Showing Posts For Shrilly.7184:
You can’t have PvP outside of structured PvP. A basic part of Guild Wars design is that PvP is it’s own separate game. Some kind of crazy open world PvP would be absolutely terrible, as there’s no reason for anyone to be fighting anyone outside of the structured PvP environment.
Instead of making some crazy new system, why not just bring back more of what we already know works well:
RA: Random Arena. Hotjoins have this covered already, we just need new maps with actual objectives more than points matches.
TA: Team Arena. Tournaments have this covered.
AB: Alliance Battles. WvW may as well be this. Capture and hold points for PvE rewards.
HA: Hero’s Ascent, was the tournaments of GW1, with a twist. Different maps and different objectives. Capture Points we already have, but King of the Hill, Relic Run, Priest Anihilation and good old fashion Deathmatch rules would be cool to see.
And, what I think are most important, GvG: Guild versus Guild was a fight between two teams representing their Guild, fought in the Guild Halls, which also kind of need to be added.
Once we’ve got all those, if you’re still not happy, then maybe Guild Wars isn’t right for you.
I agree for the GvG battles thats why i suggested the system for those who wanted to participate in open world if they wanted to from maybe an enemy guild for pure achivement points i think it also shows the beauty of fighting other players on all sorts of terrains they created in pve and it really brings another aspect to the game. thats what i like to do
They start talking about Largos at about 23:00. They all agree that Largos will be playable, and they claim that Anet stated Mursaat will make a return in GW2.
Thanks for that link! I only listened to the Largos portion, they had some interesting observations and speculations. I’m happy to hear too that Mursaat still have a further role to play in the story!
Ur welcome, I didn’t play GW1 but I would love to see the Mursaat they sound awesome. I can’t wait to see what what the Largos bring. I do hope they look more like the concept art when they’re done with them.
The mursaat were god like and even had Saul D’Alessio to carry out the religion.. I dont think they will EVER be a playable race on top of them being..bad?
No one said anything about the Mursaat being playable, just returning to the game. The Largos are being into’d to us as a new race, Anet still has to really flush out their story and update the place holders before they add them as a new race. I do hope they will look more like the concept art as i said before. (I was not saying that about the Mursaat)
Gotcha I still choose the Tengu over the Largos but like i said i couldnt care less haha just wanted to throw in my statement about why i didn’t think the Largos would be the best choice.
Yep never really fully noticed appreciate it
They start talking about Largos at about 23:00. They all agree that Largos will be playable, and they claim that Anet stated Mursaat will make a return in GW2.
Thanks for that link! I only listened to the Largos portion, they had some interesting observations and speculations. I’m happy to hear too that Mursaat still have a further role to play in the story!
Ur welcome, I didn’t play GW1 but I would love to see the Mursaat they sound awesome. I can’t wait to see what what the Largos bring. I do hope they look more like the concept art when they’re done with them.
The mursaat were god like and even had Saul D’Alessio to carry out the religion.. I dont think they will EVER be a playable race on top of them being..bad?
I think the problem adding Largos is there is really nothing to them. As far as i can see not more lore either. And it looks like there npc’s in the game are not created well just slapped on some butterfly wings and an underwater breather. I just dont see the Largos as a viable race to play they are in the personal story very spotty i dont care either way just giving my points. I’ll place my bet with the tengu
Yeah i see that now i think. Still would be a quick way and easier than scanning through the pictures to me
Guild Wars had many innovations when it came to making leveling not feel like as much of a chore with jumping puzzles, being able to join in with other people doing quests and get credit, and trying to find every location appeals to the explorer inside me. These things, coupled with getting experience from crafting and just about any other action, actually made leveling up incredibly fun….. in my opinion at least.
The area of the game that I have always found lacking was the pvp. This is not to say that I have a problem with the pvp system that is currently in the game. I very much enjoy WvW, but my main gripe is with the lack of variety in pvp. The game does also have structured pvp, but I could never really get into it. The problem I have always had with it is that you don’t even feel like you’re on the same character. It’s almost as if you are making a separate character to play and rank up with to get rewards that you can only use in the mists. All this is fine and it works quite well because the pvp is always balanced, it just doesnt appeal to me. Speaking of rewards, the ones for world pvp disappointed me greatly. It has nothing to do with wanting a stat advantage, but it would nice if you could actually get a unique pvp armor outside of structured pvp. I haven’t been on in a while so correct me if im wrong, but i remember the armors and weapons that you could buy from the rewards in WvW just being reskinned plain looking armors. It would just be nice if there were unique pvp armors like you can get from running dungeons.
To get back on track, my main hope for the game is another type of pvp in the world. The best case scenario for me would be if Anet added pvp servers with a more open pvp style. However, this would be hard to balance when it comes to questing due to everyone always helping everyone, but i think it could somehow be balanced. Perhaps by adding an arbitrary faction choice at character creation….imagine battling a boss creature and the other faction at the same time. With Guild War’s mechanics, more members of each faction could keep easily joining in to combat the other side. This would be a large change that would be hard to implement though. Some smaller scale changes could be things like making certain regions already on the map have pvp in some form. Another could be making new pvp objective based regions on the map; Something like halaa in WoW(sorry, only example i could think of).
-Sorry for the wall of text. Thanks to anyone who takes the time to read any of it.
*want some actual unique equipment rewards for WvW pvp
*more world pvp
*new pvp systems outside of structured pvp and WvW(of course more maps for WvW and Structured pvp is always good).-also if anyone has heard any of Anets plans for pvp in the future, I am pretty much interested in anything regarding the subject.
the problem with open pvp in a game like this is everyone is then a target because there are no factions of separation. in the spirit of Guild Wars i suggest guild battles that can be like SPvP but against different guilds and/or they can be feuds out exploring say im in 1 guild and im in an area and i see and enemy guild in the distance i can engage. But thatis 1 theory
Like i thought all pro thief yep threads dead in the water now was a good debate while we had a lot of other people put in their 2 cents, its like a bunch of Romney supporters going to an Obama campaign he will just never win.
I would suggest a message board in lions arch where people could put up their recruitment notes and also find new friends for map exploration. There could be this big database where you could freely type and it would open up a menu much like a forum. Different categories like: guild recruitments, “find a friend” and heck, even for an (ingame) partner.
I like this idea very much where do i sign? a game had this sort of thing very old tho Endless Online sure made for an interesting chat board!
First of all, I apologize for making another forum post about adding cyrillic alphabet.
I do know that similar topics appeared on forums before but most of them were one-sentence-long and didn’t express the importance of the matter.Dear ArenaNet and NCsoft. On behalf of russian-speaking community, I’m asking you to consider this very important for CIS players request.
Since unity of the guild members plays a big role in the game (and with “Flame & Frost: The gathering storm” update it will become even more important), we are very upset that we can’t properly coordinate our actions and efficiently communicate in game.
Inability to write in native language in guild, party and personal chats slows down progress of the guild as well as all of it’s members. Social aspect of the game is losing its attractiveness because of inability to properly communicate with other members of the community united by players with same language, culture and interests.
We understand that adding cyrillic letters into the game may cause some issues, and we will accept any reasonable restrictions for cyrillic letters, if there would be any. We even suggest adding cyrillic letters only to aforementioned chat channels or making optional cyrillic-blocking chat filter.
We are not asking for such complicated and time-consuming things as full localisation of the game, even though hundreds of thousands of russian players are waiting for it.
We are asking to add this feature into the game, which, we believe, is possible for such a talented team of developers as ArenaNet, who more than once proved that they care about their players.
For obvious reasons, majority of russian-speaking players can’t support this topic in comments or even find it on forums but implementation of this feature will make a lot of people from CIS countries happy and we hope for a positive response from developers.
Thank you for your attention.
Not saying it shouldn’t happen but for someone saying its hard to communicate in game with English you sound more fluent than half of the English speaking populous.
Sounds great but there are apps (tapatalk) that is an app to link many forums on their one mobile program maybe integrate it into an already established app?
This sounds like a good concept but i cant help but picture a chat log full of everyone’s recruitment messages in the game. Any way around that tid bit?
Mainly this would be useful for cooking i find it very frustrating when i cannot find my nutmeg or anything else. A lot of my ingredients simply do not show up in my discovery pane which is real frustrating because its the 1 ingredient i need to finish a dish. Can you please fix this and add a search box like you have for production? And why do some of my ingredients just not show up? like my nutmeg!
u still dont get it do you? “I had sent a email replying that this belonged in the threads in suggestive.” I swear it’s like you don’t even know what the word ignorant even means. I didn’t say “email ANet and have them move/remove the thread.” I said if u don’t want other players to criticise than email the problem to ANet instead of posting a thread.
Fool idk if ur actually dumb or pretending to be dumb, actually i lie, since i know u are dumb. Why? Because putting this in suggestive is fricken kitten Why you ask? Because suggestive is for the misc changes that don’t have to do with classes. Why the hell do u think there’s a category for each class? It’s so ppl can post stuff about how OP or UP that class is. Posting a thread about how thieves are OP in a Thieves category will attract people that give a crap about thieves. Both ppl that support a nerf and ppl the support leaving it as is (also people that think they should be buff’d but they kinda whack too).By all means leave and take your broken english with you too because although most people don’t use proper spelling on the net at least they have adequate grammar. You child have neither the grammar to make yourself coherent or the level of intelligence to prove your point. So either GTFO, stay and complain in the 4yr old way that you’ve been doing or grow the hell up and argue like someone who has decent level of intelligence.
You know what ill come back for this one before I go cause this guy really is stupid I emailed them telling them my problems etc. They said that do not email that to them post it in suggestive and someone will look at it… God your so kittening kitten your really going to insult my intelegence? Go suck an exhaust pipe atleast act civil on the forums I hope you don’t go around talking like that. All my opinions were backed with substance so stfu. And since common knowlege doesn’t come naturally to you there will be more thieves in thief category than any other class you can see I got more of both sides in suggestion and now all I am getting is pro thief your welcome for pointing that out oh smart one.
(edited by Shrilly.7184)
Reading through all these posts 1 thing keeps reoccuring and that is culling. Everyone that says a thief can perma stealth are people that have an issue with culling. All stealth skills lasts for 3s (4s if u trait for it). As for the video proof, if u havent noticed he went stealth so fast because he CnD and didnt attack anyone, then timed for his next CnD right when his stealth ends.
Also for the people that complain about about the initiative regen skills and traits, you forget that the traits that gives us initiative regen are the ones that don’t give us dmg. Grabbing a initiative regen skill means we lose 1 skill slot.I know everyone is thinking it so i’mma just say it. Shrilly you sound like a douchbag and i dont care if you’re offended by it.
“I love this so much it was my thread and i wanted anet to see it not pro thiefs make comments on it where i had to rationalize with HARD PROOF theres a human thief that stays stealth the whole time "
If you wanted to let ANet know without people criticising you, then send an email instead of making a thread fool. God kitten it ignorant child. This is a forum, it is a place where people ask questions, share ideas and comment on said ideas. The minute u created the thread you should’ve realized “you know what everyone is going to see this, not just ANet, so i should probably expect people that don’t share my views to argue with me.”
I’ve already addressed how the thief is going into stealth so many times, but since i do main a thief i immediately looked at his health. Why? Because i can get a decent read on his armor/weapon build as well as how he spec’d his traits. Since he has over 10k hp you can pretty much assume he isn’t running GC so his dmg won’t be at maximum dmg. Also did you notice how he refrained from fighting anyone head on? You know why? Because thieves can’t trade blow for blow, we’ll commit to a fight if we have the element of surprise on our side.
I had sent a email replying that this belonged in the threads in suggestive god ignorant people today not enough of them is there this is the last time i will be posting in this thread as stated there is not more i can do as all mostly thieves come to this category of the forums and wont see reason to what is happening and there is no use in arguing with someone like that who are pro anything because you wont win.
(edited by Shrilly.7184)
Shrilly… If you start a fire, you better be prepared to deal with the flames. This is no longer “your” thread. If you expect people to take you seriously considering the way you’ve approached this, it’s not likely going to happen now. On the other hand, if you want a real discussion about legitimate ways to handle your problems with thieves, you’ve already gone about it in the wrong way. Don’t pass judgement on everyone’s input that differs from yours, it just makes you sound ignorant of the whole situation.
I love this so much it was my thread and i wanted anet to see it not pro thiefs make comments on it where i had to rationalize with HARD PROOF theres a human thief that stays stealth the whole time there are countless videos of thieves taking on whole zergs i pass judgement on the wrong views sir like yours which is bent in biased and unrational thinking. think about the other classes that have to deal with your bs and as previously stated i dont give a kitten what you think. who the kitten are you? another thief in the bucket. the thread has come to the doorstep of the thief capital pulled down its pants and grabbed its ankles so the thread is now useless.
Yep now we get to get bashed by the thieves the elaborate plan by anet well if you dont see video evicence as evidence and want to keep making excuses then go ahead im done here i know the truth ive seen so much proof and evidence its kitten anet wont do kitten so i guess its just the waiting game until FF-arr BLESS or some other title. only time will tell
you mean you don’t think this is balanced? HOW DARE YOU?!
An thief killing other thieves and low lvls.
Hi , do i miss any point ?
did he even atempted to kill an lvl 80 guardian /elementarist /engenier /warrior /necro /mesmer … with double food buff, like he used ?
would he even had an chance?
How dare you
get off my thrwead unless you are going to see other evidence
It’s funny how people exaggerate on these forums. If I were to believe some people that post here, 90% of toons running around in WvW are perma-stealth thieves.
All I play is WvW and professions are actually quite balanced from my experience. Warriors, guardians and eles are the most common class I run into. Then thieves, mesmers and rangers would be the next popular tier, followed by the slightly neglected necros and engis classes.
If I didn’t know any better, I’d say people love to exaggerate to try and make their opinions more relevant. Crazy I know.
Then you sir are lucky as hell i run into them everywhere i go dont worry at the current route the thief is taking mechanic wise that may be all you see in the coming months be ready for it…..and great the thread has been moved to the thief safe haven and bashing part of the forums well come on thiefs defend your cause i got tons more videos and a lot more proof and logic
Thanks for breeding cancer OP people need to learn exploiting the op is not a fair way to play a game.
I can take mesmers fact i can take any class but the thief unless he is terribad at slamming his face on the keyboard and hitting his 2 keys
heres some knowledge have fun
and another…is there anything else the thief side can say?
Everytime I face a thief, I think:
Is the damage to high?
Maybe. The damage alone seems fine to me, but taking all other abilities into account it seems to high. But what I realy hate is the fact, how easy a thief can achieve high damage. Just spam one ability without thinking about cooldowns. Or do moderate damage with a gap closer (hs) is a no brainer.
Is the mobility to high?
Slighly. Yes thief is squishy and needs abilites to get away, but the mobility with shortbow is not funny anymore. If the mobility would be limited on a horizontal plane it would be fine, but jumping up walls, ledges is lame.
Is the stealth ok?
Absolutely not. Yes thief is an assasin and needs stealth to set up his ambush. This is fine for me. But the fact that a thief can pop stealth almost everytime he wants is just stupid. Stealth is not a tactical tool anymore, but a spamable ability. Coupled with the fact, that thieves can heal and drop condition while in stealth is op. And to all thief players out there who think this is perfectly fine: Ask your self, what fun it is to play against a class you cannot see most of the time. I guess if other classes could do this you would whine a lot on the forums. I really can’t remember such a stupid implementation of stealth in any mmorpg game I played ( and I played alot, starting with DAOC beta). For me thief is the most stupid class design in the game.
Couldnt say it better myself
Balance Issues:
There is no true counter for stealth.
To balance stealth some of the following should happen…
-Damaging a stealth player should still reveal the damage numbers where the stealth player is positioned/running/standing..
-If a stealth player attacks another player, and that player blocks/evades the attack. The stealth player should be revealed instantly.
-stealth players should no longer “fade” in. once you are no longer stealthed. a black smoke should appear as you reappear.
-If you have a stealth player targeted before he enters stealth, that target should remain when he unstealths.and yes, i play a thief, and it’s a broken broken class mechanic.
I love the damage numbers idea if it lands!
Thieves are OP…my 2 cents
I am the GM of a growing guild called Advent Crusade (Zeal). We are looking for ACTIVE members to start doing guild events and bountys let me (Verrete) know what you can do for us!
Thomas Winkworth 4 days ago
you can get infinite stealth other ways anyways?
Reply ·
Richard Tiongson 3 days ago
Ty for bringing this up, this statement is very true, the one way I know is, dagger/pistol, and you could probably even use pistol oh w/ shortbow to pull off the same thing. Don’t feel like going into detail but,? thieves have always been capable of infinite stealth if speced in certain areas.
Reply · in reply to Thomas Winkworth
That is directly from the thief that posted the video of him taking the tower alone
Thought i would share this tid bit also
ArenaNet doesn’t want to hear this. Moderator’s delete thief threads or move them to the linksville section (rofl wut!?)
This thread was in the WvW section:
Thank you for the link to that thread allows me to post this…so now there is no more fighting it guys
Unfortunately they designed the thief improperly and culling is making it worse. Any clase with stealth should have no means of increasing their speed (stealth is your defensive measure, runnign away froma fight should not be an option, stealthing and losing your pursuer should be, not flat out running). Due to culling, their initiative based stealth skills need the cost increased (8 initiative should do nicely to prevent spam of it, don’t want this touched? demand they fix culling so it is impossible to exploit).
Then there is another problem of the fact that they test their changes on a private server, not a public one. You don’t experience culling when you have a hundred employees on a private server on the level we experience when a wvw map is near full.
Sure, thieves are working fine in sPvP…there is no room to run away and no culling. In WvW there is room to run (which every thief does the moment you interupt them once) and culling causes them to have free stealth.
Honestly the best change they can do is that if anyone stealths, they cannot stealth again for 20 seconds. Make thieves use stealth more tactically rather than spamming it as most of them do now.
Yes I have a thief, P/P and SB, don’t need stealth to win my battles. People truly facepalm when they die to a thief that doesn’t touch or have a single stealth skill on their bar.
Any thief that needs stealth, or uses stealth, is using a crutch. You aren’t good at the class if you rely on a broken mechanic…any thief that doesn’t admit that stealth is broken right now is just trying to keep their ability to grief those hwo literally cannot see them due to culling. Any thief saying “well aoe spam” is also just an idiot, ANet is nerfing aoe across the board.
Thanks for the input friend.
hardly a plus when the class you play against has a mechanic to make them ghosts im done witht he thread my mission is complete because i got it onto suggestions. and you failed yours i have yet to hear of a class that can do what that thief did in the video point case and closed
Good job
. Case closed, time to let this suggestion get buried. My goal was just to point out that your “suggestion” isn’t a suggestion. You avoided my debate points anyways, which simply shows you’re just asking for a response without actually thinking about it. Since you insist on closing your own case… I don’t mind lol.
i proved my points time and time again your a hypocrite you still wont tell me a class that can pull off what the thief did
Well, if another class can do the same exact thing as a thief, then isn’t that just another thief? The strength in other classes do not lie in stealth. It’s simple as that. No other classes can do what a thief can do because they’re not thieves. Same goes for thieves. They can’t do what mesmers do, neither can they do what warriors do, and etc. Classes are unique for a reason… I thought that wasn’t a serious question.
By the way, in that video, the thieves on the opposing side are TERRIBLE. That’s proof that even thieves don’t know their classes well enough to counter. If you want, I can take some time out of my week and compile a video of how my thief destroys other thieves and that type of gameplay showed in that video is only possible against players who are “mindless”, or there was a serious case of culling. By the way, I find it really sad that that zerg didn’t even attempt to target the thief… But as soon as they were coordinated and hit him, he goes down pretty quickly. Initially, they just went “mehhh, whatever”. Not all zergs are that lenient on an attacking thief… lol.
And what exactly can they do can they take on a whole zerg? the thieves cant find each other simple as that.btw they did try targeting you cant target someone who goes invis every second i know i try to and the times he does go down is when he screwed up his stealth rotation after about 2 minutes of carnage. But I Did find the answer to our problems it even goes along the lines of what your saying tso i totally agree.‘take on a whole zerg’ roflmao
as soon as those zerglings started actively hunting him he died; he picked out seperate targets and ‘hid in the crowd’ using the vegetable zerg members as C+D sheep (im almost positive some of the zerg players must have been asleep in that video; even if the thief is culled its very hard to miss those number popping up over your character)alright so they all suck that whole zerg sucked congrats you win your case no concrete evidence but thats how kids want to win debates these days oh i found more proof ^^
this is exactly what it looks like on my warrior usually its a D/D heartseeker tho even the video uploader said so “When the thief stealths, he is able to get off 4 full shots off before even starting to become visible and isn’t fully rendered until shot 5 or 6. His dagger set was on CD from weapon swap but what usually happens is a series of heartseekers from stealth after c/d+bs which makes the.”the ‘stealth rendering bug’ issue seems stupid; the first shot missed, the second was blocked (somehow… no idea how) the third was evaded
please; if you’re complaining about a class have the decency to learn how it works; stealth doesnt break unless it does damagehow about dodging that heartseeker spam and making them waste initiative (you… do know how that works right?)
-also; the evidence was in the video that someone posted
Are you trying to bring up old debates that i have shot down? im not rewriting my statements go look for the post about intiiative and making them waste it then reply im not wasting my time with old arguments
the second group faced was 50+ and of course they cant revive in time some were able to hit him away when he stealthed but to downled players if you go down to a thief your not getting back up stealth flag. no dont remove stealth thats what the class is im talkign abotu stealthing so much and never coming out of it unable to target till its too late.
Ya, it was a visual culling bug. It will be fixed next patch.
- 3 months ago.
Where is the fix for WvW?
You totally ignored posted video but thats alright i got another one for your enjoyment. (btw look at the likes verse the dislikes)
When a thief goes invisible you cannot target or see him crazy sounding i know because you see your thief the whole time on your screen they have nough time to come in do a huge hit stealth sdo another huge hit stealth until the other player is dead.a whole zergs not stupid the probubly they all have slow computers and reaction time cant be more slim than a shark attack. sounds fishy to me haha. and of course you can pick off individuals and im talkign about run into 50 people and start killing everyone and no i have a warrior with lots of toughness if i ran into that id be dead before i reached the other end.Yeah… you showed me a video of a guy going on a thief and killing some rather bad SPvP players >.<… I stopped when I saw the thief taking down a guy running away with spam HS. That guy running away didn’t even do a good job running away (no dodges, and no slows, etc.).
If you want to keep showing me videos of thieves p0wning bad players, then go right ahead. You are just proving my point that people don’t know how to fight a thief
. By the way, my warrior is a shout healing bunker warrior. My armor gives no toughness, just vitality. I can actually run away from a zerg while they smack me with ranged weapons, but it only works if I got swiftness on or else they’ll just catch up. Definitely not a zerg of 50 people (unless they’re distracted), but the video of the thief vs zerg wasn’t even 30 people.
The problem with these “mindless” zergs is that they’re mindless. They can only target things that they can click on. The case you showed is just another case of mindless zerg being mindless.
again so correct all those people were terrible i stand corrected why did they even bother to buy the game all those 50+ people? by the way the devs even admit this right here and there is no fix in WvW since btw “I just want to clarify this post: we have a fix for culling issues in Structured PvP but that fix does not yet extend to other game types.” sorry guys
hardly a plus when the class you play against has a mechanic to make them ghosts im done witht he thread my mission is complete because i got it onto suggestions. and you failed yours i have yet to hear of a class that can do what that thief did in the video point case and closed
Good job
. Case closed, time to let this suggestion get buried. My goal was just to point out that your “suggestion” isn’t a suggestion. You avoided my debate points anyways, which simply shows you’re just asking for a response without actually thinking about it. Since you insist on closing your own case… I don’t mind lol.
i proved my points time and time again your a hypocrite you still wont tell me a class that can pull off what the thief did
Well, if another class can do the same exact thing as a thief, then isn’t that just another thief? The strength in other classes do not lie in stealth. It’s simple as that. No other classes can do what a thief can do because they’re not thieves. Same goes for thieves. They can’t do what mesmers do, neither can they do what warriors do, and etc. Classes are unique for a reason… I thought that wasn’t a serious question.
By the way, in that video, the thieves on the opposing side are TERRIBLE. That’s proof that even thieves don’t know their classes well enough to counter. If you want, I can take some time out of my week and compile a video of how my thief destroys other thieves and that type of gameplay showed in that video is only possible against players who are “mindless”, or there was a serious case of culling. By the way, I find it really sad that that zerg didn’t even attempt to target the thief… But as soon as they were coordinated and hit him, he goes down pretty quickly. Initially, they just went “mehhh, whatever”. Not all zergs are that lenient on an attacking thief… lol.
And what exactly can they do can they take on a whole zerg? the thieves cant find each other simple as that.btw they did try targeting you cant target someone who goes invis every second i know i try to and the times he does go down is when he screwed up his stealth rotation after about 2 minutes of carnage. But I Did find the answer to our problems it even goes along the lines of what your saying tso i totally agree.‘take on a whole zerg’ roflmao
as soon as those zerglings started actively hunting him he died; he picked out seperate targets and ‘hid in the crowd’ using the vegetable zerg members as C+D sheep (im almost positive some of the zerg players must have been asleep in that video; even if the thief is culled its very hard to miss those number popping up over your character)
alright so they all suck that whole zerg sucked congrats you win your case no concrete evidence but thats how kids want to win debates these days oh i found more proof ^^
this is exactly what it looks like on my warrior usually its a D/D heartseeker tho even the video uploader said so “When the thief stealths, he is able to get off 4 full shots off before even starting to become visible and isn’t fully rendered until shot 5 or 6. His dagger set was on CD from weapon swap but what usually happens is a series of heartseekers from stealth after c/d+bs which makes the.”
(edited by Shrilly.7184)
You totally ignored posted video but thats alright i got another one for your enjoyment. (btw look at the likes verse the dislikes)
When a thief goes invisible you cannot target or see him crazy sounding i know because you see your thief the whole time on your screen they have nough time to come in do a huge hit stealth sdo another huge hit stealth until the other player is dead.a whole zergs not stupid the probubly they all have slow computers and reaction time cant be more slim than a shark attack. sounds fishy to me haha. and of course you can pick off individuals and im talkign about run into 50 people and start killing everyone and no i have a warrior with lots of toughness if i ran into that id be dead before i reached the other end.
(edited by Shrilly.7184)
hardly a plus when the class you play against has a mechanic to make them ghosts im done witht he thread my mission is complete because i got it onto suggestions. and you failed yours i have yet to hear of a class that can do what that thief did in the video point case and closed
Good job
. Case closed, time to let this suggestion get buried. My goal was just to point out that your “suggestion” isn’t a suggestion. You avoided my debate points anyways, which simply shows you’re just asking for a response without actually thinking about it. Since you insist on closing your own case… I don’t mind lol.
i proved my points time and time again your a hypocrite you still wont tell me a class that can pull off what the thief did
Well, if another class can do the same exact thing as a thief, then isn’t that just another thief? The strength in other classes do not lie in stealth. It’s simple as that. No other classes can do what a thief can do because they’re not thieves. Same goes for thieves. They can’t do what mesmers do, neither can they do what warriors do, and etc. Classes are unique for a reason… I thought that wasn’t a serious question.
By the way, in that video, the thieves on the opposing side are TERRIBLE. That’s proof that even thieves don’t know their classes well enough to counter. If you want, I can take some time out of my week and compile a video of how my thief destroys other thieves and that type of gameplay showed in that video is only possible against players who are “mindless”, or there was a serious case of culling. By the way, I find it really sad that that zerg didn’t even attempt to target the thief… But as soon as they were coordinated and hit him, he goes down pretty quickly. Initially, they just went “mehhh, whatever”. Not all zergs are that lenient on an attacking thief… lol.
And what exactly can they do can they take on a whole zerg? the thieves cant find each other simple as that.btw they did try targeting you cant target someone who goes invis every second i know i try to and the times he does go down is when he screwed up his stealth rotation after about 2 minutes of carnage. But I Did find the answer to our problems it even goes along the lines of what your saying tso i totally agree.
hardly a plus when the class you play against has a mechanic to make them ghosts im done witht he thread my mission is complete because i got it onto suggestions. and you failed yours i have yet to hear of a class that can do what that thief did in the video point case and closed
Good job
. Case closed, time to let this suggestion get buried. My goal was just to point out that your “suggestion” isn’t a suggestion. You avoided my debate points anyways, which simply shows you’re just asking for a response without actually thinking about it. Since you insist on closing your own case… I don’t mind lol.
i proved my points time and time again your a hypocrite you still wont tell me a class that can pull off what the thief did
There are a lot of how to’s but sure this works on the rogue that doesnt know what the hell he is doing and duh your stun is supposed to be broken out of its part of the routine i really have to break it down for you dont i? Heres how every other class works in pvp warriors have to use bollas to get 100 blades and mesmers have to use another like curtain to pull them to you on the ground which you can stability out of then you use blurred frenzy its all part of the gameplay. and to me initiative after 80 really does renew rather more quickly than my CD’s and a counter against the thief is the thief? so you suggest everyone plays thieves?….
If you don’t know how to fight a class, what’s the best way to learn?
how about you play one of the screwed 3 (ranger, necro, engi) and then come back and tell us thieves are not 1000% better than them.
instead of telling us to L2P or try a thief, how about you come down and see how the other side lives. i don’t need to play a thief to know they are totally broken, but clearly you need to play something that isn’t a thief,ele,mes to know how poor the other classes are.
they wont get it
There are a lot of how to’s but sure this works on the rogue that doesnt know what the hell he is doing and duh your stun is supposed to be broken out of its part of the routine i really have to break it down for you dont i? Heres how every other class works in pvp warriors have to use bollas to get 100 blades and mesmers have to use another like curtain to pull them to you on the ground which you can stability out of then you use blurred frenzy its all part of the gameplay. and to me initiative after 80 really does renew rather more quickly than my CD’s and a counter against the thief is the thief? so you suggest everyone plays thieves?….
If you don’t know how to fight a class, what’s the best way to learn? Play the class or have a friend keep fighting you until you learn all his tricks and moves. That’s the best way.
In case you haven’t noticed, thieves have no stability except for their Dagger Spin, and when they spin, they’re visible and it’s one of those moments to burst them down.
Also, I said a counter against a thief is anyone who knows how to fight a thief. However, usually a thief countering a thief is the easiest because you’d think a thief would know how to beat their own class… apparently from some videos, they do not. That’s the sad part.
Initiative may recharge faster than cooldowns, but initiative is shared with all the thieve’s weapons. So that means a thief can’t burn all his initiative while using D/D and then swap to P/P and spam all his moves again. That’s their flaw, and your advantage. You can use two weapons without having shared resources. So use it. That’s key to playing a class on GW2. You gotta use your weapon swaps, not stick to one weapon and wait for the cooldowns.
hardly a plus when the class you play against has a mechanic to make them ghosts im done witht he thread my mission is complete because i got it onto suggestions. and you failed yours i have yet to hear of a class that can do what that thief did in the video point case and closed
Shadow’s Refuge gives you 10s of invisibility, but like all invisibility skills, you’re immediately revealed if you attack. Also, it has a 60s cooldown (used to be 30s too). They can’t keep going invisible for 10+ seconds. Never ever going to happen, and if it happens, then maybe you’re getting a very bad case of culling, or it’s time to go talk to the eye doctors!
Anyways… there’s a thread dedicated to this in the thief forum. It’s been out for several months.
Are you scared it won’t get real publicity and thieves won’t bash it all day? I get less arguments on here. Please explain how the thief in the video is able to keep stelthing not to mention caster can’t attack wildly when the go stealth so the squishues really melt like my mesmer
No, why would I be scared o.O? I’ve been participating in this type of thread for over 3 months already. It’s the same old debate over and over, and the people advocating for something ridiculous usually don’t know how to fight the thief class. In the first place, why are people asking for excessive nerfs to classes that they don’t know how to play against? Why aren’t they asking people for tips on how to fight instead? Tell me. Why is there no thread on the thief forum asking people who to counter thieves, but there’s a ton of threads asking for nerfs and a ton of counter arguments on nerfs? It just shows that people skip the “Learn how to fight a class” to “Nerf the class because I don’t want to learn how to beat a class”.
Can you answer me that? By the way, I play elementalist, and warrior, and thief. I know how to kill most types of thieves using those three classes I play. And usually, a good counter against a thief is another thief, but in so many videos of people showing thief being OP, they fail to show moments where they get countered by another thief. That’s because some players, be a thief or some other class, don’t know how to fight against a thief.
That wouldn’t work because then a thief will probably have 0s of stealth time XD and won’t be able to hit off a backstab or other stealth abilities.
Its called stunning and rooting every other class has to do it for good moves? WoW had it SAP etc but you could use you skills to get away instead of the current mechanic
You have basilisk venom which is on a 45s cooldown. It’s also easy for a smart player to get out of it via condition remove or stun breaker. Thieves aren’t like WoW rogues either. They use active stealth combat and don’t do “stun-locks”. The thief’s combat requires actively stealthing to “trick” the opponent. But understand that it doesn’t reduce damage at all, so all it is is an illusion. They still take full damage from everything. Stealthing using CnD also costs a lot of initiative. If you dodge that CnD, or that backstab, then that’s the first step to beating a thief.
There are a lot of how to’s but sure this works on the rogue that doesnt know what the hell he is doing and duh your stun is supposed to be broken out of its part of the routine i really have to break it down for you dont i? Heres how every other class works in pvp warriors have to use bollas to get 100 blades and mesmers have to use another like curtain to pull them to you on the ground which you can stability out of then you use blurred frenzy its all part of the gameplay. and to me initiative after 80 really does renew rather more quickly than my CD’s and a counter against the thief is the thief? so you suggest everyone plays thieves?….
btw this thrwead is in suggestions to anet
Where in your post did you make a suggestion to Anet? Please quote it in a reply.
Thought so.
dis guy is afraid his precious 2 spam thief is gonna get nerfed so he can’t take on 20 people at once anymore.
Implying a thief could ever take on anyone, ever.
L2P issue. Move along.
Also, the suggestion that stealth breaks on damage – what are you guys smoking?
It’s not like we already take damage from anything that breathes in our general direction, now we also need to be visible while dying.
At least save us from the pain of being visible.
We’ll die either way, so I’d prefer it if we could at least lie around and bleed to death without our attackers dancing on our visible corpses.
You are going against true logic and fact when you put nothign as evedince against the video we have..if you cant do that thats L2P issues for you he took on 50 enough 20 should be a easy task and it will teach you to learn stun and instead of mashing 2 buttons like every other class!
That wouldn’t work because then a thief will probably have 0s of stealth time XD and won’t be able to hit off a backstab or other stealth abilities.
Its called stunning and rooting every other class has to do it for good moves? WoW had it SAP etc but you could use you skills to get away instead of the current mechanic
Just make it so that thief gets unveiled the moment he eats a physical attack.
No need for pagelong threads and month long suggestions.
I agree that was my suggestion
Shadow’s Refuge gives you 10s of invisibility, but like all invisibility skills, you’re immediately revealed if you attack. Also, it has a 60s cooldown (used to be 30s too). They can’t keep going invisible for 10+ seconds. Never ever going to happen, and if it happens, then maybe you’re getting a very bad case of culling, or it’s time to go talk to the eye doctors!
Anyways… there’s a thread dedicated to this in the thief forum. It’s been out for several months.
Are you scared it won’t get real publicity and thieves won’t bash it all day? I get less arguments on here. Please explain how the thief in the video is able to keep stelthing not to mention caster can’t attack wildly when the go stealth so the squishues really melt like my mesmer
I agree it would give another element to the lackluster PvE portion make dedicated servers or enemy guilds would be nice either or i like this idea
I didn’t read every comment but honestly this is L2P problem. Some guy posted a video up there of a thief messing with a zerg. But honestly…….. That zerg was full of people who have no idea what they are doing except following a mindless zerg.
Did they just assume that once the thief disappeared that he was magically unattackable and gone? Like what a joke.
I am biased, yes, because I play a thief. At times, I have slayed 5- man groups with ease. But I have also been bested 1v1 on many occasions.
The class is not OP, the people kittening are just complaining because they are bad at this game and Anet gave them a place to complain.
of course they had no idea what to do there was a thief they couldnt see 90% of the time going around killing everyone and believe me if i could submit this in private i would be happy because then i dont have to answer to people like you and you should have read every comment it might have hit you with some knowledge and i dont suck i am actually very good on my warrior…
But are you really?
If you are on this forum complaining that a class which has already received many nerfs needs more, then I can only assume that you are just offended that some players are just better than you.
There is no way that is thief is going invis for 10+ seconds every time they reappear, it is just not going to be the case, there are NO skills that would allow this. They can disappear for 3-4 second periods, and if you are acting like an idiot and not doing anything about it when they stealth, then yes, they are going to make a fool of you.
I have said this before in another forum: If you want to nerf a thief for being too stealthy, then nerf Mesmers flurry of blades making then invincible, and nerf warriors hundred blades because it does like 30k damage. kitten it, nerf swirling winds because it makes it take forever to destroy siege equipment. Nerf GW2 because apparently it’s too hard for some people.
they have a 10+ invis skill look it up…mesmers flurry i never had a problem with THAT you can just dodge out of and wait they are immobolized for the skill…if you cant beat that thats really difficulties on your part… 100 blades? your joking? the other immobilized skill that you can dodge out of instead of standing in it like an idiot? even if he roots you use that stability or one of 30+ condition removals i do it quite often never had a problem here either and if your a thief unroot yourself and disable shot that simple. and the siege is too hard for you to destroy? the wooden object…no comment
(edited by Shrilly.7184)
I wonder why in other games like Dota the game is balanced around good players and everyone’s fine with this but here all the kittenty players are allowed to whine because they’re too autistic to press “dodge” when a thief tries to waste all their burst on them. I’m not even a thief. I’m a kittening warrior. What are you trying to achieve here? Make thieves 100% useless everywhere? Making excuses for rolling your face on the keyboard instead of using fingers and hands as control?
I am very good at combat but wouldnt you sayit would be easy to dodge roll twice (even tho you will be hit by the last h/s before they waste inertia) go into stealth get it all back and continue? not only that initiative (as seen in the vid) can be renewed very very fast (to me anyways)
Don’t see how culling is the thief’s fault? There’s no perma stealth skill that a thief can use at all. And all I see in that video is a player who actually utilizes his evasive skills and knows when to back off instead of standing there and taking a beating. Admittedly he probably would have died a few times if not for culling, but I don’t really see how that’s a class issue so fix the CULLING issue? Why nerf a class over something that’s not even their fault?. Fought thieves in sPvP and I’ve never seen anything remotely close to a perma stealth, yeah they’re evasive and bounce around the place a lot but that’s about it. It’s hilarious that this class has already been nerfed plenty and people still cry about it because they can’t just mash buttons and insta win against something.
I can 1v1 a thief where i can see them blink in and out of stealth the entire time nme never hitting them but maybe a few lucky shots and if it is “culling” then im asking to fix that but something does need to be done. SPvP is different idk why i dont have the problem with that there im still very good there and only die 1sa whole round but when you enter WvW they stealth everywhere you cant hit anything its insane its what that video shows. and that thief hardly ever backs off he just goes stealth moves to another player and keeps going.
(edited by Shrilly.7184)