Showing Highly Rated Posts By Sanderinoa.8065:
Sanderinoa here with the first solo out of a couple of planned projects.
I know its not that impressive at all, but I just had to do a video soloing all wisps, enjoy the music, look at the first minute or so and click away, or stick around for another silly bloomhunger kill which you can see by the hits Im taking would likely not be any harder at higher levels.
Hey there, its me, and I thought it was time to say thanks to some people once in a while.
For those who don’t know, this is the official announcement stating that rT is currently on standby. The guild’s activity has gone down and we’ve closed recruitment until our core has enough initiative to return to the game.
This is why, after playing the game thoroughly since beta, I thought it was time to do a small tribute to those who have influenced me and the guild rT.
This is how it works: Ive made a list of the relevant people, with a challenge linked to every one of them. These challenges are very personal, and will therefore result in a reward linked closely to the characteristics of said individual as well.
Video proof will be needed for a lot of these, but I believe most of you can handle that.
Firstly –
Particlar[KING] – My primary contact in KING, he’s a good guy and helped a lot with getting to know the other guilds. While we don’t play a lot, he’s a good player and fun to be around.
Challenge: Solo Mai trin (any lvl) stuck in the earth attunement on elementalist
Reward: His characteristic Fuzzy Bear hat
2. Jerem [SC] – My previous primary contact in HC. A good french mesmer with a great personality, jerem has been around for ages and has been a mesmer friend for a really long time. Jerem helped with setting up a good alliance between rT and SC.
You all know him, so there’s not much else to say.
Challenge: Make a video of a guardian lupi solo and brag about it in 3 completely unrelated threads.
Reward: Pirate captain costume +mask of the queen from the gemstore
3. Obal[DnT]: This is a personal one, Obal was the guy who did his lupicus solo just before mine, making me very annoyed that he stole the third place in SOLO back in the day. But nontheless, we’re both in the same boat, being made fun of for making a ridulously long solo video.
Challenge: solo lupicus with a scepter on guardian but somehow take 30 min+ to do so.
Reward: Mecha Anchor, the briny deep and black fleet blungeon
Like the anchor he thought he was.
4. Zelyhn[rT]: A frenchie from rT who always felt incompetent in comparison to the rest of the guild. The house scholar in rT who helped out with a lot of the leadership
and gave me a lot of imput for new ideas.
Challenge: remove at least 15 commas out of one of my forum posts and still have it make sense. Completed by Enemycrusher
Reward: Reading glasses skin from the gemstore
5. Kull / Xero[SOLO]/[rT]: As the first member I had the pleasure of welcoming to SOLO, xero and I have been working together in SOLO as well as rT, from start to present.
Challenge: Correct my sdpelling 5 times in one post Completed by Enemycrusher
Reward: Total makeover kit to make yourself go bald. Kyrnswarden Naegling if you send me a pic of you actually having done so.
6. Haviz[SOLO]/[rT]: The Dark lord has influenced lots of things, as secondary leader in rT as well as SOLO, I had no way of avoiding the man. But he remains a really skilled individual, who has contributed loads to the guild and my own experience of the game.
Challenge: nothing funny to see here… he might hurt me. Just give me a good ragepost explaining why elementalists are underpowered. Completed by Tom something something
Reward: The red glowing eyes he probably has in real life (from the gemstore).
7. Lorek[SOLO]/[rT]: A loyal friend of the dark lord, Lorek has helped out a lot in rT being one of the more serious members. He’s still around and continues to make the guild have a positive attitude.
Challenge: Befriend a being of darkness(be creative)Won by Labjax!
Reward: A mini Brown Bear + Magitech Medium armor skin.
8. Jeremy[rT]: My replacement sandy for when Im away. Jeremy has always entertained me a lot with his character. As one of the later members to join rT he has been the perfect example of the kind of person I hoped to attract with the new trialing system. He replaces me for extensive periods of time to this day.
Challenge: Attempt to do a guild mission alone because nobody shows up to join you, fail and laugh uncontrolably.
Reward: Constantly smiling Warrior quaggan backpack set from the gemstore.
9. Funny Sunny Bunny[?]: Likely a name nobody here knows. This was a person whom went with me to fractals 80 for the first time. My pure annoyance with them was what drove me to doing my first solo, as I can not stand being looked down on.
Challenge: Call me a pile of sand extensively won by acotje
Reward: Nothing. God I hate that.
As this is only directed at the dungeon forum community, I would appreciate it if this thread stayed on this page.
rT will be around at least as long as I can keep myself busy with the random stuff I do on a regular basis, and I hope the time for a comeback won’t take too long.
Enjoy, I hope to see you around ingame.
(edited by Sanderinoa.8065)
Posts like these are why we can’t have nice things
For the champion challenge weth and I went and duoed the grawl imbued shaman at lvl 48, as a nice variation on the normal solo content.
Mesmer(Delvert) perspective: -Beware of music
Warrior(Wethospu) perspective:
Hey guys,
As raids aren’t running at the moment I thought Id go ahead and try this one again. The chronomancer needs testing after all \o/ Ill say this is probably one of the toughest fights Ive had, as it just doesn’t leave a lot of room for error.
The slow on chronomancer makes it really hard to work with the shaman’s tells sometimes, but you get used to it over time luckily, apart from that I approve greatly of this specialisation.
Here’s the video:
I hope you enjoy the video while my European biological clock sends me to sleep.
My regards to the raidteam, Im sure you’re all very busy , so good luck!
Anyone mind posting a solo video on Alphard with a warr, and another w/ mes? I can do it, but it takes a fair bit of effort and I don’t often pull it off first try anymore. Show me your strategies.
Ok so I am not able to post a video right now, university is quite time consuming, but I had a couple of minutes to check out alphard. Here it comes, for mesmer soloers, as well as teams running with mesmers.
First off, the pull attack can be reflected with temporal curtain, a traited warden, as well as a feedback, the bomb damage does become yours when pull is reflected, and originates from your current location( watch out gsmesmers). The warden’s reflection obviously makes the bomb originate from your warden’s location though.
Now, for the safe strategy, for mesmers the problem will now be the daggerstorm, which hits instantly, while the normal approach would be to use blurred frenzy and blink out of the area near one of the crates, because of your DPS lack, this will end up with all crates being destroyed before Alphard is(hypothesis, I am unable to test that now).
So here it is. The phantasmal warden, when untraited, has the uncanny ability to block any and every projectile(some of you may use this at old tom), I am not sure how many are aware of this, anyways, this, you guessed it, includes the DAGGERSTORM.
so, to kill alphard, use the phantasmal warden at the start of the fight, use your new OP signet, spawn your next warden properly so its attacks lock into the first warden’s. Now, try to take alphard’s attention for a little while, and use feedback for his pull attack(consider standing close for extra damage), whenever the small gap between the warden’s attacks occurs.
When the warden is now off cooldown, spawn your third warden and make sure its attacks lock into the gap, giving you a permanent warden’s attack upkeep.
Now, for the adds, considering you’re likely running 20 in inspiration, make sure the traits you use are glamour mastery and temporal enchanter, now equip mimic and feedback. When the adds spawn, first use feedback, hope you do a lot of damage, after this, use your mimic skill and run out of the warden’s protection into the group of mobs, these are likely to attack you, and because of their quick hits, you will reflect an enormous amount of damage back to them, after the initial projectile absorption.
If one of your wardens dies nontheless, you still have your signet and normal warden CD to get this guy back up and running.
Sidenote: to those thinking the warden will be interrupted by the pull, making it impossible to keep up the protection, as was certainly true before, this is now irrelevant, because you’re blocking instead of reflecting. The reason the warden was interrupted before, was because he reflected the pull attack, this attack intervenes with the spin, thus ending it as the pull is launched back. Now that you are blocking, this is no longer the case, so they will keep spinning.
Now just hit it, and wait till he dies.
I hope this helps out
EDIT: I too tried out this technique for myself, finally, turns out its actually extremely hard to pull off, as mimic makes your wardens bug out and stop spinning, making you extremely vulnerable untill feedback is up again. With mass invisibility I was able to take him down eventually, but this is not reliable.
For mesmer soloers, use the same pull technique as done in the mesmer duo, posted a bit later:
Extra note: mimic can also be used in combination with the stability mantra to absorb the pull+bomb attack, which can help some soloers get Operative Brie down more easily, as it can hit about 70k with every one of the 4 hits(direct damage)
In team setting, the warden block still works, so I would like to think it was not all for nothing.
I am sorry for the inconvenience
(edited by Sanderinoa.8065)
Can someone tell me what a party is? and has anyone soloed it yet?
Because why bring anything else when you can just Zerk your way to victory.
This better be a joke.. you’re really going to use some of the best players in the dungeon community to claim the gear they use is overpowered? Please tell me more about how you could do this by just equipping zerker gear.
Next to that, last time I checked zerker was an armorstat or playstyle, not a build. I personally switch between about 4 (trait) builds. Oh and does assassin’s gear also count as zerker? Because I dont mind switching to that if nobody complains about it.
considering she based these on the livestream in which Anet showed us all of these traits, they may indeed not be legit
Ok just tested!
The amount of dredges at the pressure plates officially scales with the level: on lvl 11 there were like 3 dredge, also they only respawn when you stand on the pressure plates.
The turret part is changed in the following way:
no more dredges in front of the turrets: including the big mob group,
There is a pile of lazer rifles on the left wall which anyone can pick up
the three turrets are no longer targettable, they have cooler circles and only do damage.
you must pick up the rifles and pass through the turrets untouched without dodging( you’ll have 0 endurance) to get to the door.
You need three people to simultaneously hit the wall with the rifles to damage it, it does about 1/5 the health I think, and the rifle is unusable afterwards, leaving you with 1 skill: explode.
While hitting the wall, dredge spawn appropriate to the level.
extra stuff:
Turret hitting patterns change through time, meaning you can predict it as easily
If you get hit by a turret while running with the rifle it will be unusable and have the explosion skill instead.
Blinking or portalling with the rifle in hand will make it disappear.
Clown cart:
Rabsovich will spawn alone, with less health and spawn dredge throughout the fight, once rabso is dead, cart disappears.
Not yet sure if the dredge spawn next to rabso or in front of the cart, people will likely just fgs him anyways.
I am aware that its not really impressive xD but someone asked me to make it, if there is anyone on these forums who still doesnt know how, go listen to my voice for 40 minutes.
I wouldnt exactly call it a guide, its more like a commentary.
(edited by Sanderinoa.8065)
I dream of a world in which people visit the dungeon forums for any reason which does not involve insulting/blaming people or just plain ignorance.
….reading a post by “a t s e.9614” saying he doubts anyone could solo or even duo it without exploiting…..
Aste just blows hot air out of its mouth.
atse confirmed for dragon
Well after the zaithan fight I won’t be surprised, he’s about as strong and entertaining
Hey everyone, Sanderinoa here with a new solo.
As I have seen the suggestion come and go, I thought I’d finally take the time to do a Mai Trin solo on lvl 50. She is definitely a fun fight, and I am glad to have spent the time on it.
All of the information can be found in the description, if anyone has any solos they would like to see done(on mesmer and just maybe thief), please let me know!
Enjoy the video if you’re interested, and either way, have a great weekend.
one never has too many dungeon tokens
X_x it is true, well I am glad to have helped in creating a fun thread on the dungeon forums again, we missed those. It’s time to be the adult in the situation
Gz on the duo, good job. Now let’s all get along and buy icecream together.
As my uni work has finally been lifted from me, I was able to upload the alphard solo guide video thingy, its an add on to my original commentary guide thingy for arah p2 for mesmers, and it shows both my original technique idea, as well as the technique used by the guys who duoed alphard and posted it here recently.
Enjoy if you wish, if not, have a nice day on the exotic dungeon forums.
Sorry to dissapoint you, But it’s highly unlikely that such a build will go meta. The meta itself won’t change that much, but we’ll definitely be more supportive with alacrity and quickness. Nonetheless, that doesn’t mean your builds aren’t viable. There is a strict distinction between meta and viable, so please play whatever you want as long as you’re with friends.
I like your attitude taco, thank you for giving the dungeon forum a friendly breeze. That aside i dont know anything about rangers xD but as people have already said, there is a preferred playstyle for puggroups. Though if you want to run tanky ranger with friends, by all means, do so.
Unrestricted.. Restricted.. LOL ! Keep Runninged
Me no compreno .__.
Actually we’re not a condition specialised class.. only bleeding is used effectively, and that’s not relevant in PvE at all, the mesmer actually has great underwater capabilities compared to most classes, as the spear is seriously kitten. I never thought Id see a thread complaining about underwater mesmers honestly.
I saw it here somewhere before so I thought I’d step it up a bit, dont know why the quality is so bad though.
Apologies in advance if you dont like the music >.>
(edited by Sanderinoa.8065)
I want to comment but dont know what we are talking about ;_;
God that Guangtard is still active.
Well I’ll remove being subtle from your list of qualifications now
As you may have noticed, Ive been doing some final lvl 80 fractal solos during the weekend, with this one likely being the last I ever do. Atleast we’re going out with a bang too, while keeping up our guild’s ironic specialty: soloing!
Again, sorry for the recent video spam, I wanted to get these solos out as quickly as I could, considering I will be quite busy during the rest of the week.
I hope you enjoy the video, and try to have an enjoyable monday!
Please see the more recent thread for info
(edited by Sanderinoa.8065)
The reason for my comment is that before this patch, people complained a ton about dungeon ownership. Now that it’s changed, they still get complaints. It’s the same as with the dredge fractal fix, and I can’t imagine it being motivating for ANET to fix anything if it doesn’t reduce the amount of complaining players.
If you do a bad job and become unmotivated because of complaints, that’s on you.
They shouldn’t have done just a bad job on the “fix.”
I’m actually quite happy with this, and it’s precisely what was asked for
I will never have a padawan cause I am in EU, people dont want help here
Nothing here, new thread up!
(edited by Sanderinoa.8065)
Just confirmed by oneshotting dub, the spiral bolts can be bodyblocked!
When you are teleported to her, she actually takes a big damage herself, and you can dodge the next bleed-melee attack. One thing Sandy didn’t mention is mesmer sword skill #3 can be used to block the shadowstep attack. I find it extremely cheesy =_=
Do you mean sword 4?
What’s cheesy about intelligently using active defenses?
Actually she’s referring to spawning a sword 3 illusion just in time so it takes the shot like a bodyguard. It’s nowhere near easy or reliable though, so I didn’t think it was worth mentioning
Dredge fractal changes aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh! Clown car nerf aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah! no more dredge QQ on forums aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!
screams like a little girl more than he should
thinks back at warden fix naaaaaaahh
Has there ever been a stream or video showing devs playing a whole dungeon from start to finish?
Hehehehehehehehehe, he said devs and dungeon in one sentence
Hey there!
As people have been bugging me for at least a year to do this solo, I went and did it in the little time I have between holidays(hardlife ;().
As I don’t enjoy the LoSing and don’t really need it, I used a bunch of distortion instead.
Here it is:
Hope you enjoy it have a nice summer
Sandy’s guide is good except for the incorrect assertion that F5 will get you back alive from downed state. That’s more a PvP consideration though; just don’t try to tank VG circles with it or something.
I like that you have read it in enough detail to have noticed that. Is it confirmed to be that way though? Ive thought to have had CS simply reset when I was about to go down, but Ive heard different, inconsistent ideas. Ill remove it if its simply wrong in all cases.
As the author of the dulfy mesmer guide I can assure you that it is constantly being updated despite the URL. The guide is being maintained by myself and is up to date to current events, as well as open to suggestions.
Clone attacks work for the 40, which is why I often run deceptive evasion there. The bubble is weird though, so there’s another intracity.
The 40 hits counter is addressed by whatever skill you use with the shaman targeted, meaning that you can miss him, but still take a stack off.
But wait, there’s more!
When reflecting a projectile, the projectile becomes yours, and therefore counts as your own skill. As long as you have the shaman targetted, reflecting the elementals reduces the bubble’s charges too.
Hey there guys, I know we’ve already had some posts come by, but frankly I feel like the forums are kinda dull around this time. We improved our time again by 30 seconds, without a buggy ritual
For anyone interested in watching, I think this one is definitely worth it. And dont worry, to those who don’t want this on the dungeon forum, my psychic abilities tell me this post is going to linksville shortly.
Warrior – Xerôx (Kull.9801)
Thief – Badarka Goes Thief (Dara Slice.8306) –
Elementalist 1. – Elemental M (Dub.1273) -Link pending
Elementalist 2. – Mc Kínnon (NoTrigger.8396)
Mesmer – Delvert (Sanderinoa.8065) –
Maybe its when a party wipes before even the arm seal?
This is what I suspected after seeing the actual run done by DnT, they wiped several times trying to get the hammer up to the seal, so I tried it out. in the pictures below you can see that I first reach the seals with 2 chanters up, then jump down. After I died(complete party wipe), I ran back up again and you can see that the full group is present.
I am not sure about whether the actual fix works(and I hope it does), but I can confirm that this bug is really present and should be looked into.
Finally passing the 5 minute barrier on mesmer, I likely won’t be trying to beat the warrior record, as there are so many warriors, it will be beaten again soon anyways. Nontheless, Im sure it is possible.
Counting on you to necro your old thread Dub!
Might actually doesnt affect reflects, as the power of the projectile itself(fired by lupicus) is used to calculate the damage. To get the high hitting projectiles, you want to make use of simple +?% damage modifiers. so using +4% per redied mantra, +3% per active illusions, +10% from scholars gear and the raw +critdamage makes the reflectiondamage go up. But ofcourse the vunerability is important still.
So much better than Dub’s engi solo. this is officially sanderinoa approved, goodjob.
I apologize if it appeared as a personal attack, it wasn’t. I was referring to anyone in general that does not believe and can’t get a non-mantra build to hit harder than mantra build.
Consider the cases where you have 3 warden’s up and constantly reflecting projectiles with them. SE/CM are most obvious ones. Mantra multipliers don’t apply to phantasms dmg/reflects. Having both phantasm +15% dmg multipliers greatly increases how hard Warden reflects hit, especially where mobs constantly bombard you with them.
I can obviously see where you’re coming from, the problem with this however is the practical use as well as the main stat bonus. You are correct that the +15% affects wardens, while the mantras do not affect them, neither are their reflections affected by the 100 power which you gain in said traitline. At the same time, warden’s are often unreliable(we’ll talk again post patch), as they dont fancy spinning half the time, and the +15% does not affect any of your other reflects, like the curtain and feedback.
Back to the main stat bonusses: 100 power vs 100 precision and 10%+ crit damage, will even out at around the same amount of damage in general aa, so we can cross this out. On the other hand, however, the power you’re getting from your first traitline does not affect the warden’s reflection, nor does it affect the feedback/curtain, resulting in an overall damage loss.
This brings us back to the mantras, which boost the aa again+feedback+curtain(not as much as the warden’s 15%, I agree).
so the choice right now is:
stronger wardens and other phantasms(15%) + x1% stronger general attacks due to power
x1% stronger wardens due to prec/critdamage+x2%stronger reflects from curtain+feedback + x2%stronger general attacks due to prec/critdamage
x1 being stat bonus(approx 5% dmg), x2 being stat bonus+mantras
the 15% extra damage from phantasms other than the warden can almost be corssed out in a general 5 man dungeon run, as you already talked about a scenario with 3 wardens up, plus, average 5 man group dungeon run kills dont generally take long enough for the phantasm to put out more than 2/3 hits, while needing a relatively siginificant spawning time.
the difference isnt massive, but I think it is safe to say that 30 in dueling is worth the traitpoints
(edited by Sanderinoa.8065)
Sure it does, for EM wich got ninjaswitched to dominion. So your reflects hit harder. But untraiting the warden doesn’t seem so smart for heavy reflect encounters.
I hope you realise I made some stuff bold to show what I was actually commenting on
Shout-out to all talented players:
Tomorrow fractals 50+ will be taken away from us. We have very little time to go there and show that content who’s the boss! Achieve anything you think is worthy of remembrance and post your video is this thread.
Tonight we dine in Fotm!
Ill be giving away 20g per solo then :P bloomhunger exception for 10g xD
Hey guys
A lucky fractal roll yesterday allowed me to get a video done despite my schedule
As some soloers have done their favorite encounters in first person, I thought Id do the same for my buddy the grawl shaman.
here it is, on lvl ten:
1st person in this fight I think looks amazing, but is a total pain to deal with xD so it’s more of a fun solo rather than something Ill redo as a personal challenge on higher levels.
Hope you enjoy!
If I had a fractal relic for each time I have seen a post like this come up… I would still not be able to buy a weapon with it, but I’m sure it would make me appreciate the account wallet more.
Yes so I’m back at the forums, ill answer this one. Ok lets see, ah yes, no, uhu, well you see Ehm.. could you rephrase that? I have no idea what the question is right now
kitten it, moved to linksville
Final fight took 30 minutes in realtime, enjoy the music if you like that, and have fun skipping through parts.
(edited by Sanderinoa.8065)