Showing Posts For SAC.7862:
We almost never have killed soloers or small groups until started fighting against Kodash. Thank some of the well known “soloers” for being annoying during the first days. Now you get what you wanted for trying to kill guild raid stragglers like if we were running a karma train. Dont touch guild members while the official raid is a few metres forward and we will leave the duelers alone.
What you cant spect is us leaving some of you alone while half the map is harassing us. Stop doing that and so we will. Then both will have more fun doing our own things.
THIS or if you dont have ascended trinkets go for a mixed soldier set with exotic jewels of ruby on each.
btw make yourself a favor and dont follow ogres build, he has at least 3 major mistakes on it. Just check some of the templates in this forum and you will find them.
(edited by SAC.7862)
request to BB, pls drop in points low enough so that you’ll be in the same league as AG and Gandara, that way, we’re almost guarenteed to be matched up.
Sorry but unfortunately we have way more population than the possible silver league servers. I think that most of us dont want to play in the second league and we are going to push until our eyes bleed.
CoN vs. Mya
This epic beatdown happened a day after Mya tricked ZDs into fighting them by using a FAKE guild name ( and lost , lol )
Rumors say that their guild lead ragequit.
From heroes to zeroes in two days!
Interesting watching your warriors but you recharging adrenaline on mobs before the fight start. Is that normal? first time i see it.
edit: ah, ic now that he isnt from that guikd, then anyone could tell me if thats a normal behaviour nowdays in the GvGs?
(edited by SAC.7862)
which is what we did.
What a bloody mess in Deso BL, we fought tooth and nail for Garri none stop for 4 hours and i logged off as SiN left and we still held it. Lost count how many guilds hit us there but most impressed with SiN! Bull did well at start but you guys left?
Some of us got 800 kills there and we won as much as we lost just a shame we are matched against high population servers with guilds to back it up.
Thanks for all the fights just hope some of the guilds break off from the train during the week so INVI can get some good fights and practise in. Overall fun but laggy reset heres to more!
Indeed your defensive effort at Garrison was impressive. Dont worry about Baruch population. The way we play is atually contraproductive because no one plays during morning (except for an experiment that people is trying lately) while the queues at primetime are a pain.
Forget the scoring and you will have fun.
NP, you did pretty well today although would have been better to see the times when you die from today or other days, i wont comment other things because after all are part of the game.
Don’t be so sad, you usually revenge at 4 a.m. when all piken players went to sleep
Just saying that you could have added a couple more fights, after all one was great and the other lasted like 10 seconds so wouldnt have increased the video size much.
cu next week.
thx siN for fun today
NP, you did pretty well today although would have been better to see the times when you die from today or other days, i wont comment other things because after all are part of the game.
our setup is not your problem same as we dont care if you are 26 or 36.
Dear sIN we decided to change border after midnight(nice fights at AR tho – till a little Anet break) and we found it hard to catch one guild from BB without addition of others. When we engaged on you, 10 seconds later other raid jumped on our shoulders. Maybe you tried to walk alone but also used the possibility to jump at others with NuKe, CS, BuLL or any other guild you had there
At the beggining INC consisted of 30, after swaping border – 23 + 3 GH mates. Thanks everybody for intensive fights.
What? do you think that you would have survived at north of Bay if CS and us coordinated a charge together instead of one after another? why dont you complain to the other so called pvp guild (lol) that kitten you while were still fighting???? (not once but twice)
Why did you run away from longview when there was a large distance between us and whoever was at the tower.
You are another guild that take almost no risk and only try to fight with an advantage and when it doesnt happend you cry like a baby.
You had 26 guys? perfect, not sure you but after our dinner break we had 0 elemenalist and others (dont have to be you) wouldnt even leave the spawn with less than 3.
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Nice to see BB have already taught [Scnd] how to play properly, always hold hands when near each other so you don’t get lost. Seriously guys i thought you hated this whole blobbing and handholding yet the 1st time i see you it 15 of you, 20DsD, 10 sIN, several Bulls and a few others………….in a supply camp. Same with the next dozen times. makes me sad to see people roll over like that so easily.
recommend you to buy a new glasses or at least try to stay at front of the piken blob.
from a wvw player . (pve is a different story)
Am i the only one that think that Earthshaker should have a different effect instead of the AoE stun?
Kinda sux that we are pretty much forced to use the same weapon sets sword (mobility) warhorn (utility) hammer (CC dmg). Because unless you are roamming alone or in small groups you are hindering yourself and your group if dont use this 3 weapons and after months it gets really old.
Blobbing on EB is understandable – everybody random join EB and SM is a massive blob magnet. Blobbing on borders… not so much. Especially not when you dont need to.
Yesterday, I think it was Nuke, SiN and many others that had breached bay on BB border (Piken controlled). They held the hill firmly. We tried to get them off, but no, they where too entrenched with good guilds. They where outnumbering us badly and wiped us even though we had to bring two commanders, most players on the field and tried to sandwich them there. SiN alone had twice the size of any organized Piken guild present and we know they have the skill to push it.
Yet… Bay was not taken then. It was a halfhearted attempt at best that never pushed the undefended inner walls (except when SiN scared us for a moment by swimming in the water). Was our Bay not good enough for you?
IIRC French were hitting us in the other side of the map and since we hadnt supplies we decided to leave. Probably we should have tried to push, at least once but i think that most players were scared to get pincushioned by a possible ambush of ACs.
If you want to know we are usually 17/22 players but since lately the major guilds are increasing their numbers , we are running with a few RNVs. (not at bay, there we had full baruch). Things change, people leave this crap game and we dont have anymore the luxury of running with pain train like we used to.
I see many complains about blobs, zergs, tag teaming and such but i have to say that lately there are several guilds that are already reaching IRON size. Yes, i am exaggerating but keep recruiting and you will be successful.
Sometimes I wonder if they even play their own game… They really need a bigger population to play on a public test realm and allow really consumers of their game put in feedback.
AoE Wars, Arrow Cart Wars… I’m losing my interest Wars.
Agree, need a special server where real players can test this stuff before being released. Their current alpha testers are worthless.
I spect a hotfix patch undoing this otherwise they just killed wvw (not counting the open field fights).
do you guys really play this game? or test your own patches? seriously.
This tier is so dead that is not even funny. Between guilds leaving Deso/SFR left and right and Vizunah literally running away as soon as the opposite side have a good amount of players, there is nothing to do.
It’s a shame SFR has apparently failure cascaded after losing once
You are delusional if you think that you have won the same SFR than the one from the past month and that people is leaving coz of that. XD
You/we wouldnt have made enough points to be able to reach T1 if Piken didnt fall apart. You could win every single week T2 for 2 years and still wouldnt touch T1.
(edited by SAC.7862)
SFR didn’t had trouble getting back into T1. It just takes some time. And tbh, with Deso blobbing so hard now, I do think T1 >> T2.
I know a guild on ‘vacation’ and that guild alone steamroles 2 servers.
WHAT???? The only reason of why SFR went back to T1 is because half the people at Piken didnt want to continue fighting fot T1. Then obviously when several guilds joined SFR we made that giant push. Without massacring your own tier is almost impossible to move up, this system is a total fail.
No troubles, my kitten
Well mine is between those 2 setups and i do fine.
Sure, PVT soooo uneffective…
never said that was uneffective, just that there are other ways to go.
(edited by SAC.7862)
PTV build should be 10/0/30/30/0 mine is usually x/x/+20/30/x
Yeah because having a few extra hps and 100 200 toughnes is going to turn you into a rock.
NO thanks. i insist play with your PTV but dont tell others that is the only way to go in a serious guild.
Thats not me, is just a video from a guildmate, i dont use GS so play slightly different, i only stream, well not after the patch yet.
Everyone that is running in a competitive guild is megabuffed and since protection, weapon set and RL movements have a much bigger impact in your mitigation than anything else. Then thats why you dont have to go full ptv
(edited by SAC.7862)
I think you don’t understand role of frontline melee.
And i am telling you that isnt necessary to go full PTV to be in a competive frontline guild, if thats the ony way you can play thats not my problem.
If you need all PTV to survive a frontline charge is because your guild is just plain charging like bulls or not enough players or guardians. Going double endure pain and full PTV just so you can be the last standing man is absurd, its a lot better to find the point between mitigation and dmg where you die more or less at the same time than most classes and full PTV or berserker is not the only way to go.
If you want to be real frontline melee is serious guild, then you have no alternative, you must have full PVT setup (armor, weapon, back, jewelery, EHP is a king here, you must have 50k effective hp minimum), otherwise you will not survive long enough inside enemy zerg.
That is just plain false and masssacring your DMG for having 2/3k extra hps and 100 extra toughness no worth it unless you are a raid leader.
Zerg Surfing/PUGs:
More or less what have been said, if there is a tank train go for 3100 armor, otherwise go 2600 armor and use your range weapon.
Guild Groups.
Depends of the setup of your guild (have a lot of guardians or not?), the weapons you use (in you case GS give some extra survivability), the tier where you play (easier to play in lower tiers) and a few other things.
You basically have to try it yourself until you find the point where you feel confortable.
Jesus, this is kitten all i am saying is that it was 5 am, we had online like 20 players, 10 arrived first into hills and started hitting the golem, then more arrived and had aprox 15/20 guildies plus whatever pickups, almost with no supplies and we just went offline. If it wasnt that late believe me that we would have recovered the keep. But if you want to believe that we run away like frenchies, go ahead.
i dont know man, we barely were 10 when we arrived (then might have been 15/20) and started regrouping inside hills, i cut the stream while hitting golem, 30 sec later i went offline and so did most that were left while we were standing at the front of gate walls while you were by the oild.
end of stream
so we decided to take Garrison and Hills (and both north towers) then jumped onto SFR to take our hills back only to come face to face with about 30-40 sin, which was fun. They got inside then we killed about 10 and they got away
Then we went to play with Vizunah for a little while.
All in all a good reset.
at 5 am we were 20 max (more like 10 tobf) which is when i went to sleep, not sure what happened inside, i logged off right when we destroyed the golem that you were building and so did our commander and several more.
(edited by SAC.7862)
got impressed by SIN on deso Border ,they won every battle vs IRON, i leached 350 kills and over badges
You are stretching the truth a bit there matey
I was in the camp fight and we were getting hit by at least 3 guilds from different directions . your sheer amount numbers was impressive though. while we struggled to get half our guild into deso
and therefore couldn`t muster the Iron BLOB . . I will also say if the patch doesn`t deliver wvw will die a quick death as a lot of people are losing interest.
Like have been said only had 2 guilds so i am not sure what you saw. It sucks that you couldnt get all your members in the map thats for sure, we were 30/35 and all went in because hadnt queue right at the start, not sure later.
And again it’s a very easily counterable tactic with few necros and a lord correctly pulled.
At Garrison there is no way you can stop a warrior from rezzing the lord unless you have way more players than your enemy. There is just too many entrances. Plus like have been said between culling, dmg immunity and x3 stability the chances to stop him are small, and that is if he comes alone because if he comes with a thief GLLLLLL.
Jeez, you can’t say Deso is ridiculous, they plays maybe one of their best week. They even dominate some primetimes with such a few warriors.
Maybe you think they are ridiculous because, this week, they dont assist you and are not focusing VS.
They learned from their mistakes : helping SFR don’t give point.
I hope Deso will stay in T1 at least 2 or 3 more weeks, 1v1v1 is far more interesting.
At primetime they have capped pop therefore its normal for a Top server to win at that time in some cases.
How can they be having one of their best weeks if they are about to get their second lowest score of their last 7 matches.
I have tried this combo before and it was really good but IIRC lyssa has as 50sec CD therefore and imo using signet mastery is a mistake because could mess the proc of the rune for a full elite cycle.
There is no way earth and forge runes are any better. The earth runes offers you protection only for 4s on 25%, and a pathetic magnetic shield below 20% ( which offers. Othing at this stage) for internal 90CD. An entire rune set for 4s protection?
Actually magnetic shield is pretty useful bust mostly if you run solo or zerg surfing without a guild (when you can run away like a rat when things go wrong). I cant count the times that i have scaped from several players just because of the shield blocked the few extra range attacks that otherwise would have finished me, either solo or in the middle of a zerg.
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Enjoy the queue.
At least for the past 2 weeks, the queues haven’t been that much of a problem. Thanks for the concern though.
In fact while we were playing in Piken, the queues were A LOT worse. This server is a paradise.
lol a little bitter no?
(edited by SAC.7862)
I see VS are petrified of facing SFR, doing your best to keep Elona in lol
Man, i guess that you are a random player. Just speak with any top guild from your server about this issue their answer will leave you perplexed.
This night after the patch was wonderful trying to defend a map while seeing white swords in every single structure and barely having 10 players doesnt give us much room for scouting.
The worst was when the inner WG of Garrison was being sieged and there werent even white swords :-(
Well for me yesterday was far too passive with servers simply protecting their own BL
BB how on earth do you maintain the nighttime numbers? The amount you had in Deso BL were ridiculously impressive seeing it was 3am for you guys how can you maintain that?
They are spanish speaking north americans are they not? Thats why they have little daytime presence .
Correct, we are all from Mexico Colombia Argentina… and we are trying to fix the unmmanned problem during morning and daytime recruiting Koreans.
Seriously when will people get that our culture is different than most euros when we talk about schedules.
Havent noticed any pop increase in BB (yet). SFR however …. Unless Elona and BB team up for beating SFR i dont think that this will be a fun week.
And how would u make fair ppl that have to do dungeons to get the items, and u would just have to keep aoeing a zerg to get same item?
Instead of this thread u would have pvers complaining wvw players get more benefits.
hilarious. You heard it guys, lets continue giving 0 rewards to wvw players.
Why dont they fix Fast Hands? Probably half the times that i have died have been because i couldnt use a skill from my second set of weapons when i was supose to . (/)&F$“/U(&%”C%(·=K)
From MY experience is closer to 15/10%.
25 way too much-
My computer is old and while fighting i have a lot of issues with lag and with the system rendering the enemies. YET as soon as i die (without releasing), everything loads perfectly and the game runs smothly. I dont get it.
Soldier runes + Healing shout build = What snares?
Yup but then you will hit like a sissy OR have crap mitigation besides your shouts might be down for being used in what they are for. Personally i prefer Mobile Strikes to counter snares.