Showing Posts For Reilem.5910:

Please thieves, get it together

in Thief

Posted by: Reilem.5910


Um as the author of the “Thieves” thread in the Mesmer forum I feel you’re misrepresenting my post.

Terribly sorry, will change. As some have pointed out I was cherry picking. Apologies.

I made the topic berserker is being slept on. If you read it you’d see I’m hyped for it and wasn’t sure if other people were. The topic was positive and got good feedback. Please improve reading skills.

Yeah I’ll be straight with you, I didn’t read the post :P . Warriors were all the way at the bottom of the list I had already spent too much time reading. I’ll remove it from the list.

I know it’s “whining about whining” but it has just gotten too much for me to ignore. Every day I come here there is some new hateful post, hating on Anet for absolutely no valid reason, and it annoys me to the core. It’s just super disrespecting to say such horrible things about people who have done nothing other than their best to help this game become what it is.

As someone who has played since beta this game has changed immensely, and if there is something that bothers you, it probably will be addressed over time. But please stop making these USELESS hate-forum-posts about things that ANet is perfectly aware of, and start enjoying the game.

Please thieves, get it together

in Thief

Posted by: Reilem.5910


Stop polluting this forum with negative opinions about things that don’t matter (names of things) , things that are unfinished (elite spec) and things that just needed to happen (balancing). I’m posting this to show those who still like thief in its current state and understand that balancing and pleasing everyone is a very complex matter, you are not alone. Thief is still amazing, ignore the children who don’t understand this is just a game.

Some threads from other class subforums:

Elementalists: “How many will quit if they dont fix tempest?”

Engineers: “Who’s the dev responsible for engi”

Guardians: Taken from “Decribe the Dragonhungter in 3 words”

  • Don’t force ranged.
  • Not really good
  • Boring ranger wannabe
  • Worst name Ever

The list goes on, and on and on…

Mesmers: Many threads about bugged out clones, skills and disciplines.

Necromancers & Rangers: Funnily enough, barely any complaints coming from these guys.

Revenants: Just a bunch of hype lol.

Warriors: “I dont like Anet’s way of thinking about us”,

Daredevil is announced and all you guys can do is complain about the name??? How the kittening what? I’m looking forward to try out the new skills and a brand new weapon with brand new weapon skills and see how I can use them. I’ll see what I get when it’s FINISHED and then see if I like it or not. If it’s bad then guess what I’m going to do? Not use it. WOW. Mind bender right?

I know most of you who complain are a vocal minority, but complaining on these forums A. won’t change a darn thing, B. make you look like a kitten , C. turn something good into something bad just because you don’t like it.

TL; DR Everyone complains about how bad and under powered their class is, thief is no different. Daredevil is unfinished and if a name is enough to make you dislike something, then grow the kitten up.

(edited by Reilem.5910)

The TP just swallowed my money

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Reilem.5910


So i sold around 5 gold worth or iron, platinum and steel and the TP says these items are ‘sold’ but at first i got nothing and now i got around 3 gold back. But during my waiting period i got a lttle anxious and decided to recall certain items i had also been selling and these i haven’t gotten back either.

Just reporting this, i hope i get my stuff back.

Ascended greatsword, same cost as sword?

in Crafting

Posted by: Reilem.5910


Alright i see. It’s a kitten shame though. Might aswell be making a GS with the mats i’m putting into this. Oh well. :\

Ascended greatsword, same cost as sword?

in Crafting

Posted by: Reilem.5910


So apparently it takes an equal amount of ascended crafting materials to make an ascended sword as it does to make an ascended greatsword. While with regular mats a sword is cheaper than GS.

Is this done on purpose, or is it just a glitch? Because this seems weird to me.

Unusual lag issue

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Reilem.5910


Depressed crafting weapons? Wait for armor.

in Crafting

Posted by: Reilem.5910


You think that will be bad?

36 Bolt of Damask mats:

  • 36*50 Bolt of Silk = 3600 Silk Scrap
  • 36 Globs of Ectoplasm
  • 360 Thermocatalytic Reagent
  • 36*20 Bolt of Wool = 1440 Wool Scrap
  • 36*10 Bolt of Cotton = 720 Cotton Scrap
  • 36*20 Bolt of Linen = 1440 Linen Scrap

Good luck farming these materials, as you will mostly get high level materials with a level 80 character.
So most of the time you will get Gossamer and Silk, the lower level mats are basically unfarmable.

This is what I fear it will look like.

Not sure why you’re getting mad about this. “Oh look big numbers” 3600 silk scraps? Thats like 3 gold.
1440 Wool scraps, is 6 gold?
720 Cotton is 10 gold.
1440 Linen is 5 gold.

Oh… no… 25 gold, anet wants us to farm…
You’re kidding me right?
You just buy it after a day of Frostgorge. :P Who ever said anything about having to farm mats?

Sexiest/best looking armour for thief?

in Thief

Posted by: Reilem.5910


Not exactly blending in, but it works.


Guardian for dungeons

in Guardian

Posted by: Reilem.5910


OP reads first few replies and comes back a few days later

“Oh so more people have replied?… nice more info n kitten…that’s a new one…oh it’s another completely different build…oh and they’re argueing about it now…let’s see who comes out first here…i mean this guy could be like completely wrong…yeah so that other guy was right…so this is kinda it then?…everyones agreeing on this one it seems…so i guess it’s that on-…nope this guy is saying something else again…and now they’re argueing about it again…oh dear lord… yes hello there comment about Op, i am indeed very scared…and now some other dude is asking for help about his build?… on my thread o.0…and they’re all helping him aswell… dude like there are like 4 other guys getting help here or something…and they are all being helped… whaaat o.o… wow that’s actually some better advice i’m getting from these guys… man that’s was alot of info… holie kitten this thread just keeps getting replies…guys wut r u doing, guys staihp…eeh”

-(Not hating here just very surprised, usually my questions get only a few replies and this is just funny)-(and carry on. Some people are getting helped here so no need to close this)

When is Taidha Covington up?

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Reilem.5910


Every time i check it always just gives me how long ago that the event occured, i have never caught that event or seen when it happens. Is this thing on like once a day? On all servers it just says “time since last update” and it is usually around the 18hour-30 hour mark. I have tried working out the hour for when it would be on my server but it never is then and it just gives me another “time since last update”.

For example now it says 19 hours since last update. 19 hours ago was 7pm yeseterday, but when i check at 11pm yesterday i remember it also saying something like 17 hours ago.

So when is this event? I want that frikken boss achievement.

Question about Precursor crafting

in Crafting

Posted by: Reilem.5910


I for one have decided to continue making Incinerator. I love it’s look and will defenitely be worth it, If they add a new one that I like more/equally i will just save money to start another legendary. The demand for those new ones will be so high anyway and maybe the prices of the old ones will drop so that i can perhaps pick up a precursor for a much cheaper price. ;D

Guardian for dungeons

in Guardian

Posted by: Reilem.5910


Okay so as i assumed zerker is still a very popular option, to be honest my real reason for not wanting to go FULL zerker is because of that pricey pricey armour. I will probably be getting most from dungeons but i remember that getting all those trinkets on my thief cost me a lot. And since i am halfway to a legendary, saving money is of the essence.

So what if I wanted to be that guy that kept making litte green 100s and 50s pop up on everyones screen (healing them). Is that more of an ele thing or can guardians do that as well? Keep in mind of course that i run with pug groups 90% of the time and if I go with anything organized and I need to provide DPS then I will switch to my thief.

So yeah going full zerk will defenitely not be a preference for me, however some of the mixing suggestions do sound interesting, (since i now run multiple dungeons i get varying tokens so I would be able to put those to good use). So are there any people that agree with the people above me? Having multiple people suggest the same thing can often seal the deal. :P

Guardian for dungeons

in Guardian

Posted by: Reilem.5910


I already have a very critty high DPS and squishy thief and now i want something a bit tankier and supporty.

I’m probably going to be focusing on dungeons but being able to handle your standard PvE is of course also helpfull (In case i need to help some guildies with Temples in Orr or something)

Is guardian good for being tanky? I know of course that you can never be full tank in this game so it is not what i am expecting. I want to be able to provide a decent amount of heal aswell alongside the usual pain dealing just so that I can be usefull in a dungeon.

(if for example going zerker is more helpful for a dungeon party than going knights, then suggestions in that regard are also appreciated.) :D

PLEASE revert dungeon reward system changes

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Reilem.5910


Well perhaps Anet can put something of a time delay on it that is less than a day and the timer is different depending on the dungeon. But not what it used to be, I like this more cause i never really had the interest in running cof more than once a day. But I don’t see them changing this for a while, not until they can gather enough feedback.

Not like I am taking sides here of course I understand your annoyance and I find myself a little torn between the two. I never did guild runs cause going “lfg cof p1” took just as much time as it did asking my guild. But I hope you can understand Anet, they are not future predicting psychics, but they do have stats, if they see 70% of people want more casual dungeons then i guess they will lean towards them.

Please nerf Twilight Arbor p3 Tree

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Reilem.5910


And because you can do this dungeon you are a pve hero? Thanks man, you’re a really nice guy.

I’m sure I will find a way to do it, it’s nice knowing that it is possible but it’s hard to find good groups since most people don’t know what to do, even guild members can be idiots.

(edited by Reilem.5910)

PLEASE revert dungeon reward system changes

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Reilem.5910


I like the new changes, gives me a reason to try out other dungeons and explore. I use to find groups and now i am working on my Dungeon Master Title. If you run multiple paths each day it’s much more fun than doing the same one over and over.

Please nerf Twilight Arbor p3 Tree

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Reilem.5910


Ah thanks i saw those in some vids and wondered what those were called. But the thing is i am neither of those classes and when i ask guards to bring shields they probably don’t have one because it seems like this ‘reflect’ mechanic is totally useless outside a few situations.

I have NOTHING against hard content and nice challenges that guilds can have some fun trying to solve. But this is a dungeon, and part of the Dungeon Master achievement imo it should be up to par with other dungeons so that people who just want some completion can get it.
I hope that some people can understand my logic on this one. I personally understand this dungeon and think it would be easy if everyone knew what to do. But that’s the problem, no one knows what to do.

But yeah i guess I will have to wait until i can get some uber leet group set up full of speed runners and over-the-top-try hards that when things go wrong they find the nearest person to blame.

Please nerf Twilight Arbor p3 Tree

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Reilem.5910


So here was my attempt at this dungeon. We all stack together 2 warr, 1 guard, 1 ranger, 1 thief (me). I invis the group and we all run as a group to the back of the tree. Invis fades off and guard puts down wall of reflection it block 90% of poison rain of hell. (Feeling like pros at this point) 10% all hit me and bring me to 50% hp (at lvl 55 i have 7700 hp + 1233 armour rating). Guards’ wall goes down and i put up my smoke screen.

In that fraction of a micro second between the wall and smoke screen, the 1 billion spiders in the room took us all down to 10% hp (yes there are that many spiders) and then when my smokescreen goes down and guards is still on cd, we get pwnder faces. Because the reflection skills are activate for like 7 seconds and we didn’t have enough classes to have a 360 degree containter of reflection.

Can all you elitist half wits get off this forum until you have tried it with this recent patch, “use reflection skills” ain’t gonna cut it for this one i’m afraid. This is bugged the spiders are in such huge quantities, they are so high hp and their cumulative dmg is insane, they wipe us all in 5 seconds.

Can’t kill spiders because they just insta spawn, can’t kill tree cause spiders will just gang kitten you. And no putting 2-4 guys on spider duty isn’t enough they still kill everyone.

If dungeons are suppose to be doable with normal parties then this is not right.
When i watch youtube vids i see a handfull of spiders, in my game the floor is infested with the kitteners. Like 10-20 Big spiders each with an entourage of 10-20 little ones. It is insane.

Our next try is going to be staying at max range, no Aoe, no ricochet and agro as little spiders as possible. (Meaning i can’t do kitten cause thieves don’t have any of that)

Question about Precursor crafting

in Crafting

Posted by: Reilem.5910


So I am just starting to have thoughts about saving up for a legendary, I’ve already begun keeping all my ectos and T6 mats but with all the recent info from Anet.
(Legendary Gear and Precursors)

Should I wait for this new crafting of precursors or will that wait be so long that i might as well wait for the new legendaries?
This has really been bugging me and I’m not sure what to do because my main motivation for playing now was working on the legendary but if the wait will be worth it then i am gonna have to find something else to focus on. :P

Will there be a Dragon Bash jumping puzzle?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Reilem.5910


Yeah, although some people hated the halloween JP and QQ’d that it was hard, i enjoyed the challenge. So i won’t mind either. xD

CoF P1

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Reilem.5910


You can also use gw2lfg. It’s a site and you can post your LFG or LFM on there.
Just google gw2lfg and it’s the .com one not the .net site.

An option to disable right click targeting

in Suggestions

Posted by: Reilem.5910


…….On top of all this is still player preference. Not everyone wants a single right-click to perform default actions. This is why we’re adding a toggle for it in the next patch.

There are still questions left to be answered for how targeting in Guild Wars 2 should work, and I’m sure these will be answered as we continue to iterate.

THANK YOU ANET. I have literally been waiting ages for this and have had to adapt where my mouse hovers and gets soo annoying during (for example) cof p1 end boss where i’m targetting those bloody crystals and i waste an entire skill bar without noticing.

:D So excite!

Random Computer restarts during gw2 play

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Reilem.5910


Please upload the dump file then, you don’t need to write anything down, all the info is in the file. Also, how old is the computer? Is it still under warranty?

The dump file is old, there is no dump file for the current problem. Read my post. Also I doubt i need to get a computer fix because this is something that only happens during gw2 but for the record it’s around 2 years old and it might still be in warranty but TBH i don’t think I’m going to go through the hassle. The service is crap in my country.

But yeah, a work around for me seems that it that it never crashes if it’s the first thing i start up. After a few other programs have been opened and I’ve done other things after playing gw2 and i then start gw2 back up it only takes around 30min-1hr for a restart to occur.

It’s strange behavior like this ^^ that make me doubt it’s hardware.

Random Computer restarts during gw2 play

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Reilem.5910


Well I can’t give you any info on the BSOD because I had no time to write down the error that was on the screen and also because I had already checked my minidumps folder and there was only one .dmp file which way from the 11th of may. I also ran WhoCashed and it came up with the same results, only a few crashes on the 11th. Which I think were before I had fixed the game with the full clean Nvidia driver update. WhoCrashed also told me that the saving/creation of .dmp files was enabled.

My GPU is Nvidia Geforce GTX 550Ti. I’ve also had a think on what could be causing the supposed randomness and i think it may have something to do with conflicting programs. I know that i have played many hours without problems while having youtube on and wiki on in the background, but in these cases I would’ve started Firefox or iTunes AFTER i had started gw2.

Could it be that having another program running BEFORE i start gw2 that it could cause the problem?

EDIT: I am also not aware of any overclocking on my PC, and i think that shop made PCs are generally not overclocked, however i will check it out.

Random Computer restarts during gw2 play

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Reilem.5910


So I’ve had no problem at all playing GW2 up to a few months ago where the game would freeze permanently and force me to restart my computer after 1h-2hs of gameplay. I submitted a ticket etc etc. Anet was very helpful and helped me with a 100% full clean Video card update. That fixed the problem.

But then after the next patch my computer would randomly restart while playing gw2 (only gw2) as if there had been a power outage. Like seriously the screen would flicker black and i would instantly be getting the windows start up logo and everything. During the next few gw2 updates i would continue to update my video card and the restarts would happen every now and then (very annoying but no patterns so i had no real problem with it).

But then today after playing for about 3 hours without problem, turned gw2 back off. And when i returned to it after a few hours my computer went all BSOD on my face for about 1/2 second and then it just restarted again as it usually would.

So, what i know:
- It’s not overheating, i checked and GPU ran at 65degC with a 100degC max. & CPU 70degC with 80-90 degC max.
-Not drivers, Intel i7 and Nvidia are always up to date, and i checked again today before making this.
-Power Supply? It’s shop pre-built so i would imagine the builders/assemblers knew what they were doing.

TL;DR My computer restarts while playing gw2 sometimes. Without pattern for no reason no error and no warnings. Instant restarts

So yeah, could it be anything else?

What should i do with my thief? PvE or WvW?

in Thief

Posted by: Reilem.5910


Okay but would u recommend this 0/30/20/20/0 or 0/30/10/20/10 builds that i see lying around? I’m starting think that a more burst damage build would be much better for the thief.

What should i do with my thief? PvE or WvW?

in Thief

Posted by: Reilem.5910


I mained a thief (Gee if i had a dime every time someone started a post like that) and he is now lvl 80 with full exotic and very fancy looking etc. etc. For those interested i really liked the PvE so i tried to get the best possible build and went for high survivability + condition damage, using the D/D Death Blossom for extra dodge + aoe bleed and full carrion for vitality.

Now, was that a mistake? I invested quite a lot of gold in getting all that armour but now that i have rolled some other classes and seen some videos of eles bursting down groups of 5 mobs with 3k+ dmg aoe attacks, i feel like it’s all been for nothing.

I manage in dungeons (unlike the glass cannons i see floating around the cof entrance) but it’s been a while since i looked at any new builds and i was wondering if there are any viable new PvE builds out there now? With which i can still do dungeons and actually making a difference in damage during boss fights because cond dmg is nice but i don’t know if it’s actually comparable to other classes.

Or should i just screw it all and make my thief a petty D/P WvW roamer so that i can burst down unprepared players into oblivion, because that seems to be the only thing we’re good at?

I really hope that ArenaNet sees this thread

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Reilem.5910


You need to send them the game adviser file because that way they can see if your audio drivers are out of date or not. It’s not hard, it’s simply how they deal with situations such as this.

Botters winning?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Reilem.5910


And who is we? You’re acting very grand about this but things are already being done. I guess it’s hard to keep up to date with every new hacking software that comes out and devs need to keep finding a way to counter the new bot patterns while at the same time making sure they don’t ban real players.

New Race or New Class?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Reilem.5910


I wouldn’t know where to put more races and classes because i already have my 5 slots planned out and there are so many classes that i haven’t even touched yet. So i think that this game is fine the way it is. And the Tengu will definitely be introduced into the living story but i doubt they will make them a playable race so early on. :P

A rant upon the players of this game...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Reilem.5910


I agree with OP, i went thief for my main class and i enjoy PvE. Everyone complains about how OP thief is when they haven’t even tried it. It took me weeks to figure out a proper PvE thief build that wasn’t glass cannon that i couldn’t run a single dungeon. And the build that I have now doesn’t even come close to the tankiness and damage out-put of a guardian.

So I ran a guardian as an alt and I found that it wasn’t just as cookie cutter as i thought it was. There is still quite a lot of fun to be had with a guardian, whereas before i thought that it was just standing around and swinging your great sword. :P

Please Test your Events...

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Reilem.5910


I tried Grenth today, and in the first few minutes the moronic keeper decided that the AoE field causing him 15% damage per tick was a good place to stand. Needless to say all our healing skills (what little we had) were on cool down before the AoE field disappeared and the keeper just went down in a pool of his own stupidity.

After that I decided to go farm karkas. xD