Showing Posts For SevenWhite.4367:

Low FPS and nVidia employee response.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: SevenWhite.4367


I am directly requesting, as per my right as a customer and patron of ArenaNet, that we be given some official comment from ArenaNet regarding this issue.
It has already been established that this is a wide-spread problem for many users, and if there is any news on a fix, please address it here so that we all might resume enjoying the game we paid $60+ for.
Thank you in advance for your compliance, ArenaNet.
We look forward to continued adventures in Tyria!

Suggestion: revert dungeon changes.

in Suggestions

Posted by: SevenWhite.4367


Not being able to take a Waypoint mid-dungeon was definitely the WRONG way to go about fixing whatever they hoped to fix.
Find a better solution asap, or I for one will not be playing many (if any) dungeons.
I understand the concept to encourage people to play together better, but all this change did was get me a crap-ton of groups where people just quit when they die, even if/when someone’s reviving them.

Anyone else want ANet to revert the changes?

(edited by SevenWhite.4367)

Dungeon Patch Discussion 1/28

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: SevenWhite.4367


“Flaw: Players cannot heal fallen party members in combat (due to becoming #1 on the aggro threat check). Fallen players cannot Rez so have to wait for the party to win, or wipe.
Fix: Remove healing from the threat assessment check for NPCs. Considering when someone is rezzing a party member their DPS drops to nil (or whatever pets are delivering) so their ‘threat’ is effectively nil.
Double the healing factor for rezzing downed/dead players only.
Flaw: Downed players are continually under aggro despite ‘live’ players becoming higher threats. NPCs (particularly adds) do not reassess targets and hammer on a downed player until they’re dead.
Fix: When a target is ‘down’ the NPC runs the threat assessment string again.
Flaw: Repair costs a bit steep.
Fix: Now that you’re effectively removed from play on death, that is more than penalty enough for flubbing. Reduce repair costs considerably.
Yes, repair costs will already be reduced because you only ‘die’ once… but still… repair costs add up scary fast, while rewards don’t add up at all.
Flaw: Mobs and bosses are not really any different. Certainly not reduced to compensate for the inability to return to the fight (due to the first flaw noted above).
Fix: Reduce spawn HP and DPS by 30-50% depending on the expected ‘challenge level’ of the dungeon/instance.”
– Blaqwolf.1264

If I could 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th, etc… this I would.
Definitely, DEFINITELY some excellent suggestions.

ANet PLEASE take note.

Dungeon Patch Discussion 1/28

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: SevenWhite.4367


I would really like to feel rewarded for completing dungeons.
By that I mean, I don’t want to kill the same boss, or repeat the same dungeon in one of three possible different scenarios just to receive a small number of tokens of some sort that I can use toward 1/5th of a single piece of gear. I love running dungeons, but I hate the feeling of knowing that even if I ran each separate ‘path’ an even number of times, I’d likely be running EACH ‘path’ four or five times a piece just to have enough to buy a set of gear.
This is typically why I instead run around exploring, which gives me Gold which I then use to buy gear from the Trading Post, because obtaining enough Gold for a set of armor doesn’t feel anywhere near as tedious as running a dungeon over and over for it’s gear.
I LOVE Guild Wars 2, and there are some really amazing things about it; the lack of a required Tank/Heal/DPS is amazing, because when I play games that do require those roles, I almost always end up enjoying most the types of characters that allow for versatility. I love that Guild Wars 2 lets me be versatile no matter what I’m playing so that I can play how and why I want, not WHAT I HAVE to play.

Abominations + Berserking = BROKEN

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: SevenWhite.4367


Something that hits that phukin’ hard should NOT move as fast as they do.
Broken as he11.

ANet needs to be competitive with Gold Prices

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: SevenWhite.4367


Just saying. ANet can ban the Gold Sellers that are spamming selling gold, but for people who go looking for them on websites, there’s not much ANet can do about it, so people can (and will) buy from 3rd party because they get almost 4x the Gold for their $.
If ANet sold their Gold at a closer margin, the tiny bit more Gold one could get from a 3rd party source would no longer be a feasibly large enough margin to justify the risks of buying from them, and it would help combat Gold Sellers. Yes, they will always be around, but part of the reason that there are so frickin’ many still is because there’s a 400% bonus for buying from them when compared to the ‘white market’ alternative of going through official sources, a.k.a. ANet.

ANet needs to be competitive with Gold Prices

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: SevenWhite.4367


ANet needs to be competitive with Gold Prices; 3rd party is crushing them.
Currently, for $1 you can get 0.95g through the Gem Store – Currency Exchange, direct from ANet.
3rd party offers 3.61g for each $1.

I really, REALLY dislike gold sellers and never intend to buy through them; it’s just disappointing to realize that I’m effectively being punished by doing things honestly/according to the rules.
If ever I wanted to buy Gold, it would effectively be at a severe loss to me to buy it through ANet’s Gem Store – Currency Exchange when compared with a 3rd party alternative.

What is there that can be done to address this and make it more worthwhile to buy Gold through ANet?

Make helmet and shoulder removal apply to the character selection screen

in Suggestions

Posted by: SevenWhite.4367


Agreed; thought of this the very first time I saw my character selection screen with my head armor piece showing when I had just unchecked the box in order to hide it.

Waypoint costs

in Suggestions

Posted by: SevenWhite.4367


I agree 100% w/ the following, posted by OP (edit):

“Edit: In light of points brought up in the discussion so far here are my suggestions:
- Scale WP costs based on zone level rather than character level
- City WPs should be free to travel to from anywhere.
That would keep zerging under control but reduce a lot of the stress caused by the current system.”

Guild Wars 2 New Paragon System END GAME

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SevenWhite.4367


MMO’s and grinding even existing in the same sentence is WoW’s fault, and the myriad of others who have tried so hard to be WoW 2.0.
GW2 is about the game itself, not playing to max level and preparing the entire way to have fun once you get there, a.k.a. WoW and WoW-clones.
GW2’s about the journey and adventure along the way.
Not sure if people realize that there are over 1,500+ Dynamic Events in the game ( which chain into even more events, as well as the fact that there’s SO.MUCH.ROOM. for more content ( – the picture labeled ‘Cantha’ is of Tyria from GW1, overlayed on top of the remaining (as-of-yet-unexplorable) land for GW2. The colored-in section is what we see now; the rest around it is where there’s room for expansion. Yeah. It’s big.

(edited by SevenWhite.4367)

Guild Wars 2 New Paragon System END GAME

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SevenWhite.4367


There really needs to be a way to set a Waypoint as a ‘free’ one or something to that effect.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SevenWhite.4367


Changeable, also like a hearthstone. Something to be able to return to your chosen place free. There are 507 Waypoints in the game atm, so being able to select ONE of them as a free return point in order to make the sometimes back-to-back travel to that location, often for personal-storyline purposes, not such an overly-invested endeavor. I mean, I’ve been doing my personal storyline and other than selling a few of the rewards, I haven’t made a single copper doing so. I understand that exploring and whatnot is how you earn money (DE’s and RH’s along the way, etc…) but I don’t feel like doing that right that very moment and only have a little time to play, I don’t wanna spend my limited play-time running back and forth for just a couple storyline progressions. If I could pay the cost of traveling to where I’m going, then return for free, then pay to travel wherever else I’m sent, then return for free again, etc… I could get a little more ‘mileage’ out of my playtime.
The option to set a Waypoint as a free one wont negatively affect anyone, and can only benefit people who would be able to make ample use of it.

There really needs to be a way to set a Waypoint as a ‘free’ one or something to that effect.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SevenWhite.4367


Not even one on each map, just ONE. Like a hearthstone.

There really needs to be a way to set a Waypoint as a ‘free’ one or something to that effect.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SevenWhite.4367


I agree completely; but requiring you to travel so far for so little, then all the way back undermines a lot of values about the gaming being a rewarding experience. Giving the ability to set ONE Waypoint as a ‘free’ one provides you with convenience in this sort of situation. It wouldn’t remove the ‘death penalty’ or the ‘money-vs-time-sink’ aspect.
This needs to be implemented.

Tired of reporting gold spam ...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SevenWhite.4367


Report every time if at all possible.
True it can be a tiny pain but honestly it takes 5 seconds at the very most (if it takes you longer, you’ve got bigger issues to worry about).
Just keep in mind how harsh they were to exploiters and rest assured that they’ll do the same or worse to gold farmers/sellers.
ANet is KING of the ban-hammer for people who legitimately deserve it. Very forgiving even when they don’t need to be, as well.

There really needs to be a way to set a Waypoint as a ‘free’ one or something to that effect.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SevenWhite.4367


Yeah, I’ve used shortcuts like that before; it’s not just that it’s time-consuming, it’s that I have to go halfway across Tyria for a 30-second to 1-minute cutscene sometimes just to turn around and go right back. Either way, time-spent or money-spent, it’s unnecessary and could be made infinitely better by a way to set a Waypoint as a ‘free’ one or something to that effect.

There really needs to be a way to set a Waypoint as a ‘free’ one or something to that effect.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SevenWhite.4367


There really needs to be an option to set a main city as a ‘free waypoint’ or something, similar to a hearth stone in WoW.
Kinda tired of the personal storyline sending me halfway across Tyria just to come back; costs a lot as it adds up. Either that, or add more money rewards for completing quest steps to help offset it.

What new weapons would you like introduced?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SevenWhite.4367


Slightly off-topic, but still very close to this subject, I’m wondering who else feels like you should be able to have the option to display both weapons on your character?
I realize that everything a character carries cannot be shown, but it IS easy enough to program the visuals for seeing both weapons you’re carrying, as well as perhaps a quiver for when bows are equipped. Just kinda funny seeing my Greatsword or Longbow disappear entirely; also, I fabricate arrows out of thin air haha.
This would also lend tactical information to players in PvP, about what sort of skills another player could counter their abilities with.
Again, I realize that everything cannot be shown visually (or everyone would be running around carrying huge back-packs; well, Engineer’s DO do that, I suppose), but it would be nice to at least see your weapons as well as things such as quivers for bow-wielding individuals.
Lastly, I’m 100% supportive of this sort of feature being optional, such as a simple option box to check/un-check in the General Options, for example.

(edited by SevenWhite.4367)

Displaying both weapons, for tactical PvP-related information.

in WvW

Posted by: SevenWhite.4367


Example attached. Something similar to this, perhaps the #1 weapon appearing from the hilt —> left shoulder down to right hip, and the #2 weapon appearing from the other side across the right shoulder down to the left hip.
Perhaps something like a bow even sitting straight up and down, or maybe even the quiver sitting straight up and down. I dunno; SOMETHING showing both weapons across my back would be AWESOME!


Displaying both weapons, for tactical PvP-related information.

in WvW

Posted by: SevenWhite.4367


I think it would work fine; they could just cross each other over one’s back. I know that in movies or even in other games such a thing is done easily enough.
I’m certainly for such a feature being optional, of course; I would simply love the option to display my Ranger’s Greatsword/Longbow+Quiver combination =D

low rewards despite 100% contribution

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: SevenWhite.4367


Yeah, I know that this is something ANet will adjust to work according to their encompassing design philosophy which GW2 has been designed around, and hopefully they do it soon.
It truly is disappointing to want to help and work as a team, then subsequently receive as sub-par reward for doing so.
I’ve read plenty of articles over the course of GW2’s development where ANet was even willing to do a complete internal-system redesign because something wasn’t working as intended, so I’ve seen first-hand, by their example, just how committed they are to their game; so have faith, everyone =) – I do. Just hoping it pays off sooner than later! =P

low rewards despite 100% contribution

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: SevenWhite.4367


I’ve participated in countless events where I spent the entirety of an event helping in a myriad of ways, such as damaging enemies, carrying items, and healing as well as reviving downed and even defeated players.
During all of these events, it consistently seemed as though doing large amounts of damage was/is the only way to obtain ‘Gold’. Even during events in which I participated for the entirety of said event, I received only ‘Bronze’.
Also, my wife (who enjoys supporting other players and participating via ‘healing’) in consistently frustrated by the fact that, because she’s helping others stay alive (to damage enemies), she is ‘punished’ with ‘Bronze’ reward because of doing so. During those exact same events in which I participate for the same amount of time in the same locations as her, I often receive ‘Gold’ simply because I was doing damage rather than ‘healing’ others and ‘reviving’.
Please adjust the ‘algorithm’ with which the game determines ‘participation-level’.
Thank you in advance for making the game-world a better place! =)

Displaying both weapons, for tactical PvP-related information.

in PvP

Posted by: SevenWhite.4367


Make sure to post a reply to support this proposed feature, if you agree; the more people who support, the more likely ANet is to look into implementing it! =D

Displaying both weapons, for tactical PvP-related information.

in WvW

Posted by: SevenWhite.4367


Make sure to post a reply to support this proposed feature, if you agree; the more people who support, the more likely ANet is to look into implementing it! =D

Displaying both weapons, for tactical PvP-related information.

in WvW

Posted by: SevenWhite.4367


I was instructed by ANet to post this on the forum; they said that, if it’s an idea that enough people like, they’ll consider implementing it! =D
I’ve always loved how Role-Playing-Game’s (RPG’s) show not only your characters’ equipped weapons, but also the others which are ‘put away’. For example, my Ranger carry’s a Longbow and a Greatsword. I would LOVE to see both weapons across my back when running around; even seeing the quiver for my bow would be AWESOME.
I know that ANet set out to design a game that brings back the RPG feel of a game, and I think this would be an excellent touch =)
Also, I know that another of ANet’s goals was/is to offer an action-oriented combat style similar to that which can be found in a First-Person Shooter (FPS), where players also carry all their weapons on their backs as well.
I believe it would also provide a nice bit of tactical information in situations such as PvP; being able to know what other weapons your opponents have and what sort of play-style they’ll be able to counter yours with, and vice-versa.
Thanks again for such an amazing game, and being very well known for listening to your community; I wouldn’t even bother putting in a suggestion with any other company.
Doing great; keep it up!

Displaying both weapons, for tactical PvP-related information.

in PvP

Posted by: SevenWhite.4367


I was instructed by ANet to post this on the forum; they said that, if it’s an idea that enough people like, they’ll consider implementing it! =D
I’ve always loved how Role-Playing-Game’s (RPG’s) show not only your characters’ equipped weapons, but also the others which are ‘put away’. For example, my Ranger carry’s a Longbow and a Greatsword. I would LOVE to see both weapons across my back when running around; even seeing the quiver for my bow would be AWESOME.
I know that ANet set out to design a game that brings back the RPG feel of a game, and I think this would be an excellent touch =)
Also, I know that another of ANet’s goals was/is to offer an action-oriented combat style similar to that which can be found in a First-Person Shooter (FPS), where players also carry all their weapons on their backs as well.
I believe it would also provide a nice bit of tactical information in situations such as PvP; being able to know what other weapons your opponents have and what sort of play-style they’ll be able to counter yours with, and vice-versa.
Thanks again for such an amazing game, and being very well known for listening to your community; I wouldn’t even bother putting in a suggestion with any other company.
Doing great; keep it up!

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: SevenWhite.4367


Also, I would personally like this feature to be an option, so that people who don’t like multiple weapons across their back could still have just one. Maybe not optional for PvP, if it WAS found to provide some sort desired tactical information viable in PvP, but for sure in PvE.

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: SevenWhite.4367


I was instructed by ANet to post this on the forum; they said that, if it’s an idea that enough people like, they’ll consider implementing it! =D
I’ve always loved how Role-Playing-Game’s (RPG’s) show not only your characters’ equipped weapons, but also the others which are ‘put away’. For example, my Ranger carry’s a Longbow and a Greatsword. I would LOVE to see both weapons across my back when running around; even seeing the quiver for my bow would be AWESOME.
I know that ANet set out to design a game that brings back the RPG feel of a game, and I think this would be an excellent touch =)
Also, I know that another of ANet’s goals was/is to offer an action-oriented combat style similar to that which can be found in a First-Person Shooter (FPS), where players also carry all their weapons on their backs as well.
I believe it would also provide a nice bit of tactical information in situations such as PvP; being able to know what other weapons your opponents have and what sort of play-style they’ll be able to counter yours with, and vice-versa.
Thanks again for such an amazing game, and being very well known for listening to your community; I wouldn’t even bother putting in a suggestion with any other company.
Doing great; keep it up!

Cooking as an 'available to all' profession? Separate from 'only two at once'.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: SevenWhite.4367


Why not make cooking separate from the ‘two professions at a time’?
I’d like to be able to do two ‘equip-able item’ crafting professions, and cooking in addition.
Who else agrees?

Weapons and how they appear on a character; suggestions? =D

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: SevenWhite.4367


Who else agrees? =D

Weapons and how they appear on a character; suggestions? =D

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: SevenWhite.4367


I just think it would be a nice extra touch to be able to show my Greatsword and Longbow across my back, with my Quiver as well, to top it all off.

Weapons and how they appear on a character; suggestions? =D

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: SevenWhite.4367


Yeah, definitely interested in them making it an option for sure. I like choices =D

Weapons and how they appear on a character; suggestions? =D

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: SevenWhite.4367


You tryin’ to get ‘em to make you a ’GM’ or something? =P

Weapons and how they appear on a character; suggestions? =D

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: SevenWhite.4367


Who else agrees?
I was instructed by ANet to post this on the forum, and if it’s an idea that enough people like, they’d maybe consider doing it! =D

Weapons and how they appear on a character; suggestions? =D

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: SevenWhite.4367


I’ve always loved how RPG’s show not only your characters’ equipped weapons, but also the others which are ‘put away’. For example, my Ranger carry’s a Longbow and a Greatsword. I would LOVE to see both weapons across my back when running around; even seeing the quiver for my bow would be AWESOME.
I know that ANet set out to design a game that brings back the RPG feel of a game, and I think it would be a nice touch =)
Also, I know that another of ANet’s goals was/is to offer an action-oriented combat style similar to that which can be found in a First-Person Shooter, where players also carry all their weapons on their backs as well.
I believe it would also provide a nice bit of tactical information in situations such as PvP; being able to know what other weapons your opponents have and what sort of play-style they’ll be able to counter yours with, and vice-versa.
Thanks again for such an amazing game, and being very well known for listening to your community; I wouldn’t even bother putting in a suggestion with any other company.
Doing great; keep it up!

Trading post not working

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: SevenWhite.4367


For me, whenever I use the actual tab ‘Trading Post’ (searching for an item) it takes forever-and-a-day for the auctions to load. I mean, the items appear to be there, but then the little circle in the middle of the window just keep going around and around and I can’t actually click on any of the items, and a mouse-over doesn’t offer any ‘preview’ on items such as a dye.
Sits there un-ending’ly…