Showing Posts For Recluce.3709:
A few of my thoughts on the guild claiming system:
I would like to see some sort of pop up or reminder window regarding the guild claiming. So, lets say I claim a tower, and it starts upgrading. I’d like to slot stuff in, but hey, we’re moving on to the next objective and I can’t do put in tactics until the first tier! The tower slots slip my mind as we get into a fight and 30 mins roll by…. It would be great if those in the claiming guild who had the rights to slot tactics got some sort of visual que when another tier had unlocked. Perhaps a pop-up stating that “Tower XYZ had new tactics available and would I like to open the Claiming UI?”
I hope that the new change – where tactivations go public w/no guild members on the map – has a waiting period, maybe 15-20 mins. I’d hate to leave for a few mins and come back to all my stuff blown by a troll. There could be a countdown timer visible to the public on the Claiming UI.
I would also like to see a way to allow public activation PER TIER. I don’t see a problem with the public using tier 1 stuff, but some 2 and a lot of 3 stuff is where I am concerned.
Is there any way for a guild to leave a short message on their claimed stuff? Or even just a contact name or way to contact the guild…. an alert button with a pre-programmed message sent to guild chat that soandso character wishes contact regarding a claimed objective? It doesn’t seem too farfetched to me, as we truly take ownership of these things we claim. The NPCs get our guild tag, we are responsible for the upkeep and equipping of the objective, and the NPCs “report” to us on the movement of enemies. Why can’t they also be a portal through which our allies contact us?
Tyler, how viable are these solutions?
Attempting to “carry” the shield generator seige item is bugged, won’t allow you to carry it to place it. Says you must have HoT content. And we captured towers, so don’t know why you think they are necessary…. in fact, I dont even know what they do.
Actually, I can agree a bit here… I finally got my updraft trained but can find NONE in this new section of map they gave us.
We’d love to get your thoughts on our three brand-new elite specializations! Were they fun to play? Did they change the way you play your profession in a meaningful way?: I will break this down by all the classes
Mesmer: Mesmer is always fun, but the new well skills aren’t. And I hate the shield. It has NOT changed how I play the profession (and I Mesmer main). I love some of the traits we get with chrono, but the skills and weapon I don’t love so much. I am still just swiping with sword 1 while waiting for the good skills to come off CD. (Daggers, please? Its more necro-like, both MH and OH) The shield is not a game changing new addition to the Mesmer armory
Guardian: This actually made guard fun, which is to say it was boring before. The bow and traps make this kittening easy… almost like being a ranger! (I mained Ranger for the first year) It certainly can really change up how guard is played, especially with the longbow (yes, its a game changer if people choose to actually play it).
Necro: WAY fun, and TOTALLY changes how it is played, sort of… they were awesome before, and they are still awesome! If I quit Mes because of that stupid shield I might just go necro. The shouts are just delightful, really, especially the minion one. The GS as a weapon for necro is a game changer.
Ele: This was actually really fun, though I can’t say it has changed how I play ele, as I really don’t play it at all. I guess I could say that this new spec makes me think I could play it more often, like it, and even do well with it! I don’t think the addition of the WH as a weapon is a game changer. (oh, what the heck was up with all the dark claws??)
Warrior: Fun in the same way that warrior was fun before (button mash face roll). I don’t think it has really changed the way warrior is played, though I did giggle a bit at the 4k burn ticks. I was excited to get a new legendary torch right as I logged in! The torch isn’t a game changing new weapon for the warrior but of all the OH weapons added with specializations it might actually get used. I also don’t like the placement of the F5 skill, makes it hard to hit (yes, I am a button masher)
Thief: I didn’t play this much past the demo storyline because of the skill lag on the dodge roll GM trait. I was having fun…. then I tried to dodge but didn’t and died. Again, and again. This has some really good potential but the way the GM trait skill activates has got to be changed. The staff skills are great, really good damage, and might just be a game changer in that there is no shadow stepping. Only complaint I heard was that none of the weapon skills have stealth. (que the QQ)
Revenant: Rev is fun till it isn’t… the Herald spec makes energy management that much harder, and I found that I had to stand back and let others do the killing if I was to maintain the passive bonuses for the group. Maybe the utility skills can give back a small amount of energy when they are put on CD? (dependant upon being active for X# of secs, and triggers on either active skill or dropping off due to lack of energy to maintain) That being said, a shield is a good specialization weapon for them because you might find yourself not having the energy to attack, just defend. Has a problem with F5 placement (cannot see the carrot to change the F1 skill)
During daytime, we’re showing two new outposts and a big pile of events that go along with them. Are they fun? Do they tell a compelling narrative that helps bring you into the world? Do the events feel meaningful, challenging, and interesting?:
I absolutely loved the story line with Faren, going all Tarzan in his underoos. The dialogue here was priceless. These events seem better put together than the ones from the first beta, and even the demo personal story had better flow. I appreciated the little speech bubbles the allies had indicating they would give you their opinion on the current situation.
Does the Mastery system feel like a system that works to provide meaningful progression? Does it make you care about experience and Mastery points? Does it provide a framework that you think we could regularly add more to in live updates? Knowing your progress won’t get wiped, does it make you want to learn as many Masteries as possible so you can use them to overcome additional challenges later?:
These questions seem to be asking for answers both for as to how it works in beta, and how we think it will work after release. I think having the masteries and all toons created being carried over from beta to beta really helps us out. People want the beta progress to be carried over after release, too, but its not feasable and they will just have to be disappointed. You can navigate the new maps without all of the specific cultural skills, but your life will better with them. I would like to have had some Tyrian points to use too, since I have trained there but have no points to activate the mastery.
Gaining XP now has a meaning, again… keep adding mastery tracs and points and you will have a happy player base. In fact, do this in WvW, with masteries specifically for it, and we will love it. Also, what about the orders we joined? There should be mastery tracks for that too, they should mean something again! (OK, other than just a nice set of armor and weapon skins)
Overall thoughts: I bought the expansion as soon as it was for sale, so you know I am already in it to win it… I think these new maps will provide a cool new vertical environment, and lots of group content here (you die alone, really). But overall the specializations and masteries should reinvigorate the core game too! Not to mention new skins, for those of us who like to dress up our virtual dollies. Still waiting to see the new guild halls and raids.
Reichii’s Reapers [NODE] – Fort Aspenwood
We are a new guild rallying in WvW once a week to play WvW the way it was really intended. That’s what all these resource nodes in WvW is for, right?
P.S. ArenaNet, I found your next voice actor!
I am a PROUD member of NODE, where furries and golemancers alike can bond together over their appreciation of bushbeating, golddigging, and woodpecking (our ranks, you see!) as we follow the MasterMiner on a resource gathering escapade, gathering allies as well as minerals. We are now a cross-server guild, having convinced several members of opposing servers we encountered in WvW to join us in this ULTIMATE game mode!
Knights of the Rose [KoR] – Isle of Janthir
http://www.knightsoftherose.netKnights of the Rose has an organized PvE or WvW event most days during NA prime time but also has many OCX players. KoR has several active WvW commanders and hosts server wide events like themed zergs. Bear Bow Zerg – find out how fast 30 bears can take down a gate.
I’m not on IoJ but if I was, I’d join these guys. I use their PvP room frequently and have found their members to be very nice and welcoming. Funny vid too!
Please watch this highly detailed documentary of real events that actually happened, all in glorious 1080pHD/60fps. The latter statement was in no possible way an over-embellishment of the truth.
May the water field blasts be ever in your favor.
As a former member of BOMB I can tell you they are the real deal as a WvW guild that does it all. Though this video is lacking in audio of its world reknowned leader.
Well. when the release date was announced I checked our work roster and someone else had already requested the day off…. so I decided to put in for time off on the following 40 hours (a full work week). With my 3 normal days off at the beginning and end of the vacation days that gives me 10 days off until I have to go back into work!
I would be all for adding resistance and super speed to the effect of running through a veil!
Is this rune set still broken for mesmer? I am switching stuff around and found the stats for these nice… if they work. I tried to test it in pvp as suggested but I’m just not really good at that (and they took out steady weapons?)
Barring these working, what opinions do you all have on the next best option for PvE/Dungeons/WvW (one armor set for all).
Disapointed yet again.
I reaaallyyyyyyy was loking fowar for a fast Melee ilusionary assasin, or just a fast mesmer weapon… JUst sad sad face =( =( =(
Oh, and we do seem to have a thief based phantasm, it is our downskill that backstabs.
I hate the shield… I thought that we should have gotten dagger both a sMH and OH, as that is also very necromancery. And we are going for the necro synergy, no? That would at least have given us 5 new skills to work with, not just 2 with the shield. Would have REALLY changed the way I play this class, and that IS what they said about specializations, right? It will change how your class plays, its role in the game. Anyone feel like the existing chrono will change how you play mes? Not I, I am still just using sword when things come in range and waiting for my OH skills to come off CD…. oh, and waiting for the call for veil or port, since that is our perceived true utility.
The end piece in the first HoT storyline shows Rytlock summoning a blue dragon to attack.. it was obvious to me that it was a Glint Rev legend.
how about if you don’t agree or don’t like it, then just DONT HIT “post reply”. Just move on to another topic. No reason to come in here and take a poop.
So much negativity, so much off topic…. Please be respectful. GW2 has the best and most supportive community of players – but only when they want to be.
ANet shows its support for diversity in tons of different ways. You can make your own rainbow dye very easily: dye each piece of armor a different color.
When I see toons with this hanging around LA I don’t think “oh, he’s showing Pride”, I think “oh, another 10 year old who chose the 6 brightest colors off the palate.”
Did you stop to think of how ridiculous that would look on armor
Could look really amazing if done right. And with those white wings and halo too? And the bow that shoots rainbow unicorns, with unicorn finisher? Amazing, really.
GW2 has a beautiful diverse world with characters that obviously love whomever they want, and neither gender not race seem to get in the way of that love. It a key element of the world we both live and play in. As the U.S. Supreme Court has finally weighed in on the side of Marriage Equality I ask that Anet show their support and help us players show it too, with the creation of a Rainbow Dye.
And please, make it available to all players, and not some super rare drop from the hardest JP chest you can only get to after battling Jormag and the Shatterers illegitimate twin dragon babies that spawns only on odd days of the week when the moon is waning.
Thank you for your consideration!
How many missed the beta that had the portal?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Recluce.3709
I was working a 12 hour day in public safety… I can’t just take a day off whenever I want. If this date had been released earlier I could have worked out some time off. Have they released other future dates? I saw only this one for us simple folk who got the portal.
To the OP: it’s sad you only come on once a week to run just one very small portion of the game. Obviously Anet was not trying to please JUST YOU in this class change. Try to think outside your box…. some of us who play Mes recognize the class support role that we can be. Also, they did not design this skill so that it was easy to catch the wave twice, they just showed that it was possible. They thought of the ability to do so and showed you a possible way to do it but at no time did they say you would be able to do it every stinking time (I can think of about 5 different skills that instantly change your positioning enabling you to catch this multiple times).
Now, I do agree with you that a new main hand weapon might allow us to make the max use of that skill easier, but I have stopped asking for the impossible.
Specializations (confirmed and speculative)
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Recluce.3709
Likewise, just because mes has wells doesn’t mean they’re mixed 1:1 with necro. Mes gets shield access, and could just as easily be construed as warrior or engi. Specializations aren’t 1:1 secondary professions, but rather a way to create brand new playstyles for each class. Just because dragon hunter has a longbow and traps doesn’t mean they will play at all similar to a ranger with lb and traps.
I think Anet liked the idea of playing with the similarity in the names….
They also obviously wanted a fan pleaser by bringing back the shield and Chronomancer that GW1 players recognize. I like that they are not direct secondary professions as in GW1, but I think it is a tip of the hat toward that aspect of GW1… and a lot of us were kinda disappointed when we learned that GW2 didn’t have secondary prof and also were stuck to certain weapons for each class. The Mesmer class has a lot of old GW1 fans who came over to GW2 to play the same class and were perhaps a bit miffed that the class operated so differently.
Specializations (confirmed and speculative)
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Recluce.3709
Saying Reaper is Necro/warrior is a bit naive. There are 3 classes with shouts and a greatsword. Warrior, guardian and ranger. Could just as easily be considered Necro/guard.
Wow, naive? That’s rude…. I am aware that warrior, guard and ranger have shouts and a GS; ranger has GS but their shouts are just pet related, and a large part of the new necro spec is shouts that effect more than their minions (pets). Although the concept of shouts doing dmg is new and not seen in other classes so you have a bit of a valid point, but ranger is already used in Dragonhunter. And I really think the Engi is getting more of a guard aspect with their hammer. I could be wrong, this is all a guessing game.
Specializations (confirmed and speculative)
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Recluce.3709
I suppose we can speculate on names too, based on the secondary profession:
1. Mesmer: Chronomancer
2. Guardian: Dragonhunter
3. Necromancer: Reaper
4. Ranger: Spiritualist SPECULATION
5. Engineer: Sapper SPECULATION
6. Elementalist: Tempest (SPECULATION but commonly accepted)
7. Thief: Commando SPECULATION
8. Warrior: Samurai SPECULATION
Specializations (confirmed and speculative)
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Recluce.3709
I am not including Revenant as one of the classes to be a “secondary profession” on purpose. It is a special type of character and I don’t see it getting this specialization/secondary prof treatment now if ever.
Specializations (confirmed and speculative)
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Recluce.3709
Apologies if this topic is a repeat, the search function sucks. So I saw this kinda done in another part of the forum but wanted to lay it out nicely here and see what you all thought.
The “Specializations” are really just a secondary profession, similar to what we had in GW1. So assuming that each main class will have another main as part of their specialization, and further assuming there will be no repetition of classes, here is my list of confirmed and speculated classes with corresponding secondary professions:
1. Ranger/Ele (uses staff in trailer)
2. Mesmer/Necro (has wells)
3. Guardian/Ranger (long bow and traps)
4. Necro/Warrior (shouts and great sword)
5. Engineer/Guardian (we saw use of a hammer and guard hammer skill #2 in the trailer)
6. Ele/Thief or Mesmer (both use sword, my guess is Mes, E/Me was popular in GW)
7. Thief/Engi (warrior already used, process of elimination on other classes with rifle)
8. Warrior/Thief or Mesmer (My guess is Thief and that they will get dagger)
During my travels and vacations I miss Guild Wars 2…. so much so that I see Tyria in the new landscapes before me. So when I visited the john Day Fossil Beds in Oregon these past weeks I resolved to take some pictures showing the “Tyria” I had discovered in our world. To assist with the transformation from Earth to Tyria I used some models resembling Charr warriors (Papo figurines).
I really think that this area resembles Silverwastes and I was really wishing I was farming the Heart of Maguuma while out on the road. (By the way, I found Dry Top, it’s Zion National Park, Utah)
Enjoy, please let me know what you think of my work, and what other Tyrian locations you have found!
I just knew I had to make my charr into a flying monkey with these wings. Of course it meant I also had to pony up another 200 gems for the top hat.
Wow, I feel like a dork.
PSA: kids, don’t buy/equip items after midnight; diminished brain capacity may occur leading to moments like these.
So I was soulbinding rockweed spire to my necro. I had only one weapon set equipped at the time. I had just pulled it out of my bank and the bank tab was still open. I opened the character tab and went to equipment, then double clicked the staff. It prompted me if I was sure I wanted to soulbind it and I selected yes. The skills on my bar “blinked” as if I had just equipped something new. But the staff wasn’t there, still only the other weapon set. It was nowhere, not on my toon, not in my inventory, and not in my bank.
I submitted a bug report, but has anyone ever had this happen before?
I haven’t seen this posted yet and it seems to be a combo of two problems.
1. I know of the past bug where Mesmer clones didn’t wear outfits. I wear the ceremonial outfit and noticed my clones were wearing it but theirs was the default dye scheme, while mine was still custom. (Screenshot available)
2. My own outfits eventually lost their custom dye and returned to default. This is occurring on any outfit I try.
I saw the dye bug reported with game crashes; I am not experiencing that.
I have dyed my armor crazy bright dyes in order to more easily see the specific time it reverts to defaults and will post any new findings.
I use that same build except that I put the 2 extra points into chaos and not illusions, so no torment on shatter. Just because I find I wasn’t shattering that frequently. I put a torment sigil on my torch for fun too, it props often enough to give me a giggle. Your build and gear may change a bit depending on if this is PvP or WvW.
You’ve got lots of options here… and bear in mind thst your build needs for PvP and WvW will be different sometimes.
Condi: great for PvP and WvW roaming. Your builds can be much the same. I like to use staff and scepter/torch. Many good builds for this can be found in the builds link above here, especially from Oscicat. I think napalm cat was a favorite, and maybe another called blackwater? Recent changes with scepter have brought these back into fashion and discussions on the forum here have build links. Explore the topics from the past week.
Interrupts: great in both PvP and WvW but now even more viable in larger group/Zerg busting because mantra of distraction is now an Aoe skill. I found a build called shatter lock that was posted in one of the topics just a couple days ago and I had a fun time using it for a bit. Lockdown builds will take your opponents by surprise because it is one of the lesser traited builds mesmers use. GS and sword/pistol seem to be favored in this but you will find opinion varies a bit on those specifics.
I would link for you but it’s rather hard to do on a mobile device. Again, check the stickied builds topic for all the kitteny build goodness.
Wow Suuns, props to you for making that look awesome!
Looks great with the ninja outfit they introduced last month. I got both, and also have the elegant guild back piece which to me is reminiscent of the samurai back flag (sashimono). I just have to find matching skins for all the other weapons now.
Whatcha think? I wanted the first four points for the added vulnerability and the torch condi clears. Plus torch has some great condi dmg and survivability with stealth.
This happened to FA this past Saturday. One of our guilds was GvGing on our own BL. I think they were playing against SoS. Then Mag hit us hard and there were only about 10 of us to defend. We did a call-out to our EB and I think a few got in but they said our BL was queued. Moral of the story: GvG on the non-participating server’s BL. Server 1 vs server 2: play on server 3’s BL, it’s just courteous.
This bug happens when you rep a guild with low population. It adjusted to thst, but when you look at other guilds or switch Earp to a larger one it doesn’t adjust to thst size member list. Just close and reopen guild window and it will resize to the current member list of the guild you are repping. I too in-game reported this a couple days ago.
First off, go to your bank and access the wardrobe. There you can preview all available skins, even ones you don’t have. This way you can see if you like the look before dumping all the cash into it.
I have a Charrmer and was just this morning working on a new look, focusing on the new ley line weapons and the glowy skins. I only have radiant gloves and nowhere close to the others so was trying some others. Here’s some ideas:
Zephyrite wind helm and back piece
Ascalonian weapons glow blue at night
Cobalt GS has blue flames
Heavenly hand guards are glowy and can be tinted blue (HoM unlock)
Ice lords diadem is blue (HoM)
Holographic dragon wings
Scepter of the highborn has a blue glowy effect
Don’t know what other weapons you are looking at so can’t make a lot of recommendations.
It only summons a clone when you have a target, otherwise you just blink and purple buttery fly.
Sometimes when my clone first pops out it takes on a generic character look then my toons “skin” appears in a blink. It’s weird…. Anyone else seen this happen?
I was actually thinking about this “bug” earlier and how it could work to my advantage…. when looking for the real Mesmer I am tab targeting through clones and phantasms and looking for the one with the same character picture but with buffs. If I wanted to hide that I was the annoying Mesmer doing all that shattering I would be hiding in plain sight…. My toon pic would be totally different from my clones and phantasms. Thoughts? Certainly in a larger group this could be viable….
I enjoyed having the Kurzik and Luxon based battles in GW1, getting those turtles was tons of fun! Seems this could be a good way to go here. You do already have Priory, Secrets, and Vigil… And your toons have already chosen one of them in the the storyline.