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Death Shroud F1 and Reaper F2

in Necromancer

Posted by: Seiishizo.7162


i really miss the ds 1 range when being with reaper. it would be amazing to be able to have both deathshourd and reaper shroud (sharing same lifeforce ofcourse, maybe even cooldown? or not?)

sign me up

Owner and creator of
Btw: It’s Sey-Shi-zo ^.^

What if we did 5 necros in a dungeon/fractal?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Seiishizo.7162


if you would do that, you would be done around the by the time we can live on Kepler 452b.

Owner and creator of
Btw: It’s Sey-Shi-zo ^.^

Leaked Upcoming Balance Changes (not sure)

in PvP

Posted by: Seiishizo.7162


OFC its fake….. it has cele nerf in it, no need for a GM to say its fake. you will know it right away

Owner and creator of
Btw: It’s Sey-Shi-zo ^.^

Having the camera on eles in ESL tourney

in PvP

Posted by: Seiishizo.7162


if it ain’t cele it ain’t esports

Owner and creator of
Btw: It’s Sey-Shi-zo ^.^

Leaderboard fail

in PvP

Posted by: Seiishizo.7162


Man its so bad

top 200 with 36% winrate XD

did 51 games today… won 29%….(15wins) gained 15 points… GG this system

for more bad leaderboard examples check bottom of these 2 pages:

even prince vingador is top 10 in eu :P

Owner and creator of
Btw: It’s Sey-Shi-zo ^.^

(edited by Seiishizo.7162)

The leaderboards lol

in PvP

Posted by: Seiishizo.7162


check bottom of the page ^.^ nufsaid

Owner and creator of
Btw: It’s Sey-Shi-zo ^.^

New feature for our awesome leaderboards

in PvP

Posted by: Seiishizo.7162


You can filter this on winrate

Owner and creator of
Btw: It’s Sey-Shi-zo ^.^

I made a FLOWCHART for the Meta! Enjoy!

in PvP

Posted by: Seiishizo.7162


very accurate

Owner and creator of
Btw: It’s Sey-Shi-zo ^.^

Are MM Necros viable in pve dungeons?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Seiishizo.7162


necro’s are the worst and the most unwanted class in PvE

And minions die to AoE since they can’t dodge

so its unviable+unviable+unwanted = total crap

From my experience they survive a lot better than one might think, even when stacked with a boss. When traited right the cooldown is pretty low and they explode on death, and deal damage that way too.

I don’t run MM in dungeons very often, but last time I did it was a CoE run and the minions held up surprisingly well when stacked with Subject Alpha.

nice story, but any other class will do better in supporting and dpsing so unviable and cus of that unwanted

Owner and creator of
Btw: It’s Sey-Shi-zo ^.^

Are MM Necros viable in pve dungeons?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Seiishizo.7162


necro’s are the worst and the most unwanted class in PvE

And minions die to AoE since they can’t dodge

so its unviable+unviable+unwanted = total crap

Owner and creator of
Btw: It’s Sey-Shi-zo ^.^

Why we can`t use DPS meter?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Seiishizo.7162


I would love to use this

It would be so use full to test builds etc..

Owner and creator of
Btw: It’s Sey-Shi-zo ^.^

[Suggestion] View Recent Matches

in PvP

Posted by: Seiishizo.7162


As soon as we get the API will provide all the information that is possible

Owner and creator of
Btw: It’s Sey-Shi-zo ^.^

[Suggestion] View Recent Matches

in PvP

Posted by: Seiishizo.7162


Would love to see this. Maybe also in API version?

Owner and creator of
Btw: It’s Sey-Shi-zo ^.^

Remember - the game is free

in PvP

Posted by: Seiishizo.7162


honestly i would rather pay money for real updates in staid of the living story crap….

Owner and creator of
Btw: It’s Sey-Shi-zo ^.^

Templates for switching builds

in PvP

Posted by: Seiishizo.7162


Templates for builds is something we heard a long time ago already.

But no since we can’t switch characters (normally I would use that to switch between different builds of the same class) can we at least get the templates? So we can switch the builds in the time before the game actually starts.

or does it even have an ETA yet?

Owner and creator of
Btw: It’s Sey-Shi-zo ^.^

A Competitive Player's Standpoint

in PvP

Posted by: Seiishizo.7162


lets hope they finally start to listen… but probably not :<

Owner and creator of
Btw: It’s Sey-Shi-zo ^.^

Nerfed necro to the ground and didnt say?

in PvP

Posted by: Seiishizo.7162


updates like this really makes me wonder if any developer actually plays the game

Owner and creator of
Btw: It’s Sey-Shi-zo ^.^

PSA: Can't Swap Skills during 10s countdown

in PvP

Posted by: Seiishizo.7162


GG necros…. 15chars and stuff

Owner and creator of
Btw: It’s Sey-Shi-zo ^.^

Necromancer is lacking, and everyone else

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Seiishizo.7162


we were bad. now we are worse

Owner and creator of
Btw: It’s Sey-Shi-zo ^.^

Nerfed necro to the ground and didnt say?

in PvP

Posted by: Seiishizo.7162


Yay more nerfs for the most useless class

Owner and creator of
Btw: It’s Sey-Shi-zo ^.^

Top20 SoloQ

in PvP

Posted by: Seiishizo.7162


i think the bigger problem is that 80% of the people top 100 already have a llama mini

I don’t see how a miniature is a ‘reward’ in general… they are good for nothing and you can’t even use them during pvp orsomething. and its not specially to get them orso

Owner and creator of
Btw: It’s Sey-Shi-zo ^.^

Top20 SoloQ

in PvP

Posted by: Seiishizo.7162


The best example why the rankings are completely broken.
Thanks for this thread.

Dear anet,
please reward the top 20 players with the actual highest MMR instead.

Highest MMR are people who don’t play anymore ^.^ that won’t fix it

Owner and creator of
Btw: It’s Sey-Shi-zo ^.^

AMA: Rank 1 solo queue

in PvP

Posted by: Seiishizo.7162


Q: How many people have been rank 1 on the leaderboards at some point?

since 28 January 2014

eu solo 127
eu team 14
na solo 122
na team 16

Data from

Owner and creator of
Btw: It’s Sey-Shi-zo ^.^

Top20 SoloQ

in PvP

Posted by: Seiishizo.7162


and we got a complete new top 5 again XD

Owner and creator of
Btw: It’s Sey-Shi-zo ^.^

Top20 SoloQ

in PvP

Posted by: Seiishizo.7162


leaderboard top 20 is gonna be full of people not playing the game anymore XD

Owner and creator of
Btw: It’s Sey-Shi-zo ^.^

SoloQ Spreadsheet (EU)

in PvP

Posted by: Seiishizo.7162



so ya if 1 game would have 2warriors other side 3 warriors and the 2 warriors would have won it would be

(2/5)*100 = 40%

(and i made a little script that could get that from the text so i don’t have to analyze the data myself)

Owner and creator of
Btw: It’s Sey-Shi-zo ^.^

Stop the Reign of Terror

in PvP

Posted by: Seiishizo.7162


i want the dagger 2 skills from the necro…. he hits about 11k and i hit like 3k :<

Owner and creator of
Btw: It’s Sey-Shi-zo ^.^

nerf necromancer

in PvP

Posted by: Seiishizo.7162


checks howmany necro’s in ESL go4 cup in europe…. oh 1 just… must be really op that only 1 person uses it at highest lvl of PvP

Owner and creator of
Btw: It’s Sey-Shi-zo ^.^

SoloQ Spreadsheet (EU)

in PvP

Posted by: Seiishizo.7162


Based on this list:

Class Winrate
G 50.63 %
W 51.67 %
E 48.15 %
M 51.43 %
N 50 %
En 48.97 %
T 48.08 %
R 58.06 %
Winrate of the Engi might be low cus the one that made this list plays engi

Owner and creator of
Btw: It’s Sey-Shi-zo ^.^

SoloQ Spreadsheet (EU)

in PvP

Posted by: Seiishizo.7162


what would be most interesting data is the winrate per class to see which class is ‘best’

interesting data tho ArenaNet should make an API for data like this so developers like me can make more of this

Owner and creator of
Btw: It’s Sey-Shi-zo ^.^

PvP Unique Rewards (Keeping Casuals Invested)

in PvP

Posted by: Seiishizo.7162


Farming for a legendary of 3000 gold in pve costs about 300 hours at a 10g/h spot which is available a lot in pve

For PvP it will take some time longer, let’s say you get 25s each win and like rng wise 25s from boxes per win on average. 50s each time 300000s/50s = winning 6000 games. Let’s say a game including queue takes about 15min 6000×15= 90000min/60 = 1500 hours
PvE = 300 hours
PvP = 1500 hours (of NONSTOP WINNING)

So it only takes 500% more time in PvP (if you win 6000 games in a row) so it is probably between 500% and 1000% more time, kinda explains why no one wants to do PvP for the rewards

some people do it for achievments but that is limited as well once you hit rank 80 that pritty much over

Owner and creator of
Btw: It’s Sey-Shi-zo ^.^

Rank what class you take in dungeon

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Seiishizo.7162


1 Ele : very nice buffs for the team(Might & fury) very nice dmg and conjure weapons
2 Warrior: Nice unique buffs like 150 str whole team, banners and nice dmg (also possible to stack might for the team if needed)
3 Guardian: Really good for reflects at some dungions and nice dmg
4 thief: really good dmg and stealth for some dungions
5 Enigneer: good dmg and vun stacking
6 Mesmer: nice dmg and timewarp
7 Ranger: okay dmg and frost spirit and spotter
8 Necromancer: bad dmg….. no unique buffs.. could be usefull for cc or blinds but mostly not worth it by far (which is sad to see for my main class :< )

Owner and creator of
Btw: It’s Sey-Shi-zo ^.^

Nerf unskilled play, add cast-times/animation

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Seiishizo.7162


already has cast time….. stop trying to nerf necro more while it is already nerfed

Owner and creator of
Btw: It’s Sey-Shi-zo ^.^

Team queue: 2 players of same class max

in PvP

Posted by: Seiishizo.7162


I think i fought against the same team yesterday…. and yes its really annoying

I like the idea of 2 of 1 class in 1 team (maybe 3) but not more. This should also be set into soloQ matchmaking

Owner and creator of
Btw: It’s Sey-Shi-zo ^.^

SPVP Tier List

in PvP

Posted by: Seiishizo.7162


Just my opinion
- Ele (S)
- War (B)
- Engi (A)
- Guard (A-)
- Mesmer (B+)
- Necro (C+)
- Thief (A)
- Ranger (B)

It also depends a lot on builds so hard kinda hard to say ^^

Owner and creator of
Btw: It’s Sey-Shi-zo ^.^


in PvP

Posted by: Seiishizo.7162


how would you explain this?

Worst case scenerio, assuming this is all solo players queued for team arena, this likely because team arena does not shuffle teams to make them even and you were put into best fitting team available at the time the team was formed.

Best case, this spread is caused more by the self selection of players forming their own rosters to play together.

The truth is probably somewhere in between.

However, there is a known (to us) flaw with team arena matchmaking. It will never try to reform a team (to try to find a better fit) once its been created. So you are stuck with the best team it could do at the time, and have to wait until it finds another team within range comes along. This is also why team arena queues can sometimes take longer, or why even a bad match can pop quickly.

It was Solo Arena (also known as soloQ within the community)… So that doesn’t explain it

“Solo going into team arena” has no name within the community simply because hardly anyone does it. Which also means hardly anyone complains about it. Which makes the flaw in “solo going into team arena” not that big of a deal.

But if it’s based on MMR i would assume that the MMR of a #3 player would be way way higher than a 97% player.

That is an incorrect assumption. The MMR spread between a rank 3 and 97% can actually be very small. Your leaderboard rank (for the top players) is your position in a sorted list, and does not represent the distance between players other than to say one is lower than the other.

Makes sense. This would also explain why winning or losing 1 game can make you increase or decrease leaderboard rating so hard.

But this will give a misleading perception of a leaderboard. If you would have a leaderboard which showed the MMR then it would be much more accurate information about how far you are in the leaderboards.

Owner and creator of
Btw: It’s Sey-Shi-zo ^.^


in PvP

Posted by: Seiishizo.7162


The leaderboards are currently ranked by your Glicko2 matchmaking rating (MMR) which is hidden.

How much your ranking changes depends on a few things.

  • Your current MMR deviation. Glicko2 tries to factor in how well it knows you. If it doesn’t know you, it will adjust your MMR more to try and find the best placement for you.
  • The MMR of the team you last fought against. A win against a higher MMR team will raise you faster, while a loss against a lower MMR team will lower you faster.
  • Decay. The leaderboard itself has a decay mechanism that will lower your ranking after periods of inactivity. However, since we don’t want to destroy your MMR because its valuable for matchmaking, this decay is only on the leaderboard itself, so when someone plays a match after a long-ish period of inactivity they will jump around faster.
  • How much the other players around you are moving. The people near you are probably very close to you in MMR, so any small changes can mean a relatively big jump.

How does matchmaking work?
Right now the algorithm is incredibly simple. (Read: not intelligent)

  • For solo arena we find 10 players near the same MMR and then shuffle those players into teams to make the teams as even as possible (MMR-wise).
  • For team arena we find 5 players near the same MMR, no shuffling. We then find another team near the same MMR and put them together.
  • The range of players you get paired with grows over time as you’re waiting to increase chances of finding a match. Which can lead to playing with people outside your skill range (usually lower).
  • It doesn’t factor in PvP rank, profession, leaderboard rank, or anything else. It’s all about the MMR.

Okay sounds like a nice story.

how would you explain this?

But if it’s based on MMR i would assume that the MMR of a #3 player would be way way higher than a 97% player. Or is “try and find best placement for you” an other way of saying

This was during prime time in EU on EU the server, so don’t say under population…. And this queue took about 5 minutes…

Note: In case you cant explain and not gonna response because of that. don’t worry you are not the first, I’ve send it on forums here, support and reddit. And there was never anyone kind enough to give a simple response to it…. lets hope you make the difference

Note2: this isn’t a 1 time thing, it happens a lot that really high ranked players get matched up with some people not even in top 1000, Which gives the following conclusion: top players raging at less good players, top players unhappy about team, less good players unhappy about raging players → more rage→ bad community in SPvP

Owner and creator of
Btw: It’s Sey-Shi-zo ^.^

(edited by Seiishizo.7162)

Should Dagger 2 work like DS 4?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Seiishizo.7162


health siphon is the by far the worst sustain in the game.

What you are suggesting sounds to me like a decent buff

Owner and creator of
Btw: It’s Sey-Shi-zo ^.^

The Esports Client 1.0

in PvP

Posted by: Seiishizo.7162


I will make a video, for those who did not play GW1, a lot of this is already in full concept.

The announcement information was seen when you login (not in a launcher), and was also available in-game from NPCs. The HUD was fully customizable and there were just much more freedom given to player in regardless or how they accessed information about the game, and how they viewed it. Oh and they had a further back camera zoom which was also awesome >.>

I’ve never played gw1 so this was good for me to see.

I really wonder why they don’t have it in gw2…

The only reason why it might not have it, is because ArenaNet thinks were to stupid to use it….

Look at the new lvling system. It is all about being to dumb die/dodge/ress/switchweapons etc etc….

So is that what they think in general of their players? give them less options so they can’t make mistakes?

Makes me kinda sad tho….

Owner and creator of
Btw: It’s Sey-Shi-zo ^.^

The Esports Client 1.0

in PvP

Posted by: Seiishizo.7162


maybe something like this first ?
before clutter screen more?



Owner and creator of
Btw: It’s Sey-Shi-zo ^.^

Any word on fixing 4v5?

in PvP

Posted by: Seiishizo.7162


Lol this is 6months old and still nothing happened…. kinda makes me sad

Owner and creator of
Btw: It’s Sey-Shi-zo ^.^

[EU] Toxic community looking for 5th

in Looking for...

Posted by: Seiishizo.7162


Umm nope, we are looking for players near to best in their class. I don’t think I can expect that from someone not ranked :P

Also we tried ele in our setup but doesn’t really work.

We would love to try out either DPS guardian or something else a lot of dmg, Please let me know ^^ only 1 more week untill ToG

Owner and creator of
Btw: It’s Sey-Shi-zo ^.^

[EU] Toxic community looking for 5th

in Looking for...

Posted by: Seiishizo.7162


I don’t want to be rude but:

“We all have been in top 25 of teamQ and we are aiming for the same thing when we find our 5th.”

So if you have never been near to it than it will probably not do the trick :<

And ya like i said, if you can convince us that your class will work in our setup and your skills are good enough to get to top 25. Than we are open for anything

Owner and creator of
Btw: It’s Sey-Shi-zo ^.^

(edited by Seiishizo.7162)

[EU] Toxic community looking for 5th

in Looking for...

Posted by: Seiishizo.7162


We are still looking

Btw we are playing ToG 4th of october, so this might be your last chance to get in ^.^

btw remember this is not a thief only spot… i had some wispers that were saying i would like to apply to the thief spot. Just convince us of your skills and that it would work, no matter what class

Owner and creator of
Btw: It’s Sey-Shi-zo ^.^

Powermancer viable?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Seiishizo.7162


but on the other hand i’m like the only power necro hanging around in top 100

Just off the top of my head: leman and leeto come to mind, as long time power build players. And I think at this point there are more power necros than other necro builds in the top ranks.

haven’t seen them both in a while…(sadly enough tho)

And on gw2score they are both on 9000 rank atm

And nope i can’t think of any other top 100 power necro atleast not in eu ^^

Owner and creator of
Btw: It’s Sey-Shi-zo ^.^

Powermancer viable?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Seiishizo.7162


Owner and creator of
Btw: It’s Sey-Shi-zo ^.^

Powermancer viable?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Seiishizo.7162


got #1 with it in soloQ and #20 in teamQ ^^

but on the other hand i’m like the only power necro hanging around in top 100

Owner and creator of
Btw: It’s Sey-Shi-zo ^.^

Celestial shouldn't exist

in PvP

Posted by: Seiishizo.7162


due to celestial like 50% of the classes/builds are not viable :< and i thought they wanted more builds to be viable

Owner and creator of
Btw: It’s Sey-Shi-zo ^.^

Worst state of the game, in my opinion

in PvP

Posted by: Seiishizo.7162


celes 2 op -.-

only like 50% of the classes viable due to celestial…..

Owner and creator of
Btw: It’s Sey-Shi-zo ^.^

PvP bag reward track

in PvP

Posted by: Seiishizo.7162


I noticed the following things about the tracks:

People who only play PvP kinda hate the tracks. These people don’t want items they have no idea with what they should do with it( Like crafting materials) And on top of that you get part of a crafted item in PvP but still have to PvE to get the full item.

Most people don’t even want to open the boxes just because they fill your inventory with more boxes and random items. while like 90% of the items you get aren’t worth anything.

Other thing i noticed when i was playing on a second account. It is currently rank 40 pvp and when i go to wardrobe i have like 3-4 skins for each armor piece. I think i had like 10-15 for each armor piece on my main at rank 40 spvp with the old system. In other words you hardly get skins.

Last thing:
Its not rewarding enough so new people don’t start pvping for rewards, Queues became long because less people playing, more unfair matchmaking and so on

The only use full thing that comes from pvping is the transmutation charges. but that is it :<

(i told more about it in this post before)

I have many many idea’s how to make pvp more attractive and i love to share, but so far no dev ever gave response on it… Maybe there is a time for a change ^^

Owner and creator of
Btw: It’s Sey-Shi-zo ^.^