Showing Posts For Spike Firebrand.8943:
I’ve seen loads of bots but I have never seen them mine ore, chop wood or gather from a plant node. All they seem to do is kill mobs. The reason there is so much stuff is that EVERYONE can get resources, All you need is a tool. Whereas in most other games you need a skill/craft in order to do this. and not everybody wants to do that.
the lifetime survivor achivement IS BUGGED. I have got to lvl 30 with out dieing once and it still says 0/200,000. I have earned 5 skill points on my lvl 80 ranger (well over 1 MILLION xp) and not died and it still says 0/200,000 and yes this was all in the same zone.
Well quoteing is not working again so I will just have to do it this way.
Kumu, There are CLEAR differences between wvw and spvp, only a brain dead pvper would not see them. Once again wvw has pve xp, drops and allows you to use pve gear. While spvp DOES NOT. As usual YOU are the one thats DEAD wrong but since you are a pvper whats new. Do badges of honor have ANY effect on the result of a wvw match ? NO. Do ONLY pvpers want those badges NO. Is this the ONLY place where you can get siege blueprints NO. So as usual your argument has no point just like pvp and wvw.
Pennry typical braindead pvper comment you no play pvp, you not allowed to comment on it.
To the other braindead pvpers responding its pvp deal with it. If even CCP has had to introdue anti-griefing rules into EVE to counter people like you. then you can be sure Anet will do something about it. Lets hope they perma ban the lot of you.
Pennry you seem to be under the illusion that I go there. I don’t go there nor will I ever. BUT Jumping puzzles are by the very nature of them ARE players VS the enviorment the devs built. To say otherwise is lieing. Spvp is pvp and ONLY pvp. The enviorment is just there to make it more “fun”. wvw is both pvp AND pve. Hence why there also events in wvw and you can use you pve toon and gear there. Which you can’t do in spvp.
This place has NO effect on the battle WHAT SO EVER. So there is NO need to capture it AT ALL. The only reason people would do this IS to grief people. This is what happends when you have open pvp. This is why so very few people like it. Most pvprs are incapable of beating anyone in a fair fight so HAVE to take advantage of anything they can. So they can actually get kills for thier achivements.
I don’t think it is a male norn as I have a male norn ranger and don’t remember him ever saying that. Sounds more like something a Charr would say anyway.
Pennry and other who say its a pvp puzzle a question for you. Is the puzzle made out of players? If not thats it part of the enviroment and therefoe pve. Are you really that dense you can’t see that or are you just being obtuse like pvpers allways are.
Gald we agree on that vespers
Metor Shower is the #5 skill on the STAFF which is a 2 handed weapon.
BUT Kumu but they did’nt put PVE content in PVP areas in gw1 did they. So that comparison does’nt apply.
Vespers as soon as they remove the need to map wvw areas from map completion I asure you, you will NEVER see another pve player in there.
sigh more clueless pvpers who do NOT get it. This is NOT a pvp based game and NEVER WILL BE. This is a PVE based game that happends to have a SMALL make that VERY small section of pvp players who as usual think their more important than anyone else when thier not.
Sure carry on grifeing people and then when there is no one left to play with, I will see you on on here moaning that no one wwvs any more. Actually Its all ready happending. So hopefully wvw will be dead soon and Anet can remove it.
I have to agree too. It does’nt help that the event to open the gates is buged most of the time too so even if I did want to try I can’t
And pvpers wonder why people don’t want to do pvp. This is a prime example.
Thanks for the reply Jeffrey. But I don’t have that option turned on, and the mouse was targeting the closest bone ship, and when i tried to fire it just said target out of range. So I was unable to progress, I had a guild member with me and she too was unable to use any of the cannons to target the bone ships either
Try useing a Longbow. Thats what my ranger uses and I all most allways get loot every wave. the #5 skill on that weapon barrage, is very handy for taging mobs and it works for me a lot of the time. There are traits in the marksmenship line that will give you more damage and range for the longbow too. you will need 30 points in that line to get them all. I surgest Steady Focus, Piercing Arrows and Eagle Eye
Greyfeld if as a ranger you can’t tag mobs then you REALLY need to learn to play.
Just tried to do this about 10 mins ago and when I got to the sink the bone ships stage. I could’nt use the cannons to sink the ships as all I got when trying to target the ships was an out of range error. Had to quit the game and restart to get out of the instance. Aslo as a BIG norn it was impossable to see anything when going up from and down to the hold.
There is none as pvp its self is pointless :P
Riel if all your going to do is lie about what I said in my posts why bother to reply. I said in my first two sentancers I did NOT want anything special and LOVED the GW1 events even though all I got was a hat. How does this become I hated the GW2 event because I did’nt get tons of uber loot ?.
I agreed with Lucas Ashrock point thats this was NOT the best halloween event ever. But as is usual with you white knight types this got turned into no loot = crap event as usual.
I also pointed out that of the five events in the holiday the only one that people who don’t do pvp or like jumping puzzles (IE the majority of people btw) was an area in which lvl 80s droped worse loot then lvl 2 mobs do. So why would anyone bother to do it. All I was asking for there is for lvl 80’s to drop lvl 80 loot. But i guess thats too much.
so for spike and lucas tl dr I want rewards otherwise event is horrible … I played holidays events in many games … what did wow give you? few boring quest and boss in scarlet monastery with rare drop
now you got witch hat and devil horns here nothing too special but amount of content with 5 unique events / mods that I never seen in any other MMO
I never said I wanted any thing special as a reward. So stop lieing. I never got anything special in GW1 (apart from a hat) events but I LOVED them all. Unless you liked jumping puzzles or pvp you only had ONE event to do not five. In this one event 99.99999% of the drops where junk. Not white or blue weapons/armour but items they would be sold when you used the sell junk button in the vendor. Why would I bother doing this event when I could go kill lvl 2 mobs in a starter area and get better loot. Now before you start with the your usual entitlement crap response. No I did’nt want it to rain exotics or golds just drops that a normal lvl 80 would drop. Oh and as it seems you did’nt event bother to read all of my post as is usual with you white knight types I did NOT get a hat.
I think that most of the people in the topic have never played another mmo. As this was one of the WORST holiday events in any of the dozen plus MMO’s I’ve played. I have to agree with lucas ashrock. GW1 Halloweens where much better. Hell I did’nt even get a hat.
Would’nt let post this with the qouted post in as it said it was to long so I had to leave it out
I’m not being dishonest in the least about the number of wvw maps as the starter areas HAVE to be the same or one server would have an advantage over another if they where not the same. Even if we do count all 4 which we should’nt, PVE maps still out number pvp by over three to one.
Have you played the pve side of this game AT ALL? I don’t think so as other wise you would that that both a lvl 2 player and a lvl 67 player can BOTH lvl in a 1-15 area. Due to downscaleing. I can even earn xp and loot there as a lvl 80 So this BS about how PVE requires a large number of maps to just lvl is plain wrong. As if futher proof was needed you clerarly have’nt a clue about the pve world. You say its static and pvp is’nt when it fact its the total oppersite. pvp maps will NEVER change unless altered by the devs. Where as pve change all the time due to the dynamic events.
As to your statement that amount of pve/pvp content in a game determins what type it is. Of course it does. Just like if the vast majority of the player base does one type of content more than another. The company will favor that type of content. Like Anet did in GW1. Sure it was originaly designed to be a pvp game with pve just to lvl. BUT Anet found the PVE content was VASTLY more popular than the pvp so like any good business would they devloped more content for the PVE players. The expansions got more and more pve based as time went on. Please tell me about the NEW pvp content in Nightfall or ETON.
Have you watched the MMO manifesto video ? Because I have many times, and I did’nt hear a SINGLE mention of pvp in the entire video. It was ALL PVE. Its late and I don’t have time to find any quotes. But they mention several times that GW2 will be more PVE focused than pvp. Which is not suppriseing as thier are MANY more pve players than there are pvp. So it only makes sense to cater to a larger player base then a smaller one. Anyone who thinks GW2 is a PVP focused game is clearly delusional.
So PVE has over 4 times as many maps as pvp and wvw put together. GW2 is a PVE game even anet has said so.
Well more maps means what exactly? (IMO) I don’t think this game (combat style and lack of holy trinity) lends itself to interesting PvE. Everything just turns into DPS spamming, I mean I did each dungeon once for story and haven’t been back, it’s just boring. So if not instances/raiding then what exactly? Roam around zones looking for events? Please. If you want PvE there’s MMOs that do it far better than GW2. On the other hand, those same features that (again, IMO) make this a lacklustre PvE game, make it one of the best for PvP.
More pve maps than pvp mean that most of the content is PVE and therefore Its a PVE game. Just becasue you don’t like the PVE or the combat style does’nt mean everyone esle does’nt like it either.
No actually there are NO MMO’s about at the moment that do PVE better. All most all of them are just a long boring gear grind and I’m SO tired of doing that Its BECASUE of the lack of the trinity, raiding and gear grind that makes this game SO good. I don’t need to wait for hours for a tank or a healer to join the party so we can do something. Even just 2 people can go do stuff. I’ve not tried the dungeons so I can’t comment on them. I’ve never been a raider so I probley won’t either. But theres a lot more to do than dungeons.
One of the key features Anet promoted was that you can play with your friends no matter what server they where on, just like in GW1. With haveing to wait a week between transfers this really is’nt possable. If guesting was in place I would’nt care if you could never change servers. But since it is’nt I do. And as you can see for other peoples comments they do too.
I hate WvW. I never cared about WvW. I only like to PvE
Lol. Then you’re playing the wrong game.
No hes not. pvp has 5 maps wvw 2 maps (NO its NOT 4 as 3 of then are the same)
and PVE has 31 (25 world maps + the 6 towns) So PVE has over 4 times as many maps as pvp and wvw put together. GW2 is a PVE game even anet has said so.
There are people who actually play this game only for the PvP? Are you joking?
I’m completely serious. The PvP in this game is pretty much mindless and makes me want to cut myself. Pve is what matters, especially since anet wants this game to be an esport. If PvP was an esport then the moaners would win. Oh look they all ready have
To all those who surgest server tranfers Please note you WILL be stuck on the new server for a WEEK now thanks to pvp moaners. Not a day like other people are saying
Since I can’t quote for some reason I will have to do it like this.
Hey AcidicVision I can make up crap about people I don’t know either. Lets see now,
AcidicVision is really a gold farmer who exploited the free server tansfer to get a HUGE pile of ori ore and other rare resources and then starting moaning about it, so he could prevent other people from geting stuff. So he could could make as much gold as possable for his gold selling site. Hows that ?
To the people who can’t see a PVE problem with it Are you in a guild? Do your guild have people from more than 1 server in it ? if so does it run guild events? My guild does and we use to run guild events that everyone could come to no matter what server thier on. Now thanks to the pvp moaners this is not going to happen any more as no one will want to wait a week to go back to thier home server.
As cancer said yes you can. On my ele I found a skin I liked on a lvl 43 staff and transmuted to every staff i’ve had since. Which is at least 10
So the ruining of pve by moaning pvpers has started just 2 months after the games release. HOW VERY SAD
I have no problems with underwater combat at all and like it a lot. I have an ele (80), ranger (80). necro (50), engi (55) and warrior (50).
You need to pay attention to whats around you and then you won’t aggro so much. It is harder to do that when your underwater as you have to remember to check above and below you as well as all round you.
NO pvp, jumping puzzles, skins that only drop 1 in 546986092384509 chests or take months/years to get the mats for.
Some wintersday events likes the ones in GW1. Eg Defend some presents from grenchies or steal them from people when your a grench. Event items for EVERYONE not just the lucky few or the bots that can grind for hours to get them. Info on what is going on BEFORE it happends.
Cutscene was very good indeed. Dungeon was however EPIC FAIL.
Nope I don’t think its harsh in the least. It sends a message don’t grief in our game or you will get banned. Pranks don’t involve costing people money and stoping them doing an event, espicaly one that is only around for a limited amount of time. If you want to grief people go play eve.
No I don’t have anything stuck somewhere unplesent cyric . I just don’t like griefers. But since you do maybe I should start grifeing you and see how you like it. I’m sure you would be here crying about it in seconds if I did.
Yes farro it would be for the best that your banned. The less people like you in this game the better.
you should banned for griefing people
Really edewn wheres the post then ?
If they did that esturk it should be raining ectos for me since i have about 5 gold in total over 5 toons.
So why have 4 areas if only 3 count. Once again we are not told whats going on.
So its not just me then. I thought it was my usual REALLY bad luck with drops that was casueing it. I guess they can’t have people geting anything nice to stop the farmer/bots. Not that it does of course. All i got was junk drops too.
All those who PvP in WvW plays PvE too.
I dun see them complaining that they have to do PvE in order to WvW.
Plus they are plenty of PvE monsters inside WvW as well.
Hence I say WvW is part of PvE.
So the 100% Map Completion including WvW is normal and justified.
So what do you say?
I say that NO ITS NOT. Am I fighting other players ? Yes then its PVP. End of story.
Also haveing to pvp casues Pve players to resent having to do this, while at the same time casueing wvw players to resent Pve players who are only there to get poi’s and not help out. Removeing the need to wvw causes less resentment all around so is a win/win for Arenanet. By all means create some new wvw only achivements. But remove the need for “forced” pvp.
I find it very strange that after all the time they saw how well the split system worked in GW1 why they did’nt continue to use it in GW2. Pve and pvp are NOT similar and never will be. I think ths OP’s idea is a great one and am very supprised it was not there on day 1. Can we PLEASE have this. It will calm down both camps and prevent a lot of arguements that used to happend in gw1 after every pointless nerf to pve skills due to pvp
@ tomgore I guess you did’nt read or understand my post. It has nothing to do with wanting it all for no work and all to do with not wanting to do something I find very boring and tedious. IE pvp.
@ alice sure something thats is in fact 95+% in the pve world is of course not ment for ONLY pve players at all now is it. Are you really that dumb or you just being obtuse. I know for a fact that if any pvpers had to spend even so much as a minute in the pve world to get an pvp achivement there would be a massive complaint thread from day 1. Not one after a month with a few replies.
There is no issue. If you want 100% completion, then you have to go and explore 100% of the world.
It’s meant to be a challenge, not a right.
Typicly pvper response to a reasonable pve player request. Its because of people like you that most of us pve players don’t want anything to do with you pvpers
I could’nt agree more with the OP. Why totaly speperate pve, wvw and pvp, and then force people to do something that don’t want to. This also applies to the monthly achivements. Why should people who just want to pve or wvw have to go do something that don’t like or want to.
I would be fine with seperate achivements for all three types of play in GW2
You forgot about the invisable risen that make sure you can’t move or use any skills while doing OTT damage to you. The catapults that can hit you, if your 2 feet from them. The aoe circles that only appear AFTER you have been hit by them., and even if the circles appear before they land you don’t have enough time to get out, and should you be so lucky as to get out, you get hit anyway.
And lets not forget all the broken skill points.
While darkorical is right its a trait. Hes wrong in that only 7 of the 8 classes have it NOT all. Eles have no such skill.
I’ve got the same thing happening to me. Things say account bound on them but I can’t take them out with any other character except the one that put them in there.
I’m so gald its not just me haveing this problem as it REALLY annoying me to the point I quit playing 30 mins ago due to this very problem. I attack a one mob thats seemingly alone only to get mobed by a the large number that where there but I could’nt see. This is much worse underwater as showen in the pic link below
GTX 570 1280MB
I7 2700k @ 3.7Ghz
16G DDR3.
heres a pic of what I mean