I used to like to scout in WvW before the participation changes.
Also a Skritt-like hoarder of shinies.
Makes sense I suppose.
I did however kind of assume that the chars would simply be deleted after the event due to the ‘Progress and rewards will not be saved’ bit.
Kind of a shame though, I suppose I’ll just have to wait a few <InsertAnetTimeScaleHere> for the chars to be deleted.
I tried a new char for the PoF test event last weekend, and used a char name for it.
Char slots were on sale that week so I bought some, with the idea I would reuse the same character name for one of the new characters once it was freed up by the test char being automatically deleted at the end of the event.
The event ended and the test character was deleted, yet even several days later whenever I try to make a character with that same name I get ‘Name is currently in use’ during character creation and as such I can’t use it.
I know that the name however is still not in use by another character because if I try to /w that name the message gets sent to me, and I receive the message.
If I try to send mail to that name I get a ‘You cannot send to yourself.’ Error message, yet I don’t own a char with that name.
Therefore there is a character name that can’t be used, but doesn’t exist in game.
The name in question was nothing profane or anything else that would get blocked by filters or anything.
Presumably this is a bug due to how the PoF test characters were deleted?
So, from what it seems this seems to happen every time the Megadestroyer starts.
The cause is that the three stabilisation beams do not start and connect above the volcano.
As far as I have seen Tyaj’s beam seems to start fine, but Brij and Liann’s beams do not.
The ‘fix’ for this is letting the NPCs whose beam is not started die. Then after they res their beam will start again.
Getting Liann to die is tricky but possible, whereas getting Brij to die amidst the mass of afk players is extremely hard, and often results in failure of the event (either because she doesn’t die at all, or there isn’t enough time left by the time she does)
Ogre wars bugs out a lot, but I thought I’d post here since I’ve never seen this specific bug before.
Plus this is similar to another bug I had during my world boss tour about the pre event for the Megadestroyer in Mount Maelstrom not progressing, a bug introduced by the most recent patch.
(I have a separate bug thread about the Megadestroyer event issue, since I am unsure if/how they are related)
So I did the Ogre Wars event chain all the way up to the chief (the end boss and last event of the meta-event chain), however the chief didn’t spawn, and as such we were left looking at the clock ticking down on the event to kill them, despite no enemy spawning for us to kill.
Eventually it timed out, the boss never having spawned.
EDIT: During my daily world boss tour a few people said that ogre wars was bugged. This happens a lot so I assumed it was one of the usual bugs since they didn’t specify, but in retrospect I imagine it was this bug, with the boss not spawning, which would mean this has happened multiple times.
I sent my squad there as per usual as part of my world boss tour today.
Literally every person who tried went to LA, dozens of people went to LA, yet not a single person got into Southsun.
Also note the above patch was for the MegaDestroyer 30mins after reset.
The one as I post this (3hours 30mins after reset) was at 0% for a long time (Several minutes) before it started to fill, and I am pretty sure it’s the same bug causing that’s causing the stabilisation to stall initially.
I was doing my world boss tour today as per usual and we got the Megadestroyer in mount Maelstrom.
The pre events proceeded as normal until we got to the stabilisation event just before the Megadestroyer itself spawns.
However the progress for the stabilisation didn’t increase, and stayed at 0%.
We waited about 5 minutes, and even let an NPC (Tyaj) die then ressed her, but it didn’t reset it and it stayed stuck at 0%.
Eventually we just left to go patch.
(Note this was before the patch today (28/07/2017) about 20 mins after reset.)
World bosses bug out often, so it would be nice if this got some love now and then :-)
I like all of these additions; and I would like to add my +1 for the following things
I’d also like to suggest Aetherkey pieces.
I know many will say that they belong on a keyring, but:
I would also like to add to the suggestion of Essences of Luck (all 5 tiers)
The ‘just use them’ argument only applies to players that have not maxed their MF, for those of us that have, using them is just a waste, whereas saving them is useful because it allows me to save them for use in for example guild hall upgrades.
I get more essences of luck that every other item on your list combined and I always have four inv spaces used on every char I use just to keep the luck they accrue, being able to clear out those four spaces on every char by depositing it would be a massive boost.
The new Legendary Weapon Tributes
Until I have refined them into Shards I often have up to several hundred of these lying around clogging up my inventory.
(Since I tend to buy all the ones that I would need for the current step in one go, as I presume most people do)
Fractal Research Pages
These definitely need to be included in mat storage.
I was about to go to WvW and by mistake clicked on ‘Detailed Breakdown’ instead of the reward track tab and saw that the potential score field is completely broken, as it currently lists the points in my MU for Deso borderlands as:
with an overall potential points of:
Either Jade Sea have made the best comeback I have ever seen or the scoring system is a little broken…
Just logged back in after the patch and had only Staff skill 5 (Sublime conversion) – the one I was missing last time.
It did at least sort itself out after a minute or two though, and I then had all 5 skills as I should.
Considering I was in combat not having AA did prove somewhat problematic…
[Like many other people] I have logged in to some of my chars and found some of my skills unequipped (Mortar Kit, “Feel The Burn”, “We Heal as One!”, “Rise!”, Well of Action), like when they get updated.
This seems to be a common occurrence.
On a potentially related bug note:
I recently switched back to my staff on my Druid, and got the message saying I had learnt 3 skills, like when you first equip the weapon, except I had previously used staff, and should already know them.
The 5 skill (Sublime Conversion) remained locked and greyed out, with ‘0% Complete’ written when I hovered over it.
(See the attached screenshot.)
I was lvl 80 and a Druid, so I should have had all 5 skills, but it remained locked.
My PC froze half a few minutes later, forcing a restart, and when I logged back in I had the skill again as per usual.
(I did a -repair with the GW2 client the day before this, and a freeze is very unusual, so I wonder if the crash was bug related?)
Solution 1
This destroys both the identity of the host world and the linked world by removing both of their names.
It would also require learning which alliance name corresponds to which worlds – and that is an extra level of tediousness I don’t want to bother with.
Solution 2
This doesn’t really change what we have now.
Changing the system from world names to colours doesn’t change the information or the problem or server identities, it merely means I would have to pay more attention to what colour I am and who the enemies are.
The main reason I dislike this is because I can see it being used for confusion, thus making information harder to read.
“Objective Captured! [Guild Name] has captured [objective name].”
OK, so I am currently against Piken Square and Far Shiverpeaks, why can’t I make a guild such that this announcement reads
“Objective Captured! Far Shiverpeaks Warriors [FSPW] has captured Pangloss Rise”
(for example), when I can make such a guild but not be on that server?
If that appeared in your chat log would you assume it was FSP who capped it? I probably would, but that doesn’t mean it was, and I know more than a few people would be tempted to make a few such guilds just to confuse the enemy scouts and players.
Somebody else has already raised the issue of PvX guilds, and as somebody who often has to claim objectives by declaiming enemy ones other members of one of my PvX guild have claimed – yes, I think this could be very confusing.
Solution 3
Displaying who capped an objective is fine IMO, but then again one of the reasons why linked servers have lost their identity is because player names are not displayed to enemies.
I have to go against this solution because it still doesn’t solve that problem.
Things that should happen (To work towards an ‘ideal scenario’ in my opinion)
I am not sure how many of the other posters here are GH or Vabbi, but as a Vabbian I thought I’d share my thoughts on this.
So to get it out of the way: There is a population problem in GH.
I play WvW quite a lot, but it still took me several days of play to actual see a time when we weren’t outnumbered, and I play both primetime and the middle of the night.
(and yes, I have seen GH+Vabbi outnumbered continually at like 5am)
Vabbi has never had this problem with any other linking, all our other hosts have had plenty of pop and we were very rarely outnumbered, but now it’s 24/7 or close enough.
Vabbi has a low population but I have seen plenty of the Vabbi WvW regulars I recognise on since the linking, so I don’t think we are the problem, or at least not the main cause of it – After all, we are used to being outnumbered like 4 to 1 in WvW, that’s like our thing.
Linking Vabbi – a server that was T9 and had been for like … forever, because we had a very low WvW population, with GH, was a bad idea though.
The best example of just how bad the population imbalance here was when a fellow guildie and friend of mine from Arrowcart Glade asked me if I could explain what was going on with GH pop, because a lot of the people from their server had been wondering and worrying about it.
The population in GH is so bad our enemies are concerned for us.
I can’t blame them really, they are not getting a good experience either, to rush to our objectives (which are paper), then take them with their 80 man blob whilst our 3-4 defenders are overwhelmed, we then lose all our points (hence why they were paper in the first place), and we slowly retake them, then repeat until people get bored of it.
This basically sums up my experiences of WvW since the linking.
As far as my talks with the GH population can tell me, GH seems to have had a mass exodus recently as one of their main WvW guilds left, and basically everybody else followed suit.
I have seen many comments about the people of GH transfering to other servers if this is to continue on map/team chat.
I will however post the link to the WvW scoreboards:
As I write this GH is ranked 18th, which puts it below some of the linked worlds: AR, Dz, and RoF.
I will also point out the fact that we are now Red basically every matchup does mean that we get DBL every time, which further hampers population.
My guild tried doing the Guild Bounty today.
We initially got Brekabek, we found him – inside a wall, once he left the wall he was walking his path in mid air, once he got back to solid ground, we couldn’t talk to him, the ‘Press f to talk’ (or whatever it is) comes up, but we can’t actually talk to him, so we couldn’t complete the mission.
We failed the mission and resarted, at which point he despawned. He was not in the map at all, even though we had seen him literally 20 seconds earlier.
We failed and restarted, then got trilia.
She seemed so annoyed about the ‘Wash the Pain Away!’ nerf that she walked through th earth, ignoring the terrain entirely, as described in
That thread.
When she reappeared, we couldn’t talk to her either, she was right next to us, and the option to ‘Press f to talk’ (or whatever) was there, it just didn’t do anything.
We failed and restarted, and got Brekabak again.
This time we found Maully (the bear that accompanies him) alone, without Brekabak next to him (he had clearly respawned in a new place, based upon where Breakakab was the first time we found him)
Since Brekabak and Maully always travel together, I don’t think the issue was the one described in that thread, or I think they would have glitch under the map together?
A Fail/Restart got us Poobadoo, who wasn’t in the map either, we did multiple circuits of his route with multiple people, but he wasn’t anywhere to be found, since I doubt he would bug underneath the ground under water, as that is a huge vertical drop, I assume he didn’t spawn as well.
We gave up at this point, I presume all bounty targets are bugged.
(We got Brekabak 3/5 times as well, poor us)
(edited by Shiera.3152)
A few days ago (the 15th) I was doing my daily World Boss tour, and we got to Modniir Ulgoth.
We were doing the sackfarm pre event and the waves of enemies were arriving, however many players said that they couldn’t see the enemies, myself included.
The enemies were clearly spawning and moving correctly, as I could see other players responding to them correctly. I could also see my own damage numbers appearing when I attacked them.
This is not a graphics problem, because even the enemies nameplates were not displaying, yet I have it set in the options to show everything, but it is probably related to the game not showing the model due to ‘character model limit’ and not drawing the nameplate correctly.
I mentioned this in chat and a few other people said that they were experiencing it as well, this has happened several times since then, usually at Ulgoth or Teq (where there are lots of enemies and groups of players).
Yesterday I was doing Teq, and I noticed lots (was very annoying) of instanced where I would see the downed icon (not the defeated one), which didn’t appear on the map, but appeared a lot. I could not revive or interact with them at all.
I would also see some occurrences where I would see players names (and tags) fading in and out, including one instance where I saw one commander tag which was clearly in the wrong place (see the screenshot, they are using the turret as well as another player, despite they are in a different location on the map). The yellow comm is also clearly underground.
I saw a thread which stated this was happening in WvW as well (but didn’t really mention PvE that much);
I think it is all the same bug, but this does not explain why I was [not] seeing downed players that I couldn’t revive, or why some players appeared in places they shouldn’t be (multiple people using the turret, as well as appearing underground).
Since I am not 100% certain it’s the same bug (or that it’s not several different bugs) I have made a new topic instead of replying to that one.
Mods please do feel free to merge it if you think it’s the same.
I feel I should point out here that there are uses for Mystic coins other than legendaries and ‘Skins’. One which is actually useful.
Agony Infusions.
As somebody who is trying to up their daily fractal level I am trying to give one of my characters a full set of Agony Infusions, since I want to perfect my stats I’m going for the Mystic Forge Infusions (Resilient and Malign Infusions) rather than the ones bought with Laurels or fractal relics or WvW tokens.
All the other ingredients for the infusions can be farmed, I have tons of them, but Mystic Coins are the one thing holding me back from my full infusion set.
I have run out of my accumulated Mystic Coins required for the infusions, as a full set would take 6 (armour) + 6 (trinkets) + 4 (2 per weapon set) = 16 Infusions per equipment set.
At 20 Mystic coins per infusion that’s 320 Mystic Coins for a full set of Infusions – I just didn’t have that many stored up.
What was it: we get 20 per month?
So I am expected to wait 16 months just to play higher level fractals with my desired infusions, is that it?
Or do I just ‘get by’ with less than ideal infusions (for me) because I’m forced to wait for my Mystic Coins from my log-in rewards?
If I play my way I’m being limited in my ability to play end-game content (fractals).. or I’m being FORCED to buy them off the tp? This is why they need to be changed, because neither of those are good options.
Either way I guess I’ll be back in a year … I’m looking forward to some high level fractals! They must have some really good rewards to justify them :-)
But seriously … recently I have taken to just running fractals without sufficient agony resistance, and hoping my party doesn’t mind/notice. I’ve already done levels above fotm80. I remember doing fotm 74 with 36AR, it was fine, but I’m sure it would have been better if I actually had enough Mystic Coins to make some infusions…
I was in WvW and I went to Obsidian Sanctum so that one of my guildies could check whether my name in WvW showed as my home world or that of the world my world is linked to. (It’s the linked world btw :-C )
He got there first and was waiting, he mentioned the name thing, we commented on it. Then he took a quick potshot at me with his longbow (Ranger – 1,500 range projectile).
For his second shot I put up Magnetic Aura (Ele Earth Staff Skill 3) and reflected it back.
However the reflected projectile didn’t reach him.
This stuck me as very odd.
As far as I’m aware the reflected projectile should be the same as the projectile that is fired, even the wiki says so – although I can’t find anything definite on ranges for reflected projectiles.
Pretty much all of my experiences in GW2 have led me to think that range for reflected projectiles is refreshed upon reflection – so if I reflect a projectile back to an attacker then provided neither of us move it should reach them, but this time it didn’t, and I can’t think why.
I was at an elevated position (they were shooting up to the edge of the Obsidian Sanctum spawn point), but shooting upwards should have decreased his range and increased mine, yet my reflected projectile still didn’t reach them.
The only thing I can think of is that the projectile lost its ‘projectile’ status and was converted into another type of attack, which didn’t benefit from the extra range that projectile weapons can have over say; mes gs. Although this seems unlikely to me.
Have I missed something crucial about reflection ranges or is this a bug?
(I apologise if there seems like an obvious reason but the wiki nor any other source makes any reference to projectile ranges like this – although I feel it should…)
Can add TT to this list
I was just there, having 90% (literally) of players Crash at the same time.
Crashing three times during a 5 minute escort is insane.
It did seem as though when we got to the bosses though the crashes stopped..?
Maybe only progression of meta events causes crashing, and when they’re on one event and not changing they are more stable?
Can anybody confirm?
Either way still unplayable…
This issue was fixed several months back, but I’m guessing that they reverted the fix or broke it again somehow.
The only known workaround for the issue is to guest to a different server and pray that one is working. Everyone can guest to a server for a day or two.
It looks like they did break it again yes, assuming it ever got fixed properly, a quick web search showed up several posts going back quite a way (most recent one I found was 3 months ago), that kind of implied to me it hadn’t been fixed.
Personally I don’t like to guest servers, although that is a good if non-obvious solution.
(I think many people would assume everybody gets put into the same instance due to the megaserver system, even though this isn’t true for instances, and wouldn’t think to try it…)
I just got into a non broken instance of this that worked (the /ip was different to the broken one)
So either enough people got trapped in the first instance for an overflow to be created (which was not bugged), or everybody left and the instance collapsed (I think this unlikely, there always seems to be people there…).
Either way this bug clearly needs to be addressed.
It should not take me 14 hours to complete the tutorial…
I posted that yesterday (about 11 hours ago apparently) I stayed in the instance a while after I posted it (I spent about 90 minutes in the instance total), and the gate still hadn’t opened. I did however do a /ip on the instance before I went to bed.
Coming back today to see if the problem persists and it is still broken, the gate is not opening, Eir is not coming, and there are a lot of lvl1 players perpetually killing the creatures in the arena to the north (many of whom are also saying that this is bugged).
However a /ip shows this is the same instance as the one I was in yesterday.
I have tried relogging several times, this did not fix it, I just get put back into the same buggy instance every time.
Based upon the /ip and the fact I can’t seem to join any other instance, I would say that there is only one instance for the tutorial, and it’s broken.
I dread to think how many characters are stuck because due to this.
We really need a dev to reset the instance so we can actually progress with these characters…
I created a new Norn character today and progressed through the tutorial section right up until the ‘Wait for Eir to open the gates’ bit.
She did not appear. The gates did not open
A quick chat with other players waiting for the gate suggested that they had been waiting for a while before I got there, I waited about 25 minutes more but the gate is still closed.
I don’t really like to delete characters and recreate them but I don’t think that will help, since I imagine there is probably only one tutorial instance up at a time.
Since some new players there seem unwilling to leave the instance for a little bit to let the instance reset so this means my character is now stuck in the tutorial instance.
A quick search showed up reports of this happening over 2 years ago (https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/support/bugs/Norn-tutorial-area-bugged) with many more reports of it since then.
I know we are now on the megaserver system and all but if it does matter I am Vabbi home server.
-A very disappointed lvl1 norn.
I was creating new armour and (since all armour is by default undyed) I went to my dye panel and selected the previous dyes (So my new armour would be the same colour as my previous armour), and one of the dyes used on my current dye was locked.
I previously used the dye and still have a piece of the armour which it was applied to (So it was evidently unlocked, as I have used it to dye my currently equipped armour).
In addition my character has been using the same dyes since before she was lvl30 (The armours level requirement).
I have lost a dye (a dye that was unlocked has now become re-locked).
The dye in question was ‘Lipstick’
As far as I can tell this only affects one dye, however my uncommon dye list does look shorter now than I thought it was, so I may have lost more than one (Although this is just a feeling and I have no proof).
The armour in question was the ‘Strong Magician Legs of the Traveler’, a level up reward for lvl33, and is ‘Soulbound on acquire’ and is soulbound
(Hence I must have been the one to dye the armour, hence I had the dye unlocked, since it is now locked I have lost the dye)
My character is a Lvl34 Elementalist Human Female
The other armour my character is wearing was the armour I replaced my old set with, level 25 and 30 crafted armour (via Tailor), I salvaged the previous armour before going to the dye screen and hence have none of it left except two pieces.
This includes my foot armour, which I notice now has a dye slot set to dye remover, whereas previously I’m sure it was dyed. I therefore have the feeling like I have lost multiple dyes, although again I have no proof.
The foot armour is ‘Blessed Steps’, a Level30 reward from the personal story, and is Account bound by default.
I have heard that it is possible that some armour pieces can come pre-dyed however I can’t find what the default colours for story-armour is.
I assume it is undyed (i.e. has Dye-remover applied everywhere), and since the colour matches my characters colour style perfectly I think this unlikely, especially as Lipstick is an uncommon dye.
If somebody can show me the default colour of the armour is Lipstick then it’s just me being misinformed, but I think I have lost a dye, possibly several.
Relogging does not help.
It may also be worth noting that I had purchased HoT off of the gem store that day, and the gems associated hadn’t been delivered yet, so the transaction wasn’t fully complete (as far as I see it). I hope this is not what caused me to lose a dye though.
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Contact /u/e-scrape-artist on reddit if you encounter a bug.