Showing Posts For Phantom.4157:

Steal recharge rate malfunction.

in Thief

Posted by: Phantom.4157


When you trait into trickery, steal recharge is suppose to be reduced by a certain percentage matching the amount you trait into it. But it is not scaling properly with the % it claims it reduces it by.

For example, if I’m traited 15 into trickery, my steal recharge should be reduced by 15 % off of the base 35 second cooldown. So 15 % of 35 is 5&1/2 seconds. In that case, my new steal cooldown should be 29 &1/2 seconds, but the actual cooldown I’m getting in game is 31&1/2 seconds.

Is this intended, or is it a bug? It only started scaling improperly after the most recent balance patch. A dev response would be great!

Luci Lee | Thief R51 |

Ele, mes, thief .. OP in tPvP.. Here's why

in PvP

Posted by: Phantom.4157


And for that you either need an engineer or ele to have enough aoe pressure against a shadow refuge rez. Not all classes have great nontargeted aoe sustained.

The time in which that thief gets worn down is time he’s pelting maybe low targets for a good bit and in a close fight that thief can prolong enough to down someone else. In any other case a guy with stability would have long stomped someone.

Engi nades.
Ele earth/fire attunement.
Thief poison/cluster bomb.
Mesmer curtain pull/shatter.
Guardian knockbacks.
Necro unblockable marks.
Ranger pet fear.

These are examples of good ways to deal with shadow refuge ressing, across professions.
In regards to your comment about a thief pelting at a low target… He’ll reveal himself out of refuge if he does so. Every class can do DPS/CC around the body at that point.

Necro marks hardly outdamage the healing rate of someone being rezzed or pressure anyone. 3 stacks of bleeding doesn’t kill or stop anyone from rezzing.

Shatter needs a target to activate. inside the shadow refuge. It’s not ground targeted.

The pelting comment is unrelated to shadow refuge. It’s related to thief downed state pretty much forcing people to waste time DPSing them down because it’s never worth it to go for the stomp on a thief.

Yes, ele mist form is also silly, mesmer downed less so — but the fact is that after the first attempt you can stomp them safely. That’s not the case with the thief. He’s got the best downed state in the game. And all 3 of these classes have answers against stability stomps.

1. When I mention necro marks, I’m especially referring to the fear mark. It’s not always about DPS’ing the refuge. It’s about getting them OUT of the refuge.

2. There’s a reason why I mentioned mesmer pull before shatter.

3. If you were unaware of this, you can literally avoid thief downstate #1 by strafing side to side, just as you can avoid shortbow #1 now.

Thief downed may be the hardest to stomp, but it’s the squishiest and easiest to DPS. It’s also the hardest to res when under pressure from dps/cc. If your opposing team is able to res a downed thief, there clearly wasn’t enough pressure on the downed body.

If there’s a thief on your team, he should be able to secure a first attempt stomp on the opposing thief with shadowstep or infiltrators signet. Some other classes can perform similar actions.

Luci Lee | Thief R51 |

Ele, mes, thief .. OP in tPvP.. Here's why

in PvP

Posted by: Phantom.4157


And for that you either need an engineer or ele to have enough aoe pressure against a shadow refuge rez. Not all classes have great nontargeted aoe sustained.

The time in which that thief gets worn down is time he’s pelting maybe low targets for a good bit and in a close fight that thief can prolong enough to down someone else. In any other case a guy with stability would have long stomped someone.

Engi nades.
Ele earth/fire attunement.
Thief poison/cluster bomb.
Mesmer curtain pull/shatter.
Guardian knockbacks.
Necro unblockable marks.
Ranger pet fear.

These are examples of good ways to deal with shadow refuge ressing, across professions.
In regards to your comment about a thief pelting at a low target… He’ll reveal himself out of refuge if he does so. Every class can do DPS/CC around the body at that point.

Luci Lee | Thief R51 |

Ele, mes, thief .. OP in tPvP.. Here's why

in PvP

Posted by: Phantom.4157


We do well for one night, and someone makes a QQ post about the wrong reasons why the comp would be considered strong. Re-evaluate your loss and realize that our downstate abilities probably didn’t cause you to lose.

actually it did… failed to stomp one of you multiple times in mid fight due to fast rezzing and be able to move with number 2… another thing when it did come close to stomping one of you. the thief shadow refuged.

that was the only reason. Trust

You’re clearly too focused on stomping. Poison then DPS thief and mesmer downed bodies. Theyre squishy. If shadow refuge goes down. Pull or knock them out of refuge. If you can’t do so, DPS on top of the refuge.

If you can’t secure a stomp, making sure you have damage on the body can also secure a stomp and secure a team fight win.

Luci Lee | Thief R51 |

Ele, mes, thief .. OP in tPvP.. Here's why

in PvP

Posted by: Phantom.4157


We do well for one night, and someone makes a QQ post about the wrong reasons why the comp would be considered strong. Re-evaluate your loss and realize that our downstate abilities probably didn’t cause you to lose.

Luci Lee | Thief R51 |

error code 42:4:7:251 Unable to Log in

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Phantom.4157


Same issue….. +1

Luci Lee | Thief R51 |

A Simple Yes or No From the Spvp Community

in PvP

Posted by: Phantom.4157


I would enjoy seeing a MOBA style mode with arena nets own twist on it.

Luci Lee | Thief R51 |

Looking for a team.

in Looking for...

Posted by: Phantom.4157


<Player looking for a team>
Ingame name: Lucifers Gift
Main Class / Potential Classes (Incase team requires): Thief
Region: NA
Practice Times: Everyday except tuesday and thursday in the morning.
Experience: I’ve mained thief since Beta #1 and I’m skilled at the class in a tPvP setting. I’m currently rank 40.
Other (Anything else that you would like to add): I am looking for a team that schedules practices, and is very active. Also, preferably already experienced with tPvP. Please message me in game if theres any open spots on a solid team for a well played thief.

Luci Lee | Thief R51 |

(edited by Phantom.4157)

[Mad King Act III] Items Dissappearing

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Phantom.4157


Everytime I enter the mad king dungeon for act III, valuable items in my inventory disappear.

The first time this happened, I lost a Ruby Orichalcum Ring of the Berserker. Now it’s happened again and my entire magic find set has disappeared…. Is anyone else having this issue? Can a dev help me out?

Luci Lee | Thief R51 |

[VIDEO] Sword-Dagger thief PvP Montage

in Thief

Posted by: Phantom.4157


Was only demonstrating some sword-dagger and shortbow for anyone interested in a quickly made video =]. Don’t worry, there will be much better footage in my next vid. I have some 1v3’s and a bunch of 1v2’s clips saved up already haha.

EDIT: Yes, my gear is all zerker gear, but I’m actually capable of doing alot more damage with the setup. I forgot to equip my exotic accessories.. Had crappy magic find ones on, which took a big toll on my damage output.
Stay tuned! ^^

Luci Lee | Thief R51 |

Flanking Strike [Sword-Dagger Skill #3] Needs improvement.

in Thief

Posted by: Phantom.4157


By attack assist, do you mean Auto Targeting?

Luci Lee | Thief R51 |

Flanking Strike [Sword-Dagger Skill #3] Needs improvement.

in Thief

Posted by: Phantom.4157


For the argumentative guy: Please go look up “viability” for yourself, as you clearly are unaware that certain things can be more viable than others.

On a side note, it would be nice if the discussion stayed on topic about the necessity of Flanking Strike to be improved.

Luci Lee | Thief R51 |

Flanking Strike [Sword-Dagger Skill #3] Needs improvement.

in Thief

Posted by: Phantom.4157


@Tulisin. No, less viable does not equate to bad. Less viable means less viable. I run sword-dagger as my main build. Not once did I state it was a bad setup. It is clearly not as efficient as dagger-dagger or sword pistol in any case though. Stick to the facts.

Luci Lee | Thief R51 |

[VIDEO] Sword-Dagger thief PvP Montage

in Thief

Posted by: Phantom.4157


- Yes! I also noticed that I forgot to steal more often to close gaps. It just slipped my mind. I’ll make sure to improve on that.

- I’m well aware of avoiding flanking strike, unless it’s a quick and easy boon removal from a still-target.

- I will make sure to add a link to my build.

Thanks for the tips!

Luci Lee | Thief R51 |

[VIDEO] Sword-Dagger thief PvP Montage

in Thief

Posted by: Phantom.4157


I will probably up my video duration to around 6-7 minutes rather than 4 minutes in future videos.. Just didn’t want to have the video too lengthy. I preferred keeping the length to one song for this vid.

I’m also well aware of the upleveled issue. Although sometimes this can be inevitable, I will try to avoid that in future videos.

Thanks for the input!

Luci Lee | Thief R51 |

[VIDEO] Sword-Dagger thief PvP Montage

in Thief

Posted by: Phantom.4157


I will be switching out one Superior Sigil of Force for a Sigil of Fire. We’ll see how that works out for me in my next video.

Luci Lee | Thief R51 |

[VIDEO] Sword-Dagger thief PvP Montage

in Thief

Posted by: Phantom.4157


Armor: Superior Divinity Runes x 6
Weapons: Superior of Force x 3

Traits: 0/30/10/15/15

PM me ingame if you’d like specific details about traits.

Luci Lee | Thief R51 |

[VIDEO] Sword-Dagger thief PvP Montage

in Thief

Posted by: Phantom.4157


I have a toughness setup, but no. In this video I have no toughness. My damage is mediocre because I forgot to equip my exotic berserker accessories. Had my MF accessories on by mistake ^^.

Luci Lee | Thief R51 |

[VIDEO] Sword-Dagger thief PvP Montage

in Thief

Posted by: Phantom.4157


Haha! Thanks. Any comments about the actual gameplay? ^^

Luci Lee | Thief R51 |

[VIDEO] Sword-Dagger thief PvP Montage

in Thief

Posted by: Phantom.4157


Hey guys. Just made a small video demonstrating sword-dagger and shortbow. I’ve only had a couple days of experience with the weapon set; So constructional criticisms/critiques are welcome.

Thanks for watching!

- Lucifers Gift.

Luci Lee | Thief R51 |

Flanking Strike [Sword-Dagger Skill #3] Needs improvement.

in Thief

Posted by: Phantom.4157


Tulisin. Please quote where I stated that S/D was bad. Thank you.

Luci Lee | Thief R51 |

Flanking Strike [Sword-Dagger Skill #3] Needs improvement.

in Thief

Posted by: Phantom.4157


[Flanking Strike]

The sword-dagger skill #3: “Flanking strike” has several problems.

1. In general, it’s viability (damage wise and usefulness) in comparison to every other thief weapon set is very questionable.

2. Probably the most major issue with this skill is that it doesn’t follow target. First off, it has a very very short range. If your target is moving and you attempt to use this skill, it will just jump to the right and completely miss the target. It’s nearly impossible to hit a target with this skill; especially when they’re moving.

Overall, I believe this skill truly needs to be reviewed by the devs and be fixed and/or buffed. It really makes sword-dagger builds LESS useful for a thief in comparison to sword-pistol and dagger-dagger.

There’s a reason why you rarely run into a thief using sword-dagger. It just doesn’t match the capabilities of other weapon sets. That should be considered an issue.

Luci Lee | Thief R51 |

Bugs and Issues Compilation:

in Thief

Posted by: Phantom.4157


[Flanking Strike]

The sword-dagger skill #3: “Flanking strike” has several problems.

1. In general, it’s viability (damage wise and usefulness) in comparison to every other thief weapon set is very questionable.

2. Probably the most major issue with this skill is that it doesn’t follow target. First off, it has a very very short range. If your target is moving and you attempt to use this skill, it will just jump to the right and completely miss the target. It’s nearly impossible to hit a target with this skill; especially when they’re moving.

Overall, I believe this skill truly needs to be reviewed by the devs and be fixed and/or buffed. It really makes sword-dagger builds LESS useful for a thief in comparison to sword-pistol and dagger-dagger.

There’s a reason why you rarely run into a thief using sword-dagger. It just doesn’t match the capabilities of other weapon sets. That should be considered an issue.

Luci Lee | Thief R51 |

Seeing map/armors/stuck/weapons or other art issues?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Phantom.4157



Armor: 1. Flame Legion Medium Gloves TRANSMUTED onto Krytan (cash shop) gloves.
2. Assassin’s Leggings. (t3 human cultural).

BUG: When worn at the same time, the gloves and pants cause my character to appear “cut in half” across the stomach. Not sure if an Immersion Breaker can get any worse than that, haha. A fix for this would be greatly appreciated.

PHOTO: Look under the character’s belly button area and you’ll be able to see where her body is completely split in half.


Luci Lee | Thief R51 |

WvWvW Jumping puzzle bugs [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Phantom.4157


Takes 12+ days fix a vault door..? I don’t believe there’s anything that needs to be “fixed” anymore. It seems more like the content was disabled for shady purposes.

Luci Lee | Thief R51 |

Aether (Foefire style short bow) particle effect animation bug.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Phantom.4157



We may not have the numbers to get this issue fixed immediately, but we certainly put in the hard effort for these weapon skins. A dev response would be great.

Luci Lee | Thief R51 |

Seeing map/armors/stuck/weapons or other art issues?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Phantom.4157



Weapon: Aether
Type: Shortbow


1. Upon “preview” of the weapon, it gives a wonderful pulsing blue shine every couple of seconds.. After obtaining the weapon in game though, this is not occuring at all.

2. When you weapon swap to the bow, it produces a burst of blue light. It’s a fantastic addition to the weapon but, this only occurs on the first weapon swap per map change/ loading screen to a new area. I would imagine that the bow is suppose to give that burst of light every time you swap to the weapon, rather than just the first time.

The only particle effect that seems to be functioning properly is the ghostly blue fire around the bow at all times.

Note: I am only referring to these phenomena as “issues” because not many people have these weapon skins, and the weapon particle effects differ from the preview. If a developer can inform us to whether or not this is a bug or not, that would be wonderful news in any case.

IGN: Lucifers Gift

Here is a glimpse of the blue shine that flashes over the character (in weapon preview). It doesn’t occur when you actually have the weapon equipped.


Luci Lee | Thief R51 |

Aether (Foefire style short bow) particle effect animation bug.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Phantom.4157


I also have Aether (foefire shortbow). I am having the same particle effect issue.


1. Upon “preview” of the weapon, it gives a wonderful pulsing blue shine every couple of seconds.. After obtaining the weapon in game though, this is not occuring at all.

2. When you weapon swap to the bow, it produces a burst of blue light. It’s a fantastic addition to the weapon but, this only occurs on the first weapon swap per map change/ loading screen to a new area. I would imagine that the bow is suppose to give that burst of light every time you swap to the weapon, rather than just the first time.

The only particle effect that seems to be functioning properly is the ghostly blue fire around the bow at all times.

Note: I am only referring to these phenomena as “issues” because not many people have these weapon skins, and the weapon particle effects differ from the preview. If a developer can inform us to whether or not this is a bug or not, that would be wonderful news in any case.

IGN: Lucifers Gift


Luci Lee | Thief R51 |

Foefire's Essence, Volcanus and more!

in Crafting

Posted by: Phantom.4157


Aether is Gift Of Light + 100 coins + Eldritch Scroll + 250 Ancient Short-bow Staves

Luci Lee | Thief R51 |

Foefire's Essence, Volcanus and more!

in Crafting

Posted by: Phantom.4157


Aether (shortbow) Crafted!

IGN: Lucifers Gift

Credits To: Asitako and Kamilla Jotunheimr for providing support to making this beauty.

EDIT: The shortbow uses 100 mystic coins, not 70.


Luci Lee | Thief R51 |

(edited by Phantom.4157)