Showing Posts For Raistlan.3604:
I noticed this starting happening a few months ago; it was working fine before that. The scale of my 3x spending was lower, so I just treated it as pre-purchasing gems for a longer period, but it is still frustrating to try to purchase gems to buy a limited time offer on the gem store, or to trade to gold to buy something on the TP and have to wait 20 or so minutes for the game to realize that I bought gems.
- Combining equipment in the Mystic Forge.
The skin is Militia Pauldrons, which is cheaply available for karma or Badges of Honor:
“This armor can also be purchased for a combined cost of coin and badges. This is only possible in your server’s own borderlands, just south of the Citadel Waypoint, by speaking with Armor Master.”
The Duelist Pauldrons Skin [which is the same skin] is only 5 Badges of Honor.
Tiga Fierceblade in Diessa Plateau sells Pauldrons with the skin for 154 Karma.
Maybe this is hopeful selling to people who have the rest of the crafted set and just NEED to have this piece, but can’t spend ANY time to understand that they can get the skin for a huge discount from the 22.5g it is at now.
(edited by Raistlan.3604)
“If you want Enameled Perseverance Dye, it does have a set price [right now] of 33g 49s.
Right now, 33g 49s costs ~520 gems to buy. Congratulations!"
That isn’t a set price. That price will change. I assume you know that though.
True [hence the “right now” part]. Once you buy it [and then use it], though, it doesn’t matter that the price changes, you already have it unlocked for your whole account.
I would much rather pay a set price for the dye, Someone suggest 500 per dye. I might not buy all of them but I would buy some of them. I will not buy RNG chances.
If you want Enameled Perseverance Dye, it does have a set price [right now] of 33g 49s.
Right now, 33g 49s costs ~520 gems to buy. Congratulations!
And now I can get collection expanders.
Also, I can’t buy two more collection expanders yet, either.
Never do anything like 6 Minutes again
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: Raistlan.3604
How do we kill the knights faster? I’m not completely familiar with their mechanics. I just know their condition reflect buff goes off from time to time, but how does it go off? Is it based on the players’ action, or does it go off automatically after a set amount of time?
They reflect conditions when their health is between 25% and 50% and between 75% and 100%.
Between 0% and 25% and between 50% and 75% of their health, conditions on them cause them to take more damage.
The data’s also only how many bags drop a stack of 1 or more of an item. Which makes it hard to tell if buying for X, opening and selling will be profitable. What is useful for that is knowing how many of item you will roughly get opening 250 of a bag, not how many tiny stacks of that item.
Your profit varies a fair amount if 10% of the time, you get 1 iron ore versus 10% of the time, you get 4 to 6 iron ore, for example. The wiki drop rates intentionally don’t store that information.
The chest is great, you are just aiming for the wrong reward.
It happens that i’m actually after my first legendary and i needed 250 obsidian items… …and the only way to get them is through an insane amount of Laurels or fractals currency or 500k karma. That’s TOO much imo, but then i noticed… every scarlet chest drops 3 obsidian items and i love that.
I did Scarlet 74 succesful times, enough to save me more than 450.000 karma! and i got 222/250 of the obsidian items needed to craft my legendary The chest is worth it every single time.
50 Found Belongings + 2s gets you an Obsidian Shard, too.
I’ve never once found an Exotic from anywhere.
Odd, have you built up any magic find at all, or have you not salvaged items since they added Luck?
I get Exotics occasionally, and I have only stepped foot in a dungeon once.
for thieves
How are you guys not getting bombed way earlier? I have Signet of Midnight and hit Haste right when the cutscene ends and she covers the entire width of the floor in front of me in orange before I can get close enough to shadowstep/steal to her.
Is this just a case of getting lucky with when she does her first attack?
What would have been a great idea would be to allow us to use the leftover pieces when we don’t have enough for a full key. 25 pieces make a key. How about for each piece we have leftover, we can make a makeshift “pick” to pick the lock on the chest, with each piece we have left over contributing 4% to the success of the makeshift lock pick. Got 24 pieces and can’t make a key? Double click them to form a lock pick with a 96% chance of success. Only one piece of that Toxic key? Still got a 4% chance to open the chest with it. That way we still make use of the pieces, even if they fail. I just hate clicking on “destroy” for anything other than bloodstone dust.
Poor idea. The smart people will break their piles up and use them individually. The chance of using 24 pieces and having all of them fail is only about 1 in 3, so you’re fairly likely to have multiple successes.
No, you still have a 4% chance to fail each single key; every 25 will average 1 chest when used individually.
Here are the chances of getting X successes when trying 25 times with a 4% success chance each time:
0 Successes: 36.0396716858018%
1 Successes: 37.5413246727102%
2 Successes: 18.7706623363551%
3 Successes: 5.99618380189122%
4 Successes: 1.37412545460007%
5 Successes: 0.240471954555012%
6 Successes: 0.0333988825770851%
7 Successes: 0.00377725457717034%
8 Successes: 0.000354117616609719%
9 Successes: 0.0000278703679739131%
10 Successes: 0.00000185802453159420%
11 Successes: 0.000000105569575658762%
12 Successes: 0.00000000513185437230091%
13 Successes: 0.000000000213827265512538%
14 Successes: 0.00000000000763668805401921%
15 Successes: 0.000000000000233343246095031%
16 Successes: 0.00000000000000607664703372478%
17 Successes: 0.000000000000000134043684567458%
18 Successes: 0.00000000000000000248229045495293%
19 Successes: 0.000000000000000000038105335931295%
20 Successes: 0.000000000000000000000476316699141%
21 Successes: 0.000000000000000000000004725364079%
22 Successes: 0.000000000000000000000000035798213%
23 Successes: 0.000000000000000000000000000194556%
24 Successes: 0.000000000000000000000000000000676%
25 Successes: 0.000000000000000000000000000000001%
Which gives a weighted average of 1 Success per 25 keys.
The description on the web page announcing them says, “Using a Basic Ore Node Pack will place a Copper, Silver, and Gold vein in the home instance of every character on your account! Visit these nodes once a day to mine their resources with any one character.”
I have 8 characters on my account, but it seems like only 1 character can mine them per day? Even though it says, “will place a Copper, Silver, and Gold vein in the home instance of every character on your account”. “Every character.”
Guilds: The Older Gamers, Shadow Dragon Ninja Pirates, Nullref
Server: Yak’s Bend
I saw this a few days ago, but it eventually started working again, until yesterday: I can’t represent another guild. Clicking “Represent” on the two other guilds did nothing, but clicking “Stand Down” on the one I was representing worked. Now, I can’t represent any of the three guilds. This has been over multiple logins.