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Suggestion/Request: no e-spec out of the blue

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


I wish we had more quests. For anything.

I enjoy the Current Events and things like Cat Collecting.

I wish we would have quests at all, stuff that takes us over multiple different maps, not like these boring heart “quests” which are all only local to specific maps and are there to activate just some repetitive “events”

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

Improve Character Creation, Please!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


Anet would do best on it, if they make more of the race limited faces and hairstyles ect. more accessible for all other races as far as possible

In regard of the character creation system of GW2 – it’s sub optimal, it delivers just a mediocre experience in regard of what is all today nowadays possible with current technologies and those that exist already and were used in older games than GW2.

GW2 in general could require an overall overhaul to its character creation and rework to improve it and to increase the diversity a player has with it through adding more features to it, because lets face it, the options that we have accessible, the whole thing is still the very old 2012er creation kit.

Anet has done in the whole 4 years nothing to improve the creation kit in itself, they only added consequently new face and hairstyles, new hair and eye colors. but nothing else substantial than that have they ever done until today, when they could have done with that part of the game so much more to improve it and to make the whole thing more immersive and depthful.

For an example – why is it so that just only “Norn” should be able to have “Tattoos”?
Is there somewhere some unwritten lore rule or anything that forbids a human in this game world to have tattoos too, or a charr to have some burnt and colored into their fur?

There are games out there, older than GW2, which have better and more immersive character creation systems, but the point is, Anet doesn’t care, it’s not on their to do-list of priorities and this since 4 years, tendency increasing.

They do only the absolute very least thats needed in regard of adding new hair styles, colors ect. to give us players at least somehow the impression, that they don’t totally ignore that part of the game – why? Because they can make naturally money from it through adding every now and then some new styles that can be bought indirectly through the gemstore.

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

Mad King’s Labyrinth update

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


Now its just time to remove some pointless DR just from the rest of the game to reduce the grind where no grind should be…

Or simply spoken, reduce more garbage loot out of the game and let drop stuff more oftenly, when the stuff that drops has some kind of impact for the player, is valuable ect. to reduce inventory spam…

Simplest solution for that would be to erase all grey garbage out of the game, unless its not needed for any kind of event or for heart quests ect pp or can be traded in for anything thats of value for a player.

Anet has to learn finally, that players don’t want massive ampounts of loot, just to get the feel of lottign something, when 90% of that loot is total garbage worth absolutely nothing.

People want to find loot, when that loot is of high quality!!
Because then it means something to them when they receive loot and know, that whatever it is, it will be somthing impactful for them and not total garbage, that will be instantly deleted and thrown away, because it would just spam your inventory full if you keep it, what happens exceptionally fast if you have first the Auto Loot Feature through the Mastery active (which you can’t deactivate anymore after you learned it once…at least not of my knowledge that you could if you want)

Reduce the amount of loot and improve the quality of the loot that you find, when you get some. Make loot in this game finally more impactful for the players and stop flooding this game with tons of trash that have only its reason of existance to spam the players inventory full, so that they are brought to the gemstore to increase their maximum inventory space – because lets be, true, thats the sole single reason for why you spam us full with so much trash in this game thats worth absolutely nothing, not even its time it takes to delete all of it …

Its very nice to see that tghe loot for a holiday event gets improved through the removal of the obsolete and annoying DR mechanics.

But please don’t forget, that there are also other areas in the games loot mechanisms and gameplay systrems for all the rest of the game, that need direly an overhaul too, because there has been done mostly nothing for these things in the rest of the game for the last 4 years.

I personally rather have in like say for example a play time of 1 day only like 5-6 loot drops, which are impactful for me in some kind of way, than instead like 500-600 drops from which 95% are generic grey worthless crap or items which i have to salvage first, before I get something useful out of them and have to waste first items and gold on them, before I get anything useful out of the loot drops

Quality over Quantity!!

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


They shouldnt bring him back, they should reimplement finally season 1 into the game under the same game design as the rest of the game and redesign best as possible in one go also the whole personal story basically into Living Story Season 0 with a complete overwork of the final battle against Zhaitan, so that the whole story telling of this game becomes finally complete and won’t be anymore such a switzer cheese full of holes that it is right now due to inconsequent game designs with a typical developer method of “we see only forwards, and old things get ignored, because most oftenly its not worth it to fix old things, because it brings no money, once somethign has failed” and looked as concept on paper better maybe, than it ended up being good implemented as well into the game later.

Personal Story flopped, its no concept with any longevity…PS is basically Living Story 1.0 and it would have been the best for the game, if anet would have merged both systems a long time ago, basically the best moment woudl have been, which they passed long time ago, before they even started on Season 2 – that was the best moment, where they should have stopepd first, activated their heads and should have merged first PS with Season 1.

Would they have had done that in the past first, before charging ahead too quickly with Season 2, it would have prevented alot of problems with design holes that the game has now, where the gsame design and its story telling looks like a beheaded chicken that is still able to run, but has no clear head anymore with no direction anymore, other than forward, because fixing the mess seems to be unlikela, because it will cost alot of ressources now more, than it would have costed to fix the story telling mechanics of the game alot earlier, where merging the PS into the LS system wouldn’t have been such a great task and where the season 1 could have been designed right from begin on different with the PS back in mind beign merged into the whole system, where characters like Marjory, Braham & Co could have played already their roles also in the prsonal story missions somewhere, instead of some nameless uninportant NPCs to replace their spots, so that we could have gotten an impression about it, what all the other current important npcs have done in their lives at the time, where we fought against Zhaitan, where we currently have in regard of the lore nothing but a pure void, because at the current story tellign design we get to know charactrs liek Taimi, Rox & Co first, after we defeated Zhaitan in the most terrible boring and laughable 2 minute pew pew pew dragon fight, that I have ever witnessed in my whole life so far until today.

If the devs would want to do themself a great favor, they would want to redesign the Zhaitan end battle, regardless if that means a tiny slowdown in some other backgroudn projects they are working on…. but that end battle was absolutely really “embarassing” to say th least and as a player beign part of it, I always wish that these 2 minutes are over as fast as possible, because even blind chimp on drugs with broken fingers could beat that final battle alone – seriously!

I don’t want Zhaitan to return, I want to have a REAL epic fight against him, that is worthy to be called a final Endgame Battle!!!

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

What systems could skills be expanded upon?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


Part 2:

3) Skill Progression

All Skills could receive “Mastery Levels” with that we could improve the Skils, so more we use them, so more we progress with the Skill’s Mastery, ranging from “Beginner to Grandmaster”

Through raising the mastery with a Skill, we could learn new “Talents”, which would be innate passive “Traits” practically, which change how a Skill works, with that we can manually change how a Skill should work for us.


Fireball on Beginner Level is like Fireball of an Elementalist right now is.
Range 1200, xxx Damage and so on…

Fireball on Adept Level could unlock for us the following Talents to play around with:

- Pyromaniac: Changes your Fireball into 3 smaller homing in fireballs, that deal each lesser damage than before, but now you can hit multiple targets or hit one target multiple times instead. Adds a chance, that Fireball causes Burning per Hit.
- Big Fire: Increases the Size of the Fireball, lettign it cause a bigger explosion, that deals in a bigger area of effect damage to all nearby targets. Fireball drains on hit now also some Endurance from the Target.

One of that Adept Talent can you activate now.

On Master Level, you unlock for exampel then these 2 Talents for Fireball.

- Sun Flare = Your Fireball(s) cause on impact now large bright explosions, which blind foes.

- Infernal Destruction = Your Fireball(s) becomes more powerful and causes now massive fire trails on the scorched ground, that cause burnings on touch, while they hit now all foes in line of sight, before they explode on impact with your target enemy.

and lastly on Grandmaster Level you unlock these two Talents wherefrom you can activate one.

- Dragonfire If you cause with your Fireball(s) burning, then the Burning Effect can’t be cured and ends only, if its duration runs out. Burning Durations increased by 20%

- Massive Explosions Your Fireballs(s) cause now explosions with again increased range, that cause also Vulnerability Stacks and have a very low chance of 5% to daze foes as well.

4) Naturally adding more new Weapon Types

- Polearms
- Whips/Chain Sickles
- Claws/Gauntlets
- Crossbows
- Greataxes
- Flails (Morning Stars)
- Boomerangs/Throwing Stars

If Anet would add these great weapon types to the game, GW2 would benefit so much from them, not only Build Diversity but also with havign unique Classes through Elite Specializations which could add these missign Weapon Types to the Game to improve the Games Combat System, especially through missing Midrange Weapons like Polearms and Whips(Chain Sickles)

5) Trait Expansion

Underwater Gameplay needs to receive finally its very own Traits.
But also all Classes could easily receive 1-2 more Trait Lines.

Example the Thief:
Currently he has only Shadow Arts, Deadly Arts, Trickery, Acrobatics and Critical Strikes and through his E-Spec “Daredevil” another one.

But the Basic Thief could receive easily new Trait Lines like:

“Infiltration Arts”, (Focuses on Trap Control & Boon Control)
“Thievery Arts”, (Focuses on Boon Stealing & Disarming)
“Escape Techniques” (Focuses on Shadow Steps & Self Defense)

More Trait Lines per Class means more Build Diversity, means more fun and interesting combats.

An Elementalist could receive new naturally Elements for his Spells with Light & Darkness as new Trait Lines with new fittign elemental Spells.
“Light”, “Darkness” and as third new trait line for them “Ether Flow”, which focuses on Attunement Efficiency & Spell Fusions to allow elementalists to dual cast spells to create this way elemental fusions maybe

6) Adding Skill Skins

So that we can change finally cosmetically how our Skilsl should look like, especialyl interestign for all the Summons in the game, like Necromancer Minions, Elementalist’s Elementals, Turrets, Spiritual Weapons ect. pp
you want a blue ghostly fireball, instead of a red one. Skill Skins would enable you this.

7) Skill Hunting

I miss the old GW1 days, were we could hunt Skilsl from killed enemies (Bosses for Elite Skills) I’d find it cool, if they coudl brign this somehow back and not only for Skills, but for all other stuff like Traits, Talents ect. as well too, that the game should provide some exotic stuff, that isn#t really neccessary to be successfull in the game, but that you can hunt if you want just to increase your build diversity this way by hunting specific enemies to observe them to learn from them things, be it racial skils, be it traits, be it elite skills, utilitys skills, whatever , but thigns liek that are it, which give people somethign to do in a game.

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

What systems could skills be expanded upon?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


There are simple ways to make the Combat System more intersting, many things that ANet ignored since game release that are neccessary for game and Class Balancing, but also wasted potentials with that the Combat System in generally could be made more fun, more interestign, more interactive and give the game at the same time more Build Diversity:

1) Redesign the Attibute System to provide Dual Effects, this would significantly improve the whole Combat System of GW2, because then would be finally offensive anddefensive gameplay Mechanics equal and both sides would be able to provide significant gameplay Synergies, not only the offensive side!!
The Game needs

Power = Damage Up + Condition Duration Up
Vitality = Max Health Up + Healing Efficiency Up
Toughness = Defense Up + Received Condition Duration Down
Precision = Critical Chance Up + Weapon Change Time Down
Agility = Endurance Regeneration Up + Attack Speed Up
Courage = Critical Damage Up + Received Critical Damage Down
Wisdom = Received Condition Damage Down + Boon Durations Up

Attributes removed from Equipment, Attribute Points get distrubuted by the Player again like in GW1 between these Stats.
Max Stat for all Attributes now is 1500, can be raised higher only via Upgrades in your Equipment then. Armor just raises now only the Total Defense Value and is mainly together with Toughness, Courage and Wisdom responsible for how much Damage you receive and how effective attacks and conditions are on you, so that not anymore just only 1 Stat is responsible for the defense, but now then 3.

This will nerf Direct Damage, Conditions in return won’t ignore Defense anymore by 100%, but now only by 50% and players gain finally also a way through the Attribute System to protect themself better against Critical Attacks, so that Weakness isn’t anymore the only way to protect yourself from them.

2) Add Combat Styles (Stances) to the Weapons

Through Combat Styles could Anet add to the Weapon Skisl different Skill Sets, while keeping the Balance around the given settign of having pregiven 5 Skills that are given to you based on your choice of which weapon and which Combat Style you use with it. This would significantly increase the Build Diversity for all Classes.
Yes, it would significantly increase also the amount of Skills, but in a very limited and overviewable way. anet could begin simply first with just adding 1 new Combat Style for everyone, and then add slowly similar like with Elite Specializations more, until the point is reached, where it is enough.

We could divide Combat Styles between for example:

Basic Style = What we have now
Offense = Weapon Skills change their effects to a more offensive pattern
Defense = Weapon Skills change their effects to a more defensive pattern
Support = Weapon Skills change their effects to a more supportive pattern
Survival = Weapon Skills change their effects to a more self centered/heal pattern

This or maybe lesser would be optimal I think.
The only problem with Combat Styles are the super skill heavy Classes Elementalist and Engineer, but eventually somethign that could be solved by redesignign them by limiting their access to Skills and givign them therefore an additional Weapon Slot instead by changing Elementalists Attunements System to let them have only 1 Element per Weapon that gets attuned to an Element instead for example.

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

Will Class balance be anytime soon?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


There will never be balance in this game as long:

1___) Anet doesn’t finally split the Skill Effects between PvP & PvE/WvW
2___) ANet doesn’t finally rework the Game’s Health System and removes the obsolete splitting between Class types and starts finally balancing Health individually for each Class, so that Maximum Base Health becomes finally an important factor in Class Balancing, where other Classes don’t get punished anymore for it for being put together with other Classes sharing the same Base Health Values
3___) Anet doesn’t rework the Condition & Boon System completely, especially the Conditions as they are completely out of control for over a whole year now and ANet has done NOTHING against that
4___) ANet doesn’t rework the Attribute System by turning it into a Dual Effect System, which can provide more and better Attribute Synergies, especially for defensive gameplay by addign throuigh this important defensive gameplay mechanisms, which don’t exist, but should have existed from begin on, like an Attribute Effect, which can decrease the chance to receive Critical Hits, like an Attribute Effect, which improves your Endurance Regeneration.. these things should be influenceable via Attributes as well, not only through Conditions and Boons.
Certain Attributes need to get merged finally and fixed, like for example Vitality/Healing Power and Toughness, so that you finally see some significant damage reductions from Toughness – currently this attribute feels like being non existant, even if you have it basically to the max, you receive liekcbasicalyl felt the exact same damage, as if you’d have no defense at all. Why? because the crazy out of control conditions all IGNORE defense by 100% which is as crazy as like it is idiotical for game balance, because there exists also no attribute way with that you can reduce at least the condition durations you suffer on, you can influence this only via Buff items or your equipment… the whole attribute system is just an incomplete thought out mess and that since game release and ANet has done nothing about that for 4 years..the game has now soo much power creep, because the games combat system is still using game mechanics that were never designed around all this power creep that got added through the changes in the condition power and the adding of the Elite Specs. You can’t change just such things, while ignoring to adapt the combat system mechanics that play a huge role in the overall game balanc,e like reworking as neccessary the Attribute System or the Condition and Boon System accordingly to bring these things together with the Base Health System again onto a same level, so that offensive and defensive gameplay mechanics are again on an equal field of power.
But currently its more like a 70/30 or 80/20 relationship favoring always offensive over defensive gameplay, because Anet never did anything for the defensive gameplay until now, which you can perfectly see in the current cancerous Condi Meta
5___)Anet rebalanced the Elite Specializations 1st Generation to be lesser powerful of certain classes, so that using them doesn’t become anymore mandatory to stay viable in the game as a class to be able to survive in the game, while other classes are even with their Elite Specs still currently absolutely underpowered due to may too much thigns under their traits being messed up and useless (Thief, Ranger), which is the reason, why Raids cause so much class discrimination, whne not all classes can provide something thats useful enough to take them with you, as long there are overpowered other elite spcs which overshadow certain other classes by so much, that you have basically no chance to get into raid groups with your class, as long there is somethign else, which is like felt times 3x more useful than you due to providing far more group support than you while still dishign out the same damage as you or even more… whiel you have basically no group support that is for raids useful at all..

And as long raids have this idiotic timer mechanic that makes bosses do 1hit kills if you aren’t fast enough, the hunt after perfect group DPS and class discrimination will stay. The Raid feature absolutely needs to get overworked more to make it more accessible for players, but thats an other topic and hasn’t directly something to do now with game/class balance.

If ANet could fix finally these points, they create for the game finally at least a good foundation from that they would be able to build up the next coming elite specs.
But as long the game/class balancement is under such a chaos, I think its best to keep the second generation of E-Specs as lonng as possible away from the game as long the game still uses cobmat system mechanics and systems that are still designed and balanced around a game from 2012, which by far hadn’t had at that time all this power creep, that the game has now 2016 four years later.

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

My Cantha prediction is coming true

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


Part 2

Until this happens, we will most likely have end 2017, because before we see the final of season 3, we will most likely see a handful of more episodes at least, each episodes takes them 3 months!!! So don’t expect the next expansion around 2018 most likely.

Now you can calculate, how much time will pass, until we finalyl have defeated all elder dragons, or at least the ones that we need to kill to make the ways free for cantha/Elona..if Naet won’t waste more time after killing Primordus with letting us go next then after Jormag…when for tyrian safety and traveling route progression would make killing Kralkatorrik and the Water Elder Dragon by far the most sense to put highest priority on them.

But NAet surely willingly will let us go for them the very last, so they don’t need to do now somethign about the terrible underwatr gameplay, because reworkign it basically is only needed for the water elder dragon content, which is the reason why they basically removed it completely out of the game and made it basicalyl completely obsolete, because they realized self, that it is a game feature, which is mostly not needed at all, as long we don’t go for that elder dragon and didn’t worked out as good as they wanted from begin on anyway to the point, that they never touched underwater gameplay in regard of balancign it, no they directly removed the stuff from the game, because it was so much garbage that it was better to completely make the feature irrelevant for the gsame, than to doctor on it, until it fits

You know, theres a german saying called somethign like this:

If the cart goes irremovable in the dirt, then its best to make a new cart, instead of pulling out your current cart out of the dirt.

And thats principally whast they did here with the underwater gameplay. It is garbage, which wasn’t worth it for them to repair it and pull it out of the selfmade dirt, so they abandonded it, put that stuff on ice and are waiting since then now for the best time to make and implement it new and better when the right time has come, which is when they make the expansion that lets us defeat the water elder dragon, where balanced underwater gameplaywill be important again and where it makes sense to brign that stuff back out of the dusted drawer of failed concepts that got implemented too early

I think it is absolute wish thinking from people here, who believe we will see soon any new continent, when there is still so much left within Tyria that has to be solved first.

And if we keep killing elder dragons at the same pace like now, then we won’t have even killed all in the next 4 years. Under the current pace it woudl take us 8 more years to defeart the last 4 dragons that we know of, if they don’t suddenly draw one of the theoretically 2 missing elemental ones out if a surprising magic hat like white bunnies.. because who knows if there aren’t the other two still sleeping somewhere in Tyria or other continents in the underground, in a sky high mountain or wherever else it wouöld make sense for a missing wind and light dragon to hide and sleep.

Don’t missunderstand me, I’d love to see Elona and Cantha returnign as well, but personally I’m way too much realistic to believe in these thigns happeneing, as lognm we have still so much thigns to solve and do in Tyria first and abandoning Tyria for other continents wouldn’t just be right, nor does it make any sense at all.

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

My Cantha prediction is coming true

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


Simple logic.. (Part 1)

Theres still way too much left to do in Tyria…
If anet evr would want to go for Cantha/Elona, they would have to abandon now an incomplete explorable Tyria and then Tyrias as explorable continent would just add up on their list of incomplete things they have made, what isn’t in my opinion really good for Anets image as a develper, who makes only incomplete things

They can’t do all continents at the same tiem, for that they don’t have the tiem, the manpower and ressources in general, so they have to focus themself on 1 continent and before tyria isn’t completed, I think they shouldn#t begin with an other continent.

We have still at least 4 Elder Dragons to defeat on Tyria, theoretically it must be even 6, if we’d go after elements of the nature, because we have no Wind and no Light Elder Dragon so far officially, while we have one for Fire, Ice, Lightning, Earth, Water and Darkness with so far the one for Darkness and Earth being slain and as it looks we go next for the one which represents fire – Primordus… when for a change of continents it would be best to rather go next either for the yet unnamed Water Elder Dragon, or for Kralkatorrik, the Lightning Elder Dragon in the Crystal Desert, because the Crystal Desert is the nearest place to Elona, while the Water Elder Dragon makes it us impossible to travel save to Cantha…

Before these 2 don’t get eliminated, we will NEVER see the light of an explorable new continent!!
We are now in Living Story Season 3 just at the preparation time span for going somewhen against Primordus most likely after the final of Season 3, where we have to face first a new old enemy again, the Mursaat, inclusive Lazarus which got with his revival basically same as powerful as like an Elder Dragon – he costs us now alot of important time – time that we could rather spent for defeating another elder dragon to quicken the chances to travel fastr to othr known continents like Elona to go for Kralkatorrik or to cleanse the depths of the tyria sees frinally from the Water Elder Dragon to get to Cantha, whioch is the most unlikely thign to ever happen, if not NCSoft & Co change their idiotic minds and those people behind all this which were responsible for it, than all canthan stuff got deleted out of the game before it got released 2012, out of the idiotic fear, the game could show the asian culture under a false light and that we could get a wrong impression from it by the way how the game shows it…which is the reason why the canthan district for DR for example got so short before release of the game eliminated and why we had for a long time there nothign but a huge hole in the city… /facepalm until Anet was creative enough to fill that hole with something up.

As long these idiotic people responsible for this “canthan exit” don’t change their minds, we won’t see ever Cantha coming back. Then it is more realistic, that we eventually see instead a completely new explorable continent, something like “Utopia” to happen, which honestly said I would like to see more.

Tyrioa has still stuff to offer for many years to come, until this part of the world has been completed.

Fire Rings isn’t complete explorable, we just got now the very first map part of it
Crystal Desert isn#t explorable completely
maguuma Jungle is far away from begin completely explorable
All old EotN regions mostly aren’t explorable
Janthiur Island, not explorable
wood cascades, not explorable

sure, alot of this will come automatically once we go for the last elder dragons, but this shows just, how much we still have to do first with Tyria, before we can even think about going to an other continent.
ANet has designed the whole games story around the dragons, they made a game with a life span of like 10+ years thats basically solely planned around one continent – Tyria..

To abandon now after 2 defeated elder dragons this continent, just to play explorer on other continents makes no sense, whiletyria is still actively in serious danger from at least 4 left elder dragons and now currently a crazy reborn mursaat too additionaly with the powers of an elder dragon, which is there just to be FILLER MATERIAL for season 3, before anet can release the next expansion that lets us defeat Primordus.

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

My Cantha prediction is coming true

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


i doubt it, that we will ever see Cantha/Elona happening

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

[Suggestions] Future Elite Specializations

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


Next part of my Alchemist

Creation of Life
You create a Homunculus of the shape and form of a Kirin which heals you upon its creation and removes up to 2 conditons from you.
While it is alive, it will share his maximum Life with you, increasing your Health Pool by 10000 HP, but when it receives damage, then you will receive partwise damage too.

The Kirin comes with 3 Skills:

1) Ethereal Light > Sends out an enemy blinding Light Orb, which heals and removes a condition for all allies it touchs, while its flying towards its target.
Absorbed conditions on its path are spread among touched enemies.

2) Kirin’s Wrath Creates a Light Field, which causes damage over time and causes more damage over time to enemies so more Conditions the Kirin suffers on.

3) Life Bond Bonds itself with an ally, so that it receives heals whenever that bonded ally deals damage, while the bonded ally gets periodically a condition removed that the Kirin absorbs.

Utility Skills 1-4

Creation of Miracles
You create a Homunculus in the shape and form of an Ape
The Creation of Miracles comes with 3 Skills

1) Banana Split
A Dual Banana Pistol Shot followed by a sudden out of a shadow step followed Banana Scythe Attack that will sweep your legs away and knocks down all foes that this cleavign attack hits

2) Ape Escape
Grants the homunculous for some time Vigor, Swiftness and Protection, while it avoids for a brioef moment also all kinds of incoming damages and loses all kinds of movement impending conditions. Stun Breaks.

3) Coconades (Coconut Grenades)
The Creation of Miracles throws at its target location a flurry of Coconades, grenades that look like Coconuts, which cause on impact random effects with their explosions.
They can turn out to be fire bombs, flash lights, acid filled, ice bombs, full of poisonous gas and so on, each of them is a pure miracle.

Creation of Symbiosis
You create a Homunculus of the shape and form of a giant Termite, which comes with its own 3 Skills.

1) Bioreactive Symbiont
The Termite Homunculus creates Hydrogen out of dead wood it finds in the environment, causing a gas that is highly “inflammable” in its area of effect, causing a massive explosion if anything fire related should enter that field, while its up.

2) Pheromones
Creates another type of invisible trap based on biochemic pheromones, which will cause when foes enter its area of effect to the enemies inside of it Taunt and Confusion Stacks.
Enemies hit by this trap lose for a few seconds friendly fire, which causes them to attack eventually their own allies.

3) Termite Nest
Creates a Termite Nest, that works like a protective wall against projectiles. If the nest gets destroyed, a swarm of Termites will appear to bite nearby enemies, causing damage and Bleeding Stacks.

Creation of Passion
Creates a Humunculus of the shape and form of a fiery Fire Bird – a so called Phoenix.
It comes with its very own three Skills

1) Phoenix Down – A Skill that heals downed allies back to life, while granting them a Fire Aura for some time and gives after ressurection their next 3 auto attack also the ability to cause Burnings.

2) Ash Ember – An automatic skill that happens when the Phoenix Homunculus gets defeated, then its dead body turns to ash, explodes, causes AoE burning and heals nearby allies, turning their burn conditions from damaging to healings.

3) Infernal Wings
Dives down fast and causes a blazing line of fire on its line of sight, which causes damage to all foes that stand in its path.

Creation of Fusion
Creates a Homunculus of the shape and form of a canthan Cannon Turtle, which comes with its very own three Skills.

1) Canonball
The Homunculus shoots from its Shell Canon a powerful Canonball Shot, which causes a big explosion on impact, which knocks down hit foes in the target area.

2) Shell Shock
A different type of Canon Shot, which causes massive Vulnerability and removes enemy boons on hit.

3) Turtle Bite
The Homunculus bites nearby foes, causing Bleedings, is unblockable and causes Cripple to foes.

Elite Homunculus

Creation of Eternity
You create a Homunculus in the shape and form of yourself, a 100% real clone that isn’t just a silly illusion. This Skill copies exactly your Weapon Skills of the Weapon you use at the moment you created Eternity.

Eternity doesn’t has own skills like all other Homunculis, it just copies you.
It doesn’t have to have its own unique skills.

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

[Suggestions] Future Elite Specializations

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


If Anet prefers to give the game a unique Weapon, a Chain Sickle (Whip Reskin basically = more Frontline Medium Range DPS Type)

1) Acid Cleaver > Biochemic Cloud > Windmill
A wide swing attack with an acid enhanced chain sickle blade, which hits multiple targets at once, causing bleedings, followed by a Whirl Attack towards your targeted enemy which causes around you toxic cloud that causes Confusions and Weakness to foes in range, finished by a slow moving defensive Windmill, with that you block off incoming projectiles and reflect them back to the enemies.

2) Sky Render
A whirling vertical leaping ground target skill with that you hit targets in line of sight under you quickly multiple times, causing with each hit a stack of Bleeding. Grants you also Swiftness, Fury and Vigor for a few seconds. 12 seconds of recharge.

3) Dark Matter > Neutron Cleaver
Create some environmental Dark Matter, which becomes after some hits from you or allies instabile and explodes, cause a large area damage, while leaving behind a dark field. The Skill turns for you while being in this Dark Field into Neutron Cleaver, a swogn attack which is unblockable and leeches health for all hit foes to heal you, while removing up to 2 Boons from them and blinding them.

4) Deep Impact
Swing the Chain Sickle fast like a comet, which explodes on impact if it hits a foe, causing daze to the foe, while it grants you Might Stacks, the impact causes you also to make a swift jump backwards with that you evade any other incoming attacks while you recollect your chain for a brief time.

5) Ground Snake
Put your terraforming abilities into the blade of your chain sickle, prforming a vrtical swing attack to the ground, like a snake bite, which will send out a homing in earth snake at your target from the terraformed ground that you let arise this way, causing damage to the target, which causes also from the mercury in the raised ground to poison the hit foe. The weapons only 900 or 1200 range attack, with the ability to follow the target, until it hits, you cant run away from it, either it damages you, or you block it or you activate a skill, that disables receiving damage to be save from this.
Works also as Combo Skill for Fields, if this skill crosses for example through the Dark Field of Dark Matter, the attack itself will become stealthed for 3 seconds, making it harder to predict where it is actually, before it may hit you.

Rest follows tomorrow

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

(edited by Orpheal.8263)

[Suggestions] Future Elite Specializations

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263



Engineer-Elite Specialization
Dual Axes/ Chain Sickle, both would work in regard if Anet would want them to be more Melee based or would give the game finalyl also some medium ranged Classes, that the game badly is missing, cause currently the game just knows only Melee Combat and Long Ranged Combat, they simply forgot for 4 years by now Medium Ranged Combat with Weapons that are designed around a basic 450-600 Range
Utility Skills
Homunculus Creations (Summons)
Changes the Tool Belt into a Alchemist’s Belt, which doesn’t change anymore Skilsl there based on the Utility Skilsl that are used, but instead changed the Utility Skills based on which Alchemy Mastery is active.

The Alchemist has 4 Alchemy Masteries, set on F1 to F4
F1 = Explosives > Alterated Utility Skills to be focused on Explosives
F2 = Terraforming > Alterates Utility Skills to be focused on Terraforming
F3 = Mass Control > Alterates Utility Skills to be focused on Mass Control
F4 = Decoctions > Alterates the Homunculus based on your equipped Decoction in the slot that you throw onto your Homunculus to stimulate them with this. With the right Decoction give to your Homunculus, they are like on steroids and get unique Buffs

Weapon Skills

If Anet prefers Axes: (More Frontline Support Type)

1) Exothermic Strike > Endothermic Strike > Thermonuclear Reaction
A 3 Strike Combo Attack beginning with an unblockable hot slash that slices the blade of your axe through anything like a knife through butter, causing a second of burning, followed by an icecold axe, that causes for a second chill, finished with a dual axe leap attack at 450 unit range that causes on impact a small 300 unit range AoE explosion that hits all targets around you, causing Vulnerability

2) Acid Rain
Throw an alchemic Powder Pill into the sky at your Target Location, which causes for the area over time, that enemies suffer periodically Damage and Vulnerability Stacks per second. The Acid Rain has a duration of 5 seconds at the thrown location, with a recharge Time of 8 seconds.

3) Synthetization
Create out of the alchemical elements around you something randomous, that will help you at the moment. Grants you random Buffs, or turns into a random Skill of any other Class able to be used by either throwing the created “Skill Capsule”, or consuming it in regard if you click the skill button either with the left or right mouse button. Consuming = Buffs, Throwing = Random Skill of any Class happens.

4) Alchemical Weaponry
Buffs your Weapons and creates on location 4 environmental alchemical greases, with that Allies can receive the same effects as you. When Alchemical Weapons is active, your Auto Attacks will become faster due to your weapons “mass” becoming lighter, granting you and your allies for a short time a non removable Quickness Effect and the Auto Attacks that hit will cause also additionally now with each hit Vulnerability Stacks, while the effect is active, additionally to those, which they eventually already would do normally anyways. Duration of the effect, 10 seconds on 40seconds of recharge

5) Atomic Devastation
A powerful alchemic Axe Strike, far more powerful than the Themonuclear Reaction.
Where this strike lands, there grows no grass anymore for a long time.
A medium ranged 600 unit leap strike, that causes a bigger AoE Shockwave, which launches foes away, causing a circular cascade effect which becomes over time stronger and launches the foes further away from the epi center of the strike, the nearer you were on impact at the epi center of the attack.

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

[Suggestions] Future Elite Specializations

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


Alchemists use sickles with that they reap their materials like herbs for their elixiers, powders ect. ..not bows ..the best fitting weapon for an Alchemist would be to use Axes, or eventually a Chain Sickle for a more medium ranged combat style.

Also Alchemists dont create Slimes rolleyes, they create “Homunculi”, alchemagical replicated creatures of any given form and shape that the Alchemists wants them to have, based on gen mutations and alchemical cell transformations that are reproduced and invoked via decoctions, potions, tonics, elixiers injected into their biochemical created DNS to alterate or empower in different ways the homunculus.

Aside of this, they are masters of Terraforming, they can alterate the environment of their surroundings by making usage of the chemic and alchemic elements of the nature around them, to change the environment to create for example water, where some time ago was no water by alterating atoms of the ground and changing their cores (nucleus) into other chemic elements to turn this way the ground for example into a pool of water.

Alchemists are masters of explosives, able to create much more powerful grenades, bombs and missiles for turrets, than anyone else, because they know exactly what kind of chemic and alchemic materials are useful to make their explosives much more efficient, than a usual engineer does, which isn’t specialized into the details of explosives, like an Alchemist.

And they know how to manipulate via Alchemy “matter” by changign its volume to make thigns either alot HEAVIER, or alot lighters, so they know how to manipulate gravity through alterating “MASS” by changing the matter of things via their alchemical skills.

To show this, I’ll post now my version of an Alchemist

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

[Discussion] Revamping core professions

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


Part 2:

A Tempest instead uses then “Elemental Overcharges”, where based on your chosen Element you can use some specific Element based Skills, a normal Elementalist wouldnt be able to use, because he can’t overcharge his own Element.
He won’t be able to swap to different Elements, he is purely focused on 1 Element only and makes usage through Elemental Overcharges of that one Element to it’s fullest possible extent, where the basic Elementalist rather fusions his Element with the others instead to get this way more powerful spells.

By changing the Elementalist this way, Devs wouldn’t have to make anymore for each Weapon and the 4 Elements instantly like 8-20 new Skills anymore, the Elementalist would become alot easier to balance logically and more overviewable as a Class and its Elite Specs which also would profitate from this change of being then alot easier to balance… plus Eles would become able then like mostly all other Classes then to to profitate from Weapon Swapping.
The Amount of Skills would be reduced to 6*5 = 30 Fusion Spells by becoming either a Pyromancer, Hydromancer, Aeromancer, Geomancer, Luxomancer or Umbromancer when you create your Elementalist as part of the Character Creation to decide, what your Main Element is and your 10 Weapon Skills you have then with 2 Weapon Sets.

So with my System an Elementalist would have 15 Weapon/Class Mechanic Skills at any given time to use in combat with 2 Weapons.
With Anets System you have at any given time 20 Weapon/Class Mechanic Skills with only 1 Weapon.
Means, this proposal makes it effectively 25% easier to balance the Elementalist Class, while giving them at the same time more Build Diversity through a second Weapon to swap out, while also not losing the great aspect of flexibility due to having as core Elementalist with Spell Fusions an easy expandable flexible system that can provide skills for all kinds of tactical usages, which must not stay at 1 skill per Fusion Combination, Anet coudl expand them to provide like per Combination like 2-3 different options of Fusion Spells you coudl use to increase the Build Divesity, but with the big difference, that udner this system the Class woudl be alot easier to play and understand, because you wouldn#t have to cycle through the Elements anymore permanently like crazy, just to get to become able to use the Spells, that you want to use…

  • After fixing the Health System and the Attribute System and fixing the Class Based thigns like Missing Skills, Missing Weapons ect., they need to completely rework and rebalance the Condition and Boon System.

Merge Boons and Conditions where possible, add for the created gaps when needed new helpful Boons and Conditions that can shake up the metas and make Combat in general more fun and interesting.
Change Condition Effects, the Game has way too many damaging Conditions right now with Bleeding, Poison, Burning, Confusion, Chill if Traited as Necromancer to deal Damage, Fear (Terror) if traited. Like over the half of all Conditions deal damage or casn deal damage if the right builds are used… imo too much, it should be reduced to a ratio of 33% of all Conditions should deal damage with mainly Bleeding, Poison & Burning. Nothing else should be able to deal passively over time damage

Confusion needs to get nerfed back to the state, where it deals only actively damage, if you do something that actually would hurt your enemy, so if you deal damage to them, and ONLY THEN.
Torment should deal only actively damage, when you are moving, not when you are standing still…

The options that Fear and Chill can deal passively damage over time need to get removed or changed into something, that affects players only, when they do somethign actively, like Chill dealing more significant damage, if the player actively uses one of their Utility Skills or their Healing Skill. Or Fear dealing actively damage
only as Terror, if you as player where actively facing the Necromancer when he used the skill, not when you were already liek runnign away from them showing them your back…. (cause you can’t be terrorized from something you don’t see …)

  • Then lastly the Class Mechanis of all Core Classes need to get overworked, where needed, like in my Elementalist Example.
    Once this has been done, then the game is ready for more Elite Specializations with completely own different Gameplay mechanics and also hopefully completely new Weapon Types
Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

[Discussion] Revamping core professions

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


In my opinion it is not just only the Core Professions that could eventually need a Gameplay Revamp… it is in reality the whole outdated combat system which Anet “balanced” around only some specific things over the last 4 years very sparesely, while they ignored all other key factors that play also too a very important role in the whole balancing process of this games complete combat system.

They need to do first:

  • Make Class Health become balanced individually Each Class tshould receive their very own balanced Max Health Pool, instead of that beign balanced after Class Types.
  • Redesign the Attribute System into a Dual Attribute System with clearly rebalanced Attributes, especially the defensive and supportive ones, so that they provide also essential synergies, and not only the offensive ones.
  • Completely Rework and Rebalance the Upgrade System (Runes, Sigils, Crests, Gemstones and remove unneccessary upgrade Types, that provide no unique gameplay mechanics.

- Runes should be based only by 100% on adding Combat Effects, no Attributes
- Sigils shoul be based only by 100% on Skill&Trait Effects, no Attributes
- Gemstones should be based only 100% significant Attribute Boosts, no Effects
- Crests should be based on 50% Attributes + 50% Combat Effects, they would basically be like Runes now, only without Set Bonus, but instead with a Class Bonus, if you use a Crest in your Build, that is fitting to your Class. Example: A Soldier Crest gives for example a Warrior a Class Bonus for using it, while an Elementalist wouln’t receive that, but the Elementalist would receive a Class Bonus from using a Mage Crest, while a Warrior wouldn’t.
- Talismans should be based on 100% Trait Effects, this way should become players able to receive Trait Effects, while not effectively using eventually the Trait Line for the cost of losing some Attribute Points. A Critical, tricky Daredevil for example coudl get this way for losing some Attribute Points the ability to use still specific Shadow Arts, Deadly Art or Acrobatics Traits

  • Make your proposed Changes in regard of:
    - Give all Classes the missing Healing/Utility/Elite Skills, so that each Skil ltype as on each Class the equal amount of Skills and that all Skill Type basically have Healing, Utility and Elite Skills.
    - Make specific Missing Weapons baseline for the Core classes, where it makes no sense for them to make extra Elite Specializations for – Example, make Offhand Sword for Thief baseline, make Mainhand Dagger for Ranger baseline and so on..sure, this means to make a few new Skills, but new Skills that can greatly have effect on Build Diversity positively!!
    - Rebalance and Redesign class specific gameplay Mechanics like Attunements, Shrouds, Tools ect, add more Customization to these Gameplay Mechanics like proposed here and change the mechanics in such a way, so that Classes like Elementalist and Engineer are no longer anymore total Balancing Nightmares because of their gameplay Mechanics creating with each Elite Spec tons of new Skills, while all other classes are alot easier to handle, because unlike the Eles Attunements their Systems don’t multiply the required amount of Skills by 4 instantly.

Example on Elementalist’s Attunement Gameplay Redesign:

  • Each Elementalist can have now only maximum 1 Element, means when you create an Elementalist, you will have to specialize yourself directly to 1 Element.
    No more Attunement Changing = No more each mechanic must mean directly 4 new Skills Horror
  • As Compensation for this Change becomes Elementalist able to swap Weapons .
    *The Attunement System gets replaced with a Spell Fusion System, which allows Elementalists based on their chosen Main Element to combine them with the other Elements to create based on what Element was the main Element different “Cataclysms”

Example… you have take the path of a Pyromancer as Elementalist, so your Main Element is Fire, which allows you to combine your Fire Spells with Spell Fusion in this way:

Fire (M) + Water (F1) = Hot Steam
Fire (M) + Earth (F2) = Magma Eruption
Fire (M) + Air (F3) = Thunderstorm
Fire (M) + Shadow (F4) = Shadow Flame
Fire (M) + Light (F5) = Sun Orb

A Hydromancer would receive completely different Spell Fusions due to Water being Main Element

Water (M) + Fire = Geysir Cascade
Water (M) + Earth = Mud Wave
Water (M) + Air = Freeze Lancer
Water (M) + Shadow = Aqua Sphere
Water (M) + Light = Water Mirror

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

Is shortbow viable as a damage dealer?

in Thief

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


SB is only good for the following things:

1) Mobility.. if you wan to move the fastest as possible from A to B, use Shortbow 6 Spam with a Build that lets you regain quickly Initiative, like Roll for Initiative being part of that

2) Group Support in regard of AoE Combo Fields for exampel to buff up quickly your group with long lasting Maximum Might Stacks or to stealth your whole group to spamming a Blast Finisher into a Blind Field

3) WvW zerging when you have no attention on you and you can spam your aoE skills safely into the enemy groups to keep groups of enemies bleeding, poisoned and to deal good DPS agaisnt an enemy group as long they stay together and you hit this way as many foes as possible at the same time.
Thus its good to force smaller enemy groups to stop stacking and spread out, so that they don’t get all hit by you.

But compared to other weapons of the thief, it feels underwhelming and not beign of equal power.
The weapon could be more powerful and useful, if it wouldnt be so heavily tied to the superior mobility this weapon gives, why its pretty much a must to use SB as thief mostly everywhere in the game.

In PvP to be able to rotate quickly enough from point to point, in PvE (Fractals/Raids/General) to travel fast enough and in WvW also to travel fast enough to Camps, or to flee fast enough

I wish the thieves Shortbow would profitate alot more from the traits of this class to enhance the weapons usage in different ways


Panic Strike > adding to the Jump Back Skill #3 the effect of Panic Strike with a shorter ICD when usign the skill for example against targets with a little higher health threshould like 66% health instead of 50%, so that you can bind with SB foes more effectively on place, whiel evading their attacks to make kiting also a bit easier.

Dagger Training should be renamed to “Poison Mastery” and should add to ALL Thief Weapons that the thief can use the chance to add poison with AA attacks, so that shooting foes with SB’s Trick Shot should have the chance to poison with 1 shot up to 3 enemies or to poison a foe with multiple poison stacks if the bounced arrows hit the same target again and each time they poisoned the foe. Maybe with an increased chance to do so, if you shoot your arrows through your Choke Gas which poisos foes already to give this way foes alot quicker high poison stacks.

Exposed Weakness should give Shortbow increased Damage + 20%, when you hit with it enemies that have conditions to give Shortbows here a bigger damage boost than other weapons so that SB profitates more from this trait, or instead should deal shortbow attacks agaisnt foes with conditions some kind of interesting side effect, like that Trick Shots cause on foes with Conditions random additional conditions of the arrow hits the same target twice to improve this way the list of conditions you can deal with shortbow from just only bleedign and poison to all conditions, turning the SB into a full condition weapon this way through this trait.

Keen Observer, should provide a much bigger Critical % boost when using ranged weapons like Harpoon Gun, Trident, SB and Pistols and in general the trait shoudl loose this health threshold garbage that makes the whole trait just only unreliable and useless. It should add also eventualy when used with SB a unique side effect that makes it more interestign to use SB, like for example increasign the amount that SB’s AA bounces by +1, or increasign the range of ranged thief weapons from 900 to 1200, or letting thiefs with Keen Observer that use SB/Pistols become able to see stealthed enemies, when they use the weapon, before the enemy has used the stealth skills.

Ankle Shots, should simply include also Shortbows!

Meld with Shadows, could for example increase the range of SB’s #6 skill or make it cost lesser initiative or deal additional aoE damage at the location where you shadow step to that creates a darkness field or a blind fielt on target ground to make #6 more offensively useful, instead of it beign juts only a mobility skill permanently

Shadow Protector could give Shortbow #3 additionally the side effect of lettign it grant you stealth when using the skill when you jump backwards for like 3 seconds, so that SB receives a way with that you can gain directly Stealth

Expedious Dodger, could reduce for example the initiative cost of shortbow #3 by -1, while adding for the skil lthe effect of grantign Vigor when successfully evadign with the skill an attack. That way could get Feline Grace return to its original effect that was way bettr than the effect it has now

Pressure Striking > renamed to Pressure Making with changing Torment to become everyones thieves weapons AA’s additional effect to cause Torment, so that for example a trick Shot could cause to up to 3 targets a stack of Torment or to a single target multiple torment stakcis if bounced arrows hit the same target multiple times.

Havoc Mastery: could add to the SB#s #2 and 4 additionally effects to make the aoe damage skilsl of the SB cause alot more, you know.. havoc, by #2 causing instwead of Bleeding Burning to foes that are hit under a certain health threshold and increases the aoe range of #2 and the number of targets you can hit with the skill from 5 to 10
Same for #4, lettign the skil lhit more targets, have bigger range and let it cause additionally to the posion Confusion to targets, that stand longer than x seconds in the poison field, or let the choking gas interrupt foe and daze them for like 1 second when they stand longer than a second in the poison field of the choking gas.. you know, its CHOKING GAS, it makes you forcefully choke and nobody shoudl be able to fight efficiently while choking and coughing for fresh air to be able to breathe normally again, somethign I woudl expect from havoc mastery to improve the efficiency of the SB’s offensive skills

It is sad to see, that the shortbow mostly has absolutely no Trait Synergy in the game and this basically since the introduction of Traits into the game … and all of this, when the SB seriously has some great potential to get more Trait Synrgy, like you can see in my simple examples here.. maybe not exactly those kinds of suggest, but you can get a picture from it, what would be theoretically possible to add to make SB a better weaon with more trait synergie,s where traits could really effectively change also the skills of the SB and the SB’s gameplay around other thief mechanics like Boons, Stealth, Shadow Steps ect.

Somethign ,where I think the dev responsible for the thief gamepaly and balance design has never made hisself thoughts about these things

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

How Much is Your Account Worth?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


I don’t know, all I know is that I got somehow hacked roughly 4 years ago with everythign that this person who did it was able to know only was the display name and nothing else…

If I’d know how these guys do what they do, then I surely wouldnt react on topics like this like now, because its naive to mention any kinds of accoutn information lonline anywhere, where people like this are constantly in search for all kinds of information they can somehow use to locate the kinds of data they need to hack you.

It should be simply of everyones own personal interest not to boast in any kind of online platforms about any kinds of account informations that might draw the interest of hackers to you, because they might find something of value or their interest on your account that they can turn into cash for them.

Maybe its just over reaction, but bare with someone who got already hacked for having just after that far more awareness for things, that really shouldnt be mentioned imo online about accounts for your own safety Just mean it in a good way

PS. starts already that these sites make usage of API-keys with that hackable external internet sites are able to read partwise informations of your accounts with that they provide their “features” like telling you how much worth your account has.
If someone should ever hack these foreign websites, then they can get their hands on these api keys rthere and thus could receive potentially infos of your accoutns, that might eventually help them to identify your accounts completely to steal them – who knows ..such sites simply are risky to use in my opinion.

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

(edited by Orpheal.8263)

How Much is Your Account Worth?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


Sure is, still, you don’t need to be so naive on forums like this to shout out such informations into the wild, which might draw just only attention for these kinds of people that they are basically looking for….

Even if most of the value is skins ect pp, such high valued accounts surely will have also alot of fluid cash either somewhere on characters, or in their account chests lieing around …

Also UNUSED valuable skins like black lion stuff can be sold for gold, which then can be turn to money if solt as gold to people … Not all skins are accountbound.

And even if most of the stuff is accountbound, then they can still sell the stolen accounts itself…
Lazy people exist more than enough, which are willing to buy accounts, that have already like xx character slots and all kinds of account upgrades unlocked or which all kinds of visual fluff already…

You just need to take a quick look into Ebay, how many people are trying there for alot of money to sell accounts …. and I don’t want to know how many of them are stolen accounts from hackers, that make this way their money …

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

(edited by Orpheal.8263)

How Much is Your Account Worth?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


whos really so dumb to write down here about their account’s worth in a forum like this where basically everyone, even people that aren’t real GW2 players can read it?

Thats like screaming out loud..

Hack this account, because its so and so much worth of real money!! shakes head

PS. wouldn’t be surprised if we see now somewhen in the distant near future the OP’s account beign hacked, because he claimed here that his account is 22k Gold worth, whats for gold sellers/hackers alot of RMT cash, if they should get to successfully steal such accounts…. and later if it really should happen, then the screaming is really loud, because of all the lost stuff ect pp. from the hacked account – especially if that hacker was then so vicious to eventually delete also everything after the money has been made first …

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

(edited by Orpheal.8263)

New weapon types and future elite specs

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


I personally hope, that Anet finally shows us with the second Expansion, that they are also able to greatly improve this Game with longtime wished for features and gameplay mechanics, that are way too long overdue for this game to happen and to be implemented.

This includes for me the following things:

1) Addition of completely new Weapon types. This is an absolute must to happen now, because the Warrior is totally running out of possible Weapon Options for futurous Elite Specializations, because everythign thats left for the Warrior are Staff, Scepter, Focus, Dagger, Shortbow & Pistol and absolutely nothing of these things would make sense to give the Warrior for an Elite Specialization.
It would make much more sense to give the Warrior for upcoming new Elite Specializations completely new Weapon types, that A) make much more sense and would be for this class alot more innovative and would add alot more in general to the class, than to recycle more of the already existing weapons into the Warrior’s Weapon kitten nal.
Weapons like Greataxes, Halberds (Polearms), Tower Shields (Bigger offensive MH Shields) and Flails (Morning Stars), >> THAT are Weapon Types, which someone would expect from a Warrior – a Soldier Class to use in battles <<

They need to show finaly after those 4 years, that they are as a development team competent enough to add also completely new Weapon Types to this game and if not with the introduction of an new Elite Specialization – god please – WHEN THEN??? How many years do we have to wait more, if not now finally with the next expansion they are working on right now?
If they don’t bring with the next expansion also new weapon types to the game, I hardly have to believe, that this development team isn’t competent enough to do so with this game and its engine anymore before this game reaches ints end of its lifespan and it starts to become more realistically, that we might see more diversive weapon choices rather somewhen in the future, if this game eventually sees a Guild Wars 3 or a completely new Game Franchise after it …

2) They need to show us finally also, that they are able to add completely new playable races and are competent enough to do that – again the next upcoming expansion is again a great chance to do that – its long overdue and there are perfect candidates standing in the line to get ready to become playable races – especially long overdue are the Tengus, as they were already in the past considered to be a playable race – so whats Naet takign so freaking long to bring out finally a narrative story, that makes Tengus finally a playable race, when absolutely everythign whats needed for a playable race already exists for the Tengus – I mean, how freaking long does anet want to hide them behind their own “Bird Cage” that is the dominion of the winds with its huge walls? Must first primordus get up from the undergroudn end destroy their hideout do that they finally join us to defeat the dragons or what in hell must happen first, that they finally se in, that its better for them and their folks to get out of their self made bird cage!!? Then theres the Largos, which would be a perfect candidate for becoming redesigned and added as playable race for when Anet makes an expansions agaisnt the deep see dragon and a complete redesign and rebalancing of the whole underwater gameplay of this game, which sucks since game release date 2012 and hasn’t since then ever been overlooked and changed – instead anet kept on removing their own game content and dumbed their own game down to the point, that all underwater gameplay became totally obsolete and pointless, because they didn’t put any focus on that stuff of the game to fix it, because Anet had other plans with the game and focused themself on way too many other things that were abkittenely not as much as important, than to imo save one of the biggest selling points of this game and instead abandonding it completely since release date like they did and still do until today!

The 3 weapon concept of underwater gameplay is GARBAGE, it offers absolutely NO build diversity as like which you have on land combat where you can use alot more different weapon types per each class.
Not to mention, that two of the 3 underwater weapons could easily get merged basically with land weapons in regard of equiment and share with each other the weapon skins…

Tridents could easily get merged with Staves and share with each other the skins.
Adding Trident as own eapon type is completely pointless, the same Job could do Staves and Tridents could easily be just different Staff Skins!!!

Harpoon Guns could easily be merged with Rifles… hey the game has rifles, that look like super futuristic laser guns that absolutely don’t fit to the lore behind these rifle weapons that are based on FREAKING BLACK POWDER technology
we have pistols, that look like laser guns from Star Wars – see H.O.P.E and we seriously have problems with rifles beign used under water, when we have such unnatural lore unfittign things like these in the game and many many other weird things, that basically make no sense at all?? Give me a break …
ANet should just merge Harpoon Guns with Rifles and make Harpoon Guns just skins, these thigns are just another completely useless weapon type that shuld have NEVER existed, with that ANet increased just themself their work for makign weapon type exlusive weapon skins rolleyes

The Spear should have been from begin on a HYBRID weapon, which should have been useable from begin on on land as like underwater … hell, Anet even had at the beginning at some time plans for giving the game polearm weapons in early design phases of the game, but then whyever the removed all of it and made out of them just underwater weapons /facepalm – absolutely not understandable. Would it have been soo much more work to make Spears a Land/Water Hybrid Weapon? I think not …

New Weapon Types and New Playable races are in fact just the tip of the iceberg of long wished new features… not to mention other things as like

- adding finally a Build Template System to make it possible to change fast and comfortable betwene multiple saved up builds of your Characters, without having to have to click tons of things first, without havign to waste inventory space for thign,s that could be saved in your Build Template like multiple different armor sets

- making it finally possible to adjust more the UI and adding in general improvements to the UI that are Quality of Life improvements and make thigns more accessible, easier to handle, safe time ect, reduce grind, reduce clicking spam and so on pp.

- adding missing features finally that should be in the game sicne release date, like Polymok, Target Shooting and Bar Brawls inclusive their achievements and other minigames that were planned to make all towns places, that players want to keep revisiting, that make the individual towns unique and fun… theres now this new Basket Brawl …nice to see, but still again wasted time, that rather coudl have been spend to bring us finally Polymok instead or to bring back finally Bar Brawls instead as the achievements for them basically already exist, but the game itself sadly never got implemented!!!!!

If they give wioth the second expansion just the next set of Elite Specializations just again only recylced already existign weapons, this would be totally disappointing.
At least 2 new weapon types shoulds be in – and I’d go for Polearms & Whips, because in my opinion would improve these two weapon types in overall seen over all classes the most the combat gameplay of GW2 as both of them are mid range weapons with longer ranges than clear melee weapons, but shorter range than pistols/shortbows… the game needs that kind of like 300-450 unit range weapon as the game has so far nothing, that fills up this gap of weapon type….

We have only short range weapons for direct melee combat ranging around 180 units in rang,e or directly ranged weapons with 900-1200 range, but we have absolutely nothign that is in between of that range gap !! with a range logner than direct melee weapons but shorter than ranged weapons and I thign for the combat balance of this game is it the best to finally add mid range weapons, and for that job would be Polearms and Whips the absolute best choice to add.

Thats the type of Seconf Elite Specialization Set I want to see getting added with a mixture between new Weapons and existing Weapons:

Warrior > Partizan > Polearm
Guardian > Inquisitor > Polearm
Revenant > Crusader > Warhorn (Rurik based)
Ranger > Beastlord > Whip
Thief > Rogue > Whip
Engineer > Alchemist > Axes
Elementalist > Arcanist > Sword
Necromancer > Occultist > Torch
Mesmer > Bard > Shortbow (inclusive Shortbow Harp Skin as its Specialization Skin for the Weapon)

This way would receive the next expansion a good mixture between new weapons beign added within new Elite Specializations and some of them getting fitting existing weapons, whiel those with existing weapons are spread among as many different weapons as possible, no repeats.

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

Input on 8/23 Roll-back

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


roflmao, why was it clear, that a pointless thread like this will be made… xD

Your compensation was that you got most likely for a few hours in your life some fresh air more … rolleyes

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

why some skills hits while in stealth?

in Thief

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


if a player uses ranged channeled skilsl against you, like Rapidfire, and some prpjectiles are already on the way to you, before you used Stealth, then these projectiles will still hit you…

Game mechanically this is sadly “working as intended”, but I think as well that this should get changed. Trapper Runes need to get changed imo, as they are it, which makes this kind of cancerous gameplay possible, and that also for Ranger and especially naturally for DH to a certain degree naturally, what makes fightign them only more annoying.

The moment a Thief uses Stealth, all incoming projectiles should get automatically evaded. Could be easily done by added to Stealth the mechanic, of “Auto Projectile Evade” for 2 seconds after using Stealth, that should make sure that no projectiles will damage you that are still on the fly to you after you used already Stealth to become invisible and not targetable anymore.

@ mara…

Thats called a Ghost Thief…a trapper thief condi build thats focused around it to stay permanently in stealth and killing you mainly with an absurd high burst damage of conditions from mostly bleedigns, poison, vulnerability ect.

Here, watch this, then you will understand the gameplay based around it better

Short, but effective, its a build perfectionized fully around the surprise effect.

You lay traps where its mostly “dead sure” that your target will run to, while you are stealthed from layign the traps, and if you need more Stealth, you just use the D/P HS/Blind Fiueld combo as much as needed to stay stealthed.

The moment your foie runs into the trap, he gets a burst of all kinds of damaging conditions, while you dodge aroudn the target to lay more caltrops (condi cancer) on top of your foe, and if you foe tries to run away you make sure he runs in a trip wire, and continue your condition spam, because the combination of bleedigns, poison, confusion, torment and vulnerability will make in the tiem that your foe can move mostly all the work for you, and if thats not enough, you have plenty of time to finish your target off with a backstab if really needed for a quick direct damage burst to settle thigns quickly if you dont want to wait on the conditions dealing the damage for you, when its basicalyl sure that your BS will down your target, so that you can make a quick safe stomp with BP, or like in this case where the enemy gets already downed from the overwhelming condition damage, with a safe stealth stomp.

If you ever meet on such a player, which plays this build perfectly, its better not to waste your time, unless you have lots of people with you which can use AoE reveal Skills to force that enemy out of his stealth for long enough, that you can gank the ghost thief together to death or make him flee

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

Should Mug be able to crit?

in Thief

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


It gave a time, where it critted, but therefore it didn’t heal…

In my opinion should mug crit baseline and the healign part should be something you get on top of it, if you trait for it under trickery, that if you use “Thrill of Crime”, then Mug will also heal you.

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

Daily points capped at 15000.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


In my opinino it woudl have been a better decision to keep monthly achievements instead of merging it, adding to them then also too a cap of say 10000 points for monthly and on top of that they should have added “Weeklies” with a Cap of 15000 Points, while giving Dailies then instead of 15000 Points a Cap of 25000.

This would have been in my opinion a much better longterm solution for this game.

This way would have been all player through capped AP of these 3 categories together be able to get to 50k AP, what would be more than enough to get both of the AP armor sets complete as well as gettign both AP weapon sets complete I guess.

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

PvE Weapons

in Thief

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


D/D = Single Targets to small scale group fights where evasion is important
D/P = Single Targets where its important to quickly get into Melee Distance after staying first safe in distance avoiding being hit and gettign quickly back into melee range, for when the enemy tries to flee.
P/P = Ranged Single Targets where you need constant High DPS Bursts and where Melee Combat is just too dangerous (for example fighting the Anomaly in the Fractals, P/P is best there especially in combination with the Stealth Attack for another little burst attack)
P/D = Single Targets to small scale group fights where you constantly need to keep your distance from a specific foe and need to get quickly away from it and you are a Condi Build.
S/P = In any situation, where you need Hard Crowd Control Skill Spam against Enemies with Break Bars to stop them from doign something, if you can break their bars in time and High DPS, as Pistol Whip is one of the strongest hitting skills in the game, if you can land all hits. It cleaves, so you can hit multiple foes at once and it’s great in combination with Signet of Malice to keep you alive against NPCs that literally run blindly into your blade always.
S/D =Small Scale Group Fights where its important to remove Boons from specific boon reliant enemies, like Guardians, Engineers, Mesmers or Elementalists.
Staff = Small Scale Group Fights that requires you to passively help others at the frotn with Weakness and Blinds and for AoE Bursts through Vaults/Bounds when you are a Daredevil Build focused on a high DPS Staff Build
Shortbow = Anytime, when you just need Mobility to be somewhere as quickly as possible, Ranged Support and when Combo Skill Spam is needed to quickly buff up your group with either Stealth to avoid some fights or get all up with Boon Stacks like Might from blasting quickly a Fire Field to have as Group enough Dps for the important Burst Phase in a battle, like for example when going agaisnt that ghosteater dungeon boss or how its called again, that receives only damage when running into these ghost traps, there its very helpful to have a Shortbow Thief which can pump up everyone through a fire field from an Ele for exampel to have quickly all up to 25 stacks of might …, to give your group much more dps to quickly burn down that boss, hwiel it can receive damage.

Anything forgotten? I guess not

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

(edited by Orpheal.8263)

Taking camps solo: Best build for power?

in Thief

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


At times where Daredevil didnt exist, I ran a simply DA, Critical, SA, or DA, Critical, Trickery, or DA, Critical, Acrobatics build in regard of what I felt like makes fun, or which weapons i used, when Acrobatics was still good and not nerfed to death and was easily able to solo camps with these builds with Soldier Equipment.

Sure, by far surely not the fastest build, but still able to solo here n there some camps without that enemies saw at all swords come up, before it was nearly already too late to save the camp.. and thats already like 2 years or longer ago…

Can’t understand, why there seem to exist people which struggle still uptil today with soloing camps as thie,f with al the power creep around now, with thieves, that deal now much more DPS through AA spam, than years ago, with DD and their dodge abilities, that give thieves no much more aoe dps when luring all npcs into a corner where you can easily hit them all to kill them quickly with either bound/vaults or lotus spam where it even plays no role anymore if you are power build or condi, as the staff is also great to quickly kill small npc groups, especialyl when combine with signet of Malice to keep you alive with their cleaving attacks that also reflect projectiles from the pistol camp guards.

I can also easily solo camp with Dash as DD, with no damaging aoe damage dodges the old thief way, simply by using AA attacks, deadly blossoms , blinds, stealth and backstabs to quickly kill the problematic npcs to have it easier with the rest.

Really problematic does it get only for a thief to take camps, if you have to fight agaisnt good defensive players, which try to just buy time for others to come help or hope, that your killed npcs will respawn so that they get it easier to defeat you..these kinds of coward players are it, which are the most annyoing as a solo thief camp roamer…peopel which are too scared to fight you and rather do only their best to stop you from getting the camp only and nothign else…

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

Free Princess !!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


The game shouldnt have on any gameplay mechanics time gatings at all.

To have even time gatings in this game is like a slap into the face for the player.
Time gatings, like especialyl those of Ascended Material Craftign were useful, when it was important to make sure, that the stuff isn’t just at introduction wothless…

But these items had now like 2 years time to get integreated into the game.. theres no sense anymore in keeping these obsolete time gatings in the game, regardless for what, be it crafting, or be it material conversion…

Time gatings are just the manifestation of grind and its absolute blasphemy to have such garbage systems in a game, that says from itself, that it “has no grind”, because time gatings aren’t there to create “fun”, they exist only to create artificial grind and are the most annoying stuff, with that you can really **** off your players, to slow down the player artificially so that they can’t get something in a game as fast as possible, but at a required time pace, that Anet wants us that we need to spent first, before we get what we want….

This system is counter productive and stands against absolutely everythign GW2 stood for at its beginning, before ascended items and the crafting mechanics for it got introduced!!

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

(edited by Orpheal.8263)

redesign thief traps

in Thief

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


look at my dream thief for my take on Traps currently

ANd to the last post I can say only – no, make it this way:

DH =Power
Thief = Condi
Ranger = Hybrid

Thief traps and direct damage is just a no go as its totally counter productive to their Stealth Gameplay. Thieves NEED no direct damage traps, so that they can functionize in harmony with Stealth!!

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

Your Dream Thief

in Thief

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


Now continuing with my Thief Dream Utility Skills, next Section – Traps

This are the traps and the gameplay about them I dream about, when I envision a Thief for GW2

Thief Traps don’t have now anymore Recharge Times, they work like Kit Skills, you can lay each Trap Type only once, the moment you lay a Trap, the Skill turns for you into “Trap Removal” with that you take immediately the trap away to be able to place it again somewhere else.
With that Trap Removal will be a Thief able to remove also Enemy Traps, but if you do that, then you won’t be able anymore to remove you own Trap, it has to run out then of its duration, before you can use it again. In that time will be your Trap Skill deactivated, until the duration of the current used Trap is over, then you can place it again somewhere.

While a Trap is layed, you gain passive Side Effects, like Signets, where it is the other way around, you begin with a passive effect and you lose it when you activate it, with Traps its the exact opposite. You have the active effect the moment an enemy runs into the trap, from that moment on you lay the trap until you remove it, you will have a passive effect and thats unique to Thieves, to make their Traps feel different than those of the Ranger or the DH, therefore that Thief Traps deal no huge Damage, because if they deal direct damage, they would reveal us and thats counter productive.

Now to the 5 Trap Skilsl my Dream Thief would be able to use:

Needle Trap (Underwater its a Needle Mine)
From the moment on that you lay this trap you will gain the passive effect of “Silent Hunter”. While that Effect is on, will be your Stealth Durations increased by 2 Seconds and you gain periodically every second for 2 seconds duration Fury and Super Speed while being in Stealth and movement impending Conditions are 50% lesser effective on you in Stealth.
The Trap activates and all foes in its circular area will get imobilized for 3 seconds, poisoned and bleed with 4 stacks for 10 seconds. After Activation until its removal, will suffer foes that move in or out of its AoE periodically Cripple and Bleeding like running into Caltrops

By this example you see the 3 stages of the new Thief Trap Style
Stage 1 = Unique Passive Effects when laying the Trap, until Removal
Stage 2 = Activating Effect, which happens when a foe runs into the Trap
Stage 3 = Lingering Effect, which stays after Activation until the duration of the Trap runs out, or until it gets removed by either you or an enemy with Trap Control Skills, which in this case is also a Thief that is builded and played for this task to do.

Explosive Trap (Underwater its an Explosive Mine)
from the moment you lay this trap, you gain the passive effect “Art is an Explosion”
While this Effect is active, is your defense against Grenades, Bombs, Missile Turrets and the like increased and these things can deal only half their usual damage against you.
The moment a foe runs into the Explosive Trap, all foes in its circular area will get launched away, and suffer on massive Stacks of Vulnerability and Burning for 10 seconds.

Shadow Clones
From the moment on you lay this Trap, you gain the passive effect “Twilight Twins”
Your called Shadow Clones leech health from foes they hit and take over Conditions that you would normally receive. The leeched health of their attacks will you receive partwise as healing while TT is active.
On activation of the trap get the Shadow Clones summoned within a Smoke Bomb/Flash Grenade. The Combination of the Shadow Clones with the Trick of using Smoke Bombs/Flash Grenades to summon them is afterwards the lingerign effect of the Trap, until it runs out or gets removed by the Thief or an enemy with Trap Removal Skills

Hallucinogen Trap (Underwater its a Gas Mine)
From the moment on you lay this trap, you will receive the passive effect of “True Assassin”, which increases your Critical Hit Rate agaisnt Enemies that suffer from Conditions by 10% and Conditions like Confusion and Torment are 50% lesser effecttive against you.
The moment this Trap activates will receive all foes inside of it and gett for 3 seconds Mass Taunted, while they lose their “friendly fire”, so that they will start to attack all each other under their hallucinations and gain with each hit that they deal to anyone nearby two Stacks of Confusion and Torment for 5 seconds. After activation lingers a confusing gas in the area which causes periodicalyl Confusion, until the Trap runs out of Gas Duration, or it has been removed by the Thief or an enemy with Trap Control Skills.

And lastly.

Decoy Trap
The moment you place this trap, you gain the passive effect "Good Bait Catches Fine Fish*. While this effect is active, will be the efficiency of your Venoms doubled against foes that have been caught by your Traps.
The moment one runs into the time bomb trap (for players it will look like a Loot Chest with something valuable inside before activation steals up to 3 Boons from them that the Thief will receive. While the curse is up, can’t affected foes by this trap receive new boons. The Decoy Trap with its time bomb will emit further as lingering effect weakening cursed gas, until it runs out of its duration, or until the Thief or an enemy with Trap Control Skills removes it. When laying this Trap, you can choose 3 Time Bomb Options for the delayed Time Bomb, which will make this trap automatically go active after some time, unlike the others, which require an enemy to run into them..
10 seconds, 2 Minutes, or 5 Minutes, because once the surprise is away with them, you will want to let them activate faster eventually

Thats the way how I’d rework Traps for Thieves to give them more bang, without needing to make them super hard hitting direct damage traps like those of the DH.
The Damage of Thief Traps comes mainly from Conditions only.

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

(edited by Orpheal.8263)


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


I agree to this, should have been added also as Shortbow Version …

Storm Bow was useable in GW1 for multiple Bow Types, so should it be also for GW2 as well and GW2 has only 2 Bow Types, wouldnt surely have been asked too much…
all they need to do for the Shortbow is eithr basically copy/paste the skin onto Shortbow = No work at all if the same skin can simply be used on both weapons.

Or the make for the shortbow an own different looking version, which naturally means more work. For a quick fix I prefer solution 1 over 2, maybe just resized only a bit to make it a bit smaller looking, but thats all thats needed.

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

Thief Change Ideas (Raid/General/Spec)

in Thief

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


Ok, Tenchu, then I will it make now straight forward easy to understand for you with as less words as possible
Maybe that will work better, than trying to explain you in detail, why your suggested skills would be mostly junk compared to my “try” to overwork your ideas into something, that would make your concept more senseful and in fact alot more fun to play, than the other way around.

Traits that are only useful for you half of the time and provide otherwise NO EFFECTS are a freaking WASTE!!

If you can’t understand this simple thing, then I’m very sorry for you.
Every blind person with a crutch should be able to realize, what I tried here to improve with your basic ideas where it fitted, which can be summed up in two points:

1) I added everywhere at Traits that are half of the time only useful in specific situations effects, that are useful for the player outside of the time, when the other effect is at the moment inactive for you, so that the Trait isn’t anymore half of its tiem just a waste for you, but actually gives you something, from which you profitate all the time.

2) I changed your direct damage boosts into (and thats what I meant with subtle) into something, that uses instead of direct DPS boosts to the DPS of the Thief, mechanics, that indirectly increase the DPS output by making usage instead of Gameplay Mechanics.

Like this example

Instead of +5% direct DPS increase while having Vigor >12-15% more Critical Hit Rate with that you deal more oftenly critical hits, thus have more DPS through more Critical Hits, because anet nerfed the Critical Hit Rate of the Thief with some of the balance patches of the past basicalyl into oblivion and it needs to get increased again!!!
Also Skills like Backstab would profitate from this, as it would have then again higher chances to deal more damage, because hitting with a BS not critical feels like hitting like a wet noodle and I think thats something even you can agree with…

The rest of your comments will I ignore now as same as nonchalant as you did with mine “to waste no time”, regardless of how rude this may come over :P

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

Fave gw2 profession?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


Thief 4 Life, in an action based combat system I need a fast moving and acting class with as less skill restrictions as possible to feel being really alive in combat and that I can prform mostly any time the skills I want to react on the situation around me

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

Thief Change Ideas (Raid/General/Spec)

in Thief

Posted by: Orpheal.8263



I know absolutely well what trait synergy is, but nerfing some traits to death in an already doomed trait line, which needs in overall a revival from the HoT-Sacrifice it received, just to improve therefore minimally in a very questionable way, that seems on first look to be far more of more nerfs, than “enhancements”… I don’t know, for me it just looks liek as if you are searchign for an excuement here – one thats not very convincing.

And hey, if Id struggle really so much with English as you say, I’m sure, you wouldn’t have been able to know what I’m talking about so that you could answer to it :P.
I’m surely not the best at English, but I try my best, and hell, I’ve seen here already alot of other people with much worser English than me

If its DPS, what you want for your Thief, you focus on DA or Critical Hits and Trickery, not Acrobatics. Acrobatics and Shadow Arts are the Thieve’s defensive and self support traitlines – they aren’t really meant for traits that improve DPS.

If you took Acrobatics (also already at times, when Daredevil didn’t exist and Acrobatics was alot more effective as trait line, then you made that to become better in defensive situations and to be better at dodging through its trait effects.

Still, I know what your intentions were with your changes to give the thief more group support.. but there are much better options, rather than to dumb down the defensive gameplay for a whole group, because there needs to effectively dodge now only 1 single person an attack, so that automatically all others evade the attack too without that they actually needed to dodge, and instead can turn their thumbs, while just the thief needs to dodge, just because the thief magically dodged everything for the whole group as a single person with just one dodge roll….

And you sure think, something like this wouldn’t be incredible overpowered? No ?
There are already perma evade thieves as build, which are already a pain in the butt to fight agaisnt alone – you want to “enhance” this gameplay now onto a full enemy group that fights nearby of the perma evading thief
? God beware us!!!

Here, I show you, how I would change these traits:

Expeditious Dodger > Good Reflexes
Increases the Evasion Frames of your Dodges and Evades by 1 second, so that you avoid incoming damage for a second longer than usually whenever you prform a Dodge roll, or use a Skill that lets you evade attacks, the time in that you can’t be hit will be increased by 1 second.

A Trait Effect, thats not half of all the time useless with no effect, which actually really enhances your Dodges and Evades. A Thief with Good reflexes should be able to dodge and evade attacks more efficiently, than before.

Feline Grace
Your Vigors will be now 50% more effective than before.
When you dodge successfully an attack, you and your nearby allies will receive Vigor and Swiftness.

Endless Stamina > Hard To Catch
Old Effect merged back into Feline Grace.

Hard To Catch should replace its position here and become the 3rd core trait as it should be obvious and absolutely self explanatory, that a very acrobatic thief should be naturally also hard to catch… this trait is mandatory to make acrobatics viable over other trait lines like the one of daredevil, it should be by its nature of its mechanics be th third and most powerful core trair.

Plus additionally:
Increases your Endurance Bar by +1 Bar to let you become able to Dodge one time more. (Daredevil gets it removed and replaced with an other new effect, like increased Initiative Regeneration or more access to Counterattacks & Blocks what would suit a Daredevil much more, than that +1 Endurance Bar for a Dodge more)

The middle line should be changed as followed to give the Thief more Group Support under the Acrobatics Line.

Instant Reflexes > Removed, replaced with a new more useful self support Trait, which passively increases DPS through better Critical Hit Rates, instead if direct Damage Boosts of 5%… because Critical Hits are the theme of a thief, not raw power, we are no warriors!

Critical Agility
Evade incoming attacks for a second, when you critically hit your target.
Increases your Critical Hit Rate by 1% per Intitiative Point you have and lets you gain Quickness and Super Speed for 3 seconds, if your Initiative reaches Max, after having reached first 0

Guarded Initiation
Increases Defense against Damage to you and your nearby allies by 1% per Initiative Point for the first 10 seconds after you started the battle with your target.
After that initial defense boost for you and you allies is your Initiative Gain increased by 10% for the rest of the battle and when you successfully dodge attacks, you and your nearby allies will lose a condition.

This way will become this whole trait alot more useful for the thief and adds group support to the acrobatics line too in for of AoE Condi Removal on successful dodges and an initial defense boost base on your max Initiative, which makes the effect of the trait fit much better then to its name as a whole.

Assassin’s Reward
Should get changed to a constant periodically regeneration thats based on the thief’s initiative he has at the moment, when the periodically regeneration triggers, which is then multiplied by a buffed healing power coefficient, so that healign power actually realyl helps this trait to heal you effectively significantly better, so that AR can be equal to using Signet of Malice, so that if you use both together you can get a goood sustain through outhealing your foes by fightign very aggressively by dealign very quickly alot of hits…whil keeping an ey on your initiative to keep it high when AR is about to trigger, so that skillful thief play gets rewarded, not just spamming only quickly attacks.

The middle 3 would I make like this:

Vigorous Recovery (merged with Upper Hand now)
Swapping your Weapons will completely replenish your Initiative now. (ICD included that ANet has to decide what would be right for that)
You will gain Vigor and Regeneration on Weapon Swap for 5 Seconds.

This effect is MUCH more useful overall for the thief, makes definetely more sense than your halfway useles vigor on successful dodge, which gives you nothing at all while you aren’t fighting. But with Vigor, regeneration and Initiative Regain on Weapon Swap, this trait woudl actually hit 3 birds with 1 stone under the many Thief Design Problems and would make playing a thief alot more fun, especially due to getting Initiative back from changing your weapons in combat, giving players also alot more incentive to change oftenly your weapons in combat as a thief to just profit from these effects.

Swindlers Equilibrium
Taking your suggestion, as its only one, that made sense to me, so lets take this over.

Evasive Attacks
The Leg Power of the Thieves is somewhat increased, all of their Leap Attacks and Shadow Steps will gain increased range by +25%.
Thieves will now also damage foes, if they dodge into/through enemies.
This Evasive Attack will cause several Stacks of Bleedings to the enemy that was hit by the Evasive Attack (Think of a similar trait to that of the Warrior, which deals damage to foes if he dodges into them., just that this one here makes the Thief also more mobile in his acrobatic attacks and more dangerous at the same time in its swift evasive movements.)

Also a way to add more DPS, without that it needs to be directly more raw damage in form of +5% damage boosts…Acrobatics is about you want more DPS wioth Acrobatics, then use also something thats based on evasion to deal more damage in that moment.

And lastly the bottom 3 traits:

Don’t Stop
Stays unchanged

Pain Response
You idea, but with just a higher not so overpowered ICD. You lose Conditions when being struck, with an ICD of instead of 2 seconds, every 10 seconds. and lets you gain on the first initial damage you receive that lets you have at that moment more than 3 Conditinos for 4 seconds then Resistance with an ICD of 15s

Due to Hard to Catch being moved into Core, lastly a new Trait here

Salto Mortale
Perform a Salto Attack (Bound) when you Dodge. Yes the Bound Dodge of Daredevil should get moved to Acrobatics to give this way Acrobatics indirectly more DPS.
The DD’s Bound should get then replaced by a new different Dodge Style that works more like a deadly counter attack which works as a Hard CC knocking down the enemy when successfully dodging an attack while dealign significant damage to a signle target, instead of dealign aoE damage, the aoe boudn is much more the thign of an acrobatic thief, while a daredevil should be more about direrect single target destruction with is direct damage dodge, cause lotus is already an aoe type of dodge for them, while the other is a defensive dodge, DD needs a damage dodge, tghats specialied agaist single targets to take out specific targets quickly, before they can become dangerous.

Thats the way how I would revive acrobatics in a way, how it would receive more Group Support and I included your intention of givving it more DPS in a better and more subtle way, that includes gameplay mechanics, instead of addign only halway useful buff based direct damage boosts.

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

Taking camps solo: Best build for power?

in Thief

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


All what a Thief needs to solo Camps is either D/D & SB, or S/P & SB

Combine this with the Signet ofMalice, which heals you for every hitted enemy.
Simple Tactics..

Lure as many NPCs to a spot where you can tank them all
Spam with Shortbow prmanently a mix of poison AoE and Cluster Bomb Explosions or without explosions for Field Combo with the Poison to cause AoE Weakness

Either this tactis, as the spammign of poison and clusters keeps you under signet alive easily, until all NPCs are dead, so that you can go solo agaist the overseer…

Or tactics B.. you go in with D/D and attack just simply with AA and every so often a Deadly Blossom spam whenever you have enough initiative for it, to cause massive bleedings among all npcs, and to cause alot of hits that heal you up due to ther signet.

Use a signet build with that you can quickly boost up your attack power by gaining stacks of Mights, to speed up the killing….

Use either Soldier Gear with mixed Celestial, or Full Marauders or anythign what you like, that just gives you enough power to deal good DPS to kill the npcs quickly enough… if you have enogh DPS you are able to kill all NPCs, before even swords are displayed, if you do it good and correctly, which is what you cann then basically a "Stealth Flip*, when you take an anyme camp, with the enemy barely getting to know, whats going on, before its mostly already too late for them to react, unless the enemy was already by coincedence near enough at the camp to se actually whats going on there, before the swords appear on the map.

A player, who can’t solo as Thief a camp is either

1) too inexperienced with the class and should learn first how to play better Thief, or
2) uses too weak equipment andhas not enough DPS, or
3) has wasted too much time with NPCs, so that they keep respawning, or killed NPCs under a protected ovrseer too esarly, so that they respawned at a wrong moment, costign you time that could essentially be enough for reinforcements of enemy playrs to arrive in time, before you coudl finish your job, or
4) overestimated itself and took on too many foes at onces in a weakened state, a thief playr should always know when its better to flee and not to fight too many foes at once, especially once enemy playrs join the battle, and like to play with you"catch me if you can" just to waste your time, until killed npcs respawn for them, or more reinforcements join them, while you can#t progress on your claiming at all, what is an unfair game design.. even when outnumbered a playr tryign to take a camp should have a chanc to flip it, if that playr can survive fighting multipl enemie at once, while doing somethign specific in cobmat to keep progressing the claim, that should be possible… then it would stop also that defendign playrs just try to play on time only permanently, but rather would go for the fight with you, because you’d stil lbe able to claim the camp, but just slower, as if no defender woudl be there… thats how it shoudl work.. one can dream, one can dream

Howevr, follow these simple tsctics, have either full exo ,or better ful lascended soldir/marauder equipment, and any thief with some brain in the head will be able to solo camps

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

Your Dream Thief

in Thief

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


Can you be about this a bit more concrete? Which one(s) exactly?

In my opinion ther revenant needs anyways a bigger design overhaul, because the class received too much things that should have received the Thief.
Also especially because its problematic design doesn’t let it functionate like all other classes, which can make usage of racial skills…
If I would have been responsible for the decision if that class would have made it into the game, I would have made sure, that this crap doesn’t get into the game under this not well thought out gameplay design…however, different topic.

If you meant the mechanic of Dynamic Skills itself, not it has absolutely no similarity with Revenants at all, as Revenants have no own Sub-Utility Skills they can put into F3/4 which can be used only when the Class Mechanic Skills have been used often enough.

There exists no Skill under the Revenant, that he can use first after having used first some of his Weapon Skills, or in this comparison some of his Legendary Stance Skills first, like how I want Thieves to be able to make usage of Dynamic Skills, once they have often enough used first their Initiative Skills to activate this way their Dynamic SKills to be ready for use or to automatically activate eventually.

Should you have meant anythign with your postign from my last postign, these 5 examples aren’t for Dynamic Skilsl, they are for my 5 dream Trick Utility Skilsl that I’ll ove to see under that Skill Type for Type, because I think they fit better.

Tricks should be Utility Skills based around typical “Thief Tools”, like a Grappling Hook, which would be a better version of Scorpion Wire that would be alot more useful and something that you should be able to expect from a Thief to own in its kitten nal of abilities.
A Stealth Tool, a Distraction/Flee Tool (Smoke Bombs) a Throwing Weapon Tool and another Equipment Tool as what Thieves wear (Masks to hide their faces) are what I think would be the five most fitting Tricks a Thief should use
However, the mask is somethign that I’d switch out maybe, the other 4 are pretty much obvious and fix.

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

Your Dream Thief

in Thief

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


A Dynamic Skill works under the F-Buttons for the Thief, mainly F3 & F4 as a kind of “Sub Utility Skill” where the player can choose between 1 of 4 Dynamic Skills, which one you want to use actively, which can changed out as well out of combat, like all other skills.
The difference between a normal Utility Skill and a Dynamic Skill is, that Dynamic Skills are unique to the Thief, because Dynamic Skills live from the system behind the Initiative mechanic of the ovrall Thief Gameplay, thus can work due to this only with the Thief, as the activation of a Dynamic Skill requires of the playr to have to use up first a specific amount of Initiative, before the Skill can be used.
In this case works Initiative for the Skilsl as the Recharge Cost Factor, which balances the power and effectiveness of the Skill. SO more powerful or effective the Skill is and can affect the overall Game Balance, so higher the cost of Initiative a Thief must have used up first by usign their Weapon Skills in combat, before the Dynamic SKill becomes ready to use.

“Dynamic Skills = Out of movement relating abilities that happen either actively or passively due to your personal initiative of getting into movement or which change characteristics of your movements due to different dynamically changing situations.”

One could say simply to this description in regard of a Thief – they are just super*flexible* as masters of improvisation and act like chameleons changing themself naturally according to their environment.

Now dreaming about Utility Skills

When I dream about a Thief, I have following Utility Skill Types in mind for the Basic Thief.

  • Traps
  • Signets
  • Tricks
  • Deceptions
  • Motions
  • Improvisations
  • Martial Arts

And with this I mean, yes, all Classes should have more Utility Skill Categories and can easily have that. All classes are able to have 7 types of Utility Skills easily.
Each of them providing 5 Skills – so 7*5 = 35 Utility Skill per Class is, what I find is optimal, for better Build Diversity, instead of our current 5*4 Skills endign up with only 20 Utility Skills per Class, which is lesser Build Diversity.
Utility Skills are in GW2 the only Option besides of Equipment Upgrades, with that you have the most build diversity access as a player where your decisions have great influence on your build, because all the rest in this game is with its Weapon Skills very static, so I think its only neccessary to increase the amoutn of Utility Skills to provide more Build Diversity for all.

I’ll begin with Tricks – That are the 5 Tricks my Dream Thief would have to choose from

Grappling Hook
Shoot with your Grappling Hook at your enemy or a target location.
If it was an enemy, then the enemy will be pulled to you. If the location was an object like a wall, then you will scale that wall, or get pulled to that object instead.
The Initial Hit of this Attack causes 4 Stacks of Bleeding and is unblockable, as the arrow of the Grappling Hook just pierces through armor/flesh and the moment the arrow opens up it works as barb, which is why enemies get pulled to you if you reel in the rope of the grappling hook. Against unpullable enemies this Skill works like 3s of Immobilization against its Break Bar.

Smoke Bombs/Flash Grenades (underwater)
Throw Smoke Bombs, which cause in the thrown area a circular Stealth Field, which blocks also incoming projectiles, while periodically blinding foes inside of it.
Underwater you throw instead Flash Grenades, which work similar, but cause instead a massive bright light in which you can’t see the thief anymore, while getting periodically blinded

Cape of Invisibility
Grants you stealth for 5 seconds, as also additionally Super Speed and Protection.
If you don’t attack an enemy and let the skill run out normally, then you gain Fury and Vigor for 5 seconds when CoI ends.

Distracting Daggers
The original Daredevil Skill moved to this place now

Mask of Sins
Equip your Mask that hides all your sins behind of it. While wearing your Mask of Sins, you become alot more cruel and ruthless.
Mask of Sins grants you Quickness and 5 Srtacks of Might while also removing up to 3 Conditions from you, which you apply twice as strong to your next target that you hit first after activation of MoS for 5 seconds in regard of stacking Conditions.
Example: You have 2 Stacks Burning, 2 Stacks Vulnerability and Weakness with 5s remaining duration on you.
You activate MoS, hit a target, that target will suffer now for 5 seconds on 4 Stacks of Burning, 4 Stacks of Vulnerability and 10 Seconds of Weakness.
While the effect of this skill is also active, will be the efficiency of Vulnerability for you doubled.

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

Thief Change Ideas (Raid/General/Spec)

in Thief

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


Sorry to say this, but I have prsonally never ever seen before more bad change suggestions to the “Acrobatics” line, than yours…

These suggestions absolutely let my question myself, if you really have ever played at all for a single second a thief in game, that you try to touch the trait line, which is among all the most absolute useless trait line right now and you successfully make it with your suggestions even more crappier, than it already is… oO

Because all your suggestions to this trait line are straight forward just requests fors NERFS that make the trait worser, than they already ARE or are effects, that are just more useless than what the line already offers…

Lets begin with Expedious Dodger

You want it to grant swiftness only, when successfully dodgign an attack, not anymore generally, thats principally a 50% effectiveness nerf that you suggest there.

Next one feline Grace. you want to turn this trait, which should return to its original effect best that it has on introduction into literally a crappy situantional useful tiny damage buff of lousy 5%, which you have only when you have vigor, and if you have no vigor, this trait is a freaking WASTE.
Ever thought about it for a second, how useless this trait is, if you have no vigor??? Guess not …
Sure, the current FG is also half of the tiem a waste, but thats why i say it should be returned to its original effect, because its original effect was one of the main reasons, why people actually used the Acrobatics Trait Line at all.

Next One… you want to nerf our superior vigor effects for another useless damage buff trait??
Acrobatics is not a Traitline for countless damage boosts!
Acrobatics is a defensive and mobility/self/group support based trait least that should it be…

For which reason do you want to have just another similar lousy damage boost trait, which is again only situationally useful, while you have swiftness this time

Next one, your suggested change to assasins Reward.. again just a straigh nerf idea that can come only from someone with absolutley no thief playing experience.
This trait is actually there to give you as thief more sustainability, so that you dont die as quicky as without it … and you want to change it into a group support trait, just so that every 15 seconds your nearby allies automatically can dodge attacks too, when you dodge.. just of pointless trait, there are better ways to give the thief more Group Support, without destroying its very few sustain options the class has to survive longer in combat at the same time

Next one.. Vigorous Recovery..your change here would make thieves OP, as with somethign like this they would get too much Vigor and could have it basically permanently, or at least long enough over a course of a battle, that it looks like for the enemy, as if they’d have it permanently and perma vigor on thief is simply OP, especially on daredevil

Your Swindlers idea is the very first good one … that woudl be acrtualy an improvement of the thief to make the trait more viable for all thieves in general, while not making it overpowered

but then again your next suggestion for Upper hand is again absolutely overpowered…
100% base increase in effectiveness of Vigor and Swiftness lol with your idea of basicsally perma vigor..yeah sure xD

next idea is again overpowered, losing every two seconds a condition when you get attacked..sure, looking on the name of the trait, such an effect seems to be more fitting, but not everythign that sounds more fitting for the game based on the traits name is also good for the game balance.. you may never forget, that the thigns that you suggest here will be later if they would get realized also something, against that you have to battle agaisnt if an other player uses it against you and then will the moment come, that you wish to yourself, you would have never suggested one or two things here, if you would have to fight agaisnt a thief,m which permanently uses instantly his conditions the moment you attack them…

Next one, again just a idea of yours, that would nerf the original effect, because the original effect of dont stop protects you as thief from being imobilized at all.
With your version it would be a 50% effectivity nerf, because under your version we wouldn’t be immune to immobilize anymore, we could get immobilized again ,but just with 50% lesser durations and in the case of a thief, its more important to NOT get immobilized at all, than to get immobilized with just half efficiency, because just the fact of getting immobilized can be already in a fast combat enough to make up for the difference, if you end up being spiked to death by your enemy, or having actually a chance to successfully avoid being hit at all..

Your ideas would make mostly all the already dead traitline Acrobatics if 90% of all cases just worser, than the traitline is already since the release of HoT, where the whole traitline basically got destroyed just so that the Daredevil line basically has a reason for existance to kind of replace it.

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

Your Dream Thief

in Thief

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


Some good points Sir. But I don’t agree to everything there, however, thats your dream anyways

I’ll continue dreaming about some more Dynamic Skills under my dream thief.

Dynamic Skills – Dodge Styles

With this change I’m going to make the Daredevils Dodge Styles changeable in out combat easier, thus giving the Daredevil a bit more quality of life, without that Trait Slots need to be wasted for a feature, that should be integrated as a feature into this ES

Phantom Rush
Activate your Phantom Rush Dodge Style.
When you Dodge under this Style, you gain for 3 seconds Super Speed, you reflect Projectiles back to their source, you blind foes which you dodge through, while losing all Movement impending Conditions and receiving for the next 3 seconds also 15% lesser damage, while being also immune to critical hits in that time.

Crimson Lotus
Activate your Crimson Lotus Dodge Style.
When you dodge under this Style, you’ll throw to all surrounding enemies in your near a flurry of all kinds of throwing knives and shurikens, which causes to hit enemies the conditions Torment, Poison and Slow, if enemies are hit with under 50% Health, then Torment is replaced by Burning and the thrown weapons have an increased chance to deal critical hits which can cause the weapon’s Sigil Effects to proc. After performing this Dodge Style is your Damage of any source for 3 seconds increased by 15%

Sleeping Dragon
Activate your Sleeping Dragon Dodge Style.
When you dodge under this style, you perform an acrobatic jump attack, which deals at your ground target AoE Damage to all foes in its near. This Attack can stun foes that have more health than you with a difference of at least 20% of each individual’s Max Health and using this Dodge Style works for you also like an immediate Stun Breaker. After performing this Dodge Style, you gain for 3 Seconds Stability and Resistance

Night Shade
Activate your Night Shade Dodge Style.
When you dodge under this Style, you gain for 3 Seconds Stealth, Regeneration and Fury while your next Stealth Attack will deal now additionally 5 Stacks of Confusion and recharges your Steal/Disarming/Stripping Skill with an ICD added to this Recharge Effect of 15s

Dynamic Skills – Sabotages

Sixth Sense > Trap Removal
Requires to use up first 5 Initiative to be able to activate this Skill.
When you use your Sixth Sense, you become able to see for the next 10 seconds in a range of 2000 units around you all layed traps on the ground of your enemy, including WvW Traps, within these 10 seconds you are immune to Traps and running over them won’t harm you, Sixth Sense changes then within that time into Trap Removal. If you press the F-Button, while standing in the near of an Enemy Trap, you wil lremove it from the field safely for you and your allies within a second of time.

Requires to use up first 100 Initiative to be able to activate and use it.
Put some dynamite to your target location, which will explode some time later, causing a big explosion that deals damage, causes burning and vulnerability to all nearby foes and knocks them down by the force of the explosive shockwave. Especially powerful against Siege Weapons to destroy them quickly.
Will instant kill a player if it explodes, while that enemy is using the Siege Weapon.
Will instantly destroy smaller Siege Weapons like Arrow Carts and Ballistas, while heavily damaging Rams, Catapults, Golems and Trebuchets.
You will be able to recognize sabotaged siege weapons only, if you are an Engineer or a skileld Thief thats skilled in acting like a Saboteur by using Sabotage Dynamic Skills as well. These types of players will see a count down timer of the Dynamite and are able to remove Dynamite..anybody else will be surprised by the sabotage and won’t be able to remove the Dynamite (Nice Sabotage Skill for Stealth Action among the enemies xD – quick in, quick out and watching the enemy freak out, while their siege user suddenly is dead and the siege most likely destroyed as well, if it was something smaller ^^ priceless)

E.M.P -Grenades
Requires of you to have used up first 15 Initiative to be able to activate them.
Throw at your target some E.M.P-Grenades that cause on impact explosions of electromagnetic pulses. This Sabotage Skill will be very effective against all kinds of Gyros and Turrets, dealing significant damage agaisnt them, while also slowing and weakening these types of targets. Against any other type of target will cause these Grenades lesser damage and daze the enemy, while removing also up to two Boons.

Cursed Filth
Requires of you to use up first 30 initiative to be able to activate this skill.
When you use Cursed Filth, then this skill will add to the next Steal Usage additionally the Effect of adding the Curse Condition to the Target.
A cursed target will have all of its Attributes reduced by 100 Points and won’t be able to gain Boons as long as the condition lasts. Curse will last for 5 seconds. This won’t be thief unique, Necromancers will gain this new Condition as well.

Dynamic Skills – Boon Steals

Requires of you to have used up first 15 Initiative.
After the required initiative has been used up, Pilferage automatically activates itself and lets your next hit target lose up to 2 Boons, which you will gain then with a duration of 5 seconds. Had the foe absolutely no boons to steal, then the next hit enemy will receive instead up to 2 Conditions from you with their remaining durations.

Kissed by Lady Luck
Requires of you to have used up first 15 Initiative to let this Skill activate automatically.
Once the required amount of initiative has be used, all your nearby enemies will lose 1 random boon, that you will receive. Your Critical Hit Chance will increase for the next 10 seconds by 2% per every Boon received through this effect.

Voracity for Power
Requires of you to have used up first 30 Initiative.
The next time you use either Disarm or Stripping, you gain 10 Stacks of Power, you steal a Boon of your enemy, that is not Might and the Disarm/Stripping will deal Damage. When combined with the Trait Mug, then you will deal more Damage and heal yourself for 50% more than without the effect of Voracity for Power being active.

Contempt of Boons
Requires of you to use up first 30 Initiative.
After the required amount has been used, will you steal from all nearby targets a boon.
After the boons have been stolen, will receive all nearby targets Damage according to a Multiplyer thats based upon the total amount of boons you have stolen by this skill by Damage x + Power affected Damage times Stolen Number of Boons/ Number of Players being affected, making this a very effective skill against large crowds of players that are full of boons, making this skill a very effective counter weapon against boon sharing builds.

Example Base Damage = 1500 + 1500 Power Damage * 5 stolen Boons/ 10 Players = Damage to all affected Players of 2250 Damage to everyone.

Dynamic Skills – Shadow Walks

Mirrors of Darkness
Requires first of you to have used 15 Initiative.
The Next time you use a Shadow Step Skill/Mechanic, you create at your Location a Mirror of Darkness, that will work for you as long as it lasts as a Portal to quickly return to the position where you used the Shadow Step Skill.
In combination with a Shadow Trap does this dynamic skill allow you to quickly travel between locations with a maximum distance of 10000 units and return to your old position, if someone run into your Shadow Trap. Mirror of Darkness also works while its up as a Dark Field, letting projectiles leech health from hit targets.
You can place up to 3 Mirrors of Darkness. The moment you would normally place a fourth one, the first one will end to exist. Mirrors of Darkness will help you in combat to effectively flee out of sight from your enemy or to distract them with quick position changes into the back of your targets by cleverly using the Mirrors to reposition yourself into a favourable position where you have the advantage over your target, making this Dynamic Skill especially useful with weapons like OH Pistol and Shortbow, but also the new Claws/Gauntlets of the Swindler would include a Shadow Step Mechanic.

Requires of you to use up first 30 Initiative to be able to activate it.
When Camouflage has been activated, it will allow your next Stealth Attack to be used twice, before you will get revealed.

Shadow Runner
Requires of you to have used up first 20 Initiative.
For the next 30 seconds are all your Dodges instead Shadow Steps with a Range of 900 Units and whenever you Dodge will you Stealth Allies around you for 3 seconds.
These stealthed allies under the effect of Shadow Runner will lose then for those 3 seconds periodically every second a Condition.

Twilight Eclipse
Requires of you to have used up first 15 Initiative
Perform Twilight Eclipse, a Shadow Walk Attack with a range of 1200 Units to your Target Enemy, which blinds the enemy, confuses it and taunts the hit target for two seconds with the second hit.
You gain Protection and Regeneration after the Attack for 3 seconds.

So, now this part is completed

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

Your Dream Thief

in Thief

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


I’ve been dreaming of sword OH for a looong time.

Something, that should have been part of the Thief Class from release date on imo, thats why I listed it up also under my Dream Thief

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

Your Dream Thief

in Thief

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


@ Jana:

yeah, this kind of thread is more about like

“What would you do with the thief, if you could just change what you want in your dreams”

Simply speaking about such things, without looking aat these mentioned things as suggestions or proposals of what you think ANet should do with the class.

Basically its like the question about, if you were responsible to design the Thief Class from scratch, what woudl you give to it?? What is for someone the gameplay, what you basically “expect” from a Thief, what a Class like this should be able to do.

Many different people, many different views of expectations about what people think about, what a thief should be able to do and what they shouldnt be able to do and thats something I’d like to find out here, how much congruent the thief community is about the “image” of the thief.

Simple question I want to throw for this example into the room.

How much congruent for example is the opinion amogn the thief community, that thieves should be able to control the trapping of other classes with trapper builds, themself included?
Do you believe this belongs to the image of a thief to be able to control trappers for a better game balance and for a more trustworthy thief class?

I for myself would answers to this question straightly with YES, but I can speak only for myself and to find out, if people share this opinion or not, I’d like to see peopel describing their dream thiefs, this way I can see by the resonance, if many people share that opinion, or not by seeing if they put in their dream versions of the thief the ability for trap control in too, or not.

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

(edited by Orpheal.8263)

Your Dream Thief

in Thief

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


With these kind of fundamental changes to the Basic Thief Gameplay, would naturally have to be changed as well also the Utility Skills due to Venoms getting baselined into the overall Gameplay of the Thief with the basic Thief beign able to use two Venoms simultanously as venoms would receive under this change a complete redesign of their Gameplay Mechanic and would be from under this concept no utility Skills anymore.

The Thief Class would receive a completely new and different Type of Skills, so called “Dynamic Skills”.

Dynamic Skills functionally would work like Utility Skills, just with the difference, that only Thieves can use them, and that they are bonded to the Skill Slots under F3 and F4, where players iwll be acble to choose out for these Slots then Dynamic Skills, which a Thief Player can use then at any given time whenever you wan,t after you have spent first some Initiative and each Dynamic Skill requires a different amount of spent initiative, before you can use it.

Venoms for example under this concept would get changed from being simple Utility Skills into becoming Dynamic Skills.

Dynamic Skills – Venoms:

Spider Venom
Requires to use 15 Initiative firstfor Activation.
When you activate Spider Venom, you and your nearby allies receive the Spider Venom Buff. Your Dual Weapon Skills will change out for 10 seconds when you activate venoms in case of 1H Weapons used and in case of 2H Weapons, the AA will change out, while your allies will deal within the next 5 seconds with every Hit they deal just. Stacks of Torment

Snake Venom
Requires to use 5 Initiative first for Activation
Same as above, just the difference is, that your allies deal instead Poison.

Frog Venom
Requires to use 10 Initiative first for Activation
Same as above, just with the difference, that your allis deal instead Vulnerability

Lizard Venom
Requires to use 15 Initiative first for Activation
Same as above, just with the difference, that your allies deal instead Confusion.

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

Your Dream Thief

in Thief

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


This isn’t a kind if thread about suggesting, how Anet should change the Thief Class, this thread is more about me and you showing people, how you would describe your personal Dream Thief Class.

What is it, how you would define your Thief, when you are thinking about this Class, what kind of features should it have, what kind of gameplay concept to make it in result for you a trustworthy Thief Class. Thats what I’d like to get to know and what I want to show here also too – the kind of Thief I have in my mental view, when I’m thinking about this class.

When I think about the Thief Class, I first have these Categories in my mind:

  • Thievery Arts
  • Acrobatics
  • Cunning
  • Shadow Arts
  • Assassinations

  • Mobility = ES Daredevil (Staff)
  • Espionage = ES Infiltrator (Whip/Chain Sickle)
  • Sabotage = ES Marodeur (Torches) (rename Marodeur Upgrades to Skirmisher)
  • Trickery = ES Rogue (Longbow)
  • Distraction = ES Swindler (Claws/Gauntlets)

With each of these 5 Categories standing for exactly 3 different Gameplay Builds each (Roles) plus 5 Elite Specializations that further enhance these Roles with additional replaceable gameplay mechanics.

For me a Thief is defined by certain specific Key mechanics, that a player should find always more or less everywhere among all of the builds under changing forms in regard of range, efficiency, with or without conditions, with or without crowd control, with more or less mobility and also with providing unique forms of Group Support
These Key Mechanics are for me:

  • Initiative
  • Boon Stealing/Sharing
  • Trap Control
  • Disarming/Stripping off of Equipment as the Thieves unique way to weaken foes, beign the only profession, that can reduce through stripping off equipment directly an enemies attributes
  • Venoms
  • Shadow Steps/Walks
  • A superior unique Stealth, that is different from the Basic Stealth Skills of other Classes, because they are the Masters of Shadows, no one else!
  • Fastest Mobility
  • Unique Dodge Styles

This are the Key Elements, which define for me a Thief in GW2 in which the thief should be either superior in, or the only Class, which can perform these key Elements.

Superior Performance:
- Stealth
- Mobility
- Boon Sharing

Unique Performance:
- Initiative
- Shadowsteps/Walks
- Dodge Styles
- Venoms
- Trap Control
- Boon Stealing
- Disarming/Stripping

The Basic Weapon Sets a Thief should be able to use should consist out of following Weapons:

  • Daggers (MH & OH)
  • Swords (MH & OH)
  • Axes (MH & OH)
  • Maces (MH & OH)
  • Shortbow
  • Pistols (MH & OH)
  • Throwing Weapons (Knives & Shuriken)

Elite Specializations add to this then:

  • Staff (Daredevil)
  • Torches (MH & OH Marodeur)
  • Longbow (Rogue)
  • Whip/Chain Sickle (Infiltrator)
  • Claws/Gauntlets (MH & OH Swindler)

F-Button Skill Features would look under my concept like this:

Basic Thief

Ininitative = Automatic Refilling
F1 = Steal/ Use Steal Skill
F2 = Stolen Item Depot/ Use Steal Skill 2 (Thieves should be able to steal up to 2 different Items, before another stolen item replaces the last stolen item, if not used first.
F3 = Venom Slot
F4 = Venom Slot 2


Initiative = Refill on Hitting Enemies
F3 = Venom Slot
F4 = Dodge Style Slot


Initiative = Refill on Dealing Conditions/ Venoms
F3 = Venom Slot
F4 = Sabotage Slot (includes Trap Control)


Initiative = Refill on Crowd Control Boon Stealings/Sharings
F1 = Disarming
F2 = Stripping
F3 = Venom Slot
F4 = Boon Steal Slot


Initiative = Refill on Stealth and Movement
F3 = Venom Slot
F4 = Shadow Walk Slot

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

What a class

in Thief

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


Great idea give them ability to disable traps same as rev and eng can detect stealth and brake it

Yes, this should be an every’s thief’s basics. They have a kind of sixth sense for traps, one should believe, they are masters of the shadows and infiltration. If someone like that doesn#t know how to sabotage and detect traps, then I freaking don’t know – who else!!?

If a Thief isn’t constantly trying at any given chance to steal Boons from the foes around him, who the freaking frozen hell else should be able to do such a feat??
Its kind of what a Thief does – stealing, so this means they should be also constantly trying to see somethign ,be it the Boons of the foes, be it the Weapon of the foes to disarm them and disable them that way to fight effectively agaisnt you for a while, what would be effectively the same as like stunning a foe and making them that way unable to use their weapon skills, just with the difference, that you have it instead for the amount of time, until the foe can successfully retrieve it back from you by using a Tackling Attack, or when you used the stolen weapon against your foe you stolen the weapon from.

We currently have also no counter class build at all in this game for Trapper Builds and I think thats an unacceptable situation. Every Class Build shlould also have some kind of counter class build to ensure, that for a Trapper Build (and we have by now 3 of them of different classes) can’t do that premanently without having to fear, that there might not come maybe someone, who can do something specific agaisnt them annd their playstyle, especialyl with Thieves being able to do that permanently invisible.

Would there be now the Thief able to see traps and deactivate them, then would be the stealth trapper at least countered out by using the same class agaisnt themself as a natural balancing, that the most powerful trapper build is automatically also countered by themself.

Trappers, especially since the buff to rune of the trapper have become more and more a pest, because you can#t see them, unless oyu can spot your foe at the moment where he places a trap, but still from this moment on its just some kind of guessign riddles and staying vigilant, that you not run over the spot where you guess that the trap is.
I as thief shoudl be knowing intinitively, where the trap is and how to deactivate or sabotage it, so that it doesnt harm me, or in optimal case, harms instead the foe if he runs into his own trap that got sabotaged by the thief.

Thats also as an alternative one of the reasons, why i wish to have a Saboteur Elite Specialization for the thief for a long time, if somethign like trap detection7saboteurism shouldnt ever become something baselined for the thief as a kind of their trademark features, if not boon steealing/disarmign/stripping off equipment shopuld become this, then would be trap dectection and sabotage of them stil la god theme for an ES, if both improvements would be too much under the thief class out of balancign reasons, then woudl be imo a split up of both improements th best solution to make one part more integral baselined for the thief and mkae out of the other half an improvement for the thief as part of the next ES.

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

Would this type of subscription be bad?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


bug fix reachs out for the fly flap for annoying forum bugs

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

Would this type of subscription be bad?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


A Faction System doesn’t let you “move” anywhere, the faction System moves YOU for the set amount of time of a match to one of the Factions.

You can’t know, how it would work out exactly, before Net hasn’t tested it out first.
I think it would be very interestign to see what would happen with the game, if Anet would simply test out for a month, so 4 matches a faction System where players ared decided by their servers they are bonded to for which side they have to battle, but instead the game decides via an assigned Faction for which side you have to battle with a system, where you play internationally together with people of all kinds of servers together randomly mixed with you into the same faction, where it plays no role anymore then from which serbver yo uare comign fom, at which time you play, which tiem zone you have ect. the game would always ensure that that players from all servers find togehter for their faction to fight agaist players from all servers of the other two factions that are mixed together in those too.

I thing this owudl be a very very interesting experiment, just to see, how it would end up and to turn back to the old current system, if it really absoutely shouldnt work out at all like hoped

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

Would this type of subscription be bad?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


Sooo …. are you asking that server transfers be free so long as the person who transfers is barred from entering WvW on the new server? Dawdler’s logic is that people surging around server to server on a whim heavily imbalances WvW populations. This is a demonstrated fact, as I understand it (I don’t WvW myself). So how do you allow free server hopping for all players while still keeping WvW populations even?

By changing WvW into a better redesigned gameplay model, that doesn’t require a “Server” System anymore, but moves to a Faction System, which makes usage of all Servers simultanously and spreads all players among the Factions to guarantee this way, that all Factions have all the time enough players.

WvW Population Problems can be solved only by gettign rid of the Server System completely, as long as theres a Server System for NA and EU with each having like 24+ different servers, there won’t be a solution to population problems and nightcapping ect. due to different time zones, playtimes and player activity on the Servers

If GW2 wouldnt have anymore a servr based WvW system where servers battle agaisnt other servers, but instead Factions battle agaisnt Factions, where the Factions have players mixed from all servers from all time zones together, then there would be also no need anymore for any kind of restrictions for Server Travels to other servers.

I think it must be somehow possible to change the WVW game concept somehow into a system, that doesn’t require server anymore, as I see this as the only way to get rid of the damocles sword over our heads thats the population problems which is solely caused by the server system and nothing else!.

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

How many Precursors have you found?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263



very simple, play the game nearly sicne release

Speaks for itself, how “well” designed the whole System about them is to begin with, however, now you can at least work slowly towards them, if you have absolutely no luck at all…

Howeve,r I kind of think there needs to be added a system, that increases slowly the chances of finding a precursor as loot, so longer you play the game, which resets each tiem you find one among your loot from a bigger enemy kill that leaves back bigger treasure world bosses ect.

I know, RNG is RNG, but personalyl I find it unacceptable that like 1% of the ganmes playr base is like kind of supr lucky and has in lesser than a year of playing multiple pre drops, whilre like 99% of the other players that play the game mostly all much longer already have like me until today still found none at all.

Anet has finally to remome/replace this total BS RNG System that gives you each day you play this game the feeling, as if you are in las vegas casino gambling for the jackpot, where you already know, that in 99,99% of all cases the house always wins lastly and you get nothing.

I my opinion the making of Legendary weapons shouldn’t require any kind of precursors at all, or precursors should be a part of the legendary making, that you earn in a guaranteed way, without any RNG factors, without absurd craftign factors involved..the Precursor should be in my opinmion something that the player earns through doing special epic things whilebeing on the journey of making the legendary weapon (item, regardles what it is now, if armor, or back item ect.) the precursor should b in my opinino always something, that the player receives as a reward for doing something special in the game that doesn’t involve craftign or RNG, but just player skill or patience.

Thats how I do see this, but im pretty sure Anets marketing department absolutely wants it that way, because its th very reason, why peopel are willing to waste tons of real money, just to buy their legendaries, so that they don’t have to rely on RNG …
Evwrythign aroudn this concepot is absolutely calculated and that I’m sure about and why its also sure, that anet will never remove RNG garbage out of this game, because financially does this game live from these RNG aspects that drive people to spent real money to shorten themself the grind to get what they want or to have not to rely on RNG to get what they want.

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

Vets refuse to help or even apple

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


Thank the idiots of snobbed commanders with ego problems, who have the opinion, that nobody other than them “may lead” people and that people with apples are “no real commanders” …

These kind of people are the reason, why lesser and lesser people activate their apples to help out, because mentors have enough of it from these pitiful people to be badmouthed, only because they feel themself beein cut on their kittens that someone else who hasn’t payed several hundreds of gold for a stupid pixel icon can lead many people better then them…

Whenever I activate my apple (because I like to lead for example alot Auric Basin’s Meta, because of its kind of Mission Flair it gives to coordinate 4 Squads at the same time, I always hear at least 1 or 2 people in Map Chat every few runs complaining about, that there are too many “apples” everywhere.
Good, this impression has become better over time, the idiots became lesser to more of them moved either on, or became inactive ect. but the “damage” that they and their idiotic childish behaviour thad showed in the early days of the release of HoT is still there in the heads of many helpful mentor players, because these players want to have just fun and help others, not get ****ed off by other people just only because they have not the right icon over their heads in their eyes

In the end, both modes casn be used in exactly the same way – to draw attention from many other people to brign them to follow you around, because they can see exactly where you are and where you are moving towards too on the minimap, just with the difference that mentors have not the dsame access to commander tools to lead people, which is a reason why people think mentors are inferior and thus its “more likely” that leadership under a mentor will fail, because they can#t command others in a squad as effectively as like a commander could do….

Thats the kind if impression I got several times by now by the kind of logic with that people argumentate against mentors…
I suggested in the past, that ANet should improve the Mentor System through the Masteries..theres still alot of more potential behind the Mastery System with that the Mentror System could get improved I think.

Mentoring isn’t something, that everybody should do, its somethign that only people should do, that are willing to help others, that have the neccessary grade of tolerance, that everyonre has to start once at somethign as like you did in the past too and were happy about it, if someone helped you out at something that was already more progressed than you at that time and could show you things and explain you thign,s that were new for you…

And god darn it, at the end it’s freaking regardless, how the icon over the head of somebody looks like, it just counts only that you had fun together.

Thats sadly something, that stil alot of people have to learn in their lives, but the youth of today has sadly forgotten what it means to have patience, tolerance and empathy I must realize sadly in the last years more and more oftenly again – their mentality about gaming seems to be kind of totallly different compared to gamers that have grown up with video games in the 90 ties…

This “we want everything and that now” generation of players is it, which caused change, why you see in the game lesser and lesser mentoring players.
The ****storm that oftenly comes, when bigger events fail, whos fault was it that it failed? In 99,9% of all cases you hear the masses complaining about the leader first, especially when the leader was “just” a mentor with an apple

Sure, these kind of experiences are a matter of change from server to server and are everywhere different..where onn one server mentors get treated like helpful half gods, you will find also alot of servers for sure, where people treat them like dirt, because they are just “wannabe commanders”

Everything seen already…

People forget way too quickly, that they are playing a game here and that the pixels with that they play together are more, than just only some polygons in action, but that also some real people sit somewhere in the world behind these polygons, which is something that dsadly oftenly lets people forget also all their manners under the fake protection of anonymity.
However, different topic, but a little part of the original problem behind this topic why more and more people “refuse” to help…simply alot of helpful people have also lost the interest to help others due to the bad behavior of people ,when that help ends up in “no success”

ANyways, there are also out there alot of helpful people, without that they need to have any kind of icon, be it apple or smurf hat of any color.
You need to search only for them and not to be kitteno ask for help, if you need some.
Then its most likely just a matter of time, until you get someone or many who are willing to help, or a whisper ort more of peopel who ask how they can help you.

And then theres always still the LFG which can be of great success, if you need help at something.

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

Would this type of subscription be bad?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


ehm wrong Dawdler.. why the hell are people always thinking only about WvW in regard of servr costs?

People change servers also out of other reasons, than just only WvW, for example to play together with friends, that are there…

Anyways, I think WvW is already way too long overdue for a fundamental gameplay change away from this craptastic server based system which causes permanently only population problems everywhere as long this stupid server based system stays for WVW, we will never get rid of the population issues and people traveling cheap, or not to other “winning” servers.

The game should have changed better already years ago for WvW into a Faction System where Servers play no role, then wouldn’t have people to care about it anymore, why someone else travels for WvW or not to an other Server that one needs to ask for it, that there should be such nonsense “restrictions and raises in the costs”…

Just fools would suggest that Anet should make willingly services for their game cost more money or limitate forcefully the players options where and when a player should be able to change servers… and all of that for mostly only 1 game mode.

I’m pretty sure that alot of people that dont play WvW would love to have a “nice” talk with you, if you were responsible for such nonsensical changes like adding more restrictions to server changes and making it cost more money, because its in your eyes “too cheap” right now

You know, this is still a game, not somethign that punishes you for deciding to play on an other server, for whichever reason a person might have for this decision to want to change the server.

What you say here is like going to a Car Seller wanting to buy a car for say 30000 Dollar and you suggest to the Car Seller now, that he can sell it for you for 50000 now, because other people to whom the Car Seller sold other Cars before of you can drive with their bought Cars with cheaper Gas, than you can drive with the Car that you are about to buy, and because of this fact you want on top the restriction put upon you from the Car Seller, that he doesn’t allow you to return the Car within 30 days, if you should find any major shortcomings within the Car after you bought it.

I know, silly example, but it shows the “logic” behind what you want here from Anet, that because you find it’s not ok, that others can have a change in their life “cheap and without restrictions”, that the provider of the service needs to make the selling conditions directly for everyone including yourself worser.

If there is even some kind of logic behind your way of thinking here.. then I don’t get it…

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside