Showing Posts For Sicarine.3985:

Mai trin help

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Sicarine.3985


For cannon phase, grab any kind of invuln, and only trip it if you’re in a tight corner. Don’t grab the singularity right away, try to leave it for the 3rd cannon phase, when there are 3 extra adds up immediately after, making resing the dead HARD.

For regular phase….

One high-toughness person helps. Horrik seems to LOVE the highest toughness for his lightning aggro. Sometimes it’s not 100%, but if you have someone that can not go down, with high toughness and good timing, they can remove the shield flawlessly.

In my group, it’s a thief with invig precision, who happens to own legendary armor and can swap in a few knights pieces to take lightning aggro.

Note. Lightning aggro does NOT mean Horrik shoots EVERYTHING at you. Just lightning.

In the past it used to be me. Everyone was squishy and i was one of the only people who owned the infinite potions, and ran the signet of stone to survive bad cannon phases (both raised toughness). The only time i used to have problems holing horrik’s lightning was when there were death magic necros hopping into death shroud.

(edited by Sicarine.3985)

Demo Weekend Bugs

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Sicarine.3985


  • Crash <—*
    Assertion: timePercent >= 0.0f
    File: ..\..\..\Game\AnimationBlendTree\AbtBlendOps.cpp(390)
    App: Gw2.exe
    Pid: 74596
    Cmdline: -bmp
    BaseAddr: 00D20000
    ProgramId: 101
    Build: 80824
    When: 2017-08-11T22:17:14Z 2017-08-11T18:17:14-04:00
    Uptime: 0 days 0:07:26
    Flags: 0

Not sure what causes it yet…………

Official Episode 6 Feedback Thread: One Path Ends

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sicarine.3985


She is not you, and it’s not a RPG.

From wikipedia:

“Guild Wars 2 is a massively multiplayer online role-playing game developed by ArenaNet and published by NCSOFT. Set in the fantasy world of Tyria, blah blah blah”

Official Episode 6 Feedback Thread: One Path Ends

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sicarine.3985


The puzzles were good, the encounters were easy enough to figure out. The encounter against your self doubt was frustrating to figure out (for the Fearless achievement).

The weak point (and really the reason I decided to post), was the player character. I have never felt less connected to the character I am meant to be role playing. The friction between my chararacter and that of The Allied NPC was really forced. From my perspective I was thinking, “Well if they’re gonna have THAT kind of attitude, just don’t provoke them further”. Meanwhile my character was going “waaah i’m not gonna wait for you…Ha ha I found it first…Well actually the saying SUPPOSED to go yada yada.”

Basically the player character was acting like a kindergartner throwing a tantrum. Several tantrums, really. It was grating to see her snap at taimi for no good reason, it was grating to see her snark at the Dwayna Heart npc.

Basically, to reiterate, the player character acted stiff, like she would rather murder you than take any kind of joke or oddball behavior. This is NOT how I would play my character in a “Role-Playing” MMO.

Devil’s advocate here. Supposing the dialogue team was going for a sense of frustration and running out of time…..It kind of does not work when the story instances are broken up by “now go and do all 5 hearts to do the next story instance”. The episode failed to deliver a believable sense of urgency. Yes, you’re running after balthazar, and yes there’s the threat of the world ending, but it’s not the first time te worl has been threatened and the player acts uncharacteristically obnoxious in her tunnel-vision-mentality of “find balth”.

My 2 (and a bit) cents.

All else aside, this was good. The Allied NPC’s reveal is the satisfying conclusion to the mursaat backstory, we get a good bit of gw1 callbacks, the map is easy to navigate an get from place to place.

It’s a GOOD episode, just not from the perspective of how the player character acts, behaves, or speaks.

[Suggestion] Merged Season 3 Portal Scrolls

in Living World

Posted by: Sicarine.3985


Annoying to have (soon to be) 6 of them hogging shared inventory slots. Can we have the option to compress them down to one, that opens a menu to select what map we want?

Since you cannot use them in combat, having to go through a menu isn’t that much of a hassle.

Players! Help me out here! Raise the visibility of this post! We can free our bank/inventory space together!!!!!

Lake Doric Not Keeping 100% Completion

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Sicarine.3985


Same bug the other LS maps had. Reset rolls around, the hearts reset, and the icon that used to say 100% is now 90-something.

Honestly a bit disappointed that this bug was fixed for the other maps but not prevented from happening on this one.

Still. You guys got this. It’s a great map. The events are spot on, reasonably fun, and the ambiance is fantastic. Great release.

Feedback on Inventory Gizmos for Legendaries

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Sicarine.3985


Anet, please put a sticky note for these items because the issue keeps cropping up. Gizmoes like the M-PEC device and Itzel Spirit Poison (used in HOPE and Armor crafting respectively) suffer from the issue that they are used in long and difficult fights but have very short durations.

The Itzel Spirit Poison was patched a few months ago to not be lost when downed, but it it is very easy to forget to reapply it when you are wiping at KC over and over. Last week, a guildie was disappointed that the buff had run out 1 minute before the death of KC. The buff you get from the item needs a long duration (like an hour) so you can use it without it running out.

M-PEC is a worse item. It only lasts 5 minutes which is an issue if you are struggling with a group at the Mushroom Emperor or the Stoneheads in Auric Basin. Depending on your helpers, those fights can easily stretch out longer.

More importantly, the M-PEC buff disappears when downed, and I cannot count the number of times that a guildie or I have been downed when a champion is about to die. Earlier I had it happen to me 3 times in the space of an hour, while hunting either of two of HOPE’s components.

Because this kind of gizmo is highly likely to be used in future scavenger hunts, please remember to give these items long buff durations and ensure that they are not removed in downstate.

On the bright side, these collection items are often used in really interesting pieces of content, but these two small points easily add up to a lot of frustration that can severly marr the experience of going out and completeing these scavenger hunts.

Melandru not fixed..

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Sicarine.3985


Casual reminder that this event is still bugged, blocking progress for Juggernaut and Meteorlogicus. Groups that run temple-clearing-chains now just completely ignore Melandru, since the odds of finding an unbugged map are non-existent.

Ley-Line Research Achievements

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sicarine.3985


This issue needs more visibility. This achievement pits players directly against each other.

It’s not a bad event in design. We just need 50 times more ley energies spawning to make it less cutthroat.

Guild Hall needs more activity

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Sicarine.3985


More crafting stations and a trading post would be good additions.

Seriously flummoxed at why the Market lacks a Trading Post.

Hero’s Choice Chests

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Sicarine.3985


We really need an update on this. The daily chests were a large part of what made getting a ds run in, or a td run in really appealing. And now they’re disabled with no eta until…….summer? 2017? GW3?

Chuka and Champawat Legendary Journey Bugs

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Sicarine.3985


For workarounds….

Might need to look for new copies of Fields of Ruin to be generated. Either by guild bounties and rushes over the weekend.

Or try to hop to Fields of Ruin immediately after a patch if you can.

Or if Fields of Ruin Event Completer becomes a daily

[NA] [DD] Raids, Casual FotM 75+, Dungeons

in Looking for...

Posted by: Sicarine.3985


Hi zealots. Unfortunately I can’t guarantee us falling in the high success category. We have been struggling recently, mostly due to an inconsistent roster. So at the moment we’re looking to rebuild our roster to make it a bit more stable. Once we get our new players and our veterans acquainted and they feel comfortable fighting together, we will probably start killing more consistently. Unfortunately until we get the wheels spinning back up to speed, I’m not sure we might be the best fit for you.

For players reading this after April 27th. We are pausing recruitment for the time being to see if we can get our new players to fit in, get comfortable, etc. Will repost if we do end up needing more members. Thank you for the interest!

[Suggestions] Verdant Brink Salvage Armaments

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Sicarine.3985


The event “salvage armaments to build bombs” needs a nerf.

It is NOT FUN to do a “fetch quest” for more than 5 min. It took 3 of us 20 min to do this.

Why is The Silverwastes “repair walls” event tolerable? It’s short. 25 rubble pieces is a flat amount. The terrain is flat. It takes a few seconds to run back and forth between the collector and the scattered rubble.

This event is NOT FUN and NOT INTERESTING. It is TEDIOUS. It can be made tolerable by dropping the scaling DRAMATICALLY. 5 airship pieces per person. 5 piecies is a reasonable commitment. If I need to run over 20 pieces of airship over a course of 20 minutes, it’s safe to say I’ve become bored long before the event is anywhere near complete

The April 19th patch notes say the event scaling was improved. It is STILL horrendous.

Please dramatically nerf this event. It is neither fun nor interesting in its current state. It might as well be made short. Plus, it’s not marked as a group event. It should not require a zerg to make it take a tolerable amount of time

(edited by Sicarine.3985)

Super Adventure Box: Bomb Bug? (Maybe)

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Sicarine.3985


Try manually shooting the icicles with slingshot. Worked for me.

SAB Bauble Bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Sicarine.3985


The caps are in intervals of 250. But bouncy chests will put you above the limit. you still won’t be able to go higher by manually collecting. Any bombs you throw will tick down to whatever your cap actually is

[NA] [DD] Raids, Casual FotM 75+, Dungeons

in Looking for...

Posted by: Sicarine.3985


Update: Recruitment Paused for the time being

Dragon’s Descent is shorthanded. We could use some help. So who are we?

We’re a small guild. We do open world. We fractal. We dungeon. We raid. Not necessarily all of those in the same day. That would be a bit insane. We play casually. We play other games. Random CAH, anyone?

Now don’t mistake that for being weak players. Our main roster has thousands of hours logged in this game. We just don’t sleep in the Black Lion TP, or regiment ourselves with endless dungeons.

So where do we need you? Simple.

Our raid team is shorthanded. We’ve done well so far. We’ve skated on many sides of a raid group. High dps, low dps, juuuust enough, juuust shy. We’ve gotten Wing 1 Eternal 4 weeks in a row, and then struggled for a few weeks. We like improving as players. We like bringing a synergistic team. We don’t expect people to no-updraft a boss, or demand that you only play the broken overpowered class of the week.

That said, we have limitations. We want people to be familiar with the highest dps builds for their class, their condi options, and their supportive buffs. It doesn’t necessarily have to be the highest damage. Heck oftentimes, we take damage losses to improve squad synergy. But we like to know what we’re losing.

Raids challenge players to be part of a team. To take a personal damage loss where they can offer protection, boons. Or to take a few of those powerhouse builds and really rock them. Raids challenge players to quickly see where they’re struggling and try to improve for that next attempt. Do you get to VG’s circle late? Can you dig up some speed buffs to get there faster the next time. Do you keep getting egged by gorseval? Do you try to look for the pattern of his attacks to prepare for when he may cast them?

That’s what we want to do. If we can clear a raid in 4 pulls, then fantastic. We’re on our game. If we struggle, that’s ok. We figure out what we’re doing wrong. Do we have too many might sources? Not enough? Could we switch these roles? Hey, one of our players thinks he can help by bringing his engie, can we replace the role that he was just filling? Are we sending too much damage to orbs instead of Gorseval? There’s always ways to improve. And we’re always looking for them.

So what are our accomplishments? Well we’ve definitely hit eternal a fair number of times. We’ve succeeded in one-shotting all the bosses in Spirit Vale.

We’re still working on Salvation Pass. We’d love for our new recruits to bring in tips and tricks that they’ve stumbled on.

Brownie points go to people who know chronomancy, druid or condi. If you don’t…Well you’re still very welcome. You just don’t get brownies. But that’s ok cause the brownies were a lie anyway.

What about content outside of raids.

Are you looking for a group that runs 75+ fractals. We like to get those quadruple chests. We ran 1-100 fractals back when the instabilities were hell. Back when bosses would accidentally steal a dozen stacks of stability and retal. Bring whatever class you like. The classes that we run…..well they’re just the characters that happen to have 148 AR. The characters we like to play. (It costs so much to put AR on alts).

Are you looking for the occasional dungeon run where you can bring any class you like?
We run dungeons. Not as often as we used to but we still remember all the paths very well. We like to LoS groups of mobs, but we don’t like to stick to corners like some kindergartners punished by their teacher. We’ll fight bosses out in the open. Except Fyona. She keeps spamming Thief Shortbow 3. You can’t really fight her out in the open.

We are a level 30 guild. This means we can offer the majority of guild missions and guild buffs. We have been trying to get guild missions going on a regular basis, and hope any new recruits will help us make regular missions into a reality. That said, if you want some quick commendations, poke a lieutenant and they can trip a guild trek for you.

Our peak hours are around reset and for the 5 hours after it. People will probably be on earlier or later, but most activity is centered around reset.

The main guild rules are simple.
-Don’t be a jerk.
-Don’t be a negative nancy.
-Treat people as people.
-Avoid Elitism.

We do have a Teamspeak, but it is not mandatory, and you can feel free to just chat in /g /p /s, etc. Except for raiding. We would like our raiding sheeples to be in teamspeak to listen to the calls.

We are PvE focused, so we don’t offer much for WvW or PvP. That said, some people like to do their WvW dailies. We used to hop into WvW back when the tournaments were up. We also had a few people climb to sapphire and ruby in PvP season 2.

If you have an interest in joining, leave a comment down below. I can also be contacted by sending mail to “Sicarine”, or messaging me via these forums.

(edited by Sicarine.3985)

World vs World Holiday Sneak Peek

in WvW

Posted by: Sicarine.3985


Concerned that people may try to purposely break combat (or stay out of it completely) to res the dead.

Iron Marches Meta bugged.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Sicarine.3985


Any kind of change to the event’s stability would be great. I remember when the devourer queen was the unlock for a specific trait, it was almost impossible to find a map that wasn’t stalled on “escort across lake”. Really the only workaround was to find a fresh map, which in turn was quite difficult as iron marches tends to be among the less popular.

It is definitely quite difficult to try to find out how it bugs since, again, you can never find a working map and follow it until it stalls.

I believe there is also a bug that sometimes pops up with the event, where Scalebrusher will stall at Modrem Gravelash.
I belieeeeeeve that the devourer escort helps start the meta event chain, and this is a possible source for it to stall. The wiki article seems to suggest so:

Herald facets deactivating

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Sicarine.3985


I keep seeing my facets deactivate randomly for no discernible reason.

Hero Point/Game Crash bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Sicarine.3985


This was not an issue for me. Until I zoned into the silverwastes. Every hero point i’ve gotten from the Silverwastes has crashed me

Can't run and use skills

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Sicarine.3985


There’s something weird going on with necro axe/focus skills. Something is causing their activation to cancel. It’s proving hard to reproduce on my client. Not sure exactly what the issue is

Missing Armor Skins from Wardrobe

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Sicarine.3985


Hard to say. This was months ago. I think AC was the 2nd dungeon I finished unlocking skins for so this must have been either early this year or last year.

I also cannot remember if I unlocked it from the PvP-PvE wardrobe merge, the pvp reward track or with dungeon tokens, unfortunately

Missing Armor Skins from Wardrobe

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Sicarine.3985


nope. Ascalonian Protector Legguards DEFINITELY missing from wardrobe, despite dungeoneer.

I am specifically looking at the locked/unlocked skins from my bank

(edited by Sicarine.3985)

Missing Armor Skins from Wardrobe

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Sicarine.3985


I can verify that my heavy ac leggings are missing as well, even though I have Dungeoneer. Haven’t had the diligence to check for more. Will edit post as I look up

OGRE WARS full path to event lock-up

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Sicarine.3985


There was a time about 3 weeks ago when I was running ogre wars with a friend, and we got the charr side done and…..nothing happened. They sat waiting. We noticed that the vanguard was running down south, so we went do do that side, and eventually the npcs from both sides met together and started the Weapons Trainer event. This leads me to believe that if both the north and south invasions happen to be running at the same time , they both have to complete.

And so I gather that then if one bugs, then there’s no way Weapons Trainer can start, because it waits for the other side to complete.

OGRE WARS full path to event lock-up

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Sicarine.3985


I have something to add.

If both invasions are started, both have to complete for ogre wars to begin. Thus if the south invasion begins and the north one is bugged, this might be what keeps the map bugged indefinitely.

In essence, south waits for north to finish, but north can’t finish because it’s not technically started

May 19th Screenshot Quality

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Sicarine.3985


Ever Since the 19th of May patch, the quality of screenshots taken has reduced by more than 50%. My filesizes went down from 400-500kb to 100-200kb and JPEG compression artifacts are everywhere. Please revert the old compression setting. I am familiar with the -bmp command line argument, but I feel that I should not need to save screenshots in bitmap to have them in decent quality.

Closed Beta Invites!!

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Sicarine.3985


What is that armor?

Datamining seems to imply that its name is “Mistward Armor”, but it’s one of the new sets that will be in HoT

Closed Beta Invites!!

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Sicarine.3985


If I participated in the last beta and still have that beta character staring me in the face on my character select screen, will I also need one of these portal devices?

Is this drawing an entirely new pool of players or adding on to the existing testers?

FPS DROP after Patch

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Sicarine.3985


whatever you guys did in that last patch was a godsend. I think I have the best fps I’ve had since LONG before the 3/10 patch. Everything is so smooth on my toaster of a laptop

Thank you so much for finding whatever that was

Matches should not start with 9 people

in PvP

Posted by: Sicarine.3985


I was in a match just now that ticked down the full countdown.


It got to 0 and it was still 4v5

Anet, the game was a complete waste of time. If the countdown reaches 0 with 9 of the 10 players present, it should not start. Ever. Send us back to matchmaking.

I understand it if players disconnect, but that’s a different issue

A game that for the ENTIRE duration was a 4 v5 should never ever ever ever happen.

Bugs from 16th Patch [Compiled]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Sicarine.3985


UI active = fps inestable and drop, UI off = fps like before patch.

UI off is new meta.

Jokes aside, I noticed this same thing.

Bugs from 16th Patch [Compiled]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Sicarine.3985


25% drop in frame rate, compared to before patch (20 to 15), and any time I open the inventory, there’s a 66% drop in frame rate to 6. Borderline playable

Log-in Rewards in Summary

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sicarine.3985


Absolutely terrible placement. I guarantee people want to check future login rewards far less than closest achievement to completion and account bonuses. Place the login stuff at the bottom or its own tab

Suggestion - Daily Content Checklist

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sicarine.3985


Sounds like an interesting idea. Open up another tab of the hero panel for this. You could add world bosses, jps, everything. Sounds delicious

Something for next Wintersday.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sicarine.3985


Marionette wasn’t during wintersday though. It hit in January with Origins of Madness, as the update following wintersday 2013

Toypocalypse Suggestions for 2015

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sicarine.3985


Communication is number one for me. In the future I want to see changes announced in the patch notes. Also less locking of forum threads on the subject. The issue is not resolved. This is a discussion forum.

Frustration aside, you hit the nail on the head with party functionality. I don’t think there’s much else though. Maybe more weapon options?

Defeat the Champion Branded Devourer Queen

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sicarine.3985


This event has been hard to complete since the game rolled out. The chain is large. It begins with protecting the devourer queen, the training the babies, escorting them, finding a giant siege devourer, escorting troops across the brand, etc, etc.

The event becomes stuck VERY frequently on the stage of escorting the soldiers across the brand, but there is a NEW bug since the implementation of the mordrem attacks on Iron Marches. The bug is that the flamethrower event right by he lake happens to be in the path of the escort the trained devourers, where I believe one will die and introduces a second place to get stuck.

If you need that trait I highly recommend that you buy it. It is too difficult to find an un-bugged map

Remove Toypocalypse Achievements from Meta

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sicarine.3985


They’ve stated they’re not fixing the broken event.

Where did they say this?

This requires a bit of an explanation. There are two problems
1. party-less toypo
2. joining in on a bugged instance

The first point has been commented on and referenced quite a lot. Which basically says that party-less toypo is a consequence of changes to the stability of pvp and activities. It cannot be changed during this release (presumably due to time constraints, etc).

The second point was acknowledged by Gaile as “sounding like a bug”, implying that this is unplanned behavior, and implied the potential for fixing that.

As to the question “will” they fix it…That remains to be seen so far. But it’s also which will they change.

I have to paraphrase because I am too tired to dig through and find the relevant threads.

Remove Toypocalypse Achievements from Meta

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sicarine.3985


Just read a thread that offered (in a roundabout way) an alternative.

Make the wintersday dailies count, as they did last year, and as they did during Halloween this year, if I recall correctly.

Either way. I believe toypocalypse has no place in the “necessary to complete meta” category.

Idea: Tonic Tab for the Hero Panel

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sicarine.3985


Thumbs up. Great idea. And exactly like the finishers. I love fiddling with and collecting all tonics, but am sad that they are so spread out over my characters.

How long does Wintersday last?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sicarine.3985


I can’t remember exactly where it is, but if you hover your mouse over the minimap, each peppermint (was that what it was called) icon will show a tooltip with the activity it’s leading to. They’re all clustered near the eagle statue in West DR.

Remove Toypocalypse Achievements from Meta

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sicarine.3985


I support this idea. I do not think the current implementation of Toypocalypse follows good design, and as much as it may be unchangable in the context of mechanics for the release this year, it counting towards the meta achievement can be changed, and I believe should.

As I have stated in other posts, imagine running dungeons, but you can only do it with an assortment of completely random people (putting aside the stuck instance bug). This design is contradictory to both the spirit of the game and the Holiday Season itself. So I say remove it from the meta, make it an optional component.

I’m sitting at 9/11 on the meta, and I do want it, but I refuse to slough through the current implementation of Toypocalypse to get it.

Toypocalypse dead?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sicarine.3985


Thanks Krestfallen, you’ve summed it up fantastically. if could give you a prize I would, and I do mean that.


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sicarine.3985


Refer to this post. It’s a bug in the already-contentious system.


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sicarine.3985


Also why did toypocalypse use an arena in the first place? It makes no sense!!!! If anything it should have been based on the Tixx instance.


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sicarine.3985


Last year I had an argument with a friend. It went
“come play toypocalypse with us”
“No dungeon defenders is a better game i’d rather play that”
“It’s not about whats better. It’s about fooling around and bashing things with candy canes and holidays.”

This year I have to agree with him. Why would we play winters day when we can log off and ACTUALLY play a co-op tower defense game? There is a reason Mario Kart, Mario Party and Smash Bros are so successful. Imagine running GW2 dungeons completely with randoms every time.

What I want is a statement from anet that sympathizes and indicates that they understand why we’re upset.

If toypocalypse can’t be co-op because of the game mode, then it SHOULD NOT be in that game mode. And as I said before. Letting parties play together gives no advantage because toypocalypse is NOT competitive. I cannot see activities surviving without a co-op option

Toypocalypse and Parties

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Sicarine.3985


This is one instance where I will lean with the crowd here. Gaile, I cannot agree with the Anet. team on this one.

Because it is NOT COMPETITIVE. You’re not competing against other players for prestige or glory or other nonsense. You’re grouping up with friends to smash presents. Last year was perfect fun doing silly stuff. You’re playing against the AI.

Personally, I have zero interest in grouping up with complete randoms where NOBODY makes any effort to talk in /p, and a high probability of people taking themselves way too seriously.

Last year was good, this year, no toypocalypse for me.

Mordrem Silver/Gold Boss Room

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Sicarine.3985


Make sure to jump straight into the dead center of the hole, I think it kills you if you slide along the side when you jump in