Showing Posts For Orpheal.8263:

Please bring back Account Medals!!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


I would love to see returning in the login ui that when you explored with your character 100% the Map, that you see in the login screen for that character then the Explorer Medal

They should also add back the Faction Standards that show you to which faction your character originally belongs to (Vigil, Whispers or Priory) and they should add also back the symbol that shows you how many playerds you have defeated in WvW as also the Treasure Chest Symbol for when you obtain legendary equipment

These symbols should get all reimplemented back into the new login screen, place enough has the new UI absolutely for that and these symbaols were part of the visual progression, that you could see by a first look onto the login screen of someone, how much progressed that players is in the game and what that players has achieved in the game in the varrious game modes.

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

Celestial and two new Attributes - Balance?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


HoT added two new Attributes, which should get added also to all Celestial Gear.

Concentration and Expertise became new official Attributes for increased Boon Duration and Increased Condition Duration.

With Condition Duration beign now an official Trait, I hope that anet uses it soon for a Balance Update to reduce for all Conditions the base durations, so that people actually have to use this new Condition to get very long durations. This would greatly help to brign the whole Condition Meta of the game back on earth, if Condition Players finalyl would need to have to spent in more than just only 1 attribute to maximize their DPS, just like Direct Damage Builds also have to put points into multiple Stats to get the best DPS

Concentration should get its Effect changed from Boon Duration to Boon Efficiency
if you are highly concentrated, your Boons should have stronger Effects, not longer Durations.

Example. Might without Concentration is 100% Effective and increases your Power and Condition Damage by +35 Points per Stack.

Concentration should increase per 15 Points in it Boon Efficiency by +0,5%
So example you have 20% Boon Efficiency (equivalent of having 600 Points in Concentration) in your Build, the Might you get would be 20% more effective and would raise your Power and Condition Damage instead of 35 Points per Stack by 42 Points per Stack.
So if you have 25 Stacks of Might with 600 Concentration making it 20% more effective, you would have then instead of +875 Power/Condition Damage then a plus of 1050 Power/Condition Damage, so a difference of +175 Points.

This way would become Concentration an alot more interesting and useful attribute, than just only increasing Boon Durations would be.
Boon Efficiency could affect also all other Boons in different interestign ways, that Boon Duration would not be able to do, as Boon Duration is a much more thoughtless effect which does not very much in itself, than just only lettign a boon work longer.

But lettign boons work more efficient woudl be alot more interesting.

Think on an swiftness, that gets more effective under Concentration, lettign the Swiftness raise your Movement Speed by 20% more
Think on a Protection, that could be under Concentration more effective for its short duration
Think on a Regeneration, that could heal you more effectively under Concentration
Think on a Vigor, that could more effectively let your Endurance regenerate with a Boon Efficiency effect instead of Boon Duration.

Boon Duration is somethign, that should come rather through Buff Food/Potions/Traits and shouldnt be a Player Attribute…

Theres three Attributes, which I think should get renamed also too to bring them more in an immersive line with all the other attributes, while one of them just feels misplaced…

The misplaced feeling attribute to me is imo Ferocity
It started as a term for Character Personality, which is imo a System,that should find under a reiterated system its return to the game with more different personalities, than just only Dignity, Ferocity and Charm.
Ferocity should get renamed in my opinion to Finesse

The other two Attributes that should get renamed to brign them more in line with the other attribute terms are

Condition Damage, this one should get renamed in my opinion to Malice (German: Arglist for a reference to get the right meaning)

Healing Power, this once should get renamed in my opinion to Efficiency, because if you are more efficient at what you are doing, your healing becomes better, if you efficiently know, what you do and when to do something, when the perfect timing is for a heal, your outgoing heals can become more efficient.

What do you guys think about the added new “old” Attributes???

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

HoT Improvements

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


good points made and this here

If we can earn masteries to bypass an otherwise locked gate that needs an event to open normally, that’s entirely fine!

is exactly what I want. People need to get with the help of masteries to become more independent from other players, especially zergs just to get some required events done that block off for you the access to certain thigns of the map, when you would like to get there for exploration or would like to do something, liek a specific adventure that you want to do for your achievements or for somethign else, like mastery progression, as doing the adventures successfully gives good exp.

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

HoT Improvements

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


points to OP’s suggestions This… I like this!

Honestly do. A lot of good thoughts and ideas which I really hope will find recognition.
The only thing that made me unsure is the idea of further masteries to bypass the gating. Now, bypassing them in some way is a good idea, but I don’t really think gating even more behind masteries would be a good idea.

As I stated in my post in the main threat, I really believe masteries should be useful, not necessary (some for gliding/traveling can be an exception, but right now just too much is locked behind masteries to begin with… old tyria mastery ideas seem great in that regard).

Think about it, that some of my proposed ideas just simply gcould get merged with the so far existing masteries. its not a must given thing, that Anet has to implement extra new masteries.

I understand what you mean and where you are coming from, but my ideas simply coudl aoso get baselined into the existing masteries.

My thought process behind the bypassing was simple, that players should be able to reach a state in the maps, where they just don’t have to worry anymore about these gatings, because they learn somethign, that deactivates for them permanently these blocking off gates, while still being intact for anyone who hasn’t learned yet the mastery.

The problem I guess here with the mastery system is (why i think it made you unsure), that with raising mastery rank and so more masteries you learn in a certain section, that the required amount of Exp to learn the next one proportionally increases very quickly super high, what is it why these masteries feel for many so super grindy.
If Masteries wouldn’t require proportionally more and more experience each time, but every time the same amount of Exp, it would be far lesser of a grind and there would surely then also no problem with it to add more new masteries later on existing mastery lines that give helpful bypassing features just at the end of the string and not at the beginnign already how it would work in soem cases, if my propsed ideas would just get merged with the current masteries and get baselined into them.

PS: brief said, i think it woudl be nicre, if masteries would always require FIX 1 Million Exp to learn the first 5 Masteries and from Mastery 6+ and higher first the required amoutn of Exp shpoudl rise, liek some kind of even staircase.

Masteries 1-5 = Fixated on 1 Million Exp per Mastery
Mastery 6-10 (if more get added) = Fixated on 2 Million Exp per Mastery

Would be better, than this

1 = 500000
2 = 1 Mio
3 = 1,75 Mio
and so on …

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

(edited by Orpheal.8263)

Elite Specializations & Hero Point Feedback [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


As I have been there pleased to put my feedback here into, so I do it now.
Heres a Relink to my Feedback Thread with a nearly douzen of proposed improvements, that I think would make HoT a much better player experience for everybody
(Guaranteed 100% complain free and constructive, ignore the little bit emotion (words like stupid) in the suggestions ^^, because its just my personal opinion about some things I dislike xD)

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

HoT Improvements

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


the main thread is that big merged one I guess, right??

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

HoT Improvements

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


hmm, I’ll make a relinking then there if you think it will help ^^

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

HoT Improvements

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


Heres so far my Feedback after playing the first days about some things I would like to see changed/improved:

1) Reduce the Map Gating, the new Maps totally remind me every few hundred steps on the bad Map Design from Guild Wars Factions, where you hit on closed Gates that stop you to fully explore the Map as you like when you like.
it makes it impossible for you to reach the places that you want to reach, if the Map is empty and no butt is doing the required events at all to get the gates open, or you are forced to wait xx minutes, until finally the event starts that gets you the stupid gates open, so that you always have to hope, that you are on the right time on and then at the right place, just to get the map explore.
Add a Mastery if it must be, which allows it players to circumvent these stupid gates..
Example: Add under Nuhoch Lore something, that gives us the strength or so to break through those thorn gates, or to jump/climb over them, whatever, or add more Nuhoch Wallows

2) Remove the silly Gating from Adventures, its totally annoying that you can#t play the adventures when you like it, only because some silly events haven#t been made, this brigns us again into the idiotic situation, that you can#t do nothign in the maps, if the maps are too empty and theres no zerg there to get the required events done, just so that you get a brief while to be able to play the adventures..
Here again, add if it must be a mastery, that makes it possible to play all the adventures you want, whenever you want through puttign you into an own instance or so

3) Remove the Elite Specialization Gating. People should be able to learn right from the start with the like 200+ Hero points that you have over from fully exploring Tyria enough to start HoT right there with the Specialization.
The Hero Points that you collect with HoT should be helpful then for when the next Set of Elite Specializations comes, or add somethign Elite Specialization unique you can get with HoT, like for example Skill Skins for your E specs, that you can get for your E Specs Skill Skins that change the look of your vanilla game skills, like for example a Reaper gettign Skill Skins through Hero ponts for their Minions to be able to change how their summoned Minions look like.

4) Make the Sublime Armors more defensive, they receive way too much damage from the little Mordrem enemies in Tarir, where they are supposed to be the superior answer agaisnt the Modrem. Also make their def agaisnt CC much stronger.
When you get that attack that gives you all conditions, you are basically killed.
The Damage against the super large mordrem should be also drastically increased, it takes WAY too long (or the hp of those enemies drastically reduced) to just kill 1 single of these monsters…

5) Remove Timers from Hero Point Challenges, summoned HP enemies should stay until someone comes and defeats them and not disapear after like 5 minutes or so

6) Better show the Player on the Map, when hovering over Hero Points, Mastery Points ect. when they require specific Masteries first to be able to reach them… theres so freakign many points in the game from the start on, where you can’t reach them, until you have not learned first some specific masteries .

Verdant Brink: Mastery Point Y
- Hover over the Symbol:
- See the Info:

  • Requires the Ability to use Jump Mushrooms
  • Requires the Ability to use Nuhoch Wallows
  • Requires the Ability to use Leyline Gliding

If I woudl get to see that valuable info by hoverign ovwer the points, then I wpould at least know, which points I should explore, and where I woudl just waste my time, as long I haven’t learned the required Masteries to reach those points in the map.

7) Add more ways to gather Exp for Masteries. as they turn out to be quickly very grindy by the proportional increasign amounts of Exp that you need…
Events alone become quickly too slow to get enough without having ways to increase your Exp, so following changes should be done to help us out here:

  • Add unique Maguuma Buff Items to the Lore Vendors which can be used only in Maguuma HoT maps that have the following Effects:

Food: 1hour: Increases All Stats by +50, Increases Event Exp by 50% Stacks by every 20% of Event Participation, Max Stack 10
Potion: 1Hour: Increases All Stats by +50, Gain a Kill Stack, which increases per killed Mordrem received Kill Exp by +0,5%. Max Stack: Infinite
Reinforcements New Maguuma unique Third and Fourth Buff you can have active together with otion and Food, with that you temporarely improve your Weapons and Armors ang get temporary buff effects, called W-Reinforce and A-Reinforce by going to an anvil once you have the mastery for that to reinforce your equipment.

A-Reinforce: 1 Hour. Receive 20% Lesser Damage from all Mordrem Sources of Damage.
Increases gained Exp from Reviving and Gathering by 50% per Stack: Max Stack: 10

W-Reinforce: 1 Hour. Deal 20% Higher Damage against Mordrem from all Sources of your Damage Dealing.
Increases gained Exp from successful Hero Point Challenge Battles by 50% per Kill Stack: Max Stack: 10

Add Shrines of Ameyalli to which you can do get for Gold/Map Currency various different Map Buffs, once you have Itzel Lore high enough to pray to Ameyalli.
Each active Ameyalli Shrine Buff should increase the Base Exp from Events by 10%
Do the something similar for the Sublime in Auric Basin, and Nuhoch in the 3rd map

8) Add Waypoints near the Guild Initiative NPCs in the Maguuma Maps that stand in front of the Guild Hall entries, so that you can reach them quickly, once explorign the pat of the maps where they are, so that you can reach those places quicke,r without havign to travel again through the whole map first to get back to those points!!

9) Scale the Hero Point Challenges up and down based on the amount of players that are there at the moment of activation and over the course of the battles.
Can’t be, that all those challenges are spawning permanently as Champion Bosses with the intentent, that you have to fight them as a large group, just to be able to deafet them in time. This is again a stupid mechanic, that absolutely doesn’t work for pplayers in EMPTY MAPS which just want to get these points done, whenever they like and not only, when you have the luck to be on at the right time and be at the right time at the right spot, when enough players are there (AND WILLING) to help you out with thoese hero points, because thats also somethign that WILL BECOME LESSER and lesser, once people got all their HP, people become less helpful as they will do other things that benefit them more, than to waste time with helping others to get their HPs

10) Add Please glidign to the WvW Desert WvW Maps!! as a WvW Trait you can spent Rank points for, letting it basically work there like the Glidign Mastery, but just in ranks points spent… the map have alot of spots where you can fall very deep and where its perfect to have gliding to get safe down … I know people might say Gliding is for HoT only, but this must not be the case, if Anet just adds the abiliy to glide for the WvW desert map only as part of the Rank Point trait system with 5 ranks costing say a total of 300 rank points to max it out. WvW needs finally alot more thinks to spend rank points on, especially now where they removed with Hot practically the usage of over 200 rank points by removign the two WvW player buffs for killing npcs that gave more health and power… let that wind shrine buff give then somethign else as effect than getting no fall damage….

11) I don't know if its planned already or not, but those Glint Egg Skills, please add them as Mastery later so that we can improve this way our Gliding. Absolutely need that skill 2 especially to be able to Glide faster, literally fly for a moment quickly straight without losing height and skill 1 to be able to jump up from the ground higher to get more height for gliding that from a normal jump..hopefuly its some kind of hidden Glint's Might Mastery or so ^^

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

(edited by Orpheal.8263)

Issue Reports: Heart of Thorns [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


I have crashed over 10 times in 2 hours of play.

Its nice to see, that i’m not the only one, which has in the new map(s) (sadly it happens in the next map also ..)

Cause i am crashing for already like the 6th time now also too within a short time period and as described in my fist post, this is somethign that usually happens to me only rarely in like tequatl or tri wurm battles…

But HoT seems to have a massive performance problem, otherwise i absolety can’t understand it why these maps seem to be so extremely stressful für our PCs, when in fact just a tiny portion of “action” is running in the map that absolutely comes nowhere near the stressy performance that comes up with one of these super world bosses where you need like 150+ people on the map on the same spot spammign their attacks…

This is a kind of problem, which will in future return more and more again and again, if ANet doesn’t grab this dumb problem finally on its ROOT – and the root problem with this dumb OOM crashign is the bottlenecking of our maximum memory space due to the outdated silly 32bit clients that were more than good enough for games like 10 years ago, but are with games that size and of that performance structure of GW2 totally overwhelmed by now with just the limited memory space of roughly 4GB which 32bit clients can maximum handle with.
I’m pretty sure, we’d see alot lesser OOM crashes in the whole game, if we would get finally like every modern high quality PC game todays, be it MMo or not, a 64bit client…

The 32 bit client era is long overdue OVER and should get axed finally once and for all !!

Programming is saying clients are running out of memory because settings are too high, they suggest lowering settings to alleviate the problem.

Yes, naturally they are saying this, because it is the most normal and cheapest solution for a player to get better game performsance for the cost of havign an uglier looking not so detailed game. I have already reduced my settings, like shadows, I have already the number of shown players and shown player model quality since game release not on maximum, but JUST MIDDLE.
I reduced the graphics qualkity from Supersampling down to Nativ…
Can’t be, that I should cripple the looks of my game experience down even further, just to be able to play the new maps halfway normal without havign to feer, that I could get a OOM crash of the game in the next 30 minutes or lesser, when I could before of HoT play the game EVERYWHERE, even with Tequatl Battles, ir Tri Wurm Battles with everythign in the graphical settings on MAXIMUM, so High/Ultra and have had not problems at all like this, or only very rarely..

But in most cases it was preventable by just simply loggign our7restartign the PC once before going to do the battle as little preparation to reset the cache of the PC so that it could recover its memory space…

The whole OOM crashes would be just only half as annoying, if the game would at least have a way to recognize, that the game crashed for the player and doesn’t let the palyer loose his Event Participation/Map Instance for when you return to the game…
Its just super annoying, when you are like near 100% participation to get the best possible event bonus and then short before you get it, you get a OOM and when you return you have not anymore 100% participation, but just got resetted to 0.
Thanks, that are then the moments in this game, that let you then really feel, how much time you wasted for nearly nothing literally…

The programmers can’t tell us for real, that the new maps are more stressful for the memory space of our PCs, than to participate with every settingat maximum on a Tequatl/Tri Wurm Battle???

To give this Game a 64bit clioent is absolutely the best longterm solution that should help alot of people gettign rid of these annoying OOM crashes, because then with a 64bit client our Pcs have alot more memory space, because they don’t get anymore bottlenecked due to the 32bit limitation to just maximum 4GB approx

And posts like from players from Kylden with their big high technical reports exactly show, that I’m not the only person out there with massively increased OOM crashes in the new maps, hwen we where able to play just normally the game without any OOM problems in the vanilla game maps with maxed out graphic settings.

Adding this quote:

I can play the game for maybe 5 minutes before it crashes. I’ve crashed about 20 times now and I’m obviously just going to a stop playing. Reducing the graphics doesn’t help it still crashes within the same time frame as auto detect. Please please fix this I’ve never had an issue w crashing until HoT patch. It’s unbearable to play and considering the money I spent on the expansion it’s really frustrating

Glad its not only me. i have a toaster so lowest settings on everything possible.

As it clearly shows also, that peole which already play with everythign on the LOWEST Settings, also have the performance problems and get even far more crashes, that I had yesterday !!!
So it is not just done by reducing the graphic settigns, the new map have somewhere a BIG performance problem in themself…. the question is only, what it is that makes the new maps so stressful for our PCs, that it is so much worser, than playing a Teq/Tri Wurm battler on max settings, and so worse, that even playing on everythign with lowest setting doesn’t help …

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

(edited by Orpheal.8263)

Issue Reports: Heart of Thorns [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


I have crashed over 10 times in 2 hours of play.

Its nice to see, that i’m not the only one, which has in the new map(s) (sadly it happens in the next map also ..)

Cause i am crashing for already like the 6th time now also too within a short time period and as described in my fist post, this is somethign that usually happens to me only rarely in like tequatl or tri wurm battles…

But HoT seems to have a massive performance problem, otherwise i absolety can’t understand it why these maps seem to be so extremely stressful für our PCs, when in fact just a tiny portion of “action” is running in the map that absolutely comes nowhere near the stressy performance that comes up with one of these super world bosses where you need like 150+ people on the map on the same spot spammign their attacks…

This is a kind of problem, which will in future return more and more again and again, if ANet doesn’t grab this dumb problem finally on its ROOT – and the root problem with this dumb OOM crashign is the bottlenecking of our maximum memory space due to the outdated silly 32bit clients that were more than good enough for games like 10 years ago, but are with games that size and of that performance structure of GW2 totally overwhelmed by now with just the limited memory space of roughly 4GB which 32bit clients can maximum handle with.
I’m pretty sure, we’d see alot lesser OOM crashes in the whole game, if we would get finally like every modern high quality PC game todays, be it MMo or not, a 64bit client…

The 32 bit client era is long overdue OVER and should get axed finally once and for all !!

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

(edited by Orpheal.8263)

Issue Reports: Heart of Thorns [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


The only issue i have right now is, that i permanently get in the new map massively fast OOM crashes, whats somethign I usually tend to receive rarely only when I am in a TEQUATL battle or a TRI WURM BATTLE with HUNDREDS OF PEOPLE SPAMMING THEIR SKILLS …

I don’t have to mention, that this isnt the case in the new maps right now, or ???

So where the hell does this super performance break ins come from now, or is just the new map by itself alone such a huge performancer eater???

Even turned down some of my graphic settings to be not maximum anymore and still … OOM crash

This absolutely shouldnt ever happen in a map in which there is absolutely not very much action to the point that over a hundred people spam skills.

Nothing in the map generates so much action right now, that you should experience any OOM crashes…

I had right now already like my 5th OOM crash within a few hours in the new map….
Sriously, makes not fun this way when you have constantly to fear on that map, that your game crashes, because whatever the hell in that map sucks at the performance so massively on your pc, that it crashes in no time….

And so far i was used to play the game with everythign on High/Ultra – always ..sigh

Its finally about time, if this situation doesn’t get improved, and I was fearign from the begin on, that this situation would show up with the new map, that this Game finally needs somethign, that massively helps to boost the performance of our PCs, that should help alot with such stupid OOM crashes..

Its finally time, that this game gets a 64bit client, so that pcs that have more RAM don#t get permanetly bottlenecked to just approx 4 GB, but could make use of the more RAM they have, so that the game shouldn’t run out so fast of memory >.<

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

(edited by Orpheal.8263)

Please change ice drake venom

in Thief

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


Venoms in general are a gameplay, which needs to get changed.
They should be imo Utility Skills, every Thief should have litterally under F3 and F4 two venom Skilsl ready at use, which should change their weapon skill effects, or even completely change out their Weapon Skills as a matter of more tactical gameplay for the thief instead of this silly, 3 changes every 30 secondas gameplay just to be able to have every half minute some condition bursts.

Venoms should be a much more integrated gameplay aspect for all thieves in general. Thieves are the true Masters of Poisons, they kill foes with venoms like Assassins.
It would make it also possible to replace all the venom skills that are a heal and some utility skills with better and more useful skills of a complete new Skill Type unique to the Thief – Stigmas, which would be Counter Signets which do counter effects, when somebody in your near activates a Signet and punishes the foe for using the active portion of a signet, or gives you buffs, when an enemy activates a signet to counter that effect and add on top of that a “Seal” effect that disables based on which Stigma was used a different Disabling Effect on your enemy for that time that your Stigma is active, like an effect, that disables enemy to use Dodge Roles, an Effect, that disables enemy to use the Class Specific Skills, an Effect, that disables to use Elite Skills, an Effect that disables to use the Heal Skill, an Effect that Disables CC Effects from Enemy Skills and an Effect,disables the gain of new boons from nearby foes and converts Boons over to you.

Selectable Venoms for F3 and F4 could be then:

Krait Venom: Couses Poison and Cripple.
Skale Venom: Causes Confusion and Vulnerability
Hylek Venom: Causes Slow and Blindness
Devourer Venom: Causes Torment and Weakness
Skelk Venom: Causes Life Leech and Boon Steal

instead of having charges, activating a venom works for as many attacks you can doe while its duration isn’t running out and activating the Venom should change the Auto Attack Skill for all Weapons.

Once this is done, then add said Stigmas as new utility/Heal Skill…

Stigma of Blood
Passive: Counter Seal the Enemy if he tries to activate a Signet by disabling the Enemy’s Option to use a Heal Skill for the next 5 seconds whenever the Enemy uses a Signet or their Signets recharge.
Heal your self and convert your Conditions over to your target enemy. Get Extra heals and Boons for every converted Condition.

Stigma of Cunning
Passive: Counter Seal the Enemy if he tries to activate a Signet by diabling for 3 seconds the Option to perform Dodge Rolls whenever the Enemy uses a Signet or their Signets recharge.
Stigma of Cunning causes your Steal to instantly recharge on activation and causes a AoE Stealth of the Size of Shadow Refuge, that works also as Stun Breaker for your and nerarby allies.

Stigma of Sins
Passive: Counter Seal the Enemy if he tries to activate a Signet by disabling for 3 seconds the gain of new Boons and whenever the Enemy would get in that time new Boons, you steal them automatically whenever the Enemy uses Signet or their Signets recharge.
When you use Stigma of Sins, it creates an aoe damage over time attack, that deals periodically more damage to foes over the next 3 seconds, so more conditions they suffer on, while standing inside its area of effect

Stigma of Punishment
Passive: Counter Seal the Enemy if he tries to activate Signets by disabling for 3 seconds the Enemy to use their Class Specific Skills whenever the Enemy uses a Signet or their Signets recharge.
When you use Stigma of Punishment, it deals increasing damage for every Boon on the enemy, removes Stability and stuns the foe per Boon the target had for 0,25 seconds ignoring this way Stability.

Stigma of Reflexion
Passive: Counter Seal the Enemy if he tries to activate a Signet by disabling for the next 3 seconds that you can get CC’ed whenever the Enemy uses a Signet or a Signet recharges
When you use Stigma of Reflexion, you gain preiodically Retaliation, Protection and Regeneration and whenever you get hit by enemies, while Stigma of Reflexion is active on you, your enemies receive Confusion on top of that when they hit you.

Stigma of Pride
Passive: Counter Seal the Enemy if he uses a Signet disabling for 3 seconds that he can use his Elite Skill or increases for 3 seconds its Recharge Time if already used and recharging, whenever the Enemy uses a Signet or their Signets recharge.
When using Stigma of Pride, you gain Alacrity, Resistance and Vigor and when you successfully dodge roll while this skill is active, you will convert a Condition over to nearby foes.

If this doesn#t get ever then, then at least id love to see these kind of Stigma Skills finding their way or in a similar way into the game maybe as part of a next Thief Elite Spec, like the Swindler <3

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

New Character Selection Screen for HoT?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


it wll definetely get a new login music as has been mentioned.

and I hope also too, that with the release date of HoT, that the Launcher will receive a complete visual overhaul to a greenish HoT style to show us all also visually, that the game visually advances forward to a new next era, a new part of its life cicle that represents, that the game also progresses forward and changes over time dynamically.
To a loving world belongs also a living and changing launcher.

To that belogns also a changing select screen music that brings over the new vibes, sounds and theme of HoT as also the totally different mood that comes with it…
To that belongs also a visually changed character select screen for me, which shares the new HoT style and i would like to see a new artistical character select screen acrtually, where our characters are standing practically in a maguuma jungle theme..

I can’t stand this release date launcher and its all white style anymore… after 3 years, the launcher needs some new colorful tapestry to show us, that our destiny and story isn’t anymore vanilla white, but now jungle green

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

Preload phase for HoT ? [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


we have already most likely downloaded huge parts of HoT already over the course of the last like 3-4 last patches or more to significantly reduce the amount of data to be needed for download when actually octover 23 is there …

They do this al the time, that we already download every patch something, which might find into the game then just alot of time later, while actually having it already downloaded several months ago …

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

Handful of HoT Notes:

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


We’ve tried to cut back some of the visual noise of some of the “noisiest” skills to make it easier to see what’s going on in combat with multiple players/mobs on screen. We’ve also made some skill FX end much faster to align with the length their actual combat effect happens in the world – previously some FX lingered much longer than the actual outcome of the skills combat interaction would occur. This is also to help make it easier to see what’s going on in combat.

While I appreciate the effort, this in turn cuts down on the visual splendor of many skills.
Many of which simply don’t look “epic enough” for their CDs. As it is.

I think long term the only real solution is to offer 6 sliders:

  • Own skill effect detail.
  • Party skill effect detail.
  • Other skill effect detail.
  • Enemy skill effect detail.
  • Friend skill effect max.
  • Enemy skill effect max.

This allows the player to tailor their client to their desires, allowing large-scale players to focus on enemy effects and even cap those, while smallscale players can crank up the effects higher to get better visual asthetics.

Theres alot more, than this what they should do to empower everyones players options to reduce the visual clutter from the screen better!!

1) Add an Option, that enables us to deactivate all Back Items from other players
2) Add an Option, that makes it possible to reduce the numbers of shown Miniatures to a maximum of show no Miniatures of others at all
3) Add an Option, that disables Legendary Effects of other Players
4) Enable for WvW an Option, that turns all the Red Name Lines and changes the red lines whats a huge amount of moving aroubnd text flood if you hit a big zerg into somethign els, that makes it visually clear for you, that this mass is your enemy, without that your screen gets flooted with tons of red rank name lines which cause LAAAAAAAG and are just alot of visual unneccessary clutter on the screen, that makes it also very hard to see actually your enemies …and target them appropiately …. like give instead enemies colored full body condoms. ie auras or whatever, that makes it easier visually possible to recoginize someone as enemy, theres no need to get overwhelmed with a red text flood
5) Add the option to turn enemy models also for WvW into a standardized body model (human), this would be for WvW for alot of people with weaker pcs a great performance boost…never understood why that was made for pvp only …its somethign that should work everywhere, so pve alsoe, wherei t woudl help for performance in world boss battles with full maps everyone at the same spot …
6) Now where they try to implement an own version iof practically “Combat Mod”, It would be also very nice to see, if they could visually improve the game, by making an own solution that comes very close to practically integratign officially Sweet FX into the game engine to make the game engine sharper, better saturated, better contrasted ect.. Just wish this woukld be an integrated part of the game by now and not something, that people have to use as a third party program just to get GW2 to look better, when the game itself could just look as good, if it would get improvements on its shaders and functions ect. that are part of Sweet FX which make it possible that GW2 can look with its help alot better in these things

That are points that I would like to see getting changed to turn the game then into a visually much better looking experience with alot more power to the player to reduce for themself alot of unneccessary visual clutter in the game that reduces the game’s performance and likely causes the game to lag or even to crash due to running out of RAM

where we come to other thigns that hopefully soon – very soon after HoT release will get addressed finalyl for the future of GW2

1) Bringing out finally a 64bit client for ther game, so that pcs with multi cores can get make finally usage better of the RAM they have and don’t get bottlenecked anymore to just lesser than 4 GB RAM max the pc can work with
2) Improve the game finally at least with DX11 like announced, that you are looking at this for somewhen alter after game release… its about time, that we finally get rid of DX9, as DX11 or even 12 will help you in the future alot with visual stuff

I know, these two things aren’t easy tasks, but I can’t just stop thinkign about it, how good the game performance could just be with the help of a 64bit clirent and better DX support and many peole also expected this to come with the relase of HoT…

If not now, soon … when then ???

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

How do i not suck with thief in PvE?

in Thief

Posted by: Orpheal.8263



Soldier Exotic/Ascended Set
Berserker Exotic/Ascendec Set

some useful runes and sigils to increase your DPS

More you don’t need as thief in PvE.

I played before ANet ruined Acrobatics and all everything in PvE with D/D-SB with Soldier Gear and neaver had really much problems at all.
Now where I switched to S/P-SB, I find it eaven easier…

Use Daggerstorm, its the most useful Elite, that is able to save your butt…thieves guild and basilisk are for pve just wasted skills, especially Daggerstorm when combined with the healing signet that heals for each hit you make… as it can instantly brign you from 1 hit to grave to max health back when you use it at the right time… and its just the best aoe dps you have as elite while giving you also some important stability for the cases in pvw, where its important for you that you don’t get at any cost cc’ed or where you must reflect a projectile …

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

Thief Post-Trait Change: Hate

in Thief

Posted by: Orpheal.8263



Before the Trait changes I loved my thief. It had been my primary class. Everything about it was just a lot of fun.

This is not longer the case. I am not really sure why the Thief can no longer do what it had been able to do. I haven’t had time to go through all of the technical details. But here’s the rub, before I could take a Supply Camp in WvW without using Thieves Guild. Today I cannot do this. I have not been able to do this reliably since the Trait change.

Earlier today I tried to take on a veteran Ascalonian Ghost in Fireheart Rise. I’m wearing Ascended Gear and Legendary Dagger. I using Dagger/Dagger. I died 3 times simply because I’m too glassy to take the damage. This was simply not a problem before the trait change.

I do realize that the Thief had some overpowered things going on before the trait change, but this ridiculous. It feels like I’m back in blue gear with no attempt what so ever to maximize on damage.

You devs have really gone all out on nerfing direct damage classes right into the ground. The Warrior is in the pits, the Thief is on its way there full speed. What did we do to offend you so greatly?

And whoever is or was on your development team that thought this was a good idea… find their seat in office, make sure they are in it, kick the chair right out from under them and leave. It’s about as kindly as they have been to us. Explain nothing. Do this every day to them just to make them wonder why this abuse.

Thanks for everything!

Wrong Build/ L2P

I’m still easily able after the patch to switch even fully build up camps SOLO with my thif…
Yes, it just takes some time and preparation more, but IÄm still able to do it and I even don’t play with any Meta Thief build …

It is just all knowing of how to do Stealth Flips, so that you kill off most npcs, before you actually create the sword symbols that warn the enemy whats going on, so that in most cases – sure, after the patch not by far as often anymore – the camp is flipped, before the enemy had a chance to be fast enough there to stop me.

However, from the nerfs to say, I have to agree.. any kind of fighting isn’t in by a long time anymore.. once anyone comes and plays on time with you, its just better to flee and wait for more reinforcement to come to help you out, because enemies just know, that they just need to survive there long enough, until the kittening npcs respawn… hwat is something, that should get deactivated…

killed off camp npcs shouldn’t respawn.. if no dumb enemy feels itself worthy enough to defend their silly camps, then they just deserve it simply to lose them.
Npcs shouldn’t do the dirty work for the real players … all they should be worth for is just buying some time for real players to arrive, but they need finally to stop endlessly respawning, once killed every few minutes, so that this cheesy play on time defending stops also and that enemies actually really have to go in for all, if they get into a 1v1 for a camp and they know, that there most likely won’t come some help rushing in quickly, that the defender personally has to do its best to defend the camp and not hope for it to survive just only long enough until npcs respawn or other players rush in to overwhelm someone simply, where a thief most likely has instantly to retreat under the current game balance, because just taking on multiple of the npcs at once just takes too much time alone, so that you need to do it the stealthy way if you want to flip a fully build camp solo as thief.

fully build up plus 1 player defending = forget it already, just takes too long time in which the enemy will call for help naturally.

However, just wanted to say, that the basic content of the OP’s comment just isn#t correct.

D/D was the first thing i scrapped with the june patch, because ANet just butchered acrobatics to death. Try using for solo camp flipping S/P…. Pistolwhip with the signet heal skill just gives you enough survivability and control to flip the camps solo, even when fully build up..the on demand daze is just so help full to intterupt the enemies when they try to heal up, while you are self for a brief time evading all incoming hits, making it easily possible to tank for that moment 1vx situations agaisnt multiple npcs in a corner or so where you can easiyl defeat them quickly mostly all at once. Especially helpfull in the north eastern camp, where you easily can facetank at a spot all npcs, kil lthen off and have a direct free way to the camp supervisor as only enemy left, without that the camp gets swords to go for the quick and easy stealth flip …

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

(edited by Orpheal.8263)

Gift of Maguuma by the numbers...

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


yeah, that amount of exp is nothing… you easily get alot of exp from dungeon runs and who knows how much exp we wil lget from raids soon, surely alot more than from a simple dungeon…

Theres alot of ways to increase your maximum exp gain from kills by several hundreds of %, what will give anoither little boost that will help in gettign exp quickly while playing the game.
And its naturally that the new legendaries get designed around the fact ,that the next set should be harder to get than the first set, to make them rare, much rarer than the first set… so that they are in fact something “legendary”

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

We want Zealot Amulet for HoT

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


Hmmm, new amulets. Aside from zealots, anything else you folks think would be interesting?

In general there needs to be more build diversity for PvP


Assassin Amulet = 1200 Precision, 900 Power, 900 Ferocity
Berserker Amulet = 1200 Power, 900 Precision, 900 Ferocity
Barbarian Amulet = 1200 Vitality, 900 Power, 900 Precision
Carrion Amulet = 1200 Condion, 900 Power, 900 Vitality
Cavalier Amulet = 1200 Toughness, 900 Power, 900 Ferocity
Celestial Amulet = 560 Everything
Cleric Amulet = 1200 Healing, 900 Power, 900 Tougness
Crusader Amulet = 1050 Power, 1050 Toughness, 560 Ferocity, 560 Healing
Knight Amulet = 1200 Toughness, 900 Power, 900 Precision
Magi amulet = 1200 Healing, 900 Vitality, 900 Precision
Marauder Amulet = 1050 Power, 1050 Precision, 560 Vitality, 560 Ferocity
Rabid Amulet = 1200 Condition, 900 Tougness, 900 Precision
Rampager Amulet = 1200 Precision, 900 Power, 900 Condion
Sentinel Amulet = 1200 Vitality, 900 Toughness, 900 Power
Settler Amulet = 1200 Toughness, 900 Healing, 900 Condition
Soldier Amulet = 1200 Power, 900 Toughnes, 900 Vitality
Valkyrie Amulet = 1200 Power, 900 Vitality, 900 Ferocity

When you look over this current list, you clearly see, what is missing and what would be a good addtion for the Game to add more Build Diversity.

1) Zealot Amulet = 1200 Power, 900 Precision, 900 Healing
2) Shaman Amulet = 1200 Healing, 900 Toughness, 900 Condition
3) Adventurer Amulet = 750 Power, 750 Precision, 750 Vitality, 750 Toughnness
4) Sorcerer Amulet = 750 Condition, 750 Healing, 750 Precision, 750 Power
5) Mercenary Amulet = 750 Power, 750 Precision, 750 Vitality, 750 Healing
ect. With 4 Stats you can make so many useful combinations for Builds…

6) Gladiator Amulet = 750 Power, 750 Ferocity, 750 Condition, 750 Toughness
7) Hunter Amulet = 1050 Precision, 1050 Ferocity, 560 Power, 560 Vitality
^ But also from these kinds of Split Ups would I love to see more, which aren#t about 1050 Power only, but make usage also of the other Attributes
8) Warlock Amulet = 1050 Condition, 1050 Precision, 560 Healing, 560 Toughness

and so on, I could do this here all day long until practicalyl all options are listed up that are theoretically possible …

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

Selling Gift of Exploration in HoT

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


or simpler, make Gifts of Mastery/Fortune sellable …

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

Nevermore on Elementalist

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


I would find it awesome, if Nevermore would turn the projectiles for an Elementalist all into some kind of different elemntal birds …


Attuned to Fire = You shoot Phoenix Projectiles.
Attuned to Water = You shoot Icebird Projectiles
Attuned to Air = You shoot Thunderbird Projectiles
Attuned to Earth = You shoot Ebonhawk Projectiles

Necro = You shoot Raven Projectiles
Mesmer = You shoot Illusionary Bird Projectiles
Ranger as Druid = You shoot real birds as projectiles xD (just shares the Raven animation with Necro) (Angry Bird Style lol jk)

Revenant/Thief as Daredevil= You cause a Raven Feather Effect when you hit foes with it in Melee Combat

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

(edited by Orpheal.8263)

This is (almost) Halloween!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


sadly, disappointing as it is as usual by now for another year of a middle finger for all the hacked players back in 2012.. the access to the Grimoire Back item doesn#t return …

sigh, surely would have been surprising, but I guess Anet seems to fear more the peep storm of some wannabe try hard super special snowflakes of players than to bew willing to make alot of hacked players happy that they can fully participate on some past game content they couldnt participate and enjoy fully thanks to some antisociual kitten which had nothing better to do in his pathetic life, than to steal other players accounts..

But at least some other older stuff like Ascent to Madness finally returns for once


Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

How to save dungeons

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


Dungeons are Game Content, which should get picked up and get then slowly one by one redesigned and remimplemted via Feature Packs/Expansions.

Dungeons are a Gameplay Concept, which needs more depth.
The first thing that ANet should screw about Dungeons is this dumb Multi Path Design, which never ever fitted to the game from begin on, because it makes Dungeons look artificially look alot smaller, than they really are.

Instead of having Story and 3-4 explorable small Paths, shold provide Dungeons more to stay for a long time interesting and be more than just a Gold Grind Spot which is always the same.
The Dungeon Concept for GW2 needs to be completely reiterated.
There a multiple different types of Dungeons which should exist in GW2 and not just one stereotypical kind of Dungeon only – thats where Dungeons in GW2 lack their depth by design and where other Games are alot further than GW2.
Under the Category of a Dungeon should fall these types of Dungeons which should exist – no Dungeon should be the same:

  • Solo Dungeons – A Solo Dungeon is that kind of Place, like the Dungeons in Zelda-Games, which you have to explore alone, where you need to learn new stuff, find things inside to progress in that Dungeons to be able to beat these Dungeons by defeating their special Bosses.
    Thats the kind of Dungeon, which should provide also STORY and which are Dungeons, that should be completely seperate own Dungeons from those, which need a Group to be successful
  • Group Dungeons – A Group Dungeons is the kind of Dungeon that requires a full Group of 5 People to be successful. Dungeons, which are so design, that they encourage Teamwork, Split Up Jobs and other forms of Coordination and Communication to be together successful. Dungeons, that can have also multiple layers of levels and which should feel challenging due to enemies with good A.I, which can’t be stacking killed everywhere, which change their behaviours accordign to the situation and aggressively also try to get the upper hand by actually also finishing players, when they are downed – why should this be a player only mechanic… but it would be somethign enemies could be balanced around instead of giving them lots of dumb instant kill attacks only.
    Group Dungeons should vary in the Group Size. They should be playable between 3 to 10 Players
  • Guild Dungeons – Special Dungeons, which should be only accessible as Guild and be playable with Guild Members, which aren#t always accessible, but whenever the Guild earned temporarely Access to them, as Guild Dungeons are for the Guild itself and the Guild Members that take part in them more rewarding, than the typical standard Group Dungeon, therefore is the access to them limited and not something, what you can do as Guild all the time around the clock.
  • Dungeon Crawlers – these kind of Dungeons are special Farming/Challenge Dungeons, where the only purpose is it for the players to survive in them as long as possible and progress in them deeper and deeper, higher and higher to farm there for stuff, that could nowhere else to be found, while having also to overcome challenges, that nowhwere else are to be found.
    The special thing about Dungeon Crawlers is, they permanently are changing, everytime you enter them, they are different. Each time a completely new experience.
    Certain thigns will always be similar, but in the end will never be your previous run exactly like you current one or the one next after.
    Leave the Dungeon, reenter it and you will face a completely new generated Dungeon Structure with different enemies, different challenges and traps ecct that will makes it harder for you to progress in these places to reach the more and more valuable things to find in these Dungeons with a system similar to the Fractals, that you progress in Dungeon Levels so further you come, what will enable you on next enter to start right at that Dungeon Level.
  • Fractals of the Mist – this is practicalyl the classical “Dreamspace Dungeon Concept”, where you can find absolutely evwerything, because the place isn’t bound to reality or time, what is a nice concept, because it gives developers the most freedom of creativity, because here they can literalyl confrotn us with absolutely everything, even the most craziest things one would never ever think about…
    Thats a concept , which I’d like to see gettting expanded with the BMP Concept from GW1, that we should have also some kind of heroic Fractals, where we don’t play as our characters, but replay some kind of story in the view of other story related Characters. Id so love to be able to replay the whole Story of Ghosts of Ascalon in a Heroic Fractal that lets us become able to replay the Book Chapter per Chapter, where every Group player can then take over the role of a NPC of their choice, or the game just decides by random ,who plays as whom of the Story Characters.

The other aspect that needs to get improved, despite just making Dungeons more depthful Game Content with more complexity and Gameplay Choices, while making the Story Parts completely soloabe redesigned Dungeons in Zelda-Style, are in general GW2’s general problem number 1!! – Rewards.

The Token System needs to get overhauled, the Reward Table needs to get expanded, so that Dungeons also get somethign, that you can earn only through playing Dungeons, that isn#t tied to just parts for makign Legendaries.. but rather some kind of special unique dungeon related Ascended Weapons and Armors with ubnique skins that you can earn only there and not with PvP reward tracks.

Dungeosn lack the convincing good reward table, because once youve unlocked all the skinns, theres absolutely nothign anymore, besides at the moment the gold to earn, what incentivizes you to play the dungeons further.
Yes, new ascended weapon and armor skinsn would be no perfect solution, but at least one, that would buy Anet alot of time until they can come up with somethign better, while players are for a long time busy to unlock all the new skins, while the Dungeons will stay for a long time populated enough by this, without that every will with HoT flee over to Fractals and Raids, because Dungeosn basically became just a useless waste of time for most people then…

I hopejust, that once HoT has been released, that ANet will set then finally alot more significantly focus on some of the over the years most neglected gameplay systems and finally starts on giving them the deserved attention that they should get to improve these feature finally to the same quality like some other aspects of the game have..

and that are

  • Dungeons
  • WvW
  • Underwater Content

where one can hope only, that if not now, these thigns get more looked on then on the next expansion or feature pack more. But I think Hot for now will msake finally first a big step for WvW finally after over a year and more of pure ignorance, while focusing themself mostly only onto Living World, Addon Work in the backgrounds secretly and the Gemstore

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

Economy Questions Repost

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


I see these changes with mixed feelings…positive as like negative… because alot of these changes do remind me on stupid child behavior, that ditches its current “toy”, because it got a new toy that looks better and gets from now on al the attention, while the old thing gets neglected and ignored, treated as ugly/boring and not good enough anymore..

Thats exactly anet is doing here right now with Dungeons since pretty much the release of they game. They never really did much for Dungeons at all, other than removing one path of the Twilight Arbor and replacing it with the Twilight Psth, getting most likely not the reaactions out of the community for that that they liked to see and neglected from this point on more and more <Dungeons to the point, that they now want to willingly deincentivize players from playing Dungeons by making dungeons just literally a waste of time, nerfing all the rewards from it into nothingness and shifting them over into other parts of the game so that they forcefully have to to them from that point on, if you want to maintain your current level of money gain as good as possible…

because lets face it, doing the dungeon paths is currently the only efficienty way in this whole freaking game to make efficiently quickl a nice amount of gold, unless you are a TP flipper, or you are mystically born with permanent supernatural luck with a heart shaped after a 4 leaf clover blessed by Fortuna herself

However.. instead of decreasing the incentive to do dungeons.. ANet should increase it!!
That would be the right way to do it…. Dungeons are massively lacking content and incentive to do then, since you can unlock all the skins alot faster with PvP reward tracks, you gain money also too with Pvp, sure not as much as like with a dungeon, but you can do more PvP matches in the time you need to do a single dungeon run and if you are good at PvP and have good team mates, im sure you can make with PvP also more money than with a dungeon n in the same time… A PvP Win gets you like 30 Silver or so.. so to be equal with a Dungeon run you’d need to make 4 wins.
You can make daily up to 40 Gold with PvP via ranked/unranked battles and self made arena, thats more gold than you get with a daily run of all dungeons together all pathes if you are seriously that much into pvp that you do daily practicalyl nearly nothign else!!

GW2 has since release already always had huge problems with offering APPROPIATE REWARDS for all game modes and now they want to make the imo dumbest move in game history that would be possible to do and want to willingly deincentivize players to do a part of their games content???

I seriously smell after Hot release a MASS EXODUS of players if they really do this move!
Alot of players won#t be for 100% sure happy about these changes, if you willingly butcher dungeon rewards to “junk level”, just so that you force people to do fractals/raids just to get better rewards that will then most likely just be of the level that dungeons were before around and in case of raids even be locked behind a weekly time gate!!!

Instead of doing this dumb move, I propose it would be much wiser for the game to do exactly the total opposite and finalyl stop ignoring Dungeons as game content and put into it finalyl the attention that it deserves to be improved and optimized to give playes a much better incentivation to do dungeons, because you can actually earn there something truly unique, that just can’t be fart farmed through PvP reward tracks which undermine the dungeon content since they got implemented, only because there were some pvp players too lazy to do PvE just to earn some skins…while it is suddenly ok to force all other kinds of players to play PvP just to get some skins without gettign also a method implemented with that you can circumvent the game modes that you don’t like while still beign able to earn the skins that you want… rolleyes

Dungeons should finally receive improved incentivations by gettign added new Ascended Dungeon Weapons/Armors/Back Items that cost alot more tokens and can be earned only through doing dungeons and not via pvp reward tracks.
Then we can talk. That would be the right kind of incentivation for the future of dungeons to keep them alive and with such kind of conmtent I would find it then also ok, if dungeons reward you after HoT then with lesser gold, because I would knew then, that my dungeon runs aren’t a waste of time, because I am working on something, that I can earn also something only in this game with actually doing dungeon runs without that there are any other circumventing quicker methods for some lazy whiners, whichnever want to leave their tiny personal comfort zones for a single freaking time top get something what they desire !!

Dungeons need more content depths, theres alot of unused potential for dungeon conent and it shouldn’t be just so easily thrown away and neglected by anet now, only because the game gets a new toy called “raids” >.>

I know, reworking more the dungeons is alot of work, but work that would be absolutely worth it to be done to make GW2 in general just a much better and more fun game to play and Anet has shown already that they can always reiterate things completely new and improve things also with feature packs and maybe also with expansions,.. so why not also too make Dungeons in the future a much better game experience, than just doing the lazy way and nerfing that content to death, just because theres now a better designed and smarter implemented new toy feature soon in the game called “Raids”

Dungeosn are their totally own content in themself and they should get supported and improved also further in the future of this game, instead of being left behind in the “old ugly toy desert of retired features”

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

(edited by Orpheal.8263)

"I'd really like this..." [Gifting Strangers]

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


I stumbled upon this thread out of random now and after reading the first lines I thought, hmm ,why not give it a try, perhaps it will help me out in the long run, who knows.

I’m an Achievement Hunter, so there isn’t really something that I’d desire from the Gemstore, but people seem to be also ok here with requests for non gemstore items (see Ectos ect.)

To break this down to simply 3 Points:
Every little thing will help and would be very much appreciated

1) Pendant of Orr (Large Gift) 0/1
2) Desire 950 Charged Lodestones (Medium Gift) 0/950
3) Desire 250 Vicious Fangs (Small Gift) – 0/250


PS: Kudos to the OP for this thread


Small Gift [47/250] Vicious Fangs. Thanks for the Donation

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

(edited by Orpheal.8263)

Looking for good prof to duo with Mesmer.

in WvW

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


The reason thief and mesmer works so well together is they can give each other stealth, they both have teleports and if your friend uses traveler runes or runes chrono then both have decent mobility.

They can focus a single target down and alternate stuns/dazes in coordination to make sure the guy has very little ways to fight back. They both hit like trucks especially in combination and timed right can 100-0 almost anyone.

If you over extended there are multiple ways out, thief can black powder and blast it with blinding powder for 6-8s stealth, shadow refuge, mass invis, portal out or both use your own stealth to run away. They just compliment each other perfectly, it’s a shame many thieves have a rod up their kittens and want mesmer nerfed into the floor.

Ofc, I’m talking power builds btw.

Because duoing with a mesmer is not everything about what this game consists off..

Please get a freaking wider sight of game balance and think please more outside of your box, so that you will realize, that the game is since the June 23 patch a total balance chaos for PvP and WvW, especially for thieves… if you duo now with a mesmer or not…

The sad point is for the thief, that it has practically become mandatory for us to duo with others, just to have a fair chance in most of the equally skilled fights, because thieves in itself got nerfed so down to death, that we became this games +1 pet class number 1 >.> which performs, even still after the nerf in the thieve’s number one gameplay mechanic – stealth alot worser, than mesmers and this fact is just simply unacceptable as much as it is totally ridiculous, how much Anet downgraded the thief class more and more into nothingless, just because of too many people being too stupid to adapt to combat against stealth since years, that Anet started over the years to water the thiefs speciality more and more down by giving more and more classes Stealth too and more/better hard counters to stealth when played with the right way much more forgiving build, while thief players always have to play absolutely perfect, where every single mistake can lead to death instantly due to beign alot quishier than Mesmers, despite havign the better armor class that should protect us much better from incoming damage than Mesmers, but the kittened up game balance thats based on 2012 base health values won’t make it possible, that our better armor class will mean anything at all, nor do thieves have any traits at all that make the better armor class more meaning ful and the factoras for attributes like Healing Power, Toughness and Vitality are still 3 years later after game release such garbage, that these stats are compared to the offensive attributess nearly meaningless, because Toughness as defense stat works way too weak, it should reduce alot better incoming damage and reduce condition durations on you, while Vitality should give sigicificantly better health per point, so that you actualyl see also a massive difference between a player build that has no vitality at all and a player build, that uses everywhere vitality as main attribute to get the most vitality that is possible.

That difference between a no vitality build and a full vitality build shouldn’t just be only freaking laughable 5000 Hp or so – that is like a ridiculous difference of just 1 attack that you can survive longer or so – but instead that difference should be at least 15000 health, so that when you go for full vitality, you actually really can significantly survive alot longer than someone with no vitality, especially against damaging conditions due to a needed synergy between vitality and toughness, that so more toughness you have, vitality should protect you then better against condition damage protectually while healign power should have synergy with vitality that so more vitality you have, to more should profitate your healing power from that by getting a bonus for outgoing heals so more maximum health you have based on 10% of your Max health in attribute points, so that your heals will have a synergy from having self very high health and being that way also a more supportive character that can stay longer alive!!

Status Effects like Weakness should also reduce either Condition Damage or Condition/CC Durations, that would be another great thign for better game balance to brign the game after the june patch again more back to the ground without having to actually change somethign big on the classes power creep, if ANet would juts finalyl take into consideratino to stop ignoring the general aspects of game balance and adjust the general aspects of the game balance finally also accordingly to the current new state of condition gameplay, which requires absosolutely of the game that Weakness needs to be changed to affect somehow conditions too and that the Base Health of all classes needs to be readjusted, because 2012 with our still current Base Health vaklues, there hasn#t exsited all the power creep, that the game has now.

At the state of the condition gameplay of 2012, there were these base health values all absolutely fine, but nor with the new condition gameplay, these values are all totally outdated!

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

How will vanilla zones stay populated

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


ANet will as it has been said add a new Map Reward System to all the Maps with the Introduction of Hot, which will help also players alot gaining the materials needed for Crafting rare Weapons and Legendararies, especially finally a greater permanent source of income for all the kinds of Lodestones!!

But there are more ways that ANet should add to give people temporarely at least more reasons to continue to go into the older maps.

1) Add should add for ALL explorable maps their own Region Achievements

2) Anet should introduce new Crafting Materials for Jeweler 500 and Chef 500 to be found in also the older maps mainly

3) Anet should start finally redesigning all the World Bosses, like for start the other Dragon Champions to let them beciome of same quality and difficulty like Tequatl with adding own Achievements and unique rewards to them like Tequatl has.

4) The Legendary Craftign will bring for sure also people constantly to the older maps as alot of thigns will be neccessary to be done in the older maps to get the stuff you need for your Legendary Crafting, thats for sure. But also the new legendaries can be used naturally to bring people back into older regions where it fits.

5) Adding new and missing Material Collector Options like Fishing and Digging could give people also too reason to go to the older maps, when certain materials from specific fishing and digging points can be gathered only in the older maps

6) Living Story will continue, and we will surely see in the future the Living Story also again in some older maps taking place when it fits for the Story.

7) Verticality…. adding somewhen later to certain maps also Vertical Exploration can be used to brign peopel back to let them explore older maps in a new way by either exploring it from the sky or from the underground, seeign the older maps from a completely different perspective where it fits

just some ideas and facts that surely could be used to guaranteed that pplayers will always find enough stuff in the older maps to do to return to them.

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

Daily AP Limit

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


Imo ANet should bring back Monthly Achievements with their own seperate Caps instead of merging the monthly AP with the 15k limit of dailies …

Or they should completely merge the monthly AP into the amount of permanent AP instead…

In my AP display I get all 3 types of Ap still shown, when in fact monthly AP shouldt exist at all anymiore a lonmg time ago and shouldn’t as such also be not hsown anymore

I have currently like 9k Daily Ap and rouchtly 1,7k Monthly Ap.
If in fact both should count as one, then that display should show in reality when its display would get finally fixed then instead, that I should be at 10,7k/15k of the Daily limit, if both types would have been truly merged….

But this seems not be the case since anet removed monthly achievements.

The imo best solution would it be, if as I said, Anet just reintroduces Monthly, and adds also weeklies and has from that point on then Caps for all 3 Types:

Example Player.

Example Player has 60000 AP, these 60000 AP are split up as followed:

Permanent: 30000 AP
Dailies: 15000/15000
Weeklies: 10000/10000
Monthlies: 5000/5000

So Example Player would have gained through normally playing the game and doing all the Content Achievements of the Game 30000 AP.
Example Player has maxed all 3 kinds of Time Limit Achievements, so Example player won’t gain neither Daily, Weekly or Monthly anymore any Time Limited AP, but can still complete them for the Rewards, if he/she wants.

To raise further his AP Limit, Exampel player has to wait for ANet to add new Content to play that rewards him/her with new Content Achievements.

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

Shortbow as f3

in Thief

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


That idea is nonsense and would make Thieves overpowered, if they could have the mobility of shortbow together while having D/P and S/D together for even more combat mobility and survivability without having to give up something for that.

Dont forget that you also have for combat related mobility steal and Shadow Step also as utility skill with 1200 range.

If ANet ever would want to give Thieves the option to literally have the advantage of having 3 weapons at once, the much easier solution would it be in case for a next Thief Elite Specialization for example to let the Thief have 3 Weapon Sets.

This way with such an E Spec you’d be then able to play D/P, S/D and S/B for example in one build.
GW1 already allowed us to use like 3 or 4 different weapon builds to carry around.. so I don’t think that it should be such a wide step away to use a 3rd Weapon Swap as an Elite Specialization Mechanic for the next one.

Thats an improvement, that shouldn’t work for the Vanilla Thief as it would make the Vanilla Thief OP if we could have 3 Weapon Sets withous having to sacrifice something for that increase in build freedom and and combat tactical increase in lesser preditability due to having one more weapon in choice to which you could strategetically change in the midsts of combat and the effects of on swap sigils that could come in handy more with two sets to change to other than just only 1.

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

[Suggestions] New Playable Races

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


Centaurs are unable to swim and dive!! They are simply impossible to design for any Underwater Content
A horse just can barely swim, as long theres ground under their legs, but take away the ground under their legs and the swimming will become quickly a death trap for them once they run out of endurance to keep their massive bodies/nose above the water to breathe.
A horse practically doesn’t swim, it goes through the water as long it has contact to the ground more or less to keep its nose above the water mirror. Or have you ever seen a horse diving under water? Not to mention that Anet would have to make completely new movement animations and all that extra for them just to make them viable for a game content part, that has seen since game release absolutely no attention at all!! (snip)

I don’t know why you think horses need contact with the ground and would drown in short order in deeper water, but horses can swim. There was a fad where horses, sometimes with a rider and sometimes not, leaped off high places into deep water. They had to swim underwater to get to the surface and then swim to shore. Granted, horses don’t usually swim underwater or dive off high places but they can if they have to.

Show me a horse, that would ever get “naturally” into such a situation … that link shows an idiotic manipulated situation for the ret*rded “entertainment” for some humans of the past that were so dumb to pay for any kind of entertainment back then anything, just to be able to see for a short moment of their boring lives something “new and exiting” about something that they normally would never get to see happening, because the options for getting entertainment in the past were alot lesser, than what we can do all today to entertain us self without having to force animals to do such stupid things for our entertainment with that they and their even dumber riders could even hurt themself … /facepalm

Also leaping off into a ppol of water that is ensured not to be deep enough that the horse can drown, but deep enough, that it will soften good enough the fall is something completely different from swimming somewhere in the far and deep SEA, where everywhere hundreds of miles and hundreds of metres under you is nothing but just WATER, where a horse won’t be able to get contact with any ground to ensure to keep its nose above the water.
Sooner or later a horse won’t have the strength anymore to keep itself up, so sooner or later it WILL DROWN in such a situation, because for a horse to swim and keep up its massive body above water is costing it alot more energy, than it costs us humans energy to swim and keep us above the water to breathe, because we are much lighter than a horse and don’t have so much mass.

The heaviest draft horse in history known weighted 1500 Kilogramms (1,5 TONS).
Even a simple normal horse weights around 380-550 Kilogramms.

A fully grown man normally weights between just between around 70-80 Kilogramms, so much lesser than just.
So if we take the normal horse weight, they weight of to around 5,5 to nearly 8 times as much than a normal human, so the energy that have to use to keep themself up in water, is 5,5 to 8x more of the level of a human, what means, a horse will 5,5 to 8x faster drown in deep water, than a human, if not even faster, because a horse needs to stay constantly in motion to create enough updraft to stay above water, while for a human its enough to create enough updraft with juts minimal hands and feet moves to stay on position above water without having to to be in motion, ie. without havign to actually “swim” to stay above water.
So we humans have in water a large advantage, we can willingly reduce or energy consumption to the minimum needed level to reduce the stress level for our body, while a horse in deep water wil lbe practicalyl permanently under heav stress just to stay above the water… it can’t just reduce its movement, or its weight will just let it drown much quicker.
Horses are just physically NOT MADE for swimming/diving. Unlike for example Hippos, but thats a completely different animal which in fact can swim and dive unlike a horse.

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

ITT: We fix P/P one idea at the time

in Thief

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


What I’d intent with Stealth to P/P?


1) More general Access to Stealth Attack on Demand
2) Better Defense, because Stealth is the Thieve’s Main Damage Mitigator besides of Blinds and Dodges and P/P simply lacks the own made Stealth, while you have with most other Weapon Sets own made Stealth, with the Exception of S7P, but that has therefore on Demand Daze and is a much stronger Control Build, so you won’t need as much Stealth
3) Unseen Positioning Reasons, especially with Fleet Shadow
4) Better Survival as P/P, especially against Conditions, cause Stealth is one of the Thieves only ways of havign viable good periodically Conditional Removal and passive Health Regeneration to stay alive long enough agaisnt all the current OP Condition Spam.

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

ITT: We fix P/P one idea at the time

in Thief

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


And this is how i’d Change Shortbow based on those P/P changes I proposed

1) Trick Shot
Deal damag with a 3x bouncing Arrow up to four Targets or hit two targets up to 2 times with it. Steals Boons on Targets that get hit by the same bouncing Arrow again ICD 3s

2) Cluster Bomb
Shoot an explosive Arrow at a range of 1200 with a little arc high enough, that you don’t shoot into wall rims at WvW walls (facepalm) which you can detonate at will.
If you don’t let it cluster, then it will cause a big explosion that will cause vulnerability and torment to the nearby targets and dazes foes that were under 50% health
If you let it detonate, then you will damage up to 10 targets in a much wider spread area (+50% more radius range from now)

3) Disabling Shot
Shot at a Target, causing the target to get dazed and evade forward, avoiding all incoming hits at that moment, counting as a leap. If you hit with Disabling Shot an already stunned, dazed, feared, taunted or knocked downed target, it will disable afterwards for the target some time to use their Profession Mechanic Skills (so no Attunement Changing for the disabled time period, no Steals, no Death Shroud ect.)

4) Choking Gas
Shoot a Poison Field for the duration of 5 seconds, which will periodically cause 2 Stacks of Poison per Second and causes Targets, that stand longer than 3 seconds in the field to get dazed. Shooting an undetonated Cluster Bomb into a Choking Gas will cause a big Explosion, which will weaken foes and launch targets away while losing also a Boon.

5) Infiltrator’s Shot
Shadow Step to your Target Location with a range of 1200 and blind all nearby foes in a range of 240 around you.
Gain 3s Stealth if your Health was above the Threshold of 90%

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

ITT: We fix P/P one idea at the time

in Thief

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


This is my way how I would change P/P to make the Pistol Skill in general more useful.
But these changes would lead imo also to the point, that Shortbow would need to get then after some significant changes so that both weapons stay viable options, so I will post changes for both weapons here:


1) Precision Shot > Body Shot > Burning Bullets
The Auto Attack becomes a new 3 Skill Combo with two Follow Up Flip Skills

Precision Shot first deals small Damage but causes Vulnerability.
Body Shot then hits the Target, letting you regain Initiative if the Target suffered on Vulnerability, more Initiative, so more Vulnerability (to bring this skill more back to the GW1 original effect)
Burning Bullets as last part of the Combo causes then 3 fast shots of Blindness and Burning for a short time, but deals more and more increased damage, if it hits already burning targets with increased damage per Burning Stacks.

2) Bullet Time
Perform a quick Shadow Back Step that counts as a Backwards Leap that let you evade incoming hits, while regaining with the next used Weapon Skill some Initiative.
Shoot while you perform the Shadow Backstep at your Target 3 unblockable very fast Shots that will Slow per Hit the Target for 1 Second

3) Desperado’s Staccatto
Unload your Pistols all at once, shooting at your Target 8 Bullets, which have all a chance of 25% to bounce to another nearby target. Bounced Bullets will cause to the Target and nearby hit target a Stack of Bleeding.
While you perform this Skill, will you cause a Blind Field around you from all the blasted off Black Powder which lets you gain Stealth after Bullet Times slowing Attacks, if you use right after this Skill Bullet Time to leap back through it.

4) Overcharge Blaster
Overcharge your Pistols with Black Powder. So longer you charge up , so more Initiative this will cost, but generates more Charges for your other Pistol Skills to use Overcharged Skills.

5) Head Shot
Shoot at your Target, causing Daze for 1second, which cumulates to other Stuns and Dazes, raising their duration by that 1 Second to keep the target longer unable to move. Causes high Confusion also if you hit with it an already stunned/dazed Target

Overcharge Skills
When you overcharge your Pistols, Skill 2, 3, 4 and 5 turn into new Flip Skills for as many charges as long you overcharged your Pistols (press and hold down 4) (Inspiration comes from Tales of Xillia’s Alvin ^^)

2) changes from Bullet Time to Bullet Storm

Bullet Storm
Perform a Vault like Jump over the heads of your targets, shooting from above of them and damage all targets in your ground target area and gain while you perform this Skill Stability and Fury.
Animations will be similar to this:
Look at 3:11 near the end

3) changes from Desperado’s Staccatto to Devilish Ricochet

Devilish Ricochet
Works basically like an upgraded Desperado’s Staccatto, it will have a 50% chance to let Bullets bounce and bounced Bullets will not cause only Bleeding, but steal also Boons that you and your nearby allies will gain.

4) Overcharged Blaster changes into Marksman’s Wager

Marksman’s Wager
Marksman’s Wager is so powerful, that it breaks through everything, always hitting the target. It deals damage to all targets in line and launches all hit targets back.
Using this Skill will instantly cost you all your charges, but it is more powerful so more charges you use for it, by having increased range and damage per consumeable charge.
This skill is unblockable.

5) Head Shot changes into Marauder’s Shot

Marauder’s Shot
Performing Marauder’s Shot deals for every ally nearby increased hits and lets you gain Might per every nearby ally also too. If the hit target is near any of your allies, then becomes Marauder’s Shot unblockable, causes Torment and your Steal gets slightly recharged.

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

(edited by Orpheal.8263)

[Suggestions] New Playable Races

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


When will people learn finally, that certain races will never come, because Anet clearly has said, that they count for the game#s story as “lesser races”.

So we will never see races become playable that are:

- Ogres
- Quaggan
- Skritt
- Grawls

Dwarfs will never become playable out of lore reason too.. there exists in the game only 1 single Dwarf and that is Ogden, he is already OFFICIALLY the LAST ONE OF HIS KIND for the other races. If you want classical 0815 races like dwarves, elves of millions of sorts and so so, go please play one of the many 0815 MMORPGs that are out there, like LOTRO, WoW and Co. which provide these 0815 races that absolutely every classical mmo rpg has. Guild Wars is different… thats why we have Charr, Asuras and Sylvari and not the typical 0815 pabulum

From all the rest of possibilites that are there I think the only ones that ever should become playable are:

  • Tengus
  • Largos (after a redesign)

Centaurs will never become playable out of two simple reasons that should be very easy to grasp

1) They are by design and lore the main enemy currently of the Humans!!
2) Centaurs are unable to swim and dive!! They are simply impossible to design for any Underwater Content
A horse just can barely swim, as long theres ground under their legs, but take away the ground under their legs and the swimming will become quickly a death trap for them once they run out of endurance to keep their massive bodies/nose above the water to breathe.
A horse practically doesn’t swim, it goes through the water as long it has contact to the ground more or less to keep its nose above the water mirror. Or have you ever seen a horse diving under water? Not to mention that Anet would have to make completely new movement animations and all that extra for them just to make them viable for a game content part, that has seen since game release absolutely no attention at all!!

Then rather Largos, which are much more likely to become a playable race, are enemies of no one, have a humanous body shape, so no need to make for them special new animations extra like for a 4 legger it would be needed and which are per se also a much more interestign race, than the Centaurs.
Once we ar so far to go finally again the deep sea dragon, I think it will be most likely that the Largos could become then a playable race, once we learn about htme also alot more…whenever that will be… by the spee we go currently agaisnt the dragons, most likely in like 8+ years or so xD because surely we will set attention first on Jormag, Primordus and Kralkatorrik before we ever get to see the deep sea dragon, nor finally get to know even its name >.>

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

[Suggestion] All weapons visible

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


Umh, easily done.

fox 4x 1H swords = 2x Swords on the sides, 2 swords on the back
for 2x 2h swords = 1 greatsword on the bakc, 1 on the side, or both on the back cross shape 1 vertically hanging, 1 horizontally hanging at your hips put on a belt.

heare some holding animations how it could look like to fight even with 2 greratswords ^^ > Would find this awesome for maybe a Warrior Elite -Spec “Devastator”

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

Coming from other mmo's (suggestions)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


Things anet should take over from other MMOs:

1) Personal Housing/Gardening
Games like Final Fantansy 14 are good examples, how such systems should look like and work and I’d love to see it, if anet could redesign the Personal Home Instance into a Game peature, that we players TRULY can personally CUSTOMIZE, where we can build our own homes with upgradeable houses, decorate it as we like (hey, guild decorations now, so its starting, next step logically is just housing …).
A place, that works for every player like a personal hall of monuments, where we can invite otjher players in our group to enter our home instances and see what for achievements we have made, where alot of the personal story and living story items ect we collected over tiem can become Home Decorations (example the majories memory book could become something we can place somewhere, like on a table as decoration. A part of the slain Zhaitan could become a wall decoration ..possibilities are so endless…)

2) Alot more good animated EMOTES
Its really frustrating, how less emotes GW2 has even compared to its prequel GW1 which had alot more Emotes than GW2.
Blade and Soul, a game that got published by the same company at the same year of development and release date behind the game NCSoft, has also better emotes, even one for eating/drinking food/potions, that GW2 has eatign drinking is just a symbol popping up as buff icon, no emote at all…. this simply shows, how much potential for quality here at GW2 was just ignored to make the game look immersive and realistic!!

3) Fishing, Digging
We have a freaking FISHING ROD IN THE GAME, but no fishing… this is like giving you a plate full of food, but giving you no fork and no knife at the same time …
It hsould be a no brainer, that when you implement fishign rods into the game, that you should implement then also a fishing activity where you can actually USE THEM then also >.> same goes for Digging.. man we have SHOVELS… but no, we can’t use them to dig with them around oO WHY Anet WHY???

4) Much better telegraphing of Attacks
Games like Wildstar show it, how it could be done better, again a game thats published by NCSoft, where you start to ask yourself, are the development teams from the companies that are all sitting under the same hat of publisher not sharing their wisdom with each other? ANet showed that they can improve the telegraphing at season 2 and especially at the marionette battle… I just hope with HoT it becomes again better

5) Improved fully 3D using Action Combat System that makes everywhere usage of the Z-Axis
Again Blade and Soul is here a parade example of hoe Anet could improve significantly the combat system of GW2 to enrich it more with action and fun in the end, by making it possible, that we can launch enemies also higher into the air, to perform mid air attacks and combos while the enemy is still in the air. We have launch, but its only a knock back and not a launch up. So it would be nice to see added as new CC effect launch up (we have under water SINKING, so why the hell is there not on land counterpart, that lets us castapult our enemy into the air???
Also more interacting with the enemy body would be wishful. With HOT we see, that you seme to have found out finallly, how colission control can be used in a fun way to improve combat (see Berserkers utility skill that makes player bodies into projectiles to play bowling with enemies)
Next nice step would it be to add “GRIPPING & HOLDING”, so that we can grip a foe and if he doesn’t react quick enough by pressing F to counter it that we can hold the enemy so that ce can’t move fro some seconds unless a stun break is used that will deal then some significant damage to the holder as a counter balance for the risk of trying to hold the enemy. Followd by the mechanic, that we can throw a holded enemy also if the health is under a threshold to throw them into other enemies.

6) Improved LFG/ Guild Search
Our LFG currently is really not very omptimized and doesn’t make usage of all its potential. It should get improved also to the point, that it provides the feature “Looking for Guild” as a little example, so that all this map chat guild advertise spam can end

7) Order Guild System for Daily, Weekly/Monthly Quests
ANet imo shouldn’t have removed the Monthly Achievements, simply reworked would have done the job and I think they should brign them back together with new Weekly Achievements, both max capped like Daily Achievements.
And then improved all this on top with some specific NPC guilds, that provide you daily, weekly, monthkly with special tasks (Quests) that you can do or not if you want, which give you special personalized rewards based on how successful you completed or partially completed you have these taskas until their timers run out to give back report to the quest giver.
GW2 is a game, which easily could work with both systenm,s its dynamic event system and a dynamic daily/weekly/monthly quest system to provide players enough nice to do side taskas for when they have beaten already the story.
Such NPC Guilds could be then for example:

  • A classical Monster Hunter Guild, which gives you tasks to go kill specific creatures for them, whereyou can get also Head Hunter Quests for some very rare and special monsters, that if you defeat them, you can earn some nice unique rewards from. and where you can gain Hunter Ranks and so higher your Monster Hunter Rank, so more and better (and riskful/dangerous) quests will be given to you by that order guild.
  • or class specific guilds, like a Thief Guild, where when you are a Thief can get special thief related quests where your special thief skills are required to do them successfully, where you can gain new Thief Skills as rewards by ranking up in the Thief Guild and where yiou can earn also new Thief Skill Skins for more customization of your skills.
    and so on

8) Repair to > Refining
Repair has become completely obsolete in this game, why not change it and make somethign useful out of it?
Instead that Equipment can break, it can get “worn”
Worn Equipment will have a 20% Malus in it Offense/Defense Stat (yes, weapons will get worn too now) and you can remove that Malus by refining the Equipment on such a refining point or by using a Refinement Kit item (that Gemstore thing)
By refining your requipment on such a station, you get get also a little Stat Bonus (PvE/WvW only) as long your equipment isn’t worn.
Refining equipment comes with a money/token sink and has 5 tiers which raise the Defense/Offense Stat of the equipment per tier by 4% each.
But the more you refine, so higher is the chance that you fail and end up with worn equipment.

Refine Tier 1 = 100% Guaranteed , costs 10 Silver (in WvW 5 Silver and 25 Badges of Honor)
Refine Tier 2 = 90% Guaranteed, costs 15 Silver (in WvW 10 Silver and 50 Badges)
Refine Tier 3 = 75% Guaranteed, costs 20 Silver (in WvW 15 Silver and 75 Badges)
Refine Tier 4 = 60% Guaranteed, costs 25 Silver (in WvW 20 Silver and 100 Badges)
Refine Tier 5 = 50% Guaranteed, costs 50 Silver (in WvW 35 Silver and 150 Badges)

Refinements stay as long you stay on the map, they don’t get lost after a Death.
For PvE we add a Refinement Mastery, that will improve your chances, lowers costs and improves the results. For WvW a a slightly weaker Refinement Trait will get added, that will do there the same for put in Rank Points. Used numbers here are now just examples to show how it could work.

9) Collectable Card Game/ Cards as Hybrid Upgrades
How I’d wish GW2 would have its own collectable Ingame Card Game as an activity
It would give the Art Developers of GW2 somethign where they can really shine at.
A Card game in GW2 that works like a mixture of FF8’s Triple Tried and Witcher 3’s Gwent would be awesome together with the feature of Ragnarok online maybe to use Monster Cards also if liked as “Equipment Uprades” to gain this way some special abilities or attributes ect. from an upgrade typoe, that works like a kind of Hybrid between Runes and Gemstones, which can give you either a Stat Boost or a Special Effect, but has no Set Bonus, so that it makes no sense to use multiple cards of the same effect type as Monster Cards count as “Unique” so that you can use them as Upgrade only once.
Then make them collectabl by various kinds of way.. buyable from karma npcs, gainable as loot from monsters/bosses, earnable through matches against other players, if both accept to play for cards of the player deck they use for the match.
Trading (via TP), gemstore, achievement reward and so on

10) Heroic Movements
better interaction with the environment in regard of movement.. is it really heroic, when we fall flat on the belly after jumping somewhere down? HELL NO
Games like the upcoming Everquest Next show how its done better.
Destructable environment, reactive animations based on the environment that characters automatically try to overcome obstacles that are in their way by heroically jumping over them ect. or when falling, doing nice too look rolls to just fall not flat on the belly and get fall damage or so. Thats imo something ,where the masteries could help out in the movement section to make GW2 better

11) A much better Day/Night System with really dark nights and nice looking sunsets
Here again are games like Everquest next GW2 far beyond. (and with dark nights i mean Dragons Dogma-Dark Level, that you need a source of light to be able to see something, or in regard of GW2, Frost Fractal Forest/Obsidium Sanctum Dark Level…
Yet, HoT will have a map now with day/night setting.. but a day/night setting is imo somethign, that belogns into the WHOLE world and not just only in a single map

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

Coming from other mmo's (suggestions)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


GW2 surely has alot of things missing, that other MMOs have and I personally wouldn’t agrre to everythign the OP has written, but this are the points, where I’d like Anet would implement the Features also too into GW2 to significantly improve the Game and make it more fun:

1) No Time Gated Gear
If GW2 should become ever as much as multi character freindly as the game was at Release, then this stupid time gating of Ascended Gear has to disappear, there I can agree with the OP. Anet has to remove also alot of its absolute senseless RNG factors out of the game. We are playing here an Online Game and not LOTTERY >.>with the exception of the Mystic Forge, because its by design just an Item Sink with a Chance to reward you with something better than the junk that you have thrown away through it. And its by design a way how you can receive some special items only. So thats the only RNG that should exist in the game imo.

2) Rewards
This has always been from release day on a huge problem of this game, that Anet is constantly underwhelmingly rewardign us for the efforts that we do in the game.
Here it would be a nice start, if ANet would begin with polishing the rewards for defeating World Bosses (and redesign more of them to make the new rewards appropriate) and add then a World Boss Token System, that allows players to buy from NPCs also with enough tokens the rewards that they want, if they just have with the loot no luck. Example Tequatl – you have killed like already 100s of times him and you still have had not a single one of his special skin weapons drop fro you, but you drown already in like thousands of Tequatl Coins, then you could go to a NPC that wants these Tequatl Coins and trades them in for you for the Tequatl Weapons and other Stuff that you can loot from him, like his special Rune, like his Miniature, like Ascended Chests for Gear of a specific Stat Type. ANd instantly the whole thing would feel alot more rewarding, because you would know, your efforts give you at the end at least something that you want, if you hat at least no luck, then the time spent with the content is at least rewardign for you… and doesn’t feel like wasted.

3) Mounts
Yes, can agree here, I want them too since Game Release, but their priority currently is very low. There are still many other things where even I say, they need to get changed/fixed first with a much higher priority, before Anet should add Mounts to the game, like for example adding first finally all the content, that should have been already since Game Release in the game, like they announced it and which are still not 3 years later in the game, what I find really ridiculous by now, stuff like Polymock, Bar Brawls (<Funnily their achievements were once in the game and got later removed .wtf WHY?), Target Shooting and alot of other Minigames that should help making all the racial towns places ful of live where you want to constantly visit them, was the speaking.. and what do we have instead? – Mostly Ghost Towns and peopel need for activities just to run to LA, instead of going to the specific towns, how it was at Game Release needed, that you have had to go for exampel to Hoelbrak, if you wanted to play Keg Brawl and you could play it whenever you wanted and not like now only, when its up on a stupid acticity cicle!! rolleyes!

4) Improved UI
This is pretty mich something that would be very nice for an upcoming Feature Pack.
There was once a thread here from someone, who made a really great job for changign the UI, making them visusually alot more appealing, more sorted and overviewable so that you hadn’t to open anymore tons of windows, but just 1 to see everythign you need. That guy should have been hired by Anet so that he could help their UI devs to significantly improve the current UI systems…

5) Classic Roles
Can agree here only to disagree, hell please no Tank, Healer ect. for Dungeons…
Dungeons per see belong all completely reworked and improved with more content in form of adding alot more Dungeons (like some of the old GW1 ones) and new forms of Dungeons (Zelda like- Solo Dungeons, Dungeon Crawlers, Raid Dungeons, Guild Crusade Dungeons)
Anet needs imo to completely remove the stupid “Path System” it limits way too much the possibilities to design their dungeons and it makes their dungeons look alot smaller than they are. Sadly Anet seems to have due to our feedback completely neglected Dungeons in favor of Raids it seems to be unlikel<y, that Anet will ever improve this junkand leaves it simply as it is now as a permanent self reminder, of how content shouldnt be designed.. i dont know … or they simply wait for the right moment where they have the time to make changes similar to how the Twilight path got added, that they wait just for the right opportunity again for making changes with the help of Living Story…but all that doesn’’t chane my opinion, that Dungeons are currently one of GW2’s biggest contents that direly needs to be reiterated and changed and be it simply first with the next expansion and we have to pay for it, i wouldn’t care, as long dungeons become finaly a much better fun making content that is more depthful designed, than this silly multi path system that is designed as group content in mind and in the end gets farmed by many solo to profit of lazy players that want just fast the tokens. Alone due to this reason are all the dungeons long overdue for complete redesigns imo as this dungeon selling is absolutely harmful for the game economy in a passive way, because it setted the gold limits of many people alot higher, so that the mindset of people wanting ridiculous high amounts of gold for stuff they sell skyrockets with that mentality too. and with that naturally also skyrocked the gem to gold conversion very fast… this should have never happend, but Anet just willingly accepted this, because for them it naturally meant that alot lesser people will convert gold for gems, so faster the conversion became alot harder… so they simply took the easiest position they could take on this – acceptance as a “service” rolleyes

So much about the OP points, with the next postign now stuff, that I#d like to see anet taking over and addign into GW2 in their own way

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

What Elite Specs would you like to see next?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


I want to see next:

Mesmer > The Minstrel with Warhorn
Thief >The Saboteur with Mace and for Thief in general making Offhand Sword baselined. This should have been something from game release on in the Game.
Engineer >The Alchemist with Axes
Ranger >The Beastlord with Hammer
Necromancer > The Ritualist with Torch
Elementalist >The Summoner with Sword
Warrior > The Legionnaire with Tower Shield (New MH) (See Dragons Dogma, bigger MH wielded Shields that are used actively offensively, we had also in GW2 different Shield Types with normal ones and taller ones that looked already like Tower Shields, while the normal oners had more the size of classical Bucklers that are made as offhand shields – plus id simply love for the Warrior to have a Spec, that works like a mixture between Dragons Dogma + Chaos Legion <3 with some kind of intelligent Minions that you command around between offensive and defensive behaviors)
Guardian >The Inquisitor with Halberd (New)
Revenant >The Sage with Scepter

Round Two has to proof next, that Anet is also able to introduce new Weapon Categories into the Game.

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

(edited by Orpheal.8263)

Staff Animation (3D animated example)

in Thief

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


If the Daredevil would only have like half of the Gold Performance of Jade Xu, god in heaven, then we would have the eternal winner for the coolest staff class ever xD

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

BWE 3 Daredevil Specialization Changes

in Thief

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


Any thoughts or words from karl yet, what he thinks about, what in the end might be changed all within the next 17 days for the Thief, based on our Beta Feedback here?

So far we know only, that some animations are still in the works and that what we have seen so far were just place holders (stubs as it has been called)

What I would like to know by now only, in which kind of way the skills and traits will get changed now, based from our feedback to brign the Thief Spec finally to a spot, where it seems to be viable compared to all the other power creeped E-Specs…

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

Bringing the Shadow into a new Light

in Thief

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


Skill Changes Based on the Trait Changes

Viper Blades > Wild Strike > Lotus Strike
Deal two Strikes that Poison per hit the Target, followed by a quick thrust Attack that lets you evade incoming attacks and which steals 1 Boon. Ending the Combo with a Lotus Strike, which will cause Torment now instead of Poison.

Signet of Malice
Passive: Grants Ferocity based on the Character Level. (Max +250 Ferocity). Your Damage that you deal, including Condition Ticks heal you. Condition Ticks are only 50% effective as like Direct Damage Attacks that trigger stronger heals.
Active: Heal yourself significantly, gain Fury and while you have Fury on while the Skill is recharging, will critical hits increase the Duration of all other boons on you by 1 second. ICD 2s.

Skelk Venom
Reduced Recharge from 40s to 30s. When you activate Skelk Venom, your Attack leech Health for the amount of Charges from Skelk Venom (increased to 7 Charges base)
Skelk Venom now won’t leech only Health, with Skelk Venom applied Attacks you leech now also Endurance from your targets.

Hide in Shadows
Gains the Flip Skill “Pain Response”
When you use Pain Response before the Trigger Time of 3s runs out after using Hide in Shadows, then you leave instantly Stealth with no Reveal, or if you used it, while you had reveal and couldn’t stealth with HiS, then it will remove Reveal and you gain Resistance and Protection for 3s.

Signet of Shadows
Passive: Increases Movement Speed by 25% and makes Cripple, Chill and Immobilize lesser effective against you. TPriodically turns incoming Immobilizes into Cripples.
Active: Blind foes around you and gain Stealth for 3s

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

(edited by Orpheal.8263)

Bringing the Shadow into a new Light

in Thief

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


I have no problems with that, I just like to reconcept Classes and give maybe that way the Devs new Inspirations, if it gets used or not is irrelevant for me.
This reconception should just show, that alot of the current Thief Traits could easily also replaced into other Trait Lines, that alot of them are easily mergeable and would make also sense to be merged to make space for more useful things.
The reconception shows, that you can also easily merge the current old Trait Lines and in one go the Thief would provide instantly a completely different Gameplay Flair by just mixing things up together and replacing Traits to completely different positions where they make in my opinion thematically more sense.
Under the current Designs are alot of things wildly mixed around, where I thried with the reconception here to refocus all gameplay elements into specific traitlines.
See the Aspects of Traitlines after which I realigned the Traits new, so that for example you find Traits, that are responsible for Initiative Management only in one single Trait Line and not in like 2 different ones more or less, so that each line is focused on their very own mechanics with each trait line responsible for 3 different gameplay Mechanics.

Alot of things I kept out, because they will I try to make more baseline with the Weapon and Utility Skills to spice them up a bit more and make them more useful and interestign that way. Other things that you don#t find anymore, like for exampel the old Preparedness Effect do I think, should be right the way be baselined, because this one for example is a Trait Effect, that is way too important for the Thief currently in general, why it became quickly an essential “Must Have” that forces at the moment everyone to use Trickery if they want to be competitive.

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

Bringing the Shadow into a new Light

in Thief

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


List of Baselined old Trait Effects

  • Old Preparedness > Thief have now baselined 3 Initiative Points more
  • Old Dagger Training > The Poison Effect has been baseline into the Dagger Auto Attack as Double Strikes deal now each hit a Stack of Poison too.
    The Skill has been renamed to “Viper Blades”
  • Old No Quarter > Effect gets merged with Signet of Malice Active/Passive
  • Old Concealed Defeat > Removed. This Trait was just crap and senseless
  • Old Last Refuge > Removed. This Trait was just crap and senseless
  • Old Leeching Venoms > Baselined with Skelk Venom. Made SV just stronger kitten is basically already this Trait.
  • Old Shadow Protector > Baselined passively with Resilience of Shadows to give Thief more Group Support through Stealth and give Thief Stealth a superior effect over Stealth of other Classes.
  • Old Cloaked in Shadows > Merged with Feline Grace practically as there it makes more sense, Cats always fall on their four feet and that even when falling from very high!
  • Old Pain Response > removed, was just too weak and with Shadow Embrace, and other Condition Removes like Driven Fortitude you have already enough passiveCondi Removal practicaly. Needed to go to make space for more general useful stuff to return.
  • Old Don’t Stop > Removed, felt unneccessary with DD’s Dash and when you have other passive Condi Removals. Felt better to let it make space for more useful older Traits to return
  • Old Evasive Empowerment >Removed and brought back the way better more useful Fluid Strikes back in a way that it feels more rewarding, if you have to dodge alot without forcing you to do something within a short time span.
  • Old Escapist’s Absolution > Merged with Driven Fortitude for the cost of havign an increased ICD.
  • Old Daredavil Dodge Style Traits: Reworked so that they become toggleable F2-4 Skills with that you can change out of combat your Dodge Styles.
Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

(edited by Orpheal.8263)

Bringing the Shadow into a new Light

in Thief

Posted by: Orpheal.8263



> Minor Adept <
Physical Superiority
Gain Acces to Physical Skills and the Staff Weapon. Your Endurance is increased to 150 now

> Major Adepts <
Brawlers Tenacity = Physical Skills are 20% reduced and your Endurance Regeneration is 20% increased.
Weakening Charge = Your Critical Hits cause Weakness. ICD 10s
Weapon Fanatic = Gain Endurance and Quickness on Weapon Swap. Remove a Condition on Weapon Swap.

> Minor Master <
Driven Fortitude
Gain Health on Dodge and remove a Condition. ICD. 3s

> Major Masters <
Impacting Disruption = Deal Pulmonary Impact on Interuption
Staff Master = Gain Endurance from spent Initiative. Staff deals +10% Damage. +20% if you have more Endurance than your target.
Pressure Striking = Vaults have increased Range and knock foes down.

> Minor Grandmaster <
Endurance Thief = Gain Endurance when you Steal. if you had at that moment maximum Endurance, will Steal convert Conditions over to your Target.

> Major Grandmasters <
Dustdevil = Changes your Dust Strike into a large circular AoE Blindness that blocks also projectiles like a Smoke Screen for the duration of 3s.
Master of Self Defense = Using Dodges grants you Regeneration, Protection and Stability for a short while.
Lotus Flower = Whirl Finishers from you cause you to use the Lotus Flower skill, which whill cause projectiles from the projectiles of the Whirl Effect to cause Confusion per Projectile that hits you.

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

(edited by Orpheal.8263)

Bringing the Shadow into a new Light

in Thief

Posted by: Orpheal.8263



> Minor Adept <
Revealed Training
Gain +200 Power and Alacrity, while you are Revealed.

> Major Adepts <
Raffinesse = Reduces your Deceptions by 20% and you gain Resistance when you use Deceptions
Way of the Fox = When you use your Heal Skill, you Steal 2 Boons from your Target.
Fearsome Presence = Your presence reduces the Boon Duration of nearby Enemies by 50%. Fear and Taunts are lesser effective against you.

> Minor Master <
Malicious Strikes
Gain Ferocity and Condition Damage against foes over 50% Health

> Major Masters <
Ricochet = Pistol/Harpoon Gun/Shortbow Shots have a chance to cripple foes with hits, deal 10% more Damage and bounce of targets once, in case of Trick Shot once more.
Trickster = Your Tricks recharge 20% faster and remove Conditions.
Bountiful Theft = Stealing grants you and your Allies Vigor and you rip 2 Boons from your target that you grant your Allies.

> Minor Grandmaster <
Thieving Magpie = Using Deceptions recharges your Steal. Skill and Effects that steal Boons, steal now 1 Boon more after using a Deception.

> Major Grandmasters <
Stunning Tricks = Using a Trick weakens your target, makes it vulnerable and immobilizes it on spot.
Bewildering Ambush = Steal causes Confusion and the next try of your target to gain Boons will fail.
Improvisation = You can use Steal Skills now twice and using a Steal Skill recharges your last used Utility Skill.

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

(edited by Orpheal.8263)

Bringing the Shadow into a new Light

in Thief

Posted by: Orpheal.8263



> Minor Adept <
Signets of Speed
Reduces Signet recharge by 20% Using Signets grants you Swiftness and Quickness for 5 seconds and remove Cripple, Slow and Chill.

> Major Adepts <
Signets of Might = Using Signets grants you and your nearby Allies Might. You recharge with your used Signet the Signets of your Allies and you keep the passive Effects of your Signets, when activating them..
Flanking Strikes = Gain Quickness when attacking from behind or the Sides
Guarded Initiation = Receive lesser Damage from all sources for every point of Initiative you have. Using Weapon Skills heals you based on your spent Initiative.

> Minor Master <
Hard to Catch
Breaks Stuns and grants you on Stun Break Super Speed, Vigor and Protection. ICD 30s. Increases your Toughness by +200 while you are revealed.

> Major Masters <
Vigorous Recovery = Gain Vigor when using a Heal Skill. Vigor lasts on you 20% longer. Gain +200 Healing Power, while you have Vigor.
Initiative Strike = Your First Skill with that you initiate a combat doesn’t cost Initiative and you gain 3 Initiative from Steals.
Uncatchable = Throw Caltrops on Evade or Dodge and grants swiftness on Dodge.

> Minor Grandmaster <
Endless Stamina = Vigor on you is 50% more Effective and and Initiative recharges 20% faster while you have Vigor

> Major Grandmasters <
Quick Reflexes = Gain Retaliation on Dodge. Melee Attacks that would cause CC effects to you lead into automatic Counter Attacks that reflect the CC back to the origin. ICD 10s
Practiced Tolerance = Gain Vitality based on 10% of your Precision. Increases the maximum Range of your Shortbow and Pistols by + 300
Upper Hand = Regain Initiative on Evade and Initiative increases your Damage per Initiative Point

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

Bringing the Shadow into a new Light

in Thief

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


Deadly Arts

> Minor Adept <
Serpent’s Touch
Steal Poisons foes, Your Attacks in Downed State cause Poison

> Major Adepts <
Deadly Trapper = Trap Recharges are 20% reduced, Grant Might and cause Vulnerability
Lotus Poison = Poisons and Venoms weaken targets now ICD 10s. Your Poisons reduce now 50% Healings
Mug = Heal yourself on Steal and Steal deals non critical damage now.

> Minor Master <
Potent Poison
Your poisons deal 33% more Damage, your Venoms have 1 more Charge and activating Venoms grants you Might. If used with Venomous Aura, then your Allies too.

> Major Masters <
Trappers Respite = You can lay now Traps twice before they recharge and you lay on Heal now an Ambush Trap at your location that knocks foes down..
Panic Strike = Cause immobilization to foes with lesser than 20% health. ICD 15s. Causes. Steal causes to nearby enemies around your target Fear for 1s
Executioner = Deal 20% more Damage to foes under 50% Health. Reduces your Weapon Swap Time by 2s. Gain for a short moment all Boons when you kill something. ICD 10s

> Minor Grandmaster <
Exposed Weakness = Deal increased Damage for every Condition on your foe. Weakness durations you cause last now 50% longer.

> Major Grandmasters <
Hidden Killer = Your Stealth Attacks always are 100% critical and you gain Alacrity on Stealth so that your Healing, Utility and Elite Skills recharge faster.
Explosive Traps = Traps cause now Burning and launch all nearby foes away. Launched away foes work as projectiles to nearby other foes and hit them as well.
Venomous Aura = When you use a Venom, apply it to all nearby allies as well. Venoms recharge 20% faster

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

(edited by Orpheal.8263)

Bringing the Shadow into a new Light

in Thief

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


Thievery Arts

> Minor Adept <
Steal Boons of nearby Foes if you Shadow Step. For each stolen Boon you gain 1 Point of Initiative (Max 5)

> Major Adepts <
Fleet Shadow = Gain Super Speed while being in Stealth. Stealth work now as Stun Breakers for you ,so Stealth Skills won’t be under cooldown anymore, when you get affected by a CC Skill and your Stealth Durations are 25% increased.
Thrill of Crime = You and your nearby Allies gain Might, Fury, Swiftness and Resistance when you Steal.
Hidden Thief = Steal grants you Stealth. Using Steal Skills while in Stealth makes them 50% more effective. Attacking out of Stealth steals a Boon from your Target.

> Minor Master <
Shadows Embrace
Your Stealth Durations are increased by 25%. You periodically remove damaging conditions while in Stealth every 3s.

> Major Masters <
Assassins Assault = Your next Attack after a Shadow Step always leeches Health based on 20% of the Damage dealt.
Hidden Blades = Throw Impairing Daggers at Enemies in the line of sight that were between you and your target location when you Shdow Step. ICD 15s
Smoke Bombs = Create at your target location Smoke Screens whenever you Shadow Step.

> Minor Grandmaster <
Resilience of Shadows = You and your allies gain 25% lesser Damage from all Sources while being in Stealth when you stelath yourself or your allies.

> Major Grandmasters <
Shadow Rejuvenation = You and your allies gain Regeneration as long you are Stealthed. You and your ally become stealthed when you revive and you revive faster allies by 10%
Quick Pockets = Stealing grants you Quickness and Steal recharges 35% faster.
Sleight of Hand = Steal dazes foes and if you interupt foes, you Torment them.

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

Bringing the Shadow into a new Light

in Thief

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


Martial Arts

> Minor Adept <
Critical Eye
Increases your Base Critical Hitrate by +10%. Counter Attack with your weapon based Counter Skill the next incoming Melee Attack after a Dodge Roll, after parrying it with your Weapon(s). ICD 15s Visualized by a Counter Attack Symbol that appears after a Dodge and lasts for 2s

> Major Adepts <
Flawless Strikes = Lets you evade for a half second incoming attacks after dealing a Critical Hit and increases your Ferocity by up to 5 stacks by +50 when you evade attacks in combat through having hit an enemy critically first.
Surprise Attack = Your Attacks become unblockable and remove from you Weakness, Vulnerability and Blindness if you attack from behind or the sides. ICD 10s
Fluid Strikes = Increased Damage of +10% while having not full Endurance.
Gain with decreasing Endurance a higher chance of receiving Vigor of increased Durations after a Critical Hit. 3 Bars = 5% Chance for 2s, 2 Bars = 10% Chance for 4s, 1 Bar = 15% Chance for 6s, 0 Bars = 20% Chance for 8s Duration.

> Minor Master <
Unrelenting Strikes
Gain Fury whenever you strike an enemy that is above 25% Health. ICD 10s
Your Critical Hits now cause Vulnerability. ICD 1s

> Major Masters <
Way of the Empty Palm = Increases your Attack Speed by 20% and you Critical Damage is 10% increased, while you have no Steal Skill with you.
Way of the Gentle Fist = Increases your Damage by 20% after a successful Counter Attack for the next 3 Skills used.
Way of the Strong Fist = Gain Might for 5s after dealing a Critical Hit. ICD: 1s. Your Evade Durations are increased by 1/2s while you have Might.

>Minor Grandmaster <
Feline Grace
Counter Attacks cause now 4 Stacks of Bleeding. You receive 50% lesser Fall Damage and perform an AoE Stealth that grants you and your Allies also Fury.

>Major Grandmasters <
Invigorating Precision = You are healed for a 15% part of your outgoing Critical Hit Damage
Assassin’s Equilibrium = Successfully evading Attacks causes AoE Slow and Poison for each evaded Hit in the Evade Frame, when equipped with Dagger, Sword, Spear or Staff.
Flashing Blades = Every 10th Critical Hit while equipped with Dagger, Sword, Spear or Staff causes Lightning Strikes like from using Superior Rune of Air and blinds foes around you with a Flashlight for 1s. Increases Dodge Roll Distances and Leap Distances by 50% after a Critical Hit for the next Dodge Roll/Leap. ICD 10s

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

(edited by Orpheal.8263)

Bringing the Shadow into a new Light

in Thief

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


I always am searching for new Ideas for how the Thief could get improved, because compared to the current Classes and their Elite-Specs, I find we definetely get the shortest stick from all.
Our Trait Lines feel totally underwhelming and that even 3 years after release. Alot of what we have should be better baselined into either Weapon Skills or Utility Skills, or simply be removed completely to make space for generally more useful group based effects, because the thief is too selfish with only Stealth and Venoms beign the thigns he puts on the table for support

My latest iteration will go a step further now.
So far I’ve always concentrated myself only into what Traits would be good for merges with traits, I tried to find more key roles and lloked for options to put them into the thief by improving aspects of Boon Steal, which should be a thief’s most essential group as also own self support.

I looked into way how to bring back acrobatics to its old glory, but must admit, that my concept doesn’t anymore convince myself, so I scrapped it…
With the next step, thanks to some inspiration of ideas from other people, I want to put more focus into followign aspects of Thief Gameplay – Shadow Steps, Counter Attacks/Blocks (which I tried already earlier to focus more for Daredevil), weapon and utility skill integrated improvements – which is something I haven’t tried yet to take into considersation.

My goals with this ideation are practically concentrated down into the following bullet points:

  • Strengthen the uniqueness of the Thief, by adding more functions in which the Thief becomes sublime over others, because Stealth has totally lost that factor by now
  • Strengthen the Group Support, so that Thief becomes more than just only a Stealth/Venom Bot for others
  • Making the Thief the class, which rewards Mobility and Positioning the most.
  • Strengthen the Survival/Defense options of the Thief/Daredevil, so that you actually become able again to solo as Thief, getting away from this idiotic +1 balance
  • Giving each of the Trait Lines thethe feeling, that they are all kind of equally strong, that none of them feels butchered down so that an other line can exist, that none of them feels like being forced upon us, because they provide something that Thieves always need, just to be a viable class more or less.

I also go with this iteration now a step further, because i don’t make this time also a stop before going to merge Trait Lines, which is imo the next essential thing.
Other things and ideas in my mind on the other hand I need to keep back ,because they might be better fitting for the game in form of a new Thief Elite Spec.

So if you find asking yourself maybe while reading "Where has he put into this, why is that missing or how is the Thief supposed to do these things, it might be, because I removed certain aspects in favor of lettign Anet brign some things back for later Elite Specs.
I kind of believe, that we will see in the future alot more of Trait Changes and that the thief is one of the Classes which will have to change the most like a chameleon each time to adapt itself each time Anet adds a new Elite Spec.

Now lets start with the new iteration ^^

Lets begin with the new Traitlines!!

  • Martial Arts (Critical Strikes + Acrobatics)
  • Thievery Arts (Shadow Arts + Trickery)
  • Deadly Arts
  • Agility
  • Cunning
  • Daredevil

Aspects of the Traitlines realigned!:

Martial Arts = Critical Chances, Counter Attacks, Evasion
Thievery Arts = Stealth, Steal, Shadow Steps
Deadly Arts = Venoms, Traps, Crowd Control
Agility = Signets, Initiative Management, Control Management
Cunning = Deceptions, Tricks, Boon Denial
Daredevil = Dodge Styles, Endurance Management, Survival

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside