Showing Posts For Sirana Dark.4681:

25/10 GH/UW/AM.

in Match-ups

Posted by: Sirana Dark.4681

Sirana Dark.4681

70+? Say this to the People who wait in LA of us. We were only 30.

Desolation / Abaddon / Gandara 30/8

in Match-ups

Posted by: Sirana Dark.4681

Sirana Dark.4681

Like I thought on 1st day Gandara will have bad impressions of us and also expected that you will want to show the best from you when facing higher tier server. I heard you run in smaller groups and I hoped for some skirmishes from time to time, but when I tried running solo I usually ended up being ganked. Only one fair 1v1 vs guardian from WvW on eb, but even that got interrupted by some thief from my side :/
Gandara guys seem to be running very fast to a place where fight is having place, every time there were orange swords I saw more and more of blue smurfs coming and jumping into the fight Kinda similiar to Viz where sometimes you can see ppl running around, but on the other side much different cause you guys usually don’t run and fight a lot better than them.
Sadly sometimes it all ended up in a blob fest; not gonna mention AM cause it seems to be the only way they run, can’t remember seeing groups of under 20-30 ppl from there. Also we have big numbers at times, especially when some guy gathers ppl from all maps and blobs the hell out of every place in WvW while leaving almost all our stuff without defense (EB wooden almost whole week, except times when few ppl decided to work out their kitten and upgrade/siege up stuff)… Feels weird to see things on our server going into the “blob all the way”; still remember the good times of having guilds and comanders that actually cared about defense – we have some of those still, but as soon as the blob forms up, they’re all alone with 10-15 guys. Is lootbags all that ppl care for these days? :/

Gl in future match ups, Viz/Sfr/Abbadon would be nice zerg fest, for Gandara, maybe your usual lower/mid tier enemies and to Deso – well, maybe a good beating from strong enemies would be nice and teach some ppl to blob less

From our side we could say the same. This evening we were only 20 People and what do you Crydara Guys You blob. Do not throw Stones while sitting in a Glashouse. I also never seen Your normal Groups infight you ever run away and came back with 2 other Groups. And if You fight against us You lay down. An by the way we dont kill Solo Players if they dont attack us.

Desolation / Abaddon / Gandara 30/8

in Match-ups

Posted by: Sirana Dark.4681

Sirana Dark.4681

Here is a Cookie for You Nyrkkipaula. AM also have 1v1 Player but u dont find them, they dont want to fight against Crying People.

Abaddons vs Millersund vs Underworld

in Match-ups

Posted by: Sirana Dark.4681

Sirana Dark.4681

Cant stop laughing, I´ve seen enough large Groups from Blobber Sound or if they were alone they run away. Dont say so stupid things without any evidence. We never say that we only Play small scale. This week we often run in Groups 20-25 but you MS, you were even more than 50 so what do you think we do?

Cant read even more such stupid garbage. Have a nice week and dont Forget to flame us here.

Abaddons vs Millersund vs Underworld

in Match-ups

Posted by: Sirana Dark.4681

Sirana Dark.4681

Thats a Lie, Zumy. Write in your own thread or play on Highway with the lights.

Gandalf vs Blobaddons vs Millers

in Match-ups

Posted by: Sirana Dark.4681

Sirana Dark.4681

sry jaimy, ist not personality, but everyone flame our Server and that makes me very angry. I know there are also other Players which do their own Thing but thats no reason to flame alle the time our whole Server.

Maybe we will see us at the battlefield again. I hope this fight will be awesome.

Gandalf vs Blobaddons vs Millers

in Match-ups

Posted by: Sirana Dark.4681

Sirana Dark.4681

yeah now i ve seen the skill of gandara 10 against 1 u are great guys

Gandalf vs Blobaddons vs Millers

in Match-ups

Posted by: Sirana Dark.4681

Sirana Dark.4681

We only could have on reset day 50-80 zerg. why you told such a garbage ever? We blob? every time i see your guilds u blob also or run away, but we dont make Screens to blame you. But maybe we should do this also like you.

And for Workrit, 5 vs 5 Group i dont know but maybe u could find someone if u friendly ask here.

Gandalf vs Blobaddons vs Millers

in Match-ups

Posted by: Sirana Dark.4681

Sirana Dark.4681

U only hunt our public so cant see the good guilds

Gandalf vs Blobaddons vs Millers

in Match-ups

Posted by: Sirana Dark.4681

Sirana Dark.4681

cheers, nice vid against random zerg, but there you Need no skill for. You make better vids while you fight against real WvW Guilds to show your skill, not such a garbage

Gandalf vs Blobaddons vs Millers

in Match-ups

Posted by: Sirana Dark.4681

Sirana Dark.4681

I say it again!

Where is the evidence for these allegations against AM?

For example on MS BL we had only a 20 and 2 40 men Groups. Don´t talk such a garbage.

Gandalf vs Blobaddons vs Millers

in Match-ups

Posted by: Sirana Dark.4681

Sirana Dark.4681

Where is the evidence for these allegations against AM?

For example on MS BL we had only a 20 and 2 40 men Groups. Don´t talk such a garbage.

06/21 - AM - AG - FSP

in Match-ups

Posted by: Sirana Dark.4681

Sirana Dark.4681

@Nauda not only on some occassions, but mostly they do it.

And you guys from AG your guilds arent better, for 5 times u hunted with 10 men 1 guard over the half borderland. That´s your skill? I dont think so.

06/21 - AM - AG - FSP

in Match-ups

Posted by: Sirana Dark.4681

Sirana Dark.4681

Every time i see your guild Kaleigh, i see also pugs. Don´t Smash Stones while u sit in a glasshouse.

06/21 - AM - AG - FSP

in Match-ups

Posted by: Sirana Dark.4681

Sirana Dark.4681

AG maybe next matchup u get Vabbi or something else, then u guys are the giant blob.

06/21 - AM - AG - FSP

in Match-ups

Posted by: Sirana Dark.4681

Sirana Dark.4681

Thats not right what u say. we were on your borders and my Group with lower than 15 People has no Chance against your 30 man Groups, and when we than our Groups take together we the public zerg we are to strong. So what should we do? We also see enough 50+ Groups of your Server, u also use the same strategy. So dont say we are the only which do this.

06/21 - AM - AG - FSP

in Match-ups

Posted by: Sirana Dark.4681

Sirana Dark.4681

@Amelia, we play and fight in little groups also, but not all the time. And i know how it is to fight with 30 against 60+, and i must say we had in this time also fun. Win and loose aren´t the main things why i play WvW. I play to fight against the other servers. There rank and Manpower aren´t relevant. My Goal is to earn enough Points for my Server.

06/21 - AM - AG - FSP

in Match-ups

Posted by: Sirana Dark.4681

Sirana Dark.4681

As we fought against ER, we saw it as an incentive. You should also do this in that matchup.

On good fights!

Aurora Glade vs Abaddon's Mouth vs Jade Sea

in WvW

Posted by: Sirana Dark.4681

Sirana Dark.4681

Is there actually some good groups on the Jade Sea or Aurora? I see only groups with more than 15 players. and if i get 2 or 3 then they are usually very quick dead.

mass is better than class, is probably here the foreign exchange

i hope finally of good fights and not of this masskitten