus on to polish and finetune first what the game already provides, before we move too quick onto new projects.
Why must they flood the game constantly with new content before they finish first what they have started somewhere else in the game??? )LS1 anyone …best example…
This is like playing multiple video games at the same time, but never completing any of them, because whenever you started one, you start right after the next game, before you even complete the one that you started playing before. I don’t get it …
Thats the kind of feeling that I have right now in many things Anet has done over the past 3 years …
The same feeling do I get with WvW now after seeing what they did with WvW now, I think now, they should have just beter kept the old aps and polished and improved/redesigned them instead of completely removing and exchangign them, turning WvW into a player desert that totally alienated everyone, because like 99% people got thrown with the new map totally into the ice cold water without any explanations, without any time of testing, because there were no open betas for WvW at all…
I could continue now with alot of things that I dislike currently about the changes and the way Anet handles new content in this game and leaves behind old stuff like a dry desert, because some things sounded awesome on paper, but turned out not to work so well as they hoped it would, earning only bad player reactions (last invasion stuff anyone??? god in hell was that aweful, it was nice meant, but they shouldnt have better never done it at all for the sake of the game’s image) but I think this so far is just enough…
Possible fix to crashes? (32bit restriction)
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Orpheal.8263
I’ll bite, will report here in a few days.
with a guide please, if it works
Also, which adventures require the speed mushrooms to get gold?
The Floor is Lava for example, or Salvage Pit, or Fallen Masks or A Fungus Among Us or Scrap rifle Field Test (why, because the mushrooms dont increase not only your movement speed, but also your gliding speed by 40%…)
lol ..forced… the same could i say about masteries.. players should’t be forced to have to master masteries first just to play the adventures on a competitive level with others..
What do you think will you reach first..
Get 15 Gold within 1-3 days..
Or Grind the millions of exp required to get a needed mastery just to have a chance at Gold??
I clearly think everyone will have today quicker the required gold to get some helpful equiment, because stats play absolutely no role in staventures, you just just buy some karma lvl 80 exotics in orr and put the ruens of speed in…everyone who plays HoT by now should already drown in Karma…
For Speed Mushrooms you need to grind 3,3 Million Exp.
In the time until you have grinded this Exp out in the Maguuma Maps, I easily have earned already far more than 15 Gold!!!
Getting a build that makes it possible to get 25% increased movement speed through either traits or runes also soooooo hard..
6 Runes of Speed = less then 15 Gold.
15 Gold is quickly earned in Silverwaste/ Maguuma Map Farm in no time with the help of also some fast dungeon/fractal runs ect. in between over the day.
You can practically earn what is needed just within 1 DAY, say maximum 2-3 days as a casual gamer.
This isn’t GW2 of 2012 anymore, where gettign 15 Gold took a felt half eternity for many people you know … and the rune solution is a way with that easily everyone, regardless of the played class can get an equal solution that gives everyone a competitive same effetc of +25% movement speed, thats even lesser, than what you get from using the speed mushrooms if you mastered that stuff.
lol everyones base is equal,.. please dont make me laugh.. have you even played an adventure yet to realize, that you get slowed down in them to move even slower than normal.
You move in adventures like a felt snail with just only like 85% movement speed or so, at least feelable slower than normally without even a trait, rune or swiftness ect,. to increase your movement speed…
Anet has designed the adventures, that you can get it easier by progressing your masteries.
Do you consider this also cheating? Ridiculous!! People which have learned the Speed Mushroom Mastery can move 40% faster within adventures where anet has placed them to give further progressed playes anadvantage there over players that havent learned this mastery yet to the point even, that this mastery is in certain advantures absolutely required to even have a chance at al to get those adventures done with Gold and without them you hardly make it even to silver in some cases!!
My equipment belongs to my Player progression and not only Masteries, so when I brign to an adventuires, that requires to be swift and agile equipment, that makes me swift an agile, then I think this is just being SMART and not cheating ROLMAO /facepalm
the best thign anet should do first when rebalancing the adventures is to set the first time adventure rewards in regard of the Mastery Points onto Bronze and Silver Tier instead on Silver and Gold Tier…
This will reduce by a huge amount the unneccessary Adventure Grind in the back end of the game, just to be able to maximise your masteries.
Adventures should feel also alot more rewarding, because once you have earned your mastery points, theres essentiually absiolutely ZERO incentive anymore to waste any tiem with them, because they are totally unrewarding and the amount of exp you earn with them can you earn in the same tiem by doing events and killign tons of monsters with exp buffs , food and potions on ect.
Thats why i posted in a similar thread, how Anet should changed the rewards of adventures, so that there is still a rewardign incentive behind adventures for when you already earned your Mastery points after having earned for the first tiem the in this case better balanced Bronze and Silver Tier Reward instead of Silver and Gold Tier.
Adventures need to be balanced. yes.
Problem is with with Adventures, that they are sometimes heavily mastery biased.
Certain Adventures can you do surely with gold, without havign to invest first alot of tiem to build up the right masteries to even have at all a CHANCE at Gold, other Adventures can you do without needing to have any masteries at all..
Then there are adventures, that are so unfair and ununforgiving, that they mean, that you can DO INSTANTLY A RESET if you just make the absolute tiniest mistake in them, because animations cost you way too much time to be able to compensate that mistake with good gameplay after it to win back that lost time.
Also the Action Camera should work in the Minigames exactly like when usign it in the normal game, but in the minigame you just get a silly tiny point for aiming, with that aiming is really hard, because you don’t see with the stupid point, if you are in the range for the target to actually hit it ….
Also what is really annoying and should be changed is the removal of this idiotic artificial movement speed slowdown at Adventures.. if we play adventures, I want to move at the normal movement speed I have when I’m outside of an adventure, so that the right equipment/build with somethign that increases my movement speed can help me out in these time trial adventures, where every single freaking second can make upbfor the difference between just silver and making gold.
and what they absolutely NEED to make ASAP is making finalyl all Adventures accessable all of the tiem whenever youz want to play.
Who really at Anet thought of it that it is a good idea to put adventures behind a stupid event wall mechanic that forcers players to wait for like 40+ minutes or so until they can finally play their wanted adventures, only because a god darn undone yet event blocks the adventure off? Seriously.. who at ANet seriously thought that THIS IS GOOD GAME DESING THAt MAKES FUN?
Yes, they changed a few of the adventures now to make them more accessible, but thats not the right solution …
The right solution is it to make adventures from begin on completely seperate thigns that aren’t affected by any events around them and if you can’t do that, then give players an option how they can play their wanted adventrues whenever they want in some kind of personal instance that isn’t affected…
Shouldnt be hard to make of the maps an instanced version that is permanently free from any dangerous stuff to which players get ported when they use an inventory item them pots them to the adventure that want to play.
“Adventurer’s Map”
Double click to open up the Map to select an Adventure of your Choice to that you will move to automatically. Adventure Ports must be first played to unlock them for the Adventurer’s Map.
Practically an item, that works similar like the Home Instance Portal Stone , but in this case of being warped to your Home instance, the Adventurer’s Map warps you to own safe instanced versions of the Maguuma Maps where you are ensured to play the Adventure that you want to play, while all the other Megaserver Map Versions where the normal game runs on aren’t affected by this stine, because people who want to play the Adventures get warped onto their very own independent Map Version where no Events are running on and where the Map is practicalyl permanently in a state of no danger.
Add this item for example as a reward item for completing the first maguuma map to 100%, so that its somethign that players have to earn that feels like being a reward, cause with it you can then more comfortably play the adventures without being time gated anymore through not good thought out game design in the maguuma maps in regard of the adventures getting constantly locked out due to the event design.
Also adventures hsould be more rewarding for once you have won the mastery point,s the reward should be daily exchanged out with something different that replaces the mastery point reward.
First Time Adventure Bronze = Chest, Exp + Green Item Container
First Time Adventure Silver = Chest, Exp + Mastery Point
First Time Adventure Gold = Chest, Exp + Mastery Point
This shpould be changed to this system.
FTA Bronze = Chest Reward, Exp + Mastery Point
FTA Silver = Chest Reward, Exp + Mastery Point
FTA Gold = Chest Reward, Exp + Ascended Equipment Box of Choice
After that when you continously play the adventures, they should provide 7 different rewards, easch day somethign else on rotation.
Day 1
Continued Adventure Bronze = Chest, Exp, Badge of Random 5 T6 Materials
Continued Adventure Silver = Chest, Exp, Badge with 5 Globs of Ectoplasm
Continued Adventure Gold = Chest, Exp, Badge with 5 Laurels and 5 random Gemstones (among them also Azurite Gemstones, which currently can’t be received nowhere anymore)
Day 2
CA Bronze = C, E, Badge with 1 random Lodestone
CA Silver = C, E, Badge with 2 Gold
CA Gold = C, E, 1 Black Lion Chest Key
Day 3
CA Bronze = C, E, Badge of 10 Karma Jugs a 600 Karma (Total 6000 Karma)
CA Silver = C, E, A random Exotic Rune and Sigil
CA Gold = C, E, Random Exotic Equipment with the Chance of also Precursors
Day 4
CA Bronze = C, E, Random amount of Rare Materials (Giants Eyes, Charged Quartzs Crystals, Pristine Toxic Spores, ect)
CA Silver = C, E, 2 Icy Runestones
CA Gold = C, E, Badge of 5 Mystic Clovers and some random Ascended refined Crafting Materials
Day 5
CA Bronze = C, E, Some Max Level random Buff Items (Food,Potions)
CA Silver = C, E, A Big Celebration Booster that lasts 3 hours instead of 1.
CA Gold = C, E, A Badge of 50 Gems and some PvP Reward Track Boosters
Day 6
CA Bronze = C, E, Exp and Item Boosters
CA Silver = C, E, Those two Items which extend durations of Food/Potions to 12h
CA Gold = C, E, A Black Lion Ticket Scrap
Day 7
CA Bronze = C, E, 2 Globs of Dark Matter
CA Silver = C, E, A random Black lion Utility/Fun Item (Ress Orb, Vendor Call, BL Vendor Call ect)
CA Gold = C, E, Item with a very high chance for very valuable junk (5G), but also a chance with it to receive with it an item, that can unlock for your Account ANY Item Skin/Minipet/Glider Skin ect, you want instantly, which can’ be sold by TP.
These are just Daily Reward Replacement Suggestions for when you have earned alreay the Mastery Points as Continued Daily Rewards.
Repetitive Rewards after havign earned the Daily reward should just cosist only out of Exp and Karma or Exp and the Map relevant unique Map Currency.
completed yesterday verdant bring 100%, have tyria explored 100%, no map reward for verdant brink …
Clearly a bug that needs to be fixed.
You get tons of auric dust from doing the defendign of tarir successfully.. cause udner tarit are about like 28 exhalted treasure chests which give you alot of auric dust, especially the bigger/biggest chests.
The sets are also designed to be longterm goals, so please quit QQing and see these things as what they are and not as what you want them to be, because you want to be finished with them in no time.. when its clearly game design meant to take you some longer time to complete them similar to completign a complete set of ascended gear for that achievement or similar to gettign a compelte set of ambrite weapons.
Before Anet starts anything with Underwater Combat, they have to do first two things:
1) Add to Underwater Combat their complete own seperate Trait Lines, so that Underwater Combat becomes finally on par with Land Combat, because alot of things don’t work under water, therefore Underwater Combat needs to receive their complete own Traits.
2) A complete Skill/Mechanic Rebalancing. Underwater Skills have seen since Game Release no balancing at all. Theres so much utter garbage among them balance wise, it isnt’t funny anynmore.
Once this has been done. Then I see as vision to improve Underwater Gameplay the Mastery System.
Diving Mastery
1) Deep Diving: Unlocks the Ability to dive deeper than normal to reach new places underwater you couldn#t reach before.
2) Diver Fins: Increases your Movement Speed while diving by 25% while outside of combat
3) Depth Gathering: Allows you to gather new unique Crafting Materials from Gather Nodes you find in the depths
4) Largos Language: Learn to communicate with the Largos in their traditional Language to gain access to their Vendors
5) Largos Trust: The Largos trust you now more, giving you access more to their lore, so that you can get perform at Largos Shrines “Hunting Rituals” to get Map Buffs while being under water
6) Largos Challenge: Have now so much acceptence amogn the Largos, that you can try to defeat daily their strongest Champions of the four Houses for unique reards.
7) Largos Superiority: Gain access to a Set of one time craftable unique Largos Legendary Weapons/Armors/Back Item
8.) Vortex Disruptor: You are now able to surpass vortexes underwater, which blocked off your ways.
9) Largos Hunt: Gain access to unique Largos Healing, Utility and Elite Skills while being under water and unlock for yourself a special Largos Finisher
10) Stream Diver: You are able to surpass now fast water streams to be able to swim against them and move forward instead of being pushed away so that you again can reach places, that weren’t possible to reach before.
Add new Underwater Content in form of:
Underwater Dungeons: 3 Underwater Dungeosn should get added, one for Lvl 35, 1 for level 50 and one for Lvl 80 in a new map thats mastery relevant, while the othe two are in central tyria.
Largos Hometown “Atlantis” just to give it a catchy name with a trivial reference ^^
Underwater Raids What works on land, can work also under water…
Underwater Adventures See above
New World Boss: The Kraken
New World Boss: The Leviathan (Deep Sea Dragon’s Dragon Champion)
New World Boss: The Subject Omega
New World Boss: The Ursurper (Deep See Dragon’s Minion Champion)
Thats something that I would envision for this game content for the start to begin with and nothing less from this point on.
A color change would be nice for the start… uncompleted Hp icons should have a completely different color, than the completed ones !!
the maguuma maps definetely have had some kind of performance change which is for many (me including) a big serious problem. When you suddenly OOM crash within a few hours like 5-10+ times, where you had years long before no problems at all..then you know, that somethigns really fishy about the game right now …
Where I am able to play like all night long in all settings beign on High/Ultra in the vanilla Game Maps, even WvW and have no problems at sall, unless I run into like a 100 people zerg clash permanently…
themoment I enter the new Maguuma Maps with everything on Map, I just can play only like around a lousy hour or less and my game will definetely crash cause of OOM ..
Its totally annoying and stupid, that such performance changes exist between the vanilla game and the new mabguuma maps, that are so extreme like this in my case and surely also for many many many other players out there, that I for my case are forced to reduce all my settigns to Middle and cripply my game experience down into a much uglier looking game, just to be able to play it at all without having to fear, that i get crashed in the middle of an event and get even punished on top of that by the game due to losing instantly all my map related reward participation ect and most likely end up also in a completely different map instance once I relog into the game…
This is a serious issue, that Anets needs to look over soon.
Sure, its normal, that the ganme is shortly after release a total performance chaos for a while, until player waves settle down a bit .. but such a kind of massive game performance break in, that you get suddenly constantly game crashes in new maps, where you had 3 years long in the vanilla part of the game no serious performance problems at all is just not acceptable and needs to get a solution by finally doing hwat should have been done directly from begin on of this game, doing thigns, that will help players getting better game performance.
GW2 needs finally a 64Bit Client… as logn this game runs on a 32Bit client, it will cripple every gamign pc down to a bottlenecked performance, making them unable to make useable of all the performance they can make use off to the limited performance that a 32bit client can handle, which is maximum approx only 4 GB RAM.
Then needs Anet to improve finally significantly the options that give us players more powers to decide, what we want to get shown in the game.
We need finally options that enables us to DEACTIVATE Minis from other players,.
We need finally options that enable us to deactivate Back Items and legendary effects from other players so that they don’t get shown to us anymore.
We need finally the option for PvE also to to use Standardized Character Models, so that the game shows us everyone as just only Humans
We need finally an option that helps us to reduce the Skill Effect intensity of other player skils flooding our screen to the point that you nearly don#t see anythign anymore.
and im sure, some intelligent heads can come up surely with some more helpful ideas in that section that would be helpful to improve the performance for the game to make it possible to permanently play the new maps also without that you have to reduce directly all settings to middle and everything player related to low just to be able to comfortably play the game with a PC, that is not older than 5 years that was before HoT already able to play everything on except for the player related settings that aren’t that important personally (for me) on High/Ultra and those settings on Middle whats the minimum setting to see a decent amount of people in their equipment and not in a reduced generic all white character model mesh with absolutely no details
After having played HoT now for a Week, having seen all the actual Masteries and their Effects of what they do, I can feel only but of beign disappointed, how underwhelming the Starter Package practically is and how much potential there got wasted to make the Masteries more of a Long Term Progression System.
There should be in my opinion more Masteries – both in Maguum, as like also for Central Tyria. More in regard of more different Mastery Categories, as like also in regard of more Mastery Tiers per Category as .
Tier 1) Glider Basics = Unlocks for you the ability to use Gliders in Maguuma Maps
Tier 2) Updraft Use = Enables you to use Updrafts to reach higher places.
Tier 3) Lean Techniqus = Enables you to lean forward or backwards to glide either faster or slower at the cost of losing faster glide endurance when you lean forward and regain glide endurance when you lean backwards.
Tier 4) Advanced Glider = Gain a chance of 25% to dodge Attacks and gain Regeneration while gliding.
Tier 5) Stealth Gliding = Dodge while gliding to gain Stealth for short periods.
Tier 6) Leyline Gliding = Gain Access to new earlier unreachable places by using Leyline Energy Flows
Tier 7) Expert Glider = By quick double dodging for the cost of 1 dodge you are able to perform Spirals now or Loopings based onit, if you dodged forwards or backwards. A Looping will guarantee you not to be hit by anything, while a Spiral will reflect projectile attacks and grants you Aegis to avoid damage from Poison Clouds when you spiral through them, while it will let you move also for a second forward faster.
Tier 8.) Dragon Starter = Unlocks for you in Maguuma Maps the Ability to use Wings of Glint to jump with your Glider alot higher than usual.
Tier 9) Dragon Glider = Unlocks for you in Maguuma Maps the Ability to use Flight of Glint improving your Spiral Technique to a on demand fast fly you no longer lose enduracne anymore to stay in the air
Tier 10) Dragon Child = Unlocks the final Glint Skill which lets you jump with your Glider not only alot higher than usual, but also to a ground target at a wide range.
Exalted Lore (currently has 5 Tiers, should have 10 Tiers)
Tier 1) Exalted Markings = Become able to decipher their Language. Unlocks ability to use Exalted Teleporters
Tier 2) Exalted Acceptance = Gain the trust of the Exalted. Unlocks Exalted Vendor Tier 1
Tier 3) Exalted Assistance = Learn to use Exalted Recall Devices. Unlocks also Exalted Vendor Tier 2
Tier 4) Exalted Purification = Enables you the Ability to fight against Exalted Champions daily for special unique Rewards that you can gain only from them on defeat.
Tier 5) Exalted Magic = Improves your Powers as a Exlated Armor (25% Increased Movement Speed, Removed Mechanic of losing the powers if you don’t move, 25% increased Vitality, Power, Toughness and a significantly stronger CC Bar that doesn’t get depleted so fast by Mordrem Attacks/Conditions, so you dont get so fast stunned
Tier 6) Exalted Gathering = Unlocks new Gathering Materials for you to gather all yround the Maguum Jungle including Lumps of Aurillium
Tier 7) Exalted Oversight = Increases while being in Auric Basin your Stats as Player. All Stats + 100 and you gain now increased Magic Find by +100% per 50% of Map Event Participation you have. So at 200% Map Participation, you would have +400% Magic Find while being in Auric Basin
Tier 8.) Exalted Empowerment = Unlocks for you an unique Exalted Finisher and gain Access to special Maguuma Map unique class specific Exalted Healing, Utility and Elite Skills.
Tier 9) Exalted Superiority = Gain access to a special set of unique one time craftable accountbound legendary Exalted Weapons/Armors/Back Items. Example for a legendary Exalted Spear – The Ursurper. Or an example for a legendary Exalted Sword Excalibur – the Golden Light
Tier 10) Exalted Combat = Gain Access to the power to turn yourself in Maguuma Maps whenver you want into an Exalted (changing your Weapon Skills into Exalted Skills) through the immense magic of the Exalted flowing through you by now after having sucessfully gone through an ancient magical Exalted Ritual
Itzel Lore
Tier 1) Bouncing Mushrooms = Unlocks the Ability to use Bouncing Mushrooms to reach new places
Tier 2) Itzel Language = Enables you to understand Itzel, gaining access to Itzel Vendors Tier 1
Tier 3) Itzel Lore = Makes you immune to Maguuma Jungle Poison and unlocks for you Itzel Vendor Tier 2
Tier 4) Blazing Mushrooms = Enables you to use Blazing Mushrooms now in all Maguuma Maps
Tier 5) Itzel Leadership = Unlocks for you the Ability to combat daily against Itzel Champions to get on defeat unique Rewards that you can gain only from them.
Tier 6) Adrenal Mushrooms = Enables you to use on all Maguuma Maps now Adrenal Mushrooms to instantly refresh your Skills and gain a long time Fury Boon
Tier 7) Itzel Agility = Enables you in Maguuma Maps now to regenerate Endurance faster
Tier 8.) Refresh Mushrooms = Enables you in Maguuma Maps to use now Refresh Mushrooms, which clean you from all Conditions and let you gain for some time Resistance and give you back also some lost Health
Tier 9) Itzel Superiority = Gain access to a one time craftable unique set of Itzel Legendary Weapons/Armors/Back Items and unlock for yourself a unique Itzel Finisher
Tier 10) Ameyallis Blessing =Gain access to special unique class specific Itzel Healing, Utility and Elite Skills on all Maguuma Maps.
An Example of a new Central Tyria Mastery:
Dungeon Master
Tier 1) Dungeoneer = Enables access to Dungeon Hard Mode. Experience Dungeons in a new Way with new Hard Mode Achievements for all Dungeons.
Tier 2) Relic Hunter = Adds new Rewards for Dungeon Tokens to all Dungeons (new Ascended Dungeon Weapons, new Ascended Dungeon Armor Sets, Minipets ect.)
Tier3) Dungeon Runner = Adds Access to new Daily Dungeon Achievements for doing specific Dungeon Paths within a specific Time Limit.
Tier 4) Experienced Dungeoneer* = Increases your Exp, Money and Karma Rewards from doign Dungeons and killed enemies have now chances to drop additional Dungeon Token Bags
Tier 5) Archeologist = Unlocks for you the access to gain from new Dungeon Chests that are now seeable and lootable for you materials from which you can craft unique one time craftable legendary Dungeon Armors/Weapons/Back items
Tier 6) Dungeon Explorer = Unlocks Access to new Zelda like Solo Dungeon Instances within the existing Dungeons with their own unique rewards (Craftign Recipes, Materials, Sigils, Runes, Minis, ect.)
Tier 7) Dungeon Crawler = Unlocks access for you to new Dungeon Crawls, special Dungeons which are everytime you enter them different, which you can play either solo, or as group of 5 or 10 people
Tier 8.) Hunter’s Grounds = Unlocks access for you to go visit new Hunting Grounds to go farm there new special enemies with loot, nowhere else to be found in the game, as also find gaherign nodes that you can find only there protected by very powerful huge monsters. You can go in these places either solo or as group, but beware, in Hunting Grounds is Open PvP active, so you can go also hunt for other players loot.
Tier 9) Elite Dungeoneer = Allows you the access to enter the very first and new old Elite Dungeon Map where the whole map is a single Super Dungeon Playground in GW2 – The Underworld with 100 floors to the Depths. Basically a different form of Fractals.
Tier 10) Dungeon Grandmaster = Unlocks a special unique Finisher and lets you gain access to new special Dungeon related Guild Decor and GuildWeapon/Armor/Back Item Sets
To ensure, that the game just provides enough Mastery Points for this change, just adapt the Mastery Points from the Story Portion and from some achievements to reward you with 2 instead of 1 Mastery Point and reduce the required amounts of Mastery Points, so that the earlier tiers requirer lesser Points than now.
This way should work the Tier 10 System in regard of Mastery Points:
Tier 1 = 1 MP
Tier 2 = 2 MP
Tier 3 = 3 MP
Tier 4 = 4 MP
Tier 10 = 10 MP
Total = 55 MP, the current System requires 31 MP, so 24 MP need to be added per Category. 3x 24 + in regard of Exalted 36 MP need to be added more = Total of 108 more MP needed.
The Story has 14 Segments, so that are 14 MP that could be added by letting them reward 2 MP instead of 1.
Successfully doing all Achievements of the Story could reward you with 10 bonus MP per Chapter, so that would be 40 done, so 54, another 54 left .
Explorer Achievements. ANet should add MP for completely exploring all regions of the Maps, currently you get only 5 AP for this, but each of those 4 achievements should reward you with 2 MP (8), so 46 left over
Exploring the Maguuma Maps to 100 and not just only the regions % should give you MP as map reward. 5 per map (20), so 26 left over.
Add 3 more Mastery Insights to the game and let then all mastery insights reward you with 2 instead of 1 MP and the missing 26 MP would be done as well, cause we have currently 23Insights each rewarding 1 MP.
(edited by Orpheal.8263)
These dailies need simple to get REDESIGNED/Improved.
Master of Ruins should simply be changed to Master of Shrines
So instead of having to capture a Ruin, you have to capture one of the elemental Shrines instead …
The other daily is simply solved by adding some specific Veteran Enemies to the Map, that do work exactly like the more powered up versions of enemies from the old WvW map.
Due to the Desert maps being alot larger than the old maps (I think they are essentially too big and should get scaled down in their size by like 25%) and these silyl clone maps need to disappear finaly, just make it 1 map, where every day an oder side cicles through being the defender in the strategical best position, while the other sides are the offenders while on day seven everyone has to battle it out in the eternal battlefield, so that each side is over a weeks course 2x in the best position and 4x in an offender position of either being in the west or eastside.
WvW needs more Map Diversity and the Map Space that Anet wastes with 2 boderland clone maps would be alot better used, if we would have 3 completely diffewrent WvW Maps with Eternal battle Field being the fourth final one where the Match Final gets decided on on the last day of a match.
Its really silly, that Anet obviously has just either ignored or overseen, that their changes to WvW render these dailies beign obsolete and that they made no changes at all to these thigns to ensure, that these two achievements get functions with that they can stay useful and working further as intended as daily achievements.
Lets hope they fix this soon and replace that old useless junk with two new functionating daily achievements that actually DO WORK