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in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Petrol.9086


“I greet you, like the sun greets the morning”

What the actual kitten does that even mean!?

Unplayable Solo

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Petrol.9086


People have been saying the game has been dying since 2012. About 3.5 years later and it’s still here.

“Game X is dying!” Is probably the most common thing you see on MMO forums from disillusioned drama queens who are getting bored of the game the moment there’s a dip in active players, or there are changes they don’t like. Including WoW’s forums 10 years ago.

Can’t do much about it other than roll your eyes.

I hate HOT but want to enjoy it

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Petrol.9086


Pay attention to what the mobs are doing and learn what kills you. Once you got a hang of their skills and what you need to deal with it they aren’t so scary anymore.
Some things you just need to dodge/block/whatever.

If you’re having trouble surviving defensive gear like soldier’s makes it easier. Try a more defensive build and switch out weapons/skills, traits and utilties that were useless in the core game can be VERY handy in HoT like knockdowns, stuns, projectile defense and stun breaks.
Don’t feel too bad about failing, HoT is harsh and everyone got smacked around at first. Just take a moment and think about how you died, what you did wrong and what skill/trait you have that can help on your way back and you’ll soon have a build you like.
If you’re a bit lost ask map chat or your class forum for advice.

How is HoT difficulty?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Petrol.9086


HoT content gets easier once you learn the enemies. It’s alot like Dark Souls(but more forgiving) where it’s difficult at first but the enemies have signature moves you need to avoid. Once you learn them and actually use your defensive skills/blocks, it’s cake. But if you do mess up, the game will punish you since those special attacks hit HARD.

The problem is that the learning curve for the entire game is all screwed up. Old Tyria barely gets harder and can be completed while afk. You don’t need to dodge, you don’t neeed to interuppt anything, you don’t need any defensive gear, traits or skills at all.
And this doesn’t really change from 5-80.

Then suddenly HoT comes along and it has a sink or swim approach. You either learn by your mistakes and master it or you don’t and you’re unable to solo it.
While i wonder what the people who complain about it think about when they die to a mob i mostly blame Anet for not gradually teaching less invested players about the game with a more gradual learning curve that should’ve started in vanilla Tyria.
Having a game where the content is so easy that any skill/weapon/build that isn’t pure offense is worthless isn’t good either. And that’s not because i’m good, i can park my character infront of a mob or two, hit #1 and go grab a coffey without any fear of dying in most areas of the game, hell i did that with a veteran mob while leveling my Rev at lvl60ish.

Verdant Brink - Over powered Enemies

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Petrol.9086


Those guys hurt but there’s plenty ways to deal with them. They have very little health and can be bursted down very quickly. Thing is, they can evade ranged attacks so run up close, hit them with pointblank shot and then rapidfire, if they’re still alive switch to greatsword and finish them of with a maul. Maybe stun them before that for good mesure so they don’t stealth/shadowstep away.

They have attacks that you need to avoid, 2 in particular. So watch for their animations! The first is when they hold their bow side ways, this fires 3 arrows and does a heap of damage if all of them hit . If you can’t dodge you can use signet of stone, protect me, block on GS#4 or any of your evade skills. Or just stand behind your pet, if it’s in the line of fire it should absorb the arrows. The second one is when they jump into the air, just dodge/evade/absorb it.

HoT mobs play more like a single player game, they don’t let you win like the ones in central Tyria. You need to pay attention to what they are doing and what their skills look like, then you can learn what you need to avoid/counter and how.
Try different weapons,pets and skills, you have a lot to choose from and see what works/fits your play style.

Best Greatsword for Reaper?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Petrol.9086


Reaper’s Greatsword. It’s perfect, dark, looks nice and like it can actually cut something.
Fellblade is also good.

Unplayable Solo

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Petrol.9086


Its like he said, mobs are easy as long as you avoid them.

No, they’re easy as long as you learn what attacks to dodge/block/reflect or otherwise mitigate. If you’re unable to learn that they will keep kicking your kitten .

Every single class has a plethora of defensive skills/traits or tactics to fall back on, failing that every class has access to a tank build with tank gear for taking hits to the face.
The people who struggle with HoT mobs are the people who refuse to acknowledge they’re doing something wrong even though it’s not working.

HOT feels like......

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Petrol.9086


HOT has little to no useful purpose to ‘exploration’, you’ll see most of it during the metas.

HOT actively discourages exploration. What was GW2’s original joy is crushed under the thorny weight of Mordremoth. ;_;

I think that’s a bit harsh for maps besides Dragon’s Stand, but i see where you’re coming from. Central Tyria plays more like Skyrim with lots of hidden stuff, random events and activities that keep things varied and fun. The content you find is the reward.
HoT is way too structured, Mastery Points, Strong Boxes and HP’s aren’t exploration in the same sense, they’re material rewards for following a map marker or achievement, not more activites like mini dungeons, new events or jumping puzzles.
And then there’s “zee” events, on a strict timer and never changing. Yeah fun the first couple of times but get’s repetitive fast. Nothing like the random stuff in Tyria where you’re never sure which events you’ll get or when.

And the whole Dark Souls thing? Yeah a bit actually. It’s far easier and more forgiving but it’s the same deal where mobs are hard until you learn their moves. but if you start underestimating them they’ll mess you up, and i love that.
Especially the frogs, i like fighting against the patrolling pairs at the start of AB and recently got my ele and thief there. At first i beat them rather easily because i took them seriously, second time around i underestimated the hell out of ’em and got creamed.

Mobs are seriously my favorite part of HoT PvE. Love’em.

Swampland Fractal Tree exploit

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Petrol.9086


Why can’t people just play the kittening game. How lazy do you have to be to go out of your way to do as little as possible in a game you supposedly play for relaxation and fun.

Condi Reaper dmg pressure is absurdly OP

in PvP

Posted by: Petrol.9086


You know what changed? Amulets. People aren’t able to be as tanky anymore while Necros are inherantly tanky. Maybe i just suck but the only people i burst down are thieves and mesmers. I do however outlast most people.

I really don’t think nerfing deathly chill is the way to go since it would hurt us far too much in PvE. I’d rather see another solution like changing some boon corrupt skills to boon steal or something.

Condi Reaper dmg pressure is absurdly OP

in PvP

Posted by: Petrol.9086


If Necros are too strong because of corruption maybe they should change some skills to steal boons rather than corrupt them. Boon denial theme/role still very much there but with less pressure.
Another idea might be to move the boon corrupt on scepter AA to unholy feast instead.

Who hates this game now because of HoT?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Petrol.9086


Really don’t get the hate for masteries, everything you need is unlocked rather quickly, everything else is just gravy and you get it when you get it. No one is putting a gun to your head.

Overall i like the expansion but there are a few things i don’t like with the new maps.
What the hell happened to dynamic events!? Did they just scrap those?
Going to a zone you’d already been in was still fun because you’d always come across these events while you were exploring or doing other things, which seemed completely random to me.
In HoT it’s all these really long event chains on timers that play out exactly the same way over and over and over again. As much as i love the increase in difficulty and the mobs there, i rarely go to HoT maps anymore.
Also whatever happened to mini dungeons? Like the one at the top of the Gendarran Fields? I loved finding those.

Thanks for destroying the revenants

in Revenant

Posted by: Petrol.9086


It really never get’s old when immature players throw their toys out of the pram when their blatantly OP class gets toned down.

Give me a break, it’s still a strong class and i’m actually enjoying mine more since it’s not just constant AA spam.

Favorite race for necro

in Necromancer

Posted by: Petrol.9086


Charr and human are my favs for pretty much anything.

Asura minion quips are pretty funny though.

Unplayable Solo

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Petrol.9086


Not that I agree with the sentiment of the title. But that does sort of show that something is off with the difficulty in HoT. :p Namely the pacing.

I agree, that’s exactly the problem. It just went from this:
to this:

They seem to have kind of a sink or swim approach where they just drop you in the jungle with a box of matches and a scarf at 3am(guessing that was sort of the point?), you either adapt and learn from your mistakes or you don’t get anywhere on your own. It was the same when i played in the beta, mobs were punishing and it felt like a trail by fire. Corpses everywhere, i think i got a level just by ressing people.
I do think it’s healthy for the game though, simply because skills and traits that were only good pvp are actually useful now. Every skill,gear set and trait that isn’t max damage being useless isn’t a good thing. They just need to work on the difficulty curve and maybe teach players better, perhaps through story mode.

I’m guessing they didn’t know how hard they wanted HoT to be when they made Dry Top and Silverwastes but it would’ve made the transition a whole lot smoother.
As much fun as i think the sink or swim style is, a smoother difficulty curve would’ve gone over a lot better. If you ask me they shouldn’t have nerfed entire Tyria to the ground a couple of years earlier. Hitting 1 and then going to get some coffee while your character kills the mob is fine in starting zones, but once you can do that in mid/high level zones something is seriously wrong.

(edited by Petrol.9086)

Unplayable Solo

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Petrol.9086


HoT is easily possible to “solo” – in the sense you can run around and progress. Even with a staff elementalist. But realize you will have to join in for the meta events. You don’t have to party up for them until you hit Dragon’s Stand — but then you will be invited to party to do the big runs. As for HoT personal story you can do that solo right up to the very end…where for most players you will need help.

Run around with zerg, mb? Or run from one personal instance to another?
Try to kill some veterans near 1st WP in Auric Basin solo.
I just tried with my GS\Hammer warrior. You know, “full ascended” kind of warrior. 1.5k of 8k hours played by this one, 20k AP, TA and Lupi solo and other pathos… And what do you think?
I can’t. Just can’t kill this toad on the beetle. Or two frogs on the bridge. I wonder what should I do. “Special build for veterans”? But why the hell I need it? I’ll better just glide down and join any zerg.
Hardcore is good and wonderful of course. But what I see is absolute nonsense.

So I realy want to see how you will deal with some veterans with your staff ele, or 3 pocket raptors packs near maguuma shallows

So you don’t think it’s reasonable to change your build because of harder content, even though you can’t kill things? HoT is not nonsense because you don’t feel you should adapt to the difficulty. Appeals to your AP and hours played only go to show that you have gotten used to the mind numbly easy content Core GW2 has given over the last 3 years.

Frankly, a staff ele has everything they need to kill pocket raptors and veterans. Don’t believe for a second that the thousands of hours you have and AP points has shown you anything you need to know how to play your class because it hasn’t.

Yes, I think so. I believe that solo Lupi – a hard content worthy of special build. Not some veteran mob. Do you know why? Because from Lupi or TA I’ll get a decent reward. From veteran I do not get anything.
May be you can explain me why would anyone do a special build to solo veteran, when it’s much better, easier and more profitable just to join the zerg?
Therefore, no one beats these veterans. That’s why I do not consider this content “harder”. Solo players do not need it. Useless. Content that is so hart that it is impassable solo gives no reasons to solo it and adapt to it. And this is nonsense.

And anyway: in the words everyone strong and skillful. So maybe you will show me how will you solo this guy with ele or war? Or this two?

I already told you how to 2 posts up. If i can do it with my warrior in exotics filled with ruby orbs and a GS that doesn’t even have force you can do it with your gear.

You don’t need any “special build”. But not changing skills or weapons depending on the situation is just gimping yourself. There are so many skills to choose from that were all but worthless in central Tyria that are actually useful now.

Edit: You know what, here you go vids of me soloing those mobs. Sorry for the potato quality.

(edited by Petrol.9086)

Unplayable Solo

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Petrol.9086


HoT is easily possible to “solo” – in the sense you can run around and progress. Even with a staff elementalist. But realize you will have to join in for the meta events. You don’t have to party up for them until you hit Dragon’s Stand — but then you will be invited to party to do the big runs. As for HoT personal story you can do that solo right up to the very end…where for most players you will need help.

Run around with zerg, mb? Or run from one personal instance to another?
Try to kill some veterans near 1st WP in Auric Basin solo.
I just tried with my GS\Hammer warrior. You know, “full ascended” kind of warrior. 1.5k of 8k hours played by this one, 20k AP, TA and Lupi solo and other pathos… And what do you think?
I can’t. Just can’t kill this toad on the beetle. Or two frogs on the bridge. I wonder what should I do. “Special build for veterans”? But why the hell I need it? I’ll better just glide down and join any zerg.
Hardcore is good and wonderful of course. But what I see is absolute nonsense.

So I realy want to see how you will deal with some veterans with your staff ele, or 3 pocket raptors packs near maguuma shallows

The awnser to both of these is: Equipt a Rifle or Longbow. And don’t go full offense, CC is so valuable i use Mighty Blow/Endure Pain/Stomp and Rampage with GS/Rifle(<3 gunflame, they have low hp and are vulnerable to burst). That elite just makes minced meat out of the frogs and the trick to them is: when they’re ranged melee them, watch out for when they leap or hold their bow side ways. If they take out their dagger, kite them witth the rifle or use Rampage. They can’t stun you because of stab and they can’t hit you when you’re repeatedly introducing their face to the ground.Hard.

And the beatle frog? Uhm, you just don’t stand in the poison. Use ranged when you can’t get in melee.

where did it all go wrong

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Petrol.9086


I don’t really agree with the solo play part since i thought difficulty and group play was something that was missing from the base game.
I do however miss things made it fun anyway. Zones that focused on exploration with all sorts of neat stuff hidden and dynamic events that pulled you in all sorts of directions.
Whatever happened to them? They seemed to have scrapped the idea entirely instead of refining them. Now we just have event chains that are on a timer that only have 2 stages, they either succeed or they fail. The old zones were enjoyable to revisit because the events seemed so random, with lots of players around you’d often get diffirent events or new ones you hadn’t done before.
Now it’s the same chains over and over and over. Some randomness would increase longevity a lot.

Why are bundles you find on the ground so crappy? This was such a cool feature made useless since they were so much worse than your regular skills. What if branches or whatnot absolutely decimated a break bar or at least stunned for a long time, you’d want to pick them up and use them.

I like the new zones because they are gorgeous, fun to traverse and the enemies are fun to fight but there’s a lot from the core design that is missing.

Necro Spamwich Build & Keybinding Guide

in Necromancer

Posted by: Petrol.9086


Trust me, this guy is absolutely ridiculous. I had tried to be serious but I stopped after watching for 2 minutes and here are why:
- He said he spent 2-3 years for “research”. Oh boy if only I can chat with him about that term to see how did he come up with a “research”.
- “My brain and my actual mouse are one” – In a way he is moving the mouse with his hand that touch the forehead skin. Thus definitely not a telepathic or biological connection that is being talked about. It does not make the action faster :/
- What he said are bland and outrageous claim. He has absolutely no validity in his so-called “research” since it is one-sided with a tiny sample size of button-spamming match.

All and all his point is that he can spam skill faster with his forehead skin. Save yourself 19 minutes of your life and move along this topic!


what rotation do you recommend?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Petrol.9086


If you don’t like the warhorn offhand i’ve always prefered Focus. Get up close in melee range and use Reaper’s Touch(#4 on your bar) for some nice burst damage. That and a few stabs of your dagger is enough to kill most normal enemies in central Tyria(hell, in the HoT maps aswell).

Staff is more of a utility weapon, it’s alright for unloading some marks on a group of enemies but PvP is where it shines.

Ascended armor requierment for raids

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Petrol.9086


Weapons i get, hell even rings/amulets i get since they are so easy to acquire.
But armor? I mean a full set without infusions of say berserke’sr nets you 14 more power and 11 more precision/ferocity. Then ad +30 of the stat of your choice. So a little more than a free might stack.

How the hell is this a requirement? According to this it’s a 1.8% difference for just the armor.

Can someone explain to me why this miniscule improvement is a must have?

What do you do in Gw2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Petrol.9086


A little bit of everything really, depending on what i feel like doing when i log in. Sometimes i roam HoT maps or do some events, do fractals, pvp a bit, level an alt or work on world completion, maybe do some achievements, work on new sets of gear etc.

Only thing i barely touch is WwW. It just never appealed to me. Zerg fights bore the hell out of me, organized zerg fights you have some guy that sounds like he’s about to pop a blood vessel screaming directions( this is equal parts obnoxious and hillarious) and i’m too crappy to survive on my own roaming, roaming with a group isn’t much more fun either since it mostly just turns into ganking. Not to mention 90% of my time spent is running around looking for fights.

Any Reaper raid tanks out there?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Petrol.9086


Not a raidtank but you have blighters boon but very little boon output so don’t really see the point in that. Not really seeing the point in Corruter’s Fervor either since you apply the few conditions you have rather slowly for it to stack very high.

I’d say unholy sanctuary and chilling victory should be part of the build if you want to use blighter’s boon. It will give you a cheat death type ability and give you some regular blighter’s boon procs.

You could also consider something like this:

Which will give some considerable self healing in shroud when your druid can’t heal you. All the procs from wells+bloodfiend+minions+BB+Unholy Sanc+life leach really add upp.
Suffer is there for making sure the boss is chilled(cold shoulder/chilling victory) if your party is lacking chill. If it’s perma chilled you can just switch it to WoC

Honestly not sure if Soul Reaping is worth it for the extra shroud. If not blood, Spite gives you regualr BB procs, more chill and damage.

And like i said, not a raid tank, all of this might be over kill and all you need is toughness food and Rise! Cus god kitten that shout is awesome.

(edited by Petrol.9086)

Things and changes you don't like

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Petrol.9086


*Ascended armor – I like having several sets of armor to use. When zerker was the only thing worth having it wasn’t so bad, but now i have to pick one build and stick with it if i want to do high level fractals and raids unless i invest time and money i don’t have. I’m not a fan.

*Lack of dynamic events in HoT – It’s just long event chains that you don’t always have time to do, i miss the Skyrim-esque distractions of central Tyria where random events would pop up and pull you in different directions where you’d find caves and what not to explore on the way.

*Lack of interesting stuff like mini dungeons in HoT zones – I loved stumbeling across those, finding one and getting the chest at the end is a reward by itself

*Face roll difficulty of central Tyria – if it wasn’t for the points above i’d have dropped the game long ago. My biggest issue is that it doesn’t get harder as you level and i can kill mobs while afk on my ranger. It doesn’t have to be HoT challanging but right now the game lets you win unless you’re outnumbered and it’s boring.

*The price of Black Lion Keys – 125gems? Not in a million years

*The community sometimes – Typical MMO community i guess, but people will go out of their way to do as little as humanly possible no matter how boring it is. It must be frustrating to design a game for people who go out of their way to play the content as little as possible.

*The amount of loot – bags upon bags upon bags filled with smaller bags filled with crap to salvage. Sometimes i open my bags after a couple of events and look at it like my apartment the morning after a party.

(edited by Petrol.9086)

Isn't PvE supposed to be easy?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Petrol.9086


The Central Tyria content is a complete joke. Though I think there are a few mobs and mobs’s attack that should be nerfed a bit like the frog attacks or the mushroom explosions I generally like the difficulty of the new maps.

EVERYTHING in gw2 is easy… the world bosses… a lot of events in HoT are soloable…

I don’t agree that HoT zones are supposed to be “easy”, but let’s be clear: not everyone comes to GW2 being good at MMOs and, for them, the game is hard at first.

I think that’s OK and that games should challenge new people (as well as veterans of the game and other MMOs). Still, let’s not dismiss the complaints by ignoring the fact that some people are going to be overwhelmed at first.

I agree with this. They made the same mistake in beta where old world Tyria was rather close to HoT difficulty. The amount of corpses in the starting zone… it was like stepping into Jonestown Tyria.
They’ve just never figured out how to properly scale the difficulty as you progress, if Silverwastes was harder or VB easier i think it would help people a lot.

I guess they figured someone that has gotten to 80 has enough experience at his belt that they should be able to learn it. Thing is though that central Tyria is so easy and so forgiving now you don’t even have to be at the computer to kill a mob, i’m not even exaggerating. I did just this with a veteran of all things, i walked up to it, started my auto attack and then went and made some tea, when i came back it was dead and my character was fine, if this was in a starting zone alright, but it was in Iron Marches wiht a appropriate leveled character.
So people never learn which is the exact opposite of the trail by fire that was the beta weekend events and they come to VB where you suddenly need to pay attention to what the mob is doing, gear/skills and builds that were worthless are now valuable and their old build just doesn’t cut it anymore. So you hit a wall.

What irks me though is many people that complain that it’s too hard don’t even try. They hit a wall and don’t change their gear,skills or build. They may not even ask for advice to deal with the new maps. People just throw their toys out of their pram because it’s apparently inconcievable that they’re doing something wrong or missing something.
Can’t play a lot? Ask more experienced players for advice, that’s what i did.

(edited by Petrol.9086)

New to the game: Is Ranger a good pick?

in Ranger

Posted by: Petrol.9086


Who the hell advised you against the warrior? It’s been one of the strongest and most welcome classes in PvE since day 1. Ranger, not so much. Warrior can either provide good damage and very good offensive support or (currently) the best dps in the game.
It is overplayed tho, you can’t take a step without tripping over 5 warriors and their great swords.

Rangers deals ok-ish damage and as a Druid, the best healing. They have a bad rep because of bad players but they’re not so bad. They’re also somewhat deeper than warriors, both classes are very easy to pick up and play but ranger is the harder to master because of the many pets and i often find myself switching skills/weapons more on my ranger.

If survivable DPS is what you’re after i’d recomend warrior or necromancer over ranger unless #1 You like pets #2 You like having good ranged damage #3 The skills/play style in general

Fractals - likes/dislikes

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Petrol.9086


I dislike that my fears of the new fractal system turned out to be true. People almost exclusively do swamp. Not only that everyone insists on standing on that kittening pole.

Yes, make my own group and bla bla bla. But sometimes you just want to jump into a group and do a quick dungeon, and opening up the LFG window and seeing 90% swamp runs is just plain depressing.

Unplayable Solo

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Petrol.9086


+1 the OP.

This game was fun and so I thought the expansion would be too, but instead its just become a tedious grind. Anet took the easy out for difficulty, instead of challenging AI, everything just had its damage output jacked way the hell up, so you get one shot by everything on the maps. I can only beat my head against the wall for so long before its just not any fun at all, and that is my overall impression of this expansion. The story isn’t bad, but it isn’t particularly good either. I can only honestly say I wish I hadn’t bought heart of thorns.

I’ll probably keep at for a few more days, because I don’t have money to burn so I will make every effort to redeem this game for myself and the value of my dollar, but its been a week or so and I am just hating it, its a slog, not fun. Someone called it Dark Souls MMO, but honestly Dark Souls was tough but fair for the most part, this crap is just cheap with mobs that hit like trucks, and require no special skill to defeat, just have to get the jump on them & hit them harder first, otherwise they destroy you in a single hit, or if you are really lucky 2 hits.

This is just not true. Everything’s damage isn’t just jacked, they have special abilities that you need to dodge, block,interrupt or otherwise mitigate with protection or whatever. Besides that their damage is normal. The only mobs that don’t have an obvious tell what attack they are going to do are the frogs with bows but they are also very vulnurable to brute force and knock downs since they only have something like 10k hp.
If you’re getting one shot it means you weren’t paying attention, and if you keep getting one shot maby wear defensive gear and use a defensive build until you learn how to deal with them? Other gear than berserker is actually very handy when learning the new maps and mobs, and a full set of exotics is still very cheap. Hell you can get a full exotic soldiers set in Orr for just karma.

Things that are completely useless in regular open world Tyria is extremely useful in HoT like stuns, blinds, knock downs, chill,dodging, actually being present at the computer…

Easiest profession for limited dexterity?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Petrol.9086


Necromancer is extremely tough, even in full zerker so it’s very forgiving. You can simply face tank things that would kill squishier classes thanks to your Shroud and passive healing through bloodmagic/minions. Both scepter and dagger are also very auto attack based weapons so doesn’t require much finger gymnastics either. Reaper is abit more involved but still very tough with skills like “Rise!” that summons minions that absorb damage for you.

Revenant is also a good choice since it’s very passive and strong. Especially when using sword.

And like the others said, Warrior is also a good choice if you use the Axe. Using GS you’ll wanto press several buttons in quick succession if you want to play it well, but it’s a very easy proffession to get a hang off.

(edited by Petrol.9086)

Isn't PvE supposed to be easy?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Petrol.9086


I don’t have a lot of time to play either and the only complaint i have is there are no short or random events. They’re all long chains that play out exactly the same every time.
But the difficulty is a huge improvement from the old world where you don’t even have to be at the computer to beat a mob.

All you have to do is ask yourself what went wrong and what can i do about it or ask the players who do play a lot for advice. That takes very little time or effort.
The new mobs have patterns, attacks and attributes you need to learn, once you do they aren’t nearly as intimidating as before.

Personal Opinion of HoT

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Petrol.9086


Seriously can’t get how people prefer central Tyria mobs, it’s like the game let’s you win. You can aggro a mob put on auto attack and then go get a drink, when you get back the game has won for you. Yay….fun…

Necromancer in Fractal? (above lvl 80)

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Petrol.9086


Necros are also pretty handy when condition instability becomes too much of a problem.
Speccing unholy martyr in blood, death magic and then equipting plague signet,bloodfiend,rise,well of power(abit overkill) and fleshgolem you’ll be able to constantly clear condis from team mates while your minions send them right back.

Mostly not needed in onrganized groups and will cost you in damage but for PUGs it can really make a difference when brute force and offense aren’t working.

The Shatterer: MMORPG interview [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Petrol.9086


“, but the achievements draw attention to the different mechanics of the fight, and add a reward for accomplishing them. There is one exception, which involves questionable positioning at the start of the fight, but it’s hilarious, so we had to do it.

This, this is why i love Anet.

So, what exactly is missing from PvE?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Petrol.9086



I think PvE needs to feel less like it was designed specifically for your character to conquer and more like a traditional MMORPG world, but I just can’t put my finger on what exact changes could be made.

I really disagree with this part. When i first started playing 3 years ago i thought it played closer to Skyrim than a traditional MMO. An exploration driven game full of distractions that pulled me away from the way i was heading with a new event or an interesting location. And i could progress through the game doing pretty much what i felt like atm.
This is actually something i’m missing from HoT, the events are structured and predictable, you never just come acrokittenandomly while exploring and i think that’s a shame.

That’s what it does right anyway, what it does wrong is how ridiculously easy it is. I mean, it actually takes effort to die with some classes and most skills and armor sets other than pure offense is useless. Sure it’s relaxing and doesn’t need to be as harsh as HoT, but once you been to most places it often just feels like the game is letting you win and it gets dull.
I actually like changing my skills and weapons depending on the situation but i guess i’m in a minority. =l

Trasmog for my reaper

in Necromancer

Posted by: Petrol.9086


I had a similar look up untill a moment ago when i finally got my Bladed Chest.
Though it was more of a “sexy ringwraith” thing lol
What i used was: Reaper’s Hood, Dry Bones Garb , Primitive Legwraps+Gloves and ascended boots.


Should I go back to GW2? Is HoT worth it?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Petrol.9086


Fallout 4 has taken up pretty much all my vidja game time but i played HoT like crazy when it got out. So much fun, they fixed a lot that was wrong with the old zones, like you actually have to be at your keyboard to win a fight and the new event chains are great, you won’t just instantly suceed because you’re there and can breathe.
The new story is also great, no more campy poorly written/voice acted saturday morning cartoons. It can actually appeal to people over 10.

So yes, if you feel the old world content is dull and unrewarding because it’s so easy you should pick it up. Elite specs are alot of fun aswell.

Anybody else only play this game?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Petrol.9086


It’s the only MMO i play but Fallout 4 just got released so… yeah, have barely touched the game in the last 2 weeks.

Forums Filled With Complaining

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Petrol.9086


Whenever a new game is released or new content is added, it’s going to upset someone and they’ll head of to the forums and complain about it. Nothing new here, you can’t please everyone.

Sincere Opnion from a Rev 1-80 playthrough

in Revenant

Posted by: Petrol.9086


Wonder why so mnay saying revs are OP?

Because we… are?

Request Mob Nerf: Mordrem Sniper

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Petrol.9086


They do stick out a bit but that’s a good thing, it keeps you on your toes and makes it interesting, nerfing the damage the ground thorns do by a little wouldn’t be too bad but nerf them too much would just make them boring.

They have no hp and die quick, target them first. Their thorn shot has like a 5 second cast time, a loud charging sound, puts a mark over your head and can be completely avoided by just moving to the side. Interupt it, burst them down or just back of and strafe in either direction to avoid it. Also when they stealth, they rarely actually go anywhere, you can’t see them but they’re still there most of the time just keep swinging at the air and you’ll hit them.

(edited by Petrol.9086)

Bristleback vs Devourers pets

in Ranger

Posted by: Petrol.9086


I just got this pet, can someone please tell me what’s so great about it? I’ve only used it for like 15/20 min but so far don’t see any reason why i would take this unless i really have to have a ranged pet. The F2 just seems super weak.

So who's loving herald???

in Revenant

Posted by: Petrol.9086


I ended up making a Sylvari named kittenabelle because i wanted do experience HoT with one.

I think it’s alright. I absolutely love Mace/Axe and Malyx since it’s such an active playstyle and i adore the animations, Mace #2 is great fun. But don’t think it will be that great in PvE beacuse you know, torment.
Sword/Shiro… not so much. It’s ok and all but it’s far too passive for my tastes, and that’s from someone who mains a Necro/usedto main a Ranger.
You just toggle Against All Odds or the Malyx elite when your run out energy and just auto attack. Pretty dull imo. I really wish AAO did something diffirent so i had energy to spare to use the other stuff, but it’s so kitten ed effective it feels dumb not too.

All in all i like it ok, maybe i’ll like it more once i unlock Herald since the “aura twisting”/bard type thing appeals to me, but for now it won’t replace my Reaper as main.

A game where the lazy and casual can't play

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Petrol.9086


I don’t think i’ve ever seen someone so entitled before that they bluntly demand that lazy people should be rewarded.

Do you regret pre-purchasing HoT?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Petrol.9086


Not at all, i’m very happy with HoT and think it’s well worth the money. Especially considering how generous Anet is in other areas of the game.

Why does everyone think necros are bad?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Petrol.9086


I don’t see enough people mentioning how good we are at destroying break bars which i find is very useful where meleeing is risky like Mossman or Mai Trin.
The fleshgolem alone absolutely annihilates it, and then we still have GS#4,5 and RS 2,3 and especially 5. Still need some more? RS4 in an icefield or slot spectral grasp and you can keep it down on your own most of the time.
I’m frankly not aware of another class that is as effective at it, engi is probably really good at it as well but haven’t seen any take advantage of their CC.

Tangle Root

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Petrol.9086


I really like exploring it by myself, it’s interesting, varried and both beautiful and unique. But the problem is getting enough people for events when they get lost on their way to it.

First Reaper nerf of the expansion!

in Necromancer

Posted by: Petrol.9086


To provide some context on this change:

We felt that Blighter’s Boon was providing too much survivability, especially with the amount of boon output that Heralds and Tempests can provide. (This is especially true in WvW and large PvE Zergs). I did like the interaction this trait had with your allies, but boon application from allies is too broad of a category for us to reasonably balance in all modes of the game.

We considered a lot of other possibilities for this skill including adding an ICD, limiting the procs to specific boons, limiting the number of procs from allies, but the majority of these types of fixes ended up taking agency and control away from the reaper which we felt wasn’t optimal.

Ultimately we felt this change helped to make the trait more specific to some builds rather than the best trait in all situations.

Thanks for letting us know Rob, sad to see it happen but i get the reasoning.

[PVE/Open World] Good pair for Greatsword?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Petrol.9086


I use Axe/WH as my off. You get a ranged option,boon corruption even more break bar damage and WH5 is always nice. Doesn’t see much use but when the situation calls for it im glad i have it.
I used dagger/focus when i started out but i honestly never used them. GS/RS covers all your melee needs and are at the very least comparable to dagger in damage.

Forced to grind Vanilla GW2 for HoT legs

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Petrol.9086


Why do you need it as soon as humanly possible? Why not do some vanilla events or level an alt every now and again until you get bored and then do something else.
No one is putting a gun to your head and telling you it’s all you need to do all day every day.
Yeah legendaries are a grind, nothing new here, do it while it’s fun or at least bearable and you’ll eventually have it. It’s a game after all, no need to make it into a job.

Unplayable Solo

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Petrol.9086


Yeah right.

People solo Arah with warrior but getting through the zones solo is too far fetched?
Warrior is one of the classes that has it easier and can go full zerker without much trouble, if camping GS and using your normal utility skills isnät working, switch them. Hammer is your friend, so is shield and skills like bullsrush, endure pain and stomp.