Showing Posts For PsychoT.3564:

Precursor Weapons, to much work???

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: PsychoT.3564


the cost of the craft of the precursor weapon are not bad to me the only thing that really disappointed me was they promise lore and story of the weapons an I have seen little to none the promise of learning more about the weapons while crafting it was exciting to me then it drop and the lore/story seem to not exist

(edited by PsychoT.3564)

Fashion Wars 2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: PsychoT.3564


maybe it’s justy me but I see outfits more useful for the character I am leveling to not see the awful mixmatching armor as you level some times I use them on my 80’s but I usually use them to have a cool skin on my characters I am level them once they get to 80 I get their armor straight and throw them a style together

(edited by PsychoT.3564)

Home World?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: PsychoT.3564


do you mean you main server the server choose only matters for WvW pve is very open so you can pve cross servers with the mega server system same with spvp which is the team 5v5 pvp so if you wanna choose a server depend on how you wanna play WvW which the servers vs servers vs server pvp

Download Error 6/23/15

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: PsychoT.3564


some of those shortcuts are bugged the 174 one worked for me

Game Client Connection Error

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: PsychoT.3564


yeah I am getting the same error

GW crashing a lot

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: PsychoT.3564


I am not have the problem no more come to find out it was my router been stupid had to hard reset it

GW crashing a lot

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: PsychoT.3564


yeah I have been the same problems with the client the last 2-3 days I be on silver wast 10-15 minutes then the client just crashes on me

[Suggestion]Unlockable stats on ascended gear

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: PsychoT.3564


So when we log in for the very first time we should all be given free weapons and armor with maximum stats and stat swaps. This way everyone is equal. Then we can all do nothing all day but stand there and talk.

I doubt you were the very first even if you were it doesn’t make you right. This game I’d already the easiest game in existence. Even ascended weapons are easier to get then they should be.

I have way more ascended weapons then I do legendary ones. And even though this would make my own life so much easier I am against it. This isn’t the first of these entitlement threads and it will not be the last. But this will be my last time responding to this one.

See, you’re approaching the game as if gear is the be-all and end-all, where surely the gameplay is the most important thing in a game?

I see this all the time in MMO communities, and it’s all down to people justifying the time they spend playing as well as the amount of money.

You feel guilty about the amount of time you’re spending playing, as there’s still a societal stigma attached to gaming, so you trick your brain into convincing itself that what you’re doing isn’t a complete waste of time.

The barriers put in place by developers serve to reinforce this behaviour. Their primary interest is to keep you playing and therefore paying.

There are numerous ways to achieve player retention; some that are easy and require minimal investment, such as artificial barriers between the player and the optimal playstyle (wardrobe tokens, repeating content daily, achievements with high thresholds, inflexible gear stats, etc.), or more difficult and expensive methods such as deep and meaningful additions to lore & content, and the introduction of new gameplay elements that affect the way people play the game (expansion packs, new areas, changes to existing areas, new classes and skills, etc.).

The idea behind this is that players would be spending less time in towns crafting or trading and more time actually playing, because changing build would no longer require a massive investment of time and resources.
Let’s face it, when you’re refining ore or flipping stock on the trading post, you’re not playing the game. You’re wasting your time banging your head against barriers put in place to keep you logged in.

The current state of affairs in commercial MMOs is a hideous collaboration between players and developers that neither want to admit to and is only damaging the genre.

Of course, while the MMO world is populated by mediocre gamers who have no interest in winning through ability but rather through sheer, bloody-minded repetition, the industry will be all to happy to cater to them.

As to me not being the first person to suggest changeable stats on Legendaries, well I’ll let this speak for itself.

so since you are so knowledgeable about how to make a good mmo/game why have you not made one yourself?

GW1 Armor Sets that You want to see in GW2?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: PsychoT.3564


this was not an armor set but would look to see this and a style in gw2

Feeling disapointed and Bored

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: PsychoT.3564


As far as stuff to do? There is plenty to do. Tired of doing a 15 min dungeon run? Try doing the same run, but clearing every mob. Did you also know that some of the dungeons have hidden areas and secret bosses/encounters? Try to find them all!!
Working your way toward ascended or a legendary? Instead of farming gold through dungeons and buying what you need, try farming for ALL of it. Everything can be gotten in game, and at a decent pace, if you know where to go. Try to get the belchers bluff title. Or the yak slapper title. Why not try to solo a complete dungeon, every path, while using say Nomads gear or something?

I think OP’s main gripe is how unrewarding the content feels. What’s the point of clearing dungeon mobs if they are harder than bosses and don’t drop anything? And if they don’t drop anything, how are you supposed to work toward the legendary? I have 2.7k hours logged and I have yet to see a full stack of T6 mats (don’t get me started with lodestones!) Your suggestions are fine and all, but for someone who has a goal to work towards, they just feel like distractions.

If you want to make your grind to a legendary go a little easier find friends in game who are striving for the same goal you could do dungeons etc.. together and find ways to make things easier I found a way to multiply t6 material along with the grinding makes thing easier same with lobstones you can upgrade core to lobestones etc.. there are ways to make the grind easier and playing with people you like makes the grind not as harsh as doing it by yourself

Why Guild Wars needs an expansion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: PsychoT.3564


I don’t think they should do a expansion but maybe a small dlc that further enhance the living world story I mean mordermothe is a real big threat will races in maguuma need to seek refuge and we have a few home world near there (rata sum, the grove) so if they want to expand the selectable races that could be way to do it and to access these race you buy and small dlc that could include new weapons, legendary’s, cultural style etc… but that is just my way of thinking

(edited by PsychoT.3564)

Expansion and Living Storey

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: PsychoT.3564


to me if gw2 devs do decide to do an expansion they expansion should compliment living story expanding on the impact of the events of the living story like the current mordermoth story could be impacting some of the races in maguuma jungle and have them seeking refuge in rata sum and the grove this could be used in expansion to make more races selectable with the living story impact this could also help evolve the game it self there could also be add weapons gear/clothing styles maybe even some new legendary weapons included in that

Feedback/Questions: MegaServer

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: PsychoT.3564


Maybe the game should have an open world selection process where you can select if you are rping, eventing, exploring ect.. and it could have a sorting system that puts you with people who are selected in each different category something like that maybe would be good for the player base I would think but not sure if it is too much to ask for

Communicating with you

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: PsychoT.3564


Well I just want to say a few things about communicating the devs of mmo’s are some of the one who are in a long term investment these game’s are not like single player games where you build the game and once it launches that is close to the final product.

So in essence the mmo devs have to look at the player bash who are there with them spending money, population servers etc.. as investor’s to the mmo to a certain extent I think what the devs could do better on a lot of mmo’s etc.. is to communicate the direction you are going with the game not necessarily in detail but with enough info to know where you want to go with your games.

So things like class changes (traits, weapons, utility skills etc..), world event changes (world bosses, chained events etc..), and Competitive Play (WvW and PvP). Can have more minds think in the same direction and coming up with better ideas for the future of a said mmo franchise I don’t think stories ect.. should be revealed but just a common directional idea of where you want to go with things maybe with stuff in the near future more so then things that are not in the plate of work yet but hat is only how I feel

Uncontested Temple Of Grenth

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: PsychoT.3564


grenth open on db and another server

Uncontested Temple Of Grenth

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: PsychoT.3564


Grenth is open on tarnished coast

Uncontested Temple Of Grenth

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: PsychoT.3564


has anyone unlocked grenth today? on US servers