Showing Posts For Perdix.8641:

Why not form a team?

in PvP

Posted by: Perdix.8641


I agree completely.. You can learn rotations in a couple of sessions if one guys knows his stuff… There are plenty of players mechanically capable enough to compete in tournaments

Time to master another profession.

in PvP

Posted by: Perdix.8641


Sorry reread that and it was a bit harsh.

Basically I feel that the matchup vs condi is very good if playing at skillcap , which is what the OP seems to be about. My suggestion would be to play something like s/f ele to get your burst plays/key evasions up to scratch, then return to dps guard. It’s very viable from what I have seen so far.

(edited by Perdix.8641)

Guards healthpool?

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Perdix.8641


Guardians are rly OP.

They are apex 1v1 when played well, with great mobility and much more team fight synergy than a warrior. If this game gets competitive again you’ll see players run them.

Elementalists are OP and need nerf ASAp

in PvP

Posted by: Perdix.8641


Just a word of caution to those who don’t remember what ele was like before the nerfs, don’t make anet over buff them please.

Celestial amulet, cleansing water and the signet are a lot..

If that earth GM works it will take them over, kinda interested to see…

At least it’s new

Elementalists are OP and need nerf ASAp

in PvP

Posted by: Perdix.8641


Unfortunately this thread might actually come to life with patch

Nah, backpack…did you forget that thieves still exist?

The most “OP” potential are zerker staff that are easily destroyed, and perhaps bunker builds that have some issues with focus fire.

Eles won’t be irrelevant, but they won’t be OP.

Bunker hybrid ele says hi

Do we need to spend all glory by tomorrow?

in PvP

Posted by: Perdix.8641


1250+ unopened chests still over the accounts

Think I’ll just practise some guitar and get to bed.

I'm not too angry about the 15th

in PvP

Posted by: Perdix.8641


Since realese pplz who play pvp only even since 1st beta are getting punished and casual and new ppl rewarded , its how anet care about pvp and ppl focused only on it.

your own fault when buy an mmorpg and play only 10-20% from it

We’re not RPG players

I'm not too angry about the 15th

in PvP

Posted by: Perdix.8641


Since realese pplz who play pvp only even since 1st beta are getting punished and casual and new ppl rewarded , its how anet care about pvp and ppl focused only on it.

I played pvp from release and i support the reduction of ranks. Tho could argue that they could set 60 rank for max instead of 55. But they should start giving rewards based on leaderboard rank (ofc after they fix it first), like giving phoenix to ppl that come to top 100 and dragon for top 10 + some epic gear. Progresion like we have/had now is just bad. Tho bonus for ppl that are 50+ rank now … is that they will have almost all skins already. Also the way to reward/compensate dedicated pvp players, was already missed. When they introduced gold for rewards, they should give it also for the past tournament games.

All the skins is nothing. Rank 80 is nothing. People want something that says ’I’ve played this much more than you’ that’s all.

The truth is casuals care more about progression. Can you imagine a hardcore player saying “I managed to beat final fantasy and still have a rank 80”.

No. Because it’s all about performance IG, rewards and titles should reflect this, and if they don’t you’re just playing a kids dress-up game.

Tournament Of Legends: Signups and Dates

in PvP

Posted by: Perdix.8641


It’s a tournament, not a lottery.

The best known teams should be allowed to compete without rng.

What are you using to qualify the best known teams? Are you talking about a tournament system which only a few teams participated in? Or are you talking about my weekend tournament that I play with my friends? Personally I believe my weekend tournament teams are much stronger…See how arbitrary that is?

So you feel you are more qualified than blu to pick the top 8 seeded teams then? And yes I’m talking about the public tournaments, this being a public event and all…

[EU] LF teef for legendary

in Looking for...

Posted by: Perdix.8641


Last minute team. Needs to have top 100 experience, speaks English.

Got 2 days now so not picky about the rest. Team will have a positive and have a go attitude, with some well known guys on it to stroke your internet ego.



New sPvP Game Mode Idea!

in PvP

Posted by: Perdix.8641



While the devs are being active here

in PvP

Posted by: Perdix.8641


personal attack? lol

Edited to sound less salty

While the devs are being active here

in PvP

Posted by: Perdix.8641


And thanks for being so active btw.

I would post this on my main account, but am unable to, as apparently I’m being ‘punished’ and posting threads isn’t possible.

This is the standard of moderation on these forums.


(edited by Perdix.8641)

Community maintenance within the forum

in PvP

Posted by: Perdix.8641


Why is your email in there

Edited. Ty.

Well I’ll leave you to have your ‘fun’ Karla. Maybe I am an idiot for saying these things.

Guess I’ll see you in game

Oh wait

Community maintenance within the forum

in PvP

Posted by: Perdix.8641


Just trying to find a constructive way of posting this.

And no this is not aimed at moderators, I am well aware of the complaints process about moderation.

Why is it the people remaining that still defend the game/community from trolls are getting banned for stuff like this?

A guy comes here who has openly admitted he quit a year ago to lay into the development team. I ask him (somewhat rhetorically) if he plays guild wars 2 (thus questioning his grounds to post this negative feedback).

Post deleted. I get banned.




in PvP

Posted by: Perdix.8641


The best pvp ‘gear’ you get in wildstar is from 40vs40 matches.

That fact alone should say enough about the matter.

Is skyhammer farming OK now?

in PvP

Posted by: Perdix.8641


Two blatant skyhammer farm servers running on EU right now.. is this accepted by the devs?

How bad is intercontinental lag?

in PvP

Posted by: Perdix.8641


Oh and that’s awesome you’re living in Leeds haha

How bad is intercontinental lag?

in PvP

Posted by: Perdix.8641


Swapped to NA at launch, following ‘the guild’.

Then just did spvp, stayed there, got lag, had an eu account anyway so just have turned it into my main.. yadda yadda

NA scene compared to EU is like night and day though, cant say I’d recommend swapping IMO

It has begun...

in PvP

Posted by: Perdix.8641


wow.. think I may have got top 10 from duo q yesterday..

dat mmr system..

It has begun...

in PvP

Posted by: Perdix.8641


The funny thing will happen when 18th hits and theres no balance update. (ofcourse i dont know this cause after million times asking we just know that instead of mysterious feature build its gonna be the mysterious maintance build w/e that means)
Ok active forums readers know this cause its getting spammed all day long but casual gw2 pvper who just follows what devs say is completely sure that there will be balance improvements XD


There’s a small but nice crowd on eu playing competitively (55hpm etc). Are there any active teams on NA right now?

(edited by Perdix.8641)


in Looking for...

Posted by: Perdix.8641


=[ im not 18+

Check out godsacreds team then

Will you release an spvp zealot ammy?

in PvP

Posted by: Perdix.8641


It will be great for eles, who scale better with healing power than any class, but lack the dps for this meta with other hp amulets