Showing Posts For SNAFU.2073:
Because i love gw2 don’t get me pinned wrong, i want to like the pvp haha when end game pve gets dry, this is the purpose for pvp for me. The real end game.
I guess i’d really like to see this so called strategy in action to bring up my interest in the pvp in this game. I felt like every match i played was utter chaos and not enjoyable.
Solo queue has no team game. A game mode is needed that forces it, so players are learning and progressing. Can’t have a likeable pvp if average joes can’t jump in and start learning strategy. Right now there is no curve it’s simply jump in and hope your team doesn’t get spanked.
one could say that about any videogame. GW2 pvp is ability spam, all a matter of opinion vs. opinion. I just look at the numbers, it tells all. LoL forces team synergy which is rewarding or very frustrating, but worth the learning curve. For someone to say “noobs play it” is very typical for an ignorant person to say, and im pretty sure you’re a league player from that comment haha with one too many spankings in games.
I notice when the person that enters the dungeon grabs the loot chest and exits and disbands from the party within seconds of opening,(after last boss) it kicks the entire group and keeps everyone from grabbing their rewards…please fix this asap this is very frustrating, whether they are aware they did it to the group or not, it’s selfish and it sucks to spend time in dungeons to get nothing at the end lol.
I’d say 15mil+ players and leading the esport community is more than “decent” haha, but that’s just me
if gw2 made a moba game mode like smite i’d be all about it, but smite itself meh. cheese factory.
Yes. they do need more game modes, you don’t see dominion on league of legends doing well at all, it’s a chaotic mess and random win or lose. Much like the game modes on GW2 atm. It’s too hard to synergize with a team in an environment like that. No real tactics. They definitely need a game mode with more `teamwork and calculating strategies.
ya i could talk all day about what i think is funny about the balances, but it is definitely not really possible for a pug to execute strategies very well in this type of play, this feels more like for giggles than anything else. at least it makes me laugh. :P I think i’ll stick to league of legends pvp too hard not comparing it and being sad in pants. PVE fun tho
There doesn’t seem to have been an established strategy to the pvp, whereas im much reminded of dominion league of legends by it, everyone just runs around spamming abilities haha. It’s been the worst experience for me on gw2. Anyone else experiencing the same problems?
This will answer everything. In time my friends, in time.
Ya i agree yarg. It’s understandable when there’s a string of quests linked together to get to the main one being triggered shortly after…that’s logical, and not what im particularly addressing, but for a fight to randomly spawn in a time frame just because, it’s almost like it’s something that was so set in stone for an mmo accidentally carried over, (much like taxes in mmo’s, but that’s another can of worms) You will never stop campers for high reward events such as this. Plus, since the update to the reward system for this, any typical player such as myself, will try to attend 4-5 different bosses and move on with another activity. I really have no purpose in camping them all day. All in all, it really doesn’t bother me too much about the windows, but when you have a limited time to play, and you enjoy fighting these bosses, waiting let’s say 1hr for Jormag to spawn can become a snooozer.
Just a very simple question, the purpose of windows of spawn time for world bosses and what not, I’ve been pondering this for quite some time now, and since there is no claiming for any groups, why is this in place? Maybe gives me time to reflect on what kind of person I am, or shop on the store eh? EH?! I mean no harm of this, I just need some light shed on it.
I think it’s great when a person learns to play a class efficiently enough to make a group struggle to take them down, the real problem lies in the fact that there is no counter to stealth, no class has abilities to reveal an area or give true sight. To balance any great pvp based content, everything must have a counter to give advantages and disadvantages to every class in every situation.
That would be great, strategies where you have to have ppl on the ground operating large devices to damage and a party that has to coax the beast into its range or trap. Or a beast you have to mount and the fight is done in the air. Cool scenarios that make the player feel anxiety or a sort of adrenaline rush while fighting them.
Off the topic tho, while jormag is more action oriented, it is still alot of standing and spamming 1 for rockets to take down the wall. The fight is hardly about the dragon, once the wall is down, it’s still 50 players spamming at his foot. Golem fight as well, i can literally autotarget and afk the entire fight, without any worry of dying.
I’m glad ppl feel my pain with this profession haha, it is so far my favorite to play so it kinda kills my interest a bit with these flaws, because it really affects it’s effectiveness on the field.
While that makes sense to jus learn to deal with it, it still kills the fact that a turret is suppost to be that long range DPS that people don’t notice, so by having to place it so they are the closest enemy whether it being AI or player…makes it easy for them to focus it a few hits, then refocus you. Turrets should be ground targetted spell by default if the behavior is to remain the same, so we don’t have to waste 10 trait points to get it.
my turrets more often than not, target something completely irrelevant and often will add mobs to my plate. when i fight world bosses they target something off in the distance and not who i am fighting. Do ranger pets run off and start fighting ambient creatures? It’d be great if they prioritized my target. Anyone else with this problem?
Yeah having done most of the world bosses, the dragon fights are where he stands there and waits to give you a rare piece of gear, a dragon that isn’t able to roam, tail whip, stomp the hell out of you, how did they ever threaten tyria in the first place :P
So far everything in this game has a direct reward for participation. I’m noticing recruiting people for story mode dungeons are becoming a ghost town because of lack of reward for the time it takes, people that have completed it already have no motivation or incentive. Small adjustment and you’d have all generations of players being able to come together, knock out story mode or get something towards another goal. We all hate shouting 20-30minutes for people to do something.
But keeping the ability to solo if you want.*
If anything I would just like to see more encouragement of including a full party and a reason to, Vs. being able to just solo it.
I guess I’m just curious as to why it bothers those who don’t like it? GW2 is about accessibility, you now have a way of getting every skin you desire whether drop from chest or just grinding it out, no matter how you do it, you are given that option. There’s going to be those players that can’t play everyday, if they only had a few days to play for the whole month, they could grind the hell out of it and get those skins. It was a smart choice.
first MMO i’ve seen this kind of creativity on a spur of the moment add on, really great, just wanted to give kudos. I really enjoyed this and you guys scored points with my interest in this game. Can’t wait to see more. Amazing soundtrack, the feelings of nostalgia were overwhelming.
ya, now just think if he’s the size of a small map, you navigating him and trying to figure out his weak spot. the possibilities are endless. Anet can always expand with different monsters and strategies, it would be…LEGENDwait for it….DARY!
with certain objectives esplen more people will always be better, and wvw will never be ruled by small groups, but right now it’s the only working tactic, and it’s chaotic more than tactful and rewarding haha.
Yeah it’s got some decent balances, I would just like to see more involvement from people and I think that may come from smaller groups or making a single player feel like he/she is contributing to the overall result. As of right now, the only time i see progress is when a really big wvw guild will have a ton of members on, and only seeing that progress in those spikes, no consistency, but i do agree with you on some of the tactics that are already in place. after all, Arenanet is educated on mmo’s and aren’t going to completely bomb it haha.
Im sure this is already in development or being addressed, but, how come the Greatsword is the only weapon with 2 legendary forms and Eternity? That may be why all i see are ppl after Gswords and Gsword skins. Let’s see some more for the other classes!
nah the npcs at those camps and little control points do almost nothing haha. usually when i hop in a wvw where my server isn’t doing much, i’ll roam capturing those, nothing comes out of it. now if a group of 50 ppl are roaming zerging, 25 are defending and 25 are trying to capture, the 25 will get steamrolled, and they jus move on, whatever the 25 were working on, the 50 caught on and are otw to steamroll them and reclaim. if war tactics were simply throw bodies at it, we’re fighting a losing battle.
a boss that’s of epic proportion like the size of a small map, combined with jumping puzzles while the boss is mobile, and different strategies of bringing them down, making them vulnerable, or attacking certain points. It could basically expand into being a separate game mode like fractals missions. or guild missions. (minus the requirements of influence). Just thought it’d be a perfect addition with how the mechanics are in this game.
If you’re on Maguuma Server and want a casual guild that does just about everything, a tight knit group that isn’t about recruiting 500 people for free influence and progressing together. Hit me up in game, we’d love you have you.
This isn’t really a guild about numbers, started it with a few of my friends outside of gaming. Looking for players with that same mentality, just wanna hop on, suggest something to do and have some fun.
Thanks guys!
I kinda feel like the majority of players arent even caring about wvw, a typical player such as myself will enter an area, if no one who’s leading or if there’s just no population from your server representing and trying to claim land, there’s just no way to enjoy it. So you leave and continue your adventure elsewhere. and it’s basically who has the bigger group running aimlessly claiming territories until 2hrs later the next biggest zerg reclaims it.
I’m just wondering what it’d be like if you threw AI pushes into the mix, much like supply runs, a constant flow, so a small group can force that push into claiming something for their land, and maybe help snowball, and it’d be more defense against “my server doesn’t have ppl on or interested.” and im not sayin this is the answer…i’d hate to be the guy attempting to balance this. But if 50 man zergs are the best strategy, there’s something wrong. this idea is much inspired by a game such as league of legends, and was just curious as to how well it would offset manpower vs. smart pushing by a divided group