Showing Posts For Redbear.5910:
is this a joke? I’m happy with the difficulty. everything else in the game is basically a face roll. I am so sick of easy maps. If you cant solo mobs your doing something wrong. If you need hp’s use mapchat. Learn a bit of patience. Team up with your guild as someone suggested. But nerf? that’s just silly. This game caters to the casual as is, please leave some open world content worthwhile for us others looking for a challenge.
Yup i like also a bit of an challange. Finally they upped it a bit
So, I played GW2 when it first came out, and had a lot of fun with it — at first. Fractals rolled around, and they were fun, but you can only do the same thing so many times before it gets boring. So, I quit at about the beginning of Living Story season 1.
Flash forward a few years, and here I started playing again ~3 weeks ago. When I heard about new fractals, a raid, and all kinds of challenging content, I just had to come back! So, now I have an 80 Engineer and Elementalist (both fully geared out), I’ve been raiding in MMOs for upwards of 12 years, and all that — yet, to date, I’ve not even set foot inside the raid.
I’ve been listing myself in LFG for a week and a half or so, I’ve been asking around in chat, and so on. But, there’s just no one pugging a raid, or filling a spot, or any of that. And no guilds are recruiting that actually go into the raid.
So, what exactly is the issue? Is the raid in GW2 just one of the hardest in the genre or something, or are people just being silly?
Raiding was the main reason I came back to the game. : / And it doesn’t seem like I’ll even set foot in the raid any time soon.
I was away from this game for a while. but i hear the new expansion is out plus raiding.
So count me in. I like an challange.
I believe that is bad marketing.
Well i dont know whats going on, but i had an deluxe version of GW2 here and thought of upgrading my account to Hart of Thorns. Unfortunally i can not upgrade anymore and need to rebuy the whole game like anyone else? Is this temporary or Is it beter to recreate an account because it has the core game in it anyways. Seems the people like me beter can make another account instead of the upgrade. Wich makes no sense at all. Note i do not have the free to play account.
maybe you want to put an label 18 plus on this game also.
let me put it this way. what does a game in general has to do what is political correct? we dont have gun control in this game for now. but hey if i have to print it out i will. but for now ill let you figure this one out yourself.
dude iam not from the US. /facepalm
Hi people,
Maybe they want to put out the politics out of gw2.
In the real world we have anough of that BS. Maybe you can me the game just run about the fun and not try to put real life issue’s in this game thank you.
So if its no biggie why let them not do the patch tomorrow?
i think we should get an precursor for this.
YEs oma, it sucks bigtime. i rather have them do it tomorrow. i agree fully.
Why do people think LA will be rebuilt?
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: Redbear.5910
i did ignore it all the time. was busy farming.
ok joop here it goes kitten it Anet please say it will come out tomorrow it will be all good and people will go by their business. its fine you need a little more time as long you tell us. there are some people from all over the world waiting for that patch what does not gonna happen today.
Bored of waiting indeed i guess next time they take more time and say its on the 19th of feb. this sucks.
Why do people think LA will be rebuilt?
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: Redbear.5910
i see morronlan does ofcourse.. all hail morronlan… he knows everything..
Why do people think LA will be rebuilt?
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: Redbear.5910
Riku, i believe that wont happen. LA will transform yes but wont be gone like some like to believe. Already people gave some reasons why it should be still there. not even to mention the “personal story” who everyone has to do on his first character. what use does it have if LA isnt there anymore. remodel LA is a great idea. and also they can otherwise trough all the stuff away they made in the past. wich i dont believe they will unless there is an new expansion pack comming soon with another “personal story” who everyone does. and an new hub. LA2 or something. wich is not very likely.
maybe you should go back on topic. one drop does not make nor break the game.
It adds a lot to your credibility if you actually know what you’re talking about and don’t insist that you’re correct when the facts demonstrate otherwise.
It doesnt matter it is an yes no discussion witch can keep up forever. that is not my intention with this topic. let me put it this way i seen it drop from an different boss. and ill let it rest now. again not the issue with gw2. its the nice armor and weapons from those bosses not only one weapon for just a few classes.. as an warrior i dont care for an staff. plus they are only 5g to buy the final rest.
maybe you should go back on topic. one drop does not make nor break the game.
Sorry to bring this news to you. final rest isnt an SB only drop.
its not that i came up with the idea it was the devs who came with this idea and promised. So in a way it is not my problem how they do it. or impossible how it is. they need to fix this. make personal story personal. and the things i mentioned are duable.
Well mr Flamingfoxx you might be right. but i said beter unique rewards. final rest is not really unique to the BH. that is my take on it. again iam not impressed with the ascended armor neither i felt it was an letdown. people invest alot of time for it to get and get not much out of it.
I want to say i think its getting there in this game.
first the worldbosses got a bit harder wich is good. The bad is the rewards still are dissapointing. This needs to be improved, this could be done by special drops only from this boss alone. make it worth while you going to this boss again and again. see as it is an special legendary like skin/armor. Yes looks are importent.
Another issue i have is the personal story, i made a few characters and i dont feel i have an personal story, agreed i have some options but its not that personal like the other options. also talking about this, dynamic events are great but i dont have an feel i did something in the world wich had some impact. example. iam liberating an village, and all is well. but not even an hour later the village is on fire as nothing i did had happen. I can not even occupy this land or do anything else with it that would have lasting effect on the game it self. the personal story should be more involved towards the world you playing in. I did all those heroric things and noone seems to care (NPC’s) So not doing those things have the same effect. might have this changed so people actually do the personal story more.
I see if you kill an worldboss you can not respawn it anymore. so instead of killing the boss you might want to drive him away from the world so he can attack somewhere else. who in the right mind would attack the same spot over and over again? Also if the event fails something bad should happen to the world. and people have to rebuild that part of the world to gain access to the recources. rewarding people by freeing to build stuff there as well. like housing / castles. this imo would help people get more involved into the world. with castles and housing you can also sell some decrorating stuff for in the gemstore. i know you need money to keep this game alive.
So in short to make this game beter i would suggest
1. beter unique rewards
2. personal story worth doing /impact on the world
3. dynamic events really mean something now it resets every x-time.
4. make also goodlooking armor be earned ingame not only gemstore.
Short list maybe but i have an feeling it would help this game alot if you improve this.
I can imagine why he thinks like that though. and without being rude or use harsh words. I can see why people think like this. i hope they will change something in pve. i would like to see the personal story really personal now. and events really matter without doing the same over and over again and have no real impact on the world. wich was actually promised when the game released. so not an fantasy from me. Plus i do hope they put it in like this we can really lose an piece of the world because people dont defend it. not like how it is now. now its more like you lose a bit but they never press on. they stay in that area. i would want to see that they actually can press on till the capaital cities if noone defend the capital. or that you actually can make and city with your guild and is presistent in the gw2 world. buy mercenaries to defend your home. talking about home house is pretty much overdue. and as i mentioned before the rewardsystem should be different. now the harder bosses arent being done anymore. reason why is they drop about the same loot as the easier ones. so if you down an hard boss you get something that only drops from that boss. like an nice piece of gear or weapon. people would want to have that and actually want to down it.
load of people really like the hard bosses but if there is no difference in rewards people will stop doing that. its human nature. The Thief should be renamed to assasin, because that is what it is. thief is not imo the right name. you guys from anet had it right the first time assasin is the correct name.
God the nerf has enterd gw2.
Everything I read about is crafting a precursor.
Enough with it!
Get so many of that material, so many of that other one. It feels like a bad Japanese game.
So instead of forcing me buying stuff (T6 craft) or running a thousand world bosses, make it so I have interaction with Tyrian people. Make me use my brain, make me travel accross Tyria, make it take time so I can enjoy getting that precursor, but be careful: don’t make it boring or dull, I don’t want another Trahearne story. Use random wisely, make me go on a quest for once. Also, make it hard. Not huge-life hard, but i-have-to-use-my-brain hard. Make this part a complete adventure. See Indiana Jones (not the last movie, but the others, or even the Indiana Jones Atlantis game), make it like that. This quest should take roughly 20 hours and should not be doable in under 5 if you skip everything and kill everything on the first try with zerker. Also, it should be properly scaled if people do it together and most of all, it has to be exploit-proof.
If you’ve already finished implementing the recipes, just scrap them and rethink. Crafting is the way of the lazy both as developer and player.
TL;DR: Make a new game to get the precursor. Seriously.
Go do how i did it.
The quest of the magic toilet. put tons of rares in it and you get your precursor.
Hi guys i seen alot of bosses arent even being fought anymore because the reward is not all that great for the risk you take. what i think has to be done for those hard events have special amour skins or weapon skins drop there which makes it while to go there. if the same ol same drops there i can see and understand why people dont go there anymore. there is no use or motivation to go there again. if you change that it would help the game greatly imo. As long you dont do this most people wont do it anymore.
You might make the armour not soulbound so other people can buy it off the people who stuck there neck out and they can make good money out of it.
It’s been over a week and people still don’t grasp the concept of it it seems, even with a lot of people in each of the 5 lanes people still somehow manage to fail the event, it’s ridiculous, I can never seem to get my “achievements” because it relies too much on others, even if I complete it myself, it’s just a waste of time seeing as 99% of the time there’s always 1 platform who fails.
Getting tired of the same old same old :/ honestly its pushing me away from the game knowing most of the future achievements will most likely rely heavily on others (Temporary ones to make it worse)
It is because they are stuck with you.
Might be you who is failing alot.
@Tom, i think you pretty rude to people with a different opinion then yours. for people like you i hope ==> GO AWAY PLEASE the community dont need rude people like you. @Mike i can see why you see it like that. Imo i think there is little use to spec your character anything else then DPS. why? because there is no use to do it. for PVE anyways. and in WvWvW you spec for AoE dmg. it no or little use to do close dmg while you die on the way to your target. @Tom, still with me? i hope iam not going to fast for you. Because yes those a flaws. I like the switch weapon and different skills. but i dont like you can not spec the way you want that it helps the others. like interrupts etc. see the youtube of kaboose. Then the reward system is broken. even if you do almost nothing chances are you still get beter loot then other people who work their kitten off. And wht about all those SP people in this game? its for crying out loud an MMO. There is no use to do for rewards nothing else then CoF path 1. gives the most loot and most gold. And mostly you get the people who do the most dmg. And it still hasnt anything to do with WoW but how they make those fights. you can not interrupt any skills of an boss. and how about the world bosses at this moment? they are stupidly easy to kill. no skill involved. Even WoW sucks imo, it had more tactics then GW2 today in bossfights. but there is also a little light at the end of the tunnel they seem to fix that. And i hope really the actions will effect your character since now it doesnt matter. For Mike i really can see why you feel about this game. to bad people like Tom are so rude and do not want to go into discussion about this. They ruin the game to the core and the community. Anyways if you stop playing this game i hope you wont feel like everyone in this game is like Tom. Have fun with your game. And maybe we see eachother again in this game. Good luck.
maybe they shouldnt answer every question but answer the most answer the most common questions would be a start and what they have planned for this game is something a gamemaker should make time for or just quit making games.
Its time to jump MMO soon
Buff warriors untill they are OP. and nerf the rest!
I dont run any CoF anymore because it is to boring to run anymore.
only complain i have on CoF.
The only way to stop this is to stop playing for a while.
I tried to make suggestions but not even a peep from A-Net what they are planning for the future in this game. Also some promise they made at the start of the game they never kept so far. Iam still swinging that sword or gun with autoattack. not fun.
My efforts has like zero influence in the world or town for that matter.
Living story has alot of boring archieves to do. dragon bash like eating candy etc.
After one time in the dungeon you mostly give up on doing another one. because you dont get anything out of the dungeon. so after you made it once there isno or little motivation to go back. this really has to change.
I dont like henchies in this gw2. but i think henchies wont help gw2 anyhow to make it more fun. Make cool hard to beat worlddragons with loot we go see.. this is what i got from the dragon more people will do it. same goes for dungeons. and more loot drops.
not anytime soon i recon.
Good job yes but weak loot as Always.
Wish they really change the way to reward the players with this temp dungeon.
I can see why people dont even put the effort in after they done it once. they made it but not worth going back for. lootwise. Even i got back 4 times.. i think after 10 times iam sick of it because its not worth the effort.
Hi people,
Iam one of the Casual gamers you are aiming for.
I was very pleased you want to make a game your actions actually matters in this game.
But unfortunally it isnt.
Everything i did didnt matter at all or had no impact at the world.
I feel like that grunt you were talking about.
Please make it like you intented because this isnt like you want it.
You can actually use the living story for this.
If people dont help out it actually impacts on the world.
And even i like the cutscenes in here i still miss things to do in the living world.
It is to short what i can do.
And iam not aiming for the put fires out etc. those are very boring things to do.
Plus you can use the living story to upgrade your dragon fights. People seem to get sick of just standing there and use autoattack. even it is handy if you need to do the dishes in the mean time i can not see this is how you intent those fights.
I dont get a feel of epic porpotion at all. Make them a little harder to kill. Make it more dynamic on the world as well.
Also why not be able to kill all the undead since we kill the source in the story?
You can also introduce a new menace to the world if you defeat them.
This also works the other way around not killing them is spreading all over the world.
The dungeon fights should be really looked at. now you want mostly dps in there. and as far i have seen its mostly groups consisting out of a few warriors mesmer and a gardian. You should make fights so that it has use to have the other classes in. their special abillities matters. you might wanna go in with 5 of the same but it would be loads harder.
Again i dont mind open world raids. but improve them alot. now they are a waste of time and effort you put in.
You might wanna put a server up for this to trail and error on this.
invite some of your audience to put it to the test.
Maybe some dont have faith anymore but i know there are some people who can pull it off.
Gemstore get rid of the rng stuff in there.
Its awefull anough its in the game but if you buy something you should get your things right away you buying for.
Good things like unlimited mine and sickle and armor piece are a good example of how doing it. bad example are the rng chest and keys you can buy off. you mostly not getting worth your money.
Then reward system.
Why doing a dungeon over and over again?
You got all the tokens fine. but you skip the harder or long ones.
Make it worth while the longer dungeons. let those drop special armorskins.
the real pretty onces.
Or amor plans you can make those very nice amorpieces.
You can use the idea from your own gw1. get a piece of item you need to make that special item.
Make a hardmode dungeon who need special skills more then only dps.
Let them use CC or any other way to defeat the groups.
I can see for example you need to CC one that has a ability to heal all the enemies quickly. and another can make them invurnble and you have to interrupt his skill.
something like this. This way you can make the fights more intresting without make the dungeon compleetly different. Also living story can make a valuble asset in this one.
Reason i put so often living story in this i believe living story is used wrongly. While it could be very usefull to make new content or make a impact to the world. make the players decide if some of the content stays or not.
Then yes iam all for the living story. Then we do make a impact on the world and our decission really matters because we dont wanna get rid of some of the stuff or we do.
Not sure if this get all be reading by the folkes of A-Net i might just put a word in like WOW etc etc.. SWTOR etc etc..
There is a reason why SWTOR failed and why GW2 is on the edge of getting a failure.
SWTOR had nothing to do at the end of the story they put in. it got boring and did alot what wow already did. and i didnt like it. so that is why i wend to GW2. but in the end if you not going for your legendary there isnt much to do.
Living story as it is not is to short to get involved atm. take a look at your own gw1.
Why i liked the story. Get rid of the name thief and make it an assassin. because that is what it is. For now ill stop i really hope you can turn this around we need really some compelling endgame in any form i already put in this topic. We are not afraid to use some skills. Thank you again for hearing me out.
Ok marnick, i played today 30min. I want to do more on kitten holding down the autoattack and do the dishes while iam at it. If you think this is hard please stop playing games. If we the “hardcore” group who wants to do more than pressing 1 and standing still, you must out of your mind. We want to say harder content we have to move a little click on a skill who protects us have a little social teamwork going on. Doesnt mean hardcore must invest 100plus hours to learn that fight. But i guess you dont wanna know from another casual gamer. I dont buy rng stuff either. Bring in some harder content in with fights you gottha think a little. I can see the frustration with people when only dps isneeded. We need a little tactics. Living story should never be the main core of the game but something extra you can do.
Oh no kabooose GW2 is awesome … if it would be a little more challaging and more things to do.
The archieves are indeed no more then go 10 times to the toilet and flush it. something like that. No Quest go there and do something good to the world wich actually helps the world. or when you do nothing it get worse. Time for me to look up on those promise who Anet made before they release this. Anyone got the link?
Its a shame while it looks pretty good you can kill most dragons with not even moving around and just go autoattack and go afk, come back and you got the gold award. The awards are pretty useless and in the end not worth doing.
Maybe they should revamp the rewards. we dont want loads of blue’s and greens and rare’s we want skins, rare ones! who look mighty cool when you have the compete set.
You can do it like this… make it a kinda scavangerhunt. you need so much pieces of this to make an item out of it. and make the dragons a little harder. now its not even funny. Also the dungeons should be remade. Reason people complain about the warrior is to strong is they feel their class is useless. give the other classes use again.
Like in CC or whatever they can do best. adjust the boss to that. make it feel like a teamsport again. Make the story personal again. that will be the most difficult task you have to do.. but you made the promise of personaly story not me
Even you dont like to play as much anymore kaboose, hope to talk to you in the game.
Enjoyed your video’s like Always. your dear fanboy of gw2!
To ANet, if you look upon youtube you know people like kaboose and dontain put up this video’s to make the game beter. and they really want it to succeed. hopefully you pop in a few of their idea’s. Give us something really challanging wich will make us hate the dungeon but love you for making it.
A somewhat casual player!
Would love to see compleet armor sets. not like in the dungeon you get only the gloves for the archievement. like the new helmets we just got. i want the whole set. ty please. either put them in gemstore or let them be earned for amor plans or something.
I believe RNG on paid items out of the gemshop is not fair.
For example black lion chest keys or other chest are not worth any of your money at all.
But i dont want to be negative all the way… so the items of some events like the weapons and armor are more worth your money. because you get the item you pay for not a chance. since this is obviously a choice from the players i dont choose to buy any rng drop chest or keys from the gemshop. i would recommend anyone not to do so either.
I think Mejo has a good point here. i do often get a gold medal for doing almost nothing. 4 or 5 strikes and bam gold. this is not really fair compare to the other people who put more effort in it. effort should be rewarded. like ressing people healing buffing etc. not direct combat things. now people try to hit the dragon a few times before ressing anyone. The reward you get should mean something imo.
would love a spvp wich i can group up with my friends without paying extra for it. it is stupid teaming up with your guildies and then have to fight them even when you group up with them. not even a SGVG here.
elite? pardon me? you have problems with the current content?
Maybe you should read trough the most of this forum you will conclude your a minority. and i am with the growing population of people who need a little more challange. I want to do more then autoattack at a worlddragon please. thank you. And where is the personal story then in this? for me its all the same. and i dont like the plantman in this one either. if you think iam a elitist you dont know me very well i play max 2 hours a day and have no problem to get all the archievements. iam a how most people say a casual player. nowhere near elitist. if you want to see elite players you might go play wow for a bit and see how awefull they are. I could go on but i guess i made my point here. mr hyper casual.
the only thing i hear from most people nerf the HB of the warrior .. i say why you can not evade a simple skill like that?
Once more someone speaks for everyone without actually discussing it with everyone. I’m a PvE player, I’m not fed up. Would having more Dungeons and more Fractals be good, sure, I won’t deny that, but I really couldn’t care less. I get more than enough content without ever even entering either of those places.
You don’t want content, because you don’t actually know what that word means. There is an infinite supply of content throughout the game because at no point does any of it become trivial. The game is specifically designed to prevent it from doing just that.
You are a subset of the PvE community that demands a very specific kind of content. Please stop trying to talk for the rest of us and be a bit more precise in your labeling. Thanks.
Well iam also a PVE player and i compleetly disagree with you.
The content is way to easy.
I let my little nephew play and he hasnt any problems with whatever he is doing in gw2. There should be a little challange.
I do agree they should put in more content for the people who like more challanges and beter rewards like mr kaboose was saying. also the personal story is not personal at all. the lore didnt pull me in like in the first GW1. they should put more cutscenes in wich are telling you the story instead of reading WoT. Living story should not be the MAIN thing to do but something you can also do. now it seems its the temporary endgame you have in this game wich it should not be to be honest. I would want to see the Worldbosses and the Zaithan to be way harder and much more rewarding to drop something good for you. even if it is only a chance on this drop it would be worth to do it more often. Every build you make should be usefull atm its mostly dps build and tank.. yes you can make a healing build i know. but no use for the CC build. see kaboose his post on youtube. To be short i need another carrot. in form of another skin or other rewards. no more RNG drops like a few rares and a silver and copper..
I wish they did all they have promised it would be more then fine today. IF you need a reminder you might want to look this also up on youtube. if it still is there
I do mind. best thing would be you could manually adjust the stats as you once did in gw1. If you use the transmusting stone it does not show up as a legendary anymore. wich is why you did it in the first place after all. So yeah i do understand his point of view. I hope they also stat up the stats for legendaries a bit since they are the hardest thing to get in the game afterall. Also put in a extra AR in this weapon.
I dont know who you do those dungeons with. but all dungeons are pretty easy. Maybe you should group up with a experienced group. Make sure you do what they tell you.. you see all the dungeons are easy. but yes the reward system needs a huge overhaul.
Same here mate, lets hope they do something about it.
Hi people from ANet,(warning to others WALL OF TEXT INCOMMING)
recently i reached a point i felt not playing this game anymore.
I thought what is causing this?
Gave it a real thought. Then it struck me.
It was everywhere you go you almost give the best gear by doing almost nothing.
Plus the other part is. wich is actually even worse my things i did in the world of GW2 didnt had any effect at all.
I freed people and later they got locked up again… same people same locks and same guards. So yeah ok… nothing changed… i liberated a village and a few min later is occupied again.
everywhere i wanted to go nothing helped. All my efforts are in vain.
Then there is the living story…
you think whats wrong with this?
Well its something the same what i just typed before.
Even if i do nothing at all the outcome does not change the least.
It can not go wrong the world does not change if i dont or do anything.
So this is what i really want to ask you people. Let me feel like i matter even we all know it doesnt. Dont want to be Grunt10001. Now it is still this way. Grunt10001 reporting for duty and do the same ol same.
Please change this.
Couple idea’s would be if you repel the attack you can go after the attackers and force or talk them into a truce. (sorry for the typo’s) And if they get attacked you get a message to help them out as well. You could build with your guild a village for them and they put up the guildflag in the middle of the town you build in your honor.
Make the parts of the land also dynamic. let it flood or earthquake. you can help there as well. makes it even more random. Also awesome for the very casual players.
Now for the dungeon runners who want some extra challange in the game.
Might want to make a warning sign in front of it… failure is not an option.
Make that a once a day dungeon who is really hard to master. some tactics. Dont worry there is alot of people who wait for this challange.
Can not say this often anough make the worlddragons a little more then a pushover.
Some other events are harder then the worlddragons. its a shame in this because they really look awesome and epic when they come down. but they are a joke in killing.
Please add some kinda tactics here. Trust me people in the end will enjoy it more.
Reward system should be adjusted.
Drops should be depended on what you kill and howmuch risk you took.
Example you kill a pushover you more likey get a blue or white drop.
Higher risk green or yellow and very high risk should be awarded with a special drop who comes from that particial boss or dungeon or other high risk event or even jumping puzzle.
This way people do that thing more often to get their drops. See SaB! it works loads of people did that for that drop. and got sold. make the dungeons also work like that.
Put RNG things out of the Gemshop. its an insult to your fanbase.
I dont like gambling so please think of something else.
phew i know its a wall of text and all but i really want to game to be very special for us.
Again i hope you make some of this in the next expansion or patch. I think alot of people will return and say yeah this is a fun game, you can do something and mean something to the game.
Last thing this is how it works.. you help us we help you!