Showing Posts For Scyndek.5273:

Where is the damage?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Scyndek.5273


It seems warriors, thieves, ect can face roll on the keyboard and find a way to deal more than 3k damage in an attack, but my elementalist has to align the stars and planets to come close to that amount of damage.

Seriously … its like a check list … am I above 90% health, am I within 600 units, am I in the correct attunement, does that attunement even have a damage ability off cooldown, ect, ect.

Even after the hammer nerf my warrior has 500 more armor, nearly double the hitpoint, and can press just about any attack and deal more damage than my elementalist whenever he wants.

Found that link quoted in one of my posts from over a year ago.

Pretty funny video you should watch.

Elementalist – Isle of Janthir

1106 suggestions pre-patch, 0 were ok.

in Elementalist

Posted by: Scyndek.5273


Friendly neighborhood Grouch here (oxymoron?). Starting in early January I’ll be working more closely with the Skills and Balance team and with you all as well. While our Skills/Balance designers do read the forums quite often, they don’t have as much time to post and drive discussion – and that’s what I’ll be stepping in to help with.

There are a lot of valid concerns with the elementalist right now and we’re going to be working on addressing those points. Once everyone gets back from holiday vacation we’ll be posting up our proposed balance changes and we’ll go from there.

(Please don’t hurt me.)

Ok, so first post for me in a long time.

But I have to ask, I do any developers actually play this class? I appreciate you appearing to calm the masses but there seems to be a bigger problem here.

I’ve heard of developers from almost every class except ele since I started this game, now things might have changed, but for the most part devs post actively in most of the other class forums. We get a pity post by the community manager.

I’m not saying this is your fault, Any response is better than none, but I’m (and I’m sure alot of others) kinda wondering where the elementalist class is going. Seeing posts here and there are great and all but at least some sort of discussion here would be greatly appreciated.

Elementalist is and probably will always be my favorite class in GW2, although I feel as though most classes have an idea where theirs are heading and some sort of familiarity with their developers I regularly check on here and see a ghost town in comparison with developer/mod posts.

Sorry if I rambled a little to long, it IS Christmas eve and that comes with a drink or so, but I felt it needed to be said, and or asked essentially.

TLDR= I’m asking if any developers actually play Ele, community coordinators posts are wonderful but some active discussion with the people making changes to our class would be nice.

Elementalist – Isle of Janthir

The new Staff Elementalist META

in Elementalist

Posted by: Scyndek.5273


Wow, had a good laugh at this post but then..

I tried the build and holy kitten man, you need to replace tornado with fiery greatsword! the extra condition damage is almost OP when combined with the power it gives me!

But just don’t drop the weapon and pick up the other because you no longer have the extra stats!

As far as trait choices I chose to only use 20 in arcane for windborne dagger and arcane res seeing as those are mandatory in any build, then I went for 30 in earth for the rock solid trait, must say I am unstoppable for those 2 seconds every 12. As for the other 2 I went with nothing to balance things out so I’m not to great since the whole earth trait line is abnormally powerful.

Elementalist – Isle of Janthir

Patch Feedback [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Scyndek.5273


Was a bit (very) disappointed to see that most of the fixes for elementalists were tooltip changes, buffs to conjure weapons (extremely clunky skills, especially in PvP), fixes to bugs that actually didn’t work (Cantrip Mastery for Mistform, still broken), and nerfs (Evasive Arcana grandmaster trait now worth of Adept status).

Would be nice to see Fire/Air traits (and a lot of our minor) actually worthwhile.

There needs to be more of a focus on attunement swapping instead of traits that give benefit only when attuned to a specific trait. Elementalists are just so squishy that we can’t afford to trait much into Fire/Air in PvP

^ this 1000% times this please listen to this man. I mean I know dev’s don’t browse the ele forums (other than mods) because we haven’t seen a thoughtful dev post in what feels like since vietnam (joke).

But seriously give us some other ways to build instead of focusing on living longer since if I don’t I’ll die in 2 seconds by any fight other than a 1v1 if they focus on me.

Elementalist – Isle of Janthir

So, no more blasts on evasive arcana [Merged]

in Elementalist

Posted by: Scyndek.5273


Easy fix, make it once every 10 seconds, that would have been a nerf I could see.

Elementalist – Isle of Janthir

Arcs Super Awesome Super Build

in Elementalist

Posted by: Scyndek.5273


1v1’s don’t make tpvp, not saying I’m an expert by any stretch of the imagination but pretty sure if you are in a fight with more than 1-2 people if they focus you, you are more of a hinderance to your team than a benefit seeing as how fast you could potentially drop due to the lack of base toughness and healing power. (ignoring the fact that ele’s are light armor and have the lowest base hp)

This is just my opinion, If you can excel with it then props to you and congrats but I just can’t imagine this being viable in paid tourneys.

Elementalist – Isle of Janthir

(edited by Scyndek.5273)

Your Thoughts: Are Elementalists worth making

in Elementalist

Posted by: Scyndek.5273


i am so mad that the only thing keeping me from raging is that rangers got it bad. Oh ya, i am happy…only by comparing myself to the ranger.

Lmao I just checked out their forums and wow I literally laughed out loud. Honestly I feel bad for them but its pretty kitten funny, but still Anet dropped the ball with this one in a BIG way. I’m done with GW2 for a long time.

Elementalist – Isle of Janthir

Your Thoughts: Are Elementalists worth making

in Elementalist

Posted by: Scyndek.5273


Nope. Absolutely not.

Elementalist – Isle of Janthir

Ele's do need a buff

in Elementalist

Posted by: Scyndek.5273


Honestly, that might have been the best things I’ve seen in a while. 10/10 and would watch again.

Elementalist – Isle of Janthir

To stop solocap hackers: towerlord is invincible if gate hp > 50%

in WvW

Posted by: Scyndek.5273


or a mesmer was hiding to portal people in. Would ruin a great aspect of the strategy of WvW.

Elementalist – Isle of Janthir

Still unable to purchase gems.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Scyndek.5273


Long story short bank of america disabled my card because the bank thought it was a strange purchase (identify theft protection) I was buying gems the other day, My card approval failed several times so I called to verify it was a legit purchase and then I tried to purchase gems and kept getting the error.

I read on the forums that after a few failures I have to wait 24 hours, I waited 2 days and I’m still unable to purchase any gems

Help me give you my money anet! fix my account please… :P

Elementalist – Isle of Janthir

(edited by Scyndek.5273)

WvW Profession Rankings

in WvW

Posted by: Scyndek.5273


I have 4 80s. In basically the same gear. I’ll only comment on them.

2) Ele. You are so fast. You rain fire from the sky. Top damage, top support, so many skills with combo fields. Excellent range, AoE, tagging machine.

Not sure what Ele in what game you are playing but I need to play that one!

But on a serious note.. Top damage? Are you serious with that one? I agree with everything else but honestly Top damage is probably the furthest from the truth, more like severely lacking damage even when fully spec’d into it.

Elementalist – Isle of Janthir

10/19 JQ vs. SBI vs. IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: Scyndek.5273


JQ infested with bandwagoners, they started losing… Massive transfer to SBI, now SBI is getting infested by the “parasites”… bad luck for SBI

What massive transfer? All of these assumptions in this thread are baseless arguments without proof. Yes JQ was loaded with pug xfers but to start saying SBI had massive influx of xfers (as well as IoJ or us “next”) because they are in first for the time being is just ignorant… not to mention it discourages and people from actually transfering there if they DID want to

And yes, SBI does still need transfers contrary to what most people think they have a rather large EU gap (as does IoJ if you are thinking about transferring!) and these kind of posts could possibly sway guilds on the fence away.

Elementalist – Isle of Janthir

10/19 JQ vs. SBI vs. IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: Scyndek.5273


I’ve been on SBI since the headstart and HoD during beta. This is the longest I’ve ever waited in a que.

But this is also the most hyped T1 match since HoD was in their prime, everyone is coming out to WvW for this one which could explain the longer queue’s and even diffuse the argument of “bandwagons” (like I said no doubt they are there but not in such a force as blackgate or JQ just be patient and over the weekend the queue’s are sure to die down)

Elementalist – Isle of Janthir

10/19 JQ vs. SBI vs. IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: Scyndek.5273


… these posts about Queue times and “massive influx” of bandwagons are rediculous…

Yes, there will always be some bandwagoners whenever a server heads to T1 since some people want to experience the t1 fights (I’m even guessing some blackgate are transferring since their matchup is less than stellar)

But this complaining is getting out of hand, the queue’s (albiet a little longer) were almost as long last week on friday during primetime, fridays at this time right after reset are ALWAYS long, before judging the queue times on IoJ please wait at least until sunday.

note I have been on IoJ since the 3 day headstart, so yes I do know a little bit of what I’m talking about.

Elementalist – Isle of Janthir

10/12 ET/IOJ/CD

in WvW

Posted by: Scyndek.5273


We have a smug alert this morning for Isle of Janthir, creating a perfect storm of self-satisfaction. George Clooney was unavailable for comment.

I Lol’d and I’m from IoJ

Elementalist – Isle of Janthir

Could friendly fire fix "The Eternal Zerg"

in WvW

Posted by: Scyndek.5273


Sorry if this comes off as offensive in any way, it is not meant to but..

No no no no no no no. All that would do is encourage servers going against each other to send a group of so many to transfer to the enemy server go to a tower that they are sieging and go inside and team kill the defenders leaving no one left to protect the tower.

Elementalist – Isle of Janthir

When WvWvW become 2W v W

in WvW

Posted by: Scyndek.5273


Have you ever expierienced this kind od situations when 2 servers are evidetnly teaming against 3rd server to secure 1st and 2nd place? When they both attack keep of the 3rd server one from north and one from south even if both of them know that only one of them can capture it. And even if u look at map it looks like europe during cold war when USA and Russia had their zones of influence but they dont atack each other?

I would like to hear you expieriece, how you try to counter it and what could be the optimal strategy if you fight forces 2x larger then you. thank you

Well while my solution might not apply to your situation this is what we did in CD BL right after reset when both ET and CD were just dominating us from both sides.

Regroup EVERYONE at the WP and let the servers take everything, wait a good 15 minutes or so and watch the map, eventually with you eliminated the servers will have no choice but to attack each other.

Once this starts happening (Only away from your closest towers / keeps / supplys) rush the things closest to you with your zerg, they will be so preocupied with attacking the other / defending against the other that you should encounter no resistance taking back what was originally yours along with some of what should be yours due to closeness of your WP.

Hope that helps, we did this like I said in reset let them take everything from us than once they started fighting up north we stormed in the Redbriar tower took it with ease and then Bay with almost no resistance because we snuck up on them with our entire zerg that was waiting at spawn to strike at once.

Hope that helps

Elementalist – Isle of Janthir

10/12 ET/IOJ/CD

in WvW

Posted by: Scyndek.5273


Actually a couple guilds left ET I think RUIN leaving made the biggest impact yes they had a horrible reputation and I think everyone on ET is happy that they are gone but that was a 2000 member guild that left.

LoD (or LoTD or something I believe?) left their server as well, so I wouldn’t put so much emphasis on the whole TL is the reason ET lost / IoJ dominated theory.

I don’t understand everyone who keeps stating that if TL was on ET then we would still be getting dominated.

Yes TL has helped TL and we at IoJ are happy to have them but saying that if ET still had TL than we would be getting stomped is just wrong, TL is one guild multiple guilds leaving is what caused this to happen.

Elementalist – Isle of Janthir

(edited by Scyndek.5273)

Most annoying class to deal with in WvW?

in WvW

Posted by: Scyndek.5273


Thieves? Annoying. Overpowered? Perhaps, but not as much as people think.

Yes, Yes we are. I have a thief (was 80 a week and a half – 2 weeks after release don’t remember when I hit 80) had full exotics for a while now farmed for skins after that I have every exotic weapon a thief can use and tried every build.

I just rolled an Ele and didn’t realize the true difference between the two classes, but then I hop back on my thief for raids and it becomes instant easy mode.

Honestly imo the only builds that are not over powered are the pistol dagger condition build (although the rendering out of stealth does make it seem OP a tiny bit) or short bow builds (although pistol whip is a little closer to being balanced with the reduced damage I can still crit for 9k (more if they have vulnerability stacks) with 1 pistol whip)

Thief became boring to me go stealth pistol whip, pistol whip, stealth again, use thieves guild, rinse and repeat. It’s like that for almost every build, use one -2 (or 3 if you count thieves guild which I only use on 1v2’s or higher) skills and get results. Although my Ele is harder to play (and arguably a little under powered, up for debate but small buffs and bug fixes are needed) I get much more satisfaction from playing her.

Elementalist – Isle of Janthir

(edited by Scyndek.5273)

10/12 ET/IOJ/CD

in WvW

Posted by: Scyndek.5273


Secondly, how do you explain when we were on CD BL and took every tower and keep from CD with not an ET in sight?

Probably happened while outmanned which every place was getting outmanned around last night because of the 2v1 except for eb. In short you will be pve’ing in wvw soon, or most likely those were the defenders you were fighting were just the npcs.

We did this during primetime in the day today, next excuse(s). (once again this is only directed at Reflhex, sorry for any CD that take it the wrong way)

Elementalist – Isle of Janthir

10/12 ET/IOJ/CD

in WvW

Posted by: Scyndek.5273


“CD might have lost out but they also tend to give up at the first sign of a challeng”

I don’t call “challenge” a 2v1 the entire time with a server that weakens buildings for the other one to come in and take it while they leave instead of clashing for it on inner walls with similar sized groups.

They have been 2v1’ing us the entire time, with et pretty much softening blows for ioj or giving them stuff entirely.

They need to completely delete the server et if they barely participate and throw them on other servers because they are very good at ruining a match in it’s entirety by doing almost absolutely nothing the majority of the time they are there. The things I’ve seen on borderlands was just helping IoJ take lead scores, the things I’ve seen on eb was they do nothing there at all absolutely nothing except take a few towers of their back then maybe push into cd if we get lucky.

Were not fighting two people, were fighting one group of people on two servers. They are not fighting eachother, they are fighting us. Somehow it’s like they missed the 1v1v1 memo and only “act” like they are fighting eachother at times but all it is is an act they put on. The coordination seems to be really high between the two servers as far as coordinating attacks to hit one place cd owns at a time.. And yes IoJ are winning due to numbers/full time coverage which has nothing to do with how they play not only thier numbers but they also have two servers full of numbers which gets a little overwhelming.

If ET were even a half kitenned server red would’ve been in deep kitten when they were mass suiciding for so long inside of sm. They could’ve put either server in a very bad position during that time but they couldn’t do anything, nothing at all for a good 15 hours. This server needs deletion.

LOL what? Are you kidding me right now? We took over ET’s BL, yea really not attacking each other.

Secondly, how do you explain when we were on CD BL and took every tower and keep from CD with not an ET in sight? We were right next to your spawn and still took everything. I respect CD and this is in no way to insult or flame but you are getting rediculous, we have not teamed with ET and will not, furthermore we do not need ET’s assistance to take things.

Lol the reason ET is attacking your stuff and not ours is because they think you are the weaker opponent.

Once again no disrespect to CD but this guy is spewing garbage onto his keyboard. Stop getting angry and saying IoJ is garbage and we won because of 2v1 or we won because of something else or that ET needs to get deleted because that’s just ridiculous. You are honestly living in your own reality. This is the second time in this post you have flamed IoJ, at this point if you have nothing to add to the discussion keep your crys of hated to yourself.

Elementalist – Isle of Janthir

(edited by Scyndek.5273)

10/12 ET/IOJ/CD

in WvW

Posted by: Scyndek.5273


Just as an update


Elementalist – Isle of Janthir

10/12 ET/IOJ/CD

in WvW

Posted by: Scyndek.5273


Actually according to even with out updated score HOD is now only 100 or so points ahead of IoJ now. By the end of the week we should out take them.

Elementalist – Isle of Janthir

10/12 ET/IOJ/CD

in WvW

Posted by: Scyndek.5273


Name? I’m kinda curious.

Elementalist – Isle of Janthir

10/12 ET/IOJ/CD

in WvW

Posted by: Scyndek.5273


I could say the same about your attempts at Bay today, thats one BL at one period of time do not assume things about our whole server because you had one experience that was rediculous.

Elementalist – Isle of Janthir

10/12 ET/IOJ/CD

in WvW

Posted by: Scyndek.5273


says who? I tend to disagree with that statement entirely I feel every week IoJ is evolving and getting better and better at strategy (but yes transfers helped for numbers but they also help with strategy as well)

Elementalist – Isle of Janthir

10/12 ET/IOJ/CD

in WvW

Posted by: Scyndek.5273


IoJ coming back quickly


Elementalist – Isle of Janthir

10/12 ET/IOJ/CD

in WvW

Posted by: Scyndek.5273


Heres the updated scores, IoJ had the lead at the start than thanks to fighting a war on 2 fronts on every BG we were knocked down, we are slowly climbing back up.


Elementalist – Isle of Janthir

10/12 ET/IOJ/CD

in WvW

Posted by: Scyndek.5273


lol look at the two X’s on the map… a bit curious.


Elementalist – Isle of Janthir

Thoughts on my build

in Elementalist

Posted by: Scyndek.5273


yeah but I wouldn’t call it glass persay with earth 2 I have about 2350 armor, work in the runes to that and I’d say you have some pretty good sustain.

Elementalist – Isle of Janthir

Thoughts on my build

in Elementalist

Posted by: Scyndek.5273


Just created it tonight for kittens and giggles because I was kinda tired of everyone using the same low damage heal spec with no burst potential, has 50ish crit 30% crit damage and granted it has low toughness you can boost your armor using earth #2 and the runes on the armor help keep you alive quite a bit.

Please test it and tell me what you think.

Note You can swap Out the valk jewel in the ammy for shamans

You have to copy and paste the url for some reason it says “bad link”;ToAA2Cvo2xsjYH7Oudk7MIYaB

Elementalist – Isle of Janthir

(edited by Scyndek.5273)

Most annoying class to deal with in WvW?

in WvW

Posted by: Scyndek.5273


I love all these x-thieves that stopped playing the class because they were kicking way too much tail and come to the boards to cry nerf. I’m sure that’s exactly how it went down.

Yep. It’s that sad and easy to play. It’s truly boring easy.

I’ll start right out saying I’m being an ars here so, when you create a new character it pushes the old ones to the right? I really don’t know cause I just have one char. To me it looks like you re-rolled to Thief, not the other way around :P

Since you appear to not have a second character I’ll fill you in, the character on the way left is the one last played.

Elementalist – Isle of Janthir

Elementalist PvP vid

in Elementalist

Posted by: Scyndek.5273


Ok I stand corrected apparently fast cast is bad. I apologize…

Elementalist – Isle of Janthir

IOJ/Blackgate/SBI - ScoreThread

in WvW

Posted by: Scyndek.5273


For some reason the quote system isn’t working for me (it randomly works I feel like) but Queue times to WvW this week have been down I feel like due to the fact that invisible army zerging is dumb. I know last night our guild called off our raid of about 30- 40 people due to not being able to see ANYTHING (yes allies, npc’s or enemys I couldn’t see a thing)

Also, theres an official IoJ website for guilds to introduce themselves, please check out

Elementalist – Isle of Janthir

Excellent Elementalist WvW Build!!

in WvW

Posted by: Scyndek.5273


Got to agree with some of the other posters, nice setup, similar to what i run, but staff is by far better for WvW, and scepter/dagger is better for 1v1, or even scepter/focus for a defensive style 1v1, a dagger/dagger build is only good for pve farming

Actually its not a fact S/D is better for 1v1 It’s up for debate because D/D is still great 1v1 It just dies off in ranged battles.

I use D/D to level and in sPvP but I plan on going S/D due to being able to dragon tooth siege on walls and large groups without having to be right next to them.

Elementalist – Isle of Janthir

Elementalist PvP vid

in Elementalist

Posted by: Scyndek.5273


Stopped watching 3 minutes in, I have one piece of advice for you..

Fast Cast!!!!!! (In options called fast cast ground targeting, the spell casts where your mouse is instantly when you hit the skill) Why oh why don’t you use it, especially being S/D those milliseconds or even a second when casting dragons tooth could mean the difference between hitting or missing.

Elementalist – Isle of Janthir

IOJ/Blackgate/SBI - ScoreThread

in WvW

Posted by: Scyndek.5273


I just wanted to chime in on the orb thing. First I am from SBI, just to get that out of the way.

Anyway, yesterday I played about 13 hours on the SBI borderlands map. We had held the garrison since the day before. About 3AM eastern I was waypointed to the garrison to to do repairs. I just happened to be facing the orb altar when lightning struck the room and the altar was broken and the orb was gone. About a minute later the orb appeared at the Titanpaw orb alter. We went to go retrieve it but the orb guardian and all the NPCs were green and we couldn’t attack them to get the orb back. It sat there for 11 hours before I beleive it was BG came and got it and took it to the Hills keep.

Now, that I have seen it with my own eyes I do not think a lot of the talk about people exploiting to get the orb is what is actually going on. There seems to be some kind of mechanic in place with the quaggan to break the orb altars in the keeps. Which is fine by me now that I understand it. It just means that having the quaggan on your side will be important and probably lead to some epic underwater battles from all 3 servers.

Though I do believe that the NPCs being unattackable for 11 hours by the home team must be some kind of glitch? Would be nice if someone from Anet could chime in one way or the other to verify if this is what is really going on with the orb and if it is intended?

Sigh, not that I’m trying to help teach you / SBI anything.. but you know those quaggan storms? The reason you capture the island? The ones that cause lightning?

Yea… they have a purpose, no hacks just quaggans.

Elementalist – Isle of Janthir

Mesmer vs. Elementalist. Help me decide on my alt!

in WvW

Posted by: Scyndek.5273


I’ll put it like this, I had an 80 thief and got bored as well and I rolled an Ele.

I find it much, much, much more fun because of the different skills and tons of combinations of different weapons and skills compared to the pigeonholded thief.

I find Ele has a higher skill ceiling so the more skilled you are the better the class.

Hope that helps. (IMO you should go to the mists with an Ele and see how you like it)

Elementalist – Isle of Janthir

IOJ/Blackgate/SBI - ScoreThread

in WvW

Posted by: Scyndek.5273


It’s not like anything came of 3 people coming through a portal, just thought it was strange. Not to mention if they were hiding why didn’t they portal in more people..?

Either way you know them better than I do but that is what appeared to be happening.

Elementalist – Isle of Janthir

IOJ/Blackgate/SBI - ScoreThread

in WvW

Posted by: Scyndek.5273


If they just portaled in how do you know the mesmer wasn’t just hiding and didnt actually exploit it? Especially if you havnt actually held keeps for extended periods of time. Theres alot of things Mesmers can do to hide for hours without you seeing them.

because we owned the keep for a while before it happened & if that WAS the case than why did their whole zerg kill the outside gate than was focusing on the inner (at 50% in the pictures) instead of just portaling in earlier and killing the lord?

Oh and I looked for the mesmer after the first one did it and found nothing, sure enough a second mesmer portaled in shortly after completely different from the first.

Elementalist – Isle of Janthir

IOJ/Blackgate/SBI - ScoreThread

in WvW

Posted by: Scyndek.5273


In game just a second ago several SBI just portaled into hills with both gates at full and walls up. I took several screenshots of it and got their guild names. ill post them in a sec.

They appear to be from PRE and UL.

Elementalist – Isle of Janthir

(edited by Scyndek.5273)

SBI v BG v IoJ small commentary nothing important

in WvW

Posted by: Scyndek.5273


@Rod are you playing the same game? BG puts up a better fight than IoJ? (not meant to flame but seriously?)

Maybe you should see the scores right now, we are almost even with SBI in ppt and in IoJ BL it’s literally SBI vs IoJ I haven’t seen BG at all tonight :o

But we pushed back SBI to redbriar which we have exchanged several times, great fights very enjoyable for both sides (at least I hope).

Elementalist – Isle of Janthir

IOJ/Blackgate/SBI - ScoreThread

in WvW

Posted by: Scyndek.5273


Updated score IoJ just got a second orb recently.


Elementalist – Isle of Janthir

IOJ/Blackgate/SBI - ScoreThread

in WvW

Posted by: Scyndek.5273


Right now it’s..

IoJ 5095
Blackgate 4955
Stormbluff 4803

ah just realized it wasn’t thousands but hundreds, thanks for the score

Elementalist – Isle of Janthir

IOJ/Blackgate/SBI - ScoreThread

in WvW

Posted by: Scyndek.5273


IoJ is up a couple hundred, BG close behind with SBI holding the most ppt and coming up quickly from last.

Sorry just literally logged out so I don’t have accurate numbers but I think IoJ is 200 ahead of BG and 400 ahead of SBI.

Elementalist – Isle of Janthir

(edited by Scyndek.5273)

Issues with the trading post: please post here [MERGED]

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Scyndek.5273


This is how my Trading Post / Gem Store UI looks like:

Fixed my problem, I installed new graphics drivers then when the game was running I right clicked the awesome_ something process (the trading post process) and hit open file location, exited guild wars 2 then deleted all of the files and folders in that location.

Once I started up guild wars 2 again everything was fixed. Had the same problem as you I believe (if it stacks on top of each other otherwise change your UI size to normal)

Hope this helps since devs never got back to me.

Elementalist – Isle of Janthir

FAQ: Gem Store / BLTC / Trading Post

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Scyndek.5273


YES I even tried changing my UI size and my resolution nothing helped.

I also did the -repair, once again no results.

Attached is a screenshot of the trading post but the gem store looks the same with black text…ect

today the trading post looked and worked perfectly fine and now tonight it looks exactly the same.. a big mess.

Fixed my problem, I installed new graphics drivers then when the game was running I right clicked the awesome_ something process (the trading post process) and hit open file location, exited guild wars 2 then deleted all of the files and folders in that location.

Once I started up guild wars 2 again everything was fixed. Hope this helps since the Devs never got back to me.

Elementalist – Isle of Janthir

Extreme display issues

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Scyndek.5273


That isn’t the GPU fault, because the Trade Post is an Webpage, and the Styling of that page did not render in that example.

If you may relog the same that may work, if not something on your settings may cause it, I doubt that was something to do with our graphics card.

The thing is, the trading post was working completely fine several days ago. I haven’t changed any settings since then and even if I did I tried to change all of the graphics settings to see if they had an effect and nothing worked.

Do you have any suggestions on what settings max?

Elementalist – Isle of Janthir

FAQ: Gem Store / BLTC / Trading Post

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Scyndek.5273


YES I even tried changing my UI size and my resolution nothing helped.

I also did the -repair, once again no results.

Attached is a screenshot of the trading post but the gem store looks the same with black text…ect


Elementalist – Isle of Janthir