Showing Posts For ShinsVortex.3175:
Just wanted to get some frustration out. Been queued up twice with this particular player [cant mention names] but i have reported them, heck the whole team and map reported them. They would start the match and start spouting off “oh no they have X class we cant win” and then proceeds to /sit or just run straight into the group asking them to kill us faster. It seems this pvp “scene” just gets more toxic and obnoxious by the day, and the fact that one rouge player has so much power to throw your ranking off. I also feel like we lost a bit of control over our teams since you can now only duo queue preventing these trolls from acting out in the first place. Anyways, rant over.
my recreation of opie winston from sons of anarchy
+1 great job i hope i could see this in the game one day….you sir are very talented
while we are on the topic i had something strange happen to me today in temple of the silent storm i knocked an ele down where stillness spawns (she was in down state) so i hopped down to stomp her and the animation and cast bar would go through but she was not stomp-able, at that point a proceeded to shoot her with my bow and it was obstructed. kinda kittened me off lol
i agree elegy. i just dont understand, anet is trying to make pvp the big selling point of GW2 and they seem to just keep making it worse or something haha. Maybe if they fixed the things that are wrong more people will play and the match making will work better!!
yes i do communicate i try my best to be patient, and i am by no means some pvp know it all god, but i do feel i have a good understanding on how things work. like i said i was just venting. decided to take a break and enjoy some of my other games for the time being.
i know there are 1,000 other posts like it but whatever i need to vent. I love gw2, and i really love (or atleast loved) the GW2 pvp. However after the most recent patch i have come to a crossroads. It seems i loose every match i enter now which is an odd feeling for me since before i had a pretty decent game ratio. I never get put on the team that wins i always seem to be on the team that decides its cool to rush lord at the start of foefire, or the team that does not know how to rez/cc/stomp or rotate for that matter. I just want to say this is the most frustrating experience i have ever had in gw2. To top it off this curret meta is very boring. /rant off. just had to get it off my chest. i know ill probably expect some L2P comments, but thats ok.
How many here think we should revert back to the old pvp system? Sure it wasn’t perfect but it was a heck of a lot better than what we are left with now. I remember “Back in the day” i use to win matches and would hardly ever see a blow out match. Im by no means a software engineer but it cant be that hard to make a system that looks at your mmr or even better yet your grouping status (2man 3man 4man etc) and pair you accordingly.
i agree its terrible. my MMR went down a ton. If Anet is trying to make this game an eSport they are going in the wrong direction.
i am looking for a pvp team/guild to join i can play any position needed. i tried asking in game and it seems everyone just ignores it. thank you.
long story short, logged on this morning had some really good close matches it was about 50/50 win loss. came back later and i feel like im fighting pro level teams. Any idea whats going on? The skill gap is night and day and its extremely frustrating.
heres my human engineer created him to look like opie winston.
ok so this is just beyond dumb. My GF and i have been at this achievement for hours now and we finally did it! but here’s the lame part. Only i got the achievement for it. how does this even begin to make sense? its BS we have to do it over again and HOPE it works. I guess Gw2 has found a way to put RNG into every scenario.
ok so this is just beyond dumb. My GF and i have been at this achievement for hours now and we finally did it! but here’s the lame part. Only i got the achievement for it. how does this even begin to make sense? its BS we have to do it over again and HOPE it works. I guess Gw2 has found a way to put RNG into every scenario.
so i went in today and i thought i did really well! i escorted the guards to safety. however at the end when you have to survive the assault they died. im finding it near impossible to actually do this any tips? ive been at it for like 2 hours
looks like they took the money grab ideas from archeage lmao.
hey man its leona boomboom, just went up against you and i have to say that build was impressive! keep up the good work and props for coming up with your own spin on Mesmer builds. Keep the fights coming!
ahhhh ok, thank you for explaining that. have you guys noticed the GS WW bug? any insight on to why that may be a problem?
Hello, and thank you for taking the time to read this post. I have come across an interesting bug while playing pvp on my guardian recently. I have noticed that sometimes my WW (GS #2) will not hit anyone and it acts as though it never cast, it will do one spin and just randomly stop (no CC or any other factors are present). An other annoying bug is when i use renewed focus if i swap weapons or dodge my virtues do not recharge. Any other guardians or classes having these strange little things happen to them?
Wishing everyone an enjoyable pvp experience! —Cheers
It seems eles are already taking root, just got out of a match 1 staff ele and 1 scepter dagger ele. seems to do pretty well, high aoe damage, and lots of evading and self healing, the scepter dagger ele in particular, he had amazing spike damage and would heal pretty well too. but thats just my observation lol
but why does it have to be like this? Im not new to pvp, i have done it across all the mmorpgs i play and have fared pretty well. This is the only game where i feel things are way out of balance and i think its due to the mechanics placed in the GW2 setting. No DR to stuns and knock backs, immobilize stacks, condis stack to fast compared to ways to cleanse them. It forces the game type into a very miserable experience. They need to either fix things, or add more game types, conquest just adds to the problem. And to think A-net wants to make this into an E-sport lol. needless to say, if i where to actually watch an offical match i would grow bored seeing engies running in circles blowing people up while MM’s zerg to win. In these past few days i have not had one compelling match up where i was like “wow these guys know how to work as a team” instead im left feeling “wow these guys must visit into the mists and spam to win”
an other note, i think the AOE cap should ignore minions, its BS they use it as padding. its hard to burst people down when they have 10 AI running around sigh /rant over
i am so tired of these stacked teams. last 4 matches we went against 3 MM necros 1 decap engi and a spirit ranger. last night we went up against 3 engies and 2 theif’s. lets not forget the awesome 2 hambows, support guardian and theif. Honestly i dont mind people wana stack multiple professions w/e. However the problem starts when they stack classes with broken kitten builds, and the reason they do it is because they know its a cheap easy way to win a game. now before people go saying, “you just suck L2P” i dont care how much condi/stability i bring to the fight (or my team for that matter) there is nothing you can really do about it. condis are reapplied way to fast, knock backs are just crazy stealth rezzing and stomping running rampant. just venting, but does anyone else feel this way?
maybe SBI and SoR are doing it on purpose to drop in rank to get cheaper transfers? shrug just a hunch
hey guys, i tried coming up with a good hybrid WvW/PvE build. not exactly sure how i feel about it. I think the stat distribution is pretty nice and it has some good team play value as well. I currently dont have the ascended trinkets and what not, but its what i was planing to build for. Please keep it constructive and i look forward to your feedback =D|1.1g.h2.0.0.0|2.1g.h1j.0.0.0|1n.a1.1n.a1.1n.a1.1n.a1.1n.a1.1n.a1|2u.d1d.2s.d1d.3s.d1d.2v.d1c.3t.e17.2v.d1d|a2.0.u65b.u29b.0|6g.7|v.|e
I normally dont post on the forums but this is driving me crazy, so far every instance i have done today ill DC at least 5 times during. is anyone else having these problems? i have not had this issue in the past, it just started today
Krew and NEWL on the same server? What topsy turvy world is this?
lmao i was thinking the exact same thing =p kinda ironic how things work out at the end hahaha
^^ exactly. i think these are all great ideas that will add a unique flavor the the WvW experience. none of these suggestions are game breaking and since most of these systems are in place already in other areas of the game; it would be easy to implement. /bump
Talk about being board, NEWL, camping the norther supply camp, killing people that straggle out one at a time. Good stuff.
It was actually extremely fun because the amount of invaders would double every 5 minutes until it became too much to handle. It was survival mode! Definitely much more fighting than ‘one person at a time’; don’t be so modest! We’ve farmed several hundred badges from that camp, so we’re definitely looking forward to causing some more havoc up there :>
QFT hahaha. all i remember is them building siege to try to take care of us. good times and thanks for the badges =)
(edited by ShinsVortex.3175)
/bump stacks on stacks on stacks