Showing Posts For Sansar.1302:

Team composition

in PvP

Posted by: Sansar.1302


What is youre favorite team composition?

Here is mine:

Ranger beast master bunker (me)
Mesmer Shatter
Guard bunker
Ele bunker
Thief d/p short bow

I almost only solo q so i see alot of different teams and too me this
is what i won most with.

plz no trolling

(edited by Sansar.1302)

That 1H sword...

in Ranger

Posted by: Sansar.1302


I really hate that people are OK with the sword. I wish everyone was on board with changing it so ANet might listen.

I hate hate HATE the animations and effects (leap on 3). It’s like if a game had a graphics overhaul, converting all old textures to new HD textures.. but they left one out.

The 1H sword is the glaring old and ugly version that never got updated.

Maybe the damage is good, but it FEELS AWFUL. And it looks awful (the animations).

I love the feeling of the 1 handed sword, actualy i would leave this class and play mesmer if they did alter the attack chain
All i can say is TURN OF THE AUTOATTACK and you have THE best weapon in game.

(edited by Sansar.1302)

If you soloQ long enough you hit 0 to 5%?

in PvP

Posted by: Sansar.1302


Been playing beast master bunker.
I actualy call 4 help on team chat, it helps alot.

If you soloQ long enough you hit 0 to 5%?

in PvP

Posted by: Sansar.1302


I started at 80% and have gone up to 90% only from solo queueing.
So not a rule that you will lose rating if solo queueing.

sPvP leaderboards

in PvP

Posted by: Sansar.1302


I am 85%, only solo que, have i any real hope at getting higer with no team ?

With some skill and a lot of luck, yeah. I 100% solo queued myself up to about rank 150 at one point. After that I had a stretch of 4-5 losses with several 4v5s that kicked me out of the top 1000. I’m back in it though.

If you are solo queue and able to get into the top 1000, expect your rank to fluctuate wildly depending on your pug luck. Anet’s MMR system does not give you much room for error if you have a few bad games in a row.

Big thx then i know it is possible, cya all inngame

sPvP leaderboards

in PvP

Posted by: Sansar.1302


I am 85%, only solo que, have i any real hope at getting higer with no team ?

Need some help to nail down a wvw play style

in WvW

Posted by: Sansar.1302


What i mostly do is take a camp solo or with a friend, then hang around flipp the closest sentrys and roam in the outskirts trying to find some other solo/duo and have a fun figth.
It is working ok in the early inn the morning when you can avoid the bigger grps.
After ppl starting to finish scool and work i have a hard time finding other solo/duo players and have time to finish figth before our or their zerg come.
ofc can still flipp camps and sentrys and get wxp but too me that is pure pve.

Going to try a full 5 man team and see how that works out.

Need some help to nail down a wvw play style

in WvW

Posted by: Sansar.1302


Hmm migth have to get more involved in my server it seams.
Always been a soloer first and a team player second, maby it is time to shift focus.
Going to try playing a little diffrent and see if that helps.

For the love of the zerg

in Suggestions

Posted by: Sansar.1302


Yes all that is important, no one is saying it isent.
What we are discussing is a way to break upp those main zergs a bit.
It would most likely reduce skill lagg a bit too.
And make room fore a eaven more strategy.
Is that realy a bad thing?

For the love of the zerg

in Suggestions

Posted by: Sansar.1302


That would be the best way to balance zerging as you still could zerg but you would want to spread out more.
But i think it is immposible as it would stress the servers alot.
Another way to spread the zerg migth be to remove commander tag and get a real way to organising alot of people.

Need some help to nail down a wvw play style

in WvW

Posted by: Sansar.1302


Hi, got this game because spvp but after many 100 hours or so i am geting burnt out.
Have goten myself a 80 ranger with full exotic of diffrent types.
I play mainly a solo/smal grp style flipping camps and sentrys, and getting into a tower trying to defend it until our zerg gets there.
Been a bit with the zerg too but it is not any fun 4 me.
Having a hard time soloing, inn a 1v1 i can take on almost any one cept tanky d/d eles. (cant kill them but they dont kill me either)
But eaven thives seams to hunt in pairs or more now,
usualy i can down a player in a 1v2 too but almost never stomp.
Any advice?
I am on Piken Square

Improve WvW: Dissuade the Zerg Mentality

in WvW

Posted by: Sansar.1302


I) Remove AoE limits on offensive skills.

Only this will help, if they do this then we will see real strategy.
Think of what only a few flanking staff eles can do to a zerg if no aoe limit.
Or a sqad of long bow rangers would have done if they had a mesmer to help them get in position.

Aof attacks

in WvW

Posted by: Sansar.1302


Why is there a cap to aof dmg in wvw?
Comming from daoc this seams to only reward the side with most players as you can ball up to avoid being killed by aof if you have the numbers on youre side.
Aint that a bit harsh fore the outmanned side ?

Ranger update march 26

in Ranger

Posted by: Sansar.1302


I have 3 ranger at the moment a condition\trapp spec with sb/sword warhorn
Beast master bunker gs /sword dagger
and a mele hybrid build that i find very entertaining and semi viable.

Most rangers i talk with that is unnhappy with rangers use them as pure range class.
but the short bow and long bow dont synergise any well.
I belive a buff to Long bow must be done rely carfull as it have ok burst, if traited a good knock back and good area dmg,
It needs a buff of some sort to be viable in spvp/tpvp but i cant se any thing that will help without being op.

Inn my oppinion a realy strong Spvp/Tpvp class, and ok in WvW
cant rely comment on PvE as i only did what i needed to get to 80 and got most of my gear from trading gems 4 gold.

I almost only play tornaments these days.

(edited by Sansar.1302)

Thank you so much for killing Ranger

in Ranger

Posted by: Sansar.1302


Stop crying, as a spvp/tpvp player i can say rangeres is good.
Ok longbow is not viable in spvp/tpvp, all clases have weaponsetts that is not optimal.
Atleast we have two good builds, several classes have one and warriors now have zero.

I truly feel sorry for pvp warriors

in Warrior

Posted by: Sansar.1302


I play ranger in spvp/tpvp and i feel so sorry 4 you guys now, it wherent like you where at a good place to begin with.
Rangers where kind of hit too, but only a little bit.
All i can say that they will fix you, they HAVE to.

btw only played warrior in hotjoin a little bit , but played alot against you.

Huge buff to Bunkers

in PvP

Posted by: Sansar.1302


The haste nerf where badly needed i see that, but you forget one part of the equation the BUNKERS they where strong before and are now uncontested the best builds.

On my bunker bm bunker ranger this is a huge buff as i now have two good stunbreakers one offensive and one defencive.

The ele is game breakingly good on spirit

in PvP

Posted by: Sansar.1302


Maybe you should try getting to the orb before the opponent does by out-ele’ing the other elementalist. Just a thought.

If you have to out-ele the other team then the class is broken in my opinion period.

[sPvP] How to fix the problems.

in PvP

Posted by: Sansar.1302


So true, the ekstreme burst and bunker nede to be sligthly tuned down to make more builds viable.

Ranger pet bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Sansar.1302


With boon duration i can get 1 min reg and 1 min furry in about 15 sec, or about as long it taks to decapp and capp a node.

Rangers are underpowered - thoughts?

in Ranger

Posted by: Sansar.1302


Dont know about dungeons since i only have done one,
but in Tpvp we are very viable. Atleast two good build the trapper spec and bm bunker, only d/d ele is at another level of power.
Inn WvW i think we are some what underpowered mainly as pet die too fast/respond to slow .

tPvP 101? (The Basics)

in PvP

Posted by: Sansar.1302


This tread deserve a bump.

Op pet bug

in Ranger

Posted by: Sansar.1302


So having fury and regen STACING on my trapp ranger who dont have this boons aint op? Right….

Ranger pet bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Sansar.1302


I have found a bug with the fern hound and other pets with buffs on f2,
if you switch pet rigth after the boon gets applyed out of combat and then switch back you can apply the boon again.
This results in having a perm reg or other boons without specing for them.
Fix this plz as its so insanly op and game breaking.

Op pet bug

in Ranger

Posted by: Sansar.1302


I have found a bug with the fern hound and other pets with buffs on f2,
if you switch pet rigth after the boon gets applyed out of combat and then switch back you can apply the boon again.
This results in having a perm reg or other boons without specing for them.
Fix this plz as its so insanly op and game breaking.

Btw ppl Ranger is so good

I'm sorry to have to say this.

in PvP

Posted by: Sansar.1302


The thing that bugs me is that when i solo q it often pops instant, its like the system dont eaven try to wait 30 sec to se for a better match of players

Anyone else Having a great time in SPVP?

in PvP

Posted by: Sansar.1302


I love it, have about 500 hour now and i love it more and more.
but i miss some good streamers.

How many stil hav faith inda dev ofPVP inGW2?

in PvP

Posted by: Sansar.1302


I think gw2 pvp is gona grow alot, i giver it 1 year from now
You young one nede to relax a bit

Dear Jon peters and other "balance" devs

in Ranger

Posted by: Sansar.1302


Are we on the same planet? i main a ranger in sPvP and having a blast, actualy i have 2 ranger so i can have my 2 favorite build, migth buy a new slot so i can have a third.
been doing a fair bit of wvw too, and cant say that i have any issues there (my bunker build dosent work that grate in wvw but i expected that)

PvP, rewards, and you

in PvP

Posted by: Sansar.1302


I dont need any rewards or rank point gain, i play bc its fun.

my core issues with spvp

in PvP

Posted by: Sansar.1302


I only made rank 11 and have pretty much given up on the entire thing. It’s repetitive and incredibly unbalanced between builds and professions.

Some builds are a bad , we all know that some things will never work.
As far as i can see all classes have several diffrent build that is good and variations of those.
I play Ranger as main and actualy have 2 diffrent ranger so i can have 2 of my favorite builds. migth actualy buy a new slot so i can have a third one too.
My alt is a messmer and they too have several good builds.
Not all build are good by themself, they need a team( one that synergise with the builds) to work propperly.
(btw i dident make a good build byemyself untill i where close to rank 30)

SPvP vs WvW Trinkets

in PvP

Posted by: Sansar.1302


TPvP is garbage. This works fine in real PvP (WvW).

The only arguments I can see are that it would make glass cannons like backstab thieves even stronger and bunkers like guardians or elementalists harder to kill.

But this is an issue with the class balance itself – not the stat customization.

I feel that WvW is garbage and a zerging is the most rewardig play type.
Tpvp is the real real 4 me, when i startet playing it where 4 WvW butt i found spvp way better in all ways.

(edited by Sansar.1302)

Unstoppable Dueling Build

in Ranger

Posted by: Sansar.1302


you know that reg tics way faster than 1 per sec ?

No if this is the case it’s news to me, I am pretty sure it ticks exactly once per second and I never noticed it ticking significantly faster for me.

If you look at health pool numbers then you can see it easy, use a digital watch that shows secs
and time it, the health pool get updated way faster than the green numbers tic on screen, btw would be nice if more ppl can test it

Unstoppable Dueling Build

in Ranger

Posted by: Sansar.1302


you know that reg tics way faster than 1 per sec ?

Unstoppable Dueling Build

in Ranger

Posted by: Sansar.1302


Been thesting again, by stakking regen from healing spring until i got about a 50 sec then engage boss mob trial in the mist until i hadde 10k left then used pet to take agro while i reggened and its a about 4k to 4,5k in 3 sec as far as i can see.
last tests where with signet of the wild so they where a bit higer ofc

(edited by Sansar.1302)

Unstoppable Dueling Build

in Ranger

Posted by: Sansar.1302


Almost only play tpvp now, and i realy like 0/0/15/25/30 with Clerics amulet and Dwayna Runes, spirit elite (if you trait it you can pull of res 95% of the time) 4 res and extra healing, using jaguar and moa bird as pets.

interesting, how do you handle condition removal though? i know spirit can wipe them every 30 seconds on-demand, but it’s only up for 1/4 of the time, and even that is significantly lower than every 10 seconds

The healing springe clears 1 too, and got permanent regen at about 5k per 3 sec, and leap finisher from gs, the moa heals 4 alot too. So its the heals that mainly carries me true it.

Unstoppable Dueling Build

in Ranger

Posted by: Sansar.1302


Almost only play tpvp now, and i realy like 0/0/15/25/30 with Clerics amulet and Dwayna Runes, spirit elite (if you trait it you can pull of res 95% of the time) 4 res and extra healing, using jaguar and moa bird as pets.

Just delete sword from ranger already.

in Ranger

Posted by: Sansar.1302


hmm always thogth it where a blast, any way its a nice extra heal when leaping into healing spring.
Yes ofc all can be improved all can be better, but sword is inmy opinion the best weapon we have

Just delete sword from ranger already.

in Ranger

Posted by: Sansar.1302


I hate that kitten behaviour of skill 1. I hate skill 2. But the damage is the best of all melee weapons available to the ranger.

You realise that skill 2 is evade and a blast finisher?

Just delete sword from ranger already.

in Ranger

Posted by: Sansar.1302


Dont do ANY thing about sword, if you do you kill my Ranger.

WvW is headed in the wrong direction.

in WvW

Posted by: Sansar.1302


1. Culling is bad
2. I did Daoc pvp solo and 8 man as minstell per and post toa, and new frontiers.
And it where good , but when i where rr8 and onnward i could owercharm mobs 15 lvls and buffe the so munch tahat the 2 shot any thing while i twisted 110 speed, daoc where good but it had big flaws too, the best thing about daoc wvw where new frontiers and it where amas
Sorry about not good writen post , mobile phone

(edited by Sansar.1302)

Bored in WvW as Ranger

in WvW

Posted by: Sansar.1302


I play a soloranger mainly. and i must say that the only 1v1 i find hard is good mesmers.
but you kind of have to lay down the bow. sword warhorn and greatsword works nice 4 me. spec heavy into regen and use onom ghost food to lifesteal on crit, skill roof is thrue the celing tho alot of micro with pet wep swapps and evades on wep skills that makes you dizzy the first months

when hits the todays patch live?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sansar.1302


I think they would give an exact time frame if they could, but with the nature of things with this uppdates i dont think it is posible.

Ranger Movement Speed

in Ranger

Posted by: Sansar.1302


:) and with arrow travel time fix this is going to be soooo good.

Short rounds

in PvP

Posted by: Sansar.1302


The last few weeks i have been feeling the average time of a round have become a little to short, any one else feel 500 points to win is to little ?

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sansar.1302


Ok now i am done with this game, gear farming is not fun.
The casual none grinding pve where the reason i started playing, now i see that i have vasted many hour of my life.