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Yeah it sucks….but don’t fret even if you killed a knight and gotten a reward chest, there would be still a chance of getting just the champ bags and no orbs for the backpiece.
Battle for Lion's Arch Open Issues and Tips
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: Sarius.6983
3 times I knocked down the knights…still no core but atleast now i’m getting champ bags I guess.
I still refuse to believe it’s “just RNG” and that something is up with the loot tables that some people always get stuck on the low side of the loot tables regardless of anything which end up with shoddy loot while other stay stuck on the high end of the loot tables, with all of the exo drops and whatnot . This is pretty much ascended ring only from fractal daily tier ((and I only ended up getting the ring AFTER they fixed it so you could buy it with the tokens , after a month of doing the fractal daily…daily))
By the way, I used to get bad loot all the time. Then I quit playing hardcore and play only let’s say 1 day per week. Sometimes less sometimes more. And now I get lots of exotics, lots of rares, I even got ascended weapon chest from Scarlet’s chest in her secret lair.
I really think there is some rested bonus for those who come back to the game after longer period of time.
Maybe you can try it
I’ve come back after months of break and whatnot, I got the collector’s edition and the like…I still only get blue and greens and the occasional rare every now and then. This is even running with 300% MF when that coloseum patch was running and following the zerg. I just came back after a long long break aswell and still, blue and greens and the occasional yellow.
Anet can say anything they want, but there’s something fishy with the loot in this game regardless of what they say and it’s sickening.
It is possible that the random number generator (RNG) of Guild Wars 2 is borked.
WARNING: Very Technical Stuff ahead.
I actually wouldn’t be surprised if it were. This is the only game where I actually felt being shafted by RNG at a consistent basis irregardless of what I do. From kitten poor exotic drops while friends rain on it, to not having any progress at all in fractals by not getting ring whatsoevers while first timers and the like got theirs (this was before they implemented getting the tokens for the rings.) Every aspect of the game I feel like im fighting agaisnt the underlying mechanics of the fight rather than the actual fight.
Sounds good so far actually, like a breath of fresh air.
Looking forward to see all the changes once patch hits! Although I do hope aswell some traits are a bit shuffled around or reworked for guardians too.(I’m looking at you Glacial Heart). Trait merges would be nice too (Spirit weapons!) also I don’t think 50% damage for spirit weapon is much WOW being in the grandmaster trait line on zeal.
But overall though , hyped again!
If their gw2 team is as bad as their LoL team then 99.9% of us are lucky.
As for the condi meta, if those leaked notes are true then it just got much worse for guardians…MUCH WORSE.
Much worse is an understatement. If they actually go through with it, the only thing guardians will be good at is for walls and knowing their current rate, itll probably get nerfed too.
Posters here have pretty much hit the nail in the head with the current meta and guardian problems as of late.
In a nutshell, we do sacrifice a lot and in return we get subpar compared to other classes that are given defaults and exceed when focused on their build.
I just really really hope that if the devs are going to do something about it, they don’t just put a bandage, and so and don’t do anything else.
I do feel like the guardian does need a bit of a deeper pass , particularly on traits and their lopsidedness.
Nice info, but not too thrilled on the fact that it’s the dreaded " chance" on getting said item, even after a full complete of it.
People are still going bandwagon….rather than bandwagoning when the season start…they’ll just bandwagon now.
Hell, people bandwagoned on release when there were no rewards at ALL or anything just because; now there’s a much more incentive to do so.
If anything though, I really hope atleast the rewards aren’t too exclusive or obscene in a manner…I can already smell the drama brewing from just the announcement as is.
Look at my sig.
I have.
I have also run max magic find. For quite some time I tried to increase my odds. Didn’t change my loot drops in any noticable way. Sure I got more greens than before but kitten . Trash loot is trash loot.
You should change your sig to say ‘MF gear works for me’.
+60 exotics in 5 months is not a fluke. Maybe you’re not killing enough mobs for MF gear to be best utilized
MF gear works best in:
-zergs with high number of mobs
-classes with superb tagging ability, such as the Guardian
This is the kinda discrepancy I want for the devs to see. I’ve done the same thing, i’ve zerged orr as a staff guard with as much MF i could. I’ve zerged the coloseum also aswell with as much MF i could eat. I’ve only gotten 1 exotic running the coloseum for as much as I could login.
I still feel that there’s an account bug or somesorts. It’s still ridiculous there’s such big discrepancies , regardless of RNG or not.
I remember my situation that made me quit hard this game for quite a few months. It was the start of the fractals, where you could only get a ring from the daily attempt. Guess when I finally got my ring after my guild passing me due to not having enough agony resists due to not having a ring? When they implemented the 10 fractal relic per ring deal.
I do believe something is “off” with some accounts compared to others, luckily this game doesn’t have a sub else I’d would already have unsubbed. Least i’ll never pay a cent for gems though.
I’m really hoping they’re either fake or we’re missing things cause I feel like we got the short end of the stick compared to other classes and all the changes feel subpar at most.
Because people have been complaining and portraying the crappyness that’s the scepter auto attack since release and there has been no changes. What’s the point really?
Still lack of drops even after a few weeks of not even bothering to login.
I’m from Stormbluff Isle and I made this account once the prepurchase was up and been playing since pre-release.
Maybe this has to play with something… i know I had the WWW bug aswell [[ No WWW buffs running on self, did not transfer servers or anything and stayed in SBI]] until they fixed it. Hopefully they find what’s actually wrong and they fix it too.
Thinking about it…this bug reminds me of the WWW buff bug that got fixed whiles ago. Some people , not having transfered servers at all since release, got bugged that they didn’t have any www buffs running on them at all.
Maybe there’s a bug here, like DR not resetting for a set unlucky few? or Magic Find buff doing the opposite of what’s intended?
There IS something, cause it’s ridiculous how lopsided the two spectrums are.
After more play time and whatnot, I do feel like perhaps this bug has something to do with the DR aswell. Some characters may or may not be getting their DR resetted and thus they get lower and lower drops till the rates are abysmal and don’t get resetted till a new patch comes or something and even then they may still have it.
I always find it curious also on how people say " hey’ let’s farm these mobs and what not , they drop good loot" and when we do, they get yellows/exotics and the only thing i’ve gotten were whites and blues with the occasional green in such a constant manner.
I’ve been playing since release, and it is quite frustrating that I can literally count all the exotic drops i’ve gotten with one hand as loot even running with full magic find gear and let’s not get started on fractals. Its kinda ridiculous how much dailies i’ve done and only gotten 3 rings out of it.
I just got the 200 fractal achievement. Out of all those 200 ones, ive gotten only 10 vials and 4 globs.
Between that, i could safely say ive done 15 fractal dailies on the 10-18 tier and only gotten 2 rings from the daily.
2 for 2 times already when it’s been the last fractal on an even one (10 to be exact). It has bugged in the manner that the cinematic talks but it doesn’t start per se making that the grawls keep invulnerable and don’t attack which in turn blocks progress.
Has anyone else gotten this bug?
I’ll probably wait till I get an official response before the pitchfork really.
For all we know, it could just be a dungeon only thing for that specific dungeon like gw1’s infusion and stat wise it’ll be the same as exotic
Hell, perhaps mmorpg said that to get more clicks either way and they "understood " it like that while Arenanet meant something different at all. I’m quite skeptical since it’s pretty hard to misspell Kodan as Koden too.
Very interestingly good idea.
The completed book doesn’t have a level. Trinkets without a level only allow pebbles.
So, it’s behaving consistently with other items (including the P-story back-trinket you get midway through the storyline.) Did ANet intend for this to be an L0 item? Perhaps they want the only high-level back item to be from the personal story. (However, it would be nice if they made it something like L55, since that’s the recommended level required to get the 12th memoire.)
True, but then why does it have around the same stats as the level 80 personal story back brace?
Not trying to be mean , just curious on it all. I did expect it from the first back book due to it being blue and quite noticeably low stats, but having the green one aswell ,which matches stats is kinda “odd” , hence the bug report to see their stance.
Personally though, id wish there were more way to get different back slot items save for personal story or guild one , since i don’t want to spend 5g on an extra 2 stats :p.
That ILB or whatever clan has a solid “creative use” of mesmer portals. I only had to wait 20 seconds after I died for them to appear so I could get a tag…
Yup, if you see llb expect mesmer portals really. Gotta love invisibugs still.
Yup, just noticed I don’t get the bonuses either aswell…I’ve never server transfered at all, kept in the same server since headstart. It’s quite disheartening finding out just now but hopefully the devs see the whats wrong and fix it
(edited by Sarius.6983)
Don’t know if it’s working as intended or an oversight, but the Mad Memoires:Complete Edition item from the second path of the scavenger hunt does not accept either the rare Orbs nor the Exquisite Jewels.
It does accept the tier 1 pebbles though.
I ask in case since it has the same stat range of the spineguards gotten from the personal story and those do accept the exquisite jewelry.
I’m a human guardian male, and the CoE heavy explorable armor has clipping issues with the helmet. If you can see real closely you can see 2 nubs of skin popping out in the front.
Hey , just to add some more info .
Every day as clockwork, i do some dungeons after the daily reset at 5 pm server time in stormbluff and it goes like this. First dungeon path 60 tokens, then second becomes 45, then 30, then 15. We do different paths and the last one was in a whole different dungeon so i pretty much can only do 3 dungeons paths per day while others in my team, can do all the paths and still get 60.
We all run the same dungeons together and so , but I’m the only one getting hit with the DR. Just a heads up on it really.
Personally, from what the devs say in the Diminishing return, i think there’s a language barrier somewhere where people are getting misinformed…that and with the current bugs happening makes this a quite difficult situation to see what’s good/what’s wrong.
From what I’m gathering, the DR will hit if you repeat the paths constantly…but didn’t they say also you’ll get 60 for the first time per day per path run?
Anyways, if it’s like that, it’s fine… Personally though, I’m leaning myself to sacking the DR when it comes to dungeon speed clears and leaving it for those that only spam the same path over and over but since currently this is bugged and tokens are not being given in the correct manner, who knows that the way they’re implemented/planned to, works fine and we’re making mountains out of molehills?
Also, maybe the DR being global rather than fixated on dungeons and dungeons alone is what’s causing the bug? Personally, I feel like they both should be separated if you’re still going to implement things. A DR for global and one specific for dungeons. I don’t feel like we should be hit by DR for dungeons, if we ran outside and did some events and so.
Anyways, i’m done with ranting, time for bug reporting. Some of my team got 60 tokens on all runs but some did not…since we switched out some after 2 runs, i’ll just post the constant variable which was me.
AC Explorable Ghost Eater Path
Instance Entry 5pm Stormbluff Server Time/ Exit: 5:45pm
Recieved tokens 60
AC Explorable Flame Scepter Path
Instance Entry 5:50pm Stormbluff Server Time/Exit 6:31 p.m
Recieved Tokens 45
AC Explorable Colosus Rumblus Path
Instance Entry 6:35pm StormBluff Server Time/Exit 7:13pm
Recieved Tokens 30
AC Explorable Path Ghost Eater(ran it again)
Instance Entry 7:24pm StormBluff Server Time/Exit 7:45pm
Recieved Tokens 5
Hello, just to add aswell to this topic since it’s the official one that I got hit with the DR . I don’t have the specific times per se, but I roll with a default group most runs.
First path we did was the ascalonian explorable path #2. No wipes nor anything and we finished it at around the 35 minute mark give or take. Everyone except 1 got 60 tokens ((the one that didn’t got 30 and said he ran it earlier on the day we ran the dungeons at 2 am)
Then we ran path #1, flame scepter. Run was about 34 minutes ish give or take and 3 people got 60 tokens, the one that got 30 earlier got 15 and I personally got 45. Taking into account I havent done a dungeon run since pretty much a day before the patch give or take..and everyone that did both path #2 and path#1 was the is unusual that I got hit with the DR while the others did not.
If you need any more specific information , feel free to pm, or post and I’ll try to remember more details.
Hello, just to add aswell that I got hit with the DR . I don’t have the specific times per se, but I roll with a default group most runs.
First path we did was the ascalonian explorable path #2. No wipes nor anything and we finished it at around the 35 minute mark give or take. Everyone except 1 got 60 tokens ((the one that didn’t got 30 and said he ran it earlier today, at 2 am)
Then we ran path #1, flame scepter. Run was about 34 minutes ish give or take and 3 people got 60 tokens, the one that got 30 earlier got 15 and I personally got 45. Taking into account I havent done a dungeon run since pretty much a day before the patch give or take..and everyone that did both path #2 and path#1 was the is unusual that I got hit with the DR while the others did not.
If you need any more specific information , feel free to pm, or post. Hopefully i can easily keep tabs on this post to see what’s wrong with the current implementation that’s causing this DR issue for some but not all.
I find the changes pretty legit really. It has its pros and cons really but they do seem to be in the right place. I did find it silly personally the doing just 2 bosses over and over and not the whole run. Also the added incentive of doing all paths rather than constantly doing one is a boon aswell.
Thanks for the patch notes! I love how quickly they got up after the patch coming in.
I had this once aswell while running a group..but everyone poofed on out. Perhaps a bug…perhaps the dungeons in charge of the servers blew up momentarily or perhaps the leader of the group thing Garrix said….but how does one know who the leader there even party leaders really?
Gating content is made to artificially lengthen the time it takes to do things. Of course when you’re a company who wants to keep people suscribed with little work, that’s one way to keep them hooked.
Thank you aswell for your work in dungeons. I know it can be hard but don’t give up! WE’ll get there soon!
That I honestly got my money’s worth in this game…in around 3 times of what I usually pay for a new game and it still grows. There’s still secrets abound somewhere, there’s mystery…the story was very warming.
I hope they don’t crave to people that complain about everything , or assume themselves thing and then complain too. Sure there’s still a few kinks and querps with the game that Im sure they’ll be fixed eventually given the scale…but like I say to the people that complain and whatnot : There hasn’t been a longkitten period of time I could not play due to bugs, queues and what not…and personally, I rather play and get a risk of bugs and whatnot, that not play at all and have to wait.
Myself, I would like for Arenanet to officially implement something like this. If it has to rely on third party then to be implemented I lean more to their current stance on no mods cause that can and would open it to be exploited..perhaps not this mod but perhaps other and then a whole slew of issues might happen.
Yeah, hence why the suggestion. Mats could easily be a combination of two trophies somewhat sharing their general stats for their pure alternatives and the suggestion is just not for armor, but everything crafted, armor , weapons, jewelry.
[Devquote included] Dungeon Gear Token Costs (Aka, whatever happened to anti-grind philosophy?)
Posted by: Sarius.6983
Right now i do agree there’s some sort of disproportion between rewards and such aswell but there’s also the fact that there’s specifically statted armor where you can only get via dungeons or massive grinding the www. I do believe Arenanet should let these statted armors be crafted aswell.[ I currently know of the Power/tough/vitality statted armor, I know there should be more that aren’t able to be crafted].
I think the problem also stems from the fact, thinking about it dungeons runs are the only way to get some specifically statted gear [power/tough/vit is the only one i specifically know of] A fix to let these armors be crafted aswell perhaps using 2 different trophies . Thats the only window in yes dungeons give gear needed since there’s so many other ways, like crafting karma and whatnot for max stats.
What could be done aswell is to make the rare set currently given for tokens have a moderate chance to drop from the boss chests, then make a whole new exotic set with the price of around 9 non-repetitive runs (3 paths per day) or a bit more for a farmed aspect that looks like what the current rare armor looks..then perhaps keep the awesome looking armor at the same price, or perhaps make it so that it works like the HoM armor as a transmutable maker item.
Just suggesting hopefully. Currently , the only way to get items with these prefixes and stats would be grinding horrendously or lucking out on TP. Personally crafters should be able to make these items aswell. I know we’re lacking the trophies requirements and I personally wouldn’t want added trophies, so what could be done would be they would require two different trophies.
For example, Shaman, you could make the insignia or dowel take 3 bones and 2 totems, or for the jewelry alternative 3 chrysocola and 2 sapphires.
I know there’s some people that really want the armor with those stats and they shouldn’t be hindered to having to farm specifically a dungeon or www and should be able to be crafted aswell.
In my opinion, I vote personally for a removal of the 30 minute limit per run..since that in turn is a hinderance to better yourself to the point of doing efficient runs…unless it’s in the manner that some key paths aren’t supposed to be done in 30 minutes as minimum and are currently done due to mechanics/or the way they are.. I think more elaborating is needed but for that point, this is my two cents.
The first change is an acceptable fix, given the notoriety of constant farming runs…in turn would make people to branch out and do other runs. It should be that if people alternate for example. They do one path of the dungeon, then they do another path, and then after that they do the same path, there shouldn’t be any diminishing returns at all. If this is the case, then it is alright. I do recommend bumping up at least the first time of the day token count a bit higher though to make different path running more lucrative but since you are going to do a pass on dungeon rewards, i’m on hold on that.
I do suggest, perhaps adding karma aswell to the rewards aswell, tied with the one time reward for story, and after each run in explorable mode. Perhaps around 400-700ish per path run aswell. It does give more incentive to do dungeons which currently they do lack just a bit more.
(edited by Sarius.6983)
From what I’ve read…something like the DDO finder would be perfect for this game imo. Anything automated would be a hinderance given how teams are built and whatnot.
Personally, I would be satisfied with just a LFG channel only useable when in LFG..and with a spam control of like half a minute to a minute for the exclusive use for LFGing.
Personally it is kinda annoying being 80 and having to idle in the lower region when you’ve already 100% completed said region for a chance of a team.
I’m from stormbluff and I was there when it happened. It started with the dragon landing after a stun phase...what happened was that the ice wall he spawns never did spawn, so it got stuck there...despite it, his life still could be ticked down and he ended up dieing on the phase 1 spot. Hasn't worked since then