Showing Posts For Sladeakakevin.4162:

Anyone tired of the Turret Engineer "hate" ?

in Engineer

Posted by: Sladeakakevin.4162


Look, I’ve played various builds with Engies and just recently decided to try out the “repugnant and taboo” Turret-centric build.

I specialized in Rifle and Turrets… (not the “meta” build with the Alchemy Traits, BTW. )

My Engie has a high Power rating, high Armor and Vitality. His Turrets are armored, do extra damage, have max range, auto-repair and blow the hell up when destroyed by enemies. It’s ridiculously fun to play.

I also play this build in PvP and have to say, it’s pretty kitten ed effective for holding points. A little tactical forethought means you can be mobile as well and not necessarily “stuck” to one location. (Pro-tip: when leaving an area, pick up your turrets instead of detonating them, this reduces your cool-down significantly.)

I tried the Grenade/Bomb builds but all the flipping/rolling about became rather silly to me. Besides, everyone seems to be playing their Engies that particular way.

Sorry if this post offends some people, but I’m not gonna apologize for playing an Engineer in this way.

To me, an Engineer is about:

  • Being a bulwark via inventions and tactical sensibility.
  • Grabbing a defensible plot of land and holding onto it tenaciously.
  • Offering a relatively safe haven or respite to fellow adventurers.
  • Being a general PITA to the enemy by being more than just a speed bump.

What kind of gear do you use?

How do you guys spec your Engineer for PVE?

in Engineer

Posted by: Sladeakakevin.4162


Having a hard time coming up with a useful spec, anyone here with experience share theirs?

Like a spec for Dungeons\Fractals. Thank you,

Dear Devs, play our class before you 'fix' it

in Engineer

Posted by: Sladeakakevin.4162


Do people seriously think that developers don’t play Engineer at all? ArenaNet is a multi-million dollar company and you SERIOUSLY don’t think their developers know a lot more about class balance than their players? It’s their job to do this, we all do it for fun. Of course they have people who play each class, it would be insane to think they don’t. A lot of these changes are made in mind with ALL other changes made to other classes, everyone likes to look at their one class and scream “STOP NERFING US!” but never take it into the big picture.

It’s not like these changes are permanent, they do a lot of things to “test the waters” and see if it works or not. These forums are a mess, crying every patch I swear.

Farewell Mesmer Portal

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sladeakakevin.4162


That means if there is a wall between you and the portal, you can’t press F to use it.

But if there is a wall between 2 portals, you can still use the portal (if there isn’t anything between YOU and the portal).

So it will still work the way it always has, with that minor change.

Why are people having trouble understanding a simple sentence?

mesmers and fractals....portal change

in Mesmer

Posted by: Sladeakakevin.4162


That means if there is a wall or object between you and the portal, you wont be able to use it. You can still have portals with objects inbetween them though.

Before “demanding” things like a little kittening kid, try understanding a simple sentence.

Nobody will buy ascended rings with laurels.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sladeakakevin.4162


This is only the first stage of getting Laurels. They said they will add more ways to get them in the coming months.

But will they add more alternate ways to get ascended eq? Like by crafting, for example?

I know, crafting being actually useful is a novel idea…

I’m not sure why you are even bringing this up, I was talking about getting Laurels, not Ascended gear.

Nobody will buy ascended rings with laurels.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sladeakakevin.4162


This is only the first stage of getting Laurels. They said they will add more ways to get them in the coming months.

So it will get easier, stop freaking out and actually pay attention to what developers say.

Energy Conversion Matrix

in Engineer

Posted by: Sladeakakevin.4162


Even if you have 25 stacks of might, that is still 1 boon. So you would still have 1% extra damage.

Might + Protection + Retaliation = 3% more damage. It counts the boon, not the stack.

Living Story events?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sladeakakevin.4162


I would also like to know this.

Best gear to wear for FT Engineer?

in Engineer

Posted by: Sladeakakevin.4162


Which gear best suites FT Engineer for dungeons and fractals?

Portal to be given to other professions

in WvW

Posted by: Sladeakakevin.4162


The news on the Mesmer forums is that ArenaNet is planning to give other professions a portal-like skill.

I think it’s kind of unfair Mesmers get robbed of their uniqueness. But whatever.

If they go ahead with the change, you’re probably going to see even more screwed up battles.

Be on the lookout for X hiding over there!

I would rather have other classes with portal, since it gives the mesmer too much priority in WvW. Tell me what is unique about the Engineer that helps in WvW? Necro? Ranger?

Why should mesmers be the only one with an ability that can turn the tide of battle?

Transfers not Free any longer

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sladeakakevin.4162


Ok im just sticking my neck out because I don’t like the idea that free transfers are going the way of the dodo. For those of you that haven’t read all the down on the post about the gusting system of the website here you go:

“Transferring to a new home world will now cost a gem fee.

The gem fee for world transfers is based on the population of the world you want to transfer to. Transferring to a high population world will be more expensive.

Each account is still limited to one world transfer every 7 days.

Players will still not be able to transfer to worlds that are “Full.”"

Now the last two I don’t mind it’s the first two that irk me a bit… when I got this game a month ago the first thing a gawked about what the fact that the transfers where free. I have played my share of MMORPG market and the one thing I hated the most about them is the fact that you had to pay with your hard earned cash to move your heavy hitters to a new place where your guild or friends have moved too.

Now there is the guesting system to consider and I know Its great idea and all that but long story short you can’t stay there all the time like you could if you used the transfer system right now. You can only stay there along as you stay logged into the game which for people that don’t want to pay gems this could be the only way of seeing there friends which on paper sounds good but it’s a golden ball and chain at the same time. Also the fact that its more pricy to move to a high population which isn’t as a whole isn’t to horrendous however still makes me shiver because at least the other MMORPG’s out their have a flat rate no matter what.

This my two cents on the subject take it or think about it

The game has been out for 6 months, if you want to play on the same server as your friend you should have transferred by now. And for future friends just tell them to play on your server.

Free Guesting has been hurting WvW since release, people jump ship and leave for the “better” server instead of actually trying to build their community. Guilds switch almost every week since it costs them nothing. We need this fix so that there is a money barrier to transferring.

For those who don’t WvW, there is the guesting feature.

Support/Bomb/Healing Theorycraft

in Engineer

Posted by: Sladeakakevin.4162


This is almost the same exact build I use in dungeons (not fractals), except I bring tool-kit for extra kiting and for the block since you are usually in the thick of it.

Although I do not have any healing stats on me, I heal for a pretty good amount. Enough to sustain melee classes that are standing beside me. I imagine with a lot of healing stat you could potentially heal a substantial amount. I also throw in kit refinement for that double super elixir.

Something to also note with the healing turret, if you drop it then use Shield#4, then explode the turret right away you will get off 2 “Area Healing” combo finishers. Which is a large amount of healing.

This spec only shines when there are other melee people to support. If everyone is ranged and you are the only one in there dropping bombs, it feels useless. You’ll end up being a weak DPS, since the others can take care of themselves.

Rampagers vs Berserker for Grenadier DPS?

in Engineer

Posted by: Sladeakakevin.4162


What is the current consensus after the recent Grenade nerf?

Rampagers or Berserker?

Can we expect bug fixes for the engineer on January 28th?

in Engineer

Posted by: Sladeakakevin.4162


God only knows but I would love a response too.

I’m hoping we won’t have the history we’ve had so far with this class.

  1. someone fixes something on the class
  2. it accidently works and does decent damage
  3. they tested it on a dummy that stands still and doesn’t dodge
  4. they nerf all kits because of it to “balance” pvp
  5. they get the coding wrong and it further break pve
  6. they release the patch, giving us some reason why the nerf is there, meanwhile 80% of the engineering players must spend enormous amounts of gold to completely respec because the 1 spec that was working is now gone.

That’s been my experience with their testing department handling this class.

Where is your evidence for them testing it on a dummy that stands still and doesn’t dodge?

18/01 IOJvMAGvYB

in WvW

Posted by: Sladeakakevin.4162


Stop trebbing us at Garrison YB >:[

Anybody hoping we don't get buffed?

in Engineer

Posted by: Sladeakakevin.4162


No, I hope they give us better options in dungeons. In PvP I think we are fine.

Developer Livestream Questions

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sladeakakevin.4162


When will we be able to buy an item in the Gem store that allows us to change our name?

Will name changes eventually come?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sladeakakevin.4162


I know at least a few people who want this feature, sometimes you pick a name and regret it. But you invested so much in your character it would suck to delete him\her.

Has there been any talk about this?

Great tank build with Hammer\Scepter\Focus?

in Guardian

Posted by: Sladeakakevin.4162


He was also giving a lot of protection, like a whole lot :O if that means anything

Great tank build with Hammer\Scepter\Focus?

in Guardian

Posted by: Sladeakakevin.4162


I did a dungeon with this Guardian a few days ago and he was using Hammer + Scepter\Focus and was self described as very tanky, and I agree he was very effective.

Anyone have any idea what kind of build he would use traitwise? Or does anyone here have a build on hand they can share?

Thank you!

Best Sigil for Grenadier Engineer?

in Engineer

Posted by: Sladeakakevin.4162


So now that Sigils can be used… which one is best for Grenadier Engineer?

Video - WvW roaming engineer

in Engineer

Posted by: Sladeakakevin.4162


I like the shield skills but I never got used to the long cooldowns. Blowtorch deals an insane amount of damage up close and glue shot is great for kiting melee. Notice I didnt take incendiary powder (I find 10 points in explosives to be a waste, unless you really want the condition duration, works well with a rare veggie pizza), so blowtorch is my only burn damage.

As for HGH vs 409, they both work just fine, it’s a matter of preference. My reasoning for taking hgh over 409 is that HGH will help you in every fight while 409 will only help you in some fights; hgh also builds momentum in longer fights as you can see in my vid.

I can see the tradeoff, glue shot does have some great utility. I can’t let go of the stun on #5 shield skill when fighting melee, especially thieves. If you get close enough to a ranged character and pop it, it will stun them too. #4 reflect is also great against ranged, but it’s just a different playstyle I suppose.

I think I’ll try out that inventions +10 instead of incendiary powder, I never noticed how much I get immobilized and turning invisible would be awesome. Is there an internal CD on that? Can you turn Invisible multiple times within a short timeframe?

I find without 409 I struggle against condition heavy classes, then again I play a more defensive spec but HGH sounds interesting.

Do you find Elixir U to be that useful? I noticed you didn’t use it that much in your video. I used to like it but I feel replacing it with a kit gives you more options and utility. Tool kit or Flamethrower kit are great alternatives.

Video - WvW roaming engineer

in Engineer

Posted by: Sladeakakevin.4162


How come you choose P\P over P\S? I’ve been running P\S forever because I feel the shield skills are invaluable, then again we run different kinds of specs it seems.

This is my spec, I focus more on defensive and condition removal. What is your opinion on Shield vs Pistol, and HGH vs Cleansing 409?

Excellent fighting skills btw.

Who is going to stop playing engineer and...

in Engineer

Posted by: Sladeakakevin.4162


Who is going to stop playing engineer and roll another class for pve and wvw? (good thing they didnt touch bunker engineers)
30% grenade damage nerf is too much and sigils are really not worth 30% of damage.
The only other option is the flamethrower that still cause crap damage and the miss miss miss…

Well I’m going to play on my warrior since they never get nerfed.

As you can see from my signature I completely feel you, i think tho we should at least let people spend some time testing what this is like now before complaining that way we are backed with figures and numbers. I’m the first person to complain trust me.

Engineers can use Elixir S and become immune to damage just like Warriors, is your signature supposed to mean something?

Kits still have no stats, Conjured weapons do

in Engineer

Posted by: Sladeakakevin.4162


Elementalists conjured weapons now have stats on them:

- Flame Axe: This weapon now grants the wielder power and condition damage.
- Frost Bow: This weapon now grants the wielder increased condition duration and increased healing power.
- Fiery Greatsword: This weapon now grants the wielder power and condition damage.
- Magnetic Shield: This weapon now grants the wielder vitality and toughness.
- Lightning Hammer: This weapon now grants the wielder increased precision and critical damage.

Can we get an official Anet response to this? Kits are a major part of Engineers, we lose out on stats when we switch to them. We should be getting stats on them also.

Engi as farming profession in Cursed Shore?

in Engineer

Posted by: Sladeakakevin.4162


I prefer Flamethrower myself honestly. Sometimes the mobs spawn in a circle, and even with the Coated bullets trait you can’t shoot your bullets in a circle. All you have to do is sweep in a circle with flamethrower and it is usually enough to tag them all.

I play Flamethrower\Elixir with a focus on maximizing “Might” so that you can hit for more.

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sladeakakevin.4162


Yay for Ascended gear, the game badly needs this.

November 9th: Maguuma, Ehmry Bay, Eredon Terrace

in WvW

Posted by: Sladeakakevin.4162


Wow I have to say that nearly everyone in this post is acting so immaturely. Crying that 1 or 2 hackers represent the ENTIRE SERVER. Or complaining that they got night-capped and it “isn’t fair”.

The beginning of this week was a great fight, but your (EB) night-team is too small and couldn’t defend. That’s just how it goes, crying about it isn’t helping your case at all. Better luck next time we fight.

The game needs a LFD tool

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sladeakakevin.4162


I always ask my guild, which has around 100+ people online during peak times. I was also under the assumption that /map and /yell were the same thing, since /yell talks to everyone on the map.

The game needs a LFD tool

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sladeakakevin.4162


For the past 3 days I’ve tried every night to get a group together for Sorrows Embrace, one of the less popular dungeons. I usually sit in LA for 20-30 mins looking for a group in /yell. Nearly everyone is running AC, CM, or CoF. Has anyone else had trouble trying to get a group together to do less popular dungeons?

Is it just a fluke that I can’t seem to get a group together? I mean there is no incentive for people to do unpopular dungeons unless they like the look since you can easily farm AC and get gear with the same stats. It doesn’t help that Sorrows Embrace gear isn’t that popular.

I know there are people out there who want to run the unpopular dungeons, but we are probably a lot smaller in number and spread across the servers. A LFD tool would help immensely in trying to get a group together. I seriously forgot how annoying yelling “LFG” for 30 mins is, it feels so archaic.

Do you think they will ever let you have a first person view?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sladeakakevin.4162


As a video maker I feel this is something that is essential to getting good shots. Does anyone know if they have hinted at letting you zoom all the way in and playing in first person?

Condition Engineer

in Engineer

Posted by: Sladeakakevin.4162


the +10 in inventions is a strange choice, you should go +10 into explosives to get +Condition Duration, and the trait “Incendiary Powder”. It gives you a chance to apply extra burning condition.

Your build for spvp only?

in Engineer

Posted by: Sladeakakevin.4162


A lot of very good and interesting stuff

This is great — but what do you do when not in a 1v1 situation, and are faced against a 1v3 or worse? Which is kind of more (I imagine) what the original poster was asking about, re: zerging in sPvP…

While I agree it is hard for anyone to successfully defend a point 1v3, I think the important part is being able to hold out while calling for help. With my build I have 2 AoE knockbacks, 1 AoE blind, 1 invulnerability CD, and 1 AoE Stun (supply crate). I’ve easily been able to hold off 3 people from capping a point while calling for reinforcements to come help me out. I find it possible to 1v2 on occasion , although it isn’t easy.

Your build for spvp only?

in Engineer

Posted by: Sladeakakevin.4162


Defensive Condition Master

I run a Condition\Condition Removal Defensive build. I use it mainly to defend points as long as I can while calling my team to help and for roaming 1v1ing. I find it to be very strong as I rarely lose a 1v1 against any class. TL:DR Built to last, not to kill fast

Defensive Skills:

Static Shield : If fighting Melee I like to bait them into hitting me while I have this up so I can stun them. When going against ranged it is good for blocking some of their attacks before throwing it for a double daze.

Magnetic Shield : Good for knocking back Melee, and reflecting bursty attacks like “unload” from a thief. I also tend to use this to knock back ranged as well because knocking them back effectively acts like a stun, allowing me to apply conditions while they are down.

Air Blast : (Flamethrower skill) great knockback ability. This paired with Magnetic shield knockback can be very annoying and keep an enemy down a lot.

Elixir S : Pretty obvious, makes you invulnerable for a short time. During this time you can use your heal and also use the flamethrower kit. This skill is also great for finishing off downed enemies because nothing can touch you.

Throw Elixir S : A lot of people hate the randomness of thrown elixir abilities but I love them. Every buff that is possible is beneficial to you, for this one you can either get stability or invisibility. No matter who you are fighting these can both be beneficial. Stability will prevent you from being knocked down, and invisibility is just great for breaking the flow of combat and confusing your enemy.

Smoke Vent : (Flamethrower skill) Not the greatest defensive ability, only applies 1 blind and it isn’t a combo field. But it can be used while stunned or knocked down so it’s good in a pinch.

Abilities that will remove conditions

Elixir H, Elixir B, Elixir S, Throw Elixir H, Throw Elixir B, Throw Elixir S

That is effectively 6 skills that will remove 1 condition each.

Because of the trait Cleansing Formula 409, any elixir or thrown elixir I use will remove conditions. This makes me incredibly effective against people who use conditions a lot. I can remove them while buffing me.

Basic Strategy

Every enemy is different, but in general I like to keep an enemy knocked down while keeping my conditions up. I use Magnetic Shield and Air blast a lot, I also set down Napalm with my flamethrower and try to use my Magnetic shield with it to both knock back and gain 3 might from the combo. Also, I tend to remove conditions as fast as soon as my enemy is done applying stacks by using Throw Elixir H, Throw Elixir B, and Elixir B. I save Throw Elixir S for mid-fight stealth, Elixir H for heals, and Elixir S for “oh kitten” moments.

In the middle of the fight I like to use Throw Elixir S to hopefully gain stealth, this can be very confusing for your enemy and allow you to recoup and heal or get a clear shot on them.

(edited by Sladeakakevin.4162)

Toughness or vitality?

in Engineer

Posted by: Sladeakakevin.4162


I stack vitality for my condition\condition defensive Engineer, I find that I can live for a long time and I rarely die 1v1. I last a long time in group combat as well.

I’ve never tried stacking toughness though.

A sPvP Engineer montage | The Finishing Shot |

in PvP

Posted by: Sladeakakevin.4162


Word of advice, you pan and zoom too much in that video.

Technique for gettin PvP gear?

in PvP

Posted by: Sladeakakevin.4162


I know how to get gear, but I’m wondering if it supposed to be this frustrating.

Technique for gettin PvP gear?

in PvP

Posted by: Sladeakakevin.4162


So I know how crafting works, but I am really confused on how you are supposed to get the pieces you want. I just spent a few hours grinding out 3,000 glory and I bought 3 golden deer chests. I bought them because people said you can get rare mats by salvaging gear from those chests.

So I salvaged each and every one of the armor\weapon from those chests and got all Arcane Powder. I also have 3 10 slot leather bags and 2 dyes I already own.

What is the usual technique for getting gear? I feel this is very inefficient and incredibly frustrating.

Optimization in GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sladeakakevin.4162


You should test WvW, that’s the only demanding part of the game, that and large dynamic events. That will truly test your computer.

Optimization in GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sladeakakevin.4162


Just wanted to say that you guys did a great job optimizing GW2.


Phenom II X4 965 3.6GHz
HD 6870 1Gb
4Gb DDR2
Windows 7 64bit
High Settings

Silky Smooth 70FPS Strong

Great FPS for an MMO. I am one happy camper. Thanks ANET!

How is your FPS in crowded WvW?

Elixir R. Intented or exploit?

in Engineer

Posted by: Sladeakakevin.4162


There is counter play to this tactic. If you see them throw it down, you can try knocking them out of its AoE before downing them (engineers have only one ability that gives stability and its an elite skill nobody uses). Also if you do down them in the AoE of a thrown elixir R, you should attack them with damaging abilities instead of trying to finish them. The elixir refills their downed HP and you want to keep them downed until the 5second duration of the elixir has finished.

“Throw Elixir U” can also give Engineers stability.

Need some help with my build (Pistol\Shield + 4 kits) Condition damage

in Engineer

Posted by: Sladeakakevin.4162


So here is my build, I am going for Condition Damage/Survivability

I have using this build throughout the beta and through release all the way up to level 80. In PvE it is phenomenal, and in PvP it is “ok”. I excel at fighting melee but I start to falter when fighting ranged. I think this is because my bombs are effectively useless against ranged enemies and skilled melee enemies. So I have a few questions:

1. What stats should I focus on? Power\Condition\Vitality? Precision\Condition\Toughness?

2. Should I keep bomb kit? It is useless against ranged and puts me at a disadvantage when going against them.

3. Should I keep Elixir gun? With the trait “Kit Refinement” it comes with 2 condition removals, would replacing it with an Elixir instead?

4. Should I keep specced into explosives? Or should I spec into something more defensive like Alchemy?

Thank you!

Lets see your engineers!

in Engineer

Posted by: Sladeakakevin.4162


Here is my guy, really satisfied with the dyes I’ve been getting


Face it, the naga razer is the only thing that makes this class bareable

in Engineer

Posted by: Sladeakakevin.4162


I use a normal 3 button mouse and I have no problem playing Engineer. I used 4 kits and am constantly switching between all of them. It isn’t that hard to rebind your keys you know.