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Stuck in PvP match/queue [merged]

in PvP

Posted by: Praenomen.3245


Stuck in Legacy of the Foefire. Plz send rescue teams. Need maximum halp.

EDIT: I exited the game entirely, and on reload everything was fine. Try it if you’re stuck.

(edited by Praenomen.3245)

Why do you not WvW?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Praenomen.3245


I don’t WvW much because:
(a) Takes forever to run from the spawn point to the action. Too much downtime before I get to have fun.
(b) Things are rarely balanced at the macro level. Too often we either control the entire map or we control none of the map and are penned up at our spawn point. Either way, not fun.
© Things are rarely balanced at the micro level. Either I’m part of a huge zerg and everything’s already dead before I get to it, or I’m on my own and I get hunted and killed by the first enemy to spot me.
(d) I’ve done it already. Same reason I don’t go back and replay the zones I’ve finished much – I’ve seen the content and moved on.
(e) No recognition of personal effort. I pull out my big AoEs and things die – but everyone else was doing the same thing. Was my AoE helpful? Or did I miss entirely? Am I just sitting here being useless? How would I know?
(f) Costs of being relevant are too high. I don’t want to spend my silver buffing outposts or buying siege plans when we’re just going to lose all the terrain again overnight. I have better things to do with that silver that I’ll see the benefit of personally.
(g) The map’s confusing. The shortest path from a spawn point to the action is rarely a straight line – there are cliffs and bridges and water and falling damage and gates and it’s just a pain trying to actually find the battles and take part in them.
(h) PvP players are the worst. They’re exactly the people I’d least choose to hang out with of my own accord.

Nailed it on every point, for me(Except maybe the last one). This guy gets it.

I like WvW. I was a -huge- advocate and fan of Warhammer Online when it was going strong and WvW in GW2 is as close as any game has gotten to capturing that feeling for me since Warhammer Online, but it honestly feels much less refined for me. If you asked me what my big problem with GW2 WvW is I couldn’t tell you, because there is no big problem. Just far too many small, annoying problems that turns most people I know off from it.

If I could add to that list, I would say I can’t fathom why people spend large amounts of time -and- resources on it, because all it takes is one evening of no one particularly coordinated logging on and everything is gone.

SPVP at least has the rankings and such that give me some form of feeling of achievement even if I lose match after match.

(edited by Praenomen.3245)

Character Re-Customization

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Praenomen.3245


I don’t really know why people seem to think they’re entitled to extra responses. We know the items exist, we know they’re slated for an upcoming update. We just don’t know exactly when. They’re not obligated to tell us when. The items likely still have some bugs that are being worked out to make sure that no one’s character gets messed up and/or they want to drop them with a larger update.

Sure, I’m chomping at the bit to recustomize my necromancer and elementalist, but I’m not going to say ‘For shame’ or ‘How awful’ when ArenaNet doesn’t reply to a long thread that’s essentially just people complaining the items aren’t in the shop yet.

They’re coming, guys. It might just take a while.

Putting aside the idea that forum posts are rationed out depending on each person’s worth (entitled to extra responses), I don’t see the harm in lightly bumping the thread every so often.

Not like anyone at ArenaNet is going to run off in tears for being reminded a second time of something by reading the forums, and it’s entirely within my realm of interest to bug them about it until recustomization is an option.

If anything, the knowledge that the items are in the game warrents extra bugging rather than less.

I don’t particularly expect a -response- from ArenaNet, but I also expect the ability to occasionally drop a reminder. It gives me a bit of peace of mind, personally.

Character Re-Customization

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Praenomen.3245


Throwing my 2 cents in with this. I realize this stance on it is not very important since the game has no subscription, but I ceased playing Guild Wars 2 actively a short time ago.

However, a recustomization option of some form would bring me back to the game quickly. I stopped playing due to having a level 60-ish character that I had invested a good amount of hours into, but finding that I suddenly hated the color scheme of her. As a sylvari, my color scheme is all the more important than the more human-like races (in my opinion) and when I noticed a certain clash that did not bother me as much at creation, it sucked all the will to play the character from me.

It seems a small thing, but this is the sort of thing that makes me stop playing, personally. I have no urge to re-level through content I have so recently done, so I do not wish to roll a new character with a better color scheme. Particularly since it is just as likely after a few weeks of play I will run into the same problem.

I can only speak for myself, but I can say for certain a recustomization option for my characters would bring me back to the game and I would resume playing eagerly in a heartbeat.

Suffice to say, bump for re-customization! Make it happen ArenaNet! Take my money!

Notes for The Battle of Fort Trinity designer

in Personal Story

Posted by: Praenomen.3245


I’d like to add to the second point there.

ArenaNet, your quests are nice on paper. I feel like you did not properly playtest many of the story quests, however. If you are going to make a quest have tons of mobs because the player will have tons of NPC backup, please make the NPCs able to hold their own in battle.

I can understand you would not want to make the NPCs tough so that they do not carry the player through the combat, but if you do not want the player to be carried through the quest, please do not make a quest with tons of mobs in it on the premise of having NPCs to be backup.

A few quests I have been in have worked out, but the vast majority of quests you have made that involve situations like this, the NPCs would all die within the opening sequences of the fight and I would be forced to repeatedly suicide bomb a large mass of mobs in an attempt to thin the numbers, being unable to reach any NPCs to even ressurect them, not that they would prove much use if they were raised.

This is extremely frustrating.

Particularly if I am playing a squisher class (Thief, Elementalist) but still highly frustrating as classes with more mob-managing options (Warrior, Engineer)

Arena this is my first and final request...

in Engineer

Posted by: Praenomen.3245



I will be willing to pay a maximum sum of ten ($10) American dollars for access to a effective Sniper Kit for the Engineer class.

Make it happen.

PS. I will give you cookies if you make the class less buggy as well. It should not be buggy in the first place, but I am willing to provide further incentive in the form of baked goods for this service to occur.

omg plz nerf grenade kit

in Engineer

Posted by: Praenomen.3245


I do feel bad for people (especially PVPers) trying to use Grenade Kit in without some sort of mouse with a numpad on it. I have a Razer Naga and so spamming GTAOE abilities while moving is no problem for me, but I guess if you’re a gaming plebian and don’t have fancy hardware (or an alien with some sort of super flexible hand) you’re out of luck until something gets changed.

Norn Thieves- Dude what?

in Norn

Posted by: Praenomen.3245


I think you just haven’t really played a thief in GW2 to be honest. I could see this complaint in other games (See Tauren Rogues) but in GW2 how often as a thief are you actually sneaking around?

Of course, there being a difference between just being subtle and being sneaky. Thieves in GW2 aren’t about being unseen all the time, so much as they are about skill and cunning as well as evasiveness, all things a norn can rely on certainly.

Charr too, really. I mean, they’re big hulking monsters, sure, but they’re big hulking -cats-.

Shield Warriors!

in Warrior

Posted by: Praenomen.3245


I see your shield and raise you a warhorn. TOOT TOOT

I will concede that real mean go into battle with trumpets, but people who like to stay alive and look like BAMFs while doing it use shields. Nothing says “Stay down” like getting bashed in the face by a big hunk of wood or metal strapped to my arm after getting stabbed!

Wish warriors could use a pistol

in Warrior

Posted by: Praenomen.3245


I would probably pay real money for the service if Warriors were allowed to use pistols. I wouldn’t mind being like Rytlock. He’s clearly not a rogue, but he uses pistol/sword!

Or pistol/shield like an engineer. I would even be happy if Warriors could not use dual pistols. Let rogues keep that.

Shield Warriors!

in Warrior

Posted by: Praenomen.3245


Where are you? I can’t be the only person out there that prefers using a shield in PVE/PVP situations, and not just for tanking.

I found it very useful during leveling as it gave me a small boost to survivability that came from only a small loss of DPS compared to dual wielding, when using a sword in the mainhand. A single sword is very good for stacking tons of bleeds quickly on an enemy, particularly if you pick the appropriate traits in Arms.

I’m particularly interested in anyone who rolls as a shield warrior in PVP, what sort of set up do you use?

What professions allow you to play 100% ranged...

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Praenomen.3245


In this game, the Warrior is probably the best raw-damage no brainer hard hitting ranged class. Every other class relies more on kiting or other mechanics that don’t function at max range.

On the other hand, warrior is probably the least mobile ranged class in the game generally speaking, though it’s hard to say as all the classes in this game are very mobile compared to what most people are used too. Warriors can not move while using their hardest-hitting ranged ability though.

Warrior Discussion

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Praenomen.3245


Hello fellow warriors! Who else is loving everything about this class to bits? Basically everything I could have asked for as far as wanting to play whatever I could imagine when I think ‘Warrior’. I’m making this thread as a sort of compilation of various questions that have occurred to me as I play, some of which I have seen other threads for but many I haven’t. My hope is to get some discussion about various things going here which other players can refer too until we get proper warrior forums.

Who here prefers Strength? Arms? Do you take both, or neither? Why? I notice a lot of people prefer to take Arms generally speaking, which makes sense to me. Superficially it often seems much more useful than Strength. In what circumstances would I rather focus on maxing out Strength than Arms, if I had to chose one or the other?

For leveling, do you take Defense or Tactics? Both, or neither? Why?

Is there anyone who maxes out Discipline? A lot of the ‘general utility’ trees I see for other classes have very useful traits in it, but warrior seems limited in that regard – I could never see myself maxing out Discipline. Any thoughts on this?

Anyone here who prefers Hammer to Greatsword? Why?

Anyone here who prefers playing dual-wield warriors? What combination of weapons do you prefer, and why? Also, if anyone wants to take the liberty of listing the various combinations and in what situations they would shine most, I would find that useful. I usually fall back on Sword/Sword myself, but I enjoy Axe/Axe as well. I’ve thought about using Axe/Sword, but never Sword/Axe. I tend to rely on Bow for AoE.

Speaking of Bow, do you prefer bow or rifle? Why? Or Neither? I usually prefer Bow for AoE and rely on my melee for single target, but is there anyone here who goes about that in reverse? (Melee for AoE and Rifle for Single-target)

This is just all I could think of in one sitting, feel free to add to it. Answers most appreciated, obviously!