Showing Posts For Sezz.3029:

AFK leaderboards

in PvP

Posted by: Sezz.3029


Grind your way to the top boys, that’s what Anet wants

AFK leaderboards

in PvP

Posted by: Sezz.3029


Yeah i meant NA

AFK leaderboards

in PvP

Posted by: Sezz.3029


That isn’t true at all on EU. You queue most evenings and almost everyone in the top 200 will be on and queuing actively.

nice joke

AFK leaderboards

in PvP

Posted by: Sezz.3029


Everybody who is on top is afk. They started the season early and got some wins and now they’re afk. Ty for coming back to your old ways anet.

Anet want us all to play DH

in PvP

Posted by: Sezz.3029


anet why do u allow 4 guards vs 3 thieves. Please i demand an explanation.

Dishonorable You miss Q

in PvP

Posted by: Sezz.3029


I find it a perfectly suitable punishment for not having the patience to go to the bathroom before queueing.

The problem is my queue was on a 6 minutes and counting sir…

Dishonorable You miss Q

in PvP

Posted by: Sezz.3029


Why is was this implemented. This is the only game that does this. I mean, I thought you wanted people to play PvP not drive them away for a few hours if they miss Queue. I really don’t understand the logic behind this. We are all human beings Anet, we have to go to the restroom sometimes. I understandgetting dishonorable if i rage quit a match, but for missing queue and then being dishonorable for a few hours lol.

Anet want us all to play DH

in PvP

Posted by: Sezz.3029


Warrs kill DHs btw

No.. power war CAN kill dh. The matchup still favors DH.

true story war loses to dh easily

Anet want us all to play DH

in PvP

Posted by: Sezz.3029


i just got a game with 4 dh on my team

Anet want us all to play DH

in PvP

Posted by: Sezz.3029


Every game the same thing…. 4 to 3 DH per team. IDK why do u still allow class stacking but ok. It is clear now that you do not want variety. You want spammable traps on point with ridiculous survivability and almost Perma blocks. Amazing balance, IDk how u ppl still keep your jobs balance team.

(edited by Sezz.3029)

Fix Match Commencing

in PvP

Posted by: Sezz.3029


this happens to me a lot in silver tier

Fix Match Commencing

in PvP

Posted by: Sezz.3029


Match should not start without everybody being present. As of now, the match starts after the 1 min mark and some people don’t even load or dc. This is a big problem, because it puts the team in a 4v5 situation. Something has to be done about this, taking losses before the match starts, because we have a dc is unacceptable. I personally would like to see the MM look for another individual to join the party or restart queue again.

Dhs.... -_-

in PvP

Posted by: Sezz.3029


Nerf dh traps or if u wont nerf their survivability

guardian traps are OP

in PvP

Posted by: Sezz.3029


Too much aoe affecting the game right now. They need to increase the cool down on all aoe skills on all classes not just guard. But, yes I agree. Guard is op and it takes 0 skill to play.

Remove Skyhammer From ranked

in PvP

Posted by: Sezz.3029


Yes, there needs to be more maps, but this map sucks.

Remove Skyhammer From ranked

in PvP

Posted by: Sezz.3029


Tittle says it all. This map does not belong in ranked q. We hated it before and we still hate it now. This map is ruining my xmas.

Revs & Guards

in PvP

Posted by: Sezz.3029


condi engi is useless. Every core build is useless against hot builds. Honestly the cele meta was a lot better than this.

Revs & Guards

in PvP

Posted by: Sezz.3029


Plz for the love of the game anet, balance these 2 classes. Why is profession stacking allowed, 3 to 4 guards/Revs every game.

Feeders in Ranked PvP huge problem!

in PvP

Posted by: Sezz.3029


I don’t agree with this, they’re people who hate each other in pvp and this will create and huge problem for both parties.

These condi bunkers are absurd

in PvP

Posted by: Sezz.3029


condi dmg is passive, and has to go.

(edited by Sezz.3029)

Need help as an engineer in spvp

in PvP

Posted by: Sezz.3029


He’s trolling you and you both fell for it.

I've won 1 match in my last 15 matches

in PvP

Posted by: Sezz.3029


Welcome to Anet’s MM.

Nerf engi

in PvP

Posted by: Sezz.3029


I agree with this! idk how can you defend the current state of scrapper. Full Zerk with perma stability, able to bunk on a node multiple ppl. And the insane dmg and cc they do it’s ridiculous.

And this right here is the typical person demanding nerfs. “Full Zerk” scrapper lol.

I play my scrapper with marauder amulet… And i’m able to do all that while eating a sub.

Nerf engi

in PvP

Posted by: Sezz.3029


I agree with this! idk how can you defend the current state of scrapper. Full Zerk with perma stability, able to bunk on a node multiple ppl. And the insane dmg and cc they do it’s ridiculous.

Perma Chilled

in PvP

Posted by: Sezz.3029


No, chill isn’t an issue with any class.

chill affects every class….

(edited by Sezz.3029)

Perma Chilled

in PvP

Posted by: Sezz.3029


Too much chilled!

Everytime I’m attacking a bunker ele, I’m chilled! Just by auto attacking. Aura of frost needs to get nerfed. Reduce the cd, from the traits and the utilities. Also, fighting a Reaper=Perma Chilled. I’m ok with being chilled from time to time. But perma chilled needs to stop. This condition is super op. Reduced the effect to 33%.

Tier list (for now)

in PvP

Posted by: Sezz.3029


God tier engi

Rev going through mes portal

in PvP

Posted by: Sezz.3029


How is this working as intended? I have a portal across the map and the rev ports through my portal? Are you kidding me? Sticking to the target when I’m in the other side of the map lol. Was that suppose to be a joke? Also sticking to the target, doesn’t mean go through mes portal.

He isn’t going through the portal. He is teleporting to the target. Only the initial teleport has a range limitation. Basically, if you step through the portal after getting hit by initial strike of unrelenting assault, and you were the target of the next hit as well, the attack will follow through regardless of distance.

Notice, that after UA stops teleporting the revenant, you can simply step back through the portal and leave him dumbfounded with no way to follow you easily.

yeah but what if I got to defend a point. The rev
can decap me, specially if i’m using portal as an escape, because I’m on low HP. I don’t think this is right. He should not be portaling across the map.

(edited by Sezz.3029)

Rev going through mes portal

in PvP

Posted by: Sezz.3029


How is this working as intended? I have a portal across the map and the rev ports through my portal? Are you kidding me? Sticking to the target when I’m in the other side of the map lol. Was that suppose to be a joke? Also sticking to the target, doesn’t mean go through mes portal.

Rev going through mes portal

in PvP

Posted by: Sezz.3029


When is this going to get fixed? This bug is really annoying.

Auto dishonorable needs to go

in PvP

Posted by: Sezz.3029


Not saying the players are at fault for the servers conking out yesterday, but why on earth did you keep playing when you saw there was network instability? I mean, ok, maybe the first disconnect was a fluke, so you queue up again when you log back in, but once you got 2 in a row why push your luck? I think it was pretty thoughtless and I personally wouldn’t like other pvp features to get pushed back to implement a pardon system for people who should’ve had more sense to begin with.

People like to play when they have time…………a person with common sense would at least know that.

No, a person with common sense would do hot join if they still wanted to PvP during network instability. If you got 3 dishonorable, you should think through your decision next time.

Wrong, a person with common sense would also know that " hot joins" is absolute garbage. But like Onesixty/Danny said, lets not derail this thread. Instead focus on making Anet fix the ddos problem.

List of OP stuff

in PvP

Posted by: Sezz.3029


L2P issue……Mesmer needs the most help of all the classes. Leech necro can literally. 1shot people spaming 1… But mesmer auto attack is too strong. Lol

Everybody yolo queues tPvP

in PvP

Posted by: Sezz.3029


lol this is a joke. Some people ( like me) dont even play for the rewards. Our reward (seeing as I’ve never pve’d or wvw’d) only play for a good even match up.

Leaderboards are pointless. I’ve been 1 on solo q and top 10 team q on NA and on EU multiple times. Anyone saying it takes any form of skill is a lie. Exploiting temporary decay and x-fers are so easy. Then take in effect 4v5’s and it becomes luck /exploition to get anywhere. Then add in complete lack of competition and only 1-2 teams that play regularly how can you compare anyone based on lb…

Lol. LB should never of been released. They are pointless, useless, and broken.

I know right…. I play for fun just like you, and everybody that realized how broken those LB are stoped trying to get on them a long time ago. You can’t based a player skill on the current LB. Some people just don’t get it.

Everybody yolo queues tPvP

in PvP

Posted by: Sezz.3029


I just thought you should all know that WE ALL GET 4V5 MATCHES! Stop using that as an excuse. There is a reason why Henry (Lordrosicky) had 3 accounts in the Top 10 of EU SoloQ and that’s because he was the best Necro I have seen so far. He clearly understood where he should be and how long he should stay there for etc.

Stop using that as an excuse? lol I one time got 4 matches in a row 4v5……. It’s not an excuse, it’s the reality. You need to get off that “denial train”, and jump on my “YOLO Q TRAIN” I guaranteed you’ll be a happier person

(edited by Sezz.3029)

Everybody yolo queues tPvP

in PvP

Posted by: Sezz.3029


Also everybody knows that being on LB doesn’t mean anything about your individual skill level.

So true

That’s what bad players like to believe to make themselves feel better.

This ^

People underrate how hard it is to actively be top of solo q and how much you have to own to get there.

The way to prove yourself individually is in solo q. The way to prove your team play is team q

People underrated it, because they know how broken the LB are. And they know it’s not good source of info regarding a player skill, the system is flawed. I will use Lux as an example, he used to be #1, so why should Lux lose his standing on the LB, because he had too many 4v5’s, when he could’ve won those matches. And the players that won those matches got lucky he got a 4v5, and so now those players that were not as good went up in the top 100s. It’s not right at all.

(edited by Sezz.3029)

Everybody yolo queues tPvP

in PvP

Posted by: Sezz.3029


you guys are all fools. everybody stop playing solo q until they remove skyhammer. then go back to whatever you want to do. everybody rosa parks skyhammer.

hahaa YOLO Q is where is at now

Everybody yolo queues tPvP

in PvP

Posted by: Sezz.3029


Also everybody knows that being on LB doesn’t mean anything about your individual skill level.

So true

That’s what bad players like to believe to make themselves feel better.

I’ve been top of the gw2 LB 10000000000000000 times, so that’s what you like to say to make yourself feel better about the truth. Sounds to me like you’re in denial, and can’t face the truth.
Top is 66 and 67 now?

I would’ve been higher, but I get a lot of 4/5. The system is flaw, And I play shatter mesmer in a bunker condi meta. Also i was higher than that, that website is bullkitten.

Ghaphen that system is flawed dude, and that’s not a reliable good source of info regarding a player skill level. 4/5 is a huge problem that needs to be fixed. Also Onesixty aka Danny The Cuban is one of the best players I bump into when I solo Q. And he was a top players back in GW1 top GvG’s in NA. And GvG in Gw1 took an insanely amount of skill and game knowledge/map awareness.

(edited by Sezz.3029)

Everybody yolo queues tPvP

in PvP

Posted by: Sezz.3029


yoloQ but but the wait time so long…..

that’s why we gotta bump this YOLO TRAIN to get our YOLO brothers aboard

Everybody yolo queues tPvP

in PvP

Posted by: Sezz.3029


Also everybody knows that being on LB doesn’t mean anything about your individual skill level.

So true

That’s what bad players like to believe to make themselves feel better.

I’ve been top of the gw2 LB 10000000000000000 times, so that’s what you like to say to make yourself feel better about the truth. Sounds to me like you’re in denial, and can’t face the truth.

I agree with ghaleon, some people are still in denial………. I myself made to the top a lot of times, only to lose my spot due to 4v5 cos of a broken system that’s been here to plague us all. Sorry collero but if you want to say those things to make yourself feel better go ahead. But facts are facts.

Everybody yolo queues tPvP

in PvP

Posted by: Sezz.3029


tPvP is the new solo queue now, I mean you can’t go wrong yolo queing tPvP now days.
And one of the big reasons to why people do this is because there’s no Skyhammer and there’s more rewards. And lets be real PvP is dead as hell, and there’s no real competition. I find myself wanting to yolo queue tPvP everyday even more, the experience is more enjoyable. You find better players yolo queing than in solo Q, and work better as a team. Ofc every now and then you find yourself facing try hards like "GF’. The only team in NA that still plays…..sadly. Also everybody knows that being on LB doesn’t mean anything about your individual skill level. And besides you get no rewards from being on the top of them “Broken Boards”

So come and join that “YOLO TRAIN” brothers and rock on when you beat a premade team. YOLO SWAG 4 LIFE