Showing Posts For Scrag.8765:

Spirits Watch is the least fun map yet

in PvP

Posted by: Scrag.8765


The map encourages you to fight (For the orb) instead of holding points all day. Not perfect, but think its an improvement over pure domination.

PvP reward system - Idea

in PvP

Posted by: Scrag.8765


C’mon, what is it with everybody wanting to mix up PVP and PVE? Just keep those separate. About the visible rating system: hell no! There are some players at rank 15 who are better than players at rank 55. Rank doesn’t say kitten.

You should be rewarded for playing the game, wether its pvp or pve. People should not be discriminated against becuse they prefer to play the game differently than someone else. MMO Design 101.

IMO Anet went against their manifesto (& I'm glad)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Scrag.8765


Progression and rewards are what keep people playing an mmo. It doesnt need to be a massive grind, no need to switch to another extreme here. A basic reward system that rewards players and makes gear available to casual players as well. Or you could have very small character advancement “skills” that are purchased with more skillpoints, with a very small advancement for end game. Nothing to extreme or OP, but enough to keep you satisifed and feel like you are still “building” a character.

Back to roots or why PvP should be endgame.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Scrag.8765


Is it too much to ask to have good pvp and good pve? The pve in this game is failing cause there isnt any good progression.

Fact 1: Pve isnt really very fun for long, which is why games “reward” players for playing. Let there be a decent progression – doesnt need to be a gear grind, but games like dcuo and rift allow you to slowly and minorly advance your character the more you play.

Fact 2: Pvp is fun but for a short time, there are no rewards, no ladders, no game type diversification. It just gets old fast. You cant even wear the styles you earn in spvp in the pve world. The WvW gear is lackluster, why buy it when I have pve exotics?

Why is there this segregation between pve and pvp? Players should be rewarded for playing the game and there should not be favoritism toward pvp or pve. A good solid mmo has progression, and lets players decide how they want to play.

People who cry out that pvp is fun and should not be rewarded or that you should only get pve rewards from dungeon grinds etc are selfish people who frankly are angry that there are players who are different than thye are.

How to create an MMO for dummies...

in Suggestions

Posted by: Scrag.8765


On a non-rage note, this game really could be great. Just let people play and be rewarded for what they want to play. Is that so bad? Dont hate us other players cause we dont play the way you do. ALL PEOPLE WHO play GW2 should have fun and get rewarded for playing as they like. Its so simple, please please just pull your heads out of your @&%^% and dont hate us cause were different than you. Seriously.

You disagree? Dont like gear, grinds, or progression? The answer is simple – remove all rewards from the game. You should be playing for fun right? Stop being hypocrites and do that and watch how quick the game fails. Better yet – fix it, and watch how many people come back to this game.

How to create an MMO for dummies...

in Suggestions

Posted by: Scrag.8765


Did my pve daily today, got my laurel, cool. Saw that there was a pvp daily and was excited. Finally! I can run content I actually wanna run and progress my character as well! Wrong!

I did my pvp daily and got no laurel.

This is the most basic problem of this game. Certain players are rewarded for running certain content, certain players (most expecially pvp’ers) are not rewarded for playing the content they want.

It seems like this game has been created by people “who are casuals who play dps classes and hate pvp, and want to log on every other friday and run pvp and not worry about some dude having better gear than them”. – If they played a little more, they would have the gear, not hard. Every player should be rewarded and be able to “progress” wether they love to play pvp or pve, craft, fish or what have you.

This game is all about “discrimination” and “restriction”. Sad but true. PVE’ers are rewarded with expereice, items, karma, etc etc. Pvp’ers, most especially sPVP’ers, are rewarded with nothing. No exp, no gear, nothing, unlike every other mmo out there. Massive grind for a style i cant even wear outside the mists? Get real!

I take it personal, I hear the arguments and I understand one thing – “you dont like me cause I play the game different than you”. Thats what it all amounts to. I think EVERY player should be rewarded and be able to progress, without playstyle discrimination. I think the styles you earn, wether in pve, dungeon, karma, or spvp should be able to be worn anywhere. Yes, that guy who’s first place in the tournament is just as cool as you first time pve dungeon runners.

“But pvp is fun, you dont need gear”. Um…there are few maps and its all domination – please, spare me the arguement.

All other MMO’s out there have slowly begun to recognize that to have a massive player base and be successful, they have had to have content for ALL types of players and reward them for what they want to run. This is the real basic ideal of a successful mmo. Dont beleive me? Remove PVE rewards for all the excuses you will post about, or just let the game die as it may.

Do you like not having dedicated healers?

in PvP

Posted by: Scrag.8765


3 quick questions

1. Do you like having no dedicated healers?

2. Do you wish you could play a dedicated healer(because that’s your play style)?

3. Do you feel the game achieved balance by taking out dedicated healers?

Personally, my play style in every MMO I ever played (SWG, SWTOR, Warhammer) was dedicated healer/some damage.

SWTOR is free to play now, see you there soon <3

1.) I Like having dedicated healers. I enjoy playing the class. This game is limited in its just a DPS vs DPS game. I get bored only playing a damage dealer.
2.) Yes I wish I could play a healer. But as ive found out, even though playing a gimped healer GREATLY helps my team and we win much more, I get no points in sPVP or WvW. So whats the point.
3.) The game isnt balance, everyone knows that, so the obvious answer is no.

Anet are very inexperienced MMO developers. We need class diversity cause not everyone likes to play DPS all the time like you – (Anet Devs). Having no tanks, no healers, no support and only DPS only serves to have less players in the game, makes pvp and pve more boring cause I cant switch to different roles, and balance has NOT been achieved.

MMO Experiment = Failed.

This game was designed ground up for DPS playing casuals. Thats why there is no gear progression, so casuals who join in once a week dont have to worry about some guy having a piece of gear a little higher than theres.

Problem is in any MMO, is if there isnt gear, nobody will show. sPVP is fun for awhile, but it gets old fast.

(edited by Scrag.8765)

so I played this game for like 1 month

in PvP

Posted by: Scrag.8765


Also sounds like to want to own people with gear instead of skill. I pity you.

We need to get something straight. People with skill are not “scared” of people with gear. Noobs are scared of people with gear. If you actually pvp for more than 1 hour every 2 weeks in an mmo, you will have gear to compete. Real people with skill like gear cause it helps people with lack of skill compete thus providing us real people with skill a challenge.

Remember that. Skilled players like a challenge, and are not scared of people with a little more gear than them. People who preach we should have no pvp gear are really just casuals who were never going to compete with us anyway.

Please stop trying to fool everybody.

Thank You.

Spvp destiny. An important message

in PvP

Posted by: Scrag.8765


I can’t blame anyone in here for the pessimistic attitude towards this “update”. My biggest concern is getting past the things he listed so some new content can actually be enjoyed, you know like maybe a DIFFERENT GAME MODE?

you know they cant do everything at once right? and if they are working on these few features, they cant make new modes at the same time… just be patient and wait until one thing is done, then ask another one

People are more than patient. What in the world!? You say we need to wait more than a few days. WE HAVE! Its been going on 5+ months! 5 months and nothing to show for it.

Spvp destiny. An important message

in PvP

Posted by: Scrag.8765


They can’t make money off of sPvP so they really don’t seem to care that much.

I find myself logging in less and less now, even sPvP becomes boring now (and i quit pve awhile back as well) Very little incentive to play anymore with the sPvP basically left to rot away, don’t think i’ll last till the next update at this rate. They really dropped the ball on addressing sPvP, but in the end it was probably the correct financial decision for them; it would take alot more effort to go the esports route to make money, than it would be to go the micro-transaction pve route.

Thats not true. Myself and lots others play pve AND PVP. Without a decent pvp game I (and others) will quit and you will have less people buying gems etc for pve.

The simple, simple fact is any successful MMO has something in it for everyone. Hell I knew a guy who only logged onto WOW to fish. The game NEEDS OPTIONS to maintain a large player base.

Not sure I have it in me anymore

in PvP

Posted by: Scrag.8765


Here’s the answer, by the way. There are a million players playing LoL because people play not for the rewards – people play to get better. The entire community is built around teamwork, and improving one’s self so that one can perform well in future matches. People play to be recognized for their skill. If you look at LoL’s reward system compared to GW2, it’s bare bones in comparison. Everyone… EVERYONE…gets only IP and Elo rating from a win in LoL, both casual and pro players alike.

LoL players want to build a name for themselves because it increases their chances of being recognized by the e-sport community, and possibly getting picked up by a professional team. The incentive is the tournaments. The motivation is to improve one’s skills. The drive is to simply be a better PvPer. That’s what the LoL dev team is focused on: they just want to provide the tools necessary to help players improve and grow in skill (replays, spectator mode, tournament mode, etc) – everything else is arbitrary. That’s how LoL got to where they are right now.

GW2 is following suit. ArenaNet devs are on the right direction. It takes time to build such a focused PvP community that is determined to improve in skills, true. But, the pay-off is grand. I’d much rather be immersed in that kind of PvP culture than one filled with illogical casuals who are screaming left and right, throwing tantrums for more unnecessary maps and trash.

Wrong Im afraid. The secret to a successful MMO is to have something in it for everyone. For people like you, its enough. For others, who are quitting in droves, we want progression and other things to keep us interested. This wont effect you, as you play and naturally will get the gear etc. But if this doesnt change, the player base will diminish (like it has) and you will have nobody to game with. So this effects all of us.

Why do people like you stand up for a less than expected product? This was supposed to be a pvp based mmo. A-net did NOT deliver. This is a PVE game with a pvp afterthought.

All Anet needs to do is hire more dev’s to help out the overworked 2 people (if that) to get things moving. I can understand if the dev’s dont have the time/skill to program the game, then hire contractors to do it. Anet has the money, seriously. I like many others have spents lots of money on this game, gems etc. they can afford to progress but they wont cause they are the typically greedy american corporation.

Stop making excuses – the customer s are speaking.

Guide to fix spvp.

in PvP

Posted by: Scrag.8765


1.)Add some sort of progression to spvp. Some experience points maybe? So we dont need to grind alts through the same content again? Gear has its faults, but it will help attract a lot of players to or back to spvp. If you dont believe in gear progression take it out of pve and see what happens.
2.) Add some new map types. Having every domination gets boring. I like to pvp, not hold points all day.
3.) Profit!

Game CEO's guid to fix spvp.

in PvP

Posted by: Scrag.8765


1.) *bold*Add some sort of progression to spvp.bold Some experience points maybe? So we dont need to grind alts through the same content again? Gear has its faults, but it will help attract a lot of players to or back to spvp. If you dont believe in gear progression take it out of pve and see what happens.
2.) *bold*Add some new map types*bold*. Having every domination gets boring. I like to pvp, not hold points all day.
3.) *bold*Profit!

Why is there only one type of sPvP?

in PvP

Posted by: Scrag.8765


I’m imagining this as Kobe Bryant saying" why do I have to put the ball in the basket all the time. This is boring"

Wow…what a lame response. Please dont post.

This tPvP is a lost cause

in PvP

Posted by: Scrag.8765


Nobody plays these great old games cause even though good they have flaws and old graphics engines and we want our games upgraded. I know I am always looking for a new game that surpasses the old ones but it seems time and time again I am disappointed in new mmo’s.

The agruement “if its so good it would still be around” is a foolish arguement. We want better games with better graphics, etc. These games get abandoned for a new smoking hot mmo that always fails to please because they are created around a sales strategy and not a game strategy…or simply its a great game – but after 5 years its old.

Stop making excuses for mega rich companies and make a great game.

New sPvP games..

in PvP

Posted by: Scrag.8765


you really like only having a few maps and they are all domination? is this your first mmo?

First Game Ever I have not enjoyed instanced pvp..

in PvP

Posted by: Scrag.8765


Although I enjoy the pvp…it needs a lot of work. I think the fact there isnt really a traditional tank/healer/dps takes away some of the depth. Also, everyone has the same gear, and its all domination/capture the point makes the matches feel “vanilla” after a while. Kinda like a DPS pew pew mosh pit with no strategy outside of dps mechanics. Makes it feel kinda “arcade” like.

To survive this I like to try playing other classes and swap which class i play on a regular basis. Respec often and experiment with new builds. But I agree, it can get a little boring after a while.

My Suggesstions to Dev’s.
1.) Give some small amount of EXP so you can advance your character while running matches. I hate griding content and Im not the only one.
2.) Be less “restrictive” on rewards for pvp. I understand the only reward is glory to buy styles for spvp, but for the love of god a person should be able to wear their earned style ANYwhere. Same goes for pve styles, you earned it…let us use it!! Right now it feels like there is no reward for spvp so that takes some of the drive to play right out of it.

Bring back Dishonorable!

in PvP

Posted by: Scrag.8765


3 theives and a guardian healer pre-made again. No thanks – disconnected.

Some missing MMO basics...

in Suggestions

Posted by: Scrag.8765


Glory would not matter as you cant buy anything with glory except gear to wear in the mists. So it doesnt even matter. People should be rewarded for doing content and playing the game. Why do people need to be forced to do this or that? Do what you like to do in the game and get Xp/rewards and let other do what they want to do.

Some missing MMO basics...

in Suggestions

Posted by: Scrag.8765


Ok. I can see a lot of your points. I may not agree, but I can see where your coming from and can live with that. So let me reduce this down to one simple question/complaint….

Why cant I get a modest amount of EXP from sPVP? Say, 10 xp per player kill….similar to glory. Maybe a bonus for winning a match?

Glory - What's it worth?

in PvP

Posted by: Scrag.8765


This is a PVE mmo so it seems. Only rewards are given for PVE. If the foolish statements about “leave gear grind mountain”, or “play for skill” have any validity then remove all rewards from PVE. Please use some sense. Bring in pvp rewards.

Some missing MMO basics...

in Suggestions

Posted by: Scrag.8765


1.) Why is it seperate? Why can I not progress similar? Does it matter if I craft, quest, dungeon or pvp? Why the discrimination.
2.)Its styles, not gear. And you cant wear gear earned in the mists outside of the mists. You get rewards for pve’ing but really get nothing for pvp.
3.) In the WvW your skill points and spec are still low level, as is the gear. Making me a real liability to my team for me to join, and I cant really do anything cause Im too weak.

Some missing MMO basics...

in Suggestions

Posted by: Scrag.8765


Im a pvp’er. I like to pvp and thats it. It would be very nice to get XP and maybe even rewards for pvp’ing. I know WvW has them, but it doesnt make much sense to WvW IMO until im 80. Im level 34, and although this game has the best PVE ive seen, i still hate it. I will never reach level 80 doing quests and killing centaurs.


1.) Give Xp for killing people in pvp matches – doesnt have to be a lot, but I can still progress level wisedoing what I like to do.
2.) Rewards. I dont wanna get into the politics of pvp gear, i think its a failure this game doesnt have it in the Mists pvp combat – But, at least let us wear our pvp styles outside of the mists. Seriously.
3.) If the above 2 suggestions are out of the question – why not at least allow WvW to have starter pvp gear and full spec (like in the mists) when zoning into the matches at lower levels?

Im not the only one out there, I love this game so far but frankly I dont like to craft or pve grind, and I know Im not the only one. In any MMO, its fail to force people to do content or things they dont like.

Please even the playing field for people who are not hard core PVE’ers.

Thank You.

(edited by Scrag.8765)

Anyone else feel like WVW is a waste of time?

in WvW

Posted by: Scrag.8765


Everyone plays to have fun. What this person means i think is its a lot more fun to have gear and to watch your character progress and have a ranking etc. This is what MMO’s are. This game is practically false advertising for an MMO. Its more of an Arcade Shoot match than an mmo.

People who talk all “this is a skill based game”, “I play to have fun”, I think are scared of failure, are scared of a tough fight so they want PVP to be as “fair” as possible, without having to earn anything. Problem is no fight is fair and real competitive players enjoy a challenge. Having everyone be the same stats, no-role, no gear make for a very vanilla, one dimensional fight.

You people who complain about games having gear or veteran players having a higher rank and its not fair are not pvp’ers in the general sense and should not pvp in an mmo. FACT is…we may all be having fun right now but this is going to get boring fast as there is no character dimension or difference in character composition.

Question? Why does the PVE have gear then? Just do it to have fun right? Fact is gear makes it a lot more fun, and you can build towards something while having fun.

This game could truely be great. Why not have a “casual”, no gear based arenas, WVW AND also have a competitive one that has gear and rank’s etc? Then we would all be happy.

Sorry for the rant, but its the truth.

Player versus player combat is suffering from the following problems.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Scrag.8765


I killed an entire team last night in 3 seconds with my thief. Ran in with poisoned weapons, casted haste, then did the spinny whirl dagger thingy – everyone died. Absolutely rediculous. Oh…and for my heal i heal 100 hp every hit…so when im whirling i think i regenerate about 2000 hp a second.

Thief needs a nerf…or maybe other classes just need to hit as hard as thief or warrior.

PvP: y u no die?!

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Scrag.8765


This is a skill based game. Pressing “f” and letting it charge for 5 seconds and hoping the downed person isnt looking or doesn’t have an interrupt is L33T.

Keep holding “f”! Youve almost got’em…Keep holding “f”, he’s got his back turned fighting someone else! Keep holding it…….BOOM. Another Leet kill.

It is quite frankly the most rediculous gimmick ive seen in an mmo in quite a while.

This game would easily be the best game ive ever seen if it got rid of the “f” kills, had pvp gear, and maybe had some class composition.

No PvP rewards? o.O

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Scrag.8765



PVP Players with REAL SKILL enjoy a challenge, sometimes enjoy getting defeated, and sometimes enjoy being a David who can stomp a Goliath. With out gear, there are fewer opportunites for this. The game has one less dimension.

People who suck wont be able to compete and will get frustrated quicker (yeah, thats nobody on these forums right?), and will quit. This is 50% of people out there so dont laugh – they are important to the community too.

People who enjoy a challenge will face fewer of them – cause were all now the same. People with skill welcome people who suck with tier 10 gear cause now we have a challenge to kill them where as before it was just another boring win.

For all you people’s talk of skill – if your so skilled, why are you so afraid of gear?

No PvP rewards? o.O

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Scrag.8765


This game is great but pvp is going to get boring real quick. Gear is important – Not super powerful OMG I cant be killed gear, but small upgrades for people to strive for. Gear is an important “piece” of the pvp experience, just as class roles, skill and team synergy are all a “piece” that make the matches fruitful and interesting. No gear, no class roles = Pew Pew PVP mosh pit. Skill based game? Get real! Since when is holding “F” for 5 seconds to kill a player something that takes skill.

Im not saying gear should be a “huge” factor, it should be a small factor, but a factor non the less. I personally enjoy (as most mmo’ers) attaining gear and seeing my character progress over time. If I want a DPS mosh pit, where everyone is the same, I can play a FPS like Call of duty.

Variety is the spice of life, and personally I enjoy the challenge of killing a player with better gear or better skill, and the knowledge that I can achieve those same elements later in the game – just not in this game.

You people who only have 2 hours to play games a week should not be playing MMO’s at all – especially telling us veteran MMO’ers how to play games.

(edited by Scrag.8765)

Healing and Credit.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Scrag.8765


Less class roles, people being told to only play dps = people getting bored easy and leaving the game. I personally like to dps, get bored, switch to healer, get bored, switch back again, maybe tank for a bit.

Less options = less fun in any game. GW2 is an awesome game but the combat/classes feels a bit one dimensional. no gear, no class roles, makes it a big dps/pew pew mosh pit.

I understand wanting to change the old mmo system, but you need to repalce it WITH something, not just scrap it and leave a gaping hole.