Showing Posts For Regh.8649:

The New Lion's Arch - Feedback [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Regh.8649


I like the new LA, cant say its better than the old one, they’r just different and I love’em both.

But there’s a political reason for this!

Next time vote for Evon Gnahsblade

Edit: I miss the water canals.

That…. actually makes sense. The walls DO strike me as aesthetically similar to Divinity’s Reach, the human city, which Ellen is……..does that mean if we had Evon the city would have been more Charr-like? Slightly?

No doubt about it
With so much salvageable metal value left after Scarlet’s attack… Evon would have never let this free material opportunity go to waste.

We’ll hear from Ellen and Evon soon enough… and how big is the debt of L.A. :P

The New Lion's Arch - Feedback [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Regh.8649


I like the new LA, cant say its better than the old one, they’r just different and I love’em both.

But there’s a political reason for this!

Next time vote for Evon Gnahsblade

Edit: I miss the water canals.

(edited by Regh.8649)

Pre-Purchase Community Address

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Regh.8649


Look ArenaNet, I get that you’re in damage control mode and it was a very tactical move. Yet, you’ve still not done the right thing and made the character slot available for any preexisting account. Instead, you do the wrong thing and make it a prepurchase bonus. That’s not a veteran reward and I’m not prepurchasing because of this.

I really hope you guys can learn to listen before making some decisions. Your history says otherwise.

See you later after expasion when the price is cut to what you deem it worthy and then you still have to buy another slot to play revenant bud.

For all you can tell, that can be sooner than you think… by the way you talk I’ll assume you pre-purchased the expansion, I mean you cant even be sure of the content you’ll get, dont even know all the new features that will be implemented IF they get implemented and yet you fed this system with your money.

No one even knows if you get a month worth of content.

I might end up paying more on the official release, but at least I’m paying for a “finished” product that I can see and evaluate. I’m not buying promisses, not here, not in anything in my life.

How can people be so blind and easily manipulated is behond me…

Pre-Purchase Community Address

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Regh.8649


It would be so good if everyone would stop this pre-order/pre-purchase nonsense.
I wont expect anyone to understand this and I don´t even doubt the intelligence of the masses, so I wont bother telling you why, because I trust you already know.

Buying promisses is just sad. Listen or ignore it

Warrior Elite Specialization Ideas

in Warrior

Posted by: Regh.8649


I hope it’s the torch but it’s probably going to be something lame and completely un-warrior like pistol or dagger.

Dagger is not un-warrior, usually used for emergency close combat and unfavored situations.

I think and hope warrior will stay magic free and I can only see two junctions here;
Warrior and thief, no stealth ofc, but dagger quick combat and poison.
And the most plausible to me, warrior + engineer, where pistols would fit the non magical theme.

Torch while also non magical, it would fit more a thief spec as a raider, but I can see it working with warrior.

But that’s me.


[Suggestion] AoE auto loot automatically

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Regh.8649


True WvW players die with a hundred loot bags and chests surrounding them.

That was…. Heroic!

Mounts [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Regh.8649


While I don’t care if there are mounts or not, I think the most fitting for a Charr would be a Giant Devourer or some sort of machine (small tank/motorcycle/quad) or a mix of both… a Mechanical Devourer

New musical instrument: Scottish Pipe

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Regh.8649


As a beginner bagpipe player I strongly support this idea!
I’ve already posted this desire in a specific thread of “Gemstore Items” wishlist

[Suggestions] Gemstore Items

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Regh.8649


  • Ammunition backpack skin
  • Bagpipe

Charr legions and Technology

in Lore

Posted by: Regh.8649


Those massive tanks have hints of a wasted red tint all over the carcass, have a bulky look not as refined as the smaller ones also present in the Wagon Deck.

I could see them being made by BL and being repaired in the black citadel since they might have been assigned along with the troops to aid the Iron Legion in their many battle fronts.

When it comes to the Ash Legion… well they must be doing justice to its policy of secrecy since I can´t find any clues apart from the turrets in the personal story.

(edited by Regh.8649)

Charr legions and Technology

in Lore

Posted by: Regh.8649


… Blood Engineers would probably make nastier Charrzookas or pilot siege engines.

Thats what I thought at first too, but when I went to check the tank factory in the Black Citadel (somewhere near the Factorium district) I saw those massive tanks, generaly used by Blood Legion Soldiers being created.
Iron is probably creating those custom tanks by BLegion demand for the frontlines.
You can find those tanks in your home instance near BL settlement, and spread over ascalon lands also under BL control.

Might wanna check it

Edit: Black Citadel >Prep Wagon Deck is the correct location


(edited by Regh.8649)

Charr legions and Technology

in Lore

Posted by: Regh.8649


Thank you Riku and BuddhaKeks, You make interesting points

Charr legions and Technology

in Lore

Posted by: Regh.8649


Hi all,

I’ve been wondering for a while now, since I did some research but cant find any clues about the subject. We know that the Iron Legion is all about new tech without losing they core social ranks and soldier oriented traditions.

But what do we know about the other legions technological improvements?
In the Charr personal story (Iron I think) we are asked to give some kind of ghost killing device to one of the legions so they can improve it in some particular way. The Blood legion creates a massive cannon and Ash converts it into movable turrets.

With this I’m lead to believe that each legion is indeed progressing in this matter.
Can someone enlighten me on this with further knowledge?

Heavy Amour: Charr or Norn

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Regh.8649


Pick Charr, buy the cooking outfit, use Kevin mace and Rusttooth sword skin

What is player character's "power level"?

in Lore

Posted by: Regh.8649


Logan said something in one of the last LS episodes that we alone represent 87% of the pact force… not sure about the exact percentage… but it was high and it felt Legendary.

My main character is not a big fan of Destiny’s Edge because they seem like a bunch of children at each others throats over personal grudges with too much power on they’re hands while Elder Dragons threaten to destroy tyria… yeaaahh no big deal.

I love my new band of brave misfits, they’re young and naive but hell they ARE bold….
What I’m trying to say is that we’re witnessing a shift in power between our band and DE, so if we’re ot yet “legendary” we’ll soon be, the PC is the Elder Dragons nemesis.

Best looking Hammer Go Go

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Regh.8649


Iron Hammer, because it looks like a hammer.

and its dark iron, bronze and mithril variants.

New Black Feathered Wing Backpack!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Regh.8649


More wings? I thought we were past this lunacy.

I cant even find the right words. I just…. nevermind…

they still want us nerf?

in Warrior

Posted by: Regh.8649




Getting to Know Your Fellow Posters Thread

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Regh.8649


-Today I’m 28. Tomorrow, I’ll be 29. I am a female.

If I did my math right…. Happy Birthday!!!!

Inspecting or`the incurable curiosity of men`

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Regh.8649


I think you could just ask. It’s an MMO, don’t be afraid of human interaction! People who spend a lot of time to make their character look appealing probably wouldn’t hate the flattery of someone asking about their looks.

Fully agree with this.

When I see someone with an awesome armor/dye mix… I pm the player, letting him know that I found his looks amazing and ask him/her what they’r wearing in case I cant identify.
Everyone likes this interaction! If the player is not afk he will certainly say “thank you” and will link the equipent if you just ask, even tell you the dyes he/she’s using!
Sometimes I just congratulate ppl!

Don´t you love when you receive a pm saying: “Nice armor mix mate!! can you link it please?” ?

That said, I dont quite agree with such system, ppl are still to attatched to common MMO options, the absence of direct trade already shortens the casual interactions.

If this ever gets implemented I’ll not make a drama out of it, but will not support.

Getting to Know Your Fellow Posters Thread

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Regh.8649


  • I’m an online marketeer
  • Native european
  • I like to hand draw imaginary characters on paper
  • Amateur Bagpipe and didgeridoo player
  • Rock music festival organizer
  • I love wild life
  • My best friend is a German shepherd dog named Salazar
  • Twice I got out of the subway to help blind people catch it (lost the subway myself but it felt good)
  • broke the highway code more than a few times to save dogs from beeing killed.
  • And my girlfriend (for 7 years now) apart from being a journalist, runs a Dog shelter
  • I consider mylself the avatar of pragmatism, until someones presents me a better definition
  • I usually don’t play as human in any mmo if I have the choice

Edit: Salazar at his early months


(edited by Regh.8649)

How do I destroy power rangers on my warrior?

in Warrior

Posted by: Regh.8649


You cant defeat a Power Ranger… they even have Mega Zords as pets


Enough with the Salad!

in Lore

Posted by: Regh.8649


So… salad, caladbolg, stick sword, legendary, impossible, possible, I want it, I do not… mommy… daddy?


Mordremoth better be like TEQ

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Regh.8649


Maybe Mordremoth will be the first instanced raid?

[Suggestions] Gemstore Items

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Regh.8649


I would love to see an ammunition backpack…. maybe even using the guild backpack template with ammo belts bouncing as you move


I’d also like it to have webbing with stripperclip pouches if possible (yes clips; since mags don’t exist in the GW2 universe, at least as far as rifles and pistols are concerned)

C’mon Anet you know you want on of those too

-A stool toy. A lot of people asked for the ability to sit on furniture, but of course working on that would be too time consuming for the dev, I can understand that. What about giving the player the ability to make a stool appear and sit on it ? Pretty much like the riding broom gives you the ability to fly sit and fly on a broom, etc.

hahah interesting!

[Suggestions] Gemstore Items

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Regh.8649


I would love to see an ammunition backpack…. maybe even using the guild backpack template with ammo belts bouncing as you move

HoT is Underwhelming

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Regh.8649


I totally agree with you man.
I’ m waiting more infos about specialisation and balance feature.
If they don’ t balance or fix ranger pets I doubt i will buy the expansion. I’ m not interested in pve stuff or guild halls.
I just want to play a balanced game with my favourite class : ranger.

Wake up and smell the coffee man!
Really hope you wont buy HoT… quit the game already!
Since you dislike so much every aspect of the game, offer constructive and well funded suggestions, instead of QQing all the time!

New Character Select?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Regh.8649


I don’t know if they will add a new character select screen. I remember way back when GW1 was first released. The characters were all gathered around a campfire, and would step forward when selected.

That would be so cool! In my “humans-free” select menu…
Our character sitting around a campfire with a dense surrounding jungle, with glowing eyes preying on us.


Asura,Sylvari or Charr...

in Warrior

Posted by: Regh.8649


Asura cus sissy warrior hits like a wet noodle. Save charr for Revenant ^^

Nah… a Charr warrior by itself, is already a legend worth summoning!

Asura,Sylvari or Charr...

in Warrior

Posted by: Regh.8649


There ya go!

Edit: plenty of ideias


(edited by Regh.8649)

Gliding system and Armor set designs etc....

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Regh.8649


hope this will make it to the expac and you’ll win another old time fan.

And lose a few hundred at the same time….

I respectfully disagree on this matter.
To a vast majority (I hope I’m right) the GW armor is some of the best out there, while retaining it’s fantasy theme, they are beautifully designed to reflect a functional armor.

Anet always does it differently

Attachement: Armor from GW1 (thats what I’m talkin about ;p )


POI: Anyone else have this reaction?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Regh.8649


The more we have info about the new expansion the more we get disappointed XD I truly hope this trend will change..or no Hot for me sorry ^^

Who are these we, you keep talking about?
Maybe you should go and get a check up so we dont keep happening

Im glad we havent heard the R word from you yet in this thread tho its and improvement

what about “SADNESS”?!

Since there is no new weapons...

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Regh.8649


  • Seals the fate that there will never be any new weapons. I don’t see any future for new weapons anyways.

I just don´t agree with this last sentence, but I get what you mean… we have a slingshot skin for the shortbow right?

Crafting is overly complicated

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Regh.8649


I don’t mind the logic GW crafting system… the only thing I really miss is some animation… if I’m working on weaponsmith I woud love if an anvil pops up the moment I open the crafting menu (near a designated place ofc) and my character starts hammering a piece of metal… or just hitting the anvil, as long as it feels “real”.

Ok and a little revamp on those menus will ya?

Flying endurance is not fun.

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Regh.8649


I still think you have all wrong and its the dodge meter called wait for it: “ENDURANCE”
for aerial dodging the flying foes they will be adding. You can only glide/fly for so long as you descend to earth, so you’ll probably not need any gauge or anything for flight time as the trailers shown players going down rather quickly but not as fast as falling to your death normally.

I think you’re right in this Yumiko

Druids! What are you thoughts/concerns?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Regh.8649


(click his name and see posts)

Ranger is the most broken class in this game. It has no survival skills. Ranger traits compared to those of other classes are simply…..SADNESS.
Ranger F skills are useless too : if our pet dies LOL no more F skills anymore. ( ehhh compare our F skills with warriors one like eviscerate and cry with me )
If ranger is broken Druid will be too.
After two years and half of disappointment for ranger class…Druid will be the next step of disappointment.
Anet fix ranger and balance it

Your getting really annoying… I bet every profession will be broken as long as you play it (not judging you intellect).

After two years and half of disappointment you say… try another prof maybe? man I don’t even…

Nothing at all sice a few days

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Regh.8649


i’d like to remind the overly enthusiastic fans that ANet, just like you, have weekends off. they are real people with families and friends, and they too like to spend at least a day or two off of work, as much as they love their job.

and really, we had new stuff saturday, whether you liked or not.


Nothing at all sice a few days

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Regh.8649


Ram year, celebration is comming soon to keep us busy
As for the rest, yeah I’m eager to see whats coming for specializations and the new weapon unlocks as much as you I think.

But everyone is watching the never boiling pot right now, 4 days ain’t nothing really, lets chill, have a few beers and hope Russia and Nato stop playing age of empires ;P

The Druid

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Regh.8649


Guys let’ s be Honest.
Rangers have asked so many times to have their class finally fixed and nothing substantial was done.

Don’ t be too enthusiastic about druid.
If ranger right now is the worst class in gw2 ( if you don’ t agree with me look the spvp finals/ tournaments and tell me how many rangers you see there ) Druids will be the worst specialisation.
Too many times we’ ve asked for more survival skills, too many times we have asked for decent F skills ( compare our F skills with warriors or engi ones and if my pet dies i can’ t use any F skill…are we joking?^ XD )
Nothing came. Nothing will come for ranger.
Simply becouse devs don’ t play rangers.
Accept that mates

Flying endurance is not fun.

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Regh.8649


You would save yourself a lot of pain, if you just stop comparing gliding with flying.

I’m fine with gliding so far, “true flying” would put the new content to rest in a matter of days… so no thanks.

The glider is a gadget developed due to the extreme conditions we face in the jungle, something your character as to master and improve… I get the impression that’s something crude and experimental, probably made from the wreck of the pact fleet.

That said, the endurance bar would just enhance that feeling… and if you fall when the endurance runs out…well…. can we have an emergency parachute backpack?

I don't even know what to say to this

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Regh.8649


I don’t even…

Ascended gear grind is OTT ridiculous

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Regh.8649


I agree with every reply so far!

I can only play a few hours a week after work, and making my ascended gear was what kept me busy for a long time, every piece I made was a story of countless kills, events, world exploration, wvw… etc. I felt accomplished for every piece I crafted. (thanks Anet for turning crafting into something viable and worth every minute of my gameplay)

I really enjoy going out to gather wood, metal and plants…. found a few hidden events (like that creepy strange old man in a lost graveyard), jumping puzzles, player in need of some help and odd NPC’s all around Tyria during my journeys.

It’s all about the journey right?
(Anet could you add crafting animations btw? )

Types of masteries!

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Regh.8649


Ok seriously speaking now… Climbing would be my greatest wish.
Masteries like these would open possibilities for combat positioning.

Like fighting a world boss with a weak spot above his head or back and the only way to get a clear shot to those areas would be from the top a hill (or tree) accecible only through climbing mastery. But in order to get the boss in range (or to lower his defences, other masteries would be required.

That would be a whole new level of trinity

Types of masteries!

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Regh.8649


Choke a dinosaur to death with my teeth.
Yup I’m a Charr

Fixed it[HOT]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Regh.8649




He put a bow instead of a blade.

I know, but i’m not seeing the point of it.

… and that makes two of us I guess

Fixed it[HOT]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Regh.8649


…the bow thing

GW2 HoT: new trailers

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Regh.8649


Dinosaurs…. finally the zombie “cliche” is over!
Legendary T-Rex badkitten dinosaur face off… (dreaming).
Hope they use something similar to the jurassic park “rawrs” sound

Any bones for us BEFORE HoT?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Regh.8649


A watched pot never boils!

… yeah I can’t stop looking at it right now

Post a pic of your character only if your armor is mix-n-match

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Regh.8649


Gone for a mid-heavy armor looking.
Mix of cultural, karma and braham skin.
Dyed with mithril (my first rare dye drop and my main colour since… ever)

Oh!.. and thats Bob Fury, my useless companion…. we get along just fine


I am Sylvari! I am not Zombari!

in Living World

Posted by: Regh.8649


I am Sylvari! I am not Zombari! I stand with you against the elder Dragons!

- Breanna Banana, Sylvari Ranger

I’m a Charr, whom killed their own gods… SO I’ll stand beside any Sylvari thats feels like doing the same to that Elder flying cabbage.

Sylvari helped us defeating Zaithan and stood beside us in every single battle…. they hmm “bled” with us.

If in any moment I’m forced to choose… I’ll stand beside you,
Timber Warband – Blood Legion