Showing Posts For Psaakyrn.5794:

Discussion on each Engineer traitline

in Engineer

Posted by: Psaakyrn.5794


Jut going to disagree on Heal Resonator and Medical Dispersion Field. Heal resonator is still a regen on yourself disregarding the benefit to allies, which is at least tangible compared to some other minors, and generally useful any time you actually need healing. Medical Dispersion field sucks because it’s hard to control (since heals from any source triggers it and the cooldown). It needs to be adjusted so that it only triggers off your own heals and/or have the cooldown removed (even if you reduce the % at the same time and/or limit number of targets affected)

Things we know

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Psaakyrn.5794


I’d argue that people returning and not remembering what they were running is a lesser issue, since with such massive changes, it may not even matter what they were running previously. Not to mention the seemingly high chance of not managing to get back a similar enough spec regardless.

Condition damage - Feedback [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Psaakyrn.5794


I’ll laugh if bosses suddenly start using convert-condition-to-boons skills.

Mobs and Boss Scale

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Psaakyrn.5794


It’s not just the power/condition changes.

- In general, scaling down has been weakened, and scaling up has been increased.

Advise for a Struggling Thief

in Thief

Posted by: Psaakyrn.5794


In case people hasn’t realised, the poor OP here is 6 levels from elite, and 16 levels from advanced training required for 10+ points in trait lines. You might want to tailor your advice to better suit lower level people. (also, note that Dagger Storm is 30 traitpoints, meaning 50 traitpoints (after including requirements) to obtain.)

(edited by Psaakyrn.5794)

I think its funny that the Greatsword...

in Thief

Posted by: Psaakyrn.5794


Time for the first annual “GW2 Grand Prix” we’ll have every class line up at the north side of a map with any build and weapon set they want and race to the south side, the winner gets 49 copper and a soiled rag ( salvaging kit not included)

One profession from each country (for full latency coverage) The swiftness Olympics.

We should do a Triathlon, with land running, sea running, and in-combat (land) running..

Quick question about Staffs and Clones

in Mesmer

Posted by: Psaakyrn.5794


Is the part about Elasticity not affecting staff clones still true? I’m asking because someone edited the wiki to say that it affects clones, and would like to know if someone made an error there.

I’d take everything the Wiki says with a grain of salt: some editors don’t check their own claims, which leads to a lot of misinformation on there that people then quote.

I just tested it again to make sure, and yeah; the Wiki’s wrong.

I’ll just go ahead and revert the changes then.

Mesmer Damage Nerf

in Mesmer

Posted by: Psaakyrn.5794


I think I can roughly guess why and how iBezerker is coded like a boomerang, and how it affects the damage.

In effect, all boomerangs are coded like a spell with penetration, which recasts the spell at the end of the path/duration. Similarly, illusions recast their spells at the end of a path/duration, hence ALL illusions are boomerangs in this sense.

The bug somehow causes attacks to do more damage on it’s initial pass. It is not mentioned whether the “more damage” is due to simply added damage, or hitting more times for multi-hit attacks. In this case, it is conceivable that one of the above may have affected iBezerker, and other phantasms (and illusions, if they could do damage). This would also essentially mean that the bug is much larger than just iBezerker alone, and hence might take somewhat more time to fix.

I think it would be helpful if we split the discussion to focus on the three separate issues:
1) Damage/hits reduction from iZerker and all other illusions.
2) Illusions not being created when a hit does not register. (though I personally do not think this should be considered a bug, since illusions are targetted attacks)
3) LoS issues. (not really a mesmer specific bug either)

Quick question about Staffs and Clones

in Mesmer

Posted by: Psaakyrn.5794


Staff Clones use a Beta version of Winds of Chaos: the projectiles travel along the contours of the ground (meaning it cannot travel across gaps and has greatly reduced range up and down ledges) and Bleeding lasts 5s instead of 7s. Staff Clones also attack much slower than you do. Illusionary Elasticity doesn’t affect Staff Clones either, although getting a second hit on your own WoC is still very powerful.

Is the part about Elasticity not affecting staff clones still true? I’m asking because someone edited the wiki to say that it affects clones, and would like to know if someone made an error there.

Guardian Hammer Build

in Guardian

Posted by: Psaakyrn.5794


You say dungeons so I assume this is a PvE build.

I should note that you pretty much always want 30 in Valor for guardians. AH is a massive spike in survivability and you also get the +30% crit damage, which is a massive boost in damage overall.

As for hammer, the only trait you actually need to make it useful is Writ of Persistence. The rest don’t really matter. You don’t need to improve the cooldown since hammer is just auto-attacking anyway (contrary to what people will tell you, Mighty Blow doesn’t actually hit any harder than just auto-attacking). This puts you at 30 in Valor, 20 in Honor, so you have 20 points to spend. If you want to use spirit weapons (although I don’t recommend it) you can put 20 in Zeal to get Spirit Weapon Mastery and Eternal Spirit. You don’t need Wrathful Spirits since spirit weapons don’t really do any damage anyway.

I should note, however, that if you want to be DPS, you shouldn’t be using a hammer at all. Based on the revised math I’ve done (which is admittedly incomplete at the moment) the hammer is actually the weakest weapon the guardian has DPS-wise. It’s only good for the area protection and snares, if you ever actually need them for some reason. If you’re already running 20/0/30/20/0 you are pretty flexible about which weapons you can take, so you might as well take a greatsword or scepter.

Maybe not in single target damage, but Hammer is extremely good at AoE damage especially if you take both writs. Mighty blow tends to help more in situations where you can’t just facetank everything: After a dodge (or getting knocked back, initiating a fight, etc), using a mighty blow to get back in range offers more dps then just running or dodging back in (And of course triggering combo finishers). Not to mention that in a more practical sense, being able to stand head on against the enemy longer means more damage as well, and with AH and the symbol of protection it gives one quite a bit of leeway in the way of healing and damage mitigation. In short, Hammer is more survivable than GS, and possibly work better in situations where AoE is required or preferred.

Notably, because Hammer is naturally AoE-inclined and doesn’t need to use cooldown skills in it’s damage rotation, it means that hammer is always prepared to take on added spawns, unlike GS which the AoE both has non-negligible cooldown and frequently is required in the DPS rotation.

I personally find Hammer/sceptre to be a very good combination: Sceptre offers ranged and concentrated single target damage (I offhand focus for more sceptre survivability), hammer offers AoE and melee survivability, though admittedly I haven’t done too many dungeons yet to give a fair assessment.

Guardians and ranged combat

in Guardian

Posted by: Psaakyrn.5794


If you are having trouble with scepter attacks missing, then stop missing with them. It’s not that hard.

Depending on the distance and the movement of the enemy, that still is easier said than done. And of course, Smite is worse off cause it’ll inevitably not get full effect on any enemy which is moving faster than a tortoise.

Which sigil is best for Guardian

in Guardian

Posted by: Psaakyrn.5794


If you have a high critical chance(at least 70% without fury) and altruistic healing, then go for
This will allow you to constantly heal with every appliance of might very often(Cooldown 2seconds)

If you don’t have altruistic healing, then go for
This will allow you to do 450-500 damage to an opponent while also healing for that amount.(Cooldown is 5seconds)

If your critical chance without fury is less than 50% total (70% with fury),then go for a on weapons swap sigil,a passive bonus sigil or a sigil that procs. on crit% that has a 10second cooldown.

REMEMBER that all sigils with a cooldown, share a global cooldown, so if your Sigil of Rage(With 45seconds cooldown) procs, then no other sigil will be able to activate for those 45seconds,even the ones on weapon swap.

Well, unless you’re using a weapon intended for AoE, and hence hitting so many enemies that you get procs all the time anyway. Of course, if you are attacking AoE, then sigil of fire would be a good choice too..

How can I attain these stats?

in Guardian

Posted by: Psaakyrn.5794


I’m still scratching my head how this guy:

obtained 74% crit damage while maintaining that level of Thoughness, Power, Vitality and Precision, I don’t see any food either, is it photoshoped?

Guessing runes of divinity, which gives a lot of crit damage and overall stats: assuming 30 from traits, 12 from runes, that leaves 32 from gear. That’s a triforge pendant there as well, which gives 5% crit damage along with a huge number of overall stats too. Those look like Emerald Orichalcum Rings and earrings (power precision toughness) so no crit damage from the rings itself, but possibly the inset gems instead. Given the crit damage from bag is so low, that is probably a defender bag instead. That leaves 27% crit damage from gems and weapons. Assuming 3% crit damage per jewel, that gives 18% from all accessories and bag, leaving 9% crit damage from weapon and armour, fairly easy to obtain.

Guardians and ranged combat

in Guardian

Posted by: Psaakyrn.5794


Total ranged damage is terrible, when out sceptre deals the best single target damage of ALL our weapons? Admittedly it has little AoE options (smite is not a true AoE since it hits 15 times total among ALL targets in range), and requires a stationary target, but damage itself is not a problem with sceptre.

(Speaking PvE admittedly, but no one said this topic isn’t about PvE too)

(Also, not to mention it’s unfair to say Sceptre has only two ranged attacks when there’s only 3 attacks on them to begin with. Use your offhand for more ranged attacks.)

(edited by Psaakyrn.5794)

Guardian Bugs compilation.

in Guardian

Posted by: Psaakyrn.5794


Considering that sword wave animation is a stab, I don’t find it surprising that the strike width is narrow: it’s really more of a line attack than a cone: I will NOT be surprised if they just reword the attack description to be “line” instead of “cone”.

The inability to strike objects however, is a general issue with cone-type attacks in general, for whatever reason. (flamethrowers also have similar issues with hitting)

PvE Leveling

in Guardian

Posted by: Psaakyrn.5794


For PvE levelling, having sigil of speed on your main kill weapon is nice too, being able to run from mob to mob and chaining kills.

Which sigil is best for Guardian

in Guardian

Posted by: Psaakyrn.5794


I’m surprised that coupling a weapon swap from bloodlust to force sigil isn’t being pushed for a good damage choice. Personally I think anything that is a chance that depends on another chance is garbage. For example, if you crit 40% and you have a sigil that give you a 40% chance on crit, your only going to benefit from that sigil 16% of the time. That’s a pretty conditional build for something that makes lots of hits, like a sword and trash for slower weapons like hammers. Consider that you can have a constant 250 power + 5% damage increase from bloodlust/force sigil combo or swapping.

1) Bloodlust/precision sigil swapping isn’t being discussed here, because it isn’t unique to force sigils, any weapon swap can do that.
2) Benefiting from sigil 12% of the time vs 5% increase in damage: it then depends on how strong the sigil’s effects are. Fire sigil is noteworthy because of damage and burst. Though note that 12% isn’t accurate because of cooldown.
3) Hammers hit more often than you think, since the protection sigil also gives a chance to proc per tick, AND the AoE is massive, hitting more targets for more chances of proc, and hence triggers. (not factoring dodge-cancel of course, which pushes the advantage further to hammer) Of course against single targets hammer doesn’t compare as well, but then (in PvE at least) Sceptres deals the best DPS against stationary single targets, and has a fast charging rapid multi-hit attack.

(edited by Psaakyrn.5794)

Wall of reflection and mesmers

in Guardian

Posted by: Psaakyrn.5794


Mesmer GS 1 is not a projectile, 2 is and has a projectile finisher.
Staff 1 is projectile. Both pistols are projectiles.
Scepter 1 is a projectile, doubt scepter 3 is though.

Wait, are you certain that staff 1 is a projectile? I know staff 2 is, but I don’t recall getting reflected damage from staff 1.. (what would a reflected rainbow look like anyway?)

Mesmer Staff 1. Chaos Wind. Mesmer Staff 2 is Phase Retreat, which is a teleport/leap.

Blah, misread apparently, throught we were talking about guardian. My bad.

Healing Power or Vit? Or both?

in Guardian

Posted by: Psaakyrn.5794


Actually, Selfless Daring also has rather good scaling with healing power, at 1:1 (in PvE, and a still respectable 2:1 ration in PvP). Considering you must get vigorous precision before that, a build with sufficient crit to reliably proc vigor can dodge fairly often, throwing “miniheals” all over.

Wall of reflection and mesmers

in Guardian

Posted by: Psaakyrn.5794


Mesmer GS 1 is not a projectile, 2 is and has a projectile finisher.
Staff 1 is projectile. Both pistols are projectiles.
Scepter 1 is a projectile, doubt scepter 3 is though.

Wait, are you certain that staff 1 is a projectile? I know staff 2 is, but I don’t recall getting reflected damage from staff 1.. (what would a reflected rainbow look like anyway?)

Which sigil is best for Guardian

in Guardian

Posted by: Psaakyrn.5794


Guardians don’t even have a way of putting on vulnerability, except for Chains of Light which is kind of useless.

If you trait for it in Radiance, Blind Exposure creates vulnerability when blinded.

Master trait for Zeal has symbols apply vulnerability, which in the case of some builds (notably hammer ones), means vulnerability applied ALL the time.

I personally like sigil of fire though, cause more AoE/flashy damage.

Scepter guardian?

in Guardian

Posted by: Psaakyrn.5794


Actually, AH-Crit builds still work very well with scepters, since sceptres will crit a LOT when you use Smite. Just throw two on-crit effects on your sceptre and offhand. The only real issue with sceptre is that it’s fairly lacklustre against groups (since smite damage is evenly split between all enemies in range) and moving targets, but no trait would help with that anyway.

Do the right thing and ban people who exploit

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Psaakyrn.5794


If they intended for the chest to be looted only once, they should have made it a one time per account thing, not one time per character. We’ve already seen that they have the means to do such things with the Halloween event.

I know that most of the people I know who got multiple chests participated in a fair portion of the event each time, so it’s not like they were jumping onto different characters and getting free loot from chests that other people worked for.

What part of the Halloween event was once per account? To my knowledge they haven’t shown once the ability to make anything a once per account thing.

This isn’t to say I think this should have been a once per account event, but they are going to let you run an event more then once (on different characters), make sure you are able to let EVERYONE run it multiple times. Having many people dc and not be able to log back in, not being able to participate in an event with such huge rewards simply because it’s 3-4am on a workday…etc.

I also know a far number of players that were able to log into overflows and participate in the each event for 5mins and were able to open the chest. Are you saying participating in the same event for 5mins multiple times = work put in to receive such high rewards? I saw (and heard over vent) logging in, running to an event that’s almost over, hitting the boss for 1-2 mins (max) and looting a chest. That sounds like free loot to me.

However, note that one of the loot was unique and account bound. Which seems to indicate that the looting is only supposed to happen once per account.

Fractals NEW team setup.

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Psaakyrn.5794


Rather than wait around for 20 minutes or more screaming your team and level around to people who are either well past you or at the bottom, why not have a queue that everyone joins and it matches people up with players already in the line looking for a group of that level.
The fractals lineup would go across ALL servers so there would always be people around your level in line.
This would eliminate the long and tedious waiting around for people higher than 8 or even 5.

Would this be a possible future update on the fractals group system ANET?


1) Suggestions goes into suggestions forum.
2) They have noted that they are in the process of creating a group searching system

A Guardian. Or how it feels like.

in Guardian

Posted by: Psaakyrn.5794


When I talk archetype, I think more about the feel and the look, and the end-result, not the nitty-gritty, like how magic is used, specifically.

I don’t feel like having a long-winded debate about this, so I’ll summarize my opinion.
A “Paladin”, to me, has 4 or more of the following:

  • Dedicated to good
  • Dedicated to justice
  • Uses “light” or “good” magic
  • Preference for melee combat
  • Helps the weak
  • Belief in a higher power
  • Self-sacrifice

Furthermore, the Paladins I’ve played or encountered (which, admittedly isn’t that many) did channel a higher force through their weapons.

Yes, but in the typical paladin, the power from that ‘higher force’ was bound into their weapon, it doesn’t leave it in the form of the wakes of energy seen in Zealot’s Defense or Whirling Wrath (let alone bursts and jets of flame or the ability to pull out a staff or sceptre and behave as a full spellcaster). Plus, lorewise, guardians aren’t empowered by any ‘higher force’ unless that force is magic itself.

Of your list, the only ones that all guardians have in common are the third, the fourth, and possibly the last. Charr guardians don’t believe in a higher power (unless ‘your warband’ or ‘your legion’ really counts), and there’s at least one guardian in the Nightmare Court, which neatly turns 1, 2 and 5 on their heads. And personally, I’d regard a paladin as needing to tick all of those boxes, not just half.

Personally, I’d agree with Kensai that cleric is a lot closer, albeit a cleric without lots of healing – spellcasting on a level comparable to the full spellcasting professions while being solid in melee as well. Conversely, of course, elementalists and mesmers are a lot better off in melee than your typical arcanist.

Depending on your definition of healing, a properly specced guardian with the right weapons can put out quite a bit of healing, with healing symbols, healing dodge rolls, staff or mace, and etc (It’s more of healing in general isn’t going to save anyone who refuses to get out of harm’s way, hence outright dying before those heals can be of any use). But yes, Guardian is more akin to a cleric (which never were all that caster-ish to begin with, when the alternatives were wizard or sorceror), with wards and symbols, innately magical/blessed weapons, “divine” summons, easily accessibly healing, anti-crowd control, and general support. Even the spells are generally “divine” named.

AH+Emp. Might(with GS+staff) build is insane!

in Guardian

Posted by: Psaakyrn.5794


For burst healing though, I find it easier if someone just throws down a water field somewhere. Mighty Blow works wonders on fields, and imho is more reliable than Empower. (since there’s such a long cast time, which can potentially be interrupted as well) And then there’s also those dodge heals which serves as an interim mini-aoe heal (as opposed to using an empower), and there’s minimal loss on DPS (or even improved!) when using a hammer with dodging in between.

(edited by Psaakyrn.5794)

AH+Emp. Might(with GS+staff) build is insane!

in Guardian

Posted by: Psaakyrn.5794


The main problem is that staff DPS is a little lacklustre (It’s “ok” against mobs, but normally in dungeons the key danger tends to be single champion targets), and often you need to have a sceptre with you anyway due to required range. But for support, yes staff is the go-to option. A GS/Hammer of course solves the issue of DPS, but that inversely means you don’t have a staff equipped for at least 10 seconds when you switch into it, and if you switch back to staff, you don’t have your DPS weapon equipped for 10 seconds. Planning your main DPS weapon to still allow support is probably a better option (via empowered might, symbols, combo finishers, etc)

Personally I took 10 radiance instead for more precision and faster sigils (healing to full every 30 seconds helps when you mistime a dodge). That and larger, longer symbols for my hammer instead of shout buffing, but then I’m less support and more tank/dps-ish.

(edited by Psaakyrn.5794)

Chinese Gold Buying and Exchange Rates

in Suggestions

Posted by: Psaakyrn.5794


I don’t see your point. You already can sort of officially buy gold by buying gems, then trading for gold.

The method to handling one time events.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Psaakyrn.5794


Or in short, Halloween was handled more elegantly.

Guardian Hammer Build

in Guardian

Posted by: Psaakyrn.5794


Spirit weapons are nice at lower levels, not quite as useful higher levels though, in my opinion. But I’d think most crit hammer builds go for Altruistic Healing instead, because the symbols, vigorous precision, and empowered might synergize very well. with it.

On a related note, that builder is outdated, You might want to look for a newer one.

Asura Using Orb of Light

in Guardian

Posted by: Psaakyrn.5794


Ridiculous until they give us a FPS option..

Guardian Bugs compilation.

in Guardian

Posted by: Psaakyrn.5794


I’ve figured out exactly why orb of light gets stuck in terrain (or at least one of the reasons), 100% reproducible. It happens if orb of light is reflected.

Separate bug: Retreat automatically targets a mob and activates autoattack, which is kinda irritating when you’re running around with a sceptre. I don’t believe non-offensive AoE skills should be working in this manner.

(edited by Psaakyrn.5794)

Mesmer Passive Movement Speed Buff

in Mesmer

Posted by: Psaakyrn.5794


Which is still a LOT of requirements in order to get all the bonuses required, and forces one into specific runes, and is only available at higher levels.

Jagged Horror? What do they do?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Psaakyrn.5794


Not sure, but I THINK the AI for jagged minions is better than all your other minions (in that it actually starts attacking faster), and that it seems to last longer the higher level you are. With the traited additional health, along with marks and DS, it seems to last a good 15 seconds or more.

Still a weenie though.

Grenades made easy

in Engineer

Posted by: Psaakyrn.5794


Bomb is still a toggle. :V

When skills are nerfed...

in Engineer

Posted by: Psaakyrn.5794


Possibly because the signature skills of engineer is a little weak compared to other classes, along with some core issues with some of them.

Engineer signature skills:
Toolkits (I combine them all into one category, since they all function the same): Changes your weapon skills, along with granting a passive weapon stat boost. Issues: auto-attack toggling, no weapon stat customizability, flamethrower heavily bugged, grenade has no auto-attack function.
Elixirs: shorter than average cooldown for it’s effects.
Turrets: persistent stationary units which attacks, and has a unique skill (essentially deactivates toolbelt skill for this ability when used)

Now compare this with every other profession, and it’s a little more obvious why engineers seems shortchanged. Compare elixir to signets, which grants about the same sort of abilities between usage and it’s passive, though with a longer cooldown. Compare turrets with necromancer pets, which are admittedly squishy, and has some plusses and minuses compared to engineer turrets (along with one minion which is out of place cause it’s stationary… would be nice if engineers get a turret on wheels, don’t you think?).. but they DO get an elite minion (granted supply drop sort of counts… but that loses the core advantage of turrets of being persistent). And then toolkits, which though admittedly allows you to theoretically have more weapon swaps than other professions, but in exchange for a utility skill for each kit (and of course, all the issues associated with them).

URGENT: cannot block chat text of other people.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Psaakyrn.5794


Which essentially means that all those people spamming gold adverts gets full reign of the chat until it is fixed.

When skills are nerfed...

in Engineer

Posted by: Psaakyrn.5794


Elementalist conjures only have a very limited number of uses, so it not directly comparable (same with charzooka). Might as well add in the mention of transforms which also changes your skillset, but at the expense of duration and (usually) cancallation of usage of utility skills. Warrior banners does count, in a sense, though all of them have the same attacks save for one (along with a buff when placed). Slightly balanced out by that they have only one single function ability, and functionally different in that others can also use the banner. Well, and that usually no one would use the banner for anything other than the buff anyway.

(edited by Psaakyrn.5794)

When skills are nerfed...

in Engineer

Posted by: Psaakyrn.5794


Weapon swap is replaced with toolkit, it has nothing to do with toolbelt. You should be comparing toolbelt with the other function abilities.

Elementalist: Function keys essentially gives 4 weapon sets.
Ranger: Controllable pet.
Guardian: 3 signets. (essentially)
Thief: Weapon Steal
Necromancer: Death Shroud
Warrior: Adrenaline charged attack
Mesmer: Shatter

When skills are nerfed...

in Engineer

Posted by: Psaakyrn.5794


Well, my point is that you can’t directly compare to traps, because they aren’t supposed to be in the same league. Knowing that it’s the weakest trap doesn’t mean anything at all.

How to fix flame-thrower

in Engineer

Posted by: Psaakyrn.5794


Actually, just a quick question. Why do you all think flamethrower is “melee oriented” when there’s only 1 skill which benefits being in melee range, which happens to be defensive only?

When skills are nerfed...

in Engineer

Posted by: Psaakyrn.5794


@Redfeather.6401: Note that it’s not 1 single skill, but two skills that you get when you equip mines though. minefield could use some adjustment, but I’d say a lot of other toolbelt skills are in more need of adjustment, like the absolutely random to the point of almost useless toolbelt elixir skills.

What are we doing wrong?

in Engineer

Posted by: Psaakyrn.5794


I said IF. There are reasons not to swap kits currently, mainly cause they still haven’t dealt with the auto-attack issue. And I did mention those buff stacking sigils, which may or may not be a bug.

What happened to "letting the meta settle?"

in Engineer

Posted by: Psaakyrn.5794


The one mechanic that engineers excelled at, and they nerf it.
Still no status on the auto attack issue that engineers have with kits, or the stat transfer issue though.

You really think this is better than Engineer underwater grenade AoE-spam? (which granted is also probably slated for nerfing simply because of how OP it is)

What are we doing wrong?

in Engineer

Posted by: Psaakyrn.5794


Gear scale down dependant on zone, so even if you were gearing lv 80 legendaries in a 1-15 zone, it’s not going to make you into a godmode killing machine. On an offnote, if you’re exclusively using kits, you also don’t need to wear any weapons, since weapons have no effect whatsoever when using kits (except for a potential bug regarding buffs granted by sigils).

How to fix flame-thrower

in Engineer

Posted by: Psaakyrn.5794


They also need to make Flame Blast Explode when hitting a surface rather then going through it and taking away our explosive AOE blast :/

I would love this too :P
Even if they reduce the damage :P

Frankly I prefer it as it is. Having it penetrate and explode separately means that at the right distance, enemies can be hit with BOTH penetrate and explosion damage, which is somewhat significant, especially for a low cooldown skill.

Engineers need help PVE.

in Engineer

Posted by: Psaakyrn.5794


I completely disagree with the title. With my build I have no problem pulling groups of mobs with a veteran that have over 3-4 levels more than me. I use grenade and bomb kit with full explosions and inventions trait lines. I make a LOT of damage and can also heal myself and the others that are close using the bomb kit.

BTW I am level 74
My build:

Problem is that he’s still under level 40, and hence a far way from getting all the traits to help with survivability. At his level, a flamethrower would still let him survive better, frankly.


in Engineer

Posted by: Psaakyrn.5794


Well, it’s not surprising, since engineer traits have three swiftness-focused traits (Infused Precision, Speedy Kits, Invigorating Speed) along with two movement speed increasing traits (Power Shoes, Leg Mods).

Just curious though, does directly re-equipping a kit (pressing the kit button when you are already using it) trigger speedy kits and other kit-swapping traits?

omg plz nerf grenade kit

in Engineer

Posted by: Psaakyrn.5794


Sorry to hear your thumb was hurt you poor little girl, but no other game ever had ability autocast and most of them you had to MANUALLY ( ouch your poor thumb again ) cast over 25+ abilities.

What are we doing wrong?

in Engineer

Posted by: Psaakyrn.5794


I think more people would embrace weapon/kit-swapping once they fix the kit autoattack issue though. Having to retoggle autoattack whenever we swap back is very much a bother.