Showing Posts For Sam Pan.3651:

Are we Esports yet?

in PvP

Posted by: Sam Pan.3651

Sam Pan.3651

I’ve said it before. Since they wanted to be so different. They shouldn’t have called this game “Guild Wars”

That is what is upsetting people. You can’t call the whiners close minded or impatient when you, ANET, decided to name this game “Guild Wars”, while intentionally deciding to make it play completely differently than “Guild Wars”

Just fess up, this isn’t Guild Wars. It’s a game wearing a Guild Wars skin, but it’s not Guild Wars. It’s got a Guild Wars texture pack, but it’s not Guild Wars. You didn’t even want it to be Guild Wars, OBVIOUSLY because of how much you intentionally made it different. and yet you wanted people to buy it so you gave it the Guild Wars name.

It’s deceptive.

5 v 5's don't work

in PvP

Posted by: Sam Pan.3651

Sam Pan.3651

In random teams the game feels too random. No single player can feel like they are in control. Even in CoD when ur team sucks, at least you yourself are still capable of shining if you are good enough. In this game, if your team sucks, you are completely helpless. And considering there are so few options for building your own custom character to suit your own style, there is no sense of personal investment in seeing whether or not your current spec is capable of working.

Even in GW1, when my random team sucked, I still felt like I had something left to prove or at least test out when I was capable of running my own personal style of build with all the freedom for building that GW1 allows.

And also in GW1 the freedom of building meant that there was more of a possiblity that your opponents had built there characters in a way that would leave weaknesses to your own build. In this game, everyone is so rounded out, with two weapon skill sets, that you can’t really think for a minute that your spec is gonna be able to find a weakness in anyone elses when the rest of your team already sucks.

(edited by Sam Pan.3651)

Why is this forum so full of Doomsday Mary's?

in PvP

Posted by: Sam Pan.3651

Sam Pan.3651

It’s because I just paid $60 for a game called “Guild Wars 2” whose gameplay mechanics are drastically DRASTICALLY different than “Guild Wars” so drastically different that I would argue they shouldn’t have even bothered calling this the sequel to Guild Wars.

If this was a new IP, unrelated to Guild Wars, then I would be more patient and open minded – (though honestly I wouldn’t have blindly bought it without the name Guild Wars attached). But Guild Wars 1 was extremely polished, satisfying and fun, and they attached that Guild Wars named to it.

So I mean if this was just “some game” it wouldn’ t be a big deal. But this is GUILD WARS…or at least it has the name of Guild Wars, and I had the MOST FUN PvP’ing in Guild Wars 1. In this game, which plays very much unlike Guild Wars 1, not so much fun.

They should not have called this game Guild Wars. That is my argument. If they wanted the game to be so different, fine. But don’t call it Guild Wars!!

It’s actually a pretty solid game. It’s just not Guild Wars. There are a lot of “good games” I could play, but I wanted to play GUILD WARS!! =(

(edited by Sam Pan.3651)

Get rid of Tuna/Moa Mesmer Skill

in WvW

Posted by: Sam Pan.3651

Sam Pan.3651

So called tricky classes are always gonna be op, just get rid of them. Idk why we can’t just have rock ‘em sock ’em robots online. Get your kitten together Anet or I’ll quit.

Mesmer and Assasin weren’t OP in Guild Wars 1. In fact it was really awesome the way that they each completely countered one another. If a bad Mesmer met a good Assassin the assissin would explode the mesmer in 3 second flat, and vice versa. But more often than not it resulted in a really fun game of cat and mouse between two relatively equally skilled players.

In my opinion, you killed PvP with this patch

in PvP

Posted by: Sam Pan.3651

Sam Pan.3651

Well some people are just a little upset about their $60 investment. Not to mention that many people wanted to play a game that was a spiritual successor to Guild Wars 1 in game mechanics not only in lore.

Try these improved GW2 movement controls...

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Sam Pan.3651

Sam Pan.3651

My movement keys are default but I changed my skills to be:


Healing is Z, Elite is X

Middle Mouse Down is a bound to targettable utility skills to make them easier to aim

I made the 4th skill bind to both key 4 and key 5, that way in tense situations I can just smash my keyboard in the generaly vicinity of 4 and 5 and not have to worry about it

(edited by Sam Pan.3651)

Discuss the Patch Changes

in PvP

Posted by: Sam Pan.3651

Sam Pan.3651

Careful though, if they don’t like what u say they will delete your posts here

placate the deckbuilders?

in PvP

Posted by: Sam Pan.3651

Sam Pan.3651

OP just mad he out of $60…sort of like me. I’m not mad. I had so much fun in GW1 I will just consider my purchase of GW2 as a donation. But I won’t be buying any expansions of this game or any gem cards and I won’t be playing it very much either.

Guild wars 2, doesn't have guild wars

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sam Pan.3651

Sam Pan.3651

I have never played GW1.

In my unbiased view of this PvP system, i actually find it rather enjoyable. I don’t compare it to other systems (with one exception, see below), because that is our system and we have to adapt and make suggestions to improve it, not an outright “it sucks” PERIOD.

Ignorance about GW1 does not make you unbiased, it just makes u ignorant. It’s like a person who eats cheese toast all day and loves it only because they have never tasted delicious pizza before.

Guild wars 2, doesn't have guild wars

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sam Pan.3651

Sam Pan.3651

I haven’t played GW1 in over a year. There seems to have been so many skill changes that…it’s almost like a WHOLE NEW GAME, in the words of Yogscast

Is Anyone Still Playing GW 1?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sam Pan.3651

Sam Pan.3651

Yup. Went back to playing GW1 and surfing these forums on occasion. Random Arenas is pretty much how it’s always been. That and HA is really the only reason I logged into GW1. That was what “GW” was to me. It’s still a populated game.

What this game is.. I don’t know but don’t like it. It’s missing TDM in sPvP so until then I’ve stopped playing.

Other than that, I’m waiting for DarkFall 2 on Nov 20th. The new content coming out for GW2 doesn’t interest me in the least… for sPvP they’ve introduced a new……. conquest map. /sigh.

Then I suppose I’ll see you in GW 1 soon enough!

I think what GW2 is missing is the RPG element. Getting rid of monks hurts the role play of warrior class who used to have to play both DPS and body guard. It was satisfying to protect your monk. Now there is no one to protect or rally around. Everyone glides around on their Mario Karts shooting turtles shells at each other and disappearing all over the place.

You won’t see potent spammable abilities such as reversal of fortune or vengeful weapon or protection spirit because there is no mana to balance them out. Because there is no mana limititation there cannot be powerful spammable abilities that the player has to decide when to use and when not to use. In GW2 u just basically use cooldowns whenever possible. No mana pool to manage or give a flip about.

Anyways gotta start downloading GW1 some time

Is Anyone Still Playing GW 1?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sam Pan.3651

Sam Pan.3651

I don’t have my copy installed, so I wanted to ask if any of you are aware of the amount of people playing PvP in GW1 because I am considering re-downloading and playing GW1 Arena!

Just don’t want to download it for hours to find out the arena is empty.


Guild wars 2, doesn't have guild wars

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sam Pan.3651

Sam Pan.3651

I don’t understand where this idea about RPGs being “too complex” for players is coming from. If anything they have been too simple recently ever since communities of players have started examining the rules of the game as a group as opposed to as individuals.

You need mana pools, and conditions and hexes and all those things in order to allow players to choose a ROLE to PLAY. What GW2 is apparently trying to do is remove much of the seperation between the roles that the classes offer the player. Which is fine for an action game, but not for a RPG. Where in order to qualifiy as such you have to have distinction between roles.

In GW1 – The warrior was not only a DPS but also a body guard for his monk. If the monk is gone, then the warrior no longer has anyone to body guard. The ROLE of warrior has been dumbed down and IMO has become less fun.

Remember that thrilling feeling when someone assaulted your monk with a slew of hexes and knockdowns but as the warrior you were able to respond to the attackers so that the monk coudl slip away and continue healing? That is ROLE PLAY. And GW2 style does not promote that.

Guild wars 2, doesn't have guild wars

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sam Pan.3651

Sam Pan.3651

The OP has a point. Nobody loved PvP arena in guildwars 1 as much as I did. And I am very surprised that they gutted out the sophisticated and very fun gameplay of the first game + all the cool game types in favor of this. There isn’t even any mana pools!

In the first game there were: Conditions, Hexes, Shouts, Arias, Signets, Enchantments, Weapon Spells, Traps, Riposte, Pets, Summons…Monks and Mana Pools. All this awesome RPG-goodness that they have overly simplified, it doesn’t even play like Guild Wars, it feels closer to Mario Kart with swords.

I LOVED me some GW1 I really did. But I can’t play GW2 PvP. It’s not RPG enough at all. People constantly disappearing and pushing you around, it doesn’t feel as sophisticated and deliberate as when you put a custom build class/skillbar into action in GW 1

Really wish I could have loved this game.

(edited by Sam Pan.3651)

Balance doesn't matter if Conquest is boring

in PvP

Posted by: Sam Pan.3651

Sam Pan.3651

Not sure if arena will work well with gw2 combat. Since there’s no healer/tank role in this game, the only obvious tactic to do in a 3v3 or 5v5 is just focus target someone down. And since there’s no healer, there’s nothing anyone can do to save the focus target. I don’t see much strategy involve so I don’t think it would be any fun or competitive. The action is just so fast pace in this game that the only game type I see at the moment that will work is conquest…well unless they decide to revamp the game later.

Other game types like capture the flag wont’ work with gw2 either. How are you going to support the flag carrier when there’s no healer in this game?

Yeah, I really love 90% of the changes/enhancements made to GW2 over GW1, however, the one thing they had no need to change was the PvP and the way that skills work.

It was interesting to hear that there were no dedicated healers before the game came out, but now I sort of think they should rethink that and put healers back in because there is a tactical element that used to be in GW1 that’s not in the sequel. It’s FUN to have a teammate save you or to be able to save others, it’s FUN to be the monk and have everyone trying to get you, it’s FUN!

I really miss GW1 PvP Arena… seeing someone charge up for a meteor shower and then interupting them with a perfectly timed shot… t_t

Balance doesn't matter if Conquest is boring

in PvP

Posted by: Sam Pan.3651

Sam Pan.3651

what if they did a League of Legends type thing, where there were 3 lanes, minions, jungling, turrets, baron, and a shop to mix recipes and make items, that would be pretty cool

Balance doesn't matter if Conquest is boring

in PvP

Posted by: Sam Pan.3651

Sam Pan.3651

I don’t think conquest is boring so much as I feel it is more of a CounterStrike game than a Guild Wars game. It’s more twitchy and less RPG-ish.

I miss GW1 Arena PvP where there was tension between killing each others’ healers and resing one another in time. This zerg rush play doesn’t have the same tense moments that you can look back on when the game is over and say, “Wow, that was tense” – because in this game type all players are constantly blowing their loads at all times.

I Miss GW1's PvP

in PvP

Posted by: Sam Pan.3651

Sam Pan.3651

I am a veteran of GW1 PvP and I have to say that I miss quirky builds such as touch ranger, trap ranger, 30/30 monk, riposte warrior. I miss dual professions which was an awesome gateway into some of the weirdest and most fun builds. Thanks to dual profession an elementalist can play pure tank, pure utility, or pure damage. You could even be an assassin!

I also miss dedicated healers! Call it old fashioned if you like but when your ally is a monk, then you know that you have someone in your team who actually cares about the condition of your character during the fight. In GW2 zerg fest, at least at the casual level, no one really cares or has the ability to do much about it when you get focused by the enemy team. There is usually a point during battles, when your skills are on cooldown where you realize you are going to get downed…times like those really make me miss having a monk, where even when thinks looked bleak, there was still hope.

There are a ton of other things I miss, 4v4, res signets, lack of zerg play. I also miss the old skill system. Binding skills to weapons make balancing easier however I actually enjoyed the constant patching of GW1, with each new balance update I got more toys to play with.

Anyway GW2 is a huge improvement over GW1 in almost every way except for PvP and the skills system and lack of dual profesions.

anyway, thanks