Yeah, bad guys dont generally wear plushy backpacks or shoot unicorns from Rainbow Brites lost bow. Wrong game.
Bad guys don’t ask permission.
… until the patch on the 25th
Watch Guild Wars 2 Manifesto, then go in game and play for couple of days, then watch it again, then compare it to GW1, then try guessing why.
No JP is hard.
Except Griffonhook
Gives me nightmares to this day.
Guardian trivializes that content. ;-;
Just when you thought it was safe to ease up on DR…
I just popped a holo projector in Iron Marches which brought the Orr holos out and it drew two warthogs to boot. Not counting the initial KD, and two evades I was knocked down and/or stunned SEVEN TIMES IN A ROW before I could even begin the fight.
For the love of all that is holy, STOP WITH THE ENDLESS CC in this game from every freaking mob. It is not “challenging” it is not fun it is strictly infuriating and pointless and drags fights out for absolutely no reason.
Getting pulled a half dozen times in ten seconds by spiders is MADDENING. Getting constantly locked down because every enemy in the area can do a knockdown or stun is MADDENING. Stop. With. The. Ceaseless. CC.
Agree…to much CC allover the kitten place.Just like those scouts in WvWvW.CrippleCrippleCrippleCrippleCrippleCrippleCrippleBlindBLindBLindBLindBlindBLindBlindBLindBlindBLind….
Pop in some more random cc’s and you get the idea….
“*I shadow obvious new players and only jump in if they get in a real dicy situation then disappear and do it again for a bit.”
Not creepy at all.
Hope they don’t add RNG to the expansion $40 for the chance to play the expansion,might get the code might not.
Or at least that is what Arena Net and NC Soft think.
I’ve seen tons of threads talking about those boxes and other RNG elements of the game, and complaining about them. But do you know what else I’ve seen? People saying they’ve spent hundreds of dollars on those boxes. Yes those claims are always followed by “and I got nothing” or something of that effect, but all NC Soft sees is the hundreds of dollars part. Those boxes are making a fortune, probably thousands of dollars every day of the living story events that host them. And I’d even go so far as to speculate that development of an expansion has been delayed because NC Soft sees that they can make much more profit from RNG boxes than boxed expansions.
My point is simple; if you don’t want RNG boxes in these events, and you do want an expansion then you’re going to have to stop buying the boxes. Stop using them even. I know it is hard to resist the allure of the new skins, but every box you open is another nail in the expansion’s coffin, and another reason for NC Soft to keep having those boxes exist. So please, as a player who is completely sick of RNG in this game, don’t buy any more boxes, and dump the ones you do have right in the trash. Don’t even open them. Make all the time and effort spent designing, modeling and texturing those skins completely worthless. Make it cost them money to waste their time on RNG boxes. That is the only way to change this toxic practice. If you want to get rid of RNG boxes, then stop opening RNG boxes. And no; not even the free dropped ones. Toss them all.
If my dog did that I would have a broken keyboard.
Agreed, but ArenaNet has actually finally spoken out on the loot issue. Colin said that we can expect a loot revamp by the end of Summer, so that’s all we can look forward to now.
What about fixing the RNG model first instead of creating a more distinct cash-shop elitism between the hard working players and the big cash spenders?
COF p1 your welcome.
I knew "better chance at skins" would be like a 1% increase. Too much to hope that it would be an actual meaningful odds increase.
you can visit him right outside divinitys reach, he is working at the dam.
Not “without armor”. At 7 minutes in you have a helmet, shoulders and gloves equipped. Their appearance is just turned off.
An ANET dev will watch this then nerf Orr some more.
i would like that soulbound items when unequipped go to invisible bag, not to equipment bag.
That is kind of worrisome, as I do swear a bit myself, but the game isn’t rated M, so we are still bound by that and the EULA, if there is anything regarding profanity in the EULA that is.
havnt you ever heard of “online interactions are not rated by the ESRB”
Volcanic Fractal:
This Fractal is considered too hard by many players, and requires specific utilities that not every class offers.
Add a second type of mob that spawns when the Shaman enters its shield called Lavalings, similar to the gravelings from Ascalonian Catacombs. (Perhaps even have them spawn from burrows until these are destroyed, to give Elementalists’ Frost Bow some utility in Fractals.)
This mob will be a small, fast melee attacker that does less damage than the current Elemental spawn and inflicts burning. It has a higher chance of spawning the lower the Fractal level.
Whenever the Shaman enters its shield, you have a 33% chance of getting the Lavalings, the Elementals, or a mixture of both.
This change is intended to reduce the need for Guardians and Mesmers to complete this Fractal, as reflects will not be quite as useful. This also allows groups who wipe on this fight multiple times the chance to get a lucky roll where they get Lavalings multiple times in a row.
Dredge Fractal:
This is the Fractal that needs the most work. It is simply too long and tedious. It is not that it is necessarily super hard, but it adds an undue burden to players who wanted to do a Fractal run that didn’t consume an undue amount of their time.
To the left side of the initial starting puzzle, add a mini-jumping puzzle that allow players to skip the beginning puzzle as they were able to before the bug fix. Make this puzzle challenging enough that some groups will choose to do it the normal way.
Completely remove middle section with bombs and turrets. Completing the puzzle will move the players right on to the mid-boss.
End-boss health reduced by 25%.
Another important note is that the number of waves that spawn on the Dredge Midboss is simply insane. Perhaps there’s a glitch going on there, like with the Southsun Skelk. Nerf the amount of mobs that spawn by half, at least, on higher difficulties.
Cliffside Fractal:
Blowing wind and bomb stairs removed. This fractal simply takes too long and the jumping puzzles only end up being a layer of tediousness—having to sit there while two of your party members make their way up four different times. Alternatively, remove the very first boss encounter and simply allows players to start with the hammer. Perhaps both of these changes.
Tweak End-boss to be more interesting. It is a very lame fight. Perhaps consider adding Acolyte spawns with low health, but that can only be damaged by the hammer. One player, rotating, will be on hammer duty killing Acolytes/smashing the seal while the rest of the group handles the boss. Saving the hammer from the first fight would allow two players to kill Acolytes to make this go faster. In exchange, require players to both 1) Destroy the Seal, and 2) Kill the Boss.
All Other Fractals:
Mostly the other Fractals are far more even with one another in terms of time and difficulty. Some could still use tweaks, such as lower boss health in exchange for the boss hitting slightly harder. In fact, I think you could probably stand to make some of the other Fractals more challenging in exchange for these tweaks, as you have been doing recently with the changes to Snowblind, for example.
Jellyfish Beast could use an HP reduction. Perhaps lower its health by 25%, but add a high-damage low-health mob that attacks at 66% health and 33% health— this mob needs to be kited and DPSed down. Something to keep us awake.
Mini-bosses on Harpy Fractal also need an HP reduction.
Thanks for reading, please critique and provide feedback and additional suggestions!
Link to Reddit Thread:
Link to Dungeons Forum Thread:
(edited by Hamartia.3421)
Lately, PVE players have been getting upset about the lack of end-game options available to them. New content is ideal, but perhaps Fractals can be tweaked to be more fun and rewarding so that current players can continue to enjoy them, and so that future players can have more fun working towards their rings and back.
Let’s Fix Fractals of the Mist!
I am going to focus on 3 things.
1.) Improving the existing Rewards System
2.) Stabilizing the difficulty, time length, and FUN of various fractals.
3.) Taking into account the months of player feedback on specific fractals, bosses, and other issues.
Currently, running Fractals is net loss in terms of Gold for almost everyone. Running COF p1 outpaces it immensely, and to be honest, solo farming Orr probably beats it too.
The obvious tweak is to improve loot, so I’m not going to get into that too much. I do believe that loot in general should be improved from boss chests, and that perhaps an additional item, perhaps a chance at a core or lodestone, should be added to the daily chest above 20, with improving odds of getting a lodestone the higher the level.
Here are some less obvious tweaks. I’m not suggesting that all of these be added, but some would certainly help.
Five Fixes for Fractal Rewards:
1.) From Fractal level 30 onward, the Fractal daily chest has the chance to contain Fine Infusions. These are the infusions that offer +5 stat, +5 agony resist. Very few players ever bother to obtain these due to their high cost, and giving us a way to obtain them would get more players seeking their +30 stats they can now obtain through ascended.
2.) From level 40 onward, infused rings have a chance to drop with the Fine Infusion that corresponds to their primary stat. Red Ring of Death drops with a Mighty Infusion, for example.
3.) New Mystic Forge Recipe: 1 Fractal Weapon, 1 Shard of Crystallized Mist Essence, 3 Globs of Condensed Mist Essence, 5 Vials of Condensed Mist Essence. Gives you a random Fractal weapon of any other type than the one originally placed in the mystic forge. Or, if this is hard to program, just random Fractal Weapon, so that we can re-roll until we get the one we want.
4.) Level 40+ has a rare chance to drop Ascended Amulets and Trinkets.
5.) All Ascended Gear, including Rings, will now count as Yellow Armor for Mystic forging Purposes. 3 Ascended Rings + one yellow weapon will be a viable mystic
forge recipe for gambling for exotics/precursors. Four ascended rings will get you back a yellow armor.
YES, but ANet will completely ignore this. They’ve never taken player feedback seriously.
A follow up to my previous video about Risk Vs. Reward in GW2.
The Holy Trinity in GW2 Needs to be fixed IMO:
Points Covered:
The Guild Wars 2 Trinity of Damage/Support/Control.
Why DPS and the Zerker Meta Game is king and How to Fix it.
The Problems with Unshakable and Defiance and How to fix them.
Anets original goals at combat in GW2 and how it’s stayed.
EDIT: An article on Anets vison of GW2 combat in development:
(edited by Kaaboose.3897)
The video not only recognizes a significant issue with the game but also promotes a viable fix for the problem .
Well done sir.
The game is becoming so boring that I am not playing it much anymore which tears me up inside since I had such high hopes for this game.
They took everything that made GW1 so awesome and tossed it in the garbage to make way with zerg wars
My tanky mace/shield guardian is collecting dust and all I use now is my zerker
intel 335 180gb/intel 320 160gb WD 3TB Gigabyte GTX G1 970 XFX XXX750W HAF 932
I could write a 50 page essay comparing the two games, but it won’t be a pleasant read…