Showing Posts For Rattlehead.1476:

"I'd really like this..." [Gifting Strangers]

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Rattlehead.1476


i would absolutely adore a copper-fed-salvage-o-matic or endless unbound magic tools, one would help bag space management and the other would make unbound magic so much easier to get.
lots of love, Jade <3

Jadeikins: Friendly neighbourhood Thief
Lady Nikh: The Goddess of Victory ^_^

(edited by Rattlehead.1476)

go for gold: silverwastes achievement

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Rattlehead.1476


oh gosh that table sure clears things up a bit better thank you! <3
guess the last question is does anyone know of a dulfy like guide that is updated for gliding? the wiki was a little unclear with stuff such as “glide from the big rock” when I’m looking at all sorts of big rocks :-(

Jadeikins: Friendly neighbourhood Thief
Lady Nikh: The Goddess of Victory ^_^

go for gold: silverwastes achievement

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Rattlehead.1476


anyone know of a good guide for this or able to help me with it? I could pay a little bit but i’m not overly rich :-(

i’m currently doing the JP and any guide to the gold badge things i have found so far seems to be hit or miss as to if i can find the thing or not which is doing my head in. any help would be greatly appreciated!

Jadeikins: Friendly neighbourhood Thief
Lady Nikh: The Goddess of Victory ^_^

recently back after ~3 years after builds

in Thief

Posted by: Rattlehead.1476


Didn’t even play to begin with? pffft I played for at least a year, hence the ~3 if I just go off the 201X part and not bother with months and such :-P I’ve been trawling through metabuilds, figured It was worth asking here as well though since discussion and the like can be super dooper useful over just looking at a list of builds :-D

Jadeikins: Friendly neighbourhood Thief
Lady Nikh: The Goddess of Victory ^_^

looking for an LGBT friendly guild for pvx

in Looking for...

Posted by: Rattlehead.1476


Heya, I’m recently back after about a 3 year gap and I’m looking for a guild again, I mostly do WvW, a bit of SPvP and a bit of pve kinda stuff (generally world bosses and such atm, because with out a good bunch of folks to play with most other PvE content seemed flat). I’m Australian eastern for timezone and on the NA servers. not sure what else to say but uh…ask I guess? o_O

Jadeikins: Friendly neighbourhood Thief
Lady Nikh: The Goddess of Victory ^_^

recently back after ~3 years after builds

in Thief

Posted by: Rattlehead.1476


I’m just getting back into the game after a fairly lengthy break, was looking for some advise on various wvw builds and such because oh gosh has a lot changed. Any advise would be highly appreciated :-D

Jadeikins: Friendly neighbourhood Thief
Lady Nikh: The Goddess of Victory ^_^

match-ups subforum topic formating

in Match-ups

Posted by: Rattlehead.1476


now for the real question
grabs popcorn

Definitely has to be DD/MM/YYYY :-P

Jadeikins: Friendly neighbourhood Thief
Lady Nikh: The Goddess of Victory ^_^

5/31 IoJ~DR~FC

in Match-ups

Posted by: Rattlehead.1476


“I guess I shouldn’t expect any different considering America is the KING of arrogant, self righteous, stuck up, bubble world, loud mouthed morons am I right? "

Wow I missed this gem… you lump an entire country into your narrow minded little world view based on interaction over the web through a video game… Wow… thats wow.

You miss the part where I stated that was a trend outside of gw2/gaming?

Jadeikins: Friendly neighbourhood Thief
Lady Nikh: The Goddess of Victory ^_^

5/31 IoJ~DR~FC

in Match-ups

Posted by: Rattlehead.1476


You mad bro? Typical responses aside, NA primetime tends to mean the most on NA based servers, go take your argument to EU servers. Also implying that people who play NA primetime are from America just brings your statement about morons full circle. I know several Aussies and EU players that play during NA primetime, and there is also more than 1 country that shares NA primetime, hence why it is NA and not American primetime.

I’m aware that NA prime is not just one country, not sure why I would take it to EU given that I’m oceanic, but the fact of the matter is “NA prime” is for the most part always considered the time when the Americans are the most active, given the servers are NA now the thing that really drives me insane is that when this is considered the only time worth playing or the only time when score matters is when those players become arrogant and self-absorbed. this becomes even more apparent with various complaints on the forums in the past attempting to “adjust” things so as to make anyone who doesn’t play in the “NA prime” less valuable because its unfair or not important. one shouldn’t be penalised for the hours they play in a 24/7 match up. And traditionally this is the case with “NA prime” considering themselves the only important ones, yes they are the largest player base as its prime for a reason, but they are not the only players that matter, and they are definitely not the only players with skill, especially given they normally have the numbers to Cover various “weak links”. My comments about the “kings of arrogance” are more directed at a trend that exists even outside GW2 or most things in general.

Jadeikins: Friendly neighbourhood Thief
Lady Nikh: The Goddess of Victory ^_^

5/31 IoJ~DR~FC

in Match-ups

Posted by: Rattlehead.1476


I saw [NoQQ] Last night in FC BL roaming, didnt end to well for me regardless to say :P

DR why must we start the name calling and poo flinging so early in our match up? At least DH and SF were respectful towards us. You all just act childish cause we night cap you. I guess ill need to repeat myself. It has happened to every server we’ve ever faced, not just you. and if you dont care about points so much, why must you complain about us night capping, and “Zerging”, our “Zergs” are still smaller then DHs ever were.

Talks about being respectful, meanwhile the kitten flinging was started by several members of IoJ who felt the need to chest thump their late night pvdoor as usual.

No one complained about night capping, we just responded to the kitten talking and chest thumping that you guys did after your night capping. Look at our threads with GoM, they night capped every day and no one cared cause they kept it quiet and even admitted that it was the only reason they were winning.

ANYONE from ANY server that complains about those that play outside of the apparent “only important time” that is the NA prime has their head so far up their kitten they can see their own teeth. One player’s “night capping” is another player’s prime time. NA prime is NOT the only time that matters, quite often is the time zone filled with the largest portion of brain dead morons following the blue Dorito and 12 year old chest thumpers, they are the truly arrogant ones because THEIR time is the only one that matters, and anyone outside of their playing period is apparently ALWAYS bad, not important and arrogant? Hmmm I guess I shouldn’t expect any different considering America is the KING of arrogant, self righteous, stuck up, bubble world, loud mouthed morons am I right? Although I do know that’s overly harsh as I’m sure it’s just a vocal minority but for those that are vocal it stands true.

Jadeikins: Friendly neighbourhood Thief
Lady Nikh: The Goddess of Victory ^_^

Salvage Trophies making a loss?

in Crafting

Posted by: Rattlehead.1476


Yeah I got that answer just now in game as well.
I’m a little confused however, I thought the trophies in wvw were lvl 80 trophies, you know the good ones.

I guess there’s even higher ones only obtainable in pve then..?

Also keep in mind an up levelled player will often give poorer quality loot when killed just as when up levelled yourself your loot will be related to your current level

Jadeikins: Friendly neighbourhood Thief
Lady Nikh: The Goddess of Victory ^_^

A request to ANet - Sclerite Skins and RNG

in Last Stand at Southsun

Posted by: Rattlehead.1476


My guardian alt has a fused hammer and a sclerite staff given I didn’t find any of the skins appealing for my main, I’m assuming I got bloody lucky given I got fused with one box I opened from levelling my guardian and the sclerite after the 30th chest or so I got from farming/a few bought. the skins themselves don’t seem that amazingly special, nice yes but not “MUST have” and maybe it’s just me but part of their appeal is that they aren’t one of those skins that everyone and his dog seems to run around in such as the tentacle porn backpiece, CoF gear, the flower etc. I can imagine those that luck out with the RNG want changes but I honestly think the RNG is a lucrative way for anet to make money to continue content so rather than remove that maybe make them not as rare next time.

Jadeikins: Friendly neighbourhood Thief
Lady Nikh: The Goddess of Victory ^_^

Post your legendary progress!

in Crafting

Posted by: Rattlehead.1476


I have everything done for my bolt minus of course the most costly, the lodestones and that kitten precursor :-(

Jadeikins: Friendly neighbourhood Thief
Lady Nikh: The Goddess of Victory ^_^

Uncontested Temple of Balthazar

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Rattlehead.1476


any NA server open?

Jadeikins: Friendly neighbourhood Thief
Lady Nikh: The Goddess of Victory ^_^

Uncontested Temple of Balthazar

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Rattlehead.1476


any NA servers open?

Jadeikins: Friendly neighbourhood Thief
Lady Nikh: The Goddess of Victory ^_^

NA T8 Matchup 5/10/13: HoD, FC, ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: Rattlehead.1476


Yo Henge of Denravi! We of Ferguson’s Crossing and Eredon Terrace still waiting on that domination you promised us.

Where is it? Oh what, did you forget all that crap talk? Well I remember.

Here, let’s refresh your memory with some forum screenshots.

You made me waste 30 seconds of my life to log in to say you have no life lol

He may have been the only one to go back and get screenshots of all of them, but most of us have been thinking the same thing, what did happen to any server dropping from t7 slaughtering t8 and SF getting “crushed back to t8” I mean it does seem a valid question to have given how certain everyone seemed of those things occurring…

SF is getting whooped right now by t6, they even made a whole thread about saying to stop “cherry picking them”. We’ve won the past two weeks, when GoM came down they lost one week then won the rest. Seems like there is a pattern! And anyway it’s not like FC and ET are double teaming or anything whenever they get the chance, pfft silly me, who would ever do that?! Oh wait…

SF getting whooped in t6 is not t7 crushing them back down to t8 as was “promised” in fact they destroyed t7. Plus we have yet to see any t7 server match the “domination” that SF or Kaineng delivered in the past even though “any t7 server would destroy you just as bad if not worse than SF” not saying GoM or HoD haven’t done well, they just haven’t lived up to the level of performance their boasting and arrogance suggested.

and in regards to the supposed double teaming, I can’t vouch for everyone but I know many of us have been hitting ET, as they have been hitting us, it’s just unfortunate for HoD that they are “easy points”

The fact that the only servers which have left t8 in the past few months happen to be everyone EXCEPT FC or ET, says more than enough.

No one is arguing that FC or ET don’t belong in t8, maybe we do, maybe we don’t who cares, the fact is that neither GoM or HoD were able to live up to their promises of “domination” and that the difference between t7 and t8 would apparently see all of us slaughtered(even SF and yet they destroyed t7 as we knew they would). Both HoD and GoM have been great fun to be matched against and I’m enjoying the match ups we’ve had. Yet for all that boasting and arrogance about t7 being so much better than t8, we’ve yet to see any real proof of this performance wise when matched with us.

Jadeikins: Friendly neighbourhood Thief
Lady Nikh: The Goddess of Victory ^_^

NA T8 Matchup 5/10/13: HoD, FC, ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: Rattlehead.1476


Yo Henge of Denravi! We of Ferguson’s Crossing and Eredon Terrace still waiting on that domination you promised us.

Where is it? Oh what, did you forget all that crap talk? Well I remember.

Here, let’s refresh your memory with some forum screenshots.

You made me waste 30 seconds of my life to log in to say you have no life lol

He may have been the only one to go back and get screenshots of all of them, but most of us have been thinking the same thing, what did happen to any server dropping from t7 slaughtering t8 and SF getting “crushed back to t8” I mean it does seem a valid question to have given how certain everyone seemed of those things occurring…

SF is getting whooped right now by t6, they even made a whole thread about saying to stop “cherry picking them”. We’ve won the past two weeks, when GoM came down they lost one week then won the rest. Seems like there is a pattern! And anyway it’s not like FC and ET are double teaming or anything whenever they get the chance, pfft silly me, who would ever do that?! Oh wait…

SF getting whooped in t6 is not t7 crushing them back down to t8 as was “promised” in fact they destroyed t7. Plus we have yet to see any t7 server match the “domination” that SF or Kaineng delivered in the past even though “any t7 server would destroy you just as bad if not worse than SF” not saying GoM or HoD haven’t done well, they just haven’t lived up to the level of performance their boasting and arrogance suggested.

and in regards to the supposed double teaming, I can’t vouch for everyone but I know many of us have been hitting ET, as they have been hitting us, it’s just unfortunate for HoD that they are “easy points”

Jadeikins: Friendly neighbourhood Thief
Lady Nikh: The Goddess of Victory ^_^

NA T8 Matchup 5/10/13: HoD, FC, ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: Rattlehead.1476


Yo Henge of Denravi! We of Ferguson’s Crossing and Eredon Terrace still waiting on that domination you promised us.

Where is it? Oh what, did you forget all that crap talk? Well I remember.

Here, let’s refresh your memory with some forum screenshots.

You made me waste 30 seconds of my life to log in to say you have no life lol

He may have been the only one to go back and get screenshots of all of them, but most of us have been thinking the same thing, what did happen to any server dropping from t7 slaughtering t8 and SF getting “crushed back to t8” I mean it does seem a valid question to have given how certain everyone seemed of those things occurring…

Jadeikins: Friendly neighbourhood Thief
Lady Nikh: The Goddess of Victory ^_^

NA T8 Matchup 5/10/13: HoD, FC, ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: Rattlehead.1476


Whoa someone made this dude mad enough to link like 50 screenshots of forum posts. I don’t know which HoD forum warriors pulled off this astounding feat but you have my respect!

Mad? If I was angry about it, I would of included three times as much content from the countless other threads we battled in. Besides, a lot of the HoDomination hype was from completely different servers, so no biggie.

Still, gotta call out people on their promises.

While I’m at it though, shout-out for Moobs, Ungood, Katz, Ynot, Rikkity, Manoa and even FilthyRat and the countless individuals who worked hard in the forums to get tier 8 the attention it so deserved.

Things have turned out well, I must say.

Funnily enough nugget and myself were just thinking back to a lot of those comments you retrieved only earlier today, I mean it sure looks like t7 stomped SF back to t8 right?

Jadeikins: Friendly neighbourhood Thief
Lady Nikh: The Goddess of Victory ^_^

NA T8 Matchup 5/10/13: HoD, FC, ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: Rattlehead.1476


score update :-P


Jadeikins: Friendly neighbourhood Thief
Lady Nikh: The Goddess of Victory ^_^

NA T8 Matchup 5/10/13: HoD, FC, ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: Rattlehead.1476


Anyone got a score update for those of us (mainly aussie’s) at work atm?

Or even better update millenium, 9 hour’s since last updated

Soon as my game loads ill update and update millenium for ya nugs :-)

Jadeikins: Friendly neighbourhood Thief
Lady Nikh: The Goddess of Victory ^_^

NA T8 Matchup 5/10/13: HoD, FC, ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: Rattlehead.1476


Hey Eredon Terrace and Fergs should just marry each other.
that way you can crawl on the bottom together, or hell maybe you’ll get somewhere!

You must be new here, allow me to provide you a heads up, we have been in the bottom tier together long before you or HoD showed up.

We are more like siblings at this point, we have our petty spats, but in the end, we are stuck together.

Gives a whole new meaning to double teaming when guild [BS] from ET insist on not capping anything in our BL in order to solely defend FC camps and towers. ET, don’t you want to come in 2nd?

Just be sure you’re not mixing the ET Basic[BS] guild up with the Fergs Bloody Swagmen[BS] same tag yet completely different guilds. Just thought I’d mention that since we made a bit of a habit of defending what we took in your BL to keep the PPT as long as possible

Jadeikins: Friendly neighbourhood Thief
Lady Nikh: The Goddess of Victory ^_^

NA T8 Matchup 5/10/13: HoD, FC, ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: Rattlehead.1476


Got Quaggan tonics. Went as a Quaggan group in EB. We got to have a lot of fun. Shoutout to Jo-whatsit (I am sorry I am horrible with names) and the other ET who was chill enough to just goof around with us. We were trying to make it to the ET spawn point to party but couldn’t make it. Maybe another night!

This makes my day, go go quaggan V formation! :-P

Jadeikins: Friendly neighbourhood Thief
Lady Nikh: The Goddess of Victory ^_^

4/12/13 - ET/GoM/FC

in WvW

Posted by: Rattlehead.1476


I wish i was in the mind to take some screenshots of FC’s assault on our Hills just now. That was epic.

It was awesome fun. Did you see our conga line?

the tree’s were where it was at! all hail the tree :-P

Jadeikins: Friendly neighbourhood Thief
Lady Nikh: The Goddess of Victory ^_^

3/15 SF/ET/FC Version 12.0

in WvW

Posted by: Rattlehead.1476


we’re leveling alts because we’re SO DANG BORED of this sucktastic matchup.

and never afraid to fight is pretty darn laughable. i seen you guys tuck tail and run plenty of times. but whatever.

This matchup has a while to go still before anything changes, but the point still remains, it will only be as fun as you make it, if levelling Ats is how you keep it fun, that’s great, the matchup is what ever we make it. Unfortunately yes the extended period of this matchup is causing some so quit, some to take a break, and numerous others to complain and attack others personally on the forums, THOSE things don’t really help to make the matchup a fun one, but of course each to their own.

Personally I would think that continuing to fight as hard as you can, regardless of how “sucktastic” you find the match up, is the best way to ensure that all 3 of our servers are at our best possible competitiveness when the match up does eventually change, and give us all the beat results possible :-)

Jadeikins: Friendly neighbourhood Thief
Lady Nikh: The Goddess of Victory ^_^

Tier 8 problem is not Glicko

in WvW

Posted by: Rattlehead.1476


Another T8 thread? At this point I think they’re just trolling us.

Although it should be noted that this one was started by someone from T7 and not by T8 itself

Jadeikins: Friendly neighbourhood Thief
Lady Nikh: The Goddess of Victory ^_^

Breakout and all its problems.

in WvW

Posted by: Rattlehead.1476


the server winning overall doesnt need breakouts. breakouts are supposed to help the downtrodden. winners arent downtrodden.

Cannot agree more, if the defenders are out manned why on earth does the one that our numbers them need a break out event

Jadeikins: Friendly neighbourhood Thief
Lady Nikh: The Goddess of Victory ^_^

Come to ET or FC

in WvW

Posted by: Rattlehead.1476


Fergs are your true Spartans, outnumbered on all sides, but no matter the odds we fight till the death ;-)

Jadeikins: Friendly neighbourhood Thief
Lady Nikh: The Goddess of Victory ^_^

Ferg's Night Crew

in WvW

Posted by: Rattlehead.1476


Earlier this week we had the EB painted red all for SFs last keep and two of their towers, we were surprised at how little resistance SF seemed to be putting up compared to past weeks, and even more surprised when it was ET who was first to start fighting hard, taking the paper gated SM in a heart beat, end result was some bloody great fun fighting in and around SM/overlook, especially once SF found the hole we had trebbed in the north west outter wall. That night was the most memorable nights of this weeks fighting, it wasn’t unique or a one off occasion, but just great fun, which left me sorely disappointed that all my footage of the night came out a corrupted unsalvagable waste of space.

Jadeikins: Friendly neighbourhood Thief
Lady Nikh: The Goddess of Victory ^_^

T8, convince my brother and I to join you

in WvW

Posted by: Rattlehead.1476


It depends on when you’re active time is with t8, if you play during American “prime time” it’s generally lop sided to SFs favour, which I’m guessing is when you play most often, outside of prime it’s not so lop sided with some pretty decent skirmishes.

Jadeikins: Friendly neighbourhood Thief
Lady Nikh: The Goddess of Victory ^_^

some servers able to have more then others

in WvW

Posted by: Rattlehead.1476


it was like that with FA last week too. almost has me wanting to move to T8 so I can have some decent skirmishes and not these culling infested, face palm inducing, steam rolls that come from no where.

No queues and practically non existant culling/server lag means you can play when you like, and not try to guess how many numbers the enemy actually has in their Zerg. T8 is the place to be, and FC would love to have ya ;-)

Jadeikins: Friendly neighbourhood Thief
Lady Nikh: The Goddess of Victory ^_^

WvW gear set up

in Thief

Posted by: Rattlehead.1476


I actually really like that set up laika, cheers mate

Jadeikins: Friendly neighbourhood Thief
Lady Nikh: The Goddess of Victory ^_^

Come to ET or FC

in WvW

Posted by: Rattlehead.1476


Bloody Swagmen is always looking for new Aussies/Kiwis, so if you’re wanting a change, consider heading to FC, you won’t regret it.

Jadeikins: Friendly neighbourhood Thief
Lady Nikh: The Goddess of Victory ^_^

WvW gear set up

in Thief

Posted by: Rattlehead.1476


I’m currently running a S/D build using a mix of zerkers, valk and soldiers gear. now I wanted to tweak that up a little and was wondering what people could suggest for an event stat balance between survivability and damage output, do I want more soldiers pieces? or is the zerks/valk combo fine given the toughness from the 0/30/30/10/0 build? now i understand everyone will have their own ideas on what’s best but I’d just be interested to see what others may suggest.

Jadeikins: Friendly neighbourhood Thief
Lady Nikh: The Goddess of Victory ^_^

2/8 Tier8 FC/ET/hopefully not SF

in WvW

Posted by: Rattlehead.1476


I aint gonna complain about “night capping”, I’m Aussie so for the most part your night capping is my prime time :-P

Jadeikins: Friendly neighbourhood Thief
Lady Nikh: The Goddess of Victory ^_^

2/8 Tier8 FC/ET/hopefully not SF

in WvW

Posted by: Rattlehead.1476


Anyway, after that, I opted to call it a night, kudos to the FC crew for taking the castle, while we may not have an alliance we could not have planned that better if we.. well you know, actually planned it.

For the first 30 minutes to an hour after we managed to get SM we had outer walls breached to the south west by SF trebs and to the north by ET trebs, it seems everyone wanted a piece of it while it was weak :-P it was great fun though, and you guys from ET seemed to vanish after a while. I went up towards your overlook hoping you guys were preparing for another shot but sadly there was only a few stragglers to be found so with a quick /wave /salute it was off to stop SF where a there was fairly fun fight in the space between SM and wild creek,where they had their trebs holed up. Truly was a fun afternoon/night and I hope there’s more to come.

Jadeikins: Friendly neighbourhood Thief
Lady Nikh: The Goddess of Victory ^_^

2/8 Tier8 FC/ET/hopefully not SF

in WvW

Posted by: Rattlehead.1476


it’s always great fun running the “nights”, and it’s definitely good when we can push back the “sea of green” even if it’s only temporary. I dont experience to much “bad behaviour”from SF, short of venturing onto the forums where it seems to be bad behaviour from all sides. Sure we get out numbered a lot but that’s to be expected, and at times it helps give a sense of “achievement” if we succeed in pushing back, holding off or even beating back something we never expected to win against. SM was fun to capture and great fun to hold while we still did, and as usual it’s always a good fight against the ever present CoSA.

Jadeikins: Friendly neighbourhood Thief
Lady Nikh: The Goddess of Victory ^_^

Ferg's Night Crew

in WvW

Posted by: Rattlehead.1476


It was a hell of a blast, and CoSA is always great for a fun fight, they help make some of these nights highly enjoyable.

Jadeikins: Friendly neighbourhood Thief
Lady Nikh: The Goddess of Victory ^_^

WvW build help.

in Thief

Posted by: Rattlehead.1476


forgive me if it sounds stupid, but wouldn’t more towards shadow arts offer more survivability or does it gimp the damage to much for what it gains? since currently I’ve been at 2.4k armour with 16k health and I’ve felt incredibly squishy unless I’m in and out of stealth as soon as possible(which I suppose is a given), and so far my P/D heavy shadow arts/acrobatics build has been the one to give me more staying power in the larger fights but I felt gimped as all hell on the damage aspect, although I did enjoy the sneak attack of the pistol.

Jadeikins: Friendly neighbourhood Thief
Lady Nikh: The Goddess of Victory ^_^

WvW build help.

in Thief

Posted by: Rattlehead.1476


just to clarify, I’m not looking for insanely huge burst and amazing survivability..but a bit of both, when running as a duo with the engineer, we seem to focus on “hit and run tactics” to avoid larger groups storm rolling over us if we hang around to long, yet I was hoping to still have the survivability in the build for when I run with the larger groups.

Jadeikins: Friendly neighbourhood Thief
Lady Nikh: The Goddess of Victory ^_^

WvW build help.

in Thief

Posted by: Rattlehead.1476


I’ve been doing a lot of WvW lately in smallish(5-10 man) groups, but fairly often just as a duo with an Engineer, I’ve really been enjoying both D/D+Sb and P/D+Sb, I’ve been messing around with a lot of builds but cant seem to find one that really stands out. What I’m looking for is a build that gives me a nice balance between being able to burst targets down when needed while also having relatively decent survivability and still being useful in the group situations. now I understand this is asking a hell of a lot from one build, and it may not be possible, but any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Jadeikins: Friendly neighbourhood Thief
Lady Nikh: The Goddess of Victory ^_^

Ferg's Night Crew

in WvW

Posted by: Rattlehead.1476


no worries mate, it’s always fun, just try to hold on to as much as possible while im sleeping

Jadeikins: Friendly neighbourhood Thief
Lady Nikh: The Goddess of Victory ^_^

FC and ET Treaty

in WvW

Posted by: Rattlehead.1476


well said though detharos, if you ever watch Krak in WvW, those guys often run around like headless chooks, who are they to :arrange a treaty"

Jadeikins: Friendly neighbourhood Thief
Lady Nikh: The Goddess of Victory ^_^

Ferg's Night Crew

in WvW

Posted by: Rattlehead.1476


dont wanna make it to easy for the bugger’s now do we :-)

Jadeikins: Friendly neighbourhood Thief
Lady Nikh: The Goddess of Victory ^_^

Ferg's Night Crew

in WvW

Posted by: Rattlehead.1476


Ferg’s Garrison(guild claimed by BS) was the only standing garrison left during the Sorrows Furnace Invasion this morning(aussie time) so a large thank you to all those who came to help.

This is the 5th failed SF attempt at capturing the Garrison and the only thing they haven’t managed to capture so far this week. Given it’s one of the harder points to take this is always a positive thing to stop them from gaining a complete borderlands capture.

Also last night(Aussie time) not only was our BL largely uncontested, but we had all of the Sorrow’s Borderlands controlled short of their Garrison, good work to all that helped with that as well. Hopefully we can continue to grow and become an imposing force to stop the regular SF “night cappings” we have encountered in the past.

Jadeikins: Friendly neighbourhood Thief
Lady Nikh: The Goddess of Victory ^_^